Beliefs and Logic

Beliefs and Logic

There are times that a person may accumulate tremendous Karma, such as being responsible for many deaths. Instead of coming back and giving his life ten times for ten lives he may pay the whole thing off in one life through loving service where he saves the lives of ten people, either physically of spiritually.

If you take out a loan at a bank for $100,000 when your income is at $30,000 a year, it may be a significant struggle to pay it off. But if you work within the laws of prosperity and triple your income then you can triple the amount of payment that you make and pay off the loan much sooner than expected.

The effect of the $100,000 was not reduced but the capacity to pay the debt was increased.

A reader responded to my presentation of using correspondences in discovering the most probable truth about the return of Christ.

One of the things I talked about was the idea that a prophecy is likely to fail if it has no correspondence in history.

To this the reader says: “Before Edison invented the light bulb there was nothing in recorded or mythological history that corresponded to this event. The detonation of the atomic bomb has no correspondence to anything in recorded history that I know of.”

JJ: But there is a correspondence to this my friend. The concept of inventing is not a new thing. There are thousands of new patents filed each year. There have been new inventions in the past, new inventions are being developed right now and many new and unheard of inventions are yet to come.

When a new and usable invention comes into reality the principles that make them work will always have correspondences to working principles to past inventions and/or the great science that is observed in nature.

The atomic bomb has many correspondences and we have talked about many of these in the past. Niels Bohr, whose work laid the foundation for the bomb, got a lot of his inspiration by contemplating the correspondence between a solar system and an atom.

Edison saw that lightening lit up the night sky and felt that he could create a smaller light that could harness that electricity on a lesser level.

The reader continues: “Christian fundamentalists do not believe that when God raptures them into a new life with Christ they will exist in some sort of perfect stasis.”

JJ: I have talked to hundreds, perhaps thousands of them in my lifetime and each one that I have talked to seems to say the same thing which is this.

When they are with Christ or in heaven each individual will be perfect in character, happiness and bliss. They tell me that God will transform their imperfect character into a new person in Christ that will not be able to sin any more. When I ask them about any additional progress they will make when they are with Christ they have no answer except that maybe they’ll be doing something exciting, but they can’t say what that will be. I am told again and again that heaven will be a great place because of things we cannot understand.

Reader: “If you read Hal Lindsey and a few others of that ilk they describe a raptured existence which continues expanding forever. Their learning has just begun at this point. They describe a new life immortal with Christ as co-heirs or Sons of Christ, serving God the Father in capacities undreamed of.”

JJ: I have read Hal Lindsey and many others and do not remember them talking about any type of eternal progression as the Mormons teach. Most of them will criticize the Mormons for the idea that additional progress can be made in heaven when you are already living in a perfect state.

Lindsey is more intelligent than most, but I cannot think of even one of his predictions from using the Bible which has come true. I can think of quite a few that have not. For instance, he was expecting the end of the world to arrive some time ago. He has to keep rewriting his books to make then fit into the current time frame.

Reader: “Having just read the above you may suspect me of being a closet Christian Fundamentalist. I am as far away from this viewpoint as one can imagine. Nevertheless, I get a bit tired of occasionally reading things about them in this group which puts words in their mouths which I have never read or heard myself.”

JJ: You certainly have not sounded like one so far. Most of your postings have been quite logical.

As far as my putting words in their mouths, I do not believe I have done this. I am very familiar with the beliefs of many religions and if I have stated a belief of a certain group I am sure I can back up that which I have stated. If you wish to quote me on any statement I have made I would be happy to explain why I believe it to be accurate.

I get a similar criticism from new agers for I attempt to point out illusions on both the left and the right.

Reader: “I find it quite possible for God to manifest himself to the world by lighting up the horizon from one end of the earth to another. I do not particularly believe that this will happen. Although I do not limit God’s actions to just correspondences in the past.”

JJ: I did not say that such an event was impossible but that it was highly improbably based on the Law of Correspondences.

In addition to this many believe that at this event the wicked will be destroyed by fire. This idea of impulsively destroying the wicked by fire does not harmonize with the words of Jesus in the Bible.

“And it came to pass, when the time was come that he should be received up, he stedfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem, And sent messengers before his face: and they went, and entered into a village of the Samaritans, to make ready for him. And they did not receive him, because his face was as though he would go to Jerusalem. And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did?

“But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. For the Son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them. And they went to another village.” Luke 9:51-56

Here the disciples were angry because a village rejected them so they petitioned Jesus to use his power to bring down fire from heaven and consume these rebellious ones. To this idea it is written:

“But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. For the Son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them.”

Even so, many are expecting Jesus to show up and do that which he condemned in his last visit – such people will be disappointed. He has no more desire to zap the unbelievers now than he did 2000 years ago.

I know a number of religious zealots who confess that they cannot wait for God to show up and destroy the wicked by fire, but as Jesus said they know not what manner of spirit they are.

Reader: “There are many correspondences in history where the wicked are singled out and destroyed. Noah and the story of the flood, Sodom and Gomorrah and the angel of death passing over Pharaoh’s Egypt. In all cases God acts to destroy the wicked and save a remnant. Therefore, I do not find it improbable that God will once again destroy the wicked in order to save the just. I do not believe that this is in the cards as many fundamentalist do. But with God you can never be so sure. Remember, he is quick to anger!”

JJ: Let’s look at the past two hundred years where we have an accurate record. The most notable destruction of a people in this period was Hitler’s attempt to destroy the Jewish race. In addition we have had many wars, including two world wars. There have been many famines and natural disasters and in each instance we look at those who suffered and died on the average were not particularly good or evil, but just average folks trying to get on in the world.

All destruction comes through the law of cause and effect and God himself must wield this law if he is to wreck havoc on the souls of men.

We have to go back to Bible times to find the destruction of a people who were identified as “the wicked.” But even here there is no correspondence to the tribulation expected by the fundamentalists. There is nothing in the Bible about a people being raptured leaving those who remain to be destroyed.

Let us take the time of Moses. If Pharaoh would have let the slaves go free there would have been no destruction at all. The plagues increased in severity only because Egypt refused to free the Israelites. Finally, when they were freed the Pharaoh and his armies pursued the Israelites to destroy them. The final miracle of drowning the armies of Egypt in the Red Sea was an act of self defense.

Now let us take the standard Christian belief in the end of times. It could be a day like today. Suddenly millions of Christians are just missing because they have been raptured into heaven. Those who remain behind are now at the mercy of an antichrist that will make Hitler look like Snow White. For three and a half years he will rule the world with a reign of terror then at the end of this period all who remain will be destroyed by fire. There are several versions of what happens next but most believe that Jesus and the raptured ones will come back to earth and live here as kings for a thousand years.

Now in the Bible times when destruction was on the horizon the people in danger were warned by a prophet who foresaw the future and whose predictions actually came true.

Those who are considered the wicked today by the fundamentalists have only been warned by many people who have never made an accurate prophesy and have shown no reason why they should be believed. Moses at least turned a staff into a snake, Elijah made fire come down from heaven, Jesus rose from the dead and so on. Are the “wicked’ of today justly warned when their next door neighbor just parrots to him mantras that he heard at church that has never been tested in any way?

If a people were to be destroyed by the coming of the Lord he would warn them in a way so they would be left without excuse, just as Pharaoh and his armies were without excuse and deserved the fate they reaped. If God is indeed just then a person destroyed by God for his evil ways would have to confess that he deserved such a fate. I know there are millions of people judged by fundamentalists as deserving of the fire who would certainly question the justice of God if they were destroyed merely because they did not accept the right version of Jesus. One must also realize that many of the rapture believers think that many believers in Christ will be destroyed because they accept the wrong version of Jesus. These include the Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah Witnesses, New Agers and many others.

Reader: “I have met a number of Christian Fundamentalists who are not emotionally flawed. Although I will admit to having met a few who are!”

JJ: I was speaking of a principle here that applies to all people. At least 99% of us have emotional flaws.

Reader: “The definition of transformed indicates a changed state of being, therefore when these believers (fundamentalists) are translated into the Kingdom of God they will not be the same disagreeable individuals they were in their fallen mortal bodies. They will possess immortal light bodies.”

JJ: There is no correspondence to any alteration in a body alteration changing a person from one who is irritating as hell to one who is heavenly nice.

Reader: “I have witnessed a few examples in my life of completely wicked and selfish individuals being changed through some sort of spiritual experience. If this can happen in the physical I see no reason why it cannot happen in the spirit.”

