The 2016 Election

Jan 14, 2016

The 2016 Election

A lot of predictions have been made for this election year and many of them have already been proven false.

For instance, psychics and political professionals alike have been predicting the demise of Donald Trump ever since he announced. Many said that he wasn’t serious, that he was just running to get attention and would withdraw before we saw 2016.

Well, here it is 2016 and Trump shows no signs of diminishing strength.

I’ve checked through numerous psychic predictions concerning the election and here is what most of them say.

Trump will drop out and not become the nominee. Instead of Trump it will be Jeb bush.

Hillary will get the Democratic nomination and win the presidency in a landslide.

So, what do you think? Are the psychics right?

I do not think so. I haven’t had any black and white revelation on the matter, but if I had to guess I would say that Trump will be the Republican nominee and Bernie Sanders will beat Hillary with the delegates. This will upset powerful Democrats who may try and sabotage him and make Joe Biden the nominee.

I would bet that Trump will wind up as our next president and if this happens Obama will be tempted to pull off some coup to stay in office for the “sake of the nation.”

Your turn. What is your guess?

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Soul Abilities

Jan 11, 2016

Soul Abilities


You have also mentioned a meditation whereby a person can “inhabit” their mental body as they fall asleep (see quotes below) which I ran across while researching “not seeing”. A number of questions occurred to me.

Is there any relationship or similarity between this “turning off of a state of mind” (to see the aura) and learning to travel in the mental body?


They are related in the fact that to do either one must place his attention on developing his non physical sensitivities and supersensory abilities. If one develops one of them, then the second will be easier and the third easier still. There are many abilities to be developed and it takes many lifetimes to develop them all. Some of us have developed a number of supersensitive skills in past lives but our souls have chosen to place them below the threshold of consciousness in this life so one’s attention will be free to concentrate on learning new endeavors. Sometimes past talents brought too close to the surface can be more of a hindrance than help in developing new ones.

So to answer your question traveling in the mental body and seeing auras are related to the spiritual senses, but not the same as both taste and smell are related to physical senses, but not the same.


Does the body have to be asleep to “travel” in the mental body?


No, but it is easier. You travel in your mental body each time you go to sleep, but just cannot remember when you wake up..


What does the mental body NORMALLY do during sleep and what is the effect of maintaining one’s consciousness there meditatively? And I assume the reason for doing so is to retain a memory of it?


When you go to sleep the mental part of yourself returns to your Higher Self while the lower part of yourself, your emotional self remains intact and takes you into the illogical dreamland that still has some recording effect on your physical brain.

The more you can keep your consciousness focused in the light of the higher mind the more you will be able to see though the eyes of the soul. Most seekers get a glimpse now and then of the mind of the soul, often without realizing what is happening. The goal is to focus on the soul to the extent that you can always be aware of the next step you need to take. Developing various abilities is a bonus that may or may not happen depending on the need and focus.

Sleep is important not only for you, but your soul as you are a partial projection of your soul. When you are physically awake your soul has to expend more energy vitalizing you then when you are asleep and the mental part is drawn back into itself. When you are asleep it doesn’t have to stay in the deep meditation to vitalize its extension and can get more things done in the realm of the soul. When you are awake it can still function on both worlds, but not with 100% efficiency in the soul realm.


What might be a purpose of doing such a thing? What could one do that one cannot otherwise do?


The potential is to assume the full abilities of the soul which would include reading the akashic records, traveling to other dimensions and all kinds of things that would startle us. Even most advanced disciples do not have the full abilities of the soul but are allowed to see what the Higher Self wants them to see.

It is much easier to place a seeker in a deep trance and regress him to a time when he was one with the soul. Quite a few can do this (with some personality distortion) but few can in full physical consciousness assume the full powers of the soul and higher.


Is the body still refreshed as in normal sleep?


As long as the mental self returns to the soul the body and soul become refreshed.


Then why would one NOT do this every sleep period once they learned how?


If it became easy for you, you may, but it takes a lot of focus and may take away focus from other things. You may like the idea of lifting heavy weights, but you wouldn’t want to do it all the time unless it was second nature. In addition you may miss being involved in all those weird, but entertaining astral dreams.


What are the costs?


Time and attention. Like I always say each life has its limitations. Each seeker must look at what is important for him to accomplish and make sure he has reserved enough energy, focus and time to do it.


How does this (mental travel) differ from “astral travel” in terms of the experience one has?


Astral travel has the sense of motion and travel whereas the mental brings the faraway close with no sense of distance.


