The Seeker’s Guide to Soul Contact, Part 26


Day 340

The Next Step

The Seed Thought:

To correctly assess your place on the spiritual path is a great accomplishment. Then you can see the next step to be taken.

Many standard Christians see themselves as saved. To them this is the ultimate accomplishment, so there is no greater attainment possible. There is nowhere else to go when sanding still is the best option.

Then we find many in the New Age community who see themselves at the end of their evolution and figure that they are on their last life. Since this is the pinnacle of accomplishment, they too have no next step, or nowhere to go but to stand still and just not go backwards.

Then there are many others who may not see themselves in any ultimate situation, but as being enlightened and very far up the spiritual path, maybe even a master or a famous person incarnate. These have a problem taking their next step because most are missing the step they are supposed to take and working on something which truly lies beyond their consciousness.

If you are climbing a ladder and are half way to the top, there are two things you do not want to do. You do not want to be deceived into thinking you are at the top when you are in the middle and thus stand still.

Secondly, you do not want to see your next step as being the fourth step ahead as that is impossible to take. Instead, you need to find the actual next step and take it.

The problem with finding the next step is that most people are centered in the ego and the false self will not tell you the truth. It will either humiliate you and make you think you are not worthy to take any step or it will glorify you, inflate your worth and tell you that you are a spiritual giant.

The seeker can only find his true place and the next step to be taken by going within and communicating with his own soul. He or she must ask, what subtle impressions have they have received from within about what they are supposed to be doing. When the right answer is received and followed the seeker will have a sense of well being and peace and be assured that their next step is a good one.

Seed Thought of the Day:

It is fun to talk about theory and ideas that we can never prove true or false in this physical reality, but the time comes in the lives of all seekers where practical work and progress must be made. Such work must be demonstrated in the eyes of all, believers and non-believers.


Day 341

Practical Work

The Seed Thought:

It is fun to talk about theory and ideas that we can never prove true or false in this physical reality, but the time comes in the lives of all seekers where practical work and progress must be made. Such work must be demonstrated in the eyes of all, believers and non-believers.

Many of those interested in alternative spiritual thinking are viewed by the masses as embracing illogical and impractical thinking. This has the negative effect of causing numerous potential investigators to stay away from thinking out of the box.

So what are some of the impractical doctrines that distract from practical thinking? Here are a few:

(1) The end of the world is approaching and we need to abandon all and prepare for space aliens, God, Jesus or Zork to come to the rescue.

(2) Teaching that there are shortcuts to salvation or escaping the wheel of life making any work you do here without value.

(3) Fanciful teachings about mysteries of the past, presenting data that cannot be proven true or false. While there is nothing wrong with contemplating any truth, too much focus on that which cannot be proven takes away for work that can be of real value.

(4) Believing and promoting the flat earth idea. To the surprise of logical thinkers this idea is enjoying a renaissance and a disturbing number of people are embracing it and wasting time promoting it.

Then there are others who are sincere seekers of the truth and do learn from some of the highest sources, but focus much more on learning than doing. Learning is, of course, valuable, but to be of true value the learning must be applied, preferably in acts of service.

The wise seeker must seek above all learning that can be transmuted into some type of useful activity. This can include esoteric ideas that merely shed additional light on true principles but should also include principles that have a practical application. Categories of practical spiritual learning would include:

(1) Anything that improves physical, emotional or spiritual well-being.

(2) Useful meditation techniques

(3) The presentation of principles so understanding is enhanced.

(4) Teachings that enhance goodwill and right human relations.

(5) Teachings that inspire service that is actually helpful to others.

The bottom line is the seeker needs to have as the end goal the improving of his or her usefulness and ability to serve.

Seed Thought of the Day:

You either make decisions that create your life, or someone else does it for you.


Day 342


The Seed Thought:

You either make decisions that create your life, or someone else does it for you.

Many people feel they are much more in charge of their life than they are – that they are the ones making decisions when they are really floating downstream in a current produced by the decisions of others.

The part of life most affected by this is a person’s belief system. Many parts of the average belief system were not chosen, but planted by parents or trusted authorities. Perhaps the individual did choose a religion, a political party or group as a whole, but never examined all the ingredients. All the doctrines and beliefs were created by someone else but the supporter just accepts the whole package without looking closely at the fine print.

