

The question:

There are still several other popular foods not yet mentioned that are not farmed in the regular sense that are high in natural minerals and that are also readily available. An you name them?

Sharon’s supplement she mentioned sounds like a good one. Is it a multi-level? We buy a similar one formulated by Richard Schulze called Superfood.

Someone mentioned that nuts would be a good source of minerals, especially pine nuts.

Yes, pine nuts would be great, especially if they are harvested from the forests. All pine trees have deep roots. The nuts are expensive, but very tasty and a good source of minerals in the most natural state.

Another great source is wild rice. Now many products that have wild rice on the label only have a small amount of the real thing in them. Real wild rice is completely black. It is very rich in minerals and nutrients and takes an amazingly small amount to fill you up.

Another source is honey. A wild honey is best. In other words, look for a honey where the bees get their nectar from non farm areas such as wild flowers or deserts. If the honey is dark it is a sign that it has a good supply of minerals. Good taste is another indication.

I have heard it said that more beekeepers live to advanced age than any other profession. Perhaps minerals have something to do with this.

Another great product from bees that is full of nutrients and minerals is bee pollen Many people believe that one could live on this product alone. If you try this for the first time take only a small amount for some are allergic to it. This can be overcome by gradually increasing the dose.

Another source are wild animals and birds. As far as meat goes a wild elk or deer is much healthier than a domestic animal.

The third consideration as mentioned earlier was:

“Select foods in their most natural and purest state possible.”

Comment: “Overall, I’m pleasantly surprised that we all are health activists here! “

JJ: Actually, it is to be expected. The first initiation requires an ability to control physical appetites, passions and a general ability to maintain the physical body in good health, with some exceptions due to karma. Almost all people who are initiates of any degree, or are approaching initiation, have a marked interest in maintaining health through harmony with nature.

There are exceptions like Winston Churchill, for instance, who was so dedicated to his mission that he did not put obvious attention on health for he drank alcohol in considerable quantities, smoked and was overweight. Nevertheless, he still had good health throughout his long life. Good health and a reasonably long life is a general characteristic of advanced initiates, but there are exceptions to all things. Even the great Buddha had a period of illness according to the record.

A reader mentioned maple syrup. I would be inclined to believe that maple syrup is fairly consistent in mineral content, but honey will vary much more because of the great variety of circumstances from which it is harvested.

There are two groups of people that are supposed to be proven to live long life spans.

First those who eat plants grown in highly mineralized soil and secondly beekeepers. For this reason I pay particular attention to honey, bee pollen and food grown in highly mineralized soil with trace elements.

Another good source of minerals that someone mentioned earlier are wild herbs. Some of the best and richest herbs in minerals and healing properties come from the rain forests. These jungle areas have had very few of the nutrients removed from the soil and have many healing properties.

We had a guy come in our office a few weeks ago and told us about a tea he had been drinking. He had Candida for 35 years and after ten days of taking Shipibo tea all the symptoms seemed to be gone. My wife and I thought we would try it out with several other products as a general health measure and signed up as MLM members. I sent some of the tea to my daughter who has been having similar problems as our client and she happily reported a great improvement in her condition from the first day.

The questions: What is a big health problem created by most apples?

No one mentioned the worst problem, even bigger than the pesticides and that is the wax put on most supermarket apples. This wax is extremely difficult for the body to eliminate and is a major cause of gallstones and other health problems.

The problem is that sometimes all supermarket apples have this wax. You can circumvent this by going directly to the farmer. Also many fruit stands carry unwaxed apples as well as some health food stores.

What are the problems with most meats?

In addition to hormones and antibiotics given to the animals there are several other problems. First, even though they are given better food with more minerals than most humans they still dine on plants grown in mineral depleted soil.

Another problem with beef is that in a rush to get the meat to the market they do not age the beef the way they used to which allows the enzymes to treat the meat making it much tastier and healthier to digest.

If you eat meat and want to buy a good product you will generally have to pay more for it. You might check with a local meat shop who buys direct from nearby ranchers.

Boise is the headquarters of Albertsons Markets and they about own the grocery market here, (In 2000) but there is a little store down the road from me that is struggling to survive that still sells home grown aged beef at a reasonable price and the flavor is great. I also shop at a local health food coop, and their meat is quite high priced and not all are hormone free.

