Teachings and Thoughtforms

June 25, 1999

Teachings and Thoughtforms

I was asked what the Masters do when the disciple they may be working with starts making mistakes or gets centered in the ego.

When this happens (as it often does) the Masters sit back and do nothing. They do not tell the disciple he is in error unless he sincerely petitions to know. Sometimes the disciple will discover his errors and sometimes he does not. If he does not he must come back in a future life and set things straight.

This is the reason soul contact is so important in any group. If a good portion of the group have such contact then they will sense that the teacher is in error and voice their concern and this will sometimes cause the teacher just reflection. If the teacher’s ego is in the way he is likely to turn into a dictator.

Many times with this group I have stressed that I could be wrong on any point that I present and the only way you will know for sure is through your own inner contacts. I can see why many teachers in the past have not done this – because there is always the danger that those who are in the personality will accuse the teacher of error and disrupt the flow when the teacher may yet be in the soul. Nevertheless, this is something that we must face in the great age that is approaching. It is a small price to pay for the group to seek and receive true soul contact.

I was asked to comment on the thoughtforms that the teachers of humanity make available for us.

Indeed the great ones do project inspired ideas and concepts our direction

Let me give you a couple of these.

(1) The concept that there are a group of disciples on the earth that are scattered among all people and groups, yet as a whole identify with none. The fact that there are this group of “new world servers” is a thoughtform available to the masses.

(2) The realization that we can hurt by attempting to help through wrong methods. From this comes the idea than an “enabler” may prolong pain rather than solve it.

(3) Over the past ten years the differences in political thought have been accentuated, forcing many people to formulate their beliefs in the light of day.

(4) Over the past thirty years businesses have become more group conscious and some see employees as an extended family giving more benefits through free will.

These four improvements are sample areas where the Masters send a general energy that can be picked up by those who are ready to help with the progress of the world.

On the other hand, specific teachings that stimulate higher evolution are not thrown out randomly into the ethers for all to pick up.

It is true that all truth is available through the soul when the disciple is ready, but as far as the work of the Masters is concerned, they are very discerning about the specific knowledge that they make available to disciples.

There is much knowledge, keys and formulas that have been sealed up for thousands of years that the Brotherhood will not yet release and would cause great harm if they did. It has been written that “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.” Perhaps it should be written “a little premature knowledge is a dangerous thing.”

When new specific teachings are given out they are presented in an orderly manner with very little duplication. Duplication of efforts by giving the teachings to many would violate two laws the Brotherhood live by which are:

(1) The law of economy


(2) The principle of incorruption.

It is the disciple’s job to give the teachings to the many.

Let us take the keys of knowledge for instance. It would take a lot of duplication of effort to give them out to a dozen disciples. To accomplish this task the Masters would have to neglect other work, thus they rely on the law of economy.

Through following the principle of incorruption the Masters attempt to present new teachings in as pure of a form as the written word can be. If the same teachings were given to a dozen disciples they would all present them in a dozen different variations causing much confusion as to who has the best version. The end results is that there would be much division and no good version would be accepted by the masses.

The teachers of the human race must work with the limitation of words which often make the transmission of core truths difficult. This is why soul contact is so essential.

Let us take the teachings given through Alice A. Bailey with which I know you are familiar. The Masters picked one person for the above stated reasons. There was not disciple A, B and C out there giving out similar teachings. The teachings were uniquely given out through her and there was nothing out there to compete with them for the Brotherhood do not compete with each other in the normal sense.

The inhabitants of the Kingdom of God work like a finely tuned engine. Each entity has his part to play that is not in competition with the other parts. When each does play his part correctly the engine runs smoothly. The Masters do not say “we need a spark plug so let us make this known to a thousand disciples.” How then could the engine run with a thousand spark plugs and no spark plug wires or other parts?

There is a part for all according to desire and ability, but we all have different roles to play at various times. We do change roles from time to time, but when you move on your job must be replaced by another.

Yes, my projections on the group do sound visionary and possibly impractical, but there are two important reasons why it may just happen.

(1) The teachings I present are confirmed by soul contact.

(2) I will not take my attention away from putting energy into the group. the promotion of The Immortal Series and other writings to be published.

A Course in Miracles and other inspired books are often distorted by self deceived teachers to the extent that the general public receives a very erroneous impression of their true value. The teachers of the race do their best to avoid this corruption, but until the majority receive soul contact no inspired teaching will be correctly understood by the masses and many of the teachers.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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Discernment 101

Discernment 101

The Problem of Accuracy

Seekers of truth are often very concerned about all the voices out there from which to choose. There are all kinds of spiritual and religious institutions, teachers, prophets, visionaries that sound good, yet often contradict each other.

If one says that 2+2=4 and another says 2+2=5 then one or both of them has to be incorrect. They cannot both be right.

Yet many are in the situation of examining numerous different voices and being captivated by a number of them. After all, if Sally says that Jesus showed her in a vision that doom and tribulation are just around the corner should we not pay attention? If she is right, then indeed, we need to stockpile food and prepare for the evil day.

I’ve made it a hobby over the past 50 years to read the various predictions that are out there from the tabloids to serious religious visionaries as there never seems to be a pause in the prophesies of doom. Some great tribulation is always just a few months away.

So far, in the passing of five decades, not one of them has come close to being true. This brings up a logical question: Since such prophesies have had a failure rate of 100% then how much attention should we pay to new ones that surface?

Logically, the answer should be – not much.

Another interesting thing is that during this 50 year time period we have had a number of calamities and significant events that should have been included in any prophecy of our future. Some of these are the falling of the Soviet empire and the Berlin Wall, the financial crashes of 1987 and 2008, the 9/11 disaster, Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy, the Syrian refugee problem among others.

Even though I have always scanned all the predictions available not once did I come across one that accurately predicted such events in advance. The religious, spiritual visionaries were no more accurate than were the casual psychics.

