The Body of the Cosmic Logos, Part 3

The Body of the Cosmic Logos, Part 3
The Seven Kingdoms

Next, for the planet as a whole, we have a further correspondence to the seven human centers or chakras. These are the seven kingdoms here on the planet, of which the obvious four are the mineral, vegetable, animal and human. Seeking exact correspondences that apply in all circumstances is impossible as they shift somewhat according to the evolution of the seeker, humanity and the viewpoint taken by the observer. In speaking of the relationship of the kingdoms to the centers, DK says this:

“These relationships prove each other but only when seen in relation to the greater cycle. Humanity was at one time the correspondence to the planetary solar plexus and some day will shift the focus of its receptivity to the planetary heart centre; when this takes place, the Hierarchy will shift its focus of receptivity into the sphere of influence of Shamballa.” Esoteric Astrology, Pages 454-455

So then, the human kingdom, which is usually related to the throat center, was once related to the solar plexus, and, as it progresses, it will become the heart center.

What is consistent is that there will always be seven higher centers which correspond to the seven lower, though their relation to each other may shift for a number of reasons. For instance, he tells us that they will be viewed differently when “expansions of consciousness” occur. (Esoteric Psychology, Vol 1, Page 221)

That said, let us look at our centers and see how they relate to the centers of the planet, or the planetary logos.

Center one, the Base of the Spine – The Mineral.

The mineral kingdom corresponds to the adrenals and rays 7 and 1. This is usually associated with the base of the spine as DK notes in Esoteric Psychology, Vol 1, Page 221. He notes that this is true when looking at “the seven kingdoms as a whole…” which would be from the view of the Logos. However a page earlier he makes different links when related to the human angle, and relates the mineral center to the sacral as well as the base center. Apparently, the different kingdoms can play different roles depending on whether we are looking at them through the viewpoint of humanity, the Hierarchy or Shamballa.

He also associates the mineral center with the spleen, which adds additional complexity. (Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 1071)

Students can see why he associates it with the spleen, for he says this center governs “the current of physical vitality or life” of the body relating it to the base of the spine, which is the foundation of the life force.

Although he associates the mineral kingdom in different circumstances with both the sacral and base centers he tells us that this is oddly shared by “the Forces of Materialism.

“The mineral kingdom and the Forces of Materialism do not really coincide today, for the one works through the sacral centre at this time, and the other through the centre at the base of the spine.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 92

The second main kingdom is the vegetable. It would be natural to assume that since this is the second kingdom it would be most closely linked to the second center, the sacral governing sex, but DK does not make this link. One reason would be that reproduction in the vegetable kingdom does not require the division of the sexes as in the animal and human.

The lowest center linked to the vegetable is the third center up – the solar plexus and the sixth ray. (Esoteric Astrology, Page 456; Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pg 1071)

This makes sense, as this center is associated with our emotions and idealism. The emotions are indeed stirred by beautiful flowers, ancient trees and many other wonders of that kingdom which have reached an idealistic perfection in evolution.

Next, DK associates this center with the heart and Ray Two of Love Wisdom. (Esoteric Psychology, Vol 1, Page 221) This ray is associated with magnetism, and the vegetable kingdom does indeed draw us with magnetic force created by its beauty, perfumes and source of food.

Finally, he associates this center with the throat center and the lungs. (A Treatise on White Magic, Pg 360 and Esoteric Psychology, Vol 1, Page 220) He does not explain why, but perhaps it is because the throat is associated with creation, and the vegetable kingdom highlights creation from Divine Intelligence.

In addition, he makes an unusual association of the vegetable kingdom with the fourth ray, but qualifies it saying that this ray is identified with the great being who ensouls that kingdom. (Esoteric Psychology, Vol 1, Page 120) The fourth ray is linked to the ajna and the base centers so in some circumstances there must be a link to one or both of these.

The third kingdom on the planet is the animal, and it is usually associated with the corresponding third center – the solar plexus. (See Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 92; also Esoteric Psychology, Vol 1, Pages 220-221, 413)

Concerning this he says, “The animal uses the solar plexus in the same way that a man uses the brain.” (Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 287) Then he tells us that this sixth ray connection through the solar plexus especially applies to domestic animals, and causes them to have such a strong devotion to their masters unlike the wild animals. (Esoteric Psychology, Vol 1, Page 218)

In that same reference he indicates that the other animals lean strongly on the third ray connected with the throat center. He makes two specific references equating the animal kingdom with the throat center because of their instinct, especially of the wild animals. (See Esoteric Astrology, Page 455 and Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pg 1071)

He adds further complication by relating the animal kingdom to the heart: “Man, the brain of nature; the animals, the expression of the heart.” Indeed, if we look at it from the perspective of humanity being the brain, then the heart makes sense for the animals.

