Astrology in the Bible Part II

Astrology in the Bible Part II
Astrology and the Old Testament

It is interesting that there are numerous fields of endeavor in new age thought that attract people who have only a superficial knowledge of that which they practice. Astrology does not let you get away with a lazy study. To become really proficient requires a study somewhat akin to becoming a medical doctor. In addition to there being a lot to learn one must combine his intuition with knowledge to make the most of it.

In our last post we covered what seemed to be Biblical objections to astrology only to discover that there was no condemnation of it after all, and, Daniel, one of the greatest Biblical figures was a leader of the Magi astrologers in Babylon.

Contrary to condemning astrology the Bible is actually quite supportive. For instance, the prophetess Deborah tells us that the stars “fought from heaven; the stars in their courses fought against Sisera.” Judges 5:20

David writes: “He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names.” Psalms147:4

A name in ancient Hebrew was suggestive of different characteristics similar to modern astrological descriptions of the planets.

Jeremiah tells us the power of the ordinances of heaven:

“Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever.” Jer 31:36

One of the most powerful evidences is found in the very beginning of the scriptures:

“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for SIGNS, and for seasons, and for days, and years.” Genesis1:14

The lights in the firmament are of course the stars and planets and these are to be used for “signs,” a concise endorsement of astrology if there ever was one.

The translation “seasons” is quite misleading. It makes it sound like the celestial orbs are there so we can tell the four seasons, but the original meaning was quite different.

“Seasons” comes from the Hebrew MO’ADIM (plural) or MO’ED (singular) . which literally means “appointment” or “fixed times.” It is not a literal word for the four seasons. It only has meaning for words translated from it (such “seasons” or “festivals”) as they relate to fixed times.

One of the best ways to get a feel of the word is to examine how it is used in other scriptures:

“But my covenant will I establish with Isaac, which Sarah shall bear (a child) unto thee at this SET TIME (from MO’ED) in the next year.” Gen 17:21

“Is any thing too hard for the LORD? At the TIME APPOINTED (from MO’ED I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.” Genesis 18:14

“The feast of unleavened bread shalt thou keep. Seven days thou shalt eat unleavened bread, as I commanded thee, IN THE TIME (from MO’ED) of the month Abib: for in the month Abib thou camest out from Egypt.” Exodus 34:18

In addition to this MO’ED is oddly translated as “congregation” when the scriptures speak of the “Tabernacle of the Congregation.”

“Tabernacle comes from OHEL (“dwelling place.”) which comes from the root AHAL which means, “to be clear or shine.” Not only does this root relate the tabernacle to the stars but within the tabernacle was a lampstand called a menorah which held seven lighted candles. These are mentioned several times in the Bible

“And thou shalt make the seven lamps thereof: and they shall light the lamps thereof, that they may give light over against it.” Exodus 25:37

“And said unto me, What seest thou? And I said, I have looked, and behold a candlestick all of gold, with a bowl upon the top of it, and his seven lamps thereon.” Zech 4:2

Now the interesting thing is that the famous Jewish historian, Josephus, who had available many ancient manuscripts that are now lost, tells us that each lamp represented a planet and the seventh candle was symbolic to the Jews of the planet Saturn as well as the seventh day.

Of further interest is the fact that the tabernacle was portable and moved from place to place. It is also quite possible that it was called the Tabernacle of MO’ED because of the location of each new location of the tabernacle was set by the stars and was also a place for study to keep track of astrological positions and signs.

Whatever the case we have Biblical evidence here that a prime purpose of the stars and planets in relation to humanity is to reveal to us appointed and fixed times that are “signs” of things to come.

In addition to the lights in the firmament being for “signs” we are told they have influence just as taught in astrology:

“Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons? Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven?” Job 38:31-33

“Loose the bands of Orion” could be translated as “make way for the salvation of Orion,” again teaching that heavenly orbs have influence.

The word “Mazzaroth” is from an ancient Babylonian word for the signs of the Zodiac.

Concerning this word The New Westminster Dictionary of the Bible defines it as:

“A feature of the starry heavens (Job 38:32). The margin of the Authorized Version and the Revised Version of the Bible interprets it as the sign of the zodiac, equivalent to Hebrew MAZZALOTH (II Kings 23:5, RSV, ‘constellations’). The Hebrew word is of Babylonian origin. It goes back to the old Akkad, MANZAZTU which became MANZALTU, MAZZALTU (station, position of the planet in the zodiac). In late Hebrew MAZZAL, Aramic MAZZALA came to mean constellation of the zodiac, or planet.” pages 599-600

Another authority reads:

“Mazzaroth therefore… clearly signifies the twelve constellations of the zodiac through which the sun appears to pass in the course of the year, poetically likened to the “’inns,”… in which the sun successively rests during the several monthly stages of his annual journey.” (The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Vol. I, p. 312)

Mazzaroth then is another word for “Zodiac.” Zodiac comes from a primitive Hebrew root Sodi, or “the way” in Sanskrit. This is very interesting since “The Way” was the first name given to Christianity (Acts 9:2; 19:9,23; 24:14,22).

Thus we have “The Way” a basic identification for Christian salvation as having the same meaning as the word “Zodiac.” This adds much more meaning to Job’s mentioning of the “salvation of Orion.”

These twelve signs are the same in all ancient nations of the world and in all ages, from ancient chronologies of China, Chaldean and India. Zodiacs are in the Temples of Denderah and Esneh in Egypt. Traditions of the recently discovered islands of the South Sea, traces of them are discerned most clearly among the most ancient and earliest civilized nations. In the remains of Assyria they are recognized; in those of Egypt they are perfectly preserved; in those of Etruria and Mexico they are recognizable.

The scripture ends with “Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven?” “Ordinances comes from the Hebrew CHUGGAH

The Gesenius Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon interprets this literally as “that which is established or defined” and when singular refers to a singular law or ordinance. Obviously Job was referring to laws governing the stars   and planets.

Books have been written about astrology in the Bible, but I will finish up this section by mentioning just a few more points from the Old Testament.

The number of the signs of the Zodiac keep showing up again and again. Legend has it that the twelve tribes of Israel are representative of the twelve signs.

There were twelve stones of the breastplate just as there are twelve stones representing the twelve signs.

In addition twelve repeats itself many times in various ordinances and of course, we cannot overlook the “twelve disciples” of the New Testament.

A fascinating but little known link of the Zodiac with Israel is revealed in the Sepher Yetzirah, a kabbalistic text attributed to Abraham. This indicates that symbols of the signs of the zodiac and the origins of the Hebrew alphabet are linked. Critics may be surprised to learn that the knowledge of the very Bible they read is delivered to mankind through astrological correspondences.

It is also interesting that a mysterious astrological configuration is called a “Yod,” the tenth letter in the Hebrew Alphabet and also the first letter of the name of God (Yahweh YHVH). The Yod within a natal chart is made up of 3 planets. 2 of these planets are 60 degrees from each other, forming a sextile, and both are quincunx, 150 degrees, to a 3rd planet. It forms an elongated triangle when looking at the aspect wheel.

It is said to lead a native on his/her life journey by creating an environment of frustration and adjustment, directing us to hear the call; to reach inside, and sacrifice all that we’ve learned on earth, and challenge us to remember what our soul already knows.

The fact that this “finger of God” configuration is very ancient gives evidence that it was originated by the Hebrews themselves, perhaps even Daniel the prophet.

But this is not all. Phases of the moon were important to the worship of the ancient Jews.

“Behold, I build an house to the name of the LORD my God, to dedicate it to him, and to burn before him sweet incense, and for the continual shewbread, and for the burnt offerings morning and evening, on the sabbaths, and on the NEW MOONS, and on the solemn feasts of the LORD our God. This is an ordinance for ever to Israel.” II Chronicles 2:4

Numerous times in the Old Testament is the mention of the festivals of the New Moons along with the importance of keeping the Sabbath. At the time of the new moon they offered animal sacrifice and the exact time of this occurrence was so important that watchers were placed on the hills around Jerusalem and signaled the news of the exact time of the new moon to distant cities.

