Conversations with a Student

Conversations with a Student

I have had to struggle financially all my life and I have concluded that there is a great lesson to be learned from it, especially if you are going to be a spiritual teacher. It is important that you understand the struggles of those whom you teach and financial struggle is the most universal struggle that people of the world now have.

Few realize that less than twenty percent of the work force in this country are actually working at creating wealth. The rest of us are merely moving the wealth around. Let us suppose that we all shared in the wealth-creating labor. The average person would only have to work 8 hours a week to maintain our current standard of living. If each of us worked 12 hours or more we could all have about anything we could want. Then we could volunteer our free time for the services rendered or concentrate on something creative. Sound good? I thought you would think so. Such changes are coming my friend, but the world will resist.

(Note from 2024): With the coming of labor saving robots many average people may wi9nd up with extra time on  their hands)

Reader Comment: “All in the same breath, my challenge is staying in my life, in my body, not flittering away into some past and/or future daydream. Tall order for sure.”

JJ: I really identify with you my sister. This is the great challenge for the dreamers. But we must not forget the dream. We must take care of business and make the time for the dream. Balance is the key.

Does your husband’s ideas harmonize with your own or is he orthodox in his thinking? I am fortunate to have a wife who believes in me and supports me, but it was not by accident. This is my third marriage. I’m sure she will eventually want to talk with you. She reads all my on-line material and is a very intelligent lady. Without her help I would not have the free time at present to do this on-line teaching.

Why is the first key, the power of decision, so potent?

Why is it even a key ingredient of life? (“Without decision, there is no life.”) Does the power of decision make life more abundant? Can the power of decision even lead you out of the struggle you presently find yourself in?

Can you see that decision uses your vehicles and the power is a part of your real self and does not belong to your vehicles?

I seek to gather the lights — those who are capable of some soul contact and seek self improvement.

In the first attempt I worked with the religious people and those who were interested were the extreme right wing. In the second attempt I worked with the New Age people and those who were interested were the unrealistic dreamers.

During this time I wondered why I received so little assistance to carry out so great a work. Then after my last attempt I received a revelation from the Christ at a Christmas party. The party was given by a multi-level company meeting I was investigating. The group was singing “Joy to the Word, the Lord has come….” In the midst of the singing I felt His presence. The Master had come in response the words to that Christmas Carol. Next a person did a reading called: “I Never Knew Him.” It was a story about a fictional person who lived in the days of Jesus, but did not recognize Him. As he read this, I felt the feelings of the Master. I was moved to tears for He knows the same thing would happen if He were to appear now. There is not a group of people on the earth that is ready to accept Him as He is. That is our job. We must prepare a group to accept His Presence and His teachings.

After we sang some Christmas carols we were then entertained by some of the company’s highest producers. As they were up there on stage clowning around making us laugh, the Master said to me these words: “These are the type of people I want you to gather.” Then He withdrew.

As I was left to myself I thought. Why didn’t He tell me this sooner? Here I have spent ten years twice losing everything I have owned, gone through two wives and estranged my children — and I was working with the wrong crowd all this time!

Then I thought that perhaps the experience I have garnered was necessary for a successful attempt. Perhaps I was not prepared to gather this type of individual.

Who were those people performing that the Christ said were examples of the person He wants prepared for Him? They were an assortment of philosophies and religious beliefs. They were all very hard workers and all quite successful at what they do. They all seek to improve the quality of their lives on a practical basis. Most of them were successful in their lives. They accept personal responsibility.

They are not at all like the previous two groups of people I attempted to gather.

The question was: How am I to be successful with this type of individual? The answer was that I must achieve some measure of success on my own. So for the first time in my life I gave in to making a living as a top priority. As I said earlier it is the hardest thing I have ever done. Well, perhaps the second hardest, but that is another story.

I went to work with a commitment that I would be successful if it took the rest of my life. Progress has been slow and painstaking as concentration on money is the weakest part of my being, but it seems to be my dharma. I have been working on this preparation for a number of years now. Then it came to me that in preparation for the true gathering I should use the on-line services to contact students and workers who may help in the gathering. I felt that even though the typical New Ager is not the first to be gathered that there will be a few of sound mind on the Internet who have been prepared.

The main question I would ask of you at present is this. Are you willing to do what is necessary or are there just certain ways that you want to help?

This system of teaching keys is inspired to help me find the true seekers who are humble enough to acknowledge that there are things they do not know. There are several things you can do to help. The most important would be to learn the keys and seek to find others willing to learn them.

You say you saw twelve men in your vision. Did you get a sense of twelve women somewhere? Did the oriental man appear in a physical body or was it like a vision?

You ask: “Where did I get my three stages of the Second Coming theory?”

It is hinted at in the writings of Alice A. Bailey which are revelations from an associate Master of the Christ. I concretized them by contemplation and received it through my soul.

The coming of Christ in his own physical body is farther away than people think. He will work through the process of overshadowing for the next thirty years or so. Then he may show his face. Exactly what will happen at that point will depend on our progress over this period of time. He may appear to a few or to many. That is not revealed. His presence will be with us and be felt by the whole world by the year 2030 through a process of divine possession through one or more disciples. This is accomplished by the free will and cooperation of such individuals just as it was done by Jesus. The disciple Jesus was a reincarnation of Joshua, but he was divinely possessed by the Christ who was Melchizedek, Krishna and many others in our history. There were two people in one body at the same time cooperating together. This fact is easily proved from the Bible itself.

You tell me that you just feel my upper four Chakras and you want to know where my passion is. My greatest passion is the truth. The main Chakra that you do not sense is the solar plexus. Is it because I do not have any solar plexus energy or that I am denying it or suppressing it? No and no. My wife would be happy to testify that I have plenty of it. I’ll tell you why you feel little if any expressed in this forum.

A person can be teaching many things that are false and use the powers of the lower centers to deceive their students into thinking that black is white and white is black. But if you teach from a point detached from personality control the student is left to himself and his own soul to decide what is true. I realize that I could gather more interest from the rank and file if I used sacral and solar energy as do most teachers I know, but I seek to bring the students into contact with higher energies that few have felt before.

In doing this I am not denying or suppressing. I am directing. The higher centers know how to fulfill the lower, but the lower know not how to fulfill themselves. My lower centers are subject to the higher, but they still have a full and fulfilling life and are very vibrant.

Therefore, you will not see a lot of passion in the regular sense displayed by me here, except on perhaps a rare occasion. There are exceptions to all things.

Your say: “Wow. So you would say that you understand at the soul level, and encompass everything I have brought to this forum? Nothing I have written has ever pushed a single button, made you think about yourself and why you are here? In impeccable honesty, you can say you embrace all that I am?”

I make no claim about knowing or embracing all that you are. I do know exactly why I am here, however.

You still seem concerned that I am not showing love as you desire it. I am here to teach knowledge. With understanding comes a greater feeling for love. If I put my attention on the lower desire love then the higher vistas of understanding will not be open.

You ask: “Answer me this: Is it loving, to tell another entity that they are 180 degrees wrong? That their entire world view is BACKWARDS? Is this loving? Is this empowering?”

If I think that a person is 180 degrees wrong and his error is obvious enough that he could see it — yes — I would attempt to expose the error in the kindest way possible. When I have been corrected with kindness I have considered it a very loving action. Especially if I see my error. Of course, when I have been attacked with sarcasm that does not seem loving at all.

You bring up relative truth again. We covered a lot of ground on this subject in my early postings. I challenged all to come up with even one relative truth and none came forward. Case closed unless you can show me one.

The keys I teach are not just keys for me. They are universal keys that will benefit all who receive them. Just like the answer of 2+2=4 is an answer that all can use in their life. The method of teaching through hints stimulates the power of the soul and intuition which empowers all who are willing to participate.

If I merely teach as an authority the amount I can stimulate empowerment is limited.

You say: “You are creating students and making them over into YOUR image by insisting they conform to your thinking pattern. You even had the audacity to set it up so that YOU were the arbiter of whether or not they ‘got it.’“

You are criticizing a teaching program that you have not participated in to any degree. In the program students rarely give a wrong answer. There are many right answers in search for the truth. When the key is found and understood then the person’s own soul will verify it to him. The teacher’s job is to act as a guide. There is no shame involved here as you insinuate.

You say this: “I pray that someday you and I can see each other for who we Really Are.

“I pray that one day we might be able to look deeply into one another’s Eyes and Remember the Love that Is, was, and Always Will Be, with no turning away, no competition, no arrogance… just surrender.

“What do I/we have to do to manifest this vision?”

JJ: When I have had this experience with others it has occurred after a giving and receiving that resulted in soul contact and revelations of truth and a willingness to render selfless service. It has resulted when me and another entity became one in the kingdom of the soul.

There is giving and receiving in every relationship; nevertheless, a working relationship has one person polarized as the overall giver and the other as the receiver. To reach the soul it must be understood where the polarization is. The problem with you and me is this. Both of us think we are the polarized sender, but only one of us can be at a point in time. If we do not know which one it is then we cannot have the loving experience you desire.

But all is not lost. All things come in time.

Good luck to you on your journey. I anticipate that we will see you in the forum again.

Jan 8, 2009

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The Power of Words

The Power of Words

2021 Gathering, Part Forty-Three

Now, it’s not so much each individual word is a God, but each phrase that has meaning has godlike powers of creation. For instance, Jesus used the phrase “your sins are forgiven,” composed of several words. But those several words are like one word, for to the soul they are just one. And many words can be combined to be one word. Like the Bible itself is symbolic of one word, which is God. Some people can read the Bible, and even though the Bible may not be 100% correct, if they think it is the word of God, well, every word in there is like God speaking to them and they take it very seriously.

