McCall Gathering 2007, Part 33

This entry is part 33 of 54 in the series McCall Gathering 2007

The Disciple Prepares

JJ: Fortunately a lot of the ones that we know are only half way mad like on Susan’s list. They usually only have one or two followers so they are limited in the amount of harm they can cause

Audience: So JJ, are you saying that everyone who taps into spiritual energy goes through a period of madness?

JJ: When they first tap into it, yes. When this happens people go mad in different ways and like I said the madness that I have personally seen from the people I have taught hasn’t been over the edge. They have not gone out and killed anybody but they have still gone kind of mad.

Audience: JJ as a group can we go through these because we were talking about when we first connected as group and we all went a little mad. We all wanted to get together and live in the same city and work together and so on and now of course we realize that we all lives and must continue on our present path. Can we talk about this?

JJ: Well when you first get a taste of the spiritual energy you naturally want to be with others that are like yourself which is normal but it is like Isaiah says, “He that believeth shall not make haste” and like Annie said yesterday, “make haste slowly” so to speak. The Tibetan says that the tortoise beats the hare every time. That is because the hare gets all excited and jumps up and down, and the tortoise proceeds slowly towards the goal and does not stop and he gets to the finish line and always wins the race. So the nuts and bolts person who applies the practical solutions moves ahead slowly and will eventually get there before the excited hare will get there.

The next thing Hercules did before he began his journey is he killed all of his teachers. This is symbolic again in the fact that we were saying yesterday that the person in the Ephesus stage that begins his journey finds that those who were his teachers and apostles proved to be liars and so he discontinued their association. In other words, he killed their association with him.

The disciple learns this – he finds that the people he thought who were teaching him the truth in fact were not teaching him the truth so he eliminated them from his life and this is what the disciple has to do. If he has a priest, prophet, teacher, king or whatever that is misleading him then he must find those that are misleading him and cut him self off from them. It does not say in here that he eliminates all teachers because throughout the whole book the presiding one so always has true teachers available for Hercules.

For every one true teacher there are many false teachers that Hercules has to discover and eliminate from his life. What you have to do is eliminate your relationship with false teachers and what that means is that you do let their teachings permeate you so they do not have a negative influence on you. It is impossible to shield yourself from all false teachings out there because you turn on the TV or radio, open a book or read the paper or the internet and there they are, but you do not let them have any negative influence on you and you no longer have the god outside of you and you only the God within guiding you.

Audience: I think of this scripture a lot, “when I was a child I spoke as a child and when I became a man I put away childish things.” I think that there are some teachers that are there for a child level work, an astral level that eventually you just out grow them and it is not that they are necessarily a false teacher, they are just a lower level teacher teaching a principle that once is learned then it is time to go on to higher principle.

JJ: There is a lot of truth in that too but then when you want to progress unlike in kindergarten, when it comes time to graduate and move to the first grade in real life the teacher says okay it is great that you are moving on, but often in the spiritual arena the teacher does not want you to move on. He wants you to stay there so he can continue to have power over you and so you have to break away from him. So there is a correspondence to what you are saying but then there is that other area where you have to actually free yourself from the teacher. For instance the Mormon Church never said to you, well you have learned everything in Mormonism why don’t you go on to the greater mysteries.

Audience: I did have a teacher like that; he said that if people were following him too long then he would tell them to do outrageous things to make them mad so that they would move on.

JJ: Was he still a good member of the church?

Audience: Absolutely not!

JJ: Okay, what I am saying is that the Mormon Church does not tell that but you had a good teacher and that is a sign that he was a true teacher.

Audience: I always got the feeling that those who are in a seat of spiritual authority that they would like to kill those who do not believe.

JJ: Yes a lot of them still would if it were legal and this is one of the reasons I think that so many people are terrified of the religious people gaining control even though right now they do not have much control. I think people fear them because in past lives these people might have just burned a lot of these guys at the stake and if you are burned to death at the stake for being a heretic and religious people put you death in a painful way and you have come back then you are probably pretty nervous about religious people gaining authority again. You will notice that there are quite a few people that are really nervous about any religious people getting any kind of power in the government and that is probably why – because of past life memories of what was done to them.

Audience: Isn’t Romney running for president this year?

JJ: Yes he is.

So the gods get together and say to Hercules that they are going to help him as much as possible. While he goes through these labors they are going to give him some gifts. So they give him a bunch of gifts, Minerva gave him a robe and it is a symbol of like the mantel of Elijah. Remember when Elijah left he gave his mantel to Elisha, and he said I want the spirit and power from me rest upon you, and Elijah said “I will let my mantel fall upon you.”

Minerva is doing the same thing and letting his mantel fall upon Hercules and give him additional power to do his works. Vulcan came and gave him a golden breastplate symbolizing spiritual power, Neptune came and gave him twin horses which gave him power to control his emotions and his thoughts and his impulses, Mercury came and gave him a sword of rare design. The sword is a symbol of the mind, the power to think and reason.

Apollo came to him and gave him a bow of light. The bow of light symbolizes the capacity to shoot straight to the target, to go straight towards the goal and shoot straight to the heart so to speak.

So Hercules was given all these gifts and he says, I do not feel comfortable taking all these gifts so he sheds them all and goes out into the woods and he finds a living tree. He fashions himself a club of it and he comes back and says, I feel comfortable with this club. I am going to take this club and go and do the mighty deeds with this.

