Questions & Comments

July 31, 2016



Another question I had to ask you, was when you regress someone, do they tap into their permanent astral and physical atom or mental atom, when they give you information?   Or are they tapping into a higher entity or other people from the astral realm who are just feeding the hypnotized person with dream like visions?


They either tap to the Akasha or a thought form. If it is the Akasha it is usually through the astral body. The astral permanent atom may be involved, but not sure on this. If they tap into a thought form there may be significant illusion involved mixed with some true things. If they tap into the Akasha then it will be mostly true according to the degree of contact. I rarely give a judgment as to the validity of a regression to a group and let them make up their own minds.


If entities came here to help unblock humans and connect them up with their souls, then that would kind of defeat the need for all those Initiations and teachings on soul contact and how to obtain it……….?


If this was a black and white thing you would be correct, but it is far from black and white. People come here to assist others, not to do all the work for them. One entity may see into the makeup of another, see what needs done and encourage and assist, but the person still has to cooperate and do the nuts and bolts work.

Aug 9, 2016

The Dark Night


“After all, during the dark night of the soul, lower desire runs rampant.”


I don’t recall such a statement from you before, tying the “dark night of the soul” with this degree of lower desire that “runs rampant.”

That’s an interesting, added twist of difficultly to the whole ordeal. Care to elaborate?


The term “Dark Night of the Soul” is a loosely used term and can refer to two different time periods. One covers the time the entity first incarnates as a human being until he becomes soul infused and the second is from the time he begins to truly seek until he becomes soul infused. In this second period the night seems particularly dark because the person is aware of his isolation.

During both periods he is led by his desire nature in its positive and negative aspects. Then after the turning around he is led by guidance from his Higher Self.

Aug 29, 2016

Bogus Friends of Light

The quote today was:

“A work of light is never destroyed by its enemies, but by its friends.”

Ruth asks if this is always the case.

Even when a work of light appears to be destroyed by an enemy, the real core of its destruction can generally be traced to people on the inside who claim to be supporters. As a general rule, when you have twelve or more supporters of a plan and then stress occurs you are going to see a Judas or Benedict Arnold surface.

The real destruction of a work of light by its friends is often not so obvious. Once a work is set in motion that is beneficial for humanity and becomes established it will draw many people to it. Many of those who claim to be friends and supporters of the organization will desire to show their importance by making changes. They will claim these changes will improve things whereas the changes often destroy the work of light brick by brick, until after several generations it has changed almost beyond recognition.

Take the Christian church for example. It started out with a handful of followers who were so close to Spirit that miracles occurred regularly and the group shared tremendous brotherhood and spiritual flow.

Then after a few generations, those who claimed to be the true friends of Christ started weeding out the heretics (the good guys) and persecuting them and putting them to death.

Then take a look at the founding of the United States with its enlightened Constitution. Since the foundation we have often seen supposed supporters of the Constitution want to change or bypass it for our own good. They want to restrict and control free speech, the right to keep and bear arms, restrict the independence of the states, the right to have government as the servant rather than the master, etc.

The same problem occurred in the Mormon Church. I’ll just point out one item. A foundation teaching was that every person could be a prophet and receive revelations of truth. The mysteries were available to all. This was a great piece of enlightenment for that time. Now the friends of Mormonism will excommunicate anyone who even mentions that he has received any truth or revelation that is not standard doctrine, approved by the authorities.

We also see this principle at work with many beneficial businesses. A business may start with a great idea, with a motive to be of service to the people and treat employees well and then after a period of time the “friends” come on board ad start making changes that turn it into just another business only interested in the bottom line, or perhaps enrichment of a few at the top.

This problem will continue to occur until the Molecular Relationship is firmly established. The principles within it will weed out these bogus friends and neutralize their power to destroy.

Copyright 2016 by J J Dewey

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The Dragon of Authority


Jan 1, 1999

The Dragon of Authority

New Years Day! And the best part is that I have the day off to kick off my shoes and do anything I want. Maybe I can be awake enough here to keep the typos out of my writing since I have the luxury today of writing in the middle of the day rather than late at night.

The Question… What is the first major step toward soul contact? The answer is somewhat of a judgment call and I would say that some of the answers given could be argued as being the major one.

Let me briefly cover several.

(1) Making a decision to seek or BECOME. This can be major except there are some who seek for a short time and then quit and then go into limbo for a few lifetimes. This then becomes the major step that was not taken. If the seeking attitude and the Decision to do so is maintained then that is a major event in the life of the soul.

(2) Awareness, recognition that there is something out there beyond the physical – looking for it – looking within.

(3) A point of crisis in our lives causing us to reflect.

(4) Observing ourselves with detachment.

(5) Finding a true spiritual teacher who has himself received soul contact.

All of these are good points and we may expand on them later, but I want to cover an important step which occurs as the mark of the Beast is replaced by the name of the Father. What makes this possible?

Glenys writes:

“True soul contact can only take place when the mark of the Beast is replaced by the seal of the Father on our foreheads and when we look to ourselves and no one else for the ultimate truth and authority in our lives.”

She is heading us the right direction here, but I would reword her statement to “within ourselves” rather than “to ourselves.” If looking to ourselves leads us to the Ego then we only have an illusion of being free from the Beast, as the ego is part of his realm. Semantics is involved here because if we find and look to our true self who is one with God then the mission is accomplished. But the safer wording for the seeker, who has not yet found, is the direction to look within – implying that something will be found that has not been discovered before.

If you look within and find that still small voice then you shall have to slay the dragon who gives authority to the Beast. You will not have to look for the dragon for he will come after you in a myriad of ways and his approach will always be sensed.

At this point you have two choices.

(1) Fear the dragon and let him immobilize or slay you.

(2) Face the dragon and slay him.

Then even if you face the dragon and seem to slay him you may discover you have just wounded a head, which is healed, and have to slay him again until the body of the dragon is “cast alive into a lake of fire and brimstone.” Rev 20:20. The fire of the Holy Spirit from God finally consumes the dragon and at last you are able to maintain your focus on the name of the Father in the forehead.

The sign that you have taken your first great step is when you show a willingness to act on a true message from within in defiance to all the clamoring messages from without in the face of risk of life, reputation, eternal damnation or loss.

Notice I say “true message?” There are many who believe they have received a true message from the soul when in reality their action can be traced to the blind following of a guru, religious leader, book or the ego pretending to be the soul.

The subtle difference is this: He who still has the mark of the Beast will either be enhancing someone else’s ego or his own, whereas he who follows the soul will always feel humbled by it.

Perhaps a personal story here will help.

When I was around sixteen I started reading the scriptures for the first time and as I read I began to wonder why there are not miracles today, as there seemed to be in abundance in ancient times. The church I attended rambled on about miracles a lot, but I hadn’t ever actually seen one or met anyone who had faith to perform one.

