Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 24

This entry is part 9 of 24 in the series Kalispell Gathering 2006

Note: I just discovered that the recording equipment was unplugged and we missed about a half hour or so of the discussion.

JJ: At every gathering there is some fluky thing that happens. One gathering (at Nauvoo) I forgot to bring the power cord for this little gizmo and we missed a good recording of about half of the gathering. Rick and Keith went over to Radio Shack but they did not have the right cord because it needed a special cord. Fortunately Rick is very adept with electronics and he improvised with some stuff from radio shack and we got it working so we got the last half of the Nauvoo gathering recorded. Caroline brought a video camera and recorded the first part but it was not good enough quality to put on MP3’s but it was good enough that we got the words recorded and Mindy to her credit got it all typed out.

To re-cap what we said, we have got the part recorded on guilt and what was not recorded was suppression. Suppression of emotion is one of the main causes of illness. Suppression, guilt, anger, negative feelings, these are things that affect us physically and emotionally. But then let us move on to the mental, what is there mentally that causes us to be ill?

Audience: I talked to the light keepers like Sharon and they said that schizophrenia or mental illness is when you let an entity or dark force take your mind over.

JJ: Yes that is possible, what happens there is when a person leaves some type of door open and that door can be open through fear or guilt. If you overcome fear and guilt then some entity will not be able to enter. Weakness and if a person drinks too much alcohol it can make him susceptible to certain types of entities that are attracted to people who drink too much or use drugs too. Too much of anything, excess can open the wrong doors for the wrong type of influences to enter in and manipulate an individual.

Audience: 1st member: On the issue of schizophrenia they are looking at the possibility of it being a sleep disorder. That when a person with this disorder wakes up the brain is not completely awake and seems to be lingering in the dream state and you know how our dreams can be.

2nd member: (Wayne) The mental illness we all know can be a direct result of physical injury and another open field of it is taking the course of just putting your ducks in a row and be able to associate in a rational and predictable manner. So we two types of mental illness, one that is more emotional and one that is more physical.

JJ: What they call mental illness is usually related to something emotional. What physiologist’s do is lump the mental, emotional and every that is wrong and just call it mental. Also there are injuries that happen that are not associated with true mind or emotion and it is just screwing up your circuitry and you are influenced in a strange way. If you realize what is going on as this happens then you will have a lot more control over it.

True problems with the mind happen because of illusion; your mind is responsible for how you are programmed. If you program yourself wrong like I think I have myself programmed wrong in certain ways and that is why I forgot to plug my computer in. So we have these programs that run within us and we have to find what the programs are.

The scientologists have a method where these use these E-meters and take people back in the past. But they do not really always find the illusions; they find the emotional hurt again and again which is not a bad idea because they have this method where they can resolve the hurt. They can also uncover some little programs that are running within you. One of the things they teach is that you have your regular conscious mind and your reactive mind. The reactive mind is a very simple part of ourselves that just records everything that is entered and the recorded thing is more strongly entered during a period of pain. This is why like  Tom Cruise (when his wife was giving birth) wanted total silence because when you are under going any stress or pain whatever you record is like a powerful hypnotic suggestion.

It is funny with me, I never really lost many things until I had the accident with my hand and after the accident I started to loose things like crazy. I started loosing pens and such and it still drives me crazy that I loose pens. So I wondered that while I was under anesthetic and on the operating table what someone said, that that poor kid is going to lose part of his hand and that word “lose” must have entered into my head as hypnotic suggestion, because after my accident I started loosing all kinds of things.

Audience: (Wayne) Joe has always been kind of a creative guy coming up with ideas that I would not have even considered. He got interested in rockets ordered out of magazines, little bottle rockets and such. He ordered a bunch of these things and called me over one time to have a look at them and he was in the living room with them sorted out like he was the general with this kind of rocket and this kind of rocket here.

JJ: They was like the rockets in the movie “October Sky” if anyone saw that movie. Now before my accident I made a lot more dangerous home made rockets and after that I bought the model ones which were not as dangerous. The church authorities had come to visit me in the hospital and they said, “Well I bet this taught you not make rockets, huh kid?” And I said no, I would not be making any until I get out of the hospital. I am not going to stop making more; I am just going to be more careful! I did so enjoy watching their reaction while I was telling them this!

Audience: (Wayne) Anyway Joe was in his living room with all these things separated into their own individual piles and the thing that amused me is that he was counting them and that was okay the first time because he had 12 of these and five of these and four of these and stuff you know and so I asked him, are you sure you had twelve of those and in the meantime I had taken one of them. (Laughter) And I said that I was not sure you counted right and of course he went over there and there was only eleven and he said, “I can’t believe it!” And while we were doing this I would take another off of another pile. (Laughter) And put the one back to twelve again. It took him about three times and he was going, “I CANNOT BELIEVE IT! I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!!! (LAUGHTER!!!) I COUNTED THOSE THREE TIMES AND I KNOW THERE ARE THIS MANY! I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!!!

