Law – Order – Glory

Law – Order – Glory

I did some Christmas shopping today and as I was driving through the congested traffic I was thinking of the argument by some that we do not need traffic rules.

I thought to myself “thank God there are stop signs, lights, lane dividers etc. To watch this mob drive from their heart only would be madness.”

First I have a difficult time understanding why some LDS are believers in lawlessness when Joseph Smith and the Mormon Scriptures stress the importance of law.

Whether one is a Mormon or not their scriptures give interesting thoughts on law.

Joseph taught that there are three kingdoms of glory awaiting us apparently after death. The highest is the celestial, which has glory comparable to the sun. The second is the Terrestrial which has a glory similar to the moon and the third called the Telestial has a glory like the stars. Where the glory is uniform in the higher, two the glory is diverse in the lowest is “as one star differs from another in glory.”

Now the interesting thing is that it is clearly written that one must abide “law” to enter any one of these kingdoms. Note the following scripture:

“For he who is not able to abide the law of a celestial kingdom cannot abide a celestial glory.

“And he who cannot abide the law of a terrestrial kingdom cannot abide a terrestrial glory.

“And he who cannot abide the law of a telestial kingdom cannot abide a telestial glory; therefore he is not meet for a kingdom of glory. Therefore he must abide a kingdom which is not a kingdom of glory.” D&C 88:22-24

Now there is the great principle revealed here that sheds light whether you are a Mormon or not. Note that it says that if one cannot abide the celestial law then he must bypass that kingdom, but if he cannot abide the law of the second kingdom then he cannot enter that one either. Finally, he must abide the law of the lowest kingdom to even stay there.

Now the interesting thing about this third kingdom is that the Mormons are taught that it is the earth where we now live. So what does this mean?

It means that if one cannot even abide by the basic laws which govern men here on the earth “he must abide a kingdom which is not a kingdom of glory.”

Joseph taught that there is a fourth kingdom which has no glory, not even the glory of the stars, very similar to the Eighth Sphere as taught by the Theosophists. He tells us that those who go there are a law unto themselves. This is a totally different idea than following the Holy Spirit or Higher Self but these characters reject the Holy Spirit and only follow the impulses of the lower self, or self interest, which, in the end, is no law producing no order and thus not harmonizing with any glory.

Now let us continue quoting the scripture:

“And again, verily I say unto you, that which is governed by law is also preserved by law and perfected and sanctified by the same.

“That which breaketh a law, and abideth not by law, but seeketh to become a law unto itself, and willeth to abide in sin, cannot be sanctified by law, neither by mercy, justice, nor judgment. Therefore, they must remain filthy still.

“All kingdoms (this would include human) have a law given; And unto every kingdom is given a law; and unto every law there are certain bounds also and conditions. All beings who abide not in those conditions are not justified.” D&C 88:34-36;38-39

Now examine the words of Christ in the New Testament:

“Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?” Matt 6:28-30

The disciples were probably very puzzled over this statement. I can just see Thomas scowling with the thought: “How can you compare ordinary lilies to the great glory which belong to Solomon? Has the Master forgot the glory of the gold, the wealth, the art, the temple and the adulation of the people which belonged to the great King?”

The disciples did not appreciate the words of Jesus in that day because they lacked the common microscope of today. When a Lily or any other plant of the field is magnified 100, 1000, or 100,000 times greater and greater glory is revealed.

How is the glory revealed?

It is revealed through the tremendous order which is manifest in the cells of the plant kingdom.

And what produces the order which creates vehicles for plant and all other lives on the earth?

Answer: It is the following of law. These little lives have consciousness and have comprehended the law which produces order which produces glory and they faithfully follow it, thus laying the foundation for even greater life which is you and me.

Then came the great promise from the Master:

“Shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?”

When we look at a lily under high magnification we see an order and glory far surpassing anything that humanity has accomplished, yet the promise is that we will in the end have “much more” glory than this. Mankind will eventually follow molecular and cellular orders until the day comes that its organization and glory will surpass the glory of the lilies of the field.

One can only appreciate this promise if he can comprehend the glory which does indeed now exist in the microcosmic world of the simple plant kingdom. But we cannot at this time comprehend the glory which is yet to come. We must experience it to understand.

Dec 9, 2000

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Conspiracy Theory

Conspiracy Theory

A reader asked my opinion of David Icke.

Believe it or not I have never heard of David Icke before – so I took a look at his website. From the number of hits he is getting it is evident that he is becoming pretty popular.

As I look over his articles I can see that he has information that can lead to a number of truths, but I also see great distortion. The problem is that he sees a conspiracy under every rock. I have met a lot of people like this clear from the sixties when I began paying attention to the conspiracy theory.

During this forty year time period I have found that every single prediction that the “conspiracy under every rock” person has had has been wrong. When I first started following this they all believed that we would be under the dominion of this great hidden Beast by the 70’s. It would become so bad that we would only be saved by divine interference. Then the date was moved to the 80’s, then the 90’s and now fewer dates are set but take-over is still inevitable.

Icke has made some whopper wrong predictions. In 1991, during a BBC interview, he said that “the world as we know it is about to end”. Then he said that Britain would soon be devastated by tidal waves and earthquakes.

The truth is that there are circles of conspiracy, or behind the scenes agendas on both the light and the dark side, but no one I have seen has put their finger on them or how they work or what their plans really are. The Brotherhood of Light are open about what they want to accomplish but the general public are unaware of all they do to further their goals. The dark side is not honest about what they want to accomplish and work in the dark through blinded souls. If conspiracy theorists had a grasp on the truth then they should be able to predict with some degree of accuracy.

If you want to know how reliable the writings of a person are then check out what you know and correspond them to what you do not know.

I am very familiar with Mormon history so let us check Icke’s writings there:

Icke: Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses “have the same face” because Joseph Smith and Charles Russell came from the same bloodline.

JJ: This is indeed a stretch.

Probably many of us have similar ancestors to Hitler, but this does not make us like him.

Icke: Joseph Smith, along with Hiram Smith and Brigham Young, were the key figures behind the creation of the Mormon religion. They were of the elite of the elite Illuminati bloodline, the Merovingian or “Holy Grail” line, and were all high degree Freemasons.

JJ: This much is true of their Merovingian bloodline

Icke: They were also Satanists and formed their “church” as a front for Satanic activity which very much still goes on today. Why wouldn’t it, that is what it is there for.

JJ: There is absolutely no evidence of this. All founders of all organizations make mistakes, but this does not make them Satanists.

Icke: The Mormon empire was funded into existence by the Rothschilds through their Kuhn, Loeb, bank which also funded the Russian Revolution and Adolf Hitler, and yet again B’nai Brith, the Rothschild intelligence arm and defamer of genuine researchers, was involved.

