The Seeker’s Guide to Soul Contact, Part 20


Day 240


The Seed Thought

God needs all Its creations for Itself to be complete for the ALL is God, not the All minus one.

You will often hear spiritual teachers say that we do not need anyone else to be complete, that we are complete within ourselves. Now I’m not saying that this idea has no truth in it for contrasting points of view are often merely two presentations of the various true parts of the elephant.

The truth in the statement is that the seeker must look to his own decisions and thinking if he wants to find fulfillment in life. No one else is going to come and do this for him.

The greater truth is that we do need each other. Perhaps nothing illustrates this better than stories of mentally ill parents who lock a child in a room and keep him alone there for years. If the child is placed there at the age of eight and discovered at age 12, 16 or 18 he will still see himself as an eight year old. Because of no outside contact is growth basically reached a standstill. The poor kid was definitely not complete with only himself as company.

The universe outside is important just as is the universe inside. The outside provides necessary stimulation and the inside provides the processing.

Now the seed thought takes our thinking a quantum step further. We not only need each other for completeness, but God needs us and God just does not need some of us, but all of us.

But why would God need all of us? Wouldn’t He be much better off to just scrap the negative people and assimilate the good ones into heavenly bliss?

Believe it or not such thinking is contrary to the teachings of the Bible which says that God “will have ALL men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.” I Tim 2:4. God is called “The Saviour of ALL men.” I Tim 4:10. God is “NOT WILLING that any should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance.” II Peter 3:9.

God created us out of his own essence and thus we are all in his image. That perfected essence reflected itself into the kingdom of souls and our souls, or Higher Selves, further reflected themselves down to the human kingdom where we have forgotten who we are. In coming here for the great experience many wander on wayward paths, but their essential self remains in the bosom of God. We will all return to our point of origin, but some will merely take more time than others.

Today’s Seed Thought:

Many of those accepted by the masses as authorities today will be equated by future generations with the flat earth believers of yesterday.

So, what is taught by authorities today that is likely to be seen as obviously false in future generations?


Day 241

Future Consciousness

The Seed Thought:

Many of those accepted by the masses as authorities today will be equated by future generations with the flat earth believers of yesterday.

When I wrote this thought a couple years ago I knew that there were still a few stragglers who believed in a flat earth, but I never actually encountered one. I thought that the thousands of pictures from space taken by many nations as well as private business had settled the question forever.

In this I was mistaken as conspiracy ideas promoted on the internet media have captivated the thinking of many on this subject. A recent CBS poll revealed that a whopping 44% of millennial are now not sure the earth is round. Many of this group embrace the medieval belief that it is a flat disc or square floating in space and the sun and moon are small globes just a few miles above us in the sky.

Now science will have to prove the round earth all over again. When the ordinary citizen can travel to space or the moon on vacation and look back and see the globe earth with his own eyes the case should finally be settled for good. But even here the diehards will find some reason to still believe in a flat earth.

The point of the seed thought remains valid. Many things accepted by the authorities of the past are now seen to be quite ridiculous. For instance, medical authorities in past centuries did not think it was necessary to wash their hands when performing surgery or for childbirth.

It would indeed be interesting to go 100 or 200 years into the future, look back and see where the thinking of our authorities was astray.

Let us say that the climate actually got cooler over the next 100 years. How would authoritative views on global warming be affected?

Perhaps orthodox medicine will recognize the value of many alternative health treatments they now consider heretical.

Perhaps some political ideas will be proved right or wrong beyond a doubt and people will be much more united in thought and look back on our divisiveness as primitive.

Indeed there will be revolution in thought in education, science, finance, politics, religion and all areas of life. It is interesting to contemplate how they will manifest.

Today’s Seed Thought:

What better way is there to learn than from experience? — To painfully experience the effects of our own causes forces us to stare reality in the face.

There is a lot of truth to be gained by reflecting on this thought. How many times in your life have you suffered from bad decisions that caused you to stare a new reality in the face?


Day 242

Facing Reality

The Seed Thought:

“What better way is there to learn than from experience? — To painfully experience the effects of our own causes forces us to stare reality in the face.”

The biggest complaint against God, as well as the prime foundation argument against the existence of a Higher Power, is the fact that there is a lot of pain and suffering in this world. The conclusion of the lower mind is this:

“If there is a God then he is a mean and uncaring S.O.B. that I want nothing to do with.” The other is that, “There cannot be a God because if there were he wouldn’t allow us to have such pain and suffering.”