E Coli is a big worry for many and I’ve heard that the reason the risk is increasing for this and other problems is that much of the food we feed cattle and chickens contains meat from their own kind. This is like Soylent Green for animals and is somewhat revolting to think about. E Coli dwells on the surface of the meat and will be destroyed with mild cooking unless the meat is ground up and in this case the bacteria can dwell within the meat. It is thus more important to cook hamburger well than the cut meats.

Cooking meat well done alters the molecular structure and if you eat beef you are much better off to eat cut meats as rare as possible. Most people who eat well-done meat develop many health problems because of it. Overcooking meat will aggravate arthritis and diseases caused by lack of elimination.

My dad grew up on well-done beef and developed poisons related to his blood. His wise doctor ordered him to switch to medium rare beef. At first he hated it but after a while he grew to love fairly rare beef much more than the well done and his health greatly improved.

Question: Where can you get healthy eggs?

It is difficult to get healthy eggs these days. The chickens are cooped up in inhumane conditions and are fed unhealthy meat by-products. Some grocery stores do have eggs available at double the normal price where the chickens were raised on a vegetarian diet, but even these eggs are not that good. Evidence of a quality egg is the yoke. If the chickens are allowed to run free and eat from the wild they will have darker almost orange yokes and the flavor will be about twice as good as commercial eggs.

If you buy eggs that are advertised as free range and the yoke is pale you’re not really getting what you pay for. About the only place to get really good eggs is from a small farmer who raises the chickens as a labor of love. When you find such a place that sells eggs with dark yokes then you will have made a great find.

Our local health co-op does buys eggs from local small farmers and they go like hotcakes when they come in.

Question: Where can you buy a fairly nutritious chicken?

Not only are quality eggs difficult to find, but so is good chicken. One of the best ways to test the various brands is to note when you cut them up the hardness of the bones. I notice a difference in the bones of the various brands of chickens and by far the strongest bones are in the free range chickens at my health food co-op. In the regular grocery store I also notice a difference in the bones of the various brands and it seems to be that the more expensive is the chicken per pound the stronger are the bones. I guess there is a reason for the higher cost.

Question: How large of a problem is bacteria and what is the solution?

Bacteria and parasites are indeed a great problem and often the most nutritious foods pose the greatest threat from germs.

It is ironical that sometimes a person can go out of his way year after year to eat carefully to enjoy good health and then suddenly have many of the benefits wiped out through contamination.

When I was younger I used to go out of my way to visit a local company that made apple juice and buy some from them before it was pasteurized so all the enzymes would not be destroyed. Unknown to me the company added contaminated water to the juice to make it go father and I caught a bug from it that gave me problems for years to come. In that case I would have been better off buying regular commercial juice from the store. In fact I would have been better off drinking Coke or Pepsi.

Later, as you know my wife and I developed another problem with contaminated colloidal minerals.

Going organic is not always enough. We must make sure we get our foods from an uncontaminated source and wash all our fruits and vegetables before use. Many do not realize that sprouts develop much more bacteria than something like lettuce and these should definitely be washed before use, especially commercial sprouts. It is wise to keep your refrigerator on as low a temperature as possible without freezing your foods.

Question: What is the main cancer causing ingredient in most shampoos and cosmetics?

The list is long and somewhat disturbing. Here is a link on this if you want to check it out. LINK


Free Energy?

A couple months ago one of our customers invited us to a seminar where a guy was to present to us new discoveries in Tesla technology that would lead to free energy. They were excited about the company and were investing some money which they believed would make them a bundle.

I have always been interested in Tesla so I invited my friend Wayne to go with me and we attended the seminar.

The founder of the company, Dennis Lee, did most of the talking and showed us technology, which if valid could revolutionize the world. He started out by showing us a modified engine that would run on water. His guys started it and it sputtered for a few moments and the backfired. He then complained that it usually worked fine, but that the engine must have been sabotaged by one of his enemies.

Then he showed us other discoveries he made, but what made me a little uneasy is that he would pause about every ten minutes and tell us how he had given his life to Jesus. Now I have no problem with anyone dedicating their life to God, but I have found through experience that when this aspect of a person’s life seems to be over emphasized in a non religious situation that it is often done for effect to promote some hidden agenda.