So it’s quite an interesting concept.

Ed: When I was a teenager, I listened to a radio program and a woman talked about the power of the word, a combination of the words I am, and they really strongly emphasized everything that follows. I am is that truth for your life. It becomes true. So if you if you say I am sick, that becomes your truth.

I am . . . you know I’ll never say I am a negative thing because I understand that that allows that condition into my life.

JJ: Yeah, it’s amazing how many people, when they get as old as that, they’ll say that “I am an old man.” And that’s a wrong thing to say. We should never say I am anything that we don’t want to be.

And that’s one reason Ed’s still in good health, being over 80 years old, because he tries to speak the correct words. Yeah?

Philip: So a thought that kind of fits this. Rebecca and I have had lots of experiences with the power of God in stopping the rain or putting out wildfires or causing cars to move without necessary components, things like that.

And there’s this idea taught in the Doctrine and Covenants in 132 about how there’s this Holy Spirit of promise, this promise sealed by the Holy Spirit that says, ‘Yep, this one, this is true, this is how it goes.’ And if you read from 7 to 14, verses 7 to 14 in 132, there’re concepts in there, like one where God says, ‘Will I accepted at your hands, something that I have not appointed.’

And he’s talking about how we can use priesthood and we can say with our priesthood, I seal this blessing on you, or I do this thing. And God says, ‘No, I didn’t accept that, so I’m not . . . you’re doing that on your own.’ But then he says he uses this concept multiple times in there, and he says, ‘My word is law. And if it’s not done by my word, then it’s not done.’

And there’s this Holy Spirit of promise concept . If Rebecca and I are asking for something and we get that witness from the Holy Spirit, it is done. We know it’s done. It’s the rain has stopped. Even before it stopped, it has happened. It will happen. It’s a done deal.

But if we don’t get that, it’s not happening. And this concept is repeated in various places in the scriptures, like in verse six . . . section 64 of the Doctrine Covenants, which says, ‘whatsoever you speak by the power of the Holy Ghost is the Word of the Lord, the voice of the Lord, the power of God to salvation.’ And it goes on to say, ‘This is the voice of God.’

And I think when we get that soul contact and that through soul contact, we get that, that promise. It’s knowing it’s an acknowledgment or a knowing that happens through soul contact. And at that point, it’s almost as if God made it law. The law is the rain is going to stop because God said so . . . by his word, he will.

JJ: Okay, those are those are good points.

The next question is what can we do to use this key that the Word is God? And you think if an angel did come down to visit you, that you knew for sure was from God, and he spoke to you and he told you about . . . say . . . you’re going to meet a mysterious person tomorrow at noon that will tell you some mystery or something like . . . he tells you something.

You will believe it. Because why? Because you think this is from God and God will always tell the truth and his messengers will always tell the truth. You believe your soul because your soul tells the truth. So if we want to be able to use the Word which is God, we must be the truth ourselves. In other words, when you tell your friends or your spouse, your associates that something is true, do you lie, or do you tell them the truth? Are you known as the person that always tells the truth and can be trusted?

And this is one of the reasons why Jesus had such tremendous power – he always told the truth. It got him in trouble sometimes, but he always told the truth and his disciples learned that they could trust his word because his word was true.

And this is why it’s important for all the disciples to live their lives in such a way that every word they speak is true. That doesn’t mean you have to spill your guts on every single issue and tell every thought that’s in your head. But it does mean that when you do speak that your words are true. And if they’re true, it puts you in alignment with your soul and it gives more vibrancy and more life to the words that you speak . . . so the words that you speak are the word of God.

And if it’s a word of God, then that will materialize and that will happen and be true. Okay. Any more comments on that before we wrap it up?

Asaph: I have a question for all of the Keys. Okay. What is the significance of the sequence of the twelve Keys?

JJ: Well, the first couple ones are really important. The sequence of some of them isn’t as important as the others. This last one is important because that leads off to other things, like it’s one of the keys to eternal life and the resurrection. A higher correspondent to this key will be the last one of the keys of eternal life.

And if we were to understand this key entirely, then we would have power to extend our lives as long as we wanted or even to rejuvenate our physical body. And the first key was decision, which is the foundation of everything, because it tells us who and what we are. And then judgment tells us how to use what we are, and then perception tells us how to . . . correct

perception tells us how to live in this world and be effective. And one of the things we didn’t cover in that particular key was correction, which is an important aspect of that, that when mistakes are made and perception is wrong, we must make correction – and that was an important part of the key. But then the rest of them aren’t necessarily in any particular or significant order.

Any other comments or questions? Yeah?

Curtis: Well, one of my favorite definitions of integrity is see what you want to create and manifest whatever . . . see what you want. Say what you will do to get it and then do what you say.

JJ: You made a good point, that it’s a good idea to not only think the words but write the words down and speak the words and put the words in every possible rendering.

Curtis: Right. Words are very powerful.

Tyler: So if you could just summarize like the goal of all of these keys in one or two sentences, like the reason I give you these keys is so that you can . . .

JJ: Right. All these things together will help the disciple along the path, and it will help him to be a better servant, help him to understand himself, and it’ll help him to be able to perform a work upon the earth which will benefit mankind.

Well, it’s a privilege to have given out the Keys to the people and there’s always more to come. That’s a great part about life and knowledge and learning . . . is we’ve never quite got it all. As long as we’re in the physical body participating, and in this imperfect world, we’ve still got a few steps to take.

This completes the text of JJ’s presentations for the three and a half days of the Gathering in St George, Utah in September, 2021.

The text adds up to 79,820 words, enough for an entire book.

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Key Twelve, The Word Is God

Key Twelve, The Word Is God

2021 Gathering, Part Forty-Two

JJ: We’ve got just enough time for the 12th key, which I’ve given out once before at a gathering, and it was kind of out of order, but I thought it was pretty interesting to talk about.

The 12th key is the Word is God, and that’s an exact quote from the first chapter of John. It says that “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

And then it indicates that Christ was the Word, and the Word has created all things that are. This goes along with the teachings of the East, the Hindus and the Buddhists, which is that in the beginning was the Word or the Sound. A lot of them teach that it was like the sacred Word and Vibration, and that created everything which exists.

So God spoke and that Vibration was set in motion and that Vibration created the whole Universe. Okay, so it’s interesting that God spoke a Word and the Word created everything there is.

Now many people believe this basic idea. People in the esoteric world believe this basic idea. Even the Christians believe this basic idea because it’s in the Bible, but one thing that’s overlooked is the Word is expressed in hundreds and thousands of different varieties. There are all kinds of words, aren’t there?

Let’s pick on Asaph again. And his name. What does your name mean, Asaph, in Hebrew?

Asaph: A gatherer. A collector.

JJ: A collector?

Asaph: A gatherer. One gathers scattered things.

JJ: Okay. So Asaph is a word. It means a gatherer or a collector, and that Word is also God. In other words, every Word that can be spoken is a God that has the power of God and has the power of Creation. So how is it that some words, when they’re spoken, seem to have tremendous power? And other words don’t?

Jesus said to the person that needed healing, “your sins are forgiven,” and he accepts that, and he is healed. He is healed because the word that Jesus spoke was like a god, or miniature god with all the power needed to fulfill their meaning.

Jesus speaks words and they have power to fulfill their meaning and the guy gets healed. Now somebody else who speaks, “your sins are forgiven,” the person will say, “you’re crazy.” And he’s not healed. What’s the difference? Same words, different effect.

Ed: It’s in believing, it makes it so.

JJ: That’s certainly part of it. The believing makes it so. Any other comment?

Michael: Well the power of the one who says the Word.

JJ: That’s a good part of it. Any other views?

Asaph: The energy, the thought behind the word. The intention.

Adam: How the word is spoken.

Philip: Words are symbols of something. It’s not the word itself. It’s what it represents.

JJ: Okay. Now, has anyone here had a revelation? I think Susan was telling us she had a revelation about who you’re supposed to marry. Right?

Susan: Right.

JJ: Okay. Did you believe that?

Susan: Very much so.

JJ: You accepted it?

Susan: Yep.

JJ: Why?

Susan: Because I knew what the spirit of revelation felt like.

JJ: Yes, and you trusted it 100%, and so you incorporated it into your makeup, right?

Susan: Right.

JJ: So that word that was spoken to you was like the word of God wasn’t it.

Susan: Yes.

JJ: Right. And so she completely accepted it. The Word, which was God, went into Susan, and then it happened. Now, what if Darren over here, told you, Susan, you’re going to divorce Michael next week. Would you accept that?

Susan: No.

JJ: Well, why wouldn’t you accept that, you accepted this other thing? Why wouldn’t you accept that?

Susan: It doesn’t have the right vibration to it.

JJ: Right. You didn’t accept it as the word of God. He was just speaking off the cuff. He was just making a joke, maybe. So Darren’s word did not materialize. It’s interesting that you can have the same word given to two different people from two sources. One will be the Word of God, the Word which is God. The other will be a word that dissipates and has no meaning.

So think, if you woke up in the morning and an angel was standing there at your feet and it says, “go forth and declare such and such to be true or . . . I know . . . let’s say, “declare to the world that there will be a famine in the land, okay.”

And what would you think if an actual angel being from the other of spheres appeared at your bed giving you a message? Are you going to take that seriously?

Asaph: You entered my room without permission? Get out! (laughter)

JJ: Right. (laughing)

So the angel represents God. His word gets implanted in you. And whether it makes sense or not, because you accept it as being from God, you go with it and you make it happen.