Most believers do not claim to understand pain and suffering but merely believe that all will be understood once they get to heaven. In the meantime they proclaim that “God works in mysterious ways.”

A book could be (and probably has been) written on this subject but I’ll attempt to reduce the explanation down to a greater seed where contemplation will reveal more light.

There is one great law, which co-exists with eternal Divine Intelligence and that is Cause and Effect. God Itself is limited by this co-existing force. We are in the image of God and as such are also limited by Cause and Effect. Once we make a decision we reap the benefit from it as well as suffer any consequences involved.

The problem is this. Each decision yields one of the following:

(1) Mostly benefits.

An example would be the choice of a healthier diet. This is mostly beneficial but there is still some pain in refusing that piece of chocolate cake.

(2) Mostly painful repercussions.

This could be a bad choice in a marriage partner, though after it is over the person did admit he learned some lessons.

(3) A mixture of the two.

This could be represented in a choice to go to college, which results in a higher paying job, yet the person had lots of painful experiences with finances and classes as he struggled to graduate.

Cause and effect governs our universe and it matters not if we be human, angel or God, each decision made has the result of some pleasure and pain, success and failure, good and bad attached to it.

To attempt to negate cause and effect is to negate life itself. If the seeker were to ask God to take away all possibility of pain he is really asking for non existence, for if he exists he must decide and if he has freedom to decide he will have to face the effect effect of the pain and pleasure that follows.

Pain teaches us the lesson of what needs to be corrected. It forces us to stare reality in the face so we can apply intelligence to make corrections so good will dominate over evil.

Today’s Seed Thought:

“The real path forward in spiritual evolution will demand all the talents, intelligence and strength the seeker has to successfully complete the journey. If you are not being challenged then you are doing something wrong.”


Day 243

The Path Forward

The Seed Thought:

The real path forward in spiritual evolution will demand all the talents, intelligence and strength the seeker has to successfully complete the journey. If you are not being challenged then you are doing something wrong.

It is common for us humans to work intensely so we can arrive at the day when we can just relax and enjoy life. We tend to see the easy times as the most desirable and do everything in our power to avoid difficulties that really challenge us.

On the other hand, look back on your life at an experience that was pleasant, but required no effort on your part. Then take a look at one that was a great point of tension that challenged all your resources.

If you had to give up the memory and learning from one, which would it, be?

If you are like most people you would give up the pleasant one, but not trade the difficult one for anything in the world. That difficult experienced forged by fire what makes up a valuable portion of yourself in this present reality.

Does this mean we should not have pleasant restful periods in life?

Of course not. Periods of rest and refection and needed, but the Biblical injunction to rest one period out of seven is a good one. In other words, six periods out of seven we should be laboring at a goal that challenges our abilities. There are two ways this will happen.

(1) The seeker will assess his abilities and choose a work which will challenge his resources and strength. If he succeeds he will experience great joy. If he fails he will reassess and eventually achieve progress and satisfaction.

(2) If he gets stuck in a rut and attempts to stay in the cycle of rest and pleasure the soul will step in to rouse him out of his spiritual sleep. His life path will then be set on one of difficulty that cannot be avoided and he will be forced to go back to work. If he accepts the direction he can awaken, achieve and have joy. If he resists he will suffer greater and greater pain until he finally yields in this world or the next.

Conclusion: It is wise for the seeker recognize correct periods of rest and labor, and during the time of labor seek to challenge himself to the maximum amount possible until the goal is achieved. At this point his rest will recharge the spirit within giving power to plunge into a new cycle of achievement.

Today’s Seed Thought:

There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who have a sense of humor and those who do not. We are attracted to those in the first category and tend to avoid the ones in the second.


What is the deeper meaning behind humor?


Day 244

Flexibility and Humor

The Seed Thought:

There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who have a sense of humor and those who do not. We are attracted to those in the first category and tend to avoid the ones in the second.

Humor is difficult to define. If it were just a black and white thing we could all be good comedians, but instead the art is very subtle. To add to its complexity what is funny to one person, race, party or national group may not be funny to another.

Humor that is mean spirited or truly insulting to many is limiting but more universally appreciated humor represent jewels in the use of words.

Humor also changes with the times. I have an old book of jokes I was recently reading through of which most would get you ostracized in politically correct circles today.

After much thought here is how I would define humor:

“Humor, or that which is funny, is created when the dialog takes an unexpected but pleasant twist. There is an element of mild, or sometimes outrageous, surprise, and often subtle truth, in those statements that make us smile or laugh.”