So the gods say that these gifts will be there when you need them. Now this is symbolic of when the disciple begins his deeds he has all of the gifts of the gods. He has all the qualities of the soul within him. He has all these abilities and he does not really believe that he is ready for them and he does not really believe that he can tap into them so instead he gets a blunt club that he fashions with his own hands and is comfortable with this.

We know how to use this club and we start with our club to go do these great deeds that we have to do rather than use these fine tools given to us of the gods but by the time we are done with the labors we know how to use all the tools. But when we begin the labors we are uncomfortable because we think that we are just regular people not capable of getting a great revelation or doing these great deeds.

Unless we are very powerful in the ego we all like to think of ourselves as regular people. This is what Hercules thought as well – that he was just a regular guy and he just wanted to use something he was familiar with. You take an old person who has never been on the computer and put them on the Internet and they would just be all thumbs and say I can never use this. It takes a while for them to get used to the new tools and this is the way we are. We have been using the same tools for hundreds of lifetimes and now finally we begin the labors of Hercules as a disciple and the soul begins to open up and we have all these tools at our disposal. The oneness principle that is out there and all the powers of Godliness are available to us and we are afraid to use them or we do not feel worthy to use them or we don’t feel we have enough skill to use them.

There is deception here. Hercules could have used them earlier but he did not because he went with what he was comfortable with. But the disciple has to start somewhere so he said, give me great deeds to do, I want to go forth! He was eager to go and do great deeds and he said, when you give me these great deeds, I would show you what I can do; I will show you great things. So even though he was hesitant to use the great tools he was confident that he was going to do these great deeds, and he did and he didn’t. Sometimes he screwed up and sometimes he performed well.

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McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 4

This entry is part 4 of 54 in the series McCall Gathering 2007

The Transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius

JJ: So what we have is one force pulling us back into the Piscean age and another pushing us forward into the Aquarian age with these two forces struggling against each other. The epitome of the struggle was World War II which was the true Armageddon of our age. We had Hitler trying to take us back into the past where we had a very strong powerful dictator, king like authority telling everyone what to do and making all the rules. On the other side, we had a democracy where we had free elections in the nations and we had a step forward in freedom. We had free nations against the kingly nations in the past.

During the Piscean age we were ruled by the kings, what you might call the age of the kingdoms. An age where great authority ruled, great authority ruled politically, religiously, and in all the organizations. And we see this conflict of the two ages play out. We saw the political conflict in World War II and it has not ended for it is still there. Now we have the Taliban who want to take us back to where one man makes all the rules including the primitive rules for women where a woman cannot go out without a man, cannot be educated, women have to wear veils over there faces and heads along with many rules about what men can and cannot do.

So with a lot of the forces that we are dealing with right now we have there primitive dictators and tyrants not only with the Muslim nations but also with North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and others. The forces want to slowly creep in and take away our freedom internally also. The dark forces are working every possible angle to take us back into the Piscean age where we have a strong authority telling everyone what to do and when that authority speaks the thinking has been done and the authority must be followed without thinking. That force is doing everything possible to take us back there.

The other forces for progress are in the political arena, freedom, brotherhood, science, manufacturing, representing abundance for all and progress in every way. The force of progress is moving us forward where we have greater freedom, greater abundance, and greater opportunity. The other force is pulling us in the other direction. Both forces are found among all groups of individuals to some extent. In the Republican and Democratic party both forces are at play in both parties. Both parties are condemning each other and often when they condemn each other they are both guilty about the same amount each time.

Both of the parties on the political spectrum have forces for good and evil in them. There are forces in both for going forward and going backward. We have to examine the ways of thinking in each area whether it be, politics, science, religion or whatever and find where the people are that are trying to pull us forward and those who are trying to pull us backward. Who are the ones who are trying to take away our freedoms and bring less freedom and give more power to the central government more power to the potential king who rules over us.

This is the dividing line and we are close to the midway point right now and that is why there is such a struggle in the world today and it is in a fairly unstable condition like a powder keg where anything could go off at any moment. Let’s say a nuclear bomb went off in Washington DC tomorrow. It would completely change everything and who knows what would develop from it.

We are at a very dangerous point right now and the disciples of the world must learn to see that which is good and that which is evil. Good is not only that which brings us more freedom but also, it takes us forward in our spiritual evolution. To move forward in our spiritual evolution we must have freedom within ourselves, maximum freedom to decide. One of the problems with humanity is we are like pendulums, we swing one direction or the other.

So if we teach and preach freedom too much then the seeker will get the idea that he must be a completely free spirit and have no rules. We need a certain amount rules and regulations for certain things. We need to keep the burglar from entering our home; we need to keep the murderer from killing people; you need a certain amount of structure.

We just cannot go all one direction or the other and what we look for as we move into the Aquarian age is maximum freedom. You want to at the most practical freedom as possible and work towards that as a goal. None of us will ever have total freedom to whatever any part of our nature wants to do. We will always have freedom to do what our soul wants to do because what our soul wants to do can be done. But what our lower self wants to do can often times not be done because it does not understand the true nature of freedom.

What the soul wants to do can be done. What the higher parts of ourselves plant in our mind can be done and there will be enough freedom to do this, individually or collectively if we apply ourselves.

