Principle 74

This entry is part 71 of 98 in the series Principles


“Evolution” is one of those emotional hot button words that stimulates a lot of response on both sides of the political and religious spectrum. The emotion generated is higher on the religious side because some see the Theory of Evolution as being anti God. Many make no distinction between the Theory of Evolution and the Principle of Evolution and reject out of hand any statement that merely contains the word.

What the most conservative fundamentalist believers must realize is that even if Darwin is totally rejected by them there this is no reason to reject the principle itself. It is totally in line with rational thought that evolution does exist for it has been demonstrated, many times.

To make sure we are on the same page let us define the word as it is generally used apart from Darwin. The Online Oxford dictionary defines it as follows:

The gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex form. Example: the forms of written languages undergo constant evolution.

No one can deny that there are many things that evolve from the simple to the more complex and efficient.

A few centuries ago written languages had virtually no punctuation. There were no commas, parenthesis, exclamation points, paragraphs or periods. Ancient manuscripts are very difficult to read and are subject to more wrong interpretation than today’s writing. Modern language with the rules of grammar and punctuation is definitely an evolutionary improvement.

Humanity has never seen evolution proceed in such marked progress as they have witnessed during the age of computers. We have all seen the computer itself evolve from a very basic machine to one of great complexity and usefulness. A few years ago most of us could take or leave computers but now almost all see them, and digital devices, as, not only useful, but essential to some part of their lives.

A computer program is a profound example of evolution moving forward quickly. Most of the more established programs have ten or more versions in their history. The first program was very basic, but the latest has all kinds of bells and whistles, supplying us with more features than we will ever master.

Then too civilization itself is a great example of evolution. Since the discovery of fire and the wheel the human race has evolved in numerous ways in technology and social structure. A modern city or state is certainly more complex and organized than an ancient tribe.

Forget Darwin for now and let us look at the principle of evolution as it plays out in circumstances upon which we all agree. For instance, what is the force behind the principle that causes evolution to happen? In other words, what was it that caused a computer program to appear and then to morph from version one to version two and beyond?

Was it merely the program doing its own natural selection – or was it something else? And for that matter what caused the computer program to materialize in the first place? Was it just the basic zeros and the ones combing randomly until magical combinations were the result or was it something else?

Obviously it was something else.

And what was that something else?

That something else was intelligence.

To be more specific it is intelligence in matter.

“What do you mean by intelligence in matter? Matter doesn’t have intelligence,” says the dogmatic scientist.

To this we respond: “Is your body made of matter and are you, who are dwelling in a physical body, intelligent? If you consider yourself possessed of intelligence then you cannot deny there is intelligence in matter.”


There are two ways of looking at evolution as it has occurred in the manifestation of this universe and life in it.

(1) There was no originating purpose or intelligence involved. Creation is something that just happened by chance. If the coin had flipped the other way nothing would be here.

(2) Some type of very high intelligence (usually called God) guided creation through form and matter.

Which of these suppositions is the most logical and follows the line of what has been factually observed?

First we know it is a fact that this universe was created and the chances of this happening with random luck has been calculated as 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 … (Add 1200 zeros)

This statistic does not include the chances of life evolving in it by chance.

Just the perfect balance of the negative and positive energies of protons and neutrons is a great mystery to scientists who do not have a clue as to why the atom itself is held together. They identify forces but have no idea of their origin or why they have the strength assigned to them.

Here is a statement beyond dispute:

All evolution that has been observed from beginning to end occurs because of some guiding intelligence.

Now some scientists take materials and with their intelligence synthesize them to the middle of an evolutionary process, or tabulate natural evolutionary changes in life and say, “See. God did not do this. There was no intelligence involved.”

But there was intelligence involved. There was a tremendous amount of intelligent programming already incorporated in the cells and molecules of the butterfly that changes color over generations to adapt to environment.

This is why I use the phrase “from beginning to end,” not the middle to end. If the middle is the result of unfathomable programming by high intelligence then we have an explanation as to why a creation can change and adapt, just as a sophisticated computer program can adapt to the needs of a user.

The bottom line is this. The beginning of a computer program does not occur by chance and cannot happen when no intelligence is involved. Our DNA, just one ingredient of life, is a giant computer program that we cannot even examine and duplicate, or reverse engineer (as of yet). To consider that such a complex program could have created itself is an insane use of logic. How could forces with no intelligence create a cell so complex that it cannot be reverse engineered by the highest intelligence on this planet?