Notice that from this definition that humor requires a certain amount of flexibility. To appreciate a joke one must allow the expected flow of information to be interrupted with something unexpected. Now that something unexpected could even be interpreted as something insulting. This requires the hearer to be flexible enough to look at the words through the viewpoint or intent of the speaker.

The creator of humor should be very flexible. He must be able to look at the rigid thinking that prevails in the establishment and think of unexpected approaches that go against it.

In short them the two kinds of people are those who are flexible and those who are not. The flexible one will appreciate a wide variety of humor and the inflexible one will be very narrow in what is accepted.

The flexibility of humor is generally missing among those in society who cause us grief such as tyrannical dictators, abusive people and those who seek to destroy themselves or others.

Flexibility is a key characteristic for the seeker to acquire in maintaining soul contact.

Today’s Seed Thought:

It may take a thousand facts to create the understanding of one principle, but one principle can reveal a thousand facts.

Contemplation on this can bring much enlightenment.


Day 245

Principles vs. Facts

The Seed Thought:

It may take a thousand facts to create the understanding of one principle, but one principle can reveal a thousand facts.

A fact is merely a piece of information that anyone can incorporate into his or her brain memory. It can likewise be programmed into a computer. A principle is a different matter. A principle is the underlying truth that makes all facts valid. It requires judgment to use and cannot be programmed into a computer.

It takes a certain point in the evolution of the human being to comprehend the difference between a principle and a fact but when one does, and learns to go within and touch the soul, then all the understanding and vision of a principle is revealed in a flash. Sometimes a book can be written about a principle revealed in one instant.

A principle is that which demonstrates the intelligence of God and makes things in the universe work toward a dominating good.

Example of a fact. You are either male or female.

Principle behind the fact: Male and female are energy states corresponding to the positive and negative particles that make up the universe. They are both equal in importance. The male represents the sending, radiant, visible energy while the female represents the magnetic, receiving invisible energy that holds creation together.

Memorizing facts, especially those needed for regular use, is helpful, but the memory is limited in how many can be accurately retained. Fortunately, in this day and age search engines such as Google are a big help. Billions of facts are now available at our fingertips so we do not have to clutter up our computer brains with unnecessary details.

When a principle enters the consciousness there is a registration made higher than the brain. Principles are the language of the soul and, as such, when the seeker registers one it is synchronously understood by both himself and the soul. This imbeds the memory of this higher knowledge in factors that go beyond the physical brain to the higher mind that survives death. Thus, the understanding of a principle, will stay with us always, unlike facts that come and go.

Today’s Seed Thought:

To say that life is unfair is to say that God is unfair. When all things are considered throughout the life of the soul, all is fair.

Many today are complaining that life is unfair, but what is the real truth of the matter?


Day 246

Life is Fair

The Seed Thought:

To say that life is unfair is to say that God is unfair. When all things are considered throughout the life of the soul, all is fair.

When I was young, back in the Fifties and Sixties the idea of the fairness of God and life was in wide circulation. The basic idea accepted was that any unfairness is just temporary and that all things will work out fairly in the end – if not this life, then in the heavenly spheres.

Then one day (I’m not sure of the year) I heard someone in the media make the declarative statement that life is not fair and we must just accept this as a fact.

From that point until the present I have heard this repeated many times. The statement seems to have permeated public consciousness to make them face the fact that, as far as this one life goes, life is indeed not fair. Some are born into poverty, ill health and lack of opportunity whereas others are born into an advantaged life. Humanity seems to be facing up to the fact that there is lots of unfairness to go around.

Some seem resigned to the idea that God is unfair and that is just the way it is, but there must be a higher purpose in it.

Others acknowledge the unfairness of life but think things will be worked out in the next world so there will be no justified complaints.

When you think about it both life and God would both be unfair if there were only one life. To see this we can just look at the difference in the lives of three individuals who died at different times.

(1) A baby who died in infancy. According to most beliefs this individual will never know what it would be like to live a full mortal life, to select a career, find a purpose, get married, have children etc. On the other hand, if Hitler had died as a baby he would have escaped being history’s most infamous villain.

(2) Jim is 20 years old, in his second year of college, and is in love with a wonderful person. Just as he is looking forward to a great future he is involved in a car accident that takes his life. All his hopes for a productive happy life are taken away, whereas, many of his friends continue on and are able to follow their dreams.

(3) Albert lives to the age of 93. He has had a great life with mostly good health and an abundance of resources. He married the love of his life and has numerous great kids and grandkids. He feels very gratified with his life as it nears its end. Is this sense of gratification something Albert has by some random flip of the coin by God that Jim and the baby will never have for all eternity?

