Practical Healing

Practical Healing

Today my mind reflects back to my younger days to an incident when I was about 17. This was around the time of the Cuban missile crisis and my mom built us a bomb shelter which I also used as my bedroom. We never had to use it to escape nuclear war, but my family was glad to have me live there so I could play loud rock and roll music without bothering anyone. Because it was almost soundproof I was one teenager who could make all the noise he wanted.

I always slept in on weekends and was often awakened by my friends bursting in my bomb shelter and pulling me out of bed to play basketball, go hunting or some other activity. Since it had a separate entrance my friends did not have to check with my mom before entering.

I remember one morning I had a more unusual awakening. I was lying in my bed just coming to consciousness and right beside me was my friend, Brent, sitting on a chair, just silently staring at me. How long he had been sitting there I do not know. At first I wondered if I was seeing things, but after blinking my eyes several times I determined I was awake and it was indeed Brent who was just sitting there staring at me.

Just as I was about to ask him what he was up to he spoke with strong emotion saying:

“Did you realize that when you just opened your eyes and woke up that you are one day closer to your death???”

“You mean you’ve been sitting there waiting for me to wake up to tell me that?” I said incredulously.

He then got up and started pacing the floor, “Today we are one day closer to our deaths!” he almost screamed.

“That’s a strange thing to be thinking,” I said. “What put that thought into your head?”

“It happened this morning when I woke up. The thought just occurred to me that I am one day closer to my death. I realized that this is absolutely true and there is nothing we can do about it. This is such a terrible thing to know that I just couldn’t be thinking it alone so I wanted to make sure someone else is thinking it with me. That’s why I came over here and sat in the chair until you woke up. I wanted you to wake up with the same thought I woke up with.”

“Thanks a lot,” I said. “Actually, I already knew I was one day closer to my death, but just don’t think about it.”

“Well, I had never really thought about it until this morning, but now I have thought about it I feel really strange knowing it.”

“Well think about something else then” I said. “Like maybe being one day closer to having a girlfriend.”

What this little incident teaches us is the power we have in selecting the thoughts that govern out state of being.

We can see ourselves as one day closer to death or we can se ourselves as one day closer to some type of success that we are working toward.

We can see ourselves as one day closer to financial ruin or one day closer to prosperity.

We can see ourselves as one day closer to old age and bad health or one day closer to good health.

Energy follows thought and when our minds focus on a thought, good or bad, then energy follows.

Now good health is contingent on a number of factors – among them being diet, exercise, genes, karma and mental focus or attitude.

We do not have much present control over genes and past karma, but we do over everything else. Some of the greatest health practitioners started out in life by inheriting many health problems and coming close to death. But instead of taking defeat lying down they fought back, learned the secrets of good health and lived robust and long lives.

One of our new members have asked for our help in improving his health and to aid in this I asked some questions. Here they are with the response and comments.

Your age   31 Comment. This is a young age to be having health problems, but the positive thing is that if you turn your situation around you can enjoy many years of good health.

How long have you had health problems? Comment: His health problems began around age 23.

How many medications are you taking? “A lot I am on clertin, singular on and off but I take thyroid meds, afranil for ocd not sure if I spell the med right but it for my ocd which is compulsions. klinopin for depression. maalox and gas corel calcium and muti mineral supplement msm.”

Comment: I would guess that your health has gotten worse since you have been on all these medications. Not only do individual medications cause problems, but their effects are often amplified when they are taken with other drugs.

My wife’s daughter was just given a prescription by her doctor. She asked him if it had any side effects and he acted like they were negligible. Just to make sure she did a little research on the web and came across testimonials on chat rooms which scared the dickens out of her. It turns out that this drug is more addictive than cocaine and has alarming side effects not mentioned by her doctor.

The first thing to do is to get off these drugs as soon as possible, but quitting cold turkey could be dangerous. You need to work with a professional health practitioner on doing this. Find a good Chiropractor or Naturopathic physician who has a reputation for knowledge of natural healing and seek his help in switching from chemicals to natural healing agents. Often they can give you natural medicine which is better than the chemical.

For instance, my wife was on a synthetic for her thyroid for many years, but a knowledgeable health practitioner switched her to an all natural substitute that works better.

In addition to this read books on natural healing as well as fasting. In the end a healthy person is also a knowledgeable one about the means of achieving health.

Two things you are taking which may be good for you are coral calcium and minerals.

I say “may” because they also may not be good for you. Some coral calcium is contaminated with inorganic minerals which may do more harm than good. The same is true with some mineral supplements. Previously we discussed the problems of taking the wrong minerals.

If you are taking minerals in pill form you are probably getting very little if any benefit. If you are taking colloidal from a mine then it may be contaminated with inorganic aluminum or lead. A couple years ago there was no supplement I could recommend so I advised the group to seek out highly mineralized foods.

Our member asks, What kind of diet are you on? I do not eat fried foods. I eat dairy products meat green beans peas TV dinners.

Comment: Sounds like you eat an average diet. If you have not read any books on healing with food I would recommend going to your health food store and asking the clerk for a good one and read it. I read a number years ago, but there are probably good news ones out.

Comment: I still do not understand why miracle healings are not common. Maybe my guilt is making me sick.

There are not more miracles because each disease is there to teach us a lesson and most of us are slow to learn and slow to develop true faith.

Guilt can indeed make a person ill and you need to do all in your power to dismiss the outward authorities who are causing it.

Feb 1, 2003,

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Thoughts on Morality

Thoughts on Morality

A couple members have been arguing over the subject of morality as endorsed by the masters. One view is that they basically leave such things up to the individual with little concern on the matter and the other view is that they are concerned and do provide guidance and direction.

Then as this exchange proceeded we found that part of their disagreement was because of the use of differing definitions.

That said let us first ask ourselves why this difference in viewing morality has evolved into two basic camps. One is the fundamentalist religions who use the word “morality” liberally and would like to impose their views upon the world. The other camp has such a negative reaction to the word that they seem to want to eliminate it from our vocabulary.

Part of the problem comes from distorted fundamentalists words that are a turn off for many modern free thinkers. Some of these words are “sin,” “repent,” “salvation,” “righteousness,” “virtue,” “Jesus,” “God,” “Satan,” “devil,” “demon” and of course, “morality.”

The trouble with many of these words is that their current meaning has been distorted from the way they were used in ancient times. While the use of many religious sounding words today are associated with the backward geek, they were considered “cool” in Bible times because they were seen and defined differently.

Therefore, when we are presented with certain “turn-off” words today we must not reject them out of hand but reach a consensus of meaning of the principle behind the discussion.

Should we then be subject to standards of morality or not?

The answer is yes and no.

No when the standards are imposed from an outside source which is not confirmed by the soul.

Yes when the standards are from any source which are confirmed by the soul.

In my view the whole argument is between one who follows the law of Moses or the law of Christ.

To be moral according to Old Testament Law one had to literally comply with the law which was etched in stone.

Then Christ came and established the New Testament wherein righteousness was not determined by a black and white following of an outer law, but by following the inner law of Christ which is written upon the heart.

He taught that when the inner law of love is followed the positive intent of the outer law is complied with.

So if one is guided in his behavior by that which is revealed through the soul does this mean that morality is no more?

It could if you define morality as that which is strictly presented by churchanity or black and white arbitrary rules, but it would not if you define morality as “living up to the highest you know.”

We could say then that for the coming age the moral person is he who lives up to the light he has. The immoral person is he who denies or goes against that inner light.

Do the Masters care about our living up to the highest we know or in our obedience to rules that register with our souls, such as “thou shalt not steal?”

Again the answer is yes and no.