What are some names by which this type of meditation might be conventionally known? (I did find a little by DK which I quoted below).


Not sure if anyone has given it a name.

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Jan 10, 2016


Everyone these days is into lists so I thought it would be a good idea to take a break from serious talk and make one.

A lot of comedians are clever and make me smile, but few produce real laughs. Quite a few comedians others consider funny do nothing for me. Here is my list of what I consider to be the top comedians of all time.

  1. Peter Sellers
  2. Bob Hope
  3. Will Rogers
  4. Stephen Wright
  5. Greg Gutfeld
  6. Chris Farley
  7. Dana Carvey
  8. Martin Short
  9. Gene Wilder
  10. Lewis Black
  11. Dennis Miller
  12. Billy Crystal
  13. Kristen Wiig
  14. Larry David
  15. John Belushi

Who’s on your list?

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Snail on Pluto?

Jan 9, 2016

Snail on Pluto?

It is not so much a state of mind that enables one to see the aura, but a turning off of a state of mind, corresponding to turning off the recording that allows the seeing of the particle. The turning off, allows a different kind of seeing.

Take a look at this new photo (The first to come up). Looks like a giant snail or monster traveling across Pluto. Scientists, however think it is a mass of dirty ice. The rest of the article and photos are also interesting.


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Quantum Effects

Jan 9, 2016

Quantum Effects

Dan, your post on your musings on the double slit results was very good and provided some terrific food for thought even though you didn’t solve the problem of quantum mechanics. I wouldn’t feel bad as the problem stumped Einstein and all other scientists to date.

I am including a copy of your post which will follow this in the archives. As you present the conundrum very well.

Here is the situation in a nutshell.

When single particles are measured by human consciousness, as they go through one of the double slits, they behave as if they are solid particles.

When numerous particles have passed through and have been measured or observed then they still act like solid particles passing through one or another of the slits and landing in a measurable space.


When numerous particles pass through and no human consciousness takes note or measures anything, or which slit they passed through, then an interference pattern occurs, or the particles demonstrate a wave function.

Dan and many others ask why this happens.

Indeed. Most scientists openly admit they do not know. Like Richard says – we know it happens and we just have to accept that it is, like the mystery of gravity.

The only ones who do claim to have an answer are various new age teachers and two simplistic answers go something like this.

(1) Consciousness is everywhere, even in matter. The consciousness of matter is connected to the consciousness of the human observer and it decides how it is going to behave. If it wants to behave as a particle or wave then it will just do as it wants.

Another twist on the explanation is this:

(2) We make our own reality and everything is just a big hologram created by consciousness. Consciousness directly affects reality and when consciousness observes, reality changes, often to fit expectations.

Neither one of these ideas are satisfying to the thinker. For instance if the particle were conscious and making a decision to be either a particle or wave that would mean that it could surprise us once in a while and be a particle when we expect it to be a wave.

It does not. The particles behave the same each time the experiment is done. When observed they are particles and when not observed they behave like waves. There is no decision involved. Instead they react as if they have been programmed by a software engineer.

The second idea of particles responding to our consciousness does not satisfy either. For one thing, the guy who first did the experiment didn’t know what to expect so there is no reason to assume his consciousness affected the experiment.

The experiment has been repeated thousands of times with different expectations, but the results have always been the same. If consciousness is creating the wave or particle effects then such results should vary according to the different modes of consciousness of the scientists.

There is variation of consciousness but no variation of quantum results. In the real world of creation a variation of consciousness always produces different results. This tells us that something more than conscious creation of effects is going on.

Here is what I think the answer is.

As I have said before each particle has a dual existence. It exists in physical matter as a particle and in spirit as a wave. Regular humans do not have the power to observe anything beyond physical matter so when they observe the particle they can only see it function as a solid piece of matter.

This is comparable to observing another human being. The human observed is more than physical matter, but when you look a him all you see is a body. What is not observed is the wave function of his soul interacting with him. It is so ephemeral that many believe the soul does not exist whereas others do.

Even so, when we look at a particle we only see its form but not the soul, or the wave, so to speak.

Correspondingly, we do not see the spiritual parts of the human being by looking directly at him. To see the etheric body or the aura, for instance, one has to take his attention off the physical form and look at empty space. To see the aura one has to use a process I have called “not seeing” to see. If you consciously try and see it you cannot. You have to put yourself in a state of mind where you do not care if you see it or not. Paradoxically, you have to look by not looking. If you ever see an aura using thus process you will know what I mean.