Fortunately for all this is not the case as each of us live many lifetimes in this life of mortality. If we lived only one life there would indeed be unfairness, but when we consider that we live many lives experiencing being rich, poor, healthy, unhealthy, advantaged and disadvantaged then at the end of our learning (for life is a classroom) each of us will be satisfied that our overall earth experience has been fair and that we have had a well-rounded series of lives that allowed us to reach a fulfilling liberation into the Kingdom of God.

If the seeker has not considered reincarnation, then this is the time to think about it, especially in relation to fairness.

Today’s Seed Thought:

If a teacher is right about everything, and you believe and follow the teachings without confirmation from within, you have found nothing.

Why would you have found nothing if the teacher teaches the truth?


Day 247

The Stopped Clock

The Seed Thought:

If a teacher is right about everything, and you believe and follow the teachings without confirmation from within, you have found nothing.

They say a stopped clock is right twice a day. He who accepts a teacher, or teaching, because it sounds good, glamorous or in agreement with his desire nature but does not check with his own soul is like a stopped clock. How close he is to the truth will depend on where he is at the moment just as with the hands of a stopped clock.

Those seekers with the stopped clock mentality will find themselves in one of three basic situations.

(1) He is fortunate to find himself close to the truth (symbolized by the correct time).

(2) He has a teacher who mixes truth and error.

(3) His source of knowledge is way off the mark.

Now you would think that the guy in category one would have a great advantage, but, unfortunately, the advantage is fleeting just as one looking at a stopped clock at the correct time of day only has the truth for a few minutes and then it is gone. The one who accidently accepts the truth still does not know how to find it and as soon as he moves on he will most likely glom on to a teacher full of errors that he cannot discern.

Soul contact and learning to trust and verify with the inner voice is the greatest step the seeker can take on his journey to the sacred feet of the Logos. If he places his trust without rather than within he will not be able to hold on to any spiritual truth that he comes across, as a new teacher, full of cunning, will be able to draw him away from it with a few enticing words.

Jesus advised the disciples to build on a foundation of rack rather than sand. Relying on the inner voice is the foundation of rock and the other voices are like sand that can be blown in any direction by the winds of glamor and illusion.

Today’s Seed Thought:

The principle of freedom is a key that must be understood before one can make a conscious decision for the path of light.

Why is this such an important truth?


Day 248

A Core Principle

The Seed Thought:

The principle of freedom is a key that must be understood before one can make a conscious decision for the path of light.

If one had to point to a single core difference between the path of light and darkness it would be the Principle of Freedom.

The problem though is that there are different understandings of what freedom is so the real principle is not realized by many who are thus captured by propaganda from the dark side.

Have you ever heard of any dictator, no matter how insidious, proclaim that he is against freedom? No. All leaders, good and bad along with their followers proclaim themselves as supporters of freedom. Hitler was big on stating that he was fighting for freedom along with most other dictator warriors. The Southern States, during the American Civil War, loudly proclaimed themselves as fighting for freedom as they struggled to maintain the institution of slavery.

Obviously, the light and the dark, both have a belief in some concept of freedom. The seeker must realize that it is of prime importance that the difference is understood so he can make sure he is on the right side. If he does not understand what that right side is then he may find himself unwittingly on the side of those who are attempting to push humanity toward the dark side of ultimate slavery, which would be the opposite of maximum freedom for the human spirit.

Here are the two viewpoints on freedom.

Light: Supports circumstances, laws, and viewpoints that promote maximum freedom for the largest possible number rather than the few.

Dark: Supports circumstances, laws, and viewpoints that promote maximum freedom for the elite leadership and select supporters at the expense of the many.

For example, if Hitler had won the war the Nazi leaders and some of the German people would have had quite a bit of freedom if they stayed in lockstep with the dictator, but the most of the world would have been enslaved.

Today we have the largest political division since the Civil War. The seeker must examine both sides and see where maximum freedom applies. For instance, who is seeking to limit free speech and who is supporting it? Who is seeking to expand restrictive laws and regulations and who is seeking to keep them to an efficient minimum?

There are those on both sides of the political spectrum who do not fully embrace the true principle of freedom and this causes confusion on the part of many. This also puts an added need for discernment and good judgment on the part of the seeker. He or she will only know he is on the right side when soul contact is achieved, as some are only right because they are stopped clocks. (See previous lesson)

Today’s Seed Thought:

There is a religion of peace. It is found deep in the human heart.

