Eternal Marriage

Eternal Marriage

A reader with an LDS background writes:

“Of all the doctrines you espouse, what I have read regarding reincarnation is the hardest to accept.

“Perhaps the biggest problem I have is John saying that not only is there reincarnation, but that we can, and do, switch sexes between lifetimes. I can fairly swallow the whole getting the personality stripped away between incarnations, but I do have a difficulty with being a guy in some lives and a chick in others.

“One of the things that sticks in my mind is what the LDS Church said in their Family Declaration about gender being a critical part of who we are. I can live with losing my memory, even my personality, but I have a hard time with losing my sex. Even now recalling the idea, it takes off like a lead balloon.

“Let’s say a man and a woman are sealed in the LDS Church, and its the last life for the woman, but the man has two lives to go. In his last life, he decided to be a woman. Then he dies and the both of them are resurrected to eternal life as women.

“Here’s another one: a woman is sealed to a man in the temple and she dies. She comes right back a year later and chooses to be a man this time and then she gets sealed to a woman (like 21 years after her death). Then this woman dies, comes back as a man, and gets sealed to another woman. Are three people going through the eye? (oooh, that’s a good one, isn’t it?)

“Its problematic to say the least.”

JJ Response: There are places in the astral world where every possible reality is played out including eternal marriage, but all these are temporary realities.

For the non-LDS let me clarify that the Mormons believe that those married in the LDS temples can be married for eternity. The LDS heaven is basically to live and procreate with your spouse for eternity until you will create and populate other worlds and become Gods to them.

It is therefore awkward for the standard LDS to accept the doctrine of reincarnation for it is difficult to reconcile with this as well as other doctrines. Before we go into any strange or difficult explanations, we must first ask this question.

Is there marriage in the higher worlds? Was Joseph Smith correct?

Verily it is not correct in the way the church today understands it. There are various sealing orders which bind entities together so they will meet again in this world as well as in higher worlds, but it is not in the neat little package of marriage or the family unit as advertised by the church.

A man and woman are not married for eternity as the church teaches it, but there are eternal relationships which result in eternal increase and eternal progression. The idea that a man and woman live forever on some planet having billions of spirit children as physical children are born here on earth is not correct.

True eternal relationships are through the principle of the Molecular Relationship where a number of entities form molecules which can exist in the world and extend out of this world.

We were not born to heavenly parents in the manner taught by the church, but we were born of Gods, or through the Christ Principle. We started as monadic units of light and truth which was nourished by higher molecular lives and guided through the seven planes until we descended into the physical plane.

Sex is very meaningful on this earth plane, but as we move to the higher planes, form differentiation becomes meaningless and sex is replaced by the principle of giving (male) and receiving (female). We all give and receive in the different places on the path and thus we all switch back and forth between male and female situations.

In the scriptures Christ is called the bridegroom and the church is the bride. In other words, we are all female to Christ regardless of the body in which we find ourselves.

It matters not which life you are on or who claims to seal you to another for the illusions will become unraveled and the true principle of eternal progression, (or Becoming) will eventually be revealed and the way will be prepared to nurture infant souls so they too can attain the human stage and beyond.

Without reincarnation where we experience both sexes, we could not graduate from this sphere, for we must attain knowledge of all things. If one has male lives only (or female) then he would have a huge gap of knowledge concerning half the population of the physical universe and could never rise above all things.

I have written a book proving reincarnation for the LDS called Eternal Lives. You can find it HERE

Chapter seven has some information on eternal marriage and can be found HERE

If you can read this, thank a teacher.  Anonymous teacher

June 12, 2005

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Destructive Emotions

Destructive Emotions

Here are the next verses:

“And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men. And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions. And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle. And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months. And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.

“One woe is past; and, behold, there come two woes more hereafter.” Rev 9:7-12

First let us examine verse 7

“And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men.”

Actually, if a locust is magnified it looks a little like a horse prepared for battle. On the other hand, many have read this and feel that the locusts represent John’s attempt to describe the modern-day helicopter.

It is true that numerous correspondences to modern day happenings and inventions can be seen in this book. This happens by using the Law of Correspondences with any inspired work. However, if one attempts to predict a literal unfolding of the future from this or any other book he will always go amiss. It is useful to look at the signposts through analogy and use them as common sense dictates, but to expect to accurately predict any end of times from this on a literal basis is to miss the point of the book.

And what is that? I will repeat, for this is an important point. It is the unveiling of Jesus Christ, or the unfolding of the consciousness of the disciple and its effect on mankind as he treads the path of becoming like Christ.

Paul spoke of this when he said:

“To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Col 1:27

When Christ is “in you,” then the Revelation of John will present a Key that will make the path understandable.

So, what does it mean that the “locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle?”

Remember that the locusts represent released guilt and negative emotion. The horse here represents intelligence applied with passion. The fact that the locusts are like horses prepared for battle tells us that the intelligence of those who are releasing negativity will use their minds to channel their emotion as if they are in as personal war and attack those who stimulated its release.

Again, we see this in the life of Christ. He opened the bottomless pit of suppressed emotion and guilt among the authorities and these people used their intelligence to guide their emotions to battle against him, seeking to take his life.

“and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold…”

Notice it says “as it were,” meaning that they did not have real crowns, but symbolic ones.

Powerful emotion is seen as a sign of authority. If a person feels with enough intensity, he then feels he has the right to act. If another commands him with enough emotion he feels he must obey or at least respond.

“and their faces were as the faces of men.”