Then one day I was walking home from school and passed by a fellow student’s home that had been stricken with an incurable disease (multiple sclerosis). I stopped a second and looked in her direction. I was saddened as I watched her hobble around in her yard on crutches, barely able to move from one location to another, and in my mind I reflected back to how she was just a short period before – healthy and vibrant with a whole life in front of her. Then a thought occurred to me.

“What is preventing me, even at this moment, from stretching forth my hand and commanding in the name of Jesus Christ for her to be healed, even as did the prophets of old?”

This was an exciting thought for me to have at that young age, but as it ran through my mind a great cloud from the dragon descended upon me and another thought came:

“Don’t you know that no one of your age has this type of authority? The leaders in the church have told you that you have to have authority from the church to heal, and you do not have it. God would be displeased with you or maybe even curse you if you should attempt to use power that doesn’t belong to you.”

This thought brought me great disappointment and overwhelmed me with discouragement for a moment, but before I moved on I looked again in the direction of my friend as she hobbled along to another location in the yard. Then another thought came to my mind from the still small voice. It said: “Whatsoever you ask in the name of Christ shall be done for you.”

This statement seemed to reflect the essence of what I had been reading in the scriptures and again I took courage and reconsidered that I could be an instrument of healing. But as soon as I reflected upon this, the voice of the dragon again spoke: “Who do you think you are? You’re just a kid! Even the adults who are faithful in the church and are authorized by church leaders can’t do a miracle such as you are thinking. God will probably strike you dead for even trying to go against established rules. And besides, this girl is not even a member of the church and is not to be included in church blessings.”

This decree of darkness caused me to fear. Would I truly offend God by using this power that may not belong to me? No one in my family, church or angel from heaven had ever given me authority to do miracles. Perhaps I would anger God by going out of my bounds and put my very soul at risk…

As I thus reflected and stood in silence for a moment my attention went back again to the still small voice:

“Whatsoever you ask in the name of Christ shall be done for you.”

I considered this statement and asked myself: “Do these words have any limitations to them? I am not being told that I can ask for a miracle only if I am an adult, or only if I have a position in the church, or even if I am perfect? The words of the soul that I had received merely told me that I could ask and it would be done.

Then for a period of about a minute (which seemed like an hour) my mind went back and forth between the two polarities:

Play it safe and do not attempt to heal. If God really wants her healed He’ll do it without me. Why put my soul at great risk and trust the words of the inner voice which may just be my imagination.

Unknown to me at the time the real risk was trusting the dragon rather than the soul but of this I had no knowledge and thus the point of tension in my mind was great.

After this long moment of reflection where my mind seemed to go back and forth between the two decisions about a hundred times I finally settled on the inner voice. I thought to myself that I did not have a good logical reason to doubt these inclusive words and if I need to put myself at risk to help a friend then so be it.

Upon making the decision to proceed I gazed upon my friend in the distance again who had her back turned to me. Fortunately, she had not noticed me staring at her. As I looked her direction I raised my right hand whispered these words: “In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to be healed.”

Instantly, upon completing this sentence I felt a surge of divine energy going through the warp and woof of my being to the extent I almost collapsed on the ground. This was very unexpected, for I had never associated any energy transference with miracles, and my immediate thought was that perhaps God was in the midst of punishing me by dissolving my body and soul back to the nothingness from whence it came.

I used what little energy I had left to head toward home as fast as I could and did not notice whether the decree had any effect on my friend. For a while I was more concerned about my own well being than any one else’s, but after a while my state of being seemed to return to normal and I thought that perhaps God was just sending me a warning not to mess around where I do not belong.

I put the experience out of my mind until about two days later. I saw my friend at school walking with no crutches. I was curious about this and walked up to her and asked about her recovery.

She smiled and said that the doctor had told her that her disease went into remission – that it may not last, but she was feeling fine for now.

When she said this the truth then dawned on me. God was not trying to punish me. I had made the right decision after all. A true miracle had happened and the power which I had felt was some type of spiritual energy going through me into her. Evidently, I thought, this was just part of some natural process. I was just an instrument in the hands of one greater than me.

I left her presence realizing that perhaps the greatest miracle of all was the knowledge that I now possessed and that from that point on I should trust the highest I receive from within more than all the voices without.

The interesting thing is that at the time I had a beloved uncle who was dying of MS, but when I contemplated doing the same thing for him I felt restrained from doing so.

I later found out the reason for this. That is each illness is sent to us to teach us something and that the problem can be permanently removed when the lesson is learned. My Uncle had lessons to learn from his struggle that I was not supposed to remove from him.

I believe I was allowed to heal my friend more as a teaching lesson to me than anything else and it was the right thing to do because of the inward message to go ahead. Of all the sick people I have met I have only been impressed one other time to silently heal without the cooperation of the patient.

An interesting ending note here is that about 36 years after the healing of my high school friend my wife and I were dining in a restaurant and we were accosted by a middle aged lady who said to me: “You’re Joe Dewey aren’t you?”

I looked up and the person looked a little familiar, but wasn’t positive who she was.”

She saw the puzzled look in my eyes and then identified herself. It was the same girl who had MS and was healed. I hadn’t seen her for over thirty years.

I asked her about her illness and if it had ever returned.

She responded that her husband had died but she has been in good health ever since her “remission.”

We visited a while and she returned to her table. Then I said to my wife, “Do you remember me telling you about that miraculous healing of my friend back in High School?”

She said she remembered.

“The lady we just talked to is her.”

“Haven’t you ever told her what happened?”


“Why not?”

“I’ve just never been impressed to do so.”

This is the basic account of my first confrontation with the dragon of authority, but not my last.

Confronting and slaying your first dragon of authority is the first major step for when the Spirit of God through your soul sees that you will listen to It more than the multitude of voices without then the lines of communication swing open wide.

But then the problem of focus begins. The disciple must keep his attention on the Inner Light and when a communication from the soul is received he or she must learn to trust it and follow what is revealed. If he does not then the door shuts again until the message is heard and incorporated.

I have written this account in the hope of giving inspiration to others to face the dragon and slay him in your own lives.

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Evolving Lives

Jan 1, 1999

Evolving Lives

Let me make a few more comments on the progression of animals as I feel my comments are not fully understood by all. The basic difference between animals and humans is that human beings are self-aware and animals are not. The state where Adam was in the Garden of Eden and knew not that he was naked is a description of the consciousness of the animal-human before he passed completely out of the animal kingdom.”

To create a self-conscious human being takes a fusion of millions of lesser lives. Among these lives are a number from the animal kingdom. Because the leap from one kingdom to another is so great it always involves the intelligent coordination and cooperation of multiple lives.

Humans cannot enter the kingdom of God alone, but must do so through group effort. The same went for animals when they moved into the human kingdom beginning in early Lemurian days about 18 million years ago. During a long period covering millions of years all the animals that were evolved enough to make the jump moved into the human kingdom. The rest stayed behind to go through a cycle of growth and be stimulated by humans in preparation for a future round when the door would open again.