The word is God, but the word is only God if the word is implanted. Once a word is implanted, then that word will grow.

Now you had something to add?

Darren: Well that I just thinking if an angel came and called out to me, I would have to run it by my soul to make sure it was a message that resonated with me. I would go by the frequency of the message.

JJ: Right. That’s in harmony with what the Scripture says, that even if Angel from Heaven comes and declares any other gospel besides that, which we have given, “let him be accursed.” (Galatians 1:8) That’s what Paul said. So Paul wouldn’t even accept an angel if you didn’t have the right message. The key is to have it verified by the God within – that’s the most important part.

Most people though, if some angel comes and tells them something, they’ll accept it without question. But the reason Jesus had this tremendous power to heal, one of the reasons, was that people saw his success and then they expected his words to materialize because they began to trust him.  They reason that this person has a special power and if he says you’re going to be healed, you are going to be healed.

Say you lived in that time and you approach Him and He says, “your sins are forgiven, Rise up from your bed and walk.” Then you figure that’s the voice of God, do it has to be true and thus you are healed. Then after they’re healed, what did he say to them? “Your faith has made you whole.”

Not I made you whole, or not even God made you whole, but your faith. So the word is implanted in you, you have faith in that word, and when you have faith in that word, that Word is like a God. You look on each word as a little God with unlimited power, so to speak.

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Key Eleven, The Science of Sound

Key Eleven, The Science of Sound

 2021 Gathering, Part Forty-One

Key number eleven is the science behind sound.

And there’s one key that is behind the science of sound, that is the key for everything, and it’s found in the sacred word. I’ve introduced that to you saying the OM and the AUM. What’s the difference in the sound of the AUM and the OM the way that we have been saying?

Adam: The OM destroys negative energy, and the AUM is a creative force for creation.

JJ: Right. So what’s the difference in the sound then, of OM and AUM, anybody figure that out?

Curtis: The vibrational frequencies are different.

JJ: So what’s the difference in the actual sound?

Asaph: The actual sound?

JJ: Yeah.

Nick: It seems like the OM is more like sort of outward moving and penetrating and the AUM, is a little more I don’t know, it’s just sort of sustaining its own field or something like that.

JJ: Any other comments?

Asaph: The tongue, when you say “OH” all of the tongue stops the voice, the sound. And when you say “AHH,” the tongue lays downward and releases; it lets the sound go openly out.

JJ: Well, I think he’s on the right path there.

Curtis: I think Nick says, I hear Nick saying when you hear the AHH, it’s more of a vertical, it’s more of an upward and always the OH is more penetrating, outward on the lateral.

Asaph: The Oh closes and the Ahh opens.

Curtis: So is that what you’re saying, Nick?

Asaph: I’m saying the OH closes and the AHH opens.

Nick: I’m saying the OM is moving outwards. It’s almost like clearing out the space or something or. . . (inaudible)

JJ: Okay, here’s the basic key of knowledge around this is that the hard sounds are destructive, and the soft sounds are building. The softest sound is the AHH, the hardest sound is OH.

JJ: When something goes really wrong – like if you have an accident, what do you say?

Artie: Oh No!

JJ: Oh, No! See the O sound is destructive because when you have something destructive in your life, that’s the natural thing to do is to use that sound in words. Those words did not materialize by accident.

You say, Oh, no when something destructive happens!

JJ: Both words have the hard O – Oh and No. Both have the hard sound and it’s the destructive sound. So if you want to destroy, you use the hard sounds. If you want to build, you use the soft sound. Ah.

Each vowel also has a different hardness and softness to it.

The A as the softest of all vowel sounds when used as in saying Aha, or audible

Then there’s the hard A that’s a more destructive side of the sound as in age.

The hard O is the most destructive of sounds and the  soft O, as in the  word smooth, is the building part. The  first two letters of the AUM represent the soft A and the U pronounced as the soft O

When we sound the OM, we use it constructively. We use destruction constructively because we seek to destroy anything that interferes with spirit, and that’s where energy follows thought. So we use the power of the OM to destroy negativity with this powerful . . . and that’s the most powerful sound there is for destruction, is Oh. Oh no! is the most potent sou8nd for destruction in the English language.

Oh, no! You overcooked my eggs, honey. Oh, no! Okay, so it’s interesting how these hard sounds are destructive. Then we have the AUM beginning with two potent soft vowel sounds.

It’s interesting how these sounds correspond to different emotions that we feel. Aha! When you get an idea, what do you do? You think? Aha, aha – and what do they call it? The aha moment. Even regular people call it that. It’s the aha moment. In other words, even people who don’t understand the science of sound use it correctly, naturally, because it just feels right. “I had an aha moment.”

And the second part AUM is the U (ooh), which is the soft part of the O. Ooh, like moon. Ooh. And this is associated with power.

The hard O is associated with power to destroy. And the soft O is associated with power to build. We think Ah and Aha when we get the idea and then the ooh when it’s happening. Consider that you use the sound ooh to express a feeling of pleasure.

The last part is a soft M. Mmm. Mmm, mmm. In other words, you feel satisfied because you have you have created something and that creation is a wonderful thing, and so you accept it for what it is. Mmm, mmm as in yummy. So, when you create words, or a mantram of any kind, it’s also good just to check the sounds to make sure the destructive and constructive sounds are in a positive sequence.

Now all the consonants have meaning. And one of our members, uh, Sharón, has written three books about what the meaning of different types of sounds are in connection with names.

She’s done a really good job of that. And I told her, “you know, you’re kind of tuning into one of the keys of knowledge there.”

But she’s trying to fine tune this to a large degree. And if you want to, check into what the various consonants mean, and if your name, for instance, starts with a D or T, it means something, if it ends with EY, it means something. Everything means something that she has given an insightful interpretation to the sounds. But the whole Key to the thing, the key that’s important for disciples to learn is the hard sound is destructive, and the soft sounds are building.

That said, let’s practice this for a moment.

Asaph: What about this sound of E, as in Eee.

JJ: Yeah. That’s another destructive sound because that’s a hard sound. So Eee would be a destructive sound like “Eek!” Matter of fact, think of the words made from these sounds, and they will give you a clue as to the effect that they’re having.

So the girl sees the mouse and she says, “eek!”, or a guy who is scary she calls a freak. She’s using the hard sound with the E similar to saying Oh No with the O. Then there is the soft E as in saying “eh?” or wanting more information. So you look at how all these sounds are used and that will give you a clue as to whether they’re building or destroying sounds.

Okay. Any other comments on that?

Curtis: Yeah. In martial arts, you hear the Orientals when they’re doing karate, they go, “hey” or “hi” you know, they’re using the destructive sounds, to offset the opponent. They disturb the space so much then they chop ‘em up. (laughter)

JJ: Yes, they make some interesting sounds in martial arts, and they’re all destructive, like sounds, hard sounds. They don’t, “Ah,” unless they’re warming you up to destroy you.

Now that we’ve explained this, let’s do the OM and the AUM with this knowledge in mind and visualize the OM as destroying anything negative in your life, with the group, or anything that we’re doing. So the only the positivity of pure spirit remains.

Group sounding OM:


So what do you feel when you just said that. Do you have that sense that it is destroying negativity?

Adam: A release.

Asaph: It seems like it is a cleansing.

JJ: Yeah, it’s a cleansing. Right, just like soap. You don’t want to eat it, but you want to use it. Okay, Same thing with the OM. You don’t want it directed toward you, but you want to direct it to all negativity out there, so only pure spirit remains.

Let’s say it two more times.

Group sounding OM:


JJ: This time, as you say it, visualize light increasing everywhere.

Group sounding OM:


JJ: Now visualize positive things happening like tonight during our meditation, visualize the meditation going very well, bringing down the spirit. And each sound has three aspects, especially in the building. And the first is Ah.

Group sounding A:


JJ: Again

Group sounding A: Ahhhh.

JJ: Aha.

Group sounding Aha: Aha. Ah.

JJ: 0oooh.

Group sounding U (Oooh)

Ooooh. Oooh. Oooh (with different inflexions)

JJ: Consummating now with sounding the M as if it is an expression of great satisfaction.

Mm hmm.

Group sounding M:

Mm hmm. Mm, mm, mmm.

JJ: Very good, my friends. Any more comments on this Key? Yeah.

Artie: Some people say, Amen (hard A), and some say Amen (soft A). Is that more proper because of the science of sound and we should say, Amen (soft A)?

JJ: That’s a really good point, Artie. The Christian world has taken a lot of powerful stuff and given it the destructive sound. Like for God they refer to Him as “Thee” and “Thou”, which are destructive sounds. So that means they view God as the destroyer, as somebody to fear.

This is why the Song of 144,000 does not use Thee and Thou. It uses You and Yours. “You,” we call God a You, and that’s a soft sound. So the song of 144,000 has only soft sounds, directed toward God.

The same thing with the Amen. They (The Christians) use A with the hard sound, meaning it produces a fearful vibration about God, that God is the destroyer. And we must avoid destruction by obeying all the commandments and doing everything the authorities tell us to do. So the correct way to say Amen is Ah-men. Matter of fact, in the Mormon scriptures, I think it calls one of the names of God Ah-men rather than Amen.

Asaph: In Hebrew, it is Ah-men.

JJ: With a soft A?

Asaph: Yeah.