The seeker needs to realize which parts of his life are governed by his own decisions and by the decisions others. He needs to unravel illusion so he does not think that decisions made by others that control or guide him are his own decisions.

Now it is not wrong to have parts of your life governed by the decisions of others. Politicians and various representatives make decisions for us all the time. We may not agree with them all, but it is necessary for a lot of decision making to be had outside of our personal circle.

There are spheres of decisions that affect us over which we have no control and then there is a sphere of decisions over which we have power. The seeker should never give this power away unless he can see that it will work to his advantage. He must claim as his own, decisions within his own power and make the best of them. If he doesn’t use this power of decision on a matter then someone else will do it for him and if things do not work out he will have no one to blame but himself.

The greatest power in the seeker’s life is that of decision and it is a valuable skill to use it wisely.

Seed Thought of the Day:

To be a good student takes as much wisdom as it does to be a good teacher.


Day 343

The Good Student

The Seed Thought:

To be a good student takes as much wisdom as it does to be a good teacher.

The prevailing wisdom is for people to view the teaching position as being superior to the student, but we need to consider this. Without students there can be no teacher and, conversely, without teachers there can be no students. Every teacher was once a student and if he continues in his progression will be a student again. The student-teacher, or sender-receiver situation is a cycle that repeats indefinitely.

The idea of superior-inferior is entirely the wrong approach to viewing this relationship as all are capable of teaching some things and all are capable of learning and both approaches must be incorporated into our lives for successful living.

A student who views the teacher as superior rather than just a different place on the path is likely to be handicapped in his learning and delayed in his ability to become a similar teacher himself. Instead, the student needs to see himself and the teacher as fellow travelers in this earth school (where we are all students) who are working together toward a similar end. The good student does not have as his first priority to pass the class or get good grades, but to learn practical knowledge that can be applied in life. One piece of practical learning is worth dozens related to theory that can never be used in the life of the student.

So, what are the qualities we look for in the successful student? Here are a few:

(1) The student will not see learning as an inferior position but will look forward to using the acquired knowledge productively.

(2) The student will be wise in his choice of a teacher and the classes taught so his time will be well spent.

(3) The student will sort out the profitable from the unusable material and concentrate on that.

(4) The student will focus on seeing the principles involved rather than merely memorizing data.

(5) The student will formulate in his mind how he would present the information if he were the teacher (which may be the case in the future).

Indeed all seekers must take the learning position seriously for every teacher first had to be a student and will be again.

Seed Thought of the Day:

There is one space yet innumerable stars manifesting in it. Correspondingly, there is one God manifesting many lives, including you and me.


Day 344

The One Life

The Seed Thought:

There is one space yet innumerable stars manifesting in it. Correspondingly, there is one God manifesting many lives, including you and me.

Spiritual teachers from the beginning have contemplated the oneness of God with all life. How is it that we can share a oneness with God, or the One Great Life, yet remain in a separate consciousness on the earth?

A popular analogy goes like this: The life of God is like a great ocean of water. We as individuals are like drops of water that have been separated from the main body. Then, when oneness is realized, we become like the drop that is placed back in the ocean, which contains all the drops merged into one body.

This idea is good food for thought and gives a rough idea of how God is the one and the many. On the other hand, it is not exact for this reason.

Once a drop of water is merged back into the ocean it will never exist again, for the millions of molecules which compose it are scattered in all directions. That particular drop will never again be reconstituted.

On the other hand, we as individual lives continue after oneness is realized. The essence of our life continues even after oneness is realized. That is because oneness with God is made by linkage rather than merging. Paul speaks of this principle:

“For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being MANY, are one body: SO ALSO IS CHRIST.” I Corinthians 12:12

God having one body but many members is different than an ocean composed of many merged drops. In an ocean each merged drop is the same, but in a body each part, which shares in the oneness of the body, plays a distinct and unique role.

So, is there a better analogy that more accurately reflects reality?

Indeed there is. Just go outside at night and look up in the sky and the truth of the oneness of life is revealed.

How many stars do you see?


And if we use our telescopes how many stars are revealed?


