Questions for Mormons, Part 1


Those of you who have followed me may have noted that I have created a number of provocative questions and answers that seek to make various types of locked in thinkers consider their own belief systems. Today we will pick on the Mormons.


QUESTION: I see from your articles of Faith that you believe in continuous revelation. Is this true?

ANSWER: Yes, it is.

QUESTION: Does the church receive revelation today?

ANSWER: Yes, it does.

QUESTION: I would like to read some of them. Could you show me one?

ANSWER: There is revelation given out at every conference address by church authorities. You can watch them on TV twice a year or I can get you a copy of a church magazine with their speeches recorded.

QUESTION: I do not want to read a speech. I want to see a copy of an actual revelation given, say – in the last fifty years. Can you show me one or even tell me about one?

ANSWER: There are many inspired statements by the authorities. For instance we are told to store up food to prepare for things to come.

QUESTION: Can you show me a revelation from God less than 100 years old speaking about this?

ANSWER: I’m sure there are a number of them.

QUESTION: I want to see just one on this or any other subject. Can you show me one?

ANSWER: I’m sure I can

QUESTION: So – are you blowing smoke or will you find me a revelation?

ANSWER: He seeks to change the subject at this point for there are no revelations

QUESTION: By the way, why would you need a revelation on storing food when Aesop taught about the principle a couple thousand years ago?

ANSWER: But we are taught to prepare for a day of calamity before the coming of Christ.

QUESTION: Many religions believe in calamity in the last days because of the Bible and not current revelation. Wasn’t it Brigham Young who first told you to store food?

ANSWER: I believe so.

QUESTION: So do you call the repetition of Brigham’s words of 150 years ago a new revelation?

ANSWER: The authorities give new light on the subject.

QUESTION: So are they giving you an idea as to when the day of doom is at hand?

ANSWER: They say it is soon and to be prepared.

QUESTION: Well, there are calamities which come periodically in history and I suppose we are 150 years closer today to one than when Mormons were first told to store food. Do you really think you need a revelation (which you can’t produce) to know what everyone else already knows?

ANSWER: What do you mean?

QUESTION: I mean that everyone, Mormon and non Mormon, already knows it is wise to prepare for hard times. Do you need a revelation to tell you the sun is shining?

ANSWER: We need revelation to remind us of our duty.


QUESTION: What is as revelation anyway?

ANSWER: I suppose it is that which reveals.

QUESTION: Yes, it is knowledge which reveals something to us of which we were previously unaware. Would you agree with this?

ANSWER: I suppose

QUESTION: So, if you are six feet tall and you know you are six feet tall, then would it be a revelation if God told you, you were six feet tall?

ANSWER: I suppose not?

QUESTION: So we could agree then that John’s book is called the Book of Revelation because it reveals knowledge that was previously unrevealed?

ANSWER: I suppose.

QUESTION: So how could you claim that the idea of preparing for hard times is a revelation when humanity has already understood this since the beginning of history?

ANSWER: Perhaps I could say that this is a revelation of the will of God concerning us?

QUESTION: First, you haven’t shown me this mysterious modern revelation and secondly – isn’t it obvious that it is the will of God that we should take care of ourselves in the most beneficial way?

ANSWER: I suppose.

QUESTION: Since, then, the will of God is obvious that we should take care of ourselves in a way to insure a happy condition then it would not be a revelation for someone to proclaim that this is his will, would it?

ANSWER: You’re twisting things.


QUESTION: Let us examine this food storage idea. Why are you doing it?

ANSWER: AS I said to prepare for tribulation to come.

QUESTION: As I understand it, you are expecting something big to come down, like major famine. pestilence and so on right?

ANSWER: That’s pretty much prophesied.

QUESTION: Let us suppose you are right and that there is a major calamity with extreme shortages of food. Why do you believe that food storage will help you?

ANSWER: It should be obvious. If there is no food available to buy and I have some saved up then I can survive.

QUESTION: I can see how food storage will help you in normal hard times or even a depression, but I think you would be in big trouble if there was a major collapse?

ANSWER: Why so?

QUESTION: It is common knowledge that Mormons store food is it not?

ANSWER: Yes, and we’re proud of this fact

QUESTION: Now let us suppose that Billy Bob, your next door neighbor is starving to death during this calamity. Then he remembers you are a Mormon and have food. Will it not only be a matter of time before he breaks into your house with gun in hand and steals from you?

ANSWER: I’m not sure.

QUESTION: This type of thing happened in Leningrad during World War II when people were starving during Hitler’s siege. If history repeats itself do you see any reason why things would be different?

ANSWER: I’m not sure.

QUESTION: One thing is different now. There is a group of people (the Mormons) who are known to store food and therefore a prime target during hard times that was not available in Leningrad. Now during this siege there were gangs, groups and individuals who became cannibals to survive and even stole young children from their neighbors and ate them. If people are willing to go to this extreme when there is no food then breaking into your home and stealing your food seems tame doesn’t it?

ANSWER: We are told to store extra so we can share with neighbors

QUESTION: Do you have enough now so you can feed, say six neighbors for a year in a crisis?

ANSWER: Well, no.

QUESTION: Do you have enough saved to feed even one other family besides yourself for a year?

ANSWER: I must admit that I do not.

QUESTION: How many Mormons have enough saved to even feed themselves for a year? Would you say it is more than half or less than half?

ANSWER: Unfortunately, it is less than half.

QUESTION: So if there were a calamity you must admit that the Mormons could not even feed themselves let alone their non Mormon neighbors?

ANSWER: You have a point.

QUESTION: Let us say that you are a good Mormon then and have a year’s supply of food. How are you going to prepare for the roving armed gangs that will break into your home and steal your food?

ANSWER: I’m sure that if I follow church leaders I will not have to worry about that?

QUESTION: I Would say that if you are concerned about a calamity where there will be no food you should be concerned about this also.

ANSWER: I’ll be concerned if the authorities tell me to be.

May 31, 2001

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Nothing or Something?

Nothing or Something?

A reader brings the oneness argument before us once again. As I have said we have about a book’s worth of my replies on this in the archives and I do not wish to repeat myself, covering the same old arguments, when the readers want us to proceed to new teachings.

How do I know this?

In the past when I have taken the time to counter challenges to my teaching on this subject the majority of the readers have become upset (many quit the group) and urged me to move ahead to bigger and better things. I’m sure the same thing would happen again if I proceeded to answer objections line by line.

The reason I took the time in the past is that I knew this problem would come up periodically and wanted to establish my views in the archives so I wouldn’t have to backtrack periodically. Even so, I expect to make brief comments from time to time as I am doing now and let the readers search the archives if they wish to know more of my views.

As I said in the past we have had quite a number come and go in this group who have seemed to have a great attachment to teaching us non attachment, the path to beyond duality, the great void, the great nothingness etc. They have preached to us that we are wrong in seeking to Become and that we should “just be.”

They say there is no good or evil, but seem to think we are evil in our approach.

They say that nothing matters, but convincing us of their version of truth seems to matter a lot to them.

They have taught us that we do not realize our oneness and we need to be one as they are and all the while they have been among us there was the least oneness in the history of the group. When they left there was peace again.

They have taught us that we do not understand love as they do, yet the more they preached love to us the more the friction and lack of love seemed to manifest.

They taught us that there is a great bliss that they are experiencing in the void that the rest of us have not achieved, yet give no evidence that they have any more bliss than the beginning student here on the group.

They tell us of a great salvation that we can obtain in one giant leap, but show no evidence of taking the leap themselves.

Perhaps the most irritating thing is that 99% of the people in this group already believe in the oneness of all things and yet these oneness zealots preach to us like we’ve never heard the teaching before and accuse us of having no understanding of that which many of us have understood most of our lives.

They have it backwards. It is not me that does not understand this doctrine, for I understand it very well, but they do not understand my teaching on oneness.

About 90% of what the recent objector and his teacher (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj) believe are in harmony with what I also teach. There is that ten percent which is the problem and that is largely on the emphasis.

Let us take a brief look at Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj who one objector highly recommends.

He was born with the given name of Maruti in 1897 made his living as a cigarette merchant, on one hand, while teaching healthy spirituality on the other.