Here is a revelation that the powerful emotion has “the faces of men.” Indeed, the released negativity comes from our own fellow men (or women).

Verse 8: “And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions.”

I remember when long hair came in style in the sixties. A lot of people thought the fulfillment of this verse was at hand. Many visualized a great war where helicopters would be manned by hippie-type soldiers with long hair.

Hair is a symbol of strength, as in the case of Samson, and long hair great strength. The fact that it looked like the hair of women tells us that strong emotion is connected with the female side of our being.

“and their teeth were as the teeth of lions.”

Powerful negative emotion indeed has teeth that has the scare of a bite of a lion.

Verse 9: “And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle.”

Those who are in the process of releasing negative emotion have a breastplate of iron over the heart center. They have great feeling, but the spiritual love of the heart has a barrier over it as strong as iron.

Wings pull the consciousness to the plane of mind and reason, but in the midst of great emotion any attempt at logical thinking is drowned out the sound of many conflicting thoughts (many horses) mixed with illogical feeling.

Verse 10: “And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months.”

This repeats the thought that negative emotion, especially guilt has a power to cause hurt as the sting of a scorpion.

Verse 11: “And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.”

Abaddon and Apollyon mean “destroyer.” Because of this and the fact that the angel directing the locusts fell from heaven to the earth most interpreters assume this refers to the devil or Satan.

Many forget that the Son of God also descended from heaven to the earth as noted in this scripture: “And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.” John 3:13

The disciple who treads the path of Christ is a destroyer as well as builder. When he teaches, he stimulates the release of powerful negative emotion and before it is dissipated is destroys all in its path just as a swarm of locusts. Negative emotion, on the other hand, is indeed the adversary of Christ. When we keep in mind that Satan means “adversary” we see another thought surfacing.

Fortunately, the consciousness of Christ has power to give the command to the negativity to not hurt any “green thing,” thus preserving spiritual life as negative emotion is transmuted into positive.

This section ends with:

“One woe is past; and, behold, there come two woes more hereafter.”

Slaying the Error

Moving on to the next verses: “And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men. And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them.” Rev 9:15-16

This is one of the more terrifying parts of the Book of Revelation for modern believers. For one thing, an army of 200 million men was impossible in the days of John, for that number was close to the population of the entire planet at that time, including women, children and people abroad.

But now in this age, where the earth has seven billion inhabitants, such an army is possible. Some Bible students fear that the Chinese could raise such an army, or perhaps the United Nations.

In addition, it is frightening to read that this great army will slay “the third part of men.”

What do you think? Did John mean this to be taken literally, or is there another meaning?

What is it?

“And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.” Rev 9:15

It is interesting that even though the horsemen do the slaying it is the four angels who have authority over the horsemen. When they are no longer bound these are the ones responsible and in charge of destruction.

There were four different angels made ready for four different times. One was made ready for “a year.” In other words, there is a certain year in the life of the disciple where this angel will do his work. The second angel is prepared for a work to be accomplished in a month, a shorter period; the third for a certain day and the final for a certain hour.

As the disciple moves forward in spiritual evolution, at first it is difficult and time consuming for him to let the old thoughtforms that no longer serve him be destroyed.

The two longer periods of a year and a month are connected with the force of maya as it deludes us and pulls us toward matter through the physical body and the life-giving energies of prana that flow through it.

There is a certain year that it dawns upon the disciple that he needs to control his body and take good care of it.

There is a certain month that it dawns upon him that he must direct his passions and sex energy toward the higher way.

The third angel directs the solar plexus and the emotional world of the disciple. This creates the problem of ego and glamour for him.

There is a certain day that the disciple realizes that his ego and emotional self must yield to Spirit and pure reason.

The fourth angel governs the lower mind and throat center. This creates the problem of illusion where even the sincere disciple is tricked into incorrect thinking through flawed foundation beliefs.

Illumination that dispels illusion happens quickly when it does come. Within a certain hour of intense reflection and experience his world comes falling down and he realizes that much of what he has dearly believed was wrong.

All this change leads to what? The scripture says “to slay the third part of men.” Now surely the disciple is not going to rush out after achieving some enlightenment and slay a third of the population.

To find the answer we must ask what is actually slain?

Whenever the disciple moves forward in spiritual progress, he finds there are always elements that held him bound that must be slain.

When the Christian reads about the slaying of the third part of men he will generally think that God is allowing this to rid the earth of sinful people to bring a more righteous balance.

If this impression from reading the verse is true then how do we apply it to the disciple? What must be slain to bring more balance in his life?

What are the two energies that govern us and throw us in and out of balance?

These are the energies of male and female. These are expressed as sending and receiving, teacher/student, radiant/magnetic, action/acted upon, aggression/victim etc.

There is a time arrived at by the disciple where he realizes that many of those who have dominated his life with male energy and have been his senders, his teachers and his authorities have been completely wrong. As he reflects, he sees value in two thirds of what he has received; but one third of “men” (male energy) he has previously received must be eliminated or “slain”, no longer having any life to distract him again.

As he rejects and slays the third part of the male energy (or strong authorities) governing his life he then explores his female side, and his nature becomes more nurturing, gentle and loving.

Next we read:

“And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them.” Rev 9:16

To slay a third of the thoughtforms and ideologies which held him bound the disciple not only uses the assistance of the four angels, but of a large number of horsemen.

How large is the number? It is difficult to tell. The number is literally translated as “two, ten thousand, ten thousand.” The word “times” is not in the original but implied. If we use that implication, we can translate it as 2X10,000X10,000 which equals 200 million.