No because our personal morality is not their point of focus.

Yes, because they judge our progress by viewing our inner light. If the inner light is clear then they know they do not have to go down a Santa Claus type list of good behavior. If the light is good then they know the right standards of morality have been applied without knowing the details.

Therefore, we can say that the Masters are indirectly concerned about the morality and ethics of the disciples. If one were to disregard his moral light and commit rape then indeed the light would darken and the disciple’s work would be effected and would cause an effect in the Master’s ashram.

So what does DK say about morality?

He says that a basic morality and standards of right and wrong from the best of the teachings of the world must be incorporated by the disciple. He must also incorporate the basic teaching on love and right human relations. But this alone does not get him into the Master’s ashram. To become an accepted disciple he must develop skills which are useful to the higher work. Even though these skills may have nothing to do with morality he does not say morality is to be disregarded.

He says this: “Such are some of the teachings concerning disciples and their recognitions and it is valuable for aspirants to ponder them. It should be realised that though good character, high ethics, sound morality and spiritual aspiration are basic and unalterable requirements, yet more is needed if the right to enter the Master’s Ashram is to be granted.” Treatise on White Magic, Page 174

In addition he talks about some of the qualities expected of disciples. One of the things I found interesting is that he said that the disciple should not do anything to set an example which is below the ethical standards of the day. In other words, the disciple is expected to set a higher standard of behavior, not a lower one.

One of the main standards he talks of repeatedly is called “right human relations.” Understanding that which produces right relationships and incorporating them will determine the new morality.

On this subject DK writes: “Right human relations will come by a mutual recognition of mistakes, by sorrow for wrong action in the past, and by restitution, if possible. It will come when nations can be educated to appreciate the good qualities of other nations and to comprehend the part they play in the whole picture. It will be developed when the sense of racial superiority is killed; when racial differences and racial quarrels are relegated to the unholy past and only a future of cooperation and of understanding is actively developed; it will make its presence felt when the living standards of right relation (sought by the enlightened people of every race) become the habitual attitude of the masses and when it is regarded as contrary to the best interests of any nation to spread those ideas which tend to erect racial or national barriers, arouse hatreds or foster differences and separation. Such a time will surely come. Humanity will master the problem of right human relations and attitudes.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 195

Feb 1, 2003,

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Imperfect Initiates

Imperfect Initiates

Question: Are we talking initiates or initiation?

We have been talking about initiates, not the initiation process, but they are interlinked.

Comment: I am assuming that one who is a second degree initiate has undergone the rod of initiation and has the requisite occult knowledge and abilities (as per Bailey’s definition.)

A person can attain the third degree and sometimes even the fourth without ever acquiring any standard occult knowledge in a life. He will have an inward esoteric understanding, but it is possible that he has not yet studied much outside of some standard religion. His mission may have little to do with spiritual knowledge as most understand it.

Abraham Lincoln, FDR and Winston Churchill are three cases in point.

As far as the initiation ceremony goes this is often done shortly after death or during sleeping hours and the initiate may have no memory of its occurrence.

Question: Wouldn’t a second degree initiate be a master within two of the three worlds of form.

I think the word “master” here is misleading. A second degree initiate may not be much of an athlete, for example, because his mission requires that his attention be placed in other areas.

A good word to describe it is “control.” In the first degree he attains reasonable control over the pull of the physical so the downward pull of matter and form will not be able to direct his attention away from a positive work he is seeking to accomplish.

Bill Clinton is a good example of lack of control. He had lots of brain intelligence, but let the pull of matter in the form of a sex urge out of control prevent him from serving as he could have done. It is possible he achieved initiation in a past life and slipped backwards in physical control in this one.

A second degree initiate has control over his emotions so he will not express himself in ways that he may regret.

This does not mean that he will not get emotional or angry at times, but it does mean that he can control the release of his emotions so they will be relatively harmless. When the second degree initiate looks back on how his emotions are released he will have no regrets.

For instance, he may feel angry to the extent that his emotional self wants to hit someone. He will not bottle up his emotions, but, instead of hitting him, he will communicate his feelings some other way with as little disturbance as possible.

He may feel like knocking a door down, but then think to himself, this is silly because this door would cost a lot to replace. But I need to release the emotion so I’ll give the door a kick, but not hard enough to do damage.

He then kicks the door, maybe a couple times, and has no regrets because the whole experience was under his control and no harm was done.

You’ll find that most of the initiates of the world are very passionate, but have learned to control their passions to their satisfaction and the satisfaction of their souls.

Question: doesn’t a second degree initiate have continuity of consciousness?

A second degree initiate will not necessarily have continuity of consciousness between lifetimes or even during sleep. This often does not occur until the fifth initiation. Most initiates have a continuity of consciousness that carries over their ability to recognize truth, but not necessarily all the details of past lives.

When DK talks about a person moving consciousness between the physical and astral he’s talking about what is referred to in today’s language as emotional intelligence.

Research has shown that many very successful innovators did not do well in school, but have an emotional intelligence which gives them power to accomplish much more than memory training of the brain.

A second degree initiate has high emotional intelligence and is able to move his consciousness into the astral body and communicate effectively on an emotional level at will. Then he can move his attention out of the emotional to regular physical consciousness and communicate with his beer drinking friends on a more physical level.

This is what is meant by moving in and out of the astral.

Comment: It seems that Bush, Putin, and Blair fall short of the third initiation.

I see nothing that would indicate that Bush, Putin or Blair fall short of the second degree. They are all men of strong emotional intelligence, but I do not see any of them as passing the third degree.

Concerning Bush, for instance, Bob Woodward of Watergate fame, and not too friendly to past Republicans, like Nixon, spent several moths with Bush in writing a book about him and came away liking him very much. Many Democrats who thought he was going to do a Watergate special on him were disappointed at how he talked about Bush’s influence on people once they were in his presence. He pointed out that he had a charm that few could resist when spending some time with him. This is often the power a second degree initiate has on those who could otherwise have been his enemies.

Comment: I would think that Margaret Thatcher, Gorbachev and Nelson Mandela could be second degree initiates.

I would also agree that these three are initiates. You cite flaws with Bush, Putin and Blair, but one could also find flaws in these three. Many initiates have visible flaws on the personality level.

Mrs. Thatcher initiated an advance for women by becoming the most powerful female in the world and doing the job as good or better than any man of her era.

You criticize Bush for dividing allies, but Mrs. Thatcher did this also in the Falkland Island War. Sometimes you have to stand alone to do the right thing and this she did, even without the support of Reagan.

It’s a good thing that England stood alone against Hitler, even though many in America just wanted to appease him and have “peace.”

Having people turn against you is not a sign that you are doing the wrong thing. If you do the right thing you will often encounter high resistance.

Some seem to think that if a person makes a few mistakes he cannot be an initiate. This is not the case. Even the Masters make mistakes.

Comment: I thought all initiations from the third upwards were always taken consciously ie a person knew he or she had taken an initiation.

Movement into the consciousness of the first two initiations is gradual and the initiate will not be aware of the exact moment that he has arrived in the eyes of the Hierarchy and usually does not even know what an initiation is.

We must remember that the initiations as described by DK are merely a hierarchical recognition of what has already been achieved.

The third and fourth is different because the disciple will definitely realize he is going through a unique experience as he crosses the threshold. The disciple may cross the threshold of the initiations and make use of the higher consciousness for some period before he receives the ceremonial diploma, so to speak.

Even though a person may achieve the third degree he may be completely physically unaware that he has taken an initiation. Even so, he will be aware of a “higher calling” and a higher consciousness. In this way he is aware of initiation, but not aware of the details.

