Continuity of Consciousness


May 15, 2016

Continuity of Consciousness

Jenny asks:

My son desires do learn to live without sleep as some masters have. Have you heard of anyone who has been successful doing so?

I have heard stories, but haven’t seen any proof that anyone has been successful avoiding sleep.

Sleep is based on the principle of rest and this applies to all lives on all levels, even God. God, we are told in the Bible, needed to take a rest after creation was complete and the ancient wisdom teachings tell us that in between creations the universe dissipates and God and all lives in him/her/it rest in the Great Pralaya.

When it is said of certain masters that they need not sleep it doesn’t mean they do not need times of rest. Like they say a change is considered a rest and this is really what sleep or rest is. It is not the obliteration of consciousness, but a change in where consciousness is directed.

In normal sleep our consciousness is split between the astral/emotional and the mental. The mental part returns to the world of the soul and the astral part takes you into the dream state. In both cases attention is taken off the physical body which allows it to get some rest and recharge. This recharging of the physical body is absolutely necessary for anyone who is occupying one. Anyone who goes several days without such a recharging gets himself in serious trouble on he physical plane.

When a Master who is in a physical body is said to go without sleep what really happens is that he has developed continuity of consciousness that allows him to have continuous consciousness and awareness of surroundings 24 hours a day. During part of those 24 hours he will take his attention off the body so it can recharge, but will maintain full awareness in the world of the soul. So his consciousness is awake 24 hours a day, even though for part of that time his attention on the physical will be minimal allowing for physical rest and recharging.

Here are a couple quotes from DK on continuity of consciousness:

We call it continuity of consciousness, and by this we mean the power to be fully aware of all happenings in all spheres and departments of man’s being during the entire twenty-four hours of the day. As yet this is far from being the case. There is no real awareness of existence during the hours of sleep. The dream life as related is as full of illusion as any of the more definitely lower psychic experiences. The slowly growing interest in dreams from the standpoint of psychology and the investigation of their probable source are the first weak attempts towards establishing the awareness on a really scientific basis. There is as yet no conscious registering of mental activity during such times, for instance, as when the emotional body holds the centre of the stage.

A Treatise on White Magic, Pages 423-424

Learn to keep focussed in the head through visualization and meditation and through the steady practice of concentration; develop the capacity to live increasingly as the king seated on the throne between the eyebrows. This is a rule that can be applied to the every day affairs of life. *** Learn, as you go to sleep, to withdraw the consciousness to the head. This should be practiced as a definite exercise as one falls to sleep. One should not permit oneself to drift off to sleep, but should endeavor to preserve the consciousness intact until there is a conscious passing out onto the astral plane. Relaxation, close attention, and a steady drawing upwards to the center in the head should be attempted, for until the aspirant has learned to be steadily aware of all processes in going to sleep and to preserve at the same time his positivity, there is danger in this work. The first steps must be taken with intelligence and followed for many years until facility in the work of abstraction is achieved.

A Treatise on White Magic, Pages 503-504

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Dreams and More

May 13, 2016

Dreams and More


And in the in-between state one dreams of people he does not know. Where does this dream body originate?


In most cases all the forms you see in your dreams are created by the interplay of your mind and feelings as they pick up impressions from your brain and other sources. Often the consciousness of real people is projected into your dreams but the amount of consciousness will vary considerably. If the conscious level is high then the dream will be very vivid and it will seem that you should pay attention to it.

You can even be asleep and dream of someone who is awake and yet be picking up some of that person’s consciousness that is not in his or her body.

Basically we dream because we crave experience and this instinctual desire creates the dream world.


Ruth did some interesting research on various groups out there.   I have always been amazed at how so many light weight gurus with frivolous teachings are able to garner quite a following.

You are right that if the Christ himself were to show up he would have to go against a lot of competition to prove himself. There are even a lot of miracle workers like John of God that may eclipse him, especially if he concentrated on teachings rather than miracles.

Now the Buddha did not perform miracles because he wanted the teachings to be the center of his message. What probably helped him gather attention was the fact that he was the son of a king. Consider that if one of Obama’s daughters started teaching a spiritual message. A lot of people would be curious and listen.

A regular guy making no outstanding claims, yet teaching a new spiritual message has much difficulty in this time where Pisces energy is struggling for survival.

