The Historical Jesus

The Historical Jesus

I received a request to comment on the historical Jesus for many today contend that he did not exist but was made up by the Roman Empire because they needed a messiah figure to unite the nation.

First I might add that a similarity of stories from different cultures add to the validity that something like that did happen, but perhaps not the way we have been presented.

Secondly many things happen in cycles and there have been several great floods in our history.

Concerning Jesus some have said that he was just made up by Constantine around 325 AD after he decided he needed a major religion with which to rule the world.

Now let us look at the logic of this possibility. Let us suppose that the president of the United States wanted to establish a new religion around a phantom character who is supposed to be the most loving and intelligent person who ever walked the earth.

First of all he would have to manufacture four books, similar to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, that would witness to this phantom figure. These accounts would have to be credible enough to be accepted as true by the common populace.

But the greatest feat that the governmennt would face would be in finding words attributed to this Messiah that would be considered by almost all people who read them to be the greatest words ever spoken.

Imagine the difficulty in even creating a new “sermon on the mount?”

In 2000 years no one has been able to give such a profound short speech. Perhaps the closest would be the Gettysburg address by Lincoln but most scholars will admit that this comes in a distance second to the words of Jesus.

Now it may be true that the Buddha and others said something similar in the past. It is difficult to write anything entirely new, but one must admit that the way the sermon was put together was much more profound than any teacher of the past.

He also gave profound parables with multiple meanings and almost every word attributed to him had such a profound meaning that none has been able to duplicate.

For Instance:

“You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”

“The first shall be last and the last first.”

“Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.”

“I and my Father are One.”

“Ye Are Gods”

“Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”

What other figure in history real or imagined has said such profound words over and over again?

None that I know of.

So, if the president wanted to create a false messiah he would have to make his staff put together something like the New Testament with 27 books testifying to the divinity of the man. Then after he puts it together it would have to be so believable that the general population would accept it.

Now if such a falsehood were to present itself there would be a large percentage that would not swallow it hook line and sinker. Many of these would leave writings exposing the fraud.

Even considering that the ancient emperors had much greater power than our president this feat would still be close to impossible. An Emperor would have to pick a fairly well established religious belief to create a new Messiah around it.

It is interesting that no one questions the historical validity of Mohammed, Buddha or even the obscure Zoriaster, but with Jesus they will claim that he and his teachings were made up on a lark. When you bring the possibility of duplicating this feat up to the modern era the impossibility of it becomes obvious.

The very fact that the man and his teachings have withstood the test of time is perhaps the greatest testimony to his reality.

The fact that we have 27 books in the New Testament testifying of him plus hundreds of ancient works that never made it into the Bible is a very strong witness that is completely obviated by those who wish to prove Jesus to be an imaginary character.

Few historians doubt that Jesus existed, but many believe that what has been recorded about him may not be entirely accurate.

The Book of Mormon was presented as a second witness for Christ. Many have read this and have received additional confirmation about him.

A powerful modern witness is the writings given through Alice A. Bailey. This is one of the latest revelations of the Brotherhood and when one reads her works a sensitive person cannot help but get soul confirmation. Her writings testify to the validity of the Biblical Christ.

A book that brought me closer to him was The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi. You can download this free from the web.

Someone questioned my statement that Hitler was a vegetarian. I had never read anything to the contrary so I decided to do a little research. I found that the vegetarians who are somewhat purist in belief are very offended at the thought that Hitler could have been a vegetarian and are digging up everything they can to prove that he was not one of them.

Here are the facts as far as I can ascertain them. From 1931 on Hitler was mainly on a vegetarian diet, but was not 100% strict with it. He did deviate now and then and eat a little meat just like many “vegetarians” that I know. He was a vegetarian at least 99% of the time.

It is an interesting contrast that while Hitler was this squeaky clean abstainer from meat, alcohol and tobacco his counterpart in the free world, Winston Churchill, was just the opposite. Churchill ate lots of meat, smoked and could drink most people under the table.

If one goes by outward appearances only many of the true lights of the planet will be overlooked.

The contention is that Jesus was a character created by Constantine around the time of the Council of Nicaea in 325. There is much evidence that he had many believers long before then. Here are a couple references to that:

AS A RESULT OF our investigations so far, it should be clear that historians do not need to rely on only one source (say, the Gospel of Mark) for knowing whether or not the historical Jesus existed. He is attested clearly by Paul, independently of the Gospels, and in many other sources as well: in the speeches in Acts, which contain material that predate Paul’s letters, and later in Hebrews, i and 2 Peter, Jude, Revelation, Papias, Ignatius, and I Clement. These are ten witnesses that can be added to our seven independent Gospels (either entirely or partially independent), giving us a great variety of sources that broadly corroborate many of the reports about Jesus without evidence of collaboration. And this is not counting all of the oral traditions that were in circulation even before these surviving written accounts. Moreover, the information about Jesus known to Paul appears to go back to the early 30s of the Common Era, as arguably does some of the material in the book of Acts. The information about Jesus in these sources corroborates as well aspects of the Gospel traditions, some of which can also be dated back to the 30s, to Aramaic-speaking Palestine. Together all of these sources combine to make a powerful argument that Jesus was not simply invented but that he existed as a historical person in Palestine.      Did Jesus Exist?, by Bart Ehrman, Page 140-141

Tacitus mentioned Jesus in his treatment of the years 30-31. There is, however, a short retrospective reference to Jesus when Tacitus treats the great fire of Rome under Nero and Nero’s subsequent use of the Christians of Rome as scapegoats (Annals 15.44). Nero, says Tacitus, fastened on the Christians because popular opinion suspected that he was responsible for the fire:

“Therefore, to squelch the rumor, Nero created scapegoats and subjected to the most refined tortures those whom the common people called “Christians,” [a group] hated for their abominable crimes. Their name comes from Christ,’ who, during the reign of Tiberius, had been executed by the procurator Pontius Pilate.’ Suppressed for the moment, the deadly superstition broke out again, not only in Judea, the land which originated this evil, but also in the city of Rome, where all sorts of horrendous and shameful practices from every part of the world converge and are fervently cultivated.”      A Marginal Jew, Vol 1, John P Meier, Pgs 89-90

DK through Alice A. Bailey also affirms the historical Jesus.