Finally, he adds more complexity to the animal kingdom by linking it to the fifth ray (Esoteric Psychology, Vol 1, Page 162) but doesn’t give any explanation as to why he does so. Perhaps it is because the fifth ray is an attribute of the third ray linked to animal instinct. The fifth ray is linked to the ajna and sacral centers, indicating they may also have a link to the animal kingdom.

Finally, we come to the last visible center that is universally acknowledged to exist, which is the fourth kingdom of nature – us – humanity.

The human kingdom is generally recognized as being the throat center of the planet, which is usually governed by the Third Ray of Active Intelligence. Here is just one quote: “The great centre which we call Humanity is predominantly governed by the third Ray of Active Intelligence. This ray energy arrives at the throat centre via the head and the heart centres.” Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Page 135

He repeats this link of humanity to the throat center and third ray a number of places, such as Esoteric Healing, Page 148, Destiny of the Nations, Page 23, Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Page 107 and Rays and Initiations, page 551.

He has repeated this enough that many students always link humanity with the throat center and ray three, but again the association is not black and white in all circumstances, as he links humanity to other centers and rays depending on the relationship involved.

We can see though why the throat center and third ray is the most common linkage, for the throat governs creativity and the third ray represents the adaptability of matter through the application of intelligence. Humanity is indeed the strongest creative material force on the planet who alters and manipulates substance to its desire through intelligent effort. Some think we are doing more harm than good, but DK assures us that humanity will learn its lessons and become a benevolent force in the end. He calls us “The Centre where the intelligence of God is producing the evolutionary process.” Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Page 159

When linking humanity with the throat center he usually associates them with the third ray, but in one instance he links us with the fourth ray because of our “quality of acquisitiveness” and “conflict” that manifests through us. (Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 92)

Then, in other points of reference, he links humanity to the ajna center while placing the animal kingdom in the throat. (see Esoteric Astrology, Pages 452- 455) Here he links them with the fifth ray instead of the third, which makes sense because the third ray is sometimes linked to this center between the eyebrows. We’ll talk more about this link when we discuss the sixth kingdom.

Again, DK throws in more complexity by associating the human kingdom with the heart center (Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pg 1071), but this seems to be when relating us to only the lower three kingdoms.

Then he somewhat surprisingly links us with the sacral center (Esoteric Psychology, Vol 1, Page 221), but even this makes sense when you consider the sacral governs physical creation, and humanity is definitely creating many new physical forms. The sacral is also closely linked to the throat, but creates at a lower level.

There are three planetary centers above humanity not generally recognized by orthodox thinking. The first of these is the Spiritual Hierarchy, normally referred to as the Fifth Kingdom, a step above humanity, the fourth.

DK consistently refers to this kingdom as the heart center of the planet ruled by Ray Two of Love Wisdom.. The dominance of Ray Two makes this center one of great importance as this ray sets the tone for the whole solar system and the goal of our spiritual evolution during this system of creation.

He makes one exception, though, and tells us that from the view of one approaching the first initiation, the fifth kingdom, or the Hierarchy, should be seen as the throat center instead of the heart, with the human seen as the sacral and the animal related to the heart center. (Esoteric Psychology, Vol 1, Page 221)

He gives no further explanation for this unusual relationship but leaves it up to disciples to discern.

We’ll save the mysterious sixth kingdom for last and go major seventh corresponding to the crown center at the top of the head. This center has been given the name Shamballa. Even though the name can be traced back to the ancient Sanskrit, it is probably not the one used by its inhabitants.

As for its physical location, legend has it that Shamballa exists somewhere between the Himalaya Mountains and the Gobi Desert. DK doesn’t give an exact location, but does say “the location of Shamballa will be one of the latest etheric sacred spots to be revealed as it exists in the matter of the second ether.”      Initiation Human and Solar, Page 33

He also tells us that in relation to present humanity it is more of a state of consciousness than a physical location, though in the reference above he does hint at an actual location in time and space.

The head of Shamballa is the Lord of the World, Sanat Kumara, called in the Bible The Ancient of Days, also after the order of Melchizedek. Concerning him, DK says: “Sanat Kumara and His Pupils are in physical form, but have not taken dense physical bodies. They work on the vital etheric levels, and dwell in etheric bodies. Shamballa, where They dwell, exists in physical matter as do the Kumaras, but it is matter of the higher ethers of the physical plane, and only when man has developed etheric vision will the mystery lying beyond the Himalayas be revealed.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 753

The dominate center that is associated with Shamballa is the crown center along with Ray One of Will-Power-Purpose, though he also loosely links it to the heart and Ray Two (Initiation Human and Solar, Page 130) as well as the Base of the Spine and most probably Ray Seven. (Rays and Initiations, Page 367)

Shamballa receives from the Solar Logos who receives from extra planetary sources, and thus does divine intelligence flow down from on high to Shamballa to the Hierarchy and finally to humanity.

