Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 17

This entry is part 2 of 24 in the series Kalispell Gathering 2006

Reincarnation, Overshadowing and More

Now, the same thing happened with me with reincarnation, in the Mormon Church they teach that reincarnation is the doctrine of the devil and that all should stay away from teachings about it. But when I discovered for sure that there was reincarnation for sure I thought; “Well, maybe it is in the scriptures somewhere and if the scriptures are true then reincarnation is true. Then I found it on almost every page. When I did this I kept wondering how come I never saw this before? The answer lies in the principle that you find what you are looking for. If you are looking for something you find it, and if you are not looking for something, even though it is right in front of your eyes, you will not see it.

So reincarnation was found throughout the entire scriptures. I also found the overshadowing of Jesus was taught throughout the scriptures and I read them quite a number of times earlier and I could never see it because I was not looking for it. My mind was filtering it out, but as soon as I began opening up and was open to look for it, there it was!

And that, my friends, is amazing! Sometimes I would ask myself “What else is in there that I am not looking for, that I am not seeing? Maybe quite a few things.” What is in the writings of Alice A. Bailey that I am not looking for because I am not open to it?” “Except ye be as a little child, ye shall no wise enter the kingdom of heaven.” And as I said earlier that does not mean that you are just a non-thinking person. It means being an open person who is completely open to whatever is there.

That was the beauty of when I discovered solid proof for myself that there was reincarnation and then went through the scriptures and verified that there was reincarnation. I was completely open after that because I thought that nothing is as I had learned it. Now what I had to do was re-learn everything with a fresh set of eyes and when I did that I found that going through the scriptures, for instance, was an entirely different experience when you are reading as if you were a child and that anything could be true.

I learned completely different things then I had ever learned before. I try to keep that attitude with whatever I learn. One of my favorite quotes in my writings is; “That if a person who is open can learn more from the National Enquirer than he can learn from the Bible.” (Laughter) The person that is open can learn from almost any source because you never know what might stimulate you to greater knowledge and understanding.

There were two entities in the body of Jesus at the same time for the three and half years. Jesus, near the time that He was going to be crucified in the garden of Gethsemane came to His final test. The Christ that was in Him knew that the cost of the Jesus being crucified was a necessary experience, but Jesus wanted to establish the Kingdom of God.

Suppose that you were over shadowed by a Master with great power and you saw that with this power you could possibly convert a very large number of people, and teach them with the assistance of the Messiah, The Christ that was in you and create a virtual Kingdom of God on Earth. That is such a wonderful thing. Now Jesus was really looking forward to being able to do this but then He was told that He could not do that for it was not part of the Plan. “You must be crucified instead. There is a bigger plan at work here,” he was told.

Right after His last meeting with the disciples when Judas betrayed Him, the energy of the group was disrupted through Judas. So He took the three disciples with Him that could still handle the energy, so He thought, and went to the garden of Gethsemane; I have covered this part in greater detail before; as He was praying, what did He ask?

Audience: To be removed from this responsibility.

JJ: Correct and why did He ask this since He already accepted the plan?

Audience: He wanted to know if there was a possibility of this.


He asked for this to be removed because He never knew for sure that this was part of the plan. The only thing He knew for sure was that The Christ was within Him and He was aware of everything and Jesus was giving out His words. Those words indicated that The Christ within Him knew about the plan but Jesus kept thinking, well, there might be a way of escape, you know this power within Me, maybe I can influence Him to build the Kingdom here. We have done all these good works and we have a good foundation established. These apostles are all ready to go and we can build the Kingdom of God. But in the garden He was told that the Will of God is that we do something else. It says in the Book of Luke that He actually sweated blood because the intensity of the pain of the decision was so difficult.

What was worse than having to give up His life was to give up His dream. His dream was to build the Kingdom of God. Could you imagine having this dream so close to being fulfilled and then having it taken from you, no you can’t do it. Imagine Shelly that you could see how you could bring peace on earth, that you could get everybody to lay down their arms and then God comes to you and says, “No we cannot do this, it is not time. We must do something else.” You must go to Jerusalem and let these let the radicals cut off your head.

Now that would be very tough. It is bad enough to have your head cut off but it is even worse to be so close to think that you could bring peace on earth and goodwill to men and find out that no you cannot do this. So there Jesus was praying, “If it be possible remove this cup. Nevertheless, not my will but yours be done.” And the answer came back, “The higher Will must be done. It is your free will and your body Jesus.” Even the Christ could not takeover His body and order Jesus to obey. Jesus was left to operate of His own free will. He acquiesced and said, it is done I will cooperate.

