Life After the Virus

Life After the Virus

We recently had a meme posted that deserves a dispassionate examination. It was originated by the author Brene Brown and reads as follows:

“We will not go back to normal. Normal never was. Our pre-corona existence was never normal other than we normalized greed, inequity, exhaustion, depletion, extraction, disconnection, confusion, rage, hoarding, hate and lack. We should not long to return, My friends. We are being given the opportunity to stitch a new garment. One that fits all of humanity and nature.”

This thought embodies the idealist side of humanity’s thinking. On the other end, we have many wanting most aspects of the old normalcy to return.

Which wing represents the most sound thinking?

As usual the truth is not found in either extreme but a some point in the middle.

Le us start here by analyzing the other side of this quote. It makes it sound like all the norms that existed prior to the endemic were very bad things. It makes me wonder what kind view of the world Brene had, to see only the negative around her. As for me I saw many good things from the past that we certainly do not want to eliminate. Here are a few, speaking from the view of one who lives in the United States

(1) Fee speech. Even though many have been attacking this freedom here in the USA I can still speak my mind without fear of repercussions. However, since the virus hit free speech has been curtailed. Many voicing opposition to establishment protocol or experimenting or recommending anything beyond that approved by the establishment and Big Pharma are attacked. Some have lost their jobs, been sued or prosecuted. Others have been banned from social media and Youtube.

I recently listened to Dr. Simone Gold on Coast to Coast describe how her freedom to prescribe FDA approved drugs has been curtailed and any action not approved by the media establishment deserves discipline.

Here is the link to her Coast To Coast interview: LINK

And here is an interview on her website in case you do not have a Coast to Coast membership: LINK

I could cite many other examples but do not want to write a book here.

(2) Not having to wear a mask wherever you go. Just questioning the value of a mask here can bring on personal attack whereas numerous countries that do not require masks are suffering fewer deaths and infections than the United States.

Everything that happens in physical reality has symbolic meaning. What is the symbolic meaning of wearing masks? There are several, but the main one is that the mask covers the mouth, representing speech. Since the mask has dominated, free speech has been curtailed correspondingly.

I certainly would like the normal of not wearing a mask to return.

(3) Public Gatherings. We miss beng able to go to restaurants, ballgames and social gatherings without concern of infection or other people being closer to you than six feet. I do not know anyone not looking forward to returning to the norm in this area.

(4) A return of people to their jobs. The closing and curtailment of small business, and some larger ones, has caused widespread unemployment and human suffering. Some argue that it has caused more suffering than the virus itself.

Now let us examine the things from the quote that are said to be the norm before the virus which are hoped to not be the norm afterwards.

(1) Greed. I do not think that greed has been the norm. Most people I know are fairly generous and willing to share. Think of people you know. Is greed the norm with the majority of them? Probably not.

Could each of us be a little more generous? Probably, but that doesn’t mean we are sinfully greedy.

Many associate greed with businesses, but businesses are composed of people like you and me. Most of them are just trying to make enough money so all involved can make a decent living. A handful seek to take more than they should but most are providing an honest service, especially the small businesses.

(2) Inequity. There are many inequities and not all are bad. After all, who wants the same size fitting all in appearance, dress, type of work, belief system, friends, etc.? Variety is the spice of life. Negative inequity such as unfair treatment socially or under the law is somthing many nations are working on but we often shift the unfairness around rather than correcting it. Greater fairness in equality is a slow process to achieve and it is unrealistic to expect a miraculous change because of a virus. Then too, in some cases a change in perception is needed. Many people see themselves as victims when their reality is of their own making as is taught in most advanced spiritual disciplines.

It is interesting that many have pointed out that the virus itself is not fair. For instance, someone my age at 75 years is 220 times more likely to die of the virus than a person between the ages of 18-29 and a person in the 5-17 year age group is 16 times less likely to die than the18-29 group. LINK

There is also a difference by race. Blacks suffer more deaths than any other race. In the United States as of Aug 18, 2020 they have 88.4 deaths per 100,000 Latino Americans fare better at 54.4 deaths while whites have only 40.4. On the other hand, Asians do best of all at 36.4 deaths per 100,000. LINK

Part of this inequity is caused by racial history of our ancestors being exposed to different viruses in the past, giving partial immunity, and part due to social and work conditions.

(3) Exhaustion. This is an odd point in the list for I do not know of anyone complaining of this. Probably the main cause of exhaustion is overwork and some will continue to push themselves in the future as in the past.

(4) Depletion and Extraction. I assume she is talking of a depletion of resources. Because of the genius of humanity any depletion is temporary. If we get short on one resource we will develop another that will be even better. For instance, with energy there are a number of alternatives that should supply abundance clean energy within the next fifty years. Just nuclear fusion alone has the potential to supply unlimited clean energy.

Because of many lockdowns we are using fewer resources but this is likely to be a temporary thing. Fortunately, technology is leading us toward unlimited resources of energy, if we do not self destruct first.

(5) Disconnection. Not sure what type of problem she was referring to before the virus, but during the endemic we have suffered a disconnect of Biblical proportions. People dying in nursing homes are not permitted visitation from family. Because of various lockdowns many are restricted from seeing loved ones and friends. Groups are hesitant to get together socially and when they do they often refuse to give each other a hug or even a handshake.

The old norm here looks pretty good compared to the disconnect during the present virus.

(6) Confusion. This is an odd ingredient in the list as many have suffered confusion in the past; it continues in the present and confused people will be with us for the foreseeable future. The fog of confusion will be slowly lifted as the consciousness of the people is raised and this will be a gradual process.

(7) Rage. There is always a certain amount of rage in society and that is not likely to end soon. Then too, we have cycles where the enraged express themselves aggressively, such as during the Vietnam War and the present reaction to George Floyd’s death.

At this point it is important that we promote goodwill as much as possible along with the realization that we are all brothers and sisters on the same planet, belonging to the same human race, and need to focus on unity rather than division. This will require the better angels of our nature to surface and the solution will involve a lengthy struggle. There will be no magic bullet on this when the virus gets under control though all certainly hope things calm down.

(8) Hoarding. Didn’t see much of a problem with hoarding before the virus, but when it became a threat we all saw hoarding like we’ve never seen before. Toilet paper, tissues, disinfectants and many canned goods just disappeared from shelves by hoarders. Fortunately, the supplies in many areas are returning to the old normal and most figure that is a good thing.

(9) Hate. There was a certain amount of hate before the virus, during the virus and it will exist after the virus. Again, we must spread goodwill and brotherhood. The words of the Master are apply:

“But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.” Matt 5:44-45

We must resist using accusations of hate as a weapon for many good and loving people are falsely accused of hating just because they have differences with the accuser. Let us focus on seeing the best in our neighbor, not the worst.

(10) Lack. Poverty is a problem humanity has worked with from he beginning of civilization. What is not realized by many is that the world war on poverty has been a great success story. They figure that extreme poverty is living on $1.90 or less in today’s money. In 1800, 81% of the world lived in this state of poverty. By 1990 only 44% were in such poverty. But since then success has increased so that by 2018 less than 10% of the world live in extreme poverty.

Since the virus hit many throughout the world have suffered an increase in poverty, so in this case the goal should be to get back to where we were and then move ahead again from there.

Brene ends with this statement: “We should not long to return, My friends. We are being given the opportunity to stitch a new garment. One that fits all of humanity and nature.”

As pointed out there are some things we want to return to such as less poverty, less rage, less disconnection, less hoarding etc. And I agree that we should take every opportunity to improve our situation, but in her short thought she doesn’t present any specific goals. She does seem to think, along with many others, that the crisis of the virus is presenting us with a great opportunity for positive change.

The problem is that many of the good and spiritual people of the planet are just sitting back waiting for someone else to make this happen and the effect is that power hungry politicians and some large business are seizing the moment which could result in much greater control by the powers-that-be over our lives.

A positive move forward always takes time and a lot of focus and energy. Promoting an ideal alone does little to alter reality.

The writings of Alice A. Bailey give excellent advice to idealists:

“Their (The idealists) dreams and ideas deal with projects for which the world of today is not ready and will not be ready for several thousand years. It is an easy thing for them to present impossible Utopias which have not the faintest relation to things which are needed today and which could be made possible. The name of these people is legion, and at this time they constitute a definite hindrance. A vision of the impossible is not the type of vision which will keep the people from perishing. Because of an inability to compromise and to face up to things as they are, these people and those whom they influence are landed in despair and disillusionment.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Pages 459-460

Comment: This problem, caused by an attachment to the ideal, is causing many difficulties today. Many form an ideal in their mind of how the world, government, human relations should play out and if things are not moving fast enough they will march, attack, riot etc. Many an idealist acts as if there is an unlimited supply of money in the hands of government and the rich and they should be forced to give it up, even if it should cause an economic collapse.

The wise merely look to the next step to be taken and do not try to take ten steps at a time.

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The Gathering Principle, Part 2

Texas Gathering, Part Seventeen
The Gathering Principle, Part 2

Very few people are aware but Jesus spoke quite a bit about the gathering. He attempted to gather the lights. The first attempt (in his day) at the gathering of lights was through John the Baptist. Remember, he’s a different character from John the Revelator. John the Baptist was quite different from Jesus. He was a very strict guy. He was into eating just the bare essentials, locust and honey. He lived in the wilderness and some people called him a wild man. Then Jesus came He drank a little wine and relaxed. He ate a little meat. A lot of people thought He was a glutton. They called Him a wine drinker and a glutton in relation to John. People wondered, “These two characters are entirely on opposite ends of the spectrum.” People were amazed that they were actually cooperating with one another because they seemed to be two types of characters who would be opposed to one another by using the normal thinking.

John had a hard time accepting Jesus at first because He was a lot different than Him. He was more relaxed than John. John was very serious. John was like today’s really fundamentalist religion person who wants to prepare for the great things to come. Then the person comes with the great things and was a lot more relaxed than everyone expected. So, John took his mission very seriously and he did everything he could to gather out the lights from the Judaic area and teach them. John acquired quite a large number of students. Then Jesus came along and He picked twelve of these students to be His disciples; twelve of the males of that group. He also picked twelve females who followed Him. That isn’t written clearly in the scriptures. But, of John’s group He picked the twelve. Because these people were prepared by John, He called John the greatest prophet in the history of man. The reason He called him the greatest prophet was because John prepared a group for Him despite their differences, despite their personality differences. John turned his disciples over to Jesus. What do most teachers do when they get a group around them? Are they willing to turn them over to any other teacher? No, they say, “These are mine. You go find your own.”

That’s one of the reasons Jesus called John the greatest prophet of them all, because he was able to overcome his ego and turn his students over to Jesus. He recognized that Jesus was a greater teacher than he was which was hard for him to do because Jesus was a totally different type of person than John was. He didn’t have these austere aspects to Him. He didn’t have a real cut and dry way of looking at things the way John did. So, John had to listen to his soul. When he listened to his soul, it spoke to him, and he recognized that there was one greater than himself. As a matter of fact, it says in the scriptures, “John was praying, asking, ‘How will I recognize the Messiah?” He didn’t know for sure that He was his cousin, Jesus. The fact that He was his cousin made it all the more difficult for who in the world would think his cousin or relative would be a Messiah or the carrier of the Messiah? The closer one gets the more you can see their flaws and the more difficult it might be to accept.

Almost all of my family thinks I’m off in left field somewhere. I can’t get any of them to read my book! I’ve given away my book to a lot of them then ask, “Have you read it?” “Well, no, I think I burned it.” (laughter) When I visit my relatives I notice that even though I’ve given them the book, it’s nowhere to be found on their bookcases. I look for it but it’s not displayed anywhere where it can be found. I wonder what they do with it; did they throw it away? Most of my family members are really staunch Mormons so anything that goes against the Mormon thought-form they’re very suspicious of. “The prophet didn’t say that this stuff in the book happened so. . . “

Anyway, the gathering principle is always resisted by the powers that be. In each age we have someone like Moses and someone like the Pharaoh and something like the people trying to better themselves. The gathering principle is the principle behind all evolution. You’ll find that when life began. It began by gathering out certain elements needed to produce molecules and certain molecules needed to produce amino acids and certain acids gathering together to produce cells, cells gathering together to produce little life forms and the little life forms gathering together to produce greater life forms until all the essence has gathered together from the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdom to produce human beings. Your life was produced by the gathering principle. All social evolution was produced by the gathering principle.

In the beginning there were families. Families gathered together to produce tribes. The reason they gathered together to produce tribes was because living as a family made you very exposed to the elements and it was very dangerous whereas if you gathered together to create a tribe it gave you a lot more protection from the elements. But then the tribes were attacked by other tribes so tribes gathered together to produce a nation. A nation could protect itself from wandering tribes. So the nation or the kingdom was much more superior to a tribe. Eventually when all the kingdoms have come and gone and risen and fallen, the people were more and more suppressed by the various kingdoms of the world. Then the western hemisphere was discovered and the greatest lights of the world that had been suppressed by the kingdoms gathered together and came to America for greater opportunity. Once they had gathered together here they said, “We want to go beyond what the kingdoms have done. We want to go beyond having a king to tell us what to do be able to cut our head off if we don’t conform.”

So they created a series of laws and ensured greater freedom. This was because of the gathering principle. The lights gathered here in America and they created something that had never been before by the gathering. Then in various religious organizations there has been gatherings. The Mormon Church attempted a gathering together of the lights, however shortly after the death of Joseph Smith the gathering principle ceased to be taught. Now they just gather into churches instead of gathering in communities to create a better way of life.

So, the gathering principle has been tried again and again but unfortunately, with this country, we gathered together to escape bureaucracy and now we’ve gone back to creating tremendous bureaucracy. It’s almost like a kingdom government where we are told what to do in every little detail again. So, another gathering has to take place. This next gathering will be a spiritual gathering. It will be a gathering of lights, a gathering of people who will see the God within.

In the book of Revelations, chapter 14, John said that he saw 144,000 led by the Lamb and they had within their forehead the name of God. And the 144,000 were people that had the name of the Father in their forehead. What does that mean to have the name of the Father in the forehead? It contrasted with what else? Chapter 14 comes after chapter 13 where it talks about the beast. The beast had his name engraved in his peoples’ forehead. Then in chapter 14 we find there is another group who have the name of God in their forehead. What’s the difference between the name of the beast in the forehead and the name of God in the forehead?