JJ: No evidence of this whatsoever. Perhaps banks that the Mormons use are on his hit group, but I am sure my bank is also.

The Mormon Church has receive almost all it’s seed money from donations of members and later some from business investments.

Icke: Again the followers of these mind control cults would be shocked to think that the upper levels of these “religions” would engage in Satanic activity and human sacrifice of children, but it is about time they knew.

JJ: The Hierarchy of the Mormons have their faults but I have seen no evidence that they participate in human sacrifice.

Icke: The Mormons were also created as a front for Satanism and, like the Watchtower Society, Enochian magic. When I spoke in Salt Lake City near to the Mormon Temple, I came across the fascinating book by William J. Schnoebelen called Mormonism’s Temple of Doom. Schnoebelen was initiated into the Wicca religion, then into Freemasonry, before going through the Mormon initiation in the Salt Lake temple. He shows in great detail that all three initiations were the same. The same oaths, secret handshakes, and garb. Of course they are. We are looking at one face here hidden by many masks.

JJ: There are some similarities, but what Icke does not point out is that most involved in Wicca are very harmless folks far removed from Satanism

Icke: The Salt Lake temple is covered with Illuminati symbols, like the All Seeing Eye, and it is built with granite, a rock which has been used throughout the ages for temples on earth power centres and for esoteric initiation.

JJ: This idea of evil would also imply that the founding Fathers of the U.S. were evil. Also note that George Washington and most founding fathers were Masons which he condemns as evil.

There is corruption in Masonry, but there is also a lot of truth there and it will be reformed to represent the side of light in totality in the coming age.

Icke: The Mormons also use the bee symbol, a classic symbol of the Merovingian bloodline.

JJ: Yes, we must beware of those evil bees.

Icke: Joseph Smith carried a dove medallion given to him by an English masonic lodge. The dove is Illuminati symbolism for Queen Semiramis, the female deity in their Babylonian trinity.

JJ: This is the first time I have heard of the symbol of the dove as being evil. Someone ought to tell that to Jesus and John the Baptist. NOTE: The sign of the dove appeared at the baptism of Jesus.

Icke: The Mormon Church, like the Watchtower Society, is also a front for trauma-based mind control. Many survivors have told of their horrific torture in Salt Lake City in Mormon buildings and centres.

JJ: If they want to control anyone they would want to control ex-Mormons who expose them like me, and others in the group. I have seen no evidence of this. And I have no love for the Jehovah Witnesses but they started out as a Bible study group and morphed into a church that is annoying to some, but I wouldn’t call them Satanic any more than the Baptists.

Icke: The Mormon genealogy operation is also a front behind which the Illuminati keep track of the reptilian bloodline, who has it to a “pure” enough level and who has not.

JJ: The Mormons are big on Genealogy, but only individual families pay much attention to a particular bloodline and that is their own.

I have read a lot of anti-Mormon stuff, but rarely have I read an article with such fabrication.

I have only read a sampling of his writings, but when I read something like his calling George Bush a shape shifter who must drink blood to keep from changing into a reptile I can only take this guy with a grain of salt.

I am from the same bloodline as Joseph Smith so he may accuse me of being a reptile also.

There is a great mystery behind the reptiles and I will be writing about it in a future Immortal book. This guy has caught a glimpse of truth and distorted it into something that will be such a laughing stock, that the real truth will be difficult for his believers to accept. Maybe this is what the real dark conspiracy wants.

Nov 28, 2000

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Rules of the Game

Rules of the Game

The Question

Name three Laws of Order which will assist mankind in creating the New Age of Peace. Tell us why you believe this.

Got some good answers related to love and service but what I am talking about is the more black and white rules of law that we all seem to hate so much including myself.

While it is true that there are many rules that we could live without, there are also some that are needed to maintain order, even in a fairly enlightened society.

Someone mentioned laws of speeding, seat belts and taxes as laws many of us break. Yes, it is true we have way too many laws, but as we discussed in the pendulum principle both extremes always bring disaster. Too many laws bring the disaster of suffocation and not enough bring disorder, along with the weak being subjugated by the strong.

For some reason we are good at making useful rules in the playing of sports and terrible when it comes to rules established by government and bureaucracy.

Let us suppose that rules were made to govern football similar to the intelligence behind the rules set by lawmakers.

Current Simple Rule:

The field is 100 yards long

If a Typical Government Made the Rule:

A 100 yard field is the ideal providing all who are playing are perfect physical specimens. If any players are handicapped then the field can be as small as 70 yards. If minorities are added in the field can be reduced another 10 yards.

If the losing team in a 100 yard field can show evidence they would have won in a smaller field they can contest the win and possibly overturn it. Each football team will have lawyers and committee representatives to assist in determining that the field size was fair to all players.

Current Simple Rule:

The oblong ball is approximately 11 inches long and is to weigh approximately 15 ounces.

If a Typical Government Made the Rule:

For some people it is easier to catch a round ball therefore a player can contest the shape and size of the ball and call for a change. If the ball is too heavy for smaller players then smaller footballs must be available for play.

Current Simple Rule:

The winner of the game is the team that scores the most points and there are certain plays that score certain points.

If a Typical Government Made the Rule:

There are many important ingredients in the game besides scoring points. A first down is important and should be worth one point. Any pass over 20 yards should also score a point.

In addition to this, there are always players who do not score points in the normal method so each game shall have a committee appointed to judge the effort of the less talented players and give them points on the struggles they made.

If a team loses three or more games in a row damage could be incurred to self esteem so any team that loses three games will play their fourth game with a starting score of 14 points. If a team loses four times in a row there has to be some type of celebration established to praise the good points of the loosing players so they too can feel good about winning in their own way.

We could go on here but these examples should make the lesson clear. Too many rules made by those who do not understand the game suffocate and destroy the excitement and enjoyment thereof.

On the other hand, with no rules there would be no game, no stability and no enjoyment.

But there is a middle way of having just the right number of rules so the game can have excitement, order and involvement.

Do we ever hear a player complain that the rules governing a successful pass completion takes away his free agency because they never had a hand in agreeing to the making of such a rule? No. We would think such a one as being crazy indeed?

Yet there are many on the fringe who believe that the necessary rules of society take away their freedom or free agency.

The truth is that just rules of society do not take away freedom any more than do the rules of football. If we want to play any game at all we must abide by many rules that we never had a hand in making.

Even so in society if we want to live in civilization we must also live by rules that we never had a hand in making.

Even though moral laws can be written in our hearts this does not apply to rules of order such as we have successfully implemented in sports.

You’ll never have two ball teams get together with no pre-established rules and play by rules of the heart. All would be chaos in five minutes and both sides would quit in disgust and go home.

We have heard it said that life is a game and indeed it is in many ways. If life indeed corresponds to a game then it becomes obvious that just the right number of firm rules will enhance life and make it more playable, fun and workable for us all.