The apostle Paul is the most famous case in point. When he saw the blinding light and heard the voice of the Master he knew he had moved to a new level with a new mission, but didn’t know the details as to what a third initiation was.

When Abraham Lincoln underwent the fourth initiation (where he crossed the threshold) he knew that God had tested him and that he had yielded to higher will but wasn’t sure what it was all about.

When an initiate is reborn he usually passes through his past initiations without a lot of fanfare and no ceremonies until he arrives at his consciousness of his last incarnation, usually by the age of 21.

Jan 28, 2003,

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Initiation 101

Initiation 101

Reader comment: The initiates you mention are basically rich and famous. I would assume that one need not be in that category to be an initiate.

You are on the right track here. For one thing there are not enough rich and famous positions to accommodate all upcoming initiates and, then too, many of the rich and famous are not initiates.

Actually, the initiate is more likely to be infamous and low on funds than rich and famous. For teaching purposes it is advantageous to point out initiates who are known to us rather than unknown figures of whom we know nothing.

The thread that runs through the work of all initiates is that they will be working with great focus on initiating service to the world. The greater the initiate the greater will be the vision and the work.

I will add this. An initiate of the fourth degree or higher is usually working with initiating service with world wide effect so these people will sometimes attain world wide recognition. This will change though as more fourth degree initiates appear and work with group endeavors.

Some initiates do work behind the scene and create an effect as powerful as others who are well known. DK tells us the disciple must be prepared to work for no recognition on the physical plane if this is what the situation requires. On the other hand, during other times recognition is essential to get the job done. The principles are black and white, but the rules are not.

Let us look at the principle here which is this. A person can recognize those of his own consciousness and below. Even a Dark Brother can recognize and understand his own.

An aspirant can recognize other aspirants and those who are not aspirants. A first degree initiate can recognize (and understand) others of the first degree and aspirants and non aspirants. And so it goes up the scale to a Master who is a fifth degree initiate or above. He can recognize and understand his own and all those below him.

But those who have not attained in consciousness cannot, on their own, correctly judge the higher. He may have a revelation of the higher or he may be taught about the higher and have an intellectual grasp. He can also gain understand by using the Law of Correspondences. In this way he may have some understanding, but not a full comprehension because of a lack of experience with the higher consciousness.

Many beginners on the path think they are about as high as they can get and understand the full range of consciousness. These people would be embarrassed if they knew their true situation.

Comment: It is a rocky road for lesser mortals that discussing people’s spiritual status and degree of soul contact as is fraught with difficulties.

Good point. This is why the only initiates I will identify are either dead or do not know I exist, and this is for teaching purposes.

If I were to say that Glenys is X degree, John Y degree and Rick Z degree, this would open a can of worms that would destroy the group.

I may identify group members who are working on initiating something, but this only means they are headed the right direction and this alone gives no indication of their status.

As soon as the thought of status becomes a major point in our consciousness the effectiveness and progression is reduced to near zero. We must forget ourselves and become emerged in the saving work for which humanity pleads. In this there is joy and if the disciple has as much joy as he can handle then only his direction has meaning – not status.

Comment: Perhaps students should search on the internet for all the information available about the Brotherhood of Light for a better understanding.

This is fine with me but first let me give you some advice.

Every organization and individual, no matter how great their illusion, who has dabbled in metaphysics or New Age philosophy thinks they are either on the side of the Brotherhood of Light of their direct representatives. It’s just like every Christian Church sees themselves as the one Jesus would approve of.

Do you think that representatives of the Dark Brotherhood advertise themselves as “The Lodge of Dark Brothers – Come join us.”?

No. Even these present themselves as messengers of light and love.

So in the search for the Brotherhood of Light one must search by the light of the soul.

And as long as you are running things by the soul, I would recommend starting with the writings of Alice A. Bailey.

Jan 28, 2003,

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Discerning Initiates

Discerning Initiates

Question: If some controversial political leaders are initiates then where does that place members of this group who are seeking spiritual values?

Just because someone is a member of this group or any other metaphysical or spiritual group does not place him or her above or below leaders in politics, business, science or anyone else on the path. Where you are depends on your personal progress and the relationship you have with soul and spirit. Joining the Keys or any other group is not a sign of initiation. Joining this group is generally a sign that the participant wants to advance spiritually and therefore would qualify him to be an aspirant or higher.

In this group there are several initiates, but there are also aspirants who have not attained initiation. There are also probably a few curiosity seekers, not particularly serious about the path.

Question: What kind of initiations and organizations are you talking about?

Organizations have nothing to do with initiation into the Brotherhood of Light. An initiation is recognized by them when a certain level of attainment has been reached.

There are various organizations which have their initiations and degrees (such as the Masons) but such stages of advancement within these organizations have nothing to do with the initiations as taught by the Ancient Wisdom.

We talked about controversial initiates earlier mentioning for example that Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were competing initiates. These two are examples of initiates who are not members of any spiritual organization. In fact, because of the astral level of most supposed spiritual organizations, most true initiates avoid them.

The majority of initiates will be found working in what is generally considered non spiritual endeavors ranging from politics, to science, to business, to education, to creative endeavors. Steven King, Tom Clancy, Steven Spielberg are initiates, for example, as well as several other people I could name that would infuriate some people in the group.

The important point to remember is that spiritually centered initiates only constitute about 14% of the achievers. All the fields of endeavor are, of course, spiritual from a higher point of view, but to the general observer, the making of movies, or a business venture is not considered spiritual.

Few of us would agree with or see only good in many who are thought to be initiates. When seekers speak of initiates in a generic way they often see them as saintly, but when we meet a real live one we are likely to become infuriated by them.

Abraham Lincoln was a fourth degree initiate, and now that history has judged him, most people recognize he was a great president. But this was not the case in his time.

The New York Times and other papers continually attempted to paint a picture of him as a stupid oaf and often compared him in looks to a dumb ape. They accused him of being a low life who told bar room stories way below the dignity of a president.

The religious people thought he was an anti Christ because he did not belong to any church and even had séances in his home. His own cabinet wanted him to step aside and allow them to make the decisions because they thought he was not competent.

Lincoln had to go from a Dan Quayle type of image to a great president image which was a major accomplishment by itself.

Lincoln, an acknowledged initiate by DK, is seen by historians as brooding and possibly depressed, but whatever emotions he had, he did not let them stand in the way of following the highest he knew. Controlling the emotions so they do not distract from the mission or personal goals is the important thing.

An interesting sideline is that Joseph Smith, an initiate, advised the Mormons of his time not to vote for Abraham Lincoln, another initiate indicating that initiates do not always see eye to eye.

Another point is that some of the initiates among the Founding Fathers of the United States came close to blows with other initiates.

The coming generation of aspirants and initiates must not let preconceived notions create a fog that causes us to overlook the work of the various initiates in the world who are on the left, the right and the middle of the belief spectrum.

I personally disagree with many of the initiates of the world on a number of items, but that does not negate the positive work they do.

It is much easier to look at dead initiates and honor them than it is to comprehend living initiates.

Even Jesus had only 120 followers after his crucifixion. Now he has over a billion. But if these billion were to individually spend five minutes in his presence and listen to his ideas of world change 90% would deny him as an imposter.

Question: How do you explain the fact that I get a lot stronger spiritual impression from members of our group than from any politician I now of?

Yes, I have a soft spot for members of this group also. There is not another group of people I would rather associate with. This does not discount the fact that there are aspirants, disciples and initiates who have soul contact (from time to time) who are scattered as yeast within every major organization and philosophical train of thought upon the earth.

Comment: It seems to me that the real initiates often get no recognition. How about the guy who really wrote MS-DOS and sold it to Bill Gates for $50,000 as just one example?