One of the things we do to prepare animals for their future leap into the human kingdom is to take them as pets. As our pets they live with us in our homes and observe us and begin to feel like one of the family and the more advanced animals will often begin to see themselves as an extension of his human home..

The members of the God kingdom used a similar stimulation with the human kingdom during the days of Atlantis. Many of them walked freely among us “pet” humans and some people had very close relationships with these higher lives to the extent that some teachers of the human family began to see themselves as part of the family of God and a few made the leap into this next kingdom, the Kingdom of God. The Brotherhood have revealed that the door is now open for humans to move into the God kingdom, but that does not mean the door is permanently closed to animals moving into the human. They will make the leap again when their numbers are sufficiently prepared.

When a human moves from the human kingdom to the kingdom of God generally the advanced animal lives within him will move along with him. These lives will now have all the good that is the animal consciousness, sharing in the human consciousness and now sharing in the God consciousness.

A reader mentioned his Native American heritage. It is interesting that some of the ancient Indian healing techniques involved the recognition and calling forth of the animal lives within us. The basic idea was the calling forth of the bear, the eagle, the lion or other animal for his help in dealing with a medical or some other problem. This truth is also part of the hidden meaning behind the tribal naming of children after animal behaviors, such as Running Bear, Sly Fox etc. They had an unconscious recognition and identification of the animal lives within us.

Do animals have souls? Spirit and matter interplay through soul in all things here on earth in all kingdoms. Animals have soul, but do not have individual consciousness as do humans, but are preparing for it and some of the advanced animals have a sense of human consciousness just as advanced humans have a sense of God consciousness.

Every life form in the universe is eternal and will have no end including the animals. All will BECOME within their own sphere and eventually enlarge their consciousness to include greater lives, but the essence that makes each reflection that God has made cannot be destroyed but will reappear in different situations and forms again and again worlds without end.

Will clones have souls? Yes most of them will be quite normal and each clone will have similarities to the original, but will be its own person. Two clones will be similar in vibration to identical twins. Advanced entities will rarely take a cloned body, however, because an advanced soul needs a body of his own creation to fulfill higher purpose.

Even a computer, if advanced enough, could draw a self conscious entity to possess it and the giving birth to a living computer or some type of living android (something like Data from Star Trek) is an event that will happen some day in the future. How far away this is I cannot say.

Are their soulless people? Yes and no. The committed Dark Brothers completely deny the soul energy and as such construct a firm barrier that separates them from the world of Spirit. The soul is still there, but their consciousness cannot connect with it so they appear to be soulless, but such appearance is an illusion. The illusionary soulless person they have created will disintegrate and even the Dark Brother will be created anew several billion years hence.

Most people that you may think to be soulless has not been completely separated but is probably just on a detoured path for a few lives.

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Work Work Work

Jan 1, 1999

Work Work Work

My Friends,

A reader’s words come to mind about the difficulty of seeking God and the frustration of being trapped in a job you don’t like. I’m sure few of us on this forum are working at our number one choice (which would probably be being paid for writing postings for this forum), but we have found that most have to do quite a lot of “regular” work just to make a living.

Here’s a chapter from The Aquarian Gospel that is very inspiring on the subject of work. Let me quote.

1 “IN silent meditation Jesus sat beside a flowing spring. It was a holy day, and many people of the servant caste were near the place.

2 And Jesus saw the hard drawn lines of toil on every brow, in every hand. There was no look of joy in any face. Not one of all the group could think of anything but toil.

3 And Jesus spoke to one and said, Why are you all so sad? Have you no happiness in life?

4 The man replied, We scarcely know the meaning of that word. We toil to live, and hope for nothing else but toil, and bless the day when we can cease our toil and lay us down to rest in Buddha’s city of the dead.

5 And Jesus’ heart was stirred with pity and with love for these poor toilers, and he said,

6 Toil should not make a person sad; men should be happiest when they toil. When hope and love are back of toil, then all of life is filled with joy and peace, and this is heaven. Do you not know that such a heaven is for you?

7 The man replied, Of heaven we have heard; but then it is so far away, and we must live so many lives before we can reach that place!

8 And Jesus said, My brother, man, your thoughts are wrong; your heaven is not far away; and it is not a place of metes and bounds, is not a country to be reached; it is a state of mind.

9 God never made a heaven for man; he never made a hell; we are creators and we make our own.

10 Now, cease to seek for heaven in the sky; just open up the windows of the hearts, and, like a flood of light, a heaven will come and bring a boundless joy; then toil will be no cruel task.

11 The people were amazed, and gathered close to hear this strange young master speak,

12 Imploring him to tell them more about the Father-God; about the heaven that men can make on earth; about the boundless joy.

13 And Jesus spoke a parable; he said, A certain man possessed a field; the soil was hard and poor. 14 By constant toil he scarcely could provide enough of food to keep his family from want.

15 One day a miner who could see beneath the soil, in passing on his way, saw this poor man and his unfruitful field.

16 He called the weary toiler and he said, My brother, know you not that just below the surface of your barren field rich treasures lie concealed?

17 You plough and sow and reap in scanty way, and day by day you tread upon a mine of gold and precious stones.

18 This wealth lies not upon the surface of the ground; but if you will dig away the rocky soil, and delve down deep into the earth, you need no longer till the soil for naught.

19 The man believed. The miner surely knows; he said, and I will find the treasures hidden in my field. 20 And then he dug away the rocky soil, and deep down in the earth he found a mine of gold.

21 And Jesus said, The sons of men are toiling hard on desert plains, and burning sands and rocky soils; are doing what there fathers did, not dreaming they can do aught else.

22 Behold, a master comes, and tells them of a hidden wealth; that underneath the rocky soil of carnal things are treasures that no man can count;

23 That in the heart the richest gems abound; that he who wills may open the door and find them all.

24 And then the people said, Make known to us the way that we may find the wealth that lies within the heart.

25 And Jesus opened up the way; the toilers saw another side of life, and toil became a joy.

Aquarian Gospel Chapter 33

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Soul Contact

Dec 30, 1998

Soul Contact

The main reason many of us are here is to get to soul contact. We seem to be taking the scenic route to get there though. What the heck, JJ is doing the driving, so I’ll sit back and try to soak it all in. Wait…I see a sign post up ahead…it says Soul Contact 1/4 mile. Here we go! (the only question is…at what speed are we traveling?)”

Seriously though everything we have covered so far is essential material to reach the kingdom of the soul because as long as the Beast is alive and well in us our spiritual vision is blocked, as if we are in a fog. We must become aware of the name of God in our foreheads. It is already there. We must merely still ourselves and let the clouds clear away.

Even though this sounds easy, the journey to the kingdom of God is most difficult and has many pitfalls. The higher lives are not just sitting around waiting for you to merely declare that you are ready. You must make yourself useful as a tool in their hands to get their attention.

Your soul which is a midway point between body and spirit, is, however, ever waiting and always present for you. The fact that you are a member of this forum and reading these words is itself a sign that you have passed through many lifetimes of struggle and are in preparation for higher contact.