Audience: I think the people with the name of God in their forehead are people who follow the God within and do not follow authority lightly. The beast people follow outer authority as their choice.

JJ: The name of the beast in the forehead is what?

Audience: Inaudible discussion.

JJ: Right, the name of the beast– the number of the beast in the forehead is 666. The number of the beast is 666 and the name of the beast is authority. The reason it’s called 666 is because 6 is the number that governs emotional energy and 6 is the number which governs the age of Pisces which we are now leaving. The first six is symbolic of control over the physical reality. The second six is being led by your emotions in the feeling world. The third six is having your mind subjected to emotional control or astral control. These are the three sixes. So if a person has the number of 666 he is controlled by outside authority on three levels.

Six is the number of the ray which governs Pisces. It governs the solar plexus and it governs the astral world where there is great deception. The astral world is the desire world controlled by the emotions. So, the first 6 represents the physical world; the physical world governed by the pure emotions without mind. The second is where our emotional world is governed by its self without any influence of the higher worlds. It’s governed by its self which is another 6. The third is the mental world. The mind is not governed by its self but it’s governed by the emotional feeling. The reason it’s called the beast is because the beast reacts not by mind but by feeling.

Remember what I said about the dog yesterday? I say, “Bad dog, bad dog” (in a soft tone) and I speak with feeling but I say something negative and the dog responds by panting happily. He thinks it’s great. The beast is controlled purely by the way that it feels. A beast has to be herded and controlled and directed by a master. Those that are subject to the beast have to be guided by some authority, outward authority, not God, but an outward authority that takes the place of the inner God. This outward authority is his master and that makes him subject to the beast. He’s subject to the beast because the number 6, the astral world, the astral desire nature, tells him how to think.

The astral desire nature tries to govern itself. It tries to govern physical reality. Almost all the world is subject to these three 6’s. They have the mark in their forehead which means they have to think as they’re told to think by the beast. They have the mark in their right hand which is a symbol of work, of labor, in the scriptures. That means they have to labor as they’re told to labor by the beast. Any work that they do is subject to some authority telling them what to do. Any thought they think is subject to an authority approving that thought. If they go out of what the authorities tell them they can think or do then the beast does everything in his power to put them back in line by the fear of God or whatever means necessary. The beast can use the fear of God because the beast takes the place of God and becomes their outward God.

Then John saw the 144,000 had the mark of God in their forehead, which was the name of God. To have the name of God in your forehead removes you from the power of the beast. Why? It’s because when you realize that you have the name of God in your forehead, you realize that you are one with God. Remember, Jesus said, “I and my Father are one. My Father has given me His name and His name I give unto you and you will be one even as I and my Father are one.”

When we are one as Christ and His Father are one we have the name of God in our forehead. To find God we look where? Do we have to go ask a priest where God is? Do we have to go ask a prophet, a bishop or an elder, or a pastor or a reverend? No, we look within and we ask within. The kingdom of God is within you. Look within and you find the name of God is your name. Your name and the name of God is one. Your real name and the name of God is one and you look within and within is the spirit of God.

Delivered by J.J. Dewey Sunday, May 26, 2002 Wimberly Texas

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The Gathering Principle, Part 1

Texas Gathering, Part Sixteen
The Gathering Principle, Part 1

I thought since we just sang about the gathering and we’re gathered here I’d talk some about the Gathering Principle. I’ve written a book on it called “The Gathering of Lights.’ How many people have read that book? Great, a number of you. What did you think of that book, Larry? Larry, what would you say is the principle of gathering? How would you state it in a few sentences?

Larry: The general idea, as I understand it, is that there are all these people on the Earth who are the lights. As they come together, closer and closer together, instead of being individual little lights hidden by the dark, they start to coalesce into a brighter and brighter light. Everybody has their light. When we coalesce into this light we set an example to the rest of humanity.

Elly: Jesus is the light and I am. I am so we are. We are because Christ is in us.

JJ: A lot of people don’t realize it but Jesus attempted the Gathering. The Gathering is actually talked about more in the scriptures than just about any other principle – all throughout the scriptures, Assaf might realize that a little. Have you noticed that the gathering is talked about a lot in the Jewish scriptures?

Assaf: I’m not so familiar with it. Remind me where.

JJ: Okay, the first great gathering was Moses. Moses gathered the children of Israel out from the land of Egypt. When he gathered them together out of the land of Egypt the Pharaoh didn’t want to let them go. When I first saw the movie, The Ten Commandments, when I was a kid I wondered “what is the Pharaoh’s problem?” Just let those people go! Why wouldn’t he let them go? I couldn’t understand this. The plagues came and even after this he still wouldn’t let them go. Then after he lost his only son, or his first born, he still wouldn’t let them completely go. He still went after them. Why did he want those Hebrews to stay with him? They seemed to be a thorn in the side from what I could tell. Why did the Pharaoh not want to let his people go?

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: Right, free labor. Let’s suppose the same thing happened today. Let’s suppose the hard-working, tax-paying people of the country decided to gather out and go somewhere else and all the people living off the tax payers had to work for themselves. Do you think the same thing would happen? Do you think the new Pharaoh might say, “I’m not letting you guys go!”

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: It’s interesting, in the book of Isaiah it’s written, “Behold, my people are sold again into slavery but this time they were sold without money. They went freely.” They went freely into slavery and they are sold without money. In the old days slaves were sold for money. You got money out of going into slavery. If you sold a kid into slavery, you got money for him. But Isaiah says it’s peculiar in this coming age. He says people will be sold into slavery but they won’t get any money for going into slavery. They’ll go on their own free will.

Audience: Inaudible. Laughter.

JJ: A labor of love isn’t slavery though. Where you’re forced to work for somebody else or do what you don’t want to do, that is slavery. Right now the average person has to pay about 50% of his money in taxes if everything is added up. Now a lot of it is subtle things. Larry bought some wine for us and paid a bunch of tax on that. You buy gasoline and you pay tax on that. You buy cigarettes and pay taxes on that. There are lot of subtle taxes that even people below the poverty line, that don’t pay income tax, pay taxes on. Plus the lottery is geared against us for the lower income people. They pay a lot of money to the state on that. It would be a lot better odds to go play poker with your friends.

Audience: Unless you live in a state where the lottery money really goes to the schools.

Audience: Inaudible discussion.

JJ: Overall the average person pays over 50% of what he earns to the government. Even in the worst times, in ancient times, very few people paid over 25%. In ancient times a lot of people in slavery got to keep over 50% of what they earned. Lots of times a guy would have a slave who had a side business on his own and he’d have to give 40 or 50% to his boss but the boss let the slave do what he wanted with the rest of it. If the average person pays 50% of his money to the government now–the only advantage we have now over ancient times is that there is more money in circulation. But as far as the percentages go, many other nations are worse than the United States. In some foreign countries it’s more than 50%. France is terrible for taxation.

Assaf: I find it interesting that a slave should be set free after seven years. He shouldn’t remain as a slave after seven years. If he chooses to remain slave… (Talking about Jewish tradition)

JJ: Was that among the Israelites though? I don’t think the Egyptians let them go after seven years.

Assaf: No, in Moses’ time.

JJ: Yea, they even had slaves among the ancient Israelites, didn’t they?

Assaf: But if the slaves chose to remain after seven years, their ears were to be pierced as a sign that he chose to remain a slave.

JJ: Let’s suppose we had a society where people were free to take their surplus money and use it in a way that they saw fit to help humanity. Do you think you could make better use of 50% of your income than the government could? That way you wouldn’t have to have $100 toilet seats bought by the government when you could buy it for $5, right?

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: Here is what happens in the history of the world. In the history of the world a civilization springs up, whether it be Atlantis, Lemuria or many smaller civilizations in between. They spring up and the authorities squeeze their people tighter and tighter and tighter until finally people begin to gather out from that system. They gather out from that system and they create a better system. When they create a better system the old system begins to fall apart. The old system is always against the new system beginning. So, Moses was commanded to gather out the people from Egypt and the Pharaoh resisted very strongly because these guys were their bread and butter. All the Egyptians were taking it easy and the Hebrews were doing all the hard work. If we compare it to our time it’s like the Hebrews are the big tax payers and the modern day Egyptians are those who are having the easy life living off of them and the government bureaucracy. So the modern day Egyptians are the government bureaucracies. The modern day Hebrews are the small independent business people who are struggling and working like crazy to make ends meet while paying the taxes.

Keith: A scripture that’s related to taxes-I think it is because governments and churches have always used it as an excuse to tax people-that is “Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s.” I don’t know exactly what it is that belongs to Caesar.

JJ: The powers that be are the modern Caesar. If Christ were to be here among us He would tell us the same thing, “Render to Caesar, the things that are Caesar’s.” We live in a system where we are taxed. Because we live in the system and operate under the system we should pay our taxes. So, that’s why I pay my taxes, because I render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s. On the other hand, it would be nice to be able to legally get out from under all the burden of the taxes in the system and the powers that be and the authorities that boss us around and lawmakers who make all sorts of laws that are not necessary for us because we don’t need all the laws. We could take 90% of the laws that all the nations have and dump them in the ocean and be a lot better off. Do we need to be commanded on every little detail in our life? Whenever there is a problem the government passes a couple hundred new laws and nobody can even remember what they are until they want to go after somebody. Then they can find some law to give rebels some grief.

Audience: I just want to make a quick point. Most of us are in this system don’t realize it but we have voluntarily contracted to be in that system and do that. It’s very interesting when you start to research it and see what you find out.

JJ: In the IRS handbook it does say taxes are voluntary but eventually they’ll probably pass something to do away with that voluntary aspect. A number of people try to get out of them and usually wind up in trouble. It’s not really worth it so because of that I pay my taxes. I attempt to render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s but I also like the idea of moving somewhere else, another sphere or space, where I’m not subject to Caesar. Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world.” Eventually the kingdom of God will be established here upon this earth. The kingdom of God will be in this world but not of this world until the world conforms to the kingdom of God then the kingdom of God and the world will be one. The will of God will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

So, I’m going to talk about the principle of gathering and the basic idea behind this. Like I say, the governments rise up and put the squeeze on the people. The people become more and more like the Hebrew slaves of ancient times and the time of Moses. Then something happens and the people who see the clearest, the lights, are gathered out. Then a correspondent of the Pharaoh rises up and he tries to stop this. He’s unable to stop it and eventually a new kingdom is born. Then the new kingdom flourishes eventually begins to disintegrate and turn into the same type of bureaucracy the old kingdom. When this happens the lights are gathered out again and a new kingdom is born. This keeps happening over and over on various levels. The greatest gatherings, though, have been the gatherings for spiritual purposes. The most prominent one we know about from history is Moses. Moses gathered out the lights based on the guidance of a higher power.

Delivered by J.J. Dewey Sunday, May 26, 2002 Wimberly Texas

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A Meditation to Remember

A Meditation to Remember

Nathan (From audience): I want to thank everyone here for your added vibrations because you brought us much needed rain.

JJ: So while we were grumbling about the rain last night you Texans were really happy about it, right? Everybody saw water last night when you went back into past lives; maybe that made it rain or something. (laughter)

We’re going to do the Great Invocation this morning. Is anyone here not familiar with it? How many have never done it before? A handful of you haven’t. This was given out by the Hierarchy around the end of WWII. It’s a powerful invocation that is very ancient. It is said to be spoken by the Christ every morning when He rises. He faces the East and says this Great Invocation.

It’s so potent that the Hierarchy had a disagreement among themselves on whether to release it. Some of them wanted to release it to mankind and others thought that maybe mankind was not ready and that the energies generated may be a little premature for mankind. Christ thought mankind was ready so they went along with His decision to release it.

This is a powerful invocation. Part of the purpose of it is to prepare for the return of Christ so that the energies of negativity will be sealed. A line says, “And may it seal the door where evil dwells.” That’s part of its purpose to prepare the way for the return of Christ by canceling out the negativity of the forces of darkness.

It probably hasn’t permeated mankind quite as much as it was hoped. It was hoped by this time it would be a little more of a universal prayer than it is but it’s still growing in power and growing in the number of people saying it every day.

What we’ll do is to say the Great Invocation. Today is called the Invocation Day. It is the date of the full moon. At the time of the full moon there is a window open. During the full moon the greatest light of the sun reflects from the moon to the Earth. It’s symbolic of the time within us that the greatest light of the soul reflects off our personality, which is sort of like our personal moon, so to speak. So, it’s a time to pick up impressions from the Hierarchy. It makes us a little more sensitive.

Matter of fact, people are more sensitive to everything during the full moon. That’s why it’s known among all police forces that people go a little crazy during the full moon. The reason for this is that all your energies are amplified somewhat during this time so if you’re already a little crazy, you’ll be crazier. (laughter) If you’re on the spiritual path your spiritual sensitivity will also be increased. Everything is increased. Even though there may be a number here who are a little crazy, if we concentrate on the spiritual side I think we can handle that.

Audience: Inaudible. Some background discussion regarding a typo on the printout of the invocation..

JJ: We’re within minutes of the exact time of the full moon and the energy of this window that opens will be strong for about 2 days afterwards. So, concentrate on the next couple days on what you might receive. Later in the day we’ll talk about what impressions people get during this time. We’re going to say the Invocation then we’ll meditate for about 15 minutes. During this period of time of silence think about everything that’s happened during the past couple of days and think of what the Hierarchy might be sending to us, to mankind, to you as an individual and see what you pick up.

Begin with an OM.


From the point of light within the mind of God

Let light stream forth into the minds of men

May light descend on Earth.

(silent contemplation)

From the point of love within the heart of God

Let love stream forth into the hearts of men

May Christ return to Earth.

(silent contemplation)

From the center where the will of God is known

Let purpose guide the little wills of men

The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

(Silent contemplation)

From the center which we call the race of men

Let the plan of love and light work out

And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

(silent contemplation)

Let light and love and power restore the plan on Earth.




My friends, let’s join hands. This is Invocation Day and we’re going to do more invoking. Repeat these words after me.

We invoke the mind, the spirit and the love of Christ.

We invoke the mind, the spirit and the love of Christ.