Much more could be written but this should suffice for the Old Testament. Readers may want to refer back to my articles on the linkage of ancient Israel to the planet Saturn for more evidence.

After contemplating the scriptures one must exclaim: “The (study of the) heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.” Psalms19:1

Copyright By J J Dewey

Feb 8, 2002

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Astrology and the Bible. Part I

Astrology and the Bible. Part I

I’ve always given some credibility to astrology, but several things have influenced me to give it a more serious study.

First it has always seemed that people fit the description of their birth sign more than the law of averages would allow.

Secondly, just as it makes sense that one person has influence on another, it makes sense that one planet (being a living body) will have influence on another planet and the life forms therein.

Thirdly, I have had two readings which stimulated my interest. I sent off for the first reading when I was in my early twenties. I was impressed by this lady’s ad, for she mentioned that she had come across some ancient Babylonian astrological data that she incorporated with modern astrology.

When I received the printout which was 6 or more pages I was very impressed by her description of my character traits. There were things in there that I could not have gotten from a handwriting analysis. Then on hindsight I am even more impressed for all her predictions came true. She was so good that even now that I have a knowledge of astrology I can not figure out how she came to some of her conclusions. Maybe it has something to do with her studies of ancient Babylonian astrology.

Unfortunately my copy of this disappeared a few years ago. I would really like to have it to read again.

Then, around the age of 35, a friend of mine became very enthused about astrology and raved about an astrologer he met here in Boise who he claimed was as good as they get. He pestered me to make an appointment and I finally succumbed.

I went to see him and on the table he had my chart all colorfully drawn up by hand. As he got into my chart he got quite enthusiastic and told me that I had a combination of aspects he had heard of but never seen in a chart.

“What’s that?” I said.

He said that I had two grand trines, composed of connecting planets, joined together to produce a six pointed star, commonly known as the Star of David.

“Really,” I said. “What does that mean?”

“Legend has it in some astrological circles that this was found in the natal chart of Christ. No one knows if that is true, but this configuration can be a powerful force to help you accomplish something worthwhile.”

I found this flattering yet genuinely interesting and asked him some more questions. I learned that the Star of David is rare, but there are a handful of others who have it and some of them turned out to be average people. The energy of this combination is powerful in bringing a balance of energies, but the person with it must make an effort to release it and then use it effectively.

In my case he said I had squares with Saturn that had to be mastered before I could receive the full benefit of the two grand trines. Saturn was not going to let me get away with careless mistakes, that I would be under strong discipline until I had prepared myself for the full benefit of the star.

The rest of the reading was interesting, but this piece of information stuck in my mind and made me decide to study the art myself to see what there was to it. In fact a few years later I attempted to teach astrology as one of my classes and did a handful of professional readings.

As mentioned in my book and several posts, I met my wife when she began attending my classes and I was impressed with her when I analyzed her writing in my handwriting class. Shortly thereafter, she requested an astrological reading.

I not only calculated her natal chart, but also her progressed chart and noticed that the Sun on her progressed chart was extremely close to the placement of my natal sun. She still has the tape I made wherein I told her something like this:

“Our suns are in the process of merging. This would indicate that you and I are going to have a very close relationship or partnership of some kind.” Then keeping in mind that we were both married to other people at the time I added, “I’m sure that would be a working relationship.”

Then about six months later, when both of us were separating from our spouses, one Thursday evening lightening struck us both at the same moment and we have been together since.

Several days after this particular day I became curious as to how near that Thursday was to the merging of the suns. I thought it would be close, but I was truly amazed when I ran the progressed charts again and saw that her progressed sun merged exactly with mine on the very day we fell in love. The chances of this happening was miniscule.

That’s enough anecdotal information. Now on with the subject.

We have covered a number of subjects that cause a number of Bible believers to have concern that metaphysics is either evil or condemned by God, but we seemed to have bypassed astrology except as it relates to other subjects. In this treatise I seek to cover some basics so future readers who are concerned about Bible verses can look at the subject from a wholeness (holiness) point of view.

The first question to ask is why, in the first place, do many Bible believers think that Astrology is either evil or condemned by God?

There are several scriptures that present a problem. Let us examine this one brought up by a reader:

“There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch.

“For these nations, which thou shalt possess, hearkened unto observers of times, and unto diviners: but as for thee, the LORD thy God hath not suffered thee so to do.” Deuteronomy 18:10&14

Let us translate this from the Concordant version which I believe to be the most accurate overall.

“There shall not be found among you one causing his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or one divining divinations, or consulting clouds, auguring or enchanting…

“For these nations in whose place you are tenanting, they herarken to cloud consulters and diviners. As for you Yahweh your Elohim does not allow you to do so.”

The main item in question here comes from the phrase “observers of times” which most believe refers to astrology. The phrase comes from the Hebrew ANAN which literally means “to cover.” This comes from ANAWN which is the Hebrew for cloud.

Interestingly ANAN is used in the following verse after the flood of Noah:

“And it shall come to pass, when I bring (ANAN) a cloud (ANAWN) over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud: Genesis 9:14

Because the earliest use of ANAN is associated with the motion of clouds we can see why the Concordant version translates it in Deuteronomy as one who consults or interprets patterns in clouds, a quite different art than that of astrology. ANAN corresponds more closely with a tea leaf reader than an astrologer.

The second verse mentioned comes from Daniel:

“And in all matters of wisdom and understanding, that the king enquired of them, he found them (Daniel and his friends) ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all his realm.” Dan 1:20

The word “magicians” comes from the Chaldean CHARTOM which is interpreted as “magician” because of its context throughout the Bible but more than likely merely refers to a “keeper of permanent records” – probably hieroglyphics of hidden or occult knowledge. Because they possessed hidden knowledge, it is quite possible this led to them being seen as magicians.

The Concordant Version translates this word as “sacred scribes.”

“Astrologers” comes from ASHSHAPH and seems to be of mysterious origin. It is generally translated as “astrologer.”

The meaning here is probably the same as the Greek “Magi” or “Magos,” the title of the astrologers who visited Jesus as a child. This is evidenced by the fact that the earliest known Greek manuscript of Daniel translates ASHSHAPH as “Magi.”

The Concordant Version agrees and translates the word also as Magi.

According to historical evidence the magi could have indeed been astrologers as part of their work, but they were also philosophers, counselors and interpreters of the signs of the times.

The idea that Daniel and his friends were “ten times” wiser is misleading. In the original language the term was a unit of measurement. It was more like saying that Daniel was “miles ahead” of his competition.

So Daniel was “head and shoulders” above the Babylonian astrologers and record keepers “in all matters of wisdom and understanding.” This indicates to us that the Babylonian Magi were more than just astrologers but also philosophers.

When the king found that none of the astrologers could interpret his dream he decided to have them all killed. The interesting thing is that included in this group of wise astrologers to be destroyed was Daniel and his friends. Daniel was then concerned when he learned that the “wise men” including himself would be killed so he petitioned to God for knowledge that he “and his fellows should not perish with the rest of the wise men (magi/astrologers) of Babylon.

Then, as we know, Daniel received knowledge from God about the meaning of the dream which truly impressed the King. The scripture reads:

“Then the king made Daniel a great man, and gave him many great gifts, and made him ruler over the whole province of Babylon, and CHIEF OF THE GOVERNORS OVER ALL THE WISE MEN (magi/astrologers) OF BABYLON.

“Then Daniel requested of the king, and he set Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, over the affairs of the province of Babylon: but Daniel sat in the gate of the king.” Dan 2:48-49

Daniel who was clearly named as one of the wise men (another name for the magi/astrologers) was appointed “governor” over all the magi. Obviously Daniel was an astrologer/magi himself if he was identified as such by the king when they were targeted for death and later as their leader when they were allowed to live.

