Blavatsky’s Return

The Evidence Says Yes.

HPB: “There is no religion higher than truth.”
JFK: “Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer.”

Born: Aug 12, 1831
Died: May 8, 1891
Born: May 29, 1917
Died: Nov 22, 1963

These pictures of John F. Kennedy and H. P. Blavatsky bear a haunting resemblance. Look first at the eyes. Even more than the similarity of the physical images of the eyes is the look of them both has a haunting correspondence.
Also note the shape of the face, the nose, mouth and ears are very similar.

These above pictures provide interesting food for thought but do not provide enough proof to convince the the sincere seeker. The real seeker will want something more concrete. In this rare case we have the something more. We have something as concrete as the fingerprints of these two entities. We have their handwriting.


The above sample of Kennedy’s writing is a draft of his inaugural address in 1961. Next to it is a  sample from HPB. Below is another sample of Kennedy’s writing from about 20 years earlier. Note that there are as many superficial difference between the two Kennedy samples as there is between the two above samples of the two entities.



Even though the pictures provide an interesting clue it was the handwriting of the two who clued me in. A friend gave me a web address containing H. P. Blavatsky;s handwriting. Up to this point I had only seen her signature, but when I finally got a chance to see a page of her writing I thought to myself: “There’s something familiar about this handwriting. It seems that I have seen it before.”

Having forty (now sixty) years experience with hand writing analysis, I rarely forget a script. I reflected a few moments and then it hit me. It seemed that the handwriting of Ms. Blavatsky was very similar to that of JFK.

I immediately retrieved several samples of the late President’s handwriting and made comparisons. As I compared the two side by side I could immediately see why Blavatsky’s writing had a familiar ring. They were very close indeed ­ close enough to make a powerful case that H. P. Blavatsky reincarnated as John F. Kennedy and became President of the United States.

It is interesting that many students of past lives believe that JFK was Abraham Lincoln in a past life because of the many synchronicities between the lives and associations of the two men. I never believed this, however. The reason is that I compared the handwriting of these two and concluded the differences were too basic for them both to be the same entity, even if we take into consideration that there will be some changes from life to life. Since there are changes in handwriting and personality from decade to decade within a single life it is only logical that there would be changes from life to life.

But the question is this: What would change from life to life and what would stay the same?

That which would change would be personality characteristics, cultural attitudes, the tendency toward being an introvert or extrovert and other more superficial things.

That which would remain similar would be related to intelligence. The intelligence would rarely be less as we progress from life to life, but would increase.

The intensity of feeling would also be quite similar as well as the emotional response ­ though emotional response does vary with time, especially if the person faces a trauma of some kind.

That said, take a look to the two handwriting samples and follow me in comparing them.

The most impressive thing to note is the basic intelligence manifested between the two ­ not only brain intelligence, but also emotional intelligence. When we look at the whole picture of the speed of thought, the perception, the passion, the ability to simplify, the aggressiveness etc we see here the handwriting of two of the most intelligent individuals in our history.

JFK is a little more intelligent overall than HPB but this is to be expected if the two are the same entity with JFK having a few years of extra learning under his belt.

Now let us itemize the similarities.


The easiest thing for the layman to see in the handwriting is the general slant. If one makes even a cursory look at the samples above he can see that the slant is very similar. This reveals the general outward emotional makeup.

More subtle and not so easily seen by the layman are the upstrokes in m’s, n’s and other letters which reveal the more inner emotional makeup.

These strokes revealing this inner makeup are also very similar.

This is revealed by the pressure of the writing. Heavier pressure is usually revealed by heavier strokes, but since these samples were created with different pens and we do not have the originals it takes the skill of experience to make a judgment here. In my judgment the pressure is very similar. As evidence of this even the untrained eye can look at the samples and surmise that all of them were written with great intensity and higher than normal pressure applied to the pen.

Now we will examine more closely some other interesting similarities of the handwriting between the two entities. We could belabor this by going through them all one by one, but we will limit our investigation to the more unusual characteristics not found in most handwriting samples.

If, for instance we pinpoint two strokes found in common to 50% of all handwriting that does not present us with much proof, but if we present two items found only on one handwriting out of 100 then we have something. Then if we present two such characteristics we have an increased probability of 100X100 or one chance in 10,000 for the two showing up.

In the next section we will present enough similarities to increase the chances to over a million to one that H. P. Blavatsky and JFK are the same person.

First let us examine the similarities of words that are common to both handwritings. Since I have limited samples of each I was only able to pull a few exact word matches, but this is enough to be impressive indeed. They are more similar than one would expect even if it were a known fact that the two are the same entity separated by 60-80 years of time and circumstance.


One of the most significant similarities between the writings are the gaps within individual words. These two also have short breaks with similar regularity within various words. This is fairly common and shows an intuitive nature, but these larger gaps are fairly rare, especially among the very intelligent.

Such gaps reveal a disconnected thinking that breaks somewhat from reality and is often found among those with low intelligence, drug users or someone physically ill. We know that JFK took an enormous amount of drugs throughout his life and was also plagued with painful illness which he attempted to mask.

Correspondingly, H. P. Blavatsky also suffered from painful illness. It is quite possible that she took some strong medications for them but I do not have any data on this. It is on record that she smoked up to 200 cigarettes a day and this by itself would inject an enormous amount of nicotine in the system.

Even so, neither illness or the use of drugs provides the full explanation. The reason is this. Most people who are ill or use drugs will have a half dozen signs of it show up in the writing. The handwriting of these two entities reveal a very powerful vitality, intelligence, clear thinking and strength, except for this one characteristic. This tells us that both of these individuals exercised the power of tremendous will to divorce themselves from their physical maladies to live life as if they were healthy, vital personalities.

This leads me to draw an unorthodox analysis of the gaps for both entities. I think the gaps would be there for both of them with or without ill health or drug use. While ill health or drug use may make the gaps more pronounced I think the cause is related more to a virtue than a vice.