If life is a game then too many rules will frustrate us and discourage us from playing.

If life is a game then no rules destroy the game so there is not even an incentive to play.

Even this group which has had few rules is approaching a time when added rules may be necessary to insure its stability and enjoyment for all.

Now let me give one law of order which will be necessary to insure a new age of peace.

There will be an international law which will prohibit weapons of mass destruction which have the capability of destroying all or most of the life on earth.

This law is essential to guarantee that we can even continue to play the game of life.


Can you think of two other laws that will be essential to insure a new age of peace?

Nov 27, 2000

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The Law of Mind

The Law of the Mind

There has been quite a bit of discussion of the biblical prediction of a time when the law would be written in our hearts and that this is the ideal which we should seek. This is indeed a grand ideal and it is one that I have written much of and do seek myself.

However, has anyone stopped to ask what our governing situation would be if this idea became a reality with the great majority of humankind?

Would we then have no written laws?

Not necessarily.


For one thing the law which is to be written in our hearts is the basic sense of right and wrong. Right being defined as that where the greater love and harmlessness is revealed, and wrong where love is suppressed and harm is inflicted.

However there are many more laws that bring order in society which have nothing to do with right and wrong, but instead have a purpose to create order and peace. These laws are not written in the heart and have to do with mind and little with heart.

So let us divide laws that humans use to govern themselves into two categories.

(1) Moral law or laws of the heart – the obedience of which manifests the love of God.

(2) Laws of Order (Mental laws) – laws of the mind that bring peace and order. These laws manifest the intelligence of God manifesting through mankind.

Category One – Moral laws

The ten commandments are moral laws and many of our current civil laws owe their origin to them.

What is unrealized by many is that the day of having law written in our hearts is not in the far future, but mankind has indeed made great progress toward this goal in the here and now

Her are some moral laws that are written in the hearts of over 90% of the people:

Thou shat not kill.

Few people need any law to tell then this for this is indeed written in the hearts of almost all people.

Thou shalt not steal

Again – even among those who have broken this law is a realization that this is a just law and should be followed.

Other moral laws which are written in the hearts of most are:

Thou shalt not lie

Thou shalt not commit adultery

Thou shalt not commit rape

We should love our family, friends & neighbors

Each human being deserves equal rights

Most support some plan to help the sick and the poor

Most believe we should give some type of donation to help those less fortunate than ourselves

Slavery is wrong

Taking drugs in addictive amounts is wrong

Animals should be treated humanly

The earth is our home and we must take care of her to insure it is a livable place in future generations.

In the days of Jeremiah, who wrote of the law being written in the heart, these moral concepts we take for granted were not enough a part of the human psyche that one could depend on the average person supporting without the benefit of a written law.

Today these laws are written in the hearts of most and we can rest assured that most of our friends understand and support them.

Now let us look at the outrageous crime of murder. Probably over 99% of humanity have this law written in their hearts, but still there are a small handful that feel justified in the nefarious act.

Now you or I do not need a law to tell us not to commit this act, but there are still a few who do. Because of those few we still need a written law with a punishment affixed. If such is not the case, the one who has not the law in his heart could terrorize a whole city with impunity.

The same thing with theft. Most of us do not steal, for the law is in our hearts and we need no one to tell us what to do here. Nevertheless, there is a small minority who do not have this law in their hearts and for them a physical law with punishment affixed is required.

Over the last 100 years humanity has made a lot of progress in the direction of the law being written in the heart. During the next 200 years much more progress will be made.

Does this mean that when the New Age is securely manifest we will need no written law concerning theft, rape, or personal injury?

No. We will probably need these basic laws with punishments affixed for thousands of years to come, for humanity will not attain perfection overnight, but such perfection will take a long period of time.

Today we do not need any law telling us to breathe, for we need no such law. Even the lowest of human life breath on their own free will with no need of law. When the basic moral laws become written in our hearts to the extent that their fulfillment becomes as natural as breathing, because even the lowest of mankind realizes the necessity, then the written law can be done away with. Until that time the peaceable people will need the basic protection of the written law.

As the Gathering of Lights proceeds and the Lights of the earth are able to live under their own law, then these gatherings will demonstrate the ability to live in harmony with fewer and fewer moral laws until the time comes that none will be required.

Category Two – Laws of Order

These are a totally different type of law than moral laws and will not cease with the New Age but will assist in stabilizing the New Age so peace can reign supreme throughout the earth.

What is the difference between a moral law and a mental law?

Answer – a moral law deals with right and wrong whereas a law of order is required to create order and tranquility and has little or nothing to do with right wrong. Laws of order may be silly or wise, but there is little right or wrong in them.

Example of a Law of Order:

Covenants and restrictions in various neighborhoods. Here law is created by either a majority vote of a neighborhood or by the building developers. These laws do not interfere with free will because each occupant has an obligation to study these rules before he chooses to live there and agrees to abide by the rules when he buys his home. If he does not like the laws of order he can choose a different neighborhood.

Typical of such laws are the prohibition of farm animals such as horses, pigs and chickens. Now most people in a residential area would not consider bringing in a farm animal, but there is always the oddball who would do so, causing the whole neighborhood to awaken at the crack of dawn by his favorite crowing rooster.

This law of order prevents this problem and brings peace to the residents. The guy who wants his rooster can go buy a five acre piece on the outskirts of town and have his farm animals.

Contrary to this law of order violating free agency, free agency is enhanced because the residents have freely chosen to maintain and obey these laws of order.

The election chaos of 2000 (Bush and Gore) could have been easily prevented by clear laws of order. A large part of what has created the chaos has been too many laws and conflicting standards from county to county in Florida.

The problem then with current law is not what is right or wrong, but what is clear and not clear.

It matters not so much as to which is best – a hand count or a machine count – but what matters is that a clear standard must be established so when the rule is followed the results will be sure, and no rules will be changed in the middle of the game.

It is not that hanging chads or dimpled ballots are right or wrong, but a clear standard must be approved ahead of time and followed. A clear cut off date must be established with no ambiguity, as was in the current one, so there can be a definite cut off and a clear winner announced.

Because we have too many laws the problem that occurs is that one law may seem crystal clear, but then a clever attorney can find another rule which seems to dispute it and throw the process into disarray.

The importance of laws of order are particularly obvious when we observe almost any sport. Let us take American football for example. Often times a football team will be composed of fairly unruly, difficult to manage men, emotionally grounded, many of whom have criminal records. Even so they are familiar with the rules of the game and such rules are strongly drilled into their heads by their coach.

So when we watch football what do we see? We see a beautiful organization created out of a potential mob mentality. Instead of chaos we see a wonderful association, and the following of laws of order to create an exciting game to watch.