Therefore, if astrology is evil, Daniel and his friends were evil.

There are several other scriptures not mentioned which are used to discredit astrology. A popular one is in Deuteronomy 4:16-19:

“Lest ye corrupt yourselves, and make you a graven image, the similitude of any figure, the likeness of male or female, The likeness of any beast that is on the earth, the likeness of any winged fowl that flieth in the air, The likeness of any thing that creepeth on the ground, the likeness of any fish that is in the waters beneath the earth:

“And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the sun, and the moon, and the stars, even all the host of heaven, shouldest be driven to worship them, and serve them, which the LORD thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven.”

This scripture is against the making or worshiping of engraven images. This no more condemns people for studying the influence of the stars than it does the study of psychology, or the influence of one person upon another. Both heavenly bodies and human bodies are figured in this commandment.

Here is another one:

“Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee.” Isaiah 47:13

This was not a condemnation of the astrologers, but of the kingdom of Babylon for its “wickedness” in enslaving the Israelites and self-serving attitude, among other things.

To say that the astrologers could not save Babylon because of her misdeeds is like saying a doctor cannot save a patient because he has abused his body. Such line of reasoning is neither a condemnation of astrologers or doctors.

The interesting thing is that even if we confront the literalists at their own game we can win the scriptural battle, but there is another angle to consider here. That is – what is deemed taboo or evil in one age can be a benefit in another. There is a time and season for every purpose under heaven.

The God of the Old Testament commanded the people not to eat pork, shellfish and many other items, yet God in the New Testament told the people it was all right to eat these things.

The God of the Old Testament commanded the people to put witches, gays, Sabbath breakers and disobedient children to death. Fortunately, we are wise enough in this age to not follow such instructions in a black and white manner, but to use good judgment over scripture.

If we are willing to trust our judgment rather than go by old testament commands in civil matters then why not also judge astrology for what it is, looking at the subject with an open mind?

If it works and is useful then use it, if it has no value then do not use it.

We are not under condemnation if we sincerely follow the highest we know.

Copyright By J J Dewey

Feb 6, 2002

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The Word of God

The Word of God

Question: Is the Bible the Word of God

Answer: Not in the way people think.

Note that the Bible does not claim to be the word of God. In fact the Bible does not even speak of itself for the Bible did not even exist in book form when it was being written.

The Jewish Biblical collection was not assembled in present format until around 90 AD and the Christian Bible not until 367 AD.

Nowhere in the two collections does the Bible speak of itself or of either collection of books – which had its existence hundreds of years after the actual writing of the individual books therein.

So why do people refer to the Bible as the Word of God?

Basically most of the scriptures of the world are called the Word of God by the followers thereof because it is thought by the followers that God revealed all or part of the writings involved. The Bible fits in this category because there are a handful of references to the direct voice of God speaking and then there are prophets who claim to be speaking on behalf of God. On the other hand, such writings comprise just a small segment of the Bible with the rest of the scriptures being a historical record making no claim to be the “Word of God,” but only claiming to be a history of a people devoted to God.

So if the Bible itself makes no claim to being the literal word of God – where does such a claim come from?

Answer: This claim comes from the Beast as written in the Thirteenth Chapter of Revelation.

The idea of the Bible being the word of God comes from the Beast??? How can you say such a thing?

If you read my first 100 posts you will realize that the Beast is the unearned authority of the religious, political and other organizations of the earth.

Representatives of this beastly authority compiled our Bibles and have declared them to be “the Word of God.”

Why would the Beast, the arch enemy of truth, declare and establish the idea that the Bible is the unerring “Word of God?”

Because an even greater objective of the Beast than deception is control. It’s prime objective is to control the souls of men and women. Can you think of a more powerful way to control the souls of humanity than to declare they are quoting the “Word of God,” and that your choice is to either follow or to find yourself fighting against God and doomed to suffer his wrath?

No. There is no more powerful method of control than this, and this the Beast realizes and uses to the max.

Now the question arises – is the Beast correct? Is the Bible the Word of God?

The answer may astound you but please bear with me.

The Bible is the Word of God in the same way that Tom Sawyer, Aesop’s Fables and the Farmer’s Almanac is the Word of God.

(I suspect my enemies will be quoting this last sentence out of context.)

“Blasphemy,” cries the literal believer. “How can you say that?”

Before one can call the Bible or any other book the “Word of God,” he must understand what the Word of God is.

The Bible itself give us several hints.

First, we are told that the name of Christ is the “Word of God.” Rev 19:13

Why is Christ called such? The scripture gives a hint:

“Thy word is truth.” John 17:17

“God is true.” John 3:33

So here we have it in writing so simple it is impossible to misunderstand. That which is “true” is the “Word of God.” Christ is called the Word of God because he speaks the words of truth and the Spirit of Christ which is within us speaks the words of truth within.

Here is a great description of the Truth, which is the “Word of God.”

“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Heb 4:12

Indeed, when the truth is discerned, it is sharper than a two-edged sword and nothing can prevent it from making its presence known.

If truth is true does it make any difference who speaks it? Is truth truer if spoken by God, Christ or an angel? Is it less true if spoken by an average person or even a devil?

No. “Truth is true and nothing else is true,” to quote a phrase by A Course in Miracles.

Perhaps we can word it another way:

If a truth is true nothing can make it untrue – neither God, nor the devil, saint or sinner.

If the Word is God (John 1:1) then nothing can unmake God and make God to not be God, or make the truth into a lie.

So, to answer the question: “Is the Bible the Word of God?” one must simply ask if the Bible is true.

So… Is the Bible true?

Answer: Yes and no.

“But how can you say that?” says the believer. “Isn’t the Bible the infallible Word of God?”

To illustrate just pick any verse from the scriptures.

Let us pick two scriptures starting with one coming from the voice of God declaring his name:

“And God said to Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus salt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.” Exodus 3:14

Other translators have worded God’s identification differently:

“I am being that which I am being”

“I am becoming who I am becoming”

“I shall come to be as I am coming to be.”

“I will be who I will be.”

“I am who I am.”

Then, of course, we have the translation as given in my writings:


Each of these translations carries with them arguments as to why they are correct, but they all differ subtly in meaning. So which one is the true one?

Go to the original Hebrew you say?

The Hebrew which reads as: EHYEH ASER EHYEH is available to all and still there is no consensus as to the correct meaning as originally spoken.

Or how about this scripture:

“What shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” Matt 24:3

Instead of “coming” other translators use “presence.” This puts an entirely different twist on it and could indicate the second coming could happen with people feeling the presence of Christ and no physical appearance.

Instead of “end of the world” many versions use “end of the age.” This changes the meaning completely and can mean the end of the world bunch are completely mislead, even though they have complete faith in the infallible word of God.

So which version is the true version?

They could all be wrong or one or more could be true.

It is possible that a translation could be entirely wrong, yet still be true?

For instance the word “world” in the above scripture comes from the Greek word AION which does literally mean “an age.” Even so there are times that it is mistranslated as “world” where truth is still conveyed:

“And the cares of this WORLD, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful.” Mark 4:19

Here it does not matter much whether “world” or “age” is used. The teaching is true in either case. Because both versions are true, then both are the “Word of God.”

If the Word of God is that which is true, does this mean that one can read the Bible, see that which is not true and not really read the Word of God?

Yes. One can read the Bible with self deception and not be reading or seeing the Word of God.

It also means that if he reads Tom Sawyer and sees a truth or true principle, then he has read the word of God.

Can the Word of God even be printed in black and white text?


The fact is that truth can only be hinted at in black and white text, for any written word can be interpreted in a number of different ways. The way to find the Word of God is to take the hint given by the words and use the power of the soul to see the underlying truth behind them. When the underlying truth behind the physical words is seen, then the Word of God resides within us no matter what the source was.