You give an interesting example of Bill Gates and the guy who actually created the program MS-DOS – Tim Patterson. Many people think that Patterson, who actually created the program was the greater initiator in the whole scheme of things, but was he?

The fact is that for every one person who can take an idea, or invention, and materialize its appearance on the physical plane for mass consumption, there are a hundred idea people who never go anywhere.

Why is this?

It is easier to come up with an idea or invention than it is to bring it (through much resistance) to the public and convince them to use it.

If Patterson had the vision of Bill Gates he would have never sold the program to Gates for under $100,000. Because Gates saw the vision he was willing to go out on a limb to acquire it. And what would Gates had done if Patterson had not sold? I doubt if he would have quit there. He would have probably offered Patterson another more favorable deal or found some other software.

The point is that Gates would have initiated something significant no matter how Patterson would have reacted to his offer and the general public still would not know who Patterson is.

To materialize a major change upon the earth takes an initiate and to think that an idea person can do this with creativity or consciousness alone is to misjudge the situation.

Our friend, Sterling, presents us with a case in point. He has done a tremendous amount of research into alternative fuels and engines. It is amazing how many possibilities he has found and a number of them in his opinion hold much promise. The interesting thing is that none of these inventors have had the initiating power to get these engines perfected and to the market. Sterling, like Gates, sees a great opportunity here. He has a great desire to find an alternative engine and get it into the hands of the people. Because I have some understanding of the difficulties in initiating, I surmise that he has bitten off more than he initially realized. Even so, he is plugging away at it and if successful he will indeed prove himself to be an initiate.

An initiate is one who initiates. To dream and create in the imagination is only the first step. To build a prototype is a second step. But to get the concept into the hands of the public and convince them to buy and use it is by far the most difficult.

Initiation as it is defined in the Ancient Wisdom is too complex of a subject to cover here. It is a subject we have not covered in much detail yet but hope to one day.

There are many things involved in passing the various initiations, which are seven in number for this planet, and two to be taken on more advance systems. There is one common thread that will ruin through them. The initiates will be working on initiating something beneficial for humanity.

The giving out of revelation by DK through Alice A. Bailey in this century and another disciple later in this century is part of an initiation that he is personally working on. One must admit that his teachings so far have initiated significant change in the way many think.

May this group also change the way many in the world think – for the better of course.

Jan 27, 2003,

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Examining Initiates

Examining Initiates

A reader made the comment that Bush, Putin and Blaire seem to correspond more to Larry, Curly and More than initiates.

It is the tendency of many students to assume that all present day initiates are some type of spiritual giants and most of all, agree with them politically. Such is far from the case.

DK makes it clear that advanced entities are often involved in work not considered spiritual and they are found on both sides of the political spectrum. Many students today assume that if a person disagrees with their political views that they must be very low on the totem pole, but this is an illusionary stance. Initiates below the third initiation are found all over the place and because they have not mastered basic illusion they can still choose a wrong path, such as Hitler who reached the second degree before being caught up in a great destructive illusion.

Bush has had up to a 90% approval rating with his constituents, Putin 87% and Blair has also been quite high. A Larry, Curly or Moe does not get elected to a major nation and obtain such a high percentage of the support of the people with serious issues.

I would guess that the reader’s disdain for them comes more from a political disagreement rather than a true assessment of these men as three frivolous jokers.

The interesting thing about initiates is that they will appear on both sides, and the middle of the political spectrum. Neither you or I will agree with them all. They will almost always be controversial, if they have any power, and do not always agree with each other.

All initiates cause some controversy, but not all people of controversy are initiates.

After the third initiation initiates will come much closer in their views and approaches to problem solving, but first and second degree initiates will often disagree.


Because illusion is not dispelled until after the third initiation. Illusion is built upon a foundation of incorrect core beliefs and until a person examines his core beliefs and corrects them he will have many incorrect branch beliefs and disagree with others with differing core beliefs.

A first degree initiate obtains power over his physical self. These three show evidence of this in the fact that they have honored their commitments to their wives and has the self control to not use their station of power to satisfy the lower sexual nature.

Bush quit drinking and taking drugs completely and has had the self control to stay clean for decades. Blair and Putin are moderate drinkers which is another sign of self control, especially for one in a position of power.

On the emotional plane all three are very emotional, but are able to direct then to create desired ends.

The most obvious sign of a second degree initiate is the ability to initiate a creative and constructive change using physical, emotional and lower mental means. Other world leaders often destroy more than build and change by itself does not qualify.

Keep in mind that not all will agree with the direction of initiatives created by initiates and they are often far from 100% beneficial. Even so, they are fruits of an initiate. An initiate is one who initiates. One who claims to be an initiate without initiating or assisting to initiate a creative change or work according to the highest he knows is deluding himself.

What did these three men initiate?

First let us examine Bush: The latest thing he initiated is the shift of power in the Senate from Democratic to Republican giving him much more power to accomplish his objectives than before. No one expected this to happen but he set the goal and campaigned exhaustively and strategically to make this happen. Most political strategists, Democratic as well as Republican, believe that he almost single handedly created this shift of power which hadn’t been seen in an off year election since 1934.

After 911 he initiated a war on terror with the effect of neutralizing any major calamity from Sept 11, 2001 to the present date. Few at that time would have predicted we could have even gone another year without another major attack.

Positive results materialized in the War in Afghanistan with greater rights given to the general population and a much more democratic government. The situation is far from perfect but much better than it was when the Taliban was in control.

He was responsible for getting the UN inspectors back into Iraq.

Tony Blair: I do not know as much about him but I do know that he initiated changes in his labor party. In 1995 he initiated a positive change in his party’s constitution which altered an almost communistic goal of common ownership and controlling production. Overall he redirected his party toward lower taxes and more individual initiative and freedom.

Vladimir Putin: He took over a country on the verge of collapse and has brought a positive stability which has increased to the present time. This alone is a major sign of an initiate.

An extremely important item he initiated is a 13% flat tax. While other nations have just talked about doing such a thing, Putin actually did it.

This has had positive results to date and will have long term effect that could very well make Russia a major economic power in a few years.

The interesting thing is that the first year after the tax rate went from 30% to a flat tax of 13% that tax revenues increased by 28% and the economy grew by 5%. Maybe people are more willing to pay when they think the tax is fair.

Wouldn’t it be great if our maximum income tax were 13%?

This initiative on his part will also bring more investment to Russia for many years to come.

Initiates on both sides of the political spectrum will often be portrayed as stupid, reckless, dangerous, goofy, or worst of all ignored by the press, their enemies and the powers that be. Enemies will also have much false data and accusations circulated about them. A case in point was Bush’s low IQ in comparison to past presidents. This was a complete fabrication to reinforce the idea that he is dim witted. On the contrary, those who know him well say that his intelligence is very underestimated. It has been reported that he has been introduced to up to fifty people and was able to call them each by name without error before the gathering was over, something I certainly cannot do.

An interesting sign that Bush is an initiate was after his first meeting with Putin he stated, “I looked the man in the eye, I was able to get a sense of his soul.”

An initiate does have the ability to get a soul sense of others important to his work that is beyond the interplay of words.

Putin was asked about this soul remark in the following quote:

David Montgomery, a reporter for a U.S. newspaper chain, Knight-Ridder (recorded by the Russian transcript translator as “Nightrider”), addressed Putin with a familiarity few Russian heads of state have been accorded in public:

“Vladimir Vladimirovich, you are about to meet for a second time with President Bush.

“During the first meeting in Slovenia he said that he looked into your soul. Did you look into his soul, and if so what did you see?”