Question: What do you think is the first major step toward soul contact?

Dec 31, 1998

Approaching the Soul

Why is the door shut to animals moving into the human kingdom?

Answer: This is not a permanent thing. As one door shuts another is open. Right now the door is open for humans to move into the kingdom of God or the God kingdom. When this great work is finished for the majority of humans then the door can open again for the animals to move into the human.

All progress moves in ordered cycles.

When we move from one kingdom to another we still keep our individual identity but we go through a process of fusion where the many become one with a greater life.

Here is a quote from Book II that may shed some light:

“I have kind of a silly question,” said Elizabeth. “Are we ever born again as animals, spiders or anything like that?”

John smiled knowingly again. “I know you’re getting tired of this, but the answer is…”

“I suppose it’s yes and no,” I injected. “I’ve got to hear this one.”

“The answer is no,” he said, “When we consider the person as a whole. The human entity, which is you, always moves forward. Except in rare cases of the Dark Brothers, humans are always moving forward to a better, more refined human body with expanded light and consciousness.

“The answer is yes in the fact that within the universe of your being, every kind of living entity is represented. Some of this is obvious. The mineral kingdom, which does have a consciousness of its own, is represented in you by your teeth and skeletal structure. Your hair and fingernails are highly evolved parts of the vegetable kingdom. Then some believe that humans are merely highly evolved animals. A human as a unit is much more than an animal, but we do have animals in our nature. For instance, I think all of us at one time or another, when angered, have felt like a roaring lion out of control.”

“I can identify with that,” I said, “but where is the roaring lion? You’ve told us where the mineral and vegetable is, but I don’t see where the animal is unless it’s the body as a whole.”

“They are represented by parts of the body not normally seen,” he said. “Have you heard of the seven chakras, or energy centers?”

“Yes,” I said. “I’ve read about them in various yoga and other books.”

“And I also assume you have read about acupuncture points?”


“There are hundreds of smaller energy centers that compose these points. The five lower chakras and hundreds of the smaller energy points are actually little lives that were once animals and other little lives eons ago. These lives do not become human, but combine to create something greater than themselves. This is the true order of evolution. The subatomic particles unite to create atoms, atoms unite to create molecules, molecules unite to create cells, cells unite to create the vegetable kingdom, the essence of vegetable life unites to create animal and animals and all the smaller lives unite in consciousness to create human. Thus, you are a universe composed of millions of smaller lives including the animal. Because we are closest to the animals it is easiest to sense the animal within us.

“For instance, we speak of animal magnetism in relation to sexual attraction. When we get very angry or fearful in a dangerous situation, our animal instincts may take over, without mental intervention. Many people are closer to their pets – are more in tune with them than with their family or friends. My point is, if you pay attention you can sense the various animals within you. These lives many, many years ago reached the highest point they could as animals and to go higher they had to become part of something greater than themselves. The lion in you is still an animal, but shares your consciousness so he becomes more than a lion. You are like a god to him and give him commandments that he must obey so you can harness his life energy for good.”

“That is a fantastic teaching,” I said. “I’ve read a lot of books but have never read anything like that anywhere.”

As we continue the discussion on soul contact it is important that we define our terms as the words “soul” and “spirit” are sometimes used interchangeably, but there is a difference.

The soul or soul energy is the interplay of spirit and matter. It has no form but is the power that makes all forms possible in the material world.

Take a look at your TV with the picture on. This represents the physical world. The transmitting station is Spirit. That energy which interplays between the TV and the station and makes all programs possible is soul. This may not be a perfect correspondence but should be good enough to get the general idea.

Review in your mind our study of the Beast and a major step toward the soul should come to your consciousness.

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The Search for Vulcan


Aug 26, 2016

The Search for Vulcan

Another apparent DK contradiction to which I have given considerable thought is his numerous comments on the mysterious planet Vulcan.

Unlike the comment on Apollonius, which was made only once, and could be written off as an Alice A. Bailey error, comments on Vulcan was made numerous times and is an important part of his teachings. If Vulcan does not exist then this creates a great flaw in his writings.

So, does the physical planet Vulcan exist?

The possibility of a hidden planet within the orbit of Mercury was made famous by amateur French astronomer Edmond Modeste Lescarbault who claimed to observe it on March 26, 1859. This sighting was confirmed as valid by the greatest astronomer of the day, Urbain Le Verrier. He calculated that Mercury had a wobble in its orbit that could be accounted for by an inner planet. When he confirmed Lescarbault’s observation, because of his reputation, this was hailed by The New York Times as one of the great discoveries of the century.

Based on supposed observations Le Verrier calculated some details of Vulcan. It supposedly revolved about the Sun in a nearly circular orbit at a distance of 21 million kilometres (13 million miles). By contrast, Mercury, the closest planet to the sun, is 36 million miles from the sun. The period of revolution was 19 days and 17 hours compared to Mercury’s 88 days and the earth 365 days. Leverrier also estimated the diameter of Vulcan to be about two thousand kilometers (1243 miles), or only a little over half the diameter of our Moon.

The problem was that repeated observations could not positively confirm the existence of Vulcan to fellow astronomers. Even so, Le Verrier maintained his belief in Vulcan until he died in 1877. At his death interest in Vulcan subsided though many still believed that such a planet was necessary to account for Mercury’s unusual orbital wobble.

This changed though in 1919 when observations during a solar eclipse confirmed ingredients of Einstein’s theory of relativity and gravity that accounted for Mercury’s wobble. No longer was a missing planet needed to explain the anomaly.

A handful continued to believe in Vulcan until the current age of space probes and super telescopes. Now the space between Mercury and the Sun has been so thoroughly observed that the possibility of a physical planet being there is close to zero. The only possible physical objects that could be there would be asteroid sized of a couple miles in diameter, far too small to be considered a planet.

HPB seemed to pick up on the supposed existence of Vulcan and used the name for a mysterious hidden planet. Here are some quotes:

Not all of the Intra-Mercurial planets, nor yet those in the orbit of Neptune are yet discovered, though they are strongly suspected.

We know that such exist and where they exist; and that there are innumerable

planets “burnt out” they say, — in obscuration we say.

KH Mahatma Letters.

“It is the same in the Eastern Esoteric Philosophy, which, however, adds that the Sun is not a planet, but the central star of our system, and the Moon a dead planet, from which all the principles are gone, both being substitutes, the one for an invisible inter-Mercurial planet, and the other for a planet which seems to have now altogether disappeared from view.” SD3 459.

“The Sun The Giver of Life physically, Spiritually and Esoterically, the substitute for the inter-Mercurial Planet, a sacred and secret planet with the ancients.” SD3 454.

“Q. Can you tell us something of the planets for which the Sun and the Moon were substitutes?

There is no secret in it, though our modern astrologers are ignorant of these planets. One is an intra-mercurial planet, which is supposed to have been discovered, and named by anticipation Vulcan, and the other a planet with a retrograde motion, sometimes visible at a certain hour of night and apparently near the moon. The occult influence of this planet is transmitted by the moon.”