One must reach that point where “the word of God abideth in you” I John 2:14 Notice that it does not abide in a book, but “in you.”

So in answer to question number one: The Bible is the Word of God inasmuch as the words you draw from it harmonize with the Word of God within the Soul of man which is in harmony with the Spirit of God.

To have all the Word of God would mean we have all truth. Since we do not have all truth this means we do not have all the Word of God. Because there are many truths not in the Bible (for instance 2+2=4) this means the Bible is far from the complete Word of God.

Copyright By J J Dewey

Feb 3, 2002

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Finding The Rays

Finding The Rays

Assignment. Search the Bailey writings (Esoteric Astrology) and find the orthodox and esoteric planetary rulers of the signs with their accompanying Rays.

Here was the result:

Exoteric/Esoteric Rulers

  1. Aries – Mars/Mercury
  2. Libra – Venus/Uranus
  3. Taurus – Venus Vulcan
  4. Scorpio – Mars/Pluto Mars
  5. Gemini – Mercury/Venus
  6. Sagittarius – Jupiter/Earth
  7. Cancer – Moon/Neptune
  8. Capricorn – Saturn/Saturn
  9. Leo – Sun Sun/Neptune
  10. Aquarius – Uranus/Jupiter
  11. Virgo – Mercury/Moon
  12. Pisces – Jupiter/Pluto


Sacred Planets

  1. Vulcan 1st Ray
  2. Mercury 4th Ray
  3. Venus 5th Ray
  4. Jupiter 2nd Ray
  5. Saturn 3rd Ray
  6. Neptune 6th Ray
  7. Uranus 7th Ray

Non-sacred Planets

  1. Mars 6th Ray
  2. Earth 3rd Ray
  3. Pluto 1st Ray
  4. The Moon (veiling a hidden planet) 4th Ray
  5. The Sun 2nd Ray

Now take your sun sign and find the Exoteric and Esoteric (outer and inner) ruling planets and find the rays associated with them.

For instance, I was born on Feb 6 and am an Aquarius. My exoteric ruler is Uranus. (This is recognized by orthodox astrologers.) Uranus is governed by the 7th Ray. This would indicate a strong 7th Ray influence in my personality, or one of my bodies, or my life in general.

My Sun’s esoteric ruler is Jupiter which is governed by Ray two. This would indicate a Ray Two influence in the soul or on subtle levels.

The next thing to look at is your rising sign.

Mine is Gemini an air sign, related to mind. The Orthodox ruler is Mercury which is Fourth Ray and the esoteric ruler is Venus which is Fifth Ray. This would indicate two Rays which influence the mind in particular and there will be a good chance that the mental body will be on one of these.

Another hint lies in the placement of the Moon. Mine is in Sagittarius whose exoteric ruler is Jupiter ruled by Ray two. This indicates a ray influencing the astral body. Again this is right on for me since my astral body is governed by this ray.

Now if we move to the esoteric ruler of Sagittarius we see it is the earth which is governed by Ray Three. This indicates a key to higher intuitive contacts for me is the Holy Spirit, the third aspect.

The various Ray influences in your astrological chart is not an infallible guide for your rays, but does give hints that can verify what you are discerning about yourself.

For instance, if your natal chart hints that your personality is on the Second Ray, you may really be on another ray, but have a strong secondary influence from this ray.

Energies in Astrology and the Rays

Each of the signs have varying degrees of male or female energy and each of us are polarized in either the male or female rays. The rays on the male side are the odd numbers: 1, 3, 5 and 7 and the female are 2, 4 and 6.

Let us therefore discern how the male and female energies manifest in our natal charts. Plus numbers below are representative of male energy and minus as female.

The Elements

Water = minus 2

Earth = minus1

Air = plus 1

Fire = plus 2

The Crosses

Mutable Cross = minus 1

Fixed = 0

Cardinal Cross = plus 1

Now let us apply these energies to the signs:

Aries 2+1=Plus 3

Taurus -1+0=Minus 1

Gemini 1+-1=0

Cancer -2+1=Minus 1

Leo 2+0=Plus 2

Virgo -1+-1=Minus 2

Libra 1+1=Plus 2

Scorpio -2+0=Minus 2

Sagittarius 2-1=Plus 1

Capricorn -1+1=0

Aquarius 1+0=Plus 1

Pisces -2+-1=Minus 3

In addition to your sun sign you can also give some weight to your rising sign and the sign related to the placement of your moon. These two together are around 40% of the influence of the sun sign.

If you discover that your chart reveals a polarization in female energies then chances are the ray patterns of rays 2-4-6 will dominate in your makeup, but if the polarization is in the male energies then 1-3-5-7 will be strong.

Notice that Aquarius, the sign we are entering is positive one and Pisces, the sign we are leaving is minus three, the most female of all the signs. There was strong female suppression at the beginning of this age but ended with females making inroads into establishing their own power. The Pisces energy will still be in play during the transition for a few years to come.

Aquarius is positive one, near the point of balance so with the appropriate use of mind there should be a reasonable balance of male and female energies in the new age with appreciation of the two energies making one great whole.

This finishes a basic introduction to the rays. There is much more information in the Bailey books that you will discover as you read through them.

Copyright By J J Dewey

Jan 31, 2002

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The Sabbath of Laughter

The Sabbath of Laughter

I would like to add two more measures to the previous eight that can be taken in defeating negativity or dark forces.

(9) Laughter. After contemplating this principle I sense that there is more to this than meets the eye and that we can use laughter for positive results unrealized.

There have been a few people who have used laugher as a means to aid with healing, but using it to dispel darkness and negativity is perhaps a new twist.

A reader made the comment that maybe when we get down and out and there’s no where to go but up that a good laugh will propel us in the desired direction.

Think of it. What actually happens when we laugh? How do you feel when you are actually in the act of joyous laughter?

No matter how negative you felt the instant before, no matter what your stress or pain, it all seems to disappear during the time of the actual heartfelt laughter.

In a way laughter is like a Sabbath of rest from all the cares and concerns of life. It is also interesting that one of the promises of God to the faithful in the scriptures is to “enter into his rest.”

Is it possible that laughter is a method of entering into the rest of God while still living upon the earth?

Let us, my friends try an experiment during the next month and laugh at the following:

(A) Any situation that distresses you.

(B) Any negative feeling that bothers you

(C) Anything painful.

When you laugh, just do not make the sound thoughtlessly, but actually laugh at the negativity you wish to disappear. This will send a message through your soul that you do not recognize the negative and will call forth the magical power of the Spirit to move you one additional step toward creating heaven on earth.

Here’s an interesting quote from DK on the subject:

“One is to cultivate the ability to “sit light in the saddle” (to use an old proverbial injunction) and the other is to develop a sense of humour, a real (not forced) capacity to laugh at oneself and with the world. This is one of the compensations which comes to those who can succeed in working in the light upon the mental plane. When you can do this, the constant tension under which you labour will adjust itself.” Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Page 414

(10) Create a positive affirmation. In addition to saying the Song of the 144,000 you can write a personal affirmation geared to your own situation. You can either say it to yourself during the day or make yourself a tape and listen to it regularly.

“Every day in every way I am getting better and better,” is a popular, but short positive statement.

Reader Comment: If it is the “heavens”, then I don’t understand how it can separate the “waters below the firmament” from the “waters above the firmament”. If the “waters below” are the oceans, etc.; and if the firmament is the “heavens” (in which were placed the sun, moon and stars, in day 4), then somewhere, way out is space, it would seem there’s a whale of a lot of water (pun intended). Enough to surround our galaxy?