There He worked through the three beloved disciples, through the twelve apostles, through the chosen seventy, and the interested five hundred…. Now He works through His Masters and Their groups, and thereby greatly intensifies His efforts. *** I would have you forget distance, remoteness and vagueness and realise that I am talking of exact and literal happenings on our planet. I am dealing with recognitions and occurrences and with factual events which are the conscious possession of many. The Christ of history and the Christ in the human heart are planetary facts. Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 604

The New Testament story is true and correct; it is only the man-made interpretations which have misled humanity. Reappearance of the Christ, Page 100


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Calling and Election


Calling and Election

I was asked some time ago about more information about the third initiation of transfiguration. In other words, does one have to go through the Dweller on the Threshold and enter into the aura of the Angel of the Presence before he can be assured that he will continue on the path of light? When can he have that final assurance that we cannot fall toward the Dark Path?

The scriptures make it sound as if we need to strive for the light until such a time that God decrees that “our calling and election” is made sure and from that point on it is impossible to fall.

The truth is that any point of security in the light reached by us does not happen because of the decree of God, but because of our own decisions and efforts.

You and I will always have free will therefore as long as we have free will there will never be a time that we cannot choose the dark as well as the light.

Therefore, does this mean that we can never reach a state where our calling and election to the path of light is truly secure? Because we always have free will does this mean there is always a chance of choosing some demonic path?

Not a pleasant thought is it?

On the other hand, it is even less pleasant to consider a time when we may not have free will and instead function with robotic perfection.

Is there really then a 100% secure position on the path of light?

Fortunately there is not.


Yes, fortunately for if there were a 100% secure position it would mean that decision and choice is no longer possible. As long as there is choice the decision will be between two paths that lead (at least temporarily) in two different directions. As long as there are two paths one will be more beneficial (or good) to chose than the other. Two differing choices will never produce exactly the same results – remember the snowflake principle.

What does it mean then when some say they have obtained assurance from the Spirit, God within or Higher Self that they will not fall?

Answer: If a disciple has followed the highest he knows diligently in a certain lifetime then it is possible to receive a promise that you will not lose the ground that you have gained. The higher lives know the path ahead for you and all probabilities suggest that you will continue on into the light, yet if a temptation should arise greater than you may be able to handle your life would be taken so you can preserve the advances you have made. The preservation of advances made by diligent souls is the origin of the maxim that “the good die young.”

In the larger scheme of things there is never a plateau reached where a person cannot retrogress and there is never a plunge into darkness so deep that is beyond the will-to-save that is in the heart of God. The Dark Brotherhood have plunged so deep that their climb out will take millions, perhaps billions of years, but no matter how deep the bottomless pit, no matter how long the path, the way of deliverance will be there when a reflection of God decides to return home.

Even one who was Lucifer, a Kumara, a Son of the Morning of the Creation of Shamballa in and on the earth fell from his high estate and can no longer enter through the gates of the dwelling of the Great Ones. Some believe that he never had a body, but he had evolved through the human state in another planetary system before he came here as a celestial being with the Ancient of Days.

Taking all this into consideration – can anyone be trusted? Can we even trust the Masters in the Brotherhood of Light?

In answer to this one question we must always remember that there is only one thing that we can always trust and that is the Spirit of God as it speaks to us from within. One must only trust those who are without, whether it be a Master, angel or bank robber, if that which they communicate vibrates to the highest Spirit within us. If you do not feel a stimulation of the highest within you, then you are under no obligation to follow.

Even though we always have free will the disciple does reach a point where he is trusted by the Brotherhood to be a co-worker on the Path. This point is the Third Initiation.

Each initiation brings a greater trust of the Brotherhood toward the disciple, but the third is a crucial point because it is at this juncture that the disciple has close to 0% likelihood of going backwards, at least in this round.

After going through the first initiation the disciple learns to control his physical passions and can be trusted in on this level. Later he undergoes the second initiation and masters the emotions and is not controlled by either ego or glamour.

The interesting thing is that even though the seeker has gone beyond the ego he is still not trusted by the Brotherhood?


Because he can be deceived by illusion. As long as he can be deceived by illusion there is still a chance of him choosing the dark path. This dark choice often surfaces, not because the guy has horns and is inherently evil, but because he is deceived by erroneous illusionary belief systems. This illusion can be followed with the purest intentions of doing the right thing and by the time the choice between the two paths is clearly seen the illusion makes the dark Path seem very desirable.

Thus, when the disciple lets all his illusions go and seeks for pure truth no matter where it leads him he will face the Dweller on the Threshold, the final illusion. When the Dweller is finally passed he enters into the Presence weighted down with no illusion.

At this point he becomes a trusted worker because his choices will be made with the furtherance of the plan in mind without the influence of illusion and the chances of doing any great damage to the work of light is small. The chances of him undoing his choice for the light and choosing the dark path (in this cycle) is practically non existence.

When you know a hot stove will burn you will you touch it?

Not likely.

On the other hand, if someone can trick you by illusion to believe the stove is cool when it is hot then maybe you will touch it.

The third degree initiate cannot be tricked into thinking the hot stove is cool.

Testing Truth

I was asked top assess the truth of a teaching presented on the web.

We must admit that there is a lot of data in this writing, but data by itself is difficult to prove or disprove. If I say that there are six planets circling around Alpha Centauri how could anyone prove or disprove it? It is well nigh impossible unless you are a Master.

On the other hand, if there is, in reality, a lot of true data in a writing there will be revealed at least a hint of some underlying principle supporting the data. Therefore, the thing to ask here is: Is there any principle revealed here and if there is, what is it?

If a writing claims to be new revelation yet seems to copy old material this is an indication it came from some human or astral mind.

When true principles are grasped then a true teaching is easy to register and explain. Ask if you can relate the meat of a text in a short paragraph?

Is there any useful information in the writing?

Is there anything here that brings a flashing forth of the intuition or registers with the soul?

Are there unusual words or phrases that seen to make no sense but are written for effect on the astral nature?


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The Distortion of the Past

The Distortion of the Past

The Question: How does giving and receiving effective communication aid in discovering the truth?

At least part of this answer is pretty obvious. Without communication of some type the word “truth” would have no meaning to us humans. A truth has to be given and received through communication before it can be registered as such by our consciousness. Even though 2+2=4 (whether you are conscious of it or not) this truth will be as though it does not exist to your universe until the knowledge of it is communicated to you.

A tree does fall in a forest even though no one sees or hears it, but until this information is communicated to your consciousness, it has not fallen for you.

There are several levels of communication in our search for discovery.

(1) Communication through perception of the outside world.

(2) Person to person communication.

(3) Communication through the soul.

