Keys Writings 2013, Part 13

This entry is part 13 of 25 in the series 2013

May 1, 2013

The Carnal Nature

Keith: Another problem is these higher energies can filter down and stimulate the carnal nature. I believe that is why you see a lot of spiritual leaders fall prey to their carnal side, because of this over stimulation of their lower natures.

JJ This is an interesting observation for many spiritual leaders and progressive thinkers have fallen prey to their lower passions. I’ve been reading more about L. Ron Hubbard and discovered he had an insatiable sexual appetite. Kennedy’s numerous affairs are widely known as well as FDR. Joseph Smith and Brigham Young had multiple wives. Solomon, the best that God could conjure up to build his temple, had 1000 wives and concubines. Blavatsky was a chain smoker etc.

On the other hand, others seemed to keep passions under control such as Lincoln, Churchill, AAB and of course, Jesus.

Money and power also present tremendous temptations to advanced entities.


May 2, 2013

Re: Some Basics

Ruth: Were there numerous Adams and Eves because of each root race had it’s beginning in an Adam/Atom and Eve, or because some of these experiments to seed Earth failed?

JJ There have been numerous correspondences to the Adam and Eve story at the beginning of the various root races and subraces. It has also happened several times after great destruction. Accompanying every move forward has been dark forces attempting to frustrate it.


May 4, 2013

Aleister Crowley 

I’ve taken a look at Aleister Crowley’s handwriting and will make some comments.

You can check out samples also so you can see what I am referring to.

His regular handwriting can be seen in this sample:

His signature can be found here at the bottom of the page.

I won’t give a complete analysis but will point out several things that stand out.

His up strokes are very far forward which combined with the bend in his letters indicates a lack of control over his emotions. One of his main philosophies was “Do what thou wilt.” He liked this idea because he didn’t really want to control himself but desired to go with the flow, wherever that was taking him.

Notice that the direction of his handwriting points downward. I’ve looked at several samples and all but one does this. This indicates a strong pessimism or depression for a highly emotional person. He was reported to have said that he hated himself on his deathbed and maybe he did feel that way at times.

For a highly emotional person he was also quite intelligent and intuitive in the standard sense of the word. He was a quick thinker and probably a good speaker, never at a loss for words. He had strong passion and could stimulate people on an emotional and mental level at the same time.

It shows that he was not good art keeping secrets, unless it was personally important to him. His life verifies this as he revealed the secrets of The Golden Dawn, an esoteric organization that he joined.

His signature is interesting. Notice the two capital letters of his name A and C. In standard writing they do not go below the baseline but Crowley forces both of these letters far into the lower zone, even farther than his Y, which normally does go to the lower zone.

This tells us that the material side of life was of great importance to him. In his private thoughts he reflected on all aspects of life but when he mingled with the masses he became very carnal and material in focus.

Notice how his letters move all over the place in his signature. This tells us that he was always trying to think outside the box and because of his material focus he wasn’t afraid to embrace out of the box thinking if it moved beyond the bounds of normal acceptance.

He had a surprisingly normal ego but on an intellectual level he saw himself as a person of great importance. This feeling of importance was created more by illusion than a big ego.

When he wanted something he pursued it with great vigor.

Under normal circumstances he was quite honest but would lie when it served his purposes.

I found a couple interesting links to the guy. Apparently some believe that as a young boy he was Jack the Ripper and others that he caused the deaths of those who opened King Tut’s tomb.

Here are some links: Link 1  Link 2 Link 3  Link 4

His autobiography can be found here.

I’m going to start reading it and if it is interesting I will read the whole thing. Right now I’m reading a book on L Ron Hubbard co-written by his son called “Messiah or Madman?”

It’s pretty good but the meat of it can be found in an interview with his son here.

You will find that interesting reading.

Johann: It was in the Thule Society that Hitler met those who would help him take over Germany and wage the Second World War. Rudolf Hess, Heinrich Himmler, Martin Bormann, Dietrich Eckart, Alfred Rosenberg, and Hermann Goering were all said to be members. It was these, along with Hitler, who used the Thule Society – and it’s inner sect the Vril Society – to launch and promote the Nazi Party.

JJ Interesting information. It is interesting that DK said that there were seven people in Hitler’s inner group that laid the foundation to his power. You named six and with Hitler makes seven. Seems to have been a dark molecule.


May 4, 2013

The Controlling Principle

Dan: So to sum up 🙂 IF one says that JJ’s family was being CRITICAL (using criticism) and they shouldn’t have done it, that MIGHT have delayed his discovery of THAT particular blindspot until YEARS later when he ends up in front of MILLIONS of people auditioning for American Idol, becomes a nationwide laughingstock, makes millions of dollars and dies a sad and lonely little rich man 🙂 and delays his “mission” another lifetime.

JJ Now that would have been an interesting twist of events to be sure. When I heard the first recording of my voice screeching in a terrible falsetto it was a shock to my system to be sure, but a necessary one. It hurt at the time but was a great life lesson as it made me consider criticism later on much more than I may have otherwise.

Yes a valid criticism taken to heart is very useful but the problem is that criticisms whether they be valid or invalid, justified or not, usually have a negative effect and make the person feel attacked and resentful. Even in this group of friends I have to be very careful how I phrase anything that may sound even remotely critical as it can cause hurt feelings.

The Dale Carnegie book that lwk mentioned gives some of the best advice in handling this. He points out that criticism should be meted out very sparingly but when it is deemed necessary then the person must act. He should warm the person up by saying something good about him first so he knows you are not coming across in an attack mode.

Let us say, for instance, that a friend’s coarse language bothers you. Instead of saying, “Shut up! You sound like the demon spawn right of the pits of hell.” One should say something like this.

“You have a talent expressing yourself and putting your point across. I think you could have greater impact though if you substituted some of your salty language with words that people would not take as offensive.”

Of course, there is a time and place for everything. When the inner self approves, sometimes you have to let the guy have the blast from both barrels as my Dad did with me, showing no mercy. This should be a rare event, however.

For those who liked Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” I would recommend the lesser known, “How to Sell Yourself to Others,” by Elmer Wheeler. I read them both way back in high school and they changed my life.


May 5, 2013

Babylon vs Christianity 

John C writes: Scientology also draws from early Hinduism, Buddhism, the Kybalion, and the Kaballah among others. So, it is incorrect if a person were to say it is completely on the left hand path. What I find to be on the left hand path are some of the recent teachings and practices of the Church of Scientology, but there are many independent researchers on the Internet, who were involved with Hubbard in the early days or have gone back to his original research to discover where he went wrong and correct it.


On a note of interest I just read that L Ron Hubbard Jr. said that his dad got a lot of his early ideas from reading Science and Sanity by Count Alfred Korzybski. Few innovators are entirely original in their ideas. Even Einstein was accused of borrowing a lot from others.

It would probably be useful to clarify at this point that the left hand path refers to a path that takes you to a certain end which is the opposite of life and the right hand path takes you to greater livingness. Those on either path are not totally wrong or totally right.

A person or organization who directs you toward the left hand can incorporate many things that are true. For instance, let us say two cars are headed to the same place and reach a fork with no destination signs. One takes the right hand road that leads to the desired destination and the other takes the left, which eventually heads over a cliff.

As the two are traveling the two paths they are both moving onward using true principles. Each of their cars uses the same combustion engines, the same gas the same tires and the road below appears a lot the same. Both are enjoying the creations of God in the scenery, the trees, the animals and vegetation. It is only as both reach their destination that the real truth becomes obvious.

Even so, a person of the blackest dye and darkest soul will use and accept many things that are true and correct. This doesn’t mean he is functioning in the light of the soul. The true disciple will seek out roadmaps, study and contemplate until the right hand path is discerned so he moves forward not by luck but by design.

Unfortunately, in our present society just about every group and individual is mostly controlled by the brothers of the left hand for the whole world wonders after the beast and do not buy or sell without his approval. Only a small number at this time have the Father’s name in the forehead and knowingly follow the right hand path.

The situation is that some organizations are just more strongly left hand than others.

Fortunately, it is the destiny of humanity to awaken to the light and seek the right hand path. 60% will do this when civilization matures on this planet.

Dean makes the mistake of claiming that Christian churches are the good guys (apparently on the right hand path) and just about all others in league with the Nazis including DK.

The truth is that all organizations including Christian churches are under the control of the Left hand path. The only difference is in the degree. Some restrict freedom and control with unjust authority more than others.

Dean attacks DK as being on the side of evil when he is one of the few who consistently supported the light and fought evil. Here are a few of his teachings.

1. He was one of the few teachers who was against Hitler and the Nazis clear from the beginning – before it was obvious he was a monster. Many religious people and metaphysical groups thought he was a good guy before the war started.

