Keys Writings, Part 19

This entry is part 33 of 34 in the series 2011C

Nov 20, 2011
Immortal Books on Kindle
I have added my three books in The Immortal series to Amazon’s Kindle and will add more soon.

Here are the links:

The Immortal

The Lost Key of the Buddha

Eternal Words

Nov 20, 2011
A Second Test
As you know a few weeks ago scientists measured some neutrinos going faster than the speed of light. This astonished the scientific world as they thought that such a thing was impossible for a particle to do. They recently conducted some more tests and have received the same confirmation. Now they are beside themselves trying to explain what happened.

To add to this mystery they have measured the speed of neutrinos from the supernova SN1987A, which lies about 168,000 light years from Earth. The result was that photons and neutrinos that traveled such great distance arrived at virtually the same time. Both of them seemed to travel at the speed of light together.

In this latest experiment they didn’t send the neutrinos through space, but through the earth from Cern to the Gran Sasso lab in Italy 450 miles away. Now you would think that going through solid earth would slow them down more than going through space, but instead they sped up.

Now don’t go thinking they greatly exceeded the speed of light for they only arrived 60 billionths of a second early. To draw a comparison – imagine the speed of light being 100 MPH. These neutrinos only exceeded that speed by going 100.002 MPH.

Scientists are coming up with all kinds of theories. The best I have heard is that what we though of as being the ultimate speed a particle could go is incorrect because light going through space is not going through a true vacuum but is slightly slowed down by matter (known and unknown) in space itself. Somehow these neutrinos going through the earth encountered less friction than they would have going through space.

Whatever the case it is great to see real science at work unlike what happens in global warming science. If the Cern people were to use the global warming mindset they would merely say the consensus is the speed of light cannot be broken so this cannot be true; therefore, they are not even going to perform further experiments in this direction.

Nov 20, 2011
Re: A Second Test
lwk Actually if the scientists were using the “global warming mindset,” there would probably be a rush to blames a rise in the speed of light on an increase in light emitted by human beings on the planet and a demand to go back to candles which don’t endanger the environmentally correct speed of light. 🙂

JJ Good point Larry. On top of that, people like you and me who are open to the speed of light being broken would be called, “speed of light deniers,” or maybe “Einstein haters.”

Nov 21, 2011
Re: A Second Test

Tom: What initiative was Einstein? Had he been a 3rd he would have seen the errors in his idea that nothing can travel faster than light.

JJ A third degree initiate is far from omniscient and infallible. Even the highest of initiates. masters and gods have their limitations and do not see and understand all things. A third degree initiate can dispel illusion provided he has the necessary facts available and focuses his attention on the subject where the illusion resides. For instance, such an initiate may have not placed much attention on global warming because many other matters occupy his mind. Consequently, he doesn’t have a strong opinion one way or another. Finally, something stimulates his interest and he decides to look into it. Once he studies the available data he then unravels the illusion surrounding the subject and hones into the truth of the matter.

I would guess that Einstein was a very savvy second degree. The reason I do not peg him at third degree is that he was agnostic about God and a third degree would have experiences that should have removed all doubt.

I believe that Newton was a third degree as he was a very spiritual scientist and spent much of his life unraveling the mysteries of the works of God.

Nov 23, 2011
Letter to Editor
I thought the comparison of global warming scientists to those at Cern was interesting so I wrote a letter to my local paper on the subject. Here it is:

Dear Editor:

If you want to see some real scientists at work who follow the true scientific method then one should follow the scientists at Cern.

Instead of just declaring that traditional science is settled they are approaching even the most orthodox scientific conclusions with a skeptical mind. In two separate experiments now they have dispelled the sacred cow of the speed of light and clocked neutrinos going faster than light.

Even though this turns the laws of physics and Einstein’s theories on their heads they are proceeding with experiments simply because they want to know the truth.

Can you imagine the situation if the politically polarized global warming scientists were to approach the Cern scientists – we’d hear statements like:

“There is powerful consensus that the speed of light cannot be broken so this is a waste of time.”

“You are speed of light deniers and Einstein haters.”

“You guys are like flat-earthers because you will not accept settled science.”

These real Cern scientists have presented strong evidence that the effect of cosmic rays on clouds account for over half the warming in the past century but the flat-earth type global warmers will not even consider the study.

Nov 22, 2011
Einstein and God

Not all Jews believe the same. Here was Einstein’s response to some religious questions: Do you believe in God? “I’m not an atheist. I don’t think I can call myself a pantheist. The problem involved is too vast for our limited minds. We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. It does not know how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangement of the books but doesn’t know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God. We see the universe marvelously arranged and obeying certain laws but only dimly understand these laws.”

Is this a Jewish concept of God? “I am a determinist. I do not believe in free will. Jews believe in free will. They believe that man shapes his own life. I reject that doctrine. In that respect I am not a Jew.”

Is this Spinoza’s God? “I am fascinated by Spinoza’s pantheism, but I admire even more his contribution to modern thought because he is the first philosopher to deal with the soul and body as one, and not two separate things.”

Do you believe in immortality? “No. And one life is enough for me.”