What would happen if your team made the winning touchdown and the referee said:

“We are discounting this touchdown because we have decided that we need no rules.”

Suddenly, the whole purpose along with the enjoyment of the game would immediately disintegrate and chaos would reign supreme.

No game with purpose or enjoyment can be played without Law or rules of order.

In the past, nations have played out the game of war with little or no rules and the toll on humanity has been great. If we can cease war and play our games of conquest through international sport or other means, then order will indeed be created out of disorder.

Where has there ever been a game played with no laws of order? There is no such thing. Even so, the “new order of the ages” will not exist without ground rules of order.

Could we even have an election without rules of voting time, rules of counting, standards and rules that determine a winner? NO. We will always need such rules even though what is right or wrong morally may be written in our hearts.

We face the same problem of in the creation of the new age. Without the law of mind, the laws of order, we will have no new age, no order, but only confusion and disorder. Only through just laws of order created by those who are polarized in the mind or above can a lasting peace and purpose come to the earth.

Question: Name three Laws of Order which will assist mankind in creating the New Age of Peace. Tell us why you believe this.

Nov 26, 2000

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Hearing the Voice & Nirmanakayas

Hearing the Voice & Nirmanakayas

The Question: Since most people are polarized in the emotional body and cannot break free from outward authority what are they to do? Are they doomed to be controlled with no end in sight? What is the best solution for them?

The answer is given by the ancient prophet:

“And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.” Jer 3:15

Those who have escaped the mark of the Beast of unjust authority have a responsibility to those who are yet in bondage. Until he who is in bondage to the emotions over mind expands his ring-pass-not there is no way that he can break out of the control of authority – whether just or unjust – on his own.

There are three categories of people talked about in the scriptures:

(1) The Shepherds

(2) The Sheep

(3) The Goats

The shepherds are those who are ascended to the plane of the mind or above and are prepared to lead others to greater learning and direction.

The shepherds are divided into two categories:

(A) The good shepherds – those who will sacrifice themselves for the food of the flock.


“And Jesus, when he came out, saw much people, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to teach them many things.” Mark 6:34

(B) The evil shepherds. These have ascended to the plane of the mind, but have no soul contact and seek to use the sheep to further their selfish ends.

An example of the selfish shepherds are as follows:

Jer 23:1 Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith the LORD.

Jer 23:2 Therefore thus saith the LORD God of Israel against the pastors that feed my people; Ye have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith the LORD.

Jer 23:3 And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries whither I have driven them, and will bring them again to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase.

Jer 23:4 And I will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them: and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall they be lacking, saith the LORD.

Jer 23:5 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth.

The rest of humanity are divided into two additional categories called the sheep and the goats. This was discussed by Jesus:

“When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:

And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.” Matt 25:31-33

What’s the difference between the sheep and the goats?

The goats are very independent and are a law unto themselves. They follow their own inner impulses and recognize no shepherd or leader.

Now DK speaks of a side of the goat symbolism representing the disciple who rejects outward unjust authority and follows the God within.

On the standard New Age side of things the goats claim to be following the “God within” but instead are following their own wills and their own inner impulses and feelings.

On the Orthodox religious side they claim to be following their rigid interpretation of the scriptures and their own conceived ideals of how things should be. They are very rigid and black and white in their view of things which leaves no room for the expansive Spirit of God and soul contact.

The scriptures provide the key in recognizing the sheep of Christ.

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27

The true sheep know, or recognize the voice of God or Christ.

John further elaborates:

“But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.

And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.

And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.” John 10:2-5

The sheep will recognize a shepherd, or true teacher who has within the spirit of God as well as their own inner voice. They feel the vibration of the Spirit and follow.

“A stranger will they not follow.”

A stranger is he who speaks from the lower ego and stirs not the Spirit within the heart of the seeker. Even so, many who would be sheep who are on the verge of soul contact and true recognition are deceived by false shepherds and cannot yet recognize the true inner voice that speaks in the stillness of the soul.

The bottom line is this. Many who have not fully developed the mind and are yet centered in the emotions are very good people who are seeking the highest they know. The way of deliverance for them through the maze ahead is to have “good shepherds” to follow who commune through the One Spirit. By this means can one who is yet centered in the emotions make true progress upon the path?

The sheep must follow someone as a teacher yet on the earth in the physical because such is in their nature, so it is important that the shepherd they trust in will teach through the soul in a voice that they know to be from God.

Unfortunately many who would follow have not learned to recognize the true voice and are led by the ego of a false shepherd which will indeed lead them on to strange paths.


Since it was pointed out that there are variances of meaning concerning Nirmanakayas I thought I would make a few more comments.

Djwhal Khul called the Nirmanakayas Divine Contemplatives.

Here are a few quotes from him:

Nirmanakaya. Those perfected beings who renounce Nirvana (the highest state of spiritual bliss) and choose a life of self-sacrifice, becoming members of that invisible host which ever protects humanity within karmic limits. Initiation, Human and Solar,” Page 222

The Nirmanakayas gather Their personnel out of the Hierarchy, the second great planetary centre. Their relation to Shamballa is not one of affiliation, nor is it the same as that of the New Group of World Servers to the Hierarchy. Their major relationship is with the Triangle of the Buddhas of Activity, and it is under Their creative inspiration that They work. This stream of inspiration or of “energy flooded with creative light” is made available to the Hierarchy at all times and when needed for Their creative work; it is a part of that dynamic, galvanizing energy which feeds the enthusiasm of the New Group of World Servers, binds them together in the One Work, and enables them to work intelligently and with creative ability. Discipleship in the New Age, Vol II , Pages 201-202

The effect of that reflective vibration is both vertical and horizontal, and this wide diffusion has led to the formation of that major group of contemplatives, the Nirmanakayas; They focus the hierarchical invocative appeal and (to quote the Old Commentary) “put it into the musical form which will please the ear of the One Who dwells in the highest plane.” They then transfer the focussed received energies-after due reflection and contemplation-to Shamballa. One of Their functions is to relate the invocative appeal of the Hierarchy to karmic law, and thus determine “in the deep silence of Their united work” what can be possible because it does not infringe upon karmic intention, and what is not yet possible in time and space-those two major factors which are governed by karmic law. They have to bear in mind that the time has not yet come and “the karmic era cannot yet demand that demanded good become accomplished good.”