So He went to the cross and when they put Him on on it, do you remember something else of significance that he said that relates to two entities? He said “My Father, My Father, why have You forsaken me?” In other words the Christ left the body of Jesus somewhere around the time that He was to be crucified. It could have been a bit before or during and He had to endure this all alone. And He said, “My Father, My Father why have You forsaken me?  Have I failed? Is this the end?” Once again He had a tremendous test of faith again. And of course He was put in the tomb for three days, we all know the story of the resurrection that He was raised from the dead and appeared then eventually ascended. The One that was raised from the dead was Jesus; who had the privilege of being in the body that was raised up and it was not actually the Christ, The Christ went on to all kinds of other spiritual work.

There are all kinds of stories of what actually happened to Jesus, There are legends that He went to different places in the world after He was crucified. I am not going to discuss any of that but suffice it to say that Jesus and The Christ has been working among humanity for many years. DK tells us that Jesus became a Master in His own right and that Jesus was a Fifth degree initiate after this experience. The Messiah, who is The Christ, was Krishna in a past life and also the Great prophet Melchizedek who lived in the days of Abraham and it was written that He was a Prince of Peace and that He had no Father or Mother which is a very interesting statement. It is also told that He was greater than Abraham but it says very little about Melchizedek outside of the fact that He established peace on earth for a period of time.

The Christ; went on to other work. Both Jesus and The Christ had Their initiations, Jesus had what is called the Fourth and Fifth initiation, you must undergo the fifth initiation to become a Master. Now Christ was really called The Master of masters, The Teacher of teachers, because He was a teacher of masters, angels, and men. He advanced to the beginning of a Seventh initiation. With His experience with Jesus, Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane,  underwent His sixth initiation, which is called the initiation of decision. It was an experience in the garden where Jesus underwent the crucifixion initiation; and the fact that He had to give up everything so dear to Him because in this initiation that Jesus underwent you have to give up everything that attaches you to the world. The last thing that attached Jesus to the world was something good, it was the desire to bring the Kingdom of God to the world, and he even had to let that go that.

Whereas the Christ that was in Him was undergoing another test of His own; He was facing what is called the dweller on the threshold for the whole planet. Now the dweller on the threshold for the individual is bad enough to deal with. It is all the negativity that you have had to deal with in all your past lives brought together in one experience where you face the dweller before you enter into the presence of God, or the Angel of Presence. The Christ encountered the dweller on the threshold for everyone on the planet. This is one of the reasons it said that He suffered for the sins of the world. He suffered for the sins of the world in the fact that He encountered all the sins of the world in one great powerful thought form.

Now each one of us had a dweller and the dweller is the negativity all of us accumulated from all of the sins of our past. All of our negative thoughts, our fears, our errors, and guilt rolled into one bundle and occupying a life form composed of very course matter. It is our personal devil. People think the devil has lots of angels. The devil that each of us has to deal with of our own making is called the dweller on the threshold. It is residual energy, of all the negative energy, we have ever encountered and the time will come when each of us will encounter our dweller. It comes just before a monumental revelation comes to us.

Paul encountered his dweller on the road to Damascus. He experienced a great light that was so bright that it blinded him. Joseph Smith encountered his dweller when he went into the forest and prayed, he was overcome by a great dark power that made him feel like he was going to be destroyed and he had to penetrate this power before he could see the Divine Presence. Jesus encountered His dweller in the wilderness where He had to overcome the temptations but the Christ encountered the great dweller of the whole planet and it is hard or us to comprehend the intensity of the dark energy that He had to penetrate, He penetrated that dark energy and He faced it and created a link from humanity to the Divine Kingdom of Shamballa. This link connected humanity with the Will of God in such a way that had never been connected before. That was one of the most important parts of His mission. And thus He passed the Sixth initiation and began the Seventh. The Seventh initiation is the highest that can be taken on this planet. The Seventh initiation was only half completed by the Christ. He has to complete the Seventh initiation by coming again and walking among us. How this will happen is not completely given.
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Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 21

This entry is part 6 of 24 in the series Kalispell Gathering 2006

Audience: What is the time frame on this?

JJ: The time frame for fully entering the Aquarian age is about 200 years. We are going to be gradually shifting over and there is still a lot of strong Piscean energy left in the churches – all the churches, Christian, Muslim, even many of the Buddhist and Hindu are still strongly polarized in the Piscean energy. This energy has to be shifted over from the emotions to the plane of the mind and when you think of the mind you think, are we leaving out the heart. Actually the heart energies has 12 petals, six of the petals are related to wisdom which is very closely related to the mind and six of them are related to different types of love energy.