So we are living in a world where the disciples must learn to recognize what is good and what is evil. It is very interesting to think that poor Isaiah was not able to find one single person that was able to recognize the difference between good and evil because everyone in his day called that which was evil good and good evil. It would be interesting to go back and talk to Isaiah and ask him what they were calling good and evil in his day. For one thing, they called him evil. (Chuckle) And they called many of the prophet’s evil and as the prophets appeared throughout history, generally those who heard their message (because it was a message that they did not want to hear) called them evil.

He was telling them what they had to do to change and people do want to change. It is very hard to change. I think of the things that I have changed in my life and usually when I have actually come down to making changes it was because I went through a period of great stress and great pain. Much of which forced me to make the change was to avoid future pain. Then several times I got a little wiser and thought why do I only change when I am going through tremendous pain? What if I change before the pain comes and maybe I can avoid the pain? This is what we need to work toward – see the changes that must take place so that we can make them before the pain comes.

Let’s take diet for instance. I was raised on a really bad diet and both of my parents were out drinking every night and me and my little sister had to fend for ourselves. The main thing I would like to eat was cinnamon toast and to make that I would use white bread bleached to death with hardly any nutrients in it, Oleo margarine which was bad for you, and a lot worse than butter, refined sugar and cinnamon probably the only good thing in this mixture. I had making these down to a science.

I used to go to Albertsons grocery store during my lunch hour and eat about 5 or 6 maple bars that were very thick with frosting on them. For lunch I would eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I really did not have a good diet at all. All through high school I was always feeling kind of weird. People would say that I needed to eat better and I would think, well, I do not want to eat that awful tasting stuff.

Finally, in my first year of college I came across this very elementary book on health and it taught the advantage of eating whole wheat bread, not eating refined sugar, and several other things, but I just did those two things, I switched over to whole wheat bread and quit eating refined sugar and it took about two weeks and that feeling of weirdness which was probably just my blood sugar, started going away. So that weird feeling that I was going through finally made me pick up a book thinking, well I will check this out. The discomfort that I was always feeling caused me to check out this book and when it dawned on me to check it out, it lead me to make changes. When I saw that it worked I thought well, why don’t I make some other changes before the pain comes so I started reading more books on health and experimented with different foods.

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Knowing the Truth, Part 3

This entry is part 15 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

JJ: The beast represents an outward authority which takes the place of God and this is very precarious. We have these outward authorities everywhere and not just in religion. A doctor can become an outward authority. A person goes and sees a doctor and they will believe them no matter what and often follow the doctor’s advice to their own peril. It is interesting in Israel a while back they had a strike of the doctors and the death rate went down 25%

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: So the doctors are the greatest authority in health and when they are not around the death rate goes down 25%. The average life span of the doctor is said to be about 55 years and the average life span of the average person is 76 so the doctors life span is about 20 years less than the rest of us.

And who are the ones teaching us to be healthy mentally? The psychologists.

Audience: We have two here in the audience. Laughing!

JJ: In this case I had better be right. But I have heard that they have one of the highest suicide rates of any profession, is that right?

Audience: There is probably some truth to that.

JJ: Every time I go to my dentist I always compliment him and I say you are one authority that whenever I go to you I am better off when I leave. I get the filling in my teeth or the crown and I am better off and I say congratulations. I go an attorney and I am always worse off.

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: You go to a doctor and you still have the cold. You go to hospital and you catch some germ that you did not have. So every place you go where there is an authority set up you often become worse off. You go to a minister he teaches you about the God without and he does not tell you to go within and find the answer. Almost every authority that exists are the last ones that you really want to go to. Now there are exceptions, there are doctors, psychologists, ministers that are really good, like Mother Theresa was really good example of what a minister should be. But when the authorities of the world tell people, “follow me and do not think for yourself” and take away your thought and power of action then they set themselves up as the Beast and they become and unearned authority.

An earned authority is really a teacher who teaches you how to recognize what they are telling you is true. If you go to a doctor that what represents what a doctor really should be – instead of giving you a prescription, they will sit down and explain what is wrong and explain what needs to be done to get well and you can understand why a certain direction needs to be taken. But you go to an authority that represents the Beast and they will say do this, don’t ask questions just do it. You are left with having to accept what the authority is telling you without getting verification within and when your life is at stake, as it often is, you should be able to find out the reasons why you are expected to do what you are doing.

So the greatest authority is where?

Audience: Within.

JJ: Within ourselves; so when we come across somebody that is questionable claiming to be a guru or the second coming or whatever you need to see how it registers within. Now the strange part is that I have been to presentations that are really outrageous and the group mind thinks that everything is really great. It is amazing how this happens. One of the things that is the trickiest and deceptive is what is called a thought form. Does anybody know what a thought form is?

Audience: A group mentality.

JJ: Right, have any of you ever read the Napoleon Hills books? He talks about a mastermind created by getting together like-minded people, six people or so. He talks about drawing from the intelligence of the whole group that one person in the group seems to have the intelligence of everybody in the group. He talks about this as a principle that will bring prosperity because of the intelligence of the group mind. The group mind can be used either positively or negatively.

When I was in the Mormon Church I found that no matter where you go in the world that the Church was exactly the same. And they thought that was evidence that they were completely united under God. But I found the same thing to be true with all the tight knit religions. Any Jehovah witness church is exactly the same everywhere you go and certain types of new age religions are exactly the same every where you go. So is the fact that they are all similar indicative they are all inspired or does it tell us something else? Does it tell us something about a thought form, a group mind? There is a conformity because of the group energy.