Bush had said that when he inspected Putin’s soul he found he could trust him.

A former Soviet KGB agent whom nothing seems to faze in a press conference, Putin responded to the soul question put to him:

“You know, maybe it’s normal for the USA, but for the Russian ear the phrase is a bit strange.

“When President Bush is mentioned, he is called George Bush Junior. For me, he is not junior. I was born in 1952, he was born in 1946, I think. [Right, on July 6.]

“For me, he is first of all a colleague in the work in the regions. You see, I know how he feels in this sense.

“I, myself, worked in one of the major regions of the Russian Federation for seven years. I was deputy mayor of St Petersburg, whereas Bush was head of one of the major states.

“Maybe that is why it was fairly easy for me to talk to him.”

Then, in what has become typical of Putin’s handling of the press, he launched right into a question not asked, thus resurrecting a point he wanted to rub in by indirection:

“Second, I should say that I do not share the opinion of some that he lacks experience. He and I are fairly professional.

“In my 18 months as Russian president, I have been trying to gain an understanding of many things myself, and I have tried to do that as deeply as possible.

“I must say that in this respect he is a totally competent interlocutor, with whom one can talk a common language and understand what is being said.

“That is also a positive aspect, because it is hard to talk to a person about something when they do not understand. I had no problems in that respect. He was very well-prepared.

“Third, just as a person, which is probably also an important aspect – I don’t know if he will like me saying this or not – it seemed to me that he is a pretty spiritual person, nice to talk to, maybe even – again, perhaps I shouldn’t say this – maybe a bit sentimental. But I think that is a good sign.

“Although at the same time, he firmly stood his ground, especially on issues of international security. I have nothing to add there. You know, we did not even try to reach agreement on certain issues that we discussed. We just set out our positions.

“This is all a very good basis on which to build both a personal relationship and to try to find solutions to the complex issues that we have not yet managed to agree on.” Quoted from

Jan 26, 2003,

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Things to Come

Things to Come

I was asked during this period of uncertainty (Jan 2003) to give any insights I have about our future.

First, let me say that I have received no direct revelation on the specific details of the future but will tune in to the best of my ability to lay out the situation we face.

A little preparation is always in order for there are always unknowns in the future. Even the Masters are not able to predict with 100% accuracy unless some type of decision has been made and passed down by the Planetary Logos.

Those who have put forth the notion that a true prophet must know the future with 100% accuracy have done the Brotherhood of Light a disservice. No one who has made more than a half dozen specific predictions has been 100% accurate without dispute. Even some of Jesus’ predictions are questionable and one must use some creative license to claim they are literally true.

For instance, he said “I come quickly,” 2000 years ago and still has not shown up. Thus do believers apply some creative interpretation to make Jesus literally accurate.

But even with the difficulty of accuracy we can tune in to present day points of tension and get a feel of where they are leading us. Then by using the discerning power of the mind in connection with soul we can conclude some accurate probabilities.

That said, what then is my take on the current situation and the dangers we face?

Actually, it is still the same danger talked about written in 1997 from The Immortal:

“There are ebbs and flows in all things,” John replied, “including the flow of spiritual energy both from the Light and Dark Side. At this point in time, the positive energies are such that an approximate 20-year window or weak point is exposed, and the Dark Brothers have taken full advantage of it. Their first step was to send a neutralizing energy through this wormhole. This does not hurt the Workers of Light, but it distracts them, giving the Dark Brothers an opportunity to pick certain areas of the earth to plant their ideas and promises of power to large egos. The problem is, during this window, the Dark Ones are able to keep some of their workings secret by sending a distracting energy so the Brotherhood of Light cannot attend to their full duty. For this reason, my stabilizing help was needed and I was unable to visit you in the physical body. But I did tell you we would meet, so I went out of my way here to fulfill my word.”

John continued. “During one of these windows I mentioned, the Dark Ones found fertile soil in the minds of Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin, and planted the seeds necessary for their missions. Now, in some ways, we face an even more dangerous time. You would think the fall of communism and the Berlin Wall would make things safer. It is true that opportunities for advancement are open as never before, but the extra freedoms also open the door to the possibility of great evil. During this period of distraction, we believe the Dark Brothers are attempting to initiate a plan to spread the sale and development of nuclear and chemical weapons as far and as wide as they can. They will especially concentrate on North Korea, China and the Middle East. In addition, the third world countries and terrorist groups are also a threat. They will also attempt to give new life to the Nazi party in Germany, but we do not believe this will be successful.”

I was curious about the Neo Nazis in Germany and did a little research and found that their power and threat increased in Germany for a couple years after I wrote this, but can’t find a lot on the subject after 2000. Instead I think Nazism is morphing into other more acceptable thought systems. This is evidenced by the fact that the past couple years that there has been unprecedented (for recent times) attacks on Jewish communities and synagogues in Europe.

The rest of the warning is still our greatest threat:

“They will especially concentrate on North Korea, China and the Middle East. In addition, the third world countries and terrorist groups are also a threat.”

Instead of placing attention on where the danger is, many new age and Christian prophets, as well as patriot groups and others espousing freedom have been diverted in their attention by focusing on illusionary threats that have never materialized such as Y2K, disaster from planetary alignment, planet X, and numerous conspiratorial plots that never materialized.

Evil prevails when good people do nothing is the old maxim. How do you get good people to do nothing? Deceive them to place their attention where the problem is not so the real evil can continue to grow.

Among the prominent world leaders there are no high initiates to combat the problem as was the case with Winston Churchill, and FDR to a lesser extent, during World War II, but there are three second degree initiates in place who are George W., Bush, Tony Blair and Putin in Russia. (Note; Second degree initiates are far from perfect) These three represent an “axis where the line is drawn in the sand,” so to speak – where evil cannot cross.

Most of the other world leaders are not initiates and have no line drawn to “seal the door where evil dwells” but follow the line of least resistance.

Keep in mind that this “evil” spoken of in the great invocation is not the general degenerate evil in the minds of the average public, but, as DK explains, is a Nazi type evil which seeks to take away the freedom of thought and action of humanity.

This door to esoteric evil is still open in North Korea, China and many Islamic countries, especially Iraq. The recent war in Afghanistan has tenuously shut the door to evil in that area and opened the door to human rights if the current progress is sustained.

So, what do I pick up at present?

At the moment we are in far greater danger than we were when faced with Y2K or any of the alarms in the recent past. The largest problem is the good people are diverted in their attention to the following:

(1) Peace movements that put people to sleep from being vigilant and ready to act against world threats. (2) Greater alarm in very minor restrictions of freedom necessary in any war on evil than the real evil which can devastate world freedom. (3) Other worldly disasters which have a low chance of materializing.

The major current threat is from terrorists and their greatest supporter is Saddam Hussein. Even if he has to support those who he does not like he would be deliriously happy to bring destruction to the United States, England and other countries to a lesser degree.

Here is what is supposed to go down.

Saddam Hussein will be removed from power and a democracy established in Iraq while North Korea is contained.

When this happens the other totalitarian middle eastern countries will be shaken to the core and become more tolerant so they do not look like the new Saddam. Their people get a little taste of freedom and start demanding it until other democracies begin to form.

While this is going on North Korea is afraid to make an aggressive move because the possibilities of defeat are overwhelming.

After democracies begin to form in the Middle East the main area of concern will be China and North Korea. Because China’s economy is so intertwined with the United States they will be hesitant to make war or invade Taiwan. Invading Taiwan is heavy on their mind and will continue to be so for some time and will happen if we do not show solid support toward that Island. If the mainland believes they could take Taiwan by force and get away with it because of weak leadership in the west then they will do it. They also wish to test their military to see how it will do in a real war.