The fact that there is indeed evolution in all aspects of creation proves that some intelligent mind is at work. We therefore conclude with a succinct statement describing the principle of evolution.

The driving principle behind all constructive evolution is intelligence. When intelligence is applied to force or form, the good, the beautiful and the useful materialize to be intelligently accessed by life in the universe.

Be humble for you are made of earth, but noble for you are made of stars.

Serbian Proverb

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Principle 73

This entry is part 70 of 98 in the series Principles


Entropy is the tendency of a system to degenerate to a state of chaos, asymmetry, disorganization or anarchy through lack of intelligent activity or attention. This is similar to the idea of attrition, with the main difference being that the principle of attrition, as I enumerated it, can be constructively useful when intelligently applied and directed by the mind.

Entropy is the disintegration that happens to an organized system when intelligent activity and thought is withdrawn.

The fact that the universe is NOT chaos is in itself indicative of intelligence. Moreover, the degree of complexity manifested from the quark to humans to the universe itself gives indications of both where the attention of that intelligence has been applied in the past as well as where it is currently focused.

When a creation has outlived its usefulness then the intelligent life force is withdrawn and the creation falls apart through entropy.

The best dictionary definition I can find for entropy that harmonizes with the principle is from the Wordsmyth online dictionary. It defines it as:

The natural and irreversible tendency toward randomness and disorder in any system without an external source of energy.

Perhaps we should redefine it slightly to harmonize with the principle under discussion:

The natural and irreversible tendency toward randomness and disorder in any system without an external source of energy applied with intelligence.

Energy alone is not enough to maintain order in the universe, on a planet, in a body, a cell or an atom. That energy must be applied with intelligence.

If intelligence is withdrawn from a creation then energy also dissipates and the system begins to disintegrate and fall apart.

A great example of this is the withdrawal of an intelligent entity from its body at death. When the intelligence withdraws then intelligent energy is not supplied to sustain the body and it rapidly starts to fall apart, or disintegrate.

Jesus said to consider the lilies of the field – Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. If we look at any plant through a powerful microscope or the greater universe through the Hubble telescope we indeed see a majesty of creation that has to be sustained by some great intelligence.

One thing that presently impresses many scientists is the study of DNA and learning of its complexity, as if it were a great computer more powerful than any that we presently have.

Recent discoveries have convinced Professor Antony Flew, a renowned atheist scientistfor 50 years, that there is indeed a great intelligence we loosely call God.

At a symposium sponsored by the Institute for Meta-Scientific Research Flew decollated:

“What I think the DNA material has done is show that intelligence must have been involved in getting these extraordinarily diverse elements together. The enormous complexity by which the results were achieved look to me like the work of intelligence.”

Actually, just looking at a beautiful female sunbathing on the beach is enough to convince me, but to explore the complexity of the microcosm is even more impressive.


The fact that great order exists in the universe and life in it which is sustained so entropy does not dominate proves that some great intelligence is at work.

God loves you just the way you are, but he loves you too much to let you stay that way.

From Junebug – The Movie

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Principle 72

This entry is part 69 of 98 in the series Principles


In today’s world writing about the virtues of brotherhood, without mentioning the feminine aspect of sisterhood, seems to be politically incorrect. Unfortunately, those with high attachment to political correctness will often sacrifice accuracy in communication for what feels good to their emotional body.

In presenting this principle one must realize that there is a big difference between “brotherhood” and “sisterhood,” especially as it is used in esoteric teachings.

The word “brotherhood” is inclusive and “sisterhood” is not. When one writes of sisterhood he or she is only including the female gender and their positive interplay and connection. There is nothing wrong with this, as often such a word is needed to accurately communicate this special aspect of female relations.

Now, it is true that brotherhood does at times refer to the opposite polarity of meaning. Depending on the context of the writing it will sometimes be clear that the writer is using the word only in reference to the male gender.

However, when writing from a spiritual prospective the words “brother” and especially “brotherhood” often are inclusive and refers to human beings of either sex.

Many of the great female spiritual teachers of this age have avoided using sisterhood and used brother and brotherhood in an inclusive way to include all people of all races and both sexes.