The members of this group are also transmitters to the Hierarchy of the response evoked from Shamballa. They are constantly in touch with the Council Chamber at Shamballa. Just as the Hierarchy-in this present cycle of world endeavour-is working through the New Group of World Servers, so Shamballa is carrying out its intentions (as far as humanity is concerned) through this group of Nirmanakayas. This all connotes a great centralisation of the work in connection with the reappearance of the Christ. Discipleship in the New Age, Vol II , Page 206

The Nirmanakayas, the divine Contemplatives. This is the receptive group which receives impression from Shamballa in relation to the planetary creative purpose. Then They, on Their own level of atmic activity, build-through contemplative meditation-a vast reservoir of potent energies which are impregnated with the qualities of the seven energies of the seven planetary Rays. They are the Custodians of life, under the direct inspiration of the Buddhas of Activity, and They spend the aeons of Their planetary service:

  1. In active contemplation of the divine Purpose.
  2. In a developed receptivity to that aspect of the Purpose which must be expressed through the medium of the divine Plan, and thus presented to the Hierarchy.
  3. In developing that spirit of sevenfold receptivity which will make Them a channel for the inflow of ray energies from Shamballa into the Hierarchy. Their united aura or area of influence and the extent of Their magnetic and dynamic radiation correspond roughly to the aura of the planet itself; They contain (within Their ranks) Members Who are identified with the Lords of the seven Rays. Discipleship in the New Age Vol 2,” Page 210

Djwhal Khul also says that they work “under the direct inspiration of the Buddhas of Activity (who are Nirmanakayas of a higher level), and They spend the aeons of Their planetary service.”

Nov 25, 2000

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The Needs of the Many

The Needs of the Many

The correct use of law requires wise application of the pendulum principle that we previously discussed. Both extremes in their misuse lead to disaster.

One of my main points of disagreement with anarchists is individual right vs. group right. Some believe that the right of the individual is always supreme, that the rights of the group are always subordinate to individual rights.

I take an opposing point of view and go with the statement of Spock where he said: “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.”

While I do believe that we have too many laws and that about 90% of them could be eliminated it is also very true that society could not exist in a civilized state without law that protects the rights of the many.

When a person is a member of a group composed of a body of people then the needs of the whole body, being many, outweigh the needs of the individual which is one. If you are a member of the body and partaking in the assets of the body then that body has the right to make laws to govern the individual in areas that affect the body as a whole.

The body or state therefore has the right to make laws governing our roads and driving because all members of the body are affected by vehicles and transportation.

On the other hand, the state has no right to make laws governing what you read or the literature you have in your home because that only affects you.

The body or state has the right to make laws governing zoning and building permits because where you build and how you build affects the property value and enjoyment of your neighbor and the whole community.

On the other hand, the state has no right to make laws governing the decor and colors of the inside of your house because that only affects you. If it is unsightly you have to suffer alone.

The body or state has the right to make laws governing the enforcement of child support because the payment or non payment of such support affects the group. If child support is not paid then the one with custody is forced to rely upon the body for support which causes a drain on all members of the body.

On the other hand, the state has no right to make laws governing which religion your child is raised in because the choice of a religion generally does not cause a drain or negative affect on the quality of life of the group.

The point is that there are certain things that the individual may not particularly like to be governed by, but if these things can have a disturbing effect upon the whole then the body or state does have the right to make laws to correct the problem.

At this point an independent soul may say…

“But I have withdrawn from the body or state and have fired all authorities, therefore I am my own law and am not bound by any decrees of the state.”

That sounds good, but I would venture to say that you have not fired the state. If you have truly fired the state then you would truly cease being a part of the body and using its resources.

What resources you may ask?

Here are a few.

  1. You travel on roads built by state money.
  2. You probably sent your child to school funded by state funds.
  3. You call for the help of the police now and then which is a strong acknowledgment of some dependence on the state and membership therein.
  4. Your country and property is protected from invasion by a state funded army. You may not think the armed forces are worth while, but think of the situation if we had none at all. We could be overrun by the smallest of countries who did have an army.
  5. Food and water are generally made safer through state regulations, however imperfect.
  6. Even though the state does make some bad and useless laws there are many laws created by the state which are for the good of the whole and benefit us all.
  7. I would be willing to bet that if your house caught fire you would call the fire department.
  8. Finally, you have an association with many individuals who believe in and cooperate with the rules governing the group. Most of these individuals feel that the rules of the group, however imperfect, bring stability and enhance the pursuit of individual happiness.

I would venture to say that if an individual is partaking of the goodness or badness of a state or body then one has the moral obligation to recognize and abide by the laws of the body that affect the body as a whole and are accepted by the majority.

The point is that individual rights and individual desires are two different things. We have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as long as our endeavors do not infringe upon another person’s life liberty and pursuit of happiness. But when we reach the point when we can have a negative effect upon others then the individual rights must yield to the rights of the whole. If, for instance, it makes you happy to have your six dogs wake you up every morning at 5 AM, but this happy event causes great stress to six of your neighbors this puts you in the situation of your gaining a little happiness at the expense of six others. Now why, in this group of seven, should six sacrifice their right to happiness so you can awake to the sound of your wonderful dogs???

I can think of none.

Obviously the needs of the many here (the six) outweigh the needs of the few (you).

And how do you solve a problem like this? They can only be solved on a permanent basis by rules established by the majority.

You only have three courses of action in this situation. (1) Do nothing. Result: You are happy and six people are miserable and denied their pursuit of happiness – that is sleeping in past 5 AM. (2) Have a minority make rules governing the dogs. Result: the majority are miserable. (3) Have a majority make rules governing the dogs. Result: The majority, or the largest number of people possible enjoy peace.

I cannot think of any reason why anything but (3) would make any sense.

All right, there is a possible fourth. They could try to solve it on an individual basis. In some cases the scenario would go something like this. Several of the neighbors approach the dog owner and the dog owner refuses to cooperate. He thinks that a person is crazy if he is not up and around at 5 AM. He was raised on a farm and thinks everyone should have been.

The neighbors become angry and seek revenge. One neighbor poisons one of the dogs, the noisiest one. The dog owner cannot prove this, but he is sure that one of the neighbors did this. To get even he buys four more dogs, a rooster and two pigs and the noise becomes twice as great as it was before.

A couple days later one of the neighbors snaps, gets his gun and shoots all the animals when the dog owner is gone. When the owner gets back he is outraged and burns the house down of the guy he thinks is responsible. Now it just so happens that he picked on the one guy who was innocent. Now a war begins to the death.

The question is, why should we have to deal with such insane situations when a few rules governing group behavior can prevent such things???

The point is that individual desires are not individual rights. Any group laws or rules will frustrate the individual desires of a few to the benefit of the many. For instance, just because the guy thinks he has the right to have noisy animals does not a right create. If a rule is created establishing noise guidelines and the only way to ensure enforcement is to get rid of the dogs then the guy may think his rights are violated. The truth is the rights of the six others are upheld. The dog owner’s rights would not be violated, but his desires would be. Two different things.

If one truly wishes to reject the body or state then he should do just that. About the only way to do that in this day and age is to live in some wilderness area removed from society. The trouble with this is that it is a worse state of livingness than living within the body. But to live in the body and enjoy a higher state of life because of the body, yet reject the body because it has nothing to offer, is a contradiction in terms.

