Comments on Abortion and Divorce

Comments on Abortion and Divorce

A reader asks by what authority it is from which I write.

I do not need any authority to say anything I want. I can just type on this little keyboard to my hearts content. The reader can use the authority of the soul to discover the truth or error of anything I say.

The reader mentions the signs of life in the fetus and seems to think that conflicts with something I said.

I have taken people back to the womb and even back to the moment of conception and believe me the intelligence and awareness is not as sparkling as you present. Memories and impressions are recorded from the time of conception, but full awareness is not there. The soul is loosely linked to the body and any really intelligent communication would come from that source, but that would not be the norm unless a person is very sensitive to the soul. All one has to do to realize that the soul gradually takes command of the body is to look back on your own life. Most of us have no memories of before the age of four because there is no self awareness. Our consciousness goes through, for about four years, one similar to the animal kingdom where individualization has not taken place.

I can remember my consciousness from the ages of 4-8 and I know from memory that my soul was more firmly anchored at 8 than it was at 4.

I have taken many people back to the early ages up to the time of birth and it is obvious from their accounts that their self consciousness was not firmly anchored at that time, even though full memory is recorded from the time of conception.

There is also quite a difference in the consciousness in the womb and the consciousness shortly after birth. To discover this you have observe more than memory and instinctive response.

Interesting slant on the abortion scripture from a reader. The way the scripture is worded the (Exodus 21:22-23) (hurt unto death) could apply to either the mother or the unborn child. The scripture does tell us though that the mother definitely suffered hurt.

Actually this circumstance does not correspond very closely to abortion as it is today for even the most liberal abortion advocates would want to prosecute one who would strike a pregnant woman so she would lose her child.

By the way, many of the Bibles today that claim to be an accurate or close to literal translation are far from such. In your quote, for instance, the word “husband” is used and neither the word husband or wife occurs anywhere in the Old Testament.

The word “husband” here comes from the Hebrew BA’AL which literally means “Master” or “Possessor.” Few Bibles translate this the way the Hebrews used it for fear of offending the flock. But among the Hebrews the man was the Master of his household. Let me repeat for the new ones that I believe the most correct translation to be the Concordant Bible.

We have the same problem in our society with divorce as we do with abortion. The masses gather on the extreme views on one side or the other instead of looking at both sides in the circumstance and making an informed decision.

It is interesting that many who are anti divorce no matter what will use the following scripture as justification for their view:

“But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery”. (Matt. 5:32)

Here we have a scripture that has been greatly misunderstood and has caused much trouble in the world. Many religions have forbidden divorce because of these words of Jesus.

Notice that Jesus said that the only justifiable cause of divorce is “fornication”. The prevalent belief among Christians is that fornication is sex between two unmarried persons or between two married people not married to each other. But here Jesus uses fornication as an act between married couples. Therefore, the meaning intended by Jesus is not the one attributed to the word by people of today.

Actually, fornication may not even involve sex, for in the context it is used throughout the Bible, it means “to be alienated from” or “to remove one’s heart from”.

Thus, if the wife’s heart is alienated from her husband, he may justifiably divorce her. God often called Israel his wife and when she committed fornication against Him and removed her heart from the true God and worshipped idols, she committed fornication against Him and He gave Israel, his wife, a bill of divorcement.

It is t his way with people. If their energies are not correctly matched and balanced, they commit fornication and become alienated and should get a divorce.

On the other hand, if the wife’s heart is with her husband and the husband divorces a wife who is committed to him, he “causeth her to commit adultery”. In other words, he causes her heart to forcibly seek someone else who may be at a wrong point of evolution. “And whosoever shall marry her that is divorced (wrongfully divorced) committeth adultery”. If a man marries a woman whose heart is still with her original husband, there is produced an imbalance of energy and this is what true adultery and fornication are.

Thus we see that the words of Jesus that have been used to cause much pain in prolonging relationships that should have never been – actually point toward the common sense that humanity has adopted in modern times.

On the other hand, when one divorces frivolously, on a whim, or because of betrayal with another person definite harm can come. It is generally recognized that a committed couple, especially with children should do everything in their power to rekindle their love and live together in peace.

My parents divorced when I was twelve. This was a painful experience for us all but a necessary one. I’m sure my sweet mother would have been long dead by now if she would have stayed with my dad – for life would have been very difficult for her. As it was she quit smoking and drinking, got a job, became self-sufficient and has helped and inspired many people.

May 16, 2000

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Thoughts on Abortion

Thoughts on Abortion

Been very busy as usual plus my wife and I spent some time showing appreciation to our mothers. Even though I love my Father (now passed away) there’s something special about the place in the heart that is had by a loving mother. My father inspired me with his genius, but my mother has always made my heart full with her love and sacrifice.

Glad you liked my feeble attempt at humor with the Big Zap. A little levity is like a healing balm at times.

Well, some issues have surfaced here that could keep us busy for months, but we’ll try and cover them briefly so we can go forward with our subject and perhaps cover them in greater detail later.

I’ll give you a few of my thoughts on abortion. The first thing of note is that even though the Bible is used extensively to preach against abortion, it says virtually nothing in support of anti abortion views. The only evidence it gives as to when life begins is hinted at in the creation of Adam that he became a “living soul” when the breath of life entered into him. Of course, the breath of life enters into a baby when he is born and takes a breath.

There are two accounts in the Bible that I know of that have some application to abortion.

The first is in Exodus 21:22-23

“If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished according as the woman’s husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.

“And if any mischief follow (if the woman dies), then thou shalt give life for life.”

This is a circumstance worse than a doctor aborting a child on the request of a female. Here it seems to be describing some sort of an attack on an expecting mother. Note the difference in the punishments meted out. If the unborn baby dies the offender will receive a punishment, but not receive the death penalty.

On the other hand, if he kills the mother in the attack he is to suffer death. The point made here is that the ancients saw both injuries as crimes, but saw the death of the living mother as much more serious than that of the unborn child.

Numbers 5:11-31 gives an interesting account of what to do if your wife is suspected of sleeping with another person and getting pregnant. She is commanded to drink a bitter potion and if she has not sinned all will be well and “she shall conceive seed.” If she is guilty she shall become ill and have no child.

Here the Bible actually seems to condone abortion where birth is undesirable.

What we must also consider here is that these ancient laws were given to a primitive people and if the Masters were to give us new laws today they would be worded much differently in many cases.

Here is the truth the way I see it. Each must check with their own soul and follow the highest they see for themselves.

The entity makes a magnetic connection with the mother often before conception occurs and a form of psychic interplay occurs. In between lives the Solar Angel in connection with the entity reprograms the permanent physical atom to lay the foundation for the creation of a better physical body than before. Some time after conception the reprogrammed atom enters into the womb and begins the process of building.

There are exceptions. There are times when one entity starts building a body and then one of higher evolution and mission sees a unique opportunity in the birth situation and trades places with the original entity. Then there are also cases of trading places shortly after birth as well as later on in life. This can create a disadvantage for the new entity and he will often seem a little slow in learning in the early years, but become very advanced after age 14 after he builds a completely new body from his own atomic programming.

Overall the soul begins anchoring a magnetic link to the physical body around the time of conception. For the soul there is an awareness of this link, but self-conscienceless is not in the body within the womb. This link is made stronger until near the time of birth when consciousness begins to enter into the baby’s body. This consciousness is brought to a greater awakening at birth and the first breath. But even here the soul does not fully function in the body. The anchoring and entering of the soul solidly in the body then proceeds for another 7-8 years until full self awareness is achieved around the age of seven or eight.

Question: If the soul is not in the body in the womb then how is it that the fetus can react to pain and that it sleeps, wakes up and moves and is obviously alive?

The body of the fetus is animated by a group of elemental lives functioning through the developing centers and the brain of the new body. Also the soul has some communion from a distance and will sometimes contact the parents on subtle planes.

Over all we have four periods of varying seriousness in the taking of a life.