The sixth planetary center is somewhat mysterious, for when DK does list the centers he either leaves this center out or does not clearly identify it. Fortunately, he has identified it in the written text.

Before we examine the planetary correspondence, let us take a look at that to which it must correspond. DK says this:

“There is a downflow of energy from the ajna centre to the heart from the soul, just in so far as the aspirant is in touch with his soul. This leads to … The evocation of the heart centre in the head.” Esoteric Healing, Page 169

“The Ajna Centre (the centre between the eyebrows) works in connection with the three major centres but mainly, at this stage of human development, as the distributor of soul force and of spiritual energy as received from the heart and throat centres.” Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Page 191

An active interplay, once established between the ajna centre and the throat centre, produces a creative life and a manifested expression of the divine idea on the part of the initiate. Esoteric Healing, Page 147

We can take from this then that the ajna center acts as a bridge, or channel, for the energy flow between the three major centers, the heart, the throat and the crown.

Using the Law of Correspondences we can assume that the ajna center for the planet would do something similar.

It is interesting that the ajna center for the planet involves an assortment of entities. DK writes about those representing the lowest level.

“The pioneers of the human family, the scientists, thinkers and artists constitute the pituitary body.” A Treatise on White Magic, Page 277

The pituitary gland is the most material manifestation of the ajna center and corresponds to the advanced thinkers of humanity. These thinkers contemplate and pick up impressions and ideas from the Hierarchy or the soul (heart center), and transmit them to humanity – the planetary throat center.

A step above the thinkers are disciples of the world dedicated to bringing additional light and spiritual power to humanity.

Whereas the thinkers are identified with the material externalization of this center, this group is directly connected to the ajna center of the planet:

The ajna centre of the Lord of the World is just beginning to express itself in a recognisable manner through the New Group of World Servers. This intermediate group—between the Hierarchy and Humanity—is a carrier of the energy which makes the Plan possible (the Plan of which the Hierarchy is the custodian). This Plan implements the Purpose, and later, when the New Group of World Servers is organised and is recognised as a living organism, it will definitely receive energy from Shamballa in a direct reception, via the Hierarchy. Rays and Initiations, Page 368

Here we are told quite plainly that The New Group of World Servers correspond to the ajna center. These are dedicated spiritual teachers and servants who catch a glimpse of the plan as transmitted by the Hierarchy and play a part in implementing it. Therefore, this group and the thinkers pick up impressions from the planetary heart center (the Hierarchy) and transmit it to the throat (humanity).

The correspondence does not end here as there are higher levels of beings who function as transmitters of spiritual energy and intelligence between kingdoms.

The next higher level are called the Nirmanakayas. These are advanced spiritual entities, such as the Buddha, who have achieved at least the sixth initiation and whose consciousness extends beyond the Hierarchy (the heart center) into Shamballa (the head center). Just as advanced humans bring spiritual intelligence from a higher level to humanity, these Nirmanakayas bring down power and intelligence from the head to the heart, or Shamballa to the Hierarchy. Concerning them DK says;

“…the Agents of the Plan are impressed from Shamballa, via the Nirmanakayas; the process is then repeated, and advanced humanity become the recipients, the sensitive recipients, of the Plan as transmitted to them by the impressing Agents, the Masters, working through the New Group of World Servers. This group is the lower correspondence of the Nirmanakayas, the recipients of impression from Shamballa.” Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Pages 121-122

So we are told here that the New Group of World Servers and the Nirmanakayas fit in with the Law of Correspondences and provide the same type of service, but on different levels.

Then there is one more even higher group linked to the function of the ajna center for the planet. DK alludes to them here:

“These Servers (New Group of World Servers) are to humanity what the Buddhas of Activity are to Shamballa, and the group of divine Contemplatives (the Nirmanakayas) are to the Hierarchy. ” Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Page 45

Here he places three groups as performing similar functions but on different levels. They are the New Group of World Servers, the Nirmanakayas and the Buddhas of Activity.

These Buddhas are three very advanced entities who counsel the Planetary Logos. Just as the New Group of World Servers and the Nirmanakayas transmit intelligence between kingdoms on this planet, the Buddhas of Activity do the same thing, but between solar systems.

We thus conclude that the ajna center of the planet is composed of four groups: (1) advanced thinkers (2) the New Group of World Servers, (3) the Nirmanakayas and (4) the Buddhas of Activity.

