McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 14

This entry is part 14 of 54 in the series McCall Gathering 2007

The Unveiling, Part 9

The Giving of Gifts

And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.

And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.

And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves.” Rev 11:7-9

I will not go into a lot of detail but my book explains that the disciples are either killed or leave the scene in some way as Jesus did. Then the beast ascends out of the bottomless pit and he creates dead teachings out of the residual the words and the works of the disciples. This is what happened to Jesus after He was gone. They created a dead body out of the teachings of Jesus and the church is a dead body that lays in the streets of the holy city for three and a half cycles of time that has lasted over two thousand years now.

For three and a half cycles of time the dead body of the church lays in the streets of the holy city. But then after three and half cycles the wise stand on their feet again and the Life of God comes back in them which means there will come a time in which the Spirit of Christ will come back in  the church and bring it to life and revitalize it.

Now this has also happened several times in history where the church has been revitalized and the two witnesses, the words and the works, stand back on their feet. But then they are corrupted and they turn back into dead bodies again and then they stand on their feet again.  So the cycle continues.

At the coming of Christ in the near future they will stand on their feet for the age and come back to life again. This time the teachings of Christ will be given out in their purity. The words and the works of the disciple will never die but they will be suppressed and a dead body will take its place but then eventually the words and the works have to stand up on their feet again. Eternal words like Jesus said, “My words shall not pass away, though heaven and earth pass away, my words shall not pass away.” And when the words and the works are given out they may be suppressed and appear dead but eventually they stand up on their feet again!

Audience: So it is not the church that revitalizes but the words and the works.

JJ: It can be through a church, a group, or anything but the words and works will stand up somewhere. Somewhere they will be rediscovered and revitalized and re-taught among humanity.

And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.” Re 11:10

Now after the death of Christ what happened to cause people to send gifts to one another?

Audience: Christmas

JJ: Christmas. For a long period of time now to celebrate the birth of Christ. We send gifts to one another and we do it because we are in the dead body that is laying in the street of the holy city. So are doing exactly what it says. We send gifts to one another. We do that to celebrate Christ, and we do this because the real words and works are dead or more accurately suppressed. And we are rejoicing that we do not have acknowledge the real works. Instead, all we have to acknowledge is Jesus was born on Christmas day and so this prophecy is exactly fulfilled.

But after three days and a half the spirit from God entered into them and they stood upon their feet and great fear fell upon them that saw them. And this is what happens whenever the true words and works of Jesus or a disciple of any kind re-manifests or are reincarnated and represented. Then great fear falls upon the authorities that have a lot to lose if people believe in those words and works.

JJ: Quoting from the Book Of Revelation, “And in that same hour was a great earthquake.” And what does the earthquake stand for? The earth is what we stand upon and the authorities of the world stand upon what they think is secure immovable earth and when the words and the works of the disciple raise up again and are presented to the people then the authorities of the world that are depending on the dead body are shaken as if by a great earthquake. The earth quakes below them and they will feel that earthquake coming and there will be great fear that rests upon these individuals.

That same fear rested upon the Pharisees and Sadducees when they beheld the words and works of Jesus. Again this same fear that fell upon the priests of the Catholic Church when Galileo showed them that the earth was not the center of the universe. Galileo told then to just look through the telescope and see the truth but they refused in fear. What Galileo had discovered would upset their apple cart and the same thing happens with every true scientist, great prophet, teacher or whatever.

Audience: Can these events and people be predicted?

JJ: Well you can’t unless you can judge the first cycle or two. If you can judge the first cycle or two then you can of estimate.

Audience: So have there been cycles that could have been predicted?

JJ: Sometimes, but the half of times is the most difficult to predict because that is the time that you spend beyond the time you had intended to finish the work and sometimes it is short but it is usually longer than expected.

Audience: You said that it has been 2000 years or so that it has been dead so how can you determine what the cycle is?