There is a good chance that we can maintain reasonable relations with China until the time comes that their people will demand a greater voice. This movement toward democracy began with Tiananmen Square with the student revolt in 1989 and is continuing to foment and will some day bear fruit.

We must deal very carefully with North Korea until there is a change of administration.

So, what do I pick up at the present moment? I pick up a point of tension and Iraq is the epicenter. War is almost irreversible as Bush has decided that the removal of Saddam is essential for world security.

This country is a different situation than North Korea as the current regime there has never invaded another country and is not under UN resolutions because of aggression.

Saddam is under UN resolutions to allow disarmament and initiating war because of a breaking of those resolutions is a continuation of the Gulf War rather than a new war.

France and Germany seem to be against the war for altruistic reasons and are attempting to block Bush from removing Saddam. One of the reasons for this is that both countries have done a lot of under the counter dealings with Iraq including supplying them with weapons of mass destruction technology and materials. France is doing $1.5 billion in trade with Iraq that is publicly known and has a strong financial interest in keeping Saddam in power.

If Saddam is removed many embarrassing details will be revealed for various European countries.

Because North Korea (under its current leadership) has not attacked another country then we should not attack them but seek to contain them with every means possible.

Two wild cards in the near future are North Korea and the International terrorists. North Korea is likely to commit aggression out of of desperation because they cannot feed themselves. 7,000,000 people are in danger of starving to death this year alone. A better example of why totalitarian communism cannot work cannot be found.

The economy will be sluggish until there is some very positive news on the war on terror. If Saddam is removed we would have a big turn around in the stock market.

As far as an end of the world type of scenario goes. This is not in the plan, but because of free will there is always a small chance that a doomsday situation could occur.

There is over a 50% chance that a nuclear bomb will be used aggressively by North Korea, the Middle East or Terrorists within the next ten years. (Fortunately, this did not happen) Then there are other dangers. Pakistan could be taken over by a militant regime. Then too a number of other countries pose a lesser, but still serious nuclear threat.

Let us hope that we can have enough vigilance that we do not need such a drastic wake up call to take preventive action.

There will be ups and downs over the next 30 years both in international tension and economically, but we will survive them all. If all goes according to plan the next couple decades will bring that stability necessary to allow the Christ to teach among us again. The present world situation is not yet stable enough to handle his direct presence.

I’ll end this text by posting an article I write to my local paper about China back in 1989 after the Tiananmen Square incident.

THE NEW REBELS By Joseph Dewey


How great is the price a nation must pay to obtain it.

How easy it is for rising generations (who did not participate in that payment) to take it for granted.

We who have this precious gift look on at the struggles of others and wish them well, but that is all we do.

We have empathy, but we do not really feel their pain.

We weep at our own little problems, but we do not share their tears.

We mourn our own dead who have lived out their lives yet we turn and look the other way so we are not reminded of the blood of youths which flowed at Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China.

For a moment in time it seemed as if history had been reborn. I thought I heard an Patrick Henry say “give me liberty or give me death.” I swore I dreamed of one like Ben Franklin who comes forth to enlist the help of other nations and writes great words admired by all the world. It seemed that I saw Thomas Jefferson lifting up the Goddess of Liberty to inspire all who gazed their eyes thereon. Then, lo, out of a blaze of light, more real than the Sun I saw General Washington ride forth on a white horse gathering lovers of freedom by his side striking terror in the heart of the modern king George.

I felt I must have seen this vision alone, but no. Someone else saw it. Someone with the power of the apocalyptic beast straight from Revelations. Someone who demands the power to think for others. Someone who wants all power and honor and glory for himself and cannot allow the “little people” the respect they deserve. Someone who is threatened, rather than proud, of the best blood of a thousand generations and will destroy these lights because they eclipse his own.

Those who represent this power of the beast in Beijing saw the vision and believed it. They knew their seat of power was about to be ripped out from under them. They could not endure the cry of a Chinese Patrick  Henry and they gave him death. They hated the words of Franklin, burned them and cast him into prison. They shook with fear by the inspiration of Jefferson and tore down his ensign for the people and declared him a public enemy.

Most of all they fear General Washington. Was he the one who walked into the path of the crushing iron tanks, made them stop by shear courage alone and held an entire army in abeyance without an ounce of steel upon his person?

Or was he shot as a mere youth of eighteen as he lead others in crying for freedom?

Or is he yet alive in a dark prison with the sentence of death pronounced upon his head?

Yes, those with spirits like these valiant rebels were reborn in China to do their daring work even better than in history past, but the beast of authority feared the deliverers, and, like Herod did with Christ, tried to destroy greatness while it was yet a babe.

The Chinese person said it aptly in the Statesman on July 23rd: “Not even a prairie fire can destroy the grass, it grows again when the spring breeze blows.”

The spring breeze will blow again. If the heroes are yet alive they will see victory as Lech Walesa in Poland is now savoring. If they have been killed then others will come forth with more power than the first and the lies, and atrocities, and murders which have damned up the truth will burst and be as if they have never been. Only the stream of freedom and truth will remain.

Let us at least contemplate how we can be a part of this great event.

Jan 24, 2003,

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For the Love of Service

For the Love of Service

Looks like my teaching on self interest needs some clarification.

My point was that groups (and individuals within the groups) of many differing belief systems, from the most pure to extremely deluded ones, such as Nazis types, do serve for the sake of service to God or an ideal without examining and discovering their real motive. I was speaking generically about the various groups without placing anyone in the group within them.

It’s a little like giving the warning that one must understand who it is that he is voting for. You could be voting for an Abraham Lincoln, but you could also be voting for a Hitler. If the voter does not understand why he is making his choice and what the person stands for and the benefit (or grief) he may receive then he is playing Russian Roulette.

The same goes for service. If we do not understand who and what we serve and the benefit or grief that may come from it then the value of that service will not be known. It could help the world or it could be a destructive force, even though there is great desire of the person to do good through the service.

For example just before World War II there were many peace activists in England and the U.S. putting great pressure on these countries to not go to war and stand up against Hitler. Their motives were good but they were actively serving a cause which, if successful, would have allowed Hitler to conquer the world and today all who would not embrace Nazism would be killed. It would have been 1000 years before the Brothers of Light would have had another opportunity to drive them back.

When those deluded peace activists, at that period, died and received their life review and were shown what would have happened if they were successful do you think they would feel joy? No indeed. They would be thanking God they failed.

From my experience I have found that the highest joy from service comes from an understanding of the domino effect of that service and where it will lead. In addition to this a fullness of joy comes when one receives soul confirmation that the end product of the service is good and in alignment with the will of God.

One may very well be applying their service to a cause which will be of great benefit to the world, but I would suggest that unless we all search our motives and discover our true benefit from the service, that the possibility of self deception is there – like the voter casting his vote because it is the right thing to do, but knowing not who he is placing in power.

A reader mentioned that the motto of the Three Musketeers was a good guide:

“All for one and one for all.

Then Mark came up with an ingenious change:

“All is one and one is all.”

A couple readers mentioned that their motive for service is love for God.

Actually to say one is motivated by the love of God is very close to being motivated by joy, as I mentioned and evidenced in the following scripture:

“And I answered him, saying: Yea, it is the love of God, which sheddeth itself abroad in the hearts of the children of men; wherefore, it is the most desirable above all things. “And he spake unto me, saying: Yea, and the most joyous to the soul. I Nephi 11 22-23

The love of God is “the most joyous to the soul.” If the love of God brought us torment or pain, then we would not be very motivated by it would we? But because the love of God and all spiritual love brings joy then those who have experienced feeling it will have a strong desire to serve higher purpose so a fullness of joy can be obtained.