How is this a key to finding peace?


Day 249

Finding Peace

The Seed Thought:

There is a religion of peace. It is found deep in the human heart.

Everyone wants peace but few find that state of mind where the cares of the world and personality do not interfere. Still fewer find the “peace that passes all understanding.”

So, what is it that keeps the seeker from enjoying a peaceful state of consciousness that is essential to soul contact? There are a number of items with which to deal.

(1) Guilt. This is the biggest culprit. Any for of active guilt can rob the seeker of peace day in and out. Then there is suppressed guilt the person tries to put on the back burner. This robs the seeker of inner connections to the peaceful spirit and comes back later to bite him with a vengeance when consciously surfaced.

The solution to the problem of guilt was discussed in days 14-17 as well as to a lesser extent in later days. The seeker is advised to review these, especially if guilt is still a problem.,

It is absolutely essential that the seeker put guilt into its right place and context. This is a prime aspect of “salvation.”

(2) Personal problems, such as financial, job security, threat of loss of love, ill health and others.

These type of apparent problems from the outside can greatly affect the average seeker. Many of them could be quickly solved by an exercise of will and taking corrective action.

Then there are some that pose a real difficulty. For instance, it is distracting enough to suffer personal financial setbacks, but suppose you don’t have enough money to feed and house your children. How could the seeker be smiling in peaceful bliss while his kids are complaining they are hungry or homeless?

In these distracting situations the seeker must ask two questions. First, “How did I get into this situation and how could it have been avoided?” The second question is, “How can I get out of this situation so I can focus on higher things than mere survival?”

There is a solution to every problem. The seeker must realize this and dig his way out of the hole into which he has placed himself.

Even in situations of real concern the seeker must give himself some free time to push back all the cares of the world, no matter how severe, and seek that state of inner peace which is always available.

(3) Difficult Relationships. The seeker may suffer insults and attacks from family members, friends and business associates. These types of interference are under the immediate control of the seeker who has soul contact. An instant decision can neutralize any emotional attack and cause it to be as if it never was. On the other hand, if someone threatens something physically destructive appropriate action needs to be taken.

After appropriately dealing with these three problems the seeker, through the power of directed will, can then focus his attention on the peace of the soul, or the Christ consciousness, that lies deep in the human heart. Since the heart center has a reflection in the head and both are linked to the soul and vibrate with love energy we have an exceptional opportunity to access, not only regular peace, but the peace that passes all understanding.

An attitude of mind that can really help the s seeker here goes beyond inward thinking to outer service. If the seeker feels a love and connection to all people plus a desire to be of service to them he is creating his own path to peace.

Much more could be written on this but the seeker will greatly benefit from a periodic reflection on this seed thought.

Today’s Seed Thought:

Happiness is found in the quest for the good, the beautiful and the true. Peace and rest are yours when they are achieved.


 Day 250

The Journey and Destination

The Seed Thought:

Happiness is found in the quest for the good, the beautiful and the true. Peace and rest are yours when they are achieved.

It has been said that life, happiness, success and other positive things are found in the journey and not the destination.

On the other hand, it is the allure of the destination that motivates us to take the journey.

For the athlete it may be the Olympic medal and adoration that motivates him or her to expend intense energy to reach that end. But then on reflection he finds the benefits of the end result rather fleeting whereas his reflection on the struggle to attain is a great source of learning and satisfaction.

This same process occurs with one striving for financial success, developing a talent or any other path to a desired objective. The seeker may tell himself that when he achieves the goal he will be happy, but when all is said and done and reflection occurs he finds that the real satisfaction occurred on the journey. Each step forward brought a degree of happiness and fulfillment.

Does this mean that only the journey has value, but there is little to be gained from the actual destination?

No. Not at all, but it does mean this.

The positive results from the journey and destination are different and the seeker needs to realize this so he can take full advantage of both of them. What needs to occur in the mind is a correction of a popular illusion which is this:

The journey is hell and the destination is happiness and heaven.

As the journey begins many difficulties are often encounter which makes it seem like the journey is the unhappiness part whereas happiness will happen at the destination. What is overlooked is that, even though the journey may be fraught with difficulties, each step taken calls forth degrees of happiness and satisfaction to the pilgrim.

The destination may bring a few moments of fleeting happiness, but that is not where its virtue lies. If the seeker sees the destination as something final where he will obtain satisfaction for the rest of his life then this stopping place will turn from a place of fulfillment to one of dissatisfaction and misery, the opposite of what was hoped for.