For Part 1, Click HERE , For Part 2, Click HERE, Part 4, Click HERE, Part 5, Click HERE, Part 6, Click HERE, Part 7, Click HERE, Part 8, Click HERE, Part 9, Click HERE, Part 10, Click HERE

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The Body of the Cosmic Logos, Part 2

The Body of the Cosmic Logos, Part 2
The Greater Lives

We have thus briefly covered the seven major centers and their accompanying rays for the human body. Now there are many other lesser centers, but these are the major ones taught in the Ancient Wisdom. DK does not talk about how they play out in the microcosmic lives but does correspond them to greater lives than the individual human.

These greater lives include groups, nations, humanity as a whole, the planet, other planets, the solar system and, last of all, the Cosmic Logos, or The One About Whom Naught May Be Said, which consists of at least seven solar systems. Beyond this great life little is said by DK. Unlike many others, he doesn’t speak of a galactic or Universal Logos, for understanding the Cosmic Logos seems to be more than we can handle in our present state of consciousness.

Concerning the centers of nations DK says this:

“Nations, for instance, have seven centres, as have all forms of existence from the human and animal upwards, and it is an interesting study to discover these centres and note the type of energy which flows through them. In connection with the United States of America, Chicago is the solar plexus centre, whilst New York is the throat centre and Washington the head centre. The heart centre is Los Angeles. The heart centre of Germany is Munich, and its head centre is Nuremberg, whilst Berlin is the throat centre. London is, of course, the heart centre for Great Britain (and temporarily it is also the head centre, though this will not always be the case), whilst Ottawa is the throat centre and Sydney is the solar plexus centre of the British Empire.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 85

The United States is an interesting country in which to analyze the centers. It is interesting that he gives us an incomplete list, which is:

Head – Washington DC
Throat – New York
Heart – Los Angeles
Solar Plexus- Chicago

Note that he leaves out the ajna, sacral and base centers.

In the day he wrote this. the sacral center surely would have been Detroit since it was the main center of physical creation – manufacturing most of the cars driven at that time. Now that has changed and the prime source of our most used products is the Silicon Valley region in the San Francisco and surrounding region. This includes many of our computer related products, solar panels and electric vehicles.

In DK’s day, the base of the spine would have most likely been Philadelphia, for there was laid the foundation of life for this country. That, however, may have changed to Seattle today, as focus has shifted away from nationalism to just living the abundant material life. Thanks to Microsoft the foundation was laid for our computerized world, and there we also have Amazon which has become the lifeblood of most every consumer product produced.

So, where would be the ajna center, the eye of spiritual vision? He did not name one because such a place does not yet exist, so he just lumped the head as a whole into one center at Washington DC. There are a number locations which would like the title of our spiritual light. Many think the Vatican or Jerusalem are good prospects for the planet as a whole, but few enlightened souls look in their direction for higher consciousness. In the United States, Salt Lake City is the only major city built and headquartered by a religion, but few outside the body of LDS true believers sense much inspiration coming from there.

As it is, Washington DC, imperfect as it is, represents both centers. This is evidenced by the all-seeing eye (representing the third eye – the ajna center) on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States which is printed on our dollar bills.

The United States has attempted to shine greater light on freedom and democracy to the world, though with imperfect results. It is also the source of much of the world’s new ideas of spiritual thinking from new religions to many New Age movements.

Unfortunately, there is no separate city of lights where the ideals and inhabitants are enlightened enough to be a light unto the world. Such a place will manifest in the not-too-distant future and then we shall live in a world where there is an open third eye, a center to guide the world in the ways of Spirit, rather than the material side of life.

Concerning humanity as a whole, DK tells us there are five cities that represent active centers of power for humanity. The number is five because we are in the fifth rootrace. When the next race manifests, a center in Africa will develop and finally, when the seventh and final rootrace appears, a seventh center will be seen in Australia says DK.

Currently, the five centers with their personality and soul rays, plus their astrological signs are:

City – Soul – Personality – Sign

  1. London – 5th – 7th – Gemini.
  2. New York – 2nd – 3rd – Cancer.
  3. Tokyo – 6th – 4th – Cancer.
  4. Geneva – 1st – 2nd – Leo.
  5. Darjeeling – 2nd – 5th – Scorpio

Esoteric Astrology, Page 458

Concerning these, he says, “The five cities which are the exoteric expression of the esoteric centre of force and through which the Hierarchy and Shamballa are seeking to work are the correspondence in the planetary body to the four centres up the spine and the ajna centre in the body of humanity and of individual man.” Esoteric Astrology, Page 528

He doesn’t tell us which cities are with the specific five centers mentioned, but the rays given as well as their order listed will supply some hints.