See Einstein & God


Nov 23, 2011
Steve Jobs
I recently finished the biography on Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson. It was perhaps the best biography I gave ever read. The only others I can compare with it as being interesting were ones I have read on Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill and Mao. “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” was also very good, but was not written as a biography on Hitler

The book I liked on Mao was called, Mao: The Unknown Story By Jung Chang Jon Halliday. This was good because it was a great story of a tyrant not because Mao was a good guy.

Jobs had the feeling from the time he was young that he would die early so his whole life was a crash course to get as many things done as possible before that event happened.

When it became obvious the end was near he had the foresight to contact one of the best biographical writers and talk him into writing his story. Isaacson thus conducted interviews right up until the end and thus had lots of first hand material from direct interviews. Even so, the reader can tell that he did not use these interviews as a crutch for he obviously interviewed many people associated with Jobs as well as researching everything published about him. There are a few things on which he could have gone into greater detail but overall he did an excellent job. The book reads with the intrigue of a Dan Brown novel.

The big question that this group may have concerning Jobs is, was he an initiate and how advanced?

First, he was definitely an initiate for he never stopped initiating new things right up to the last days of his life.

He initiated the desktop computer and then the mouse and windows type operating system that was used in the Mac and copied by Microsoft. After he was fired from Apple he did not rest but began a cutting edge animation company, Pixar, which initiated new technology that revolutionized children’s movies.

In desperation, as Apple was about to go under, they wooed Jobs back to Apple. He came back and worked for a dollar a year for the first couple years.

The first thing he did when he came back was to trash two thirds of the Apple models to the ash heap of history and start fresh working on new innovating models. Shortly thereafter, they came out with the iMac which finally turned sales around. The next big leap was the ipod which they advertized as “1000 songs in your pocket.” This was an amazing breakthrough when you consider than the competitors could only manage a handful of songs on a portable device.

He didn’t stop there and soon the ipod type gizmos could manage your photos, play movies, take pictures, record movies and on and on.

Then he realized that the life of the ipod would come to an end in a few years and be replaced by a phone with all these abilities built in. He thus switched attention in this direction and created the iphone.

Next was the ipad. When this was introduced critics said it would never sell much because it was so expensive and netbooks was the future, but of course they were wrong.

Near his death he realized that television as we know it was coming to an end and worked on creating a home entertainment system that access all shows produced through the internet on demand and replace cable and satellite systems. Apple will yet reveal his last innovation.

He was a vegetarian throughout his life and experimented with a number of diets including the Mucusless Diet System. Many initiates are vegetarians, especially the first and second degree.

Throughout his life he pondered the mysteries of existence and life after death. Some of his favorite books dealt with metaphysics such as,

Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism, Chogyam Trungpa’s Be Here Now, Baba Ram Dass

He wasn’t positive there was an afterlife, but hoped there was one. He represented that hope by making Apple products that had no off switch. He hoped that we as humans had no off switch when we died.

He seemed to receive his answer about life after death at the point of his departure. Just before he passed he looked beyond those gathered around him and said three times: OH WOW! After this he died.

It was quite possible that he was entering his third initiation experience with the Angel of the Presence.

Many wonder why he got cancer when he was on a vegetarian diet. There are several reasons that could be.

First, many vegetarian diets are not as healthy as a quality meat eating diet is. He was on numerous diet programs throughout his life rather than sticking to one consistent good one. It’s quite possible he had an overbalance of carbohydrates and starches. It’s also possible that he received too many chemicals that were not removed from vegetables.

One sign that something was wrong with his diet was that people often complained of his body odor. A proper diet should not generate that complaint.

A person can get cancer even with a good diet. Grievance and suppression is a major cause here and Steve suffered great hurt when he was fired from Apple. He seemed to have a real grievance toward John Scully who replaced him. Then watching powerlessly as they degraded his company was too much to bear.

It sounds like Steve was never able to let this and possibly other grievances go until possibly near the end of his life.

These are a few comments not found in standard reviews. I would suggest you go to Amazon, read several reviews and buy the book or audio. You will not be disappointed.

Nov 24, 2011
Re: Steve Jobs

Art: I am a little surprised that this autobiography seemed to paint him is such a good light.

I had read that he was notorious for absolutely humiliating his staff for the slightest misstep and was very difficult to work for.

JJ Actually Isaacson painted a whole picture of Jobs warts and all. This is what Steve wanted and gave him full power to write with no power of revision or dictating on his part. Steve said that he probably wouldn’t like parts of the book so he never planned on reading it. Quite a number of times he does come across as a jerk, but no sooner does that happen then you start to like him again and wish you could have met him.

The author does point out how difficult Steve was to work for but also notes how dedicated employees were to him and how many were willing to sacrifice anything to share in the achievements of the work. I liked one section where Isaacson compared Steve Jobs to Moses in the eyes of his admirers.

Ruth: If he was entering his 3rd initiation experience, then this was happening as he physically died?

JJ It would mean he entered the threshold of the Angel of the Presence as he was crossing over.

Ruth Does this mean that the Dweller was the cancer/disease that was killing him,

JJ The Dweller could have aggravated the cancer, but the cancer was not the dweller.

Ruth: and then as he started to pass over, he chose the Angel of the Presence and hence got to pass his 3rd initiation? At death, how would he chose between the Dweller or the Angel?