As for me I believe that some type of breakthrough will come. though I have quit guessing what that may be. Currently, I am experimenting with circulating my quotes embedded in graphics on Facebook. I am adding one a day so we’ll see what happens after a year passes.


Olivia asks who my target audience is? Actually it is people like her and other Keys members, but unfortunately there are not that many people more interested in light and truth than glamour. In some ways I am a little like Apple Computer and Steve Jobs. He created things that were not in demand with the idea that if the product was good enough that those who at first saw no need would eventually develop a need for the products. Not many seek true principles, but when they start to understand them then the need to move forward will develop.

I believe there are many people who can be reached when the correct point of tension is reached.

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Problems with Outreach

May 11, 2016

Problems with Outreach

Kelly writes:

I believe you do have one big advantage (over DK) and that is the modern day Internet to get people reading your stuff and eventually gathering physically.


Maybe yes and maybe no; or perhaps a better response would be in some ways yes and other ways no. Let me explain.

It is true that we have many more ways to reach out not only to local, state and national people, but to the whole world. In the other hand, the competition for attention has multiplied many times over. For everything that goes viral there are a million items that are ignored.

Experience taught me the pros and cons and technology in reaching out to people.

After Curtis and I parted ways with the LDS church way back in 1978 we decided to reach out to them in an attempt to bring them some enlightenment, especially on the subject of reincarnation and the principle of the gathering, which seemed to be lost to their consciousness.

We were inspired by the LDS scripture which reads:

For there are many yet on the earth among all sects, parties, and denominations, who are blinded by the subtle craftiness of men, whereby they lie in wait to deceive, and who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it– D&C 123:12

We figured that this applied to the LDS church as much as any of the others because many truths that had dawned on us were just never presented to the church. We decided to give the LDS members an opportunity to find new truth. We figured that a lot of them would gladly receive it.

For our first major effort we picked on Idaho Falls which had a high density Mormon population, about 300 miles from Boise.

We rented a conference room at the Holiday Inn and ran ads in the local daily paper. Then we went down there three days before the event and passed out flyers all over town. I can’t remember the topic but I think it had something to do with the mystery of God and receiving revelation. We thought it would stimulate interest but evidently there was something in the ad that raised a red flag.

The big day finally came and Curtis and I prepared to receive the multitude of seekers storming the door.

We waited and waited and waited and no one came. As we were about to fold up and go home one lone soul finally drifted in.

It was a sixteen-year-old kid.

We welcomed him and asked him what caused him to come.

He said he came to call us to repentance.

Curtis and I looked at each other and we didn’t have to speak. We knew what each other was thinking. This was worse than no one showing up. It was adding insult to injury to have a brainwashed kid show up calling for us to repent from seeking the mysteries of the kingdom.

This was indeed a needed wake up call. From that moment on we knew we had an uphill battle if we thought we were going to attract Mormons with teachings that are out of the box.

This did not cause us to give up. Instead we doggedly reached out for the next two years. We read about the great success of early Mormon missionaries having tremendous success departing without money and just living off donations from people. The LDS church abandoned this many years ago but because it was commanded in the scriptures we decided to try it out.

It turned out to be a disaster. We were lucky we did not starve and were able to make it back in one piece.

We asked ourselves, what was so different back in the 1830’s that accounted for their great success. The church, of course, thinks it was just the teachings and the Holy Spirit, but that doesn’t explain it. The modern LDS missionary often only converts a couple people after two years of hard work whereas some of the early missionaries converted thousands in a few months.

We contemplated long and hard on why the early missionaries had such great success and finally the reason dawned on us.

The main reason was that the various people in small communities were starved for entertainment. Often weeks went by with nothing happening causing the people to be half bored to death. Then when some strange preacher or entertainer came to town the whole community turned out to see them.

So the tactic of the early missionaries was to first go to the center of town and find the central bulletin board and then post a notice of a meeting to be held the next day or two. Within hours a number of people read it and started spreading the word. Then when the meeting was held the people starved for entertainment turned out to see the strange Mormons who were said by many to be agents of the devil himself.

So it is interesting that not having radio, TV, the internet or any other modern means of communication actually worked to the advantage of those who wished to reach out to the people.

In DK’s day he had radio and the automobile, but had a more difficult time than in the old days. Now with the internet and convenient mobile devises that have an outreach to billions, unless one is lucky enough to go viral, the difficulty in reaching out is as difficult as it has ever been for there are millions of competitors out there.