For Part 1, Click HERE ,, For Part 3, Click HERE, Part 4, Click HERE, Part 5, Click HERE, Part 6, Click HERE, Part 7, Click HERE, Part 8, Click HERE, Part 9, Click HERE, Part 10, Click HERE

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The Body of the Cosmic Logos, Part 1

The Body of the Cosmic Logos, Part 1
Centers and Rays in the individual

NOTE: This is the first of a ten part series concerning a subject of great interest to Bailey students. This concerns the mysteries behind a great life who DK calls “The One About Whom Naught May Be Said”. I have tried to write about the complex with as much simplicity as possible so both casual and serious students will find it interesting.


The great teacher, Djwhal Khul (or just DK), tells us that there is a great being who is higher in consciousness and evolution than either our Planetary Logos or the Solar Logos. Its life permeates through at least seven solar systems of which ours is one.

Its consciousness is so advanced that it is beyond even the masters on earth to comprehend. They have thus given this high entity the unusual name of “The One About Whom Naught May be Said.” Sometimes this is shortened to “Cosmic Logos.” We are given to understand that silence concerning this being is not because of demanded reverence, but because Its consciousness is so beyond ours that any full understanding is mere guesswork. Think of a snail trying to understand the mind of Einstein and you get the picture.

The fact that this being is of such a high consciousness is interesting to contemplate when you consider that Its body of seven solar systems is just a drop in the bucket compared to the Milky Way Galaxy, as a whole, which has over 200 billion solar systems within its life. This would indicate that there are billions of other Cosmic Logoi just in our galaxy alone and if a galactic logos exists then it would be One About Whom Naught May be Said in relation to our Cosmic Logos.

Then it further stretches our imagination to consider that our telescopes have discovered billions of galaxies, each with billions of solar systems, with no end in sight. This tells us that in this living universe there are indeed higher lives that defy the imagination.

For this treatise we will focus on our Cosmic Logos, of which each of us form a small part. This is the highest life concerning which any information from the teachings in the Ancient Wisdom is available.

Yes, I know, there are many believers who think they know all about the One Great Life we call God who created all things, but quoting a scripture or two is no indication that one even understands the Logos of our planet, let alone the universe.

So let us examine what is available and see if we can expand our consciousness to envision lives greater than ourselves.

All lives within our ring-pass-not live in bodies created by the interplay of seven rays which we see represented in the seven colors of the rainbow as well as seven notes in the musical scale. These manifest through humans in the seven major centers called the chakras. These seven divisions not only appear in humans but all life forms from the atom to a great Logos. The advanced atoms such as radium and uranium have seven electron shells corresponding to the seven chakras which are all active in the advanced human.

The first chakra is at the base of the spine. This supplies the foundation energy for the other chakras and the life of the body as a whole.

All seven rays have some interplay on each of the chakras, but there will always be one in particular which will dominate for each center. The dominate one is not always the same for everyone, for in some chakras it will shift as the seeker climbs the ladder of spiritual evolution.

The overall dominate ray for the base chakra is Ray One, that of Will, Power and Purpose. DK tells us this applies to the average person as well as initiates. (Esoteric Astrology, Page 517) Then, in between average and advanced individuals others have their base dominated by rays four and seven. He tells us that the “average aspirant” has a dominate ray four (Esoteric Psychology Vol 1, Pg 261) and still others ray seven will dominate at the base. (Esoteric Psychology, Vol 2, Page 521)

The fact that three different rays dominate at the base of the spine in various individuals tells us that we cannot specifically assign one particular ray with that center whether it be human, planetary or cosmic.

The next center up the spine is the sacral, which governs sex and physical creation. This is also influenced by more than one ray. For the undeveloped person it is governed by Ray three. (Esoteric Healing, Page 152 & 178) This seems to switch to Ray Seven as the person evolves. (Esoteric Astrology, Page 517). Then in another reference to this center DK connects it to Ray Five (Esoteric Psychology, Vol 2, Page 521) with no explanation as to where it fits with spiritual evolution.

The third center up the spine is the solar plexus, which governs the lower emotions. This is generally ruled by Ray Six (Ray of Devotion) though he does note that it “registers that of the second aspect.” (Esoteric Healing, Page 178). So, Ray Two does have a part, most likely in one who is spiritually developed.

The fourth center is the heart. Now keep in mind that these centers are not in the physical body or on the actual spine, but in the etheric body behind the spine.

The heart center is pretty much centered on Ray Two – the Ray of Love Wisdom. DK gives no other ray that ever dominates.

He does say, though, that there is a reflection of the heart center within the head center, and that is polarized in Ray One, the Ray of Power. He doesn’t tell us whether the heart center in the head remains under the domination of Ray Two or acquiesces to Ray One, though I think we may safely assume it is influenced by both rays.

