The Birth of Christ

The Birth of Christ

The Birth of Jesus

THE time was nearly due for Jesus to be born, and Mary longed to see Elizabeth, and she and Joseph turned their faces toward the Judean hills.

2 And when upon their way they came to Bethlehem the day was done, and they must tarry for the night.

3 But Bethlehem was thronged with people going to Jerusalem; the inns and homes were filled with guests, and Joseph and his wife could find no place to rest but in a cave where animals were kept; and there they slept.

4 At midnight came a cry, a child is born in yonder cave among the Beasts. And lo, the promised son of man was born.

5 And strangers took the little one and wrapped him in the dainty robes that Mary had prepared and laid him in a trough from which the Beasts of burden fed.

6 Three persons clad in snowwhite robes came in and stood before the child and said,

7 All strength, all wisdom and all love be your, Immanuel.

8 Now, on the hills of Bethehem were many flocks of sheep with shepherds guarding them.

9 The shepherds were devout, were men of prayer, and they were waiting for a strong deliverer to come.

10 And when the child of promise came, a man in snow-white robe appeared to them, and they fell back in fear. The man stood forth and said,

11 Fear not! behold I bring you joyful news. At midnight in a cave in Bethehem was born the prophet and the king that you have long been waiting for.

12 And then the shepherds all were glad; they felt that all the hills were filled with messengers of light, who said,

13 All glory be to God on high; peace, peace on earth, goodwill to men.

14 And then the shepherds came with haste to Bethlehem and to the cave, that they might see and honour him whom men had called Immanuel.

Aquarian Gospel; Chapter Three

On December 25th we celebrate the birth of Christ. While it is true that he was not born on this day it is true that this has been a sacred season for the celebration of world saviors for many thousands of years.

If Christ were present writing to us, here are the words I believe he would speak.

My Friends, I call you friends, because you seek my voice and recognize my words carried by the Spirit into your hearts. When you sense words of light and embrace them within to kindle the fires of Spirit in your heart and feel the fire that burns but never consumed – you know at that time that it is I, even I that am with you, and you are with me in the bosom of the Father/Mother God.

Any day that you seek to kindle the birth of Christ within your heart is a sacred day and honored by me and all the saviors which have gone on before me for I am in them and you are to be in Me in thought and deed for I hold your presence in the palm of my hand and embrace all within my heart who seek the inner flame of soul.

“Peace on earth goodwill to all,” are still the words on the lips of angels. Let it also be on your lips, my friends, and let it spread as the fire of a candle lighting other candles until all the hearts of humankind feel the presence of the most holy peace within, transforming the world to peace without. When you feel peace within and see peace without you will feel Me within and My presence in form will no longer be hidden from your eyes.


Comment: Trying to prove truth through the use of words is a dead end street. One must experience truth.

On the other hand, without semantics we wouldn’t even be here talking on the internet and the loss would be the sharing of truth.

Yes we learn truth through experience, but for each experience there are words to communicate the truth of that experience to a like-minded soul. The key is to seek with an honest heart to communicate truth as experienced rather than concentrating on the words themselves.

I have experienced that two apples plus two apples equal four apples and have never experienced otherwise nor do I know anyone who has ever experienced any variance to this common experiential knowledge.

Truth is simple. It is what is. When we experience what is then we know the truth whether it be 2+2=4 or the Light and Love of God Itself.

Testing the Soul

A critic seems concerned that we (or more particularly me) are using mind control tactics here in this group. He states that what I call soul contact is similar to mind control techniques the military uses.

First let me state that I think that it takes an over active imagination to come up with such a comparison.

For one thing I am sure that the military is not experimenting with using mind control solely by posting teachings on the internet. It would be difficult to control anyone by such methods. Any experiments they use involve some type of in person contact and to suggest that the military uses “soul contact” as I have taught it as a means of control is an amazing thought.

However, it is true that groups with ideologies do project a cohesive energy, but this is far removed from soul contact as I have taught it. I have stated a number of times that the standard astral group energy can be mistaken for soul energy but is far removed from it.

True soul contact begins with the individual. Such an individual with soul contact can unite with other individuals and share the soul energy within a group, but unlike regular groups capitalizing upon the herd instinct, the decision of the individual within the soul group will always come back to the individual free of all outside influences. The decision is always between the individual and his soul among true disciples.

Let me herewith issue this challenge after teaching here over the years. Where is there even one statement I have made or even one person as an accuser that can name one time that I have sought to influence the souls of men and women contrary to their free will?

As far as my handicap creating some hole allowing negative forces to control me – this idea is an outrageous insult to all who have sustained an injury. My accident that I referred to earlier involved a homemade rocket blowing up in my left hand when I was a teenager. My shoulders lungs and heart are fine.

According to your theory Franklin D. Roosevelt would have been subject to control of dark forces since he had a handicap and Hitler would have had the advantage on the side of light.

I let nothing control me but my own soul and recommend the same path for all people. Of course, none will know this is true if I merely proclaim it, but such truth can be had by all who find true soul contact for one who reaches the soul can recognize another who has.

I end with a quote from Djwhal Khul on accidents:

“When through application to meditation, and power and activity in service, a man has developed his vehicles to a point of real achievement, then his vibrations set in motion matters of a specific kind, and he learns to work with that matter, to manipulate the fluids, and to control the builders. In so doing he encroaches on the domain of those who work with the forces of involution and thus he may bring attack upon himself. This attack may be directed against any of his three vehicles and may be of different kinds. Let me briefly point out some of the methods employed against a disciple which are the ones which alone concern the student of these letters:

“{A} Definite attack on the physical body. All kinds of means are employed to hinder the usefulness of the disciple through disease or the crippling of his physical body. Not all accidents are the result of karma, for the disciple has usually surmounted a good deal of that type of karma and is thus comparatively free from that source of hindrance in active work.”

Letters on Occult Meditation, Page 131

Dec 25, 2000

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Seeking the Good

Seeking the Good

One who makes a reversal and takes the dark path is not in denial but does so motivated by selfishness and knows what he is doing. On the other hand, such a one encourages the denial in others to accomplish his objectives. He will also use denial when it suits his ends even though he knows the denial is a lie.

Those caught in the loop of denial and suppression are usually sincere people who are deceived into thinking that not facing friction and life’s problems head on is for the best at the moment. This lessens the soul energy, but the person usually turns around after enough pain if caused by this error.

A reader claimed that a focus on good creates evil.

This idea that any focus or recognition of good is through fear of evil or lack makes no sense.

If I am driving down the road the good is to drive down the road to my destination. The evil is to not steer correctly and drive off the road. As I put my attention on the good (staying on the road) I have no sense of any lack of ability to steer or anything else. I also have no fear of driving off the road because I feel competent. By keeping my attention on the good the opposite of what you say occurs. I have no sense of lack and no fear.

There is no denial on my part. I realize the possibility of driving off the road, but have no fear because of the knowledge of driving I have that allows me to avoid this possibility.

Good and evil and the dualities are not created by our thoughts but exist independently. Night and day will continue to exist whether we are here to think about them or not.

Reader Comment: “The longer the attention on good, the greater the denial of the unconscious opposite polarity (pendulum swing), the greater the fear generated.”

If this is true then why doesn’t it work out as you say in real life??? I have focused on good all my life and my fears have become less not greater. This is also the case with everyone I know who focuses on the good.

To focus on good does not mean that you deny the bad. To focus on a bullseye does not mean that you are denying that there is earth under your feet as you are shooting the good arrow.

Reader: “So long as there is judgment involved as to right and wrong, good and evil, where ever there is a conscious attention, there will always be an unconscious attention which will create the opposite of the perceived need or focus.”

I have judged what is good and evil all my life and where my point of focus is, is what has been drawn to me. Again my experience testifies to the opposite of what you say.

In fact one of the most important lessons I have learned in my life is to keep my focus on the good and the desired goal without wavering if I wish to achieve. This has also worked well for Bill Gates but in as different area than my attention dwells.

I see a thread of truth in what you are saying in the fact that many deny their fears and illusions as they seek to progress toward the good. This indeed does create many problems, but it is the denial and suppression that is the problem – not any attention one has toward the good.

A reader pointed out that the Christmas season represents the longest days of the year in the southern hemisphere and the shortest in the North.

North in the Biblical Hebrew is TSAPHON which is associated with mystery and literally means “hidden” or “occult.” This backs up the symbolism that behind the fact that the celebration of the birth of Christ is at the time of the least physical light has a hidden significance. It is like the Cliché says: “It is always darkest before the dawn.”

On the other hand, the fact that Christmas is at the time of greatest light in the South also carries much meaning as Christ came as a “light to the world.”

Translating Literally

Comment: “The Practice of handing out brightly wrapped gifts from underneath the Christmas Tree on December 25 designed to spread “Good Cheer” originated from the Northern European practice of the sharing of fluorescent red and white hallucinogenic mushrooms of the variety Amanita muscaria ..”

Very interesting; as far as words from ancient languages being translated into modern vernacular goes – many are correctly not translated literally. For instance, as you examine the passages in which TSAPHON was translated North you can see that they are indeed referring to the direction of North as opposed to South or an ancient city. But you can also see why they used the word TSAPHON for that particular direction. It means “dark” or “hidden” and the further north you go the darker it gets. Thus the ancients associated TSAPHON with North.

Many words in ancient languages are like this and it is much better to translate them with the best current word than the source word. Using source words only will often give a misleading translation.