The lowest type of group mind is of course a mob and it is amazing what a mob will do. When a mob gets together it can do an outrageous thing and everybody will be cheering. We’ve see cases where someone is standing on top of a building and group begins to watch and someone yells out jump and then everybody joins in and says jump. Even people that would normally not do that participate, and then afterwards they think, “why did I do that – I would not have done that on my own.”

Hitler was so powerful because he understood how to use the group mind as a means of control. He had studied it quite thoroughly. The reason these different groups are the same everywhere is that when you are a member of a group you are pouring forth group energy and this group energy produces a thought form. This thought form accumulates energy and intelligence within it so when you go to the group meeting you draw from this thought form which is created in the astral world that has a real existence.

As a matter of fact, it is so real that when you die you can actually go to a Mormon heaven or a Seventh Day Adventist heaven and they have different places there that are created by the power of the group mind. If their consciousness is not high enough to see beyond this they will be trapped there for a period of time after death thinking they are in their final destination and they are just in a thought form.

The thought form controls them in this world and the next. The power of the group mind is something that they tune into and this is why in the various groups the sameness is so powerful. This is why I am careful with the group that I have on the Internet that I have taught for a number of years. I try to recognize the certain power of the group energy no matter what you do and have always put a lot of emphasis on checking out everything I say. I tell them that everything I teach could be 100% wrong so check with your soul.

Now the soul has a language of its own. We have a language, which is composed of individual words, but the soul does speak in words. The soul speaks in what I call the language of principles. What is the difference between a piece of data and a principle? We as individuals speak with individual pieces of data but the soul speaks in the language of principles.

Audience: Principles are eternal.

JJ: Right, let me give one difference between a principle and a piece of data, 1+1=2 that is a piece of data, but suppose I were to teach you the principle of addition. If I teach the fact of 1+1=2 that is one piece of data and once you memorize it you only know one thing but once you learn the principle of addition how many different additions can you come up with? Millions of them right? You can have millions of pieces of data derived from one principle and this is the language of the soul – the language of principles.

This is why the soul can communicate so much to you instantly because when you have a principle dawn on your consciousness then you can figure out all the data. The temperature in this room on this day – lets say it is 68 degrees and I tell that. This is all you know, but if you understand the principle of registering temperature of expansion or contraction from mercury or whatever element you are using then you can put together a contraption for measuring the temperature. So from now until the end of time you can figure out what the temperature is. You do not have to memorize the temperature from now until the end of time because you now have the principle of how to register the temperature. You can find it out using this principle anytime you wish.

Do you remember the movie “The Matrix? They gave a principle in that movie, “If there is a beginning there has to be an end.” A few teachers have taught principle over the centuries. If there is an end then there has to be a beginning and if there is a beginning there has to be an end and if there is no beginning then there will be no end and if there is no end then there will be no beginning. By using this principle you can find out many things that dispel many religious and philosophical teachings that are out there. For instance the Christian world says they are going to live forever with God. So if you are going to live forever with God then what does that tell you about your past?

If you are going to live with God forever in the future then that means that you have been with God forever already. Now Mormonism teaches that we are going to be gods forever if we overcome all things. But f we are going to be gods forever then what does that tell you about our past? We have already been gods forever. So if one is true then the other has to be true. Once you understand the principle behind things then you can figure out the data. This is the main point I want to put across.


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Questioning Mormonism

This entry is part 14 of 31 in the series 2011B

Fred asks:
Was Joseph Smith a real prophet, is the Book of Mormon more than fiction, was there a restoration of the Gospel in the early 19th century, and what happened to the leadership of the Church?

Are they still guided by God (and if not, why not–what happened to all the promises of guidance and direction)?

As a whole these are not the type of questions I ask for myself.  Let us take your first question for example. “Was Joseph Smith a real prophet?”

If a true believer feels the answer is yes then in his mind this means that every teaching he gave out, as a prophet, is true.  It means the end to seeking any further on those statements but to just accept.

This is not my approach to Joseph Smith or any other teacher.  My approach is to examine each teaching given out and see them as separate entities and run them by my soul.  If my innermost self confirms it to me than I go with it.

LWK referenced some writings I gave out about Joseph’s teachings about man and God, for example.  These register very strongly with my soul

On the other hand, plural marriage does not.  Either his teachings were altered on it or he made some mistakes as I see it.

Then you ask, “is the Book of Mormon more than fiction.”

This is good in that instead of just asking if the book is true you are fairly specific.

When I was in the church I followed the advice given and asked God if the Book of Mormon was true.  I didn’t receive an answer to that question but I did receive a lot through the Holy Spirit as I read the book.  Here are a few things.

(1) I am entitled to receive truth directly from God just as were the ancient prophets.

(2) Babies have no sin and do not need baptism to be saved.

(3) Christ does have other sheep.

(4) God speaks to all the peoples of the earth.

(5) No human servant judges whether we enter the kingdom of heaven.

(6) It teaches us to do good and elevates the spirit.

(7) Moroni’s warning that the United States would be in danger because of corruption and conspiracy.

Is the book historically true?  I think it is in part but not 100%.  I believe that Joseph lived a number of past lives as an ancient American Indian and with concentration could retrieve many ancient memories.  I think parts of the Book of Mormon were a retrieval of his past memories.

Were all the stories of the gold plates, visitations, visions accurate?  I do not know but do believe he had a number of supernatural experiences, but just not sure they were presented to us accurately.