He does make this interesting statement concerning: …“the Buddha and the Christ, Who are both embodiments of the heart centre of the planetary Logos, for the Buddha represents the twelve-petalled lotus in the head, of which the Christ represents the counterpart, the twelve-petalled lotus of the heart centre.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 86-87

In addition, he tells us that the Buddha represents the wisdom aspect of this second ray and the Christ the Love. (Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2, Page 516) This would tell us then that the wisdom aspect dominates in the head and love in the heart, but both centers would represent the two aspects to some degree.

In addition, he says: “the second ray deals largely with the soul’s activity through all the centres (those above and those below the diaphragm) but with the heart as the prime centre of attention.” Esoteric Healing, Page 130

So because this entire solar system is dominated by the second ray its influence is extremely pervasive and has some influence on all the centers, but “the heart as the prime centre of attention.”

The fifth center up the spine is the throat, which is a higher correspondent to the sacral. Instead of stimulating physical creation through sex, this center directs inspired creation through art, music, writing and other creative endeavors. Normally, DK references the Third Ray in relation to it but adds this: “Though the human throat centre is primarily expressing the third ray, there is an interesting situation to be noted in this connection: two ray energies control this centre at this time.” Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Page 136

In that text he indicates that other ray is the seventh and then adds this:

“The throat centre of the average integrated personality is governed by the third ray and is strongly energised by third ray energies (again seven in number), whilst the throat centre of the spiritual aspirant, of disciples and initiates below the third initiation is responding primarily to seventh ray influence, and this is peculiarly the case now as the seventh ray is in incarnation.” Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Page 137

His overall writings indicate that, even though the seventh ray is strong in some disciples the third ray has a strong influence in everyone. In addition, the first ray comes into play with the initial stimulation of the throat center. He says:

“people who work creatively usually have first ray personalities at the time that the throat centre becomes dynamically active for the first time.” Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2, Page 122

As we rise above the spine we come to the two head centers, the first of which is the center between the eyebrows, often called the third eye or the ajna center. This is a center of higher spiritual vision and understanding as well as a director of energy.

The most common ray associated with this is the Fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge. (See Esoteric Astrology, Page 517 and Esoteric Psychology, Vol 1, Page 261) Then, for advanced disciples and initiates, it changes to Ray Three. (Esoteric Healing, Page 154) Then he also gives Ray Four as dominating, (Esoteric Psychology, Vol 2, Page 521) but does not indicate what would make this change.

Finally, we come to the highest center of the major seven at the top of the head, often called the crown. Of this he says, “ There are twelve major petals of white and gold, and 960 secondary petals are arranged around the central twelve.” Letters on Occult Meditation, pages 77-78 Also Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 168

Even though the crown is a few short it is often called the Thousand Petalled Lotus.

Though all rays and many energies move through this center the dominate one is consistently said to be Ray One – Will-Power-Purpose.

Even though each center is influenced by all seven rays, certain ones will dominate according to the spiritual advancement and the consciousness of the person. Let us then tabulate the centers and the rays most likely to dominate.

The Crown – Ray One
The Ajna – Normally Ray Five, but sometimes Three and Four
The Throat – Normally Ray Three, but in advanced souls Ray Seven is strong.
The Heart – Ray Two
The Solar Plexus – Ray Six, but influenced by Ray Two.
The Sacral Center – Rays Three, Five and Seven.
The Base of the Spine – Rays One, Four, and Seven.

There is much more that could be written about the centers and the rays, but the main intent here is to establish the links between them as we examine the body of the great logos of which we form a small part. The centers and rays of humanity have correspondences in greater and lesser lives, so by understanding ourselves, we can gain some understanding of the greater.

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Freedom from Guilt

Texas Gathering, Part Five
Freedom from Guilt

Question: With what you’re saying about the forces coming in, what if the forces are your own internal working, like those who have the airplane and the ability to wind the propeller but then they say, “Oh but I’m not worthy.” The ego or lower personality gets in the way, even while you’re doing it, that feeling of I’m not worthy.

JJ: This feeling is very powerful. It is a real biggie. It’s like when I had that experience with that schoolmate and I felt the spiritual energy going through me so powerful I thought I must not be worthy to do anything like this. I actually ran home because I was worried that God was trying to strike me dead because I was just this mischievous little imp that was doing something wrong. I felt that I must not be worthy to do any healing. I’ve felt this a number of times in my life as I’m sure all of us have. Every time I have, it has made me go backwards rather than forwards. You have to get over this unworthy feeling.

When the scriptures talk about salvation, what they’re really talking about is being saved from this feeling of unworthiness. It’s really a first step because to be truly saved, as is talked about in the scriptures, you have to eliminate guilt. To eliminate guilt you have to establish a relationship with God in such a way that you recognize that you are a son or daughter of God. When you realize this and really understand this knowledge your guilt is swept away. That’s what true salvation is. It’s to be relieved from guilt. You will not have guilt about anything anymore as long as you live.