JJ: Three more times, louder each time.

We invoke the mind, the spirit and the love of Christ.

We invoke the mind, the spirit and the love of Christ.

We invoke the mind, the spirit and the love of Christ.

Visualize the point of light in your mind for a minute; this light descending until a ball of light appears before us in the center.

This ball of light is expanding.

Within this ball of light is the Christ.

See Him looking at you and you know He can read your mind.

You can also read His. Contemplate on what you feel.

Contemplate on what you are receiving as He looks at you and you are able to read His mind.

Repeat after me:

We receive the witness, the love, and the message of Christ.

We receive the witness, the love, and the message of Christ.

We receive the witness, the love, and the message of Christ.

We receive the witness, the love, and the message of Christ.

See yourself receiving what He wants you to know


Visualize Christ in the center.

Repeat these words three times:

We wish to be elevated in consciousness, in light and in spirit.

We wish to be elevated in consciousness, in light and in spirit.

We wish to be elevated in consciousness, in light and in spirit.

We wish to be elevated in consciousness, in light and in spirit.


Now visualize the Christ stretching forth His hand and turning around and sending a point of light to every person in this room as He turns around. The light is projected out from His fingertips to each person in the room. In a few seconds He will be completely turned in the center and everyone will have received.

Now we will do the Hosanna shout which is an ancient Christian mantram.

We say this three times; the first time in a normal voice, the second time louder and the third time as loud as we can say it. After we say it we’ll have a period of silence again where we again meditate and contemplate in the highest consciousness we can. Don’t only think about what you receive but what you feel.

Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna to God and the Lamb. Aumen. Aumen. Aumen.

Let’s try a practice on the first time.

Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna to God and the Lamb. Aumen. Aumen. Aumen.

We’ll do it three times now.

Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna to God and the Lamb. Aumen. Aumen. Aumen.

Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna to God and the Lamb. Aumen. Aumen. Aumen.

Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna to God and the Lamb. Aumen. Aumen. Aumen.

We’ll finish off with these words; again three times.

Baptize us, oh God, with fire and with the Holy Spirit.

Baptize us, oh God, with fire and with the Holy Spirit.

Baptize us, oh God, with fire and with the Holy Spirit.

Baptize us, oh God, with fire and with the Holy Spirit.


One more step.

We enter into Your presence to enjoy the fruits of the Kingdom of God.

We enter into Your presence to enjoy the fruits of the Kingdom of God.

We enter into Your presence to enjoy the fruits of the Kingdom of God.

We enter into Your presence to enjoy the fruits of the Kingdom of God.






Now I’d like to pass the microphone around starting with Assaf. Take a minute of two and say any thoughts that come into your heart and consciousness; whatever you feel like saying. You can talk about the experience here, what you felt during the meditation, whatever you feel like saying.

Assaf: I don’t know if you know this but I suppose you do. It is easier for me to express myself in Hebrew so I’ll do my best to express myself in English. I don’t remember on which part it was but there came a time in this session that I became aware of the whole circle of people simultaneously, as individuals and as one entity, a circle of one. I could feel the individuals and I could feel the oneness. Later on I felt light pouring from high, from infinity; high above, pouring to each and every one in the circle as one.

Mindy: Can I just say ditto? It was a lot of the same thing, a lot of light and a big dome.

This is Gloria. I felt the dome of light coming down on all of us and felt the light pouring into each and every one of our spirits. The message I got was acceptance and love.

I’m Jeanine. One of the messages I got was that our creating circles like this, joining, literally, our hands, our hearts and our minds in the higher consciousness that that will heal the evil. I got a lot of other things but I don’t really want to share them.

Zofia: This is a new experience for me, although saying the rosary is a form of meditation in the Catholic religion. In meditating today I felt peacefulness, togetherness and somehow all this gathering is deepening my religion so far and making me feel like I’m on the right track.

Sofia: My experience was that I visualized the light in our circle and all the light going through all of us.

Audience: Overall I just had a sense of peacefulness and a feeling that it was a nice reunion. I haven’t said the Great Invocation in a long time. I’m also feeling like this is a reunion for all of us, that we haven’t been together for a long time and just very grateful that we’re all here together.

Elly: Maybe I -the spirit or maybe He’s just with me all the time-I know He is. I guess mine was just a prayer that God would fill each one of us totally with His light and His love and His will and His power. That was pretty much in my mind the whole time with the unity and love of each other.

Audience: I visualized Christ in the center and I saw Him pouring out His love. I visualized faces of certain people and He gave them extra love.

Larry: It sort of felt at a point, that I was sort of above the group looking down and I felt a very distinct feeling of not being quite myself but kind of being part of the group, a less concept or feeling of being just myself and just looking down on the group and feeling I was part of the group.

Robin: I felt a real sense of oneness and genuine affection and love toward and from everyone here. I meditated by way of singing. I’ll share it with you sometime when it is appropriate.

Audience: I was really surprised when I saw the light of Christ. I guess I wasn’t expecting-I heard the words, then when I saw it was real it was amazing, a very amazing, I would say life-changing moment. Towards the end I felt a chant coming through me where I was like dedicating every part of myself to service. I didn’t anticipate that either. It started out with, I dedicate my life to Christ then it was like every part, like I dedicate my personality to service, I dedicate my ego to service. I just kept going through all the layers and each one was a dedication. That surprised me. I wasn’t expecting that.

Keith: The impression I picked up was will to be me. It was almost like a hand was touching me here and just saying will to be me. I got the impression that whatever high presence was here went to each person and touched their spirit in some way, similar to myself, sort of dividing itself for the group. I got the impression that I was thinking about all our lights bending then there was an impression of another light almost coming above it and it had sort of a white to it. Its light was consistent but it was brighter. You could almost feel it pushing like a membrane. In terms of the couple of days, I thought the healing was very powerful, similar to what we did just now. One other moment when I felt a lot of energy was at the very beginning when JJ was talking about Peter the other night. I really felt that here.

Audience: It was a physical presence on me also. It was right here and I just went with it and allowed it to be and knew it was what I needed. Other than that it was a sense of peace and acceptance and healing.

Nathan: I want to thank everybody here for this incredible weekend which isn’t over yet. During the Hosanna I felt this energy coursing through our hands. Because I’m a massage therapist and a Reiki Master I focus a lot of energy in my hands and my hands got really hot. I felt this energy just pouring down over my head and shoulders. It was like goosebumps and yummies at the same time. At one point during the invocation I felt like Christ was empowering the whole group and the radiating love from this group is going out.

Audience: The message that I got over and over and over again was to continue to experience and witness love, over and over. I felt a great deal of gratitude for the essence of the people that are here and the spirits that they have, always a sense of oneness. There was also the feeling of the more love that can be expressed outward to the people the more God can send back. There was a point at which I felt very hampered by my body. I didn’t want to stay here.

Audience: I experienced a force of energy moving through all of us as a circle of life as if it were the energy of life and a wheel sort of like there was a light and each of us was a spoke of the wheel of life and love that’s flowing in the consciousness of this planet. I received several personal messages and direction, actually, in some areas of my life to clean up. A statement that I’ve used a lot in the past kept coming to me. We are of one mind, one thought and one consciousness and we ask that the mind of Christ might be within us. I kept hearing that over and over and over again and sending out love and light. It was a wonderful experience. This weekend has been a wonderful experience. Thank you.

My name is Denise. I was given first of all -it’s like one of those glow balls you put your hands on. It was rather large and I fit it into my right pocket. I don’t know how I got it in there but it got really small. Then I was given by Michael a glowing sword, it wasn’t really red and I put it in my left pocket. I was given by a triad kind of a green pyramid and I stuck it in here. I was told that these are the tools that I will use. I know how to use them. I don’t know why but I was told that I have the tools for the love and support and the help when I need it. I am a warrior of the circle of light with the Michael family and I am a powerful being and I will be able to use these tools. So, I’m ready. Thank you.

I’m Marylin. I experienced first a tremendous amount of love. It’s fantastically huge. When we saw Jesus in the light I was very much aware of figures going around to everybody. I saw them. I really saw them. I asked to be guided in how I could serve and I was told to continue in what I was doing.

Rob: I had a lot of imagery. I saw a picture of a heart and it kind of rocked back and forth on its point. At some point the song, “Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Man” would play in my head. At another point I felt warmth in m shoulders. I also saw an image of a preteen male child. His skin looked like blemish free and he had long hair. He was pacing and every now and again he would look at me then he’d go back to pacing. He looked nervous or anxious or frustrated or I got the impression that he was thinking what am I going to do with you. (laughter)

Audience: I just felt very blessed to be part of this group.

Travis: Basically what they said. It was intense, very interesting. I wanted to say I really think Assaf expressed himself very well in English.

Diane: I saw the light grow brighter and brighter then it started getting very warm to the point where I was feeling hot. I have to agree that being in this group has been a blessing and I appreciate it and thank you all very much.

Audience: I enjoyed the association with everyone in the group as we’ve been here. I think there’s much more deeper meaning in some of the words and the principles that JJ has given us then we’ve been able to completely acquire and maybe understand. The impact will definitely be good for mankind and I hope that’s the way it goes.

My name is Garrett. I felt distracted several times. As I was trying to focus some distraction was trying to pull my focus off the light but the message I seemed to get was on the capacity of love. Later as I was meditating I visualized a pyramid that was completely black. It split, like cracked. There was light coming through the cracks basically throughout the shell it was so powerful that the black pieces in the light seemed to go all over the Earth. It seemed to me to represent the veil of darkness being cast away from the Earth. It’s kind of interesting. I’ve really enjoyed the insights as I’ve listened to JJ and a lot of the posts I’ve read and I’m looking forward to learning more.

Audience: I just got like a real good inner peace and love and like kind of seeing a light. (inaudible) What these groups can do for the self and feel the connection to one another. I’ve just enjoyed the class.

My name is Irene. I’d like to thank every body for the experience we had last night, the blessing. That was an eye-opener for me because I’ve received blessings before but never in that form. I especially noted a greater, it felt more complete having a man and a woman in the circle. I felt more completeness and more oneness. As we were meditating I felt the light and a lot of other things that are hard to describe right now but I’d like to thank you all for the love that you’ve shared and given to me.

Audience: I’ve enjoyed my experience here and received the sense of brotherhood and kindness and sincerity and truth that exists in each and every person here. I think it’s a wonderful example what we can all continue to strive for and be an example for all the others that we associate with around our lives as we go forward from here.

Rick: A part of me is always looking for the next illustration so I was keeping an eye, both when my eyes were closed and when they were open to see if there were any special effects. I was peeking. I noticed above people’s heads it was like heat on a summer sidewalk, more so than normally. There were radiations coming out. When I closed my eyes and was looking between my eyes there was like a ball of light pulsing between a solid ball and nonsolid ball. Towards the end I could just make out a group of light beings like on a balcony or rotunda sort of looking down on us patiently and I’m down here like, “make it happen, make it happen.” The message that I got -and I’m not very good at meditating, I can’t sit still long enough to go fishing-the message was that if you have to sit there for a year just be patient and it will come. This is my third gathering and we’ve tried to bring this down each time and each time it does come a little bit more down into us. The message I got at the end was to be patient, it’s definitely happening.

Audience: When we were saying the Great Invocation I saw light descend upon the Earth. I saw Christ in the ball of light bringing forth light to everybody here. I felt very peaceful and a lot of love and brotherhood.

Audience: I received several messages but I’m glad you brought up, Rick, that one of the messages you received or confirmation you received was that not everything is going to be clear right off the bat. It’s going to take time. That was told to me at the end but initially I was given a message to recognize my own inner light and that each one of us also has that same light. Then I was given the message of the power on this principle and that through a gathering like this, our own light and vibration can be increased to the point where we’re not individual little lights anymore. We’re one big light. That was kind of nice and powerful but at the same time it was like there is more to it and if we’re patient it will come.

Audience: I only got a message that was personal.

Audience: The first impression I got from the Christ in the center was that that the brotherhood needs more servants right now to accomplish the mission servants by God. I am very proud of you and the group and was considered an example of the type of service that was needed. And then the next impression I had while we were meditating was the oneness. You know when you are in a group and feel the individual energies and separateness. There was just a circle of one energy flowing. And with this many people it was amazing. And then we did the Hosanna shout and someone mentioned that we had the electricity. I have a headache now! I think I overloaded, but it was electrical. It was like that storm last night only we create our own storm right here. It was amazing!

Audience: I felt that electricity also during the same time. So, I felt these huge vibrations going through my body and my hands too and these two that I am holding hands with. It went right into my own hands. My hands are really hot. At first I did sense a huge light in the center and then I felt like there were a lot of beings walking around the outside of the circle and then I felt something over my head. I then felt the Christ walking around to each one of us and the message I got was to continue, just keep going forward, and service as much as possible. It was great!

JJ: I have enjoyed listening to you all. What I am listening for here is a common thread coming from some of the things that you have said and a common thread is an energy of love, of course, but beyond that is energy of blending and everyone becoming one. Service is also a common thread. Service.

What I felt was when we first sat down here some of us were lethargic; we had just got up in the morning; we did not know what to expect; hoped that we could wake up through this process; so we went from a lot of us feeling lethargic to the consciousness raised and then raised a little more and by the end of the invocation we had been elevated in consciousness; and we had group soul contact. I am proud of this group; I really like this group. I feel that every single person here is receptive that no one here is blocking any energy. It is unusual in a group of this size. Of course, we have an advantage; a lot of us do not know each other enough to know the faults each other have so we do not have a lot to be angry about in each other.

Audience: Laughter

JJ: So, we look at each other and all we can see is the Christ in each of us because we do not have a large history. So, nevertheless, it is good we have a group this large that we can have the energy circulate without any high resistance; because there acceptance amongst the group and openness to what ever happens. This is what you need to have a spiritual experience. So, I appreciate your input and the way things are progressing here.

Let’s take a little break. Yes?

Robin: Do we have time for a song?

JJ: Sure! Do you want the one that you gave me? Okay, go ahead and leave it.

Robin: I hope you like it as much as I do. It is real simple. It is called ‘Sanctuary’. I will sing it first and then we can sing it together a few times. You know it! Then sing it with me. Okay?