Jesus said a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand so if DK was in bed with the Nazis then he kingdom of evil was divided against itself.

2. When the U.N. was formed DK said it was a mistake to allow tyrannical governments to join.

3. Dean rightly points out the problem with the idea of relative truth, but DK taught many absolute truths and rejected many relativists such as the pacifists during World War II, and many others who are not grounded in sound and stable doctrine.

(4) DK supported the principle of freedom. The beast always seeks to limit or take away freedom.

(5) DK emphasized soul contact which frees us from the mark of the beast.

Yes Christianity is under attack because it still supports some elements of freedom and many Christians support the freedoms espoused in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Even so, the organizations are run by authoritarian leaders that support the overall power of the Beast.

The demarcation of good and evil right now is found in the power of individuals and the few individuals who are actively fighting for greater freedom are those who follow the inner Christ, not an outer one.


May 5, 2013

Re: Babylon vs Christianity 

Dean: AB is not the Christ,

JJ Why are you saying this??? Apparently to take a blind stab at things. No one said she was the Christ.

Dean: nor does he belong to christs kingdom and his teachings are not from the christ or the lord, and neither is the Lucis Trust. This is why there has been such a schism between us because I don’t believe in the authority of AB. But JJ is promoting it

JJ So you admit that your only purpose in being here is to create arguments and stand against all that I teach. Maybe I should have not let this post through if that is your only purpose.

You are disobeying Jesus injunction to not judge unjustly which you have just done. If Jesus himself were here I’ll bet you would find lots of problems with him just as did your blood brothers the Pharisees.

Dean: AB speaks of the new world order and has used Christ name to deceive.

JJ The Bible talks about a new world order. A new work order is definitely coming. It is our duty to make sure it is a good one. If we just sit by waiting for God to do it without us then, sure, the bad one you envision will come.

Dean: I only hope that JJ and the rest of the group see that because it’s very dangerous to take such a deviation away from god.

JJ There you go supporting the Beast again. And who tells us about this god against which we cannot speak? It is someone from without taking His place speaking his own words presenting them as the voice of God which we are supposed to fear. The real voice of God only comes from within or is verified there.

Dean: If you get a chance look at this video clip.

Wow. Such dreadful music and it is full of Satanist symbols which neither Baily or Theosophists used. Neither of them claimed to be Satanists.

HPB did teach about the swastika as a positive symbol which Hitler stole and tarnished forever. When you watch the video notice that HPB’s swastika went counter clockwise and Hitler’s went clockwise. This is like a Satanist s talking the cross and turning it upside down. That doesn’t mean the cross is bad because a mockery is made of it.

Dean More than likely he got his information from the people who planned and supported hitler and that’s how he knew in advance what to say………

JJ Yeah and Churchill was also a Satanist because he also fought against Hitler just to make it look like he was a good guy. You’re making no sense here.

The silly video make a lot of hay about Lucifer but there are many Lucifers and only one was mentioned that fell. Jesus was also a Lucifer or son of the Morning.

Here’s a previous article I wrote on it:

Distortion Number 4 — Lucifer Publishing: “Alice A. Bailey’s publishing company, now called Lucis Trust was originally called Lucifer Publishing Company. This proves she is in league with the devil.” This is the only criticism of Alice A. Bailey that, on the surface, has any validity, but that which appears on the surface is not always as it seems.

Alice A. Bailey was among other things a born-again Christian minister and a strong believer in Christ — so why would she choose such a name?

The answer is that she was a serious student of the writings and works of H. P. Blavatsky and she had a magazine she named Lucifer. I believe this inspired Bailey to also use the name.

The next question is why did H. P. Blavatsky use this name?

The answer is this: When H. P. Blavatsky began her work she suffered vicious attacks by the Christian communities similar to what happened to Joseph Smith when he started teaching some unorthodox doctrines. Just as Joseph viewed most Christian churches as very corrupt, so did Blavatsky. And just as Joseph sometimes made fun of them in their illusions so did Blavatsky.

Finally Blavatsky came up with the ultimate idea of tweaking her enemies’ emotions. She named her magazine Lucifer. This sealed her doom in the eyes of her opposition, for surely this was an open admission that she was in league with the devil himself.

But was it?

No, not by any means.


The answer will surprise most Bible readers and it is this:

Lucifer is NOT the name of Satan, any devils or adversaries of love and light.

Who does bear the name then?

According to the Bible it is Christ and the redeemed. Peter also used the name in a positive light.

But aren’t we told that the one who fell was called Lucifer?

Answer: Yes, we are told that, but that was his name BEFORE he fell and was a bringer of light. Now one of his current titles is the “Prince of Darkness,” a much different title than “Prince of Light” or “Bringer of Light,” which is the meaning of the name Lucifer.

Here are some words from none other than Peter: “We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts.” (2 Peter 1:19) The words “day star” is taken from the Greek word for Lucifer which is PHOSPHOROS.

Now let us literally retranslate: “We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and Lucifer arise in your hearts.” If Lucifer refers to the devil himself maybe the Christian world should burn their Bibles.

Another variation of Lucifer is “Morning Star.” Note the actual promise of Jesus to the faithful: “And I will give him the morning star.” (Rev 2:28) Evidently Jesus will give us the power of Lucifer.

Even more shocking Jesus calls himself a Lucifer: “I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.” (Rev 22:16) Let us literally retranslate this: “I am the root and the offspring of David, and Lucifer.” (Rev 22:16) Morning Star is only translated as Lucifer once in most Bibles as follows: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north.” (Isaiah 14:12-13) Even here most Bible scholars believe Lucifer refers to the king of Babylon which was addressed by Isaiah. Nevertheless, Isaiah often spoke with dual meaning and this has a definite correspondence to a fallen being.

Lucifer is a Roman word applied to the Hebrew HEYLEL and the Greek PHOSPHOROS which literally means “One who brings or carries forth light.” It could also be translated as “one who is able to hold light.”

Now let us see what the Mormon scriptures tell us about this name. The name is only used once here: 25 “And this we saw also, and bear record, that an angel of God who was in authority in the presence of God, who rebelled against the Only Begotten Son whom the Father loved and who was in the bosom of the Father, was thrust down from the presence of God and the Son. 26 “And was called Perdition, for the heavens wept over him — he WAS (but not now) Lucifer, a son of the morning. 27 “And we beheld, and lo, he is fallen! is fallen, even a son of the morning!” [Doctrine & Covenants (D&C) 76:25-27] Notice here that Lucifer was “a” son of the Morning, NOT “the” Son of the Morning.”

Also notice that it says he “was” Lucifer not “is.”

He is fallen and no longer can be called a “Son of the Morning.”

What is a Son of the Morning?

It is a being who was with God at the beginning, or morning, of time, as we know it.

The name, Lucifer, which refers to a Son of the Morning, is not the name of one evil being, but is a reference to pristine and holy ancient beings who were conscious creators before this earth rolled into existence.

Here is another reference to the Lucifers: 4 “Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding. 5 “Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it? 6 “Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof; 7 “When the morning stars (Lucifers) sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy? (Job 38:4-7) Now here is a thought. If the Lucifer that fell lost his status and there is more than one Lucifer (or bringer of light) — that means there would be good ones out there somewhere.

Lucifer also refers to Venus and for good reason. It has been called the bright and morning star for thousands of years. When it is visible it will often be the only star (or planet) visible in the early morning light — this the bringer of the new light of the morning.

Brigham Young made the interesting statement that the first man (the first Adam) came from another planet and that he had already passed through human existence and had overcome all things and became exalted. After he came here he took upon himself mortality to become the father of the race of mankind.

Then he also made the statement that Adam was our God, “the only God with whom we have to do.”

This harmonizes well with the writings of Bailey and Blavatsky who also teach that the first man came from another planet. They tell us that the Ancient of Days, Sanat Kumara, came here from Venus (the morning star) 23 million years ago.

They also teach that he once lived as a mortal man like ourselves in another system eons ago and came here to be a father and God to the human race.