I believe that both of them contemplated the abstract/spiritual world in his own way and periodically divorced themselves from orthodox thinking and reality as wee know it in the search for answers. The gaps thus show a disconnect, but an intelligent disconnect that added to their creativity.

Whatever the case, such gaps are not at all common among the super intelligent and are rare in this writing combination. Take a look. The first gap in the word “ask” is particularly synchronous.

Examples of Gaps
JFK ………………. HBP


One thing that amateur forgerers do not realize is that the handwriting expert will detect him by too much consistency. When people write they do not sign their names exactly the same each time. Neither do they cross their T’s or dot their I’s in exactly the same place. All of us vary our handwriting as we vary our moods. One thing we look for in finding a handwriting match is a similar amount of variance between any two scripts.

There is an amazing amount of consistency in both small and large gaps in the handwriting of Kennedy and Blavatsky, but how about other factors?

Let us now examine the lower zone of the two handwritings. In this area there is usually some variance, but not like that expressed by Kennedy and Blavatsky. Note that within the variety of the strokes still exists a hauntingly close correspondence.

Again, note the first one which is vary rare ­ consists of two strokes. Maybe one out of a 1000 handwritings would have this oddity.

Lower Zone
JFK ………………. HBP

Another interesting trait revealed is the T cross. The layman may think that there could be only a couple variables in this, but they are mistaken. There are hundreds of ways to cross a T.

Among them are:

(1) The location of the cross on the stem varying from low to above the stem.
(2) Does the cross ascend, descend or go straight from left to right?
(3) Is the pressure heavy or light?
(4) Is it long or short?
(5) Does it create an arc?
(6) Is the arc convex or concave?
(7) Does the stroke increase of decrease on strength?
(8) Does it go to the left or right of the stem?

Considering the number of variables the chances are very high against the fact that we would have two handwritings matching up like these two.

JFK ………………. HBP

An ending stroke that boldly extends shows courage or gutsiness. Again, this is revealed in both scripts.

JFK ………….. HBP


Waves in writing show charm. We know that JFK certainly had this, but so did H. P. Blavatsky. Too bad we do not have her on film so we could have witnessed her personality.

JFK ………….. HBP


Both JFK and H. P. B had the odd habit of making extra heavy i-dots or periods every so often and then making dots with regular pressure the rest of the time. Blavatsky used a fountain pen so her strokes are not as thick as JFK’s for that reason.

JFK ………….. HBP

Note that in the two signatures below they both placed two dots under their names. This is another oddity showing up in both writings. In the 1963 signature Kennedy was under stress. The 1961 signature shows him at his best. From an analyst’s point of view this is a very beautiful signature.

Both individuals underlined items as they wrote.

JFK ………….. HBP




I could spend a lot of time going into small details but here are a number of other important similarities.
(1) The speed of the writing is very similar. They both have a quickness that is shared by less than 1% of the population. The overall intelligence in both handwritings from my analysis is over one out of a million.
(2) The simplification of the writing is very close, with JFK using the fewer strokes ­ another sign of him being a little ahead in evolution.
(3) Perception revealed by the points on m’s, n’s are similar. The similarity is closer if we use JFK’s earlier handwriting.
(4) Both stretch their words out to a similar degree showing them both to be extroverts.
(5) All three zones of the handwriting are similar. We already illustrated the lower zone as with the Y’s, F’s etc. In addition to this the middle and upper part of the writing is very similar.
(6) JFK’s intelligence is a little higher than HPB. This would be true if he was H. P. Blavatsky in a later life.

Is anything in the writing different?

Yes, of course. Just as there are differences in Kennedy’s two samples spanning decades even so will there always be differences in the personality and the handwriting in different lifetimes.

Even so, the differences are less pronounced than expected giving us an excellent case proving reincarnation.

The two most obvious differences are:

(1) The space between the lines of the first two samples. H. P. Blavatsky’s is quite a bit closer together. But then note that the earlier sample from JFK (closer to the HBP lifetime) has his lines with less space between them. This tells us that this characteristic was an evolving trait during the JFK lifetime ­ probably a result from his rising fame which caused him to desire more “space.”
(2) H. P. Blavatsky’s ending stroke on her D’s had an upward flare that was missing in Kennedy’s writing. This is explained by the fact that many handwritings from the 1800’s had this characteristic. This trend became rare in the next generation. As we progress from life to life we often adopt the strokes that are popular. For instance, during the Hippie era many were dotting their eyes with happy faces. Few would consider doing this today.

Overall, the similarities are amazing and from this analysts’ point of view we have here a proof of identity comparable to fingerprints.

Jan 6, 2004

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Recognizing Truth

Recognizing Truth

Question: Numerous teachers with conflicting views on numerous subjects teach about Christ and his coming in a similar vein to yourself. How do we sort out the true from the false?

JJ: There is a principle at play here. That is the false spirits and teachers do not have the soul contact to come up with teachings and principles of their own to teach. The truth they have has been stolen from the Brothers of Light.

They will thus take the teachings of truth and make two uses of them.

(1) Take that which has practical use and apply it to their own goals contrary to higher will.

(2) Take the letter of the teachings that their target audience will accept and present them in such a way that it appears they may be teachers of light – for in the eyes of their students they are in harmony with the Brotherhood of Light and past writings from the Brotherhood.

(3) They will make subtle changes and distortions to the teachings past that will deceive their followers and lead them toward the accepting of false conclusions that suit their purposes.

Note that right after a true revelation is given out the first line of attack is to destroy it so it will never be accepted by humanity.

If they find that cannot destroy or extinguish the light their second line of approach is to pretend to embrace it and then alter and distort it from within so the light corresponds to the tomb of matter. Just as the atom has a central light hidden by the darkness of surrounding negative electrons, even so do past revelations still have a brilliant central core hidden by the negative veil of thoughtforms placed there by false teachers.