In the old days there were fewer people but often there was little or no competition for attracting attention to the message.

Interesting to think about.

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The Need for a Church

May 7, 2016

The Need for a Church

A reader asked me if I needed a church and if I would ever go back to the LDS church.

I have never felt much of a need for any church. I did everything I could to avoid going when I was young and only bought into going because I thought it was necessary for my salvation. I made the best of it when I did attend, but I always learned much more and got closer to God on my own than through church attendance.

I always thought it would be great if a church could actually teach interesting principles and ideas that reached beyond the scope of children in Sunday School.

I parted ways with the LDS church in 1978 and have had no regrets and do not miss attending in the least. Not attending gives me time to do more productive work. If the church had exciting things going on and new teachings revealed as in the early church I may take a second look, but there is nothing going on in it to draw me in at this time.

Next she asked about my wife’s attitude toward the church. My wife Artie was raised a Baptist and was never very religious. Her interest in the spiritual path was pretty much roused when she started attending my seminars and meetings.

The Book of Mormon sheds some interesting light on authority as advocated by the church.

O then, my beloved brethren, come unto the Lord, the Holy One. Remember that his paths are righteous. Behold, the way for man is narrow, but it lieth in a straight course before him, and the keeper of the gate is the Holy One of Israel; and he employeth no servant there; II Nephi 9:41

God employs no servant, prophet or church that opens the gates to the kingdom of God. That is between you and God alone.

She wraps up her letter by asking me who God is. I’ve written quite a bit on this subject. Here are some links:





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DK’s Students

May 6, 2016

DK’s Students

Kelly writes:

I have a few questions on DK and Annoyances – what exactly happened to this group of “world servers”?

Did they succeed? Was DK going through Alice Bailey in order to criticize constructively his students, or did he do it live in front of them? I’m assuming this was an actual group here on earth and not some ethereal beings. As such – then where is the group at now or their successors?


DK worked with real people like you and me in the flesh in an effort to establish a new type of working living group. He referred to it as a living organism so he seemed to be trying to take it in a molecular direction, but did not work with any type of pairing or molecular numbers, though he did say that 49 ashrams are in the process of materializing on the planet, of which his group was a part of one.

He had a disadvantage in that the group members were from various different places on the planet, but had an advantage that he could tune in to their minds and monitor their progress. As needed he gave individual instructions to the students through Alice A. Bailey and then she sent them on to the various students.

Over a period of 15 years or so he worked with about 50 students. He called the experiment a failure as far as their work in this period is concerned but stated the group has a unity on subtle planes and will eventually be successful in future lives.

Of the original 50 students 16 stayed with him until the effort ended and of that sixteen only six had progressed well enough to be of any value to the hierarchy.

He pointed out that even the masters cannot predict success or failure as far as dealings with humans go because of human freewill in time and space.

So, if a master can labor with all the tools at his disposal and only wind up with six souls that are of any use in group work then I guess I should not feel discouraged. DK found six, I need to find 24 for my mission and have to do it as a normal human being with no particular special abilities.

DK pointed out three main reasons for the failure of his group.

First students were more concerned about developing their own abilities than in service and support of the goals of the group.

Second, they were more concerned with the flaws of other group members rather than looking at their own.

Third, they only gave lip service to his advice and didn’t follow it. If they disagreed with the instructions they claimed that Alice A. Bailey wrote it rather than DK. DK said this never happened.

Finding a group of people who can work together under the direction of the soul is a daunting task indeed, but one that will be accomplished. It is just a matter of time, for one day soul groups on earth will be a common thing.


Has Lucis Trust via their website taken over the “works” in our modern era? Or did DK just call himself on an absent leave until 2025 (ish) like it was said so somewhere in the Bailey books or JJ’s archives.


Alice A. Bailey founded the Lucis trust and the Arcane school completely on her own with no help from DK. It was something she had to do to demonstrate her own powers of initiation. DK did not give her any grade on her work. Lucis Trust does have custody of the books which was fine with DK. The people at Lucis trust seem to be fine people and the Arcane School does good work, but they are very cautions about following the Bailey writings and I have not seen any thinking out of the box come from anyone associated with them.

Unfortunately, most Alice A. Bailey students lean left even though, as I pointed out earlier, most of DK’s writings lean right.