I like the method of translation of the Concordant version of the Bible which I deem to be the most accurate for giving us the original meaning or intent of the writer. Keep in mind that many of the Biblical Hebrew words differ in meaning from modern Hebrew so finding the original intent of the writer is not an exact science.

What Concordant people do is first examine the source word. Then they examine the context of the word in all ancient passages they can find and attempt to find the word that fits the best in all the writings. When they decide upon the word, they will use that word consistently unless some type of obvious exception occurs. By using this method I have found their translation is far superior than any other I have examined.

You can find a link to the Concordant Bible HERE

A reader was arguing with me that 2+2 is not always four and presented different numbering systems and nomenclature to prove his point.

I am familiar with the binary system and in this or any other numbering system 2+2=4, but is merely written differently.

For instance if you write 2+2 =4 in Spanish this does not change the mathematics.

Let me put this challenge before you.

If you take two apples and add two additional apples you will get four apples. Let me challenge anyone to use the binary or any other system and cause any other sum to appear than four apples.

What I find interesting is that this reasoning is very simple to a child. It takes adults to complicate truth to the extent that it becomes as perplexing as counting rabbits running around in a fog.

Let me end with this question:

Two people have the same question and receive the answer through intuition yet explain it a little differently to others. What causes this different description of the truth? Did they receive two conflicting truths or was it something else?

Dec 21, 2000

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The Four Evils, Part 3

The Four Evils, Part 3

The Fourth Evil: “Spiritual wickedness in high (celestial) places.” Eph 6:12

The main word of interest here is the Greek EPOURANIOS. In the King James this is translated 16 times as “heavenly” as in heavenly Father, twice as celestial and only once as “high places” in this particular verse.

One can easily see why many translators are hesitant to render this verse as it reads as the meaning does not seem to make sense. After all, is not the place where God and celestial beings reside a perfect place where no evil can possibly exist? Why then would Paul tell us that one of our enemies is wickedness in heaven itself.

It is indeed disturbing for many to contemplate that even heaven or the higher worlds may not be perfect places. You may recall that we discussed perfection earlier and concluded that the concept is an illusion and not even taught in the Bible. The word perfection there in relation to God is mistranslated and the original word merely implies that God correctly finishes what He starts.

To have perfection you have to have a judge of what perfection is. Since we all see perfection through different eyes then there can be no perfection that will satisfy us all.

The big question is how could there be evil in the higher realms and what would that evil be? Could we recognize celestial evil if it stared us in the face?

Before we explore this topic let us make clear that the Dark Brotherhood is not a part of this celestial evil. The disciple here on the earth can clearly see that the direction of the Dark Brothers is incorrect. These entities have taken a definite stand toward selfishness and are of a low vibration. However, the inhabitants of the celestial worlds are clothed with light and filled with love. How could evil manifest in such a place?

We need to be reminded of this point to solve the mystery.

Evil does not manifest as a killer demon tearing everything in its path from limb to limb, but evil can manifest in all spheres and places. Evil means to reverse direction from progression to retrogression and a heavenly being can do this as well as a worm. If a heavenly being does this we may notice no lack of love and light from him or her from our vantage point.

Remember the analogy of Hitler’s Dog. As long as the dog gets attention and food Hitler will seem like as good of a person as Mother Teresa. Hitler’s dog had no idea of the higher conflict that was going on beyond his understanding.

Even so it is with us. We have heard that a great light who was Lucifer fell from heaven, but we have little understanding about the cause. A hint to the key to understanding evil and why death is associated with it lies in these two key words:

(1) Reversal and (2) Attention

As far as will and decision go let me add this. Will cannot exist without decision for Will is a motivating force to bring that which has been decided into existence. The first decision was “TO BE.” After this took place, Will became manifest causing us TO BECOME. The only thing within human comprehension that existed before decision was PURPOSE. This attribute is not purpose as we understand it but an underlying intelligence that is the Prime Cause of all things.

The reason that evil is associated with death and good with life is that death is generally seen as the breaking up of a form or forces because the attention of the soul has been withdrawn from it. Life is seen as good because life is caused by the flowing forth of the soul through the focused attention of the life of the soul. Life is a gathering of forms or forces around a point of decision wherein we have the power of attention focused.

A key to the great mystery I am pointing you toward is hinted at in the ancient phrase: “energy follows thought.” Perhaps it could be more accurately worded as follows:

“Energy follows thought which is held by focused attention.”

We move ahead or backward in evolution according to where we place our focused thought. Thus, the disciple is on the path of light (the good path so to speak) if his focused thought is on the true advancement of himself or his group.

On the other hand, the wayfarer is on the path of darkness and death if his focused attention is returning to lesser evolution, lesser advancement or lesser light.

Why would one place attention on becoming as one who is less evolved?

Answer: Sometimes it is pure selfishness but it usually begins as a selfish interest which is stimulated by a deception. When this occurs the deception is eventually revealed and then the pilgrim must make a definite obvious decision between the left and right hand path. The trouble with the great deception here is that by the time it is unraveled the person is so attached to his selfish interest that the turning around is very difficult.

I said that two key words to understand this mystery is “reversal” and “attention.” This reversal can happen to any being so long as there is free will. However, as we climb the ladder of spiritual progress the number of entities who turn around in their progress lessens because as we move toward greater and greater light it becomes more obvious that it is indeed wisdom to continue forward. However, after we finish one long cycle of spiritual evolution then, after a period of rest, we will begin another with temptations anew and perils unlike any encountered before.

Therefore eternal good is eternal BECOMING or eternally moving forward to greater life. Eternal evil is to cease becoming and to “to be” that which was in the past, a different thing that the being of the Eternal Presence.

So, what happens to one who reverses his movement forward?

Answer: First it must be understood that a reversal in progression does not come in a single moment or a single life, but solidifies over a fairly long period of time. As we move forward in our progress we enjoy the life of the soul flowing through us, but when we make a mistake and slip into reverse we begin to feel a great absence of soul or a vacuum where the power of life and purpose seems lacking. At this point most will sense that something is wrong and seek correction and eventually find their way back into forward motion. Only those who are very stubborn and selfish will ignore all the warning signs and place their full attention on going backwards. When one then makes a definite decision to serve self at the expense of the soul then a very significant event happens.

What is that?

At the point of definite reversal with no energy directed toward the path of evolution then there is no attention on the soul or spirit. To understand this we must realize that energy does follow thought and if there is no energy on the higher then all energy follows the line of least resistance toward the lower.

We are all composite beings made of many lesser lives and to maintain the cohesive force to keep the lower lives together to maintain the higher, attention must be focused on the higher energies of soul. Without this attention and the drawing forth of spiritual power then the forces holding the lesser lives becomes diminished until eventually the lesser lives come apart and return to their native element. This produces a death or disintegration of the person as he is.

This is comparable to a water molecule of two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen which has been together for millions of years falling apart and returning to the two separate gasses of hydrogen and oxygen – no longer having the properties of water.

So what happens to those few stubborn humans who succeed in reversing themselves on the path?

Answer: The lesser lives that make the greater begin to come apart and as they do the person begins to lose human attributes and take on the characteristics of the next kingdom down which is the animal. The strongest animal lives within him take control of the life until it falls apart. After this the animal lives revert to the vegetable and finally to the mineral and lastly to a pralaya that lasts many millions of years. The person’s evolution must then begin anew in a far future creation.

Can one higher than human make a reversal?


What would happen if a Master made a reversal?

Just as a human reverts to an animal when making a reversal even so a Master reverts to becoming human and later to the animal.

Above the Kingdom of God where dwells the Kumaras is Shamballa. A known reversal that occurred there was one who had the position of Lucifer – the Lightbringer. Because of his reversal he placed himself in danger of disintegration, or of breaking down to its component parts. This is why the scripture tells us that “he knoweth that his time is short.”

We are therefore on one of two paths:

(1) The path of Life where Spirit is increasing in power as we share greater union with an increasing number of lives.


(2) The path of death where the power of Spirit is diminishing and the lesser lives which compose us are in the process of coming apart and unraveling the greater entity.

A great life which once lived in Shamballa who has reversed himself, and yet has the knowing of a master, will have the power to deceive all but the very elect for he can duplicate all the wisdom, the power and even the concern for humanity a Master may appear to have.

The problem with humans discerning evil among the greater lives is that what is backwards in evolution for them appears far ahead for us. Their evil is our good. Take again the example of Hitler’s dog. The discipline that a Hitler will give his dog may be just what he needs for his progress. The dog cannot see the greater picture affecting the whole.

Because some greater reversed lives can appear good throws emphasis on our maintaining soul contact for it is only through bypassing authority with all life but the soul and spirit can we safely travel the path forward and not be deceived.

I will be touching on this subject from time to time.

Dec 20, 2000

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The Four Evils, Part 2

The Four Evils, Part 2

Perhaps we seekers have a kinder and gentler view of evil than the many hard liners, but as humanity as well as the Masters define the term, both good and evil exist.

Now let us move on to Paul’s third evil that can pull the disciple backwards in his evolution and service.

(3) Rulers of the darkness of this world.

It is always helpful to example Biblical phrases in the ancient languages.

Rulers comes from KOSMOKRATOR. This Greek word is derived from two other words. The first is KOSMOS which is often translated as world, but more closely corresponds to what we currently call “the system.” It literally means the “current arrangement of things.” The second word is KRATEO which basically means “to seize with power.

The word “rulers” is a bare bones translation that does not give the full implication.