JJ: I have seen a lot of people who have claimed to have made this change, but I have never witnessed anything close to it. A lot of people have made a change of habit, career, or belief system, but when I have seen this happen I have noticed very little change in the fundamental character. For instance, I have never seen a selfish person become unselfish in a short period of time. The best I have seen here is maybe a slight change over 20-30 years.

Reader: I recall a thief being on the cross beside Christ who proclaimed a belief that Jesus indeed was the Christ. Jesus responded by assuring him that he would enter the Kingdom of God with him (Jesus) that very day.

JJ: There’s no evidence that the thief repented or made any change. He did not even profess any belief. Instead he merely asked Jesus to remember him, though he acknowledged he was a thief and his punishment was just.

Maybe the guy was a thief to feed his family, or maybe he was even a hero like Robin Hood. We do not know the details here, but a person does not have to be perfect to enter the paradise of God. Most of the inhabitants there stole something when they were upon the earth and will make amends in a future life.

Reader: “I am not taking issue with the law of correspondence as a tool to unearth truth. I am taking issue with the way it has been applied to stereotype Christian Fundamentalists.”

JJ: I’m not talking about stereotypes of people, but attempting to examine various belief systems using the Law of Correspondences. Any belief, even one imagined, is suitable fodder for the test of this law.

Question: Many people new age and old age believe that the people on this planet at this present time are the most evil bunch in history. Do you believe this to be true? Is the righteousness of the people on this planet increasing or decreasing?

March 7, 2000

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Discovering With Correspondence

Discovering With Correspondence

I liked Brian’s comment about the word MAGI being incorporated into imagine. It is not a coincidence that we have many hidden messages within the words we use – more than even the enlightened realize.

Rick asks: “I got the impression, from earlier teachings on the group, that you said we were always Human. The above seems to say that our consciousness evolves up through the spectrum of Kingdoms. So, I’m not clear, yet, on just what we are.

“Is a human life one that has grown through mineral, plant and animal forms or is it a collective made up of millions of smaller lives. Each of the countless little lives, that make up the One Life, has to go through it’s own growth process, but each IS also the One Life.”

JJ: In a way we have evolved through all the kingdoms because that which has combined to create a vehicle for our expression has come from all the lower kingdoms. However that intelligence which is you never incarnated on the earth as a self conscious being until the lower lives prepared a vehicle of expression for you. Remember, you are not your body, your feelings or even your mind. You are an idea in the mind of God which has been given the power of Decision. Fragments of you incarnated into the lower kingdoms, but that idea which is you does not fit into the idea of a plant or a wild boar. You would not be happy there with such limitations. However, the idea of the plant is happy to be a plant until it reaches relative perfection. We are happy to be human until we reach our relative perfection and then we seek to join with others to become a part of a greater life while keeping our identity as a unique entity merging with the whole.

Rick continues by comparing us to a hard drive with cooperating programs.

The computer itself is a good correspondence.

Let us compare the computer to a human life. Within your computer are many programs. These are like lesser lives (animal type) working in “isolated unity” to make a complete whole. Now on my Mac each program has sub programs called “extensions.” These are subprograms that make the larger programs function with greater efficiency. We can correspond these to plant life. Finally we have the hardware composed of metal, glass and silicon. These compare to the mineral kingdom. These three kingdoms on our computers create the whole instrument, but no memory chip will ever evolve into a whole computer. No word processor will ever change into the whole machine. The word processor though after many versions will reach relative perfection and blend in with the functioning of the whole.

Living things have an advantage over computer parts in that they become one in consciousness with the greater whole which is a greater experience than the mere realization that you are just a part of a greater whole.

If you contemplate the lesser lives within your own body you can sense their desire to know you and in a sense you are a god to them and they seek to be one with their god. Their god also should seek to be one with them. This is one of the secrets of perfect health.

The Question:

“Now we have basically concluded that this Law (of correspondences) can be of great help in the discovery of the truth, but how about the reverse? Can it also help us in the discovery of error? When we have power to discover error we are then aided through the process of elimination as mentioned earlier.

“Let us pick a popular belief and see how it lines up with the Law of Correspondences. The Second Coming of Christ is a good one.

“Many believe that in the end times (which is supposed to be about now) the world will become very wicked.

“To protect the righteous God will rapture them into heaven completely off the earth.

“Christ will come back in his wrath. He will appear in the sky visible to every person on earth having great armies of angels and send down fire to consume all who have not confessed a particular scripted belief in God and Christ. Afterwards the raptured earthlings will float down to the earth and Christ will turn it into a paradise that these righteous born againers will inherit for eternity

“Now let us apply the Law of Correspondences to this belief. Does it fit? Why not?”

James made a good point on this – that the standard version of the second Coming implies some type of instant perfection of imperfect beings into some static condition for all eternity.

Now all things are ultimately possible and there will be times when some unusual events may occur that are unlike anything else in memory, but even these things will have correspondences somewhere along the line. Nevertheless, when we see someone making a prediction that has no representation in history there will be over a 99% chance that the prediction is either wrong or misunderstood.

There are several things about the standard belief of the Coming of Christ that has no correspondence in history.

(1) First the idea that He will appear in the sky and light it up for the whole world to see, apparently both sides of the globe.

The scriptures indicating such an event is subject to several more practical interpretations, but beyond this, such an occurrence has no correspondence in either recorded or even mythological history.

(2) The prediction that he will burn all those as stubble who do not bow down and worship him.

This does not correspond to anything in scripture or recorded history. The Spirit of God always promotes free will and to threaten those who do not bow the knee with execution by fire does not allow much for free will for those who are believing of such words.

(3) The idea that a group of very flawed emotionally based people who presently do not even get along with one another will be transformed into a heavenly kingdom where all will love one another has no correspondence anywhere.

There’s a lot of truth in the maxim that a leopard does not change its spots. If a person is irritating and selfish before he makes a declaration of faith the chances are that these characteristics will remain after such declaration until he naturally works them out of his system over a period of time. Neither Jesus or God showing up in person will change a selfish unloving person into an angel.

Obviously this idea of instant transformation into perfection has no correspondence anywhere.

(4) Those who proclaim Jesus as Lord will be raptured up into heaven only leaving behind those who do not believe as they do.

There is no accepted historical writing about anything close to this happening in history. However there are legends and some scriptures that give evidence that some type of mass translation has happened, but even here this happened as enlightened people gathered into one location and perfected their society.

Even in the scriptures it appears that God uses people because of what is in their heart or what they have demonstrated in their actions. He gives very little credit for merely proclaiming belief. Such people who only prayed and had faith in their dogma were the greatest enemies of Jesus 2000 years ago.

There seems to be no correspondence that applies to this idea.

Susan made a statement that is a good guide in looking for the real fulfillment of prophecy:

“Everything works out so normally that most people miss what is actually going on.”

Can you imagine the Christ coming and living among us here on the earth for 30 or 40 years and the ultra religious people still looking for him to come in the skies? This is entirely possible.

Now let us look at some New Age beliefs and see how they fit.

(1) Many are predicting drastic earth changes.

(2) Many are predicting a visit from space aliens who will rapture us similar to the Christian belief about the coming of Christ.

(3) Many are predicting a shift into a 5th, 6th or some other dimension which will transform all human life.


How do these beliefs fit in with the Law of Correspondences?

March 6, 2000

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The Fall of a Sparrow

The Fall of a Sparrow

In answer to this statement:

“The main point of God’s attention in this universe (we are talking about the physical universe) is humankind.”

To this a reader objects saying that all creation has God’s attention.

Perhaps it would be helpful to expand on my comment. Notice that I said that mankind is the “main” point of God’s attention in this physical universe. Gods does have some attention several measures above and below man, but the main focus is humanity as it exists in it variations throughout the universe.

Let me enhance this through the Law of Correspondences again. When we see light we see the colors of the rainbow which are seven colors and combinations thereof. Now in addition to these seven colors there are many more vibrations of light that we cannot see. On the higher frequency side we have the ultraviolet lights and in the lower frequency we have the infra red. Now even though these are invisible to us as we use our normal focus of attention, the higher and lower spectrums are still there doing their job and are accessible to our eyes with special instruments.

Now since we are reflections of God what does this correspondingly tell us about the attention of God?

It tells us that He has access to all kingdoms, but his attention or vision is focused on seven kingdoms corresponding to the seven colors.

These seven kingdoms are (1) the mineral, (2) the plant, (3) the animal, (4) the human, (5) the Masters or Hierarchy, (7) Shamballa and a mysterious sixth kingdom of intermediaries. This sixth kingdom corresponds to indigo in the spectrum and just as it is difficult to detect in the rainbow even so this kingdom does not have an isolated location.

It is composed of three groups:

(1) Disciples and initiates incarnated in the human kingdom as transmitters of energy and wisdom from the higher kingdoms.