The funny thing is after a major event occurs you have people coming out of the woodwork claiming they have accurately predicted them. These are generally people I have never heard of before, but the funny thing is the several times I checked out their original words I found that the actual claimed perdition was very nebulous and not specific at all.

For instance, some claimed to have predicted the 9/11 disaster when all they said was we were in danger of a nebulous terrorist attack – and sometimes they have been saying such things for decades.

As they say a stopped clock is right twice a day. Catastrophes and significant events happen from time to time so if some visionary is predicting doom over a period of 10 years or so he is likely to see a major catastrophe happen during one of them and then claim he was a true prophet. Ignored is the fact that most of the details of the prophecy didn’t happen.

If someone wants to develop a reputation of being a true prophet, all he has to do is take the predictions that are out there and say the opposite. In my case, I have had a number of readers ask me about some pretty outlandish predictions and so far I have been right every time that I said they would not happen. Several times my answers have angered readers who seemed to want doomsday to come.

Does this mean that there is no such thing as a true vision or revelation?

Of course not, but this much can be assessed. There is a lot of illusion in circulation out there and the true visionaries are few and far between.

There are not only a plethora of prophets out there with different versions of the future but there are also many teachers, books and gurus, all with different versions of reality and salvation.

The big question facing the seeker is why there are so many contradictory revelations and how is he or she to tell what is true and what is not? That is the question.



The first question we want to consider when contemplating this is why there are so many differing visions and revelations out there. Two people will claim to see Jesus or some revered entity yet be told two contradictory things. Two people will have a near death experience and also give contradictory stories. Two people will claim a revelation on the same topic, yet when you read them it appears that they came from two different sources.

The easy answer is to merely blame every revelation with which you do not agree on the devil. This requires no thought or discernment and often just shows a bias as the accuser is often just as likely to be in league with dark forces as the accused.

The truth is that we do not need some tricky devil running around deceiving everyone. We have plenty of ability to do this on our own. In most cases all a cunning devil has to do it just sit back and watch us fool ourselves.

Alma from The Book of Mormon tells us that it is God that set up circumstances that allows us to be deceived. He, of course, does not deceive us, but if we are bent on doing so he will allow us to go full steam ahead.

“I know that he granteth unto men according to their desire, whether it be unto death or unto life; yea, I know that he allotteth unto men, yea, decreeth unto them decrees which are unalterable, according to their wills, whether they be unto salvation or unto destruction. Yea, and I know that good and evil have come before all men; he that knoweth not good from evil is blameless; but he that knoweth good and evil, to him it is given according to his desires, whether he desireth good or evil, life or death, joy or remorse of conscience.” Alma 29:4-5

Here the prophet clearly says that God (no devil necessary) grants to us according to our desires and wills and it matters not whether those desires lead to good or evil – he will grant them.

Why do you suppose he does this?

Most likely so we can learn. If one has his heart set on a wrong course sometimes the only way he can change direction under the law of free will is to follow that path until it becomes obvious that his desire was wrong, and then backtrack and find the right path.

Thus we can have five different people with five different concepts of Jesus in their minds, all with a desire to communicate with him. If the desire is strong enough all five will have some type of vision or encounter, but if all of them have different self deceptions about him then all five will have a different experience and they will contradict each other.

So, if they are not seeing the real Jesus then what are they seeing?

What most of them see is an image created by the power of their own thoughts and desires. Since they desire their own version of Jesus that is exactly what God grants them, except it is done through natural law using the energy of thought and desire. In many teachings these are called thoughtforms.

Here is how a thoughtform is created. A person or group will set their hearts and wills upon an image, teaching or idea that is pleasing or satisfying to the emotional nature. It matters not weather the thinking is correct or not. What matters is the intensity of the thought and desire. Over a period of time the emotional and thought energy pours into this thoughtform until it is vitalized and becomes as if it were a living thing. It becomes like a sophisticated virtual reality computer that is an extension of yourself, or a group. After a sufficient energy is poured into the thoughtform it becomes activated and ready to serve you according to your desires, right or wrong. This point is called the “point of tension.”

When the point of tension is reached the person can then receive a vision or revelation of Jesus. Unfortunately, it will not be the real Jesus, but an illusion.

This illusion is not restricted to revered entities but also revelations in general. If a seeker is concerned about the future and has in his memory banks many prophesies of doom from the scriptures and other teachers that he accepts without question then these items will be programed into the thoughtform that he will contact through prayer or contemplation. When the revelation is then received it will contain a mixture of data that represents a combination of that which has already been floating around in his mind. This will wind up being a combination of true and false ideas according to that which is already incorporated into his belief system.

The revelation may supply a few pieces of unverifiable information that that seems new, but nothing that is a true revelation. All the information will be of no higher quality than that which the guy could make up using his own imagination. If he receives a thoughtform generated revelation on what will happen in the coming decade then the result will be comparable to what he would produce if a teacher gave him a writing assignment to do this. Either way, the results will be that most of it will turn out to be incorrect and the really significant things will be missed.

There are many other things that are the result of desire created thoughtforms. One of them is the Stigmata, where the wounds of Christ seem to magically appear in the body of a saint. In these cases wounds appear in the heads, hands and feet, sometimes even accompanied by blood.

This occurs in a dedicated believer who spends many hours in prayer and devotion focusing on the passion of Christ. When enough emotional energy has been gathered and the point of tension occurs then the wounds will appear. This is a result of natural causes and has nothing to do with God sending a sign.

Then we hear stories of statues of Christ appearing to cry. Again, this is the result of accumulated emotional energy. When the group accumulation is strong enough individuals, or even groups will see tears in their own minds. If the intensity is strong enough actual physical tears may materialize.

We carry our thoughtforms with us for a time even after death. In near death experiences some truth is usually related but often an encounter with Jesus, God or others is really an encounter with a thoughtform and, consequently, some of the information retrieved may be distorted.