Ruth asks about the advanced souls who got caught under the reign of Hitler:

“Did any of them kill Jews? Did any of them go down the wrong path with Hitler, instead of working against Hitler?”


I am sure that a number of them did things that they wish they could have a voided. Many people are way too judgmental of those caught up in various thoughtforms of history past. They do not realize how powerful they are and that they themselves in past lives did all kinds of things that we in the current time judge as evil. For instance, many of the finest people we see about us today were slave holders in another era.

Many advanced souls cooperated with Hitler to some degree. Some woke up and others did not.

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Problems for Healers

May 4, 2016

Problems for Healers

A reader asked me why some healers who have the ability to help others often suffer with illness themselves.

There are three main reasons for this.

(1) Karma in connection with past lives. They become a healer in this life with personal limitations to pay an ancient debt.

(2) Energy follows thought. Because they are in the healing business they place a lot of thought on disease and health. If they are not careful thought can draw the wrong energies to the healer. The solution is complete self forgetfulness.

(3) Some healers see the energy coming from them instead of through them. This wrong thinking can deplete them of energy and weaken them. Always see yourself as a vessel not the source.

It is interesting to note that Paul who performed miracles himself noted that he had a physics problem he called a thorn in his side that served to keep him humble.

Jesus also made a curious statement:

And he said unto them, Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself. Luke 4:23

Is it possible that Jesus had some type of physical infirmity? Now that is an interesting thing to contemplate.

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The Right Place

May 1, 2016

The Right Place


In the series linked above, you cover the who, what, why and the how but not the where. Regarding that last sentence quoted: To “direct them to their right place”, we must know where is their “right place”.

What is the “right place” to direct the lesser lives generally speaking as well as for each of the greater “lesser lives” (centers/chakras) taken individually? To what SPECIFIC use/purposes SHOULD each of the lives be directed.


Good question.

Of all the lesser lives that function within us none are more often out of place than the astral based deva lives. In order of right placing we have first the physical/etheric, next up is the astral emotional and then the mental. Above this is the spiritual realms of buddhic and higher.

The emotionally based lives are always trying to usurp the authority of the mind and take control. In truth the mind is higher and has natural control over the emotional self and should not allow the emotions to take its place. When they do they are then in their wrong place. Here are some examples.

(1) Jealousy. Joan’s boyfriend flirts with other females and this brings the astral devas to life demanding that Joan put a stop to it. For a time they get more attention than the logical mind and Joan follows them and gives her boyfriend such a bad time that he considers ending the relationship. Just in time the mind puts the astral devas in their right place and forces them to submit to reason. Then Joan takes a softer more gentle approach and saves the day.

(2) Romantic Love. Sarah falls in love with a charming drug dealer.. The mind calculated that the relationship, as well as Sarah’s life, is heading over a cliff. The devas controlling romantic love are unconcerned. They like the new stimulation of the romantic love the boyfriend creates and want more of it. They upsurge the authority of the mind and get Sarah to respond to their needs and embrace the drug dealer. After a period of time the mind assumes its correct place and ends the relationship and orders to astral devas to cool it.

Just as the astral lives get out of their right place so do the mental ones, especially those who influence the concrete mind. When a person becomes an atheist his lower mind upsurges the right place of the soul and directs the life of the entity.

Think for a moment of emotional situations you have been in. When this occurs, and if you pay attention, you can feel the emotional lives fighting for control. Unfortunately, if you let them have it they will most certainly lead you to sorrow. Mind and reason must be the guide and the seeker must use reason and logic to keep the lower emotions in their right place.

I received a question from an LDS reader who is trying to square off parts of Mormon doctrine with reincarnation.

He was wondering how the doctrine of translation fit in with reincarnation and the scheme of things. For instance, Elijah was said to be taken into heaven and translated, yet it seems that he was born again as John the Baptist. The LDS believe that Moses, Enoch, John the Revelator and some Indian prophets were also translated.

Now the doctrine of translation is basically this. A few righteous souls experience a change in their bodies so they are not subject to death. They are not yet eternal as the resurrected Jesus but have their lives prolonged until the final resurrection.

The first thing to understand here is that many points of Mormon doctrine are either not correct or just short of a complete understanding. Mormonism has some pieces of the great puzzle, but is far from having the whole picture. Understanding reincarnation is a huge piece that is necessary to see the grand design.