He was reluctant to give out any information about his past, instead giving nebulous answers such as:

“There is no such thing as the past has never happened.”

After Maruti reached his version of enlightenment he left his wife and children to fend for themselves, and taught, living off the donations of his encounters. After three years of this he seemed to have a stirring of responsibility and returned to his family. His flourishing cigarette business was in ruins and he made a meager living the rest of his life selling cigarettes on a street corner while teaching on the side.

After his death in 1981 his teachings grew in popularity.

I took a look at his teachings and could find nothing new there. He teaches basic Hindu doctrine with a little Buddhism thrown in. The reason his teachings are so well liked is not that he has anything new, but in the way he words his writings.

He’s a little like Emerson who really said nothing new, but took old ideas and put them in a fresh presentation giving wise wordings that stick in the mind and make good material for a famous quotations book.

For instance:

“Stupidity and selfishness are the only evil.”

On the other hand, he also says that good and evil do not exist.

Of interest here is that some of his strongest emphasis is in the direction of the first Key of Knowledge which is the basis of my book The Immortal.

One of his key questions is “who are you” and presents a quest to find the answer. He comes to many of the same conclusions reached in my book which is:

You are not your body, you are not your emotions, you are not your mind, so what are you?

The answer he finally comes up with is that we are pure light and love, but really what we are is unknowable.

Actually he did not quite arrive at the first key for light and love can only exist in duality. Thus he never reached the originating point of duality itself.

If readers have not yet read my Immortal book then they can read Book I free of charge at

What I find of interest in Sri Nisargadatta’s teachings is that on one hand he teaches against Becoming, saying that we must cease to become and just be who we are in the Now, but, on the other hand, cannot seem to get away from teaching us to Become.

Here are some quotes:

“It is the instinct of exploration, the love of the unknown, that brings me into existence. It is in the nature of being to seek adventure in becoming, as it is in the nature of becoming to seek peace in being. This alternation of being and becoming is inevitable; but my home is beyond.”

The slant he gives here, which is a lot more practical than some of his other writings, is in strong alignment with what I have taught on the subject. His statement “It is in the nature of being to seek adventure in becoming” sounds like something I could have said (and maybe I have).

Another quote:

“The spirit is a sport and enjoys to overcome obstacles. The harder the task, the deeper and wider his self-realization.”

Again, this sounds good to me.

“The ultimate value of the body is that it serves to discover the cosmic body, which is the universe in its entirety. As you realize yourself in manifestation, you keep on discovering that you are ever more than what you have imagined.”

This isn’t bad either.

I like this one too

“All that lives, works for protecting, perpetuating and expanding consciousness. This is the world’s sole meaning and purpose.”

I would call the expansion of consciousness “Becoming.” Yes, this is the reason the world is here.

Then he says:

“In the end you know that there is no sin, no guilt, no retribution, only life in its endless transformations.”

Again “life in its endless transformations” seems to agree with my teachings on Eternal Being/Becoming


“Causes and results are infinite in number and variety. Everything affects everything. In this universe, when one thing changes, everything changes. Hence the great power of man in changing the world by changing himself.”

Again he is in harmony with me. When we change ourselves through becoming we change all other things to some degree.

Amazingly, he makes a statement I have stressed many times to the oneness crowd:

“The Supreme imparts reality to whatever comes into being.”

There is a good reason why this reality is imparted to us. It is a vehicle for Becoming and if all we want to do is escape it then we thwart the purpose for which this reality was made.

Next he says:

“To know what you are, you must first investigate and know what you are not. Discover all that you are not – body, feelings, thoughts, time, space, this or that – nothing, concrete or abstract, which you perceive can be you.”

That sounds like a quote from my book, but I swear I’ve never read anything the guy wrote before today.

Well, he goes and says some great things then he states something like this:

“That which makes you think that you are a human is not human. It is but a dimensionless point of consciousness, a conscious nothing. All you can say about yourself is “I am”. You are pure being-awareness-bliss. To realize that is the end of all seeking.”

Instead of teaching I AM perhaps he should teach: I AM NOT if we are a conscious nothing. If we realize that we are either I AM or I AM BECOMING then we are not a conscious nothing, but a conscious something. If we are truly nothing then we should declare ourselves to be I AM NOT. How can we be nothing yet be “pure being-awareness-bliss???” In nothingness there is no being and no awareness.

I like the words of Djwhal Khul given through Alice A. Bailey when speaking of pralaya which some see as nothingness. He states that it is not “that which is not, but that which is esoteric.”

May 26, 2001

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Giants in the Earth

Giants in the Earth

I was asked to expound on this mysterious scripture:

“There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.” Gen 6:4

P. Blavatsky said this: “The giants of Genesis are the historical Atlanteans of Lanka, ( an island-continent now sunken except its northern headland, which is Ceylon) and the Greek Titans.”

Legend has it that the Sons of God were fallen Angels, but it is more likely that they were advanced entities who were the first of a new race who thwarted evolution by taking wives from the Atlanteans which diffused the seed race that was developing.

I’ll relate to you some of the legends which usually have seeds of truth in them, but must be sorted out through the soul as there is much distortion in ancient stories mixed with elements of truth.

First here is the story of the Titans:

“Hesiod’s mythology revels in monsters and blood, and is not averse to theological pornography. Out of the mating of Heaven (Uranus) and Earth (Ge or Gaea) came a race of Titans, some with fifty heads and a hundred hands. Uranus liked them not, and condemned them to gloomy Tartarus. But Earth resenting this, proposed to them that they should kill their father. One of the Titans, Cronus, undertook the task. Then “huge Ge rejoiced, and hid him in ambush; in his hand she placed a sickle with jagged teeth, and suggested to him all the stratagem. Then came vast Heaven, bringing Night [Erebus] with him, and, eager for love, brooded around Earth, and lay stretched on all sides.” Thereupon Cronus mutilated his father, and threw the flesh into the sea. From the drops of blood that fell upon the earth came the Furies; from the foam that formed around the flesh as it floated on the waters rose Aphrodite.

“The Titans captured Olympus, deposed Heaven-Uranus, and raised Cronus to the throne. Cronus married his sister Phea, but Earth and Heaven, his parents, having predicted that he would be deposed by one of his sons, Cronus swallowed them all except Zeus, whom Rhea bore secretly in Crete. When Zeus grew up he deposed Cronus in turn, forced him to disgorge his children, and plunged the Titans back into the bowels of the earth.” From Story of Civilization by Will Durant

Next here are some stories from ancient texts that did not make it into the Bible.

The Qumran scrolls fortunately unmuddy the waters for us considerably. A fuller account of Gen. 6:1-4 can be found in 4QEnochb and 1QGenesis Apocryphon (Florentino Garcia Martinez, The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated [Leiden, New York, Koln: Billl, 1994] pp. 230-31, 248-50). Let us turn to these now. First, the Book of Enoch. (For ease of reading, all the diacritical marks that indicate text restorations are dispensed with.)

It happened that when in those days the sons of men increased, pretty and attractive daughters were born to them. The Watchers, sons of the sky, saw them and lusted for them and said to each other: Let’s go and pick out women from among the daughters of men and sire for ourselves sons. However, Shemihazah, who was their chief, said to them: I am afraid you do not want to carry out this deed and I alone will be guilty of great sin. They replied and all said to him: We all take an oath and all swear under oath to each other not to go back on this venture until we have performed this deed. . .

The text then groups the twelve other angels by name.

They and their chiefs all took for themselves women, choosing from among all, and they began to penetrate them and be defiled by them and teach them sorcery, incantations, and the cutting of roots and to explain herbs. They became pregnant by them and gave birth to giants, some three thousand cubits tall [a cubit is about 11⁄2 feet], who were born upon the earth in keeping with their infancy and grew at a rate of their growth and consumed the work of all the sons of men, without the men being able to supply them.

People became increasingly depraved through the black arts taught them. Raphael, Michael, Sariel, and Gabriel see this and report to God.

And to Gabriel the Lord said: Go to the bastards and the sons of whoring and exterminate the sons of the Watchers from among the sons of men; involving them in a war of attrition for there will not be long days for them. Absolutely no request in their favor will be granted to their fathers; for they hope to live an everlasting life or that each one of them will live five hundred years. And to Michael the Lord said: Go, Michael, and tell Shemihazah and all his friends who coupled with women to be defiled by them in their uncleanness that their sons will expire and they will see the extermination of their loved one; chain them up for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth until the great day of their judgment. . .