(2) Nirmanakayas who are sixth and seventh degree initiates and are channels of energy and intelligence between the Masters and Shamballa. This is a higher correspondent of the disciple in mortal flesh.

(3) The third group are very high entities called the “Knowers of Purpose.” And are transmitters of intelligence from extra planetary non physical intelligence. These beings are eighth and ninth degree initiates.

These three groups compose the agna center of the earth, its third eye or the sixth kingdom.

Thus we have the attention of God focused on the seven kingdoms on the earth. The lower three are progressing toward human form and consciousness and the higher three are passing away from it, yet still connected to it. The human kingdom is thus at the midway point between the higher and lower kingdoms.

The attention of God therefore circulates through human form and consciousness down through the lower three and up through the higher three in physical and etheric matter.

God’s attention on the lower three is to bring them into molecular harmony so they advance toward the human and His attention on the higher is to unite human and those who have passed through human into the Molecular Relationship.

As far as physical reality goes then His prime attention is on the midway point between spirit and matter, which is soul which is represented by the human kingdom. However his consciousness circulates through the lower and upper three kingdoms. God is omnipresent because all lives are an extension of his consciousness, even the sparrow, and this is why He is aware even of the fall of a tiny bird.

The reason God has His consciousness in the seven kingdoms with man as a point of focus at the midway point is because all of these kingdoms are progressing toward relative perfection. Without the attention of God conscious entities would be blocked in their progression and could never reach this divine status.

Now the atomic and subatomic world has reached this relative perfection. As we mentioned the proton is such a perfect particle that it has a life span of trillions of years. In eternities past the attention of God worked through the atomic world until this relative perfection was reached with the greatest creation from that endeavor being the living cell. The cell itself is relatively perfect, but is capable of alteration from higher intelligence from the seven kingdoms. Cells seem to have some imperfection as John pointed out, yet this imperfection within the cells will disappear and they will resume their relative perfection when the human kingdom has obtained a new measure of progress.

In other words, cellular life is relatively perfect, but this perfection is distorted by evolving human consciousness.

Because life on the cellular level and below has obtained this relative perfection, this allows them to function with the precision of a computer program. We all know that when a computer program is perfected (or shall we say relatively perfect) that it then performs all of its complicated functions at the touch of a keystroke. The programmer no longer has to put attention on the programming or telling the software what to do. The program does not need instructions from a higher source for all the instructions are built into it. Most programs even have a help command that allows the greater life (computer operator) to learn all that is necessary to execute the built in intelligence.

Thus on the cellular level on down where we see relative perfection; there is no need for the attention of God for all is on automatic pilot. However, human and its associated kingdoms in this reality need a lot of help and thus God will keep his attention focused in our direction until the desired order and perfection is accomplished.

What will happen then?

When we reach a point where any additional attention of God brings us little or no improvement and our program cannot be replaced with any higher version (speaking symbolically) then the attention of God will shift to higher kingdoms and through the principle of the Molecular Relationship and identification our attention will shift in alignment with that of God. Until that day comes we (the human kingdom as a whole) will have a full understanding of what it means to be one with God.

March 3, 2000

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The Imagination of God

The Imagination of God

The question:

“What is the difference in saying that God and Its creations are unlimited rather than infinite?

“It is written that we are created in the “image” or that we are reflections of God. Does unlimited make more sense than infinite in relation to God working in us?”

Samu makes a great comment on this:

“Unlimited says that there is no limit to the quality of God’s creations, but the quantity can still be finite. Unlimited suggests room for growth, while infinite seems to be saying that all of space has been used already.”

Infinite or infinity is a strange word when you think of it. My dictionary defines it this way:

“The state or quality of endlessness in space or amount.”

It is sometimes used with similar meaning to limitlessness or the concept of being unlimited, but it often implies the added feature of a number of parts that would be impossible to number or count. Infinity is a number so large that it embraces all there is and such a number can never become greater because it embraces everything. Infinite is especially seen in this light in referring to God or His attributes. Infinity in this aspect is seen as so large that no number could be added to it. Thus infinity + one is still infinity because the infinite already has to include the one.

Now many believe that within a ball, for instance, that there is an infinite number of particles, that we could go smaller and smaller and never find the smallest unit. So the question is this. If one ball contains an infinite number of particles and there is no number larger than infinity then what would we call the number of particles in two balls – or even four or eight balls?

Mathematically the answer is still infinity, but it boggles the mind to consider that eight times infinity is still the same number. Obviously there is illusion here.

Now I am going to present an idea that goes against standard thinking, especially in relation to God and creation and that is this. Infinity is only a theoretical number and does not exist in reality. If there were really such a number then any type of expansion or increase would be an impossibility because you cannot even add the number one to infinity.

Instead, the creations, multiplications and divisions of God only give the appearance of the infinite because we never seem to be able to find the end to them. Yet if we use the law of correspondences we discover that every known body has a specific number of particles. There is a specific number of Suns in the galaxy, there is a specific number of people on this planet, there is a specific number of atoms in any human body and so on. On the other hand, an infinite number of units in any body has never been proven. The only hint that there could be an infinite number of something is that there are some bodies that contain an unknown number of units. The universe, for example, contains an unknown number of worlds, but does this mean that such a number is infinite?

Not necessarily. Because we do not know the number of worlds in the universe and have not been able to count them we assume on faith that the number is infinite, but we assume wrongly.

There is an interesting reason the universe and the creations of God is mistakenly seen as infinite and that is because the mind of God is unlimited. To understand the limitlessness of the mind of God we must look at our own minds since we are reflections of Him/Her/It. The foundation of all creation with our own minds is the imagination and correspondingly this would also apply to God.

Let us now see how unlimited your imagination is. Pretend for a moment that you are the One God and can create through your imagination. Imagine an infinitesimally tiny particle called an atom. Now imagine the atom multiplying trillions of times creating a living cell. Now imagine the cells doing the same thing multiplying into a vast number and organizing into a human body. Now visualize humans multiplying into the billions. Now visualize these billions of humans living on this large globe we call earth. Now visualize numerous planets circling around a sun so large that it could contain a million earths. Now imagine a billion such solar systems, no a hundred billion – let’s increase that to four hundred billion systems forming one galaxy called the Milky Way. Now visualize a thousand billion such galaxies forming a larger body called a universe. Now imagine that there are other universes out there and that billions of such universes form a greater universe.

Now here is my point. You are unlimited in what you can imagine BUT the time will come when you will take a rest from imagining and at that point when you take that rest there will be a specific number of units in that creation that you have dreamed.

Even though the mind of God and our own minds are unlimited all of our creations will have a certain number and will never reach to infinity.

Question: Why would it be that even though there is a number to all things that you or I could never find the end of the real creations of God, even in our imagination?


Your essence is like DOS and this existed as an idea in the mind of God before time was created. Your growth since time began for you is like moving from pure DOS to windows 95 then on to 98 and finally attempting to create a program that is relatively perfect. In this relatively perfect state you would not crash and all commands would flow and function without glitches. If any problem seems to be developing on the horizon you have the power to self correct before any disaster occurs.

Because your essence is an idea in the mind of God, or, in other words, you are part of that which God has imagined, then it would be impossible for you to out imagine God. That which has been imagined cannot out imagine that which imagined him. The computer program cannot write another program of a higher order than the programmer who imagined and created it.

So let’s put it this way. Can you imagine another solar system like this with an earth-like planet?

God has already imagined such a thing and created it.

Can you imagine a world out there in the galaxy peopled with beings of light living in perfect love and peace?

God has already imagined this and it already exists.

Can you imagine another world full of darkness far beyond that of the earth populated by beings we would deem as demons?

God has already imagined and created it.

Can you imagine other dimensions out there?

God has already imagined and created them.

Can you imagine a universe beyond this one?

God has already imagined and created it.

No matter what you imagine you cannot out imagine God. Therefore to us God is infinite, but in the higher reality He/She/It is merely unlimited and Its creations are beyond our capacity too even imagine even though they are all numbered and known to God.

Now as reflections of God our mission is to imitate Him and extend His work through first imagining a thing and then creating and perfecting it.

Now we have basically used this Law of Correspondences in just one line of thought over the past few weeks and in doing so have apparently solved some of the mysteries of the universe that have eluded scientists and religious thinkers for thousands of years. The direction and knowledge we have gained thereby just shows the power of this Law and why even the highest Masters still use it in their own discovery.

We could probably spend the next ten years in just discovering truth using this law. In fact we may to a degree for from hereon out we will be making mention of this Law as we move ahead in this course. Wherever truth will appear as we move along the path we will see that right next to soul contact, the Law of Correspondences will be there as a verification for the mind.