This helps us understand Hebrews 12:2 which tells us that Jesus was motivated by the joy he would obtain.

It is interesting to take a look at the average spiritual person who loves God as good as the best of them and see how he dispenses his service.

On the average case he will spend 40-50 hours a week at work serving others for money to make a living as the prime motive.

Then he may spend another 10-20 hours serving his spouse and children. Why his spouse and his kids and not others in greater need than his family?

Because they are his spouse and his kids and they provide him with greater benefit than the more needy.

He may attend a church or spiritual service several hours a week, but attending a meeting of itself is not service. He is motivated by what the service offers him or his soul.

He may serve his own desires for twenty or more hours by preparing and eating meals, watching TV, surfing the Internet, reading books or just relaxing at some hobby.

He may spend another 10-20 hours in fairly neutral activity such as driving, walking commuting, bathing, dressing, shopping or nothing much at all. These activities are roughly necessary to serving bodily needs.

If he is lucky he may have a few hours left for altruistic service. He may give of his time to teach, to feed the poor, to help a friend in need, to serve his party or church etc.

In this service he is not serving an individual being (God) directly but is serving God through helping his fellow men.

It is interesting to look over our lives at those who have served us and ask ourselves what was the motive of those who helped us the most . Did they seem to be very spiritual people and motivated to help you because they loved God, or did they seem to be people that didn’t seem to be particularly big on God, but just naturally nice people? This would be an interesting question for the group to comment on.

As for me, as I reflect on those who helped me when I really needed it, a good deal of that help came from people who were not particularly religious, or spiritual in the normal sense. I’m not sure if there is an incident where I was helped by a person who was motivated purely for his love for God. I have noticed that atheists are often as helpful as those who see themselves as dedicated to God. The most selfless service anyone has rendered me has been my mother. During my early life she was not religious and never went to church. Later she became very religious and dedicated to God. Even so, her willingness to serve me was pretty consistent throughout.

Another interesting thing to note is that that the strongest attempts to do me harm in my life has been from individuals who have had a strong belief they are serving God. I’ve never had much problem from non believers.

My summary: The greatest servants of humanity are those who have an inner contact with the soul and realize that helping others is like helping ourselves and receive joyousness from the act. Many of these people are not God conscious by the normal definition but are God conscious from a higher point of view.

Several have made the comment that when they serve God they do it with no thought of reward.

This statement seems to infer that when we work for money, praise or some other reward that the end product is in our minds as we work, but is it?

I put in many hours each week keeping my business together. One of the products we make is signs and as I was spending a number of hours on a project, I thought to myself these thoughts?

What is the reason that I am motivated to do this work instead of a thousand other things I could be doing?

The answer was to make the needed money to keep body and soul together as well as publish the next book.

Then I thought to myself this: “Throughout all the day I have worked for money have I thought of money even one time?”

Answer: No. I had not thought of money as a motive even once today nor did I yesterday or the day before.

What did I think about?

Answer: I thought about getting my work done and doing a good service and job for my customer.

Question: If I am motivated to do the work for money then why do I not think about money?

Answer: The course of the business was set some time ago and now I know that if I follow procedure that the money will just come in. Rarely do I even think about it.

Now let us switch to my motive for following the will of God in the highest service I know.

What is the reason that I am motivated to offer freely given service instead of a thousand other things I could be doing to get me ahead?

The answer is that I have thought my priorities through and have concluded that the greatest joy comes from service in alignment with the will of God and the will of God always includes the helping of our friends upon the path.

This said, when was the last time I was burning the midnight oil in service that I thought something like this to myself.

“I’m going to work real hard tonight so I can get lots of joy. Then I’m going to work even harder tomorrow so I can get more joy still…”

The answer is that I do not think I have ever thought such a thing while I have been in the service of my friends.

What did I think about?

Answer: My thoughts were similar to the service I render in my business. I thought about doing a good job so the recipient would find the service useful.

Question: If I am motivated to do the work for joy then why do I not think about joy ass a reward?

Answer: Again, the answer is similar to the one I gave for the business. The course of freely given service along with the benefits was seen and decided some time ago and there is no need to think about it. A lot of the joy and satisfaction in service whether it be through doing a good job in our normal work or giving to an altruistic purpose is the journey. Even as I write to you right now in service I find that I enjoy it. Then when I read your response I find I enjoy this also.

When I perform my business service well I find that money just comes in, as well as the enjoyment of a job well done.

Then wen I perform a more spiritual service I correspondingly also find that joy and enJOYment just naturally follows without having to think about it.

So, in summary, let us ask. If we are serving without thinking of the positive aspect of enjoyment or joy that comes from service, does this mean that joy is not a factor???

To the contrary, joy is indeed a factor. As proof just try to find one person who attempts to give service to God, but does not enjoy the service, or has any prospect for joy. I do not think you can find one. I know that I do not know of one.

Conclusion: Even though it may seem that many are serving just for the sake of service (because the reward is not in their mind as they work) there was indeed a moment of decision behind this work wherein it was concluded that following the will of God would be the most rewarding path. We always choose the path which will bring s the greatest possible reward.

Jan 19, 2003,

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The Zero Point and Service

The Zero Point and Service

A reader asked for more information on the following statement I made:

“This sounds like you are asking if some of the Masters who have overcome death have chosen to incarnate as regular humans at this time in order to serve. Yes. A small number have. But when a master incarnates as a regular human he has to start again from point zero and regain all his ability and knowledge. He will not automatically have the energies balanced within him and he has to pass through all the lower initiations again. Thus it is not only a great sacrifice for a master to do this, but it also is quite a risk.”

The point of contention here is my comment that when incarnating a master has to start from “point zero.” Some of you seem to interpret this as meaning that we start our spiritual progression all over again. This is not the case.

What is the case is that we all start at the zero point at birth. For instance, even though in past lives we all knew various languages and could communicate by speaking we all had to start at point zero and learn to speak all over again.

If you were a doctor in your last life then you will have no medical ability at birth, but will have to regain it step by step until you arrive at your proficiency in your past life.

If you had a conscious awareness of some continuing mission in a past life, you will have to regain it in this life.


Does this mean that if you wish to be a doctor in this life that your last life as a doctor is no advantage to you?

No. It does not. The reason is that you do not start at the zero point in intelligence. That comprehension of light, intelligence and principles that you acquire in one life will stay with you and carry over to the next life. This acquired intelligence is not apparent at birth and even the manifestation of it starts near the zero point, but it is there in the incarnating ego nevertheless. Also of note is that your soul is not fully linked with your body until around the age of seven or eight. This greatly handicaps the intelligence we have available and prevents us from having full self consciousness.

Especially after the age of eight those with the experience of many past lives have a big advantage over those with less experience. They are able to access their past intelligence and quickly relearn knowledge and lessons from the past that are required in their current life. This relearning continues until around the age of 21 at which we arrive at the conscious awareness and manifestation of intelligence that we left off in our latest incarnation. Then from the age of 21 onward we work on new lessons and forms of service.

This principle applies to all humanity, including a Master, should he decide to incarnate.

A Master is one who has passed through five or more initiations. If he decides to incarnate for some purpose, he too must start at the zero point, as a baby with a clean slate. But because of his great intelligence he is able to progress much faster than the average person and usually achieve his fifth degree consciousness by age 21.

Whereas a new initiate may work several lifetimes on one initiation a Master will usually go through five by the time he reaches adulthood. Each will be a challenge to him but be will have the internal fortitude and light to pass through them where the less experienced initiate will stumble and fail.