He went through some interesting technology but his master plan revolved around a system of generating free electricity. He presented a scheme that called for some to invest now so the company could have enough money to go into production. After things got going the first investors would wind up getting free energy for life whereas those who came along later would pay considerable money.

My instinct here was that I would lose my shirt if I invested with this guy and Wayne felt the same way. We were both skeptical about the inventions. I felt like the guy was on to a few things, but did not have them perfected yet.

Anyway I hadn’t heard anything about this company since until a few days ago the people who invited us to the meeting came in our office again. They were very angry and disappointed at the company and were suing in an attempt to get their money back.

Now I see that the company is selling a number of avant guard sounding products on the web and I’m still suspicious. If anyone has any history of dealing with them I would like to hear it.

March 14, 2000

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McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 4

This entry is part 4 of 54 in the series McCall Gathering 2007

The Transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius

JJ: So what we have is one force pulling us back into the Piscean age and another pushing us forward into the Aquarian age with these two forces struggling against each other. The epitome of the struggle was World War II which was the true Armageddon of our age. We had Hitler trying to take us back into the past where we had a very strong powerful dictator, king like authority telling everyone what to do and making all the rules. On the other side, we had a democracy where we had free elections in the nations and we had a step forward in freedom. We had free nations against the kingly nations in the past.

During the Piscean age we were ruled by the kings, what you might call the age of the kingdoms. An age where great authority ruled, great authority ruled politically, religiously, and in all the organizations. And we see this conflict of the two ages play out. We saw the political conflict in World War II and it has not ended for it is still there. Now we have the Taliban who want to take us back to where one man makes all the rules including the primitive rules for women where a woman cannot go out without a man, cannot be educated, women have to wear veils over there faces and heads along with many rules about what men can and cannot do.

So with a lot of the forces that we are dealing with right now we have there primitive dictators and tyrants not only with the Muslim nations but also with North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and others. The forces want to slowly creep in and take away our freedom internally also. The dark forces are working every possible angle to take us back into the Piscean age where we have a strong authority telling everyone what to do and when that authority speaks the thinking has been done and the authority must be followed without thinking. That force is doing everything possible to take us back there.

The other forces for progress are in the political arena, freedom, brotherhood, science, manufacturing, representing abundance for all and progress in every way. The force of progress is moving us forward where we have greater freedom, greater abundance, and greater opportunity. The other force is pulling us in the other direction. Both forces are found among all groups of individuals to some extent. In the Republican and Democratic party both forces are at play in both parties. Both parties are condemning each other and often when they condemn each other they are both guilty about the same amount each time.

Both of the parties on the political spectrum have forces for good and evil in them. There are forces in both for going forward and going backward. We have to examine the ways of thinking in each area whether it be, politics, science, religion or whatever and find where the people are that are trying to pull us forward and those who are trying to pull us backward. Who are the ones who are trying to take away our freedoms and bring less freedom and give more power to the central government more power to the potential king who rules over us.

This is the dividing line and we are close to the midway point right now and that is why there is such a struggle in the world today and it is in a fairly unstable condition like a powder keg where anything could go off at any moment. Let’s say a nuclear bomb went off in Washington DC tomorrow. It would completely change everything and who knows what would develop from it.

We are at a very dangerous point right now and the disciples of the world must learn to see that which is good and that which is evil. Good is not only that which brings us more freedom but also, it takes us forward in our spiritual evolution. To move forward in our spiritual evolution we must have freedom within ourselves, maximum freedom to decide. One of the problems with humanity is we are like pendulums, we swing one direction or the other.

So if we teach and preach freedom too much then the seeker will get the idea that he must be a completely free spirit and have no rules. We need a certain amount rules and regulations for certain things. We need to keep the burglar from entering our home; we need to keep the murderer from killing people; you need a certain amount of structure.

We just cannot go all one direction or the other and what we look for as we move into the Aquarian age is maximum freedom. You want to at the most practical freedom as possible and work towards that as a goal. None of us will ever have total freedom to whatever any part of our nature wants to do. We will always have freedom to do what our soul wants to do because what our soul wants to do can be done. But what our lower self wants to do can often times not be done because it does not understand the true nature of freedom.