If each of us could just have accurate communication on these three levels we would rarely disagree. We could all see the truth together and have a wonderful union.

So why is this not the case? Why do so many of us disagree on even simple things?

The Course in Miracles gives a good reason for this. It tells us that we “see only the past.”

Thus when two of us look upon the outside world with the same instruments of perception we see two different realities because the present is filtered through the memory of the past.

Let us take the football game again. On one side we have a cheering section for team A and on the other we have one for team B.

Both groups of fans are perceiving the same game, but the filters of the past cause entirely different perceptions.

If the referee calls a penalty for team A, team B fans will cheer him while team A fans will boo him off the field.

Both groups have the same physical perception, but different vision because of seeing the past blended in with the present.

Now let us suppose that all memory of all fans present were taken from them concerning the two teams.

The referee once again gives a penalty to team A. Now what will their reaction be?

I think we can all visualize here that, by taking away the vision of the past blended with the present, that suddenly the two sides would see the penalty very close to the way it really was. In other words, if two people keep their consciousness in the present (as a little child) and refuse to let the past distort their vision they will see as one. They will both see the truth as it is happening now.

Even though an eyewitness has the greatest possible credibility in court, studies have shown that they are much less reliable than the juries believe them to be.


Because their vision of the event is clouded by their memory of the past creating distortion, but there is one more reason…

Faulty memory.

Our vision of the present is distorted by mingling it with the past and the present is further distorted by imperfect memory bringing a distorted past forward as a cloudy filter making it difficult to see the present truth.

Another thing that distorts the vision of the past is emotion. Even if you have a good memory a very positive or negative feeling associated with a past perception can fog the vision of the present. For instance, you may have met the quarterback of Team A and found him very charming and even gave you an autograph. Then later you bumped into the quarterback of Team B and he barked at you to watch where you are going.

Even though you remember everything accurately you bring the feeling from the past into the present and decide you want Team A to win because the quarterback was a nice guy. Maybe Team B has more nicer guys than team A, but you don’t care. The first quarterback planted a positive emotion in you and this greatly influences your present vision. The referee calls a fair penalty against Team A and you shout him down and call him a blind idiot.

Now the question is – how can we use this knowledge to increase the accuracy of our perceptions thus increasing our ability to perceive truth?

Quite simple. The first thing to always keep in our consciousness is the realization that the past does distort the present. Therefore use memories of the past very sparingly as you perceive the present and when they are used make sure you only use items that are remembered correctly. Test your memory now and then and get an idea of how accurate it is so when you do filter through memory you will take into account a margin of error.

Also test your feelings and recognize the influence they have on you. When the referee makes a call you do not like, detach yourself from your feelings for a moment and ask yourself if the call was really fair. Do not allow yourself to see the call through your feelings. Instead, use pure present perception and accept what your perception gives you even if it hurts.

Sports fans should be pleased here that even a game, or should we say, especially a game, can be a great exercise in the correct registration of reality.

There are two main communications left that reveal truth which are:

Person to person communication and…

Communication through the soul.

Does seeing the past also distort these two communications? How about faulty memory and past feelings? Does they also play a part.

We have always maintained that communication through the soul is accurate, but can even this be distorted by the past, feelings and faulty memory?


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In The World

In The World

I have to take issue with a reader on the football game thing. To say that a highly evolved person will not take sides in a game because it does not matter who wins I believe to be an illusionary statement.

I don’t think one can get much of enjoyment out of a game unless you do have a favorite. If you just watch the game for the game’s sake and to appreciate the skill of the players then you might as well watch last year’s Superbowl rather than the current one.

If I turn on a game and don’t have a clue as to the background or history of the team I just don’t have enough interest to watch. Sure it’s mildly interesting to watch a great play of some unknown team, but I would rather watch a bad performance of a team I know and like.

So where does this idea come from that if we are advanced on the Path that we will just cease to feel and not give a hoot about who wins what?

The problem is that many great teachers in the East have put emphasis on the overriding, control, directing and sometimes neutralization or elimination of emotion in order to reach higher states of consciousness. Many students have interpreted this to mean that we should “kill out desire” completely, move beyond it and never experience it again.

This is an extremist point of view and as Buddha taught neither extreme is the path to liberation.

What then have the teachers really meant when they taught thus about desire and feeling?

Perhaps the best summation of this is the admonition of Jesus to “live in the world, but not be of the world.”

The high initiate is expected to not be of the world to the extent that he is able to have power to neutralize or at least direct his feelings and change directions at the drop of a hat if the Purpose of God so requires it. It takes many lifetimes before this point is reached.

On the other hand, when desire is not out of alignment with purpose it is good judgment to be “of the world,” and let your emotions play themselves out intelligently. When the disciple is appropriately “of the world,” he will love and feel passion with the best of them. If there is a contest he will be happy to cheer for a certain side. Why deny yourself of such a pleasure when there is no purpose in it?

When a question of the right or wrongness of a philosophy comes up, in addition to looking within to the soul, I also look at the great initiates of history and see if their actions confirm what I have received. Time and time again it does and this is no exception.

Two of the greatest initiates in the United States were George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Both were leaders in the most stressful game of all called war and both of them took definite sides and were extremely concerned about the outcome. One thing that really concerned Lincoln is that he often was much more concerned than his generals seemed to be. All McClellan seemed to want to do is show off rather than win and this attitude about drove Lincoln around the bend.

In more recent times Winston Churchill replaced Chamberlain who had a cavalier attitude toward Hitler that lead the World into war. Churchill took a definite side and had an extreme interest in the outcome.

DK in writing through Alice A. Bailey said that the Christ himself took the side of the Allies during the war and worked behind the scenes to assure victory.

Some have expressed irritation that I have defined the word channeling for this class. They seem to think I have arrogantly redefined a dictionary definition for the entire world.

As far as the dictionaries go they do not give a very specific definition for channeling and many differing groups use the word with different meanings. Because of this I defined the word FOR THE CLASS, not for the world.

Let me repeat myself here. When sending or receiving it is important that we apply similar meanings to the same word. If I say the word “channel” and I am referring to an astral entity possessing the body of a medium and you think I am referring to mental telepathy because you define it different then confusion is the result.

In a class the definition of a word is what the group agrees upon, I’m sure there are other classes on the web where the word channeling is used to include mental telepathy. Does this bother me?

No. It’s still a free Web.

The teacher of any class has the right to define his terms in what he sees the best interest of learning. If anyone disagrees with this I would like to know the reason why?