JJ: Good. Okay, so it’s been corrupted. You’ll notice when any writing or teaching is taken and presented in a negative way and a fearful way, it is destructive, and these hard sounds creep in just at the right places like Thine and Amen, and different words such as this and even the name of Christ is a hard I. But and in the Greek, it’s called Christos with a soft i. So it’s soft in the Greek and turned hard in the eventual English because people are afraid of God, and they don’t feel like they can be like him. Even though they say God is love, they’re afraid of Him, but we shouldn’t be afraid of anything, really.

So it’s interesting to watch and see how these hard and soft sounds appear. Perhaps we’ll have Sharón again speak at a future gathering and we’ll share this key with her, and she will have some interesting things to say about it. Like I said, she’s written three books about how all the combinations of the sounds produce meaning. And she’s done a lot of intuitive thinking about this, and has come up with interesting interpretations. To find her on Amazon do a search for “Know the Name by Sharón Lynn Wyeth.” She has three books there on names.

Okay. Any other comments?

Sean: So Thou is hard as well, correct? The word Thou is hard as well.

Audience: As in Ow!

JJ: Or the word bow?

Sean: Or is it soft?

JJ: Thee definitely is . . . Thou . . . yeah that’s kind of hard. It’s kind of in between, but it’s harder than it is soft . . . ow. Yeah, it’s associated with the word Ow! Ouch. So that is more destructive than building. You look at the words that it’s similar to, like Ouch. Thou. That’s why none of my writings have been words like that that in those associations.

Curtis: Yeah, it’s interesting when you have a word with three Ah’s in it, it’s usually a positive, spiritual, or creative sound like, Shamballa.

JJ: Yeah, Shamballa.

Curtis: Or Abracadabra , has the creative sound.

JJ: Great word, Abracadabra.

Curtis: Just pay attention to words and you’ll catch the meaning of them.

JJ: Yeah, that’s a good point. Okay. Anything else?

Sean: Is that where we’re going on the meditation?

JJ: Shamballa?

Sean: Yeah.

JJ: Maybe. Who knows?

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Guilt, the Enemy of Correction

Guilt, the Enemy of Correction

2021 Gathering, Part Forty

JJ: It’s interesting that the word sin comes from a Greek word (HAMARTANO) that means to miss the mark. So when the ancient Greeks shot an arrow at a target and they missed it, they were said to have sinned.

Now, let’s suppose that the ancient Greeks shooting at a target had the same attitude of a sinner in a religion. Okay. He shoots an arrow at the target, and he misses, and he says, “Oh, man, that’s so terrible. I’m a really bad person for missing that. I don’t deserve to even shoot again. I’m going to wait. I’ll take a month off and do penance before I even take another shot.”

And this is the way it is when there’s guilt involved and when there’s guilt involved, we do not feel worthy of taking another shot, or doing anything. We just feel like standing still and feeling bad about it.

Let’s suppose that we commit some offense, we commit some error, and we go by the original word for sin, which means to miss the mark. If we make a mistake, then the attitude is like the archer. When the archer misses the bull’s eye, he just says, “Oh, I missed, I’ll try again.” And he shoots until he hits the bull’s eye. And this is the way we need to handle guilt. Only take correction from your inner self and realize when you make a mistake, it’s just a mistake. You correct the mistake, and you move ahead without any guilt at all.

Curtis: I like what Shakespeare says. He says, “nothing is either right or wrong, but thinking makes it so.”

JJ: Exactly. Yeah. I haven’t felt guilt for many years, and it’s really a great release to not feel guilty about anything. Now, some people will say, “well, the scripture says, ‘the wicked will have their conscience seared with a hot iron,’” you know?

Well, a conscience is different than that. A conscience merely tells you what’s right and wrong. Your conscience doesn’t make you feel guilty. But what makes you feel guilty is a voice that’s substituting for God. And that’s the beast. The beast that we talked about earlier. The beast is a substitute for God and everyone who allows a substitution for God to make them feel guilty has the mark of the beast.

Think of your lives. If you feel guilty about anything, you’re suffering from the mark of the beast to a degree. You got to eliminate that mark and eliminate those authorities. I’ve talked to a number of people who have left the church, but even though they’ve left the church, they haven’t left it in their mind. They still allow the authorities in the church to make them feel guilty.

I mean, if you’re going to leave the authorities behind, leave them behind completely so they have no power to make you feel guilty. Now, those of you who are still in a church, fine, but don’t allow anyone to speak with the voice of God to the point that they can make you feel guilty. Lean entirely on the voice of God that speaks to you from within, and you will no longer have any guilt about anything.

It’s a tremendous freedom, and it opens the door to greater soul contact. Okay. Any comment on that? Everybody ready to proceed with no guilt in their lives?

Asaph: Sure. (laughter)

Rebecca: Maybe what I’m feeling isn’t guilt, but I feel guilt over, like, everything. So, like, I feed the chickens and I feel guilty. You know, I don’t get enough schooling for the kids, and I feel guilty. I forget to clean off the bathroom sink, and I feel guilty. I don’t know. I guess I just.

JJ: Well is it really guilty, or do you just feel you need to make a correction.

Rebecca: Maybe it’s that.

JJ: There’s a difference.

Rebecca: What is the difference?

JJ: Yeah, I have things happen in my life. I screw up and I think, boy, silly me, why did I do that?

But I don’t feel guilty about it. I feel like it was kind of a silly mistake. Just like you shoot an arrow at a target, or like Curtis out shooting his guns and we missed it big time. You think, Boy, how did I miss that much? You know? Well, that’s not that’s not guilt, that’s just analyzing the situation. Guilt will make you feel unworthy of an immediate correction.

Rebecca: Well and if I keep doing it over and over and over, well, then I really feel guilty, Right? Well, why don’t I change that? But you’re saying that’s different.

JJ: If you do feel guilty . . . the only thing that can make you feel guilt is if there’s some voice that substituted for God that you have accepted.

Rebecca: You’re saying guilt is specifically that.

And it’s only that.

JJ: Yeah. Right.

Rebecca: And I’m confusing the two.

JJ: If you feel any guilt, you got to ask yourself, “where is the voice I’m listening to that is substituting for God?”

Rebecca: I don’t think I feel that kind of guilt anymore.

JJ: Well good.

If that voice does not exist, then you do not feel real guilt.

Rebecca: I did when I was a kid, but I don’t anymore.

JJ: Now guilt could still be associated with the parents. You know, your parents are a very powerful force in your life. And there are a lot of children in their forties and fifties, that they’re still trying to please their parents. “Boy, I wish I could just make my parents happy over one thing.”

They still have a very strong connection with the authoritative voice of their parents. And sometimes that’s really difficult to let go.

Asaph: I do feel sorry. I do feel sorry for hurting others’ feelings. Even after forgiveness. Yeah. I still feel sorry. I’m not sure it’s guilt.

JJ: Well, yeah. I feel sorry if I hurt somebody’s feelings too. But I don’t feel guilty over it because guilt is more of a self-condemnation. Guilt makes you feel like you need to just stand still and are unworthy to continue. Remember the correspondent to shooting arrows at a target. Do you condemn yourself for missing the Bulls Eye. No you just analyze what you did wrong and shoot again. This will be the attitude of one who has transcended guilt and released himself from the outer authorities that caused it.

This is a really important key in allowing the disciple to move forward instead of backward.

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The Cause of Guilt

The Cause of Guilt

2021 Gathering, Part Thirty-Nine

So the next important thing to overcome to achieve soul contact, is to overcome guilt, and guilt is a real big one. Do you remember what Jesus said to many he healed?

Michael: Go and sin no more.

JJ: Right. He said that, and he also said, “your sins are forgiven.” Okay. And boy, that really riled up the authorities. “Who is this guy? Does he think he’s God that he can forgive sins?

Yeah, He didn’t say that because of being God or anything like that. He said it because He understood the principle. He understood that when people feel guilt, it interferes with the flow of energy in the body and often will produce illness of some kind. All kinds of illnesses are caused by guilt.

And then when we have guilt, and we suppress it, we suppress the feeling connected with the guilt. Then there are blockages in the energy flow that are even worse, and can produce cancer, heart disease . . . all kinds of different things . . . tumors or whatever can be produced through guilt and the feelings that are associated with it.

What produces guilt is an interesting thing. Guilt is produced by what? What do you think produces it? What gives something power to produce guilt in you?

Curtis: Illusion.

JJ: It’s illusion. Guilt is produced by illusion one-hundred percent, but what creates the illusion?

Curtis: An idea.

JJ: How is the disciple or the pilgrim deceived? It’s a deception. Guilt is caused by a deception. Where is the deception that produces the guilt?

Tyler: Is it through authority?

JJ: Right. You’re on the right track there. External authority.

What produces guilt, is the feeling that you have offended God.  And this is even true for an atheist, because even an atheist or non-believer has a concept of something higher than himself, even though he won’t admit it. Even they have substitutes for God.

No one has done anything to offend God. God cannot be offended by us, no matter what we do. He understands our weaknesses and our frailties, and no matter what we do, He is not offended. But guilt is caused because we think we have offended God. And who tells us that we’ve offended God?

Susan: The accuser.

JJ: Well, sometimes the accuser. But that doesn’t wash with me. Somebody can accuse me all they want, and I don’t feel any guilt. Okay.

Susan: In the scriptures, Satan is called the Accuser.

JJ: Right. Satan is called the Accuser of the brethren. But what actually produces that feeling? What gives an accuser power to make you feel guilty?

Rebecca: I have a thought. I think a lot of it is a feeling of inadequacy and comparing to others, like expectation, like feeling inadequate.

JJ: Okay, that’s a big part of it. There’s an important key here.

Phillip: I think there is . . . it’s tied to the fruit of the key of knowledge of good and evil, in that somebody tells you what is right and wrong, and you believe that, you take that on yourself.