Even so, with the scientist. When he does not look he finds a wave pattern that was not visible when he was looking.

The correspondence seems to fit.

I guess, next we’ll have to solve quantum entanglement, something Einstein called “spooky action at a distance.”

Dan’s Post

In summary.

particle emitter — particle detector(s) – double slit — target

1) If a coherent beam of particles is fired from the emitter such that individual particles cannot be detected then the result is an interference pattern (

2) If an individual particle is fired from the emitter and we DO NOT detect which slit it goes through then the result is a single hole (spot) on the target where the particle hit.

If you continue to fire individual UNdetected particles, over time an interference pattern eventually appears visible in the conglomeration of individual “holes” that have been punched in the target. (

3) If an individual particle is fired from the emitter and we DO detect which slit it goes through then the result is a hole in the target that lines up with whichever slit we detected it passed through.

If you continue to fire and detect particles over time like this, each will go through one or the other of the slits and over time you will end up with 2 slit-shaped hole patterns on the target – NO INTERFERENCE PATTERN.

Simply what you would expect if you did the same thing with a gun and bullets shot through a pair of slits at a target. Only bullets which pass thru the slits would hit the target and then over time shooting the gun with a shaky hand you would just end up with two slit shaped patterns on the target.

Richard says that for some reason the act of detecting which slit the particles pass through “collapses the wave function” and the wave-characteristic of particles becomes undetectable. So far, I have not been able to entice him to speculate on why this may be 🙂

There have been lots of variations and enhancements of the double-slit experiment.

If I recall correctly some of them indicate that you CAN detect – with an instrument – which slit has been passed through and as long as every means of afterword finding out which slit was passed thru is destroyed (which slit it passed is not recorded) then the wave-nature of the particle is preserved.

But if anyone COULD ever – by ANY means – ever figure out which slit was passed – if the result was recorded in ANY way – then the wave-nature is undetectable (wave function collapse).

Even if nobody looks at the record. If the simple POSSIBILITY exists that they COULD at some point in time look at it then the wave-function is collapsed.

If a record is made but later destroyed without possibility of reconstruction, then – supposedly – the wave function stays intact.

Funky weird shit, people!!!!

It’s been long enough ago that I looked into it that I don’t really remember the exact details of those experiments or even if ACTUAL physical experiments have been done that demonstrated that or if it was just speculation (thought experiments).

* * * * * * * Warning, Warning! Serious stream-of-consciousness woolgathering personal opinion/speculation beyond this point!!!! 🙂

Those last several paragraphs, if true, seem to indicate that maybe wavicles are in flux, not hard-coded ( “IMPRINTED” ???) upon the akasha (as in Akashic records) until/unless observed by a – without defining it further – self-consciousness.

Why do I say that? Because a) the akasha is supposedly the only true permanent record of all that IS (and was) and b) because IF the results ARE encoded in the Akasha then ANY adept could at ANY point go back and VIEW the results of the slit-detector which would again, if the speculattion is correct, would collapse the wave-function.

I’d like to put a dog in the room with the experiment, make him look at the detector, and with no other recording of the results, see if he causes the wave-function to collapse 🙂

My personal prediction, da d d daaa, is that we will eventually devise other methods of detecting waves and we will find both wave and particle natures are THERE just perhaps not absolutely simultaneously (ala JJ Dewey) or FOR EQUAL PERIODS OF TIME.

If I remember correctly JJ has said that such particles spend part of the time as physical/matter and part as spirit/energy and oscillate between these states un-as-yet-detectably fast.

BUT! Assuming this is true, it does not explain why determining its PARTICuLar location in space (detecting which slit it goes through) seems to cause it to stay physical/matter AFTER detection (eliminate it’s spirit/energy oscillation state).

Intuitively, it would seem the particle would spend half its time in each state but if we apply the law of correspondences WE don’t necessarily spend equal amounts of time incarnated and not, do we?

Also, out of physical incarnation (in the spirit) time is supposedly experienced differently than when incarnated in the physical, so . . . hmmm.

Hmmm, so if we look at akasha as universal (God’s) memory – a recording of God’s CONSCIOUS experience – and if none of Gods “eyes” viewed (experienced) the event, then . . . . . ????

Okay, so here’s where I seem to find myself. Using the law of correspondences:

Just as I can only remember that which enters my sensory channel and only as much of that as I focus my conscious attention upon at one time, so also it is that only those things apprehended by God’s current creative focus of attention get encoded into the akasha (collapse the wave function).

