Reincarnation, Overshadowing and More
Now, the same thing happened with me with reincarnation, in the Mormon Church they teach that reincarnation is the doctrine of the devil and that all should stay away from teachings about it. But when I discovered for sure that there was reincarnation for sure I thought; “Well, maybe it is in the scriptures somewhere and if the scriptures are true then reincarnation is true. Then I found it on almost every page. When I did this I kept wondering how come I never saw this before? The answer lies in the principle that you find what you are looking for. If you are looking for something you find it, and if you are not looking for something, even though it is right in front of your eyes, you will not see it.
So reincarnation was found throughout the entire scriptures. I also found the overshadowing of Jesus was taught throughout the scriptures and I read them quite a number of times earlier and I could never see it because I was not looking for it. My mind was filtering it out, but as soon as I began opening up and was open to look for it, there it was!
And that, my friends, is amazing! Sometimes I would ask myself “What else is in there that I am not looking for, that I am not seeing? Maybe quite a few things.” What is in the writings of Alice A. Bailey that I am not looking for because I am not open to it?” “Except ye be as a little child, ye shall no wise enter the kingdom of heaven.” And as I said earlier that does not mean that you are just a non-thinking person. It means being an open person who is completely open to whatever is there.
That was the beauty of when I discovered solid proof for myself that there was reincarnation and then went through the scriptures and verified that there was reincarnation. I was completely open after that because I thought that nothing is as I had learned it. Now what I had to do was re-learn everything with a fresh set of eyes and when I did that I found that going through the scriptures, for instance, was an entirely different experience when you are reading as if you were a child and that anything could be true.
I learned completely different things then I had ever learned before. I try to keep that attitude with whatever I learn. One of my favorite quotes in my writings is; “That if a person who is open can learn more from the National Enquirer than he can learn from the Bible.” (Laughter) The person that is open can learn from almost any source because you never know what might stimulate you to greater knowledge and understanding.
There were two entities in the body of Jesus at the same time for the three and half years. Jesus, near the time that He was going to be crucified in the garden of Gethsemane came to His final test. The Christ that was in Him knew that the cost of the Jesus being crucified was a necessary experience, but Jesus wanted to establish the Kingdom of God.
Suppose that you were over shadowed by a Master with great power and you saw that with this power you could possibly convert a very large number of people, and teach them with the assistance of the Messiah, The Christ that was in you and create a virtual Kingdom of God on Earth. That is such a wonderful thing. Now Jesus was really looking forward to being able to do this but then He was told that He could not do that for it was not part of the Plan. “You must be crucified instead. There is a bigger plan at work here,” he was told.
Right after His last meeting with the disciples when Judas betrayed Him, the energy of the group was disrupted through Judas. So He took the three disciples with Him that could still handle the energy, so He thought, and went to the garden of Gethsemane; I have covered this part in greater detail before; as He was praying, what did He ask?
Audience: To be removed from this responsibility.
JJ: Correct and why did He ask this since He already accepted the plan?
Audience: He wanted to know if there was a possibility of this.
He asked for this to be removed because He never knew for sure that this was part of the plan. The only thing He knew for sure was that The Christ was within Him and He was aware of everything and Jesus was giving out His words. Those words indicated that The Christ within Him knew about the plan but Jesus kept thinking, well, there might be a way of escape, you know this power within Me, maybe I can influence Him to build the Kingdom here. We have done all these good works and we have a good foundation established. These apostles are all ready to go and we can build the Kingdom of God. But in the garden He was told that the Will of God is that we do something else. It says in the Book of Luke that He actually sweated blood because the intensity of the pain of the decision was so difficult.
What was worse than having to give up His life was to give up His dream. His dream was to build the Kingdom of God. Could you imagine having this dream so close to being fulfilled and then having it taken from you, no you can’t do it. Imagine Shelly that you could see how you could bring peace on earth, that you could get everybody to lay down their arms and then God comes to you and says, “No we cannot do this, it is not time. We must do something else.” You must go to Jerusalem and let these let the radicals cut off your head.