If I want to call an orange an apple to make a point while teaching then why complain about it?

I received a message from a member of the group explaining to me his great mission as a messiah type of avatar.

Since I have been teaching I have been approached by many “great ones” such as by the supposed reincarnated souls of Michael the Archangel, Paul of Tarsus, John the Baptist, and several Joseph Smiths and Ones Mighty and Strongs wanting me to either follow them or work with them in promoting their mission. I felt no spiritual or familiar vibration among any of them and they were quite disappointed that I had no desire to work with them. One Joseph Smith guy was particularly upset.

I think just about every break off from the Mormon church is lead by one who claims to be one Mighty and Strong.

Let me place this one question before you to consider:

Is it possible that your thoughts of a great mission and the idea of being the One Mighty and Strong the greatest obstacle in your path to true greatness and glory?

If you are this prophesied one then why does the Spirit not confirm it to me? Why has it not been confirmed to others? Has it been confirmed to you or are you following signs only?

I believe you do have a great mission, if you choose to accept it, but the nature of it is different than you have envisioned.

I beseech you to join with me and teach the highest that you know, planting seeds that will grow into the baptism of fire making no claims for yourself and not giving a care in the world as to whether anyone recognizes your stature. Even if a great mission is revealed to a disciple he should go forward making no claims of greatness. If God wishes to glorify a servant like you or I then glorify he will beyond anything we can do on our own.

Let us go forward with purpose with minds and hearts focused within the fiery will of God. Let our happiness and joy be in seeing the work being moved forward even if we should die unknown and unrecognized.


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Process of Elimination

Process of Elimination

We have not covered principle nine yet of which we wrote:

(9) Another instrument of discovery of truth is the Process of Elimination. How do you suppose this principle works? Have you used it yourself to discover truth? Many of us have used this in the game “Twenty Questions.”

Remember the test I gave the group some time to guess which one digit number I was thinking of? Since no one was psychic enough to get it you had to use the process of elimination. The group assumed that there were ten one digit numbers that are 0123456789. After half of them were eliminated the group ceased using the guessed numbers as possibilities. Finally, there were two numbers left and then one. Surely the number left was it, but I still said no. None of the ten guessed was what I wrote down. The group went into deep meditation (a guess). Since there are ten one digit numbers and the group guessed them all and none of them was the number then the truth may not be as obvious as it seems. Could there be more than ten one digit numbers someone finally mused?

Finally someone used the process of elimination correctly and eliminated all positive numbers from the equation and realized that the answer could be a negative number. After the ten standard digits were eliminated you realized that there were nine negative digits that no one had considered yet. In other words, the process of elimination made you consider a possibility that you otherwise would have never looked at.

Finally, when you realized you were on the right track it was only a short time through the use of the process of elimination that the correct digit was picked. As I remember it was minus 2.

The interesting thing is that we have a number of psychics on the group, but as it turned out the process of elimination proved more reliable than ESP.

The truly accurate psychic is indeed a rare thing, but if we can, through the use of mind, logically eliminate certain items as false this leads us with great accuracy steps closer toward the truth. Any time the seeker has a chance to eliminate a piece of data as false he must rule it out no matter how much it goes against his belief system.

Any scientist who honestly uses the process of elimination must admit that there is a God, or at the least a higher intelligence than man. All he has to do is study the human cell and ask: Could this have been created with no guiding intelligence? Anyone using the process of elimination must admit that a creation a million times more complicated than the Mac I am staring at had to be created by some guiding hand or Purpose.

The atheist scientist illustrates one of the problems with this principle of truth. An item that must be eliminated from the equation can stare many of us in the face, yet we refuse to eliminate it.

If the prophet Rambalana takes his believers to a mountain top time after time to be picked up by Zor and his spaceship the time should come that the believer should eliminate Zor and Rambalana from the equation of truth.

The sad fact is that even when that which is obviously false appears the believer continues to believe instead of eliminate.

Take the Jehovah’s Witnesses for instance. One of the founders named Charles T. Russel predicted the return of Christ in the late 1800’s. When he didn’t show up he moved the date ahead. When he didn’t show up again the followers still did not use the process of elimination. Russel took advantage of that belief and moved the date ahead again to 1914.

Well, 1914 came and went but still no Jesus appearing in the clouds. Russel himself refused to eliminate this final date as being wrong and concluded that Jesus did come in 1914, but he just came invisibly and no one saw him. Thus, if I understand the current Jehovah’s Witness doctrine, they still to this day have not eliminated 1914 as the arrival date and accept this as the year of the coming of the Lord.

I personally grew up in an alcoholic family and pretty much fended for myself and my little sister as a kid. I eliminated my parent’s lifestyle as a desirable way of life and became active in the Mormon Church as a teenager. Then using this same process of elimination years later I eliminated certain practices within the church, such as strong infallible authority, as being anti spiritual and moved on to greater vistas of learning.


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My Journey

My Journey

Note written April 2019: For the first year of my posting on the web I revealed virtually nothing of my background as I wanted readers to pay attention to the message rather than the messenger. Finally, a Mormon reader specifically asked me if I was connected to his or any other religion. Here was my answer:

As you may have guessed by now I do have a Mormon background; however, not a very recent one. About 22 years ago I was active in the church.

I made the mistake of “searching the scriptures” and discovered some interesting things therein, which are not a part of standard doctrine. Mormons believe we go to one of three kingdoms after death and we are stuck in the assigned location for eternity.

I discovered that there is progression from kingdom to kingdom, not just within the kingdoms as the church teaches.

I wrote a short paper on it, but had a problem in that I had no one to share it with. Then my nephew visited for a time and I told him some of my thoughts and shared my writings with him. He became convinced and was very enthused about it. I told him to be very careful about who he showed it to or he could get in trouble with the authorities, but he didn’t seem worried about it.

He went to his home ward and began teaching the doctrine in Priesthood class and showed the writing to his Elder’s Quorum President. Shortly thereafter he was ushered in the bishop’s office and within a few days a full-blown trial was scheduled with the high council. When he learned that the only witnesses that he could have were members in good standing he thought of me.

He called and asked me to defend him at his trial.

I told him that if I did I would probably be excommunicated too and may lose my wife and kids.

He said: “You got me into this, now you must help get me out.”

I sighed and told him I would be there.

I went to his trial with my friend Wayne who was an inactive member, but still an Elder and they were not going to let us in to testify, but using every coercion at our disposal we elbowed our way in and gave our testimonies on his behalf, but of course it fell on deaf ears.