Meanwhile, in the Genesis Apocryphon, Lamech becomes suspicious of his wife, for reasons now lost, that his own son Noah is the product of such a supernatural union:

Then I, Lamech, was frightened and turned to Bitenosh, my wife, and said: . . . Swear to me by the Most High, by the Great Lord, by the King of the Universe, . . . the sons of heaven, that you will in truth let me know everything, if . . . you will in truth and without lies let me know whether this . . . Swear to me by the King of all the Universe that you are speaking to me frankly and without lies. . . Then Bitenosh, my bride, spoke to me very harshly. She wept . . . and said: Oh my brother and lord! Remember my pleasure . . . the time of love, the gasping of my breath in my breast. I shall tell you everything accurately. . . I swear to you by the Great Holy One, by the King of the heavens . . . that this seed comes from you, that this pregnancy comes from you, that the planting of this fruit comes from you, and not from any foreigner or watcher or son of heaven. . . Then I, Lamech, ran to my father, Methuselah, and told him everything, so that he would go and ask Enoch, his father, and would know everything for certain from him, since he (Enoch) is liked and well liked. . .” (This having been done, Enoch responds:) “Go tell Lamech, your son. . .”

At this point the extant text of the Genesis Apocryphon breaks off, but we can assume that Lamech was reassured his son Noah was legitimate.

The Holy Fathers Speak

St. Clement was a Roman who characterized himself as a “lover of chastity from his earliest youth.” He struggled for years with the dread of oblivion after death. In his quest for truth, he studied with the philosophers, who only argued unceasingly and left him in still greater spiritual turmoil and despair. Then he hears of our Savior’s preaching to the Jews, and of His miracles, and attempts to go to Judæa. On the way he meets St. Barnabas who has come to preach in Alexandria, but the sophisticated Greeks deride the simple discourse of Barnabas, and Clement takes Barnabas to his lodgings to protect him from the crowd. Then Barnabas leaves for Judæa, and shortly thereafter Clement does, as well. When he arrives in Cæsarea he again comes upon Barnabas, who introduces him to St. Peter. Commending him for rescuing Barnabas from the unruly crowd in Alexandria, Peter invites him to join his party as it makes its way to Rome with the message of Truth, and to become his attendant. In the course of St. Peter’s discourse on our Savior’s teachings, he gives an account of creation of the world and of man. This is St. Clement’s account of what St. Peter said next.

All things being completed which are in heaven, and in earth, and in the waters, and the human race also having multiplied, in the eighth generation, righteous men, who had lived the life of angels, being allured by the beauty of women, fell into promiscuous and illicit connections with these; and thenceforth acting in all things without discretion, and disorderly, they changed the state of human affairs and the divinely prescribed order of life, so that either by persuasion or force they compelled all men to sin against God their Creator. In the ninth generation are born the giants, so called from of old, not dragon footed, as the fables of the Greeks relate, but men of immense bodies, whose bones, of enormous size, are still shown in some places for confirmation. But against these the righteous providence of God brought a flood upon the world, that the earth might be purified from their pollution, and every place might be turned into a sea by the destruction of the wicked. Yet there was then found one righteous man, by the name of Noah, who, being delivered in an ark with his three sons and their wives, became the colonizer of the world after the subsiding of the waters, with those animals and seeds which he had shut up with him.

In the twelfth generation, when God had blessed men, and they had begun to multiply, they received a commandment that they should not taste blood, for on account of this also the deluge had been sent. In the thirteenth generation, when the second of Noah’s three sons had done an injury to his father, and had been cursed by him, he brought the condition of slavery upon his posterity. . . In the fourteenth generation one of the cursed progeny first erected an altar to demons, for the purpose of magical arts, and offered there bloody sacrifices. In the fifteenth generation, for the first time, men set up an idol and worshiped it. . . .

The following, from “The Clementine Homilies,” is an elaboration on the subject of creation quoted above from the “Recognitions of Clement.” (The translator calls it “a more developed speculation.”)

For of the spirits who inhabit the heaven, the angels who dwell in the lowest region, being grieved at the ingratitude of men to God, asked that they might come into the life of men, that, really becoming men, by more of an exchange of ideas they might convict those who had acted ungratefully towards God, and might subject every one to adequate punishment. When, therefore, their petition was granted, they metamorphosed themselves into every nature; for, being of a more godlike substance, they are able easily to assume any form. So they became precious stones, and [metals]. . . They also changed themselves into beasts and reptiles, and fishes and birds, and into whatsoever they pleased. . .

But when, having assumed these forms, they . . .changed themselves into the nature of men, in order that, living holily, they might subject the ungrateful to punishment, yet having become in all respects men, they also partook of human lust, and being brought under its subjection they fell into cohabitation with women; and being involved with them, and sunk in defilement and altogether emptied of their first power, were unable to turn back to the first purity of their proper nature, . . .they trode the impious path downward. For they themselves, being fettered with the bonds of flesh, were constrained and strongly bound; wherefore they have no more been able to ascend into the heavens.

But from their unhallowed intercourse spurious men sprang, much greater in stature than ordinary men, whom they afterwards called giants; not those dragon footed giants who waged war against God . . . but wild in manners, and greater than men in size, inasmuch as they were sprung of angels; yet less than angels, as they were born of women. Therefore God, knowing that they were barbarized to brutality, and that the world was not sufficient to satisfy them (for it was created according to the proportion of men and human use), that they might not through want of food turn, contrary to nature, to the eating of animals, and yet seem to be blameless, as having ventured upon this through necessity, the Almighty God rained manna upon them, suited to their various tastes; and they enjoyed all that they would. But they, on account of their bastard nature, not being pleased with purity of food, longed only after the taste of blood. Wherefore they first tasted flesh.

And the men who were with them there for the first time were eager to do the like. Thus, although we are born neither good nor bad, we become one of the other; and having formed habits, we are with difficulty drawn from them. But when irrational animals fell short, these bastard men tasted also human flesh. For it was not a long step to the consumption of flesh like their own, having first tasted it in other forms.

. . . All things, therefore, going from bad to worse, on account of these brutal demons, God wished to cast them away like an evil leaven, lest each generation from a wicked seed, being like to that before it, and equally impious, should empty the world to come of saved men. And for this purpose, having warned a certain righteous man, with his children, to save themselves in an ark, He sent a deluge of water, that all being destroyed, the purified world might be handed over to him who was saved in the ark, in order [that there might be] a second beginning of life. And thus it came to pass.

“Recognitions of Clement,” Book 1, Ch. xxix-xxx, and “The Clementine Homilies,” Homily 8, Ch. xii-xvii, Ante Nicene Fathers.

May 25, 2001

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All Is Hierarchy

All Is Hierarchy

I was asked to give additional comment on humanities relation to the Spiritual Hierarchy.

First let me comment briefly on the transition that Jesus made. When he appeared on the scene Saturday, or Saturn’s day, was the holy day.

Tradition has it that Jesus was resurrected on Sunday and the early Christians began calling this first day of the week, the “day of the Sun,” the Lord’s day – meaning t he day of the Lord Jesus.

Later a different voice of God spoke to another prophet – Mohammed, and still a new holy day was established which was Friday, the day of Venus.

These various holy days are all clues to the identity of the great beings behind the various revelations to mankind.

The Book of Revelations tells us that there are “Seven Spirits before the throne” of God. These seven spirits in their highest manifestation for us are the seven sacred planets in our solar system. The highest throne of God which concerns us is the Solar Logos, the spiritual indweller and Lord of the Sun and solar system. Each Sun, planet and human is governed by one of the seven rays of creation.

A sacred planet is one who has reached a certain degree of evolution towards spirit and Saturn is one of these and is on the Third Ray of Active intelligence. The earth is not a sacred planet, but is approaching this state and is also on Ray Three and thus has a close relationship with Saturn. Saturn is a little like a big brother or a father figure for us.