Wavicles are potentialities/possibilities/probabilities until/unless God focuses (thought) upon them (experiences them consciously) and thus imprints them upon universal memory (akasha).

According to my understanding of JJ (Molecular Relationship) God’s current focus of attention is humanity. And thus, if I am correct, then CURRENTLY only a human (or potential human) consciousness would collapse the wave function.

At one time, at the beginning of this universal incarnation, Gods current focus of attention was the hydrogen atom.

Once H was perfected, god’s consciousness withdrew, left the H on autopilot/program and focused upon the next higher sphere – the molecular (chemically speaking). And so on up the chain to animals and eventually humans.

So, where am I. Nowhere really I guess, BUMMER!.

“Collapsing the wave function” is just another way of saying an event was experienced by universal consciousness and thus recorded in universal memory (akasha).

Until universal attention experiences an event, it only exists probabilistically. When wavicles are in their energy phase (not incarnated) they exist only probabilistically (as potentiality, possibility) . . . well hmmm, isn’t it (supposedly) the same with us?

Why do we incarnate? Because this (physical) is the only place to BE(come). Until/unless we incarnate, we are only an idea(l) , a potentiality, a possibility, a thought in the mind of god. . . . we oscillate in and out back and forth from physical (incarnated) to not and back again for the purpose of gaining experience . . . incarnated seems to be the only state in which we accumulate useful (encoded in universal memory) experience.

I dunno, I seem to have done a lot of travelling here without ever actually getting anywhere useful. Please pardon my woolgathering.



Is it necessary to have eyes to see the etheric, auric or mental envelopes that supposedly surround a human?

It would seem not – therefore the problem (of seeing the aura) is SOLELY one of mental focus.


While in the physical body it is generally necessary to use the eyes. When I see an aura or the etheric I see them with my physical eyes, but just using a part of them that is normally acquiescent.


Here’s my problem with applying that to the quantum world – it is instruments without mentation (at least in human terms) that are recording the results.

The physical pattern of holes in the final target is DIFFERENT based upon whether it is possible or not for a human consciousness to ever determine the position of the wavicle. It would seem that this problem involves MORE than just the mental focus of the experimenter.


First keep in mind that correspondences are never exact but always have a twist that must be seen with the intuition. Even so, the correspondence here is very close.

The mind of the scientist is involved when examining and discovering the particle effect. He essentially turns off the observing instruments, with a decision from his mind, when he sees the wave effect.

When seeing only the physical body (corresponding to a particle) we use the mind and the regular physical instruments of the body to observe. All we see is the physical.

When seeing the aura one shuts down, as much as possible, the regular physical detectors and voila, he sees the aura (corresponding to the wave function)


In this case mental focus is (apparently) altering actual PHYSICAL outcome – which is not true in the case of observing the auric envelope.


The physical outcome is not changed. All that is changed is what is observed in both cases.

In the case of the particle – it has wave characteristics whether they are observed or not.

In the case of the human – he or she has an aura whether it is observed or not. Interestingly, the aura and etheric bodies of different humans are different intensities and as a group would produce a correspondence to the wave interference pattern.


The correspondent human-wise would be if MY expectations of you actually impacted YOUR actions.


My point is we do not affect actions in either case. Only what is seen is different – depending on whether we are in the “seeing” or “not seeing” mode.


But what I am getting at is the quantum involves more than just “state of mind” of the observer

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Jan 6, 2014


Ruth quoting me:

It would be nice if I could finish my mission in this life, but I may have to come back several times to complete it.


Several lifetimes? That must be frustrating, but then again, we are supposed to detach from anything we desire too much.


Not frustrating at all. I’m happy to take whatever time it takes to assist humanity on the road to liberation. Every good work takes longer than desired, but if the workers, though they be few, do not quit, success will eventually come.


If you have to come back several times over several lifetimes, to complete this mission, that means that the Christ has to postpone his reappearance as well? Or not?


I don’t think that Christ is sitting around waiting for me to succeed before he makes his next moves. The gathering of lights and the creation of the Molecular Relationship would be helpful to him but he may decide to come in less than perfect conditions if he sees a productive opportunity.


Has this mission taken centuries? It would seem so because of the slow motion movement of consciousness up into the higher mind and realms.


The building of Zion is something that prophets have dreamed of for thousands of years and has involved many lifetimes of work for some. The disciple must not confine his goals to a single lifetime.


Is there a failure in this experiment, because the lights did not gather enough people into mini gatherings?

Have the lights missed their point of tension?

Have the lights been too submerged in materialism?