Shortly afterwards, the transcript was sent to headquarters a trial was ordered for me. When they discovered through interrogation that I believed several things that were not part of regular church doctrine the council composed of life long friends excommunicated me.

The interesting thing is that they had to violate their own rules to throw us out for we both were obeying all the rules of the church.

Anyway, that was a long time ago and I could write a book on the whole thing but to make a long story short I continued my search for truth and as I found them, piece by piece, I began to see how they all fit together into a complete whole and how the LDS church as well as the teachings of Joseph Smith blend into everything.

Like you, I explored fundamentalism, but never got involved with it. Instead of draining a few morsels of truth from the past I sought the future and have had great and important principles revealed that I am now sharing. There is much more for me to give out than I have posted so far.

I have studied numerous religions and points of view and have decided to present the teachings from a cosmopolitan point of view free of religious connection for identification with an orthodox religion is a big turn off to many who may otherwise be open to the truth.

Since it has been 22 (now over 40 years) years since I have had a link with any religion I am quite honest in presenting myself as detached from religious dogma. However, I still remember well how the members think and my knowledge of Mormon doctrine is yet clear even though I have not studied it for many years.

I have written a book called “Eternal Lives” which proves reincarnation from the LDS point of view. It also answers questions about baptism for the dead, eternal marriage and many other details.

This book is mainly written for people with an LDS background, but there are many things of interest for any seeker.

For more reading on my journey readers can go to these additional links.

The first is a fiction story called “Journey’s End.” The part covering the trial of Curtis; however, is non-fiction. The trial is an accurate recollection of the event. What follows after is mostly fiction.

To read the story click on the link and scroll down to links 3783-3788
LINK to Journey’s End.

These additional links are to a history of events after we were excommunicated including a visit to the leadership of the LDS church.





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The Mighty Change of Heart

The Mighty Change of Heart

For those who wish to ask questions here are some suggested guidelines.

(1) Make the question(s) clear and brief. Some of you lately are asking a series of questions in one post that would take a book to cover thoroughly.

Make you question clear and concise. Sometimes it is difficult to know exactly what you want to know.

(2) Try and keep your question in alignment with the current topic of discussion. If you have questions about a subject not under discussion it may be best to wait until we arrive at that subject.

There are exceptions of course.

I was asked if others in the group are authorized to speak for me.

If anyone taps into my thought through the Oneness Principle and believes they can speak my mind it is fine with me if they try. If they are significantly wrong I will correct them.

On the other hand, a number of members have misinterpreted my words. One misinterpretation lately was about my teaching on meeting emotion with emotion. Some seemed to think that I was suggesting that if one person gets emotional in a negative way then we should too.

Nothing could be farther from the truth and if you will reread my post on the subject this should become clear.

My point was that if you are trying to reason through a subject that another feels very emotional about that we must not use reason alone in communicating with the person. We must show the person we understand by responding with some feeling ourselves. In this case I am talking about guiding feelings with the mind which hopefully is guided by Spirit. In such a case there is communication and resolution.

The guiding point of all communication, even when we are communicating on an emotional level, should be the highest we can perceive. Remember the source of our feelings are a vehicle, not our real selves.

I was asked for more clarification of the mighty change of heart spoken of in the scriptures that happens to one who has humbled himself through baptism unto the receiving of the Holy Spirit. In the Bible this is also called being “born again” or becoming a “new man in Christ.”

In the modern revelations from the Christ and His Hierarchy, or the Brotherhood of Light, this change of heart and the reception of the Holy Spirit leading newness of spiritual life is called the first initiation. Overall there are nine initiations, seven to be taken on this planet. The first is that which leads to the path of discipleship and is also called “the birth of Christ in the Heart.”

For many ages we identify with the lower self. First we think we are merely bodies. Later we discover we are feelings and identify with them. Then as we progress we learn to use mind and come to believe that we are our thoughts. Finally, we become frustrated as the emotions create illusion and the mind slays the real and we search for higher guidance. The time finally comes that either by ordinance or by a raise in consciousness that we release ourselves of guilt and yield ourselves by faith to the possibility that something higher flows through us.

When this happens we do not in reality receive something new. Instead we become aware of the Holy Spirit which has always been there. It seems like we are receiving it because we become aware of its presence for the first time. When we become aware of the Spirit and commit ourselves to follow It we have the beginning of a new life with a spiritual, instead of carnal direction.

The thing to keep in mind is this is the beginning of a new round of eternal progression and is far from an end point – as the religions seem to think.

There are levels of contact after the Spirit is sensed. It ranges from the almost indiscernible :”still Small Voice” to the baptism of fire.

The spiritual fire is given in various degrees to give a positive assurance that you are headed the right direction. Some have received this in connection to the teachings I have given out. This does not mean I am infallible, but it does mean that they are generally taking you toward Spirit and not matter.

I was asked to comment on the meaning of the “calling and election.”

This idea of “calling and election” is also mentioned in the Bible by Peter:

“Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall.” II Peter 1:10

Regular Christianity usually interprets this with the idea that when you have totally given your life to Christ you have a secure salvation from which you cannot fall. They pretty much believe that a person can commit horrendous sins after obtaining such a salvation yet still go to heaven.

It is pretty black and white with them. You go to heaven or hell and you’re either completely saved or you are not.

Now Mormonism has more differentiations in the afterlife and in eternal rewards. They believe in three kingdoms of Glory and one with no glory.

The Kingdom with no glory, or light, is the dwelling place of the Dark Brothers.

The Telestial, or the glory of the stars, is not really an afterlife, but is this physical earth where we arrive through reincarnation. It could also include the lower astral realms.

The Terrestrial is the higher astral.

The Celestial with its three divisions is the higher worlds of mind, the highest of the worlds of form. This is where the LDS hope to go if his calling and election is made sure.

Most Mormons do not realize that there are kingdoms higher than the Celestial as hinted at by Joseph Smith:

D&C 130:9 This earth, in its sanctified and immortal state, will be made like unto crystal and will be a Urim and Thummim to the inhabitants who dwell thereon, whereby all things pertaining to an inferior kingdom, or all kingdoms of a lower order, will be manifest to those who dwell on it; and this earth will be Christ’s.

D&C 130:10 Then the white stone mentioned in Revelation 2:17, will become a Urim and Thummim to each individual who receives one, whereby things pertaining to a higher order of kingdoms will be made known;

D&C 130:11 And a white stone is given to each of those who come into the celestial kingdom, whereon is a new name written, which no man knoweth save he that receiveth it. The new name is the key word.

