The Fate of the Sons Of Perdition

Feb 24, 2017

The Fate of the Sons Of Perdition

The fate of the sons of perditions has long been a big mystery in the Mormon church. Most believe they will never be forgiven or given another chance, especially when considering these words of Jesus about the unpardonable sin:

“whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.” Matt 12:32

The word “world” here comes from the Greek AION which should be translated as age. These, therefore, will not be forgiven in the age in which the sin was committed, or the age to come. What is overlooked is that there are many ages after the one to come. In fact Joseph Smith used the word age in reference to our originating intelligence when he said, “Intelligence is eternal and exists upon a self-existent principle. It is a spirit from age to age and there is no creation about it.” DHC 6:312

Such punishment is also spoken of as being eternal but the scripture clarifies this:

“Nevertheless, it is not written that there shall be no end to this torment, but it is written endless torment. Again it is written eternal damnation; wherefore it is more express than other scriptures, that it might work upon the hearts of the children of men, altogether for my names glory… Behold, I am endless, and punishment which is given from my hand is endless punishment, FOR ENDLESS IS MY NAME.” D&C 19:6-7, 10

The scripture clearly tells us here that “It is not written that there shall be no end to this torment.”

In addition, this caveat is thrown in:

“And now behold, I say unto you, never at any time have I declared from mine own mouth that they (the wicked) should return, for where I am they cannot come, for they have no power. BUT REMEMBER THAT ALL MY JUDGEMENTS ARE NOT GIVEN UNTO MEN…” D&C 29:29-30

From these scriptures we gather that God has allowed his prophets to warn of punishments in the starkest terms to scare people into following the right path.

This tactic was especially needed among the primitive thinking people in the past who thought in terms of black and white. Fortunately, we are entering an age of greater reason where seekers can progress at a faster rate with a fuller concept of the truth.

Joseph Smith was a pioneer in moving beyond black and white thinking by revealing that all things that have a beginning will have an end. He said:

“I take my ring from my finger and liken it unto the mind of man – the immortal part, because it had no beginning. Suppose you cut it in two; then it has a beginning and an end; but join it again, and it continues one eternal round. So with the spirit of man. AS THE LORD LIVETH, IF IT HAD A BEGINNING, IT WILL HAVE AN END. All the fools and learned and wise men from the beginning of creation, who say the spirit of man had a beginning, PROVE that it must have an end; and if that doctrine is true, then the doctrine of annihilation would be true.” DHC 6:311

Here is another account recorded by Mathew S. Davis:

“I believe that God is eternal. That He had no beginning, and can have no end. Eternity means that which is without beginning or end. I believe that the soul is eternal; and had no beginning; it can have no end.” Here he entered into some explanations, which were so brief that I could not perfectly comprehend him. But the idea seemed to be that the soul of man, the spirit, had existed from eternity in the bosom of Divinity; and so far as he was intelligible to me, MUST ULTIMATELY RETURN FROM WHENCE IT CAME. He said very little of rewards and punishments; but one conclusion, from what he did say, was irresistible–he contended throughout, that everything which had a beginning must have an ending; and consequently IF THE PUNISHMENT OF MAN COMMENCED IN THE NEXT WORLD, IT MUST, ACCORDING TO HIS LOGIC AND BELIEF HAVE AN END.

DHC 4:79

If you as a parent punish your child would you consider punishing him forever? Of course not. If you banish him to his room, it will only for a reasonable period of time so the lesson sinks in.

Even so with God, who Jesus tells us goes further to assist his children than we do.

The punishment of the son of perdition (which in reality is self caused) will have a beginning thus it will also have an end.

This must be the case else this scripture cannot be fulfilled:

“For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior; who will have ALL MEN TO BE SAVED, and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” I Tim 2:3-4

Since it is the will of God that all be saved then our Father will indeed find a way to make this happen, if not the age to come it will be in some future one.

This was backed up by Brigham Young who was taught by the prophet:

The Lord said to Jeremiah the Prophet, “Arise, and go down to the potter’s house, and there I will cause thee to hear my words. Then I went down to the potter’s house, and, behold, he wrought a work on the wheels. And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hands of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it.” THE CLAY THAT MARRED IN THE POTTER’S HANDS WAS THROWN BACK INTO THE UNPREPARED PORTION, TO BE PREPARED OVER AGAIN. SO IT WILL BE WITH EVERY WICKED MAN AND WOMAN, and every wicked nation, kingdom, and government upon earth, sooner or later; they will be thrown back to the native element from which they originated, to be worked over again, and be prepared to enjoy some sort of a kingdom.

Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 2:124.

“When the elements in an organized form do not fill the end of their creation, they are thrown back again, like brother Kimball’s old pottery ware, to be ground up, and made over again.”

–Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, 26 vols., 1:, p.275 – 276

Here is my conclusion on the matter:

Our originating Intelligence is eternal and never had a beginning nor will it have an end. It created our spirits (called souls or higher self by some) and our spirits create our mortal essence. When the entity advances to the point where he can receive through the Holy Spirit, but rejects it in favor of selfish attachment to the things of the world, and persists until he is in such a state of spiritual denial that there is no return for him, then he meets the fate of the son of perdition.

His originating Intelligence will see that his creation is a failure and will draw back the essence to itself. Both body and soul will be destroyed over a period of time, which process will be long and painful for the lost soul.

The originating Intelligence will have to pass up the opportunity to move ahead with the other souls of the present creation and plan a new creation with a new paradise, a new solar system and new earth. He basically begins progression all over again and ages hence he will live again on another earth in the hope of making wiser decisions this time.

Fortunately, only a few meet with this total failure in this creation. Most will turn around after lifetimes of failure and pain that is caused by rejection of Spirit.

Many see Judas as the most evil man of all time because he betrayed the greatest of us all. What is not realized is that a similar betrayal of any person is just as bad because what we do to the least of us we do to Christ.

It is believed by most that Judas had the intent of forcing Jesus to prove who he was by showing that they wouldn’t be able to put him to death. When he saw his error he was so sorrowful he killed himself.

Now, if he was in the true state of mind of a son of perdition he would not have regretted that which he did, but would have been glad to see Jesus die on the cross.

On the cross Jesus said, “Father forgive them, for the know not what they do.”

Judas did not know what he did with his betrayal so it is quite possible he redeemed himself in future incarnations.

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Who Are The Sons Of Perdition?

Feb 23, 2017

Who Are The Sons Of Perdition?

Many are curious about the fate of those who commit the unpardonable sin mentioned by Jesus:

“Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.” Matt 12:31-32

The LDS in particular take interest in this sin because it is expanded upon in their scriptures in such a way that causes one to shutter and desire to avoid it at all costs. It is written:

“Wherefore, he saves all except them–they shall go away into everlasting punishment, which is endless punishment, which is eternal punishment, to reign with the devil and his angels in eternity, where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched, which is their torment–

“And the end thereof, neither the place thereof, nor their torment, no man knows; Neither was it revealed, neither is, neither will be revealed unto man, except to them who are made partakers thereof;

“Nevertheless, I, the Lord, show it by vision unto many, but straightway shut it up again; Wherefore, the end, the width, the height, the depth, and the misery thereof, they understand not, neither any man except those who are ordained unto this condemnation.” D&C 76:44-48

Those who commit the unpardonable sin and have to endure this punishment are called the sons of perdition and church members seriously speculate as to what one must do to accomplish this, as they want to avoid such a destiny at all costs.

The general idea in the church is that the sin against the Holy Ghost is to receive a witness through the Spirit and then deny that witness which you know to be true. It is said to be like denying the sun exists when you are outside looking at it in the noonday.

The authorities in the church have never clarified exactly how far one has to go to commit this sin and many speculate that merely offending the church authorities enough to get excommunicated will do the job. Hence, the fear of this punishment is enough to keep most members in line and do whatever is necessary to keep their name on church records.

A second mystery in the church revolves around whether or not these sons of perdition will ever be forgiven. It sounds like they will not, but other scriptures seem to indicate differently.

A third mystery is where this great place of punishment will be. I haven’t even seen any speculation on this.

First, let us deal with what one has to do to warrant such punishment.

There are two things the seeker must understand.

First, “God is love” as the scriptures say and He is called our Father by Jesus because He loves us and will work with us as His children. Jesus said this about God:

“Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?

“If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?” Matt 7:9-11

Any sincere person who is a parent knows that he will do most anything possible to help a child when he is in a bad situation. Jesus points out that God is a much better parent than we are, and he will try harder and go further to help us than we will for our own children.

This teaching directly contradicts the view of many standard religious people about God. Many view Him as a tyrant who is easily offended and will send people to hell for a wrong belief, offense or minor sin.

Instead, Jesus tells us that God will go to much greater lengths to help us than we will our own children. He is like the shepherd with a hundred sheep who will go out of his way to find and save the one that wandered off and was lost.

When we consider this we will realize that no one will become a son of perdition unless he will completely and consciously reject all of God’s efforts to reach him through his spirit.