JJ No one chooses the Dweller. Why would you choose something that is trying to destroy you? You do, however, accept or reject the Angel of the Presence and whatever it was that Steve encountered at death he seemed to embrace it.

Ruth: For example, if he chose the Dweller, he wasn’t choosing life, because he was already nearly dead,

JJ As I said, no one chooses the dweller. Who would choose to hold their hand on a hot stove???

Ruth: so if he chose the Angel of the Presence, he was really choosing the only option which was Life after a physical death, but he would not have realized this as he passed over? It is interesting because I have only read about how one passes the 3rd initiation while still alive.

JJ More often than not the initiations are acknowledged, consummated and understood between lives. When initiations are relived in a certain life this usually happens on the physical plane. All the growth and advancement to achieve initiation must be achieved in the physical. Often (but not always) the actual initiation happens between lives.

Nov 28, 2011
What is an Initiate?
Previous post: John C If by “initiate” you mean “invent”…

JJ No. That is a million miles away from what I have taught about initiation.

Many investors have no power to initiate that which they invent. An initiate introduces and secures ideas into public consciousness and use. No one knows who invented the mouse, but Jobs introduced it to public use and consciousness. This is a much more difficult thing to do than to invent a thing. Columbus was not the first to discover America, but he initiated the great exploration. Like they say. Ideas are a dime a dozen, but making something of them is the greater work. I’ll write more on this shortly.

Current Post:

John C Then, this is closer to the definition of “innovation” that I gave in my post. I hope you will write more on this subject. I think there is a lot of misunderstanding about this topic, even though much has already been written about it.

JJ The word “innovation” doesn’t really describe the initiate either. To be an innovator and inventor are two very similar things.

Let me give two examples of innovative thinkers. Ben works for Acme manufacturing and gets an idea that would save six steps in the manufacturing process. He tells his boss about it but he doesn’t see the vision and brushes him off. Ben then goes to the next guy up the ladder but gets chewed out for going over his bosses head.

Ben is frustrated and spends the rest of his days grumbling that no one listens to him.

Chuck goes through the same process with his company and reaches the same dead end. Instead of accepting his fate, one day he puts down his remote and does some thinking. He realizes that there are a lot of companies that could use his innovations. He then sets up a consulting company and contacts numerous other manufacturers that could benefit from his thinking. A handful accept his proposals. Then, after a period of success, many companies, even Acme, make changes proposed by Chuck.

When Ben sees Chuck’s success he feels cheated and thinks to himself that he had these ideas first and no one gives him any credit.

So… is Ben initiating just because he came up with good innovations?

Obviously not. Chuck is the true initiate here because he is the driving force that pushed the ideas into existence.

Most of what Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, or even Einstein introduced was already dreamed up by someone else but these men initiated new products and concepts into the public consciousness that others merely dreamed about.

Perhaps we could define an initiate this way:

An initiate is one who sees a better way and does more than dream about manifesting it but takes the necessary steps to bring it into existence. An initiate is one with true faith as I have previously defined the word.

Here are examples of initiates and non initiates.

Initiate: Columbus discovers America and changes the world.

Non Initiate: A Chinese captain discovers America long before Columbus, but nothing changed.

Initiate: Colonel Sanders has an unique chicken recipe that changes the chicken industry.

Non Initiate: Aunt Martha has an even better recipe but it dies with her.

Initiate: Steve Jobs successfully brings the desktop computers to the market.

Non Initiate: Even before this Steve Nebulous builds his own desktop from spare parts and amuses his friends with it.

Initiate: H. P. Blavatsky writes a book that changes the way many people think.

Non Initiate: Yogi Sahara writes an even better book but he never gets it published and no one reads it or knows that it exists.

Initiate: Sam sees the value in an innovative idea being introduced by an initiate, sees a way to help the idea blossom and lends a helping hand.

Non Initiate: Bart sees the value in an innovative idea being introduced by an initiate and becomes an armchair quarterback and critic.

John C on Steve Jobs: The man was not a saint. Let’s not paint him as such. There were some negative aspects to his personality. But, some of those negatives were also positives.

JJ It’s important to realize that there is a big difference between the public idea of a saint or holy person and a true initiate. Many initiates are not religious or pious at all. Many of them have difficult personalities and are hated by numerous people.

There is a wide variety of people among the aspirants and first and second degree initiates. Some are impossible to live with and have many enemies. Many are seen as being the opposite of spiritual.

The higher initiates have generally worked off the rough edges but remember that even Jesus was hated so much that he was gleefully crucified.

Nov 29, 2011
Tom’s Questions
Tom Did Steve Jobs have control and master his emotions in order to pass the 2nd initiation before doing the third?

JJ If he passed the second then he did master his emotions but let me clarify what that means.

First, it does not mean that the initiate is like Spock who has little or no emotion. The initiate will have more powerful emotions than average because all the petals in his sacral center will be unfolded.

The initiate may very well express strong emotion from time to time but the emotion expressed is regulated and decided upon mentally. The most important thing a second degree or higher will do is not make important decisions based on emotion but upon what makes sense from rational or intuitive thinking.

I think it was you that asked about the origin of the giants mentioned in the Bible. I haven’t placed much attention on. Many people think they are a product of angels and humans.