‘Lord prepare me to be a Sanctuary… Pure and Holy; Tried and True

With Thanksgiving, I want to be a Living

Sanctuary For You’ …

Delivered by J.J. Dewey Saturday, May 26, 2002 Wimberly Texas

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Principles of Healing

Principles of Healing

The audio begins with group singing “I am Become”, a song written by JJ.

I Am Becoming

I think and dream many a dream
Some dreams are great
Some thoughts are small.
I feel and love
Many a great love
Some loves are great
Some feelings small.

I am I am I am Become
That which I decide to be
I am I am I am Become
That which I want to be.

I climb I climb up a great height
Until I see
The clear blue sky
Ascend, Ascend
Step by step
I finally arrive
Where I want to be.

I am I am I am Become
That which I decide to be
I am I am I am Become
That which I want to be.

Unite Unite
Through oneness of soul
With friends that are old
Numbers untold
The path the path
With the one goal
To reach the end
With Love in our souls.

We are, we are, we are One Soul
Ever Becoming, Becoming
We are, we are, we are One Soul
On One Path Eternally.

I think and dream many a dream
Some dreams are great
Some thoughts are small.
I feel and love
Many a great love
Some loves are great
Some feelings small.

We are, we are, we are One Soul
Ever Becoming, Becoming
We are, we are, we are One Soul
On One Path Eternally.

JJ Speaking

We still miss that guitar work by Margaret but we’re making do here. We’re going to do the healing ceremonies tonight. I’ll talk a few minutes on healing principles then we’ll get into it. How many are here? 36? That’s enough for three groups of twelve; a trinity of twelves. If we have 35 here we’ll haul somebody off the street. (chuckle)

The interesting thing about illness is that everything has a cause. A lot of people seem to think things just seem to happen with no reason. But there is a reason for everything and there is a reason for each illness that we have. All of us, throughout our lifetimes, have had a number of illnesses we’ve had to deal with. In this particular lifetime some of us have to deal with more than others but if it were all averaged out all of us have had to deal with quite a few different things.

What the soul does is-for every new series of lifetimes-it turns on a new energy and sends it down to us. What happens when we receive this energy for the first time is that we have a tendency to resist it. Why do we resist? We like to do what is easy for us. If we’ve finally mastered what we’ve been doing in the past and now we’re good at it, we want to continue doing the same thing. Suppose you were a musician in your past life and you were very good at it. You were almost like Mozart. You don’t need to do that anymore because you’ve already mastered it so your soul says, “It’s time to do something new. I want him to be a plumber in this life and learn how to deal with the common man and things like this.” So, the guy is born and says, “I want to be a musician. I’m good at this.” So, he resists that soul inclination to do something contrary to what he’s good at. He’s not a good plumber; he doesn’t know anything about plumbing. He’s not a natural at it. He doesn’t like associating with ordinary folks very much which a plumber does so he resists this.

This is a simplification because oftentimes the energy doesn’t translate into career type things. It’s just a certain type of energy. For example, when your heart petals begin to open your soul will tell you that you’re now ready for spiritual love. If this energy of spiritual love is resisted, the person may have heart problems of some type. You’ll notice that people of a lower evolution don’t seem to have as many heart problems as people of a little higher evolution. That’s because their heart centers aren’t even opening up. They may have some heart problems because of some physical thing; maybe too much lard or something. There are a number of ingredients that go into every illness but the prime thing to deal with is a resistance to soul energy.

What the soul will do when we resist the energy is that it starts putting the squeeze on us. We may end up dying from a disease from this cause in this particular life. Then we come back and have the problem again but the problem is worse. We may die from it a second lifetime. Then we come back again and the soul puts a stronger squeeze on us. It keeps putting a stronger squeeze on us until we say,” Uncle” then we say, “Why God? What do you want me to do now?” We look up to the stars. Has anyone ever done that is your life? Things have gotten so bad that you look up saying, “What do you want me to do then?” You just ask that question.

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: Right. When we look up and ask, “What do you want from me,” is indeed a point of tension. Many of us have done that and when we do it it’s somewhat of a turning point, isn’t it? It means that you’re finally ready to receive the soul energy or finally getting ready to get ready because even after that we sometimes want to go back to the old ways. Anyway, the Soul keeps putting the squeeze on us tighter and tighter. Has anyone had an illness that makes you feel like you’ve had the squeeze put on you? It’s not always an illness. Sometimes maybe it’s a relationship problem that keeps appearing over and over. Have any of you had the same type of relationship problems that keep showing up again and again?

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: Or like the woman that gets beaten up by her husband. He beats the diickens out of her then says he’s sorry and please take me back. She takes him back and he beats her up again and it keeps going over and over. Finally she divorces him then she ends up with somebody worse. Then he puts the squeeze on her and maybe he kills her. She has to come back and go through this process until she says, “Alright, I’m not taking it anymore.” Then she finally breaks out of this mold of being with an abusive spouse. For most of us-well, for all of us at one time of another we have to have the squeeze put on us really tight before we finally say, “Okay, I’m willing to give up my old ways and do whatever is necessary.” Then we finally learn a new lesson. When we learn a new lesson we start to heal. Then we heal and get good at the new lesson and get good at handling the new energies. Then about one life out of seven we’re given a Sabbath life and get to relax a little. So, since there are 36 here, there are maybe 5 people here having their Sabbath life. They’re having it pretty easy. Where are they? (laughter) Or are these the ones who aren’t on their Sabbath?

Keith, are you having it easy? Okay, great. Keith is maybe having the time of his life.

Audience: Inaudible. (laughter)

JJ: Maybe we’re all just workers here. I know this hasn’t been my Sabbath. I’m looking forward to maybe my next one. Anyway, you get a bit of a break.

Even in your Sabbath life you have problems to deal with so you might not feel it’s a Sabbath. But it’s easier than your normal life. Then after a little breather your soul has a new lesson for you. It says, “Okay, now you’ve mastered that energy. Now we’re really going to release another energy.” You get another energy and you go through the same cycle all over again until you learn this principle. Then you can start saying, “Okay I mastered that one energy. I’m ready for the next one. I’ll do whatever is necessary and I’ll accept it this time.” If we were to have that attitude and accept the changes that our soul wants to bring into our life, we’d rarely be ill. Isn’t that interesting? You’d never be seriously ill again. You’d be healthy until the end of your life. At the end of your life you can pretty much even decide when it’s your time to go. Like Jesus said, “Father, receive my spirit.” He decided it was time to go. No one decided it for Him.

So, in order to maintain health it’s important that we do not resist the will; the higher will, the will of God, the will of the Soul, the Soul energy that we feel pouring into us, circumstances that come into our life that are to teach us. We need to watch patterns, every ten years it’s good to review your life and look back over this period and see patterns developing. This will help to teach you what your soul is trying to teach you. By examining it in these ten year periods you can get a pretty good idea and you can watch for certain repetitions that happen in it, certain lessons that are learned and you can get a pretty good idea of where you’re supposed to be going.

There are several other different things that cause illness and difficulties that are beyond our control; certain physical things like too much pollution, certain types of accidents and also group karma. If you’re in a group of some type, the group itself may have karma related to it that you are subject to, to a degree. Also there is your personal karma, where the only way to learn a lesson is to go through a certain illness. That might not have a lot to do with resisting soul energy in the present. You may accept the soul energy but part of energy from the soul is directing you to learn a lesson through a particular difficulty or illness.

On the other hand, if you’re in this circumstance, the task is to learn the lesson as quickly as possible. Learn what you need so that you can become healed. This is the type of person Christ healed when He said, “Your sins are forgiven.” Then they were healed. In other words, they had karma to pay off and He opened an avenue where they could pay off their karma through service. By the forgiveness of sins or the transfer of karma they were able to be healed. Then He said, “Go thy way and sin no more.” In other words, if he were to revert to his old ways, then the karma would come back in play and play out the way it was planned originally.

There is always a path to healing. Sometimes death, itself, is a way of healing. For some people have reached such a stage in their illness that healing isn’t practical and death itself is a healing thing and prepares them for the next life where they can have good health. But for a very large percentage of people they can be healed by the correct acceptance of the soul energy.

So, what we’re going to do is to have a healing ceremony similar to what we did at the first gathering. A number of you remember that. We did a partial one at the second. It’s good for all us. No matter how healthy you are it’s good to receive energy and through the healing energy you’ll be revitalized to a degree. Even if you don’t have any particular illness it’s good to receive the energy of healing through your brothers and sisters.

An important thing to realize in performing healing ceremonies is that the energy does not come from you then to the other person. It comes through you. Visualize the energy coming through you, not from you. If you visualize if coming from you, you’ll be weakened. If you visualize if coming through you, you’ll merely be a conduit for the energy to flow into the person that needs it. So concentrate on this. See the energy coming through you because unlimited energy is available from God to go wherever it is directed.

Any questions before we begin?

Healing sessions followed but transcription was not practical.

Delivered May 25, 2002 at the Gathering in Wimberly Texas.

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Becoming and the Higher Lives

Texas Gathering, Part Thirteen
Becoming and the Higher Lives

(The session continues with a second regression and moves on to questions)

JJ: Go ahead and close your eyes. Everybody be as quiet as you can. I’m going to count to seven and on the count of seven you’re going to be back to where you were before into a past life. One, you’re going back. Two, you’re going back. Everything is becoming clear. You’re seeing what you saw before but you are seeing it more clearly. The feelings are back. You can hear, you can see and you can feel everything you could in the past. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.

JJ: Who are you?

Dianna: Sister Irene

JJ: What’s the name again?

Dianna: Sister Irene

JJ: What are you doing?

Dianna: I’m in a chapel, praying.

JJ: Do you enjoy praying?

Dianna: Yes

JJ: Why?

Dianna: I can talk to my Lord.

JJ: Do you have some strong experiences in talking to God?

Dianna: Yes

JJ: Tell us one.

Dianna: I see Him at the alter and He talks to me and fills my heart and I know that He loves me.

JJ: Are you a leader or do you have somebody over you like a Mother Superior or someone? What’s your position?

Dianna: I think I am the Mother Superior.

JJ: What did you learn in this life?

Dianna: Obedience.

JJ: Were you pretty obedient?

Dianna: Yes

JJ: Did that give you stability?

Dianna: Yes.

JJ: Do you miss that in this life?

Dianna: Yes.

JJ: What are you supposed to learn in this current life?

Dianna: To trust in God and to move forward with that trust and love that I know that I have.

JJ: In your life as a nun, what year did this take place?

Dianna: 1532

JJ: What location were you in? What country?

Dianna: Southern England.

JJ: How long did you live?

Dianna: 42

JJ: How did you die? What happened?

Dianna: Lungs.

JJ: Was it an illness?

Dianna: Yes.

JJ: Let’s go back to a lifetime before this, the life you lived closest to the time of Christ. I’m going to count to three and you’ll go back. You’ll go back very clearly, even more clear than before. One, two, three. Who are you?

Dianna: I can’t, I’m not getting it.

JJ: You’re not getting that one? Okay, we’re going to go back further back. It’s coming to you, the name is coming to you. One, the name is coming. Two, on the count of three. Three, the name is coming. Who are you? Do you get an impression of this life?

Dianna: Ayers?

JJ: What country are you in? Do you get any impression?

Dianna: Dolphins, I see dolphins. Blue water.

JJ: What do you have to do with dolphins?

Dianna: They’re playful and I communicate with them.

JJ: Are you a human being?

Dianna: No

JJ: Are you a dolphin?

Dianna: Yes.

JJ: That’s interesting. How far back in time is this, do you think?

Dianna: It has to be millions.

JJ: A long time?

Dianna: Yea.

JJ: Did you enjoy being a dolphin?

Dianna: Yes.

JJ: Very good. We’re going to take you back into the present and you’ll remember all the impressions that you had. I’m going to count to three and you’ll be back in the present as Dianna, feeling good. One, two, three.

Dianna: asks an inaudible question.

JJ: You only went back to one life so that must’ve been an important one for you, being a nun. You must’ve enjoyed an important lesson of dedication then. You seemed very dedicated to God and that was apparently very important to you to learn. Thanks for your help. (applause)

Audience: How do we know if a past life regression of someone who is not hypnotized is real or if it’s one of the ones that are associated with the life?

JJ: It doesn’t matter if it’s hypnosis or guided meditation. Some will be real and some won’t so you just have to test it. It’s even more likely under hypnosis sometimes because the subject under hypnosis might really want to please the hypnotist and give him what he wants. If you have any questions let’s take a few minutes for that.

Assaf: I don’t know if it’s directly related but the question is regarding the concept of time where all time exists simultaneously on the higher realms verses the evolution of our awareness, our evolution as spiritual beings. How does it add up if all times are like that?

JJ: I covered that somewhat earlier. Basically in the higher realms there is a plan made then the projection of the finishing of the plan. In that way all time is taking place at one time but it hasn’t really taken place yet because it’s outside of time. When we enter time there is a beginning and an end to it and everything is not taking place at one time; it’s taking place in a linear fashion. The planning part in the higher worlds is similar to here in that the plan envisions the beginning, middle and end.

Assaf: My question is a little different. What I mean is: it is the principle that I am becoming that which I decide to become. So this one God is about beyond time and He also evolves. How does it make sense that He evolves and at the same time He is about time?

JJ: The being that appeared to Moses wasn’t completely outside of time. He works in the lower and higher worlds. The Absolute, which is beyond our communication, so to speak, would be beyond time but the higher beings that work with men are clothed and work in all the worlds. When any of the three worlds are approached time is also approached. Time exists in the three worlds of human endeavor, the celestial, the astral and the physical but it’s a little different in the two higher worlds. Time is not so measured in the higher worlds because it doesn’t matter how long time lasts there. Here it matters how long time lasts. For instance, we say it’s time to eat. We’re always measuring time here. If we didn’t need to measure time anymore it would be like there was no time. That’s the way it is in these higher worlds of form but time still passes. Any being that’s evolving in time, no matter if it be high or low, is becoming that which he decides to become. He does go through a process of evolution.