I personally do not like or agree with all the State does and am a big believer in minimal government, but because I am a member of the body I recognize certain obligations to the whole. If some law or rule of the state irritates me to a sufficient degree I will then seek to change that law or remove myself from the group. If I were to truly reject this state completely I would leave it because to stay would make me into a victim.

If one sees a law unjust then he can break it, but be willing to suffer the consequences.

DK says this: “But the new law must, and will, be enunciated. This law can be summed up in the words: Let a man so live that his life is harmless. Then no evil to the group can grow out of his thoughts, his actions or his words. This is not negative harmlessness, but of a difficult and positive activity. If the above practical paraphrase of the words of Christ were universally promulgated and practically applied, we should have order growing out of chaos, group love superseding personal selfishness, religious unity taking the place of fanatical intolerance, and regulated appetites instead of license.” Esoteric Psychology I, Page 301

Nov 24, 2000

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Using Correspondences


Using Correspondences

Question: How can we know the truth about the seven centers?

The Law of Correspondences can be used to discover or highlight many truths including the centers.

For instance, the human atom (Adam) corresponds in many ways to the physical atom.

Let me quote from my book The Molecular Relationship which covers some of these correspondences.

The correspondence of man to an atom is most interesting to make. The physical body corresponds to the nucleus of protons and neutrons and the normally unseen aura that circles around the individual corresponds to the orbiting electrons. The nucleus of an atom has a mass of up to 4,000 times that of its electrons. So too does man’s dense physical body account for almost all his mass. The female energy circling us is invisible to unless one trains himself to see it. When the aura is seen, the seer will discover beautiful changing colors, geometric shapes and an aura that actually revolves around the physical nucleus just as electrons dance within the atom. The true shape of man is then circular and he is in a constant state of rotation and movement as the atoms are.

The size of a person’s aura will vary greatly according to the point of evolution, just as will the size of the orbiting fields of the atoms vary according to their atomic weight, or point of evolution.

Within man’s physical body and extending about a millimeter or two from it is his etheric body. This is the energy field that holds the physical body together and gives it its shape and vitality. This corresponds to the energy field within the atom which scientists say hold it together.

Within human beings are also seven chakras, or force centers. The first five are aligned up the spine and the final two are in the head. The first is the center at the base of the spine. This center enflames and supports the energy of all the other centers. The second is the sacral center and controls sex energy. The third is the solar plexus; it creates the desire nature and the emotions. The fourth is the heart center and from it issues love and wisdom. The fifth is the throat center and from it emanates the high creative energies of the artist and creator. The sixth is the Ajna center between the eyes, called the Third Eye; the energy that creates ideas springs from it. The seventh center is at the top of the head and it works with the energy of Purpose.

As a person progresses through numerous lifetimes as a human being, these centers of energy open and begin their circulation, and a corresponding negative or female energy circulates in the aura. A lowly evolved person may have only the bottom center or two opened, while a highly evolved initiate will have energy circulating unimpeded through all seven centers.

Correspondingly, the atoms have seven energy centers which open into circulation as the atom evolves from hydrogen to radium. These seven centers found in the orbit of the atom are called electron shells. The chemist designates them by the letters K, L, M, N, O, P, and Q. It is interesting to note that radium is the first element to have all centers opened and it naturally glows in the dark. In the same way, a human with his centers opened will sometimes have such a strong aura that he will glow and have a visible radiance, like the Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration.

The energy centers of the atom are divided into numerous subshells and orbitals, and correspondingly the seven chakras are subdivided into numerous energy petals.

The most interesting correspondence for the sake of this treatise is that each atom is polarized in either positive or negative (male or female) energy and they bond with (marry) each other. (End of quote.)

In addition to this we see that the number seven creates the building blocks to the universe. There are seven notes in sound and seven colors in a rainbow of light. It is only fitting that we humans are somehow also built on seven differing vibrations.

Even before the throne of God there are seven creative Spirits.

One of the best proofs available to all is through the study of acupuncture and accupressure. It is easy to prove through application that there are varying degrees of energy centers starting with very small ones and moving to major ones where the numerous nadis crisscross until we arrive at the seven major centers. One does not require great experience in meditation to begin to sense the major centers. All, for instance, have felt the energy of sex as it manifests through the sacral center and most all can sense the emotions below the diaphragm in the solar plexus center. Then when spiritual love is developed seekers can sense the wonderful higher love flowing through he heart center. As one begins to create and think he will feel definite forces stimulating the throat and head centers. Once a person becomes aware of the various energies unfolding he will have no doubt that there are major energy centers at play in the body.

When I first felt them I knew nothing about the centers and it did not occur to me what was happening, but then when I later learned about the chakras it all began to make sense to me.

This correspondence does not end with the human. The earth itself has seven centers which are

(1) The mineral (2) The vegetable (3) The animal (4) human (5) The Kingdom of God, including the Masters of Wisdom (6) Nirmanakayas which are intermediaries between Shamballa and the Masters along with advanced disciples as a bridge between humanity and the Spiritual Hierarchy. (7) Shamballa

In addition there are seven centers within the human kingdom.

Djwhal Khul reveals five of them which are:

  1. London For the British Empire.
  2. New York For the Western Hemisphere.
  3. Geneva For Europe, including the U.S.S.R.
  4. Tokyo For the Far East.
  5. Darjeeling For India and the greater part of Asia.

There are two more which have not yet become manifest and will be revealed some time in the future.

In addition to this on a macrocosmic scale the seven major centers of the solar system are:

  1. Vulcan 1st ray. (a hidden planet)
  2. Mercury 4th ray.
  3. Venus 5th ray.
  4. Jupiter 2nd ray.
  5. Saturn 3rd ray.
  6. Neptune 6th ray.
  7. Uranus 7th ray.

Beyond this are seven solar systems governed by a Logos so high that he is called:

“The One About Whom Naught Can Be Said.”

Our solar system represents the heart center of this great body.

Beyond this the number seven shows up in many other corresponding areas including:

The seven rays or hierarchies.

The seven planes of manifestation.

The seven Kumaras.

The seven principles of man.

The seven chains.

The seven globes.

The seven rounds.

The seven root-races and subraces.

The seven initiations on this planet. etc.

Examining corresponding truth on all levels high and low aids the seeker in seeing of the truth that lies in front of him.

“Today, I tell you that He (Christ) will come; that plans for His coming are already set on foot, but I set no date or hour. The time is known only to the two or three, but in such an hour as ye think not, He will come.” DK through Alice A. Bailey

Nov 23, 2000

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Obstacles to Soul

Obstacles to Soul

I previously wrote:

“Another important point is that the path of involution is dominated by female energy whereas the path of evolution is dominated by male. The female is the savior of the male in the fact that she leads all life into experience making Eternal Becoming possible. The male is the savior of the female in the fact that when the problems of the world of experience become manifest, he will lead the female out of matter back into the world of Spirit.”