Another powerful way in which thoughtforms manifest is within strongly knit groups. Religious groups in this category include (but not limited to) the LDS, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah Witnesses and Scientology.

In groups such as these faithful members tap into a thoughtform which has programming for all major beliefs, protocol and standards of acceptable behavior. Thus a Mormon Sunday School teacher knows that which is acceptable doctrine to discuss even if there is no written approval or disapproval on the subject. He knows where the line is even though the line has not been defined. The computer type program in the thoughtform has calculated the line in a similar fashion that Google uses algorithms to calculate trends in individuals as well as the masses.

These group thoughtforms account for the reason that a congregation in one of these groups is so similar to the others. This similarity is often used as a faith promoting platform. A member will figure that the various groups are so similar, even when separated by thousands of miles, because the Spirit of God permeates them.

What is not realized is that all groups with strong central authority exhibit this same effect for the strong authority causes a strong concentration of emotional energy creating a strong thoughtform – thus creating homogeneity.

It is interesting to be exposed to a strong thoughtform as an outsider, especially with the realization of how they work.

For instance, if you are a Mormon and attend a Jehovah Witness meeting you will get an entirely different feel than in an LDS church. Then, after settling in for a while you will pick up what is acceptable and what is not. In a class will instinctively know which questions would be frowned upon and which ones would be appreciated. If you are sensitive to this different thoughtform you will seem to pick up a lot of things through the air about this different religion and its people.

This same thing may happen with politics at a party. There may be a group of six people discussing a political view as you join them. You are amazed that they all seem to think the same and no one questions anything. You sense that if you inject an opposing view that something invisible will be shattered.

The thoughtform here is not generated by the six people, but these six have linked their minds to a thoughtform held by the millions who hold their point of view and is projecting the idea that outside thoughts are not allowed. If you do present an opposing thought then the link to the thoughtform held by the six will be temporarily disrupted and they will become quite irritable.

After considering this the question may arise in the mind of the seeker as to whether all revelation, inspiration, thinking and beliefs come from thoughtforms of some kind.

The answer is no.

The general public, as a whole, vaguely recognizes the power of thoughtforms and casually refers to them as “the box.”

Thinking within the confines of the thoughtforms is referred to as thinking within the box. Those who go beyond the thoughtform, or bypass it, are said to be “thinking outside the box.”

The question now before us is how do we obtain freedom from the box, or thoughtforms, and discover the real truth?

To be continued.


A Critical Look

Let us say that Alice comes to us with a vision of Jesus or revelation of some kind. What should we do to find out whether or not it is true?

The first thing to do is ask some questions. You cannot evaluate the truth of her revelation without getting the data on it. Before we use any inner guidance to discern truth we must use our own minds as far as they will take us. It is only after we have done all we can do on our own that the Spirit will give us more.

So let us say that she says she saw Jesus and feels kind of special because of it as if she now has at least one foot in heaven. One needs to ask her for details. To this some will say the experience was too sacred and personal to elaborate on.

If this is the case Alice should not have said anything about the experience to begin with for she has to know it would just stimulate curiosity along with questions.

So, let us not let Alice off the hook. The first thing most would want to know is what did he look like?

Alice cooperates and says that Jesus appeared in a white robe and her description pretty much matches the common pictures of him.

A description that does not deviate from the common image of him indicates that she saw a thoughtform. Since we have no actual proof as to what he did look like it is possible he did look something like the common image so this is merely an indication, but not proof of a thoughtform.

We need to explore further. What did Jesus tell her?

She then tells us that Jesus told her about the importance of love and kindness and that the world has deviated from his teachings and Alice needs to spread love wherever she goes.

Many people who have claimed to see Jesus relate a message in harmony with the basic Bible message.

This is another indication of a thoughtform. Any revelation that gives the seeker that which is already available in his memory banks is most likely from a thoughtform and not the real thing.

Next let us move on to Jim. Jim says Jesus appeared to him and gave him some new information.

This gets our attention. If an advanced being like Jesus were to take the time to visit someone he would do more than repeat what is already universally known. He would reveal something new.

So, now we ask Jim what it is that he received.

Jim says that Jesus told him that we will have a nuclear war with Russia by the end of the year. We must prepare as well as warn everyone.

The trouble with this is that predictions of doom have been made for thousands of years and almost all of them have been wrong. Thus if we look at this prediction statistically the chances are slim that it is a true revelation, though there is always some chance that we could have a nuclear war.

Now we come to Bob. He says he received marvelous teachings as a revelation from God.

Okay, let us check this out and ask him what he received.

He gives us a couple hundred pages of revelation and we read it through. The writings make some interesting points, but contain nothing new as all the material is available in a number of books already published.

This raises a question. Why would God go out of his way to give this guy a revelation of teachings that are already available at Amazon or Barnes and Noble?

Again, it is most likely this guy tapped into a thoughtform of his own making.

Next we come across Jeb. Jeb is the most interesting so far as he is teaching many new things not found in any book. He says that God revealed to him many missing gaps from history from the first man to missing events in the life of Jesus and even what happened to the Ark of the Covenant.

This is interesting and we study it out as well as take a closer look at Jeb. We find that Jeb is pretty smart, studied a lot of history and has a good imagination. It is possible Jeb received a true revelation but the chances are that he tapped into a thoughtform rather than receiving a true revelation. It is also possible that he just made the whole thing up and is presenting it as a revelation in order to draw attention to himself.

That said, what kind of visionary could we meet that would qualify as a likely source of true inspiration or revelation?


Recognizing True Messengers

Many people think that a true messenger will be able to predict the future with exactness but this is asking too much for no one can. Some events planed by Divine Will can be predicted because they are planned, but even these have to be revealed to someone and will not include a lot of details, as the details are always subject to free will.