JJ: Well here is one way you can do it, there are larger cycles and smaller cycles. There have been lesser teachers and greater teachers. You can go back through history and note the times that were teachers with great words and great works. Let’s say that if you study history that you could find that there might be a cycle of 300 years and another cycle of 700 years, so lets say we are at the end of a 700 year cycle and that would mean that we can expect a certain quality of teacher to surface again.

Audience: like the Renaissance period.

JJ: Right, the Renaissance would be one of the cycles where certain words and works stood up one more time. So a person could go through history and calculate when the next period might be for the words and works to stand up. Now there is a greater cycle that has not finished where Christ will come back again. We do not know that exact date of what it will be but that will be a greater end to a three and half time periods.

A dead cycle within an age is pretty close to 1,260 years and most people are expecting Christ within this generation but it is not an ironclad thing. It could be another 100 years; you just never know for sure. The mystery of His coming has not been 100% entirely revealed, but there is a lot of evidence that it will happen in this generation if we keep our nose clean.

They did not ask Him any more questions, why? Because His truth was so powerful it was like a fire that just devoured their argument and ate it up. So these guys were so put down that no man dared ask Him any more questions. That is how powerful his words were.

“And if any man may hurt them then they must in this way be killed.” Killed in the Greek does not necessarily mean physical death but it mean their arguments and attacks against him will be destroyed so they do not even exist anymore. And if these Pharisees did not have the power to ask Him any more questions than their argument was just destroyed and they were no longer able to do anything to hurt Him again on the mental plane.

These have power to shut heaven that rain not in the days of their prophecy and the power of the waters to turn them to blood and to smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will.

When their enemies come against them and they try to destroy their arguments of their words and their works, the disciple fights back with truth and reason and light. It shuts heaven for these guys for they really shut it against themselves. An example is when the Pharisees came to Jesus and attacked Him. All the light that they thought they had pretty much disappeared and they could no longer claim any higher consciousness. When somebody fights against higher consciousness and light then that light which is within them turns to darkness.

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McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 13

This entry is part 13 of 54 in the series McCall Gathering 2007

The Unveiling, Part 8

The Two and a Half Times

JJ: Now lets read on,

I will give power to my two witnesses that they shall give prophecy a thousand two hundred and three score days clothed in sack cloth.

A thousand two hundred and three score days is three and half years. Notice the three and half keeps showing up again and again. It shows up numerous times in the Book of Revelation in different ways. The two witnesses are buried for three and half days, the church is in the wilderness for three and half time periods, the Holy City is tread under foot for three and a half years and the beast dominates for this same time period.

The three and half time periods keeps showing up because the mission of the words and the works of the disciple always goes through three and half time periods. Jesus preached approximately three and half years before He was crucified. The three and half just keeps showing up again and again and again.

The three and a half is divided into four periods. During the first time period in accomplishing the words and the works of the disciple it seems to him that he is going to be able to accomplish his mission.  The work always looks easier than it turns out to be. The first period passes and not much has been accomplished, so he has to go through the second period and in the second period still the mission is not accomplished and he begins to be tempted to be discouraged.

He then proceeds to the third period which may be a year, or it may be many years, but there are three periods in the life of the disciple where he performs his words and his works and it seems for sure like you he will accomplish it. But the third period ends and still he does not accomplish it and it seemed for sure that he would not have to go beyond the third period or cycle. He is disappointed to realize that he must now continue for an unknown unforeseen period of time.  This is the half a time in the equation.

He must persevere – for that half of a time could be a short time or a long time. The half of a time is that time the disciple didn’t think was going to be necessary. He is going to have to go the extra mile to achieve his mission and that period lasts as long as it takes to achieve success. Jesus said this, “He that endures to the end shall be saved.” A more correct translation of that is “He who perseveres to the consummation of a work shall be delivered and have success.” You have to endure to the consummation of a work to achieve success. The key is the half of a time period, that period that you did not dream was going to be necessary. Have you ever heard the statement, “Things always take longer than you think”?  They always do. The disciple thinks that that first cycle is going to be all the time we need and then we are going to wrap things up. It always takes longer and the reason the half of a cycle is thrown in is because that is the period of endurance where he has to persevere for an unknown time period until he achieves success.