After we go through a process of evolution we enter what is called pralaya. We go through a period of rest. Eventually the whole universe itself will dissolve and go back to its native element and we’ll go through a period of rest equal in time to the period in which we were in manifestation. During this time period it will be like there is no time because we won’t be measuring it. It’s a little like when you’re asleep. When you’re asleep you don’t measure any time but when you wake up time has passed. So, even if you go into the worlds in which time is not measured, time still passes and time still exists. It’s like there are trees outside that we don’t see. We don’t see them but they still exist. If we’re beyond seeing and living in time, time still exists in the worlds where it does exist and time still passes. Does that make any sense? When any of the higher lives come down and speak with man they’re entering into time and they are taking part in becoming. It doesn’t matter how high they are.

Let’s look at the highest being on the Earth, the Ancient of Days. He is now incarnated in an etheric body. He doesn’t have a physical body as we understand it. The combination of all the lives on the Earth are incarnated in the physical body of the Earth itself and in a way the Earth is an extension of the physical body of the Ancient of Days. It’s the same with the Solar Logos. The sun is His physical body yet that Solar Logos was once a man and He can materialize as a man in an etheric body if He decides to. All of these higher entities are still in the process of becoming but they go through periods of rest where they merely absorb that which they gained through the experience of incarnation. There are eternal lives and we’re just at the midway point of beingness as human beings. There is still a long way to go. Somebody like the Solar Logos, was a man in a previous solar system, trillions and trillions of years ago. It’s almost a longer time than we can imagine.

Audience: Is the Ancient of Days the same person as the Planetary Logos or is that a different being?

JJ: The Planetary Logos involves several things. He is called the Planetary Logos because He, from His station, can identify with all the lives on the planet. He can extend His consciousness clear down to your consciousness and be aware and see through your eyes if He decides to. In that way He is the Planetary Logos but a planetary logos is composed of two stages. One is just like you are. You have a lower self and a higher self. Your lower self is the three lower bodies, your physical, emotional and mental. Your higher self is the formless energies of which you are composed. It’s the same thing with the Planetary Logos.

What we teach about the Planetary Logos is actually the lower self of the logos, the Ancient of Days. Then there is a higher self that was here even before the Ancient of Days got here. The Earth is like 4 or 5 billion years old and the Ancient of Days has been here 23 million years. Before that the Logos was still here but by the Logos coming here 23 million years ago He brought intelligence here that brought self awareness to the consciousness of the entire earth. You have a lower self and higher self. So does the Earth itself. The Earth has its own Solar Angel which is even higher than the Ancient of Days. Probably no one has contacted Him yet. The first person to make contact with the higher correspondence of the Solar Angel would be the Planetary Logos, the Ancient of Days. His current job is probably to make contact with this part of Himself. So, even these greater lives have a higher part and lower part to themselves. But that lower part of themselves is so high to us that we can’t even contemplate the higher.

Then above the Solar Logos is that great being who is so high that even the Masters call Him the One About Naught Can Be Said. He is such a high being that even the Masters don’t really know much to say about Him. They just call Him The One About Naught Can Be Said because His consciousness is so high.

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: He’s over seven solar systems.

Audience: Is there one over the Milky Way?

JJ: Yea but that’s so far up. The one who’s over seven solar systems is so high that it’s beyond even the Master’s ability to understand His consciousness. So, the one above Him is not even worth thinking about. It’s like a mosquito can’t really comprehend your consciousness.

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: Yea, they keep going up you get to the head dude of the galaxy.

Audience: The etheric body you said dissipates after death? How long does it take to dissipate and is that something like beings that are on the other side and go through a death like we go through a physical death here?

JJ: The etheric body can either dissipate very quickly or it can last for a long period of time. The Egyptians worked with this knowledge. They understood the mysteries of the etheric body and they sought to preserve it through mummification. This is why when they opened King Tut’s tomb that many died within a short period of time who were associated with the opening of it. After the excavation most connected with it mysteriously died. They contacted some illness because the Egyptians had preserved some energy of the etheric body and put a cursing energy on that. When they opened the tomb the etheric energy was released. That may have kept that particular Pharaoh kind of earthbound for a long period of time.

Audience: Imagine an etheric body locked in a little tiny room.

JJ: Yea. I’m sure his soul consciousness moved on but that energy was left behind. This often happens with haunted houses. The etheric body hasn’t completely dissipated because the desire of the person who died was so strongly attached. Maybe he wanted revenge or something so his etheric body hangs around and the actual energy remains after he moves on. So the ghost that people see are like shells or little computer programs running amuck that have only elemental life forms controlling them but not the higher life forms.

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: Normally you only live a few days after death in your etheric body. You usually get to hand around for your funeral. (laughter)

Audience: In “Ponder on That” they talk about that and how long the etheric body stays. In talking about cremation they said you should be cremated as soon as possible.

JJ: Yes, it helps you to move on. You should be cremated about three days after you die. This helps you to move on in the next world.

Delivered May 25, 2002 at the Gathering in Wimberly Texas.

Copyright By J J Dewey

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Past Life Regression, Part 2

Texas Gathering, Part Twelve
Past Life Regression, Part 2
Visiting the Past and the Future

Close your eyes. Visualize some steps in front of you. There are ten steps. You’re going down these ten steps. By the time you get to the tenth step you’re going to be back in a past life. You’re going to feel what you felt then. You’re going to see what you saw then. You’re going to be able to hear what you heard then. Everything will be very clear. It will be a past life that is important to your present life. You’re going down the first step, the second, the third, the fourth. At the bottom of the steps everything is becoming clear. The fifth, sixth, seventh, clearer and clearer, eighth, ninth, tenth. You’re back very clear as if you’re actually in this time period in your consciousness. Who are you?

Jeanine: Jolene

JJ: What do you see around you?

Jeanine: Stars

JJ: Do you see any people?

Jeanine: I see a building.

JJ: What time period are you in?

Jeanine: Early 300 something, 40 something.

JJ: Would this be after Christ?

Jeanine: Yes

JJ: Have you heard of Jesus Christ?

Jeanine: Yes

JJ: Are you a believer?

Jeanine: Yes

JJ: Who are you associated with?

Jeanine: Paul

JJ: Who is Paul?

Jeanine: a friend.

JJ: What do you do for a living?

Jeanine: Make things, make clothes, make robes and study the stars too

JJ: Are you an astrologer?

Jeanine: yes, I read the placement of the stars

JJ: What are the stars telling you?

Jeanine: All about the lives of people and what’s going on within each person and what’s going on in the earth.

JJ: Are you a Christian? Are you associated with the Christian religion?

Jeanine: No, no religion

JJ: But you’ve heard of the Christian religion?

Jeanine: Yes

JJ: What do you think of them?

Jeanine: Silly people

JJ: Why do you think they’re silly?

Jeanine: Because they created things that are not based in truth, not based on the teachings of the true Christ.

JJ: Do you believe in Christ Himself?

Jeanine: Of course.

JJ: Do you think they’re distorted His teachings?

Jeanine: Yes. We had an underground, so to speak, avenue of people. We lived the teachings and we knew the Christ.

JJ: Did the Christians frown upon you being an astrologer?

Jeanine: Absolutely. We had to do everything underground.

JJ: Do you think the original Christians believed in astrology?

Jeanine: Yes

JJ: How do you know that? Do you have records?

Jeanine: Oh, in that building. That building stores the records.

JJ: Where is the building?

Jeanine: Do you mean a place?

JJ: Where are the records stored and where is the building?

Jeanine: Do you mean a place? Are you asking for a place?

JJ: If there is a place, yes.

Jeanine: I’m way out from all civilization. It seems like out in the hills close to Jerusalem but far from people there is a building. That’s all I know about the building. I would have to ask someone.

JJ: Can you recall what part of the country you live in? Is it near Jerusalem?

Jeanine: No, I live far from Jerusalem but I come here to do the teachings, the readings of the stars.

JJ: Do you know what part of the Earth you live in?

Jeanine: A desert, the Sinai desert or something. I don’t know which desert, just a desert.

JJ: Would it be like the Essences or something?

Jeanine: There is a group, there is some underground groups. Do you know what I mean by underground?

JJ: Yes, so you’re a part of an underground group?

Jeanine: Yes. There are many steps.

JJ: What does this underground group believe in that’s different from the regular Christians?

Jeanine: They believe in all esoteric teachings. They know the connection of all things including the stars and the moon and the earth and the waters and the planets and their individual selves.

JJ: Now we’re going to take you farther back. I’m going to count to three and you’re going to go way back, way back in the past, over a million years in the past. One. Two. Three. Where are you? Are you upon this earth or are you somewhere else?

Jeanine: I’m under the Earth, in the middle of the Earth.

JJ: Are you in the land in the middle of the Earth?

Jeanine: There is land.

JJ: What’s it like?

Jeanine: It’s like a valley, beautiful, water, tall buildings, very etheric. You can see through the buildings.

JJ: Is it a physical reality or more spiritual?

Jeanine: I don’t know.

JJ: How is it lighted?

Jeanine: Natural.

JJ: Is there any sun?

Jeanine: No

JJ: Everything is just lighted by itself?

Jeanine: Yes. When you focus on the building you can see it, otherwise you don’t see it. It’s tall, very tall. If you touched it your hand would go through it.

JJ: Are you in a physical body? Or an etheric body?

Jeanine: I don’t know the difference.

JJ: But if you touch the buildings your hand goes through?

Jeanine: Yes

JJ: What do you do here? What is your life like?

Jeanine, Study, study.

JJ: What do you study? From books or from other types of records?

Jeanine: Books of knowledge, records of knowledge, beings that are more advanced.

JJ: What do these records look like?

Jeanine: Some look like a scroll but it never ends. Some you don’t see with your physical eyes. When you look, it’s there.

JJ: You have to look at it before it even shows up? Is that how it is?

Jeanine: Yes, it’s almost like…

JJ: The buildings are like that too?

Jeanine: Yes

JJ: When you’re not looking the building isn’t there but when you look it is there.

Jeanine: Yes, very interesting.

JJ: Who is the leader?

Jeanine: That one

JJ: What is his name?

Jeanine: I knew you would ask me that. I must go ask him.

JJ: Have you never thought to ask before?

Jeanine: I forget to ask because I don’t like to know names, they’re too powerful. Joseph.

JJ: His name is Joseph?

Jeanine: No, something like that, John, Joseph or a cross between. Joseph, John, it changes. Oh, you’re just saying that. It’s a very high being so it gives me a name that I need at that time.

JJ: Is this a true name or just a name?

Jeanine: It’s a name for now. Otherwise I’m not certain.

JJ: Have you seen the leader?

Jeanine: No.

JJ: You haven’t seen him? Who’s the highest leader that you have seen?

Jeanine: Joseph.

JJ: What does he look like?

Jeanine: He’s very tall. He has a lot of hair which he says is a protection and a sign of knowledge. He wears something long from the shoulders all the way to the floor.

JJ: Is it a robe?

Jeanine: Yes, a type of robe. It changes colors. Right now it’s brown but sometimes he wears a bluish white.

JJ: How far under the Earth are you?

Jeanine: In the center. There are other kinds of beings there that are not what I’ve seen before in a physical.

JJ: Are they physical beings or more spiritual?

Jeanine: They have to be physical to be in the center of the Earth but they’re not as dense as I am but when you go there you become very light.

JJ: Okay I’m going to ask you a couple questions. Close your eyes and relax again. I’m going to ask you a question and count to three and by the count of three the answer will come to you. The question is this. Did you begin your lives upon this earth or was it another earth? One, two, three.

Jeanine: Another galaxy.

JJ: Where were you when you began your lives?

Jeanine: In the Spirit.

JJ: How about your physical lifetimes? Did you begin on this earth or another earth?

Jeanine: Another planet.

JJ: How many years ago was this?

Jeanine: Six Million.

JJ: Where was this planet located?

Jeanine: In a galaxy about 14 million light years away from this earth.

JJ: What was your life like? Go back to one of your lives you had there. Did you look human like you do on the earth?

Jeanine: No, the same kind of shape but not the same kind of body.

JJ: How many fingers did you have?

Jeanine: Six.

JJ: What did your face look like?

Jeanine: It was kind of straight, no ears, they were just openings. Very small eyes because we didn’t need to see a lot.

JJ: Was there much life on this planet? Was it hotter or cooler than earth?

Jeanine: Moderate all the time.

JJ: In this life that you’re visiting right now…what about crystals?

Jeanine: There is lots of crystals. Everything is made of crystals.

JJ: Did you communicate with the crystals?

Jeanine: We did everything with crystals.

JJ: When you talked to each other did you talk the way we talk?

Jeanine: No, we talked from here and here and here.

JJ: Was the race there more advanced or less advanced than earth?

Jeanine: More advanced.

JJ: So why did you come to Earth?

Jeanine: I had to experience the devolvement.

JJ: Did you come here to serve also?

Jeanine: I don’t like that. I don’t like that.

JJ: You don’t like what?

Jeanine: Devolving.

JJ: You didn’t like the idea? Did somebody send you?

Jeanine: No, I volunteered. I said okay.

JJ: Did someone ask for volunteers?

Jeanine: It was part of the process to maintain the vibration and to go higher one had to go lower. I don’t know why.

JJ: To descend below all things is to ascend above all things? Is it that principle?

Jeanine: Yes. Sort of. Oh Mercy.

JJ: What? What thoughts are coming to you?

Jeanine: That I got lost here and I want to go home.

JJ: You feel like you’re lost here?

Jeanine: I got lost.

JJ: How did you get lost? Were you supposed to return before now?

Jeanine: No.

JJ: Why do you say you got lost then?

Jeanine: It feels like I stayed too long. It feels like the pull here is so heavy.

JJ: Okay, now we’re going to do one more thing with you.

Jeanine: The people are here now

JJ: The whole group from that planet is here?

Jeanine: No, but they come now.

JJ: In ships?

Jeanine: Back and forth.

JJ: So the race still exists?

Jeanine: Oh yea.

JJ: Do you know what technology they use to travel?

Jeanine: Crystals.

JJ: What does a crystal do?

Jeanine: It’s fed by solar energy, like one is a million times more powerful.

JJ: So it takes up energy from the stars somehow?

Jeanine: Yes.

JJ: We’re going to do one more thing and take you into a possible projected future life. First of all return to your life as Jeanine. You are Jeanine. Now you are going to move ahead into a future life where you will be found again. You said you felt lost here. You’re going to move into the future where you will achieve you goal. I’m going to count to three and you’ll be projected into a future life. One, two, three. Who are you?