When the Ancient of Days came here he arrived with a number of morning stars called Kumaras. Here is Alice A. Baileys writing about the one who we call the fallen Lucifer: “In every grouping,-whether in heaven or on earth-there is always evidenced a tendency by some units in the group to revolt, to rebel and to show some form of initiative different to that of the other units in the same grouping. When our solar universe came into being, we are told in the allegorical language of the ancient scriptures, there “was war in Heaven”; “the sun and his seven brothers” did not function with true unanimity; hence (and herein lies a hint) our Earth is not one of the seven sacred planets. There is, as we know, the ancient legend of the lost Pleiade, and there are many such stories. “Again, in the council chamber of the Most High, there has not always been peace and understanding, but at times, war and disruption; this is made abundantly clear by several of the stories in the Old Testament. Symbolically speaking, some of the sons of God fell from their high estate, led, at one time, by “Lucifer, Son of the Morning”. This “fall of the angels” was a tremendous event in the history of our planet, but was nevertheless only a passing and interesting phenomenon in the history of the solar system, and a trifling incident in the affairs of the seven constellations, of which our solar system is but one. Pause and consider this statement for a moment, and so readjust your sense of values. The standard of happenings varies in importance according to the angle of vision, and what (from the angle of our Earth’s unfoldment in consciousness) may be a factor of prime importance and of determining value may (from the angle of the universe) be of trifling moment.” Because the name Lucifer is now so rigidly associated with evil instead of light few dare use the term openly, but originally Lucifer was a glorious title.

Even though they were technically correct and on solid ground in the light to use the word, it was indeed not good public relations for H. P. Blavatsky or Alice A. Bailey to use this name, which is so misunderstood by humanity, and Bailey was wise to drop its use. Link

Tom: What church was she (AAB) a minister in of what church organization? I was unable to find it doing a web search.

JJ I know she was raised a Christian but do not recall he calling herself a minister. I think she did some missionary work though.

Tom: I did not know that Lucifer was the name of the morning star but then again I am new to being a Minster…I wonder if most Ministers knew that?

JJ Very few know this (apparently Dean does not) as they do not examine the Greek and Hebrew.

Tom Also, JJ, you always translating Bible quotes…what your secret to doing t his and what languages do you know to do this?

JJ There is no secret. All you have to do is examine he Greek and Hebrew Concordances and Grammar guides as well as double check all the places the original words are used so you can make sure the translation can withstand criticism.


May 6, 2013

Re: Babylon vs Christianity

Dean: Apparently according to one of your long held followers I am on the dark side and not with Christ.

JJ I’ll take your word that you are following him to the best of your ability so I’ll leave it at that.

Dean: Imagine if that’s wrong and that I am actually for Christ. How is that going to Look on you JJ? In fact how is it going to look on you disagreeing with me at all during all this time.

JJ I follow the highest I know so I’m sure he’ll give me a lot of slack and do his best to set me on the right path.

Dean I did know that Lucifer meant morning star, but the name Lucifer is still used to refer to Satan.

JJ You’re following tradition here rather than the actual Bible you claim is so important. In the Bible (Rev 22:16) Jesus calls himself Lucifer. After his fall Satan was no longer a light bringer (Lucifer) but a prince of darkness. You are following false tradition here.

Dean It doesn’t change the fact that ABs writings are about the luciferian new world order

According to the Bible a luciferian new order would be an order of light and truth. Such a day was predicted by Peter: “We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts.” (2 Peter 1:19) The words “day star” is taken from the Greek word for Lucifer which is PHOSPHOROS.

And Jesus: “And I will give him the morning star (PHOSPHOROS).” (Rev 2:28)

Dean: I can’t believe you called the churches of Christianity evil.

JJ I didn’t. You made that up.

Dean: I would never do that because the bible is god’s word.

JJ So because the Bible is God’s word that means the church fathers were correct in burning unorthodox people like you at the stake? Wow, that is quite the thinking process you have there.

Dean I hope you repent.

JJ I’ll think about it. I did say some naughty words the other day. I hope it didn’t make Jesus frown.

So, Dean when did you get into the fundamentalist, Bible thumping mode? Did some born againer scare the dickens out of you with hellfire and damnation as you are now trying to do with us?

I have news for you. This is not a fundamentalist born again Baptist forum. We’ll entertain comments on my any subject for a time and you are welcome to call us to repentance a couple times but then it gets old and we will move on.

By the way, you seem oblivious to the fact that you are limited to three posts a day. I let you have four yesterday, but will now enforce the rule. I had to reject a bunch of your ramblings so if you want to be heard, post the excess on Dean’s site at freeread and I’ll reference them here if you do.

Now let’s look at your third post of the day:

Dean: Surely it must be clear that the theosophical society was more into witchcraft than it is was into Christianity.

JJ It is into neither one. As HPB said her religion is the truth wherever it lies. That is a good motto that synthesizes all groups, but exclusive to none.

The trouble with your recent arguments is all you do is attempt to destroy by demonizing and name calling rather than using logic and examining teachings.

Dean, telling me what Jesus is going to do to me: “So even in ignorance that would be judged quite harshly especially since you spent so much time with the bible already that you should know better than to mix it with other things.”

JJ This Jesus of your is a pretty mean Dude. Sure you’re not talking about the devil himself?

> JJ > You’re following tradition here rather than the actual Bible you claim is so important. In the Bible (Rev 22:16) Jesus calls himself Lucifer. After his fall Satan was no longer a light bringer (Lucifer) but a prince of darkness. You are following false tradition here.

Dean The Lucifer in the bible clearly fell from grace and he was referred to Lucifer,

JJ He was called Lucifer when he fell, not afterwards. In the New Testament Lucifer refers to Jesus and his followers.

Dean So satan today would be Lucifer.

JJ Sorry the Bible does not say that. You don’t seem to give it much weight for a true believer.

> Dean: > I can’t believe you called the churches of Christianity evil. > > JJ > I didn’t. You made that up.

You wrote this: “The truth is that all organizations including Christian churches are under the control of the Left hand path”

JJ Like I said you made the “evil” quote up. Do you think that deception made Jesus happy with you? Yes, all organizations are usable by the left hand brothers, but that does not mean they are evil. Most are doing their best to do what is right but are just deceived. Someone who is evil knows what he is doing.

Dean: It wasn’t ‘the church fathers’ (why do you call it that?) that burnt people at the stake. Are you saying Jesus and the apostles burnt people at the stake? Because they would be the only ‘church fathers’ as you call it, and the bible is the foundation. JJ Way to twist things. Of course I was not referring to the original apostles but the church Fathers during the Middle Ages. These believed in Jesus and the Bible yet committed grievous wrongs you seem to think impossible to do for believers.

Dean: In fact you should read this verse very carefully and have a long hard think about what you are attempting to do.

Deuteronomy 4:2 You shall not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away … Ye shall not add – Any book, chapter, verse or word, which I have not spoken

JJ A lot has been added to the Bible since Deuteronomy.

Dean: I don’t know any Christians that would put me on moderation either as I’m not even offensive. But to you I have been offensive? What planet are you on?

JJ Talk about a blind spot. You are offensive to many here because you do not stay on topic or obey the rules. For instance you attempted to get eight posts through today when the rule is three. That is plain obnoxious, especially when the posts are not in the parameters of group interest.

Dean: If you still don’t think I have a valid point, and won’t listen, I’m going to have to leave and not come back here, and you won’t have to argue with me again.

JJ Then you can go and meet with your own kind. I would suggest a fundamentalist Baptist group for you. But even there you will have to behave yourself.

Dean: I guess you would think that’s a good thing?

JJ Like gathers with like. Apparently you are only here to call us to repentance. Okay, you’ve done that. There’s lots of other esoteric groups left that you can try this on. Let us know how they responded.

Dean: I respond here because I care about people being on the right path, including yourself, not because I am interested in arguing.

JJ I don’t believe you. You have argued here for years before you called us to repentance.


May 7, 2013

Tone Scale

I just finished reading a biography of L. Ron Hubbard. In it his son notes that he created a “tone scale.” This is, “a scale which plots the descending spiral of life from full vitality and consciousness through half-vitality and half-unconsciousness down to death. . . from the highest to the lowest. . . .”

The tone scale is as follows:[1]

40.0 Serenity of beingness

30.0 Postulates

22.0 Games

20.0 Action

8.0 Exhilaration

6.0 Aesthetic

4.0 Enthusiasm

3.5 Cheerfulness

3.3 Strong interest

3.0 Conservatism

2.9 Mild interest

2.8 Contented

2.6 Disinterested

2.5 Boredom

2.4 Monotony

2.0 Antagonism

1.9 Hostility

1.8 Pain

1.5 Anger

1.4 Hate

1.3 Resentment

1.2 No sympathy

1.15 Unexpressed resentment

1.1 Covert hostility

1.02 Anxiety

1.0 Fear

0.98 Despair

0.96 Terror

0.94 Numb

0.9 Sympathy

0.8 Propitiation

0.5 Grief

0.375 Making amends

0.3 Undeserving

0.2 Self-abasement

0.1 Victim

0.07 Hopeless

0.05 Apathy

0.03 Useless

0.01 Dying

0.0 Body death

– 0.01 Failure

– 0.1 Pity

– 0.2 Shame

– 0.7 Accountable

– 1.0 Blame

– 1.3 Regret

– 1.5 Controlling bodies

– 2.2 Protecting bodies

– 3.0 Owning bodies

– 3.5 Approval from bodies

– 4.0 Needing bodies

– 5.0 Worshipping bodies

– 6.0 Sacrifice

– 8.0 Hiding

-10.0 Being objects

-20.0 Being nothing

-30.0 Can’t hide

-40.0 Total failure

A brief explanation of this is on Wikipedia here.