Audience: After he has received his enlightenment is he given his mission that he knows he is to accomplish?

JJ: He is given a number of missions along the way and at this time period he will perceive a work that he has to do and he will produce words and works that will testify to the truth of this work. Like Paul, first of all he was blinded and then he was healed and produced great words and works that testified of his mission and even though he was a former persecutor of the saints he was now a true teacher.

Audience: I heard a story about a man who wanted enlightenment and he went to a man who carrying a sack that had enlightenment and he asked what it was like when you find enlightenment. The man put the sack down and said what comes after enlightenment is this; he then raised the sack and put it back on his shoulder.

Audience: Daniel talks about the time and times and half time as well.

JJ: Yes and this is repeated in the Book of Revelation. I talk a little about Daniel in the book but I do not go into it in depth or else it would have most likely been twice as long.

Audience: I am relating to that.

JJ: The time and times and half a time, yes we both relate to it. We have been struggling a long time. Time is one cycle, times, is two cycles, and a half time is a half cycle, three and a half cycles. And it is given in a lot of symbolic language, three and a half days, 1260 days which is three and half years, 42 months which is three and half years, and this time and times and half a time keeps repeating itself.

This a really interesting scripture about the witnesses, “If any man will hurt them, fire will proceed out of their mouth and devour their enemies, and if man will hurt them than he must in this manner be killed.” So what the Christian world is expecting is Moses and Elijah is going to show up in Jerusalem and the anti-Christ sends a few of his henchman to do away with them and fire is going to come out of their mouth and evaporate them. DO you think it is going to happen that way?

The disciple has his words and his works and if any man will come and try to hurt the disciple, they will attack him and try to destroy his words and works.  When attacked fire cometh out of his mouth, and that fire is the fire of light and truth, and that fire of truth devours his enemies. In other words, it was like the Pharisees who came to Jesus and said well you are not so smart. We are going to ask you a few questions. They asked Him some questions and his answers were so powerful that it devoured their argument and then the scriptures says this, “And no man dare ask him any more questions after this.”

They did not ask Him any more questions, why? Because His truth was so powerful it was like a fire that just devoured their argument and ate it up. So these guys were so put down that no man dared ask Him any more questions. That is how powerful his words were.

“And if any man may hurt them then they must in this way be killed.” Killed in the Greek does not necessarily mean physical death but it mean their arguments and attacks against him will be destroyed so they do not even exist anymore. And if these Pharisees did not have the power to ask Him any more questions then their argument was just destroyed and they were no longer able to do anything to hurt Him again on the mental plane.

These have power to shut heaven that rain not in the days of their prophecy and the power of the waters to turn them to blood and to smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will.

When their enemies come against them and they try to destroy the arguments of their words and their works, the disciple fights back with truth and reason and light. It shuts heaven for these guys for they really shut it against themselves. An example is when the Pharisees came to Jesus and attacked Him. All the light that they thought they had pretty much disappeared and they could no longer claim any higher consciousness. When somebody fights against higher consciousness and light then that light which is within them turns to darkness.

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McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 12

This entry is part 12 of 54 in the series McCall Gathering 2007

The Unveiling, Part 7

The Two Witnesses

And round about the throne were four and twenty elders upon the seats and I saw four and twenty elders sitting clothed in white raiment; and they had upon their heads crowns of gold.

He saw others that have gone on before him. It is also stimulating symbolic of the energy centers within us, We have the heart center with 12 petals of energy and this is also duplicated in the head. You have a heart center in the head and a heart center of course in the heart. All together there are 24 petals, half simulating female energy and the other male energy. This is one of the correspondences to the twenty-four elders but we are not constricted to just one meaning. If you see a meaning that correlates and corresponds then it is quite possible you can receive quite a bit of light from it – because in any inspired word or scripture there is more than one meaning that can be used.