Jeanine: I am who I am.

JJ: Where are you?

Jeanine: Right here in the present moment.

JJ: What do you see in the future?

Jeanine: Lots of light and a feeling of total oneness, peace, oneness.

JJ: Do you pick up any particular future life?

Jeanine: I’m a healer. There are lots of people who are wounded so to speak and I go around and just touch them.

JJ: What time period is this?

Jeanine: About 29…29.

JJ: Are there still wars?

Jeanine: Yes and no. They’re more galactic now. The people of the Earth are having to reconstruct from much war. There have been galactic wars and many people have been wounded. There are a lot of soul wounds as well as physical wounds and they’re being mended by many people.

JJ: Very interesting.

Jeanine: It’s hard to look at but it feels okay. It feels peaceful. I’m not sure if it’s 2900, I just get 29.

JJ: Let’s take you to the year 2029. You’re moving ahead in the spirit to this year. What do you see?

Jeanine: This one is different. (laughing) Oh wow, there’s so much water on the planet, much more than there is now. I live on a boat. Everything is beautiful though. We can see the snow capped mountains now.

JJ: Where is the boat?

Jeanine: It’s like a lake that’s joined with the ocean. There’s so much water. There’s not as much land.

JJ: Did we have global warming or something?

Jeanine: Upheavals, like things coming from the bottom of the ocean and creating water just being everywhere.

JJ: Is a lot of land gone?

Jeanine: Yep

JJ: Okay, let’s move ahead to 2100. What do you see?

Jeanine: Blank. Everything is blank.

JJ: Is this a good time or a bad time?

Jeanine: It feels really heavy.

JJ: Was there some disaster?

Jeanine: Everything is gone. My body feels real, real heavy.

JJ: What happened?

Jeanine: Something, fire.

JJ: Was it atomic war or something?

Jeanine: Everything-I don’t know where it came from-it’s just a lot of fire. There was a lot of fire. It’s not there anymore.

JJ: Did anyone survive?

Jeanine: Not many.

JJ: Okay, let’s move ahead to 2200. Now what do you see?

Jeanine: There are more people than I thought. They’re coming out from everywhere and they’re glorious like, “We survived.” It is good. The consciousness is much higher, much higher.

JJ: What caused the destruction?

Jeanine: It was like fire, earthquakes, eruptions, volcanoes, lots of volcanic activity. They were started by something that shook the ground, seismic, atomic sort of stuff, something that wasn’t supposed to be there.

JJ: Was it something man did, like atomic power or something else?

Jeanine: No, Something man did.

JJ: Was it atomic bombs or some other invention?

Jeanine: It’s like something like that except it was a newer invention, more powerful but it was put underground so that people didn’t know about it. It exploded and it caused waves all over the entire earth. So, things that weren’t suppose to happen, happened, lots of fire.

JJ: So how could this have been prevented?

Jeanine: Consciousness, more aware, more conscious and banding together.

JJ: Okay Jeanine, we appreciate your time. We’re going to bring you into the current time and you’ll have a clear memory of everything you want to remember. One, two, three. You’re in the current time. Do you want to give us any impressions you had?

Jeanine: Well, you were there when we were in the center of the earth. You were the one teaching.

JJ: Really? Was I the Joseph John?

Jeanine: I guess. Oh, that’s your name. Whoever it was, was going back and forth. I believe it was you. It was the essence of you anyway. You were Joseph when you needed to be Joseph and John when you needed to be John. You were one being but two entities.

JJ: You didn’t see a very pleasant future for us.

Jeanine: Let me do it again and see if I can come up with something better. (laughter)

JJ: The future is an interesting thing. People will project in the future and the time frames for the future are very difficult to get because of the eternal now and the probabilities. People get different things about the future. A lot of people pick up the warnings about the future or the potential destructions. That’s a definite possibility but if we do our part it’s also possible to avoid these type of things. It’s good to be warned about them so that we can do our part to avoid some of the things that some people do pick up. There are other people who pick up that we’re going to make a graceful transition into the future. It’s also possible that she could’ve picked up something 5000 years in advance and projected it into a more recent time period. You never know for sure. The basic plan is hoped that we will make a fairly graceful transition into the new age without tremendous destruction and we hope that this will happen. If we all do our part eventually we can. She kind of picked this up that this could be avoided by higher consciousness.

Jeanine: This is so important what we’re doing here. We go back to our lives that are mundane and we sometimes forget what our purpose is. We have to teach. We have to keep guiding other people to come together and raise consciousness because that’s all it will take, just raising consciousness.

JJ: Thank you. Any other impressions you care to share?

Jeanine: Oh no.

JJ: Thanks for your time. (applause) We’ve got another half hour or so? Shall we try this with one more person? Why don’t you come up.

Delivered May 25, 2002 at the Gathering in Wimberly Texas.

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Past Life Regression, Part 1

Texas Gathering, Part Eleven
Past Life Regression, Part 1

Assaf begins the session by singing the Beatles’ song, “I Will”.

JJ: There’s no such thing as a bad Beatle’s song, is there? I always liked that one. I was looking at my watch. I think it’s probably a good time to do the regression part of our Gathering. Is ever body ready to go back into the past? How about the future? Would you like to discover a future life? Your soul actually has your future lives projected.

Speaking of that, I’ve been contemplating somewhat about time. We hear a lot of teaching about how there is an eternal now and everything is happening at once. I don’t think it’s quite happening that way. Things do happen in sequential periods of time but the eternal now is not where everything is happening at once, so to speak; instead there is a place that is beyond time. When you die and go into the higher worlds, time is not measured the way it is here. But when you’re reborn, time has actually passed so it’s not like everything is happening at once. When we go to the higher worlds we go to places where time isn’t measured the way it is here. Yet time is still passing here even when we’re in the higher worlds. When we come back down to the lower worlds time has passed. It’s a popular teaching to teach that everything is happening at once. I don’t believe that’s exactly the way it’s transpiring. It’s just the fact that time is not measured in the higher worlds. It’s like you’re in a state of consciousness where there is no time. So you go out of time then back into time rather than into a place where everything is happening at one time. Yet there is also a way to step back and look at the canvas of eternity where we can see the past and the future unfolding yet these are like projections instead of the actual unfoldment. We come down here on the earth and here upon the earth we go through the actual unfoldment of time.

So we’re going to take some of you back into time. Usually when I’ve done these regressions the majority of the people can go back. Some people go back much more easily than others. Some go back and replay it just like they were really there. Others go back and get some memory and others just get impressions. You have all kinds of different experiences. Those who go back and relive the past completely with 100% recall are always very interesting cases, especially if they had an interesting past life.

It’s funny when I was teaching about past life and doing past life regressions was how I first met my wife. She came to a past life regression I did then came later to the handwriting courses I was teaching. At that time, shortly after I became fairly well known for doing past life regressions in the area a local TV station said they were doing a series on new age things. It turned out that they were actually attempting to make us all look very bad. So, they did a series on us and I took a person back in a past life regression for the TV crew. She went back to the days of Jesus which was very interesting. I’ve only taken two people back to the days of Jesus that sounded credible. A lot of people think they lived in the days of Jesus but when you look at it statistically only a few of us probably did but yet somebody had to. I’ve had a couple people go back and give some interesting accounts. Maybe one of you were back there. Who knows?

It’s also possible if you contact the soul 100% that you can draw back memories that aren’t even your own or actual true memories. That sometimes happens. Sometimes people will pick up memories, especially in the astral zone. If we pick something up from there you never know what you’ll come up with. It could be something true but it might not even be related to you 100%. But if you go back to one of your true past lives you will identify with it 100% and you will know if you hit a past life of yourself. Is everybody ready?

Everybody relax. Close your eyes. We’re going to use a guided meditation. I like using this better than hypnosis because we want you to be in full control of yourself and always be able to exercise your full free will.

Visualize yourself walking through a forest. You’re walking on a path through a wooded area. It’s a nice pleasant area. Birds are singing. You see little animals along the path and running through the forest. They’re friendly little animals. You feel very pleasant. It’s a pleasant experience. It’s just the right temperature, very slight wind. You’re walking along this path. It’s a very pleasant walk. You feel like you don’t have a care in the world. There’s nothing to worry about. There’s just you and nature and a nice day. The sun is overhead. Sunlight filters through the trees. It’s very pleasant. You’re walking along. You continue walking along this path and you come to a place where the forest ends. There is a mist and you feel like you want to walk into this mist. Your past is within this mist. Your past is there and you want to discover it. You proceed. You walk into this mist and the forest and the little animals and all the things behind you disappear. There is nothing here now except mist. You walk ahead. You’re not afraid. You’re comfortable and you proceed.

You see a blue circle of light, a small circle about the size of a silver dollar to you right. It’s like a marker of some kind. You walk past this then another one appears in front of you. As you keep walking you see another blue marker ahead of you. You take a couple more steps and you see another. Somehow you know that when you pass ten more markers you will be back in your past. Each one is taking you back, back into a past experience. We’re going to count the next ten markers. Proceed ahead. You’re walking past the first one. As you walk past the first one the mist gets a little lighter. Somehow you know that when you get to the tenth the mist will be completely gone and you will be back into your past.

You’re walking past the second one. The mist clears just a little bit more. You’re walking past the third one and it begins to lift a little bit more. You’re walking past the fourth. The mist clears a bit more. You’re walking past the fifth. It’s beginning to get a little bit lighter. You see a little bit in the background. You’re walking past the sixth one. It’s lighter still. You’re getting impressions about who you were. You’re going back with you feelings, your thoughts, you beliefs. You will feel what you felt then. You will hear what you heard then. You’re walking past the seventh. You hear a name. Focus on this name. The meaning or the image behind this name is coming to you. You’re walking past the eighth. This name is becoming clearer.

Say the name to yourself. Don’t say it audibly but say it to yourself over and over. As you say it you’re going back to when this name had meaning to you. Say the name over and over to yourself. You’re past the eighth and now you’re passing the ninth. Say the name over and over. As you say the name to yourself over and over the mist is lifting. It’s lifting more. Things are becoming clearer. You’re seeing what you saw then. You pass the ninth. Now you have one more marker to pass and the mist will be clear. It will be cleared away. You’re passing the tenth.

Now you’re back. You’re back into a life that you lived sometime ago. You can see what you saw then. You know what the name means. Think about this life. The first thing in this life you’re thinking about is what this name means. Now another name is coming to your mind. Say this name over and over to yourself. As you say this name over and over to yourself, you’ll begin to know all about this person; who this person is, whether it’s you or a friend and what this person meant to you. Now a word comes to your mind, a word related to this lifetime. Say this word over and over in your mind and the meaning of this word will pull you into a memory. Everything is becoming clearer. It’s becoming clear to you who you are.

I’m going to count to three and on the count of three you’ll be back in this previous lifetime. You’ll know who you are and the meaning of this lifetime will be clear to you. One, two, three. You know who you are. You know the lesson that you came to this lifetime to learn and you know what you learned and experienced. You know you are seeing people who were important to you. You see someone you loved. Someone else perhaps that you didn’t love. You understood what you did for a living. You understood what you believed in. Think about what you believed in; what you were taught. Did you do what you were taught? Think about that. It’s becoming clearer to you. Who are your parents? What did they teach you? What relationship did you have with them? Think about all these things that you learned in this lifetime.

Now I’m going to count to three and you’ll go back to a lifetime before this. I’m going to count to three and you’re going farther back. One, two, three. You know who you are. You’re thinking about a particular time. What is happening to you at this time? It’s an important time in your life. You’re thinking about what is happening and what you’re learning from this. It’s coming to you. You’re name is coming to you. I’m going to count to three and the name is coming to your mind. One, two, three. The name is coming to your mind. You know who you are. You’re going back to some of the early memories in this lifetime. You’re going to watch your life unfold, almost like you’re watching a movie. You see the beginning then you see near the end. You see everything in between. Pick a time that was important in this lifetime and look at it and experience it. Think of the impressions that are coming to you. Think of how you feel. Think of who you knew, who you loved and who you did not love. Who treated you well? Who did not treat you well?

Now spend a minute or two contemplating this lifetime. You can look at any part of this lifetime that you want, from the beginning to the end. Look over and relive any part of the life that you want. Think about it for a minute and let the feelings and thoughts come to you.

Very good. Now we’re going to move back into the present. When we move into the present you’re going to take all the memories with you so that you’ll be able to recall everything that you’ve seen and felt. I’m going to count to three and we’re going to all move into the present. One, moving into the present; two, you’re almost there; three, you’re in the present.

Who had some interesting experiences? Marylin?

Marylin: I don’t know where I went but I was beneath water and I was swimming. I don’t know when it was. Then you sent us back a second time and at the point where you said the scene was getting clearer I saw buildings all over the place. I saw figures in there but I was always high up over it. Then the third time I wasn’t on Earth. I don’t know where I was but I was a long way away.

JJ: Another planet or something?

Marylin: I don’t know; another dimension? I don’t know. It was somewhere else. I wasn’t alone. That’s something!

JJ: Have you done that before?

Marylin: No, not this way I hadn’t. I rehearsed in my head a long time ago. I was walking down the forest path. A head of me was an Indian warrior on a beautiful horse and I was going toward him. I wanted to but I didn’t want to. At that particular time I was in a roomful of smokers and they wanted me to open my eyes but my eyes burned then I didn’t go any deeper so I didn’t find out any more. When you said the path in the forest it took me right back.

JJ: Anyone else?

Audience: I had a lot of water too. When I first went back it was like a crossing; crossing water. Then it was like leaving Earth and watching water come up from very high and watching the water come up. Then I was on another planet or somewhere. The rock formations were like this and they were really kind of pointy. I could see the color of them. It was a brownish, purplish, tanish, and I saw lots and lots of them but they were like this. That’s it.

JJ: Anybody else?

Audience: I had several experiences but the one that’s still lingering with me is, Duway(?) was my name. It’s not spelled the way that we would spell it. I think I’m a bounty hunter and I went after an alien race with light skin, kind of bumpy. When the mouth would open to scream they had really jagged teeth. I went . . . that’s the only thing I could think of, that I was a bounty hunter of some kind. I don’t know what I looked like but my name was Duway.