Mary Baker Eddy who founded Christian Science, used brotherhood to include both sexes because, as she taught, both males and females are part of the one mind of God, not two minds. Helena Blavatsky and Alice A. Bailey, who popularized Theosophy and the Ancient Wisdom, both considered themselves part of a great brotherhood, not a sisterhood. Their writings even refer to themselves as “brothers.”

Another female spiritual innovator and Theosophical leader, Annie Besant wrote much about the value of brotherhood. Here is a quote from her treatise, Brotherhood of Religions:

The concept of Brotherhood stands on steadfast pillars. In it there can be no restrictions of age, race, or of occasional moods. Indeed, above all else there is the primary energy. If it is manifest, and if contacts through it can be harmonized, then there will be affirmed a lasting bond.

Helena Roerich was another innovative female spiritual teacher who was also intensely into brotherhood, even writing a book on the subject. Here is just one quote of many that could be given:

The spark of Infinity must be expressed in everything. Each concept must include presupposition of its development into Infinity. There may be noted whole series of concepts which succeed each other. Neither friendship nor cooperation can be terminal. Between them and the Subtle World there must be still another something that can equally belong to the two worlds. This something is called Brotherhood.

No greater concept can be named, none which could so crown human relations and correspond to the essential nature of the Subtle and Fiery (spiritual) Worlds. Therefore the Brotherhood is called threefold. It extends between the three worlds as a firm bridge. It is almost impossible to imagine the contact of the earthly with the Fiery World, but under the panoply of Brotherhood such confluence is made possible.

In more recent times we come to Helen Schucman, who penned A Course In Miracles, one of the most influential spiritual books of our age. The terms brother and brotherhood are stressed throughout as an inclusive concept that applies to all. She wrote:

The miracle acknowledges everyone as your brother and mine. It is a way of perceiving the universal mark of God.

Your mind will elect to join with mine, and together we are invincible. You and your brother will yet come together in my name, and your sanity will be restored.

Through your gratitude you come to know your brother, and one moment of real recognition makes everyone your brother because each of them is of your Father.

Even though it is politically correct to acknowledge both sexes in all that is written for the masses, such an effort would not only be fruitless, but detract from the pure teachings given out to spiritual seekers.

When it doesn’t interfere with the context I will occasionally throw in terms such as “brothers and sisters,” “he or she,” and “brotherhood and sisterhood,” but the readers of spiritual teachings must realize that, “brother” and “brotherhood” refers not to the male gender but to a spiritual recognition that we are all from the same Source and should look upon each other as family and friends.

Spiritual teachers of the present time have to deal with the fact that any slanting of wording toward the male gender is considered old fashion and sexist.

The problem in adapting to the politically correct crowd is that there has been no word created to replace “brotherhood.” Something like “humanityhood” sounds silly and still has the word “man” in it.

Stating “brotherhood and sisterhood” each time the view is expressed is wordy and not accurate, for sisterhood is not an inclusive word.

That said, let us put in words the true principle of brotherhood.

The principle of “brotherhood,” in the true spiritual sense, recognizes that we are all from the same Source and the one God dwells in each of us whether we are male or female, black or white, or of any belief system. A spiritual brother is another soul like ourselves who is traveling the path of return, moving through many lifetimes of both sexes and many races and types of individuals. In the end each of us have been all things to all people. The understanding and application of true love and brotherhood is the saving grace that finally redeems us from the lower nature.

“I sought my soul, but my soul I could not see. I sought my God, but my God eluded me. I sought my brother and I found all three.” – Unknown.

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Principle 71

This entry is part 68 of 98 in the series Principles

The Principle of Seeing the Christ Within

This is an important principle for, if applied, it could change the world and bring peace on earth, good will to men.

First of all, let us enunciate the principle:

Within the core of each human being dwells, (generally veiled by walls of illusion) the same consciousness that was accessed by Jesus. Each of us are in the same family and are extensions of the One God. Most of us have forgotten who we are. Those who remember see past the negativity of their brethren to the truth of the Christ within. Hence, they remove their own limitations and know the truth that makes them free.

As the regular guy looks out upon the sea of humanity he sees the good, the bad and the ugly. He doesn’t see the Christ within those he considers the bad, the malicious, or even just the irritating people because there just doesn’t seem to be any Christlike goodness within them.