The second thing that needs understanding is that punishments are not meted out by some angry god on a throne, but are the result of natural cause and effect. Correspondingly, all the problems our own children have are natural effects from natural causes. We as parents can help them if they will invite us in, but as long as they reject us there is nothing we can do. Because our Father God allows us free will He is in the same situation.

In considering what one must do to commit this grave sin, these two points must be considered. When doing so we must conclude that he who receives such punishment only does so after resisting every possible effort from God to save him. Secondly, the punishment will be a natural result of his choices and not something imposed by a Heavenly Father upon his child.

That said, I am going to give you my conclusions about this sin.

A person cannot even commit this sin until he has made reasonable progress through many lifetimes upon the path of return. Then when he achieves various types higher contact through the Spirit he enters in to a realm of new choices. Will he follow in the direction of Spirit or will he follow the selfish path of lower desire?

Many revert to the lower path for a period of lifetimes and commit great errors, but through self-inflicted pain come to the realization that the path of the Spirit is the more desirable, even though much sacrifice seems to be involved.

To commit the unpardonable sin one must reject the overtures of the spirit, not once, or twice, but time and time again until the entity builds up and impenetrable wall between himself and his loving Father.

When the wall is dense enough nothing from the spiritual realm can reach him and he becomes a lost soul, that is, he has lost all chance of higher contact and is on his own. He has now placed full attention on the lower self and its satisfaction is all he desires.

You have not committed the unpardonable sin if:

  • You have any desire for spiritual contact and guidance.
  • If you have love for other human beings and are willing to help them.
  • If you have at least some desire to do good in the world.
  • Being an atheist is a phase we all go through and is not related to the unpardonable sin.

Next: What is the fate of the Sons of Perdition and will they get another chance?

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The Gods

Feb 22, 2017

The Gods

The universe had a beginning and it will have an end just as do all forms within it such as galaxies, suns, planets and all life forms. However, there is an external cause behind all forms that has no beginning or end.

Even though the universe is very ancient, it is only one of many. There were many before the one we are in and will be many after it moves back into undifferentiated substance billions of years hence.

After the Intelligences created this universe and projected themselves down through the seven planes to the dense physical they began they great work of mastering the three worlds of form which are the material, the emotional and the mental. As solar systems were born and then died the progress was slow, but over a long period of time many became masters of all things in the lower worlds. Then when new solar systems appeared those who had overcome all things be came as gods to those new souls just beginning their early rebirths.

There is a universal law acknowledged by all who tread the path of return that after one has made an advance that he must reach back to others behind him on the path and help them. When you help someone behind you advance then some intelligence ahead of you will help you.

The first round of masters in this universe thus followed this eternal rule and sought to help humans struggling with mortality and the weaknesses of the human flesh.

Natural hierarchies were established with a Logos or God over each planet with life therein. Others presided over entire solar systems and groups of seven solar systems and higher.

Our God is called the Ancient of Days in the Book of Daniel for he is ancient indeed having mastered physical existence on a planet that has passed away long ago. There have been numerous civilizations on earth that have come and gone and he incarnated as the first Adam, but other Adams came later. He now has his abode in a spiritual realm on this planet and guides the progress of all life here.

The Christ belongs to our humanity and is our elder brother. He was the first among us to master the physical plane as much as he did, but he is not done yet. When he makes his Second Coming and walks among us again he will indeed be challenged and he will have a very difficult task. It will be a learning experience for him that will take him one more step in his own eternal progress while helping many of us progress further along the path.

The Ancient of Days has many assistants, but six great ones. Counting him there are seven. These are the Eloheim, or Gods, for our planet.

Some question as to why they are called Gods when there is One God over all.

The answer is they have a consciousness that is one with God and being one with God return all glory to the one God. Therefore, when we give glory to the God of this planet the glory goes up the hierarchy of Gods to the One.

The One God is the One and the many.

Jesus came to this great realization in his life in a way that no regular human had before and this opened he door to communication beyond his higher spiritual self to his originating intelligence, his personal Father in Heaven.

Our originating intelligence still resides in the bosom of the One God so contact with this great light brings an understanding of oneness that opens the door to all the mysteries of godliness and power.

Our goal at this time as humans struggling along the path is to follow in the footsteps of Christ and seek ever higher inner contact. Seek contact through the Holy Spirit with that higher part of yourself which still resides in the celestial world and then higher still until your originating intelligence is contacted. When the seeker becomes one within himself and his higher parts which are linked to the one God then he reaches the prophesied state:

“Wherefore, as it is written, they are gods, even the sons of God– Wherefore, all things are theirs, whether life or death, or things present, or things to come, all are theirs and they are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s.” D&C 76:58-59

Indeed. They can choose “life or death.” They can serve in the spiritual worlds where death has no power or they can choose death and enter again in a mortal state as a servant and work directly with the children of humanity.