For instance, many false teachers today embrace the Bible and endlessly teach from it and claim to hold it in the highest possible esteem. This has had the effect of deceiving many through their distorted interpretations, but also in turning off many seekers (who see through these deceivers) from believing the Bible at all. An all important lesson for seekers is to realize that the light in the false teacher and the work he quotes from is rarely one and the same.

It is true then that the false teachers can take any teaching and parrot it as their own. This means that if a master teacher places truth or precepts in black and white telling us what a true teacher will do or teach, then all the false teacher has to do is teach that he supports the same and some will be deceived into accepting the false along with the true.

In fact, the false teachers and their disciples will often study the writings of light with as much diligence as the true disciples just to make sure they have their bases covered.

What happened with the Bible is also taking place with the writings of DK. We have reached a time that many conscious and unconscious deceivers have studied the writings and present them with subtle changes, or certain teachings left out, to mold their students in the direction of the lower self.

That said, what are we to make of the point – that there are false teachers who seem to teach dome correct teachings?

Yes, it is true that no matter how a teacher of light may seek to give a precept to identify a true spirit that all the false teacher need do is quote the precept and say – “Yes, I agree with this. This describes me.”

Let us examine the evolution of the effect of the teaching that “Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God.”

There was a short period after the first coming of Christ that this was literally true of the past tense. To acknowledge that Christ had come as Jesus could have brought the death penalty at the time that John wrote this and thus only the true teachers were brave enough to confess their master.

But then, after the days of Constantine, when it became not only safe, but popular to acknowledge that Christ came in the flesh things were reversed. Some were put to death or not properly acknowledging that Christ manifest in the flesh.

Even though the followers of the Beast seemed to be obeying the scripture, we find that if the full principle is examined that the followers of deception will only seek to follow the letter of the scripture and not the principle.

After Constantine the power of unjust authority, or the Beast, had control of the church and the teachers representing the Beast did not acknowledge the “Christ in us” who are in the flesh.

They thus set the stage for the appearance of being in harmony with the scripture, but in truth were out of harmony with the principle.

So what about the question about Benjamin Crème and Joshua Stone? Are they in harmony with this teaching from John?

I am not that familiar with the teachings of Joshua Stone except to note that he has incorporated so many different popular teachings in his curriculum that he seems to have all his bases covered. If you say you are a student of DK he can agree with you on him. If you like the Course in Miracles you can see it represented. The same with the Keys of Enoch.

Obviously both Crème and Stone will go along with the idea that Christ was, is and will be manifesting in the flesh, because this is taught by DK and the both claim to believe in his teachings.

But do they believe in the whole principle?

To find out let us examine the whole principle which is further elaborated in these additional verses:

“Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them.

“We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error. Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” I John 4:4-8

There are three concepts here that are not incorporated by false teachers and provide the final key to discovering true spirits.

(1) “He that is in you” is “greater” than he that which “is in the world.”

In other words, even a true teacher will acknowledge that the voice of God which is in the disciple is to be trusted even more than any teacher in the world including himself. The teacher, even if he speaks the truth may be misunderstood, but he who is within us will be reliable and is to be trusted more than any outside authority.

The false teacher will attempt, often by subtle means, to give more authority to his own words than to the inspiration of direct contact with the Christ Principle.

(2) The true teacher will “hear” and follow the words of the inspired teachers of the past. This is more than lip service for he will, through soul contact, see the truth of the world scriptures and teachings given out through the Hierarchy in its different grades and not teach contrary to the principles therein.

(3) Finally, the true teacher will set an example to “love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God.”

Does this mean that the false teacher will teach hate rather than love?

No. In fact he often speaks of love more than the true teacher. Sometimes he speaks of it so much that it is almost nauseating. But proclaiming love and demonstrating love are two different things. Those who are in the soul will sense as well as see in action, word and deed love from the true teacher, even if he rarely speaks of it. But even though the false teacher may speak of love in every other sentence the feeling that touches the soul and sets an example of selfless service just doesn’t seem to be there. The astral people may be touched, but not those with true soul contact.

Old timers here will note that a number of wanna-be teachers have shown up here in the past preaching love to us in every other sentence while at the same time being rude and obnoxious seeming to be far removed from the ability to stimulate the love of the soul in students.

Thus we see that the false teachers can cut and paste and have the appearance of following the true teachings, but when closely examined we see that the full principle is never followed by them.

Another thing to keep in mind is that in addition to inspired teachers and false teachers there is a myriad of sincere teachers who are doing their best to teach the truth, but their best is a mixture of truth and error. In addition to this even the best of teachers have some error.

Thus it is always all important to use good judgment and soul contact. But since not all sincere students have consistent or reliable soul contact it is important to study principles such as this one we are discussing so the seeker can be fairly sure his feet are on the right hand path until his spiritual contact and perception is secure.

The key is to always maintain pure intention, or to be pure of heart. As long as this is the case error will eventually be replaced with truth, astral feeling with the pure love of Christ and the lower will with the will and purpose of God.

“If your realized prayer produces in you a definite feeling or state of consciousness, then, inversely, that particular feeling or state of consciousness must produce your realized prayer.” Neville

Jan 1, 2004

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Understanding the Dweller

Understanding the Dweller

Question: You say the Jesus may have to face his Dweller ONE more time. But from the rest of your explanation it sounds like we each must face our Dweller every lifetime, as the Dweller never dies. I guess the question is: Is it possible to defeat our Dweller permanently?

JJ: When the entity passes the personal need to incarnate as a child then he is no longer affected by his personal dweller. But even here he will face a dweller of a different nature as did the Christ when he faced the planetary dweller. As an entity goes through the various cycles he will meet a higher or lower correspondent to the Dweller.

When the Dweller is defeated he will normally be out of the disciple’s life for that lifetime. The exception could occur if the seeker backslides and goes against the light he has received. This would be rare for a person who has gone this far.