A more correct translation would read: “Those who seize power and control the way things are.” “The power brokers within the system” could be another rendering.

Darkness comes from SKOTOS which can indeed mean darkness, but also can be translated as “shadow” or “obscurity.”

“World” is mistranslated from AION which means “an age.” The English word eon comes from this.

Taking this into consideration let us give a more accurate wording of the verse. Instead of reading:

“Rulers of the darkness of this world,” it could more accurately read:

“Those who size seize the power of this age and work in the shadows.”

So who are these people that send out a frustrating negative force to the workers of light?

In our age some would call these power brokers “the conspiracy.”

Even though there is no unified agreement on how sinister, powerful or unified the conspiracy is, there is one thing most will agree upon and that is that there are definitely people of selfish intent working behind the scenes pulling strings to manipulate events toward their own ends to the detriment of the whole.

It does seem that every time a good work or a good worker comes forward to change the world for the better that some power comes out of the shadows to do everything in its power to stop them. In our time John and Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King were mysteriously killed just when they were in the midst of progress.

Organizations who seek to change things for the better are often hit with law suits, tax audits and mysterious threats.

Disciples therefore must be aware that he or she not only have outward authorities of position and glamour to deal with but also invisible power brokers behind the scenes who may be impossible to identify without revelation.

Reader Comment:

“There is no Sanskrit word for which the direct transliteration into the English language is Evil. Therefore, the translation of the Buddha teachings you quoted is misleading.”

Unfortunately, I do not have the original Sanskrit available to check this out, but I will give you this. The concept of the religious ones today toward the word evil and numerous other Biblical words is quite a bit different from the original use thousands of ears ago. I’m sure this is also true of Buddha’s words.

Even so, when you examine the teachings of Buddha it becomes quite obvious that he often spoke of the dualities of good and evil quite consistent with the other world teachers. All the translations I have seen of Buddha’s teachings have him speaking of both good and evil with about the same fervor as the early Christians. Perhaps Buddha did not see evil in the same light as a fire and brimstone preacher, but it was still the most equivalent word that these experts in the language were able to find.

The quotes I posted the other day had numerous references to the concept and these were translated by Dr. Harischandra Kaviratna for the Theosophical Society.

This was in the introduction:

“Dr. Kaviratna, a native of Sri Lanka, is equally versed in Sinhalese, Pali, and Sanskrit, and since youth has been a dedicated researcher into the esoteric implications behind the Vedas, Vedanta, and Buddhist canonical and noncanonical literatures of both Northern and Southern Schools.

This quote from his translation gives a pretty standard view of good and evil:

“Make haste in doing good and restrain the mind from evil; if one is slow in doing good, the mind finds delight in evil.”

But here is one I find quite interesting:

“ It is quite easy to perform evil deeds which are not beneficial to oneself. But it is extremely difficult to perform a deed which is righteous and beneficial.

“If an evil-minded one, by reason of his false views, reviles the teaching of the Arhats, the Noble Ones, and the virtuous, verily he brings forth the fruit of his own destruction, even as does the katthaka reed.”

The interesting thing is that Buddha talks of evil here as a negativity which can bring “destruction” This is a very close harmony with RA, the biblical Hebrew word for evil which means “to break into pieces,” or to destroy.

Another translator, Paul Carus, used the word evil regularly in translating his words. Here is an example:

Avoiding the Ten Evils

The Buddha said:

“All acts of living creatures become bad by ten things, and by avoiding the ten things they become good.

There are three evils of the body, four evils of the tongue, and three evils of the mind.

[1] “The evils of the body are, murder, theft, and adultery; of the tongue, lying, slander, abuse, and idle talk;

of the mind, covetousness, hatred, and error.

[2] “I exhort you to avoid the ten evils: [3] “(1) Kill not, but have regard for life.

[4] “(2) Steal not, neither do ye rob; but help everybody to be master of the fruits of his labour.

[5] “(3) Abstain from impurity, and lead a life of chastity.

[6] “(4) Lie not, but be truthful. Speak the truth with discretion, fearlessly and in a loving heart.

[7] “(5) Invent not evil reports, neither do ye repeat them. Carp not, but look for the good sides of your fellowbeings, so that ye may with sincerity defend them against their enemies.

[8] “(6) Swear not, but speak decently and with dignity.

[9] “(7) Waste not the time with gossip, but speak to the purpose or keep silence. [10] “(8) Covet not, nor envy, but rejoice at the fortunes of other people.

[11] “(9) Cleanse your heart of malice and cherish no hatred, not even against your enemies; but embrace all living beings with kindness.

[12] “(10) Free your mind of ignorance

and be anxious to learn the truth, especially in the one thing that is needful, lest you fall a prey either to skepticism or to errors. Skepticism will make you indifferent and errors will lead you astray, so that you shall not find the noble path that leads to life eternal.”

Now it may be true that the original Sanskrit word may have a deeper meaning than the modern English – evil – but the opposite of that which is good is certainly implied by the context.

Dec 18, 2000

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Christmas Message 2019

This entry is part 24 of 28 in the series Christmas Messages

Christmas Message 2019

The Master sat in the great council and spoke. “What think ye of humankind – have they made any progress in the last year? How many have found the pure Christ presence within the core of their being? Is goodwill finally beginning to permeate the hearts of mankind?

One spoke up, “As you know the planet is suffering through turbulent times with great discord. The prophecy of goodwill and peace on earth seems to be far distant; whereas your prediction of brother against brother seems to be dominating.”

“Yes, the tension has been building for some time but this is a necessary step the sons and daughters must take to open their eyes and see the new world. You, my friends, have been searching for the pure in heart. Are there enough to swing the balance to peace and goodwill?”

Another spoke, “There has been an increase of both love and hate. Unfortunately, hate has been much more visible than love though love is increasing and flows powerfully beneath the surface of what is visible to the masses.”

I will go check the pulse of the people this Christmas season when their thoughts are more giving than usual.

The Master looked down upon the world and saw many points of dark and light in the hearts of the people. He decided to visit one in darkness first.

He observed a young man watching a political discussion on the television. He agreed with one commentator and hated the other. “Why can’t that stupid jerk see how wrong he is?” he asked himself And why can’t my parents see the truth? “Why are they on the side of hate?” he thought as he nurtured his own hateful thoughts.

Then the phone rang. It was his father wishing him a Merry Christmas. Then he grudgingly sent back greetings, but the father could feel a lack of love in his voice and ended the call with, “I love you son.” He then handed the phone to his wife and she also expressed her love as only a mother can.

His heart had been so disturbed by his political differences that he had difficulty returning the love, but at that instant the Master looked at the energies of his heart and saw dark clouds hiding the love that abides in the center. His thoughts penetrated that darkness and reached the core of his being.

His heart was touched and a stream of memories flooded his mind with all the loving acts his parents had done for him over the years. As his mind and heart returned to capture the feeling of those happy times he started to weep.

His mother was concerned and asked if anything was wrong.

“Why can’t things be the way they used to be where we loved each other and agreed on things?”

“Our love for you is greater than politics,” said his mother. We can have more love, not less, if we just look at the best in each other.”

Thanks Mom. Our political differences have made me feel distant lately but I just had a surge of good memories come back that reminded me of what great parents you are. I love you both and this time I really mean it.”

The master was pleased that this young man could he reached and moved on.

Next, he observed a young lady who was obsessed with social media. She had little physical contact because of the large amount of time online and this caused her much distress. She observed all the happy pictures posted by others and felt that everyone seemed to be having a better time than herself. Then when she did post anything that wasn’t positive she felt others reacted with bullying comments. This created a vicious circle of attack from both sides.

Her negativity had progressed beyond the point of reason and she was thinking of taking a bottle of pills and ending her grief.

The Master tuned into her thoughts and the heart of her sister who was in a positive state and linked the two hearts. The older sister then thought of the younger and felt a cry for help. She made a call, wished her a Merry Christmas and shared her love. She then reminded her of the good times they had when younger and these pleasant thoughts revived her spirit and she decided to embrace life again, feeling that life would get better.

The Master then raised his consciousness to embrace the earth and viewed all the hate and love, the positive and negative, the good and the bad. He saw the homeless and the destitute, the rich and the prosperous. He saw many sacrificing themselves to help others yet many holding back thinking only of themselves. He saw many consumed with rage and hate and others filled with love.

As he raised his consciousness further he saw many points of darkness, but they were gradually being pushed back by points of light coming from loving hearts. Indeed the darkness seemed overwhelming, but it had reached the height of its power.

The Master sat again before the council and spoke: “The point of tension is great indeed, but the hearts of all but the most hardened of souls can still be reached with love. The spirit of light and love is increasing and will not be extinguished. Let us continue to encourage humankind to take the better path and we will assess them again in the year to come. The will of the Most High will surely come to pass, but because of free will the only unknown factor is the time involved.

“What shall be the keynote of our focus?” was asked.

“We need to remind those imprisoned by negativity to look back on their lives as did the two souls I visited, and review the pleasant memories where love was shared. This will nourish the love of Christ that is eternally at the core of their being and cause it to manifest anew.”

“May it be so,” said the group as one voice.

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Good and Evil Examined

Good and Evil Examined

It is indeed true that all teachers will have this EXOUSIA authority (authority given freely to authorities) granted to them. This was true for Jesus as well as false prophets such as Jim Jones. There is nothing the teacher can do to stop this from happening with that certain percentage of students that will not check with their own souls.

The question for the sincere teacher, who is not seeking power over others, is what shall he do then? Shall he cease from teaching at all?