So the wisdom aspect of the heart is very closely linked to the mind and in the mind is a reflection of the heart chakra. In the top of the head you have an exact duplicate of the heart center, so you have a heart center in the head and you have a heart center in the heart. The reason for this is the pure love of Christ is very mental because it associated with a higher mind.

When people associate mind with something sterile they are thinking of the concrete lower mind. The higher mind is very closely attuned with the heart energies so much that you can’t use the higher mind without using the heart to a degree because they are very closely intertwined. One of the popular sayings among the new agers is, well we have to be mindless and let go of the mind. If you let go of the mind then you are experiencing what happens when you dream. You let go of the mind when you dream and nothing makes any sense in your dream because your mind is somewhere else. You and the vehicle that is your mind is somewhere else and all that is dreaming is your emotional nature, and the emotional nature without mind is nonsensical, but it gives you something to experience while you are dreaming anyway and it is better than nothing. (Laughter) When our mind comes back and merges with our emotional self we can try to make some sense of it again. Any questions?

Audience: You mentioned about the old woman that was waiting so long to see Jesus, It is a man that is mentioned I thought or maybe it was in another gospel.

JJ: Maybe it was an old man; I was thinking it was an old woman.

Audience: In one gospel it says that it was a man and in another is says it was a woman.

(Note: It was a prophetess named Anna Luke 2:36-38)

JJ: Over the next 200 years the plan is to establish relative peace on earth and before Christ can do His work there has to be an anchor of stability on this planet. He is not going to come when the Jews and Muslims are still hating each other and we at war with Iraq, He will come once an anchor of stability has been established and if we can establish a little bit of stability in Iraq where a teacher could go to the middle east and teach among the Christian and Muslims then that would be the ideal thing to do, Hopefully we could do this without someone trying to cut His head off! (Laughter)

It is important that societies over in the Middle East be established that are free because part of His plan will be to work in the Middle East and influence people for good there. As Shirley saw, sooner or later a beautiful temple will be built. That is the plan, the Jews will eventually have a Messiah of their own but it will not be the Christ but will be another Master who will come and work with them. The important thing to realize is that Christ is not alone. The Christ is the head of the Spiritual Hierarchy of the planet. There are a number of Masters and the exact number is not given, but the head of the Masters of Wisdom is The Christ.

Jesus is one of them and Master DK is another, Master Koot Hoomi another. Quite a number of them that work with Him. They are all working diligently to bring peace on earth and good to all men. In the Mormon scriptures it gives a hint about the Masters, it says, “All are under the condemnation of sin except for Holy Men, that ye know not of.” For those of you that are familiar with the Mormon scriptures let me ask, who are the Holy Men that you know not of, that are not under any condemnation? The answer is those are the Masters.

The Spiritual Hierarchy of the planet that work with the Christ and will come with him and will work with Him during the Aquarian age. Some of them will incarnate and others will simply manifest in some way and still others will work by overshadowing disciples and creating a link and work with them. We will reach the point as it was in ancient days where the gods walked openly among men. So it is in the approaching age, the gods will again walk among us. The truth is that only a handful of people will recognize who these gods are.

Audience: What would be most important for people like us who would like to assist in manifesting these kinds of things?

JJ: In my opinion, the most important thing that we can do right now is to promote the teachings that I have written on these types of subjects, to get them out there and discuss them with people. I believe it is possible that these books I have written can be as popular as the Da Vinci Code one day. I spoke with people who have read the Da Vinci Code and the Celestine Prophecy and most did not read them in one sitting. About half of the people that read my book are up half the night, miss work and cannot do anything but read it. Now this tells us that it has potential to be a very big seller.

Another thing is that when a bookstore owner reads a book they then begin to promote it and tell customers, “hey you have got to read this book.” If a bookstore owner has not read it then maybe it will sit there until some customer discovers it. We are not in any of the big bookstores yet and Barnes and Noble refused our book. They said because this book did not have writing on the back they couldn’t stock it. I did not realize I was supposed to put some type of writing on the back cover but, we published quite a few and we cannot just throw them away. So it is just little things like that we do not know about because we are publishing it ourselves. So in our new book we put some writing on the back. We do have a supplier that sells to Barnes and Noble and I have a plan to get in there. If a major publisher would pick it up and agree not to make alterations in it then we would have potential to really go some where with it.

I have had two people from Hollywood contact me about movie rights for the book and I told them that I have not sold the movie rights and I have not heard back from them. Things are in the mix out there and sooner or later things are going to happen, it just a matter of time.