I’ve read one account that said the ancient Hebrews believed the world was flat, and that a literal translation of the Hebrew word from which firmament was translated, was a dome — and that they believed the sky was a dome, whose ends rested on the mountains, on which the stars, etc. were placed. Even if that were so (and personally, I give the Hebrews more credit than that) … the other and bigger issue STILL is … where is the water ABOVE the firmament??????

An ocean floating in space?

JJ: Yes, the Bible clearly says there are waters both above and below the firmament.

The word “firmament” comes from RAQIYA which literally means “expanse.” Some believe it referred to a dome, but others feel it merely refers to our atmosphere.

Thus you have waters above and below the atmosphere. The waters below are obvious – the oceans, rivers, lakes etc. But what are the waters above? One interesting theory I read stated that before the days of Noah the earth had rings like Saturn composed of frozen water and the flood was caused by the descent of these rings. If there were such rings then there would have indeed been waters above the atmosphere.

My thought is this. Many of the ancients had little knowledge of space and when they looked up at the sky they saw it was blue like a great body of water and thus many thought that somewhere beyond the air we breath is a universal body of water.

This is not entirely untrue for some ancient writings call the invisible ethers of space, “waters” that give birth to all there is and from this vantage point there are indeed waters above the atmosphere.

The Covered People

I have just a few minutes tonight so I thought I would pose a question.

I notice that all those of the Islam faith are adamant about wearing a covering over their head so I figured there must be some commandment on it in the Koran. I therefore, did a search and instead of finding a demand that they wear a covering I found the opposite. Let me quote:

10: 27. For those who do good deeds, there shall be the best reward and yet more blessings. And neither darkness nor ignominy shall cover their faces. It is these who are the inmates of Heaven; therein shall they abide.

10: 28. And as for those who do evil deeds, the punishment of an evil deed shall be the like thereof, and ignominy shall cover them. They shall have none to protect them from ALLAH. And they shall look as if their faces had been covered with dark patches of night. It is these who are the inmates of the Fire; therein shall they abide.

Her they are commanded that “darkness” shall not cover their faces and that the evil ones are “covered with dark patches of night.”

Another Quote:

11: 6. Now surely, they fold up their breast that they may hide their evil thoughts from HIM. Aye, even when they cover themselves up with their garments, HE knows what they hide and what they reveal. Surely, HE knows full well what is in their breast.

Again, covering themselves up with garments does not sound like a positive thing.

Is it possible that the idea of covering themselves so much is as much of a distortion of Islam as handling snakes would be for Christians?

Copyright By J J Dewey

Jan 19, 2002

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Kool Name

Kool Name

A reader says she pronounces Djwhal Khul’s name as ‘D-wow Kool. I agree with the kool part for indeed he is a cool dude. I think he looked into the future and saw that “cool” would be a cool word from the late fifties onward and then glommed on to it for a last name. (A little humor here for the serious dudes)

I would guess that that A is pronounced like the A in AHH or D-Wall. My reason for this is twofold. (1) This is the obvious English pronunciation and (2) if we take the two vowel sounds from the two names we have AHH OOO the first two sounds of the A-U-M. The A represents the first aspect and the U the second. The M of the third aspect is missing.

Does this have meaning?

It does.

His name tells us that part of his mission is to lead us away from the negative elements left over from the first solar system which was ruled by the Third Aspect (The missing M) and he is an instrument in leading is to the purpose of the second solar system (U ruled by Ray Two) and present the vision of the coming Solar System (AH – ruled by Ray One).

The leaving behind the Ray 3 of the first solar system is verified by the silent letters in his name. Using standard numerology we have: W=5 + H=8+H=8 for a total of 21. 2+1=3 symbolizing the silence of the Third Aspect of the Past and moving on to the Second and finally the First.

Using numerology for his first name we have: D=4+J=1+W=5+H=8+A=1+L=3 Totaling 22

Then we tabulate the second name:

2+2=4 K=2+H=8+U=3+L=3 Totaling 16 1+6=7

Now we add the totals for the name 22+16=38 and 3+8=11 and 1+1=2

This is quite interesting since he is a Master of the Second Ray who is attempting to increase the consciousness aspect (2nd Ray) of humanity.

I would have a natural affinity toward his teachings since the numbers of my name are very similar to his. Notice that both of our names total 11 which is reduced to two.

J=1+O=6+S=1+E=5+P=7+H=8 J=1+O=6+H=8+N=5 D=4+E=5+W=5+E=5+Y=7 Total = 74 7+4=11 1+1=2

Interestingly this is the number of my Soul Ray. I have two silent H’s as he does which would further attract me to him on intuitive levels.

Among his students he is known as DK D=4 and K = 2 which totals 6. We thus have the 2/4/6 or all the rays of the second aspect represented in his initials, again emphasizing his Second Ray emphasis.

The fact that D+K=6 tells us that these initials register well with us on an emotional level and that he is attempting to descend below the mind and communicate with us on all levels.

Now the one thing we are missing is the Tibetan meaning of his actual name. That would be interesting to know.

It would also be interesting to know his two other names. Alice A. Bailey knew him as Djwhal Khul and one other name not revealed. Then there was a third name she was not privy to.

Falling in Place

A reader asks what the purpose is of learning about the Rays and the sub aspects.

Let me state a principle for your consideration around this question:

The understanding of all principles, and knowledge leading to principles, no matter how mundane or unimportant they seem in the present, will at some point become a missing piece to a puzzle and become a key to greater vision.

For example, as a teenager, I hated to study history and always questioned the sanity of the school system forcing us to learn it. I reasoned that history was a useless record of how things were done in past eras that have little connection to the present.

Fortunately as time passed I found out how wrong I was. History is a key to understanding the present as well as making it better. A study of history also reveals many underlying principles governing human nature.

Indeed that subject which I once thought useless is now a strong influence on all my teachings of the present.

There is no principle or accumulation of truth which is useless. It is true that some knowledge is more useful in the present than others, but everything will be useful at one time or another.

As far as metaphysical or spiritual truth goes the knowledge of the seven Rays is essential for a wholeness of understanding.

The Seven Rays are the key principles behind all creation, behind why astrology works, behind many of our differences as human beings, behind the keys to predicting future cycles, behind color, music, sound and many other aspects of creation.

Once a knowledge of them is obtained the disciple will have many opportunities in his future to put it to use.

What we currently have from Djwhal Khul is foundational material which will be followed by much more extensive writings when he speaks again around 2025. When this more advanced knowledge comes then we will be lost if we do not at least have a basic understanding of the rays.

I recently had a small opportunity to try out the ideas on laughter that we recently discussed. One of my eyes felt irritable, like it was developing an infection so I laughed in the direction of the discomfort and it immediately felt about 50% better. Then the next morning the eye was normal.

When you think of it laughter has the power of negation and can be used for good or evil. Often has been the time that a person has attempted a project good and noble, but has attracted the laughter of his comrades. Such laughter will tempt the aspiring soul to believe that his efforts are negated, or in vain, and stop in his tracks before he even gets a good start.

In this case laughter negated something that was good.

The key to the correct use of laughter is to negate that which is undesirable. If nothing else, a harmless laugh at good humor at the end of a day may negate a day or boredom, or meaninglessness, and make the person feel that life is not so tough after all.

But, if we laugh at the negativity in the world or those things that bother or hinder us it can tend to recharge our forces giving us strength to forge ahead as if the negative does not exist.

This brings us to an associated subject which may give us a break from contemplating heavy material:

Perhaps we could humorously call these aspects of the Eighth Ray: Humor – Laughter – Play

Is play an important ingredient in the life of the disciple? Does an enlightened person leave this principle behind and concentrate on serious things or does he or she keep this as an important part of his life? Why? What benefit does it serve?