Notes from a meeting held at 17, Lansdowne Road, London, W., on January 31st, 1888

So what do the direct words of DK say about an intra-mercurial planet?

The reader may be surprised to learn that the answer is – nothing.

“But wait,” says a student. “As I recall Alice A. Bailey mentioned that Vulcan was an intra-mercurial planet.”

Yes, Bailey did mention it in her own words in footnotes seemingly to be using data from Blavatsky’s writings, but DK is never quoted directly as saying this. The earliest quote I can find about Vulcan being within the obit of Mercury is from the Mahatma letters concerning which DK tells us that few of them contain the words of a Master.

It seems quite possible then that HPB did receive information about a sacred planet known to the ancients but because speculation of Vulcan was in the news, she assumed incorrectly through her own initiative that this was it.

So… If Vulcan does not exist as a dense physical planet within the orbit of Mercury, where is it?

The most common proposal put forth by students is that Vulcan is not physical, but probably composed of the fourth ether or higher.

That would indeed seem to be the obvious possibility as both HPB and DK spoke of etheric planets beyond the vision of earth science.

Indeed Rudolf Steiner spoke of Vulcan as being in a highly spiritualized state. He said this in his book Cosmic Memory:

“‘No soul which, with its thinking is still tied to a physical body, should reflect about Vulcan and its life.’ That is, only the mystery students of the higher order, who may leave their physical body and can acquire supersensible knowledge outside of it, can learn something about Vulcan.”

Then DK says this about previous inhabitants of Vulcan:

They could only “come in” in the middle of the fifth round, and were a group of initiates who arrested their own evolution (technically speaking) in order to take up a special piece of work on the planet Vulcan; therefore, they must return to continue and complete that which has been left undone. Owing to the results of their experience on Vulcan, the physical vehicle necessitated is of such an order that they could not at this time, and in this round, incarnate without disaster.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pg 719

But, just as we seem to have the mystery solved we come across this tabulation in the writings of DK:

The Dense Physical Planets:

Earth   4th Chain  4th Globe

Jupiter 3rd Chain  4th Globe

Saturn  3rd Chain  4th Globe

Mars    4th Chain  4th Globe

Vulcan      3rd Chain  4th Globe

Venus  5th Chain  5th Globe

Mercury    4th Chain  5th Globe”

Esoteric Astrology, Pg 693

So here we have a tabulation of some planets in the dense physical and Vulcan is listed as one of them along with Earth, Mars and others that we know to be physical.

Now it is possible that Alice A. Bailey wrote the headline for the tabulation, but not likely in this case.

Let us assume that DK gave the heading for this tabulation and ask: Where then is Vulcan?

Here is another possibility. Vulcan may be another name for our physical sun. Here are some quotes:

Vulcan (the sun, exoterically considered)

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 369

Vulcan – the sun exoterically considered

Esoteric Astrology, Pg 652

The Sun (Veiling Vulcan)

Esoteric Psychology, Vol 1, Page 62

Planet: The Sun, substituting for the veiled planet Vulcan.

Esoteric Psychology, Vol 1, Pg 418 (Quoting from the Secret Doctrine)

Sun, veiling Vulcan.

Esoteric Astrology, Pg 50

The Sun (standing here for Vulcan, which is a sacred planet) governs a centre in the front of the throat

Esoteric Astrology, Pg 78

It indeed sounds like a possibility that Vulcan could just be another name for the Sun, which was considered to be one of the seven planets by the ancients.

This is a possibility but DK also talks about other veiled planets that are literal planets. For instance, he tells us that the moon veils Uranus, Neptune and Vulcan and the Sun also veils Neptune and several hidden planets.

We know that Uranus and Neptune are definitely planets in the dense physical so speaking of them as veiled does not mean they are invisible, the same or etheric.

Could there be another explanation?

There is one more interesting possibility. In the past we have heard all kinds of speculation from new agers about the mysterious planet X, or Nibiru, made popular by Zecharia Sitchin. This planet is supposed to pass by earth and cause a cataclysm every 3600 years.

Scientists have not taken the existence of this planet seriously and have found no evidence of its reality. Even so, they are open to the possibility that more sizable planets are out there and astronomers are continually scanning the skies for new planets.

This paid off with the discovery by famed astronomer Mike Brown and team in 2005 of what appeared to be a 10th planet, (now named Eris) for it was a little larger in mass than Pluto.

Instead of calling Eris a planet, Astronomers reclassified what a planet was and threw both Pluto and Eris out of the mix and decided to call objects of such size dwarf planets.

Brown and his team have now found quite a few objects beyond the orbit of Pluto and astronomers have named the region the Kuiper belt.

Now Brown believes he is on the verge of his greatest discovery. He has teamed up with fellow astronomer, Konstantin Batygin, and have been studying anomalies in the orbits of various planetoids and have calculated that the grouping of their orbits must be caused by a large planet, over ten times the size of earth. They are sure of its existence by a probability of 15,000 to one.

Their calculations indicate that this planet is way out there, It’s nearest approach is seven times further away than Neptune and its furthest approach is over three times that far.

This extreme distance will make this planet very difficult to find, but Brown is working on it.

Now the interesting thing is that other astronomers are not sneering at this idea but acknowledge that Brown and Batygin are most likely on to something. They can’t argue with what their math indicates.

Now consider this. If a planet does exist in the outer reaches of the solar system that is over ten times more massive than earth, would the Hierarchy be aware of it?

Most likely.

Would they have a name for it?

Most likely.

What could the name be? Let’s see, is there a planet identified by them that we have not yet found?

By golly, there is – none other than Vulcan.

In conclusion, my proposal is this. HPB received the fact that there was a sacred planet unknown to astronomers of her day. Because there was much speculation at that time that an intra-Mercurial planet existed, and given the name Vulcan, she mistakenly assumed that this was the missing planet. DK just used that name in his writings to identify the missing planet without specifying where it was.

If indeed another planet ten times the size of earth exists in our solar system it would be of significance to the Hierarchy and the only missing link in the dense physical noted by them is Vulcan.

Go HERE for the story of the search for the missing planet.

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Positive and Negative Nationalism


Aug 24, 2016

Positive and Negative Nationalism

In my last post we talked about the duality of negative and positive nationalism. A problem with this topic is that people as a whole are fairly black and white about it. They are either all in – “My country right or wrong,” or all out and look with a jaundice eye on any sign of patriotism.

I submit that both extremes are wrong and as usual the seeker must use some good judgment to find points of truth at the middle.

Let us examine the words and DK and our common sense on the subject and ascertain what ingredients of nationalism are on the positive and the negative sides.

The first question we want to ask is this. Which ingredients lead to harm, destruction or may frustrate the plans of the hierarchy? The second question is which ingredients are either harmless or on the constructive side?

DK gives us some good information as to the ingredients of negative nationalism. The prime example he cites is Nazi Germany. Indeed if there is any good that came out of Nazi Germany it is examples of what not to do.