Audience: Inaudible

JJ: We’ve sold close to 10,000 or so of the “Immortal” and not nearly as many of “The Lost Key of the Buddha,” a couple thousand maybe. The problem is the time distance between the first and the second that we lost a lot of the ones that read the first. Now we have a trinity of books and anyone who reads the first book will want all three now.

Audience: What about Amazon that is where I found “The Immortal” the first time.

JJ: Amazon still orders a few and most of our orders come from small new age bookstores that order through our distributers. We have two new age distributers that sell to new age bookstore and they are fairly small bookstores and we do not have any of the big bookstores yet.

Audience: I would like to see it not in the new age bookstores because I think that there is a stigma attached to them.

JJ: Yes, it does not hardly fit in anywhere, the Christian stores will not take it because it is too unorthodox, the new age people are suspicious of it because they think, well John the revelator that is the Bible and this too Christian for us. The Course in Miracles had that problem, no publisher would accept it because they said it sounds too Christian and the Christian people thought that it sounds too new age and it had the same problem that my book does until somebody finally fell in love with The Course in Miracles and financed the publishing and that is how that book finally got into marketplace. Then it started to take off after they published it.

It was quite a few years before this happened because no publisher would touch it and they finally just published it themselves. I did not even try to get this published by a publisher because I figured it would not even begin to get accepted so I just published it myself. Many years ago and I was told that one of the best agents was Scott Meredith, I sent him some of my stuff and he is a famous agent who is one of the few that will read the material from unknowns, but you have to pay him. I was 16 when I sent him some of my stuff and paid him to read it. He handles some people like Arthur C. Clarke and some other famous sci-fi writers. I can’t remember all the names though.

He wrote back and said, “you have a great imagination and I think you have a lot of potential but this story is not any good because you are not following the right principles of writing,” and then he explained to me how to do it. I sent him a couple of my writings when I was young and he really encouraged me but then I ran out of money to pay him to coach me. He came to mind after I wrote “The Immortal” so I checked in with him again found out the he had died, but his agency still remained. So we sent some money to examine The immortal and the person that read it had a name that sounded like she was from India and you would think that someone from India would appreciated the teachings in the Immortal but she said they would not accept it as a book to promote and the reason is that “you are mixing teachings with fiction and what you need to do is eliminate all the teaching and just write a book of pure story and if you do that then send it back to us.” (Laughter) I thought, well that destroys the whole purpose of the book! So when the book sells a million copies I am going to write them a letter and say that you are completely wrong on how to go about publishing a book.

Audience: What about sending letters to famous people?

JJ: Many people sent letters to Oprah and some sent her a copy.

Audience: David Akins said that this would be the book that would put you on the map. Yes, and also said that Joe’s Mom would be dead by Christmas and that was six months ago, so who knows.

JJ: David Akins is fairly sensitive so you never know and I need to send him a copy too. He is a new age teacher, physic and a little bit of everything. He read the first book and was enthused about it and he recommended it to a lot of people and I had a tremendous number of people in Boise that read the book because of this guy so I must send him a copy of the latest book. He was not impressed with “The Lost Key” for some reason, I do not know why but he was not very enthused about that book. It is funny that some people really liked “The Immortal” and then did not care for “The Lost Key” What did you think?

Audience: It seemed like such a new concept and such a wonderful story and then the second one did not seem to have that “Pow” that the first one had.

JJ: Part of the reason for this is that Buddhism is really boring and it takes a lot of concentration to try to put it in a way that was not boring. But if you ever read the Buddhist writings they are sterile and boring to read. So to try to make the Buddha interesting was very difficult and I think this was part of the problem.

Audience: As a Christian thinking about reincarnation and the Buddhist teachings was so taboo and strange to me, it was “The Immortal” that opened my heart to the fact that we were reincarnated. The Buddha though was like arrgg! Because as a Christian it is like what is this, it is just that weird eastern writings and do I really want anything to do with these teachings?

JJ: Few of the Christians would have read the Lost Key if the Immortal did not first prepare their minds. But the great part about the first book was that it was condensed in this free book here. It does not go into reincarnation or anything that is considered weird; there is nothing in it that really rubs the Christian the wrong way. In fact it is not until they get into book II that some really start to have a problem. I was pleasantly surprised though at how many people who were pretty standard Christian that read the books all the way through and had no complaints. I thought that when they got into reading about John the Beloved, talking about reincarnation that would turn many of them away but book I seemed to have prepared their minds enough that by the time they get to book II they were more open and this was a pleasant surprise for me that I did not get as much flack that I thought I would.