We will move ahead here and we do not have a lot of time to go into detail on the Book of Revelation but there are several details that are quite interesting and one is the scripture that deals with the two witnesses. Has everybody heard about the prophecy of these two individuals? If you have talked to any of the religious people they are really big on these two witnesses. They believe, as I told you earlier, that two witnesses are going to show up soon. Some believe it will be just two regular mortals that are very spiritual men. Then a lot of Christians believe it is going to be Elijah and Moses showing up in a mortal state and they are going to wander into Jerusalem and start preaching.

I have come across quite a few people that think they are one of the two witnesses and maybe reincarnated from Moses or someone great. There are all kinds of them floating around. The two witnesses as it applies to the disciple, are totally different than we have heard before. “And I will give power unto my two witnesses and they shall prophecy a thousand two hundred and three score days clothed in sack cloth. These are the two olive trees, the two candle sticks standing before the God of the earth.”

Okay, so what are the two witnesses?

The two witnesses are two principles that bear witness to the truth of the teachings of the disciple who is the follower of Christ and has now undergone the transfiguration. He is qualified to be a teacher of righteousness and has internally two witnesses. The Bible says that all things shall be established in the mouth of two or three witnesses. As a matter of fact the Jews came to Jesus and said to Him, “the scriptures say that everything shall be done in the mouth of two witnesses and you are only one witness, where is your other witness? “And Jesus said there is me and then there is the Father that dwells in me.” (See John 8:13-19)

That was an interesting interpretation of the two witnesses by Jesus. There was Himself and then there was another entity higher than Him that was inside of Him. It says right there, in the scripture that there was the witness of two men, but where were the two men? Jesus was one and He who was within Him was the other.

For the disciple, as it pertains to the Book of Revelations, the two witnesses has another dimension to it. There were the two witnesses that followed Jesus wherever he went that testified that He was a true teacher. The first witness was what?

Audience: The Gospel, the soul, Himself and the Father that dwell in Him.

JJ: What was the first thing Jesus did that bore witness to who He was?

Audience: He was baptized.

JJ: No that bore witness to himself and John but what was it that got the people’s attention?

Audience: The miracles.

JJ: Okay and the miracles was a what?

Audience: A sign.

JJ: No what kind of witness was all these miracles?

Audience: Inaudible

JJ: All these miracles were the works of Jesus; they were His works.

Audience: So His first witness was His works.

JJ: Yes, that is his first witness, the works of the disciple bear witness to him as a true teacher. The second thing that got everybody really wondering who He was and got everybody all stirred up was something else besides His works and what was it?

Audience: His words.

JJ: Yes, His words. The Pharisees and Sadducees came to Him and said where did you get this doctrine? Who gave you the authority to teach these things? Where did you learn this? His words caused a tremendous impression on everybody; He said things totally different than they had been said before. If a man comes to you and wants you to go one mile, go two miles. Nobody had said anything like that before. Everybody thought that if somebody wants me to go one mile then I am going to get out of even going that one-mile if at all possible.

In those days if a Roman soldier came to you and said carry my pack for one mile then by law in the Roman Empire you had to do this or you could get thrown in jail. So everybody carried it for one mile but when they were done with the one mile they stopped at exactly that mark and then they were able to escape the legal repercussions. They could not punish them if they carried it one mile so whenever a Roman soldier selected somebody they only went exactly one mile because they did not like these Roman soldiers. But Jesus said if someone compels you to go one mile, go two. How do you think that affected a Roman soldier? Everybody only goes one mile and then they say “you S.O.B., carry it yourself.” And here comes the follower of Christ and he says I will carry it two miles for you. The soldier thinks, wow that is weird, I am impressed.