Our Sun is on Ray Two, the Ray of Love/Wisdom, and is the reason why, in this sector of Space, God is referred to as Love. Jupiter, the largest planet in the system, and almost a miniature sun itself, is most closely aligned with the Sun and is also on the Ray of Love/Wisdom, the Second Ray.

Jupiter governs the age of Pisces and is the esoteric ruler of the approaching age of Aquarius. What this means is that despite all the conflict over the past 2000 years the age of Pisces presented the vision or the ideal of the love and abundance symbolized by Jupiter, but in the coming age we shall manifest it in deed if a sufficient number of people on the planet achieve soul contact.

Pisces presented the dream of the Kingdom of God, but Aquarius will manifest the reality.

The Christ became so at one with the vibrations of the Ray of Love/Wisdom that he attracted the attention of not only the Logos of Jupiter, but of the Solar logos himself. This caused a thread of Love (a mustard seed) to issue through the Jovan Logos to Shamballa (where the First Ray of power resides) and then to Christ, thus causing the planting of the seed of the “heart of the Sun” in the heart of humanity, hopefully to mature in this coming age.

Someone commented that these hierarchies seem complicated. It is much simpler just to mention God when referring to all spiritual forces. But this is like referring to all government as “the State.”

In reality the use of the term “State,” does not provide an accurate description of governing forces on earth. To really understand what the State is here in the United States we must first look to the three branches of the federal government – the presidency (our logos), the judiciary (Christ energy), and Congress (Saturn energy). In addition to this there are numerous departments, such as housing, welfare, energy, agriculture, interior, IRS etc.

Below the federal we have state government with a lower reflection of the higher three – the governor, the judiciary and the senate and house. From these come many additional appointed bodies.

Next down we have the governor of a city, the mayor, the city council and local judges. Below this we have many other governing bodies – our schools, PTA, civic organizations, businesses with their hierarchies etc.

Now if you were to explain this to a young child who had recently attained self-awareness he would be likely to be mystified by the complexity of it all and just settle in his mind to understand the government of his Mom and Dad and be happy with that.

As we approach consciousness in the Kingdom of God we are like that child and instead of differentiating we just want to lean on Father/Mother God and keep things simple.

The truth is that God is a body composed of “many members” and to truly prepare ourselves to be “kings and Priests” in the kingdom we must understand the make-up of that kingdom. We have many hierarchies here in the human kingdom, but above us there are indeed numerous additional.

Those who have the feel-good new age belief that there are no teachers or students, no leaders or followers, no great or small in the kingdom of God are in for a surprise for the great truth and the principle behind all creation is this:

All is Hierarchy – Hierarchy is the ALL.

When we consider this we realize that the information given out concerning the Spiritual Hierarchies and relating them to our own only gives us a small glimpse into the workings of the higher lives.

While it is true that the state, as a whole, is aware of each and every one of us (just try not paying taxes or a traffic ticket if you question this), it is also true that most members of the state are oblivious to us as individuals. I know the President has never heard of me and no one in Congress has given me a call lately. The governor’s wife was one of our customers, but overall, I as an individual, am not in the consciousness of any member of the governing hierarchy.

BUT – would it be possible for me to get their attention?

Yes. An easy way to do it would be to rob a bank. Then several hierarchies would take an interest in finding me.

A positive way to do it would be to start a consulting firm. If the mayor hired me I could give him good advice and have his daily attention.

I could run for governor. If I was a good candidate the present governor would pay a lot of attention to me and spare nothing in finding out everything about me.

If I studied medicine and found a cure cancer then I might even get a call from the President.

Now this same principle applies to the hierarchical lives over us in that body we call God, instead of the State. Some of them are of such evolution that they are much more aware of the whole and the parts than are our own leaders, but rarely do they give us individualized attention any more than do our earthly leaders.

Closest to you in the Spiritual Hierarchy are your “Guardian Angels,” and your Higher Self, but above them you have to do something extra to get their attention.

If you wanted to get the attention of a certain master you would have to be able to offer some useful assistance to his particular field of endeavor with which he is presently engaged. This principle applies on up the line.

Just as the President only has a few people selected who are useful to his goals, even so it is not likely that many of us would cause the Great Ones to pay much individualized attention to us. As we are progressing on the path, the main attention we receive from the Spirit is through our own souls and our fellow humans.

We like to think that the Masters are fighting over the privilege to communicate with us, but such communications are rare. Instead, they put most of their attention on groups as a whole. The best way to get the attention of a master is to be in, or start a group, in alignment with their purpose.

The Christ attracted the attention of lives greater than he because he became a useful tool in their hands and initiated teachings that would change the whole world. In addition to this he attracted the attention of the Great Logos because he vibrated in such alignment with him. Correspondingly, a world leader may go out of his way to take someone under his wing if he feels a strong rapport with him. The Christ was both useful and in harmonic vibration with the Solar as well as the Planetary Logos.

What part did Saturn play during the past 2000 years? He still influences the Jews with which he is closely linked, and numerous other groups and peoples. In addition he has had a strong influence in the Christian Church and the present Mormons even though the initiating impulse of the Christ energy came from the Solar Logos.

Speaking of the Mormons it is interesting to note that Joseph Smith had a Jupiter talisman on his person the day he was killed. Near the end of his life he came into close contact with the Jupiter energy, but was not able to vitalize the Church with it. This is illustrated by the fact that the Nauvoo temple that he built was highlighted by Sunstones, but the next temple which was built after he died in Salt Lake was by Saturnian Brigham Young for the temple has Saturn Stones on the walls and originally it was planned to have an actual engraving on Saturn itself there, but was rejected.

May 25, 2001

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The Love of God

The Love of God

The Question:

What do you suppose is the significance of the blending of Saturn and Jupiter as a sign of the Messiah? We shall talk about this next in this series.

We had a couple great comments on this question. Keith writes:

“The Messiah blends two qualities; the priestly (righteousness) and kingly (lawgiver & maker). These qualities are represented by the two pillars in Masonic and Templar lore. Saturn would be the lawgiver and Jupiter would be the righteous priest. The arch above the two pillars is symbolic of the blending of these qualities within the true Messiah (Christ). This blending or arch effect makes heaven on earth possible.”

I do not know where you got this Keith, but it is very well worded.

So here’s the situation at the birth of Christ. The house of Israel including the Jewish Kingdom had a long history of strict Saturnian rule. Actually this strictness extended far beyond the religion of the Jews. All over the world the common man was expected to strictly obey religious authorities, and the gods, or face torture and death. Many criticize the people of the old testament as being cruel, but do not realize that Jehovah took them a step above most of the rest of the peoples that surrounded them.

A lawbreaker or enemy of Israel was merely put to death in Israel, whereas many other peoples went far beyond this and tortured offenders with every means within their imagination. Fear of torture, for instance was the main reason Jonah did not want to go to Nineveh. It was a common reward for the victor among the “heathen” nations to put out the eyes of his leading adversary with his own thumbs.

Jesus was thus born in a situation where all were expected to obey without question, the dictates of not only the religious leaders, but the laws of the Roman empire.

Animal sacrifice was also very popular and this had to be repulsive to the young messiah.

In addition to this the type of messiah the Jews were looking for was a powerful Saturn/Jehovah type of conqueror. They wanted someone who would lead them to overthrow the Romans, make heads role and lead them on to victory.

As Jesus found himself surrounded by this negative aspect of Saturnian influence all seemed out of balance to him and none seemed to have the solution. Because there was none to teach him he went within himself and weighed what he felt within his soul with that which he observed on the outside.

He witnessed nation being cruel to nation, group cruel to group and individual cruel to other individuals who differ from themselves. This seemed very wrong to him when it seemed that a simple appreciation of the brotherhood of man would solve the problem.

His own people sacrificed helpless animals to God in hope of gaining his grace. He felt within his heart that the God he worshipped was a God of love and for such a God animal sacrifice would be unnecessary.

There was much talk of a coming Messiah who would overthrow the Romans, put many of them to death and teach them all who was boss.

If this was the job of the coming Messiah then Jesus figured that the job of Messiah was certainly not for him. Instead he dreamed of establishing a society with the sword of truth and love rather than blood and fire.

Jesus was picking up the coming influences of Jupiter which rules the age Of Pisces which he was to usher in. As he tuned into this new influence he eventually opened his vision and perfected his gospel of love and brotherhood.