On the contrary, Jesus spoke just the opposite in his advice to Peter when he said: “Feed my sheep.”

The sheep are those who will follow a teacher.

The false teacher will seek to be fed by the sheep.

The true teacher will seek to feed the sheep.

Notice that Jesus repeated this instruction to Peter three times and by the third time Peter answered with irritation that the Master seemed to think him so dense.

By feeding the sheep with true knowledge and service these students will be quickened in their progress so they will be better prepared for the great test when they meet their Busiris who seeks to bind them with his power over them.

Keep checking with your souls, and when the link, called in the east the antahkarana, is created, then the seeker graduates from a sheep to a disciple to a shepherd.

Note the words of Jesus:

“I am the good shepherd.”

There are small number of good shepherds and then there are the not-so-good ones. The beginning sheep find good or bad shepherds by accident. The more progressed ones recognize the good shepherds through the voice of the soul.

“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiosity.” Albert Einstein

Light on Illusion

A reader commented that she did not believe in evil and that even Hitler was part of the divine plan producing ultimate good.

Let me repeat here what I said about evil in part one:

“It is important here that when we define evil that we do not envision demons dripping slime, for such a thought distracts from real understanding of the principle. An evil force is that which keeps us from moving forward in our evolution. In other words, evil pulls us backward and good pushes us forward.”

It sounds like the reader is thinking of the old time religious definition but if one thinks of good and evil the way we define it here, which is also in alignment with the ancient wisdom, then evil as well as good does indeed exist.

As far as the Bible goes “evil” comes from the Hebrew RA which is derived from RA’A which means “to break into pieces”

This also agrees with the ancient wisdom. That which takes creation or evolution in reverse indeed breaks things to pieces or destroys that which has been built.

I have made numerous postings about the contention that Hitler was neither good nor bad, but let me just add this.

If we define evil as a force which pulls us backward, or a destroying energy, then Hitler indeed was evil. The only good that came out of World War II were the lessons we learned because the forces of good were triumphant. If the forces of good did not gather and defeat this arch enemy then the good that seemed to come out of World War II would not have been. Instead, the Third Reich would have reigned supreme for 1000 years, as Hitler predicted, and you and I would not be writing these type of thoughts upon a free Internet.

In a past age, in the days of Atlantis, the ending was a different story. Hitler was the leader of the Lords of Dark Face and his dark forces won the great war against the forces of light. This lead to the total destruction of that great continent.

The interplay of good and evil does eventually result in the outcome of what is called the “dominating good,” but in between there can be much unnecessary evil, pain and suffering because we did not use our free will to bring the dominating good.

To say that there is no evil is to say that a creation cannot be destroyed. To say there is no evil is to say that there is no friction. To say there is no evil is to say that all progress is smooth with no hindrances ever showing up. To say there is no evil is to say that we are not living in a world of dualities, that there is no day or night, no form or space, no feeling or thought.

While this may be true in some ultimate reality that we cannot understand or experience, such a belief is a hindrance to progress in this one.

The basic idea of Hitler not being evil goes something like this:

Even the bad guys are good guys. God is perfect so everything that happens in the universe is a perfect occurrence in alignment with the will of God. Therefore Judas did not do a bad thing in betraying his master because even this was a perfect happening. Judas agreed to this and because of this he was just as good of a guy as Jesus was.

The Christians needed to be thrown to the lions and crucified so Nero came to the earth as a good guy in disguise and just played the role as a bad guy. In reality he was neither good nor evil, but just an actor on a stage.

The Jews needed to be tortured and killed so perhaps Hitler was the best guy of all because be volunteered for the most disgusting mission. He played the role of the evil dictator so we could learn some lessons.

Many people are accepting this doctrine in this age, but let me present to you the idea that this is one of the most deceptive and harmful teachings to come down the pike for some time.


Because if one accepts this belief then cause and effect and karma are nullified. This means that it does not matter what you do. If you want to beat your wife that is OK because every bruise you put on her face is part of the divine will and somebody has to do it so it might as well be you.

If you fail in an endeavor then that is part of divine will since all events are part of the perfect will. Maybe you should just give up and not try because it may be a part of the plan that you are a failure. Thus you turn into a alcoholic so you give everyone else the chance to see what such a life is like and give them the opportunity become enablers.

As far as I can discover this teaching was not taught by the ancients and has never been a part of the ancient wisdom. The first I have seen of it was in Betty Eadie’s book “Embraced by the Light.”

She went through a near death experience and supposedly went to heaven where she was told that all people go there, even Hitler. Hitler, she was told, was as good as anyone else and merely agreed to his nasty mission, but in heaven he is a clean as the driven snow.

In the future we will talk about the afterlife in greater detail, but I will say this, that what ms. Eadie experienced was certainly real to her, but it was not a true reality and the Jesus she walked and talked with was not the real Jesus. She experienced a taste of the astral world full of dream fulfillment. This was a taste of a world created for her by her desire nature which would feed her spiritually and prepare her for lessons in a future life.

The astral world is full of illusion, but also a heaven of sorts and to rise above this illusion one must see through illusion after illusion until the celestial devachan is reached and finally Nirvana as taught by the Buddha. When this is reached the seeker finally sees reality as it is.

This teaching by Eadie was also incorporated by Walsh in his series Conversations with God and between these two books this illusionary concept has received wide circulation and acceptance.

Is Hitler in heaven then?


Where is he?

After you die your consciousness can only rise in vibration, or light, to the light of consciousness you have achieved on the earth. In between lives your essence goes in a circle from the earth to the astral zone and back up to the celestial spheres and then back to the earth again. When this essence rises above that which is your level of consciousness then you go to sleep and dream of heaven or hell. Most harmful or evil people quickly pass their level of consciousness and sleep to their higher nature where they are out of harm’s way until they are born again. They will awaken in the consciousness of their soul which does see on a higher level than the personality, but Hitler’s Higher Self is not Hitler. Hitler is a failed and distorted reflection of soul.

Thus the entity we know as Hitler will not enter heaven as Hitler, for then there would be no such thing as paradise. Hitler’s personality and essence is imprinted and stored in the consciousness of his higher self for due reflection.

The higher parts of ourselves are indeed always in heaven, but the consciousness of the lower personality cannot go there until the proper lessons are learned, karma is worked out and it learns to be one with the Higher Self

A reader maintained that even pain is the result of a choice leading to an ultimate good. Yes, both good and evil serve as part of divine purpose. However, pain comes as a result of choice. It is rarely what we consciously choose, however. When’s the last time you heard of someone scalding himself on purpose with hot water? Such pain was a result of bad choice – not what the guy consciously chose. This should be self evident.

I would submit that pain and suffering is not something that “just is.” If you make the right decision you often avoid pain and if it “just is” then it could not be avoided. On the other hand the principle of good and evil “just is” for there is nothing we can do to make them go away from this reality.

Question: Do Buddhists believe in evil? I am thinking I may be more Buddhist in my thinking.

All the ancient scriptures from all faiths have been very consistent on the teaching of good and evil. Buddha’s teachings were very much in harmony with the Bible on this subject. All of the writings of the Ancient Wisdom also teach the principle of good and evil. It is only recently that I have seen this idea of there being no evil surfacing.

Here are some quotes from the teachings of Buddha in The Dhammapada:

  1. The sinner laments here, laments hereafter, and he laments in both worlds. Having seen himself sullied by his sinful deeds, the evildoer grieves and is afflicted.
  2. The doer of wholesome deeds rejoices here and rejoices hereafter; thus he rejoices in both places. Having beheld his pure deeds he rejoices exceedingly.
  3. He repents here, repents hereafter, the evildoer repents in both worlds. “Evil has been committed by me,” thinking thus he repents. Having taken the path of evil he repents even more.
  4. He rejoices here, he rejoices hereafter, the doer of wholesome deeds rejoices in both worlds. “Good has been committed by me,” thinking thus he rejoices. Having taken the celestial path, he rejoices exceedingly.
  5. Recognizing this corporeal body to be evanescent as foam, comprehending this worldly nature as a mirage, and having broken the flower-arrows of Cupid (Mara), the true aspirant will go beyond the realm of the Evil One.
  6. The hedonist who seeks only the blossoms of sensual delights, who indulges only in such pleasures, him the Evil One carries off, as a flood carries off the inhabitants of a sleeping village.
  7. The hedonist who seeks only the blossoms of sensual delights, whose mind is agitated, him the Evil One (Mara) brings under his sway even before his carnal desires are satiated.
  8. So long as an evil deed does not mature (bring disastrous results), the fool thinks his deed to be sweet as honey. But, when his evil deed matures, he falls into untold misery.
  9. Though a fool (practicing austerity) may eat his food from the tip of a blade of kusa grass for months and months, he is not worth one-sixteenth part of those who have realized the Good Law.
  10. As fresh-drawn milk from the cow does not soon curdle, so an evil deed does not produce immediate fruits. It follows the wrongdoer like a smoldering spark that burns throughout and then suddenly blazes up.
  11. Make haste in doing good and restrain the mind from evil; if one is slow in doing good, the mind finds delight in evil.
  12. Do not think lightly of evil, saying, “It will not come to me.” By the constant fall of waterdrops, a pitcher is filled; likewise the unwise person, accumulating evil little by little, becomes full of evil.
  13. As a merchant who has limited escort, yet carries much wealth, avoids a perilous road, as a man who is desirous of living long avoids poison, so in the same way should the wise shun evil.
  14. It is quite easy to perform evil deeds which are not beneficial to oneself. But it is extremely difficult to perform a deed which is righteous and beneficial.
  15. If an evil-minded one, by reason of his false views, reviles the teaching of the Arhats, the Noble Ones, and the virtuous, verily he brings forth the fruit of his own destruction, even as does the katthaka reed.