I think Joseph was a sincere man doing his best but it appears he was deceived into thinking that it was all right to mislead in order to further the Kingdom of God. He was not the first prophet to do this, as such a teaching is a staple of the Muslim faith.

Then Fred asks, “was there a restoration of the Gospel in the early 19th century?”

Joseph did restore a number of things the most important of which is that all are entitled to revelation from God.

As far as authority goes I think Nephi from the Book of Mormon had it right when he said, “And the Holy Ghost giveth authority…”  I Nephi 10:22

Notice that this is the source of all authority in that book?

“Next Fred asks, “what happened to the leadership of the Church?”

The same thing that happens to every inspired movement.  It deteriorates just as the Principle of Corruption illustrates in my book Eternal Words.

Look at our country for instance.  When, except in its founding, has there been the likes of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson,  James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine and many others dedicated to the same goal for the good of the people?

Even though we have a hundred times more people to draw from our government is lucky to have a hundredth part of the talent and intelligence as the initiators of this country.

The same thing has happened to the church.  The real thinkers are putting their attention other places than church leadership.

Fred: “Are they still guided by God.”

I think they receive some inspiration from time to time but nothing like as believed by the rank and file LDS.  Most of the time they just use their best judgment and sometimes it is right and sometimes not.

My book, Infallible Authority” which I sent you should give you a more complete answer to your questions.


1. “We always want the easy way and just want to be told the answer by some authority instead of being forced back upon our own souls.”

2. “In the true student-teacher relationship authority is only recognized because it is earned.”

3. “One who reveals true principles that register with soul should score many points toward becoming an earned authority because true principles and true facts are intertwined.”

4. “One should never use a vow or promise that is written by an outward authority unless it is fully understood and endorsed through considerable reflection.”

5. “Many people actually have no earned authority for they have not taken the time to test any data. If the authority is declared valid by other authorities then no questioning usually occurs.”

6. “The voice of God speaking through the Soul is the ultimate authority for the disciple.”

7. “The highest authority in the human kingdom should be one who has taught us a principle which has been confirmed by our own Souls.”

8. “We should never give any man, woman, disembodied entity or even Master the same authority as our Souls, for we should always do our best to check the truth of all teachings with the Spirit of God which dwells in us.”

9. I do not need any authority to say anything I want. The reader can use the authority of the soul to discover the truth or error of anything I say.”

10. “If you and Jesus were born as twin brothers or sisters, your words and actions would have as much authority as His until He proved himself anew.”

11. “Confronting and slaying your first dragon of authority is the first major step for when the Spirit of God through your soul sees that you will listen to It more than the multitude of voices without then the lines of communication swing open wide.”

12. “Perhaps the greatest earned authority, as far as printed words are concerned, are the words of Jesus.”

13. “The Mormons, Jews, and others who depend on the covenant of strong authority still find the results poor.”

14. “If you center not yourself in the words of the soul then the mind of God is not manifest within you. You therefore err and become a servant to something else that is not the mind of God within you. Your position is therefore not secure for the outward authority can dismiss you at any given moment.”

15. “Earned and unearned authority applies to many areas of life.”

16. “Examine the teachings of the potential earned authority over a period of time and range of material.”

17. “Fortunately, there have been numerous times in my life that an earned authority has proven right over my protests and preconceived notions.”

18. “As one advances down the evolutionary path he eventually drops his reliance on authority without and relies on the authority within.”

19. “Would it not be sad to find ourselves in the position of the ancient Jews who rejected their Christed One because of misplaced authority?”

20. “Fear of change is closely linked to the challenge of authority.”

21. “I am an authority on myself more than anyone else.”

22. “To escape the power of authority the mind must become involved for if it is attempted through emotion alone there will only be a rebellion from one authority which will be replaced by another.”

23. “It is extremely difficult to make that first decision to trust the spirit within over a previously trusted authority without.”

24. “I believe most of us will see eye-to-eye not because I am your authority, but because your souls are your authority and all souls are one.”

25. “It is quite easy to control a person who thinks that God speaks to an authority, but not directly to himself. This authority that speaks for God becomes then the God without.”

26. “Those who rely upon the outer authority reject the idea of going within to verify that which they have received from without. This causes a blanket of darkness to fall upon the blind follower.”

27. “Positive authority is that which has been earned. Such an authority is ready, willing and able to prove his or her credibility at any given moment. They do not fear a challenge because they are secure in their ability.”

28. “When your soul does give you confirmation you will have received from an earned authority which puts you under an obligation to accept, or that soul force could withdraw.”

29. “There is such a thing as a reliable authority that can be a useful guide in stimulating soul contact and guiding us toward the truth.”

30. “We never want to discourage that search by some proclamation of ‘what is’ by some outward authority: God, the Brotherhood or whatever.”

31. “When people recognize you have authority they will immediately give you power, but if they see that you have power only, they will sometimes run away to avoid the wrong use of that power.”

32. “Go to any church or even a new age movement and try and teach them something contrary to that which their authorities tell them and see what happens.”

33. “You will find, however, that wherever unjust authority rears its ugly head, the person exercising it will revel in the chance to be called by some title that belongs to God alone.”

34. “Most churches still apply maximum punishment to all who defy tradition.”

35. “It is good that we help the poor, but if we submit to an authority that takes all of our money and gives it to the poor, then we will be poor, too.”