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The Great Descent

Feb 21, 2017

The Great Descent

The first level of the existence of God and all the intelligence within his universal body is called Divine Space. This space may be considered nothingness from an earthly point of view but from a higher vision it contains everything. Within it are universes of undifferentiated substance. When wavelengths appear and differentiation occurs through the guidance of intelligence the foundation of all forms are made.

This Divine Space is composed of an unlimited number of eternal points. When a point is stimulated and vibrates the light of intelligence becomes manifest as if it were a star on the path to becoming a blazing sun in the body of God.

The intelligences manifested in many degrees of glory and the greater ones gathered to themselves the lesser ones and planned universal creation.

Thus we have the highest three levels of the Life of God. The first is Divine Space, the Second is the manifesting intelligences and the third is the organizing and planning by these intelligences. The thought and planning created a universe of innumerable Divine Ideas, the third kingdom.

The goal was to descend way down to the level of physical matter and they still had a long way to go.

One more level had to be created before form could manifest. This was a sphere or kingdom where the ideas where drawn up into blueprints. It is one thing to create an idea, but another to formulate a plan so the manifestation of that idea becomes possible.

Finally, the intelligences were ready to create forms, but before they could create physical forms in dense matter they had to create them in more refined spiritual matter created by the interplay of thought with undifferentiated substance. They combined their light and thought and created beautiful celestial worlds. Imagine all the beauty that the combined minds of humans could create if they could just use their imagination in a positive way then one would only have a glimpse at what exists in this celestial world.

Thus through the interplay of thought from eternal intelligences the Celestial Kingdom was created.

“But,” says the skeptic, “wouldn’t the celestial kingdom be the highest? Yet you say there are four levels above it.”

The scriptures indeed tell us that there are kingdoms higher than the celestial. We are told that those who inhabit the celestial kingdom will be given a white stone.

“Then the white stone mentioned in Revelation 2:17, will become a Urim and Thummim to each individual who receives one, whereby things pertaining to a higher order of kingdoms (higher than the celestial) will be made known;” D&C 130:10

Verily, there are four kingdoms higher than the celestial. The celestial though is the highest kingdom in the worlds of form, for in that kingdom form is easily created by the power of thought.

The intelligences by the power of their thought manipulated the spiritual matter of this celestial sphere to create a great paradise world that has all the beauty that can be imagined by them.

The next step was to actually enter this world themselves. They decided to project a portion of their essence into this world while keeping most of their light in their own kingdom. They would thus be able to guide their creation from a higher angle of vision. They therefore impregnated the spiritual matter with their thought and the creation of spiritual beings of form commenced. Even though these spirits did not have all the light and intelligence of their creators they still were greatly endowed from our point of view.

The spirits progressed as far as they could in this celestial world until they were ready to take the next great step which was to come down into the dense physical plane. Earth was one of the planets prepared for this purpose.

Following the example of their Creator Intelligence the spirits projected part of their essence into physical bodies while keeping most of their consciousness and light in the celestial world – similar to what their originating intelligence did to them.

As it turns out our originating spirit corresponds to our Mother in Heaven and our originating Intelligence to our Father in Heaven.

Our Mother in Heaven is really a higher part of our self, often called the Higher Self, and our Father in Heaven is a higher part yet, our originating intelligence linked up to the one God. Thus the one God can be aware of all of us through the higher parts of ourselves which are linked up and one with Him.

After the physical plane and life on it manifested and began to develop and expand the lower desire nature was born, became very powerful and created many problems. Celestial mind began to interplay with desire born from the physical plane and created another kingdom made of spiritual matter impregnated with desire. This caused a kingdom to be created composed of emotional matter or energy.

We thus have three kingdoms of form – the physical worlds, or the telestial, the plane of emotional matter – the terrestrial and the plane of thought, paradise or the celestial.

“But,” says the typical member. “The righteous go to paradise after death and then after the resurrection he goes to the celestial kingdom.”

Not so. Paradise and the celestial kingdom are the same as taught by Joseph Smith in the King Follett Discourse.

“those who have died in the faith are NOW in the celestial kingdom.”

Those who are attached to the material world go to the realms of the terrestrial world created by desire matter. Those who have more noble desires will go to areas that are paradise compared to this earth but still contains many illusions. It is not as paradisiacal as the celestial sphere where a greater reality is understood. The lower parts of the emotional world are temporary hells or prisons that spirits must work through.