JJ: Okay, you’re on the right track. Somebody tells you what’s right and wrong. And who’s that somebody?

Phillip: You. You accept what they’ve said.

JJ: Yeah, you have to accept them as being that somebody, but who is that somebody that tells you what’s right and wrong?

Asaph: I am, myself.

JJ: You decide who tells you that. But who is that person that’s teaching you? It is somebody that is taking the place of God.

If you’re in a church, for instance, and the prophet says that certain types of sex are evil and you’re not supposed to do it, well you’ll feel guilty if you do it.

If the prophet says, “don’t drink coffee.” And you drink coffee, then you may feel guilty if you do that.

Now if a Catholic drinks coffee, he doesn’t feel guilty at all, because his priest who is the substitute for God has not told him that drinking coffee is wrong, so he feels absolutely no guilt by drinking coffee.

If your religious authority tells you it’s wrong to eat peas, you would feel guilty if you ate peas. Because if you really accept this guy as a mouthpiece for God, you would feel guilty eating peas, if he says God doesn’t want you to eat those peas.

What produces guilt is when a person accepts an individual person as a spokesman for God that tells him what is right and wrong. Now, that can be a person. It can also be a book even like just reading the Bible and you read the Bible and it says it’s wrong to do this. And if he thinks that’s the voice of God . . . then if he breaks that, then he feels he has offended God.

If his priest tells him this, then and he accepts that as being the priest says, “if you’re naughty in this area, you’ve offended God,” then you’ll feel guilty about it. When we’re first born, the people that are the authorities in our life are our parents, and our parents are substitutes for God. In other words, for a little kid our parents are pretty much Gods. And if our parents say, “Now, Johnny, that’s naughty when you do this.” Well, Johnny will feel guilty about breaking this particular rule.

And then as we go out, we transfer our substitute for God to religious leaders and also even political leaders. For the atheists, its often political or social pressure. The atheists can feel guilty that he violates what his group thought form is.

So this group thought form is the substitute for God. Whatever substitutes for God, the voice of God, whether it be for an atheist, a believer, it doesn’t matter who he is. This has power to produce guilt. So how do we surmount guilt then if that’s what produces guilt?

Michael: This is one of the things I really appreciate about DK’s writing, where he says the only obedience you owe is to your own soul or higher self.

JJ: Right. And so where does God really speak? He speaks through your own soul. The 144,000, that are redeemed have the name of God in their forehead. In other words, the true voice of God comes from within.

No matter what you do, you will not feel guilty if you go by the voice of God within yourself. Because the voice of God within yourself never condemns. It will correct, but not condemn. Whereas the voice of God on the outside isn’t so interested in correcting because it likes the power of being your God. Your preacher, your political leaders, your parents, the authorities in your life like being authorities.

So the correction isn’t nearly as important as that power to be the God to you. So you have to release those, release all the outward authorities and only go by one inward authority. And the great part about that inward authority is it never will condemn you. You cannot commit sin bad enough for your soul to condemn you.

It may say, “well, Tyler, you’ve been naughty today, and know you need to do better tomorrow.” But it doesn’t condemn you.

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Neutralizing Negative Feelings

Neutralizing Negative Feelings

2021 Gathering, Part Thirty-Eight

Adam: You still want to process the emotions of that because we are human and we’re still dealing with emotions. So it’s important to still have an outlet for that so that we don’t suppress or deny, correct?

Rebecca: That’s what I was thinking. Right. How do you do that?

Adam: You want to get to a place of forgiveness but that doesn’t always come overnight.

JJ: Right. And if you do feel negative feelings towards somebody, you know, just don’t pretend that they are not there. That’s I think what Adam’s getting at. You have to be honest with yourself.

If somebody has done some terrible deed, like to rape another person, that’s a really difficult one. And if you still feel negativity over that, you’ve got to be honest with yourself. “Yeah, I still feel negativity.” Then you can deal with it intelligently, but if you’re dishonest with yourself, then it makes it difficult to forgive something that you don’t even recognize as being there. You have to recognize it’s there affecting your feelings before you can eliminate it.

Rebecca: I maybe have some major like major mental hang ups here. But I recognize that. I actually struggle with things that are more current in my life because it’s almost like if I forgive and I see the person as Christ and I see them in a loving way, it’s almost like I’m opening the door back up for them to come into my life and hurt me again.

I know a lot of people who are in rough divorces go through this where, they supposed to forgive when the person’s currently driving them nuts, and that’s not the case with me, but I know that that’s what a lot of people are going through. It’s similar.

JJ: And you made a good point here that if you forgive them, maybe you’re sending them positive energy, so they’ll come back in your life

Rebecca: Right.

JJ: Then they give you more stuff to forgive. Okay. Well, no, you don’t want to do that. Forgive them and also forget them. (laughter) Put them out of your memory. Okay? That’s what I’ve found as the key in my life. I forgive and I put them out of my memory. Except maybe sometimes I tell jokes about them. (laughter)

JR: So a practice that I use on a regular basis . . . maybe this will help you guys or not . . . whenever I feel any type of feelings towards anybody, whether I’ve been offended directly, indirectly doesn’t matter. But if I have those feelings, I instantly have trained myself to just take a moment and send just love and gratitude to them. And I find as I start to do that, that it starts to release that anger, whatever I have against them, you know.

I’ve been divorced and there’s constantly things going on with my ex-wife and my kids. And instead of holding on to those and getting upset, I just take a moment and “thank you, Jamie. Love and gratitude to you for who you are and the things that you have taught me.”

Rebecca: That’s it. That’s what I did. Thank you, JR. That’s what I did with the guy in college. I have forgotten because I appreciated . . .  I appreciated so much who I had become because of the experience, even thought it was horrible. It changed me and it made me who I was. I was grateful for what he taught me, and I thank you. Give him a round of applause. (laughter)

JJ: Yeah, it’s difficult. It takes the second key of judgment to forgive correctly. Because it’s a complicated thing with all the feelings that surface. We want to forgive in such a way that the person doesn’t see encouragement to come back in your life if he’s a negative person. But forgive and forget.

Asaph: JJ, and on the other hand, I wouldn’t give love and gratitude to Adolph Hitler.

Rebecca: Really? Why not?

Joshua: Thanks. I think there’s another . . . see in situations there are multiple values competing for what’s the key thing, you know. And it’s important to not just get locked into, it seems to be about forgiveness, so that’s the most important thing here. There are all sorts of other things that might be as important or times more important.

And so to be able to see . . . like forgiving is ultimately the best thing if you can get there. But there’s also understanding the proper, the proper attitude and the proper take-away from the situation. Like you might be able to forgive the person, but you sort of haven’t sorted out what the problem was there to begin with, and then the situation will either come back around or come back around in a different way.

JJ: Are you saying that sometimes you maybe harbor negative feelings, but it’s not really clear what caused them to begin with? Maybe it’s not clear in everybody’s minds?

Yeah, you have to get clarity, that’s for sure.

Joshua: But like a lot of people . . .  I’m not one of these people, by the way, as some people probably know. But a lot of people are very quick to forgive and not have conflicts and stuff like that.

And often that’s at the expense of the intellectual view of the situation. You know, you can get too intellectual, and be tight on the emotions, but it’s like what’s the thing there that’s the most important is that there’s some intellectual being understand or is it letting go of the emotions? Or maybe they’re equally important, or whatever.

JJ: Okay, I’ll end with this part on forgiveness with my basic attitude of how I handle it. When somebody does something that offends me, I go with the idea that that is now in past, and the past is not here. It is as if nothing has happened. If nothing has happened, there is nothing to forgive.

But you intellectually understand what did happen. And if the person is such a person that it’s best to eliminate them from your life, then it’s best not to send any thought, because energy follows thought. You may figure it’s best if this is one of the people that you don’t see again, so you put them out of your mind.

And yeah, you have to do this right away. I find that once somebody elbows their way into your life, then it’s really hard to get them out. So what I do is I’m very selective about people that take that first step into my life. I sum them up right away. My judgment is pretty good about judging people’s character . . . and if I get a feeling, like somebody comes on like they want to be my best friend, and I don’t get the right vibe on this guy.” I’m going to ignore him and tune him out of my life.

And that’s when it’s really easy to tune people out of your life is when they try to when they’re trying to take the first step into your life. That’s when it’s easy to get rid of them. But when they take three or four steps in there, and you allow those steps to be taken, and then they consider you a good friend, then if they turn negative, they’re very difficult to get them out of your life.

It can be done. But it’s much more difficult than when they’re just a casual acquaintance. Because eventually people that have become your good friends, started out as casual acquaintances. So once you have casual acquaintances, only admit the ones in your circle that vibrate well with your own soul, and that will be the path of safety, most normally.

Also use some common sense because some sometimes people mistake their feelings for their soul. So use your common sense and your highest inner perception. Okay. Any other comment on forgiveness?

Curtis: Yeah, I got one. There are three positions that I like to look at. You talked about two of them. One is the actor where you’re engaged with that person and so you’ve done me wrong, and now I have to, you know, take measures to forgive you. And it’s really hard because I’m attached.

And then there’s the Observer where I’m detached myself from myself and try to look at the whole thing objectively. But there’s another position and that is the director, if you can see yourself to rise above both people and see yourself as a director, where the two people came together for a particular reason and you really have to be in a state of detachment to do that.

You can see that, “yeah, they’re down there playing with all these roles and there’s a reason for that and they’re getting the lesson from it.” You have to really detach yourself from that space of being a victim or even being in the role. But I’m directing it. Now I’m directing all these particles, these people down there in a way that “ah, I can see it from a much higher level.”