Now “ten thousand” comes from the Greek MURIAS which is not always translated as 10,000. It is sometimes rendered “innumerable” or “myriad.” Myriad is derived from this Greek word. For instance, when Jesus was teaching before a large crowd we read: “In the meantime, when there were gathered together an innumerable (MURIAS) multitude of people…” Luke 12:1

In this case, the number was not exactly 10,000, but the writer was merely expressing the idea that there was a large number of people.

Another interesting point is that the number MURIAS was the largest number for which they had a word in that day. If you were attempting to describe something beyond your power to count you could just use this word. It corresponded somewhat to our word “countless” today.

Now let us look at what John was saying. He said that the number of horsemen was an innumerable amount, times or plus another innumerable amount and then double that. When we put it that way. it sounds like a person merely trying to emphasize that the number is beyond the imagination or countless.

What are the horsemen? As stated earlier, a horse symbolizes intelligence working through the lower nature. A rider on the horse directs that intelligence toward a desired end.

That desired end is the neutralization or destruction of the worst third of the lower energies, which pull the disciple toward matter or deceive him. As the disciple makes a major leap toward Spirit, he finds he is not alone on this path. With him are the four angels and an unlimited number of souls who have crossed this bridge before him and lend him support through the Oneness Principle. He cannot see these beings, but he feels their support.

Note the use of the word in the following scripture:

“But ye are come up unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable (MURIAS) company of angels (messengers). To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven…” Hebrews 12:22-23

We see that the inhabitants of heaven are described with the same number as the number of horsemen who assist the disciple in slaying his lower nature.

Now, is it possible that a physical externalization of this prophecy could happen, that an army 200 million men (or an immense number) with modern weapons could surface to destroy a large part of humanity?

Yes, there is a good chance this could happen sooner or later, but remember that these prophesies contain those “things which must shortly come to pass.” Rev 1:1.

It’s been 2000 years now, and if we wait long enough most anything could eventually happen. All the things in the Revelation did shortly come to pass on the inner planes in the lives of disciples who were alive in the days of John. Fortunately, they are still coming to pass today in the lives of a much greater number than ever before.

It is useless to send armies against ideas. Georg Brandes

June 11, 2005

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Romantic Balance

Romantic Balance

A reader makes the comment that he likes my writings and they seem truer than the new age teachers out there but it seems odd to him that I mix in scripture with metaphysics.

Just like there are true and untrue Christian writings there are true and untrue new age and metaphysical teachings.

We go by the maxim here that the highest religion is truth and wherever the truth is that is where we go. There are many new age and metaphysical teachings in the scriptures so if we threw out all metaphysics, we would have to throw out even the standard holy writ.

Here in this group all are welcome to question any teaching presented. If you read any of my writings and find something that does not sound right you are welcome to bring it up.

Right now, we are going through the Book of Revelation and I understand you have written about it. I’m sure you’ll find the interpretation presented here different than you have come across before.

It is not presented as the only true meaning, however, for all inspired scripture and teachings have inner and outer meanings that fit with the Law of Correspondences.

Question: I have a question about emotions in relationships and how they fit into this.

For example if one likes another very much and feels great emotion for them, but the other doesn’t feel exactly the same way. Does that mean the other person has got it wrong? That what they are feeling is not real, or lower, because the other one is not feeling it?

JJ: True romantic love where there is energy flow from the soul must involve equal interplay and sharing between two people or there will not be balance. The person who sends romantic energy that is not returned is allowing it to escape into the ethers with little or no return. Without that return there is no fullness and much emotional dissipation. This one-way dissipation occurs because of some self-deception on the part of the giver and makes for an out-of-balance sender.

To save himself a lot of grief the one-sided giver must face reality and realize he is pouring his romantic energy down a bottomless pit and take his power back. Be patient and wait until a potential lover responds and then let the interplay develop naturally.

Sharing spiritual love is another matter however. One should aspire to give love and kindness to all whether he receives back in kind or not. True spiritual love sees the soul in all people, and because of that soul, love is never wasted but will circulate and return to the sender with interest. Soul recognizes soul and keeps the energy of love in circulation.

Question: What is your position on ‘soul connections’? If you think you have a soul connection with someone but they think you don’t. Is this coming from your lower emotional self?

JJ: A soul connection and romantic connection are often two different things. One may correctly recognize a connection through the soul or a link from a past life while another does not.

If a person dies hating or loving another that strong emotion will create a magnetic force that will bring them into their presence again. This reunion may be one sided if the other person did not hold on to the strong energy but released it or forgave the other before death.

Then there are cases where two people are supposed to be together. In this case there will be powerful soul feelings manifest in both people in most cases.

Most of us have been through various imbalances and it is tough. The key is to play the role of the observer and learn to let go when appropriate. Overcome the fear of loss by mingling with other people and developing new interests and sooner or later the balance will come.

Question: You suggest that lying can be avoided if we look into the future so we can honestly navigate difficult situations. How can we do this when even masters or a logos cannot see the complete future?

JJ: It is possible because I do it all the time and I am far from a Logos. You do not have to see the future in full detail to avoid a lie, but the temptation to lie is usually pretty easy to see coming.

Let me give you an example of an easy one. It’s your anniversary and you have to work that day. You meet an old friend and he wants to have a drink You innocently think you can have the drink and then make it home in time for your date with the spouse. You do not pay attention to the time and while driving home you realize you are going to be a half hour late. You do not have to be psychic to predict the circumstances you will have to handle when you get home.