How then must the seeker view the destination in order to receive maximum fulfillment?

In order to enjoy the full benefits of the destination he must not view it as an ultimate goal or achievement, but a temporary rest where he can enjoy peace and relaxation while he reviews his past journey and contemplates his next great adventure.

When the seeker sees the journey and destination as two parts of a great cycle and accepts the true benefits of each he will then have his mind prepared to receive maximum benefits of each.

Today’s Seed Thought:

Don’t trust a person who cannot (or will not) answer a simple yes or no question.

Thinking on this reveals some interesting insight.


Day 251

Yes or No, Please

The Seed Thought:

Don’t trust a person who cannot (or will not) answer a simple yes or no question.

Many times I have watched a political debate or interview and the guy is asked a simple question that can be answered by a simple yes or no, but instead of answering he changes the direction away from the it in what seems an obvious avoidance. When this happens I sometimes feel like standing up and shouting at the guy on TV, “Just answer the question – a simple yes or no, please!”

This avoidance happens with advocates in all walks of life. We see this in salespeople, preachers, educators, scientists, but it is particularly pervasive with political people.

And why is that?

Because political candidates and advocates will often say what we want to hear, and avoid telling us what they actually want to do.

For instance, he may be asked if his plan would cause a raise in taxes. He knows the answer is yes, but doesn’t want to tell us for fear of losing votes so instead of answering yes or no he will go off on a tangent explaining the benefits of his plan.

I have seen many an interviewer ask the yes or no question two or three times, but with no success. The person usually gives up after two attempts, but I keep thinking to myself, “Go ahead, ask again and again until the scoundrel answers the question.”

The basic principle behind this thought is this. He who avoids answering a yes or no question has something to hide. There is a reason he will not answer.

Does this mean that in all circumstances the person is in the wrong for avoiding the answer?

Usually such a person is in the wrong, but there are exceptions to all things as noted by Solomon.

For instance, if you were in Nazi Germany and the SS was searching for your child to torture and asked you if you knew where he was, there would be justification in avoiding a “yes” answer.

But if a crafty SS officer was aware of this principle he may figure the parent was avoiding the answer because he was hiding something and would be correct.

The scriptures tell us that God does not clearly tell us all truth in black and white, “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing.” Proverbs 25:2

Jesus himself concealed many things and avoided clearly telling the people he was the Messiah, totally unlike the would-be messiahs of today. There is only one record of him being asked a yes or no question about his calling and this is recorded in Mark, the oldest gospel,

“Again the high priest asked him, and said unto him, Art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed? And Jesus said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.” Mark 14:61-62

There is no record of him being asked such a question earlier though he went out of his way to avoid stating it to all but a few close disciples.

That said, nine times out of ten in today’s world the yes or no question is avoided because answering it will reveal hypocrisy and deception. The guy just doesn’t want his true motives revealed. When the seeker understands this principle he will have an extra tool in delving for the truth.

Today’s Seed Thought:

Those preaching religious or political truth generally only see a tiny piece of a jigsaw puzzle when thinking they have the whole picture.

Can you think of an example of this? How about yourself? Do you think you see more of the picture than you actually do?


Day 252

The Whole Picture

The Seed Thought:

Those preaching religious or political truth generally only see a tiny piece of a jigsaw puzzle when thinking they have the whole picture.

This parable may be the most effective teacher of this principle. Also there is an expanded version in my book, “The Lost Key of the Buddha.”

The Three Blind Men and The Elephant

A man of vision came across three blind men who were complaining about their limitations. “Follow me,” he said, and learn a great lesson from the elephant. He directed them to approach the elegant animal and give their description.

One man embraced a leg and said, “I perceive that an elephant is like a great tree.” The other man took hold of the tail and disagreed. He said, “No, my brother, I feel and know the elephant is like a rope.” The third man felt an ear and replied, “You are both wrong. The elephant is like a great carpet.”

After giving them time to digest their findings, the man of vision explained: “You are all correct, and you are also all wrong.” Then he took the three blind men and had each feel all of the three distinct parts. They responded in amazement: “Now we see that the elephant is a more complex being than we ever imagined. We condemned each other in ignorance, for one of us was as correct as the other.” Then they become curious and asked: “Tell us, Is there even more to the elephant than this?”

The man with eyes to see responded: “Yes, there is much more. You still have an incomplete view. I will take you around the elephant and you can feel the other parts.” To their amazement and joy, they discover that the elephant had not only one leg, but four and not one ear but two and many other previously unknown parts. He had a trunk, eyes, mouth, teeth and a large body they never realized existed.