And all of these stars are ingredients that exist within the body of space. How many spaces are there?

There is only one space that contains the entire universe.

The body of the one space contains and links every star, every planet and every life in the universe, yet each life is still unique and follows its distinct path for the ages.

This correspondence is worthy of deep reflection.

Seed Thought of the Day:

One of the important teachings of the approaching age will be the restoration of knowledge of the power of female energy, for it is as mysterious as gravity; no form can be held together without it.


Day 345

The Female Energy

The Seed Thought:

One of the important teachings of the approaching age will be the restoration of knowledge of the power of female energy, for it is as mysterious as gravity; no form can be held together without it.

The female energy has been a mystery through the centuries, even to the females. They have been tricked into thinking all the power is invested in the male energy and to succeed they must act as a male to compete and succeed. Doing this is comparable to swimming upstream. It can be done but things will seem unfair when you are competing with others swimming with the current.

To understand this problem the seeker must understand the difference between the male and female energy. The male energy is radiant, visible, active, sending and outgoing. The female energy is magnetic, invisible, receiving and works more on the inner plane than the outer. The male energy scatters and separates the one into the many while the female energy pulls the many into the one.

It is interesting that the female started to come into her own energy about the time that Newton caused the scientific world to pay attention to the law of gravity – a female energy. Civilization has made progress in understanding the female but still has a long way to go. Most still think the female will only be equal when she has an equal amount of power in the male energy and this is illusion – just as it is to believe that the male would achieve equality by obtaining an equal portion of female energy.

Evidence of female dominance in receiving is illustrated in the fact that over the records of student grades for the past 100 years females outperform males in all countries and subjects studied. Then when it comes to sending or initiating the males out perform.

The difference is illustrated in the male and female bodies. The male sends the sperm and the female receives. When the cycle is completed then a new creation occurs. This correspondence gives the seeker much food for thought and contemplation – much too much to cover in detail here, but is covered in my other writings.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Since you are in the image of God then whatever God can do, you can do. Nothing is impossible.


Day 346

The Image of God

The Seed Thought:

Since you are in the image of God then whatever God can do, you can do. Nothing is impossible.

In Genesis we read:

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Genesis 1:27

The implications of this are revealed in a later verse:

“And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil…” Gen 3:22

This tells us that the “image” of God refers to much more than any physical representation, but other qualities such as the power to judge “good and evil.”

If we are then truly in the image of God then we have all the attributes and potential of God within us. We can possess all the powers of Jehovah who spoke those words, for we can become as one with the Godhead.

Why is this the case?

As reflections of God we have all the potential that God has. The skeptic will then ask why cannot we do great miracles with the snap of a finger?

The answer is that there are many things God cannot do with the snap of a finger for human beings are the arms and legs of God on the earth. You are a part of the wholeness of the One Great Life which we call God and that life, which is you, chose to enter into dense material substance in a limited condition in order to further your own progression. You are a reflection of God with all the powers of God, but do not yet realize what you are, so you are restricted in time and space to a limited condition in the game of life.

The prime limitation is our consciousness that does not understand our potential. When humans developed the advance in consciousness to recognize good and evil they removed a great limitation and opened the door to greater realization that would eventually restore all their powers of godliness, just as is possessed by Jehovah.

The difference between Jehovah and a regular mortal is not their origin, for both are a part of the One Great Life we call God. The difference is consciousness. Jehovah has the limitations of consciousness removed and humans are still restricted by them. With each removal of limitation we move one step closer to becoming as the “we” mentioned in the scripture.

All things are possible when our self-imposed limitations are removed and they will be removed when the seeker is ready.

Seed Thought of the Day:

To be born again is to drop all preconceived notions planted by the traditions of men, and see the world anew, as if through the eyes of a child.


Day 347

The Two Kingdoms

The Seed Thought:

To be born again is to drop all preconceived notions planted by the traditions of men, and see the world anew, as if through the eyes of a child.

The scriptures shed some additional light on this idea:

“Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3

When one is born he enters life as a child and Jesus said this about them:

“And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” Matt 18:2-3

So is having a crusade and filling believers full of emotional energy the fulfillment of this or is there an actual principle involved?