Now to avoid the lie you must project yourself through the questions you will be asked and figure out how to answer them honestly, even though you may get in more trouble than if you lied.

I have projected myself this way throughout my life and have only gone wrong two or three times in my long life. I’m sure the Logos has it down so he never feels he has to lie.

If fifty million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France (1844 – 1924)

June 8, 2005

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Emotional Smoke

Emotional Smoke

Let us look at the next verse:

“And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.” Rev 9:2

“And he opened the bottomless pit.” What does this mean?

The only one who can open the bottomless pit of the emotions is he who has mastered them, or has the key. Once the disciple obtains power over the emotional self and the emotional world, he can then examine it from the top down rather than as one immersed within the bottomless world of emotion.

When immersed in the emotional world the seeker is as one in darkness with no top or bottom. He cannot see to solve the many problems brought on by the upside-down emotional directions he perceives.

Things are much different when the emotions are mastered. The angel fell to the earth where he could stand on solid ground to examine the emotional world from grounded common sense (the earth) as well as through the use of the intuition (from heaven).

But opening the emotional world which has been suppressed or misdirected for lifetimes is a little like opening Pandora’s Box, not only for himself, but for all trapped in the bottomless pit of emotional focus. He must remember this injunction from the writings of Alice A. Bailey:

“Let the magician (disciple) guard himself from drowning at the point where land and water meet. The midway spot which is neither dry nor wet must provide the standing place whereon his feet are set.”

The disciple standing upon the earth, but linked to the soul, sees the problems created by suppressed emotion and pronounces the right words to stimulate and release them. When he does this “there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace…”

When the pent up and previously uncontrolled emotions are released and examined in the light of day a great emotional fire ensues and the smoke of that fire blurs the vision of all except the angel with the key.

The disciple works through his own emotions that were previously unseen and unrecognized as well as many others that he contacts. He finds that simple statements of truth create powerful emotional reactions among those polarized in the emotional world around him. It seems as if he creates an emotional fire in the hearts of friends, family and contacts and the smoke of that burning blurs the vision of all so nothing he says is understood correctly.

“and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.”

The sun (truth) and the air (reason/mind) were darkened because of the smoke of powerful emotional reactions.

Verse three reads: “And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.”

What are the locusts and how do they have power as scorpions?

There are four symbols to keep in mind as we continue. They are:

[1] Heaven, symbolizing spirit, revelation, intuition etc.

[2] Air, symbolizing mind and thought.

[3] Earth and vegetation symbolizing seekers who appear to be grounded with worldly wisdom.

[4] Water. The seas and the deep waters of bottomless pit symbolize emotion as well as those grounded in emotion.

The smoke came out of the emotional world (bottomless pit) and the locusts came out of the smoke, or indirectly from the pit itself.

The locusts symbolize the destruction and disturbance caused by the release of suppressed or fomenting emotion and guilt. These released negative emotions have power like a mindless scorpion. They hurt but do not kill.

Verse four reads: “And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.”

Just as a locust normally goes after anything green to consume even so will a negative emotion attack any aspiring life (green thing) that gets in its way.

In this case, however, the disciple, under the direction of the fifth angel (heart center, spiritual love), has power to direct destructive emotion to a desired end. In this case, he directs the emotion to not mindlessly attack any life that aspires to know God with the mind and common sense, but only those who do not seek to know him, or do not have thoughts of the spiritual path in their minds (foreheads).

Keep in mind that the forehead, or mind and common sense, are emphasized. Those who are vulnerable are not only the godless but the religious ones who do not know God with mind but only seek him through emotional feeling with reason not being a factor.

Negative emotion loses its power when the mind knows God but increases in power when God is only sought through non thinking emotion.

Verse 5: “And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.”

Negative emotions which are released when truth is presented include fear, jealousy, hurt feelings, hate, anger, worry and most potent of all guilt. These do not kill a person, but torment those who do not seek God for a long time (five months) and guilt especially is like “the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.”

Verse 6: “And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.”

To him who does not seek God with the mind (seal in the forehead) will come such devastation through negative emotion and guilt that he will desire to die rather than live, but will fear taking his own life so “death will flee from them.”

Girls just want to have funds. Adrienne E. Gusoff

June 6, 2005

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The Key of Authority

The Key of Authority

The next verses to consider are:

“And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.” Rev 9:1-3

First, we need to examine the phrase “bottomless pit.” It is indeed an intriguing wording that has captured the imagination of many, including the non-believers for many years.

“Bottomless comes from the Greek ABUSSOS which is translated as “deep” or “bottomless.” Variations of this word often refer to the sea which was seen as very deep or bottomless by the ancients. The equivalent Hebrew TeHOWM is usually translated as sea or a word like the “deep” referring to the sea or a deep place.

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep (TeHOWM) And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” Genesis 1:1-2

“The waters are hid as with a stone, and the face of the deep (TeHOWM) is frozen.” Job 38:30

Obviously Job was referring to a body of water for it was “frozen.”

“Whatsoever the LORD pleased, that did he in heaven, and in earth, in the seas, and all deep (TeHOWM) places.” Psalms 135:6

Here we are told that deep places are found in “heaven” “earth” and the “seas.”