Here are some comments of H P Blavatsky from Isis Unveiled:

According to the claims of the Babylonian priests, corroborated by Eupolemus,*** “the city of Babylon, owes its foundation to those who were saved from the catastrophe of the deluge; they were the giants and they built the tower which is noticed in history.”**** These giants who were great astrologers and had received moreover from their fathers, “the sons of God,” every instruction pertaining to secret matters, instructed the priests in their turn, and left in the temples all the records of the periodical cataclysm that they had witnessed themselves. This is how the high priests came by the knowledge of the great years.

“And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. . . . There were giants in the earth in those days,” etc., with this part of the Hindu cosmogony, in the Vedas, which speaks of the descent of the Brahmans. The first Brahman complains of being alone among all his brethren without a wife. Notwithstanding that the Eternal advises him to devote his days solely to the study of the Sacred Knowledge (Veda), the first-born of mankind insists. Provoked at such ingratitude, the eternal gave Brahman a wife of the race of the Daints, or giants, from whom all the Brahmans maternally descend. Thus the entire Hindu priesthood is descended, on the one hand, from the superior spirits (the sons of God), and from Daintany, a daughter of the earthly giants, the primitive men.* “And they bare children to them; the same became mighty men which were of old; men of renown.”** The same is found in the Scandinavian cosmogonical fragment. In the Edda is given the description to Gangler by Har, one of the three informants (Har, Jafuhar, and Tredi) of the first man, called Bur, “the father of Bor, who took for wife Besla, a daughter of the giant Bolthara, of the race of the primitive giants.” The full and interesting narrative may be found in the Prose Edda, sects. 4-8, in Mallett’s Northern Antiquities.** The same groundwork underlies the Grecian fables about the Titans; and may be found in the legend of the Mexicans –

She also claimed to see bones of giants when she was in India.

You can read more HERE

Here is an interesting video series on the subject:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6


Nov 30, 2011
Re: What is an Initiate?

John C “Saint” was just an expression. I forgot you literally you take things when you want to. By “saint”, here I meant the unbalanced portrayal of only the positive qualities of a person. That’s what I said in my first paragraph that you quoted.

JJ I think I understood you correctly, John. I do not know anyone who thinks of Jobs as a religious holy man. You said, “The man was not a saint. Let’s not paint him as such.”

You were obviously implying that someone here was implying (I do not know who) that Jobs was a very good person who could do no (or little) wrong. That is very close to the religious idea of a saint.

My point was that initiates are far from perfect especially as far as the personality goes and that was an accurate response to your comment.

John C Remember all those numbers Creme and Dewey were placing on initiates? This may be important, but all I am saying is it didn’t interest me then and it doesn’t interest me now.

JJ That’s fine that you are not interested but you are coming across a little preachy here like we shouldn’t be interested either. It is a topic of great interest to many and there is nothing wrong with such interest.

My comments on the possible initiate status of some is a million miles from Cremes. Crème claims to have received his information directly from Christ and I make no such claim to authority but am making an educated guess.

The reason I talked about the possible initiate status of Jobs wasn’t to show my cleverness but to give readers a better idea of what an initiate is and the range of people that fit into this category. Many people think of an initiate as a very good or holy person who exudes love all the time and I wanted to make sure readers understand that many do not come across this way.

John C I can identify much more readily with his technical partner Steve Wozniak. Always two there are: one who is the front man, and the one who works behind the scenes and makes things happen.

JJ Steve collaborated with Wozniak mainly at the beginning. There were many innovations from Apple that Wozniak did not participate in. Wozniak was smart but he had little inclination to take any steps to initiate anything. If Steve did not have Wozniak available he would have found someone else, but any engineer looking for another Jobs would still be looking.

Nov 30, 2011

Saint Bernadette

Ruth asked about an apparent miracle of the preservation of Saint Bernadette’s body. Here is the story

JJ The miracle is not as impressive as the links leads one to believe. Apparently her body was preserved beyond the normal decay but still did decay nevertheless and had to be treated with wax to make her look lifelike. this is from Wikipedia:

In 1925, the church exhumed the body for a third time. They took relics, which were sent to Rome. A precise imprint of the face was molded so that the firm of Pierre Imans in Paris could make a wax mask based on the imprints and on some genuine photos. This was common practice for relics in France, as it was feared that the blackish tinge to the face and the sunken eyes and nose would make an unpleasant impression on the public. Imprints of the hands were also taken for the presentation of the body and the making of wax casts. The remains were then placed in a gold and crystal reliquary in the Chapel of Saint Bernadette at the mother house in Nevers. The site is visited by many pilgrims and the body of Saint Bernadette is still shown despite being nearly 130 years old.

Wiki Link

Dec 1, 2011
Re: What is an Initiate?

Kelly writes: This whole thread on what is an initiate got me rethinking on the subject of disciple and initiate. So to understand correctly, an initiate is necessarily a disciple but not the other way around?

JJ Actually, it is the other way around. A truly committed disciple is one who is near or passed the third initiation and all of them are initiates to some degree. DK identifies seekers who are not disciples as aspirants.

DK told us back in the 1920s there were only a little over 300 disciples on the entire planet. One can only guess how many there are to day but it would not be a large number.