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Co-Equal Intelligences

Feb 20, 2017

Co-Equal Intelligences

Some of the greatest words written by Joseph Smith are:

“Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be.” D&C 93:29

He also said this:

“The mind or the intelligence which man possesses is co-equal with God himself. … The intelligence of spirits had no beginning, neither will it have an end.

“I take my ring from my finger and liken it unto the mind of man–the immortal part, because it had no beginning. Suppose you cut it in two; then it has a beginning and an end; but join it again, and it continues one eternal round. So with the spirit of man. As the Lord liveth, if it had a beginning, it will have an end.” DHC 6:311

These words by Joseph enunciate a great principle that leads to much knowledge if contemplated upon. The principle is this. If a thing has a beginning then there must be an end, but there is no beginning then it will have no end. It also follows that if something has no end, then it also had no beginning and if it has an end then it had to have a beginning.

The one thing in us that is eternal, without beginning or end is called by him “intelligence.”

It was said by him to be “co-equal” with God. The authorities in the church thought he couldn’t have really meant to say this so they placed the word “co-eternal” in parenthesis, figuring that must have been what he really meant.

But it was not a mistake. He said co-equal, because that is what he meant.

So, now the question arises: Why would he teach such a brazen thing? Isn’t God far above us and much greater?

To understand why he used this word we must go back to the words of Jesus. Concerning himself he said:

“I and my Father are one.” John 10:30

Then concerning his disciples he said, “Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.” John 17:11

If Jesus is one with God or the Father this would make him co-equal with him. But then the kicker is this. If we are one with God and Christ then we are also co-equal, just as Joseph said.

Now let us extend Joseph’s reasoning further. He tells us that the co-equal part, the intelligence, was not created, but never had a beginning and will never have an end.

What does this say about us right here, right now?

Since this is an eternal condition this means that, this uncreated part of ourselves, our intelligence, is co-equal with God even now.

How can this be? All of us have flaws and there are some really bad dudes out there that seem to be very far from being anywhere equal with God.

The answer is that we have forgotten who we are. Jesus was the first to fully remember (or realize) and after such recollection he could then declare, “I and my Father are one.” In other words, we are co-equal.

He also taught the importance of recalling (or realizing) this to his disciples. Thus he prayed that they could understand who they are and realize oneness also.

This oneness is not something that we will attain in some far off world. We have it now, but must realize that which we have and that which we are.

Before we explore further we must understand how our intelligence, or the immortal part of ourselves is co-equal and one with God.

Before physical creation occurred all substance existed in what one might call Divine Space, of which the space around us and the heavens is a dim reflection. Existing in this unlimited space, beyond the limits of time, were divine sparks of light and truth which were manifestations of the life of the One God.

The stars we see manifesting in space above us are a rough correspondence to intelligences manifesting in Divine Space.

The body of the One God was all space and the intelligences manifesting within that space. After creation God’s body included all forms in the universe.

Each intelligence was linked to the total life of God and partook in oneness of the one mind.

The process of how our original intelligence partook of the oneness is described somewhat in the book of Moses:

“And it came to pass, as the voice was still speaking, Moses cast his eyes and beheld the earth, yea, even all of it; and there was not a particle of it which he did not behold, discerning it by the spirit of God.

“And he beheld also the inhabitants thereof, and there was not a soul which he beheld not; and he discerned them by the Spirit of God; and their numbers were great, even numberless as the sand upon the sea shore.” Moses 1:27-28

Even so, as an intelligence there was not one other intelligence that you did not behold.

Now, imagine being back there and sharing in the wholeness of the life of God with the realization that you were one with all other intelligences and the wholeness thereof.

Would we not all be co-equal, just as Joseph said? Your fellow intelligences could not be any more or less one than you.

We had it pretty good back then in a very blissful and peaceful existence, but we wanted something to challenge us so we all participated in the creation of a universe that would test us to the maximum possible. For maximum growth we realized that we would have to enter an existence that was much more limited than our place of origin. Overcoming the problems and limitations would bring an increase to the light and truth we shared.

We were like many drops of water in the ocean of space. A drop of water in an ocean identifies with the ocean and may even say it is the ocean. When removed from the ocean it seems separate and alone until it returns.

This is an imperfect analogy that many teachers have used, but it helps the mind to understand.

We made an interesting journey from oneness to this creation in which we find ourselves.

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Where Did We Come From?

Feb 17, 2017

Where Did We Come From?