In the New Testament this word was used by the evil spirits that named themselves Legion who Christ cast out of a man and entered the bodies of pigs. It is written:

“And Jesus asked him, saying, What is thy name? And he said, Legion: because many devils were entered into him. And they besought him that he would not command them to go out into the deep (Greek – ABUSSOS). And there was there an herd of many swine feeding on the mountain: and they besought him that he would suffer them to enter into them. And he suffered them.” Luke 8:30-32

Along this same line the word is used in Romans: “But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise, Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down from above:) Or, Who shall descend into the deep?” (ABUSSOS) (that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.) Rom 10:6-7

In Luke ABUSSOS refers to a place where evil spirits do not want to go and in Romans, a place in the opposite direction of heaven.

Before the Book of Revelation came along ABUSSOS appears by itself but this book adds the descriptive word “pit” which comes from PHREAR. Strong says it represents “A hole in the ground (dug for obtaining or holding water or other purposes) A cistern or well or abyss (as a prison).”

Usually, this word merely refers to a well, but sometimes a deep pit.

PHREAR is used to describe a well in this account: Jesus answered and said unto her, “If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water. The woman saith unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well (PHREAR) is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water? Art thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well (PHREAR), and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle?” John 4:10-12

In reference to the earth the “bottomless pit” would be a deep well that seems to have no bottom. If bottomless were to refer to the sea then it would indicates a submergence in the bottomless sea.

That covers an intellectual look at the “bottomless pit,” but what does it really mean in connection with this scripture?

Water here is a symbol of the emotional nature as well as the multitudes of people who are governed and motivated by emotion.

The bottomless pit is therefore the emotional world of people on this earth as well as the next world. The bottomless pit for the demons would be the lower astral (emotional) world after death where there is no bottom (earth or physical bodies) for them to find rest.

That said, let us start the interpretation with the first verse: “And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.”

The fifth angel sounding signifies that the disciple is prepared to use the full energies of the heart center including the energies of the soul which meet in the heart.

The star that fell from heaven represents the disciple and his teachings which came from heaven through the soul and are brought down to earth – or to the people who are seeking spiritual salvation.

“…and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.”

The key represents authority and power. The disciple has shifted his attention from the emotional desires and selfish love to spiritual desire and unselfish love. In doing so he has authority and control (the key) over the emotional world (bottomless pit).

The lower emotions no longer direct him, but he directs them. This control requires an act of divine will manifesting through the disciple for the emotional self has been brewing and fomenting for many lifetimes and does not rest in peace for some time.

A new member writes: “One of the things that attracts me to JJ Dewey’s writings is that he explicitly doesn’t rely on emotion as a basis for establishing what is or is not true. Indeed, if I understand correctly, JJ Dewey distrusts emotion as being not only unreliable, but more likely to be false that true. This has been my experience – nothing has deceived me more often and more destructively than my feelings have, so I now routinely reject them.

“When I read the descriptions of how to recognize “Soul Contact” (perhaps the ultimate ratifier of truth in JJ Dewey’s system), unfortunately it sounds an awful lot like, “Trust your feelings, Luke”. The impression I get is that Soul Contact is recognized as a mystically powerful but impersonal feeling that something is true. This sounds very much like what other systems call the Holy Spirit, or Intuition, or “Divine Revelation, or communing with your higher self, or vision questing, or something like that. All of which I have explored and found to be unreliable.

“How do you tell a lower feeling from a spiritual one, or can you?

What differentiates Soul Contact from other ways of discerning truth based on feelings?

“How can you tell Soul Contact apart from all the false emotions and feelings that come along?”

JJ: Great questions. Soul contact, the Holy Spirit, intuition, divine revelation and the Higher Self are all related in that soul contact is the door that opens the consciousness to all higher contact.

Here is the problem. Soul contact does produce a variety of feelings from the still small voice, which is almost imperceptible at first, to a spiritual fire which is overwhelming.

On the other hand, the lower emotions also produce a variety of feelings. Some of these are also almost imperceptible and some are very powerful to the extent of being overwhelming.

There are a number of differences between the two, however, the main one being that the intuitive or Buddhic plane where the soul takes us is a much higher vibration and much closer to the heart of God in vibration than is the emotional or astral plane.

The astral plane is a reflection of the Buddhic, as if in a mirror, where all things are a reverse and seen as a distortion of reality. On the other hand, those who see and feel through the eyes of the soul see as correctly as is possible and can communicate the vision to a reasonable degree in our imperfect words.

Those who see through astral or lower feelings do not see anything with correct vision and have error in every communication concerning that which they perceive.

The basic problem you relate occurs when a seeker attempts to follow the spiritual path yet has not made soul contact. In this case, the highest he can feel will be the astral world and many mistakes and untrue perceptions will he make.

The astral feelings have seven levels and the highest will seem very spiritual to many and the seeker will often assume he has found the final heart of God, Jesus or Krishna when he has tuned in to them.

In fact, one of the signs that the seeker is still stuck in the astral will be a feeling by him that he has either reached the ultimate or close to it.

The person who has not yet achieved soul contact will not know the difference between the two feelings. However, if he is honest with himself and seeks guidance from within, he will sense a knowing that a higher contact exists and it is his destiny to find it.

When soul contact is achieved then new vistas of feelings will open up and the differences between higher and lower feelings will become clear.

There is a core difference between soul and astral contact. The astral contacts are rarely fully understood by the seeker and usually lead to dead end and error. They are the bottomless pit I talked about in my previous post.

On the other hand, contacts through the soul are always accompanied or followed by understanding. Intuitive knowledge through soul contact is always accompanied by such understanding. Often the understanding will be so complete that the seeker can write a book on that which is revealed in one flash.