And so I’m not as involved emotionally in that drama.

JJ: Okay. So the two sensations are feelings that we’re dealing with in this key are forgiveness and guilt. And with either one of these, if either one of these is a problem, there’s going to be a barrier between the disciple and, the soul.

You may have some soul contact at times, but it won’t be in fullness if there’s any of a lack of forgiveness or you’re harboring ill feelings or grievances because of lack of forgiveness. We must let all grievances go.

And grievance is the key word for forgiveness. Because if you feel a grievance toward any individual, then from a higher level you are feeling grievance toward yourself. If you attack any individual, you are attacking yourself. The way you see any individual, no matter how bad he is, it’s a reflection on your own self-image and your own self.

So we have to let those things go to clear the channel between ourselves and our own souls. And it’s hard to do. It’s hard to let things go, but that’s what you have to do. And like I say, what works for me is when somebody does something bizarre or crazy, I just think, “well, that’s the past. Let’s start . . . let’s focus on the present. The past is as if it has not happened.

But you can intellectually keep the past to an extent that maybe you want that guy out of your life. So you arrange it so you don’t put any thought in his direction. Have that as like a thought in a different box, where it’s not affected by a grievance or emotion. Don’t let any negativity enter your actual heart.

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Key Ten, Forgiveness and the Negation of Guilt

Key Ten, Forgiveness and the Negation of Guilt

2021 Gathering, Part Thirty-Seven

JJ: The next key. number ten, deals with forgiveness and negating guilt.

Both of these things, to forgive people and to be able to negate guilt, are solved in a similar way. Because if you have a problem with these two things, you’re going to have a problem with just about everything in your life.

If there’s somebody that you cannot forgive, then it produces a negative current in your energy field. If there is something that you did that produces guilt, then the same thing occurs. It produces a blockage between you and your soul.

So let’s talk about forgiveness first. Peter was curious about this, because Jesus kept teaching about forgiveness and how important it is. So Peter came up to Jesus and he said, “Alright, Jesus, how often should I forgive? Should I forgive somebody seven times? And after seven times that should be enough, right? Then I can like punch them out.” (laughter) Because they’re just beyond forgiveness, if I have to forgive them more than seven times. And what did Jesus tell him?

Curtis: Seventy times seven.

JJ: Right. He says, no, that’s not the number. He says, “you’re supposed to forgive seventy times seven.” So what was he really saying when he said that?

Curtis: Limitless.

JJ: Yeah. In other words, it’s unlimited because seventy times seven is pretty big number. So it’s a number bigger than we’ll have to forgive anybody in a lifetime. So basically saying you forgive always, every circumstance, every number, doesn’t matter.

Why is forgiveness so important? Let’s suppose that somebody has an accident and he killed somebody close to you or injured somebody close to you, and it really was his fault. Okay. Why should you forgive that person? Why not just get the pound of flesh out of him? Why is that negative?

Joshua: Because on a larger level, it prevents the good from working out. Because it holds things back from, you know, restitution could be made, or good works could be done going forward. But it sort of concretizes it in a certain event, which is analogous to matter.

JJ: Okay. Any other comment?

Tyler: When you don’t forgive someone, you’re essentially giving up your sovereignty to them. You’re essentially saying you have control over me instead of giving that up.

JJ: Okay, that’s a good point. Any other point?

Ed: Well, what you criticize another for or what you don’t forgive another for, you’ll wind up doing that same thing yourself.

JJ: Okay. That’s a good point. Anything else?

Asaph: You create a cloud between you and spirit.

JJ: Okay, that’s a real important one, Asaph.

Is there anyone here that can give us an example in their life of something that was really hard for them to forgive. I’m sure there’s going to be somebody.

Rebecca: I do. It’s kind of personal but I was raped in college. And it was really bad, super violent. Oddly, I was able to forgive him, completely, presuming I understand what forgiveness means. I presume it means you’re not holding onto any more negative energy from the situation. And people have been just super shocked that I was able to forgive him. But for some reason I was able to and I didn’t hold onto it. It didn’t bother me. It doesn’t bother me now.

You know, things that have happened as an adult bother me with different people, but I don’t have any hard feelings for him whatsoever.

JJ: That’s great. You had something horrific happen to you and yet you were able to forgive, and so it no longer bothers you. That’s when you know you’ve really forgiven, is when it no longer bothers you.

Rebecca: I don’t know how to do that anymore, but back in the day I did.

JJ: Now you might have read recently, Sirhan Sirhan who killed Robert Kennedy when he was running for president, was recently granted parole. And Robert Kennedy Jr and one other son of Robert Kennedy accepted his parole. I understand they have visited with him in prison and forgiven him.

Of course, there’s also conspiracy theories around that, that he didn’t really do it too. So I don’t know what the kids believe. But you hear stories like this where somebody kills somebody’s spouse or mother or dad, and they forgive them.

Now Fred Goldman, the father of Ron Goldman who O.J. killed – boy, there’s no way Fred is going to forgive OJ. He wants a pound of flesh out of O.J. And I kind of admired him for standing up for his son because O.J. did deserve some justice meted out. But Fred really cannot stand O.J. And he’s probably going to have a hard time forgiving him. And he’s probably going to have to meet him again in a future life. But that was an interesting case.

Curtis: Well, all you can do if somebody like, shoots your wife, for example, it’s not an accident, you know? I mean, that’s a heavy burden, and all you can really do is . . . “the judgment is mine, saith the Lord.” You have to just kind of give it to God and let karma take its course.

JJ: Now if you forgive somebody, does that mean that if they killed a loved one that they shouldn’t be sent to prison? Is that what it means – that there’s no justice?

Asaph: No.

JJ: Can you forgive someone and still say, “well, let justice prevail?” Right. Asaph says ‘yes’ and I agree with him. So yes, if somebody steals from you or injures somebody that’s a loved one, there’s nothing wrong with having justice play out and supporting that justice, but you can still forgive them.

Forgiving them is a release of the feelings within. And the reason forgiveness is so important is because when you do not forgive another person, you are not seeing their true self. And their true self is what?

Audience member: Soul.

JJ: Within themselves is the Christ, and the Christ is within everybody no matter how bad we are. Within the purity of our souls is the spark that is from God, and we have to see that and the lack of forgiveness clouds that.

So when you look at that person that you cannot forgive and you see evil, you are not seeing his true self. And again, it’s a form of deception. You are deceiving yourself.

Now A Course in Miracles has an interesting take on this. It says this whole universe we’re in is like a dream, and if you, for instance, have a dream that your best friend came in and had an affair with your wife . . . If you had a dream about that and in the dream, you would be maybe really upset. Okay.

But then let’s suppose you woke up and found out, “Oh, wait, that wasn’t real. That was just a dream. He didn’t really have an affair with my life. I still like him. You’re still my best friend. (laughter)

So A Curse in Miracles says this is the kind of attitude we have to have to forgive people 100% – to realize that people, when they misbehave in this reality, are not being their true self. They’re being like an actor. They’re being a false self. If you want to see their true self, you have to look beyond the external flaws to the Christ within. And when you see the Christ within, then you take a step toward your own awakening, and you manifest your own Christ that is within you.

Another thing, the Course says that is very helpful for forgiveness, is that when somebody offends you and does something that you think requires forgiveness, the key to forgiveness is to realize and take the attitude that nothing has happened. They have done nothing. Again, we go back to the dream sequence. If your best friend has an affair in the dream and you wake up, “well, he didn’t really do anything. It was just part of an illusion.” We were down here like Shakespeare says that this whole life is a stage and all of us are actors, and all of us play many parts in this play that we are in. So that’s an interesting way to look at it.

Now the way D.K. teaches it is this. He says that we must learn to take the vantage point of the observer – similar to A Course in Miracles, but a little bit different take. I’ve found the key to forgiveness, on my part I think I found first in DK’s writings about the observer, and then A Course in Miracles reinforced that. I found taking the viewpoint of the observer and then being in a state as if nothing real has happened, is an amazing, liberating aspect of forgiveness.

So if somebody really offends you, you can start with small things because most of us haven’t gone through a rape or murder, that type of thing. All of us have gone through something. A lot of us, everybody perhaps has gone through a difficult relationship where the person said things that was offensive. Let’s just start with that. So when somebody says something offensive, you can you maybe feel your emotions bubbling up, like, I need to really let this guy have it.

But if you take the viewpoint of the observer, like everything that’s happening is in a play and you do not have to respond in any particular way. Now with the average person, you press a button, a certain button, and you can be almost one-hundred percent sure he will respond in a certain way.

In the movies, that’s always the case. When somebody gets insulted in a movie, then the guy takes a swing at the other guy or whatever. But in real life, where the person becomes the observer, he does not have to take that swing. He does not have to return the insult. He can take the vantage point of the observer and he can just think, “it’s as if nothing has happened in the real world, and let it go. And it’s amazing how much grief you eliminate from your life when you just let things go.

Rebecca: Help me clarify the difference. So I think this is really good. It’s a good idea. I know it works. But I’m often concerned when I take that position of the observer. I’m concerned that I don’t want to be dishonest with myself. What is the difference between, being the observer and not getting riled up and also still being honest with yourself about, you know, what you’re feeling or thinking?

JJ: That’s a really good point because a lot of people, especially religious people, that are trying to follow Jesus, they’ll think, “well, I’m supposed to forgive, so that’s what I’m going to do.”

If you forgive from the vantage point of thinking, “I am the person on the higher ground because I am forgiving. So I am the righteous one and he’s the evil one and he deserves everything that he can get, but I’m going I’m going to be the big guy and I’m going to forgive him.”