JJ: Interesting. That must have been on a galaxy far away huh?

Audience: I know I’ve been on other planets and I’ve been a dolphin before. This one is still sticking with me because I don’t like to think I’m a bounty hunter.

JJ: Who’s next?

Audience: I’m not sure what lesson I was supposed to learn but in the second one I was around water. I was on a ship. I was married. I don’t remember if I had kids or not but it seemed like I was immigrating. This sounds boring compared to the other ones. I remember fishing boats and the sound of seagulls and the smell of the ocean.

Audience: I didn’t get very much but the impression I got was that I was also on a boat in a large body of water. The first word that came to me, going back, was that I was a lady. I didn’t get a name but I felt like I was a lady in these big fancy dresses dancing on a boat. That’s it.

JJ: Robin has something.

Robin: I’ve only tried this once before and it didn’t work so I’m not sure. These are just impressions that I got. When we went back the first time my name was Josephine and I was a Quaker woman. My husband was Allen. I had at least a son. A daughter kept fading in and out so I’m not sure. The word that came was ‘harsh’. I tried to figure out what that meant. I don’t know if it referred to the harshness of life or the teachings of that religion. I don’t really know anything about Quakers but maybe if their idea of God is a harsh God. I don’t know but that was the word that came. Then when I went back again my name was Antoine. I was immediately aware that I was Antoine and there was a bright light over here. I realized that I was on the beach and that was the sun rising. I was somehow connected with the ocean. I think I was working on a ship or something and the cook was my friend. That was it.

Audience: I wonder why so many so the ocean and ships.

JJ: That’s kind of unusual that a lot of people are seeing that.

Audience: I saw that too but I can’t agree with it in my mind.

JJ: To verify we’d have to do them individually and test them out. Some people go back into real past lives and others go back into an illusionary past life and others will go back and identify with someone they actually knew in a past life. They may think they’re Napoleon but really they were in Napoleon’s army. Maybe they admired Napoleon and wished they were him.

Audience: In mine I kept getting William Wallace or Sir William Wallace and Bobert DeBruce. I kept seeing buildings that look like buildings in England. They’re there now but they were old buildings. I was seeing knights fighting and kept wondering why I kept getting William Wallace and Robert DeBruce. I kept trying to see if I was these people or if I knew these people. It felt like legend or feeling of inspiration. I might’ve been in the army. There was a feeling of inspiration about those two people.

JJ: It’s quite possible you weren’t them but were close to them. That will often happen.

Audience: I got ‘chivalry’. The word chivalry was real important to me.

Audience: I got a flash of the crusades too but it was just a flash then it went on to the fishing thing.

Audience: Now that you’ve explained that I’m willing to share. It’s just really hard for me to fathom. The name that came when you said it the first time was “Caesar”. I got a lot of images of what he looked like but I don’t know if I was him or not. I couldn’t tell. He was in Rome and there was a lot of stuff going on.

JJ: So there’s a good chance you maybe were close to Caesar and that happened. That’s why so many people think they were somebody famous in a past life. Maybe they admired the famous person when they were there in a past life. Of course, somebody had to be those famous people but everybody can’t be.

Audience: The first time I went back my name was also Josephine but I was in an area with a man whose name was Benjamin. The word that came to me was love. We were standing outside a cottage of some sort then that left. Then when we went back farther I found myself in nun’s robes and I was in a chapel and I was praying.

JJ: Did it seem like you were really there?

Audience: Oh yes, I was there. I was talking with God. I had a very emotional experience with it because the question-I don’t know how these two work together but-the thought was I had such a close communion with God in that lifetime and that it was in a safe environment. In this lifetime I’m finding it very hard to live that knowing that I have in my heart in the outer world with people. It was so much easier to do it in a community of people that felt the same way I did. This time it’s different.

JJ: Is that when you were a nun?

Audience: Yes

JJ: Can you see why we have to forget?

Audience: This is the first time I’ve ever been able to go back. I’ve never been receptive to regression before. People can’t get me past the barrier. I don’t know why I couldn’t do it before. Maybe I didn’t think it was any of their business. I trust this time. Thank you.

JJ: Anybody else want to share anything? Cindy?

Cindy: I just wanted to say it’s kind of eerie because in my second time that I went into I realized that I was a male. I was fishing and could very clearly see the river. My name was Benjamin.

JJ: How clearly did you go back?

Cindy: That was very clear. It was a very peaceful lifetime which was unusual.

JJ: Anyone else? Don’t be shy.

Audience: I’ve done a lot of past life regressions. I’ve also gathered a lot of people into them. I’ve had more spontaneous past life regressions. This is pretty strange being guided by someone. When I came out from the mist it was purple. It was really strange. It was a very, very, very deep purple. In the first life I was a young man. In fact, in both those lifetimes I was a male. I was a young man, 20ish, in a village. It was in a market place. There were a lot of stone walls and stalls and that sort of thing. The name I got before I went into that lifetime was Jaalo. That’s what came. I never heard that name before. I don’t even know if that’s a name. That’s the name I got.

JJ: That’s a good sign you got something totally unheard of.

Audience: The word I got was ‘mishappen’. I said it to myself two or three times because I thought maybe I didn’t understand myself. I got it that I needed to stand on my principles. That’s what I had to learn in that lifetime.

JJ: Had you been back to this lifetime before?

Audience: No.

JJ: Have you been regressed before?

Audience: Lots of times. Most of them were spontaneous though.

JJ: You mean just out of the blue you’d go back like a flashback or something?

Audience: I’ll experience something or be somewhere and all of a sudden there it is.

JJ: You mean without any guiding at all? You just go back?

Audience: Right.

JJ: That’s a sign of an advanced soul.

Audience: It was pretty wild, the first few I had. Then the second life I went to my name was Joseph. It was 1502. You asked for a time or a date or something and that’s what came. I’m not sure if it was before Christ or after but 1502 was what I got. I was a male. I had two young daughters and I could just see them coming towards me. I was a boot maker. The daughters were real important. They were coming towards me. Then the very next thing when I tried to get a hold of why I was looking at this I found myself out on a hill communicating with God. It was like a lot of clouds and light rays. You know how the light rays come through the clouds. Then you were asking us to come back.

JJ: Interesting. Anybody else?

Audience: I only remembered one but I typically don’t remember very often. The scenes that came to mind were that my name was Samuel and it was in pre-revolutionary war times but very close. I had two scenes. One was outside of Boston in fields watching British regulars going by then another scene where I was walking in a cobblestone village. I didn’t get much more than that but there is a sense of something to do with Sam Adams. I don’t think I was Sam Adams but my name was Samuel. There was a sense of connection. What just occurred to me now, not then, but maybe this came to me now because I’m in a wounded state and there’s a sense that I may have been wounded at that time.

Audience: The first time you asked for a name I came up with Joshua. I was a boy. You asked for the mother’s name and it was Elizabeth. I immediately flipped into adulthood as a priest in a desert scene surrounded with children. Other than that that was all I could basically see and when you went to the second time I got absolutely nothing except the words ‘Hosanna’ and ‘Glory Be to God’. Everything was blank. There was nothing except those words.

Audience: There wasn’t any significant thing. Just that I still hear the ocean in my ears. There was some point of boat use with the sound of the ocean from a distance. When you mentioned a name one name came to mind, Pamela. It was darkness and I don’t remember anything but still I have this feeling in my ears and sound of the ocean.

JJ: A lot of people got water. That’s interesting. We didn’t mention water in the regression.

Audience: I didn’t regress and I didn’t see any past lives and I didn’t hear any names. But when you asked I kept going back trying to restart it so maybe I could run back and try to do it. When you said to think of a word, the word was ‘surrender’. But I didn’t get any pictures.

JJ: You might want to do with that is to repeat that word over and over and see where that takes you. That’s probably a key to something important in your past. It could be positive or it could be negative. Maybe you had to surrender against your will or maybe you surrendered to something according to your will to something in the past. If you pick up a word like that when you’re meditating, that word can sometimes trigger a past life memory. Anybody else have anything to share before we move on?

Audience: I had more of a sense of well-I went back and Rebecca was my name. I didn’t get a real clear thing but I had a feeling that I starved to death. There were two kids with me. I felt more than I saw. Is that normal?

JJ: Well, you go back several ways. Some people just go back by feeling and they feel what they felt back then but they don’t see anything or hear anything. Others will hear things but not really feel anything and others will see things but not really hear or feel things. Some will hear, see, feel, all the senses will go back.

We’re going to pick on one or two of you. Jeanine seems to be pretty sensitive. Why don’t you come over here and sit in this chair. Do you mind? We’ll take one individual back because with a group we get more generality so we’ll try to get a little more specific with an individual.

Delivered May 25, 2002 at the Gathering in Wimberly Texas.

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Hierarchies and Oneness

Texas Gathering, Part Ten
Hierarchies and Oneness

There are a number of hierarchies. We have Christ and his hierarchy and then above him is Shamballa. In Shamballa is the Ancient of Days and he has around him six Kumaras. So they have a molecule of seven in the hierarchy of Shambhala as the main governing hierarchy. The hierarchy above that is the Solar Logos. And around the Solar Logos will be the Logos of all the various planets. There is a Logos with the hierarchy for the planet Venus and there is a Logos with the hierarchy for the planet Saturn. And all these different Logoi of our Solar System are in communion with each other. The head of this planet, which is the Ancient of Days, is in communion with a number of other Logos of the various systems. Saturn has a very close link; and Jehovah was connected very strongly with the planet Saturn.

The hierarchies all work together. If we were to meet any of these great lives we would think they were Gods. And they are Gods in the fact that they are one with God; and those that are one with God speak the words of God. And so, when a person receives a revelation from one of these great beings; they do speak the words of God because they are one with God. And this should be our goal as individuals – to develop this sensitivity and perhaps the greatest key to developing it is to follow the highest that we know. And when we follow the highest that we know we will receive more. If we don’t follow the highest that we know; if we disregard the last impression that we have had; we have to go back and relearn that impression and follow it before we receive more. So, it is important that when we receive an impression from the soul that we follow and then if we fulfill it then we will receive more.

Peter, Did you have some questions you want me to elaborate on?

Peter: My question was being able to decipher an astral feeling compared to an impression coming from the soul?

JJ: Impressions coming from the soul usually have more to do with others than just yourself. The higher beings, the soul, the masters are all concerned about the wholeness of this planet whereas we as individuals are often only concerned about our own little lives. Often we are seeking for guidance like what school should I go to, what job should I take, who should I marry. To the higher lives they do not care about all that unless, for some important reason, that would trigger something that would help a lot of people. But, if it just helps us they would pretty much leave that up to us. For things that are just for us, it is pretty much up to us to figure out for ourselves and to handle for our own growth. So, if you think you have received a communication from a higher source one of the tests is “is this for more than just me?” “Is it to help as large a number of people as possible?” And if it seems to be for that purpose it is not an ironclad sign but it an indication that you received communication from the soul.

Audience: If you picked up danger would that be an astral feeling?

Well that could have been from your own solar angel because it is important that you live because you are going to help a large number of people. So, if something is life threatening sometimes we do receive true higher messages to preserve our lives; especially if your life is going to be of service and help a large number of people. But, if it is just something like which school you are going to go to or something just for your personal benefit; that type of thing we are supposed to learn through our own experience as to how to make the best decisions. We do not usually get help from the higher lives on that type of thing. Unless maybe for some reason you have to go to school to learn to be an engineer because you are going to come up with something that is going to help humanity by being an engineer then there are exceptions. Maybe you will receive something like that. But if it just kind of general information for self its probably from your astral body.

Audience: If we were not going to do anything to help anyone else and our lives were in danger then our solar angel would not come and help?

Well, it depends. For something like as important as your life then that is a somewhat different category. You receive communication from a number of different sources. You also receive communication from your Higher Mind. Your Higher Mind is a great computer that has everything that you have ever accumulated in it. It comes up with a lot of information and calculations that it comes up with to help guide you. You can, for instance, ask yourself a question, go to sleep, wake up, and find yourself with the answer. That comes from your Higher Mind. Can you do that? And it is not infallible, but it can be very reliable because it is a good calculator.

But, as far as a life and death situation many people do receive true extra sensory communications that may help them because, if you have 20, 30 years to live you have opportunity to help a lot of people. Okay, anything else?

Audience: Do we each have our own Solar Angel? Is there a Solar Angel for a group of people?

The Solar Angels form one group life. But, in the past they were differentiated. The souls of man are one, as it’s written. So, in a way, all the Solar Angels are a composite of one great group life that is linked to humanity. But, in a past era they were differentiated into many human beings. And we are like a differentiation of the soul. We are an extension of it. So, we began as what is called a Monad. As a Monad, you are like a thought in the Mind of God. The Solar Angels nurture the various thoughts of God into living human energy; which is what you are. You are a thought in the Mind of God and as a thought in the Mind of God you are eternal, you have no beginning and no end. There is no way that you will ever be destroyed. That is because you never even had a beginning because you originated outside the realm of time.

As far as differentiation of the Solar Angels–there is differentiation–but they are like the cells in your body where you have billions of cells but one life in your body. The Solar Angels are billions of beings, but they are one great life. And that is why it is written that the souls of men are one because the souls of the Solar Angels are all inter-linked. If you contact one it is like contacting them all. That is why so much knowledge is available through them. All knowledge is available through them because once the soul is reached you have access to a great spiritual Internet and the oneness principle is opened to you.

Rick: The nature of a hologram is that-you take like the photographic negative or whatever, the slide that they use to project a 3D hologram-and you cut that in half, and each half instead of just producing one half of a 3D object (like half a cup or half an apple) that half a negative will still produce the entire picture. It will be a little bit less resolution. You can take it and cut it in half again. And you can get a piece that big and it will still produce the whole 3D apple. And it’s basically everything that I keep running across as far as when they’re talking about God or Soul or the Hierarchy, I keep wanting to pin it down and figure out who each guy is. It’s like you really can’t pin it down because they’re like the Russian dolls that are one within the other. They’re all the one big thing. It’s a hologram and you really can’t separate one from the other and say this is God and this is an archangel. There really is no linear breakdown. It’s like they’re all One and you’re just dealing with your little slice of the slide. I think as you develop your awareness becomes bigger you get more and more larger pieces of that hologram. It’s still the same hologram. You’ve still got the same thing but you’re getting better and better resolution. You never can say this is this. Father, Son, Holy Spirit-you can find this in the smallest. You can find it in quarks, like this part is the Father and this part is the Son. I’m always trying to pin JJ down and ask who is this dude in the Hierarchy, Christ, Jesus, the Son? Who are you talking about? Then I said, forget it. You’re not going to get it because it’s all one big hologram and you’re seeing part of it. As you get more and more aware you’re going see more and more.