Consider this. Any messenger, teacher or prophet of whom we have a reasonable record has not been able to make predictions with more than about 50% accuracy. Most of them are around 10% or less.

Jesus is credited with being accurate though some question several of his prophesies. But keep in mind that the predictions we have were approved by the church centuries after his crucifixion and they were not about to let anything get into the gospels that would show any flaw. This also applies to Old Testament prophets.

Now Nostradamus has been given high marks, but his quatrains are so esoteric that one can interpret many of them in dozen different ways. After a big event happened students will always declare that Nostradamus predicted it. The funny thing though, if it was so obvious, they should have been able to see the prediction before the event and inform us about it. Over the past 50 years I have seen many predictions from students of Nostradamus and none of them have come true, but then after an event they find it there.

The same things applies to the Bible Code. They seem to be able to find any significant past event by using a computer screening process that produces the code, but the process just does not seem to work in predicting the real future. I have read a quite a few Bible Code predictions since it became popular and so far their success rate is very dismal.

Then, we have lots of people making predictions based on the Book of Revelation, Daniel or other parts of the Bible. So far I haven’t come across a single one who has made a correct one.

In recent history where we have a fairly accurate record only a couple of which I am aware have scored higher than 50% in accuracy. These are Joseph Smith and Djwhal Khul in the Alice A. Bailey writings and they both had a number of failed predictions. Edgar Cayce had around 40% accuracy which was still much better than most.

Overlooked is this truth. Because of free will the future is malleable and many details are impossible to accurately predict. Only significant events incorporated into the Divine Plan can be known for sure, but the details in manifesting such things will never be known with completeness in advance.

Therefore when you see any visionary predicting lots of details of coming events you can know with certainly that this person is either tapping into a thoughtform or making things up using their creative imagination.

Lately, there have been several LDS visionaries giving out predictions of doom followed by struggle and the building of Zion.

A sweet lady named Julie Rowe had a near death experience and was met a guide who showed her lots of visions of the future. It is interesting that it was quite similar to other visions, such as the previously published book by John Pontius called Visions of Glory. Were they both tapping into the same divine source or the same thoughtform?

Well, Julie predicted the great calamities would be underway by the end of 2016 and that Obama would remain in power for a third term so the infallibility of her source took a big hit when these did not occur.

The question is when have you ever seen a prediction giving lots of details that came true? I’ve never found one. Have you?

The reason for this is us humans have free will and are only predictable to a degree. After the line of predictability is crossed then most anything can happen.

If Jim is a big Seahawks fan we can safely predict he will be watching the game and cheering for his team. On the other hand, if the referee calls a winning touchdown for the other team when Jim saw with his own eyes that it was not legal then Jim may go a bit crazy and do something out of the range of predictability.

When a true warning voice comes along the messenger usually doesn’t give many details. Winston Churchill was such an example. He realized the danger that Hitler posed and spent seven lonely years trying to warn the world, but no one listened until the threat was in their face.

The bottom line is this. If someone comes along giving detailed predictions of the future that will require you to act for physical or financial safety the chances are that they will be no more correct than the last person who made such predictions. Only give such things weight that appeal to your highest reason or if you get some strong confirmation from within.

As far as future calamities go a good rule of thumb is to expect the best and be prepared for the worst.

So, how do we recognize a true message then? There are a number of ingredients in a true message, Among them are.

(1) The core message will not contain provable falsehoods and be in harmony with known and proven truth.

(2) The message will contain something new that isn’t readily available in books or through others on the Internet. Many false teachers are merely plagiarists.

(3) The message will speak to the highest part of yourself. It will enlighten your mind, gladden your heart and give you hope.

(4) If one follows the teachings in the message he will be a better person.

(5) The message will be in harmony with the best of past writings of wisdom and the scriptures. I say the best because there are many wrong headed interpretations of scriptures and other works.

(6) A true messenger will either shed new light on revealed principles or give out new ones.

Anyone with a good imagination can give out lots of predictions or data that cannot be proven. For instance, if a teacher tells us there are alien bases under the ocean there is no way to prove that such a thing is right or wrong. But a principle cannot be faked for it enlightens the mind so knowledge pours in.

For instance, Joseph Smith taught the principle that if a thing has a beginning then it will have an end and if it has no beginning then it will have no end.

A principle such as this registers with the soul and by its use one can discover much knowledge.

(7) Though the giver of the message may be controversial he will live a harmless life dedicated to service. He will not make claims of greatness about himself nor will he seek to feed the ego of followers by emphasizing their specialness.

Concerning true messengers, Jesus was the great example to look toward. Instead of merely proclaiming himself great he demonstrated greatness as well as giving us great words, “words which will not pass away.” He was loving, harmless and dedicated to a life of service, freely giving of himself.

We cannot expect a true messenger to be exactly like Jesus, but he will do his best to set a similar example.


Escaping the Thoughtform

The seeker may say something like this. “I can see that if God grants to us according to our desires that we can be controlled by those desires through created thoughtforms. The question I now have is how can one bypass such desire related thoughtforms and go right to the Source of truth?”

This is an important question for even a sincere prayer can access a thoughtform and bring a distorted answer.

A seeker’s seeming answer from God through prayer, meditation or reflection comes from three sources. The first is a thoughtform created from accumulated energy of mass thought and feeling.

The second is his own emotional self which will often distort truth according to his desires.

The third is that he will access a real source of truth through the Holy Spirit.

The problem here is that accessing a thoughtform or the higher part of our emotional selves can produce a warm feeling that is mistaken by many to be verification from God that they have received an answer.   A great example of this occurred when I was on a mission in England for the LDS church way back in the 1960s. The mission had a problem with missionaries falling in love with local English girls. They were praying about the situation and receiving what they thought were warm feelings from the Holy Ghost telling them they were supposed to marry the girls after their mission. This proved to be a great distraction from their work.