A reader disagrees with me on this, feeling that it is the female energy that leads us to Spirit rather than into form and experience.

The two energies are different, but from the viewpoint of wholeness (or holiness) one is not more spiritual than the other. In fact there is no true spirituality unless the two work together as a unit. Creation itself can only take place through their interplay.

Magnetism is female and radiation is male and it is indeed a magnetic influence that pulls us into the involutionary path. The female is attracted to the “forbidden fruit” that pulls us into form. Once pulled into the experience by the female force the action of the male creates a plan to take us back.

Question: Can soul contact only validate truth if there is no sworn allegiance to any authority, person, teacher.

It is indeed true that the number of distractions to soul contact are legion. The most powerful of these distractions is attachment to authority. In fact, we spent a lot of the first 100 posts talking about this and how such unjust authority is the mark of the Beast that prevents the Name of God from manifesting in the heart and mind.

Now many seekers have areas of their belief system that is blocked by illusion or glamour of some kind and then have other areas where they are open. In the areas where they are open they can receive soul contact, but then in areas where they are closed no such contact will be forthcoming. Instead, contact will be made with a thought form which will substitute for the soul.

These obstacles to soul contact must be removed by the light of the soul shining upon the mind, or by the mind coming to an understanding, which will in turn receive the soul light.

So how can a seeker break free of controlling authority and contact the soul?

The answer is he cannot if he continues to be polarized in the astral or emotional body. The mind must be stimulated and take control of the decision making process. When this occurs and the seeker begins to understand the importance of breaking free from unjust authority then all he has to do is make a decision to be lead by the spirit within rather than an authority without.

I say all he has to do, but it is not as easy as that. While this is a true statement it is extremely difficult to make that first decision to trust the spirit within over a previously trusted authority without. But after that first decision has been made the second and third is much easier. Eventually the disciple will get a high out of defying authorities seeking to control him.

Question: Since most people are polarized in the emotional body and cannot break free from outward authority what are they to do? Are they doomed to be controlled with no end in sight? What is the best solution for them?

A reader seemed to think that I was advocating the suppression of emotion.

I have never – NEVER NEVER said that the emotions should be disregarded, suppressed, eliminated or not be allowed to express themselves. I have tried to make this clear in several recent posts so let me herewith repeat this in crystal clear language so hopefully this will not be misunderstood.

I have written quite a bit about the role of emotion and the problems caused by suppression in many of my writings before so I do not want to repeat myself too much here.

When there is a negative emotion the emotional body will not correct itself. The negativity must be corrected with the assistance of another who helps the emotion work through or by the mind of the individual. When the mind has understanding and sees the value of working through the negativity then it can decide to follow a path to render harmless the negative emotion.

The solution is to NEVER suppress and this I have taught over and over. The solution is also to NEVER negate emotion and this I have taught over and over. The solution is for the mind to understand the cause of negative emotion and then direct the emotion into harmless release.

To escape the power of authority the mind must become involved for if it is attempted through emotion alone there will only be a rebellion from one authority which will be replaced by another. Without the aid of the mind the final centering on the God within cannot be maintained on a permanent basis.

It may be good for readers to review our discussions on the Pendulum Principle and the path of the Middle Way where we point out that both extremes missing the center of truth are destructive.

Nov 22, 2000

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Reality and the New Age

Reality and the New Age

Various schools of thought disagree with each other on energy and the centers. A lot of the differentiations are caused by illusionary vision. Just because someone claims to see with some supernormal vision does not mean that he either sees accurately or interprets accurately.

For one thing to see into the aura or etheric matter of another you must first look through your own. What sometimes happens is that the seer will see colors or symbols within his own aura when thinking he is seeing effects in the aura of another.

If one is centered in the solar plexus he will have to filter his seeing through a rosy red with a touch of green. In addition to this he will have to see through colors within his aura. Beyond this he is could be seeing symbols in the outer film of his aura.

Often times several people together will see a similar illusion because of their similarity in vibration and expectant outcome.

The best source of learning about the centers is from an actual Master in connection with your own soul confirmation. This is why I would recommend learning from the writings of Alice A. Bailey which contains teachings of a Master, or one who has mastered these illusions.

Question: How can we know whether or not the teachings of the centers is true? So I throw this out to the group.

How can we know that this teaching is just not a fabrication?

This is a good opportunity for us to apply the Principles of Discovery that we so thoroughly covered. Especially applicable are the Law of Correspondences. Other discovery principles we have covered I am sure could be helpful.

Indeed there are other ways of knowing besides psychic vision and different people are given different gifts. In the end though each of us must follow that which registers with “the highest we know.” Ideally that would be through soul contact, for if we are true to the highest within ourselves the soul will eventually manifest.

Question: What do I mean by the term “New Age?”

It’s pretty simple. We are moving from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. We will be securely into this coming new age in about 150 years and most expect this to be an enlightened age of brotherhood and peace as well as human advancement. Right now we are in the transition phase and the division between the old age and new age thinking is coming into greater contrast.

The Question: How then has female energy been strong in manifestation during the past 2000+ years?

The new age we are entering, on the other hand, is seen as being one of more equality between the sexes, giving the female more power which she deserves. How can this be when the ages are shifting from female to male in polarity? How will male energy manifest in the coming age as opposed to the strong female energy in the past age?

We received some great comments on this question. One spoke correctly when she pointed out that Pisces, the most female charged age, which followed Aries the strongest in male polarization. This indeed did cause a carryover of male dominance amid the strong female emotional energy of Pisces.

Another important point is that the path of involution is dominated by female energy whereas the path of evolution is dominated by male. The female is the stimulator of the male in the fact that she leads all life into experience making Eternal Becoming possible. The male is the savior of the female in the fact that when the problems of the world of experience become manifest, he will lead the female out of matter back into the world of Spirit.

The days of Atlantis marked the beginning of the shift of a long cycle from female to male polarization which was consummated with the first coming of Christ.

Christ represented the ideal male who is to lead us to Spirit. Unfortunately the age of Pisces gave us many males who gave us terrible examples of what the ideal male was supposed to present, but the example of Christ lives on and during the coming age of Aquarius, which has a slight male charge, the male will be more in his energy and be able to set a better example of his destiny. This in turn will give the female fewer restrictions and more freedom to master her own destiny.

Pisces was dominated by water which is a symbol of emotion and the Sixth Ray which produces idealism which sometimes leads to fanaticism. A casual reading of the history of the past two thousand years does indeed reveal a very highly emotional era. The Crusades, the emotional rule of the “mother” church, the emotional burning of witches and heretics, the persecution of the saints and scientists… All of these and more are caused by blind emotion obscuring the reasoning of mind.