There are times when a Master may reach a disciple through soul contact and a full understanding will not be immediate, but if the instruction is followed understanding will come sooner or later.

The principle is basically this. Lower feelings are below mind in vibration and are not accompanied by undistorted knowledge and understanding. They lead into experience, but not accurate knowledge.

The higher feelings of the soul are higher than mind, encompass all the qualities of mind and give mind higher understanding.

Luke Skywalker: “I don’t believe it!”

Yoda: “That is why you fail.” Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back

June 4, 2005

Copyright by J J Dewey 

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Gathering Thoughts

Gathering Thoughts

Been very busy catching up on our business demands since returning from the Sun Valley gathering, but I thought I’d take a few minutes and share some details about it.

First, I’d like to thank Robin for her post. In just a few words she summed up the feelings of many who were there. Thanks also to Sharón for her summary.

Things seemed to get off to a rocky start however. As many of you know I record all the gatherings. Several times some fluke has occurred that made it seem as if we would not get a recording. In Texas the equipment didn’t seem to work at first and then it did. In Nauvoo I discovered the power cord was missing and since the digital recording device required a special cord it looked as if we may not get any audio. Two things happened to save us there. First Catherine brought her video camera and recorded the whole event from which she extracted the audio.

Secondly, Rick and Keith made several trips to Radio Shack and were able to piece together several parts to make a usable power cord. We at least got the last half recorded in reasonable quality.

I use a M-Audio input device linked to my computer and this produces great quality audio. It usually works fine, but there is something about the gatherings that seems to spook it.

This time in Sun Valley I was wondering if we were going to get any recording at all. I turned everything on and nothing seemed to work. As we went through an hour of introductions it seemed to record on and off and then it quit working again. Finally, after much fiddling, when I started to speak it seemed to record OK, but then when I tested it a short time later I discovered it only recorded at about 10-15% normal volume (for no reason). Fortunately, I can salvage that with some software I have.

Finally, it started working correctly and worked flawlessly for the next three days.

But then Saturday Morning another odd thing happened. When I opened up the portable computer, I noticed that it was in the sleep mode. I immediately figured that I did not turn it off the night before. When it is in normal mode the computer will run about 2-3 hours on internal batteries and then about 4-5 hours in the sleep mode. I assumed the computer would be completely discharged of power. I pressed the test button and it was completely charged. This seemed very odd I thought. How could the portable be not connected to a plug, be on all night, yet be fully charged?

Then I talked to Larry and he commented on how odd his portable was behaving. In addition, the new age site with the archives crashed again. Fortunately, he was able to give instructions to his son so he could fix it from Larry’s home.

Equipment flukes continued into Saturday night as we prepared for Karaoke. We got it all set up ready to have fun and the monitor let out a flicker and died. I went to the front desk of the Lodge and asked them if they had any spare TVs. They said no. I asked if there were any TV’s in the Condos that were not bolted down. They said they all were secured.

I returned to the party. We had our own bartender (supplied by the Lodge) and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves but we needed that Karaoke to really make it a great night. I asked the bartender if he could get us a TV. He said he had a friend that might bring us one over. He called his friend and within a few minutes he brought over his personal TV. We hooked it up and it didn’t work either. We were all beside ourselves attempting to make it work when Dan came through the door with another TV is his hands.

I asked him where he got it and he said there was one in his condo that wasn’t bolted down.

We hooked it up and it worked perfectly and we had more fun with it than we imagined. We were all glad we did not give up and especially to Dan for searching where a movable TV was not supposed to be.

We enjoyed the Karaoke so much that we hooked it up Sunday evening to a large screen TV in our cottage.

And speaking of the cottage that reminds me that outside of these technical glitches everything went quite well and we even had some good luck. One of the condos designated for us was not available so the Sun Valley Lodge substituted a cottage instead that can cost up to three times the amount of a condo to rent. This cottage had enough room so that all 40 of us could gather and mingle. It was a lot cozier than the conference room and had six bathrooms which was an added little convenience.

Sun Valley is a beautiful area in the mountains. We thought it may be a little cool this time of year but most of the time it was around 70 degrees in the middle of the day. Even so, we had quite a range of weather. When I was talking about earth changes due to odd weather it turned from sunny to stormy with lots of rain followed by a torrent of hail. Shortly after I finished the class it turned sunny again. Several thought that was oddly funny.

We all had a great time and since we finally got the recording equipment to work, I will be posting the audio shortly. The comments I heard was that this was either the best or one of the best gatherings. Our goal is indeed to get better every year.

There’s much more to tell but I hope that others will come forward and post their thoughts and experiences. I know that those who did not make it will appreciate it.

Imagine what a harmonious world it could be if every single person, both young and old shared a little of what he is good at doing. Quincy Jones

Gathering Thoughts

Been very busy catching up on our business demands since returning from the Sun Valley gathering, but I thought I’d take a few minutes and share some details about it.

First, I’d like to thank Robin for her post. In just a few words she summed up the feelings of many who were there. Thanks also to Sharón for her summary.

Things seemed to get off to a rocky start however. As many of you know I record all the gatherings. Several times some fluke has occurred that made it seem as if we would not get a recording. In Texas the equipment didn’t seem to work at first and then it did. In Nauvoo I discovered the power cord was missing and since the digital recording device required a special cord it looked as if we may not get any audio. Two things happened to save us there. First Catherine brought her video camera and recorded the whole event from which she extracted the audio.