Here were some ingredients of their nationalism that nations should avoid.

(1) Such a state of superiority that other nations must change to conform or be forced to submit to their rule.

(2) The idea that their people were superior physically and mentally to other nations.

(3) All inventions and advancements were for the glory of Germany with little or no thought in aiding the rest of the world.

(4) Within the country minority races and groups were discriminated against and treated as being inferior.

(5) They were aggressive and threatening toward other nations, especially the weak and defenseless.

(6) Extreme materialism

DK tells us that all nations on both sides of the war were guilty in some degree of nationalism that separates and if the negative aspects of this were not so prevalent among the democracies that they could have united their positive energies and prevented the war.

Unfortunately we had to learn the hard way.

He then tells us that a benefit from World War II was that many old forms were destroyed to be replaced by new and better ones.

Humanity has this made a step forward, but the nations still have a long way to go.

We do not want to repeat the nationalistic errors of the past, but neither do we want to go to the other extreme, so let us look at some ingredients of the positive or ideal nationalism, that is acceptable to DK.

Here is he quote again:

There is, needless to say, an ideal nationalism which is the reverse of all this; it exists as yet only in the minds of an enlightened few in every nation, but it is not yet an effective and constructive aspect of any nation anywhere; it remains still a dream, a hope and, let us believe, a fixed intention. This type of nationalism rightly fosters its individual civilization but as a national contribution to the general good of the comity of nations and not as a means of self-glorification; it defends its constitution, its lands and its people through the rectitude of its living expression, the beauty of its mode of life and the selflessness of its attitudes; it does not infringe, for any reason, the rights of other people or nations. It aims to improve and perfect its own mode of life so that all in the world may benefit. It is a living, vital, spiritual organism and not a selfish, material organization.

From: Problems of Humanity, Pages 88-89

Let us list the acceptable ingredients:

(1) “…fosters its individual civilization but as a national contribution to the general good of the comity of nations and not as a means of self-glorification”

(2) “it defends its constitution, its lands and its people through the rectitude of its living expression,”

(3) It aims to improve and perfect its own mode of life so that all in the world may benefit

Then in Externalization of the Hierarchy he adds:

(4) Blocs (of nations) in themselves can be good and proper if they follow lines of natural cleavages, of language differences and of cultural distinctions.

(5) He has repeatedly stressed the prime ingredient of allowing for the freedom of expression and of the human spirit.

There are certain ingredients here, that are often criticized as being wrongfully nationalistic that are approved of by DK so long as done constructively.

He mentions “individual civilization.” Some seekers think that nations will evolve to all be petty much the same, but such is not the case. Nations will all have their individual personalities and cultures for some time to come.

Some purists think that talk of a nation’s constitution, integrity of lands or is people are wrong, but DK approves of a nation defending “its constitution, its lands and its people,” with as much integrity as possible.

A citizen can love his nation’s Constitution, its people, its culture, what its flag represents, the integrity of its lands, the National Anthem, its history, its culture and not be placed in the category of negative nationalism. Such as person (myself included) wants to see all the good things of his own country made available to the whole world. Because he sees good in his country does not mean that he sees all differences in other countries as bad,

It is the separateness and superior attitude above all which some attach to country that causes the negative turn.

Using the Law of Correspondences we could compare a country to a person. Humans are governed by the lower personality until they achieve soul contact and submit to higher will. But when soul infusion is achieved the person still maintains a distinct personality, lives in a separate home protected by law from intruders, and in many ways his life is not that much different from his neighbor of average evolution.

Nations follow the same pattern. They start out in the lower personality mode and advance to the soul, but even in the soul they will still maintain their distinct personality and differences, but will be motivated to share, using good judgment, the benefits they have received with others having no intent to infringe on the free will of others.

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Ideal Nationalism


Aug 23, 2016

Ideal Nationalism

Rudolf Steiner was quoted as saying this about nationalism;

The most unchristian impulse of all took effect in the 19th century. The first impulse which came to the fore and gained an ever stronger hold of men’s minds and emotions, was that of nationalism. […] The Christian impulse towards universal humanity was completely overshadowed by the principle of nationalism, because the new way to bring this element of universal humanity to its own had not been found. The anti-Christian impulse makes its appearance first and foremost in the form of nationalism. […] We see a revolt against Christianity in the nationalism of the 19th century, which reached its apex in Woodrow Wilson’s phrase about the self-determination of nations, whereas the one and only reality befitting the present age would be to overcome nationalism, to eliminate it, and for men to be stirred by the impulse of the human universal.

Then too there are numerous quotes from DK being against nationalism that is separative, aggressive, produces conflict and many other evils.

Here is a typical statement:

First, there is the spirit of nationalism with its sense of sovereignty and its selfish desires and aspirations. This, in its worst aspect, sets one nation against another, fosters a sense of national superiority and leads the citizens of a nation to regard themselves and their institutions as superior to those of another nation; it cultivates pride of race, of history, of possessions and of cultural progress and breeds an arrogance, a boastfulness and a contempt of other civilizations and cultures which is evil and degenerating; it engenders also a willingness to sacrifice other people’s interests to one’s own and a basic failure to admit that “God hath made all men equal”. This type of nationalism is universal and everywhere to be found and no nation is free from it; it indicates a blindness, a cruelty and a lack of proportion for which mankind is already paying a terrible price and which will bring humanity down in ruins if persisted in.

Well, that about settles any argument then. Nationalism bad, inclusiveness good. All nations should just merge, open their borders, share with the world and sing Kumbaya.

Not quite. Part of the problem with negative nationalism is black and white thinking which throws judgment out the window. If we do this we become guilty of the same primary sin of the extreme nationalists.

What is needed is to take a deep breath and read the very next paragraph in the DK quote:

There is, needless to say, an ideal nationalism which is the reverse of all this; it exists as yet only in the minds of an enlightened few in every nation, but it is not yet an effective and constructive aspect of any nation anywhere; it remains still a dream, a hope and, let us believe, a fixed intention. This type of nationalism rightly fosters its individual civilization but as a national contribution to the general good of the comity of nations and not as a means of self-glorification; it defends its constitution, its lands and its people through the rectitude of its living expression, the beauty of its mode of life and the selflessness of its attitudes; it does not infringe, for any reason, the rights of other people or nations. It aims to improve and perfect its own mode of life so that all in the world may benefit. It is a living, vital, spiritual organism and not a selfish, material organization.

Both quotes from: Problems of Humanity, Pages 88-89

It is always a mistake to not look for the duality of things. Seeing only in black and white creates divisiveness just as negative nationalism does. It creates the idea that “I am 100% correct and you are 100% in error.”

Such is rarely the case.

The idea behind transcending negative nationalism is the eventual creation of a one world benevolent government that sees all as brothers and one humanity where each person deserves an opportunity for freedom, education and the abundance of the earth.