What do you think of this idea? Do you think that Hubbard was accurate in his list? Can you improve on this or simplify? If so give your thoughts and your own list.


May 9, 2013

Teaching without Attachment 

Stephen writes: May I ask you a rather personal question – but not too personal that it might make you blush 🙂

When you give out teachings or get into a debate over any particular issue, is it done without any attachment to results? (no ‘desire’ in you for the other person to see sense and change so to speak).

The emphasis is on the word ‘desire’.

I’ve had some recent ‘dawnings’, so I am testing them in the ‘fires of reality’ 🙂

JJ There is a lot of illusion and glamour around the idea often presented in new age circles that we should not be attached to the results of our work.

I have been accused of this a number of times by smug finger-pointers who see themselves as being on higher ground because they see themselves as having no such attachments.

The first thing we need to do to answer your question is to look at the core true principle and how it is supposed to play out. The basic true principle is centered around the idea of us, as individuals, being the observer, as if we were watching a movie rather than being totally immersed in everything that is happening. This viewpoint allows us to handle the ups and downs of life more dispassionately and objectively and avoid an excessive amount of emotional attachment.

If you lose the love of your life you may be devastated for many years but if the character you identify with in a movie loses his then you are only upset for a small time and move on.

The fact is that no intelligent being in the universe is totally detached from the results of his work. The next person who announces with an air of superiority that he is not attached to the results of his work needs to be asked this question. “Since you are not attached to the results of your work and one of those results is a weekly paycheck does this mean you will be willing to work for free from now and on just turn your check over to me?”

“That’s different,” he may say.

But it’s not different. The money we get from our labors in this life is definitely one of the results and all of us are somewhat attached to getting enough money on which to survive.

The idea of not being attached to the results of our labors is only true as far as it applies to placing ourselves in the seat of the observer. This is a huge aid in dealing with the ups and downs of life.

If one is overly attached to his job and the money it pays then he will be devastated if he is fired. If he sees himself as the observer he will still be somewhat upset but will deal much more effectively with the problem.

That said I will answer your question. When I argue with a person yes, I do desire or him to see the light behind my point of view. If I didn’t desire this then I would not eve be presenting my case.

Does it ruin my day when he is not moved or convinced at all? No. Not at all. It is a numbers game like shooting free shots. You know you are not going to make them all but if you hit a certain percentage you figure it is worthwhile to make the attempt.

Then there is an extra bonus to being able to assume the attitude of the observer. When something bad happens you can detach yourself from the emotional turmoil but when something good happens you can decide to not be so detached and immerse yourself in temporary happiness. It’s a win win.


May 10, 2013

Human Molecule 

Stephen: I wonder if there is something there for consideration. JJ, is this worth reflecting on for Keysters to help them form the Human Molecule? Do we all need to be in the same room? What if Keysters were to ‘pair off’ into male/female couples to try and mentally link up with each other, and if/when successful, couples could then reach out to each other? Or is this too dangerous?

JJ To receive the initial link up the group has to be physically together just as were the disciples on the day of Pentecost. Then after the linkup they can be separated and mentally link up. The apostles in the first molecule traveled all over the world after the linkup happened.

If you feel you need to use my teachings to the extent that you are borrowing them you could actually include my name in the book by mentioning something like: “This concept was first presented by J J Dewey around the turn of the century.”

Larry W JJ said, “JJ: “We may have to go through a sifting process before we can gather 24 people capable of soul contact all at the same moment so heaven and earth can be linked. I would guess that this will happen sometime in the next five years.”

JJ also said, “The goal is to have the physical city of New Jerusalem initiated by 2030. There may or may not be 144,000 working atomic units by that time, but there should be over 144,000 fairly enlightened people who are willing to receive.”

JJ As you noted I said that back in 1999 and it was a guess that was way off. As Ruth found in the quote, the main reason for this was an anticipation of the Immortal series becoming a much bigger seller than it was. If we are to succeed in initiating a real gathering by 2030 then we are going to need to breakthrough to reach mainstream consciousness. My responsibility in making this happen weighs heavily upon me.

The higher lives have done more harm than good in assisting too much in the past and this time the gathering of lights is mostly up to us mortal folk. If we can do this mostly on our own then a long lasting foundation will be laid.

May the force be with us.

Keith: 2025 should be an interesting year for the few of us who get there.

JJ As our resident prophet, have you had any insights about the next 10-20 years?


May 12, 2013

A Few Words

I’ve been contemplating some of the comments and concerns voiced lately and thought I would say a few words.

All of us who have been here for a decade or so thought the work would have progressed much further than it has at this point. It seems that everyone who reads The Immortal is very impressed and like it better than best sellers such as The Celestine Prophecy or Conversations with God. Unfortunately, it did not take off like these and other books. Why this is so, is somewhat of a mystery, not only to me but to many of my readers who love the books.

My only explanation is that my words do not yet register with the masses but certain types of people who are searching for the truth.

As an experiment once I sent out a couple thousand free copies of Book I of the Immortal inserted with the local paper to saturate a certain area. I got two responses. One was an old lady concerned that I was not in harmony with the Bible and another from a guy who actually read it and liked it. One positive response from thousands of Immortals books was far from a paying proposition. Why even a dozen people did not pick it up and read it seems strange indeed.

I’ve given away around 50,000 free physical copies of Book I and an amazingly small number of people read it. Those who do are very enthused but they are the few.

The only time I have had success passing them out is when a bookstore owner actually reads The Immortal, gets enthused and then gives away free copies of Book I to his customers while recommending it. When this has happened sales leaped forward making The Immortal the best selling book in the store for a few months.

After writing the four Immortal books published in three volumes and seeing that the series just wasn’t taking off with the general public I then moved on to the political arena and wrote Fixing America. I sent many copies to talk show and media people all around the country and did not receive a single response.

I then stood back and asked myself what to do next. Logically it seemed best to move forward promoting my political views but then I realized something. I just didn’t have the fire in the belly about moving forward with it at the moment.

Realizing this I decided to start a local group and teach spiritual principles. The goal now is to get a good group going and which I can then use as a base for endeavors impressed upon my by the soul. In addition to this I am sending out the best of my teachings in emails to thousands of people on my list. This is showing some promise. I am also considering making more videos for youtube.

I think Keith is correct that events have not unfolded as expected by the Higher Lives. This is not all bad though. It means that opportunities may be in a different direction than anticipated.

My feeling at present is just to proceed with the highest I know, and as I do the day of opportunity will come.

Copyright by J J Dewey 2013

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Keys Posts 2012, Part 14

This entry is part 27 of 40 in the series 2012A

 June 9, 2012

Benjamin Crème

Here are some previous comments I have made on Benjamin Crème. (Posted in response to reader interest)

April 1999 Glenys mentioned Benjamin Crème. I remember the first time I read the “words of Christ” as they were revealed through him. They left me completely flat. No new knowledge, principles or wisdom. Then somewhere around 1988 he came up to Boise to give a lecture. I thought I’d try and be open-minded and listen to him. I was surprised to hear him declare boldly that Christ was going to appear in about two months from the date of the lecture. He was going to be on television and his presence would be so powerful that the whole world would just know who he was and accept him.

Well two months passed and this glorious event did not happen. Later I heard he moved the event forward, but still it has now been over ten years (Now 23 years) and no mass TV appearance of the Christ with every eye recognizing Him.

Benjamin Crème was a student and personal acquaintance of Alice A. Bailey and he has a small amount of true data of the reappearance, but is caught up in a number of illusions and will continue to make false predictions.

It’s possible that someone may surface who claims to be Crème’s version of the Christ, but I assure you that such a one will not be able to speak words as beautiful as the Sermon on the Mount or give even one parable comparable to those of Jesus.

After we pass the year 2000 we are going to see more false Christs and prophets appear. Link


Thanks for your posting, Adrian, of some of the teachings of Benjamin Crème. Actually, a large portion of the teachings you mentioned are not original with Crème, but with Alice A. Bailey of whom Crème was a student.

Many new age gurus have read the works of Alice A. Bailey and presented teachings gained from her books as their own original material. Because her books are quite technical and difficult to read many students of such gurus are impressed that the material is original.

There are a number of teachers who claim to be channeling every master available who only present a rehash of Bailey and other writers.

It may be advantageous to present certain points to look for in a true representative of the Brotherhood and one who is under the illusionary path.