Audience: It was weird how it sometimes works, I was talking to some people at this large Methodists church in Texas and the topic of the Da Vinci Code came up and she was like the pastor in the church got everybody to read it and we all went to see it. And I was saying, what? And she said, oh yea, we do not really care if Jesus was married because that does not change anything.

JJ: It is amazing that most religions don’t want to examine the possibilities of history. If He was married or not that is okay, no big deal, but the Catholic Church sure does not like the idea though. You guys have a really good energy about you and I appreciate your time and interest. I feel very little resistance in this group. Often times in a group I can sense resistance but I sense a high degree of openness in this group and that is why it has been a really good free flow of energy tonight and we have been able to touch the soul a couple times and this really a nice feeling. I would like to thank you for your presence, your openness and your willingness.

Evidence of Reincarnation

This entry is part 53 of 62 in the series 2010

Posted Oct 19, 2010
Alex writes:
Strictly speaking, regressive hypnosis can not prove reincarnation. It proves that a person under hypnosis is able to reproduce or play back some information, which this person can not consciously know. Indeed, the person becomes sort of a VCR, and the medium can rewind the tape to any point.

However, it does not prove that the events described by a hypnotized person are related to THIS PERSON’s previous life. Admit it, it can be a fragment of anyone else’s life as well. It can be a random snapshot of some events, like a video tape randomly picked up from the store and inserted into the “VCR”.

First, let me state that my accounts of regression provided interesting evidence, but did not prove reincarnation to me.

The evidence through regression had little effect on me but the inner voice took over and spoke to me. This caused me to seek for even more proof. The real kicker for me was the discovery of the handwriting of a person’s past life and finding it to be a match so close that it was beyond the laws of probability that they could not be the same entity. (This person was not me, by the way. My handwriting has changed a lot in this life let alone multiple lives so I would not be a good subject).

After this discovery I figured that if reincarnation were really true that proof of it should be in the scriptures. I didn’t recall reading anything about it in the several times I read them but this time I decided to start at the beginning and read them all the way through as if I had never read them before.

When I did this I was amazed indeed. As I read through the Bible as well as the LDS scriptures I found hundreds of scriptures that could only be true if reincarnation was a fact. I was beside myself that these went over my head in the past. It is amazing how much truth a belief system can hide from a person.

Since this time I have had confirmation of the truth of reincarnation on a regular basis.

Alex says that a person regressed can tune into the mind of the past life of someone other than yourself. This is possible and I’ve had someone do this before but when the person is directed to recall his own past lives why would he recall someone else’s’?

Evidence that one normally returns to his own past lives and not that of random minds floating in the ethers is this. I have returned numerous people to past lives after a space of time has elapsed. In each case where the person had good recall he went back to the same past lives. If he was tuning into one of billions of other entities one would think he would go back to different entities in the same time period.

I already recited some pretty powerful evidence from regression. Now I’ll give you one more that rules out tuning into the memories of another.

After I separated from my first wife I figured that I would soon meet another person from my past lives and would marry her. I knew who she was and felt within myself that she should be arriving soon and kept an eye out for her. She finally did arrive but about a year later than I expected. I asked her why she did not show up earlier as she moved here from Indiana.

She told me that at the time I was expecting her that she received a message to move to Idaho, but she ignored it until it became too strong to resist.

When she moved here one of the first guys she met was my good friend Wayne. I first learned of her through my nephew Curtis who came to me one day and said:

“Guess what? Wayne’s got a new girlfriend and this one is actually good looking. He wants us to have lunch and meet her.”

We met them at the Sizzler and I was pleased to see that Wayne found someone who was both nice looking and intelligent.

Nothing unusual registered with me until Wayne gave me a call the next day. He said his girlfriend (named Brenda) was very impressed with what I had to say and thought I had a lot of knowledge. She wanted me to teach her.

I told him I thought that was unusual since she was his girlfriend. But he said this was fine with him and insisted I give her a call.

I gave her a call and we talked for a couple hours. After I hung up I knew this was the person I had been waiting for. I visited her several times and answered all her questions.

I found out why she wanted to contact me. She said that when we all had lunch together that she saw a blue light around my head and thought this was some kind of sign. After teaching her a couple times I received a spiritual confirmation of who she was and that I was to marry her. But then I decided to take it a step further. I asked her if I could regress her. I wanted to see if she would go back and give me the name that would prove who she was.

She was a good subject and went back in full consciousness. She not only gave me the name I was looking for but other information that she couldn’t have known from this life.