The same goes for the ugly, or any that disgust or repulse him. He makes no effort to see the Christ within. He doesn’t even want to be around them.

Now he does manage to see a little of the goodness of Christ in those he considers to be the good and the beautiful, but as soon as a few flaws surface this good loved one can instantly turn into someone who requires extreme patience on his part.

The interesting thing is that this irritating person has always had flaws. What then was the different in the beginning when the good was seen and the end where it was not?

The only difference was his focus of attention. In the beginning he was focused on the good and in the end he was focused on the flaws. During both time periods he was dealing with the same person, but the results were far different.

The most profound example of this playing out is the falling in and out of love experience. The closest the average person comes to seeing the true Christ within is through falling in love.

Have you noticed that people can fall in love with the most flawed of characters and after falling in love see past all their flaws and only the good.

One of the most extreme examples was illustrated by the female followers of Charles Manson. They looked beyond the abuse they received and later the fact that he instigated cold blooded murder. Despite all that, they saw him as being benevolent, right up there with Jesus.

We’ve all heard of examples of those who have fallen in love with prisoners who were thieves, rapists and murders and wondered how this could have occurred.

Thus brings up two questions:

(1) How could this have occurred in a sane person?

The answer is that all people have an originating spark of life from God within them and this Christ within can be seen in anyone, even the least of the brethren and sisters. This dwells within all, from the worst criminal to the mist holy saint.

The reason a person falls in love is that he refuses to see the flaws in the other person and looks for the good and focuses on it. This not only explains why decent citizens can fall in love with terrible criminals, but also explains why many fall in love with someone with a clean record, but later hates their guts.

The truth is that we can fall in love with any person on the planet. All one has to do is look past the flaws and imperfections of the person considered.

(2) Wouldn’t it do more harm than good to be oblivious to real external flaws in another, especially dangerous ones?

The answer is that some see the Christ within others and dangerously do not see the flaws whereas more advanced souls can be aware of flaws, but still have the power to look past them to see the Christ within.

We need to apply then Lion Principle, covered earlier. Many who work with lions truly love them, such as Siegfried and Roy, but fully realize that in the right situation the lion could kill them. Even so, must be our approach with seeing the Christ in others. We should not be like the Manson followers and ignore the dangers, but, instead, be like the animal lover who is aware of he dangers, works around them, but still sees the good in the animal.

Falling in love is the closest average people get to the wonderful soul energy available when seeing the Christ within, but there is more, much more.

As great as falling in love feels it lacks the purity of the higher spiritual energies that can be discovered by finding the Christ within ourselves and others. Regular romantic love does bring forth the love of Christ within, but blends it with lower emotional energy which diminishes its purity and spiritual power.

The goal should be to remove all veils of lower emotion, bias and preconceived notions to allow a full vision of the Christ within all our brothers and sisters.

When the seeker can see the undistorted Christ within the most disturbing of his associates he will then have a fuller soul experience with his or her true love as well as his own soul.

I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.

Mother Teresa

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Principle 70

This entry is part 67 of 98 in the series Principles

The Principle of Soul

This principle is of great interest to seekers of all stripes, though soul contact itself is called different names by different people.

The term “soul contact” basically describes contact humans sometimes make with higher spiritual reality and spheres of being. This is something all religious and spiritual people seek to some degree.

The typical religious person will seek answers to prayer or occasional divine guidance. Some even describe encounters with angels or visions of God, Jesus or spiritual things.

Then other seekers associated with new age or eastern thought describe all kinds of experiences that they believe to be higher spiritual contact.

The reason higher contact is so sought after and cherished is that it replaces faith with knowledge. A higher contact is a real experience that verifies to a high degree that there is indeed a reality beyond the material world.

The question few ask is, what is the principle that makes higher contact possible?

Most give fairly vague answers such as quoting Jesus telling us to ask and we shall receive and seek and you shall find.

This apparently does not reflect the full principle for a few ask and receive while many do not. What is the principle that can make higher contact a reality?

There is indeed a point of contact which is neither material nor spirit, but where both interplay and the result of that interplay is soul energy.

Contacting this point which is neither spirit nor matter, up or down, wet or dry is the key to soul contact. This mysterious point where soul energy resides is the door that opens up consciousness to all higher contact.