1. The first thing to look at is the teachings he or she presents, for the Brotherhood does not like to repeat itself. If it does it is only for clarification purposes. A false teacher’s highest teachings will be a repeat of information that has already been revealed.

Crème’s highest teachings are Alice A. Bailey quotations.

2. The false teacher will teach in data and not principles. If there is anything new in his teachings it will be in the form of unprovable data.

One of the few new things in Crème’s teachings was some data about the number of disciples who have passed through the various initiations. Even on this he has over estimated the number.

3. The false teacher will make fantastic predictions that do not come true.

I recounted in my last post such a prediction by Crème.

4. The false teacher presents himself as a humble servant, but subtly works to draw attention to glorify himself and his ego.

When I heard Crème in person make his false prediction I sensed that it originated in glamour. Also, his mannerisms seemed very centered in glamour. To confirm my suspicions I went to meet him after the lecture and got his autograph. I am an expert handwriting analyst and saw immediately on looking at his writing that I was correct. The guy revels in attention directed toward his ego.

5. The false teacher will lie when it furthers his purposes.

I personally think that Crème just makes up a lot of the “teachings” that are supposed to come from Christ and is aware of this fact.

6. The false teacher will usually emphasize teachings of the passing age, which is the age of Pisces at this time.

Crème’s message of sharing and sacrifice sound pleasing, but they are presented in Piscean format and are not workable in the coming age.

7. He will not offer you a way to prove to yourself that his teachings are true, but will want you to accept him through faith in his personality. Those who are sure that he is correct are convinced through outer signs.

Crème has offered no way for us to know the truth of his teachings.


1. The bulk of his teachings will not be a repetition of writings already in existence. His or her teachings will either be new or throw new light on teachings already revealed.

Look at the two greatest in history, Jesus and Buddha. They may have quoted some from teachers of the past, but overall their core message was new and brought additional light to the world.

2. The true teacher will stress principles more than unprovable data. Also, they will generally reveal and explain new principles.

3. The true teacher is not infallible, but will be cautious in making fantastic predictions. The predictions he does make will be very reliable and will often be clothed in mystery as are the writings of John the Beloved and Nostradamus.

4. The true teacher may be accused of being in the work for the ego, as even Jesus was, but in reality his prime goal will be service to humanity. He only seeks recognition for his true accomplishments, when it furthers the work, and will never seek the recognition that belongs to others.

5. The true teacher will attempt to so live his life so he will never lie or deceive. If he does not achieve perfection in this he recognizes his mistake and seeks to correct it.

6. The true teacher will emphasize the coming principles of the Aquarian age. He will not abandon the good of Pisces and sacrifice, but his main attention will be on the coming energies of service as we discussed earlier.

7. The true teacher will teach students a path that will lead to verification through the soul and Spirit that the principles he teaches are true. Those who are convinced he is correct are sure because of powerful inner confirmation rather than outer signs, even though outer signs may seem to manifest. Link

Here is a dialog I had with a Crème follower: April 22, 2004 My Friends, I know many old timers do not want to discuss Benjamin Crème again, but we have a new member who I think shows some good potential and I would like to share some thoughts with him. I do not plan on taking much more time on this subject.

Robert: Whether Crème is a so-called prophet (your word), I do not care to indulge in a semantical debate. Although it would be wise to consider everything Crème speaks as a hypothesis, before denying and disbelieving his words. I ask – are you crystallized in your beliefs when it comes to Crème? Has your mind been made when it comes to believing him to be a so-called false prophet? A gentle gust of wind cannot move a heavy, stubborn rock.

JJ: I could turn this around. Are you crystallized because you disbelieve my words and do not even consider that Crème is representing something else besides the Spiritual Hierarchy?

Are you crystallized because you do not accept Sally of Detroit’s channelings from Zor of Zurkin II declaring that the world will enter the 5th dimension next week?

Using the discerning qualities of the mind to weigh the facts and come to logical conclusions is more the mark of one who has not crystallized rather than one who has.

Perhaps we should soon talk about the principle of crystallization and exactly what it is.

The conclusions I have reached on Crème have been through study of his materials and the use of such discernment in connection with the sensing of spiritual vibration.

If I were crystallized I would not have read his writings to discover whether or not they are true.

Robert: I do not disbelieve that you heard Crème speak in 1988 that the Christ will be seen on television, but I cannot believe it either.

JJ: I do not understand why you cannot believe it. Do you really consider that I would have just made it up?

Robert: So, for me, your point is moot. I can only validate my experience and my knowledge and my understanding. If you believe Crème has lied to you, should that cancel out the intuitive response to what I have heard and read? JJ, brother! The story your tell will not be the authority of truth.

JJ: This does not make sense. This would mean it would be worthless to study history, the scriptures, Bailey material, or even Crème’s revelations because they are not linked to your direct experience. The mind can discern much truth by reading and considering the accounts of others. To dismiss the factual account I give because it does not agree with a preconceived notion is strange indeed for a seeker.

When I relate what I saw and heard it should have much more credibility than a statement of some belief in a theory or doctrine.

Robert: As far the so-called prophecies, they were given to Crème by a close associate of Maitreya during the late 80s. I do not want to make any mistakes, so in the coming days I will attempt to obtain the exact writings of those predictions. I’ve read them before and they are quite curious. Maitreya never meant for them to be so-called prophecies, they were more like statements he made from observing the law of cause and effect.

JJ: I do not think so. Crème came to Boise and I attended his lecture. I had already read a book or two that he had written – not in the name of an associate of Maitreya, but Maitreya himself. When Crème spoke to us and talked about the Maitreya messages he made no mention of receiving them from this associate you mention. In fact he demonstrated how he received his revelations by going into a meditative state where he stated that he would be overshadowed – not by some acolyte – but by Maitreya himself. It was around this period of his lecture that he stated that in April of that year (I believe it was 1987 or 88) a few months from the lecture that Maitreya would appear on worldwide television and announce himself. At that moment every person on the earth would experience a oneness with him and realize that Christ had come again.

I was quite amazed at such a black and white prediction, but attempted to analyze it objectively.

I could find many reasons to disbelieve such a prediction and none to believe it.

I rejected the prediction for the following reasons. (1) I had knowledge that Christ would not come until some time after the turn of the millennium. This was too soon for him to appear. (2) I had read most of Crème’s material he had published to that date and received no soul confirmation on them. (3) To cause every person on the earth to accept Maitreya, even the born- againers would involve the use of force on the human will. This is contrary to the methods used by the real Christ. He always works with free will to the maximum possible. (4) Crème’s teachings that were supposed to come from the Christ revealed no new principles. The Christ of the Bible taught around a principle in almost every sentence we have of his dialog. DK revealed much new light and amplification of principles. I can find little or no new light in Crèmes writings.

Can you find anything that is not just unverifiable data? So far no Crème follower has been able to give us even one piece of new light.

(5) I sensed a strong sense of glamour around him. To check my observation I wet up to him after the meeting and asked for a sample of his handwriting. He gave it to me rather reluctantly. My long experience in handwriting revealed that Crème’s glamours were exactly as I had ascertained by watching him.

Concerning your comments on Crème’s statement that the real Saddam is dead and the one caught is a double I will add this. I found Glenys’ finding that his wife thinks the captured Saddam is a double to be interesting and it is remotely possible that this is true.

Overall, it does not make sense because of the following reasons:

(1) If the military were to deceive us why would they want to present a fraud to the world and even allow his wife to visit?

(2) If he was killed earlier it would have been advantageous for the military to merely announce he was killed so they wouldn’t have to deal with a live person, relatives, a trial etc.

(3) DNA analysis revealed it was Saddam. Now it is remotely possible there was fraud or a mistake here, especially if the double were a relative and had similar DNA.

(4) Dozens of people close to Saddam met with him after the capture and none questioned that it was really him.

(5) None of his daughters have questioned that the prisoner is not Saddam Hussein. One of them did think he was drugged to mellow him out. This is believable.

(6) It would be incredibly stupid to purposefully proclaim a double was the real Saddam. Any intelligent person would have to realize that such a fraud would come unraveled and would destroy the Bush administration.

I haven’t received any revelation on this matter but I would give a 95% chance that we have the real Saddam. On the off chance the captured one is a double I would guess it started with an honest mistake that turned into a cover-up by the military and Bush doesn’t even know the truth of the matter. Then too it is possible that the double is a relative with a close DNA match and even the military is deceived.

(7) The anti Bush media here and in Europe has not picked up on the double story. If there was any hard evidence they would be on it.