There are a lot of initiates who are not disciples and do not consider themselves being on a spiritual path. What many of these do not realize is that all work that helps humanity evolve and progress is spiritual. There are initiates in science, education, sports, politics and various endeavors not normally seen as spiritual.

Kelly: Is it correct to say that an initiate will be a disciple first and foremost before getting to the stage where he or she actually initiates something?

JJ The first thing on an initiates mind is “What can I do to improve the world or the human condition?”

Kelly: And does an initiate always have to turn out to be a ”popular person” in the press or worldwide?

JJ Good question. It may seem so because when people try and identify initiates usually famous people are named. The reason for this is that initiates that are not famous are generally not known to us and there is no way to name them.

Higher initiates usually make significant accomplishments that garners then some degree of public recognition but many first and second degree initiates are unknown outside of their circle of associates. Many of these are initiating things that does not change the world but does create positive change and improves peoples lives. Some join with other initiates to work on a group endeavor. For instance, I’m sure there were a number of initiates who worked with Steve Jobs.

Kelly: I read something not long ago (I believe it was one of Ruth’s posts) from DK stating that there will also be times where initiates must act behind the stage so to speak and without receiving all that recognition attention i.e.: like Steve Jobs did.

JJ This will sometimes be the case. If a person initiates by working behind the scenes and is truly responsible for creating constructive change then he is of course initiating.

Kelly: And speaking about initiates, how may are there on earth at the present moment? I imagine there can’t be that many since it is a demanding endeavour and a lot of times there must be failures too.

JJ I’d say that there are millions who have passed the first initiation, hundreds of thousands who have passed the second, under 1000 who have passed the third and under 50 in mortality who have passed the fourth.

Dec 1, 2011
Re: What is an Initiate?

Tom How many masters have there been that lived on the Earth, in the flesh throughout history of the Earth?

JJ DK names Twelve plus the Christ who work directly with humanity but there are others who work with other kingdoms and projects. The total number is not given. Maybe DK will give more information when he teaches again after 2025. We should prepare a list of questions for him. Of course, when that date arrives there will be many who will claim to speak for the real DK. It will be an interesting process finding the real one.


Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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Keys Writings, Part 8

This entry is part 16 of 34 in the series 2011C

Aug 28, 2011
Global Warming

Let Al Gore Read and Weep Al Gore is now placing Global Warming skeptics in the same category as racists in the old South. He’ll have to read the following articles and weep.

NASA satellite data from the years 2000 through 2011 show the Earth’s atmosphere is allowing far more heat to be released into space than alarmist computer models have predicted, reports a new study in the peer-reviewed science journal Remote Sensing. The study indicates far less future global warming will occur than United Nations computer models have predicted, and supports prior studies indicating increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide trap far less heat than alarmists have claimed.\ 71.html

Cern’s 8000 real scientists who don’t have a dog in the global warming fight tell us that cosmic rays will probably be able to account for somewhere between a half and the whole of the increase in the Earth’s temperature that we have seen in the last century. It looks like the amount of effect humans have on climate will have to be revised downward.

Aug 30, 2011

36 Keys & More

Larry Woods writes: Help me out. I’m trying to catalog JJ’s teachings about Keys rather than learning them by reading JJ’s book series which walks us through a discovery process in John’s teaching tradition. As far as I can tell JJ mentioned 60 Keys so far, five sets of twelve. Since it has been 14 years since he published the first book and we only got 3 Keys so far (in the main set of 36 pertaining to JJ’s teaching mission) it will take about 154 years to get the remainder. But, with your help I hope to learn them and to contemplate them in this life time. I’m currently re-reading The Immortal series for the third time so I will soon recall the other two Keys of Knowledge. Do any of you know more than the first three? I know many of you, like Ruth and Dan and Duke and Mindy and others have grown extremely facile in searching JJ’s writings. In The Immortal series, John commissions JJ to teach 36 Keys: of Knowledge, of Understanding, and of Eternal Life. I want to see them on a list so I can commit them to memory and contemplate them often. Since his last book, JJ also mentioned and taught about Keys of Discipleship. I list those here. Did he also mention Keys of Judgment? Or was that just one of the Keys of Knowledge? That would be 60 Keys. He also mentioned there are other “sets” of Keys out there on various topics. Please help me fill out these lists.

JJ When I have causally mentioned Keys this does not mean they belong to the 36 Keys. All I have definitely given out so far are four Keys of Knowledge and hints at the Fifth Key at the end of Eternal Words. I have also written about some of the other keys but have not identified them as such. For instance, one might assume that The Molecular Relationship somehow involves a Key of Knowledge.

They Keys given out so far are 1. Decision 2. Judgement 3. Right Perception 4. The Book of Revelation is the Key to the path of the disciple as revealed in The Unveiling. 5. Hint is given at the end of Eternal Words.

Aug 31, 2011

Infuriating Story

Here’s a story that will get Blayne’s blood boiling and cause alarm for many others over First Amendment rights. I could see Blayne standing up for his rights the same way if he were in the situation of the guy in the video. Be sure and watch the video.

Sept 1, 2011

Lincoln quote on labor

Good to have you back again, John.