At a mission conference our mission president was clearly exasperated with this situation and this was the only time I ever heard a church leader cuss at the pulpit. He said:

“We have a plague of elders falling in love with the local girls and to justify themselves they come to me and say they prayed about them and the Spirit gave them a warm feeling that they were supposed to marry.”

He paused a few seconds and then out of the blue hammered the pulpit so hard with his fist that it shook the room and said:

“I don’t give a damn about your warm feeling!!! You came to England to be missionaries, not find wives. Now get out there and do the work! After you are home for a few weeks the girls here will be out of your minds and you’ll find someone else.”

The mission president was correct. Most of the elders were deceived by their warm feelings and did lose interest in returning to England to marry an English lass after they returned home.

Now the problem for our LDS friends is that they are taught that a true answer from God is accompanied by a warn feeling or “burning in the bosom.” While it is true that a revelation of truth is often accompanied by a spiritual fire that is indeed warm, it is also true that anything that stimulates the higher feeling nature also creates warmth. Falling in love certainly creates a warmth within and this warmth is easily mistaken by many as confirmation from God.

Such warmth from love is not confirmation, but is merely the result of the blending of high emotional energy.

The basic problem is this. If a seeker has not made the breakthrough and felt the true spiritual fire then he will generally assume that his highest emotional feelings represent an answer from God. These feelings can be so deceptive that they can even captivate someone who has at one time made a breakthrough and touched the spiritual fire. One can tend to get spiritual amnesia from such an event and after a period of time assume that high emotional feeling is from God.

To make the breakthrough to contact the true Spirit and mind of God one must learn to recognize a thoughtform when he sees it.

All of us pick up thoughtforms, but few are aware they are doing so and being controlled by them. Those who are aware have achieved a much greater degree of freedom than those who are not, illustrating the truth of the words of Jesus, “The truth shall make you free.” Without a true knowledge of thoughtforms and how the emotions deceive, the seeker is not free.

It is particularly difficult for the seeker to recognize his own thoughtform so to start with it is best to look at those that captivate others.

In politics in the United States there is a thoughtform for both the Democrat and Republican parties. Then within these parties are thoughtforms dominating various trends of thinking. Every time there is a major protest march there is a thoughtform controlling the group.

Taking all this into consideration contemplate some people who have an obnoxious political belief different than your own. Can you see that arguing with one is very similar to arguing with any in that particular mindset? It can seem like anyone of the same political belief went to the same school to learn how to respond. It is as if they are hypnotized, because they are indeed controlled by a thoughtform and no amount of reasoning will release them from the control.

Now the problem is that you may be controlled just as much as the other guy, but the flow of your thinking seems so natural that you seem free, when you may not be at all.

Next attend a church different than your own and tune in to what is considered right and wrong, acceptable or not.

The next time you attend a party and see a group of a half dozen or so having a good time and seem to all be on the same page join in with them. You may discover they are all thinking alike and seem to all be units in a greater group life. You may sense that you are not to break their train of thought or you will not be welcome. To be accepted you have to tune into the same thing they are.

Practice seeing the thoughtforms that control others and soon you will be able to sense the thoughtforms that control you and how they are influencing you.

Once the seeker learns to recognize thoughtforms he can take reliable steps toward higher contact.


Penetrating the Barriers

The reason people are captivated by thoughtforms is they do not think for themselves and must let the thought form do the thinking for them.

To neutralize or control the effect of a thoughtform the seeker must understand how it works and why.

It works a little like a hypnotic suggestion. When a subject is in a deep trance the hypnotist can give him a suggestion and on awakening the subject will be controlled by it without recalling that the suggestion was ever given. For instance, he can tell the subject that when he scratches his head that he will crow like a roster, but not remember the suggestion to do so.

Then the hypnotist can draw laughs from the audience when he brings the guy out of the trance and is carrying on a normal conversation, but then scratches his head. When the subject crows like a rooster the audience will roar with laughter.

But here is the interesting point. If the subject is asked why he crowed like a rooster out of the blue he will think that he did it of his own free will and give an explanation such as, “I just thought it would be a funny thing to do on the spur of the moment.”

Now a thoughtform contains a number of commands, similar in effect to a hypnotist’s post hypnotic suggestions. And similar to the crowing subject when a certain trigger is made the person will respond and think he is doing so out of his own free will.

It is important to realize that thoughtforms are by themselves are neither good nor bad. It is how they are used that determines this.

You do not want someone to hypnotize you to do something crazy but many go to a hypnotist to help them lose weight or break a bad habit. In this case the person understands what is going an and uses it to his advantage.

Similarly, we can use various thoughtforms to our advantage if learn to recognize them and even create them for ourselves.

If one seeks real truth and higher knowledge the first thing he must do is honestly examine himself and discover the thoughtforms that influence him. If he is under the influence of one that controls the area of truth he is seeking then he can pray or meditate all he wants and the answers he gets will be that which is filtered through the thoughtform in harmony with his own desires.

If he is a member of a close knit religion the thoughtform will make sure any answer to a prayer is in harmony with church authorities and any error made by such authorities will be a part of the answer.

If the seeker is a member of a church or part of a strong belief system overall he has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages is that some of the teachings in the belief system will be true and lead him on the right path, but others will not be true and will require him to detach himself from the thoughtform to find the real truth. This is one of the reasons Jesus told us that we must be born again, or become as a little child to enter the kingdom of heaven. Part of being born again is to release yourself from all past influences and look at the world anew. When this is done the thoughtforms will be penetrated and the seeker can expose himself to pure truth and reason that will vibrate in harmony with the Spirit within.

This is easier said than done as most believers will think they are already free and controlled by nothing but God and their own free will.

For those who want to take their next step and discover new realms of truth here are some steps that can be taken.

(1) Socrates said that “an unexamined life is not worth living.” The seeker must examine himself inside and out as well as each of his beliefs and ask if they are really his own or just planted in him from some outside source. Does he incorporate a belief system as a package or does he analyze them piece by piece to see if each of them is true?