There are always problems in a work of light. There is not failure unless you give up. If your focus is in the direction of Higher Will and you endure to the consummation then success will come. Only the time element is unpredictable.

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A Glorious Future

Jan 5, 2016

A Glorious Future

I have previously stated that the destiny of humans is to be the soul of the universe. Soul energy to the body is that which builds it and gives it shape and life. Humans will do the same for the solar system, the galaxy and eventually the universe itself. We will move moons, planets, stars and more to more desirable locations.

I found it interesting the other day that I stumbled across an article that reveals that some scientists are also thinking in this direction. Here is an interesting article about how it would be possible to move our entire solar system to a new location.


Long before we attempt to move suns we will terraform planets, moons asteroids as well as move some of then to more desirable locations.

We will also do some fantastic things on earth. Rather than destroy the planet, as many who lack vision see us headed, humanity will be salvation of planetary renewal. We will eventually transform the planet into a Garden of Eden.

Yes, we are currently making a number of mistakes, but we will learn from them, correct ourselves and move forward. We will develop new and safe methods of sustainable food production that will be able to feed the populace despite any climate changes that may occur. Eventually, we will even be able to control the climate of the planet.

We will build cities on the seas, under the seas and in the air as well as space. We will even develop the technology to go under the earth and in mountains to build giant underground facilities such as we have not yet imagined.

We will build cities on the moon, Mars and various moons of the Solar System. We will capture asteroids, hollow them out for the minerals and create a paradise inside of them. We will be able to create an earth like gravity within using centripetal force spinning them at the right speed. We will use some of them as giant space ships and head off to other star systems.

The question is, how will we accomplish such great feats of engineering under such adverse circumstances?

The answer is closer than you may think. We are on the verge of technology that will make superhuman feats of engineering possible. If we do not disrupt progress with some insane world war we will soon assume creative powers the ancients reserved for the gods.

There are several advancements that are taking us where we have not gone before.

(1) The development of computers which will culminate in artificial intelligence under the control of their creators.

(2) The artificial intelligence will eventually be able to duplicate itself.

(3) 3-D Printing. Presently, this enables us to create parts and items in minutes that would have taken days by hand in a machine shop. This is just the beginning of a new method of creation that will allow us to create great structures quickly. Using offshoots of this technology we will be able to create a house in less than a day, maybe an hour’s time.

(4) Nanotechnology. We are on the verge of mastering the engineering of the small clear down to atoms and molecules. We will learn to direct our creative efforts from the small to the massive. Many new materials having tremendous strength and durability will be developed though this technology.

(5) New energy systems. One of these will be fusion, the same source that powers the sun. When this and other systems get in place humanity will have unlimited resources to create in ways that defy the imagination.

Let us say that after we have made some of these advances that we want to build a city on Mars. All we have to do is send a sufficient number of AI’s (artificial intelligence) along with necessary resources. Using advanced 3D printing and nanotechnology they extract all the raw materials they need and build a huge domed city. They also find sources of water that will support life. In the center of the city they will build a great fusion reactor which will supply unlimited energy. Finally, after all this is accomplished humans from earth will move to Mars and occupy the city and direct additional development which will include terraforming the whole planet.

Before we do a lot on Mars we will use this technology to build cities on the sea and under the sea. This technology will eventually bring much freedom to lights who want to gather and experiment on better systems of government.

This and the next generation has a great responsibility to stabilize the planet so humanity does not shoot itself in the foot. If we do not sabotage ourselves we have a wonderful adventurous future waiting for us.

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Jan 4, 2016


The New Year is here and if you have been surfing the web at all you’ve probably come across a number of predictions for the year.

I went back to some prophecies made a year ago by noted psychics and, as always, I am amused at how inaccurate most of them are. In many cases you could take guesses from third graders at random and the success rate would be about as good as the professionals.

I am unusual in that I have around 100% success rate by predicting that certain predictions of others will not happen. Here area few I have made to the Keys group over the years.

  1. Zecharia Sitchin’s lost planet Nibiru was not going to show up in any near future as many have predicted on several occasions.
  2. Y2K Would be no big deal and there was no need to store food to prepare for it.
  3. The world was not going to end at the year 2000 and Jesus was not going to show up in a glorious Second Coming.
  4. Many were expecting the world to end or change dramatically in 2012 but I stated that 2012 would not be any more significant than 2011.
  5. I pointed out several other end of the world disaster predictions that would not come true.
  6. We are not going to get hit by a large comet or asteroid any time soon.
  7. The earth will not warm as the supposed “consensus” dictates. Indeed we have had negligible warming over the 18 years.
  8. On another forum a guy was predicting we would find an advanced civilization on Pluto. I told him that the New Horizons probe would find nothing of the sort. (That was a no-brainer)

Indeed, if you want to be an accurate predictor, just take what everyone else is saying and then predict the opposite.