A reader gives this quote from DK:

“That thoughtform created by a man since his first appearance in physical form, and called the ‘Dweller on the Threshold!’ Being created by the lower personal self and not by the soul, it is impermanent and is simply held together by the man’s lower energy. When the man begins to function as the soul this “image” he has created, through his “fancy” or his reaction to delusion, is dissipated by a supreme exertion. It has no real existence once there is nothing in the aspirant to feed it, and the realization of this enables him to free himself from its thralldom.” Light of the Soul, Page 21

This does not contradict anything I have said about the Dweller. It is his body which DK is referring to which is the impermanent creation of the personality. But the principle to keep in mind is this. All form is impermanent but there is life in and through all things and all life is eternal and going through the process of evolution.

The question was asked that if it was Gabriel who appeared to Mohammed then how could DK be correct in saying that it was Jesus who overshadowed him? The answer is simple. Gabriel was one of the Kumaras from Shamballa initiating the mission and Jesus was the Master doing the work of guiding Mohammed through his mission.

Question: So then why did Jesus ask for forgiveness for those that crucified him from a God that planned the crucifixion all along and is never offended at anything?

JJ: To murder the innocent is a great sin against the light and creates a dark barrier between their souls (the Son) and the Monad (the Father).

The soul (the Son) must guide the wayward individuals through the darkness toward the light of the Monad. This is the path of the great rebirth, the turning around, or forgiveness that even the worst of humanity must eventually achieve.

All of us must be forgiven by ourselves. The Son within must petition to the Father (monad) to bring us the peace that lies in true forgiveness.

Question: Have you read or heard of “The DaVinci Code”? If so, what are your thoughts on it? Is there such a code?

JJ: Yes. I found it to be a good story while at the same time presenting a good argument for one of the greatest mysteries of history.

If you liked this book you should read Holy Blood Holy Grail which first introduced a factual historical quest for the mystery. In addition to there are several more recent books on the subject.

I believe (but have not received 100% confirmation) that Jesus was not legally married but that he had a committed relationship with Mary Magdalene.

“If he looks backward he can see only the fogs and miasmas of the planes of illusion, and fails to be interested. If he looks forward he sees a distant light which attracts him, but he cannot as yet see that which the light reveals. If he looks around, he sees but shifting forms and the cinematograph of the form side of life. If he looks within, he sees the shadows cast by the light, and becomes aware of much impedimenta which must be discarded before the light he sees in the distance can be approached, and then enter within him. Then he can know himself as light itself, and walk in that light and transmit it likewise to others.” DK , A Treatise on White Magic, Page 61

Dec 25, 2003

Christ-mas Reminder

For some time now the spirit of this time of year has been affecting me more than usual. It happens whenever someone sings a Christmas carol about Christ such as Hark the Herald Angels Sing or Joy to the World.

It seems that each year the intensity of the experience increases.

This year it happened as I was doing some shopping. First I passed a bell ringer and entered a food co-op I frequent. After I was inside a few moments four Christmas carolers came inside and started singing. As they sang my heart burned with greater intensity than it did the year before. The Presence came to me with great power and love and said: “I am near, very near, as is the day of my appearance. Let your faith be renewed… The day draweth near.”

How near is difficult to say from my perspective, but from looking at it with the idea that the promise is around 2000 years old, several decades hence would yet be very near. Yet at the time the coming of the Lord seemed to be in the now. This is because the Spirit always speaks from the point of the eternal present and thus God, when felt, is nearer than any other life.

Even so, I felt the meaning of the message was more than this, for I already have an approximate idea of when certain events will arrive. Instead I sensed the main purpose of the affirmation was to strengthen my faith in the work in which we are engaged in preparing for the reappearance of the Christ.

The problem with a work that requires faith and endurance is that there is a natural tendency, after a period of time, to view the struggle as if it were an academic thing. But then when one is reminded of the reality behind the ideal it is as if an awakening occurs.

Christ is indeed real. The entity who has the position of Christ is real as is the Christ which is in each of us.

For us to be as real as the Master we must see the Christ in ourselves, each other, and humanity as a whole.

Dec 22 & 25, 2003

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Concerning Spiritual Progression

Concerning Spiritual Progression

Question: Why would we have to relive our spiritual evolution at the beginning of each life? Wouldn’t this be a waste of time?

JJ: First you want to examine the Law of Correspondences here. Physically we also do this. From the time we start as a single cell we evolve through all the stages of evolution until we take on human features.

What’s the purpose of this repetition in the creation of a physical body?

All new creation is built upon the foundation of all creation from the past.

This principle not only applies to our physical self, but to our personality self and spiritual self.

Each time a new cycle of evolution comes around we review in the first part of our lives all essentials that has been learned in the past so we can properly and successfully prepare for the next step forward.

It is the way of things.

Reading your interesting mails give birth to some questions, that I hope you can answer. What kind of initiations are we talking about and performed by whom?

A new member asks what we meant when speaking of initiations.

When we speak of specific initiations we are talking about spiritual achievements which are recognized by the Hierarchy of Masters as taught in the writings of Alice A. Bailey.

When I teach of initiation in general I am often talking about the general ability of being self motivated enough to act on one’s own initiative.

Question: So are you saying our entities in the past could have possibly been the dwellers of our Solar Angel? We evolved into humans just like our dwellers will eventually evolve into humans.

JJ: That which is eternally you comes from a human monad which began as a seed point penetrating this space time universe. Just as a regular seed grows to maturity by gathering to itself many parts from the soil wherein it is planted even so the monad gathers many diverse parts to create an eventual unity. Some of the parts of the perfected man belonged to Dwellers in a past system.

Question: But what I’m still having a problem with is how can a dweller reincarnate once it has been killed?

JJ: How do we reincarnate once we have been killed? The principle is the same.

Question: Does the person recreate it when he reincarnates?

JJ: He recreates the astral body of the Dweller which is his vehicle of manifestation. The Dweller, as with all lives in form is a fragment of a monad which is never ending.

Question: How does the dweller get more cunning each time around unless it draws energy directly from the person?

JJ: All lives get a little smarter in each incarnation.