The LDS take great pride in telling prospective members that they have an answer to the great mystery of where we came from. Most Christians merely believe that God created us at birth and that was the beginning of our existence, but Mormon missionaries add a new dimension to our existence by explaining that we had a life with God before we were born.

Yes, it is true that the LDS have a piece of knowledge here that sets them apart from most other Christian religions, but unfortunately it is only a piece when many pieces are needed for a clear picture to be obtained.

Here is the essence of the church doctrine. We existed forever as intelligences until God came along and gave birth to those intelligences into spirit bodies. It is assumed by most members that God had a wife who was our heavenly mother.

Just about anything else one can assume about the pre-mortal existence is considered speculative by the church and nothing further is taught in any church classes.

This doesn’t stop members from guessing what our past life was like. Here are some things that most Mormons students assume.

The male God, who is called Heavenly Father, along with his wife (or possibly wives) obtained their exaltation on another earth something like this. They were resurrected and the planet along with them were changed into a celestial glorified state.

After moving into the celestial state our heavenly parents started having children, lots of them. Their resurrected physical bodies had sexual relations and our heavenly mother gave birth to intelligences into spirit bodies.

It is assumed that our heavenly parents then raised us from being babies to adults on that planet similar to how ideal Mormons would raise their children. When we became adults we looked very close to what we look like on earth in our prime, except our spirit bodies were perfect. No one was overweight, ugly or had blemishes or handicaps.

Members assume that we made numerous commitments to our heavenly parents and many of us chose the person who was to be our mate while in this realm.

How long we lived with these heavenly parents and all our billions of brothers and sisters is a mystery. Members figure it must have been quite a long time for our parents to give birth to enough spirits to populate the whole earth, which would be 30 billion or more. They wonder if perhaps the gestation process was speeded up in our Heavenly Mother. Maybe she could give birth to lots of children in a short period of time by some process unknown to us.

In addition to the birthing mystery there are many others that curious Mormons ponder such as:

(1) Before we were born into spirit bodies we were intelligences. What an intelligence is and what that existence was like is completely unknown.

(2) Do our heavenly parents have their planet all to themselves or do they share it with thousands of other gods who were resurrected and exalted with them? If they share the planet then where would they find room for the children of the other gods? After all, members are taught that all the billions here on earth have the same God as our Father.

(3) It is believed that our God had a father and his father had one. Was there a first God. If so, how did he get started?

(4) The Mormon scriptures say that our God has created worlds without number and there are many earths like this one with His sons and daughters on the surface.

Where did God raise these trillions of other children for other worlds and how could a wife or two give birth to so many? How birth was given to the billions of earth spirits is mind boggling enough to consider without taking many other worlds into consideration.

(5) How is God able to hear or answer prayers of billions of his children while at the same time spend time teaching and preparing spirits on his planet who are yet to be born?

(6) Some of the writings of Joseph Smith speak of there being one God who created all things and others saying there are many Gods. How is this contradiction explained?

(7) What is he fate of the Sons of Perdition who have committed the unpardonable sin? What does it take to become one? Will they ever be given another chance?

If a member asks any of these questions to church leaders he will get the standard reply which is:

“The answer is not necessary to your salvation. We’ll find out soon enough in the afterlife. Right now we need to learn more about faith and how to live more perfect lives.”

That response never satisfied me as I take Joseph Smith’s words to heart:

“A man is saved no faster than he gains knowledge.”

Gaining knowledge is the great quest and knowledge does indeed shed light on the mysteries. When light and truth arrive the seeker will often have to completely rearrange the picture of the whole that he had previously arraigned in his mind.

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Sex in the Spirit World

Feb 16, 2017

Sex in the Spirit World

(I’m making another Mormon outreach and wrote this for an LDS group who are reaching out for more knowledge.)

In response to a recent post there was quite a bit of discussion of the role of male and females in this life or the next. Then there is the recurring debate as to which sex has the greatest advantage and whether one of them is being shortchanged in the scheme of things.

I will give you my views on this matter with no claim of authority attached. It is entirely up to the reader to run these words by his or her own inner spirit and find out the truth thereof.

First, I think most will agree with me when I say that one sex is not superior to the other. The compose two halves of a great whole and their interplay is the basis of the creation of all things in the worlds of form.

Some who call themselves progressive today maintain there are no differences between males and females outside of the obvious physical, but such is not the case. The way they deal with energy is very different. The males are more polarized in the sending, radiant and active mode, whereas the females are more focused on receiving, holding things together, or as a magnetic energy.

I won’t go into more detail here as I have written a whole book on this and am thinking of posting it here soon. It is called The Molecular Relationship.