The word for ‘sin’ in the New Testament Greek means to shoot an arrow at a target and to miss. To miss the target is what the original word ‘sin’ meant. So, when, in Bible times, they said someone sinned, it means they missed the mark. “Missing the mark” is the literal English translation. It was used by archers back in those days when the Greeks shot an arrow at the target and used this Biblical word. Do you think they shot an arrow and after missing the target said, “Oh, I feel so guilty. I’m such a bad person I’m not going to shoot an arrow at the target again.” We don’t think that way. The original word ‘sin’ was not meant to convey guilt. It was meant to convey missing the mark. When we really miss the mark is when we let guilt enter in and over ride us so much that we refuse to even try again because guilt makes you feel like you’re not worthy. When you feel like you’re not worthy you don’t try again. You give up trying. I’m not worthy, I’m not good enough. I’m not going to try because God will probably be mad at me if I try.

But if you realize that the original word for ‘sin’ means merely to miss the mark, then we look at the people who lived in the time of Jesus in a totally different light. When Jesus said, “Sin no more” He meant don’t make anymore mistakes or bad judgments. So we must learn to be like the ancient Greek archers who, when they shot an arrow and missed the mark they didn’t say they were a terrible person. Instead they took another arrow and tried to shoot again and again. If they missed the bulls eye they tried another one and tried until finally they got it. That’s the way we are when we have achieved the salvation that Jesus taught. We keep trying and trying again. Remember the principle of self-correction? Like our bodies keep correcting themselves, we need to keep correcting ourselves until we finally hit the mark.

That is what true salvation is. True salvation is being able to over ride guilt and negate it. When we make a mistake, instead of condemning ourselves and feeling unworthy or feeling like God is angry at us, we merely say, “Give me another arrow and I’m going to shoot again and hit the mark. I’m going to try again to be a good person. I’m going to try again until I become the type of person I want to be and nothing is going to stop me.” This is actually the true meaning of salvation. We’re saved from guilt which is the biggest missing of the mark there is, which means it is the biggest sin and when you’re saved from guilt you’re saved from your sins. And when you’re saved from guilt you have peace of mind. When you’re saved from guilt and make a mistake you no longer feel condemned. You merely think, “I made a mistake. I’ll try again.” You still have peace. Nothing takes away your peace because you know you’re doing the best you can, you know you’re human, you no longer have guilt about it and you just try again just like you would if you were shooting an arrow at a target.

So, this is an important thing in the point of tension. If we let guilt enter in, the little propeller we’re winding up will end up winding up backwards. The tension begins to be dissipated so that the tension will no longer be there. We must not let guilt enter in no matter how big of mistake we make; it’s just a mistake. You probably don’t want to do it again so let’s move ahead.

Think. If you have a son or a child and he/she makes a mistake, do you want him to feel guilty about it? If he’s willing to pick up and try again aren’t you going to nurture him? Aren’t you going to help him move ahead and support him? Jesus said, “if we being evil know how to give gifts to our children, will not God, being good know not how to do much more than we know how to do?” Yet we think that we will help our children when they fall down but if we fall down God will throw us in hell where we’ll burn forever. We’re going to suffer with this tremendous guilt and God will laugh with glee. No, Jesus didn’t say that at all. He said God is much better than us. He will give much better gifts and much more to His children than we can to ours because in comparison to God, we are very flawed. God is much better than us and He will be able to imagine much greater gifts for His children than we can for ours.

Isn’t that a wonderful teaching to contemplate? Yet how many of the churches teach it? How many of the churches instead teach, “Boy, God’s going to take care of you! All the angles in heaven are going to laugh with glee when they get a hold of you in the next life because you haven’t gone to church lately. You haven’t done some silly little thing that conforms to what some man here on the earth wants you to do.

Guilt is a tremendous method of control. Every person in this room is worthy of the presence of God. If you don’t feel worthy it’s because you’re deceived. Someone has tricked you to think that you’re not. Yea, but I’ve done some naughty things. Like Rob over here has done some naughty things over the past week, right Rob? (laughter) You’ve been a very naughty young man! It doesn’t matter what you’ve done. Nothing can stand between you and the presence of God except for you. You’re the only one that stands in between. If we are really the children of God and God is capable of going much farther in helping His children than we are in helping ours. How far would you go to help your children? Who has kids here? Somebody with a kid raise your hand. Garrett, how far would you go to help your kid get through college?