After this I approached Wayne (who was still dating her) and gave him this information and asked him if he would give me permission to pursue her romantically. In an act of great friendship he stepped aside and actually encouraged me onward.

We were married for four years and even though it didn’t last what we had was meant to be to consummate a relationship began in a past life.
Copyright 2010 by J J Dewey

Many Books

This entry is part 60 of 62 in the series 2010

Posted Nov 21, 2010
Stephen brings up an interesting question, which is basically this.

Why do we need to have more than one life, or many lives?  Wouldn’t it be better to just have one really good or interesting life and get it over with?  For example, a good book is interesting if read at a good clip, but if one went through it at the rate of a crawl it would become boring.  Therefore, it seems reasonable that we should go through life experiences in this world quickly rather than slowly over hundreds of lives.

First, let me point out that the analogy here is somewhat incomplete.  Our whole existence on the material plane is not like a book, but each life is like a book.  Consider this.  How many of us would be satisfied to read only one book and then never pick up another one?  The reader will have a burning desire to move on to other books, especially if the last book was a good one.

Many lives does not mean stretching one story for a much linger period, but it means that each of us lives through many stories. Some of the stories are interesting and some are so so, just like books we read in real life.

It is true that we live many lives before we become enlightened but that doesn’t mean that those lives are without meaning.  Many such lives are very interesting and provide a wealth of experience to savor during the great pralaya.  When enlightenment is achieved the life just takes another turn and new things fascinate the pilgrim as he continues his journey.

There are many more good arguments for reincarnation than against it.

One of the best ones is that without it those who die as children would forever be denied the knowledge of what it is like to live a full life.

Then those who do live full length lives die feeling that many desires have not been fulfilled and many accomplishments have not been achieved.

Here is a mystery revealed for you to ponder on.  We do not have rebirth in the universe because God designed it that way.  It exists because it is the only way for creation to be and the life therein to grow and develop. God and his reflections have to accept this principle as they participate in creation.

We have before us eternal lives on eternal worlds – worlds and universes without end.  One life in some static finished situation for eternity would drive us crazy. Who wants to read The Wizard of Oz again and again forever, even though it is a good book?  The only way to continue on the path of joy is to be born again and enter again and again a new kingdom of God with new challenges and a new story to write for ourselves.

Copyright 2010 by J J Dewey

Cayce and Wilcock

This entry is part 62 of 62 in the series 2010

Posted Dec 3, 2010
Sarah writes:
A friend of mine sent me a link to these youtube videos of a seminar given by a man named David Wilcock at The Conscious Life Expo in San Francisco in Spring of 2008. I find it to fit in nicely with the ‘puzzle’ (at least the one I have been driven towards) so to speak and he answered some questions I had been pondering within myself concerning OBE’s. I wanted to know what the Keysters thought. He claims to be the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce.

The 2012 Enigma (There are 10 parts, here is part 1)
Click here for video

I came across this guy (David Wilcock) a number of years ago and wasn’t impressed at the time.  It seemed his only desire was to prove he was Edgar Cayce reincarnated.

I figured he was just one more person wanting to be someone famous without earning the fame.

I was pleasantly surprised at watching the video to see Wilcox giving a very intelligent presentation outside the real of claiming to be Cayce.  Even though the presentation raises more questions than it answers it is well worth watching.

I do not know if Wilcock is Cayce or not but at least he is probably as intelligent as him.

Speaking of videos I found one that is very interesting about the moon – giving evidence that intelligent life was once and maybe still is there.  This is in 9 parts beginning at:
Moon Video

Also this page gives an actual photograph taken by an orbital that shows the moon landing spot for Apollo 11.  This should forever dispel the conspiracy theory claiming the moon landing was a hoax.  Go to:
Apollo Landing

I decided to take a look at the charts of David Wilcock and Edgar Cayce to see if there is anything that stands out.

Probably the most significant thing, as the online astrologer pointed out, is their moons are very close in Tarus, about a degree apart.  Also both have Saturn, Mercury Venus and the Sun in the most emotional and sympathetic sign of Pisces.  Both also have Mars in Capricorn.

There are two ways to interpret this seeming coincidence.  One could say that it indicates that David could have been Cayce because of the coincidental sameness. But there is another more logical view and that is this.

On any given day there are about a half million people born so there are many thousands of others who have a similar chart. Anyone with such a chart who studies Cayce will feel an affinity for him and if such a person studies him deeply he will feel a strong identification with him.  This particularly applies to someone with a moon only one degree different in location.