(1) From Conception to just before birth. The loss of the life here can interrupt the plans of the soul in some cases, but not in others. If the plans are interfered with then a fairly short period of time is wasted for in this age of booming population birth opportunities usually abound for those who are seeking earth plane existence. There are cases where the parents present a unique opportunity for the child and in this situation the soul suffers a major setback. Every possible signal will be sent to the parents to not abort, if such a thought is in their minds.

(2) From birth to full self-consciousness. Here the loss of life is more serious for the soul has energy and time invested in the new life.

(3) From eight years until retirement from learning. Unexpected loss of life during this period is the most serious of all for it interferes with established plans of the soul as well as causing a large block of wasted time. Often times the soul will have to plan another entire life to make up for the interruption. It also produces serious discomfort for loved ones depending and associating with him.

(4) Old age, or that age when learning has come to a stand still. For about 90% of the elderly, the learning of life’s lessons come to a standstill. For others who are slackers it may come earlier in life. When life’s lessons are over the entity in the body may still enjoy life and his family, but from the point of view of the soul the purpose of the life is over and there is nothing of importance left for the entity to learn. Therefore, a loss of life at this point is less serious for it does not interfere with the plans of the soul. Family members and loved ones may be distressed over the loss, but they will feel consoled that the person has lived a full life.

Now let’s get down to the prime question. Is aborting a fetus murder in the same category as killing a fully conscious entity?

No it is not as serious.

Is it wrong then?

There is cause and effect to all actions including abortion. The karma derived therefore is not as serious as the killing of a fully developed human, but there is usually negative karma nevertheless. One possible repercussion is that the time will come when the entity who was responsible for the abortion seeks a new life in ideal circumstances for progression and he himself finds his opportunity terminated through abortion.

Note that I said there is usually negative karma? There is a way out in some circumstances. If the parents contact the entity in the subtle planes and get permission to abort the child the negative karma will be neutralized. In this age of great population increase there are many instances where the entity is drawn back to the earth prematurely and such entity may desire a longer rest between lives. If in this case permission is granted to the parents to abort there will be none to accuse and where there is none to accuse karma is negligible.

The problem is the same with abortion as it is for many other problems. The majority take an extremist position. One side says that it is murder in every case and the other says there is no harm done in any case. Both of these extremes are incorrect for the only way one could know for sure about the degree of harm is through revelation. Barring such a revelation it is a good idea to live one’s life responsibly so such a painful and dangerous decision as abortion can be avoided.

May 14, 2000

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Discerning Truth from Error

Discerning Truth from Error

Let us review the Principles of Discovery covered so far. They are:

(1) Take the things you know (for reasonable surety) to be true and use them as a foundation or stepping stones for testing additional truths.

(2) Be willing to let these foundation beliefs be either altered or dropped as some of them are replaced by higher vision.

(3) The teaching should be in harmony with common sense

(4) It should increase the power of Decision and free will.

(5) It should bring you to a new level of awareness and usefulness.

(6) Seek out true sources of knowledge, study and incorporate them into your life. Knowledge dispels error and illusion.

(7) Gather all the reliable information you can about a subject of interest and try and see the principles suggested by the data. Then draw conclusions and run the conclusions by your soul and see if you receive a response.

(8) Follow all the aspects of the Will of God that is within your perception and your sensitivity to the truth will increase.

(9) The Process of Elimination. Eliminate those things that are definitely not true and contemplate on that which remains.

(10) Effective Communication

(A) Communication through perception of the outside world.

(B) Person to person communication.

(C) Communication through the soul.

(11) Truth is in harmony with spiritual principles; therefore we discover that which is true through the application of those principles.

(12) The principle of planting and harvesting.

(13) “The Law of Correspondences.” The principle behind it is “as above so below,” and visa versa.

(14) Take that belief which is embraced by the world and look in the opposite direction. In this opposite direction much truth lies hidden.

In relation to our recent discussions on the soul I have been contemplating the name of the current principle revealed and have decided on:

(15) Discernment. In particular the disciple should seek the power to discern beyond physical seeing so he can see the difference in effects from the astral/emotional world and the world of the soul.

The seeker can read all the books in the world, attend all retreats, sit at the feet of many gurus and teachers, but until he develops the ability to discern between emotion and spirit, truth and error the good and the bad he will be at a standstill in his progression.

Now some may stop in their tracks here and say there is no good and evil – that’s it is just a point of view, but remember the definition of good and evil as given by the Brotherhood.

Good is that teaching of philosophy which when applied takes us forward in our progression upon the Path and evil is that which when applied moves us in retrogression. Unfortunately, because of lack of power to discern many people call good, evil and evil, good just as predicted by Isaiah.

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20

David wrote in a similar vein:

“The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God. They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one.” Psalms 14:2-3

Thus we see that in ancient times the teachers were frustrated that the people had such little power to discern that good and evil became confusing to the extent that the common people called that which was evil, good and good, evil. The confusion was so great that often not one of them was accomplishing any good.

Now we have been talking about principles that assist in the discovery of truth, but if we were to group principles that lead the masses to error, the herd mentality would have to be at the top of the list. The spiritual group produces a higher life, but the herd instinct causes many to give up their power of thought and identify with a lower elemental life form that needs to be dominated by our power of decision.

This herd instinct causes people to join a destructive mob, to support strange religious doctrines, or to follow a political view without thinking about the reason why.

So let us look out upon the world today, exercise discernment and ask.

What are some things commonly believed to be good that are really leading to retrogression and others believed to be evil that may in truth lead to progression?

If I remember correctly we covered this idea somewhat in connection with another subject, but it is good to review again since it is an important one.

Maya, glamour and illusion fog the eyes of many so it becomes well neigh impossible to see what is good. Only when these “three temptations” are overcome can one have sufficient soul contact so the path of progress becomes clearly visible. The great part is that when two reach this point of vision they can always come to unity in agreement of basic principles.

A good portion of the problem in seeing the good lies in the past. In the journey of mankind from the distant past to the present there have been many things gathered that are tried and true and still good and useful. These should not be discarded, but used to enhance the present and for guideposts for the future. On the other hand, we have made many mistakes in the past. These mistaken ideas should not be taken with us, but should be dropped or altered into more useful format. In addition to this there are ideas and concepts that worked for our good in the past but are no longer usable due to the changing of the times. Such concepts should also be modified or dropped to make way for the new.

So here is where the problem of good and evil come in to play. The average seeker is reluctant to use his power of discernment or judgment and wants to proceed on the path of least resistance and have all values be black and white so no thought is necessary. This is the lazy man’s no way to enlightenment.

The black and white thinking of the masses about the past is in one of two categories:

(1) The person has a large investment in the ideas and procedures of the past, therefore all those things that worked to bring him where he is now is good and should be kept at all costs. To give up the ideas from the past is like betraying the gifts of God for this individual.

(2) The past represents the ideas and mistakes of a passing generation who made too many errors and never had it together. We should drop the ideas from the past and start anew on every turn and build a better happier world.

People as a whole gravitate to extremist sides of the fence and unfortunately too many people gravitate to one of these two extreme views because only one decision is necessary. The one decision is to keep the past or to throw out the past. Anything in between requires thought and contemplation as well as numerous decisions through discernment and requires too much effort for the average person.

A reader commented that free love and our high divorce rate is seen to be evil, but may in reality be good.

In the past we were taught that sex was only to be had within the bonds of matrimony. Today one camp adheres fiercely to this idea and the other camp totally rejects it. Is one side right or are they both wrong because of total acceptance or rejection of the past?

In the past we are told that divorce is wrong and should be avoided at all costs except in extreme circumstances – that divorce always ends with negative results.

Today one extreme tries to hold on to this idea whereas the other rejects it telling us we should be able to move out of a marriage relationship whenever we feel like it. Again is one side right or are they both wrong because of total acceptance or rejection of the past?

What type of conclusion in these two areas is the disciple likely to come to through the use of discernment?

The Big Zap

I thought I would give the true translation to a recent post.