Jan 26, 2002

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To Drink or Not to Drink

To Drink or Not to Drink

Reader Comment: I wasn’t going to say anymore on this subject but came across this today in the Aquarian Gospel (Ch.62, Verses 26 to 30):

“And when the chief men of the town poured out the sparkling wine and offered John (the harbinger) a cup, he took it, held it high in the air, and said, “Wine makes glad the carnal heart, and it plunges deep in bitterness and gall the deathless spirit of the man. I took the vow of Nazar when a child, and not a drop has ever passed my lips. And if you would make glad the coming king, then shun the cup as you would shun a deadly thing.” And then he threw the sparkling wine out in the street.

Maybe he just means champagne!

Sounds like John was really against wine. Does this mean that we should be also?

Before we decide we must look at the whole picture. As with many disciples in today’s world there was a huge difference of approach between that of Jesus and John.

John and his disciples lived a very austere life apart from the rest of society dedicated to restricted food, fasting, prayer and being divorced from the cares of the world.

Jesus and his disciples lived with the people and he did not encourage them to fast and was criticized for this.

John was very intolerant of sin, the breaking of the commandments and pointed out and condemned the lawbreakers whenever he got the opportunity. This eventually got him killed.

Jesus rarely mentioned the letter of the law and rarely condemned. He put emphasis in the spirit behind the laws.

One of the largest differences between the two is that Jesus drank wine and John did not. John may have had difficulty in accepting this behavior of Jesus and it could have been one of the reasons that he was still not sure Jesus was the Messiah as he was facing death in prison.

The contrast between the lives of the two are noted in the Aquarian Gospel:

“John came and ate no bread, and drank no wine. He lived the simplest life apart from men, and people said, He is obsessed.

“Another (Jesus) comes who eats and drinks and lives in homes like other men, and people say, He is a glutton, an inegriate, a friend of publicans and those who sin.”

Here is how this is worded in the New Testament:

“For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He hath a devil.

The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children.” Matt 11:18-19

Note that Jesus drank enough wine to be tagged a “winebibber,” or one who drinks too much.

His family obviously drank wine as evidenced by the fact that Mary was serving wine at the wedding in Cana and Jesus approved since he turned the water into wine so guests would not have to do without. Again, I’ll use the Aquarian Gospel:

“As Jesus stood apart in silent thought his mother came and said to him, The wine has failed; what shall we do?

‘And Jesus said, Pray what is wine? It is but water with the flavouring of grapes. And what are grapes? They are but certain kinds of thought made manifest, and I can manifest that thought, and water will be wine.

“He called the servants, and he said to them, Bring in six water pots of stone, a pot for each of these, my followers, and fill them up with water to the brims.

“The servants brought the water pots, and filled them to their brims. And Jesus with a mighty thought stirred up the ethers till they reached the manifest, and, lo, the water blushed, and turned to wine.

“The servants took the wine and gave it to the ruler of the feast who called the bridegroom in and said to him, This wine is best of all; most people when they give a feast bring in the best wine at first; but, lo, you have reserved the best until last.

“And when the ruler and the guests were told that Jesus, by the power of thought, had turned the water into wine, they were amazed; They said, This man is more than man; he surely is the christed one who prophets of the olden times declared would come. And many of the guests believed on him, and gladly would have followed him.”

Now what is really interesting is that Jesus actually commanded his disciples to drink wine in remembrance of him after he was gone:

40 And then he took a cup of wine and said, Blood is the life, this is the life-blood of the grape; it is the symbol of the life of him who gives his life for men.

41 And as you drink this wine, if you shall drink in faith, you drink the life of Christ.

42 And then he supped and passed the cup, and the disciples supped; and Jesus said, This is the feast of life, the great passover of the son of man, the Supper of the Lord, and you shall often eat the bread and drink the wine.

43 From henceforth shall this bread be called Remembrance bread; this wine shall be Remembrance wine; and when you eat this bread and drink this wine remember me.

The Apostle Paul commended members who drank in moderation, but was not against a reasonable use as noted in the scripture:

“Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach’s sake and thine often infirmities.” I Tim 5:23

The question may arise: Who is right, Jesus or John?

The answer is that they both are.

On certain points upon the path and in preparation for certain initiations it is important to withdraw as much as possible from the influence of meat and drink.

One of the early reasons for this is to learn self control and mastery over the pull of carnal life. After the needed self control is obtained there will also come times when the disciple is guided by his soul to abstain so he will be able to handle new spiritual energies which are being released to him. If he is not sufficiently purified to receive them they will cause him much distress. Then on other points of the path where these types of energies are not on the horizon a normal lifestyle will serve him fine.

Note that at the baptism of Jesus and the Spirit entered into him that there was a tremendous increase of spiritual energy for him. And what did he do? He immediately fasted for forty days and completely separated himself from society. But, after he adjusted to the new energy he ate and drank as did the people with whom he mingled.

I know this to be a true principle by experience. In my life there have been two occasions where I have received a significant increase in spiritual energy. During the first one I did not drink alcohol but ate a normal diet. The increase in energy brought great distress to my physical body and I sometimes wondered if I would die soon.

In preparation for the second endowment I did not only not drink alcohol, but I was on a diet consisting of only fresh fruits and vegetables. This time, even though the increase in spiritual energy was greater than the first, I suffered no physical distress.

Now during this current period of my life where my main mission is to give out what I have received a standard diet and a little wine serves me well.

On the other hand, it is quite possible that my soul may guide me to abstain again in the future.

When dealing with principles, black and white application rarely applies. This is one of the reasons Jesus stressed that we be cautious in making judgments. What is right for one person may be incorrect for another. That which is righteous in one era may be evil in another.

Copyright by J J Dewey

Jan 18, 2002

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Finishing the Seventh

Finishing the Seventh

The Question: How was the 7th Ray involved in the following?

The creation of the Constitution of the United States.
The invention of the light bulb
The creation of atomic energy
The Beatles
The Computer
Space Travel

Let us pick one of interest to all – the Beatles.

Before the Beatles most top hits bore the name of a single highlighted singer. Even if the singer had a band the group was recognized by the name of the lead character such as Glen Miller, Guy Lombardo or Perry Como.

Before the Beatles there were a handful of synthesized groups but they had little impact until the Fab Four came along and solidified the idea of a group with no one particular person as the main character.

Here is how the Beatles used the Seventh Ray as it came into greater power.

Organization: The organized their band, not around a central character, but an idea with all playing a part.

Synthesis: They took the best of all music, from ballads, to blues, rock and roll and made hits and went beyond what had been done before.

Magic: Their use of the Seventh Ray created a magic that had never been seen before in music.

One can go through the other categories mentioned in a similar fashion.

An interesting thing to note is that the Seventh Ray is coming into manifestation coinciding with the Age of Aquarius which is also ruled by this ray.

The incarnation of the Rays is a little like the incarnation of a human being. They come and go in physical livingness in cyclic order. The astrological signs are also governed by the Rays, but this is a separate influence from a Ray in incarnation.

Djwhal Khul tells us that the simultaneous appearance of Ray Seven in incarnation with the age of Aquarius is a rare thing. He writes:

“These seven energies have ever, unitedly, created the ‘light supernal’ upon the highest levels of divine expression, but that revealing light only finds Location when the seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order is active and in process of manifestation in the three worlds, and necessarily, therefore, upon the seventh plane, the physical plane. Such a manifestation inevitably takes place in moments of planetary crisis, when the seventh ray is active and when the Sun is in Aquarius. Such a combination of relationships is being established now, for the seventh ray is rapidly coming into manifestation and the Sun is in Aquarius, for the Aquarian Age is just beginning. The Objective of this combination (which has occurred six times during the period of the fifth root-race) is to bring about illumination and the establishment of order upon the Earth.” Discipleship in the New Age II, Pages 425-426

Note that he says this has occurred six times during the period of the fifth root race, the Aryan.

The fifth root race had its faint beginnings over four million years ago, but entered full manifestation about a million years ago. DK was probably speaking of a million year period which would mean that we have a seventh Ray condition appearing which the world has not seen for around 166,000 years. We will be witnesses to magic which the world has not seen since the days of Atlantis.