Now we have basically concluded that this Law can be of great help in the discovery of the truth, but how about the reverse? Can it also help us in the discovery of error? When we have power to discover error we are then aided through the process of elimination as mentioned earlier.

Let us pick a popular belief and see how it lines up with the Law of Correspondences. The Second Coming of Christ is a good one.

Many believe that in the end times (which is supposed to be about now) the world will become very wicked.

To protect the righteous God will rapture them into heaven completely off the earth.

Christ will come back in his wrath. He will appear in the sky visible to every person on earth having great armies of angels and send down fire to consume all who have not confessed a particular scripted belief in God and Christ. Afterwards the raptured earthlings will float down to the earth and Christ will turn it into a paradise that these righteous born againers will inherit for eternity

Now let us apply the Law of Correspondences to this belief. Does it fit? Why not?

March 2, 2000

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Riding With God

Riding With God

After reading a discussion on the Molecular Relationship a reader asks: “Did I miss something? Is the group issuing stock or are we starting a church?”

JJ: We have enough churches to go around. If members want to attend a church there are plenty of them available, but we are not starting one.

There are three applications of the Molecular Relationship in the archives and to get a full idea it would be best to read that material which is composed of an entire book.

Three different organizations are presented as possibilities for the world.

The first is a spiritual organization that will link humanity with the Christ and his Hierarchy of Masters who is in turn linked with Shamballa who is in turn linked with the Solar Logos and on up from there.

Now aside from the purely spiritual aspects of this relationship, the manner of the organization is very practical and has applications that can help humanity in areas not generally considered spiritual. Two of these areas are business and politics. Actually from a higher point of view all areas of human living can be seen as spiritual, but that is another topic.

So the two possible extensions of the harmony of the order can have tremendous application in business and politics and thus a practical application of molecular principles is introduced in the chapters on the Molecular Business and Molecular Politics.

The Twelve Principles of Synthesis are not written as any foundation principles for our particular group, but are presented as a synthesis or the best common beliefs of metaphysical and New Age people. The trouble with these various groups is that they have no common bond or banner under which they can unite for any purpose. The Twelve Principles of Synthesis is unique in that it states twelve principles that almost all seekers accept and are capable of endorsing. These principles do not belong to us or any group but it is hoped that they will be picked up by many New Age, metaphysical as well as churches as a standard that can unite people of goodwill throughout the planet.

This of course will not happen overnight, but it is something that can materialize and eventually produce much good in the world.

One thing that all seekers must learn as we move on into the new age is that there are many transformations that will take some time. A mistake that many make is to fall for predictions of great change in a short period of time and this rarely happens. Instead we must look forward to the future even beyond our own lifetimes to hundreds of years ahead and more. Only by making long range planning can we lay a sure foundation for lasting peace on earth goodwill to humankind.

A reader brings up a point that needs addressed.

“This sentence really caught my attention: ‘An extremely high degree of perfection has to be reached to remain in an unchangeable state for that period of time.’ That seems like a boring, stagnant or static state of being.. that has so often been discussed, and lasts for billions of years… and is because of the high state of perfection… like my thought of God… that is unchanging because of the high degree of perfection… JJ Would you call this then a ‘state of being’ as opposed to a state of becoming due to its level of perfection, and is the consciousness then bored in that state for so long???”

JJ: There is a principle here that I have hinted at in the past but probably should have more elaboration and that is this. Everything in the universe that is in a state of progression or Becoming will eventually reach a state of relative perfection where additional progression become virtually impossible. When this point is reached any further progress can only be obtained through the Molecular Relationship which takes the lower consciousness to a higher level where there awaits new challenges.

Let us take the windows operating system for example. As I understand it (being a Mac man myself) it is built upon the foundation of DOS and has advanced from Windows 3 to 95 to 98 and then to 2000. How many more improvements can Bill Gates make on the current foundation before he reaches a point where improvements become almost impossible? Mark my words, the day will come when Gates must move to some new foundation structure or die with Windows 2050 or some such number.

Our better bicycles, for instance, are made about as close to maximum efficiency as possible. As manufacturers approach relative perfection others follow. We will never create the perfect bicycle, but we will eventually get so close to perfection that it would be a waste of time to attempt any more improvement.

An eternity ago the attention of God was in what we now call the subatomic universe and there the proton and other particles were perfected. This happened in an instant by our measure of time but by the measure that was used then the process took billions of years. The proton was thus fine tuned again and again until further perfection became impossible so God multiplied them to an unlimited number and their course was put on automatic pilot.

Now would the life of God that is reflected in the proton be bored to death if it just remained in this relative perfection for trillions of years with only infinitesimal change? Yes, it certainly would and that is where the Molecular Relationship comes in. Protons and other subatomic particles united to form something greater than themselves – called atoms. The sub atomic lives thus transferred their consciousness and awareness of time to a higher level and continued their progression through the atomic world. When the atomic life then reached a degree of perfection these units in turn joined and created molecules and thus a higher order was made available for further progression. The attention of God then moved from the lower to the higher until it has now settled upon the human kingdoms in all the worlds within this universe. The mind of God is thus now in the process of entertaining Itself through us, so the better show we put on for God the richer will be the experience of the whole.

All the kingdoms above human such as solar systems, galaxies and groups of galaxies owe their existence to the interplay of energies that manifest in the human kingdoms and below.

Now when I mention the human kingdom I also include the Masters and higher lives who have passed through humanity at one time or another as well as lower lives approaching human. And I am speaking of this physical universe. When we go higher than physical the prime attention of God may be on a higher kingdom that will manifest in the future in this physical reality.

Thus in answer to the comment the proton itself will not change and become something other than a proton in this eternity, but it will continue to “Become” through the “Principle of Identification” with higher lives.

The goal of the atoms and cells of your body are to link with your consciousness to the extent that they become one with you or become you. Then as you Become they also Become in ways never dreamed of before by these little lives.

Humanity will do the same thing. When we reach a relative perfection there will come a time that it will seem as if there are no new worlds to conquer because we have done it all and conquered all. We will not cease to Become, however because at that point we will be molecular and identify with lives greater than ourselves and these higher lives will take us on a thrill ride that we cannot imagine in our present state.

March 1, 2000

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Overtones and More

Overtones and More

A reader criticized me for focusing on the Law of Correspondences saying we need to focus on spirit rather than this world of illusion.

What is thought to be perceived by the spiritual eye is often even more deluding. Just visit a dozen or so New Age or religious sites and read their spiritual communications. Some tell us that spaceships will be landing in the next year or so. Others say that the earth is passing into the 16th dimension. Still others say that DK is speaking to them even though he said he would not give more teachings until 2025. Then we have Benjamin Crème claiming that the Christ is now on the earth somewhere in Europe, but only speaks through him. Most of these deluded presentations tell us to pay no attention to what our own eyes and reason tells us.

The fact is that those who do take that which they can reasonably perceive to be true and then apply the Law of Correspondences to what is known are establishing a much more accurate path of discovery of truth than those who disregard the physical reality and rely only on their version of spirit or non physical reality. We hear the phrase “trust me” a lot from these potential Jim Joneses.

Those who are beginning the search for truth cannot just jump into pure spiritual knowing but must proceed in increments “line upon line, precept upon precept” as Isaiah so adequately stated.

The greatest deluders are the forces of maya, glamour and illusion. As these are mastered the use of reason in connection with the Law of Correspondences applied to physical can reveal much. Then discovery in connection with Spirit and intuition naturally follows. The reason for this is that the physical is a reflection of the spiritual, so even though we may not be aware of all things spiritual much light can be thrown on the higher vibration by corresponding it to the lower.

He says we need to look to the macrocosm for our source. Scientifically speaking the word macrocosm is usually used to refer to worlds higher than that occupied by man such an entire solar system, galaxy or universe. The higher physical macrocosm certainly is not a blueprint for the creation of mankind. The human being, for instance, does not look much like a galaxy.

If by macrocosm you refer to the higher spiritual worlds you may have a point. All creations that appear in physical reality are created first in the spiritual worlds and follows the involutionary path to physical reality.

Then he tells us that without man there would be no human cells but single celled life lived on the earth long before humans showed up and about 90% of their DNA corresponds to that which is in human cells today. From the time that the first one-celled lives appeared to the most advanced which is human there has only been a fine tuning process going on. The one-celled lives evolved on the physical plane until they became multi-celled creatures and so on up the line until we get to human. Soul energy worked upon the earth through cell organization long before the self-aware human manifested in physical form.