I believe your thinking is sound here, John. Capital could not exist without labor for labor produces all that has value represented by capital. Capital either directly represents labor completed or future labor.

Farmer A has $1000 worth of apples and issues 100 certificates equal to $10 worth of apples.

Farmer B has not yet harvested his apples and does the same thing but his certificates are redeemable for $10.00 worth of apples from the future harvest.

Farmer A has created money on a principle similar to the old silver certificates redeemable in the present for silver.

Farmer B has created fiat money roughly similar to the Federal Reserve backed by something not yet in existence.

In both cases neither would have any value if the farmer did contribute his labor to produce a commodity of value.

I did write the financial series you mentioned. You can find the first one here:

At the end of the article are links to the entire series.

Sept 2, 2011

Funny Story

This story reminds me of something my friends grew up with could gave done.\ ay-20110901,0,4089405.story

Sept 6, 2011

Europeans Gone Wild

Obamacare supporters rave about Europe’s healthcare programs but this story could indicate that socialized medicine may come closer to driving people crazy than helping them.

Nearly 40 percent of Europeans suffer mental illness\ 20110904

No matter how you look at it I was sure that almost 40% of Europeans couldn’t be mentally ill as we define it but the fact that this figure is thrown around is kind of funny in itself. Kinda makes you think that every other waiter there will have his tongue hanging out slobbering on you while you order.

Sept 7, 2011

One Conspiracy Down

One of the most influential conspiracy theories in our history was that we didn’t really go to the moon. One poll revealed that 20% of the public swallowed this idea.

This theory really illustrates that people find what they are looking for even if what they are looking for is illusion. The arguments they came up with were really convincing to those who didn’t look at the big picture.

Here are some on this link:


We now have a satellite around the moon that zooms in to around 15 miles from the surface and has taken pictures of several of the moon landings. The resolution reveals, “paths when they walked on the moon, as well as ruts left by a moon buggy. Experts could even identify the backpacks astronauts pitched out of their lunar landers before they returned to Earth.”

This pretty much nullifies all the “proof” previously presented that we did not go to the moon.

I’m for anything that leads to greater space exploration. I am really looking forward to the New Horizons craft to reach Pluto in a few years. It is about halfway there now.

Did you hear about a guy just using Google Mars who appeared to find a building on Mars? Take a look\ ur-eyes-video/

Sept 14, 2011

Abe Lincoln Handwriting

I took a look at Abe’s handwriting and there is not enough evidence to declare for certain that he was a walkin. If he was a walkin the incident would have happened a short time before the Lincoln Douglas debates (1858) for it was around this time that his intelligence and focus seemed to be enhanced. The elements of the personality did not change much after that time but his nervous system showed a lot more stress. The war, of course, put a lot of stress on him but if he was a walkin the adjustment could have also added to it.

Near the end of his life his health was suffering from the stress (according to the handwriting) which agrees with some investigators who believe believe he was suffering from some type of serious problem. Historians tell us that before he became president he took a medicine that contained mercury so he probably had mercury poisoning. No wonder the original Abe wanted to leave his body. He had a terrible wife and may have been dying of mercury poisoning that can lead to madness. Whoever was in the body after 1860 did a great job of retaining composure and it is remarkable that he became the one considered to be our greatest president by historians.

Sept 14, 2011

Update on Elenin

Last Saturday (Sept 10th) Comet Elenin passed its first major milestone that was supposed to bring great destruction. On this date it reached its closest approach to the sun.

It should now be clear to all that:

(1) Elenin is not a Brown Dwarf star. It cannot even be seen with the naked eye but only with good binoculars or a telescope. (2) It’s tail is not showering us with a reign of terror falling from the skies nor is such an event even close to likely now or in the future.

The next major date on the schedule is September 26th or 27th. This is the day when we will be lined up again in a straight line with the sun, earth and Elenin. Many are predicting a great earthquake or worse.

Sept 16, 2011

Good Quote

Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put.

Winston Churchill

Sept 16, 2011

Re: Understanding Illusion

I think everyone makes attempts at predicting the future at one time or another, including myself. I am much more cautious though than most for I realize how malleable it is.

Sept 19, 2011

Dark Brothers in Shamballa

Ruth asks: If the DB’s dwell in Shamballa, then how do they also dwell in physical bodies on Earth? If the DB’s cannot really physically incarnate, then how do they dwell in bodies on Earth?

JJ First of all, I do not recall reading anywhere in the Bailey writings that the dark brothers live in Shamballa. DK points out that Shamballa is created by a state of consciousness so one would think the Shamballa consciousness is much different than that had by the Dark Brotherhood.

DK does not say the leaders of the dark brothers are in the dense physical. Here is what he said: “The dark forces are ruled on the physical plane by a group of six oriental leaders and six occidental leaders.”

They merely rule the physical, but he does not say they are in the dense physical. They most likely dwell in etheric bodies which is often referred to as the physical by DK.

Sept 20, 2011

Another Prediction

Here is a prediction I lifted from Sterling’s forum. This guy is predicting a supernova this coming Friday so we do not have to wait log to see if he is correct.