Greetings from ZOR commander of Galactic Region 666


No Translation necessary. I was just clearing my throat.





We like your earth women. How much for three of them?





We love your women so much that we sent messages of love though millions of your computers.




Instead of appreciating it you called it a virus and attempted to eliminate it.






This makes us very angry and we have decided to take revenge.





We know how much all of you enjoy the Big Zap Hamburgers so we are going to take them away from you forever.




We will alter reality so the Big Zap will no longer be big and juicy, but will taste like cat food and cardboard.




The name will change to Big Mac







You will eat this mindlessly and not even remember that the Big Zap ever existed.






May 10, 2000

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Discerning Spiritual Energies

Discerning Spiritual Energies

A member told a story about a spiritual group who sent light and love to a member who was having marital problems. At this same time she sent out the thought that she wished her husband were dead. At that same moment he had a car accident and died. He figured therefore that the spiritual group was responsible for the tragedy.

Most of the members disagreed and seemed to believe that the thoughts of the group had little or no effect on the guy killed. I tend to take the middle ground here.

It is true that other people’s thoughts and feelings do have an influence on us, more subtle than actions, but effects nevertheless. Powerful negative emotion tends to send the effect with a lot more force than mere thinking does.

Even so, the guy did not have to have an accident. He evidently picked up the energy, but it was his fault he allowed himself to be distracted. If a guy has an accident because he looks at a pretty girl the accident is still his fault. The pretty girl was a distraction it is true, but she did not force his hand in driving into the other car.

I have picked up negative thoughts and emotions many times in my life and have discovered that when this happens I must pay particular attention to avoid accidents.

Another interesting note is that when another person is angry at me I can see his or her negative energy in my aura even though I am at peace with myself. When this happens I find that saying the Song and some OMS helps to dispel the negativity.

In my last post I talked about the dark mantras and the guy who related the story seems to think that any implanted thought comes from our subconscious.

Actually the accident goes against this idea. The reader seems to think that the guy who had the accident did not do so because of his own negative thoughts, but because of an impression received from other beings. If such an impression can come from mere normal humans then the advanced Dark Brothers or the Brotherhood of Light surely has even greater power to send impressions.

Do the two Brotherhoods just sit around all day and ponder their navels and ignore humanity???

No neither of them ignore us, but have a great deal invested in the human kingdom and are in opposing struggles to influence us.

There are numerous types of communications beyond the normal physical and as the disciple develops soul contact he learns to distinguish between their various vibrations. Let us name several.

(1) Communication from the astral or emotional body.

Many beginners believe this is soul contact because it may be the highest they have yet received. Most people take the highest they have received and see it as God talking to them. Unfortunately, the information received from the astral is wrong about 90% of the time. Many of those who have swallowed the prophesies of doom that never happened rely heavily on the astral.

(2) The Higher mind.

This is like a great computer and delivers much more accurate information than does the emotional body, but it will be wrong about a third of the time without soul contact.

(3) The soul and higher worlds. Even though there are differentiations here we will group all these higher contacts as “soul contact” for the soul is the doorway to all higher contact.

The soul only recognizes that which is true and does not even see error. Therefore the soul only vibrates when truth is spoken or presented. When a truth is spoken and it just seems to “ring true” that can be a soul confirmation if the seeker has moved beyond the emotional influences.

(4) A Master or Higher Life sending you a communication through the soul.

Receiving this is very much like receiving impressions from your Higher Self through the soul for to accurately receive either of them one must look within. But even though one looks within and receives a communication from a Master through the soul, the actual communication originated from without and there will be a different vibration to it than an impression from your Higher Self, or Solar Angel. The vibration from your own soul will be extremely consistent, but if you get a communication from two different Masters you will note two different vibrations or signatures. Just like each of us has a different face even so does each living entity have a differing vibration that has a different feel to it and the disciple can learn to recognize them.

(5) An astral entity communicating through the astral body. Most channeling is done this way and is not very accurate unless the mind of the receiver is well developed.

(6) A Dark Brother or one of their associates.

Whereas the receiving point for communication from a Master originates in the innermost core of your being the reception area for the Dark Ones is in your outer aura.

The Brothers of Light first penetrate to the core and vibrate outward filling your whole being with light, but the Dark Ones first penetrate the outer periphery of your being and attempt to work toward the core until the darkness hides the inner light.

You will know for sure you have soul contact when you can tell the difference in vibration in these six different areas. Soul contact begins when the seeker learns the difference between emotional contact and soul contact.

May 8, 2000

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Greater Vision and Dark Mantras

Greater Vision and Dark Mantras

Here we are at the morning of May 6th, 2000. May 5th is now gone forever with no great disasters in sight. Neither have I seen anyone translated into a new dimension. We were hit with a computer virus which event was much more in alignment with true astrological prediction than the end of the world or an apocalypse.

(NOTE: A lot of people were expecting an Apocalypse of destruction on May 5, 2000 because of a planetary alignment.)

Since the beginning of this group we have had several doomsday dates that we have cheerfully passed through. The thing that amazes me is that when these prophesies fail the followers are often undeterred. When Y2K for instance, failed to be a problem many still thought they were correct to predict doomsday because their warnings were responsible for averting the disaster. Now, I suppose that some will say that their good vibes they sent out negated the great earth changes. Still others will be looking for some disaster in the news. It is likely that there will be a storm or earthquake somewhere on the earth and believers are likely to point to this normal event as prophecy fulfilled – that is if anything happens the next week or so.

I remember in the beginning of the year when I expressed a non concern for Y2K that a reader was upset at me and predicted that there were subtle Y2K problems that would multiply and by Spring chaos would be here. “I don’t think so…” I told him. Well Spring has come and just about gone and the Y2K is the least of our problems.

Another reader has predicted doom at least three times that I know of and each time nothing has happened. Nevertheless, he is still undaunted in his belief in finding the truth through numbers. In fact, if I remember correctly, his system originally indicated to him that I was a good guy, but then when he disagreed with me this same system indicated I was the Antichrist.

So what are we to do with the next prophecy of doom? Who knows, it may be possible that a true prophecy may come along some time. Maybe someone will get it right by accident for even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

The answer is the same that we have emphasized in this group many times. Look within and see what comes from your soul. If we depend on someone else’s word we will be mislead time and time again.

I feel very peaceful within right now and have no sense of immediate doom and gloom. World problems will always come and go but basically my inner sense tells me that this is a time of opportunity and expansion rather than a time to hide in caves.

What do you feel from within? If you sense something let us know what you pick up.

The Art of Seeing continued…

So once you have seen the energy that circles around you what is next?

In addition to our correspondence to an atom we also correspond to an egg. Our physical body is like a yoke. The auras correspond to the white. But beneath the shell covering the egg is a thin film. Even so do we have an outer film encompassing our physical, astral and mental bodies. This outer film is extremely difficult to see in comparison to the etheric or the aura.

This film is something like a movie screen where not only are your thoughts projected in geometric language, but through which all knowledge is available. He who is able to see this film becomes a seer as was written of the ancient sages.

Whereas the seeing of the physical body, the etheric, and the aura can be seen with the physical eyes the seeing of the outer film does take the aid of the soul and when it is seen, it can be viewed with the eyes open or shut. When the Seer becomes one with the film he becomes one with the outer vision and becomes himself an all-seeing eye and can direct his seeing to any part of the universe within his ring-pass-not.

For most of us this is like talking blue sky, but it is indeed true that the time will come for each of us to experience the numerous levels of vision for the soul and spirit.

Suppose we reach this higher level of seeing – can we then ask if there is more to see? What could be more than everything?

The answer is that there is more, much more. The soul is the doorway to the formless worlds and seeing in the formless worlds is an entirely different thing than seeing form.

The beginning of this formless seeing is the “still small voice” which in reality is not a voice, but an impression that is attempting to open the eyes of the soul. These eyes see with eyes of understanding and the language of communication is through the exchange of principles.