I think that everyone in the group understands that spirit and soul must always be considered in relation to humanity and all lives and forms in this reality. I will add this however, that the rational mind is often overlooked as one of the doorways to the world of intuition and Spirit. One cannot develop the full powers of the intuition in this reality unless he first masters the powers of the mind and its power to reason and see logic correspondences.

The introduction in each one of the Alice A. Bailey books tells us that the mind is the plane “whereon the masters may be found.” One of the titles the inhabitants of the Kingdom of God go by is “Masters of Wisdom.” Wisdom is gained by reflection and making the full use of the mind as a two-way mirror between the worlds by the use of the Law of Correspondences.

There is one point that all successful lives have in common. They use their highest reasoning based on what they do know and understand, and not by what they do not understand. If a person believes in a higher world and higher knowledge but does not have the foundation or capacity to verify the higher things to himself, then he must make decisions by the highest that he does know in reasonable surety. If he does not he is likely to find himself following some guru to meet the Master Zor who will shuttle him off to the Mother Ship.

A clarification that seems to have a need of presentation is a better definition of the Law of Correspondences. It appears that some believe that to have a correspondence means that the higher must contain all the elements and attributes of the lower, but not the other way around.

This idea is not taught by any of the masters or inspired works I am aware of.

Let me give a definition here that seems to harmonize (correspond) with the ancient wisdom.

The Law of Correspondences:

As one proceeds from the lower to the higher, or the higher to the lower, there will be similarities between the various levels. Of particular note are levels that correspond to a higher or lower octave. By projecting possible correspondences in connection with reason and intuition one can discern probable realities in the unseen areas either in the higher or lower levels.. Because of the Snowflake Principle (discussed earlier) no two levels are exactly the same, but similarities will always give clues to higher knowledge.

The atom corresponds to the lower octave of the human. The animal is only one note below man on the scale and thus the correspondences between man and the animal are not so pronounced as those between man and the atom. If man is middle C then the higher animals are the note B just below C. B dies not correspond to Middle C nearly as much as lower C.

Thus according to this law we can discover more about the next steps in the evolution of humanity by exploring the atoms and their relationship with each other than we ever can by the study of animals.

Another reason that the Law of Correspondences is of little use in relating the animals to humans is that neither of us are close to the end of our evolution whereas in the atomic world relative perfection has been reached. A proton for example has a projected life span of a trillion years, or perhaps forever according to some scientists.. An extremely high degree of perfection has to be reached to remain in an unchangeable state for that period of time. The life of an atom is not so long, but many of them are expected to live billions of years without change and when they do change they do not die, but fuse and change form. That’s pretty close to relative perfection also.

Now an animal may live ten years and the human 75 indicating that our perfection is not yet even close to the atomic world, especially when we correspond time for one second here would be like millions of years there.

On the other hand, the higher octave of man would be an entire solar system, but with a large time difference. A heartbeat of the planet earth is like about 25,000 years, but the heartbeat of a solar system may be millions of human years. Thus from its time reference the life of a solar system would correspond to the life of a human.

In a previous post I put out a challenge as follows:

“Someone said that the Law of Correspondences applies from the higher to the lower, but not from the lower to the higher. I submit that this idea is founded on illusion and an illustration in proven reality cannot be produced.”

To this John replies:

“Let’s use a familiar instrument like a piano. Let’s say that we walk up to that piano and strike the key which produces the note, middle C. What may not be readily known to many is that the note “middle C”, when it is sounded, does not only produce the pure tone, “middle C”, but also an entire series of tones above it which are called “overtones”. This is a measurable and quantifiable fact in proven reality. And within this series of overtones, what will also be produced will be the “higher C” that JJ mentions. Yet, if we were to walk up to that same piano and strike the key which produces that “higher C”, it too would produce a series of “overtones” above it, but it would NOT produce the lower note, “middle C”. So that although the one note, “middle C”, can be said to contain the resonance of the “higher C”, that same “higher C” would NOT contain the resonance of the lower “middle C”. Similarly, when we consider that God is the basis, or “bass note”, of all creation, when we “know God”, or “hear the bass note”, we can in fact with some training, “hear the resonance of God in the ‘overtones’ of ALL creation”. But to say that we can “know God”, or “hear the bass note”, by groupening to one or more of those “overtones” within the creation, even if it is a pure octave, or a perfect reflection of that same bass note in another octave (humans for instance), THIS in fact would be an illusion, or at best, an inaccurate use of the law of correspondence.”

JJ: What you have just written beautifully illustrates the Law of Correspondences in both directions. One of the overtones in Middle C is the Higher Octave of C which vibrates at twice the rate of middle C. Interestingly, the main vibration of Higher C corresponds to the overtone of the Middle C.

Thus by using the Law of Correspondences we can examine Middle C and discover the C overtone of the lower C as well as the actual vibration of the lower C which will be at half the rate of Middle C. With the knowledge you have just stated we can go up or down and discover in advance what we are to find in vibration by the use of this law.

Now Rick just added some more interesting corresponding knowledge that maybe neither of us knew. That is it has been discovered that there are something like lower overtones in the higher notes. This would make the correspondences in music and sound even more precise than expected. In fact the foundation of the Law of Correspondences lies in the science of sound.

A reader said that during a meditation she saw images and afterwards read about the New Jerusalem meditation which contained them but wondered why her vision was not clearer.

The New Jerusalem has the seeds of its existence in the formless worlds where it is an idea in the mind of God and from thence is reflected into the mental plane and then down to the astral realm. I would guess that the reason it appeared fuzzy is that your attention was hovering between two planes.

Remember when Jesus told the disciples that he would prepare a place for them in the mansions of his father? Not only can a Master prepare a place in the New Jerusalem, but we can also assist in preparing our own place. Because the New Jerusalem meditation is formulated to help us be conscious creators of our “place” we will not all see exactly the same forms at first, but as the spiritual bricks are put into place our “place” will become more consistent. Even so, each of us will always have power to extend our creations as well as the creations of God. We will continue with this meditation when the time is right. In the meantime some of you will know what you as an individual are supposed to do when you get there.

Feb 29, 2000

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The Attention of God


The Attention of God

The Question: To discover how God can efficiently create we must look at ourselves. Are we most efficient when we are trying to do many things at one time or when we focus on one thing at a time? If the latter is true then what is the one main point of creation that God is focusing on at this time?

The correct answer given was that the main point of God’s attention in this universe (we are talking about the physical universe) is humankind.

We talked about points of consciousness earlier and concluded that an increment of conscious awareness for a human being is approximately one second. In other words, it is not a coincidence that the smallest unit of time measurement is a second. In addition to this we concluded that the smallest unit of time required to take in information into the brain is about 1/64th of a second. In other words, we can take in information faster than we can consciously register it.

Thus it is that we can only concentrate on one thing at a time with a unit of our consciousness which is one second. Some people who shift back and forth between thoughts within a period of a minute will often claim that they are thinking of several things at a time, but such is not the case. If they had five conscious thoughts within a minute you will find that each of those thoughts were had one at a time within the period of that minute.

Now the success of any individual in accomplishing a goal is to focus enough of those one second units of attention on that goal to propel it into reality. If you have five easy goals you can propel them to consummation with divided attention, but if you have a difficult goal you will have to focus all the units of attention that you have available to make it successful.

I have found this to be the case in starting a business for instance. Because I have been a dreamer I have always had the disadvantage of having many things before me competing for my attention or units of consciousness. When I have started a business and did not devote all my available attention to it then it did not succeed as hoped. But the times I have succeeded I focused all my attention on the project. Initiation, even of a business, takes about all the attention that can be called forth.

When I started my current business I realized through past experience that I would have to put aside many of my metaphysical interests to get it going and indeed it did take our full attention for some period. Fortunately, when I started writing the book and later teaching in the keys group the business was launched and I was able to glide along on automatic pilot business wise. For the past three years we have had almost the same annual gross. The reason, of course, that business hasn’t grown is that it is on automatic pilot because now my attention is diverted because of the book and my teaching on the group. Often during the day, even when I am talking to clients I am thinking about the work and what I may write about when evening comes.

Now if I had been wise enough to create a larger business with employees and a good manager I could have duplicated myself and, after it was self sufficient, appointed the manager to run things for me. In this case I could have withdrawn all my attention from the business and concentrate on initiating something else. This will work as long as I have picked a good manager who is able to take my place.

On a higher level the One God has the same problems that we do. If He/She/It were to divide Its attention too much then creation would not be successful. In eons past the attention and consciousness of God perfected the quarks, the atoms, the molecules, and the living cells which comprise our bodies. As some of you mentioned this was comparable to us perfecting a computer program. It takes a great deal of attention to perfect a program but when you finally get it performing the way you want you can take your attention off it and concentrate on duplicating your creation and also using it as a foundation for higher programs.