The September equinox, also known as the autumnal equinox in the northern hemisphere, occurs at 09:04 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) on September 23, 2011

A man named David B. Cohen MD has predicted that a Supernova will occur in the constellation of Orion, which will open The Seventh Seal.

His website is

Comments from

Dr. Cohen is a Cohanim (Jewish Priest) by birth and LDS because his father converted to Mormonism. He is very knowledgeable about symbols and dates. Because of his Jewish background, he has a very unique take on things. I read his book about the importance of symbols in Judaism and he has some good explanations. He may not be right about everything, but he’s a very bright man. And we can learn some things from him. It’s up to us to make our own decisions about what is correct and what isn’t, but from reading his book, I feel he is just trying to show us the deeper significance of some of these dates and signs. It’s very interesting. I don’t get the feeling at all that he thinks he’s a prophet….just a good observer.

see also

Sept 21, 2011

Cancer cure!!!!!! Sodium Bicarbonate?

The advantage of baking soda is that it is one of the most alkaline products you can injest. I take about a half teaspoon on a glass of water daily just to keep my body in balance.

Some say that Arm and Hammer has aluminum in it so i recommend you by yours in a health food store or online at:

I found another product that is one of the best things I have discovered for a while. It is a wine aerator. You can check it out here:\ _1?ie=UTF8&qid=1316589504&sr=8-1

You might be able to find these cheaper on ebay. I bought mine at Costco for about $27.00.

Now this is sold as a method of making wine taste better but I have found that it makes water taste better also. Many think spring water is the healthiest because it is in motion and the motion oxygenates it. Well this device oxygenates anything you pass through it making regular water turn into spring water.

Larry W: This aerator looks interesting. But what makes it any better than the CHEAP aerator at your kitchen tap?

JJ You also get some aeration when you pour wine in a glass but this gizmo really does the job. Read the reviews on Amazon.

The tap, I am sure, does gives some aeration but many do not drink tap water any more because of chlorine, fluorine and other contaminates added. I drink a water that I purify myself as mentioned earlier. This gizmo is particularly good to use for water that has just been sitting in a jug.

I tested the PH of water after adding every substance in our kitchen and baking soda was the only one that significantly turned the PH toward alkaline. Even so, I agree with Blayne that apple cider vinegar is a very healthy drink and you can’t go wrong with it.

As for how much of anything one should take here is what I do. For general health I just take what feels right to my body. If it is for some specific treatment then take the recommended amount, but still tune in to your body to make sure there is not a negative reaction.

Sept 21, 2011

Sabbath Day

Concerning Israel and the Sabbath Silver Lining wrote: Elevators in Israel, as you know, open at every floor on Sabbath days so users need not press the button, because that would be work. But if you press the door open button at the same time as your floor number button and hold them both for five seconds, then the elevator does not make any intermediate stops (YouTube elevator hack). Applying this to elevators in Sabbath mode could save you a lot of elevator time in a Tel Aviv hotel.

JJ Sounds like the same type of Sabbath tricks they used in the time of Jesus. For instance you couldn’t wear your heavier sandals because that would mean walking would be more work. You were only allowed to walk so many steps on the Sabbath. You couldn’t walk through a wheat field because you may knock off a few kernels and that would constitute the work of harvesting grain on the Sabbath.

Isn’t it great to be able to rely on your own judgment rather than decrees from the beast that filters down through all belief systems?

Sept 21, 2011

Earth is Hell

“It is interesting that the scriptures indicate that this earth is hell.”

LWK I am curious which scripture(s) you had in mind when you wrote that? That is indeed an interesting subject.

JJ Actually, I was thinking of the LDS scriptures when I wrote that but there is evidence in the Bible also.

The strongest evidence is found in this scripture:

“These (the inhabitants of the telestial kingdom) are they who are thrust down to hell. These are they who receive NOT of his fulness…” D&C 76:84&86

And where is the telestial kingdom? The Mormon temple ceremony answers:

“Brethren and sisters, this represents the Telestial Kingdom, or the world in which we now live. (earth where people are thrust down to hell)

I wrote this in Mormonism and Reincarnation:

“And the sea gave up the dead which were in it.” What is the sea? The scripture explains: “The waters (the sea) which thou sawest where the whore sitteth are the peoples, and multitudes, and nations and tongues.” Rev 17:15. We are told that “Death (Physical death II Nephi 9:11) and Hell (the spiritually dead in hell. II Nephi 9:12) delivered up the dead which were in them.” Thus we see that on the last day ALL the spiritually dead including those still living on the earth (The sea) and all the Spirit world (Death and Hell) will be judged, and those who cannot abide the judgment must suffer a “second death” and be cast into the lake of fire (or another round of numerous lives of sorrow).

When Nephi was interpreting the filthy water in his vision he said it was “hell”. His brothers then asked: “Doth this thing mean the torment of the body in the days of probation, or doth it mean the final state of the soul after the death of the temporal body, or doth it speak of the things which are temporal? And it came to pass that I said unto them that it was a representation of things BOTH TEMPORAL AND SPIRITUAL.” I Nephi 15:31-32 Here we have it in plain English. Hell is both temporal and spiritual. Men can suffer for their sins both in and out of the body, and since this temporal existence is part of “hell” how are men going to be sent there after they die if they are not born again?