When a person contemplates his own past lives he is likely to guess he may be someone who dealt with similar astrological forces as he is.  That is not strong evidence that Wilcox was Cayce in a past life.  Instead it is evidence tat Wilcock is drawn to Cayce because of emotional similarities.

A chart can give subtle evidence of a past life but astrology is a very weak tool in identifying or proving one.  A chart is merely a description of forces that surrounds us and saying two people are the same because of two charts is like saying Jim and Bob are the same because they both live in Denver and deal with the same traffic problems each day.

It is also notable that a person’s chart will often be very different from life to life as the entity faces new challenges.
That’s not to say that Wilcock is not Cayce.  He could be and it should be easy to prove.  He claims that several of his friends were associated with Cayce.  All he has to do is regress everyone who he thinks was associated with Cayce in a past life (including himself) and see if they can retrieve information that is not in any book but can be validated.

Another thing to do is compare handwriting samples.  Whereas thousands of charts are very similar no two handwritings are the same.  Unfortunately handwriting is usually not solid proof because it changes over the years as does character – but similarities will remain.

Susan wrote:
I was impressed how similarly his associates looked to Cayce’s associates. That
is one of the signs you have taught in the past.

Yes, I’d say that was his best evidence so far.

Actually, Cayce didn’t come up with much on his own, but in the trance state –
so unless Wilcock goes into the trance state he doesn’t have to go too far to
duplicate Cayce’s intellect.

Copyright 2010 by J J Dewey

Death, Rebirth, Eternal Life & Reincarnation

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual and Metaphysical Quotes From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  We shall all rise again and work together and be perfected until the “last enemy” of death is destroyed and we achieve immortality or the resurrection of eternal life.

2  We are the same person after death as we were before and when the time comes for us to move up the circle we sleep in relation to the higher if we are not ready.

3  Only when a person can become born again without being born again can he become ready for true eternal life. In this wording is a major hint for contemplation.

4  The Bible correctly tells us that there are two resurrections. The first is a resurrection of KRISIS, or correction – which is reincarnation. The second is called the resurrection of life where there is a mastery over physical death.

5  Here in the West we tend to look on a belief in reincarnation as a minority belief expressed by a few new agers, but many do not realize that more religious people of the world accept the doctrine than reject it.

6  All the evidence I discovered helped me to believe in reincarnation, but I did not know it for sure until the day I discovered that I had lived before. This changed my whole life and outlook and opened my eyes to a new world of seeing.

7  If the reader even after seeing all the evidence of reincarnation is still not convinced he should seek an answer through the Spirit as commanded in the scriptures. Ask with a sincere heart and you will receive an answer through the Holy Spirit.

8  Each time you die you take with you a permanent atom composed of etheric matter which retains a full memory, or computer program, of your physical body in that life. Within your make up is a full memory and data of all that you have ever been over your long history of incarnations.

9  Thank God that reincarnation is built into the plan! It allows us to make right the injustices of the past, especially in our relationships with our children and other loved ones.

10  In between lives your essence goes in a circle from the earth to the astral zone and back up to the celestial spheres and then back to the earth again. When this essence rises above that which is your level of consciousness then you go to sleep and dream of heaven or hell.

11  It is shortly after death that the person goes through a review of his life, and then takes with him the memories of the three most important lessons learned.

12  A tip or two picked up here and rightly incorporated may save you as many as a half dozen lives on the way to liberation.

13  Each of us lives many lives and a successful fulfillment of each life creates a step for us in the path toward completion.

14  All beings are reborn from time to time and this includes even such high entities as Christ and even the Ancient of Days. It will be a long time though before the Sanat Kumara comes again.

15  When we incarnate as humans we acquire a body, which is composed of billions of tiny lives that are cooperating together in a molecular order so the lesser lives can have a greater experience through you the greater life.

16  When the time comes to incarnate again, you, in cooperation with your Solar Angel, actually participate in the creation of your new body.

17  A person may have basically overcome maya in one life and then slip back into its trap in another.

18  We usually learn no more than one major lesson in each life, even though it may seem that we learn many. Outside of this one major lesson we generally are just relearning and perfecting past lessons.

19  Shortly after death there is a merging with the Solar Angel, (for a short intense time) even for average people. This gives us our life review and a glimpse of what we must take with us to our future lives. The Solar Angel does play a roll in creating our heaven.

20  Many people do not discover much more truth in the next world than they discovered here.

21  After we learn a particular lesson on our journey through the wheel of rebirth our soul then guides us to a circumstance where we are forced toward a new lesson.