Notice that a white stone is given to those who enter the Celestial world and this stone is a key that reveals “a higher order of kingdoms” than the Celestial.

Now the Celestial is the highest of the worlds of form, so what could be higher than that?

In esoteric literature these are called the formless worlds. The first above the plane of higher mind (the celestial) is the Intuitional, or Buddhic plane, followed by the Spiritual or Atmic, then Monadic and finally the Divine.

These formless worlds are difficult for us to understand in our earthly state and from a higher point of view have form as ideas have form. They provide the foundations from which all the lower worlds of concrete form are created.

Once entering the formless worlds which are high states of consciousness, one can always descend back into matter and manifest in physical form if some purpose requires it.

So if receiving a mighty change of heart and walking the spiritual path is the first initiation what is this guarantee that we will not fall from the path but have our entry into the higher worlds assured?

This comes with the third initiation when the seeker encounters the Dweller on the Threshold that we talked about earlier.

We will eventually cover the initiations in depth but we’ll just mention the first three briefly here.

The first is the birth of the Christ in the heart accompanied by a decision to walk the Spiritual path as the disciple sees it. During this period he becomes a master of his physical passions and desires and subjects them to the purpose of God as he sees it.

To pass the second initiation the seeker must master his emotions. He does not do away with emotion as some teach, but he learns to not attach his decision making to emotional feeling, and instead subjects them to the plane of the mind. By subjecting emotion to mind he learns to render emotion harmless from a spiritual viewpoint.

These first two initiations are covered by the birth of Christ consummated by the symbology of baptism and the reception of the holy spirit replacing the domination of the lower emotions.

The third initiation is called the transfiguration and was demonstrated by Christ on the Mount so named. Moses was also passing through this initiation on mount Sinai, as did Joseph Smith when the pillar of light descended upon him.

To reach this the disciple mist learn to see through illusion and subject his mind to the will of Spirit.

Only when the seeker learns to see through illusion can he be trusted to permanently keep his mind centered in the light.

When this initiation is passed then definite decision has been made to follow the light and nothing in the world of illusion can tempt the disciple to retreat.

From this point on he is considered a coworker by the Brotherhood and is trusted with certain responsibilities. His calling and election is then made sure.


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Speaking the Same Language

Speaking the Same Language

Rick said this:

“If we want to be one family it would help if we could be flexible enough to all try to speak the same language, at least when we are together.”

Now when two people are in the Oneness Principle they can speak from different backgrounds with a different way of looking at definitions yet sense the meaning the other is trying to convey. Reading foreign members for us English speaking people is a great example of this. Even though they sometimes struggle to convey their thoughts, most of us get a good sense of where they are heading even when using a strange selection of words.

On the other hand, when people are centered in the personality and ego and any disagreement arises this “feel” for what the person means goes out the window. For this cause it is good to have a uniform definition of terms.

Scientists use very exact definitions which allows them to communicate professionally with minimal distortion. Now we who are becoming spiritual scientists need to follow this same principle. Concerning myself I know that all members on the group cannot absorb by supernatural means what my true meaning is if my terms are fuzzy, so as a teacher, I have some responsibility to make myself clear.

There seems to be some fog out there as to my meaning of the word channel. I thought I had made myself clear in the past, but in case I have not let me do so now so if the subject comes up again we can just pull up this post.

While it may be true that the word “channel” has been loosely applied to all sorts of reception of information let us specifically narrow it down for this class.

A channel is basically the same as that which has been called a medium. This is a person who turns his body over to another entity. In doing this the person usually goes into an unconscious state and comes back to the body with no memory. Other channelers maintain some awareness and return to the body with some memory of what has been said or done. Generally the channeler will speak by what is called “direct voice.” If you are in the presence of such an experience you will notice a distinctly different voice, personality and mannerisms. The entity who owns the body is definitely not doing the talking.

In other cases the entity will write through the person’s hand or in this age even type as in the case of Ruth Montgomery who I must admit came up with some interesting material.

It is called channeling because the subject is offering his or her body as a channel for another entity.

The Masters would not use direct voice channeling unless there was some exceptional situation and that would probably be a one time thing.

Channelers make several different types of contacts.

(1) A thoughtform of their own creation with no soul link.

(2) A thoughtform of their own creation with a soul link with the final message influenced by the medium’s thought process.

(3) A projected thoughtform from a dark entity

(4) A discarnate entity from the astral realm.

Whereas most channeled material is rehashed material containing little that is new there are some worthy of study. The best that I have found is that of Jane Roberts, author of the Seth material. What sets Seth apart is that he does not claim to be a master or some high entity. It seems that the higher the channeled entity claims to be, the lower the grade of the material. Seth comes across as an intelligent student of the prospective from the other side and seems to be doing his best to relate it to us.

Many channeled entities are outright deceptive. Some claim to be historical figures from the past for the purpose of gaining more credibility with their audience. Many claim to be masters even though the Masters have said they avoid direct voice.

With channeled material just as with any other the student has to run the teachings by the soul.

What new age channeling is not:

Mental telepathy is not channeling

The Science of Impression is not channeling

Overshadowing is not channeling

Revelation is not channeling.

Anything received through the oneness principle is not channeling.

I am not a channeler and have never claimed to be. I have not turned over my body to any other entity, but do seek to be one with lives higher than myself. I always speak with my own voice. Reception through oneness is much different than channeling, which is reception through duality.

It has been said that there are those who seek to expose me as a fraud. This will be difficult to do.


Because I make no claims – even my book is published as fiction.

If I were to make any claim it is this. It is possible to know the truth, especially principles that reveal truth and this is through reflecting the material off your own soul. You must not trust me or anyone else until you do this and prove to yourself that a teacher or teaching is leading you the right direction.

A reader described some problems with another member. To this I gave the following response.

I have been contemplating the situation and here is my take. I say this with only a desire to help and the greatest respect for you as a friend and co-worker.

We are dealing with imperfect people here, many (perhaps all) still have egos that need nurtured and so we must take this into consideration. You have a strong first ray presence and thus those on the 2-4-6 ray influence will be easily intimidated by you so to keep the peace you must proceed unobtrusively yet maintain your inner strength and zeal. Show your strength to those who need it, but to those who will be intimidated attempt stay on the plane of the mind unless the spirit moves you otherwise. If you feel the need to go to the emotional level avoid attack and insults of any kind. A superior reasoning is the strongest real insult you can give.