This is the wrong attitude, and it won’t work because you’re assuming the vantage point of the higher ground. To really forgive, you have to look on that person as an equal brother. You are brothers. He’s made mistakes. You’ve made mistakes, and I forgive.

Now, if you say you forgive and you still have feelings . . . negative feelings around that person, then you haven’t really forgiven. Just saying you’ve forgiven, doesn’t do it. And this is what happens with many religious people. They say they forgive because they want to take the higher ground because that’s what Jesus tells them to do, but in their hearts, they still harbor negative feelings.

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Keys to Manifesting

Keys to Manifesting

2021 Gathering, Part Thirty-Six

JJ: This is the way it is with reincarnation. We’re born with a fresh start with no memory we hated when we meet them again. We don’t remember that we hated them. We may have a vibe connected with them. You ever have that happen in this life? You meet somebody and you just get a warning vibe about them. Susan again, she’s always paying attention here. But anybody else? Anybody else got a warning vibe on anybody?

Rebecca: Yeah.

JJ: I’ve had people say they got warning vibes on me, so who knows? Yeah, I think it’s their imagination.

Ed: One way to meet that person again in the next life is to have strong emotions.

JJ: Yeah, right. It doesn’t matter if you have strong positive or negative Emotions.

Shawn: So what is the difference between having a thought with and without energy behind it?

JJ: Well, it’s the fact that just a thought by itself doesn’t seem to have much energy. I can create a thought like, “I want to build a business.” If it’s just a wishful thought, well, nothing’s going to happen because wishful thought doesn’t really create anything. But if you really think about it, “well, I would like to create a business and be my own boss; how do I go about doing it?” So you start to think about how this can be accomplished.

It’s not going to be accomplished just a passing thought. It has to be accomplished by an intelligent processing of thought and keeping the thought in your mind. Okay, “I want to be on my own and create my own business. How am I going to do that?” So you have to keep that in your mind, first of all.

And there’s all kinds of people who like to be in business for themselves, but it’s just a passing thought – goes right through them and so there’s not much energy behind it.

But then as they progress, what creates the energy is the concentration of the thought, the thought about, “well, you know, I’m going to make this a reality.” You keep thinking about it, and as you keep thinking about it, then you get ideas. Then you think about how to implement the ideas, and as you think about how they implement ideas, you have more thought and more energy following that thought until finally you start implementing those ideas on the physical plain, and they start manifesting.

Rebecca: Persistency is a big thing. Persisting thought, visualizing, imagining, but the biggest thing and I actually have to be super careful with this is, if you say it . . . for me, if I say it once, it will probably happen. But if you say it over and over, if you speak it, I mean, you’ve almost set in motion, and it can’t go back.

I have to be very careful even with saying like, “Oh, we travel all the time.” Because if I say that a couple times, all of a sudden, we have to start traveling all the time, even when I didn’t want to. And if I start say, “Oh, we never have to travel anymore.” All of a sudden, we never travel, we never get contracts, it just doesn’t materialize.

So I found that the word, you know, you can hang yourself by the tongue or you create by the word.

JJ: Yeah, creation is a combination of thought moving between male and female energies. The male energy radiates thought and the female energy receives it. There’s a lot of correspondence between the actual physical creation and what happens in real life. In physical creation, the male gives out millions of sperm and only one of them, if he’s lucky, makes it and impregnates a female. She rejects all the rest. She rejects almost everything the guy sends, but then every once in a while, she says, “that’s a good little sperm, I’m going to accept him.”

And that’s the way it is with male and female energy. The male comes up with all kinds of ideas. He says, “honey, I think we should do this.” And she says, “that would be nice,” you know, but she doesn’t really accept it 100%, and nothing happens. Then he says, “well, this would be nice.” And she thinks, “oh, yeah, so-so,” you know, and nothing happens. And then he says, “boy, wouldn’t it be nice if we’d go on a vacation to Hawaii,” and all of a sudden, her eyes light up and she thinks, “you know, that would be a good idea.”

And then the guy forgets that he said that, but not her. She’s accepted that thought in her womb, and it’s come to life and she’s not going to let it go.

A couple of weeks pass, she says, “honey, what have you done about our plans of going to Hawaii?”

He says, “what plans?”

“You know, what we talked about.”

“Oh, okay. well, you really want to go?”


“Okay. Well, we’ll see what we can do about putting away the money.”

And so he’s going to Hawaii whether he wants to or not, because she has accepted that into her womb. Have you guys noticed that about females, how the females will reject a lot of the stuff you come up with, but when they do accept something, I mean, then there’s no turning back.

Adam: Yes. It wasn’t actually Hawaii. It was, “wouldn’t it be nice to have sex on the beach?” And then she turns it into, “yeah, wouldn’t it be nice to go to Hawaii?” (laughter)


That’s funny. That’s pretty good. I hope the recording got that.

That is an excellent point, Adam, with the male female relationship. Like the guy will say something in one direction and the female will hear it in the way she wants to hear it. But when that seed is planted, then there’s no turning back.

Now, my wife is a Capricorn and that’s symbolized by the mountain goat and when she gets something in her head, I mean, there’s just no turning around. I call her affectionately ‘my little mountain goat.’ Because, boy, once she gets something in her head she moves forward, and it’s not always planted by me.

She listens to all these medical seminars and stuff, and she’ll come up with a new supplement or something we’re supposed be taking, and she says, “you’re going to be taking this now.”

I say, “really, is this supposed to be good for me?”

“Yeah, you really need it.”

Rebecca: How do you change somebody that’s like, like how do you get them to go a new direction? Because we’re the reverse energy? He’s the female, I’m the male, and he is like Artie and once he’s going like, you can’t . . . we need to change directions. Like, how do you help?

JJ: Yeah, well, okay, take that takes the second key of judgment. You’ve going to use a lot of judgment. When it turns out you get something planted in the female that really begins to grow. I mean, it’s pretty rough. It takes an abortion, a thought abortion to change around that idea. Then if she does have an abortion, she won’t be happy with you for some period of time. So be pretty careful about aborting something that is implanted in the female mental, emotional womb because it is very powerful.

But on the other hand, it’s very useful information to know that if you are male and have a relationship with a female, somebody with strong female energy, you can plant something in them and make it materialize, and you can use this knowledge – could be a good key of knowledge even, well it’s connected to energy follows thought – but you can use this to accomplish almost anything.

Now it works with more than one female too. Bill Clinton was really good at planting ideas in females in mass because females really liked him. So he was able to plant ideas in them and that kept him in office even through he dealt  with impeachment and other issues. The idea that he could plant positive things in females – positive from his point of view anyway – kept him in office.

Now, I’m not saying everything he did was good, but I’m pointing out that he could plant things and female minds. Same thing with rock stars. A rock star plants, things in the female energy. Now, sometimes as far as us and a rock star are concerned, even the males are in the female energy if they’re idolizing a rock star because the male-female energy . . . both sexes, have both energies.

Say if you’re in a business, your boss will be a male energy to you, even though you’re a male. He has to plant the right ideas on you to get you to be able to perform. All of us have both energies. We both send and receive. But if you’re in a male body, you generally have more male energy than female. And if you’re in a female body, you will generally have more female energy than male.

So this idea of implanting a thought in other people to materialize your dreams is quite an amazing power that we all should pay attention to.

Curtis: Well, I was just going to say vision, start with the end in mind, like we talked about yesterday the vision, which is masculine and the masculine side. You have to have passion; you have to activate that vision with a burning desire, and that’s the feminine. That’s the feminine aspect is desire, which is the emotion that activates the vision. So that’s how some visions actually manifest, and some don’t.

If you don’t have a strong desire or passion behind it, something else will come along that will get your passion. So without that burning desire, you’re not going to manifest much. And that’s when . . .

JJ: And what creates passion?

Curtis: Well, the vision, if I have a vision . . .

JJ: And what creates vision?

Curtis: An idea.

JJ: And what creates ideas?

Curtis: God.

JJ: And what creates God?

Curtis: Cause. (laughter) Me.

JJ: Thought.

Curtis: We yeah, we’re talking about thought. Thought or a vision, that’s the same thing. If you have a thought, you have an idea, you have a lot of ideas and some take root, some don’t. But what gives them root is that feminine energy of desire or passion.

JJ: Yeah, good point. And what creates a passion is, you could say, passion is a concentration of thought. Because when your thought starts to get concentrated on something then what happens? You start feeling really passionate about it. So that’s pretty interesting.

Darren: Kind of a corollary to that is what you resist persists. And if there’s something that you don’t like, but you give that a lot of thought energy, it will stay there and be a thorn in the side.

It’s just kind of like we’re talking about like somebody in our past that we don’t want to hear about, but even an idea or a theology that we don’t like, if we keep thinking about it and keep putting that mental thought energy into it, it’s still going to be there for us.

JJ: Yeah. What’s that thought that people quote? Me thinks you resist too much or something like that. How’s that worded?

Audience: Protest . . .

JJ: Yeah, me thinks you protest too much.

Curtis: Shakespeare. The lady doeth protest too much.

Joshua: But that’s a different thing. That’s the sense that somebody secretly wants something, so they’re against that too much.

JJ: Yeah, but that’s still a flow of thought, being for or against anything. What we want to do is take thought and have the thought flow in the direction to fulfill our desires, not in the direction against our desires.

And to do that, we want our thoughts to bring into our lives good people who will assist us, that we like, that we enjoy working with, and to eliminate those that we don’t want. Like I say, the way to do that is just to kind of put your mind in a state as if undesirable people do not even exist in your memory. You know, as if they’re wiped from your past.