Response: Whatever it takes

JJ: Say your kid had a car accident and hurt somebody. He didn’t mean it. It was an accident. Would you condemn him? You wouldn’t, would you? What would you do for him? Suppose he was crying and feeling terrible. He was guilty. It was a terrible mistake. Would you be happy to see him suffer? Then why do people think that God is happy to see us suffer? Isn’t that about the biggest deception you can think of? If Jesus was right when He said, “God will go many more steps and He’s much better at giving good gifts to His children than we are to ours.” Yet look at how far Garrett will go to help his kid, even though he had an accident and it was his own fault. He didn’t mean it but it was a stupid thing that he did. The kid is condemning himself. What does Garrett do?

Response: Help him to realize it was just an accident. To do all he can do to correct it then move on with his life.

JJ: Do you give him a big hug to make him feel better? You do, don’t you? And Rob here, even though he’s done some naughty things over the week and irritated somebody he’s working with, he probably even irritated one of his teachers at school. Rob wants to be embraced by God. Do you think God is going to say you don’t deserve a hug? This is the true non-judgmental attitude. It’s that of a father or mother or parent accepting their children when they make a step in a forward direction they will accept them no matter what, especially if the child is making a step in a forward direction. Even though he’s guilty as all get out, the parent will accept him, even parents of murderers or really dastardly people. Human parents, no matter what the kid does, are still there to help them. Most loving parents will be. So no matter what we’ve done there is nothing to remove the barrier between us and the presence of God except for us. We’re the ones who condemn us. It’s just a natural thing that happens when we ourselves, are deceived.

So perhaps the greatest thing that I could present tonight is that every single person is worthy of your next step. Whatever that next step is, you are worthy of it. But when you take it every force in the world will come and try to convince you that you’re not ready, you’re not worthy and you shouldn’t take it or you’ve made a mistake in taking it. You need to go backwards, back to where it’s safe.

So, to create the point of tension, perhaps the most important thing is to take that step to decide then to focus on that decision and follow the highest you know within yourself. Moving ahead following the highest you know continues to create the point of tension as you wind up the little rubber band engine on the little airplane we’re visualizing. As you wind that up by moving ahead and focusing and not retreating, the point of tension is created. When the point of tension is there, you will sense it and things will begin to happen. If you want to go into the next stage of consciousness where you have communion between you and the spirit of God, when the point of tension is reached, one of the greater lives will say, “Behold the seeker has moved a step forward. Let us go greet him. Let us go commune with him. Let us sup with him and he will sup with us. Let us share our presence with him. Let us unfold a new energy with him that he has not felt before and see how he handles it.”

When you have created that point of tension and you’re proceeding along the spiritual path a new energy will unfold within you. It will be something that you’ve never really felt before. You may have felt things in the past but there are new things. You will feel a new energy, a higher energy and you will eventually adjust to it until this new energy becomes a part of your life. Then there is another step after that. There is always another step as long as you’re living here as a mortal being there is always another step in this sphere that we’re in. If you are here and you’re capable of pinching yourself and feeling something you have another step to take. Don’t be deceived into thinking that you’ve taken all the steps that you need because there is always another step to take.

So I want everyone to focus on the idea of drawing the attention of the Christ and His associates and Him sending us an endowment of spiritual energies that we can feel the presence of higher spiritual energies. I know a number of people have desired this and haven’t reached that point yet and want to reach it. There is nothing to stop us. If everyone in this room can stay focused and believing and positive in their mindset, not feeling any ill will toward any other person, not letting any negativity circulate, then we as a group can be elevated together to where we have never gone before.

To this end I’d like to end this meeting with a group prayer that we’ll all say together. Part of the reason for this is that I’ve had several people tell me that as soon as they decided to come to this gathering or think about coming to the gathering that all hell seems to have broken loose in their life. It seemed like something didn’t want them to come here. I know a number of you have told me about this and probably a number who have not mentioned it have also had this happen. I have felt this energy pulling on the group and it seems like the negative energy gave up a day or two ago because it realized it wasn’t going to stop you people from coming. So I’m glad to see everyone here.

Some people here are worried about people at home. So, what I’d like to do is to do a group prayer together and send energies to all of our loved ones so that everyone here can be at peace within themselves, knowing that all of their loved ones are taken care of, wherever they are. I’ll say the words then after I say them, everyone repeat them after me.

Our Father/Mother/God, hallowed be thy name
Let your presence be here upon the Earth as it is in heaven
Let our presence be in heaven as it is upon the Earth
May your spirit be one with our spirits
We call upon you with great faith
And send forth love to all mankind
We know that by the power of faith the innocent are protected
And we send this power to all of our loved ones
That they will be protected from harm
That their spirits will be elevated
That the love of God will surface in their hearts
That they will sense a fullness of joy on the horizon
That we all may be comforted in one
Through the One Spirit
Aumen, Aumen, Aaauuummmen

Delivered May 24, 2002 at the Gathering in Wimberly Texas.

Copyright By J J Dewey

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