Comment: I still don’t see how the dweller can keep coming back once the person has learned how to defeat/confront/absorb the dweller once and for all.

JJ: In each life, as I said, we repeat in miniature our whole evolution and in the process of reliving our negative cycle we create a body of manifestation through which the dweller can reincarnate.

The Satan who appeared to Jesus in the wilderness represented his encounter with his Dweller. Now Jesus had already overcome the Dweller in past lives, but he still reappeared, even to him. His temptations were more difficult than the Bible portrays, but, partially because of past success, he was able to dispel his Dweller in forty days.

But even here the Dweller may have not been completely out of his life for it is written:

“And when the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from him for a season.” Luke 4:13

Note that his Dweller did not depart forever, but “for a season.” A season could represent a period in his life or it could mean until his next life where he may have to face his Dweller one more time.

Also note:

“Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him.” Matt 4:11

The angels here represent the Angel of the Presence mentioned by DK.

If I understand a reader correctly he is wondering how the many will achieve initiation when it appears that initiates have performed some Herculean work. There just does not seem to be enough great works to go around to offer opportunity to many initiates.

The answer is that there is more opportunity to go around than there are initiates to take advantage of them.

As more disciples become prepared for their next initiation group initiation will become more prevalent. The vision of a great work will be seen by numerous disciples who will work together to accomplish it and in the process move their consciousness up to a higher level through their self (initiate) motivation.

Question: It looks like the disciple is witnessing a face-off between the dweller (which is really him), the angel of the presence (which is really him), and the presence behind the angel (the monad?) But, who is the disciple really?

JJ: The Dweller and Solar angel is not you any more than I am you. I am you in the sense that we are all parts of the One Great Life, but as parts of the whole we are unborn eternal individual units, each with our own differing purposes.

You create the vehicles for the Dweller, but you do not create the life itself. The life which is the Dweller identifies with the vehicle which you create and it believes it is its vehicles just as evolving man believes he is his vehicles.

As DK says the Solar Angel casts a shadow and this shadow becomes our lower nature which the beginning human identifies with and falsely believes himself to be. Instead he is the monadic life which is occupying the shadow of the Solar Angel.

Comment: f I saw “myself” split up into three or more different entities, I would do everything I could to pull all the pieces together, get them working in harmony, and try to fuse them back together. But, maybe that’s the whole point.

JJ: This isn’t really possible because the real you is not three parts but one part using numerous vehicles. When we are done with the vehicles we do not fuse them together but discard them, taking only with us the intelligence and experience they provided.

Comment: I don’t seem to be getting the point. You can lay all the parts to a watch out on the table and study them from now till eternity, but you still don’t have a watch until you put them together. But is it really that important to know how to build a watch when all you want to know is what time it is?

OK, so what we have is a bunch of parts on the table. Maybe at one time they were together, but they aren’t together now, so the job before us it to try and understand what the various parts are, how they fit together, and what the result is supposed to be after they are fitted together.

JJ: The parts were never together. The reason we came here was to make the watch, so to speak. We are not recreating some past watch, but making a new and different kind of watch which has never exactly appeared before.

The Solar Angel is a perfected watch, you are a watch in construction and the Dweller is Gilligan trying to distract you by getting you to take a ride on a boat. Eventually the three will be three watches, not one watch.

How does oneness come in? They will all harmonize and give the same time and fill a similar purpose while being unique in their creation.

They also all came from the same raw materials.

Question: Why not just identify oneself with (i.e. center the attention in) the monad and get it over with?

JJ: This is easier said than done. As we have descended down to our reality we have accumulated numerous limitations. Limitations are an essential ingredient to our evolution, for we cannot expand in intelligence without them. Limitation is the principle behind the Law of Contraction and Expansion. There is no expansion without the application of limitation.

There are a number of limitations between the evolving human and his monad that must be removed before he can even consider identifying with it.

Let us say that you wanted to communicate with the President of the United States? Can you just give him a call and make arrangements for coffee?

Of Course not.


Because there are a number of barriers between you and he. These are limitations that must be removed before you can have access.

If you are serious about gaining access you do not first call him, but must go through a number of steps.

(1) Find out where he is.

If you go to religious authorities you will not find the monad. You must look where the monad is which is within.

(2) Find the true intermediary.

A lot of people may claim to be able to gain access to the president, (Monad) but there is one person (the Soul) who is in charge of scheduling. There are a number of people (true teachers) who may be able to direct you to this intermediary, but even though they are helpful you must contact this person yourself.

(3) Convince the intermediary that contact is beneficial to both sides.

If the intermediary (Soul) and the President (the Monad) sees that your purpose is important enough to draw his attention then he will grant you access.

This is an imperfect correspondence, but it makes the point. Seeking to identify or call on the Monad will not have the intended effect until you have removed certain limitations and grown in purpose and ability.

Comment: In Scientology, everything is addressed to us as thetans, which as near as I can tell, roughly corresponds to the monad — the first unit of individuation.

JJ: The Thetan would most likely be what DK calls the soul – the Higher Self. It’s quite possible L. Ron Hubbard had the teachings of the monad in mind when coming up with the concept of the Thetan, but as far as contact goes he would be reaching the highest consciousness that the individual limitations would allow.

“Dissatisfaction, disgust, distaste, and a deep fatigue are characteristic very frequently of those who are on the verge of discipleship.” DK, A Treatise on White Magic, Page 59

Dec 18, 2003

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Fear and Trembling

Fear and Trembling

Question: You’ve been teaching about controlling anger. How about the other emotions?

JJ: None of the emotions disappear as one moves up the scale. Instead, they are brought under “right direction” so they are rendered harmless. Eventually the control is so automatic that they are placed “below the threshold of consciousness.” When this happens the subtle emotion has not lost its existence, but is automatically put in its right place when a stressful situation occurs.