After they felt all the parts, the blind men said: “We have now felt the whole elephant and our consciousness has greatly expanded, for we realize that before we knew nothing, even though we thought we knew all. Now we still realize that our understanding is imperfect because we do not see. Tell us, how can we see?”

The man with vision said: “I was once blinded as you are, but it does not have to be so. There is nothing wrong with your eyes. You merely have a film over them that needs to be washed off in pure water.”

He then handed them a pitcher of water and they each washed their eyes with it and the dark film dissolved. To their joy they found they could see. Looking about, they saw the elephant and asked: “What is that strange creature over there?”

The man replied: “Did you not recognize it? That is the elephant!”

Immediately, they realized: “Yes, of course, that has to be the elephant, but I never thought it was so large,” says one. “I never would have believed it was so small,” says another. “I never realized it was so beautiful,” says the third. But they all did agree that what they saw correlated with every previous fact they had discovered about the elephant. The discrepancies entered when they compared the way they felt and what they imagined about the elephant with what they actually saw. All Three of them admitted that they had erroneous thoughts and feelings about the elephant that were completely unfounded.

To their added joy they saw that there was much more to see than an elephant, but a complete new world to explore. Now that they could see they found that they were, in reality, just beginning to gain true knowledge. Everything else that they had experienced up until this time was merely a step to prepare them for true seeing.

Thus the three previously blind men stepped forth into the world of seeing. They explored, experimented, and begin to serve their brethren.

Today’s Seed Thought:

If the zealot holds sacred the idea that 2+2=5, then the one who says 2+2=4 is the enemy.

Why do you suppose this is often true?


Day 253

The Zealot Within

The Seed Thought:

If the zealot holds sacred the idea that 2+2=5, then the one who says 2+2=4 is the enemy.

Most of us have encountered a real zealot at one time or another. They are not only found in religious/spiritual thinking, but business, investment, multi level, politics and other mindsets.

These zealots are very proactive in presenting their ideas as if they are absolute truth, but many things in the presentation often have flaws seen by a person of reason.

When such flaws are pointed out the zealot will often stop in his tracks, pause, give a look of displeasure as if you have insulted his god or religion, and either defend or attack. Unfortunately, it will often be an attack or insult.

Rarely will the zealot consider reason, or even an established fact, as a reason to alter his thinking. 2+2=5 and that is it. Any evidence to the contrary is considered an insult or an attack.

Now the real zealot stands out like a sore thumb in a group, but the majority of people have parts of the zealot in them wanting to get out and proclaim something not in harmony with reason and ready to attack those who disagree.

The seeker must always examine himself, his motives and thoughts and neutralize these negative aspects of zealotry.

Take global warming for example. Maybe the guy has an illogical reason to support it or to be against it. A person can be right, but by accident, because he has assumed things rather than checking out the facts. So even if you think you are right (which all zealots do) you may be right for the wrong reason.

The seeker who has rid himself of zealotry will not be offended if he is challenged.

Neither will he automatically reject contrary arguments.

Neither will he refuse to examine data that does not seem in harmony with his thinking.

The seeker will be open to all things yet maintain positive discernment so real truth is not lost.

Seed Thought of the Day:

The person who can’t come up with good solutions to every-day simple problems ought to consider that he could be wrong on the big stuff as well.


Day 254

The Big Stuff

The Seed Thought:

The person who can’t come up with good solutions to every-day simple problems ought to consider that he could be wrong on the big stuff as well.

We’ve all seen this guy. He has big plans – maybe he even wants to change or save the world from itself. His mind is full of idealism and feels he knows how things should be. On top of that, he gives you lots of advice on what you should be doing and thinking. You should follow him because he will show you the way to greatness.

The strange thing about these individuals who are full of hype is that few have demonstrated success in their own lives with everyday problems, or even small things. The seeker needs to ask, “If one cannot demonstrate mastery over the small things then why should he be trusted concerning the greater ones?

If one cannot hold down successful employment so he can pay his bills then why should we believe he has a true once-in-a lifetime business opportunity – or the solution to the world’s monetary problems?

If a guy can’t hold together a romantic relationship, secure the love of his children or establish enduring friendships then what on God ‘s green earth gives him the authority to tell you how to run your life of establishing sound relationships?

Then if some guru has no original thoughts or principles of his own but only borrows from others then why should he demand to be respected as if he were the mouthpiece of God?