Now the trouble is that when egos get challenged then the gloves come off and a vicious circle begins which is difficult to stop as is now the case.

I want you to continue to do your work and post your feelings and thoughts, but then read over your letter and ask if you are saying anything needlessly inflammatory.

We have two other hurdles to overcome.

(1) One of the major causes that laid the seeds to persecution in the early Mormon church was that their enemies felt intimidated by them. In Missouri where they went to claim the promised land the Mormons often sent a message like this to their neighbors:

“God has given us this land for an inheritance and soon we’ll have your farm and city and if you’re not a Mormon you’ll get swallowed up.”

Now the saints didn’t word it exactly this way, but they made their neighbors feel that way and because they felt that way they became enemies and persecuted them. Many of the problems in the early church could have been avoided if they would have remembered one scripture:

“A soft answer turneth away wrath.”

Respond with logic, reasoning, heart, love, but never intimidate, insult or name call. There are those who are intimidated enough with me just because of the truth I present, even though I have tried to present them in all meekness. If I had not done this in meekness the group would have been destroyed by now.

(2) A second need here is for all of us who are the good guys to work together to establish a positive presence that will be a magnetic force that will attract sincere seekers.

So stay with us my friend. The journey is just beginning. It is our time to succeed and we will succeed if we are one in the Spirit. Let us proceed in such a way that all who criticize look small minded and ridiculous.


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Higher Spiritual Contact

Higher Spiritual Contact

I was asked some questions about the baptism of fire and soul contact. Since I have written quite a lot on this already I thought I would give some of the most pertinent extractions on the subject. Here they are.

It is not good to put absolute faith in any being in the physical form whether it be Jesus, Buddha or Nero. The faith you must place should be on the Spirit of God within you that communicates with you through the point of Soul or interplay between Spirit and Matter – The Still Small Voice. The Spirit has this important ability. It can recognize truth and verify truth to whoever is seeking it with sincerity.

The receiver of such truth may distort it and use it imperfectly, but nevertheless the Spirit is ever diligent to make sure the point of truth is verified to us.

Now the Spirit is a Great Being who is Becoming on His own plane but relative to us he has achieved the “perfect” ability to verify truth in principle and on this you must put your trust.


Higher confirmation that leads to oneness

comes in two ways.

(1) The Still Small Voice. In a molecular group the Still Small Voice speaks the same message of truth to all as if they are one life.

On an individual basis a person not familiar with the true Voice may think he hears it when he is really hearing reflections of his own thoughts, but when the Voice is finally registered for what it is there can be no deception as long as the mind is held steady in the light.

If the person slips away from the light he can again be deceived by his lower desires and thoughts.

In a molecule a sure sign that all have heard the voice will be that all hear the same thing at the same instant and interpret it the same way.

(2) The fire of the Spirit. This is briefly mentioned in the scriptures:

“John answered, saying unto [them] all, I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire:” Luke 3:16

There is a spiritual fire that is transmitted by the Christ to His disciples and on important occasions He will send the fire to the group as an undeniable confirmation of the path to take. Sometimes when you hear the Still Small Voice it is so still and so small that you wonder if you are imagining things, at least in the beginning. But when the fire is sent from Christ to an individual or a Molecule there is no questioning the validity because it is a very powerful experience.

This can only happen to a molecule or group when they are already listening to the voice of the soul. If one person is out of alignment the group life cannot receive the fire.

In the case of the Apostles at Pentecost the alignment was so correct that a visible fire occurred.

“And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.” Acts 2:1-3

What the Bible does not say is that they were seated male/female and twin flames came from each male and female and joined into one flame.

This extraordinary charge of fire was sent because this was the initiation of the molecule after Matthias replaced Judas. It was a sure witness to them of the path and that the power of greater life (life more abundant) was manifest again.


When you sense the presence of the Holy Spirit you will feel a range from the Still Small Voice to a Holy Breath that fills you with joy and makes you feel like weeping.

When you feel the presence a Master who is one with Christ you will feel a very strong feeling of love and power and bliss, but you will not necessarily feel like weeping.

Neither of these experiences is frightening.


The beginnings of soul contact does not start with a bang. It starts with the “still small voice,” so still and quiet that you think you are imagining things when you first hear it. It is different than psychic impression which often comes through the astral body. Soul contact comes through the mind and heart (not astral emotions) working as one. The oneness of the mind and heart create a channel.

After you pay attention to this contact the ability to recognize and trust it greatly increases, but it always takes a certain amount of faith to follow.

The fire of the Spirit is a higher contact that comes in varying degrees but when this comes it is unmistakable and leaves no doubt in your mind hat there was definite contact with the energies of God. This higher contact comes for several purposes. One of the main ones is to give positive assurance that a certain direction is the correct one for you to take. Many will eventually receive this fire to confirm the truth about the Molecular Order and that they are to be a part of it.

Then there will be those who have not yet received soul contact or the fire who will be deceived by lower astral fire. If one has not received the higher fire it is easy to conclude that the lower fire is the higher fire.

When one receives the higher fire he knows that he has received it and knows that he knows. He can also recognize another who has received it and who is currently open to it. He who has received only the astral fire cannot discern the difference between the two. He believes be knows but does not know that her knows.

Many people have their higher contact greatly delayed because of the deception that the astral contact is the ultimate. This keeps them from making the next step because they are not looking for it.


Soul contact reaches down through several reflections. Most of us have received some type of impression either directly from the soul or reflected through our mental or astral (emotional) bodies. Have you ever had a gut feeling to do or not to do a thing? Have you ever had an idea flash into your mind that just seemed right to you? Paying attention to these subtle impressions are guides that leads you to the still small voice, so still and so small (a zero point) that you will wonder if it is your imagination working overtime.

But then if you have faith in this voice and follow it eventually the voice will seem as strong as a rushing of mighty waters and you will come into the oneness principle and know that you are never alone for you always have before you an association with others of higher consciousness who are one with the Voice.


The mind and the light of the Spirit are like this. The “universal Light” of the Spirit is always there like the sun at noonday and the mind is like a magnifying glass that captures this seemingly normal light and focuses it through purity and steadiness of intent until the spiritual fire is manifest.

The beginner seems to focus at random and creates a little fire from time to time. But slowly over a long period of trial and error the seeker learns to hold the mind steady so the light stays in focus at all times. Finally at this time the spiritual fire burns consistently, and this is what the higher lives look for. When they see your spiritual fire always there, always burning, always neutralizing negativity, illusion and high resistance of the lower worlds, then they realize that a new co-worker is in the making.