Elly: A friend and myself, we were just praying or meditating, and Paul came to us. Paul the Apostle came to us. I was really talking to Jesus but I talked to Paul and asked, “What did you mean by this scripture?” He came and what he said to us while he was there was that it did not matter at all in the Godhead who we called who. It was not important. They’re all the same is what I understood by what he told me or told us. They’re just one. We did not see him but his presence and his communication was with us.

JJ: It’s quite possible that what happened to her is that she tuned into the Oneness Principle. In the Oneness Principle all things are available, past, present and future. She could’ve accessed the mind of Paul a couple of thousand years ago even. You just never know.

Delivered May 25, 2002 at the Gathering in Wimberly Texas.

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Higher Telepathy

Texas Gathering, Part Nine
Higher Telepathy

When we speak of our soul we speak of a being which is called the Solar Angel. Now, the Solar Angel is a great entity which has evolved and gone through the human stage and has become a Master and has moved on to the higher spheres. Then the Solar Angels have come back here to help us go through the same cycle of evolution. So, each of us has a Solar Angel that can commune with us and is a Master upon its own sphere of existence.

When we develop soul contact we open the door to contacting our Solar Angels as well as the Masters and Christ and beyond; the doors open to all these communications. The communication between the different vibrations have a subtle difference. First of all there is a communication with your own emotional nature which many people think or are deceived into thinking is the spirit of God or the Solar Angel, whereas, it may not be. Everybody thinks their highest feeling is it. They tend to think it is the ultimate God talking to them. If you talk to anyone in a standard born again religion who has gone through a born again experience, that basically is the soul energy flowing down until the solar plexus is pretty full of energy and the heart energy is touched and begins to open. This is called the birth of the Christ in the heart. When the solar plexus is full and operating and the heart begins to open, then we have this birth of the Christ in the heart. It feels so wonderful to these people that they think it is the ultimate. They don’t realize there are many more energies yet to unfold. This is the beginning of their spiritual journey. They really have a long way to go yet.

So the first step is to commune with your own soul. What can happen when you commune with your soul? What do you get out of it? How can you tell the difference between communing with your soul and communing with your emotional body? One thing I noted when I used to go to church in the old days was that a lot of people would get up and speak in church about how God was speaking to them. Yet what I felt in many of these people was just emotional energy. I didn’t feel any of the higher spiritual feelings coming through them. Yet this was the highest they felt so this was God speaking to them. In a way it is true even though it’s not the highest, for God works out on different levels as our consciousness unfolds. The energy from God is within all of us no matter where we are on our path of evolution. Our centers unfold like little flowers of energy. Did you ever watch a flower unfold as the sunlight hits it? One petal at a time; this is the way the various centers unfold. They unfold one petal at a time and each petal is a different type of energy that begins to unfold, even in the solar plexus where there is much deception because of the way we interpret these energies. It is still the spirit of God working through us according to our ability to perceive. So in this way we can say that God works through every single human being according to their ability, but we each receive a different portion according to what we can handle.

In the beginning, then, as our emotional nature unfolds we believe that we are receiving the fullness of the spirit of God when we haven’t even achieved soul contact yet. Then when soul contact comes it comes in what the scriptures call the still small voice. When it first comes in a way that is true it comes so subtly and so small and speaks in such a small voice that you will think it’s your imagination. If you do not pay attention to it you may not hear it again for a long period of time. But if you do pay attention to it and follow that inner voice then it’s not that the voice gets louder but you’ll be able to tune into it a little better. Each time that you follow it the voice gets a little more amplified and a little easier to hear and understand. This is the beginning of true telepathy; the beginning of true communion with the higher worlds is, first of all, listening to the still small voice. It’s a key to everything we want to do with our spiritual progression.

If we listen to this we will eventually begin to develop a sensitivity so we can tell the difference between the desire nature and the soul. We’ll begin to realize, “My desires may have been high, but it’s what I desired. I was receiving according to what I wanted.” But when you hear the still small voice it may be something entirely different than what you desired. For instance, I told you about the time I had to get up at 3 in the morning, that was a true communication through the soul. It wasn’t what I wanted to hear. I didn’t want to get up at 3 in the morning and make a fool of myself. So when you receive a true communication through the soul sometimes it will be something you wanted to hear, but often times it will be something you didn’t want to hear. But it will be something that you need to do or you need to know. So as you pay attention to this still small voice your sensitivity becomes greater and other things will materialize in your life. Eventually this will lead you into what is called the Science of Impression, through which The Masters communicate. Does anyone know what that is?

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: Right. The Science of Impression is where one of the higher lives will prepare information and send it to you as a whole package. They download information into your mind like a computer package. The interesting thing about this is that there are all kinds of different communications. Let me go through a number of them. One is between you and your soul. Between you and your soul you have the still small voice and eventually you will have what is called the Baptism of Fire. The Baptism of Fire is a fullness of communion between you and your soul where you are given assurance of your direction. You know that your direction is true. This is not a still small voice but a very powerful message that is sent.

Larry: When you say the small still voice, you’re not really saying a voice speaking to you and saying words like a sentence or something? That’s not what you’re meaning, is it?

JJ: Not a voice like we normally hear.

Larry: Like, “Go do this or go do that,” and word but just the impression or…”

JJ: It is a bit more of an impression. The times it’s happened to me it hasn’t been like, “Joe, go do ABC.” It’s almost like you do hear something but then you wonder if you really heard it until you test it. You get the idea it’s presenting. You may not know the actual words. Then sometimes actual words may form in your mind. You don’t actually hear them physically but the words form in your mind. Has anyone had this happen to them?

Audience: My explanation for this, especially when I was learning how to do it originally, is I know the flavor of my own thoughts and I know the flavor of others. So it’s still a voice in my head but it’s the same as my own thoughts.

Audience: That’s part of why I was asking that because I think I’ve experienced both. I’ve had impressions of ideas or concepts with no words then sometimes I’ve had impression that I’m pretty sure were just my own desires. At least one time I heard a voice that wasn’t my voice. And it was a sentence. I could actually hear it and they’re different things.

JJ: Usually you won’t hear an actual voice but you’ll get some type of impression that will communicate to you the needed knowledge in a way that you can understand it. But, especially in the beginning, it will be so subtle that I’m sure many people just dismiss it completely and don’t have it again for a lifetime maybe. Robin?

Robin: I’m just curious as to why it is so subtle when you first hear it. Why isn’t whoever is in charge making sure that you hear it? Why is it so hard to hear the first time or first few times?

JJ: It’s because it’s part of our growing process. In the beginning of our evolution we’re protected from the spiritual fires which can do more harm than good if prematurely experienced. In our various centers, for instance, there is a webbing of protection from higher energies-because if they were to all come down and be revealed to us or us be exposed to the higher energies too quickly it would overwhelm us and could actually kill or harm us.

Robin:. . .Create a point of tension then you miss it and your chance is gone for who knows how long

Audience: . . .Some of those people who have that experience wind up in insane asylums. They go crazy. Or the people can’t handle it.

Audience: What about spontaneous combustion…is that related?

JJ: That very well could be caused by some of the centers opening too rapidly or something. I’ve often wondered. It would be interesting to study what the person was doing the couple of months before something like that happened. Fortunately it’s very rare. But what will happen sometimes when people force communication and they concentrate on centers that are not open and they force them to open prematurely, they will often have physical problems or sometimes even go insane. They’re just not ready for the new energy. The best way to release it is through normal living. This is what the Buddha taught. This is what a lot of the Eastern Wisdom today teaches. Normal good living opens the centers gradually. I haven’t done anything to force any of mine open. I just let everything happen naturally and that’s the safest way to do it. There are ways to use the centers through meditation if you are working with energies that are already pretty much in play. Then you can be fairly safe. But if you’re trying to get new supernatural powers through forced meditation it can be fairly dangerous. If we just live good lives and live by the highest that we know and seek to serve mankind, this is the best way to safely open up all the energies that the powers that be have in store for us.

Lorraine said something about flavor. This is an interesting thing about people. Everyone has a little bit different flavor about them. Once you learn to tune into another person’s emotional nature you’ll find that everybody has a flavor or a signature, for want of a better word. If you have three people you’re close to, you’ll find that when you pick up person A’s vibration it will have a certain feel about it. Person B’s vibration will have another feel about it. Person C’s vibration will have a little bit different feeling still. Then when you pick up on your soul, you’ll find your soul will have a certain vibration. It will be a very still and pure but potent vibration. If you happen to pick up on the vibration of a Master or on up clear to the Christ, they will have a vibration very similar to the soul but it will be a bit more active because they’re in the activity mode whereas the soul is in a watching mode. Your soul is kind of like your personal watcher in a manner of speaking. Eventually the disciple will learn to pick up the difference between the vibration of the soul, the vibration of a Master and the vibration of the Christ. Then there are other beings besides the Christ. DK tells us about an avatar that has come here, an extra-planetary avatar called the Avatar of Synthesis. He is of similar evolution as the Christ Himself. He is on the Earth right now assisting the Christ in the bringing in of the new age. The Avatar of Synthesis will be working with groups. He will be working closely with the molecules that will develop in the near future. He’s more on the first ray energy than the Christ is. His vibration will bring a tremendous sense of power with it.

Before I go further I don’t know how many of you are familiar with the Spiritual Hierarchy but I’ll cover that just briefly in the fact that Christ does not work alone. He has with him a molecule of Masters. They are the hierarchy of beings who work on the various rays. We have seven rays and each one of the Masters is on one of them. He has His associates and there are a number of them that have published names then there are quite a few Masters that we don’t know about. There is nothing published or revealed about them. Some of the Masters work with animal and vegetable and mineral kingdoms. They work in areas that don’t have a lot to do with what we humans are about at the current time. Christ is not working alone but He has other beings that have overcome death and are working with him. If one of them were to commune with you or give you an impression you would probably think it was the Christ because the vibration would be so similar to that of the Christ because of the Oneness Principle.

The Oneness Principle is like a spiritual internet. Using extra-sensory communication through the spiritual internet, when the door to the soul is open, you can tune in to this spiritual internet and attain any knowledge that’s in any of the minds of the Masters and also any of the knowledge that’s available to humanity. But because the soul speaks in a little different language than humanity, the soul speaks in the language on principles. So by tuning into the spiritual internet you aren’t so likely to get data or facts given to you but will receive principles instead. When you get a principle given to you then you can figure out the details.. For example, one of the books I’ve written is around the principle of the molecular relationship.

Let me explain to you this principle. When you understand the principle you can understand the whole book almost instantly. The principle is this: for one thing, as above so below. We look at the little atoms in the sub-human kingdoms and we find that they are individual little entities. We take two atoms of hydrogen and put them with one atom of oxygen and we get something totally different than hydrogen or oxygen. We get water. It’s totally different yet the atoms of hydrogen and oxygen when they merge together don’t lose their identity. They can be pulled apart at any time and continue to be hydrogen and oxygen.

The principle also applies to the human kingdom. Humans can merge together and join through a strong relationship and create something that is beyond the single human, something greater than themselves. This is what Jesus did when He created the twelve apostles. He took twelve units, twelve male/female units and put them together in a molecule, a human molecule. When He put them together and linked them through His connection with the spiritual hierarchy they were no longer regular human beings. They were super human beings. They had additional properties just like water has properties that hydrogen doesn’t. The twelve apostles had properties that they did not have as individual units. They were able to heal the sick and apparently even teleport themselves from one position to another and had many interesting things occur. Peter was put in jail. He was chained by his arms and feet and guarded by 16 guards. All the guards fell asleep, the chains fell from his hands and he walked through the wall and he appeared to the people he was teaching. He was no longer just a regular human being. He was now something different than a regular human being because he was connected by the power and the principle of what we call the molecular relationship.

That’s a principle. By understanding a principle you can understand the details related to the principle once the principle is clear in your mind. So by the power of this spiritual internet we can tune in, by the oneness principle, to any of the lives here upon the earth, the principles that are going through those minds.

How do we tune in to it? One of the ways is through seed thoughts. You put a thought in your mind and you contemplate it. Contemplation is the highest form of meditation. When most people think of meditation they think of making their mind blank. This is a negative form of meditation and it has its place. It’s good to relax you but it’s not really a good way to discover knowledge. The way to discover knowledge and develop ability to commune through the oneness principle is through the meditative state called contemplation. Rick says he’s not a very good meditator but Rick is a good contemplator which is actually a higher form of meditation. When he contemplates he comes up with all kinds of strange things. (laughter) He’s always contemplating so that is the type of meditation that we should pursue more than any other. One of the ways to contemplate is by putting an idea or a thought in your mind and expanding on that thought. So perhaps we ought to introduce a thought to our minds today. I’m going to ask different members of the group here what type of impressions come to their minds. I’m going to plant this seed thought into your mind. We are approaching a new age. The new age is Aquarius. What’s the symbol of Aquarius, anybody know?

Audience: The water bearer

JJ: And what does the symbol of the water-bearer mean? What’s the meaning behind that?

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: And where is the water on the person? The water-bearer? And what is he doing with the water?

Audience: Pouring it.

JJ: He’s pouring, right. The water bearer is pouring forth the waters of life to the thirsty souls. Let that be your seed thought. The water bearer is pouring forth the waters of life to the thirsty souls of men. What does that tell you about the coming new age? Think about this until I ask you about it. What does that mean? What does that tell us about the coming new age, pouring forth the waters of life to the thirsty souls of men?

Audience: Inaudible.

It is interesting. The water plays a part in both the Piscean Age, which was a sign of the fish; and in the Aquarian Age where the waters are being poured forth. Okay we are going to take a break.

Delivered May 25, 2002 at the Gathering in Wimberly Texas.

Copyright By J J Dewey

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