Question: If Joseph Smith had taken this initiation in previous lives and therefore achieved it so early (14 years old) in his incarnation as Joseph Smith, then he must have had to meet and overcome his dweller in prior lifetimes. If so, how come the evil force that attempted to seize control over him was so ferocious? Hadn’t he defeated it before? If so, where did all that pent up negativity come from?

JJ: I believe he was 16 when this happened. As evidence the only account in his own handwriting tells us that this was his age.

When the initiate returns and passes through an initiation as traumatic as the third the ferociousness does not diminish. Often it gets worse. The only difference is the strength and resolve of the initiate increases making the chances of success greater each time the dweller is faced.

The dweller, however, reincarnates with the initiate and may change its tactics, or the Dark Brothers may control the Dweller in a new attempt to defeat the initiate. Sometimes they are successful for a time, but the third degree initiate (and above) will usually prevail in the end. Remember Moses was delayed in facing his dweller for 40 years – but he eventually prevailed.

Question: And if JS had some degree of control over the appetites of the flesh, having passed the first initiation, how come he had such a problem with his sexual appetites and why did he have to marry so many women and could only see the molecular relationship playing out by having multiple wives?

JJ: There has surfaced a lot of material defending Joseph Smith making arguments that he actually didn’t practice polygamy. One of the strongest is that all DNA tests so far have not found any offspring proven to come from him even though there have been numerous claims in the past. The claim is that Brigham Young and other leaders conjured up the idea and publicly attributed it to him after Joseph died and they moved west.

Initiates such as Joseph Smith and John Kennedy who appeared to have a lack of control over sexual appetites had this problem, not because of lack of control but because of illusion or just a lack information to fill in the blanks of their philosophy.

If you study both of these men you will see that they both had tremendous control over the physical when such control was within their belief system.

Consider this. A hundred years ago many people believed that cocaine was a healthful product. Now, if a person believes that cocaine is good for you then he will make no effort to control his use of it. Because of erroneous belief, the taking of this drug gives no evidence whatsoever of any inability to control the physical.

Even so, because of Joseph’s and JFK’s beliefs concerning relationship with women their seeming lack of control was not lack of control after all. To control a thing one must first believe that it needs to be controlled.

This does not mean these two initiates did not make mistakes. They did. But the mistakes were caused through erroneous belief and not through lack of self control required by the first initiation.

Comment: Given the differences in the accounts of Moses, Jesus, Paul, and Joseph Smith in receiving their third initiations, it seems to me that there aren’t too many hard and fast rules about how and when it takes place.

JJ: Just as each of us have different personalities and play out our lives much differently, even so are each of our Dwellers much different and attack us with a different strategy geared to our own weakness.

Because the personal Dweller knows the seeker and makes the attack tailor-made to his weakness it will be a very traumatic experience. There is no way around it. Even if the disciple has knowledge ahead of time about the concept of the Dweller he will be caught by surprise and awestruck by its power.

Comment: If a person has the ability to confront his dweller with the realization that he created him out of his fears and illusions, and had the ability to calmly see the dweller for exactly what he is — an illusion, he should be able to dissipate him without a lot of fanfare.

JJ: Until the Dweller is dispersed through passing the third initiation when it makes itself known it will be just as real as is your physical body and you will not be able to simply disperse it through the knowledge as taught here or by DK, even though this knowledge will help. Only through the raising of consciousness through great struggle will he be defeated.

Waxing strong in the presence of God has a multitude of layers. For instance the Holy Spirit is never an overpowering presence but of this we only feel the portion that we can comfortably endure. With this there is no fear. Through the Son (the Angel of the Presence) the door is open to the Father energy (Ray 1) and this vibration must be attuned to as the disciple moves from one step to the next. The first touch of it at the third initiation is overwhelming and more fearful than the Dweller himself but eventually the disciple’s “confidence waxes strong in the presence of (Father) God.”

Comment: I didn’t see any such hesitancy in Jesus or the Christ prior to or during their incarnation.

JJ: Do you not recall the words of Jesus in the Garden at the fourth initiation? “Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.” Luke 22:42

He did indeed hesitate and wish within himself that he could escape the next step, but as with any good disciple, he yielded to higher will over his own.

Comment: I gather that the Christ eagerly awaits his chance to return, when conditions are right. As do others, since they ask us to work for the exteriorization of the hierarchy. I get the feeling that when conditions are right, nothing can hold them back.

JJ: DK tells us that the return of Christ will indeed be a point of tension for him since it will complete his seventh initiation.

Each initiation is liken unto a battle against a great foe. A part of you looks forward to the conflict and ultimate victory, but another part of you is troubled by the fact that all may not go as planned and failure and temporary defeat is a possibility. In addition the disciple is not excited about going through the distress that proceeds the victory.

You are right. When conditions are right, nothing can hold them back, but not because they are eager to be with us, but because they are the “Lights which carry out the Will of God” and yield to that will.

Comment: I also don’t see any such hesitancy in Sanat Kumara when he made the decision to turn his back to the sun and come to earth. This was a risk and a renunciation for him — something which he gladly did.

JJ: But you do not know the whole story. Yes, he made the decision to come here. But was the decision an easy one? No.

Joseph said the words of Christ were:

“My Father worked out his kingdom with fear and trembling, and I must do the same”

Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith Pg 347

This Father would be Sanat Kumara who underwent such tension that it made him fear and tremble.

DK said this about fear: “Fear has its roots in the warp and woof of matter itself, and is par excellence, a formulation or effect of the mind principle, and a result of mental activity. …It lies in what is called cosmic Evil—a high sounding phrase, conveying little. It is inherent in the fact of matter itself and in the play of the pairs of opposites—soul and matter.” A Treatise on White Magic, Pg 298

Every great step forward is taken in the midst of a point of tension.

To decide to go forward when everything within your being says no takes the greatest courage of all and is indeed worthy of glory.

Question: Wouldn’t a glamor be involved in a desire to hold on to one’s status over serving humanity?