Indeed, there is a principle.

Jesus spoke of two different kingdoms. One is the material world in which we live and another that is spiritual. He made this evident when he spoke to Pilate:

“Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.” John 18:36

And where is this kingdom?

“the kingdom of God is within you.” Luke 17:21

All of our outer senses are tuned to only perceiving the material world. Many are so focused on them that they will not accept the existence of anything that cannot be perceived by them. If you speak of things spiritual to them they will immediately discount them and not even consider another possible reality. They are like the Vatican scientists who refused to look through Galileo’s telescope. Because they did not look they could not see the moons of Jupiter.

In order to discover the kingdom of God one must at least look for it and to look for it one must drop all preconceived notions that it does not exist. The outside world (represented by the authorities in the days of Jesus) places every possible obstacle in the seeker’s path:

“But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.” Matt 23:13

Even today the authorities of the world do not look for and find the spiritual kingdom for themselves and do all in their power to convince others not to look, telling us that revelations, near death and out of body experiences, visions, angelic encounters and all sorts of spiritual experiences are merely products of the stimulation of the physical brain and are illusions.

For the seeker to discover the inner world of soul contact he or she must become as a little child and have a mind that is a clean slate willing to consider anything. When the seeker then approaches the inner kingdom as if it may be real the truth of its reality will be discovered. It will then be discovered that experience is more real than the declarations of outer authorities and nothing can take such knowledge away.

Seed Thought of the Day:

When we learn to stay focused in the light while a negative force is pulling us back, with negative people and circumstances trying to distract us, then we finally reach a point where we have earned the right to stay permanently on our next plateau of consciousness.


Day 348

Moving Forward

The Seed Thought:

When we learn to stay focused in the light while a negative force is pulling us back, with negative people and circumstances trying to distract us, then we finally reach a point where we have earned the right to stay permanently on our next plateau of consciousness.

Even those who are not spiritual seekers will notice that whenever they try to do something that improves their lives that it seems that events and people just seem to come out of the woodwork to prevent them from succeeding.

If a person tries to quit smoking then it will seem that an unusual number of people will offer them free cigarettes. If one goes on a diet then great tasting rich foods will be available at every turn as well as a seemingly unusual amount of sumptuous ads for delicious forbidden foods.

While it is true that the average person will just notice the temptations more because he has deprived himself, there is also a true principle involved.

We as human lives are immersed in many fields of energy and it requires a transfer of spiritual energy to move toward the light or away from it. Moving backwards is the line of least resistance and forwards is the most. It is like the difference between going upstream or down. Going upstream requires more effort.

Yes, the guy seeking to improve his diet will encounter many temptations not linked to energy but he will also be attempting a small step toward greater light which forces him to go against the current. Thus, to succeed he must not only overcome the obvious outer temptations but the subtle energies at play as well.

For the average person seeking self-improvement the outer temptations are dominate over the subtle, but this situation is reversed for the seeker of greater light and wisdom. For him the outer evidence may seem to support his decision to advance forward into greater light. As he contemplates his decision it seems to make sense to move forward toward an increase of light, love and a more finely tuned inner vision.

Then when definite steps are taken toward greater light a significant disturbance of the force is created. It is as if a vacuum is created right behind him that creates a great force that pulls him backwards.

Jesus spoke of this principle:

“When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first.” Matt 12:43-45

This illustrates the principle that when the seeker takes a step forward and thinks that he has made an advance that forces will come into his life seven times stronger than the energy he expended to move forward. When this happens many a seeker succumbs and instead of going back to where he was he winds up in a worse state than before.

The good news is that most seekers will eventually develop the inner strength to counter the powerful forces against his advancement. He will handle the inner turmoil and ignore the outer negative voices and by the strength of an enhanced will he will stand steady in the light no matter what forces attempt to pull him toward the darkness.

When he (and of course she) stand unmoved steady in the light the negative forces dissipate and the seeker then finds his place secure until the next step forward is taken.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Using feeling alone to find truth is like one hand clapping. Mind and heart are the two necessary hands.


Day 349

True Heart

The Seed Thought:

Using feeling alone to find truth is like one hand clapping. Mind and heart are the two necessary hands.