What the soul wants to do can be done. What the higher parts of ourselves plant in our mind can be done and there will be enough freedom to do this, individually or collectively if we apply ourselves.

So we are living in a world where the disciples must learn to recognize what is good and what is evil. It is very interesting to think that poor Isaiah was not able to find one single person that was able to recognize the difference between good and evil because everyone in his day called that which was evil good and good evil. It would be interesting to go back and talk to Isaiah and ask him what they were calling good and evil in his day. For one thing, they called him evil. (Chuckle) And they called many of the prophet’s evil and as the prophets appeared throughout history, generally those who heard their message (because it was a message that they did not want to hear) called them evil.

He was telling them what they had to do to change and people do want to change. It is very hard to change. I think of the things that I have changed in my life and usually when I have actually come down to making changes it was because I went through a period of great stress and great pain. Much of which forced me to make the change was to avoid future pain. Then several times I got a little wiser and thought why do I only change when I am going through tremendous pain? What if I change before the pain comes and maybe I can avoid the pain? This is what we need to work toward – see the changes that must take place so that we can make them before the pain comes.

Let’s take diet for instance. I was raised on a really bad diet and both of my parents were out drinking every night and me and my little sister had to fend for ourselves. The main thing I would like to eat was cinnamon toast and to make that I would use white bread bleached to death with hardly any nutrients in it, Oleo margarine which was bad for you, and a lot worse than butter, refined sugar and cinnamon probably the only good thing in this mixture. I had making these down to a science.

I used to go to Albertsons grocery store during my lunch hour and eat about 5 or 6 maple bars that were very thick with frosting on them. For lunch I would eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I really did not have a good diet at all. All through high school I was always feeling kind of weird. People would say that I needed to eat better and I would think, well, I do not want to eat that awful tasting stuff.

Finally, in my first year of college I came across this very elementary book on health and it taught the advantage of eating whole wheat bread, not eating refined sugar, and several other things, but I just did those two things, I switched over to whole wheat bread and quit eating refined sugar and it took about two weeks and that feeling of weirdness which was probably just my blood sugar, started going away. So that weird feeling that I was going through finally made me pick up a book thinking, well I will check this out. The discomfort that I was always feeling caused me to check out this book and when it dawned on me to check it out, it lead me to make changes. When I saw that it worked I thought well, why don’t I make some other changes before the pain comes so I started reading more books on health and experimented with different foods.

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Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 22

This entry is part 7 of 24 in the series Kalispell Gathering 2006

Healing session

JJ: We will cover a few areas of healing here, some of which we have not covered in the past. This will give us a little variety. Every year we have a section on healing and then I give a dissertation on healing.

JJ: What does it mean to be healed?

Audience: Inaudible

JJ: That is part of the healing process. What other thoughts on healing?

Audience: I think it means to be restored to the original form because when I reading about sounding the original sound it occurred to me that if one knew how to do this that you could heal all areas and restore the body to it’s original form.

JJ: Okay, restore to the original form, this is a good answer as well. The question is this, what doe sit mean to be healed?

Audience: To made whole again.

JJ: What are the levels of healing – is there something more than just physical healing? If someone has a broken wrist or has a disease, when and if they eventually get better are they now whole or could there be other things wrong with them?

Audience: Inaudible

JJ: So we have mental illness as well, emotional illness, what is the difference between an emotional illness and a mental illness? Do they discuss that in psychology?

Audience: Perception

JJ: There is a definite difference but I do not recall orthodox scientists talking about that but there is a definite difference. I think the world as a whole just lumps mind and emotion together and the do not really understand the difference or how that the two are actually separate.

Audience: For the most part psychology will say that you do not have emotional issues they say you have thought process issues. It is said by those in that field that your thoughts cause your emotions so they do not work on emotional issues they always work on mental issues.

JJ: Okay. What is the difference between an emotional problem and a mental problem?

Audience: 1st member: I think emotional problems are caused by childhood.

2nd member: A mental problem can be a dysfunction of the brain.

3rd member: I believe one is physiological which has to do with some kind of illness where is the other is just dealing with your own feelings.