In our solar system both Jupiter and the Sun are on the second Ray of Love Wisdom. The logos of Jupiter occupies a position in relation to the Solar Logos as John the Beloved Disciple did in relation to Jesus.

As the Christ consummated his mission on earth his oneness with the love of God was so complete that he attracted the attention of the great Solar Logos himself. This great being was once a mortal man himself several trillion years ago, or several solar systems in the past, but is now the most advanced being in our part of space.

The Great Logos planted a seed of his love in Jesus and he thus became the “sower of the seed.” The seed of love incarnate has been planted, but its growth is still young and the fruit is yet ripening. With the coming in of the new age it is now expected that many of us will live to be able to pick, eat and enjoy the fruit of the Love of God.

May the keynote of peace on earth, goodwill to men prevail.

May 24, 2001

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Mind Stuff II

Mind Stuff II

A reader took issue with my statement that not one person from the beginning of time has demonstrated an escape from duality to an eternal non dual bliss of pure spirit existence. He maintains that Jesus did this. He suggested I read “I AM THAT”, Talks with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.

Jesus never mentioned this doctrine and never claimed to demonstrate any state where there is no further progression.

If Jesus did go to some absolute place where he discovered that his disciples were not real because he discovered that they did not even exist then he would have not returned to a world that did not exist and command those who do not exist to go forth and “teach all nations.”

If a person found a place where all was one with no duality he would have discovered that this earth does not even exist and he could not return to a place that does not exist.

The teaching you proclaim here cannot be demonstrated because if one were successful in doing so all would disappear before his eyes never to return. If you were to actually demonstrate what you seem to be teaching you would disappear and we would never know of your success.

In the past we have spent close to an entire book talking about this doctrine and some time in there future I may compile them so we do not have to repeat ourselves here, but below is one of my favorites edited to reflect present time.

Maybe I should give this nothingness philosophy a try. Let me get this straight. My conscious mind has created our perceived reality which includes space, time, form etc. Thus I take it that, since my mind created all of this, that it can also undo it.

Let me give this a try. I am typing on many keys, but my mind is playing a trick on me. Stop it mind! Ah, yes. Now I am only typing on one key. This is much easier. I think I am writing to hundreds of people, but this is another trick of my mind. OK mind, stop it. Let me see the oneness. Wow. It’s working. RFH just disappeared! Whoops, there goes Keith and Gloria, Rob, Glenys, Rick. Man look at them go. I never realized that you guys were just a part of my mind. You’re all gone now except for Xavier. Is he ever putting up a fight, but he’s finally starting to fade.

This is kind of disappointing. All this time I thought I was writing to a group; now I have only myself to write to with only one key.

Now I look around me. There is still a lot of tricky duality present. OK mind turn off the rest of this illusion. There goes my TV, my video player, my computer and now my chair – whoops, that hurt. I’ll make the floor go next and now my house. Now I’m just standing on the ground looking at the sky and my wife is angry at me for making this happen. I forgot about her. There she goes. Now she’s gone there will be no more complaints from her.

Now there’s still the earth and the rest of the universe. These are more than one so my mind must have created them too. Earth, disappear.

WOW!!! This is weird. I’m just in a body of form floating in space. I’m on a roll though so I think I’ll see where this leads me. Some say it’s supposed to be eternal bliss.

OK stars and sun you’re next!

WOW again!!!

I’m just floating in a void. Feels weird, but not blissful yet. I’ve still got the duality of my body. That is next. Now it’s really weird. There’s just the duality of my mind and the void. If I make My mind and consciousness go then I will finally be One with the Absolute, but with no mind with creative power I will not be able to come back. That’s scary

Which is going to go? My mind essence or the void?

Wait! Am I crazy? Do I want to be reduced to the nothingness of a void just to be one? No way. Mind get busy and create everything again just as it was.

And it came to pass that JJ created the heavens and the earth.

So good to be back. Now I’ve got more than one key for typing I can tell you this experience. Enjoy.

Note: I do believe in the principle of oneness, but just see it in a different light than the nothingness people do. I do not see a conflict in oneness and “becoming” coexisting for eternity.

May 22, 2001

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The Great Conjunction

The Great Conjunction

May 5, 2000 was an interesting day. The Moon and the five bright planets — Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn came together to form a very rare conjunction not seen for centuries. The conjunctions of Saturn and Jupiter which occur every twenty years are significant enough, but this celestial event was so significant that it was thought by many to signal perhaps the end of the world or the coming of Christ.

The world did not end and no visible Christ returned, but, even so, this was a significant event. Shortly before this conjunction occurred I predicted that no catastrophic changes would occur and wrote:

“What I see from this configuration is a strong harmony through conflict situation in relation to coming changes of the new age..

“Those working on the side of light will become more united, empowered and committed than ever before, but those on the side of darkness and the status quo will heighten their resistance to the coming changes that herald the new age. This energy should stimulate the surfacing of conflicts on some level that will bring old and new age ideas into high visibility. If those working in the light play their part the resistance will be futile and the new ideas will prevail.”

The actual conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn, the two largest planets in our solar system happen approximately every twenty years. Some of the ancients saw this as Saturn, the destroyer consuming Jupiter, the agent of goodwill and abundance. Actually a conjunction is a symbol of the blending of the two energies and the dominate energy at the time is amplified in power.

One interesting series of events surrounding the Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions since 1840 has been the death of every U.S. President elected near the time of such conjunctions occurring in an earth sign. This has been happening every twenty years when we have had a president elected in a year ending in zero.

Ronald Reagan was the first to survive in over a century and he came very close to death through an assassins bullet. Astrologers believe that he did survive because the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction near his election was the first since 1840 to not be in an earth sign. Since this conjunction occurred in Libra, an air sign, it signaled a change in thinking more than a forced change upon the physical plane.

Now the interesting thing about this last election occurring in a zero ending year of the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction is that it moved back into an earth sign, which is Taurus. This is the last earth sign conjunction of the current cycle and will not occur again for centuries. Does this mean that President Bush needs to be concerned?

Possibly, but in this cycle we have other planets entering the equation which are Mercury, Venus and Mars. In addition we have a tight square between Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, and Saturn. Overall this produces an interesting situation. This coupled with the fact that the next Jupiter/Saturn conjunction will be in the sign of Aquarius indicates a tremendous struggle between old and new forces. A definite death which will occur will be the slaying of old ideas during the next twenty years. But the struggle for prevailing ideas will also be the cause of much physical peril for the earth and only the domination by the sons of light and mind can guide us safely through it and prepare for the return of Christ.

There first major sign of the effect of the great planetary alignment in May, 2000 was the struggle for power between Bush and Gore. According to the last recount Bush actually won the election by 120 votes, a number that seems beyond the laws of probability.

But the struggle there will be repeated in other areas of life and even now we are seeing great struggles for power and ideas playing out, not only in the United States, but all the nations of the earth.

The conflict is between the old and the new and part of the problem is that some see the old as the new and others the new as the old. For instance, some think that retrogressing and living like the Amish will be the order of the new age where, in reality, technology will be a huge factor influencing the next 2000 years.

Another significant sign is that in the conjunctions of 1940 and 1980 both Jupiter and Saturn went retrograde causing the conjunction to appear three times during each period. Because Christ is so closely linked with these conjunctions this signifies a triple release of energy during this time period to prepare for his coming as well as the rising of the Christ consciousness.


There is a teaching gaining traction that goes something like this:

We are not “becoming” because we already are all that we can ever be. We are already existing in absolute oneness, but just do not know it. Our duty is to merely realize who we already are and have always been and when this happens we will basically have all power and oneness possible.

All we have to do is let go of our fear mongering ego and in one giant step the illusion of evolution is ended and we shall go home to oneness and be no more as an individual entity for all eternity.

There is one problem with this doctrine.

And What is that?

The problem is that not one person from the beginning of time has ever demonstrated it or shown any proof of its validity outside of presenting fanciful theory.

On the other hand “Becoming” and evolution is demonstrated before our very eyes and consciousness every hour of every day of every year in every life in the universe.

Let us suppose that it were possible to jump into this “void” (as some call it) and end all possibilities of continued evolution… Who would want to do it? Who would desire a static place beyond feeling?