(2) Read materials from those who believe much differently than yourself. Try to see things from their point of view. Sometimes you will find truths that will awaken you to the thoughtform that is in control.

(3) Have discussions with those who think differently than yourself for the same reason. You must remain civil or any thoughtform will just be given more control.

(4) Since God grants to us according to our desires then desire the truth no matter where it leads, even if it runs contrary to all that you have been taught.

(5) Realize that, in the end, all truth is logical and will be in harmony with pure reason.

(6) “Seek and you will find.” We have all heard this scripture but few actually follow it. The person must seek with all his strength and really want to know additional truth.

(7) Learn to recognize the difference between the true voice of the Spirit within as distinguished from thoughtforms, high emotion, and voices without. The Spirit within recognizes all truth, but it is a still small voice that can easily be overshadowed by the louder voices without.

(8) Plant ideas and possible truths as seeds within your mind and heart and contemplate the truth of them. Sustained attention will cause the truth to manifest as well as bring new truths to your attention.

(9) Praying for additional truth is fine when the seeker neutralizes the influence of thoughtforms. If he has not the prayer could bring him a distorted answer. If the seeker prays with barriers removed it may take a while to get an answer. Accompanied to the prayer must be the constant thinking about the truth desired. Finally when the point of tension is reached the seeker will receive his answer. It may not be what he expected.

As the seeker learns to listen to the inner voice he will become more sensitive. Each time he accepts what it reveals then the sensitivity is increased until he has unlimited knowledge available and his soul is satisfied.

May we all tread the strait and narrow path that leads us beyond the reach of the distorted influences of the world to an inner world wherein lies the source of unlimited truth.

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Knowing the Truth, Part 5

This entry is part 17 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

JJ: Coming up with a new principle is different, if you want to come up with a new word for something it is easy to do and anybody in this room could do that. Say we wanted to create a new word for the soul we could come up with some fanciful sounding word for it but coming up with a new principle is a different matter.

Audience: Creating a new principle.

JJ: You don’t create a new principle; what you do is you discover the new principle. Let’s take the formula for the square feet in a circle which is Pi times the radius squared. It is the principle that arrives at that and we did not always know about it but civilization eventually discovered pi and when we discovered it and the principle of using pi to find the square feet of a circle we could do it from then on. Now that principle has always been around but it was not discovered and there are many principles that have yet to be discovered. We will remain in this sphere until we come back and master all principles but we are just scratching the surface. There are many left to go.

I will just name a couple principles. One is the principle of cycles. History has cycles that repeat themselves. We have a conservative cycle a liberal cycle and we have summer and winter and these are all governed by principles. The principle of Astrology, which is really the principle of relationships, is where one entity has a relationship with another entity. With astrology we have smaller entities, which are us, influenced by greater life forms like the stars and the planets themselves. This circulates around the principle of relationship.

Another principle lies in beginnings and endings The law of correspondences is an important one, as above so below. There is a twist on this one because as above is not exactly like the below but it corresponds with differences. Why are there differences? Because as God creates He always creates differently – the same principle but with differences. That is why the scientists used to look at the atoms like a small solar system and they used to theorize that it was like a small sun and planets but then when they investigated further and found out more about the atom they found out an atom is different from a solar system. They are finding out that the truth is, “as above so below but with differences.”

So it corresponds but with differences, and why? It is actually given in the scriptures in, “Behold I do all things new, I create a new heaven and a new earth, I do all things new.” When you think about it that contradicts the teachings of all religions that God never changes. But what does the voice of God say Himself right in the Bible, “I do everything new, I do a new thing on the earth and who shall know it?” So when God created the microcosmic world of the atoms, molecules and cells and then moved on and made the planets, He thinks why should I make the same thing over and over again? I am going to do it with a twist this time and do it a little bit differently.

Man himself is the creative force in the universe; just like within us we have the creative force of the soul. We human beings are the soul of the universe. We are the soul of the universe and we have within us that energy which is the essence of soul, which is the doorway to the higher spiritual kingdoms. It is the doorway in the universe between spirit and matter itself and we will eventually give form to the entire universe, which is fascinating to think about.

So the law of correspondences is a good one. The law of economy is another good one, which means the line of least resistance is followed until some intelligent force steps in and changes that line of least resistance. There are lots of principles and laws that are always followed and the more of these that we discover the more we will be able to figure out what is true and what is not. We find these things and register them within.

I will end with this teaching concerning another principle. We have heard this one extreme that everything is within to go within and find the truth. On the other hand, the religions of the world say God is out there on a throne somewhere and go to God out there to find the truth. The fact is that we need both within and without to find the truth. You go without to be stimulated and when you are stimulated you go within to verify what was true and what was not true and what works and what does not work. So it is interesting that neither extreme works but both of them must work together to find the truth. You have heard stories about evil parents locking their kid in the room until they are 20 years old and feeding them through door and stuff like that and then the authorities break in and finally save the kid. Let’s say they locked him away when he was eight and now he is 20, has everybody heard stories like this?

Audience: Yes.

JJ: When they talk to the kid how old do you think the kid thinks he is?

Audience: Eight.

JJ: Right if they put him in the room and isolated him he still thinks he is eight. When they take away the outer stimulation the growth ceases. So we don’t want to go completely within as evidenced by that child going completely within and the growth ceased So we want stimulated without and then we go to verify within and we grow from this process.

Audience: What is that principle called, the stimulation principle?

JJ: I never put a name to it, perhaps the wholeness principle or something like that.

Audience: At Some point in time we would like you to teach about the invisible Christ is more powerful than the visible Christ.

JJ: There is a principle there and when you start meditating and contemplating on principles then they start to come tom you. There are two types of people in the world. Those that understand principles and have a degree of independence, and those that want to be told exactly what to do in black and white. Those that understand principles become their own masters but those that do not have to have everything spelled out for them by an outer authority.