Many want us to believe that God still has his attention in the atoms, cells etc and this is what keeps them going, but think of it. If we could force God to keep his attention on such mechanical perfection it would be condemning our Creator to the greatest hell within our imagination.

After you have created a computer program would you want to keep your attention on, it going over how it works from beginning to end over and over? Or worse still would you like to be overseeing its performance and continually checking to make sure all goes well? Of course, not. We are happy to let the creation go forth and then we receive happiness in shifting our attention to a new challenge. This is what eternal Becoming is all about. We copy the Creator and perfect something on one level, send it off on automatic pilot to forever bless the whole and then shift our attention on a greater good.

Thus we see that the worlds below man are pretty much on automatic pilot and may only need a minor check for bugs every million years or so.

This frees up the attention of God to apply his Intelligence upon the soul of the universe which are lives related to human intelligence which are the conscious reflections of the present intelligence of God.

Someone said that the Law of Correspondences applies from the higher to the lower, but not from the lower to the higher.

I submit that this idea is founded on illusion and an illustration in proven reality cannot be produced. For example a small circle corresponds to a larger circle. They both correspond to each other, the only difference being that one is larger than the other. But the key point is that in this, and all other examples that can be cited, the lower corresponds to the higher in the same measure that the higher corresponds to the lower. If an atom has similarities to a solar system then a solar system has similarities to an atom. If Middle C has a similar resonance to a higher C then the higher C has the same similar resonance to Middle C.

In noting this one must keep in mind that in creation the higher will correspond to the lower, but with differences discerned by the intuition.

A reader says: “It is fairly obvious today that we live, not in a universe, but an omniverse, most all of which remains undetected to human senses. How many dimensions is probably a better question than how many galaxies or universes.”

JJ: Some call the six other planes of existence dimensions. Some refer to other dimensions as something even beyond these. Now one can take any light obtained by the Law of Correspondences and diffuse it by declaring there are unlimited mysteries that we do not understand, and therefore we cannot depend on what reasoning and discovery will reveal to us.

This is what the authoritative religions have done to us over the millennia. They have told us things like: “Do not even try to understand God because He is unknowable.” This makes it blasphemy to even try.

Yet the scriptures tell us that we are reflections of God and as reflections we can understand God by understanding ourselves. “This is eternal life to know God…” We have to begin somewhere in our discovery of knowledge. We must take the things that fit and work and build upon them. As we do so we will discover our errors and drop them while keeping that which works.

So yes, it is true that there are many things in the universe and omniverse that we do not yet understand, but there are also many things that we can understand. We must take those concepts we can understand and build upon them then eventually we will comprehend all things.

The reader thinks “that EVERYTHING is perfectly intertwined at all dimensional levels, including the infinite, of which we may not yet comprehend.”

I would say that logic tells us just the opposite. Now many traditions from authoritative religions have stressed the perfection of God so they can better control their peoples by stressing that the prophet, priest or king is God’s perfect mouthpiece for the perfect God and therefore must be “perfectly” followed.

We are created in the “image” of God and yet each of us are far from perfect. This itself is a witness that all lives up the ladder including any that we would name God are still progressing toward Its own relative perfection.

So if we take all things into consideration, the seen and the unseen, as the creations of God play out on the physical plane, it is a fact beyond dispute that there is much greater perfection in the microcosm than the macrocosm.

Atoms, molecules, and cells are much closer to perfect in their organization and complexity than is humanity. Humanity does not currently have a correspondence to a molecule in organization let alone a cell which is millions of times as complex.

Now let us look higher up at the stars. The stars do not yet have an organization as complex as a human city. They do have relationship, but they are simple relationships and even these relationships are created more though the interplay of advanced lives who have passed through the human kingdom rather than that of the actual solar life force itself.

Then as I said earlier the next step is in groups of galaxies and these have been mapped by astronomers and these groups have an even lesser organization than do the stars within a galaxy.

These are observable facts. We are not dealing with unknown forces here, but what can be observed by the human eye and that which has been observed bears witness to this principle of evolution proceeding from the lower to the higher as far as size is concerned.

Now here is an interesting addition to this evolutionary principle. When the higher order of lives have perfected themselves their complexity and powers will be greater than the perfected lower lives of which they are composed. A cell, for instance is of a higher order than an atom. Humanity, being the next major step up in composite life has higher potential than a cell, but is far from catching up with the organization and intelligence built into it. Humans will basically catch up to the cellular evolution when they combine molecularly in units of 144,000 and higher. After a high level of progress humans will eventually far surpass the kingdoms below in their own Becoming.

Man examining a cell is a little like scientists stumbling across an alien spaceship containing advanced technology far beyond anything on earth. They take the ship apart and put it together again and finally figure out some of its basic principles. Their first couple ships they make don’t work very well, but finally they solve the problems and are able to duplicate the technology. But these adventurers do not stop there. They continue to perfect their work and eventually make ships even better than the alien one. Even so, humans will eventually surpass the technology in the human cell because we are reflections of God and are His eyes and ears here in the physical reality.

This evolutionary progression will continue until the universe itself is fully organized and when it is completed the complexity, power and glory thereof will be beyond anything we have dreamed of and the perfection of the number seven will be realized paving the way for the greater universe to be built on eight creative rays.

Mankind has had to start with the physical in his quest for knowledge because in the beginning of the search that is all we have. But the physical is a reflection of the Spiritual so by using the Law of Correspondences with the physical we can learn of things spiritual. Then when we eventually prove certain spiritual realities to ourselves we can use these principles to gain even further insight through the Law of Correspondences

A key piece of knowledge about God that brings us much insight through the Law of Correspondences is the simple statement from Genesis that we are made in the “image” of God. Once we realize we are indeed reflections of God many vistas of discovery open up to us.

Feb 28, 2000

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Back to Correspondences

Back to Correspondences

May I submit to you that all arguing is not bad. What is bad is to be on the extreme of any principle. To never take issue with what you consider illusion or wrong thinking is as wrong as losing your temper and resorting to name calling. The true course of action is always somewhere in the middle. A person should not be a wallflower nor should he be in your face, but to present your opposing view in a kind manner yet at the same time presenting your case clearly can be a good thing and help to bring the truth to light.

Another point to consider is that we are fortunate to live in countries where we can speak our minds. Those who live in totalitarian countries do not have the freedom to ask questions or argue about any political (and in some cases religious views). If they disagree with something the only response is silence or they could face imprisonment for speaking out. So in this regard I consider myself very fortunate to be able to disagree with anyone I want.

It is very important that we all learn to let others disagree with us, even to the point of being ridiculous or obnoxious, yet maintain the power to respond with pleasantly with reason.

Moving on here I will make one more statement on the much discussed topic of karma. It seems that some believe that if we can just realize that from the aspect of the Eternal Now that cause and effect is happening at the same time that will give us some type of mystical power of transcendence over this law. That is like saying that when you take a trip that you begin and end the trip at he same time from a higher viewpoint. OK. Does this knowledge change anything for us in this world? Would this knowledge give me the power to make a 14 hour drive to California in an instant because the beginning and end is one in some mystical reality? If we could attain this power by just realizing this oneness in the Eternal Now then I wouldn’t even have to spend time with cause and effect in writing this post, for the beginning and end (cause and effect) of my writing would be at the same instant and this writing which takes some time would be over in less than a snap of a finger.

But what is the truth here? Even true believers have to travel through time minute by minute just like the rest of us as they use the duality of cause and effect to write and post to this group or make a trip.

The basic law of Karma or Cause and Effect is never transcended, but mastered and “wielded” by the Masters as DK puts it. Once the law is mastered then the only effects we have to deal with are those we decide to accept within our own sphere of power. Keep in mind that there is always a ring-pass-not outside of which we do not yet have power to initiate cause.

Question: Now everyone says that the number of creations are infinite, but because everyone believes this does not make it true.

Does the Law of Correspondences suggest that there is a certain number to all things including the worlds within the universe of universes?

First we might say that in all creations that we have been able to examine that there is always a specific number of units within its body. There is a specific number of electrons and protons in each atom. There is a specific number of atoms in each molecule. There is a specific number of molecules in each human body. There are a specific number of humans on the planet and there are a specific number of planets and stars within a galaxy. Using the Law of Correspondences we can then assume that there would be a specific number of galaxies in the universe. A reader gave a great scripture in this direction where God said: “The worlds are without number unto man but they are numbered unto me.” If this scripture is true then there is a specific number of worlds known only to God.