4th member: (Wayne) I know! I know! (Laughter) Okay you can divide the senses that we all have into somewhat distinct lines. We have sensual response like say you bump your elbow or something like that and there is whole range of senses that cover that. Then you have emotional responses where you feel a surge of energy like getting angry or being unhappy with someone so then it depresses. Then there is exaltation and stuff and then we break things up mentally where it is an analytical process. We have more control over mental and the others in a progressing or descending order are more of knee jerk reaction. We can learn to control our emotions as we should but we have emotions and the senses whether we control them or not.

JJ: Both the mind and the emotions play tricks on us. They cause us to have many things to deal with that give us numerous problems. As a matter of the fact, if our minds and emotions were healthy, we would very seldom have physical diseases unless you are breathing some type of toxic fumes or something like that. However, even people that are around chemicals but have a good attitude may not get sick. It just seems to get filtered through their system very well.

There are some people that smoke all there life like George Burns, who smoked cigars and drank all of his life. He lived to be a couple months over 100 years old, and he had a great attitude – very positive, always upbeat and he is a very interesting example. Your state of mind and your emotions has a lot to do with your health as well as how you deal with your emotions along with exercise and diet. If we are master of all these things then we are going to be pretty healthy overall. I know many people that are really into health foods and very fussy and careful on their diet and will not deviate from it at all and they are always having health problems. Have you ever known anyone like this?

DK explains why this is so, He states some people are putting too much attention on the body, and energy follows thought, so when one is focusing too much on your physical health it puts energy on your health in a negative way and sometimes it will make you sick. He states that we need to balance out the energy and put a certain amount of energy outside of ourselves and a certain amount inside ourselves as well to balance out the energies.

Some of my family members, like my Mom over here, 95 years old and still in relatively good health, except she is not as exuberant as she used to be. When we grew up we ate the worst foods. I grew up on potatoes, gravy, cinnamon toast, margarine with trans fats, the worst type of margarine, Karo syrup, lots of sugar and Mom was not into health foods at all. She smoked and drank most of her life with my Dad and she divorced him and then quit smoking and drinking that probably helped out her health a little bit. But in her younger years for about 20 to 30 years she lived that lifestyle. She just recently switched to whole wheat bread. She is as far away from being a health food person as possible yet she is 95 years old and had cancer a few years ago with chemotherapy and survived it along with everything else. How long has it been since you had the chemo?

Mom: About 10 years.

She survived that and the only thing that it affected was her short-term memory. Before the chemo her memory was in good shape and after the treatment she has a hard time remember short term. That is why I thought it was great that she could recite that poem because her memory is not at the optimum level anymore. I think her memory would still be up to par if she had not had to have the chemo, which she had twice, for her original cancer came back. Chemo probably takes about 10 years off your life so she would probably live to be 130 had she not had that treatment process.

The fact of health is a mystery and there are a number of things bringing it all together. So let us examine the emotional and the mental, the simple emotional reactions that really hurt an individual’s health. Number one is guilt if a person carries guilt it really takes a toll on them and devitalizes of their vital energy and will cause them to be self-destructive. This is one of the main benefits in “The Course in Miracles” and it is really a course in how to resolve guilt. How many read this book?

Audience: Inaudible

JJ: It is a very interesting book and it claims to be given by Christ Himself. It is up to the person who reads and interprets it as to where it comes from. There are a couple things that I disagree with in the book but overall the principle of removing guilt is extremely important. What causes guilt?

Audience: Judgment of man.

JJ: The cause of guilt that we are going to present is not directly presented in the Course in Miracles, but this I find to be very effective.

Audience: Judgment of man outside of authority, if I am born without guilt than it has to be taught to you by someone.

JJ: Correct; guilt is not natural. As a little child you do not feel guilty about anything until someone teaches you to feel guilty. Lorraine says it is outside authority, what kind of authority?

Audience: (Lorraine) Unearned or unjust authority.

JJ: Yes, but what is different about this authority that produces guilt?

Audience: It is beastly.

JJ: And it is beastly why?

Audience: Because it is fear based.

JJ: And why is it fear based?

Audience: Critical

JJ: Yes it is critical. The authority it purports to come from where?

Audience: God

JJ: God, correct. In other words, the parent will say to the child, “God does not want you to do that.” Projecting to the child an outside God that has total authority to annihilate your body and soul and telling you that if you do this naughty thing that God and is going to be very displeased with you and He may punish you or whatever. You do not know what God is going to do and He has total authority and He is not a nice guy like me, he is a mean son of bitch!