Pisces is also on the mutable cross which causes a “go with the flow” attitude as far as energy goes. The funny thing is that we often hear this phrase from new age people, not realizing that this is the mantra of the passing age and not the Aquarian Age.

Thus the energy of the mutable cross caused the people of the last two thousand years to go with their feelings with very little thought involved.

The Aquarian Age switches from water to air. Air is the symbol of mind. The beginnings of this age were manifest at the writing of the Constitution of the United States. We are now about half way into the full manifestation of the New Age.

It is interesting to note that on the Great Seal of the United States is written:

Novus Ordo Seclorum which is translated as

“New order of the Ages.”

Government of the people, by the people and for the people is definitely one of the keynotes of the new age.

The power of mind (air) has given us all the great scientific advances we have made, especially in the past 100 years. This is also due to the influence of Uranus which stimulates discovery.

Uranus is also governed by the Seventh Ray which stimulates order through law.

It is interesting to note that many who see themselves as enlightened are often disrespectful of law, but just law will bring the order necessary to the nations to insure that a peaceable brotherhood can be established.

The Seventh Ray also governs business, and as we discussed earlier, the business world will play a large role in manifesting the most wonderful age in recorded history.

Aquarius is also on the Fixed Cross which produces an influence much different than the Mutable of Pisces. The “go with the flow” idea will fade out and be replaced with a more adventurous attitude of going against the flow, or “bucking the system” of unjust authority – the path of high resistance as we discussed earlier.

Nov 20, 2000

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Exploring Mind

Exploring Mind

I know that many people are turned off by the word “control” but as is the case with all words or concepts they have a positive and negative aspect.

For instance, a negative aspect of control is a tyrannical act of one person controlling another with the effect of limiting free will.

A positive aspect of control is to use whatever means necessary to prevent rape, theft, murder etc.

Now the emotions cannot control themselves and their redemption comes from the mind controlling them.

The mind controls emotions in two ways.

(1) The individual has progressed to the plane of the mind and can directly control and direct emotion through the power of his thought.

(2) The individual has not progressed to the plane of the mind but has programming in his brain created by someone else who has progressed to the plane of mind or above.

Example One: A person has a powerful temper. This powerful anger has no desire to control itself, but instead wants total freedom to destroy all in its path.

Person #1 will take charge and say “hold on now and release yourself in harmlessness.”

Person #2 would be dangerous except that he has been taught programming that it is important to “count to ten” or something similar to control the anger.

Example Two: A person has a deviant emotion which gives him the desire to molest children

Person #1. Most thinking people would control their emotions before they got this much out of hand. If they willingly cultivated such they would be very dangerous.

Person #2 These people cannot help themselves and must receive help through reinforced programming from the outside (other people). This mental programming must be used to give the person control.

The principle involved is this.

The lower cannot control itself, nor can the  lower control that which is higher, but the higher can control the lower. The lower never has desire to cooperate with the higher and enters onto the higher vibration kicking and screaming with resistance.

Example: The personality resists the soul until it suffers defeat after defeat in its purposes and finally will yield through acquiescence.

Now let us cover current questions

Questions: Is one who has graduated from college as an engineer likely to be a thinker?

All seemed to agree that the answer to this is generally no.

The group concluded that some engineer graduates could be thinkers, and some may not be. If one uses only the solutions he/she learned in college to solve engineering problems, and doesn’t add new, creative solutions to the mix, then they are probably not a thinker. However, if problems are met with new solutions, or an old solution is applied in a new and creative way, then that would be the work of a thinker.

Question: Is one who has patented three inventions likely to be a thinker?

All seemed to see this as a yes answer because of the processes involved. Nicola Tesla is an example. He had many patents and was very creative.

Question: Is the author of a best selling book likely to be a thinker?

The answer was basically it depends. A Jackie Collins type would be no. A Stephen Hawking’s type, yes.

Question: Is one who has started a new and unique business likely to be a thinker?

Travis spoke well here:

The consensus was that if the entrepreneur was really thinking out of the box creating something new that he or she is definitely a thinker.

Question: Which is most likely to be a thinker?

(a) A member of a dangerous cult.

(b) An outstanding member of an orthodox church.

Acquiring the ability to think is an important step in evolution, but it does not mean that you are perfect by any means. Often times when we move into a new step on the path more mistakes than usual are made at first because we are in unfamiliar territory. Russia is a great example or this. When they shed totalitarianism and began to taste democracy things actually got worse for a while, even though we know from experience in the free world that democracy works better in the end.

When the seeker first develops mind and independent thought he will often join a cult or two until he gets burned several times. Finally most will settle into a sensible middle ground.

I have talked to a number of people involved in cults and read much of their literature and they are generally more interesting to talk to about philosophy and more mental in their approach than the standard Episcopalian. The trouble is that their minds are caught up in some illusion at the foundation of their beliefs. Illusion cannot be dispelled by mind alone.

Name an individual who you believe to be using mind.

The group put forward a number of names and one even named her husband which I thought was sweet.

Any list of true thinkers made here would most likely be controversial and lead to distractive discussions as true mental types are usually at odds with the emotionally polarized who make up the vast majority.

The Energies in Astrology

The understanding of astrology helps in seeing how the coming shift is to materialize. Each of the signs has varying degrees of male or female energy. I tabulate it as follows. Plus numbers are representative of male energy and minus as female.

The Elements

Water = minus 2

Earth = minus1

Air = plus 1

Fire = plus 2

The Crosses

Mutable Cross = minus 1

Fixed = 0

Cardinal Cross = plus 1

There are other factors such as Rays and ruling planets but using this as a basis gives us a general idea in the following tabulation.

Aries 2+1=3

Taurus -1+0=-1

Gemini 1+-1=0

Cancer -2+1=-1

Leo 2+0=2

Virgo -1+-1=-2

Libra 1+1=2

Scorpio -2+0=-2

Sagittarius 2-1=1

Capricorn -1+1=0

Aquarius 1+0=1

Pisces -2+-1=-3

Notice that Aquarius, the sign we are entering is positive one and Pisces, the sign we are leaving is minus three, the most female of all the signs. In addition Pisces is ruled by Ray Six strong in female energy.

Now the interesting thing is that the past two thousand years are seen as being dominated by the male. Men ruled kingdoms, fought wars and made lots of trouble for our planet.

How indeed then has female energy been strong in manifestation during the past 2000+ years?

The new age we are entering, on the other hand, is seen as being one of more equality between the sexes, giving the female more power which she deserves. How can this be when the ages are shifting from female to male in polarity? How will male energy manifest in the coming age as opposed to the strong female energy in the past age?

For those of you unfamiliar with the terms male and female energy there is much written on the subject in the archives.

Nov 17, 2000

Copyright by J J Dewey

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