Robert: You are correct that Crème had indicated that Dennis Kucinich had a good chance of capturing the presidency – but you are forgetting or neglecting a specific part of what Crème has said, which is – if Kucinich was nominated as the democratic candidate. Quote in context my friend : )

JJ: I didn’t quote and my statement is accurate. Here’s an exact quote from the last Crème follower on the list:

“Crème has said that the Hierarchy supports Kucinich, that Kucinich is the only presidential candidate who is receptive to the mental impressions from the Hierarchy. Crème has also said if Kucinich gets on the bill as the Democratic presidential candidate, he will become President.”

The fact that Crème talked about the possibility that Kucinich could actually get the nomination, let alone “become president” shows a great error in judgment. Thank God the real Hierarchy are smarter than this. Thank God I am smarter than this. From the first time I heard his Kucinich’s name and felt the vibration around it, even before I saw and heard him I sensed that he had no chance.

I take it back there is a one in a million chance. Here is a possible scenario.

John Kerry’s botox (which he says does not exist) bursts, causing a temporary obstruction of vision. He slips on a glossy anti Bush flyer, falls on his head and sinks into a comma.

John Edwards and Howard Dean rush to an emergency meeting where Democrats are trying to decide who to back. Their cars run head on into each other and both die.

Joe Lieberman eats a piece of bad ham and becomes comatose.

Al Sharpton storms into the meeting and demands support for the nomination. Sheila Jackson Leigh feels that Sharpton has steamrolled over her and grabs him by the neck and strangles him. She is then hauled off to jail.

Clark Gets amnesia and can’t remember his name.

Hillary actually keeps her word and decides to serve out her senate term.

Kucinich alone enters the meeting and as he approaches the committee he steps on a bare power cord and electricity shoots through his body lighting him up. The committee sees this as a sign from God and the Democrats back him to the Convention.

After the convention two days before the election it is revealed that Bush killed JFK. The public is so outraged that they vote for Kucinich in protest and he wins.

Ahh, well, the Kucinich true believers can always dream.

Robert: As a side note, we have been given the information that the Hierarchy is supporting and throwing the weight of their assistance behind the democratic candidate – even though it’s not Dennis Kucinich.

JJ: Crème’s Hierarchy, perhaps. The real one merely teaches correct principles and let’s us decide for ourselves. There are disciples in both parties and the Hierarchy isn’t telling half the disciples to switch parties.

Robert: I’ve read in the archives why you believe Crème is a Communist and his support of enforced sharing. Is the source of this information to be trusted?

JJ: It’s supposed to be Crème’s own words as revealed by Sean David Morton. He has written quite a bit and I’ve seen no evidence of him being an outright fabricator.

Here is part of an interview with Sean David Morton written in 1994:

The ultimate purpose, according to Crème, and I quote, is to “Give over all of your power and energy to the Masters so that they can use it as they please, to facilitate global change.” Someone has something backwards here! Spiritual Masters are suppose to reflect the Light of God and the Creation through themselves down TO US, not the other way round. And what do these “Masters” need with all our energy? To quote the now deceased Capt. James T. Kirk, “Excuse me! What does God need with a Starship?” As Crème and I spoke, he began to lay out his global philosophy. His anger was clearly directed primarily at America. He felt that all of Western Civilization should be destroyed and dismantled so that the wealth, mostly of America, could then be “re-distributed” to feed the starving huddled masses of the world. “By what means?” I asked. “They must come to a place of consciousness for it to take place.” he answered. “And if they refuse to do it willingly?” I asked slowly. “Then it should be done by force, if necessary!” “That,” I replied cautiously, truly wanting to hear what he had to say, “sounds like Communism.” “And what’s wrong with Communism?” he retorted. “Are you a Communist?” I asked. “Young man, I have been a card carrying Communist for 32 years!” The plot thickens. “Have you ever been to Moscow, or studied there? “Many times!” he said with pride.

I asked the last Crème disciple who did not accept this to merely ask Crème if the quote are accurate and if he is a Communist, but he refused. You ought to write him a letter or call him and ask him if he is or has been as card-carrying communist and if the above is quoted accurately and reflects his views.

Robert: I’ve read the interview and I do not put my faith into the honesty of the interviewer. The tone of fear colours the entire article. Whether Crème is a ‘card-carrying member of the Communist Party’ is a relative, personal attribute. The actual life that Benjamin Crème lives should be evaluated. However, that was not me confirming that he is a member of the Communist Party. I have no idea – and whether he is or not – is a superficial statistic. The man is 82 years old and still steadily doing his work.

JJ: What concerns me more than being a communist was this statement: “And if they refuse to do it willingly?” I asked slowly. “Then it should be done by force, if necessary!”

It appears that Crème believes in dismantling America through old style Soviet style tyrannical force.

That’s not the Hierarchy I’m associated with.

Does such philosophy not concern you? You seem to be a reasonable young man. Could this be your blind spot?

Robert: The pity is that one of us is more right and the other less right. Time will tell – time will solidify the fact.

JJ: Time has already spoken on many of Crèmes predictions and teachings. I’d say that at least 90% of the times time has spoken, it has spoken against him.

Robert: The fact that what Crème speaks is true and that he is in contact with a Master of Wisdom and has been willingly working for the reappearance under direct inspiration from the Hierarchy – or the fact that Benjamin Crème is not and has not.

JJ: It would be sad indeed if the Hierarchy cannot see the future as well as I can – or Glenys can, or Larry can…

Robert: All in all, you are certainly entitled to your beliefs – the glory of free will! The modest suggestion that I make is that you become aware of all the good that Benjamin Crème has done and continues to do, if you are not already aware.

JJ: I have followed Crème for almost 20 years. I read his first book and have checked out his new teachings from time to time. So far I have not been able to find one enlightened statement from the man. Can you give us even one good paragraph that turns on a light?

Let me put it this way. Open any Alice A. Bailey book dictated by DK and read a paragraph at random. Then try and find one paragraph by Crème or his Master which is equal to it.

Robert: The work is One.

JJ: It is indeed, but there is a dark Hierarchy opposed to the one work and workers many levels down are trapped by their illusions. I feel impressed to make an effort to awaken you to find the real power of the soul and let it guide you through the Crème maze to the feet of the real Master of Light and Love. There is more awaiting you than you have imagined.

I sense a person with great potential in you, more than any Crème follower (co-worker or whatever) I have met and hope we can eventually see as one. Link


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Djwhal Khul Predictions

This entry is part 12 of 34 in the series 2011C

LWK asked about DK predictions. He made quite a few. Some have been successful and some have missed the mark. Many still pertain to the future so we’ll have to wait and see on them.

Ruth quoted some of my words from the archives on a couple that seemingly did not come true.

“He taught that after 1975 the esoteric teachings will be given out world wide through the radio. The teachings will be given out but everything is behind schedule. The end was seen, but the details related to time and free will were not seen.”

“Here is another one: ‘Volcanic action therefore may be looked for, demonstrating in unexpected localities, as well as within the sphere of the present earthquake and volcanic zones. Serious disturbance may be looked for in California before the end of the century, and in Alaska likewise.’”
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 907 (Published 1925)

California does seem to be overdue for a major earth changing calamity but it didn’t happen by the end of the century. On the other hand, Alaska did have a major earthquake on March 27, 1964 – a whopping 9.2 the second largest in over 100 years – more potent than the recent one in Japan.

He predicted “A shift in the Earth’s polarity, due to the pull of a great cosmic centre. This powerfully affects the Earth’s orientation and is responsible for the present earthquakes, and for the volcanic eruptions and the many earthquakes during the past one hundred and fifty years.
Esoteric Astrology Page 410

Scientists are now telling us the earth is experiencing a shift in the polarity of its magnetic field. This could be what he was referring to.

He predicted that the return of Jews to Israel to establish a homeland would bring tremendous conflict to the area and the world. He said we’d be a lot better off if the Jews just assimilated with mankind.

When the U.N. was formed he said that it was a mistake to allow totalitarian regimes in it and would hamper its effectiveness.

In A Treatise on Cosmic Fire Page 907 (Published 1925) he predicted the discovery of atomic energy and then after the first atomic bomb went off he stated that this was a source of power that will eventually liberate humanity.

He was one of the few teachers who correctly identified Hitler early on as an antichrist figure. Other teachers, such as Helena Roerich, praised him in the beginning.

In 1942 he said that the forces of light were prevailing with the war and a win for the Allies was definitely going to happen. Before that he said the war was in question.

In 1925 DK wrote:
“The Master Jesus will take a physical vehicle, and with certain of His chelas effect a re-spiritualisation of the Catholic churches, breaking down the barrier separating the Episcopal and Greek churches from the Roman. This may be looked for, should plans progress as hoped, about the year 1980.”
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 759

“From the chair of the Pope of Rome, the Master Jesus will attempt to swing that great branch of the religious beliefs of the world again into a position of spiritual power and away from its present authoritative and temporary political potency.”
Destiny of the Nations, Page 61

I believe this prophecy was attempted to be fulfilled by Pope John Paul I who was Pope for a mere 33 days and was killed in Sept 1978 by those who fought his reforms.