36. “You take back your power by turning to the Holy Spirit within and letting this be your only final authority. When this happens, the chains that hold you bound come undone and you will enter into the joy of the Lord and in this state depression is impossible.”

37. “Revelation, the soul, and the Spirit of God are available to all who seek. It’s too bad the authorities in the churches do not accept this.”

38. “An outward authority who claims his voice is as the voice of God can form a barrier to peace and stir the pilgrim’s conscience putting him in a state of perpetual disturbance so he knows no peace.”

39. “The false authority is he who cannot demonstrate the truth of that which he claims to teach or practice.”

40. “One of the main causes of false authority is the use of the power of appointment by another false authority.”

41. “The power of election (decision) is given to us so we can find our true authorities and place them where they can be useful dispensers of their wisdom and talents.”

42. “I find that I do not fit in groups where they rely on an authority other than the soul or the kingdom within.”

43. “You must check with your souls (the final authority) and verify any answer that I or any other teacher should give.”

44. “What is more evil than crime, immorality, corruption, bickering, etc. is the controlling use of subtle authority that removes our power of Decision so we do not even recognize the enemy and no longer ‘know good and evil.'”

45. “Remember, it just takes one person to stand up and say, “Now, what in the hell did that mean?!” And, before you know it, you have an epidemic of people questioning authority.”

46. “When your soul does give you confirmation you will have received from an earned authority which puts you under an obligation to accept, or that soul force could withdraw.”

47. “We must open our own eyes to the one authority – the Spirit of God within us.”

48. “We must be constantly asking ourselves concerning controversial issues if we are accepting information because of some authoritative decree or are we willing to look at real facts and evidence.”

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Teachers and Students

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes

From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1.  “If I am right about everything, and you believe it and follow the teachings without confirmation from within, you have found nothing.”

2.  “It is much easier to attempt to distort a true teaching than it is to be a true teacher.”

3.  “To be a good student takes as much wisdom as it does to be a good teacher.”

4.  “When the chord of truth is played by the God within it rings the same strings in the neophyte’s soul that also vibrated in the teacher, and in an instant they understand each other.”

5.  “Perhaps philosophy and religion are the most ephemeral as far as proving reliability because of the number of forms the various doctrines will take and the difficulty in proving the teacher right or wrong.”

6.  “There are three major tests to apply to a spiritual teacher before he should earn any of your trust for reliability. Can you guess what they are?”

7.  “The student and teacher who start in harmony together will eventually meet conflict that must be resolved. In that resolution comes greater soul contact and vision of higher truth. If the conflict is not resolved and the teacher possesses the greater light the student will then carry the conflict within himself and often hold a lifelong grievance toward the teacher.”

8.  “Take the things you have learned to be true with reasonable certainty (especially from soul contact) and compare them to those of the spiritual teacher. If there is a high degree of complimentary thought this is a sign that you have a good starting point and a certain amount of trust is beneficial.”

9.  “Examine the teachings of the potential earned authority over a period of time and range of material.”

10.  “Any true student or teacher in this age will not depend on lower psychism for guidance, but will test all things against their own soul and that shall be their guide.”

11.  “As the Christ solidifies his work he will have within his association about 9,000 who will have a clear enough vision of the work to be an associate teacher, ten times more than the Buddha and his 900 in ancient times.”

12.  “To follow is a virtue if you are following someone who has something real to teach.”

13.  “If a teaching just seems to make no sense do not trust it until it does make sense.”

14.  “No earthly teacher is flawless.”

15.  “If you limit yourself to learning exactly according to the mindset of a teacher, you will also inherit his flaws.”

16.  “The more directly teachers become involved in doing for us what we can do for ourselves, the more things get screwed up.”

17.  “Receiving from two teachers brings two points of vision that can slow down the learning process and sometimes bring confusion.”

18.  “It is always difficult for a spiritual teacher to get the attention of the masses without some strong astral attention grabber.”

19.  “Many of the teachings I have given out have been either new, or a new slant on the old, and cannot be found in any book. This is what the student must look for in any teacher who works through the soul.”

20.  “It is always a big temptation for the beginning server to create the illusion that his borrowed material is his own so his ego will be fed by the praise and adoration of his students.”

21.  “If one teaches that the world is round that does not mean the teacher is claiming to own the world. If one teaches about the creation of the universe this does not mean the teacher lays claim to all of creation.”

22.  “The rising teachers of the human race will teach through the authority of the soul instead of through the sanction of an organization.”

23.  “We do not need the same old precepts that we should have mastered years ago drilled into us over and over with a sledge hammer. A light threshing of the simple doctrines is all we need so we can withstand the heavier.”

24.  “Do you teach of a way to discover whether or not your teachings are true?”

25.  “When Jesus appeared he did not concentrate on the standard teachings of Moses, but presented new concepts. The true teachers in this age are the same. They will not just rehash the old, but present the new, for after all, God says,  ‘I make all things new.’  (Rev 21:5)”

26.  “The true teacher in contact with the Brotherhood is very humbled; he realizes that there are many far above him, and when in touch with these greater lives through the Oneness Principle, it seems absurd to announce himself as a great one.”

27.  “No great teacher has expected to be a light to the world all by himself.”

28.  “Many illusionary teachers want to oversimplify things and present one giant step to a point of understanding or some type of liberation.  ‘Accept Jesus and be saved’ is a popular one. This is one giant step that is advocated and nothing more will be required for all eternity.”