JJ: To be concerned with a possible temporary retrogression has nothing to do with glamour. A glamour always involves a distortion of reality. To look at the road ahead and accurately see the good and the bad possibilities is to see reality as it is and thus glamour is not a factor. Courage is. To follow the will of God into paths of great risk for the service of humanity is indeed a courageous act as well as a fiery demonstration of love. A natural “fear and trembling” precedes all greatness, no matter what the idealists may say.

“Why; I (Christ) do the things I saw my Father do when worlds come rolling into existence. My Father worked out his kingdom with fear and trembling, and I must do the same; and when I get my kingdom, I shall present it to my Father, so that he may obtain kingdom upon kingdom, and it will exalt him in glory. He will then take a higher exaltation, and I will take his place, and thereby become exalted myself.” Joseph Smith, from The King Follett Discourse.

Question: Could you give additional comments on how the Dweller gets reborn?

JJ: No life dies into complete extinction, but moves from one place to another.

When a human dies, he does not go extinct, but merely leaves his physical body.

When the Dweller dies its thoughtform, sustained by the initiate, is dispersed so it has no dwelling place.

But when the initiate is reborn and relives (in digest form) all the evolution of his past lives a new thoughtform for the Dweller is created that must again be dispersed.

The Dweller does not get more powerful in each life of the initiate, but it does get more cunning. Whereas the initiate may overcome him quickly in one life he may be tricked into a time consuming battle in another.

The Dweller itself is a life form which is evolving and will reincarnate in various forms until it eventually becomes a human – in another solar system.

Just as we are the shadow of our souls, so is the Dweller our shadow.

Dec 14, 2003

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Last Chance?

Last Chance?

Reader comment: I disagree that a person will have only once chance to have soul contact…

JJ: I never said this. Once a person approaches the soul he has innumerable chances at soul contact.

Comment: ….or if their soul is trying to tell them something and if they ignore it, disbelieve it, or think it is only their imagination, they will lose contact for that current lifetime.

JJ: Let me expand on this.

One of the main purpose of soul contact is to reveal to us the next steps in our progression. Our progression is like climbing a ladder. We must start on the first step and proceed to the second, the third etc. If we try to take the fourth step when we should be on the first then we will stumble and fall. Therefore, when our soul guides us toward our first step and we refuse to take it, but try to take another step, or even back off and take no step then there is little our soul can do for us. The soul is not going to grab hold of us and shake us and force us to take the necessary first step.

On the other hand, it will wait for us to be ready as well and create circumstances to guide us back to this first step.

Sometimes it may take an entire lifetime to take our next step. If our next step is difficult for us our soul will continue to guide us as long as we are working on the next step revealed. If you have twenty years between steps and have accepted the next step given to you by your soul and are working on it to the best of your ability then you will receive inspiration through the soul on many matters in between the steps.

The principle is this. If the entity refuses to listen to the soul on one important matter he will usually not listen to it on another. If he refuses his next step, which is essential to his progression then everything else he gets through attempted soul contact will be distorted, filtered through the illusion of his prime rejection.

The soul never gives up unless one chooses the dark path and totally rejects the vibration of the soul, making contact impossible in this round.

Barring this we have unlimited chances to resume contact, but to have clear contact we must not neglect the last thing the soul has revealed to us.

The soul may go so far as to remind us of the next step in a number of different ways, but when it is revealed it is very essential to follow if we want more.

Some may question:

“If one rejects his next step will he still think he has soul contact?”

Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Few are strong enough to admit they have been cut off and will often think their higher emotional feelings come from the soul. Unlike soul which is always correct, these higher feelings are sometimes correct and sometimes not – depending on how accurate his learning has been.

Comment: I think a lot depends on the person and how strongly they reject or dismiss the contact.

JJ: How strongly we reject will determine how long it may take us to turn around, but we either accept or we do not. There is no middle ground. You either take the step or you do not. To half way take the step is to miss the step. A definite decision must be made to take the step. Once this decision is made you will have the full support of the soul along the way.

To reject your next step is to reject the vibration of the soul. When the vibration of the soul is rejected then the pure vibration can no longer be clearly recognized until the seeker gets back to his next step and moves ahead.

Comment: If somebody totally turns their back on the light, sure they aren’t likely to get another chance in this lifetime. But if somebody simply has doubts or fears about it but is still open, they might more opportunities.

JJ: There’s always opportunities. Now keep in mind I am not talking about the sin against the Holy Spirit, but a refusal to take the next step.

This refusal may actually begin with a half-hearted initial acceptance, but the seeker just gets lazy and the winds up putting the next step in his subconscious and forgetting about it – or rationalizing about it.

Fears and doubts as you mention may also hinder him.

Whatever the case, the next step must be actively pursued if the seeker wants full contact.

If he is not taking his next step he will still go through many learning experiences that will prepare him for the step or bring him around to it. He can still love his fellow men and perform service and fulfill many good intentions, but further revelation through the soul will be illusive. The best he will achieve will be reworking past successes and receiving soul confirmations that will lead him to his next step – that he may be seeking to avoid.

There is always illusion to consider when speaking of this subject. Sometimes the pilgrim will receive a desire through his astral body and think this is the next step revealed by his soul. Then taking this wrong next step really complicates matters for him.

This is why the learning to recognize the true vibration of the soul is so important.

Whenever a person casts his eyes in the direction of the soul he finds the soul already has arms open to receive. The is no last chance. The moment the person yields to the higher vibration or revelation he is accepted, even if he has delayed a thousand times.

The problem is not that our souls reject us, but that we reject the soul. When the next step is revealed we have to go back to it and take it if we want to move ahead. Our soul will do everything possible to nudge us toward that step.

Question: Are we not to acknowledge where we are on the path?

Acknowledge to yourself what you know for sure. Do not assume that which you do not know. The safe thing is to take the lower seat at the table so if we find that we are asked to “come up higher” we have honor in our humility.

On the other hand, if our next step revealed seems bold and beyond our degree of initiation we must have faith in the Spirit and move onward to the best of our ability without fear.

