Group Synthesis, Part 2

Nov 28, 2020
Group Synthesis, Part 2

(2) What is the advantage to me in joining a group?

Even the most hardened isolationist cannot completely detach himself from group influence. After all, we started our lives in the most basic of all groups – a family. Even if you were born to a single mom there was still a group of other family members and friends who assisted her in some way.

Then as a kid you had a group of friends, probably went to a church, an organized group, perhaps joined boy or girl scouts, and also attended school. The various classes you were in were groups as well as your whole school. In addition, you may have been in numerous school groups or played in sports in which many tightly knit groups are formed.

Then your home town itself has a group identity as well as your state and nation.

Various types of groups are necessary for humanity to enjoy the basic benefits of civilization. After all, every group is formed to provide some type of benefit that is not available to the individual on his or her own.

The true spiritual student will also seek out a group for some type of benefit beyond that which can be obtained by the individual. Many have tried the orthodox churches and found them lacking. Some enjoy the social mingling but many complain that the knowledge obtained and shared there is very minimal. You’ll often hear someone say that he can get closer to God going outdoors communing with nature than in church.

So what does the seeker do who is frustrated with regular religion? What often happens is he will come across a friend who will turn him on to some alternative group or reading materials. Others will just find some interesting books on their own or discover something stimulating while surfing the internet. After a time the seeker will gravitate to some type of spiritual philosophy that seems to fit.

As he then absorbs the teachings he is faced with a choice. “Do I continue learning on my own or do I join a group?”

A generation ago it was often difficult to find a group dedicated to a specialized interest, but thanks to technology a seeker can now quickly find a group dedicated to most any subject or popular author. The question these days for seekers is not “Where can I find a group of like interest?”

But “Do I want to join one?”

Of course, whether or not one joins a group will depend on the value seen there. The seeker must therefore ask as to whether any of the groups available are worth joining. One may be thrilled to find a group dedicated to his favorite subject but then disappointed by the quality after joining. If one can find a group of quality like-minded souls that seems right there are a number of possible benefits.

(1) Establishing new friends. It’s always nice to have friends with similar interests.

(2) Like-minded associates can stimulate thinking beyond that which can be obtained with books alone.

(3) Groups provide an opportunity to share as well as receive additional knowledge.

(4) A group may provide avenues of service not available to the isolated individual.

(5) Each group has a shared energy that can be picked up by the individual.

(6) Groups generally figure out creative methods of entertaining themselves which adds value to the quality of the lives of individual members.

Of course the quality of the groups may vary immensely as well as their purpose. Many groups just want to study a subject together while others are actively engaged in some purpose. If the student can find a group that embraces a purpose that speaks to his soul then the opportunity is there not only for obtain personal benefit, but to provide avenues of useful service to others.

DK lists two benefits of a spiritual group:

(1) With those of like degree with whom he is associated in the work. Then their united relation enables them (as a result of their group unity) to be en rapport with levels of consciousness and of activities higher than their own. This is, therefore, a group relation, dependent upon the established inter-relation of group members.

(2) With those to whom he is related karmically; or by his own choice which may not be karmic at all but a newly instituted decision; or by the choice of others opening to him avenues of contacts which he, himself, working alone, would never have made but which are the result of the drawing power of the group soul. Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Pages 183-184).

To read part 1 go  HERE , Part 3 HERE, Part 4 HERE, Part 5 HERE, Part 6 HERE, Part 7 HERE, Part 8 HERE, Part 9 HERE, Part 10 HERE, Part 11 HERE, Part 12 HERE, Part 13 HERE

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