Secondly, Rick and Keith made several trips to Radio Shack and were able to piece together several parts to make a usable power cord. We at least got the last half recorded in reasonable quality.

I use a M-Audio input device linked to my computer and this produces great quality audio. It usually works fine, but there is something about the gatherings that seems to spook it.

This time in Sun Valley I was wondering if we were going to get any recording at all. I turned everything on and nothing seemed to work. As we went through an hour of introductions it seemed to record on and off and then it quit working again. Finally, after much fiddling, when I started to speak it seemed to record OK, but then when I tested it a short time later I discovered it only recorded at about 10-15% normal volume (for no reason). Fortunately, I can salvage that with some software I have.

Finally, it started working correctly and worked flawlessly for the next three days.

But then Saturday Morning another odd thing happened. When I opened up the portable computer, I noticed that it was in the sleep mode. I immediately figured that I did not turn it off the night before. When it is in normal mode the computer will run about 2-3 hours on internal batteries and then about 4-5 hours in the sleep mode. I assumed the computer would be completely discharged of power. I pressed the test button and it was completely charged. This seemed very odd I thought. How could the portable be not connected to a plug, be on all night, yet be fully charged?

Then I talked to Larry and he commented on how odd his portable was behaving. In addition, the new age site with the archives crashed again. Fortunately, he was able to give instructions to his son so he could fix it from Larry’s home.

Equipment flukes continued into Saturday night as we prepared for Karaoke. We got it all set up ready to have fun and the monitor let out a flicker and died. I went to the front desk of the Lodge and asked them if they had any spare TVs. They said no. I asked if there were any TV’s in the Condos that were not bolted down. They said they all were secured.

I returned to the party. We had our own bartender (supplied by the Lodge) and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves but we needed that Karaoke to really make it a great night. I asked the bartender if he could get us a TV. He said he had a friend that might bring us one over. He called his friend and within a few minutes he brought over his personal TV. We hooked it up and it didn’t work either. We were all beside ourselves attempting to make it work when Dan came through the door with another TV is his hands.

I asked him where he got it and he said there was one in his condo that wasn’t bolted down.

We hooked it up and it worked perfectly and we had more fun with it than we imagined. We were all glad we did not give up and especially to Dan for searching where a movable TV was not supposed to be.

We enjoyed the Karaoke so much that we hooked it up Sunday evening to a large screen TV in our cottage.

And speaking of the cottage that reminds me that outside of these technical glitches everything went quite well and we even had some good luck. One of the condos designated for us was not available so the Sun Valley Lodge substituted a cottage instead that can cost up to three times the amount of a condo to rent. This cottage had enough room so that all 40 of us could gather and mingle. It was a lot cozier than the conference room and had six bathrooms which was an added little convenience.

Sun Valley is a beautiful area in the mountains. We thought it may be a little cool this time of year but most of the time it was around 70 degrees in the middle of the day. Even so, we had quite a range of weather. When I was talking about earth changes due to odd weather it turned from sunny to stormy with lots of rain followed by a torrent of hail. Shortly after I finished the class it turned sunny again. Several thought that was oddly funny.

We all had a great time and since we finally got the recording equipment to work, I will be posting the audio shortly. The comments I heard was that this was either the best or one of the best gatherings. Our goal is indeed to get better every year.

There’s much more to tell but I hope that others will come forward and post their thoughts and experiences. I know that those who did not make it will appreciate it.

Imagine what a harmonious world it could be if every single person, both young and old shared a little of what he is good at doing. Quincy Jones

June 3, 2005

Copyright by J J Dewey 

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The Receiver – A Parable

The Receiver – A Parable

Imagine that in the beginning that there is one central broadcasting station for all programs and life experiences. This is called SPIRIT.

Then there is a medium through which all broadcasts are transmitted. This is called SOUL.

Finally, we have the possibility of instruments or vehicles which can pick up that which is transmitted.

When humans began their long period of evolution, they started with no instruments at all except for a computer program that we call instinct which is built into them. This computer program was created at the Central Broadcasting Station and planted in humans to make sure they can survive until they can consciously tune in and receive.

Humanity (men and women) ran on this program for many lifetimes and slowly, by trial and error, began to realize that the program did not answer all of his needs. Meanwhile, the Central Station continues broadcasting and the waves pass through them, but until they develop receiving instruments, they cannot clearly intercept the higher communication.

Then every once in a while, when the individual was still, he sensed that there was more than the program, that there is new material of which to become aware. In his moments of stillness, he thinks he feels the vibration of the broadcast (soul) passing through his body. The feeling is so slight that the first of many times he senses it he dismisses it as his imagination, but finally he becomes convinced that there has to be something more out there. He is now weary of just running on his preprogrammed material and reasons that if indeed there is a Creator out there then there has to be more to receive, or life would not be worth living, and he should just self-destruct.

As the individual bumps into dead end after dead end, because of the limits of the program, he decides to take a chance and attempt to construct some type of receiving device to receive the Central Broadcast that he has dimly sensed.

Then for a long period of time he experiments with hundreds of mechanical listening devices that he attaches to his ear. Some of them amplified noise and regular sounds, and there were many times that he thought he was hearing from the Central Station, but time after time he learned that he was deceived. Several times his friends, who thought he was crazy, played tricks on him, another time a charlatan passing through town deceived him and then there were many times that other people claimed to have made the breakthrough. These beastly individuals claimed that only they could receive from the Central Station and if anyone wanted to know what the broadcast was only they could be trusted to reveal it.