I think some just have a different definition of evil and want to focus on the positive. This is good, but when we see evil as a form of error I think we must admit that we all make mistakes now and then so good and evil in this context certainly does exist.

Dec 17, 2000

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The Four Evils, Part 1

The Four Evils, Part 1

We have had some thought provoking answers on the four categories of evil from members. I will comment more on them later, but first I want you to contemplate a great mystery lying before us in the fourth category concerning spiritual wickedness in celestial places.

We tend to think that when we progress out of the human kingdom to the kingdom of God that the only way to go is up, but is this really the case?

Do we not have the story of Lucifer falling from heaven? Is it possible that even a Master or a Logos could turn to evil? If he did, how would that evil manifest?

Do we ever lose free will?

Keep in mind that we are not using evil in the typical context of the religious zealots, but as a principle.

We assume that both Hitler and Churchill treated their dogs reasonably well and the pets of both men were quite contented.

Did either dog question the integrity of their masters? Were either able to see any evil in the kingdom above them?

Now use the law of correspondences and apply this to the human kingdom as it relates to the Kingdom of God. Is it possible that “spiritual wickedness in high (celestial) places” may appear to be good from our perspective?

The Question:: There is a basic four square of evil as mentioned in Eph 6:11-12 which the disciples of light must deal with.

They are:

(1) Principalities or sovereignties.

(2) Powers or authorities

(3) Rulers of the darkness of this world

(4) Spiritual wickedness in high (celestial) places.”

Who or what are these four categories of evil? Why are they evil and what can we do to overcome them?

What could be the evil in the celestial realms?

Before I begin let us reiterate the definition of evil. It is important here that when we define evil that we do not envision demons dripping slime, for such a thought distracts from real understanding of the principle. An evil force is that which keeps us from moving forward in our evolution. In other words, evil pulls us backward and good pushes us forward.

The first evil: “Principalities or sovereignties.” What are these and why does Paul call them evil?

The first evil translated as “principalities” in the King James comes from the Greek ARCHE. The “arch” part of archangel comes from this word. When this word is used in connection to a person or institution it implies that this person or organization has the highest possible authority. For instance the Supreme Court of the United States is the ARCHE court in the land. The Vatican is the ARCHE organization of the Catholic Church and the Pope is the ARCHE guy. The American Medical Association is the ARCHE group regulating medicine and so on.

The Principalities (ARCHE) then are authorities set in place in all the institutions and organizations throughout the earth. We all have little or no choice about their positioning.

In their present state of organization do any of them aid us in moving forward in our spiritual progression?


Do they hinder progression?


For instance, when is the last time you heard new light and truth revealed by the Vatican or any other ARCHE religious organization?

Is the American Medical Association avant guard in promoting a cure for cancer or do they resist the real cures?

Thus we establish that the first evil the workers in the light must overcome are the established authorities set rigidly in place upon the earth.

The second evil is translated in the King James as “powers.” This comes from the Greek EXOUSIA and is sometimes translated as “authority,” “power,” “privilege” or “mastery.”

This second evil also represents authority over our lives, but is a totally different authority from the first. The ARCHE authorities have power over the populace whether we will it or not. They are just there and there is not much we can do about it. However, this second authority (EXOUSIA) is one that we accept of our own free will. The EXOUSIA are those who we call our heroes, idols, celebrities, experts and teachers who we willingly embrace merely because we adore them and put them on a pedestal. While we cannot do much about who is appointed to the Supreme Court, and their effect on us, we do have full power as to who we pick to give our power and allegiance to.

Who are some of the EXOUSIA in this day and age? They are our movie stars, sports figures, our favorite writers, directors, television personalities, talk show hosts, and cult leaders.

There are some who are ARCHE as well as EXOUSIA authorities. Take Bill Clinton (written Dec 2000), for example. He can make a decree that affects us such as tying up clean burning coal reserves in Utah and there is nothing we can do about this effect. On the other hand, many give him their power because they adore him and are willing to subject themselves to his every whim through their own free will. Barbara Streisand, for instance, will jump at his EXOUSIA authority but to some here in the group Clinton has no such authority.

Why does Paul call these celebrity type authorities evil?

Answer: He was not referring to the individual entities involved as some of them use their influence for good, but because this type of authority comes from glamour and illusion and it is rarely reliable. The receiver believes the authority because he is famous or adored by millions and often does not think out the matter for himself.

Because of the power of EXOUSIA most manufacturers seek out celebrities to endorse their products. The illusionary authority of the famous ones has been proven to influence millions, even though they may not use the product or have any knowledge of it.

Celebrities, as a whole, operate in the world of illusion and glamour and act as a fog which hides the light rather than direct the hearts and minds of the masses toward the light.

When a true light does step forward do the celebrities recognize the good and endorse it? You see lots of celebrities claiming to be for the environment, but have you seen even one of them risking anything to promote or finance a clean burning engine?

Rarely do you see them promote anything that they are not paid big bucks to promote.

While it is true that you and I have the free will to reject the endorsements of celebrities it is also true that they affect the thoughts and desires of millions of people and these millions have a mass effect that reaches us all and often causes great resistance to true spiritual work.

For instance, if someone at Oscar time were to make a wise crack about a struggling disciple this one simple statement may have the power to bury a work of service forever.

It is the destiny of business to evolve and become a great force of light to bring in the New Age, yet what does Hollywood do? In movie after movie the arch villain is a business person. The number of bad guys in the movies who are business people is a hundred times out of proportion to reality. When has a business person ever tried to take over the world or blow up the World Trade Center? Never. But when has a politician tried to do so? A number of times as far as taking over the world and they regularly attempt to blow things up through unnecessary war or intrigue.

Before the disciple finds his true path he will be captured by this illusionary authority of EXOUSIA which will be an “evil” force to tempt him to go backwards in his progression.

Overcoming this authority is well illustrated in the story of the third labor of Hercules as related by Alice A. Bailey, especially in the account of the false teacher Busiris.

The Gathering the Golden Apples of the Hesperides (Gemini, May 21st – June 20th)

The great Presiding One, within the Council Chamber of the Lord, had watched the labors of the son of man who is a son of God. He and the Teacher saw the third great Gate, opening before the son of man, revealing a new chance to tread the Way. They noted how the laborer arose and prepared to enter on his task. “Send out the word to guard the sacred tree. Let Hercules unfold the power to search without discouragement, deception or too great a speed. Let perseverance now be called upon. He has done well so far.” And thus the word went forth.

Far in a distant country grew the sacred tree, the tree of wisdom, and on it grew the golden apples of the Hesperides. The fame of these sweet fruits had gone to distant lands, and all the sons of men who knew themselves to be likewise the sons of God desired them. Hercules, too, knew of these fruits, and when the word went forth to seek for them he sought the Teacher, asking Him the way to go and find the sacred tree and pick the apples.

“Tell me the way, O Teacher of my soul. I seek the apples and I need them quickly for my use. Show me the quickest way and I will go!”

“Not so, my son”, replied the Teacher, “the way is long. Two things alone I will confide to you, and then it is for you to prove the truth of what I say. Remember that the sacred tree is guarded well. Three maidens fair cherish the tree, protecting well its fruit. A dragon with one hundred heads protects the maidens and the tree. Guard thyself well from strength too great for thee, from wiles too subtle for thy comprehension. Watch well. The second thing that I would say to thee is that thy search will carry thee where five great tests will meet thee on the Way. Each will afford thee scope for wisdom, understanding, skill and opportunity. Watch well. I fear, my son, that you will fail to recognize these points upon the Way. But time alone will show; God speed thee in thy search.”

With confidence, because success nor failure held for him a claim, Hercules went forth upon the Way, sure of himself, his wisdom and his strength. Through the third Gate he passed, going due north. Throughout the land he passed, seeking the sacred tree, but found it not. All men he met he questioned, but none could guide him on his way; none knew the place. Time passed, yet still he sought, wandering from place to place and returning oft upon his steps to the third Gate. Sad and discouraged, still he sought on every hand.

The Teacher, watching from afar, sent Nereus to see if he could aid. Time and again he came, in varying form and with differing words of truth, but Hercules responded not, nor knew him for the messenger he was. Skilled though he was in speech and wise with the deep wisdom of a son of God, Nereus failed, for Hercules was blind. He did not recognize the help so subtly proffered. Returned at length with sadness to the Teacher, Nereus spoke of failure.

“The first of the five lesser tests is passed,” replied the Teacher, and failure marks this stage. Let Hercules proceed.”

Finding no sacred tree upon the northern way, Hercules turned towards the south and in the place of darkness continued with his search. At first he dreamed of quick success, but Antaeus, the serpent, met him on that way and wrestled with him, overcoming him at every point.

“He guards the tree,” said Hercules, “this I was told, so near him must be the tree. I must break down his guard and, thus destroying him, break down and pluck the fruit.” Yet, wrestling with much strength, he conquered not.

“Where lies my fault?” said Hercules. “Why can Antaeus conquer me? E’en when an infant I destroyed a serpent in my cot. With my own hands I strangled it. Why fail I now?”