Now that would be very tough. It is bad enough to have your head cut off but it is even worse to be so close to think that you could bring peace on earth and goodwill to men and find out that no you cannot do this. So there Jesus was praying, “If it be possible remove this cup. Nevertheless, not my will but yours be done.” And the answer came back, “The higher Will must be done. It is your free will and your body Jesus.” Even the Christ could not takeover His body and order Jesus to obey. Jesus was left to operate of His own free will. He acquiesced and said, it is done I will cooperate.
So He went to the cross and when they put Him on on it, do you remember something else of significance that he said that relates to two entities? He said “My Father, My Father, why have You forsaken me?” In other words the Christ left the body of Jesus somewhere around the time that He was to be crucified. It could have been a bit before or during and He had to endure this all alone. And He said, “My Father, My Father why have You forsaken me? Have I failed? Is this the end?” Once again He had a tremendous test of faith again. And of course He was put in the tomb for three days, we all know the story of the resurrection that He was raised from the dead and appeared then eventually ascended. The One that was raised from the dead was Jesus; who had the privilege of being in the body that was raised up and it was not actually the Christ, The Christ went on to all kinds of other spiritual work.
There are all kinds of stories of what actually happened to Jesus, There are legends that He went to different places in the world after He was crucified. I am not going to discuss any of that but suffice it to say that Jesus and The Christ has been working among humanity for many years. DK tells us that Jesus became a Master in His own right and that Jesus was a Fifth degree initiate after this experience. The Messiah, who is The Christ, was Krishna in a past life and also the Great prophet Melchizedek who lived in the days of Abraham and it was written that He was a Prince of Peace and that He had no Father or Mother which is a very interesting statement. It is also told that He was greater than Abraham but it says very little about Melchizedek outside of the fact that He established peace on earth for a period of time.
The Christ; went on to other work. Both Jesus and The Christ had Their initiations, Jesus had what is called the Fourth and Fifth initiation, you must undergo the fifth initiation to become a Master. Now Christ was really called The Master of masters, The Teacher of teachers, because He was a teacher of masters, angels, and men. He advanced to the beginning of a Seventh initiation. With His experience with Jesus, Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, underwent His sixth initiation, which is called the initiation of decision. It was an experience in the garden where Jesus underwent the crucifixion initiation; and the fact that He had to give up everything so dear to Him because in this initiation that Jesus underwent you have to give up everything that attaches you to the world. The last thing that attached Jesus to the world was something good, it was the desire to bring the Kingdom of God to the world, and he even had to let that go that.
Whereas the Christ that was in Him was undergoing another test of His own; He was facing what is called the dweller on the threshold for the whole planet. Now the dweller on the threshold for the individual is bad enough to deal with. It is all the negativity that you have had to deal with in all your past lives brought together in one experience where you face the dweller before you enter into the presence of God, or the Angel of Presence. The Christ encountered the dweller on the threshold for everyone on the planet. This is one of the reasons it said that He suffered for the sins of the world. He suffered for the sins of the world in the fact that He encountered all the sins of the world in one great powerful thought form.
Now each one of us had a dweller and the dweller is the negativity all of us accumulated from all of the sins of our past. All of our negative thoughts, our fears, our errors, and guilt rolled into one bundle and occupying a life form composed of very course matter. It is our personal devil. People think the devil has lots of angels. The devil that each of us has to deal with of our own making is called the dweller on the threshold. It is residual energy, of all the negative energy, we have ever encountered and the time will come when each of us will encounter our dweller. It comes just before a monumental revelation comes to us.
Paul encountered his dweller on the road to Damascus. He experienced a great light that was so bright that it blinded him. Joseph Smith encountered his dweller when he went into the forest and prayed, he was overcome by a great dark power that made him feel like he was going to be destroyed and he had to penetrate this power before he could see the Divine Presence. Jesus encountered His dweller in the wilderness where He had to overcome the temptations but the Christ encountered the great dweller of the whole planet and it is hard or us to comprehend the intensity of the dark energy that He had to penetrate, He penetrated that dark energy and He faced it and created a link from humanity to the Divine Kingdom of Shamballa. This link connected humanity with the Will of God in such a way that had never been connected before. That was one of the most important parts of His mission. And thus He passed the Sixth initiation and began the Seventh. The Seventh initiation is the highest that can be taken on this planet. The Seventh initiation was only half completed by the Christ. He has to complete the Seventh initiation by coming again and walking among us. How this will happen is not completely given.
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