JJ: I should have known better than to call on Wayne.

Wayne: Anyway talking about loosing things I got probably the strongest reaction from Joe that I have ever seen from anyone about loosing things when he was a kid.

JJ: The reason that it was so believable was because I lost so many things and it was like a plague that followed me around! Laughter!

We also have certain beliefs and to overcome illusion one of the last things we have to do before a person achieves true enlightenment is to find out how we have programmed ourselves wrong. There are these little programs that enter in through pain which are called engrams and there is not much we can do about them except go through a regression where we go back and examine them, figure out what they are and then release ourselves from them.

There another type of programming which is our belief system. With our belief system we may be completely logical in every way possible but if the foundation of our belief system is based on some error than it does not matter how logical or reasonable you are. An original error will multiply itself and then you have all kinds of error. I have talked to religious people that are very intelligent, reasonable and logical, but they rely on some original error they have. Many of these errors can also cause illness.  For instance, either you believe that mankind is basically good or evil. Each of us needs to go back to our foundation beliefs and they are very hard to find because you can be completely logical and reasonable but if you have a wrong foundation belief it is going to create all kinds of problems.

Other instances of a foundation belief are that we have foundation beliefs about God, family, relationships and what we are supposed to achieve from relationships. We have foundation beliefs on health. One foundation belief that in my opinion almost everyone is wrong on is that there is really no cause for disease and another one is, life is not fair. When I was a kid everybody said life was fair and then somebody at one time spouted out, you know life is not fair.

This registered with everyone because they looked around saw that people are rich, some poor, some healthy, some not healthy, some with abundance and those without abundance, so life does not seem fair. When you take into account that there is reincarnation and every thing is balanced of in the end for all then you find that life truly is fair.

I found it interesting though that when I was young everyone thought God was fair and now everyone thinks God is not fair. They do not really say God is not fair but they say life is not fair. This started about 10 or 20 years ago and I do not remember when I first heard this “life is not fair” statement, but from the time I first heard it the circulation really began to spread with this statement, now you hear a lot. On many TV shows you hear people saying that “life is not fair and you just have to accept it. If we think that life is not fair then if a person gets a disease they think well, life is not fair so I guess I am getting my share of unfairness.

But if you also believe life is not fair then you also have to believe that God is not fair. If God is not fair then that means we can be struck down at any moment and there is nothing we can do about it. There is always something you can do about anything and if you think life is not fair then you will not assume your power and your power is that there is always something you can do about anything.

If life is not fair then that means that there are certain things that you just cannot do anything about as far as your happiness, health, vitality and things like this. Now there are a handful of things that we cannot do anything about. Take gravity for instance, it is just something we have to accept. But as far as affecting our health, vitality, our moods and happiness, we are the ones in charge. It is not because life is unfair produced by an unfair God making everything unfair and we only have one life and we just have to handle it that some of us have a good life and some of us have a bad life and nobody knows why so and so got cancer or heart disease or died suddenly.

There is a reason for everything but if we discount this and just say, well, the guy had this problem and life is unfair and that is the only reason it happened then we are deceived. No, it happened for a reason, everything that happens is caused by something. For every action there is reaction, for every cause there is an effect. If a person has low vitality, disease, marital problems, relationship problems, whatever problem the person has there is a reason for it.

It is amazing that is politically incorrect if someone gets a disease to say, “There is a cause for this.” People get upset if you say that because they do not want to blame the person. They say well, this person is a good person and there is no reason for them to get this cancer; it just happened. It did not just happen, everything happens because there is a cause.

Cancer, for instance, is often caused by suppression of emotion. Heart disease is caused by an unfolding of the heart energies and the person is not able to handle the energies and he does not recognize them. For instance, he may have an unfolding of heart energy that is telling him it is time to learn how to handle a higher form of love than he is used to. He has been expressing a selfish love and now it is time to learn a bit of a higher energy of love. The person rejects this and when they reject it then this causes a blockage in the flow of energy and causes heart problems.

Often times it takes two or three lives to handle a new energy like that. He may have heart problems for two lives and then he gets so tired of it that he finally pays attention to it and learns his lesson and gets a break where he has health for a while and then his soul says it is time for a new energy, and a new energy unfolds, maybe something in his third eye, the he has sinus problems like Lorraine over there! (Laughter)

Copyright 2010 by J J Dewey

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