29.  “What I look for in any teacher, is how he defines his terms and then go with it. This is the only way to clearly understand the teacher.”

30.  “The false teacher will seek to be fed by the sheep. The true teacher will seek to feed the sheep.”

31.  “Subtlety and disregard for the will of the group does not help your credibility as a teacher.”

32.  “You know a teacher is doing a reasonable job when he finds his students can get along fine without him.”

33.  “The best any teacher can do is relate the truths he has received and wait for the seeds to grow in their proper places.”

34.  “If a teacher has a truth to reveal, but finds that he is unable to communicate it in such a way that his vision is perceived correctly then the truth stays with the teacher and nothing is given out.”

35.  “The natural man instinctively rejects the message of a true teacher.”

36.  “The deterioration of teachings after the death of the teacher has been a major problem through the ages.”

37.  “One of the problems with students is that when they go out of alignment with the soul they often think their teacher has gone astray while they believe they have now passed beyond their teacher.”

38.  “There has been only a handful of teachers working through the Oneness Principle.”

39.  “It is silly to see all student/teacher relationships as a beast. This would mean that since the Christ is a disciple of the Ancient of Days that Christ is subject to the beast and the Planetary Logos is under the beast of the Solar Logos.”

40.  “Many religions use the title of Holiness or Holy in reference to their leaders. Many New Agers use the title Master when talking about a teacher, but there is one Master and that is the Christ within all of us. If a teacher does not speak to that center within us then we should ignore him.”

41.  “The true student tests the teacher and makes sure that the teacher is one who is capable of leading him or her to greater knowledge.”

42.  “Teachers of Light will teach many who are in the churches and this will cause the leadership of all churches to lose hold on its members over a period of time.”

43.  “Often times when leaders are dense to impression, the teachers will work with the leaders assistants who will then advise their superiors.”

44.  “The true student (or one who is really learning) does not see himself as on a ‘lower level.’  Instead, he sees himself as one who is progressing to a ‘higher level.'”

45.  “No matter what we teach all will not be happy.”

46.  “Teachers do not look for one who performs the appearance of work, but a student that one can truly depend on who will be a great asset to accomplishing the goal.”

47.  “Isaiah tells us that those who are supposed to be the spiritual teachers of humanity will not fulfill their roll, but instead be lifted up in pride to the extent that their teachings may be compared to that of a drunken man.”

48.  “The true teacher will dedicate his excess abundance not to self, but to the benefit of the whole in the way he sees best.”

49.  “The Will of God is a concept that is very misunderstood even by many of the teachers of the planet.”

50.  “All of us have within ourselves the capacity to recognize at least seven aspects of the Will of God and if we follow all of the Will of God that we understand then we will have the power to recognize teachers who are in harmony with that Will.”

51.  “Many feel that if there is a student teacher relationship, it means that the student must experience the humiliation of being at a ‘lower level.’  Since this seems disgusting to many, they instead teach that there are no teachers and no leaders, but all are teachers and leaders and all are students and followers. Unfortunately, this is an illusionary concept that interrupts evolution as all illusion does.”

52.  “School and learning can be painful but when the whole picture is seen no one would want to deny this to the students.”

53.  “If you believe we need no teachers then you must believe that we need to eliminate all schools with their teachers and all books which were written to teach.”

54.  “A matter of prime importance to each student is not the fact of a particular teacher’s personality but the measure of truth for which he stands.”

55.  “The method of teaching through hints stimulates the power of the soul and intuition which empowers all who are willing to participate.”

56.  “One who teaches through the reasoning of the mind is often perceived as an illusionary threat by one who has his decisions based in the emotions only.”

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The Beast

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes

From The Discourses Of JJ Dewey

1  Just as Christ came the first time and only 120 people out of the whole world realized it so has in this age the beast, the mark and the number also arrived and still has people looking for it.

2  When asked what he thought on a point of doctrine he replied: “I don’t know. I’ll check with my minister and find out what I think about it.” This is the exact procedure The Beast wants you to follow.

3  The dispelling of the illusion of the Dragon will proceed slowly at first on an individual basis, but the time will come when the Kundalini of the whole planet will be raised and the beast will be destroyed as if by fire.

4  He who still has the mark of the beast will either be enhancing someone else’s ego or his own, whereas he who follows the soul will always feel humbled by it.

5  If the antichrist or beast was already in the world 2000 years ago then why are the religious still waiting for him to surface?  Answer: They are deceived by the beast itself. They have followed authorities who have mislead then instead of looking at the source.

6  The authorities of the beast today want everything from us and give us nothing real in return.

7  The war is between those who gladly receive the mark of the beast through control by authority, and those who seek to escape the mark.

8  If a person accepts a teaching just because it comes from one proclaimed as an authority, then he has received the mark of the beast in his forehead and becomes a follower, a beast trailing after his master.

9  The beast is the mindless following of anything – good or bad in design. Even mindlessly following the words of Jesus in the Bible carries the mark of the beast.

10  The beast is not caused by anything “out there” but is created by the focus of the minds of the people.

11  Those who have escaped the mark of the beast of unjust authority have a responsibility to those who are yet in bondage.

12  The marriage vows as they are used today are the creation of the Beast and an instrument in the hands of the Dark Brothers to keep a barrier between human beings and their souls.

13  Over 90 percent of humanity are controlled in some degree through emotional oneness and this is the mark of the beast.