“The Hierarchy might be defined as the sum total of those sons of men who are no longer centered in the individualised self-consciousness, but who have entered into a wider realisation, that of the planetary group life.” DK, A Treatise on White Magic, Pg 38

Dec 9, 2003

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Time Travel and Atlantis

Time Travel and Atlantis

I checked out the time traveler site recommended by a reader and found it quite interesting.

First of all I will say that I am inclined to believe that we are not visited by physical time travelers. One reason is this.

Let us suppose that a time travel machine was invented in 2036. This would attract the attention of many people and it would not be long before every man and his dog would be either building or buying one. Mass production would make them readily available and it would be entirely possible that within 50 years after the invention that they would be as popular as the computer is today.

Now let us suppose then that by the year 2150 that 100,000,000 people had access to time travel. How many time travelers do you think each of us would be running into? Every time you go to the grocery store you’d be bumping into a couple.

Also, Kennedy and Lincoln would not have been assassinated for a number of time travelers could not have resisted going back and rescuing them. There would have been quite a few appearing just before 911 to warn us of the disaster.

This is indeed a strong and logical argument on the side that physical time travel has not happened.

One could argue that in the future time travel is controlled by strict laws, be even here some would get away with breaking the laws and play around with changing the past.

That said, I found John Titor’s (the time traveler) predictions quite interesting. If Russia does attack us in 2015 I will take a second look at my belief system. (Written in 2003)

There is one prediction that made a lot of sense to me and that was his prediction of a civil war in the U.S. in 2004.

Actually, this country has been in a civil war on the astral plane since the close 2000 election. Since then the far left has been seething with anger and seeking for any chance to get even. Thus we do have the danger of this astral war extending itself to the physical plane. If we were to have a second controversial election a physical conflict could be externalized. If Bush wins again the forces of attack could come on stronger than ever.

If Howard Dean (or someone else) wins and attempts to take away additional freedom of speech – such as implementing the Fairness Doctrine that is talked about – (or increasing taxes) then the conservatives could rebel.

Whatever the case the tension between the two extremes is going to get worse before it gets better. This doctrine that everyone is preaching about accepting diversity is being thrown out the window with extreme hypocrisy.

Back in 1997 when I posted the first Immortal book online I received some interesting letters from a guy who claimed to be a time traveler. He said he was from a couple hundred years in our future where he lived on Europa, a moon of Jupiter. He said he did not travel here in the physical, but was borrowing a body to do research in our time. He said that there had been a great war a few years in our future and that his time only had a sketchy history of events before the war. He had come back in time to study our history so the future could have an accurate and more complete account of what happened and the causes of the war.

Too bad he could not give me immediate predictions because of his lack of knowledge of our time period – so he said.

Question: DK said in “The Externaliszation of Hierarchy” that the Forces of Light actually triumphed in the conflict of Atlantis and you seemed to indicate otherwise. Which is right?

The cleavage between the two groups (the one expressing the forces of materialism and the other the energy of light) grew gradually wider until towards the close of the Atlantean Age it was so wide, and the lines of demarcation between the two schools of life and thought were so clear, that a crisis was precipitated in the then civilized world of which the present conflict is a definite effect. Let us also hope that it constitutes a climax which will never again occur. Then took place the great war between the Lords of Form and the Lords of Being, or between the Forces of Matter and the Great White Lodge. A careful study of volume two of The Secret Doctrine will prove enlightening to students, if they will study with particular care pages 275-466. To our understanding, this account may seem vague and obscure, but the issues at the time were clear. The Forces of Light triumphed because the Hierarchy was forced to intervene potently, and, with the aid of certain great Lives extraneous to our planetary life, They brought the Atlantean civilization to an abrupt end after a long period of chaos and disaster. This took place through the medium of a culminating catastrophe which wiped hundreds of thousands of human beings off the face of the earth. This historical event has been preserved for us in the universal legend of the great flood.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Pages 122-3


On the other hand in the same book he says: “Its appearance, expression and activity upon the physical plane for the first time since it withdrew into the subjective side of life and focussed itself on the mental plane (instead of the physical) during the days of ancient Atlantis and after the war between the Lords of the Shining Countenance and Lords of the Dark Face, as The Secret Doctrine calls it. For millions of years, AS A RESULT OF THE TRIUMPH OF EVIL IN THOSE DAYS, the Hierarchy has stood in silence behind world events, occupied with the following work-a work which will eventually be carried on exoterically instead of esoterically:” The Externalization of the Hierarchy. Page 519

Also in Treatise on Cosmic Fire, page 392 he says: “The Lords of the Dark Face, or the inherent forces of matter FOR A TIME ACHIEVED SUCCESS, and only the fifth round of our chain will see their ultimate defeat.”

Why the dichotomy here?

The answer is quite simple. The Dark Lords won the great battles in the days of Atlantis but the overall war extends over millions of years.

From the short term angle the Dark Lords had their victory, but from a wholeness point of view the Lords of Light moved a step forward after the destruction of Atlantis.

It all comes down to the attitude of the observer best demonstrated by the story of Edison.

A reporter once approached Thomas Edison as he was working on the light bulb and said: “You have been working on this silly light bulb for years and have attempted 10,000 times to make it work and they have all failed. After 10,000 failures are you now prepared to admit that this light bulb idea is just a dream?

Edison wisely answered: “My dear friend. I have not failed as you have said. Instead I have successfully identified 10,000 combinations that do not work. I am 10,000 steps closer to success and do not have many more to go.”

DK thus called the conflict in Atlantis a success, in this instance, not because a victory was achieved over the hearts of men, but because the Hierarchy had worked out a lot of bugs to prepare for the successful win during the two great world wars and the laying of the foundation for the great age to come.

“Correct response to one’s environment will result in correct rapport with the soul aspect, hidden in every form, and will produce right relations between the various parts of the inner nervous structure to be found in every kingdom of nature, subhuman and superhuman.” DK Treatise on White Magic, Page 21

Dec 3, 2003

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