Not I. I would rather walk the path of eternal progress and advance from creation to creation and from joyfulness to greater joyfulness.

May 21, 2001

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The Saturn Factor

The Saturn Factor

I received some comments on the Jehovah/Saturn connection so I thought I would make some more comments.

In Biblical times, before the days of telescopes the people believed there to be seven globes which belong to our system and they have associated with the days of the week from the beginning of recorded history.

They are

(1) The Sun – Sunday

(2) The Moon – Monday

(3) Mars – Tuesday

(4) Mercury – Wednesday

(5) Jupiter – Thursday

(6) Venus – Friday

(7) Saturn – Saturday

I previously stated that the word “Saturday” comes from DIES SATURNI the Latin phrase meaning “Saturn’s Day.” It was pointed out that the Roman period that originated this phrase came long after the early Hebrews.

This is true, but it is also a fact that the Romans did not originate the idea of Saturn being connected with there seventh day.

Saturn has been connected with the seventh day or the Sabbath from great antiquity and the first hint of it is in the very opening letter of the first word of the first verse in the Bible.

From the Book of Formations used by Cabalists which is believed to be more ancient than the Bible we read:

“He enthroned letter Bet (b) for life & tied a crown & shaped Shabbatai (Hebrew for Saturn) in the world. first day of the year, right eye in the soul & promoted letter bet to be in fact a header”. (bible starts with the letter bet (“bereshit” – genesis).

“… & He (god) inspired the power of wisdom & formatted Shabbatai (Saturn)…& he is the one who gave the wisdom to Shabbatai Saturn).”

The Sabbath is a rest between labors and as such it is not only a period after the end of a work, but also exists at the beginning of a work. This is why Saturn, which has been associated with the period of rest before a new beginning, is associated with the beginning letter of the Bible (Bet). According to Cabalists Moses was fully aware that Saturn ruled the beginning point and thus wrote one of its symbols as the first letter of his writings.

The Bible tells us that the Elohiym (the Gods) created the heaven and the earth and then the God Jehovah laid claim to the seventh day as his holy day which should be honored.

Now the interesting thing is that not only does our current seventh day of “Saturday” come from the Roman DIES SATURNI meaning “Saturn’s Day.”, but the Hebrew word for “Sabbath” does also.

The Hebrew for Saturn is Shabbatai

The Hebrew for Sabbath, Jehovah’s day, is Shabbat

Since the vowels are not in the original the words are virtually identical.

Therefore, calling Jehovah the Lord of the Sabbath is the same as calling him the Lord of Saturn.

Saturn was considered the seventh planet by the Hebrews and other ancients who counted the Sun and Moon (or Earth) as planets as well as Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. Of course most were not aware of the outer planets which are only visible through modern telescopes.

In the tabernacle of Moses was a lampstand called a menorah which held seven lighted candles. These are mentioned several times in the Bible

“And thou shalt make the seven lamps thereof: and they shall light the lamps thereof, that they may give light over against it.” Exodus25:37

“And said unto me, What seest thou? And I said, I have looked, and behold a candlestick all of gold, with a bowl upon the top of it, and his seven lamps thereon.” Zech 4:2

Now the interesting thing is that the famous Jewish historian, Josephus, who had available many ancient manuscripts that are now lost, tells us that each lamp represented a planet and the seventh candle was symbolic to the Jews of the planet Saturn as well as the seventh day.

The fascinating thing about Saturn is that it was a fairly faint object to the eyes of the ancients yet it was often considered the King of the Gods and associated with not only Jehovah, but Shiva, Brahma, Rudra, Kronos and other Gods.

According to ancient legends among the Egyptians, Babylonians and Chinese, and researched by Velikovsky, there was a good reason for such a prominent consideration of Saturn.

According to legend there was a time that Saturn was in a different orbit than at present and was very close to the orbit of the earth. It loomed so large in the sky that its light eclipsed all other stars and planets making it and its moons (and our moon) the only visible objects in the night sky. It is interesting to note that some legends state that nine moons were visible along with Saturn and that is the number of moons that Saturn has today that are easily visible through earth telescopes, but were not supposed to be known to the ancients.

The Egyptians talked about a large Boat of the Gods in the sky and saw Saturn as the “Eye of Ra” in the midst of the boat.

Is it possible that Saturn with its nine visible moons created an image that reminded the Egyptians of a Large boat and Saturn in the center was like a large eye to them?

The first astral deity of the Greeks was Ouranos who was dethroned by Kronos (who is Saturn). Now Ouranos is the Greek word for “heaven” which is associated with Saturn. Think of it. If Saturn filled up the night Sky with its light so no stars were visible the primitive people would begin to think that Saturn itself is heaven. Therefore when the Bible talks of God or our Father in Ouranos (heaven) it could literally be referring to “Jehovah who is in Saturn.”

The Bible talks of waters which are above “heaven.” Gen 1:7-8 If ancient Saturn was heaven and thought to be a boat then what were the waters above Saturn?

Is it possible that the people thought the rings of Saturn were made of water and these were seen as the waters “above heaven.”

Some believe that ending of the interplay of Saturn and earth created the great flood and the sign of the first rainbow given to Noah only became visible after Saturn returned to its current orbit. There is no mention of the rainbow before the flood indicating that heavenly and atmospheric conditions made a rainbow impossible.

In ancient writings Noah was considered one with Saturn and in Chaldean scrolls Abraham is called Zeru-an, or Zerb-an – meaning one very rich in gold and silver, and a mighty prince. Zeru-an was one of the names of Saturn in the ancient writings.

The Jehovah/Saturn connection is amplified with this scripture:

“Then went up Moses, and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel: And they saw the God of Israel: and there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness. “Exodus24:9-10

Sapphire means “dear to the planet Saturn,” and is from the Sanskrit Sani for “Saturn,” and priya meaning “dear.”

And what is the body of heaven? Heaven does not have an observable body, but the planet Saturn does.

Notice that the Sanskrit word for Saturn is Sani which is very close to the wording of the sacred mountain of Jehovah.

If this is so we have Moses ascending the Mountain of Saturn to commune with the Lord of Saturn standing on a paved work of Saturn stones.

On top of all this, the Star of David, sometimes called the seal of Solomon, was a symbol representing Saturn used by ancient mystics.

Is it any wonder that, Tacitus, the Roman historian near the time of Christ, records the Jews as worshipping the planet Saturn (Shabbatai) as their god.

Tacitus: The Histories V, chap. iv.

The ancients interpreted the position and movement of both planetary bodies Shabbatai (Saturn) and Tzedeq (Hebrew for Jupiter meaning “righteousness”) as a sign of imminent Messianic redemption.”.

There was a series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions between 7-6 BC, the most probably time for the birth of Jesus. Many think this produces the “star” that guided the Magi, the astrologers from the East.

Where Saturn is connected with Karma, discipline and punishment, Jupiter is associated with righteousness, the Sun (and Son) and the Love of God, or the Christ himself.

May 18, 2001

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The Sabbath and Becoming

The Sabbath and Becoming

We have already spent considerable time studying the initiating One God (see The Molecular Relationship) and also the name which was given to Moses. The translation “I AM” is incorrect and misleading. In the Hebrew it reads: “I AM BECOMING.”

This is talked about a little in my book and quite extensively in previous posts.

I contend that it is important to discover the great lives who are our fairly immediate superiors for much of what is to be our destiny is in their hands.

Question: “Does keeping the Sabbath apply to all people or just to the children of Israel (Jews) or is the whole concept not applicable in today’s world? For instance Jesus broke the Sabbath and tried to show and explain that service, love and compassion for your brethren in certain circumstances was much more important than keeping the Sabbath.”

The principle behind the Sabbath is an eternal one and is always in effect. The ancient Hebrews and other peoples had to live by black and white rules which were a “schoolmaster” to the understanding of the “why” behind the rules.

This was why Jesus had such a clash with the religious rulers of his day. They were attempting a black and white obedience to law and Jesus sought to understand and incorporate the principle from which the law came.