The good news is that this seeing is open to us all if we are willing to drop our preconceived notions and trust the voice within more than the voice without.

A reader asked if we could see the etheric and the aura in the dark.

The etheric body is much easier to see in the natural light because it does reflect some physical light as well as radiate some light of its own. If you become sensitive enough you can see the etheric field in the dark. You can also see the aura in the dark, but this is more difficult also. A reason this is difficult is a point of focus is difficult to establish in the dark. I have done it before, but it took a lot of practice and concentration.

A reader comments on sensing a dark inner voice saying, “What if I am wrong?” This seems to be a negative force trying to discourage her.

She has stumbled on one of the hypnotic mantras of the Dark Brotherhood.

There are two powerful ones that I know of. They are

“What if I am wrong?”


“Who do you think you are?”

Now there is an appropriate use of these phrases, but when projected into the mind of the seeker at the right time and place they can be a powerful deterrent to progress and soul contact.

The first dark mantra, “What if I am wrong?”

This phrase is often projected into the mind of the seeker when he is seeking to move away from fear-based teachings, especially those that concern hell, fire and brimstone.

If the seeker decides he wants to leave his church and move on to higher things, within his mind he will often hear: “What if I am wrong? If I am wrong I could burn in hell forever and forever is a long time. Maybe I’d better keep my big toe in the church just in case.”

This concerned me with in relationship with my church when I was young and it was only through a powerful confirmation through the soul was I able to shed all fear of eternal retribution for not conforming. I have seen many people come to an understanding of higher principles, yet still maintain a lingering fear of hell and thus are unable to fully shake off the tentacles of the church.

Now don’t get me wrong – at a certain stage upon the path the church may be a positive influence and some churches are much better than others, but the time comes in the life of a disciple where he must break completely free of the hold of outside authority and replace it with the inner voice of the soul.

It is always the outer voice substituting for the voice of God that makes the seeker afraid of hell and punishment for the innocent acts of questioning, or breaking free and moving to a higher aspiration. The seeker can often use reason and tell himself that he is 99.9% positive that God would not punish him for leaving the church or its doctrines, but no amount of reasoning completely silences that one tenth of one percent doubt that gnaws at him. Only a contact with the inner voice giving him assurance can give him the courage to completely break free.

Many people who are into metaphysics have never been caught up in the thoughtform of eternal punishment and thus never generated that fear and doubt that the religious based person experiences in this life. Some look upon these people as being backward spiritually, but such is not usually the case. Many seekers in the churches are just as advanced spiritually as the ones out of them. Those who have never been captured by church doctrines often have little understanding of what the seeker within a strong religion must do to break free. And he who does break free will have certain advantages over those who have never had to make the struggle for such a person will have made a great step in seeing out of illusion. He will also have to live very close to the soul to maintain his freedom.

Here’s the advantage the church has over the seeker who is exploring the knowledge of reincarnation and karma.

If reincarnation is true then I will not be eternally punished if I break free from the church or if I stay in the church. If staying in the church is a mistake then I can correct that mistake in a future life.


If the church doctrine of eternal punishment is true and I reject the church my mistake will be of overwhelming proportions. Being tormented by the devil and his angels forever is much worse than the delay of progression for a life or two.

The temptation: What if I am wrong? Maybe I should play it safe. Safe is good…

The trouble is many have faced this fear for a number of lives and have not broken free. They are like the two individuals who were afraid to move on the path in the parable in my book. It seemed safe for them to just stand still and go nowhere.

Once a person has learned the lessons a church has to offer and does not move on he is just standing still, immobilized by his fears and will remain so until he quiets those fears and listens to the inner voice and moves in the new direction that God has for him.

Punishment from God is the greatest hurtle to overcome from the “What if I’m wrong” mantra, but there are other lesser ones.

You may receive a new direction from the inner voice that will put you at odds with your spouse, friends, co-workers or family and if you are wrong you may look like a fool or be rejected by them.

It’s almost like the higher forces test you to see if you are worthy of communion with the soul. I have found in my life that I often seem to be tested to the core when I attempt to follow the inner voice. Sometimes the direction has seemed very illogical and almost impossible. What makes it worse is after a period of time has passed that it seemed more and more certain that the soul was wrong as everything seemed to be falling apart around me. It is during this period of dark and heavy clouds where any further communication with God seems remote that you must do one important thing. Think back to that communication and direction you had with your soul and trust in it. Several times in my life this was very difficult for me for it did not seem that the soul was correct and the “what if I am wrong” comes to the mind with great force,.

But, every time I have followed the soul at all costs in the end I have found the inner voice to be correct and the reward has been great.

He who seeks to follow the inner voice over the outer will have many points of tension in his life and much courage, inner fortitude and diligence will be required to tread the path that leads to knowing.

The second dark mantra is, “Who do you think you are?”

When the seeker studies the lives and teachings of the great ones in history and desires to follow their example and tread the path of service this mantra will echo strong within his mind as he begins his journey.

He reads of miracles performed by holy ones in ages past and he wants to perform miracles also.

“Who do you think you are?” comes the voice. “You are not holy – you’re not even a good person. Just look back upon your life and you’ll see that you are sinful and unworthy indeed.”

The seeker reads about acts of courage and valor that lead to new discoveries, new enterprises and new opportunity. He wants to be like these brave men and women and show others the way to higher ground.

“Who do you think you are?” comes again the voice. Look at all the cowardly things you have done in your life. Crawl back in your hole. You are no hero or pioneer.

The seeker reads of teachers and philosophers who have inspired many and made the world a better place. He wants to do the same.

“Who do you think you are?” comes the voice. How do you expect to teach when you’ve been such a poor student that you’re lucky to get anything right? People will see right through you – that you’re a poor excuse for a human being let alone a teacher.

The power to stop the seeker with the first mantra is through fear, but the power to stop him with the second is through guilt. The seeker must learn to trust in the goodness of God and accept himself where he is now and move ahead without guilt or fear. This is accomplished when trust in the outer voices are dropped and the inner voice is followed. Guilt can only exist when God within is substituted for a false god without. The spirit of God speaking to you from within will never bring guilt, but instead an increase of awareness so true progress can be made.

May 6, 2000

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Alignment, Vision and Soul

Alignment, Vision and Soul

Here it is the morning of the Big day…. Cinco de Mayo! Party time.

Wait, wasn’t there supposed to be another big day? Oh yea… The end of the world, perhaps.

A reader asks:

“Btw, anybody see a connection between the computer virus in the news and the May 5th alignment? Or do you think that’s too far-fetched?”

Actually, this type of “disaster” goes along with my comments on the alignment that I made a few days ago where I said: “This energy should stimulate the surfacing of conflicts on some level that will bring old and new age ideas into high visibility. If those working in the light play their part the resistance will be futile and the new ideas will prevail.”

Computers and the Internet are a strong representation of the new age and militant sabotage such as the virus is a strong residual of out-of-date thinking. Thus as we enter the planetary alignment seeing high resistance. We have a strong new age force (the internet) met with a strong destructive force – the virus.

This type of playing out of forces made a lot more sense to me when I looked at the astrological chart a few days ago than the destruction of continents many have feared.

Another playing out of resistant force is coming from the Federal Reserve here in the United States, but their acts will affect the whole world. They are worried that the economy is too good and are at this moment considering another interest rate hike, twice as large as last time to slow things down. This idea that bankers and politicians have that things are too good and that they must slow down progress is definitely anti-new age for there is nothing too good to be true.

Fortunately, there are accurate thinkers who are coming forward with resistance to the idea that “things are too good.” What amazes me is that the public believes whatever they are told on this matter. Then too we must not overlook the fact that bankers make more money from higher interest rates. Thus it is in their best interests to convince us that we need high interest for our own good.

As individuals we also get caught in the “too good to be true” trap and sabotage ourselves because of guilt or ignorance. Some people just cannot tolerate the good and feel a need to punish themselves.

After Image

I was asked of what we see in the previous exercise is just a regular after image. Let me quote from my article.