He says if somebody smites you on one cheek then turn, the other cheek. These words really made an impression on people. He said love your neighbor as yourself; love God first, this is the first great commandment and the second is love your neighbor as yourself and on this commandment hangs every law and every prophet and every commandment that has ever been given. All the scriptures hangs on this one principle.

Wow, nobody had ever heard that before. Just this one thing? It is not Ten Commandments and the thousands of little things that the Jews had to do. For instance, if they really wanted to obey the Sabbath correctly there were a couple of thousand things they had to memorize. For example, on the Sabbath you could not wear sandals with any metal in them because that caused more effort to lift the sandals up and down. They had hundreds of little rules. You were allowed a couple thousand steps and if you took one too many then you broke the Sabbath and you just had to quit walking and wait until the next day to take more steps!

Audience: Laughter. They had to make their meals the day before so they were not working on the Sabbath.

JJ: Right they had all these rules and regulations because we are going to perfect obeying the Sabbath so that we can really please God. Jesus said to His disciples when they were walking through a wheat field. The disciples picked a handful of wheat to eat it and the Pharisees saw them and said, Ah ha, you guys are working on the Sabbath; you are harvesting wheat! That is how fussy they were, but Jesus hit them with something entirely different. On this law of love hangs every commandment that you have ever been given and you can obey it properly if you can understand it.

Do you think the authorities liked that? Because if you understood that one law of love then all these rules and all these regulations that the authorities advised on became useless. The authorities got all this recognition for advising how to obey all the commandments but if you listened to Jesus then none of the authorities now were needed. And so His words burned like a fire through the hearts of His enemies and it caused them to hate Him. It also burned like a fire in the hearts of the pure of heart because it gave them hope that this would get them out of this mess they were in where they had to memorize thousands of little rules if they wanted to please God. And so the two witnesses to the disciple whether it is Jesus or a follower of Jesus are his words and his works. Now lets read on.

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Christmas Message 2011

This entry is part 16 of 29 in the series Christmas Messages

One of the more interesting insights of my soon to be published book, The Unveiling is the interpretation of the two witnesses. Here is one of the core scriptures about them:

And when they shall have finished their testimony, the Beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them. And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves. And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth. Rev 11:7-9

The two witnesses that follow the life of the true disciple are his words and works. In the case of Jesus we see a man who spoke great and eternal words and did marvelous works. These two witnesses caused the world to recognize him as a Son of God and great teacher of truth.

Unfortunately as soon as the world began to pay attention to the words and works of Jesus, the beast, who demands a worship of the outer god, corrupted the words and works of Jesus and caused the people to see them through distorted vision. Instead of seeing the kingdom of God as within and believing that seekers could speak great words and do great things as did Jesus the people were convinced that they should listen to an outward authority who would guide their words and works.

Thus were the two witnesses killed. And as they lay dead in the streets of spiritual Sodom and Egypt what do the people do in place of incorporating the words and works of the Master? The scripture rings so clear and true:

“And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another.” Rev 11:10

And what do we do at Christmas?

As a substitute for contemplating eternal words and doing great works we “make merry and send gifts one to another.”

It is difficult to find a scripture that has a more literal fulfillment than this one has.

Don’t get me wrong. Making merry and sending gifts in itself is not a bad thing. The problem is that this is the highlight of Christmas which in turn is seen by the Christian world as the highlight of Christianity and honoring Christ. We have substituted the thrill allowing living words and works to manifest through us to be replaced by celebrating and giving gifts.

As the world celebrates Christmas in an attempt to honor Christ we have allowed his words and works lie dead and untouched in the streets.

But this shall not always be the case. The scripture continues:

“And after three days and an half the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them.” Rev 11:11

The time is at hand when living eternal words will rise again and great works will again manifest. They shall shake the people up like a great earthquake and many will fear the change they represent. On the other hand, the pure in heart will find peace that passes all understanding for great joy awaits them.

May we all experience a gift which surpasses the greatest that money can buy which is the gift of the coming of Christ through you and me – inspiring us to forge ahead and do great things in service of our fellow men and women.


Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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