The doctrine of translation most closely corresponds to the achievement of the fifth initiation as taught in the ancient wisdom. When this is achieved the disciple becomes a Master and has power to prolong the life of his body as long as it is useful to do so. He also achieves numerous other fairly superhuman abilities.

What Mormonism misses is that all form is not eternal but any form we inhabit is merely a vehicle to be used for a certain purpose that spans a finite period of time. Only the eternal life within the vehicle which is connected to God is eternal.

Elijah most likely experienced the change of translation sometime before his ascension described in the Bible. When he ascended to the higher realms of the spirit world his body would have vibrated to a higher level so in a sense when living in these mansions he essentially has no physical body, but a spiritual one.

Such a master can, however, materialize a physical body at will and reappear in the material world. Or, if he desires he can send a part of his spiritual essence back to earth to be reborn again.

This is hinted at in the LDS scriptures. Concerning celestial beings it is written:

“Wherefore, all things are theirs, whether life or death…” D&C 76:59

Higher beings who have mastered death are not limited to one life or one physical body. All things are theirs and they can choose to continue life in the higher realms or death and be born again as a baby here on the earth.

DK gives what I believe to be the most profound words ever written that succinctly relates the process of transitioning from mortality to immortality.

“When communion is established, words are forthwith used, and mantric law assumes its rightful place, provided that the One communicates the words and the three remain in silence.

“When response is recognized as emanating from the three, the One, in silence, listens. The roles are changed. A three-fold word issues from out the triple form. A turning round is caused. The eyes no longer look upon the world of form; they turn within, focus the light, and see, revealed, an inner world of being. With this the Manas stills itself, for eyes and mind are one.

“The heart no longer beats in tune with low desire, nor wastes its love upon the things that group and hide the Real. It beats with rhythm new; it pours its love upon the Real, and Maya fades away. Kama and heart are close allied; love and desire form one whole, one seen at night, the other in the light of day….

“When fire and love and mind submit themselves, sounding the three-fold word, there comes response.

“The One enunciates a word which drowns the triple sound. God speaks. A quivering and a shaking in the form responds. The new stands forth, a man remade; the form rebuilt; the house prepared. The fires unite, and great the light that shines: the three merge with the One and through the blaze a four-fold fire is seen.”

Treatise on White Magic, Pages 75-76.

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Martian Questions

April 26, 2016

Martian Questions

Ruth has some questions:

“As to Mars, Mercury and the ‘four other planets,’ they bear relation to the Earth of which no Master…will ever speak…” (Vol. I, 187)

Questions:   Why will no Master ever speak of the relation to Earth of Mars and the four other planets?


You got me on that one. It may have something to do with the fall and that the earth is not a sacred planet along with the symbolic “war in heaven.”


Mars has two satellites to which he has no right. (astral and mental. A.A.B.)

Why has Mars two satellites to which he has no right?   How did Mars obtain these two satellites?


Most satellites come from the same originating matter as the planet they circle. For instance scientists think the moon was broken off from the earth because of an ancient collision.

The satellites of Mars are different in that it is believed by science that they are wayward asteroids that were captured by Mars and were never part of the Martian soil.

So, after a manner of speaking the satellites of Mars were stolen property.


Was all life on Mars destroyed?


If ther was life there at one time it doesn’t seem to be there now. I would suspect that when the dig below the surface they will eventually find some primitive life. If there is any intelligent life there on the physical plane it would have to be below the surface.

Now the etheric plane of Mars could be another matter and be the source of intelligent life that is invisible to normal human vision.


Mars was the Lord of birth, of death, of generation and destruction.

(Vol. II, 410)

Mars was called the six-faced planet. (Vol. II, 399)

Mars WAS called the six-faced planet and WAS the Lord of Birth, Death of generation and destruction…… what is Mars now, if it is no longer?


I think that HPB is merely talking of astrological influences.

The six faces could be another way of saying that Mars is ruled by the sixth ray.


Is Earth helping to rebuilt Mars again?


Obviously not yet, but if we do not blow ourselves up first and continue to develop technology we will go to Mars (and other planets) and seed life there again.