Wrestling again with all his might, he grasped the serpent with both hands, lifting it high in air, away from off the ground. And lo! the deed was done: Antaeus, vanquished, spoke:

“I come again in different guise at the eighth Gate. Prepare again to wrestle.”

The Teacher, gazing from afar, saw all that happened, and to the great Presiding One who sits within the Council Chamber of the Lord he spoke, reporting on the deed.

“The second test is passed. The danger is surmounted. Success at this point marks his way.”

And the great Presiding One replied: “Let him proceed.”

Happy and confident, Hercules went on, sure of himself and with new courage for the search. Now to the west he turned himself and, turning thus, he met disaster. He entered without thought upon the third great test and failure met him and for long delayed his steps.

For there he met Busiris, the great arch-deceiver, son of the waters, of close kin to Poseidon. His is the work to bring delusion to the sons of men through words of seeming wisdom. He claims to know the truth and with quickness they believe. He speaks fair words saying:

“I am the teacher. To me is given knowledge of the truth and sacrifice for me. Accept the way of life through me. I know, but no-one else. My truth is right. All other truth is wrong and false. Hark to my words; stay with me and be saved.”

And Hercules obeyed, and daily weakened on the early way (third test) seeking no further for the sacred tree. His strength was sapped. He loved, adored Busiris, and accepted all he said. Weaker from day to day he grew, until there came a day when his loved teacher bound him to an altar and kept him bound throughout a year.

Suddenly one day, when struggling to be free, and slowly seeing Busiris for what he was, words spoken long ago by Nereus came to his mind:

“Truth lies within yourself. There is a higher power and strength and wisdom in yourself. Turn inwards and there evoke the strength which is, the power which is the heritage of all the sons of men who are the sons of God.”

Silent lie lay a prisoner on the altar, bound to its corners four for one whole year. Then, with the strength which is the strength of all the sons of God, he broke his bonds, seized the false teacher (who had seemed so wise) and bound him to the altar in his place. He spoke no word, but left him there to learn.

The watching Teacher, from afar, noted the moment of release, and turning to Nereus said: “The third great test is passed. You taught him how to meet it and in due time he profited. Let him go forward on the Way and learn the secret of success.

Chastened, yet full of questioning relief, Hercules continued with his search and wandered far. The year, spent prone upon the altar, had taught him much. He went with greater wisdom on his way.

Suddenly, he halted in his steps. A cry of deep distress smote on his ear. Some vultures circling o’er a distant rock caught his attention; then again the cry broke forth. Should he proceed upon his way, or should he seek the one who seemed in need and thus retard his steps? He pondered on the problem of delay; a year had now been lost; he felt the need for haste. Again a cry broke forth and Hercules, with rapid steps, sped to his brother’s help. He found Prometheus chained upon a rock, suffering dire agonies of pain, caused by the vultures plucking at his liver, thus slowly killing him. He broke the binding chain and freed Prometheus, chasing the vultures to their distant lair, and tending the sick man until he had recovered from his wounds. Then, with much loss of time, he again started to make his way.

The Teacher, watching from afar, spoke to his seeking pupil these clear words, the first words spoken to him since he entered on his search:

“The fourth stage on the way unto the sacred tree is passed. There has been no delay. The rule upon the chosen Path which hastens all success is, ‘Learn to serve’.”

The Presiding One, within the Council Chamber of the Lord, remarked:

“He has done well. Continue with the tests.”

Upon all ways the search went on, and north and south and east and west, the sacred tree was sought, but was not found. There came a day when, worn with fear and travelling, he heard a rumor from a passing pilgrim on the way that, near a distant mountain, the tree was to be found, the first true statement given him as yet. Therefore he turned his feet to the high mountains of the east and, on a bright and sunny day, he saw the object of his search and hastened then his steps.

“Now I shall touch the sacred tree,” he shouted in his joy, “surmount the guarding dragon; see the fair maidens of wide fame; and pluck the apples.”

But again, he was arrested by a sense of deep distress. Atlas confronted him, staggering ‘neath the load of worlds upon his back. His face was lined with suffering; his limbs were bowed with pain; his eyes were closed with agony; he asked no help; he saw not Hercules but stood bowed down with pain, with the weight of worlds. Hercules. trembling, watched and gauged the measure of the load and pain. He forgot about his search. The sacred tree and apples faded from mind; he only sought to aid the giant and that without delay; forward he rushed and eagerly removed the load, lifting it off the shoulders of his brother onto his own back, shouldering the burden of the worlds himself. He closed his eyes, bracing himself with effort, and lo! the load rolled off, and he stood free, and likewise Atlas.

Before him stood the giant and in his hand he held the golden apples, offering them, with love, to Hercules. The search was o’er.

The sisters three held still more golden apples, and pressed them likewise into his hands, and Aegle, that fair maid who is the glory of the setting sun, said unto him, placing an apple in his hand,

“The Way to us is always marked by service. Deeds of love are signposts on the Way.” Then Erytheia, who keeps the gate which all must pass before they stand alone before the great Presiding One, gave him an apple and upon its side, inscribed in light, was writ the golden word of Service. “Remember this,” she said, “forget it not.”

And lastly Hesperis came, the wonder of the evening star, and said to him with clarity and love, “Go forth and serve, and tread the way, from henceforth and for aye, of all world servers.”

“Then I give back these apples for those who follow on,” said Hercules, and returned from whence he came.

Before the Teacher then he stood and rendered due account of all that had transpired. To him the Teacher gave the word of cheer and then with pointing finger indicated the fourth Gate and said to him:

“Pass through that Gate. Capture the doe and enter once again the Holy Place.”

End of Part I

Dec 14, 2000

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The New World War

The New World War

I have encouraged readers to focus on the principles which will assist in bringing in the new age of peace. Unfortunately many of the aspects of the new age will be much different than what has been taught.

The Trinity of key words representative of the New Age will be Service-Responsibility and Freedom. These three principles can only operate on maximum efficiency through the plane of the mind.

As we leave Pisces – the most emotional of all the signs, we enter into Aquarius an air sign – a symbol of the mind.. Many there are who, instead of working to advance humanity into mind, seek to take them deeper into emotional polarization which takes people back into the past just as much as a fire and brimstone preacher does.

As far as America goes there are four great wars to assist her emergence into the new age – and other countries, and the world as a whole, has its correspondences here.

(1) The Revolutionary War. This freed up a nation from the emotional dependence on a strong authority to reliance of mentally created laws that restrict government to allow a great release of freedom.

(2) The Civil War. In many ways this was a war between those who saw beyond slavery with the mind and those who were emotionally attached to tradition and beliefs of the past which included the acceptance of slavery.

(3) World Wars I and II This affected the world and the triumph of the Allies did much to defeat emotional based thinking and restrictions, and bring the cold clear light of the mind on the principle of good and evil.

(4) The Current World War.

What current world war?

Yes, my friends there is a great war being fought which is perhaps the greatest struggle of all, but instead of being fought out on the physical plane it is being fought out in the astral and mental planes. The current struggle between Bush and Gore for the presidency is very illustrative of emotional technique verses mental.

In almost every case, one of the Trinity of Principles of Service-Responsibility and Freedom are at stake. Often all three are on the table.

The Question: Where are other battles being fought out between emotion and mind?

The trouble is that the battles going on are of a very subtle nature and can only be discerned by the mind and understood (another matter) through soul contact.

Some have just talked about gun rights, a normally conservative issue, but do not assume that conservatives have a lock on the mind for they lose the war in other areas.

For instance, many conservatives only look at abortion from an emotional level without bringing in thought and reasoning in the matter.

As far as political thought goes I would again say that the Libertarians are the most mental in their outlook for their whole philosophy reflects the Principle of Freedom. Their only fault is that they are too dogmatic to compromise and hence get less than 1% of the vote nationwide. To reach the people one must start where the people are and then move them to a higher reality. If one moves too far a distance from the mainstream he will lose the support of the people even if he is 100% correct.

A prime area where this battle between the emotions and the mind is being fought is between those who are black and white in their interpretations of philosophy and religious thought, and those who see shades of gray and points of truth between the two extremes.

Now let us examine the nuclear issue. Nuclear weapons pose the threat of exterminating all life on the earth which would eliminate the most basic freedom of human life which is the “right to life.”

In this case laws restricting nuclear weapons for the whole of the planet would enhance the Principle of Freedom.

Concerning the issue of slavery it should be obvious that the ownership of slaves would reduce the freedom of the whole.

It is an interesting fact though that this has not always been obvious.

During the Civil War here in the United States those who fought to keep slaves did so in the name of freedom as did those who fought against slavery. Many slave owners in the South believed that the Blacks did not have souls and thus keeping them in slavery was not much different than keeping a caged animal. They argued that slavery produced prosperity for the South and therefore enhanced the freedom for the whole country.

Most of those in the North felt the Blacks had souls and more logically argued that all humanity were diminished through slavery.

Today the fallacy of the argument of the slave owners is seen as obvious, but at that time, where many were subject to the group astral thought form, the vision was difficult for many who were close to the issue.

Even so it is today. There are as many distortions of the vision of the Principle of Freedom in the minds of the masses today as there ever was. Many of them are more subtle than was the slavery issue.

Comments: “I would be interested to hear what JJ has to say about the Middle Path or Freedom Principle on the abortion issue since it seems like we are tackling all the hot ones now.”

Actually, we did talk about this earlier. My conclusion was that abortion is generally an error, but not as bad a murder of one who has an investment in life; nevertheless, the freedom to commit this error should not be infringed when the pregnancy is young.