Does this mean that it is a sure thing that a Master (or the rest of us) will reach our past level of achievement by age of 21.

Answer: This will usually happen, but because of free will, some become lazy and not apply their full abilities. For this cause even a Master will risk retrogression when he incarnates. There is almost zero chance of him choosing the dark side, but he can get trapped again in the cycle of incarnation which may cause him to spend several lives to get back to the fifth initiation level.

Why We Serve

Comment: You say that every decision every life, even a master, makes is motivated by its own interests and benefits. That sounds selfish and not very spiritual. Shouldn’t we love and serve only because we love and desire to serve?

Before I comment it might be of interest to note that the Bible itself gives one of the prime motivations of Jesus. In the book of Hebrews we read:

“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Heb 12:2

So what was the self interest that motivated Jesus to endure the pain of the cross?

The scripture answers: “for the joy that was set before him.”

This was a motive that was much deeper than service for the sake of service. Many of the Nazis, cult members, and subjects of tyrants serve for the sake of service and love their leader for the sake of loving him. It does not occur to many robotic followers of various hypnotic systems to question their motives and simply ask themselves this question:

“Why I am serving this man, this leader or this concept of God that is in my mind?”

Not only must this question be asked, but it must be honestly answered.

If we are only serving God, Jesus, Buddha etc for the sake of service then what happens if our notion of God, Jesus or Buddha is entirely incorrect as is the case with most people?

Some people thought that Hitler was the second coming because he fit the image of Jesus that was in their consciousness. These blind followers found their service to Jesus became transmuted to service to a ruthless dictator.

Service for the sake of service to an unknown God has been the cause of great pain, destruction, suicide bombers, and almost every war that has been upon the earth.

Now some may say that this is not a problem because they know the true God and the true Jesus. Millions of people with diverse views say this to themselves every day. Some of these people see God as a dictator who is happy to destroy millions of people on a whim because they are the wrong race or have the wrong belief system. Others see a fairly loving God, but a God that isn’t that bright.

The only real safety in our progression is to serve for a cause that will bring the largest benefit to the greatest number of people to which we are connected. Because we are all connected by Soul serving others brings similar joy to serving ourselves.

Some people are motivated to serve because their religion promises them some material reward such as 70 virgins, streets of Gold, crystal castles etc, but these are rewards that appeal to the lower self, or the dark path. These motives must be transcended and be replaced by the joy of service to a cause greater than the lower self

Jesus had a vision of the great joy his service would return to him, and this was indeed a motivation for him to go in the direction that he took in the service of humanity.

As many of you know, I have spent many tireless hours of service in teaching this group. And what has been my motive and reward? It has certainly not been money, for it has cost me a good deal of time which could have been applied making money to do it. Nor does my motive have anything to do with ego fulfillment, the need for more friends or anything else connected with the lower self.

I have been given a taste of the joy which the purpose I serve can render, not only for myself but for others. Because of this I can completely understand why Jesus was motivated by joy.

What good would eternal life be if we served without reservations yet were dismal and without joy, peace or any enjoyable livingness?

Many of us here serve because we understand the value of enhancing the whole, but we must not forget that each of us are a part of that whole; and if even one individual is denied a fullness of joy then the group will also fall short of wholeness, or holiness.

Below are three interesting quotes from A Course in Miracles:

“But unless you take your part in the creation, His joy is not complete because yours is incomplete. And this He does know. He knows it in His Own Being and its experience of His Son’s experience. The constant going out of His Love is blocked when His channels are closed, and He is lonely when the minds He created do not communicate fully with Him.”

“God is incomplete without you because His grandeur is total, and you cannot be missing from it. You are altogether irreplaceable in the Mind of God. No one else can fill your part in it, and while you leave your part of it empty your eternal place merely waits for your return.”

“Whenever you question your value, say: God Himself is incomplete without me.”

This is an interesting thought that agrees with Chapter 22 of “The Lost Key.” God himself is motivated to serve those lower than himself because of what he gets out of it. He is motivated to complete himself. If he already felt complete, then perhaps this fallen world would be completely ignored.

Fortunately, the lower lives are not ignored by the higher because there is more reward for them than service for sake of service only.

Jan 16, 2003,

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Energy Flow

Energy Flow

Comment: I thought several of your statements from the archives gave some enlightenment on the benefits the Brotherhood of Light receive for their efforts. First this:

“The end result is worth the effort for both the Masters and the disciples, but as the disciple becomes one with the soul his consciousness blends with the Master through the Oneness Principle and this provides an increase in energy (food) for the kingdom of God.”

Here is another:

“Finally the wheat is gathered into the barn. Those with soul contact are gathered together as one in the higher planes, and become the food of the gods. The higher lives feast on the works of their labors, and receive nourishment from us lesser lives, that allows them to progress onward in the eternal work.”

The chapter from your book talks just about receiving light, either directly from the source, or reflected light from below. If you look at light as energy, wouldn’t there be a two-way flow? Inflow/outflow, male/female. Although polarized in one direction?

JJ Good points. There was not enough time in the chapter to go into a full explanation. Keep in mind that “above” means more than just higher lives. It also means the soul and spiritual energy which permeates all lives and forms. Because of the rejection of soul by the Dark Brothers their life-giving soul energy begins to be cut off and they must seek a reflected energy which is not their own. When it is taken there is decrease for all. When those in the light use soul energy there is increase and abundance because of reliance on the Source.

Question: Don’t we give and receive light and energy to from one another?

Yes. The soul opens the doors of unlimited spiritual energy. It opens avenues of contact with the Holy Spirit and higher, more advanced lives.

Comment: It would seem that the brotherhood of light FREELY give and receive. They allow energy to flow through them as a conduit, whereas the dark brethren only TAKE energy, and that through force and deception.

You are correct. The Brotherhood of Light receive from above (Spirit & higher lives) whereas the Dark Brotherhood take from the lower for their sustenance.

Lower lives of course assist the higher in the correct order of things, but it is done through knowledge and free will. The energy from the lower is poured into the whole and all benefit. In this way the higher lives give to the lower and the lower give back.

Energy flow is a complex subject, but the basic principle is simple. It’s a little like our computers which perform very complex tasks yet the whole complexity is created from a binary system of two factors – 0 & 1.

Even so giving and receiving is behind all the energy flows in the universe. This plus the principle of polarity creates the whole process. By polarity I mean that wherever we look there will always be either more giving than receiving or more receiving than giving in any area examined. Without this polarity principle there would be no creation.

Question: Could you elaborate on your statement that Decision + Attention = Consciousness. What about during sleep?

All self conscious beings have their attention on something, even in sleep. What happens when we fall asleep is not a loss of attention but a shifting of attention. Our tired bodies causes our attention to be removed from the physical and placed upon the mental thread that connects us to soul. This removes our conscious attention to other places that we cannot normally remember when we awake.

People of lower evolution have attention on the form side instead of the light that reveals more than form. The Dark Brothers have their attention on self.

Most people have unfocussed attention, but it is still attention. The key to creation and accomplishment is indeed focused attention.

The Middle way does require focused attention. The influence of the Dark Brotherhood on society is significant when you note all the mechanisms in play to relieve us of focusing our attention through self will and depending on authority, big government, institutions, entitlements etc.

Question: Is it a handicap to retain memories of past lives?

When a person learns his lessons and achieves (or is close to liberation) then the forgetting and the attaining new bodies is not so important. DK has had the same body for about 300 years and other masters much longer. They have learned to continue with their learning and progress without being forced to forget and refocus.

Until one is able to dispassionately use the memory of past lives it is usually best that we live lives without them as they could be a distraction for regular folk.

Jan 7, 2003,

Copyright By J J Dewey

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