The fact that He was in office 33 days which corresponds to the 33 years in the life of Jesus of Nazareth is far from the only correspondence.
His given name was Albino Luciani which means “white light.”

After John Paul I was killed he was replaced by Karol Joseph Wojtyla who became John Paul II. Ironically this replacement pope was born during a solar eclipse.

This is symbolic of his reign during an eclipse of a true son of God through the death of Luciani.
Albino Luciani means “white light” but the new Pope’s name of Karol Joseph Wojtyla means “man who adds increase to war.”

The book, “In God’s Name,” written by David A. Yallop makes a convincing case that John Paul I was poisoned.

DK predicted the Great Invocation would be greatly used around the world. He seemed to think it would be in greater use than it is now but it is certainly widely used.

I’ll make a similar prediction for The Song of the 144,000. Its use will grow significantly and within 50 years most spiritual seekers will have heard of it or used it. Many outside metaphysics in regular churches will begin using it.

DK made many interesting predictions that still pertain to our future. One I am looking forward to will be a device which will be created by materialist scientists which will alter the world. It will be able to communicate with the dead.

I think that the next time I read the Alice A. Bailey books through I’ll tabulate the predictions as there are quite a few more. These are just some that I recall.


Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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Who’s Who

This entry is part 56 of 62 in the series 2010

Posted Oct 26, 2010
I’ve been out of town for a couple days but gad to see that the group continues to talk about interesting subjects.

Sterling writes;
“Stan and his rebellious host will thus prove to have become the direct Saviors and Creators of divine man. Thus Satan, once he ceases to be viewed in the superstitious spirit of the church, grows into the grandiose image. It is Satan who is the God of our planet, and the only God.” — H.P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine

Is she being facetious, quoting another paradigm, or is she speaking her truth?

First, let me point out that this quote is a compilation of phrases pieced together to create a negative effect.

Dan did a great job of research on this and I am placing this at the end of my post for reference.

Secondly, as Dan pointed out, a lot of that which is included in the writings of HPB are quotes from others. In her writings she will give a large variety of quotes that take the reader all over the place and oftentimes one quote is not in agreement with another but she throws them in as possibilities stimulating thinking out of the box.

She will often throw out this idea for consideration: What if that which we thought was good is really evil and the evil is really good?

She presents provocative thinking by making us think on:

What if the serpent was really a good guy in attempting to bring the knowledge of good and evil to Adam and Eve?

What if Jehovah was really Satan by ordering the death penalty for the smallest of infractions?

Then he ordered Israelites to take the land of Canaan by force even though it did not belong to them.

He ordered men, woman and children of their enemies to be put to death.

He approved of slavery.

HPB legitimately posits that this seems to be more like the work of what we now see as a devil rather than God.

She doesn’t have any problem with Jesus being on the side of light and love but presents the idea that the Jehovah of the Jews was really Satan and Jesus rebelled against him and ascended in consciousness to his Father in Heaven, which was not Jehovah but a more benevolent force or entity.

It is interesting that the writings of Alice A. Bailey often do not support or ignores many of HPB’s more controversial teachings. Here Jehovah is not called Satan but neither are orthodox teachings supported. DK says that Jehovah is not the highest God but created from the soul of the Jewish people and thus his laws are geared toward the Jewish mindset at that time in history.

DK doesn’t talk about the being who made the initial encounter with Moses which could have been a different entity.

Overall, I do not get nearly as much light from HPB as I do from the Bailey writings. A lot of her writings are obscure quotes that she has dug up and thrown at us without much explanation on her part. I have come across a lot of things in her writings with which I either disagree or think the presentation is slanted or incomplete.

I personally am unconcerned about who is good and who is evil in the far past. Instead I am much more concerned about “What” is good and what is evil.

If there is a choice between more freedom for the whole or less then I always go with the more freedom and anyone who stands in the way of this is the true adversary in my opinion. It matters not what name or title that is applied to them.

Here is Dan’s research on some of HPB’s controversial statements:

Dan: I came across this “quote” several years ago and did a little research. Quite simply put, HPB did not write it at all.

If you really want to know what she thought about Satan (I guarantee it is just as eye-popping to most as the quote is 🙂 see:

This HPB “quote” you refer to above is a false one that has been scattered far and wide across the ‘net. The most HONEST form in which I have found this “quote is this:

“[O]ne of the most hidden secrets…involves the so called fall of Angels. Satan and his rebellious host…will thus prove to have…become the direct Saviors and Creators of divine man …. Thus Satan, once he ceases to be viewed in the superstitious spirit of the church, grows into the grandiose image…It is Satan who is the God of our planet and the only God. [The last line sits on a page headed ‘Holy Satan.’] Satan [or Lucifer] represents…the Centrifugal Energy of the Universe…this ever-living symbol of self-sacrifice for the intellectual independence of humanity.” -H.P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, pg. 215, 216, 220, 245, 225, 533

The author of this quote (yes AUTHOR) at LEAST put ellipses (…) where s/he left out LARGE sections of text (some pieces appear in different books altogether :-). If you will look at the page attributions, you will also see that some chunks are out of sequence, and in 2 chunks HPB was actually quoting some other author 🙂

Below I have copied the sections from which the quote was excerpted and then pasted back together to look as though one continuous quote.

Inside each quote I have capitalized the phrases that were STOLEN in order to MANUFACTURE the “quote” Sterling refers to above.

[beginquote] (c) “There were many wars” refers to several struggles of adjustment, spiritual, cosmical, and astronomical, but chiefly to the mystery of the evolution of man as he is now. Powers—pure Essences—”that were told to create” is a sentence that relates to a mystery explained, as already said, elsewhere. It is not only ONE OF THE MOST HIDDEN SECRETS of Nature—that of generation, over whose solution the Embryologists have vainly put their heads together—but likewise a divine function that INVOLVES that other religious, or rather dogmatic, mystery, the “FALL” OF THE ANGELS, as it is called. SATAN AND HIS REBELLIOUS HOST WOULD THUS PROVE, when the meaning of the allegory is explained, TO HAVE refused to create physical man, only to BECOME THE DIRECT SAVIOURS AND THE CREATORS OF “DIVINE MAN.” The symbolical teaching is more than mystical and religious, it is purely scientific, as will be seen later on. For, instead of remaining a mere blind, functioning medium, impelled and guided by fathomless LAW, the “rebellious” Angel claimed and enforced his right of independent judgment and will, his right of free-agency and responsibility, since man and angel are alike under Karmic Law.* [endquote] The Secret Doctrine, Vol I, pg 194-195

[beginquote] In Volume II. of Isis (p. 183 et seq.) the philosophical systems of the Gnostics and the primitive Jewish Christians, the Nazarenes and the Ebionites, are fully considered. They show the views held in those days—outside the circle of Mosaic Jews—about Jehovah. He was identified by all the Gnostics with the evil, rather than with the good principle. For them, he was Ilda-Baoth, “the son of Darkness,” whose mother, Sophia Achamoth, was the daughter of Sophia, the Divine Wisdom (the female Holy Ghost of the early Christians)—Akâsa; † while Sophia Achamoth personified the lower Astral Light or Ether. Ilda-Baoth, ‡ or Jehovah, is simply one of the Elohim, the seven creative Spirits, and one of the lower Sephiroth. He produces from himself seven other Gods, “Stellar Spirits” (or the lunar ancestors *), for they are all the same. † They are all in his own image (the “Spirits of the Face”), and the reflections one of the other, and have become darker and more material as they successively receded from their originator. They also inhabit seven regions disposed like a ladder, as its rungs slope up and down the scale of spirit and matter. ‡ With Pagans and Christians, with Hindus and Chaldeans, with the Greek as with the Roman Catholics—with a slight variation of the texts in their interpretations—they all were the Genii of the seven planets, as of the seven planetary spheres of our septenary chain, of which Earth is the lowest. (See Isis, Vol. II. p. 186.) This connects the “Stellar” and “Lunar” Spirits with the higher planetary Angels and the Saptarishis (the seven Rishis of the Stars) of the Hindus—as subordinate Angels (Messengers) to these “Rishis,” the emanations, on the descending scale, of the former. Such, in the opinion of the philosophical Gnostics, were the God and the Archangels now worshipped by the Christians! The “Fallen Angels” and the legend of the “War in Heaven” is thus purely pagan in its origin and comes from India via Persia and Chaldea. The only reference to it in the Christian canon is found in Revelations xii., as quoted a few pages back. THUS “SATAN,” ONCE HE CEASES TO BE VIEWED IN THE SUPERSTITIOUS, dogmatic, unphilosophical SPIRIT OF THE CHURCHes, GROWS INTO THE GRANDIOSE IMAGE of one who made of terrestrial a divine MAN; who gave him, throughout the long cycle of Maha-kalpa the law of the Spirit of Life, and made him free from the Sin of Ignorance, hence of death. (See the Section On Satan in Part II. Vol. II.) [endquote] The Secret Doctrine, Vol I, pg 198