The seeker continued to search but there were many times he doubted himself and thought that maybe he was crazy for trying to receive from the Central Station because of the ridicule he received from his friends and developing authorities who claimed that only certain appointed ones could ever receive.

The seeker made many mistakes and had many self-doubts, but the idea of the search never completely left his mind and one day as he was in contemplation under a tree he saw a tremendous bolt of lightning strike in the distance.

After the strike a large amount of electricity filled the air and it seemed to the guy that for a short moment he was sensing the broadcast waves. It seemed as if he saw things in his mind and heard things with his ears that he had never experienced before.

After the storm subsided he roused himself with joy for he realized that he had found the missing ingredient for reception, which was electricity (soul energy).

He went back to his workshop and gathered together all the physical materials that did not seem to work before and experimented by adding the element of electricity to them. Finally, after much work and frustration he put together a primitive radio receiver. There was a lot of static, the sound was bad and sometimes it worked and sometimes it did not, but finally he was sure that he was receiving something, for the words were clearly meaningful.

He still did not trust his instrument completely because in the past he had been deceived by people playing tricks on him and perhaps this was another deception. He listened to the broadcast in private and tested it again and again and finally concluded that no deceiver could come up with such new and refreshing material that was not in his original program.

Upon concluding that he was truly receiving, he had so much joy that he decided to share his good fortune with his friends. He took his receiving instrument and showed it to them. They were curious and asked for a demonstration. The seeker turned it on and after some static a couple of sentences came through.

“There it is! Did you hear that?”

“Hear what?” said his friends. “All we heard was a bunch of noise.”

The guy was beside himself. His friends must have not been paying attention. “There it is again!” he said.

“What do you mean?” said his friends. “All that is coming across is just noise. We think this quest of yours has scrambled your brain. Perhaps you need professional help.”

At this he realized that only he could hear the words on the receiver, that for some reason the instrument was in tune with him and that each person would have to eventually create his own medium of reception.

Night after night the he listened to his new device and wrote down the information. Then after a period of time another idea occurred to him:

“I know how I can prove beyond any doubt that I am receiving from the Central Station. I will take some of the material I have received and share it with others. Then when they contrast the new material with all the other worn-out programs in circulation, the people will become convinced that I am a true receiver. Then all they have to do is follow the plans I have for instruments and they can then receive everything I do without my help.”

He was enthused about this plan and immediately began teaching the words of Light to all who would listen.

But alas, he was alarmed and disheartened by the reception. Many of his closest friends thought that this new material was not as good as the old program and that even the charlatans had more to offer.

The guy did not give up and he taught others, but their leaders pointed the finger of scorn at him and told their followers that he was an agent of the devil, and the people turned on the heretic and he was lucky to escape without injury.

Then he retreated for a long period of time into his quiet chambers and concluded that if no one else was going to benefit by his discovery at least he would. The first thing he did was to work on his receiver, and after a period of time he was able to eliminate the static and blank periods so the broadcast came through loud and clear on a consistent basis. But he did not give up here. He continued to experiment until he developed the equivalent of a primitive black and white TV. It had such a small screen and so much snow that images were difficult to make out, but he continued working until he had a larger screen with clear images and sound.

Later, he realized that color would add even more beauty to his learning pleasure and that was also perfected.

Finally, everything was fined tuned and the pilgrim learned and learned and learned until he felt he was about to burst at the seams with knowledge. He reached a point where learning was no longer important. What good was all this knowledge if he had no one to share it with?

The big question was with whom could he share his knowledge? Everyone seemed to be satisfied with either their original program or with the teachings of illusion. What was he to do?

He sat silently for many moments in front of the TV contemplating the answer when he heard the Words of Light come through loud and true.

“There are others.”

He perked up. Over his transmitter he heard the answer. Why didn’t he think of this before? There has to be others who have made some type of receiver and they have also retreated into a solitary space because of rebuke from their peers.

He then went on a quest to find others like himself who have been receiving from the Central Station. “How will I find them,” he asked himself? And then a plan came to his mind.

“I will go forth again and teach things that do not conflict with the program of the ordinary people, yet I shall plant within these teachings higher knowledge that will pass over the heads of all but the other receivers who can also comprehend.”

He then went out into the world and taught all who would listen to his parables containing hidden meaning, and sure enough there were other receivers with eyes to see and ears to hear who recognized certain words and concepts they had themselves received from the Central Broadcasting Station. As they recognized that this man was no ordinary teacher the other receivers began to gather with him. As they gathered, they all discovered that they had all built receivers of different grades and qualities. Those with better receivers began to help and instruct their brothers and sisters so all who desired could receive with the quality and picture that was desired.

Finally, a potency of force was built up so that even those with no receivers began to believe that reception was possible, and the numbers of the receivers began to multiply.

After a period of time, the unexpected happened. As the receivers were all gathered together in one body a message of great Whole-liness came to them all from the Central Station.

They heard a Master speak these great words: “The time has come that the sender and the receiver become One.” They then heard the words of most hallowed instructions that could not be written.

Those who followed the words blended with the Central Station and the Central Station Blended with them in Oneness. Now they discovered that it was no longer necessary to have an instrument of reception, for the Spiritual Center was now in them and they were in the Center. They could walk among humanity and teach all things or they could explore new worlds. All things were now theirs and their joy was full.

Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is. -Yoda Star Wars: Episode II-Attack of the Clones

May 26, 2005

Copyright by J J Dewey 

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