Comment: “I do not want to purchase or own a gun, have an abortion (if I could), or ingest illegal drugs. I do not want to join the communist party, a fascist nazi party, or become an anarchist. The freedom to do all kinds of unattractive things is protected under the freedom principle.”

There are indeed many things allowed under the Principle of Freedom that would be distasteful to me but the loss of freedom of one who is opposite to me in point of view would eventually lead to a similar loss of freedom for myself and that would be much more distasteful still.

Therefore, my friends, let us encourage freedom among our brothers and sisters and give a little trust to the ultimate goodness of humankind.

We have been discussing the Principle of Freedom and I believe none have opposed this principle as I have taught it, but then things are different when we apply the principle to real life situations, some of which may go against our wishes or ideal of reality.

The real test of the application of this principle in the life of the seeker is when one is faced with the decision of tolerating the behavior of others that you would never yourself endorse – providing that behavior does not produce great risk to the whole of the group.

No matter what your belief system there will come trials in harmonizing the Principle of Freedom with personal feelings.

Each potential disciple will have some final temptation to support the unreasonable restriction of others in the name of promoting his personal desire to see that which is good triumph. The deception is that true good can only increase in an atmosphere of maximum possible freedom.

The old Communist USSR was a prime example of this. They had an ideal of equality in their minds yet attempted to bring equality into manifestation by force. The result was a division of classes even more pronounced than Russia had under the Tsar.

When freedom rings things often appear to get worse before they get better and the temptation is to go back to restricting freedom. If, on the other hand, people will let freedom play out in all cases except where obvious harm will occur, then a sure progress is made toward the ideal.

Concerning the use of guns, for instance, the result of unreasonable restriction will prolong indefinitely the use of guns by criminals against those who abide the law. But if the Principle of Freedom is allowed to manifest then the time will shortly come that guns will be unnecessary for our protection because there will be no threat. The main use of guns in the hopeful future will be target practice and for collection purposes.

The human race is also gravitating away from meat eating toward a vegetarian diet, but this will not happen overnight and those who are against the eating of meat will jeopardize their own progression if they do not tolerate those who do, for all is proceeding according to the Plan of the Great Ones.

If two people who have a difference of opinion seek with sincerity to reach common ground there is a good chance they will, especially if done through the soul.

The greatest evil which has existed on this planet has not been advanced by people with evil intentions or lust for blood, but by people with good intentions.

Djwhal Khul tells us that disease is a distorted reflection of divine possibility. Even so, it is with disease among humanity itself. People see an idea they consider good and seek to implement this idea of good through the restriction of the freedom of others. I recently cited the example of the old Soviet Union.

He who does not like guns seeks to take away the freedom of others to use them.

He who does not like abortion will seek to restrict the freedom of others to obtain one.

He who does not approve of drinking alcohol or taking certain drugs will seek to restrict the freedom of others to use them.

A lot of causes that unnecessarily restrict freedom sound very benevolent but the hidden result is always a good intention turned into a more negative result than if things were just left to educating the people of the ideal good and letting them make up their own minds.

Every war that has ever been fought was initiated with the idea that good should be forced upon the invaded nation. Never is war started with the idea of making things worse, but to promote the good.

Let me word the principle of freedom in another way.

“The life of freedom should be allowed to flow in all directions and should only be restricted for the purpose of protecting or manifesting a greater freedom, or for freedom affecting the greatest possible number of people.”

Earlier we gave examples of justly limiting the freedom to steal rape, etc.

Notice that I use the word “life” within this definition. Why? Because without freedom there is no life. Where freedom is restricted there is a reduction in the force and quality of life. Where freedom is enhanced life is magnified and grows in power and purpose.

Freedom is an essence at the core of our very being and evolution, and terrible karma awaits he who supports a reduction thereof which results in an overall diminishing of this greatest of the gifts of God. If one is deceived into supporting a belief system which will limit overall freedom he will come back in a situation where that which is important in his life is kept from him because he has diminished freedom to pursue.

Many of those who have been born under a tyranny were free in their last life but did not understand their freedom and supported the restriction of others in a way that enhanced their own vision of the good.

Some supported “witch control” and inwardly were happy to see them eliminated by burning them at the stake.

Some supported “heretic control” and did not question the authorities who tortured those who dared question the religious leaders.

Some supported “scientist control” and inwardly rejoiced at seeing men like Galileo put in prison.

Some supported “Indian control” because those dangerous Indians wanted to keep their land and way of life for themselves.

Why did people support these various restrictions of freedom???

Answer: Because they were all viewed as dangerous and that which is dangerous needs to be controlled.

Has anything changed?

Not much. People still want to over control because they see illusionary danger in guns, gays, free speech, free trade, freedom to buy or market herbs and vitamins, freedom of medical marijuana, freedom to state your belief that a disease can be cured, a free internet and many others.

Yes it is true that freedom in all these areas can be abused. A person can take too much of the wrong herb and have a heart attack, but so what? The good that comes from freedom far outweighs the bad.

Are we so terrified of danger that we want to make speed limits on our freeways 20 miles per hour so no one can kill themselves???

God forbid.

Neither should we seek to control even vitamins because of a small number who abuse – especially if studies show that the enhancement of freedom results in more good than bad.

I would suggest that when we take a stand on one side or the other on the principle of freedom that we take a look at people who have been a force for good or evil and see who we align ourselves with.

They keynote for this is the old adage:

“I may not agree with what you say, but will fight to the death your right to say (or do) it.”

We will probably never talk about a more important principle than that of freedom. Nor will we find one that is more illusive to the understanding of seekers.

Ask any person on the street or in any country if they are believers in freedom and they will answer yes. You could probably ask a thousand people at random this question and I would not be surprised if all thousand endorsed this principle.

On the other hand, if you listen to their words and watch their actions you will find that the large majority betray their beliefs.

Is this because they are evil, or control freaks or really do not believe in freedom after all?

Not really. Almost all people do desire maximum freedom.

What is the problem then?

The problem is many are tricked by illusion and do not see or understand the true principle and thus are unable to follow the path of freedom that leads to understanding of pure truth. Truth and freedom interplay and create understanding from the soul.

Many proclaim freedom and walk into slavery. Others, a very few others, proclaim and live the principle of freedom and walk into the very heart of God, drawing many behind them.

I will teach, and teach again, this principle as long as I have breath, or until all see the principle with crystal clarity. So prepare yourself my friends for me to remind us of this principle from time to time.

I have one important thing to add that no one mentioned. Remember that we talked about two types of laws.

The first are laws of morality. These laws are written in the hearts of the just. For instance, most believe it is wrong to lie and do not need a stated law to know this.

The second are laws of order. These laws are not written to inform what is right and wrong, but for the purpose of bringing order. Sometimes an immortal act (such as theft) must be governed by a law of order, but only if it is necessary for the stability of the group.

A law governing seat belt use is moral related and has little to do with order of the whole. Because it is a good idea to buckle up does not mean that we need a law around this concept of the good. All that is needed is correct education about what is right or wrong about it’s use.

A law governing stopping at a red light has little to do with right and wrong but has much to do with order. Without such laws governing our roads driving from point A to point B would be close to impossible. Laws producing an orderly society will not pass away in the new age, but will be refined until they work so efficiently that the whole world will become stable and live in peace.

The problem the countries of the world have today is that they have too many laws and many of them are not written clearly and thus we need a mountain of attorneys and judges to tell us what they say.

Jessie Ventura had a good idea in dealing with this problem. He said that one year out of four Congress should meet for the sole purpose of studying the laws and deciding which ones could be eliminated. Imagine Congress doing nothing for a whole year but eliminating useless or ambiguous laws.

I wouldn’t bet grandma’s operation money on that happening though.

Nov 29, 2000

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Helpful Laws

Helpful Laws

Question (from previous post): Can you think of two other laws that will be essential to insure a new age of peace?

To this the comments were directed toward law supporting increased access to education and more democracy.

Increased universal education is fine if it does not require more restrictive taxes and tax laws to accomplish this, As we approach the new age we will see more and more education available for free. This will be increasingly available over the Internet and through community education classes that are reasonable enough in cost to be available to all.

Even though teachers will never be replaced, computers will become great substitutes and anyone with initiative who does not have access to a live teacher will be able to learn most anything he needs through virtual classes much more sophisticated than we presently have. (written in December 2000)

I do not know if one can increase public involvement through law, but this certainly needs to be taught and encouraged in the new age.

Comment: “One thing I can think of is there’d have to be a law regarding nuclear waste, we just can’t expect mother nature to tolerate us sweeping our crap under her carpet.”

JJ: Actually the are laws concerning this already, but many complain they do not provide enough protection.

The reader is headed in the right direction. There will eventually be universal laws accepted by all the nations which will help protect the health of the planet and bring the human race in balance with the needs of the planet.

The problem we have now is that both extremes are being played out. One extreme wants to proceed with things as they are and continue polluting as if there is no tomorrow.

On the other side are the extreme environmentalists that want restrictive laws in accordance with their religious type beliefs, many of them not having a benefit for either business or environment.

The Course in Miracles gives wise advice here:

“Recognize the problem so it can be solved.”

Both sides are guilty of not recognizing the real problem.

What is the problem then?

Answer: Here is what I consider to be the major one.

On the side of the environmentalists is that they expect to decree the language and method of enforcing laws protecting their version of the environment. Many of their demands have been made into law, to the distress and outright anger of many businesspeople.