Holding your mind steady in the light creates a fire that burns a hole in the veil of the temple and thus “the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom” (Matt 27:51) thus allowing the disciple to enter into the Holy of Holies or the Kingdom of God.

By contrast the Dark Brothers enter the world of lower mind not through the door of love but through desire and glamour. Because they are then caught in illusion they use their magnifying glass of mind to focus the dark into a black hole of the mind that is so powerful in its gravity that no light can manifest.

This is part of the meaning of the comment of Jesus:

“But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!” Matt 6:23


As you enter the world of oneness in the Spirit it will seem to come and go like the wind and when it does sweep over your spirit (like a wave as you aptly express it) you will feel like weeping with joy. Now in the normal emotional realm I have to have some overwhelming occurrence to cause me to shed tears, but when the higher feelings of the Spirit come and I sense the wave I immediately feel the tears of joy coming and I have no desire to hold back as I often do with regular emotional response.

Many people who have not felt this, tell of some of their experiences and think they are the highest possible, but they do not realize there is yet a giant leap in feelings in front of them. One who has felt what I call the New Jerusalem feeling will have a sense of oneness and brotherhood with others who have felt it and those who have not yet had this baptism of fire, yet think they have, will never be able to adequately describe it.

A definite ingredient to the experience is an overwhelming feeling of joy that brings tears that the strongest of hearts cannot hold back.

This spiritual fire is usually given to you as a witness to some truth that you are supposed to register and incorporate into your life or mission. It gives you a surety that you are headed the right direction.


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Questions and Answers

Questions and Answers

I was asked how and where we take off from our past life with each new birth.

If you die a third degree initiate and are reborn you still have to learn to crawl, walk and speak all over again. In addition you have to learn to multiply, add, divide and reacquire the consciousness and knowledge to pass through the portals of initiation. There is a difference, however. Just as one who leaned to play a piano in a past life will have an easier time in the current one so will a third degree initiate have an easier time reaching the three degree than will a disciple who has not yet achieved in the past.

Have you noticed in life though that those with talent often take themselves for granted and get lazy and not apply that which has come easy to them? Then another will come along with no talent and struggle like the dickens and pass beyond the one who had the natural talent.

Even so, some high initiates come to the earth and get lazy and do not advance to where they were in the past and do not perform the labors expected of them. This is one of the meanings of the words of Jesus: “The first shall be last and the last first.”

It is correct that Jesus did come as a third degree initiate, but he did have to reacquire the consciousness achieved in his past. Then he took the fourth initiation in the Garden after the betrayal of Judas.

The Christ did not have to repeat past initiations because he entered the body of Jesus in full awareness of his past, but did advance through the sixth and the beginning of his seventh through the confrontation of the world dweller in the Garden of Gethsemane and the subsequent resurrection.

I am talking about a literal Dweller here much more powerful than the one we face as individuals. The Christ was the first to penetrate it, but humanity as a whole did much to face and work through this great illusionary being during World War I and II. This World Dweller on the Threshold still lives but is weakened. It must be neutralized to bring in the new age of peace we are expecting.

The Dweller for all humanity is a much greater force and entity than the individual dweller. The Christ did not dispel the composite Dweller, but tunneled through it with his consciousness so the beginning light which shines in the darkness began to turn on for the world.

Question: How clearly did Jesus see into the future of His second coming?

JJ: The only future which is a sure thing is that which is the result of a decision made by an entity with power to bring the decision to completion. Even then the events in between the beginning and the end will not all be seen.

The Christ knew that he was coming back to teach humanity in a future age for he had decided to do so. He also knew that the kingdom of God would manifest at some future time.

If you decide to paint a picture you do not look ahead and see every brush stroke or the mistakes you will make that must be painted out. Instead, you see the end picture and work toward it. Thus Christ was not unduly bothered with details that would transpire during the next two thousand years and was not pained by them. Passing through the Dweller on the Threshold as the representative of humanity was the painful thing.

Question: Was it in the plan that Judas betray Christ and that the Molecule attempted by Joseph Smith not succeed?


You can predict that you will be hungry in eight hours, but that does not take away your free will. In fact, even inspired prophecies can be changed as illustrated by the story of Jonah which I previously related.

Jesus picked the best people he could find for the Molecule. He anticipated that he could be betrayed, but did not know that Judas would be the one to do it when he chose him. When Judas made the decision to betray his Lord, Jesus was then aware of his thoughts and saw what was coming.

Joseph Smith temporarily succeeded in creating molecules as evidenced by the miracles in the early church and especially the descent of a visible fire on the first temple. The problem is that he did not succeed in creating a continuing molecular relationship. If he made no mistakes he would have created a stronger molecular presence, but the consciousness of the people was not yet ready for the kingdom of God.

Nevertheless, all the lights, including many that John so eloquently recounted, did not sacrifice in vain for on an accumulative basis they have all laid the foundation for the opportunity we now enjoy.

Question: Does the Bible have channeled material and how is it that we have an account of the experience of Jesus in the garden when the apostles were asleep at the time?

JJ: I do not believe I said the Bible was channeled, but I did indicate that it was received in full consciousness. The letters were written through the highest inspiration available to the various   writers.

The apostles went in and out of consciousness as Jesus prayed and struggled in the garden. After he woke them for the third time just before the soldiers came they would have noticed blood on his body. After the resurrection they had numerous opportunities to be taught by him and ask questions. At that time he had ample opportunity to clarify some of the details to them.

Question: Is 12 the most powerful number?

JJ: It is for certain purposes, but each number combination fulfills a purpose that others cannot do. Twelve is a proven molecular number, but mankind will eventually turn into cosmic chemists and do many experiments in human molecules and make many discoveries. We have to earn this knowledge. It will not all just be given us on a silver platter, just as the light bulb was not.

Question: What was the disagreement about with the Lucifer rebellion?

JJ: The disagreement in that ancient time is the same as that which we now see playing out in the world.

We have the Beast alive and well in the world as we established in the beginning of the group. The authorities of the world seek to control our thinking (mark on the forehead) and our actions (mark on the right hand) whereas the servants of light seek greater freedom and responsibility for mankind. Communism under totalitarian regimes represents a playing out of Lucifer’s ideas of control whereas the right to vote and the ideal of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness represent the philosophy of light.


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