“Your eyes will have taken a photograph of his etheric light and you will see the “after image” of his head glowing before you.”

If a flash goes off in your face or you catch a glimpse of the sun you will see an after image in the same way. If you move your eyes the after image will move. If you stare ahead the after image will appear to float.

My point is that the after image is of more than the physical body if you do the exercise right.

If you look at something that is a mere negative or non living you will see the same after image each time, but if you look at a human you will see different after images of the etheric body at different times.

I have looked at two different people with the same complexion and saw two very different after images of the etheric. One was all light with no shadows and the other has large dark blotches. Usually when I ask someone with dark blotches if they are feeling OK they will answer that they have a cold or feeling ill or depressed.

I have also looked at my etheric and aura many times through the same mirror in the same conditions and lighting and saw many diverse effects.

On the other hand, I have an image of a negative of a woman and every time I stare at that I see exactly the same results – such is not the case with a living human being.

For those of you who are doubters I would suggested you actually try the exercises. Do the one with the thumbs and you will actually see the image of the etheric. When you see it you will know you are seeing more than just your physical body. If more than your dense physical is there and it is visible – does it not make sense that it would leave an after image?

Here is food for thought. When you look at another person your senses on various levels see and filter through much more than the dense physical body. First you have an atmosphere between you and the person as well as varying types and intensities of light.

In addition to the light reflected by the physical there is blended with this the light projected by the etheric double. Notice I use the word “projected” rather than reflected. This is because the physical body reflects light whereas the etheric double is a source of light.

There is more. In addition to this there is the aura projected by the astral body and finally the mental and causal body. Thus we are all beings of light, but unfortunately we see very little of the whole of the light with our regular vision.

I gave you exercises on seeing the etheric and most of you should have been successful at that. The next step is seeing the aura and I would guess that only about 10% were successful there for the auric light is much more difficult to see. The key to seeing it is to practice daily. I used to do this and got pretty good at it, but lost some of the ability when I quit working on it. Once you gain the ability, however, you never lose it completely.

The first sign that you are seeing the aura is when you notice a light extending six to twelve inches away from the body. At first you will note that it seems to be a colorless light, but as you practice seeing it, the light will grow in intensity and seem to have color in it, but at first it is difficult to perceive which color it is.

Then as you continue to practice one day you will catch a glimpse of the color in its fullness. It will be so bright and beautiful that you will be started out of not seeing into regular seeing and it will disappear. But then you keep trying and after a while you can hold the vision indefinitely. A short distance from the physical body you will see bright neon colors, more brilliant than anything in this regular world of seeing. You will note that everyone has different colors in their aura. Some red, some orange, some yellow, gold, violet and so on. Some seem to radiate only one color and others have several. The colors of all auras change with personal feelings.

I discovered something quite interesting when I learned to see auras. That is a large percentage of people who claim to see auras do not see them at all. They either imagine they are seeing them or are flagrantly scamming people.

This is also true of palm readers. Many who read them know nothing of the actual reading and interpretation of the lines, but pretty much make things up as they go.

Now that you’ve made it to the point of seeing auras are you using soul contact?

No. Many who do not see auras have soul contact, BUT developing the ability to see auras and refined light will increase your sensitivity to the impressions of the soul.

Once you have achieved the ability to see the colors in the aura the question then is: What next? Is there more to see?

Remember I told you that there are three worlds below the point of soul interplay – the physical, the emotional and the mental. The colors in the aura are projected by the feeling world within you, but beyond this auric color is more to see.

Once you have achieved proficiency in seeing colors continue to practice seeing further out from the body. Eventually you will discover another interesting part of yourself. You will see clouds of energy composed of mental substance that circulate around you. It is here you discover your correspondence to an atom for you will realize that your physical body is merely a nucleus whereas there is refined substance spinning around you like electrons around an atom.

This mental substance is a key to telepathy, for when it is sent forth by the power of thought and interplays with the substance of another person there will be some degree of higher communication between the two.

Let us suppose you have progressed this far. You have now seen light in the three worlds. Is there more?

We’ll answer this question next.

May 5, 2000

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The Art of Not Seeing

The Art of Not Seeing

Several of you gave good examples of what could be soul contact. The main thread in your answers would seem to be “a registration of truth that is beyond the mind and the senses. This is the right direction.

As I have said before the word “soul” is used very loosely by various groups. In the teachings of the Masters it is basically used two ways.

(1) The Higher Self, sometimes called the Solar Angel, which is linked as an atom in the body of the oversoul of humanity.

(2) The point where spirit touches matter. This is the point that some have referred to as being beyond dualities. This, however, is not a dwelling place, but a doorway to the higher worlds.

The lower worlds are as follows:

(1) The physical and etheric

(2) The astral or emotional.

(3) The mental or mind.

Beyond the physical are higher grades of matter that make up forms normally invisible to the physical. For instance, there is a physical double to all things and this is called the etheric. The etheric is the easiest of the invisible worlds to see.

Interlock the fingers of your two hands and point the tips of your two thumbs toward each other. Separate the tips of your thumbs by about an eighth of an inch. Now find a wall that is white or light in color and hold your hands up to the wall so when you look at the space between your thumbs the wall is on the other side. Concentrate now and stare at the empty space between your thumbs for about a minute. Do not put your attention on your hands or thumbs, but only the empty space between your thumbs. After about a minute, while keeping your attention on the empty space, pull your thumbs slowly apart so now you have about a quarter of an inch of space. As you do this you should notice a thin film, about a millimeter from your skin, light blue in color.

What you are seeing here is your etheric double which is slightly larger than your physical. Learning to see this is the first step in seeing auras.

Here is a second exercise you can do.

Have a friend stand next to a light colored background like a white or light colored wall or a refrigerator door. Tell him to stand perfectly still and to not move his head. Now stare at his forehead for about a minute. Pick one spot on his forehead and do not deviate your attention from that spot. After 60-90 seconds have him move to the side, but continue to look at the spot as if the guy were still there.

What you see next will amaze you if you have not done this before. Your eyes will have taken a photograph of his etheric light and you will see the after image of his head glowing before you. When you see his lighted head note the shades of light and dark patches. The dark patches will indicate a blockage in the flow of energy. Most people have dark patches when they have a head cold, for instance.

The next up plane to see is the astral, or emotional.

The whole physical body consists of the dense physical that all of us see, plus the normally invisible etheric. The etheric is composed of millions of lines of force joining and merging to give the dense physical a coherent form.

We practiced some exercises that will enable most to see this “other” physical body.

What the next stage up? Is it the soul?

No not yet.

The next vibration up is the emotional or astral body. We can see the effects and evidence of this by looking at the aura. In fact Diane seems to have caught a glimpse of it. In describing what she saw as she was looking at the empty space between the thumbs she says:

“I see that and a bit of brighter glow beyond the blue.”

Then in looking at the head she says:

“I’ve seen this many times but didn’t know it was a photograph. Sometimes it sort of spikes outward in several directions. Maybe spikes is the wrong word but it looks like it sort of flows in various degrees upwards or outwards.”

Good for you Diane. In both cases you have seen the auric emanations from the emotional body.

The assignment today is to practice seeing the auric emanation. This is more difficult to see than the etheric double, but with practice it can be done. If you are serious about it and want to do something for both your health and spirit go on a fast. The first time I saw an aura clearly was after a ten day fast on water with a little lemon juice and honey added.

The best way to describe the art of seeing the aura is through a process I have named “the art of not seeing.”

The reason I call it this is that you have to hide any desire to see from your emotional self as you are attempting to see the aura. You must maintain a state of mind that says “I don’t give a damn if I see the aura or not!” The instant you “feel” a desire to see it all hope of seeing it will disappear. Therefore, you must completely still your emotions. When you do see the aura, do not get excited or it will immediately disappear. As soon as you see it maintain an unimpressed state of mind, as if you are saying to your astral self: “big deal – what’s next?”

That is why I call it the art of not seeing for to see it you must see it by attempting to not see.