Jesus enumerated the principle very well when he said:

“And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath: Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath.” Mark 2:27-28

Quite plainly here Jesus told his critics that they were in error concerning the Sabbath for man was not made to be subservient to it, but the Sabbath instead was made for the benefit of humanity. The sons of men are therefore to be masters of the use of the Sabbath – the Sabbath is not to be the master of us.

We all realize that the Sabbath is a period of rest and it is generally recognized that a period of rest now and then is a good idea, but the principle goes deeper than that. The Sabbath period is actually a prime ingredient in the creation process itself. This is, of course, where we were first introduced to the Sabbath for we are told that God created the world in six periods and rested on the seventh period.

Preceding the creative process is a period of rest or stillness where the work to do is contemplated. The creator is not taking any physical action, but instead is in deep contemplation thinking of the benefits of past work and the work yet to be done. Then the effective creator will go forward and work on that which has been decided upon and labor for a period approximately equal to six times the contemplation period.

This is where many visionaries fail. They go forth and work one of two times the contemplation period and quit because the vision has not yet materialized. Then they create a new vision and fail again.

“He who endures to the end will be saved” means that one must work through the six periods of creation to be delivered from failure.

A key to understanding here is that the first period of creation may be of a different time period than the second and the second different than the third, etc, but if one understands the six periods he will always materialize his heart’s desire. I hope to elaborate on these s ix periods soon.

After the six periods are over a creation will be completed. The creator must take another period of rest and contemplate the value of the completed work. Then he must examine his creation as did God in Genesis and declare the work to be “good” or not worth keeping and revise or start over.

Question: Was the assistance of the Lord of Saturn with the Jewish race due to the fact that the Jews were not progressing fast enough in this solar system?

The main reason for the stern relationship was because of their history before the creation of the present life, but some of it was from this age also. The work of Jehovah with the Hebrews was an experiment with several reasons behind it. One of them was to stimulate their consciousness in the hope that they would accept the higher teachings of Christ when he would come.

Unfortunately, the leaders were still struck in their past worship of rules and regulations when he came and rejected him, though some of the common people gathered around him. Now the hope is that the Jews will be ready for change when the “second coming” takes place.

Some of the Old Testament are revelations from Jehovah/Michael, some (such as Psalms) are from the prophets own souls and others (such as Ecclesiastics) are just good creative writing.

The stone tablets of Moses that were supposed to be written by the finger of God were really written by Moses himself. The reason the word was passed down that they were written by God is because Moses was in a translated, or God State of consciousness, when he wrote them. You will remember that when he came down from the mount that his face glowed like the sun.

Question: Some people believe that the earth’s Ancient of Day’s came from Venus. Is Venus a sacred planet like Saturn? Was our Ancient of Days the son aspect of the father/son relationship with the Lord of Venus?”

Yes, our logos did come here from Venus approximately 23 million years ago. He arrived her with one hundred and four associates, or Kumaras, and together they laid the foundations of Shamballa made of etheric matter in the Gobi desert with extensions in other locations. Now that much of the foundation work is done there is only a molecule of seven Kumaras that remain from the original.

These Kumaras did not come from the physical planet Venus but from a higher spiritual globe which occupies it’s same space.

Venus is indeed a sacred planet on the Fifth Ray of Knowledge and is more evolved than is the earth in the total scheme of things. In some ways the earth, however is male to Venus because it is in this round giving more to her than she is to us, but in terms of evolution Venus is more progressed.

Our Ancient of Days is more of a brother to the Logos of Venus and both are disciples of the Solar Logos.

The Expanding God

Question: “What higher consciousness or awareness is there for God to become?”

As far as HAVAH and IAM vs. BECOMING, I have already written extensively on this. This was an interesting question:

I will answer that there is endless higher consciousness and awareness for God to Become.

Why does mankind assume that we have a no-growth stagnant God ruling the universe? When you think about it there is no reason to think so.

It is a scientific observation that the universe itself is expanding. If so, would not God’s consciousness expand with it? Would God not grow with a growing universe? Does God not change as the universe changes?

God Itself does indeed evolve and have and does “all things new” as is written in the scriptures.

The life of God experiences newness and evolves with the birth of each child, with the falling in love of each young couple and with the appearance of each new world. When the humble seeker reaches out to God, God reaches out to him and the two who become one and experience that which has never in all eternity been felt in exactly this way before.

The time will come, trillions of years hence when this universe will reach a relative perfection to a degree that even God cannot improve upon it. At that time, this cosmos will lay the foundation for a future one, and this future universe will take God and all the rest of us into an experience and newness that the highest Logos cannot at present imagine.

May 14, 2001

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The Mystery of Jehovah

The Mystery of Jehovah

I want to thank all those who have helped with the web page. The ideas on the page are evolving nicely. The difficult part will be in choosing the final. I’ll go over the samples with my wife shortly and will give our two cents worth.

Rick and Larry are in charge of developing the look we will have so all who wish to help please work with them.

Question: Could you elaborate on the identity of the God that appeared to Moses

A book could be written on this subject, but I shall try to give a concise answer here.

First let me give an overview of high entities that have an interest in the human kingdom that some have thought to be Gods, masters or the one big God.

(1) Disembodied Spirits of various degrees.

(2) Higher Deva lives or Angels.

(3) The Masters

(4) Those who are higher than the Masters – the residents of Shamballa including the Ancient of Days and his associates.

(5) The Most High Planetary Spirit and his associates. Little is written about these entities and their existence is only hinted at. Shamballa was established 23 million years ago when the Ancient of Days arrived here, but the earth itself is billions of years old and has been occupied since it’s creation by an entity even higher than the Ancient of Days. Entities in contact with Him/Her/It are planetary spirits who work with the lower kingdoms.

(6) The lower Planetary Spirit and Him/Her/It’s manifestations.

Just has we have a higher and lower self so has the earth from its beginning. The lower planetary spirit is a baby in evolution and has not yet reached self consciousness. Because of this, the higher self of the Planet, The Most High Planetary Spirit, does not generally have direct contact that I know of with the self conscious human kingdom, but when contact is made it is through a lower order of spirit.

The Ancient of Days, sometimes called our Planetary Logos, is in deep communion with the higher and lower selves of the planet and is a mediator between them and the lower kingdoms as the Christ is a mediator between Shamballa and mankind.

(7) The planetary Logoi of Saturn, Venus and a hidden planet. These entities are the Ancient of Days within their own planetary spheres and have representatives who live in Shamballa. These have contacted humanity from time to time either directly or through their representatives and such contact has been interpreted to be a contact with “God,” and indeed from our perspective they are as Gods.

(8) The Solar Logos. This entity pays attention to the earth and the other planets as a whole, but rarely does the human kingdom or an individual entity here on earth get its attention. The Christ is the one exception that is known for he was so much in tune with the Love energy that he called forth a sympathetic vibration from the Solar Logos who is the pure essence of Love from our point of view.

(9) The Brotherhood of Light on Sirius. This brotherhood which is much more advanced than the one on our earth will send a “consultant” to work with us here from time to time.

(10) Contacts through your own soul, including your personal Monad, or your personal “Father in Heaven” of which you are a reflection.

There are others, but these are the main contacts which have been thought to have been gods in ages past.

The one Great Life only works through It’s representatives. Any person who is a Master or higher, who is in alignment with God’s Purpose on this little planet is one with God and speaks for God, or the One Life.

So was it the Ancient of Days who spoke to Moses? He could have made contact but was not the main entity dealt with.

Was it Jesus or the Christ? After, all some scriptures do seem to indicate that Jesus was Jehovah?

The reason for this perception is that all higher lives who serve the planet bear the name of Jesus Christ because they are “anointed to deliver.” Jehovah was anointed to deliver the Hebrews out of slavery so he bore this great name.

Even so, he was not the entity who was Jesus or the Christ.

Others believe that Jehovah was the captain of a spacecraft and the pillar of fire was a UFO. This is also not the case, at least not in the way we conceive space travel.

The question is: who was this mystery being? The answer has been shrouded in mystery and only hinted at by sages past.

The Angel and The Lord

There are more clues in the Bible to the identity of Jehovah who appeared to Moses than one may think.

First let us look at this scripture:

“And the ANGEL of the LORD appeared unto him (Moses) in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.”Exodus3:2

Note this blockbuster. The being who appeared to Moses and later identified himself as I AM (literally I AM BECOMING) and then Jehovah is called “the ANGEL of the Lord.”