Bryan: When you were talking about earlier about the astral and the Mormons and Seventh Day Adventists had created these thought forms when you go to the next world, are those thought forms created here in this world taken with us to the next?

JJ: Yes.

Bryan: So can we help to liberate them by changing the physical thought form here so that it would change the thought form in the astral world and free them from this?

JJ: Yes it would and another interesting thing is that we not only have this group thought form but for every great teacher there is a thought form for him. There are several thought forms of Jesus roaming around. Have you ever talked with someone who said they woke up in the middle of the night and say they saw Jesus at their bedside or whatever? What they usually see is a thought form of Jesus. Jesus has more thought forms than any other person in history so depending on which religion you are in you will be in touch with a thought form of Jesus.

When somebody says they talked to Jesus and you ask what did Jesus say, they just repeat what he has already said like, spread the love, love thy neighbor, things that Jesus has already said because that thought form is fed with the current knowledge about Jesus and all the knowledge that comes out is what is already circulating about Him. The person will not give out any new principles but will just give out all of the old stuff. There is a thought form going around about Joseph Smith too and a lot of people see this thought form and think they have encountered him. The same with Mohammed and Buddha. Also a lot of people claim they have talked with DK as well.

Audience: DK said he had a few thought forms going around.

JJ: If I get enough material out there and people buy lots of my books they will be seeing me in their bedroom someday and it might scare them to death too!

Audience: Roaring with laughter!

JJ: I would like to say that it has been very nice to meet everybody and welcome to the new faces and I look forward to seeing you all in the future. Be well my friends, we will talk again.


Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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Knowing the Truth, Part 3

This entry is part 15 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

JJ: The beast represents an outward authority which takes the place of God and this is very precarious. We have these outward authorities everywhere and not just in religion. A doctor can become an outward authority. A person goes and sees a doctor and they will believe them no matter what and often follow the doctor’s advice to their own peril. It is interesting in Israel a while back they had a strike of the doctors and the death rate went down 25%

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: So the doctors are the greatest authority in health and when they are not around the death rate goes down 25%. The average life span of the doctor is said to be about 55 years and the average life span of the average person is 76 so the doctors life span is about 20 years less than the rest of us.

And who are the ones teaching us to be healthy mentally? The psychologists.

Audience: We have two here in the audience. Laughing!

JJ: In this case I had better be right. But I have heard that they have one of the highest suicide rates of any profession, is that right?

Audience: There is probably some truth to that.

JJ: Every time I go to my dentist I always compliment him and I say you are one authority that whenever I go to you I am better off when I leave. I get the filling in my teeth or the crown and I am better off and I say congratulations. I go an attorney and I am always worse off.

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: You go to a doctor and you still have the cold. You go to hospital and you catch some germ that you did not have. So every place you go where there is an authority set up you often become worse off. You go to a minister he teaches you about the God without and he does not tell you to go within and find the answer. Almost every authority that exists are the last ones that you really want to go to. Now there are exceptions, there are doctors, psychologists, ministers that are really good, like Mother Theresa was really good example of what a minister should be. But when the authorities of the world tell people, “follow me and do not think for yourself” and take away your thought and power of action then they set themselves up as the Beast and they become and unearned authority.

An earned authority is really a teacher who teaches you how to recognize what they are telling you is true. If you go to a doctor that what represents what a doctor really should be – instead of giving you a prescription, they will sit down and explain what is wrong and explain what needs to be done to get well and you can understand why a certain direction needs to be taken. But you go to an authority that represents the Beast and they will say do this, don’t ask questions just do it. You are left with having to accept what the authority is telling you without getting verification within and when your life is at stake, as it often is, you should be able to find out the reasons why you are expected to do what you are doing.

So the greatest authority is where?

Audience: Within.

JJ: Within ourselves; so when we come across somebody that is questionable claiming to be a guru or the second coming or whatever you need to see how it registers within. Now the strange part is that I have been to presentations that are really outrageous and the group mind thinks that everything is really great. It is amazing how this happens. One of the things that is the trickiest and deceptive is what is called a thought form. Does anybody know what a thought form is?

Audience: A group mentality.

JJ: Right, have any of you ever read the Napoleon Hills books? He talks about a mastermind created by getting together like-minded people, six people or so. He talks about drawing from the intelligence of the whole group that one person in the group seems to have the intelligence of everybody in the group. He talks about this as a principle that will bring prosperity because of the intelligence of the group mind. The group mind can be used either positively or negatively.

When I was in the Mormon Church I found that no matter where you go in the world that the Church was exactly the same. And they thought that was evidence that they were completely united under God. But I found the same thing to be true with all the tight knit religions. Any Jehovah witness church is exactly the same everywhere you go and certain types of new age religions are exactly the same every where you go. So is the fact that they are all similar indicative they are all inspired or does it tell us something else? Does it tell us something about a thought form, a group mind? There is a conformity because of the group energy.

The lowest type of group mind is of course a mob and it is amazing what a mob will do. When a mob gets together it can do an outrageous thing and everybody will be cheering. We’ve see cases where someone is standing on top of a building and group begins to watch and someone yells out jump and then everybody joins in and says jump. Even people that would normally not do that participate, and then afterwards they think, “why did I do that – I would not have done that on my own.”

Hitler was so powerful because he understood how to use the group mind as a means of control. He had studied it quite thoroughly. The reason these different groups are the same everywhere is that when you are a member of a group you are pouring forth group energy and this group energy produces a thought form. This thought form accumulates energy and intelligence within it so when you go to the group meeting you draw from this thought form which is created in the astral world that has a real existence.

As a matter of fact, it is so real that when you die you can actually go to a Mormon heaven or a Seventh Day Adventist heaven and they have different places there that are created by the power of the group mind. If their consciousness is not high enough to see beyond this they will be trapped there for a period of time after death thinking they are in their final destination and they are just in a thought form.