22  Reincarnation is merely the result of the law of cause and effect.

23  Every once in a while a person takes the dark path and throws away approximately 1000 lifetimes and the pralaya between creations.

24  We will live many lives on many other different earths, worlds far superior to this. Instead of living on a telestial earth like this we will go to terrestrial and celestial worlds made of matter whose atoms vibrate to a purer tone whose nucleus of light shines through unfolded electrons until the bodies shine like the sun where there is no night.

25  Physical death is not the end of all things, but is a mere transition and there are many things worse than physical death.

26  If a fullness of joy is produced by an inseparable connection of the body and spirit then any connection where there is not an eternal connection will not produce a fullness of joy. If a fullness of joy is not produced then the union of spirit and body is temporary.

27  We will not leave our physical bodies behind as many teach, for leaving them behind would cause us to suffer a great limitation.

28  When you do reach “the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” you then gain access to all past permanent atoms and have power to activate them and create a body at will.

29  The obvious truth is that there is either reincarnation or there is not. Even though there are details we may not know, the principle is either true or it is not true and no relativity will change the matter.

30  Any commitment that is not sought through soul contact is a covenant with death.

31  During your 1000 lives some arrangements are played quickly, others slowly, some happy, some sad, some sound like rock and roll others sound classical, but no matter what the arrangement is and no matter how it is played the name of the song is still the same and that name is your essence.

32  Do not concern yourself with whether or not you were a great one in the past. Such a status may actually be a handicap to you. Only concern yourself with becoming a great servant in the present.

33  In the Beginning God reflected Himself to infinity. This infinite number is only limited by your imagination which is God’s imagination.

34  Many of those who have been born under a tyranny were free in their last life but did not understand their freedom and supported the restriction of others in a way that enhanced their own vision of the good.

35  The elements of your body existed before you incarnated and will exist after you die. In fact they change every 7-14 years.

36  The idea in the mind of God, which is you, never had a beginning, but the idea incarnating into the worlds where experience can be had did have a beginning.

37  There is an inner Christ that dwells in us all within our own Ark and if we eat of this we shall never taste death. There is a deep mystery here.

38  There are two stages of overcoming death.

39  Is it possible to neutralize the handicap of past success in the present life? Yes, but only if one “becomes as a little child” and is willing to let all attachments go and learn “all things new.”

40  Each of us has the spark of the divine within and when we “fall” into matter and take incarnation we lose that inner contact for many lifetimes. We have to keep coming back life after life until we fully manifest that inner spark. When this is accomplished we can return to the God state and “go no more out,” or no longer have to be reborn into the physical world.

41  We came here as a point in our eternal progression, not to restore that which is lost but to gain that which is new and beautiful.

42  Physical death is a separation of the spirit and body, but this is not the only death. There are numerous deaths as there are numerous separations.

43  The worst death that can happen to an aspiring disciple is to be separated from the inner Christ so contact becomes impossible.

44  When we die and are no longer connected to the physical or etheric brain our consciousness is altered. This especially affects our sense of time. We then center in astral or mental consciousness and lose most of our memory by the time we are physically born again.

45  The resurrection of KRISIS or correction can refer to one being revived to mortal life in the same body as Lazareth was, or it could refer to being “born again” in a new body with a new life experience, giving us an opportunity to “correct” our imperfections.

46  When the saints are persecuted, they are often reaping what they have sowed in previous lives. This answers the eternal question as to why some of the best people must suffer so. They are paying off debts from a past era when they were not so good.

47  No orthodox Christian has ever answered this question: If we reap according to how we have sowed and if we “of the flesh reap corruption” and we die before we have reaped all that is due us, then how can we reap “of the flesh” with no flesh? How can we reap corruption if there is no corruption?

48  Since flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, that simply means that if we fall short of it, we will be “born again” in this state of “corruption” or flesh and blood. Flesh and blood is the resurrection of KRISIS, and we must come back again and again and inherit this corruption, until we have “corrected” all of our mistakes and attain the resurrection of life or “the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” (Eph 4:13).

49  In ancient times some humans incarnated as the highest of the animal kingdom to assist with their identification with the human just as sometimes now a Master will incarnate as a human.

50  Life extension can come through intent, but immortality can only come through aligning with Purpose which links us up with lives much greater than ourselves who have “obtained the resurrection” and can channel the power of re-creation down to us.

51  To overcome death one does not continue existence in one single form. This would eventually cause retrogression. To overcome death one must learn to still the vibration and go back to our source and then recreate a body (the “Mayavirupa”) by creating the necessary vibration.

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