First exercise: Repeat the thumb exercise as before, but slowly pull the thumbs about a half inch apart and leave them there looking at the empty space in between. Stare for a few minutes at the empty space and see what comes to your eyes. Focus on one spot in space and fix your attention on it.

The easiest part of the aura to see is over the head. This is why the early saints were represented as having halos. It is this light over the head that has the greatest intensity in most people.

This time, instead of looking at the forehead stare one-pointedly at the space just above the head. Practice for about five minutes at a time or until something becomes visible.

Actually it is easier to see a dark cloud over a depressed person, or one who has rejected light than it is to see the light of one who is in high vibration.

If you cannot find anyone to cooperate with you then use yourself as a subject by looking at yourself in the mirror for the mirror does reflect the astral light.

May 1, 2000

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Recognizing the Grievance


Recognizing the Grievance

There has been an interesting classroom fomenting today. And even though some hurtful words have been exchanged the circumstances here are very fruitful examples to aid in the understanding of the current lesson.

Some have wondered. Has the exchanges of strong emotion been in category one or two? Hasn’t there been a grievance here somewhere?

Let us take Member One’s remark toward Member Two.

“It just so happens that I’ve heard stories about you abusing your child,

Ooops….I’m late….no time ….gotta go……”

I believe that in his mind he used this strong wording to make a point rather than to make a real accusation toward Member Two. Nevertheless, it was about as an inflammatory choice of words as one could conjure up and most group members see it as a below-the-belt slam.

Let us put ourselves in Member Two’s shoes. All evidence suggests that she is a loving mother who is doing her best to care for her child and is willing to sacrifice whatever necessary for his benefit. There is probably nothing more insulting for a good mother than to be accused of being a bad mother.

Therefore, unless Member Two is a superhuman being from the 15th dimension she was bound to feel some strong emotion, possibly even rage from that remark.

So does this move it into a category two emotion where grievances dwell?

Normally this would not be the case – not unless she has given away her power to casual friends such as Member One and others. With a category one emotion you can feel great anger, outrage and indignation, but you will not suffer a grievance unless power is misplaced.

One can rant and rave and make lots of tempestuous noise with a class one emotion, yet harbor no grievance. On the other hand, one can suffer a class two emotion that begins with such subtlety over something that seems like nothing, and you do not even realize that anything negative is happening until the seed is planted and suppressed begins to grow into grievance and hurt.

Casual acquaintances can dish out any insult they wish to me and it does not bother me at all, but there are times that my wife can make a very innocent remark that seems harmless that can effect me more than the angry insults of a thousand that do not have my personal trust.

Therefore Member Two is justified in feeling some outrage here, but she should not feel a grievance.

Is there anything that could have transpired here today to make her feel a grievance – that could move the emotion over into class two?

I believe so.

If, after Member One made that remark, that all members of the group said nothing in her defense or seemed to acquiesce into the thought that Member One could be correct or worse still that the only comments that were to come forward would be in support of Member One’s statement… In this case Member Two would be likely to develop a hurt and grievance that would need to surface.

Why would this situation cause a grievance?

Because Member Two and others have developed a trust in the group members as a whole and look upon them as family and family are close enough to stimulate grievance.

Fortunately, there are those who did stand up for Member Two and gave her emotional support and thus I would guess that the potential grievance was diverted.

Suppose the offense is confined to class one category? Should we always control ourselves and return good for evil?

Answer: This is a judgment call and judgment must indeed be used if one is to maintain the optimum in mental and physical health.

If one does not check anger and outrage with some self control then he will create too much outgoing energy which will interfere with health as well as soul contact. On the other hand, if he does not communicate or get in touch with his emotional feelings in a class one incident then he will be likely to suppress when a class two incident comes into play. The main thing to do is to follow the urgings of your own soul to the best of your ability. Your inner self will tell you when you have gone too far in expression and it will also tell you when you have not gone far enough. As a reader said, this is not a black and white thing for discernment must always be used. Another consideration is that people on different points on the Path have differing needs for emotional expression.

On the other hand a grievance is black and white. It does not come by degrees. It is either there or is not there and whether it is caused by an unkind word or a major betrayal the disturbance is the same. Anger and other emotions may vary in intensity with the degree of offense, but the actual grievance is quite uniform.

The Course in Miracles teaches this principle. Let me quote:

“There are no small upsets. They are all equally disturbing to my peace of mind.”

I am glad to see that Susan is using this advice to her advantage. She tells us that she has given away too much of her power in the past and is seeking to disperse it with greater discernment in order to avoid grievances in the future.

I hope I do not embarrass her, but I thought I would make a comment about her that may be helpful to many including herself. She sent me some of her handwriting a while back and I took a look at it. In her writing is another characteristic that can increase the number of grievances.

Many downstrokes in her writing comes down with a bow or bend in them. This indicates a bending of the will. Now a slight bending of the will is a good thing because it provides for reasonable compromise in a relationship and some compromise is always necessary. But a pronounced bending of the will indicates a person who goes out of their way to accommodate the desires of others at their own expense. This can lead to not standing up for your own interests leading to grievances because your own needs are not met.

This is another area affecting the emotions that requires judgment. A certain amount of compromise is healthy for all involved, but if you are always the one giving in then one will be tempted to suppress sooner or later and pretend that all is well when all is not well.

Susan and the rest of us must always remember that we are just as important as the other person in relationship and must give ourselves equal opportunity for fulfillment.

May 5th and Comments

I was just watching the news and they announced the most recent theory about the shape of the universe due to recent Hubble studies. Scientists have concluded that the universe is somewhat flat and disc shaped.

On January 16th of this year we reported here in this group without the aid of the Hubble telescope the shape of the universe a using the Law of Correspondences. Let me quote:

“None of the living bodies are circular. The human for instance is egg shaped. Keep in mind that you have to consider the shape of our aura and outer film to see our true shape. The earth is flattened at the poles. Then the solar system is more flattened still and a galaxy even more so. This would suggest that the universe is not circular, but disked shaped. But since the universe is young compared to a galaxy we would have to look at a young galaxy to get an idea as to the current shape of the universe. Thus it would look a little like a cloud coming into the shape of a disc.”

Stay tuned. We will always try and stay ahead of the scientists and the news here.

We have also heard a lot of end of the world type of predictions from the planetary line up on May 5th, 2000. I took a look at the lineup on that date and see nothing to be alarmed about nor any evidence that we will be translated into a new dimension.

For one thing the line up is far from perfect. The alignment from earth perspective (geocentric) spans 27 degrees and from a view from the sun (heliocentric) spans 53 degrees. This would make the magnetic pull of the alignment of no great significance. I will admit that on the 9th we have a pretty tight alignment (from the geocentric view) of the Earth, the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn. There are also four tight squares between Uranus (the ruler of new age of Aquarius) and Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and the Sun. The most significant is the tight square with Saturn.

What I see from this configuration is a strong harmony through conflict situation in relation to coming changes of the new age..

Those working on the side of light will become more united, empowered and committed than ever before, but those on the side of darkness and the status quo will heighten their resistance to the coming changes that herald the new age. This energy should stimulate the surfacing of conflicts on some level that will bring old and new age ideas into high visibility. If those working in the light play their part the resistance will be futile and the new ideas will prevail.

Although there may be a few strange weather conditions in various parts of the globe I do not see any major disasters facing us in the next few weeks.

A reader asked if his experiences were related to soul contact

Rather than judging an experience let me speak of general principles. Soul energy has an influence on all of mankind and lower soul energy even builds and sustains the bodies in which we live but conscious contact with higher soul energies is another matter.

Before conscious soul contact is achieved a person may go through a number of supernatural experiences over a period of several lifetimes. Even without conscious soul contact, of which we have been speaking, a person may receive interesting knowledge filtered through dreams and visions of various thought forms. It is also true that one with soul contact may receive through dreams and higher visions. This creates a difficulty in figuring out who has the contact and who does not.