Audience: (Laughter)

JJ: We say God is love but when we teach it, we teach that we have a really mean God, right. Is that not what people really project. God is love but he is going to wipe out these people and burn them to ashes because He loves them! Basically the message of many is this, God is really mean but He loves you.

JJ: We start with children when they are young and say, “God does not want you to do that.” A little kid will do things like steal a cookie out of the cookie jar or something like this and eats the cookie and then thinks, Oh, boy, God did not want me to do this. God can read my thoughts. God is watching me and He knows I am doing wrong and now I can’t even enjoy this cookie. What is he going to do? Oh my! Am I going to burn in hell!

And we start to implant guilt in children from the time they are young. Think back to a scripture where Jesus says, it is better to have a millstone hung around your neck and drown in the depths of the seas than to offend one of these little ones. Many of us offend these little ones not realizing what we are doing by planting these seeds of guilt in them. Now we can teach them right from wrong, but how should we teach them? Should we say, now this is wrong and God does not want you to do this. What should we say instead?

Audience: By setting and example.

JJ: Right by example, we can say that Mommy does not want you to do this. But, when we tell them that God does not them to do it then this plants the seeds of guilt. You do not know what God wants or does not want. Are you His spokesman? No, when we say God does not want you to do this then we are setting ourselves up as being in the place of God, sending a message from God to the child. This is the power of the beast in Revelations that is spoken everywhere. And it starts with Mom and Dad planting these seeds in the little children.

Audience: 1st member: (Annie) would you say that you have guilt because God is mad at you.

2nd member: I think you can have guilt from failed expectations and can do this to yourself or someone else.

JJ: Everybody in the universe has the God Within and if we are not going by a God Within then we are substituting it with a god without. Even if one is a hardened atheist he has  a God Within and part of his being recognizes this. Any atheist that is subject to guilt gives proof is proof that he gives allegiance to some type of god. Because offending the God without is what produces the guilt whether you are a believer or a non-believer. When the person looks inside no matter what their belief or non-belief he sees the same thing. A non-believer or a believer is going by a God Within or a god without.

If parent is a non-believer he will probably not say God does not want you to do this. He may use a different authority. In other words, Mommy and Daddy or the state become the outside god instead. The God in heaven is actually more potent to use for the young child because that god can seem to be everywhere, but the child of the atheist can think that mom and dad can’t see me and I can get away with this. The child that thinks “God can see me and I am stealing this cookie.” He then is bit more nervous.

Audience: (Wayne) Don’t most people atheist or not use a reward and punishment system for their children?

JJ: That has something to do with it, for the atheist there is there is going to be an outside authority and reward and punishment always enters in. How this is done is the key. For an atheist family they will substitute something for God in the child’s mind. If we raise our children right and let them exercise their free will as much as possible and do not bring in any outside authority in an overwhelming way then the child can grow up without this terrible guilt, and it will not matter whether his parents are atheist or believers.

But it does matter to both that if they have an outside god affecting the child’s mind. For an atheist the outside god could be the parent, an authority figure like a police officer or any state official or party leader does not want you to do this.

Many atheists are into philosophy and they may teach the kid that a philosopher really knows what is going on and build him up like a god. The state or the parents could be an outside god, even for the atheist’s child. His parents have taught him right from wrong and in a way it is important to teach that stealing is wrong but it needs the balance. If the child thinks that is the end of the world and they are going to be punished in a terrible way somehow for stealing a cookie then the kid will feel some guilt. I would imagine it is probably a little bit of a benefit for a child being raised in an atheist family in that the outside god thing does not come across as powerful. It is still there and there is either the god inside or outside, one or the other, and if the parents are not allowing the inside God to manifest then there is an outside god that is going to manifest guilt within the child.

Copyright 2006 By J J Dewey

Vegetarian Diet

This entry is part 28 of 62 in the series 2010

Posted Aug 18, 2010
Since the vegetarian diet has been discussed lately I thought I would say a few words about it. Someone quoted DK talking about the necessity of a strict vegetarian diet if the disciple wants to obtain certain results, such as reading the Akashic records. This is basically true though there are some exceptions. On the other hand, for the majority of endeavors tackled by disciples, especially in this age, the vegetarian diet is not essential.