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More DK Quotes

April 14, 2016

More DK Quotes

There is a group of what we might call Telepathic Communicators. (head, heart and throat centres) These people are receptive to impression from the Masters and from each other; they are the [36] custodians of group purpose and, therefore, closely related to all the other types of groups. Their work is largely on the mental plane and they work in and with thought matter and with the reception and direction of thought currents. They are also working at the facilitation of communication between individuals so that the rules and methods whereby speech can be transcended may become known and the new way of intercourse be brought about.


Present day healers should endeavour to break loose from the modern and traditional ideas as to healing; they should recognise the stupendous fact that healing must eventually be carried forward by groups which will act as the intermediaries between the plane of spiritual energy (either soul energy, intuitional energy or will energy) and the patient or group of patients.


Inner work which does not work out into objective activity upon the physical plane is wrongly oriented and inspired.


I have stated that the first requirement is sensitivity. What exactly is this? It does not mean primarily that you are a “sensitive soul”—the connotation of which usually means that you are thin-skinned, self-centred and always on the defensive! Rather do I refer to the capacity whereby you are enabled to expand your consciousness so that you become aware of ever- widening ranges of contact. I refer to the ability to be alive, alert, keen to recognise relationships, quick to react to need, mentally, emotionally and physically attentive to life and rapidly developing the power to observe upon all three planes in the three worlds simultaneously. I am not interested in your personal relations where they concern your wrong personality sensitivity to depression, to self-pity, your defenses, your so-called sensitivity to slights, to misunderstandings, your dislike of your environing conditions, your hurt pride and qualities of this kind. These all cause you bewilderment and let loose in you the floodgates of compassion for yourself. But you do not need me to deal with them; of them you are well aware and can handle them if you choose. These faults are interesting only in so far as they affect the life of your group; they must be handled by you with care and with the open eye that senses danger from afar and seeks to avoid it. The sensitivity which I want to see developed is alertness to soul contact, impressionability to the “voice of the Teacher,”


“Better a man’s own dharma, than the dharma of another.” Thus does the Bhagavad Gita express this truth, telling the disciple to mind his own business. … In every group there is usually one group member (and perhaps several) who constitute a problem to themselves and to their group brothers.


Steadily and without descent must the attitude of meditation be held—not for a few minutes each morning or at specific moments throughout the day, but constantly, all day long. It infers a constant orientation to life and the handling of life from the angle of the soul.

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Molecular Question

April 9, 2016

Molecular Question

I would like to thank all those who have given likes and especially those who have shared the quotes I have been placing on Facebook. I want to continued to encourage group members who are my friends on Facebook to continue sharing the quotes. I have been placing a new one each day and the results are encouraging.

Dan Writes:

I work for a small 50+ employee health care organization (nursing home + assisted living + home health care) that provides care to 35 long term care residents, 9 assisted living suites and about 20 home health clients.

The present owner is rapidly becoming disenchanted with governmental regulation/medicare reimbursement and general employee disgruntlement to the point she is looking for a way out.

There MAY be an opportunity to buy/remake the business over on an employee-owned/cooperative/molecular business model (or ?). The building/grounds/equipment is owned by and leased from the County by the present Administrator/Owner.

Marci and I are both employed there, well-respected and may have a powerful enough voice to help effect a change of this nature, but I need more specific direction regarding how a more molecular business model might work in this situation.

Any input appreciated.


To create a full fledged Molecular business it would be desirable to create a totally new one so you don’t have to go through the process of converting existing employees, some of which may not be friendly to new ideas.

There are several molecular principles that a new owner can place into an existing business. An important one is the election principle. Most employees would like to have the power to elect their leaders rather than have them appointed – often on the good ole boy principle. The only one that would be likely to complain about this would be existing leaders. Normally the initiate is except from election because he goes through a natural election when the group joins with him. It is up to him as to whether he lets himself be challenged.

The other thing you can apply is some type of ownership opportunities for employees. This would require the company be a corporation and issue stock. More and more companies are becoming employee owned.

Here in Boise WINCO groceries started out in 1985 as a local employee owned group of stores that has blossomed to 105 stores with 15,000 employees. The employees purchased the basic business from an existing company and streamlined it. Maybe you could do something similar.

It is important to realize that the Molecular concept is not a democracy, though it uses ingredients from it. It incorporates the election principle causing leadership to arise from the bottom up. But when elected the leader has the decision-making powers. Because he can be challenged at any time he will seek to keep employees happy by responding to their needs and suggestions.

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