It is a natural human inclination to desire respect and to see our words be valued by others, but many prematurely expect this to happen before they have demonstrated any ability deserving of such respect.

For instance, the chances are over 90% that the last guy who called you up with once-in-a-lifetime money making opportunity was in desperate financial difficulties himself.

The seeker must examine himself for this flaw for it often manifests on very subtle levels and many are tempted to indulge in it from time to time. He must ask himself:

Do I seek to give advice that is beyond my knowledge and experience?

Do I want to teach when I really should be applying myself more as a student?

Do I want to tell others what to think when my own thoughts are unstructured?

Of course, there is nothing wrong with giving your opinion, especially if it is asked for, but the error made is in placing oneself as an authority when expertise has not been demonstrated.

If the small things in a person’s life are not under control then maybe the big things are not working either.

The Law of Correspondences applies here.

Seed Thought of the Day

Understanding and dealing with your weaknesses and limitations is a key to unlimited power.

Many ignore their limitations when seeking for greater power. Why is this a mistake?


Day 255


The Seed Thought:

Understanding and dealing with your weaknesses and limitations is a key to unlimited power.

Let us say that you wanted to become a track star, but you have a recently broken leg. Would it do you any good to try and compete when on crutches? Of course not, you would be likely to do more damage to yourself and set back your physical condition even more than it is.

The wise thing to do is to come to reality with your limitation (the broken leg) do what you can to speed up the healing and next get yourself back in shape. Then, after you have removed the limitations that set you back you will be able to compete again.

Many beginners on the spiritual quest completely ignore their limitations and figure they can become a spiritual giant in one great leap. While there is nothing wrong with looking ahead to a finishing goal, it will not do much good if the seeker has a spiritual broken leg that needs healing.

Exactly what are some of these hindrances and limitations often ignored by the beginner? Here are a few.

(1) Some teacher may have told the student there is no such thing as limitation. Some gung ho students embrace this idea, but this is like a coach telling the athlete that there is no such thing as a broken leg. Not helpful.

(2) A teacher may have taught of a great shortcut. By embracing his teachings the student can be instantly saved with nothing further to accomplish, obtain instant godlike status or even skip over a thousand lifetimes.

There are no great shortcuts to achievement. Indeed, some paths are shorter than others, but the shorter ones usually require greater effort. For instance, the student may graduate from college in three years instead of four or five, but a greater effort is required, so even though the time is shorter it is not really a shortcut.

(3) The beginner often thinks the mind needs to be put aside and one must rely on the feeling nature to make spiritual progress.

This is a great mistake, especially for the seeker polarized in the lower feeling nature. The higher mind, capable of pure reason is essential in taking the seeker toward oneness with the Higher Self. He higher mind will also incorporate the best of the heart and love-wisdom energies.

(4) A lack of the development of talents which can be used in service to humanity. Many seekers overlook developing their talents so they can be useful instruments for service. This takes great effort which many do not want to expend.

Clint Eastwood was right when he said, “A man’s got to know his limitations.”

The seeker must find them, remove them and take the next step.

Today’s Seed Thought:

As below, so above but with a divine and rational twist.

This applies to the Law of Correspondences that we discussed earlier. Is the correspondence of the above to the below exact? Why not?


Day 256

As Above – Almost

The Seed Thought:

As below, so above but with a divine and rational twist.

We covered this in the series dealing with the Law of Correspondences on days 201-207, but this short seed thought gives the heart of the principle.

Most of us have heard the statement “As above, so below” and vice versa, but “with a divine and rational twist” adds a new thought which is necessary to see the whole truth.

For instance, the atom of the world below is said to be like a miniature solar system. There are indeed similarities, but there are also substantial differences.

The human cell has been compared to a great city, both having an electric communications system, transportation devices, garbage disposal and many other similarities yet there are again great differences.

Parts of the earth such as the great waters, land, oil and vegetation is said to correspond to blood, flesh, lubricants and hair in a human body. Again the comparisons point toward a truth, but are not exact.

There are two great truths revealed here.

(1) A black and white interpretation usually misses important aspects of the truth.

(2) God does not repeat Itself in creation but makes “all things new.” Rev 21:5 Just as we look around the world and the universe we see that everything is created with a difference, demonstrating great variety, even so, God creates differently above than below. There will be similarities and the seeker will therefore need to look on one level and use intuition to discern the truth on a differing level.

Seed Thought of the Day:

The person in your life who irritates you the most is your greatest teacher.

The truth behind this is pretty obvious when you think about it.

Copyright by J J Dewey

Next in this series, Part 21

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