A favorite topic of contemplation for the LDS is the afterlife and what role sex will play in the spirit world as well as the whole round of eternal progression. The missing link in understanding by the church is the principle of reincarnation. Once this principle is understood then the seeker’s views and orientation makes a huge adjustment. After the adjustment he will be surprised at how his new vision harmonizes with the scriptures yet leaves behind many of the beliefs and traditions in the church itself.

Discovering the truth of reincarnation for a Mormon is a little like a born again Christian discovering that we had a pre-mortal existence. He has to adjust his thinking, but the new belief is mind expanding and harmonizes with the scriptures.

An LDS person who realizes reincarnation is likely to discover a number of truths.

(1) We have all been both male and female in past lives.

This truth makes it rather amusing that some consider one sex better than the other because such a person has been both of them at different times. In fact, if he belittles, or harms the opposite sex, person of a different race or minority he is likely to be reborn in that situation so he can learn to appreciate that which he looked down upon.

(2) In paradise there is not male and female as we know it.

Paul pointed this direction when he said:

“For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” Gal 3:26-28

Those worthy of paradise are those who have “put on Christ” and have detached themselves from identification with the material world. In the higher realms we are no longer Jew or Greek, rich or poor or male and female but all share equally in a consciousness of being children of God.

Those who still identify with, embrace and long for identification with form and the lower desire nature join the “spirits in prison” as spoken of in the scriptures.

They are imprisoned by their own desires to remain male or female, Jew or Greek, Mormon or Catholic, etc. When they can release themselves from attachment to that which creates separation they can then enter paradise where the keynote is union.

The seeker may ask, “Do we not have any form then in paradise? How would we recognize each other?

The main source of recognition is through vibration. An imperfect example would be our ability to recognize a song. It has no form, but we can recognize it through sound vibration that we take in. Each person is like a different song from God. When one encounters a friend in paradise he is instantly recognized by the vibration.

Now when you encounter this friend he may wish you to see him as he last appeared on earth. He can project this at any age desired. If he is not happy with the looks of his last body he can alter it or even project the image of a body from a future incarnation he is planning. He can even change into an eagle if he desires and fly all around the beautiful thought creations of the paradise world.

If you meet an old friend from earth who is projecting a form different than the one you knew on earth, you would still recognize him by his vibration and could see him in the form that is familiar to you if desired.

You could be having a conversation with two people and both could see your form a little differently.

Does this mean that we will literally be without sex?

If you were a male or female in your last life you would probably be more comfortable assuming that shape between lives. Spirits in paradise have left behind the lower passions and desires and find much more satisfaction in the higher. There are mergings of energy that produce intensities of sharing on a much higher level than physical sex.

Even though earthly differentiation of sex is left behind, each spirit has a slight preference toward either the male or female energy. It is not so pronounced though that he would not be willing to be born as either male or female as required in this school we call earth.

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Holograms and More

Feb 19, 2017

Holograms and More

All mass, or matter that creates form is composed of energy in motion. The most dense is the physical and each plane up from there becomes more refined. Our ethnic body is composed of many highways of electrical grids that moves refined matter along giving forms their physical shape. The etheric body is that which keeps our physical body alive, repaired and the form intact. At death the etheric body leaves and the physical body then immediately starts to fall apart, or decay.

There are concentrations of the mass of the etheric body focused around the centers that creates a veil between us and the unseen worlds. As the seeker progresses these webs been to disintegrate.

A hologram is created by the manipulation of light to create a 3-D picture, but has no substance. A physical body could be said to have some correspondence to a hologram, but it has substance, which we could call extremely concentrated light.

All forms in all planes are mostly empty space, but then particles and currents are in such high motion that they merely seem much more solid than they really are.

As I have said many times before, there is no such thing as anything completely solid as all matter is created from purpose energy in vibration.

After Death Clarification

Our higher self is in the higher mental sphere which is called paradise in the Bible. We at present are in the physical and are a shadow (using DK’s wording) or projection of the Higher Self. The Higher Self remains in the Spirit World even as the shadow is extended here on earth. It is aware of us, but until enlightenment comes we are not aware of it.

When we die we move into astral matter. The more advanced remain there for a short time and reunite with the Higher Self in paradise. Others still attached to the things of the physical plane remain in the astral zones until they work through their illusions as much as can be. After this, they go to sleep, sometimes called experiencing a second death, but is really an awakening to reunite with their Higher Selves and prepare for a future life.