14  The Beast is very difficult to detect when it influences our own lives.

15  If you do not know for sure and refuse to accept the word of an authority just because the authority says a thing is true and admit that you are open to all possibilities then you may be free from the Beast–IN THIS AREA.

16  You are also free from the Beast when you find the real truth whatever that is.

17  Ironically, those who are under the influence of a similar thoughtform of the Beast will also sense a oneness and a kindred spirit, but it will be a oneness in direction. Those who have soul contact will experience a deeper oneness that goes in all directions. This must be experienced to be able to understand and differentiate.

18  The Beast is still alive and well in our day and indeed it represents an energy of authority which attempts to keep humanity from progressing to the plane of the mind which rules Aquarius – being an air sign.

19  The Beast itself is a giant world thoughtform that is a vehicle for the dragon to establish his authority.

20  In this current age the greatest most persistent attacks by the Beast comes in the area of freedom. The illusion will be that we need to give up more and more of our freedoms for safety.

21  Ground zero for the Beast is the principle of freedom and any expansion of freedom is always fought by those with the mark of the beast through deception and ridicule.

22  Observe how the line of authority is administered and you can then run down the workings of the beast.

23  Using a quote from an earned or established authority to prove a point has nothing to do with the Beast.

24  The idea that contemplating the meaning of the Beast will give it more power I see as pure illusion in most cases. From my observation the opposite is true. Those who do not give such things a second thought are the ones who would be the first to lie down and roll over and even die for the beast.

25  One can escape the mark of the beast no matter how corrupt things are “out there.”

26  The Beast is much bigger and more pervasive than any corporation or organization and affects every business and every organization and every person on the earth.

27  The Beast is not the Beast because he is evil, but because of mindlessness. A good thing can be your Beast including the Bible, Jesus, your nation – anything outside yourself that you follow mindlessly.

28  A mindless or emotional decision to submit indicates the mark of the Beast, but a rational decision to submit does not.

29  Not all submission to authority is negative. A positive submission for the sake of true learning elevates us above the Beast.

30  Control of the individual through the feeding and control of the ego is perhaps the greatest tool that the Beast has to work with.

31  Any time that silence allows the seed of suppression to grow, fertile soil is being created for the growth of the power of the beast.

32  If you feel an emotion that needs to surface and your mind agrees with this, but you suppress because of anger or fear, then the Beast has a place to obtain a foothold.

33  A person descends to carrying the Mark of the Beast when he forfeits his destiny and is ruled by emotion or ego rather than mind or soul.

34  If a person thinks he should speak up, but feels that he should not and goes with emotion rather than mind he is forfeiting the Mark of Humanity and being ruled by the Mark of the Beast, or animal nature.

35  If a person speaks up in class because he has thought things through and his thoughts will benefit the whole then he is amplifying his human nature. But if he seeks to defeat his teacher as a lion devours his enemies then he again bears the Mark of the Beast.

36  So what is the name of the Beast? This answer will offend many people new age and old age, but the name of the Beast is I AM.

37  Escaping the Mark of the Beast is not merely a matter of memorizing a black and white formula, but a matter of using the mind to discern the situation and make your own decision independent of unjust authority.

38  The beast is here now and has great authority. It may be deceptive and subtle, but it is great and all encompassing nevertheless.

39  While it is always a possibility that the Beast of authority could implant a literal mark, the true mark is the unseen control of the mind. The true mark is invisible and can only be seen with the inner vision and understanding.

40  The beast is a thoughtform under the control of “the dragon” (the Dark Brothers). This thoughtform covers the entire planet. This is why Satan (the adversary of light) is called “the god of this world” in the scriptures.

41  We receive the illusion of the mark of the beast when we accept any name for God or final authority that is outside of ourselves.

42  The beast is the static I am.

43  Once a thoughtform or system that represents the Beast becomes the ideal it also becomes an unearned authority and has power to control all actions on the physical plane.

44  This understanding of the Beast and his number is perhaps the most important thing for seekers of truth and wisdom to comprehend.

45  The Beast wants you to do more than obey. It wants you to think as you are told to think in the process.

46  The Beast is already here and has been for many thousands of years.

47  Ignorance, and also fear, gives power to the Beast by the unthinking masses, but those who are not ignorant and enlightened will be the ones to suffer from it.

48  To be a victim of the Beast one must unquestionably follow an authority who takes the place of the inner authority of the God within.

49  The one authority we must not challenge is the Spirit within.

50  Those who worship the outward authorities of the Beast will hate the inner authority of the message from the inner Christ.

51  When the dragon gives the beast authority he automatically gives power and a seat (or some type of position from which to command).

52  Actually, the beast will often use the truth to increase his authority.

53  We have all been under the authority of the Beast at one time or another – either in this life or in past lives, and have accumulated much negative karma because of it.

54  The authority of the Beast crucified Jesus and after the creation of the Christian Church the power and authority of the Beast increased, not decreased.

55  This doctrine of the Beast and the way to overcome him may be the most important thing you will learn in this life.

56  If one hears a story purported to come from a Master, or even Christ or the mouth of God and automatically gives it authority without first examining it under the light of your own soul then some of the residual Beast still has control.

57  Among other things, the beast represents the tendency of humanity to revert back to the authority of a mindless God outside of us, rather than the God who speaks from within.

58  One is not rebelling against the Beast by merely speaking up against an authority he does not honor.

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