It is common for teachers of alternative spiritual thinking to portray the mind as some kind of enemy of enlightenment, that we need to put it aside completely and place our full attention on the heart. This, however, runs contrary to this ancient prophet as well as common sense:

“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” Jer 17:9

Jeremiah here seems to be on the other extreme. After all, isn’t the heart the seat of love which is a good thing?

Here is where the problem of discussing the heart energies enters in. The heart center streams the energies of both love and wisdom, but it has its reflection in the solar plexus where most people have their center of consciousness. The solar plexus, governing lower feeling reverses true reality and leads to great deception. When the average person thinks of following his heart he really thinks of following his solar plexus lower feelings rather than the real heart. Because Jeremiah was speaking to those centered in the solar plexus his words were quite appropriate.

An example of the deception of the lower feelings associated with heart is the lady who falls in love with an abusive guy who follows her feelings into a world of misery while ignoring warnings registered by the mind.

To encourage the masses to follow their heart and ignore their mind is a very dangerous teaching for following the lower feelings while ignoring common sense is madness and leads to most of the problems we see people having in their lives.

The seeker must realize that the true heart center is composed of twelve energy pedals, part connected to spiritual love and the other to wisdom which is linked to mind. In addition, the heart has a distorted reflection in the solar plexus, but a higher more accurate reflection in the head chakra causing a union of mind and heart for the enlightened seeker who focuses on higher mind and heart rather than distorted feelings and the physical brain.

Let then the seeker follow the path of holiness (wholeness) by embracing both mind and heart, working in unison to take him to the feet of God.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Anyone can be the soul mate of another if both drop all barriers that separate and see the true spiritual being.


Day 350

Soul Mates

The Seed Thought:

Anyone can be the soul mate of another if both drop all barriers that separate and see the true spiritual being.

It is a common belief that there is one special person who is a soul mate and that if you find him or her that you will live together in a life of bliss, unity and understanding.

When people fall in love they often think they have found that person, but then after difficulties arise they find themselves despising that person they once adored. At that point they figure they made a big mistake and either the soul mate is elsewhere or doesn’t exist and is a myth.

Then there are a handful of individuals who have a happy relationship who figure they have indeed found their soul mate of destiny.

What is the truth of the matter here? Are there really only a lucky handful who can have a relationship with enough harmony to qualify as soul mates?

Let all seekers run this answer by their souls for verification.

There is no single person who can be your soul mate. All of us are children of the One God and have the same potential and at our core is the spark of Divinity.

That spark is represented in each individual by his own soul or Higher Self, but our vision is clouded by the imperfect judgments we make in this land of shadows and illusion.

How is it that a person can feel blissfully in love, feeling they have found a soul mate at one time, then a while later be filled with hate toward that same person?

The answer is that this person overlooked the personality and looked for the good that lies beneath the surface of us all.

If the seeker does this with any individual he or she will feel a soul to soul link that is similar to others who think they have found their soul mate.

The differences in personality characteristics and qualities hide the love of the soul and yes, some differences are much harder to filter out than others.

Does this mean that to see the soul you have to deny flaws in others?

No. Instead the seeker applies the Lion Principle mentioned earlier. Just see these personality problems as something temporary that exists in this material world that clouds the vision of many. See the soul of even in difficult people and love them as souls, as Jesus did when he said, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” You do not have to be best buddies with them.

On the other hand, when you do find your life’s partner you will discover numerous personality differences that can cloud soul vision if allowed to get in the way. If the two can focus on the soul with more attention than personality differences they can have the soul mate experience for the entirety of their lives.

Seed Thought of the Day:

The more you let others do for you what you can do for yourself, the more chaos and seemingly bad luck will enter in.



Day 351

Self Sufficiency

The Seed Thought:

The more you let others do for you what you can do for yourself, the more chaos and seemingly bad luck will enter in.

There are two types of people in the world: Those who seek to be self sufficient to themselves and use the extra power of their resources to strengthen and serve others and those who think the world owes them a living and expect someone else to take care of their needs.

Yes, there are shades of gray between these two poles, but each person overall will gravitate to one side or the other.