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Brigham Young’s Transfiguration

Feb 19, 2017

Brigham Young’s Transfiguration

NOTE: I’m continuing to reach out to a handful of the LDS who are questioning their own church and looking for something more. The key for them to move onward is the acceptance of reincarnation so I bring in this subject whenever possible. Here I deal with a historical mystery that is of interest to many of them

After the death of Joseph Smith there was much confusion as to who would lead the church. The story goes that at a pivotal moment Brigham Young got up to address the crowd and many heard him speak with Joseph’s voice and mannerisms and some even saw his image.

Some in the church fully embrace this story and others are skeptical. This subject was brought up on the LDS Remnant (Awakening) site with a link to the story attached.

I posted this response:

A friend of mine who I regressed to a past life several times to that era had this to say about the transfiguration of Brigham Young. He said that Brigham was a very talented man and was a good impersonator. He took a liking to Joseph’s unique mannerisms and sometimes in small trusted groups would imitate him so well that he would generate a good laugh as would a comic today imitating Trump or Obama.

During the transfiguration Brigham called upon his talent (of which few were aware that he had) and spoke as much as possible in the voice and mannerisms of Joseph Smith. Many were so captivated that they not only heard Joseph Smith but saw him.

Who knows? If this is true and Brigham Young was supposed to lead the church maybe some spiritual affirmation went along with the event.

Brigham was far from perfect but I do believe he was a man of destiny whose consciousness was adapted to the capacity of the people of that time.

In reply to those skeptical of the event I said:

There seems to be quite a bit of evidence something unusual happened. The article in question says:

“We currently have access to 141 accounts of the event. The number of individuals who recorded the event totals to 125. Sixty-one of these are first-hand documents, including personal journals, autobiographies and direct testimonies chronicled in Church publications.

“…there were, in fact, many more renditions in previous years. The chart below displays how many eyewitnesses wrote of their mantle experience each year following 1844:

“Accounts in Years Following the Transfiguration Event as noted, within a year of the “transfiguration” the miracle had been referred to several times. It was even described in explicit detail in many private accounts at least as early as 1851.”


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Circumcision – Good or Bad?

Feb 15, 2017


Ruth asks about circumcision:

Why did God create man in his own image/reflection, and then tell him to cut off some part of his genital to form a covenant with God?

Was this for a sacrificial purpose? Was it karma for wrong use of sexual energies? Why would God create genitals and foreskin and then tell humans to circumcise themselves to form a covenant? Didn’t anyone bother to question this, Abraham just went along with it, because it seemed perfectly normal?

Or does circumcision have a different meaning? What is the Hebrew word for circumcision? Why is circumcision an everlasting covenant, if the Law is not everlasting? Wouldn’t God have realised that creating such an everlasting covenant, that humans would naturally corrupt this teaching and then it would become something worse?   It doesn’t say in the Bible to circumcise women.

God apparently said this:

Gen 16:14   And the uncircumcised man child whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his people; he hath broken my covenant……

So all down the generations those who are from the Abraham seed, and who haven’t been circumcised would now have broken that covenant with God, and be cut off from his people, according to this?

Something sounds dodgy in those paragraphs.


“Circumcise” comes from the Hebrew MUWL which means “To cut off, curtail or to cut short.”

The basic reason for this was that it was deemed necessary to have some unmistakable physical identification mark to set apart the true followers of Jehovah. I suppose it could have been something like cutting off a little finger or a piece of the ear – or possibly a certain type of tattoo, but instead circumcision was chosen.

Circumcision was probably chosen because sexual desire was seen as a source of much sin and this was a sign of curtailing that desire and dedication oneself to God.

It was said to be an “everlasting” covenant, but the word “everlasting” comes from OWLAM which merely means a long time, or for the foreseeable future. There is no exact word for eternity, or everlasting in the Biblical Hebrew.

Fortunately, the practice was not demanded forever and was discontinued largely through the efforts of Paul.

He seemed to downplay the practice, not so much because it was barbaric, as was the animal sacrifice, but because of the attitude of moral superiority that many Jews had because they were circumcised.

He said this:

For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.” Rom 2:28-29

“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

“Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing. …

“For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith. For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love.” Gal 5:1-6

And finally this:

“And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him: Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.” Col 3:10-11

The question many have is whether circumcision was really inspired from God to begin with. After all, Ruth makes a great point that if we were in the image of God then why would God command us to change that image?

The practice also seems barbaric and many say that it creates trauma for the young baby. In addition, there are many slip-ups and many a child has been maimed for life because of malpractice.

Blavatsky says that Moses learned of the practice from the Egyptians so it is quite possible that it was an invention by humans to control and mark other humans.

Whatever its use was in ancient times, it seems to have no spiritual place in the modern world.

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