Here is another scripture telling us that it was an angel and not Jehovah himself who worked with Moses.

“And the ANGEL of God, which went before the camp of Israel, removed and went behind them; and the pillar of the cloud went from before their face, and stood behind them: And it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel; and it was a cloud and darkness to them, but it gave light by night to these: so that the one came not near the other all the night.” Exodus14:19-20

But doesn’t every Sunday School class teach that God with the Big “G” appeared to Moses? Yet here it clearly says it was an “angel” – literally messenger – and not the big Kahuna.

So if this was not the Big Guy himself why is it that the one who talks to Moses seems to identify himself as God?

There are two reasons for this. First, all beings who have reached the God consciousness identify with the One God and share a oneness of consciousness.

Millions of beings in the universe share this consciousness.

But in addition to this there are certain high beings, as previously noted, which have certain purposes and positions in the hierarchy of things.

This being who appeared to Moses was an angel, or representative, of one higher than he (in addition to the One God Itself), and the scripture gives us a strong clue as to why the angel seemed so bold in his declarations of bearing the name of God.

“Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared. Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions: FOR MY NAME IS IN HIM.” Exodus23:20-21

This then explains why this messenger gives his name to Moses as if it were the name of God himself and also identifies himself as God. It is simply because God’s name “is in him.”

This is clarified beyond dispute in the following scripture:

And an angel of the LORD came up from Gilgal to Bochim, and said, I made you to go up out of Egypt, and have brought you unto the land which I sware unto your fathers; and I said, I will never break my covenant with you. Judges 2:1

Here it clearly states that it was an angel who brought the Israelites out of Egypt and made the covenants with the Fathers.

This is the same angel which said :

“I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.” Exodus20:2

We have now established an interesting fact and that is there were at least two beings involved in the deliverance of the Hebrews.

(1) A bold “angel of the Lord” who bears the name of one higher than he and speaks as if he were that higher being.

(2) The Lord of the angel who appeared to Moses. He did not actually appear to Moses, but was represented by the angel to whom Moses spoke to “face to face.”

Are there other clues as to the identity of these two?

Yes, there are a number, but here is a powerful one. Jehovah’s angel says:

“Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.

Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:

But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God” Exodus20:8-10

“Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you.” Exodus31:13

This is indeed an interesting point that Jehovah puts great stress on the fact that the Sabbath, or Saturday, is his holy day, calls it his own day and a “sign” between himself and his people.

A clue to the identity of this being is in the day itself. The Jewish Sabbath is Saturday which is the seventh day of the week; it comes from DIES SATURNI the Latin phrase meaning “Saturn’s Day.” Saturn was the Roman name of the ancient god of agriculture.

The Mount where Moses met Jehovah was named Sinai and the word is of unknown origin, but if the truth be known this name is also a symbol for Saturn. Moses ascended the mountain of Saturn to commune with the God of Saturn.

In addition to this one of the names he takes unto himself is “the Lord of Hosts.” The word “Hosts” comes from the Hebrew SABAOTH, which means a large group or army. Even though the meaning of Sabbath (rest) and Sabaoth (large host) are different it is no coincidence that they are so similar in sound. This is Jehovah’s hint to us that he is also Lord of Saturn which governs Saturday.

In esoteric literature Saturn has certain responsibilities over the human race and its evolution.

In addition to this clue the ancient Wisdom associates Jehovah with the planet Saturn.

But this is not all. There is another orb which was important to the worship of the ancient Jews.

“Behold, I build an house to the name of the LORD my God, to dedicate it to him, and to burn before him sweet incense, and for the continual shewbread, and for the burnt offerings morning and evening, on the sabbaths, and on the NEW MOONS, and on the solemn feasts of the LORD our God. This is an ordinance for ever to Israel.” II Chronicles 2:4

Numerous times in the Old Testament is the mention of the festivals of the New Moons along with the importance of keeping the Sabbath. At the time of the new moon they offered animal sacrifice and the exact time of this occurrence was so important that watchers were placed on the hills around Jerusalem and signaled the news of the exact time of the new moon to distant cities.

Thus we have two celestial bodies which are of great importance to the worshipers of Jehovah. The first is Saturn and the second is the Moon.

These observances were so important that those who broke the Sabbath (and possibly the new moon festival) were put to death.

So let me sum this up the way I see it. The greater Lord here was an Ancient of Days from the Planet Saturn and the angel who was his representative was closely associated with the Moon and the energy it picks up and transmits to us. The ancient wisdom tells us that Saturn is a sacred planet and the earth is not. Because of this the Earth Logos here will at times be offered assistance from those with a higher status than himself, such as the Lord of Saturn.

The question that none have asked is this: How closely did the angel follow the will of his Saturn Lord in his work with Israel? The answer is that he was an independent entity who is a disciple of the Lord of Saturn and was in constant contact with his Lord’s will while acting as his representative on the earth. Even so, his method of doing things was flavored by his own essence coupled with the vibration of lunar energy with which he also worked.

Legend has it that this entity was the Archangel Michael. He was the Adam of the Jewish race, but not the first Adam.

In astrology, the energy of Saturn is the disciplinarian of the solar system. Saturn is like the stern father which will not let the child get away with anything until the kid learns his lesson.

Djwhal Khul says this about the planet:

“Saturn “falls” in Aries (the age initiated by Moses). This has two meanings, for this is a dual sign. First: Saturn is the Lord of Karma, the imposer of retribution and the one who demands full payment of all debts and who therefore condemns us to the struggle for existence, both from the form side and from the soul side. Saturn, therefore, “fell” when man fell into generation. He “followed the sons of men down into their low place.” Second: Saturn’s power is completely ended and his work accomplished when man (the spiritual man) has freed himself from Karma and from the power of the two Crosses-the Common and the Fixed. Esoterically, Saturn cannot follow man on to the Cardinal Cross.” Esoteric Astrology, Page 105

I have first hand experience with the power of the Saturn influence for it is very powerful in my native chart and have first hand seen the influence materialize in my life. There are certain lessons I was given to learn through this strong discipline before power could be released to me to effectively teach. I believe that I am in the process of finishing up my lessons, and then will be released the power of two grand trines of planets in the form of a star of David, which will certainly give the forward progression of these teachings a shot in the arm.

Saturn is governed by the Third Ray of Intelligent Activity or the third aspect of the Trinity. In highest form, this is the Holy Spirit and in lowest form it takes us back into the past.

The past solar system which laid the foundation for the present system was governed by this Ray. The present solar system has advanced to being governed by Ray 2 of Love-Wisdom which is yet in embryonic state.

Now the interesting thing is that Djwhal Khul tells us that the Jewish race as a whole are remnants who did not pass on in progression from this previous solar system of the Third Ray and are held back to continue their education in this system until it is complete. (This would apply to many Jews, but there are exceptions to every rule). This explains why many Jews are very advanced intellectually and are very savvy to the workings of the world. They have more experience and more lifetimes behind them than do the rest of us.

Because they had to finish the lessons of discipline they were given to the Lord of Saturn as their final schoolmaster and a harsh master he was indeed. If an Israelite even gathered wood to build a fire in the Sabbath he was put to death with no mercy for dishonoring his Lord.

Whoever crosses over or even touched the border of Mount Sinai was put to death.

If one sought revelation through any other God he was put to death.

If a child was disobedient to his parents he could be put to death.

If a person committed adultery he was put to death.

Gays and witches were put to death.

Because of the strictness of Saturn/Jehovah some detached observers speculate that the real Lucifer, devil or adversary of light is Jehovah himself, but this is not quite the case.

A point to keep in mind is that Saturn is a sacred planet and the earth is not. What this means is that the Lord of Saturn is actually more evolved into the light than is the Lord of the Earth.

The mission of Saturn was to push the Jews to the brink with more and more strictness and punishment until, it would dawn upon their consciousness that this was not the path of salvation.

Have you ever entered on a path of error but only discovered the error because the pain became so excruciating that you finally had to stop in your forward movement and go back to the beginning and start afresh?

This was the mission of tough love that only Saturn could properly administer.

But alas the time for a fresh look at salvation could only be delayed so long.

May 10, 2001

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