[beginquote] The true esoteric view about “Satan,” the opinion held on this subject by the whole philosophic antiquity, is admirably brought out in an appendix, entitled “The Secret of Satan,” to the second edition of Dr. A. Kingsford’s “Perfect Way.” No better and clearer indication of the truth could be offered to the intelligent reader, and it is therefore quoted here at some length: — […] Therefore, as continued in the APPENDIX: […] IT IS “SATAN WHO IS THE GOD OF OUR PLANET AND THE ONLY GOD,” and this without any allusive metaphor to its wickedness and depravity. For he is one with the Logos, “the first son, eldest of the gods,” in the order of microcosmic (divine) evolution; Saturn (Satan), astronomically, “is the seventh and last in the order of macrocosmic emanation, being the circumference of the kingdom of which Phœbus (the light of wisdom, also the Sun) is the centre.” The Gnostics were right, then, in calling the Jewish god “an angel of matter,” or he who breathed (conscious) life into Adam, and he whose planet was Saturn. [endquote] The Secret Doctrine, Vol II, pg 233-235

[beginquote] For, to quote from an able article by one who, confusing the planes of existence and consciousness, fell a victim to it: — “SATAN, OR LUCIFER, REPRESENTS the active, or, as M. Jules Baissac calls it, THE ‘CENTRIFUGAL ENERGY OF THE UNIVERSE’ in a cosmic sense. He is Fire, Light, Life, Struggle, Effort, Thought, Consciousness, Progress, Civilization, Liberty, Independence. At the same time he is pain, which is the Re-action of the pleasure of action, and death — which is the revolution of life — Satan, burning in his own hell, produced by the fury of his own momentum …” [endquote] The Secret Doctrine, Vol II, pg 244-245

[beginquote] The “Old Dragon” and Satan, now become singly and collectively the symbol of, and the theological term for, the “Fallen Angel,” is not so described either in the original Kabala (the Chaldean “Book of Numbers”) or in the modern. For the most learned, if not the greatest of modern Kabalists, namely Eliphas Levi, describes Satan in the following glowing terms: — “It is that Angel who was proud enough to believe himself God; brave enough to buy his independence at the price of eternal suffering and torture; beautiful enough to have adored himself in full divine light; strong enough to reign in darkness amidst agony, and to have built himself a throne on his inextinguishable pyre. It is the Satan of the Republican and heretical Milton. . . . . the prince of anarchy, served by a hierarchy of pure Spirits (! ! ) . . . . “(Histoire de la Magie, 16-17) This description — one which reconciles so cunningly theological dogma and the Kabalistic allegory, and even contrives to include a political compliment in its phraseology — is, when read in the right spirit, quite correct.

Yes, indeed; it is this grandest of ideals, THIS EVER-LIVING SYMBOL — nay apotheosis — OF SELF-SACRIFICE FOR THE INTELLECTUAL INDEPENDENCE OF HUMANITY; this ever active Energy protesting against Static Inertia — the principle to which Self-assertion is a crime, and Thought and the Light of Knowledge odious. It is — as Eliphas says with unparalleled justice and irony — “this pretended hero of tenebrous eternities, who, slanderously charged with ugliness, is decorated with horns and claws, which would fit far better his implacable tormentor — it is he who has been finally transformed into a serpent — the red Dragon.” But Eliphas Levi was yet too subservient to his Roman Catholic authorities; one may add, too jesuitical, to confess that this devil was mankind, and never had any existence on earth outside of that mankind.*

In this, Christian theology, although following slavishly in the steps of Paganism, was only true to its own time-honoured policy. It had to isolate itself, and to assert its authority. Hence it could not do better than turn every pagan deity into a devil. Every bright sun-god of antiquity — a glorious deity by day, and its own opponent and adversary by night, named the Dragon of Wisdom, because it was supposed to contain the germs of night and day — has now been turned into the antithetical shadow of God, and has become Satan on the sole and unsupported authority of despotic human dogma. After which all these producers of light and shadow, all the Sun and the Moon Gods, were cursed, and thus the one God chosen out of the many, and Satan, were both anthropomorphised. But theology seems to have lost sight of the human capacity for discriminating and finally analysing all that is artificially forced upon its reverence. History shows in every race and even tribe, especially in the Semitic nations, the natural impulse to exalt its own tribal deity above all others to the hegemony of the gods; and proves that the God of the Israelites was such a tribal God, and no more, even though the Christian Church, following the lead of the “chosen” people, is pleased to enforce the worship of that one particular deity, and to anathematize all the others. Whether originally a conscious or an unconscious blunder, nevertheless, it was one. Jehovah has ever been in antiquity only “a god among other Gods,” (lxxxii. Psalm). The Lord appears to Abraham, and while saying, “I am the Almighty God,” yet adds, “I will establish my covenant to be a God unto thee” (Abraham), and unto his seed after him (Gen. xvii. 7) — not unto Aryan Europeans.

* What devil could be possessed of more cunning, craft and cruelty than the “Whitechapel murderer” “Jack the Ripper” of 1888, whose unparalleled blood-thirsty and cool wickedness led him to slaughter and mutilate in cold blood seven unfortunate and otherwise innocent women! One has but to read the daily papers to find in those wife and child-beating, drunken brutes (husbands and fathers!), a small percentage of whom is daily brought before the courts, the complete personifications of the devils of Christian Hell! of the gods; and proves that the God of the Israelites was such a tribal God, and no more, even though the Christian Church, following the lead of the “chosen” people, is pleased to enforce the worship of that one particular deity, and to anathematize all the others. Whether originally a conscious or an unconscious blunder, nevertheless, it was one. Jehovah has ever been in antiquity only “a god among other Gods,” (lxxxii. Psalm). The Lord appears to Abraham, and while saying, “I am the Almighty God,” yet adds, “I will establish my covenant to be a God unto thee” (Abraham), and unto his seed after him (Gen. xvii. 7) — not unto Aryan Europeans. [endquote] The Secret Doctrine, Vol II, pg 506-508

Here is another quote I found: (JJ)

There is at present no need to touch upon the mystic and manifold meaning of the name Jehovah in its abstract sense, one independent of the Deity falsely called by that name. It was a blind created purposely by the Rabbins, a secret preserved by them with ten-fold care after the Christians had despoiled them of this God-name which was their own property.(3) But the following statement is made. The personage who is named in the first four chapters of Genesis variously as “God,” the “Lord God,” and “Lord” simply, is not one and the same person; certainly it is not Jehovah. There are three distinct classes or groups of the Elohim called Sephiroth in the Kabala, Jehovah appearing only in chapter iv., in the first verse of which he is named Cain, and in the last transformed into mankind — male and female, Jah-veh.(4) The “Serpent,” moreover, is not Satan, but the bright Angel, one of the Elohim clothed in radiance and glory, who, promising the woman that if they ate of the forbidden fruit “ye shall not surely die,” kept his promise, and made man immortal in his incorruptible nature. He is the Iao of the mysteries, the chief of the Androgyne creators of men. Chapter 3 contains (esoterically) the withdrawal of the veil of ignorance that closed the perceptions of the Angelic Man, made in the image of the “Boneless” gods, and the opening of his consciousness to his real nature: thus showing the bright Angel (Lucifer) in the light of a giver of Immortality, and as the “Enlightener”; while the real Fall into generation and matter is to be sought in chapter 4. There, Jehovah-Cain, the male part of Adam the dual man, having separated himself from Eve, creates in her “Abel,” the first natural woman, and sheds the Virgin blood. Now Cain, being shown identical with Jehovah, on the authority of the correct reading of verse 1 (chapter 4, Genesis), in the original Hebrew text; and the Rabbins teaching that “Kin (Cain), the Evil, was the Son of Eve by Samael, the devil who took Adam’s place”; and the Talmud adding that “the evil Spirit, and Samael, the angel of Death, are the same,” it becomes easy to see that Jehovah (mankind, or “Jah-hovah”) and Satan (therefore the tempting Serpent) are one and the same in every particular. There is no Devil, no Evil, outside of mankind to produce a Devil. Evil is a necessity in, and one of the supporters of the manifested universe. It is a necessity for progress and evolution, as night is necessary for the production of Day, and Death for that of Life — that man may live for ever.
The Secret Doctrine, Vol 2, Page 388