Here are some more comments Djwhal Khul made on this Ray:


Strength, perseverance, courage, courtesy, extreme care in details, self-reliance.

Vices of Ray:

Formalism, bigotry, pride, narrowness, superficial judgments, self-opinion over-indulged.

Virtues to be acquired:

Realisation of unity, wide-mindedness, tolerance, humility, gentleness and love.

This is the ceremonial ray, the ray which makes a man delight in “all things done decently and in order,” and according to rule and precedent. It is the ray of the high priest and the court chamberlain, of the soldier who is a born genius in organisation, of the ideal commissary general who will dress and feed the troops in the best possible way. It is the ray of the perfect nurse for the sick, careful in the smallest detail, though sometimes too much inclined to disregard the patients’ idiosyncrasies and to try and grind them in the iron mill of routine.

It is the ray of form, of the perfect sculptor, who sees and produces ideal beauty, of the designer of beautiful forms and patterns of any sort; but such a man would not be successful as a painter unless his influencing ray were the fourth. The combination of four with seven would make the very highest type of artist, form and colour being both in excelsis. The literary work of the seventh ray man would be remarkable for its ultra-polished style, and such a writer would think far more of the manner than of the matter in his work, but would always be fluent both in writing and speech. The seventh ray man will often be sectarian. He will delight in fixed ceremonials and observances, in great processions and shows, in reviews of troops and warships, in genealogical trees, and in rules of precedence.

The bad type of seventh ray man is superstitious, and such a man will take deep interest in omens, in dreams, in all occult practices, and in spiritualistic phenomena. The good type of the ray is absolutely determined to do the right thing and say the right word at the right moment; hence great social success.

In healing, the seventh ray man would rely on extreme exactness in carrying out orthodox treatment of disease. On him the practices of yoga would have no physical bad results.

He will approach the Path through observance of rules of practice and of ritual, and can easily evoke and control the elemental forces.

From many of the above remarks it may have been inferred that the characteristics of any given ray find closer correspondence with one of the other rays than with the rest. This is a fact. The only one which stands alone and has no close relationship with any of the others is the fourth. This brings to mind the unique position which the number four occupies in the evolutionary process. We have the fourth root race, the fourth planetary chain, the fourth planet in the chain, the fourth planetary manvantara, etc.

Between the third and the fifth rays there is a close relationship. [Page 212] In the search after knowledge, for example, the most laborious and minute study of detail is the path that will be followed, whether in philosophy, the higher mathematics or in the pursuit of practical science.

The correspondence between the second and the sixth rays shews itself in the intuitive grasp of synthesised knowledge, and in the common bond of faithfulness and loyalty.

Masterfulness, steadfastness, and perseverance are the corresponding characteristics of the first and the seventh rays. Esoteric Psychology Vol I, Pages 210-212

Now that we have covered the bare bones of each Ray one of the best things you can do for more knowledge is to study the Bailey books yourself. The best books for coverage of the Rays are:

The Rays and the Initiations, Discipleship in the New Age, Vols I & II, Esoteric Psychology Vols I & II, Esoteric Healing and The Destiny of the Nations

As the disciple studies the rays the big question that comes to him is about his own rays.

The trouble is that DK never gave out concrete formulas as how to discern them in ourselves. So far the best advice I have seen anyone come up with is to study the meaning of the Rays and then study the individual and match them up. Accuracy in this is difficult even for the advanced Bailey student.

Let us go beyond what has been given out and look at further hints.

I have already mentioned one in this post and that is found in numerology. The numbers in your given name may provide a hint, but is not a black and white method of determining your particular ray influences.

Also look for a repetition of a certain number. For instance there are five fives in my name and ray five governs my personality.

Another place to look for hints is in your astrological influences.

In addition to the standard rulers of the signs DK gives an additional set he calls esoteric rulers.

The orthodox rulers and influences will give clues to Rays on the personality level and the esoteric rulers will give hints as to soul or more subtle influences.

I therefore recommend students to search the Bailey writings (Esoteric Astrology) and find the orthodox and esoteric planetary rulers of the signs with their accompanying Rays and study them in your own chart.

Copyright by J J Dewey (Except for Quotes)

Jan 27, 2002

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Seventh Ray Sub Aspects

Seventh Ray Sub Aspects

The Question: The Seventh Ray is called The Seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic. What are the three sub aspects?

The group gave good answers and a case could be made for each of them. All used the word “order” and this is indeed the core sub aspect. When you look through the microscope at the cellular and molecular level and see order and arrangement that puts anything we humans have created to shame, you are seeing the order of the Seventh Ray in all its glory.

This great order created by the Seventh Ray has created the miracle of birth and creation on the physical plane so we as timeless entities can enter into time.

So, what are the other two aspects? Before the order can be created the various parts of the greater whole must be gathered, or synthesized. Thus the word “synthesis” is indeed appropriate. But it does involve mind or logic as well as transmutation.

So you gather and synthesize to create order.. then what?

Next the magic of greater life is produced. This is the magic of life as molecules and cells are synthesized into order, it is the magic of the order of ceremony and it will be the magic of the future Molecular Relationships.

So the three core sub aspects are Synthesis-Order-Magic.

Why do you suppose the word “magic” is associated with this ray?

Rule eight of White Magic gives a key principle of magic. It reads in part:

“The midway spot, which is neither dry nor wet, must provide the standing place whereon his (the magician’s) feet are set. When water, land and air meet, there is the place for magic to be wrought.”

So where is the mid way spot as far as the Rays are concerned?

You would think the midway spot would be Ray Four since this is the middle number between one and seven – right?

Not exactly.

True magic is produced by blending the reality of two or more worlds or spheres. Just as the soul is the midway and magical spot between spirit and matter even so the point of magic lies at the midway point between sets of rays rather than within the seven rays. From one world of seven rays to the next one up the midway spot is the blending point between Rays Seven and One. In other words, as Seven synthesizes into a greater One we have produced a midway point where magic may be wrought.

We concluded the three sub aspects of Ray Seven are: Synthesis-Order-Magic.

The third sub aspect of the Seventh Ray is magic because that is closest to the transition point where order and power blend and two worlds are brought together. Power seems to grow out of order and order seems to exist because of an underlying sustaining power.

When the first cycle of Rays is completed and transition is in the process of being made to the next cycle that which seems magical is manifest.

The seventh Ray is coming into manifestation among humanity corresponding to the coming in of the Aquarian Age. Because Aquarius is ruled by Uranus which is a planet of the seventh Ray this will make the power of this Ray extremely powerful as soon as we shake off the residual forces of the Piscean age.

Even so, we have already witnessed the power of this ray on a physical level but this is just a small foreshadowing of what is to come on a spiritual level.

Even though the Seventh Ray has been in manifestation since 1675 it is still picking up steam and just in the beginning of asserting itself. What is some of the magic of the Seventh Ray which has manifest since 1675 and particularly in the last 100 years? What magical influences can we expect to see in the next 100 years? What would someone from 1675 think magical today if he were transported through time and what does the Seventh Ray have to do with it?

How was the 7th Ray involved in the following:

The creation of the Constitution of the United States.

The invention of the light bulb

The creation of atomic energy

The Beatles

The Computer

Space Travel

Copyright by J J Dewey

Jan 18, 2002

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The Jesus of History

The Jesus of History

Interesting link, Lars, to an unorthodox view of Jesus and the Christian Church. I also found that the writer David Pratt has indeed a wide variety of interesting writings and research. He apparently has made a life study of Theosophy, but never mentions Djwhal Khul. It never ceases to amaze me that some very intelligent Theosophists reject such an obviously great light.

Pratt makes some good points and brings up some interesting history as well as myth.