The problem says DK is that we cannot just rush headlong into this. He says:

Blocs (of nations) in themselves can be good and proper if they follow lines of natural cleavages, of language differences and of cultural distinctions. They can be essentially right if they are formed for economic, educational, religious and social aims and can therefore provide no true cause for alarm. Such blocs would be cultural and not militaristic, economic and not greedy, and they could provide a normal and progressive movement away from the separative nationalism of the past and towards the distant creation of the One World, and the One Humanity. This will some day be seen, but the time is not yet. Mankind is not ready for some super-government, nor can it yet provide the unselfish and trained statesmen that such a government would require. As yet, there are more seeds of danger in this concept than there are of helpfulness. Nevertheless, it is a dream which will some day materialise, after the creation and the functioning of blocs have proved how men should work and live together.

Externalization of the Hierarchy, Pg 639

Esoteric students indeed look forward to this day, but unfortunately he says we are not yet ready for it. Attempting this now has “more seeds of danger in this concept than there are of helpfulness.”

What are the seeds of danger? The danger in any change of government is that of totalitarianism. The danger is that we could have a Hitler type antichrist surface as feared by the Christian world that could set us back for centuries.

DK recommends first “the creation and the functioning of blocs” of countries that work together until relationship is good and productive. Then blocks can work together with blocks until we arrive at a time where all nations become unified under the ideal of one humanity, while still maintaining maximum individual and group freedom.

This work toward the elimination of negative nationalism and replacing it with a positive one will be a gradual, step by step process. Some will be eager to take giant leaps by forcing the human spirit, but this must be avoided.

So, what are examples of the positive nationalism of which DK mentioned? Surely its seeds have surfaced.

It has indeed and the Founding Fathers of the United States set the example for us. They established what was called, “Novus ordo seclorum” or the English, “A new order of the ages.” This new order of participatory government with individual freedom was created not just for the people of the United States, but with the hope the principles would benefit the entire world.

Another example was the blending together of the Allies during World War II. The Allied nations were not fighting just for themselves but for the sake of the world as a whole, and indeed the defeat of Nazism did benefit the world. The benefit even reached to the defeated nations, who perhaps benefitted the most.

The technological revolution is also an example of positive nationalism. Most of it, including the internet, originated in the United States and most innovators are happy to see their own country benefit, but the basic idea is to benefit the world. Technology has indeed brought us closer together and has made us more aware that we are all one great family. As we make friends on Facebook and other media we find that many of them are from other countries and cultures, yet in many ways they are in the same boat as ourselves. The person you are communicating with half way across the globe seems just as close and just as friendly as your next door neighbor.

We are indeed taking steps toward a unified world. Let us hope they continue.

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Higher and Lower Feelings

26 Dec 1998

Higher and Lower Feelings

Let us wrap up an unfinished subject: The Solar Plexus and the Heart. We asked about the difference between the two energies and never completely covered the answer.

I find it interesting that humanity as a whole, as well as many New Agers, tend to lump all energies that stir emotions as feelings from the heart.”

Every time I see someone give the advice of “follow your heart” in a movie, the advice would be more accurately worded as “follow your solar plexus.”

The fact is that there are two prominent feeling energies that can stir us to action and these we often term the higher and lower emotions or the heart and solar plexus. Those who are not familiar with the centers may just call them something like higher and lower feelings.

Basically, the solar plexus is a reflection of the heart energies and as a reflection it turns everything upside down. Thus when a generation is polarized in this lower emotion they “call evil good, and good evil; they put darkness for light, and light for darkness; and put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isa 5:20) as the prophet Isaiah declared. The scriptures further say: “There is none that doeth good, no not one.” (Psalms 14:3) Even Jeremiah declared that “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, [and] according to the fruit of his doings.” (Jeremiah 17:9-19)

He, of course, was not speaking of the real heart energies, but the solar plexus which most people of that time identified as the heart.

When a person or group is thus controlled by the solar plexus they see everything, even truth written clear as crystal, as a reflection or reversed into illusion and thus set themselves up to retain the mark of the Beast.

There are many illusions about the lower feelings of the solar plexus chakra, even among students who have studied the centers. This is one of the main reasons it is so difficult to shift away from the mark of the Beast.

There are two main illusions of the solar plexus that need corrected.

  1. Many just identify this center with the “lower feelings,” but there are higher and lower feelings in the solar plexus itself. Many of the feelings from the solar plexus are positive and are thus mistaken for heart energies.
  2. The feelings of the solar plexus are not decreased, or negated, as you evolve, but increased.

ILLUSION 1 Students just identify this center with the “lower feelings,” but there are higher and lower feelings in the solar plexus itself. Many of the feelings from the solar plexus are positive and are thus mistaken for heart energies.

When talking about the solar plexus many teachers make reference to what we normally call the “negative” emotions such as anger, hate, greed, envy etc.

Then there are those who see another negative aspect of the energy of this center as being selfish love and that is generally as much credit as this center gets. But beyond these feelings the mission of the solar plexus is to point us toward the heart center in a positive way. One way it does this is to present an ideal before our consciousness. As we discussed earlier this ideal may work itself out in either a positive or negative experience depending on our point in evolution.

The second positive mission of the solar plexus is to deliver to us bridge energies of love which is not entirely selfish, and not true spiritual love either. It is a love which is still grounded in self, yet holds before the seeker the ideal of the Love of Christ.

The person grounded in this higher solar plexus love and feeling will say yes yes to all teachings of Christ consciousness, love and sharing, but in real life his decisions will reflect the persistent dedication to self.

Thus we have among both the religious and the New Age people a lot of idealist teaching, but not much practical doing in the mission of love. They sense what should be done but do not have the wherewithal to do it.

Those who sense this divine reflection often enter a world of the greatest illusion because they are brought to this point by an “I found it!” dogma of some kind.

Example One: A guy was in a personal crisis and attended a revival and the ideal of Jesus was presented to him and this stirred the higher solar plexus feeling with a touch of heart. This feeling was so good that he feels that he has found the ultimate God and dedicates his surface life to Him..

Example Two: A New Ager is at the end of his rope and has several coincidences happen that lead him to a guru. The guru seems to read his mind and gives him what appears to be inspired advice. The man thinks it is God who has to be speaking through this teacher and now he thinks he has “found it.” He has faith and love in the guru not because of soul contact but because of outward signs. Outward signs, no matter how synchronous they may be can be a mark of the Beast if they are not verified by soul contact.. And why is this? Because the final faith is in a power or happening “out there” rather than the God within.

To fully understand the illusion created by the solar plexus which perpetuates the mark of the Beast one must realize that the energy of the centers unfold gradually like that of the petals of a flower unfolding before the rays of the Sun. In fact all the centers have lotus petals which do unfold. The petals of the solar plexus reaches up toward the heart symbolizing the fact that it’s mission is to transmit the lower energies to the higher so personality love and spiritual love can both be used for the good of the whole or the One.

The problem that occurs in many people of good will is that the solar plexus may be 80% open whereas the heart may only have one or two of its twelve petals unfolded. Thus the heart does not have the power to transmute all the lower energies and most of them are thus reflected back to the lower self and directed to selfish purpose.