True soul contact begins with the still small voice and the connection grows from there. This contact is made and sustained in full waking consciousness and as the seeker develops his ability to perceive that which is true he becomes more and more accurate. In the end of the process he becomes a seer as described in ancient scriptures. The seer reaches a point when he can see truth with a certainty of knowing.

All of us are linked together with certain individuals because of past relationships and similarity of vibration so it is entirely understandable that one could feel very close to someone in dreams that he is not close to on the physical plane. The Higher Self remembers relationships that we have forgotten and may bring these together in the dream state.

May 1, 2000

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E-Moting Emotion

E-Moting Emotion

A reader says: “Am I the only one that thinks as we evolve we feel our emotions MORE deeply?”

If you want proof of this all one has to do is examine the lives of highly evolved people and initiates. Let me name a few:

John F. Kennedy. Here was an initiate with a very powerful emotional body. When he was President I never missed an opportunity to hear him speak because he came across with such conviction, emotion and passion.

Martin Luther King This was another very passionate man. The masses responded to him because he touched their emotions. If he had not had a powerful solar plexus he wouldn’t have accomplished what he did.

Winston Churchill. Another man with strong passions. Now this was a man who did not suppress at all for he freely let out the feelings that were brooding within him. As it was he offended many people and had many enemies.

Abraham Lincoln: He was often enraged with the blunders of his generals. McClellan particularly frustrated him and after one such event he sat down and wrote a long letter venting his rage. But then he put it in a drawer and never sent it, but wrote and sent another more moderate letter instead. But at least he got the feeling out.

Helen P. Blavatsky: A very passionate female and was not afraid to show very intense emotion.

Jesus: His passion was illustrated in the chasing of the money changers out of the temple and his great sorrow in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Actually, the temple cleansing was a combination of mind and feeling in action. When he entered the temple and saw the money changers defiling his Father’s house he felt a great rage build within him. The emotion was so great he felt it had to be released. Now most of us in a situation of intense feeling such as this would instantly react and lash out, but Jesus remained calm and mentally assessed the best way to release the emotion. He spent a considerable period of time gathering ropes and cords and braiding them together into a very intimidating whip. When he was satisfied with his creation he entered back into the temple and released his emotion by whipping the hell out of those oblivious bad guys. As they jumped back from his presence in great alarm he overturned all their tables and released all the animals scheduled to be slain.

His supporters cheered him on as a hero and none of the temple workers dared defy either them or Jesus. This was a pretty gutsy thing to do any way you look at it. Often, when I pass by a religious building I wonder what would happen if someone were to barge in there with a home made whip and do the same thing today.

There are many “spiritual centers” on the earth that could use a new Jesus entering the scene and bringing them to their senses.

The thing to remember about emotion and the solar plexus center is this. As one progresses upon the path the petals of this lower center unfold more completely along with the higher centers. Thus an initiate like Jesus actually has stronger feelings to deal with than does the average guy on the street.

The scriptures tell us that when we are perfected we will have “fullness’ of joy. We cannot have fullness of joy unless all the parts of ourselves are full and functioning. The real fullness comes when all seven centers are full and functioning together in perfect alignment.

Does this mean that an initiate is more out of control than the average guy who may only feel half the passion?

No. An experienced weight lifter, for instance, may be able to lift 200 pounds easier than you or I could lift 50 pounds. Why is this? Because he lifts weights regularly and has built up his muscles much more than the average guy has. Therefore the 200 pounds is easy for him to lift and always under his mastery.

Even so, an adept can control 200 pounds of emotional energy with much more mastery and ease than can a Meryl Streep type character who has difficulty with her 50 pounds.

Because the emotional intensity of one upon the Path is often so strong that he or she must be even more careful than most to make sure the emotion is released and sent forth in as harmless of a direction as possible.

John eloquently writes: “Has anyone else noticed how cathartic the recent honesty has been, and how it makes you feel closer to everyone because now they are dropping all that armor, and we can really see what’s underneath. Could it be we are actually all human here. Probably the thing that most fear is being seen as they really are, has been the best thing to happen to this group in recent memory. Some might see this as a step away from the Spiritual, but I see it as dropping more armor.”

JJ: The tendency of many of the “enlightened” is to portray themselves as “above” the personality world, with the emotions as a particular target of disdain. The truth is that many such people are either suppressing, in denial or just have an undeveloped emotional body.

There’s something about emotional sharing that makes people “real” to each other no matter what your state of evolution.

One thing I can say in this regard is that John has been emotionally real from the beginning and many respect him for it.

I am happy to see the group removing some of the barriers that threaten to separate us. Two people with soul contact can only be separated in the work for so long and then they must join in purpose.

There are two levels of negative emotion that we must deal with.

The first is general anger and irritation at events, other people or ourselves when things do not go our way or some type of perceived attack occurs.

The second is genuine hurt of grievance apparently inflicted by someone you trust.

The key word for the solution to the first set of emotions is “control.” Unlike grievances these emotions need to be controlled and even a certain amount of suppression does more good than harm. When these emotions are controlled over a period of time they lessen in power and become easier to manage.

One of the best examples of mastery over this type of emotion is demonstrated in a story I heard years ago.

A man was buying a paper at a newsstand and another customer bumped into him and blamed the collision on the guy and started cussing at him. As the man cussed him, the guy smiled pleasantly and paid for his paper. After the obnoxious one left the clerk marveled at the guy’s demeanor in the face of rudeness and asked him why he did not attack the guy back.

To this the potential initiate gave this reply:

“Why should I give that man power to determine my course of action? I have already decided that this will be a pleasant day so I will control my destiny, not give it to the hands of a stranger.”

This first group of emotions is thus mastered by taking your power back and putting it in its right location – which is within yourself.

When I have this type of emotion I release what feels right, but when my soul says “enough” I tell my emotional self to calm down and behave.

With the second group of emotions control and especially suppression is a deadly enemy. The key word for this group is “direction.”

Why is “direction” the key word here and how is it to be used to neutralize grievance? How does forgiveness fit in?

It is of extreme importance for optimum health to discover any suppressed grievances and to know the difference between general irritation and hurt that comes from close relationship. I would guess that about a third of the health problems that all of us have are either caused by or aggravated by suppression or denial.

Let me repeat that there are two main categories of negative emotion:

The first is general anger and irritation at events, other people or ourselves when things do not go our way or some type of perceived attack occurs.

The second is genuine hurt or grievance apparently inflicted by someone you trust.

If a person pulls in front of you in traffic and you find that irritating this belongs in category one.

If someone on TV says something inflammatory this belongs in category one.

If someone is talking loud in the table next to you in a restaurant and you find this irritating this belongs in category one.

If you’re hammering a nail and hit your thumb and become angry this belongs in category one.

If a group member posts something insulting to you this also would normally belong in category one.

Unless you take things way too personally or give away your power to others none of these type of things should cause a grievance in you.

The word “grievance” is one used often in the book A Course in Miracles. The course puts a lot of emphasis on overcoming grievance and guilt because they are so detrimental to the progress of the soul. Basically a grievance is a negative package of emotion caused by some hurtful act that builds up inside of you and does not go away by decree, will power or even prayer or meditation.

Category one of negative emotion should not cause a grievance to any unless the subject is going out of his way to give away his power.

But then as you come into a close and trusting relationship one does yield up emotional energy in a way that does not happen in loose relationships. One of the reasons the power to cause grievance enters in is because in close relationship each of you makes a contribution to the goals of the two in such a way that trust becomes essential because to reach the goal more than your own efforts are needed.

Partners in a marriage are obviously very intertwined in dependency. Let us say, for instance, that they are each making $30,000 a year and their bills and cost of living are close to $60,000 a year. In this situation they are both very dependent on each other’s contribution in order to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle. If they did not trust each other when they married they are pretty much forced into trusting each other now.

Let us suppose now that the husband gets interested in spiritual teachings of some kind and becomes so enamored by them that he wants all his time free and decides to quit work and spend his whole time on some vision quest. One evening he announces to his wife that he has quit work to become a servant to the world.