The thought form controls them in this world and the next. The power of the group mind is something that they tune into and this is why in the various groups the sameness is so powerful. This is why I am careful with the group that I have on the Internet that I have taught for a number of years. I try to recognize the certain power of the group energy no matter what you do and have always put a lot of emphasis on checking out everything I say. I tell them that everything I teach could be 100% wrong so check with your soul.

Now the soul has a language of its own. We have a language, which is composed of individual words, but the soul does speak in words. The soul speaks in what I call the language of principles. What is the difference between a piece of data and a principle? We as individuals speak with individual pieces of data but the soul speaks in the language of principles.

Audience: Principles are eternal.

JJ: Right, let me give one difference between a principle and a piece of data, 1+1=2 that is a piece of data, but suppose I were to teach you the principle of addition. If I teach the fact of 1+1=2 that is one piece of data and once you memorize it you only know one thing but once you learn the principle of addition how many different additions can you come up with? Millions of them right? You can have millions of pieces of data derived from one principle and this is the language of the soul – the language of principles.

This is why the soul can communicate so much to you instantly because when you have a principle dawn on your consciousness then you can figure out all the data. The temperature in this room on this day – lets say it is 68 degrees and I tell that. This is all you know, but if you understand the principle of registering temperature of expansion or contraction from mercury or whatever element you are using then you can put together a contraption for measuring the temperature. So from now until the end of time you can figure out what the temperature is. You do not have to memorize the temperature from now until the end of time because you now have the principle of how to register the temperature. You can find it out using this principle anytime you wish.

Do you remember the movie “The Matrix? They gave a principle in that movie, “If there is a beginning there has to be an end.” A few teachers have taught principle over the centuries. If there is an end then there has to be a beginning and if there is a beginning there has to be an end and if there is no beginning then there will be no end and if there is no end then there will be no beginning. By using this principle you can find out many things that dispel many religious and philosophical teachings that are out there. For instance the Christian world says they are going to live forever with God. So if you are going to live forever with God then what does that tell you about your past?

If you are going to live with God forever in the future then that means that you have been with God forever already. Now Mormonism teaches that we are going to be gods forever if we overcome all things. But f we are going to be gods forever then what does that tell you about our past? We have already been gods forever. So if one is true then the other has to be true. Once you understand the principle behind things then you can figure out the data. This is the main point I want to put across.


Copyright by J J Dewey

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Astrology and More

This entry is part 13 of 50 in the series 2011A

About time to catch up on questions:
Tom Wrote:
If a master were to overshadow someone will the original person (being overshadowed) have new gifts, talents, hobbies from the master or no new hobbies, but his skills and talents enhanced?

Think of it this way.  If you have a new super smart roommate move in with you does this make you smarter than you were before or increase your talents?  Not really, but it does give you some access to the guy’s intelligence if he is willing to share.

JJ, I have another question.
“56 And again, verily I say, let mine handmaid forgive my servant Joseph his trespasses; and then shall she be forgiven her trespasses, wherein she has trespassed against me; and I, the Lord thy God, will bless her, and multiply her, and make her heart to rejoice.”

Does this paragraph relate to a past life thing? It seemed out of context with the rest of what was being said, unless God already knew that Joe would be unfaithful?

This related to his life at that time and not his past.

First, we do not know for sure how much of the final revelation was actually written by Joseph and secondly he was believed to have had quite a few plural relationships by the time he wrote the first draft and this was said to have caused a grievance in Emma.

Stephen writes:
On that page you have linked to Ruth, I have got to ask, is God a Lawyer? No 7 reads:

7 And verily I say unto you, that the conditions of this law are these: All covenants, contracts, bonds, obligations, oaths, vows, performances, connections, associations, or expectations, that are not made and entered into and sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise, of him who is anointed, both as well for time and for all eternity, and that too most holy, by revelation and commandment through the medium of mine anointed, whom I have appointed on the earth to hold this power (and I have appointed unto my servant Joseph to hold this power in the last days, and there is never but one on the earth at a time on whom this power and the keys of this priesthood are conferred), are of no efficacy, virtue, or force in and after the resurrection from the dead; for all contracts that are not made unto this end have an end when men are dead.

Phew!!!! Amen

There is a correct principle given here and that is “All covenants, contracts, bonds, obligations, oaths, vows, performances, connections, associations, or expectations,” are generally dissolved at death.  Then when we are reborn we start with a clean slate.  Since you will generally have no recollection of any obligation from a past life you will not be bound by it.

The Mormons are in illusion when they think they made promises before they were born that they now have to keep.  If you cannot remember a promise then you are not bound by it; therefore, people do not make promises unless they can keep them in their consciousness.

There are two exceptions to this. The first is if your commitment from a past life was somehow related to or caused karma. In this case you will have to pay it off and may be forced toward fulfilling a commitment that you cannot even remember.

The second is if the commitment had a powerful emotion behind it.  This could be love or hate.  Powerful emotion carries over into future lives.  Have you met someone who you were instantly attracted to or repelled from?  You probably had feelings about them in a past life.

Now it’s remotely possible that an advanced brotherhood could make some type of link by decree or a granted priesthood of some kind but I doubt that this is what happened.

Here is what would be more likely to be the case. Spiritual love is the strongest binding force in human existence.  A spiritual teacher can recognize this binding force and acknowledge to the couple that their relationship will continue beyond death.  However, this continuation will happen not because the teacher decreed or approved it but because of the binding power of love.

In addition the Molecular Relationship (which is not yet established) can create relationship which will draw souls together in future lives.

If peoples’ personalities can be affected by the thoughtform centered around the old zodiac, then won’t newborns be affected by the new zodiac since mass-thought is now centered around it?

I’m not sure what you mean by an old and new zodiac.  There is just one zodiac that is used by astrologers.