This creates a problem of laws being passed to restrict a large group of people who have had little or no input in the making of the law. Laws for businesses should not be made by those who do not understand business. Neither should laws concerning the environment be the exclusive territory of those only interested in making money.

Environmentalists also seek to pass laws based on morality that wind up hurting both the environment and business.

For instance, here in Idaho and other Western States environmentalists have pushed laws through which have restricted road building and logging of any kind in wilderness and other areas where we have potential trees for lumber.

Here is the effect of these do-gooders.

First there has been a tremendous loss of jobs creating intense hardship for many people – many of whom I have personally met and talked to.

Secondly, Boise Cascade and other companies dealing with wood products are switching many of their operations to Mexico and other third world nations where the pollution and other dangers to the earth will suffer a tremendous increase.

So the environmentalists are getting their way here in Idaho while being the cause of increased pollution and the cutting of trees and rainforests in other parts of the earth.

You may have seen on the news about the great forest fires we have had in Idaho and other western states – the worst in this century. This has not only destroyed many more trees than any logging has ever done, but has destroyed many animals along with their homes and food supply.

Such terrible destruction by fire did not just happen, but has two major causes that could have been easily prevented.

The first is the shutting down of access and road building which would provide more access for forest maintenance and fire fighting.

The second is that after several years of no logging to thin the forests the trees have grown so close together along with natural debris which produces a tremendous fire hazard that when we were faced with a dryer than normal season there was produced a great disaster.

The environmentalists have such a religious fervor against business and logging that they are even against any commercial interests going in and cleaning up the dead wood caused by the fires because they think that man is not nature and that no business should make any money from trees period.

If we would have had reasonable cooperation between environmentalists and business then most of these fires you read about could have been prevented, jobs would not have been lost, tourism would not have been destroyed and our forests would not look like they have been hit with a nuclear bomb. In addition to this there would be less need to go to the third world to harvest their trees.

What must happen in the new age is that both business and environmentalism must work together and business must have a voice in laws that are written which will govern their destiny. Pressure must be put on business to recycle and not pollute the earth, but if they are allowed to participate in a solution which strongly affects them, then business can live in harmony with nature.

A business cannot exist without public support and the best way to cause business to police themselves is by education through the media and exposing businesses which pollute and threaten the earth. There is also much that can be done through intelligent rules which will encourage more recycling which will make it much easier to live in balance with nature. Time does not allow me time to expand at present.

Another reader hits upon a third area where intelligent rules may offer assistance. He says:

“Something along the lines of Americas “Bill of Rights” which would guarantee some minimal standard of inalienable human rights that all nations need respect.”

Question: What kind of rules or laws could be written to accomplish this?

Nov 28, 2000

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Understanding Good & Evil

Understanding Good & Evil

Question: I was thinking about the law all day today and I came to a few realizations. That the laws change as people evolve and that the laws help people to get together and learn about working as an union. If we didn’t have laws, people would be doing their own thing where chaos and ego play. Is this correct?

Laws governing morality in particular change as we evolve. It was just a few yeas ago that there were laws against common sexual practices and adultery. As mankind has evolved he has come to the conclusion that such laws are not necessary, but that we as individuals can govern ourselves in these matters. Adultery is still a harmful act, but we have reached a state where we do not need a written law to tell us it is wrong or what the punishment should be.

Just a short time ago people were put to death for criticizing authorities, but now we realize that this has no place in an enlightened society.

Even so, what we consider as bad laws had their place for a certain level of consciousness of humanity and also many of our current laws will be seen as backward in a future age.

Eventually our laws will reach relative perfection where little or no change will be necessary.

Someone mentioned the Alice A. Bailey teaching that good is that which takes us toward evolution and evil is that which takes us away from it. I’ve always liked this idea, but let me present the principle in a little different light than I have in the past.

Good and evil exist because creation exists, or we could say BECOMING exists.

To put it in everyday terms we could say that if you are sitting around doing nothing then you are not creating and you are producing no good or evil. Now let us say you are tired of doing nothing and decide to build a house. The vision of the finished house is the dominating good that creates a magnetic pull on your energies causing you to work toward the finished house.

As you proceed with the work of building, the division of good and evil becomes obvious. All that transpires which aids you in the goal of finishing the house is good and all that hampers you is evil.

If your neighbor comes and lends you a hand for a few hours that is good.

If the neighbor steals a tool – that is evil.

If the bank makes you a loan for materials that is good.

If you get a batch of bad lumber that is evil.

If you get more done in a week than you expected that is good.

But if an emergency comes up and you have to miss a day’s work that is evil.

Granted that this may not be good and evil in the way some of the present day look at it, but good and evil the way the literal religionist look at it is illusion. In the grand scheme of things good and evil has a very practical application.

Where the life of God is there is Decision – Will – Creation. That which assists in furthering the creation of God is good and that which works against the creative purpose is evil.

Therefore, good intentions are not enough to be on the side of good.

If your neighbor wants to help you build your house but goes to the wrong address then he is not really any help at all. Even so, if we want to be on the side of good we must discover the Will and Purpose of God and work in harmony with it.

“Out of the night that covers me,

Black as the pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul.

“In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeonings of chance

My head is bloody, but unbowed.

“Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years

Finds and shall find me unafraid.

“It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate:

I am the captain of my soul.”

Invictus by William Ernest Henly

A reader defines evil as follows: “Evil is anything that converts life to death – No more, no less.”

While it would take a book to paint a full picture of the principle of good and evil that statement does give a good view of the principle.

I will expand on this idea in a way that perhaps has not occurred to most. The apostle Paul gives us an interesting scripture in this regard

“Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Eph 6:11-12

Let me give you a more accurate translation from the Concordant Bible:

“Put on the panoply of God to enable you to stand up to the stratagems of the Adversary, for it is not ours to wrestle with blood and flesh, but with the sovereignties, with the authorities, with the world-mights of this darkness, with the spiritual forces of wickedness among the celestials.”

There is a basic four square of evil here with which the disciples of light must deal.

They are:

(1) Principalities or sovereignties.

(2) Powers or authorities

(3) Rulers of the darkness of this world

(4) Spiritual wickedness in high (celestial) places.”

Who are these four categories of evil? Why are they evil and what can we do to overcome them?

What could be the evil in the celestial realms?

A cantankerous reader complained of a lack of love from his neighbors here.

Jesus gave a great example of what a neighbor is in the parable of the Good Samaritan. Let me quote:

Luke 10:25 And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?

Luke 10:26-27 He said unto him, What is written in the law? how readest thou? And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.

Luke 10:28 And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live.

Luke 10:29 But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbour?

Luke 10:30 And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead. 10:31 And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.

Luke 10:32 And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side.

Luke 10:33 But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him,

Luke 10:34 And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own Beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.

Luke 10:35-36 And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee. Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?

Luke 10:37 And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.

Because Jesus was teaching love in the context His question could have been worded: “Which now of these three, thinkest thou, showed love unto him that fell among the thieves?”

Three people here had an opportunity to show love to the wounded man. The first two were a Priest and a Levite, both were religious leaders among the Jews at that period. I’m sure these two leaders taught their people about love and compassion. As they taught their students in the synagogues perhaps they used this same L word over and over. Perhaps they preached again and again about loving God and your neighbor as was given them in their scriptures.

Then the time came to demonstrate this love in the real world and they closed their eyes to the opportunity. They were probably in a hurry to get home to their flock to preach about love or repentance.

Then came the third guy, the most unlikely of the three to help because he was a Samaritan. The Samaritans were looked upon by the Jews as half breeds and heretics and not worthy of sharing in the pure religion. Some Jews viewed them as mortal enemies. Nevertheless, this half breed saw this man (who would probably spit on him if he were conscious) and saved his life and spent his own money to insure he was nourished back to health. The love manifested when the injured Jew realized who had saved his life is a thing one cannot manufacture by teaching or writing. It can only happen by doing.

Notice that the Samaritan never mentioned the word love. When love is truly demonstrated, it does not have to be mentioned. All of us may not have soul contact, but all of us know what love is when we feel it and when we feel it we do not need anyone to explain to us what it is.

I’ll take as my companions one like the Samaritan who can show love in action over a thousand who merely proclaim the words.

We may be half breed Samaritans and enemies in the eyes of some, but even if this is true Jesus tells us that we are still your neighbors and that we should show and demonstrate love toward one another.

I know I speak for many here when I extend to you the hand of fellowship and the gift of love to all, but how can the disgruntled recognize this if they will not receive it and see us as brethren?

What if the Jew who was assisted by the good Samaritan spit in his face when he awoke because he saw himself as being in the hands of an enemy? Would that destroy the love demonstrated by the Samaritan?

Verily, no. But it would choke out the love struggling to manifest within his own heart.

So, who is your neighbor?

According to Jesus I am. All members here are neighbors. Instead of biting the hands that are attempting to feed you the pure love of Christ (which does not include anger at your brothers and sisters) cease the biting and snapping and see what there is here to receive. Give us the marginal kindness that the average guy in the street would offer to a stranger and you will receive a hundred fold in return.

I witness to you that this principle of loving all people as our neighbors has worked in my life and the rewards I have received are more than I have capacity to receive.

I will send love even to the disgruntled as my neighbors. As I write here in an attempt to clarify I realize that it may be seen as unloving by some, but such is not the case. I am doing all in my power to open a thread of loving interplay but if some resist then I must move on to others who can bear fruit.

Even so, the door will always be open to all who wish to open it.

Dec 11, 2000

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