One of the main purposes behind the teachers of the race is to guide these lower energies of general humanity (and also many aspiring disciples) into an avenue of harmlessness and for this reason the masters have, in times past, given out commandments and scriptures that make men conscious of the responsibility of their actions.

If a person has not transmitted the lower energies into the higher the “go with the flow” idea will be a total disaster in the end. It is like going with a flow of wind that is blowing you off a cliff.

When the person centered in the solar plexus speaks of love he sees it in only one dimension. Love is just love. But when one who has the energies of the heart in an unfolded condition, he can see that love is multi layered and when he hears another speak of love he seeks to discern the level of love that is resting in his consciousness so communication can be complete.

In the end love is One, but in its discovery it is many.

Illusion 2. The feelings of the solar plexus are not decreased, or negated, as you evolve, but increased.

As the energies of the heart unfold the energies of solar plexus do not just disappear, but are instead unfolded to an even higher degree. Thus, as a person evolves, the lower energies play about with more power than ever before and the disciple needs more strength of will to direct them intelligently than ever before.

This is evidenced before as us we see that many people of power and intelligence seem to have no power to resist temptation that many average people seem to be able to handle. These seemingly overwhelming lower energies in otherwise great people can cause their whole life’s purpose to fall down around them.

How many times have we read about some religious leader who gathers all the beautiful women to himself, for his own use and abuse, just to satisfy his lower nature?

The challenge for the workers of light is to learn to discern between the higher and lower energies and not confuse the two, for if they do they will be inclined to think that God, the Higher Self, or whatever, is directing them toward the path of carnal activity.

The mission of all seekers is this. Examine yourself in all honesty and try and discover where you are on the path. If you know where you are you can then become aware of your next step. If you do not know where you are then your next step will be in the dark and you will have to bump into several dead ends before you again find your true way.

Finding your place on the path is extremely difficult for many because the beginning seeker will often think he is on his last life and ascension is just around the corner. Because he is looking about a thousand steps ahead of where his attention should be his progress comes to a stand still and the mark of the Beast remains intact.

The question I leave you with is this.

What if you are not sure of your point on the path or where your next step should be? What should you then do? How can you take the next step if you are not sure where it lies?

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Creating Jesus


Aug 21, 2016

Creating Jesus

In light of the idea that Jesus was mostly myth pattered after a teacher from a century past or maybe just pure fable I thought I would add a few words.

First if we remove the bias from historians because Jesus was a controversial religious figure then there would be little question that he was real.

Like Jesus, Socrates left no known writings and it was left to a disciple (Plato) to testify to his words and deeds.

Now with Jesus, instead of just one account we have four, the four gospels testify of him. We also have the Gospel of Thomas believed to be authentic. Now if Jesus were no more controversial than Socrates skeptics would not be straining every detail of history and reasoning in an attempt to either disprove his very existence or to relegate his story to an embellishment of some fairly regular guy.

Socrates only needed a small portion of the evidence that we have on Jesus to be accepted, yet few question his existence as testified to by Plato.

Bart Ehrman is a noted Biblical scholar as well as a non believer of orthodox Christianity and one of the few that has examined the history of Christianity without an ax to grind. He decided to look in deep into history, using Christian and non Christian sources, and examine both sides of the issue to see where the evidence points as to the existence of Jesus.

He wound up writing a book about it called “Did Jesus Exist?” It was well done and I recommend reading it. Here was his conclusions:

Jesus as a historical figure did definitely exist. Though Ehrman was skeptical of all the miracles attributed to him he did admit that he must have dome some extraordinary things to have created so much word of mouth that was passed down about them. He said this in his book:

“We cannot think of the early Christian Gospels as going back to a solitary source that ‘invented’ the idea that there was a man Jesus. The view that Jesus existed is found in multiple independent sources that must have been circulating throughout various regions of the Roman Empire in the decades before the Gospels that survive were produced. Where would the solitary source that “invented” Jesus be? Within a couple of decades of the traditional date of his death, we have numerous accounts of his life found in a broad geographical span. In addition to Mark, we have Q, M (which is possibly made of multiple sources), L (also possibly multiple sources), two or more passion narratives, a signs source, two discourse sources, the kernel (or original) Gospel behind the Gospel of Thomas, and possibly others. And these are just the ones we know about, that we can reasonably infer from the scant literary remains that survive from the early years of the Christian church. No one knows how many there actually were. Luke says there were “many” of them, and he may well have been right. And once again, this is not the end of the story.”

Indeed, if Jesus were a purely fictional character or patterned after someone from a previous century there had to be a starting point to the myth. Where was this point and who started the ball rolling?

There are a number of ideas on this such as:

(1) Constantine had the myth created so he could unify and control the people.

This does not hold water because there is overwhelming evidence that the Jesus story was already firmly in existence. We have fragments of the gospels dating back two centuries before the emperor’s life.

(2) People just started telling stories that got into circulation and embellished until the gullible started believing they were real.

Really? This is more difficult to believe than anything in the Bible. If you think this is the way it happened I have a bridge to sell you cheap.

(3) Mystics compiled the story as an allegory for teaching purposes and when the story got out into the masses they accepted it without question.

If such a story was fiction and the mystics knew it then word of this would have leaked out to some making a copy of it. And what makes one think that people would be so accepting and that no one would set them straight?

It is interesting to consider that none of the critics of early Christianity questioned the existence of the historical Jesus as they do today. Both the learned and unlearned accepted that he lived. The disagreement was over who he was and how accurate the stories were. Early critics approached it the way modern critics do George Washington. They accept that he was real but have found a number of stories about him they consider myth.

Now consider this. Let us suppose that we wanted to start a myth right now equal to the story of Jesus. Let us take a strong personality from the past and embellish him or her and claim this person is a son of God who came back from the dead. Who would we pick? Joseph Smith, Mary Baker Eddy, H. P. Blavatsky?

They are all interesting characters but fabricating a Jesus type myth around them would be close to impossible.

So, how about starting from scratch then? Let us write a story about a world savior who comes back from the dead, present it as true and see what happens.

Not much would happen. Few would accept it unless they knew for sure that such a historical person walked the streets of our cities.

“But,” says the skeptic, “we have instant communications today and a powerful media. The people 2000 years ago didn’t have this and they would have been easier to fool.”

Actually, not that much easier. The Roman Empire was a highly civilized state and communication spread rapidly by word of mouth. If someone came into Town Square with a fictional manuscript of a man who rose from the dead many would question this and want to at least meet someone who knew Jesus.

Getting such a story started back then would have been almost as difficult as getting one going today.

They say history repeats itself. If so, where is the repeat of another powerful myth like Jesus that has been taken as real in the past 2000 years? There is none. Any why? Because in the days of the written word it would be close to impossible to circulate such a myth without someone spilling the beans and revealing the truth.

Copyright 2016 by J J Dewey

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