In my next major post I am going the opposite direction and will tell you things that will happen rather than those that will not happen. This prediction will have great implications for the future gathering of lights.

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The Patch of Blue

Jan 4, 2016

The Patch of Blue


the important aspect of the patch of blue prophecy is not that it pointed to Boise but that in Koyle’s dream, the patch of blue grew until it encompassed the entire sky which I take to be the entire world.


Like I said, I haven’t made the statement that I am heading up the fulfillment of the prophecy, but it is a fact that I am working on being a patch of blue, northwest of the mine, and attempting to clear away all the clouds of distortion. Unfortunately, I know of no others residing northwest of the mine who have much light to shine in the darkness.

I suppose I could say that I have fulfilled the first part of the prophecy in that I have only a few here in Boise who support me. Koyle said the patch of blue would start out small, no larger than a man’s hand.

Regardless of the prophecy I do expect my teachings to eventually spread far and wide. How long that will take I do not know. The Molecular Relationship and teachings on the Gathering have planted seeds that will eventually sprout and grow. People do not yet understand the powers of group soul contact, but when it is demonstrated magic will occur. It would be nice if I could finish my mission in this life, but I may have to come back several times to complete it.

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Health Influences

Jan 3, 2016

Health Influences

I mentioned that I would give the group some health related writers and teachers that I think have merit.

I have already mentioned Andreas Moritz. He has perhaps the most complete book (with overall good advice) on the web that can be downloaded free of charge.

Then I mentioned Dr. Mercola. His overall approach is a very common sense one. When he makes a suggestion he always give a reason for it and backs it up with available data. Even though I have studied different approaches to health for over 40 years he still surprises me by coming up with something new – that I hadn’t learned yet. If you have an interest in alternative health I would recommend you subscribe to his email newsletter.

My interest in alternative health was first stimulated way back in my freshman year of college. In the library I happened to stumble across a fairly general book giving the benefits of eliminating processed foods, particularly those made with white flour and sugar. I immediately cut way back on those two things and felt quite a difference in my well being. From that point on I have kept an eye out for beneficial health teachings.

Probably the next guy who had an effect on me was the writer, Aldous Huxley. Around my junior year I was having problems with my vision and when I had my eyes checked the doctor told me I had two problems One was a stigmatism, which was pretty common, but the other was more serious. Each eye saw at a different level. When I looked at a straight line one eye saw it a couple inches higher than the other. The doctor prescribed glasses and told me that I would have to keep getting stronger ones as I aged.

Fortunately, I hated the way I looked in glasses and told myself there must be something I can do, so I went to the library and stumbled across Huxley’s book. He told his story about how he was at one time legally blind and developed exercises that improved his vision to near 20/20.

I followed his advice and within a week the stigmatism was gone. The other problem was more difficult and took a longer time but my eyes eventually returned to normal. I wound up only wearing my glasses for a week or two.

The next guy who had an influence on me was a Vermont Doctor named D.C. Jarvis, who wrote the book simply called Folk Medicine. He talked about the virtues of using apple cider vinegar and raw honey as a cure for arthritis and a number of other things. From that time onward I have always had some of both in my cupboard.

The next guy to have an impact was Professor Arnold Ehret who wrote the book The Mucusless Diet Healing System. He taught about the advantage of raw uncooked foods as well as fasting.

Unfortunately, he died in a car crash in his fifties so we never found out how long he would have lived.

Another teacher of natural foods and fasting was Paul Bragg and He died from complications of a surfing accident at age 81. His daughter continued his legacy and today you can buy Braggs apple cider vinegar and amino acids in most health food stores.

Probably the next guy to have a major impact on me was Joel Wallach. He tells us that our soil is very depleted from trace minerals and even most organic foods are lacking. He believes it is necessary to supplement with a usable form of colloidal minerals.

He is currently 75 years of age, never been to a doctor, and believes he will live to the ripe old age of 200.

Numerous others have had an influence. A number talk about the benefits of various types of water I have previously written about the water I have settled on using.

Good health is like liberty. It is an eternal struggle to maintain it, but indeed is worth the effort.

Copyright 2016 By J J Dewey

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