The second group tends to follow the line of least resistance and let others do for them many things that they can do for themselves. The problem is that once a person becomes comfortable with this mindset it is difficult to escape from it. After all, if you need food, shelter, clothing or some of the luxuries of life, which is easier? To get some other person or agency to supply them or to earn them for yourself? If the individual finds some generous source to supply his needs then the temptation to continue life with his hand held out for freebies is great.

The trouble for this group is that energy follows thought and if the thought of dependence and helplessness is reinforced, time and time again, then the person will have less control over his life. As the years pass he will seem to be plagued with an increasing degree of bad luck and friends will tend to avoid him for fear of having to endure conversations of bad luck stories instead of fun conversation.

When you hear from a friend or associate what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? If it is, “Oh, no, I wonder what he wants this time,” then you know that this guy is in the second category. If you have no such thoughts but just glad to hear from him or her then this individual is probably in the first category.

Every seeker should strive to find himself in the first category and do all in his power to, not only take care of himself, but to have an abundance of resources to assist others along the way. Keep in mind that there are many resources that are beyond the realm of money and material possessions.

Seed Thought of the Day:

An initiate is one who initiates. He or she will desire to do more than repeat the past, but to participate in creating the new and the beautiful.


Day 352

The Initiate

The Seed Thought:

An initiate is one who initiates. He or she will desire to do more than repeat the past, but to participate in creating the new and the beautiful.

In the past an initiate has been thought of as being a person who has joined some special or secret organization and jumped through some bells and whistles, learned secret code, knowledge, handshakes or mantras. He is a part of an inner circle with special access not available to the rank and file.

The question the seeker must ask is this. What good is it to be in on some esoteric secrets if you do not do anything with the knowledge to actually initiate something? In other words, if all one does is go through some process, but do little or nothing to benefit humanity then how is such an initiate any better off in his progress than one who has not gone through some outward initiation?

When you think about it any initiate worth his salt will do what the meaning of the word implies and “initiate” something of value.

The true initiate though does more than blindly repeating what has been done before. Reinventing the wheel accomplishes nothing new and useful. Instead, the initiate will make a better wheel.

Here are some things true initiates may be involved in.

He or she will either start, or assist in starting, a project, group, enterprise, business or movement.

He may initiate something new and different creatively in music, art, writing, architecture or other endeavors.

He may do something inventive or promote a new invention or process.

The greater the initiate the greater will be the power to initiate. To find some initiates just check the Internet for those who are doing new and different things that benefit humanity.

Finally, the question the seeker must ask himself is this: Am I involved in anything that will initiate new and better conditions for humanity?

Seed Thought of the Day:

An increase of freedom brings a temporary increase of both good and evil, but as the people choose truth over error that which is good will surface, be understood and dominate.


Day 353


The Seed Thought:

An increase of freedom brings a temporary increase of both good and evil, but as the people choose truth over error that which is good will surface, be understood and dominate.

The United States has 146 times more gun crime per 1000 people than North Korea. The main reason is a lack of freedom there as gun use or ownership is forbidden for civilian use and only allowed for the military.

On the other hand, the murder rate there is four times that of the United States. It looks like they find a way to kill each other, guns or no guns. It is said by some escaped dissidents that some murder for the sake of cannibalism as there is much starvation in the country.

Now let us suppose it was suddenly declared that anyone in that country could own a gun for any reason. Would that extra freedom produce some gun violence?

Of course. Instead of killing themselves with knives and hammers many would resort to guns.

The point is that with an increase of freedom in any area of life you will have an increase of activity and that increase will be on both sides resulting in an increase of good and evil.

The question we want to ask ourselves is do we want freedom where there is more good and evil or do we want lack of freedom where both good and evil actions are very limited?

The wise seeker will always side on the choice of freedom, within the structure of just law, for this reason. Though humanity makes many mistakes it learns from them and when good and evil are both revealed it will eventually side with the good. Thus maximum freedom, even though it allows the manifestation of both good and evil, causes progression toward the good in he long run.

On the other hand, suppression of freedom also suppresses progress and causes the consciousness of the people to stagnate.

The Principle of Freedom creates the main dividing line between the path of light and darkness.

Seed Thought of the Day:

An accuser and name caller is, more often than not, merely looking in a mirror and describing himself.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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