The question that no one answered seriously is: Are we just a small particle in a greater universe so we may just be a part of a pimple on someone’s giant nose? Many theoretical scientists have considered this possibility, but they have overlooked one important item in the Law of Correspondences and that is this. As we proceed from the small to the big the maturity of organization decreases. In other words, a solar system is less organized than the human kingdom and humanity is less organized than a cell. As we go up the scale the largest organized bodies mapped by man are galaxies and groups of galaxies. Galaxies are quite simple in organization with the majority of stars gathering in a center and all circling in orbit.

Groups of galaxies are simpler still with a very loose organization where the center is difficult to determine. Following this correspondent out to the universe itself we would have (as we said earlier) a very young universe with a very elementary shape,.

Now what does this tell us? This leads us to a very interesting conclusion and that is this. Our universe would be the largest organized body in physical existence and if there are other universes there is little or no organization that exists between them. There may be at some far future time, but at present the organization of God ends at the universe level. This would mean that we could not be an atom on a pimple of someone’s giant nose.

Now there is another correspondence that indicates that we are on the right track here and that is this. We are created in the image of God. In other words, we are the reflections of God. Using this correspondence between man and God we can find out about ourselves by finding out about God. On the other hand, we can find out about God by looking at ourselves.

To discover how God can efficiently create we must look at ourselves. Are we most efficient when we are trying to do many things at one time or when we focus on one thing at a time? If the latter is true then what is the one main point of creation that God is focusing on at this time?

Feb 27, 2000

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Real Karma

Real Karma

I am amazed at this strange doctrine concerning Karma not being real that has surfaced in the new age community over the past few years and am curious where it has come from. All the sages past have taught the principle of cause and effect. It is plainly taught in all the scriptures of the world and in modern inspired books by Blavatsky, Alice A Bailey and even the Course in Miracles. Is there some new recent channeled work that I am unaware of that brings forth this great illusion? If anyone could cite some reference here it may help me understand where this teaching is coming from and why it is so easily believed. Or is it possible that many are just creating their own version of belief in Karma associated with a desire to escape effect?

I think however we are beginning to make sense out of a recent post. Misapplied teachings of karma have indeed been used to enslave the minds of many.

There is great illusion being derived here from the comparison of karma to the statement of Newton’s Law. The potential correspondence is accurate, but the correspondence must be seen as it is.

Where is the illusion then?

In Newton’s law, as well as cause and effect which is basically Newton’s law, like creates like.

The Law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Note that it DOES NOT say that the opposite reaction is a different type of force than that created by the action but an “equal” one. The word “opposite” refers to the direction of the force, not the force itself.

I was asked what is the opposite of Love. This question has nothing to do with the true point we are discussing. Why? Because when the initiating cause is love in the direction of another human being we then have the effect (karma) of love coming back to us from an opposite direction. Sending out force does not cause something other than force to return and sending out love does not return hate. But the opposite involved is not the opposite of love or force, but the opposition involved is in direction. Love begets love, force begets force, hate begets hate.

Question: What is the opposite of Karma?

Answer: Oblivion, lifelessness, voidness, nothingness, deadness, no creation, no love – the opposite of Becoming. If this appeals to you then go for it but for the life of me I cannot see the attractiveness of it in this reality.

Now some say that cause and effect are happening at the same time in a higher reality where there is no time. This may be true but still it does not negate karma. I submit that the Eternal Now is not timelessness as many teach, but a consciousness that allows time selection. If their were true timelessness as some believe then nothingness would be the result and the higher worlds are far from being nothing.

Now some associate karma with guilt, but guilt is created by illusion, a trick of the mind caused by an outside entity or voice that takes the place of the true god within. Outside voices can be very deceptive, but again, even with this we have a cause and effect. An outside voice causes you to believe you are to trust in the voice of God out there and that you need to hang your head in shame when commands are not followed.

Let us take a Mormon and a non religious person drinking coffee together. The good Mormon will feel very guilty about it, but the other guy will feel no guilt even though they are doing the same thing. The true basic effect on them physically is the same.

However, one feels guilty because he erroneously believes he is displeasing God and the other feels no guilt. Because guilt is created by illusionary cause it can instantly disappear as soon as the illusion is removed.

In this way Christ removed our sins for he dispelled much illusion that removed us from effects of karma that we never had in the first place.

Imagine that the Mormon authorities told the church that they could now drink coffee. Instantly, all guilt surrounding this act of coffee drinking would be erased, but the real effect from the hot liquid and caffeine would remain the same as before in the real world.

On the other hand, the effect of missing out on a lot of enjoyable coffee drinking is a residual effect through decision to accept illusionary cause.

Now some of you are saying that karma exists merely because we believe in it. The only way karma is altered by belief is when belief initiates a new cause and produces a new effect. It does not negate a past effect, but joins in with it.

Let us say a person throws a stone in a stagnate pool and it creates a rippling of waves. Now I have a second stone that I will label as a cause created by belief and I throw it in where the ripples are. Does this nullify the previous effects?

No. The ripples are still there from the first stone.

Does the new stone create an overall new effect?


Is there any way that you can use belief only to cause all the ripples to instantly disappear?


If you desire a still pool what are you to do?

Answer: Wait for the forces to play themselves out. There is no other way. As the forces are playing themselves out you might want to make the best of it and throw a leaf in the midst and watch it dance upon the forces until stillness arrives.

NOTE: It is interesting that I wrote this just before I read Geoffrey’s words as follows:

“Those who believe that karma does not exist are right……if you are looking far enough into the future. Take a tank of water for an example Drop a stone into the water and run away. Come back at the end of time and you will see no effect of dropping the stone into the water. The water is calm. No karma! Drop a stone into the water and watch the effect. Waves crash across the surface and hit the edge and return and collide with other waves. Plenty of karma here.”

This is an excellent use of the Law of Correspondences. The time will indeed come when all karma will be played out and we will enter into a peaceful rest to contemplate the experience. But then we will plunge again into the rippling world of cause and effect and play the game one more time, but a little wiser than before.

If karma, cause and effect, is caused by belief only then why does it exist on the surface of Mars where there is no intelligent life or belief?

Why does karma exist in the animal kingdom for animals have no beliefs? Some say that karma exists because we see ourselves as separate. Yet the animals see themselves as interconnected yet still experience the effects of karma.

DK basically said that among primitive man for millions of years the animals were the ones that dominated the human kingdom. Early man lived in constant fear of ferocious animals and there was a great struggle on the part of the human kingdom just to stay alive in their midst. Many there were who had friends and family killed and eaten by the beasts.

Now DK says that this situation which lasted for eons created a karma within the animal kingdom that is being played out today. Now the situation is reversed and humans are a threat to the animals rather than animals being a threat to humans. He says this karma is the true reason that we presently kill animals for food. When this karma has played out then there will be a balance achieved between the human and animal kingdoms and both shall live together with greater harmony.

DK also says there is karma in the very elements of the earth itself, an effect from the previous solar system. Our personal belief would have nothing to do with this residual effect from billions of years hence.

A reader makes a statement that could explain the differing views here:

“Karma is the perceived effect. The perceived cause is an action with which one associates themselves. In other words, you have carried the accumulated effects of a past experience into the present.”

JJ: If we define karma as that which is perceived then a change in perception can give the illusion of negating karma.

For instance if Jim wants to give me an anonymous gift and gives it to Jane to give to me I will erroneously perceive that the gift originated with her. The true fact is that the cause of the gift was Jim no matter what my perceptions were. If my perception is changed incorrectly and I see that the gift did not originate with Jane but perceive it to be from Jack that does not negate the true cause. This true cause is still Jim no matter what my perceptions are.

True karma is actual cause and effect, not perceived cause and effect. We daily experience the effects of many causes of which we are consciously unaware of and which have nothing to do with our individual belief system.

A while back I perceived myself typing the word “the,” but instead typed “tghe.” My perception did not create the reality, but my lack of focus and cause on the physical plane did. I believed at first I typed the word correctly, but belief did not alter reality.

In fact, the alteration of reality and the creation of misperception of cause and effect is a technique used in brainwashing. In the book 1984 we read of many alterations by Big Brother, but instead of creating a new pleasant reality the result was instead hell on earth.

Some say there is no real karma here because this world is just a larger dream state and when we awaken from the dream we will discover the karma never was.

First let me state that this is a very long dream. Creation on the physical plane has been ongoing for billions of years and since we have been and will be involved for such extensive periods then perhaps it is in our interests to make this a “happy dream” as the Course in Miracles calls it.

It is in the nature of all conscious beings to dream on a regular basis. One who is deprived of the dream state becomes insane. Dreaming in one form or another is something we will do on and off as long as there is existence,.