How would his wife feel?

She would feel betrayed because she has trusted him to do his share in their mutual goal she thought they had. In this situation if she is not open with her hurtful emotions she is likely to develop a dangerous suppression.

If you are business partners with someone and the other guy ruins the business through carelessness this could cause a grievance because trust is involved again.

Forgiveness enters in because it is essential to overcome a grievance. The trouble is that many claim to have forgiven when there has been no forgiveness. Forgiveness does not occur by merely proclaiming that you have forgiven someone or by the mere announcement that you will not go after retribution.

If you say you have forgiven, yet still harbor a grievance then you have forgiven nothing. As long as that negative feeling wells up in your breast forgiveness is still not complete. Sometimes announcing to yourself, your friends or even the person who caused the hurt that you forgive will have no effect on the inner negative emotion. Along with the announcement of forgiveness must come an honest communication to the person perceived to be the cause of hurt feelings and what seemed to cause those feelings. When this communication is complete then true forgiveness can take place and not before.

A dimension of the key word of “direction” is that the negative emotion must be given direction so that it will move away from the door to soul contact. If your trusted one hurts you then you must give that hurt direction in harmlessness by the power of open communication. Direct it by the power of your words and communication out and away from your innermost being.

The rising above guilt and grievance will be essential for future spiritual group work. If one person in a working group has a grievance or guilt then soul contact for the group as a whole will be greatly diminished.

April 28, 2000

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The Flow of the Soul

The Flow of the Soul

The first Law of Healing as given by Djwhal Khul Through Alice A. Bailey reads:

“All disease is the result of inhibited soul life, and that is true of all forms in all kingdoms. The art of the healer consists in releasing the soul, so that its life can flow through the aggregate of organisms which constitute any particular form.”

Thus, either conscious or unconscious acts that restrict the flow of soul energy cause disease.

We have just discussed one of the major causes of soul obstruction and that is suppression and denial of negativity.

From my research with handwriting analysis about half the population have this problem to some degree. About 20% have suppression to a dangerous degree.

I knew when I wrote the following statement that someone would call me on it because on the surface it does not seem to be true according to standards that most seekers go by.

“He takes no responsibility for your negative feeling or your hurt. In this case the negative energy remains.”

I had some questions on this so will give a fuller explanation.

The damaging suppression I was talking about does not come from standard casual relationships such as I have with readers who are offended by something I say.

The hurt or anger generated in relationships are our own responsibility in normal circumstances. The only ones that can put us in a situation where suppression is dangerous are those with whom we are close enough to establish a bond of trust. These include but not limited to:

(1) A lover or spouse.

(2) A close friend or trusted partner

(3) Someone whom you recognize as a trusted authority because of some contact through group life.

As a general rule people outside of this circle do not have power to cause a grievance in the life of an aspiring disciple. The closer you are to another human being the easier it is to negatively affect their emotions. The reason for this is that close relationships create a greater personality life that links the group on an emotional level. (The Molecular Relationship creates a greater life on the soul level.) When two or more share emotional energies as one life then there is not only opportunity for great fulfillment but also for hurt, suppression and grievance.

For instance, most of those who were offended at Jesus did not know him as a person from the guy in the street, nor did they have any bond of trust with him. They were not offended at Jesus the person, but at the power of the words and ideas that came from him, How you react or do not react to people that you are not in emotional relationship results in much less power to cause the harboring of negative energy.

Now those who were offended at Jesus were negative and this negativity was a barrier to their soul, but it was a negativity based more on fear whereas the negativity from personal relationships that I am talking about is a negativity from emotional hurt. The first negativity is caused by fear of change; the second on a painful hurt within the emotional body caused by the black and white reasoning of the astral nature and enhanced by fear of hurt.

Take myself, for instance. At present the only person on the earth that has power to create a disturbance within me that could tempt me to suppress would be my wife. This situation does happen now and again and when it does I find that my emotional body is affected by some silly little things. I am tempted to not communicate the potential grievance because it seems so petty, but, because I understand the principle, I force myself to do so and when I do the grievance immediately disappears.

I also seem to be the only person who can cause a grievance to surface within my wife. I have noticed throughout my life that I have had the power to create emotional hurt with every female that I have had a romantic relationship with and this hurt usually occurs at a time that I had no idea I was saying or doing anything offensive. The problem is that the emotional body is not that bright and does not synthetically interpret data so misunderstandings are easy to come by.

There have been times in relationships that I have unintentionally caused hurt and my partner attempted to pretend that everything was fine. When this has happened I have been able to sense that all was not well and then attempted to communicate and bring the hurt to the surface. When the hurt then comes to the surface I have found that the only way to completely neutralize the negative energy is to take part of the responsibility for its creation.

But wait, you say. It is the other person suffering the hurt so he or she is the responsible one. You did not intend to hurt and should not take responsibility.

This is indeed true in relationships that do not have a strong emotional bond or trust, but where this bond exists the two become as “one flesh” on the emotional level. Because the two are one from the viewpoint of the astral body the intelligence of the astral body insists that both parties are equally responsible for any hurt and it matters not which of the two individuals the hurt resides in.

Now when the hurt occurs in either me or my wife I find that normal reasoning does not work. If I tell her that she “shouldn’t feel that way.” she is likely to throw something at me. It may be true that when viewed by the logic of the mind that she and I are both silly to feel the way we do at times, but mind is powerless to talk the emotional body out of hurt by reasoning alone. Even if the offense is not intended, and ridiculous by the standards of the whole world, the one who created the hurt must communicate a sharing of the responsibility to the emotions of the other person. Because the two are seen as a greater life the astral nature insists on a shared responsibility on all feelings generated, especially hurt feelings.

The bottom line in the real world is this. When I hurt my wife’s feelings and bring then to the surface I must then communicate to her feelings that I am somehow sorry for my part in the damage, that I am responsible for the problem as well as she is. I must show her an understanding and empathy on an emotional level. Now when I do this and the communication is accepted the negativity is immediately lifted and dissipated. As I said, I have proven this works, not only with my wife, but in all past romantic relationships I have had.

This works two ways. There are times that I have received hurt and I could see that the hurt was not logical and I mentally deduced that I should not feel the way I felt. But the reality was that I did feel that way and the moment my partner communicated to my emotional body that she shared the responsibility the negativity was immediately lifted.

Let me repeat that this problem can occur in any close friendship, marriage or with a trusted authority.

Keep in mind here by far the most damaging negative emotions surface in close emotional relationships as we have been discussing. Feeling irritable at the mailman for being late or the politician for being ignorant rarely causes any significant damage. Secondly, suppression and self-control are two different things. Many who have good self-control do not suppress and many who suppress have little self-control, but do it out of fear.

I get angry and irritable periodically and find that a certain amount of passionate release does not offend my soul. Then, I also find that when I reach a certain point I receive a soul communication that says something like: “Ok, you’re going too far now. Calm down.”

When this soul communication comes I must at this point bring self-control into play and tell my emotional body that it has expressed enough and it is time to quiet down. I rarely get angry at others, but find that most of my anger is directed at myself for careless mistakes I make.

But in our relationships with others when the hurt comes or the temptation to anger comes release can be accomplished not by lashing out but by communicating feelings with non destructive language. Instead of attempting to strangle the guy, tell him that you just feel like strangling him. This method works just as good with no harmful side effects.

I hope I have set the example for you, my friends, here in this discussion group since the beginning. There have been numerous times that fairly inflammatory remarks have been made in my direction. You will note that there has not been a time that I have found it necessary to suppress or hold back on an honest response and communication of true feeling. But you will also note that I have always attempted to respond in a civil manner without strong emotionalism or name-calling. I have resisted any show of anger or attack yet communicated clearly what I thought and felt. Consequently, through this whole ordeal of the ups and downs of the group I have stayed emotionally healthy and in good physical health despite my lack of sleep.

Hope this sheds some light. If any further clarification is needed please respond.

April 27, 2000

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