Sometimes that’s hard to do. I’ve done that with several people and pretty successfully, and then the thought pops back in and I have to neutralize it again. But it can be done. And the way to do it . . . I can’t remember who said it. I think it was Ed. If you have a difficulty of keeping the thought out, then substitute it for something else.

So if you think you’re going to come down with cancer or something, substitute it with a thought about good health, running along the beach, feeling healthy or whatever. Substitute it with thoughts of positive health so that you’re not even thinking of your fear of a particular disease or whatever.

Ed: That gets you to the power of visualization.

JJ: Yeah. Yeah, visualization is good because visualization is focused thought. To visualize yourself in the situation that you want, that’s desirable. Visualize yourself with good friends. If you’re looking for a mate, visualize yourself happy in a relationship. Energy follows thought. But it’s not always easy. I mean, just thinking about something a couple of times won’t do it. You have to have a sustained thought and then proceed physically in the direction of that thought. This will give it tremendous power to materialize.

Curtis: Well, the other feminine energy that helps to create or manifest as vision or as thought is belief. We have to believe something can happen. Like we have to believe that we could double the amount of people in this room. You can create a vision, and you can have passion behind it, but it can be an impractical thing too. But if you believe that it can happen and you focus on that feminine aspect of belief, I think that really empowers your thought.

JJ: Right. And belief is kind of like taking thought beyond the limitations of time and space. It is like taking that thought and stilling it down so that you can focus on it and give it more energy to materialize.

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Thoughts are Things

Thoughts are Things

2021 Gathering, Part Thirty-Five

JJ: Now how about people that you want in your life, say all of us probably at one time or another, met somebody that we were really attracted to, and you think, “I want to meet that person again?” Does anyone have a story around that ‘energy follows thought’ idea? Yeah, Susi-Q?

Susan: So before I ever met Michael, many, many, many years before, I always felt him. I always felt he was out there. And so the first time that we met, it was in an adversarial way. He was a mediator for one side of an argument, and I was mediator for the other side. And my daughter Sherri didn’t like something he said and said, Who the hell does he think he is? And we had just met him.

And I said, “you better get used to him. He’s going to be in our life for a long time.”

JJ: Any other stories? How about you when you first met Phil? What happened there?

Rebecca: Well, so anybody who’s watched our story already knows this. But basically, I saw a vision of him when I was like five, a another when I was ten, and another when I was 15. And so I was looking for him actively. So when I met him, I had been thinking about him so much, I knew exactly who he was.

JJ: So when you actually did meet him in the flesh, what happened there was . . .

Rebecca: Well he was engaged to someone else, so it was a big problem. I cried a lot. (laughter)

But it only took him two weeks to break that up, propose to me, and we got married six weeks later. So it worked out.

Phillip: She got my attention and walked out.

JJ: So when you first met him, you knew he was one.

Rebecca: Uh-huh.

JJ: And when you knew he is one, you probably sent out a lot of thought around that idea.

Rebecca: I asked a lot of questions. I asked him some very pointed specific questions, to, you know, to double check and make sure that he was definitely the one and he answered them all correctly. And so, yeah.

JJ: So what did you think about that? Did you think, “boy, I’ve never met a woman like this before?”

Phillip: You know, the first the first night I met her, she was in my apartment visiting with some roommates, and I came in and man, she was she was really interesting, and she was seeing me like nobody’s ever seen me before. I couldn’t understand it. And then she just got up and walked out and I was like, “this was the best conversation I’ve had in my life. Where are you going?”

She just figured that since I was engaged, that she was torturing herself.

Rebecca: I figured I’d missed out, like I’d lost the opportunity, you know.

Phillip: So then I couldn’t stop thinking about her. (laughter)

JJ: Yeah. This often happens in romantic relationships. The people meet and they don’t even get phone numbers and they think, “wow, I want to meet that person again.” And then miraculously, they show up somewhere.

Rebecca: Yeah.

JJ: So energy follows thought. But an important point, like I say, is not only who you bring into your lives, but who you do not want in your life.

Now, energy follows my thought in the fact that I wanted to have a group like this to mingle with. And here you, right here. (laughing) It’d be nice if there was a lot more of us, but sooner or later there will be. Yeah, thought a powerful thing.

And people don’t realize that. A lot of people think that the way to get what they want is just like to set a goal, go do ABC. But thought has a tremendous amount behind it as to how much you are going to accomplish. So as a kid grows up, and goes to school, puts a lot of thought into his education and then who he is going to have a romantic relationship with, who his friends are.

Your friends are a pretty big item in your life. There’s a lot of people I know that have a handful of friends they wish they could get rid of, but they don’t do anything about it. They spend a lot of time focusing on these undesirable people. And because they spend a lot of time sending energy their direction, it doesn’t matter if it’s positive energy or negative energy, if you send energy in a certain direction, then those people will not go out of your lives.

And this is the same thing with reincarnation. If there’s somebody that you really hate or love, you will meet them again in a future life. So fine, pick really nice people that you love, like people in this group here and you’ll meet them again. That’s no problem at all. But then there’s a lot of people out there that life would be a lot better if we didn’t meet again.

And some of these people have the ability to stir some really negative emotions in even good people. So if somebody is able to stir some powerful emotions and you that you just don’t like, perhaps you wish that a piano would fall on their head or something like that. If you do this you are sending energy in their direction and you will meet them again, either in this life or the next life.

And have you noticed that a lot of people in divorce don’t really get a divorce? They talk about their ex regularly with passion. They still hate their ex. They wish their ex would have something happen to them, die of cancer or a horrible death or whatever, you know? Or other people wish they could have their ex back. “Boy, we’d just about had it, and she just ran off with another guy, and I wish I could have her back.” Okay.

The best thing to do is always to let those feelings go. And if you get her back, fine, if you don’t, fine.

Rebecca: So, JJ, I have a question.

JJ: Sure.

Rebecca: How? How do you do it? How do you let it go? How do you like . . . because the more I try to not think about something, the more I think about it.

JJ: Yeah, sometimes that’s the case. Like, my first wife, speaking of Ex-wives, she loved to read medical books and she loved to read me symptoms of diseases. I just hated that, because when somebody talks about terrible symptoms it creeps me out . . . I have a thing about that. When somebody talks about a symptom of a disease, I start feeling like, “Oh, man, I feel like I might be coming down with it, you know.” It just has a weird effect on me.

And she would say, “Oh, listen to this disease, this is really interesting. And she’d read to me about the disease, and I’d say, “Please stop reading! Quiet!”

And so sometimes thoughts are really hard to get out of your mind. I don’t know why I have that quirk about me, about diseases, but I do not want to hear anything about what happens when somebody gets a disease. I try to keep it out of my mind.

But yeah, sometimes there are certain things and everybody’s subject to it in different ways, but there’s certain things that sometimes it’s just difficult . . . a little bit like if you come across a car accident, you can’t help but look and see what happened. “Oh, is somebody bleeding to death in there?” You know.

So even though it might be best not to look, but remember energy follows thought, and you have control over your thoughts. So take control of your thought – either take it within yourself or give it out according to your will. But do your best to take charge of your own thinking and what triggers your thinking.

Susan: So what I found helpful was to say a prayer for them, whoever the person is that I’m trying not to think about or obsess over.

Rebecca: You just pray that the piano falls on them. I get that. (laughter)

Susan: No. I just pray that number one, my heart will be softened toward them. And number two, that they will find some peace and happiness. And I must’ve done a pretty good job because I have two ex-husbands in the Philippines, way far away.

Ed: Yeah, well, you can’t create a vacuum and you have to replace it with a more positive and stronger thought.

JJ: Yes.

Rebecca: Okay, that’s good advice.

JJ: Yeah, that’s a good idea, if it’s a thought that you just have a hard time getting rid of, replace it with something else, and then that kind of takes the place. So that’s one good way to do it. Just eliminating the thought completely. It’s possible, and the way to do that is to realize that the past is gone. Everything that’s in the past is just in your memory. Think if you lost your memory, it’d be like your past or not even exist. What would be the difference between you having no memory of your past and no past existing?

It’s basically the same thing. If you completely lost your memory. Like when we’re born here in this life, we have our memories wiped of all of our past lives, so we can start afresh. And why do you suppose everything is organized that way that when we’re born, we have no memory of past lives?

Ed: We haven’t evolved so that we could emotionally handle all the hurts and all of the evils of all of our past experiences. And there will come a time in our evolution when we will see all of our lives without any pain or emotion, when we can understand them and understand the meaning of all of it.

JJ: Yeah, they’ve made all kinds of movies about people that have amnesia because somebody washes up to shore, maybe some beautiful woman takes care of him, nurses him back to health, and he can’t remember who he is.

He’s a really nice guy and they fall in love and then he gets his memory back and finds out that he’s really an evil character. So that plot can go a number of ways. Either he was evil, and now he has learned what it’s like to be a good guy, and so he turns into a good guy.

Or the other way the plot goes is he remembers now he was evil and that’s who he is, so he’s going to be evil again. So the plot goes different ways and this amnesia thing, even though such amnesia is really rare, it’s not rare in the movies. They use this plot over and over and all kinds of situations.

But think about that a minute. If you were to get amnesia, think everybody that gives you a problem now, all of a sudden there wouldn’t be a problem because you can’t remember anything about them. If you can’t remember anything about them, there’s no problem. If somebody really hurt you five years ago and you had amnesia, all of a sudden, the problem disappears. You’re just starting fresh.

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