So, how does one open this door to soul contact? I have written a lot on this subject in previous writings so I will just give a few important hints here:

(1) The consciousness must cease to focus on the material side as being all-important and balance it off with spiritual focus. When the seeker balances the physical and spiritual within he discovers the door of soul energy.

The enlightenment of the Buddha was a good example as described in my book The Lost Key of the Buddha

If you tune the strings of a harp too tight,

the sound will not be right.

If the strings are too slack as they play,

a beautiful sound will not be made.

Neither too tight nor too limp shall be the strings,

If the player is to be worthy of kings.

The tension must be tuned by the ear

To fill the soul of all who hear.

The door to higher contact will not be found in extreme focus on either spirit or matter but by the balanced mind.

(2) Because energy follows thought the seeker must direct his mind toward higher contact to receive higher contact. This is a self-evident truth that is often overlooked.

(3) The seeker must sustain his focus until he achieves the contacts he desires. Many give a feeble attempt and just give up.

(4) The seeker must seek to free himself from material attachments.

(5) The seeker must forgive all and hold no grievances.

(6) It helps to achieve correct focus to seek to understand Higher Will and seek to fulfill it.

(7) Listen in silence for the Inner Voice.

Conclusion: The Soul Principle can be stated as follows: The discovery of that zero point which is neither spirit or matter, but the interplay of them both.


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Principle 69

This entry is part 66 of 98 in the series Principles

The Principles behind Disease and Health

The Health Principle could be stated as follows:

The state of being in tune, and receptive to, the natural flow of spiritual energy from God, who is our Source.

The disease Principle could also be stated thus:

The state of being out of tune, and not receptive to the natural flow of spiritual energy from God, who is our Source.

After reading this some may ask: “If this is true then why are there healthy atheists and unhealthy believers?”

This is best answered with another question:

If a person is completely ignorant about electricity, with no knowledge of it at all, will the lights still come on when he turns on the switch?

The answer is, of course, yes. Even so, many atheists are more receptive to the natural energies within them than are believers. Because they do not realize their true Source does not mean they are not available to him when he turns the switch on.

Speaking of the justice of God Jesus said:

“…for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.” Matt 5:45

The same goes for all the gifts of God. They are available whether we believe or not. Just like believers and non-believers alike merely have to accept the life-giving rays of the sun to take advantage of them – the same goes for benefitting from the health-giving internal rays from our True Source. They are available to all life.

Does this mean that believing or having faith has no beneficial health effects? No. Everything has some effect and church goers in the United States live about seven years longer than non believers and statistics show they have overall better physical and mental health. Check out this story.

Even so, there are some atheists, as individuals, healthier than other comparable individual believers, which illustrates the point that good health will manifest in those who open themselves up to the natural source of healing energy. Faith in God merely makes one a little more naturally open, hence the longer average lives and better health of believers.

It is interesting that the word “disease” beaks down to dis-ease, or suggesting the state of mind that is ill at ease, not at ease, or disturbed.

When one receives the natural energies from God he is indeed at peace and at ease. There is a state of being in tune with the natural order of things and of being at peace with what IS.

Exactly what does it take to be a good receiver? To understand this we must understand what we are receiving. The life energy from God breaks down to three aspects of light, love and power. The receiver must therefore be receptive to the following

(1) Light. He must follow the highest he knows.

(2) Love. Have a love for all life including his own. He should show appreciation to all living things and events.

(3) Power. He should have respect for all the energies he perceives, including life itself, and be receptive to them as being beneficial.

If this is the key to health then what do we do wrong that brings disease or makes us ill at ease?

The person blocks the energies of the three aspects something like this.

(1) Light. He doesn’t follow the highest he knows and is plagued by guilt as well as a cloud covering of his own making that veils the light.

(2) Love. There are those he has not forgiven in his heart causing him to hold grievances. He sees evil where he should merely register misguided souls who have taken a wrong turn. There are too many areas of life where a thankful heart is lacking.

(3) Power. He feels that the Powers-That-Be are against him. He sees the world as being tainted with evil and thus all that filters down to him lacks purity and is not to be fully received. While it is true that there are things to be avoided in life, this does not include the natural forces that sustain our lives. These we must embrace.

The ways the imagination of humanity has devised to avoid receiving or distorting all the divine energies sent our way are without number. This article just gives the seeker a couple good thoughts on which to ponder.

May he ponder well and live long and prosper.

“The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds.” —from The Notebook

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