In the rules for aspiring disciples DK admonished a vegetarian diet but when talking about the higher corresponding rule for disciples and initiates he said: “All the lesser rules are rules in time and space and cannot hold the group.”

The vegetarian diet is a lesser rule, but such a lesser rule can be bypassed if the purpose is right when one becomes a disciple.

Here are a couple other comments he made about the vegetarian diet.

No set diet could be entirely correct for a group of people on differing rays, of different temperaments and equipment and at various ages. Individuals are every one of them unlike on some points; they require to find out what it is that they, as individuals, need, in what manner their bodily requirements can best be met, and what type of substances can enable them best to serve. Each person must find this out for himself. There is no group diet. No enforced elimination of meat is required or strict vegetarian diet compulsory. There are phases of life and sometimes entire incarnations wherein an aspirant subjects himself to a discipline of food, just as there may be other phases or an entire life wherein a strict celibacy is temporarily enforced. But there are other life cycles and incarnations wherein the disciple’s interest and his service lie in other directions. There are later incarnations where there is no constant thought about the physical body, and a man works free of the diet complex and lives without concentration upon the form life, eating that food which is available and upon which he can best sustain his life efficiency. In preparation for certain initiations, a vegetable diet has in the past been deemed essential. But this may not always be the case, and many disciples prematurely regard themselves as in preparation for initiation.
Esoteric Healing, Page 334

These drastic physical disciplines are often attempted today by well-intentioned aspirants; they practice celibacy, strict vegetarianism, relaxation exercises and many kinds of physical exercises, in the hope of bringing the body under control. These forms of discipline would be very good for the undeveloped and the lowest type of human being, but they are not the methods which should be employed by the average man or the practising aspirant. Concentration upon the physical body only serves to enhance its potency and to feed its appetites and bring to the surface of consciousness that which should be securely secluded below the threshold of consciousness. The true aspirant should be occupied with emotional, not physical, control and ‘with the effort to focus himself upon the mental plane prior to achieving a stabilised contact with the soul.
Esoteric Healing, Page 578

The vegetarian diet is very important for aspirants and seekers working on the first and second initiations. It is also helpful to higher initiates if it is practical for them to be on it. Like he said the vegetarian diet is essential to all who want to work on the astral plane or read he akashic records.

The diet is important to the seeker working on the first initiation because it helps to demonstrate control over his physical body. It is important when working on the second initiation because the animal nature get less vitality and it helps him assume more control over the emotional body. The vegetarian diet doesn’t help a lot with the higher initiations.

I have been on a vegetarian diet several times in my life but for the past 20 years or so I have been impressed to be on a healthy diet but eat and drink what I please as long as it doesn’t hurt my health.

Then a few months ago, my soul told me that it was time to go not just on a vegetarian diet, but a raw foods diet. I think that the reason I am so guided is to extend my life the necessary years to accomplish all I have to do.

Now my diet basically consists of a fruit salad for lunch and a fresh vegetable salad for dinner. Then I eat a few nuts on the side and sometimes splurge on sesame blue corn chips with Artie’s healthy sesame dip. I do allow myself to go off my diet a little when we go out to eat and there is nothing on the menu that fits the diet. I also still drink wine, but have cut back some. If I want to study the akashic records I may have to give that up.

Ruth said she saw me at a future gathering and I was a lot thinner. Looks like this will be the case.

I think a lot of the weight I have gained over the past 20 years has not been due to overeating but to my strange sleeping schedule. I read somewhere that people who keep hours like me usually gain a couple pounds a year and that was what happened to me. I still keep a similar sleeping schedule but am losing weight because of the drastic change in my diet. I’m not losing it as fast as I thought I would. The last time I was on this diet my weight settled in to around 135 pounds. This time I started out at 216 pounds and am now down to 192. I doubt if I’ll get anywhere near 135 this time but should get below 180 – maybe down to 160 eventually. It’ll be interesting to see where I wind up as my metabolism has also changed.

(Note: as of Dec 28, 2010 my weight is still around 190 – a far cry from the 135 pounds the last time I was on this diet. It’s amazing what a change in metabolism over the years can do.)

Copyright 2010 by J J Dewey