Even a dream has a cause and then within the dream itself there are causes and effects. When I have a good dream with good causes and effects (karma) I often reflect upon it during the next day or so and feel that it adds to my quality of life. Thus even if it turns out that this life is like a dream we will still take the experience with us to a greater reality and this life will be a cause to ongoing effects in higher realms.

DK describes the coming liberation from physical life as follows:

“Respond, O Rising One, to the call which comes within the sphere of obligation; recognize the call emerging from the Ashram or from the Council Chamber where waits the Lord of Life Himself. The Sound goes forth. Both soul and form together must renounce the Principle of life and thus Permit the Monad to stand free. The soul responds. The form then shatters the connection. Life is now liberated, owning the quality of conscious knowledge and the fruit of all experience. These are the gifts of soul and form combined.” Esoteric Healing, Pages 535-536

JJ: Note that in this liberation form reality is not forgotten for he says we will then own “the quality of conscious knowledge and the fruit of all experience. These are the gifts of soul and form combined.”

“The quality of conscious knowledge and the fruit of all experience” is thus good karma (effect) that we take with us to the higher planes. Belief has nothing to do with it. Attachment has nothing to do with it and judgment has nothing to do with it. You will just take this “fruit” with you even though you will be free from attachments at that distant time.

Now those of us here in this group are far from having the connection shattered with form so it is best to plow with the horses we do have rather than dreaming of riding the tractor we do not have. If we merely dream of riding the tractor we do not have we will cease being a cause in this reality, but if we plow with the horses we have cause will be generated and the effect will be a plowed field. Maybe it will not be plowed as quickly as we can dream of doing it on a tractor, but at least it will be plowed in real life and preparation is made to eat the real fruit of the vine.

Feb 26, 2000

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The First Law

The First Law

The law of Karma is the Law of Cause and Effect. There can be no cause unless there is a corresponding effect for that is what a cause is. The first definition of a cause in The American Heritage Dictionary is: “The producer of an effect, result, or consequence.”

The same dictionary gives as the first definition of effect as: “Something brought about by a cause or an agent; a result.”

Therefore, by definition there can be no effect without cause and there can be no cause without producing an effect.

Now some have said that Karma, or the Law of Cause and Effect, can be negated or eliminated.

Some say that it only exists because we are attached to it or because we have judgment within us. Others say that we merely must rise above the illusion of this world and Karma will cease.

Do you realize what it would mean to escape karma to the extent that karma would no longer exist?

If karma no longer exists for you this means you would cease to exist. Non-existence is to have no power to initiate cause and effect. And non existence is impossible; therefore, total escape from karma is impossible. If you are beyond cause and effect you are beyond the power to even be alive.

DK through Alice A. Bailey tells us that the Masters do not eliminate the Law of Karma. Instead they learn to “wield the law.” In other words, they create causes so the effects that result are desired effects rather than undesirable ones. In this way they are free from unpredictable karma. In other words, they are no longer victims of the law as regular humanity is.

A regular human in his use of karma is a little like a novice going to Las Vegas to gamble at blackjack. The odds are against him because he does not understand the game and does not realize that because of his ignorance the longer he plays the more he will lose. He who learns to master karma is a little like the master gambler who learns how to count the cards which will give him control over the game. In both cases the law of cause and effect is in full force, but in the latter case the Master Gambler uses the law instead of being used by the law.

Is cause and effect only applicable in the worlds of form?

Answer: It would have to be applicable in all worlds because the worlds of form are an effect of energy which was an originating cause before the worlds were created.

In the beginning there was God and God Itself was a cause and creation is the effect. Thus the first act of the invisible God was the exercise of cause and effect.

To those who say they can exist apart from karma, let me put forth this challenge.

I can show you billions of examples of karma (cause and effect). But can you show me even one example of anything that is real that creates no cause and effect? It takes a tremendous leap of faith to believe so strongly in that for which no example can be given. Why would someone believe in a place beyond cause and effect if such a place cannot be demonstrated internally or externally??? You can in deep meditation attempt to withdraw into perfect stillness, but even this meditation (cause) has the effect of peace or stillness of thought.

Not only does logic, experience and the Law of Correspondences bear witness to the eternal existence of cause and effect but all the writings revealed by the teachings of the Masters as well as the scriptures agree.

The Bible:

“For every man shall bear his own burden. Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Gal 6:5-9

Note here that Karma extends beyond the physical for it says: “He that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.”

From The Book of Mormon:

“For it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things. If not so, my first-born in the wilderness, righteousness could not be brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness nor misery, neither good nor bad. Wherefore, all things must needs be a compound in one; wherefore, if it should be one body it must needs remain as dead, having no life neither death, nor corruption nor incorruption, happiness nor misery, neither sense nor insensibility.

“Wherefore, it must needs have been created for a thing of naught; wherefore there would have been no purpose in the end of its creation. Wherefore, this thing must needs destroy the wisdom of God and his eternal purposes, and also the power, and the mercy, and the justice of God.

“And if ye shall say there is no law, ye shall also say there is no sin. If ye shall say there is no sin, ye shall also say there is no righteousness. And if there be no righteousness there be no happiness. And if there be no righteousness nor happiness there be no punishment nor misery. And if these things are not there is no God. And if there is no God we are not, neither the earth; for there could have been no creation of things, neither to act nor to be acted upon; wherefore, all things must have vanished away.” II Nephi 2:11-13

Note that without karma, cause and effect there would be no creation, no you and me and no God for God is the First Cause, the first agent of karma.

A Course In Miracles:

“If I intervened between your thoughts and their results, I would be tampering with a basic law of cause and effect; the most fundamental law there is.” Text Pg 27

“Think not you understand anything until you pass the test of perfect peace, for peace and understanding go together and never can be found alone. 5 Each brings the other with it, for it is the law of God they be not separate. 6 They are cause and effect, each to the other, so where one is absent the other cannot be.”

Text Pg 278

“ Nothing can have effects without a cause, and to confuse the two is merely to fail to understand them both.” Text Pg 420

Alice A Bailey;

“As I write this instruction I would call your attention to the subject of karma. There comes ever in the life of a disciple and in the soul’s experience some one particular life wherein the Law of Cause and Effect assumes importance in the consciousness. From that life and that moment, the disciple begins to deal with karma, consciously and definitely. He learns to recognize it when events and happenings come which require understanding and which evoke questioning; he begins to study the quality of his radiation as a karmic agent, and therefore he becomes the maker and constructor, in a new and important sense, of his own destiny and future. His reactions to life and circumstances cease to be simply emotional in nature and become deliberately dictated by conscious observation; they then have in them a significant quality of preparation which is absent from the life of the average man. For the remainder of this life, therefore, I would ask you to carry the theme of karmic decision and of preparation for the future ever in your consciousness; I would ask you always to take action with as full an understanding of the probable following effects as you can manage to achieve, and to make a real effort to study the Law of Consequence and Compensation.”

“It is not my intention to explain or elaborate the subject of Karma. This occult yet fundamentally exoteric theme, the Law of Cause and Effect, evokes a general recognition when called by this name. When called the Law of Karma, it is immediately regarded as mysterious, Oriental and new. Called (as it sometimes is) the Law of Retribution, an entirely erroneous connotation has become attached to it. Today, the karma of humanity is descending upon it. I would remind you, however, that the continuous emphasis laid upon the malevolent aspects of karma conveys a wrong impression and negates the full grasp of the truth. There is as much good karma as there is bad; even in the present world situation, the good karma emanating from the soul of humanity balances the evil which comes from the material aspect and is continuously over-emphasised. It is the rhythm of matter in contradistinction to the rhythm of the soul, and these constitute the initiating causes of the present conflict, both in individual lives and in the general world situation. When this is properly grasped, the true picture may emerge in your hearts and minds with greater clarity.”

“A steady endeavour to see the reality in every form. This literally involves a study of the law of cause and effect, or karma, the object of the karmic law being to bring the opposite pole of Spirit, matter, into strict conformity with the requirements of spirit so that matter and form can perfectly express the nature of spirit.” Discipleship in the New Age, Vol II, Pages 538-539

JJ: DK goes on to tell us that the earth is not a sacred planet because Sanat Kumara himself is somewhat of a rebel from a cosmic point of view and has some effects (karma) that he must deal with before the planet can take the needed initiation.

Even high entities who have learned to use the law of karma in a positive sense cannot let their guard down, for one of the Kumaras that came to the earth with the Ancient of Days (called Lucifer by Christians) fell from his lofty station when he did not wield the law with wisdom.

Feb 25, 2000

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