I find it ironical that he discounts the miracles of Jesus when all good Theosophists believe that H. P. Blavatsky performed numerous miracles herself. Having witnessed a number of miracles myself I do not find the idea of miracles as evidence of myth.

He cites contradictions within the Gospels as evidence that they are not true history. Yet it is a fact that any time you call the testimony of two witnesses of a single event that you will get different accounts. If two accounts match too closely it is a sign that they were fabricated and coordinated beforehand.

This is also a principle in finding forgery in handwriting. If a signature is too perfect each time it is a sign that it is a forgery. Everyone’s real signature is a little different each time the name is signed.

Numerous books have been written on the apparent contradictions in the Gospels. I have studied some of them and have not seen a contradiction that could not have a plausible explanation.

For instance, John mentions the act of Jesus cleansing the temple at there beginning of his Gospel and Matthew near the end of his.

This could be easily explained by two possibilities. Jesus could have cleansed the temple twice as written in the Aquarian Gospel.

It is also possible that one or more of the gospels was not in precise chronological order.

Critics also point out that some of the gospel stories have incidents that the others do not. For instance only Luke mentions that Jesus was teaching the priests in the temple at the age of 12. The fact that this was left out by the other writers is not a contradiction. In fact, it is a sign of authenticity that the four accounts vary in content as noted earlier. Perhaps the other three authors did not think it important to include the temple account or it is also possible they were not aware of it.

The most powerful evidence that the New Testament is an account of an historical person is overlooked by critics and believers alike.

And what is this evidence?

It is the words of record attributed to the Master himself.

Consider this. The words of Jesus are quoted more than ant other person on the earth, published in more languages, used in more speeches and has inspired more thought word for word than any other person in history. And their impact shows no signs of fading. The words of Christ are indeed “eternal words” that shall “not pass away,” just as he predicted they would be.

Perhaps the greatest prophesy in the Bible was recorded two thousand years ago by Jesus as follows:

“Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” Matt 24:35

Indeed, his words show no signs of “passing away” and being forgotten. The reason was that he continually spoke of eternal principles – such as: “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”

Many great men and women have been born and died without making even one statement as profound as this, one of many, of the phrases of Jesus.

Now many critics maintain that sometime between 200-325 AD that a group of unscrupulous men got together and fabricated a messiah to fill the needs of a new religion. They maintain that the four accounts or gospels were fiction written by the hands of deceitful individuals and presented as truth to gain control over the minds of men.

Consider this. Is it logical that the most profound words of light and hope that have ever been written in the history of the planet could have been made up off the cuff by a group of deceitful men bent on feeding their egos and gaining control over their brethren?

This idea is a much greater stretch to believe than the fact of an historical Jesus.

Words of profound thought, and light and love can only come from one who is a source of profound thought, and light and love.

The words of Jesus are appropriate here: “An evil tree cannot bring forth good fruit…”

This is an eternal principle and this being true means that a group of evil and deceitful authorities could not have produced the words of Jesus, which even his enemies admit are good fruit – pleasing to the soul.

Critics have long maintained that the gospels were fabricated hundreds of years after the supposed birth of Jesus, but a powerful but seldom cited evidence that they were written in the first century is found in a discovery of a fragment of the gospel of John in Egypt. This fragment known as P52 is dated between 125-150 AD.

Side One translates as:

Therefore Pilate said to them, “Take him yourselves and judge him by your own law.” The Judeans said to him, “It is not lawful for us to put anyone to death.” This was to fulfill the word which Jesus had spoken to show by what death he would die. Pilate entered the praetorium again and called Jesus, and said to him, “Are you the king of the Judeans?

Side Two reads:

Therefore Pilate said to him, “Then you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this I was born, and for this I have come into society: to witness to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth hears my voice.” Pilate said to him, “What is truth?” After he had said this, he went out to the Judeans again, and he told them, “I find no crime in him.”

Here is a brief write up on it:

“This small fragment of St. John’s Gospel, containing on the one side part of verses 31-33, on the other of verses 37-38 of chapter xviii is one of the collection of Greek papyri in the John Rylands Library, Manchester. It was originally discovered in Egypt, and may come from the famous site of Oxyrhynchus (Behnesa), the ruined city in Upper Egypt where Grenfel and Hunt carried out some of the most startling and successful excavations in the history of archaeology; it may be remembered that among their finds of new fragments of Classical and Christian literature were the now familiar “Sayings of Jesus”. The importance of this fragment is quite out of proportion to its size, since it may with some confidence be dated in the first half of the second century A.D., and thus ranks as the earliest known fragment of the New Testament in any language. It provides us with invaluable evidence of the spread of Christianity in areas distant from the land of its origin; it is particularly interesting to know that among the books read by the early Christians in Upper Egypt was St. John’s Gospel, commonly regarded as one of the latest of the books of the New Testament. Like other early Christian works which have been found in Egypt, this Gospel was written in the form of a codex, i.e. book, not of a roll, the common vehicle for pagan literature of that time.”

You can view one side of this fragment and see the translation HERE

Now is probably true that we have many misconceptions of Jesus and that the accounts in the gospel could have been altered and not 100% accurate, but undeniable evidence points to the fact that there did exist a historical man who we know as Jesus.

Bart Ehrman, an atheist scholar gives overwhelming evidence that a historical Jesus existed in this and other youtube videos. LINK

Attention on the Light

I am always hesitant to spend much time talking about the Dark Forces because energy follows thought and it can open a wrong door to dwell on the dark at the exclusion of light. Indeed, I have picked up a “disturbance in the force” so to speak on this list. Even though there are some times when the worker in the light will attract attention of the Dark Brotherhood, even though he is entered in the light, long term protection is created by keeping our attention on the side of Light and Love.

I want to emphasize that the side of long term safety and peace comes from seeking greater light and entering into it. There will be problems now and then, but when they occur there is always a way out.

Each time I have had an encounter with forces of darkness I have always seen how the difficulty could have been solved on hindsight.

Because I do sense a disturbance in the hearts of some I will again emphasize the principles necessary to neutralize the dark powers and maintain the peace of the Spirit.

(1) Eliminate guilt. Guilt is caused by illusion and if completely dispelled darkness will have difficulty in opening the door.

If you feel guilt over anything confess the cause to a priest, a friend or to the person who is the cause. Sometimes this will help. All of us have made mistakes but the final solution to guilt is to realize that they are just that – mistakes and then move on with life.

Guilt is usually caused by substituting the voice of God within to a false voice without who teaches you to feel ashamed. Sever the tie with the voice without and guilt will dissipate.

(2) Do not fear. This is easy to say and sometimes hard to do. The key is in the word attention. If one has any fear of dark forces he must put his attention to places where there is no fear.

(3) Say the Song of the 144,000 regularly. When the Song speaks of “protection from all destructive forces” this mainly applies to forces which seek to pull us away from the spiritual path. Some old worn out forms need to be destroyed and this type of destruction is actually constructive. True negative destruction is retrogression or paralysis on the spiritual path and this is where the Song will help. It will assist the Singer in focusing attention on the creative powers of Spirit which are not possible to touch by the powers of darkness.

(4) Associate with spiritual and positive people as much as possible.

(5) Follow the highest you know.

(6) If you are unable to shake yourself from negativity ask for assistance from others who are saying the Song. They will visualize the protective powers of light and love descending upon you.

(7) Realize that that darkness disappears when light is turned on. If you focus on light and truth and ignore the pull of the negative then the power of the negative will evaporate.

(8) Have faith that you can prevail. These principles have worked for me and they will for you.

I liked this comment: “As JJ put it, Jesus, in his temptations during the long fast, defeated the devil with ‘reason’. I’ll say it in another word. He defeated evil and error with Truth.”

Good point. Perhaps we could use a flashlight as an analogy. The Will of God is the power source, truth is the light bulb. Our power of decision turns the light on and reason points the light in the needed direction.

Copyright by J J Dewey

Jan 17, 2002

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