“There cannot any unclean thing enter into the kingdom of God; wherefore there must needs be a place of filthiness prepared for that which is filthy.” I Nephi 15:34. Nephi tells us that that place which is prepared is hell, of which the filthy water in the vision was a symbol of, and such symbol “was a representation of things both temporal and spiritual”. Therefore those who suffer the temporal hell are sent back to the “temporal” earth.

There is more evidence of this from the Bible.

Jesus said: “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” Matt 10:28

The physical body does not follow us after death. The only place the body could be destroyed in hell is by destroying it on this earth.

In Revelations we are told that the New Jerusalem descended on the earth. After this happened it is written: “For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.” Rev 22:15

It appears that those who go to hell in the future are still on the earth, but just outside the location of the New Jerusalem.

Most of the people on the earth evolved from this planet and as they went through infancy they were not sensitive to the suffering of others because they did not have enough experience go have empathy. Some came from other planets and in our young earth they were indeed out of place. Let us suppose you were raised with wolves. You may have thought you were a wolf yourself and had difficulty in raising above their consciousness, but at the same time it would seem that you didn’t belong there with the pack. The pack itself were not criminals. They were just being who they were at the time.


Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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Keys Writings, Part 1

This entry is part 3 of 34 in the series 2011C

Sarah Palin & Paul Revere

June 8, 2011

The media, which has a very elementary and sound bite knowledge of history attacked Sarah Palin unmercifully as an idiot, but now it appears that they are the idiots because a little research reveals her statements on Paul Revere and the British were correct.\ about-paul-revere

Sarah Palin

June 12, 2011

Here is a letter I just submitted to my local paper. I hope to have another post for my book ready for you tomorrow.


There are now two main quotes given out by the ignorant in an attempt to portray Sarah Palin as an idiot.

First many are still using the quote attributed to Palin: “I can see Russia from my house.”

A Zogby poll showed that 86.9% of Obama voters believe this even though it originated with Tina Fey on Saturday Night Live.

Here is what Sarah actually said: “You can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska.”

This statement is 100% true. I learned this over 50 years ago in grade school.

Recently Palin made the statement that Paul Revere warned the British about the rebels. The media universally jumped on her.

Not so fast. When Revere was captured by the British he did warn them. He told them of the army’s movement from Boston, and that British army troops would be in danger if they approached Lexington, because of hostile militia gathered there. He was attempting to misdirect them but he did warn them just as Palin said.

Since it is now common knowledge Sarah was correct I was disappointed to see the editorial cartoon in today’s (June 10th) paper making fun of Sarah for being wrong on this.

Re: Lucid Dreaming

June 12, 2011

Blayne > I know that DK talks about continuity of consciousness and how when mastered it will change the whole process of death and take the mystery out of it and change the way we die etc. He says to start practising to maintain consciousness during sleep. >

JJ Yes, DK was talking about continuity of consciousness on the mental plane, not the astral where dreams occur. At sleep our mental self leaves the body and the astral remains. Dreams are produced by the emotional body – this explains why they usually make no sense and you have little power of decision within them.

With Lucid dreaming one forces some consciousness from the mental plane to enter the astral, but this may sacrifice something you were attempting to do on the mental plane.

When the mental self returns on awakening we usually remember nothing it did, but only a few astral dreams. The only way to attain continuity of consciousness is to assiduously apply exercises like DK recommends. If something important is realized on the mental plane during sleep you will attempt to send yourself a message through the dream state so some dreams do have messages. If it is important you will have a serious feeling about the importance of a dream.

Global Warming

June 15, 2011

Mary Ellen wrote: I have always had the impression that JJ did not believe Global Warming to be true or viable. I guess I’m wrong, but I DO believe it’s a scam to distract us.

JJ I have always said I believe what the data reveals until better data comes along and have stated a number of times that the earth has warmed about one degree in the last 100 years according to land based measurements. Most global warming skeptics agree with this.

However, I have always been against the global warming alarmists who think this is the end of the world. I think the warming we have had so far has been a good thing. One degree warmer is much better than one degree colder.

I also think most of the warming and cooling is related to natural cycles with human activity contributing some, but not as much as the alarmists say.

I’ve also said that CO2 is a fertilizer and a certain amount of increase will make for a greener healthier planet.

The one thing that should cause some alarm is the decrease of oxygen in our atmosphere, but you do not hear much about that.

I’ve also stated somewhere that we are more likely to be entering a cooling cycle than a warmer one.

Re: Molecular Business

June 17, 2011

Larry Woods says,

The greatest problem with a corporation is their myopic interest in profit only. So they seem perfectly willing to make sweetheart deals with government giving them special privileges of all kinds such as tax breaks, pollution allowances, and much more. Another difficulty is lack of liability. No owners (shareholders) ever incur any liability if the corporation poisons a bunch of folks or destroys an entire river ecosystem or some other evil thing. How would a molecular business do any better?

JJ The design of the Molecular Business is to first create a more efficient business model that will make a good profit. The second is to put all employees into a more equal relationship and pay. This is done through free will and not force, as today’s liberals so desire. Because the business is employee owned they will be more flexible. If they all have to take a pay cut to survive they can take this action or give themselves a raise if there is more profit.

As far as insuring virtuous actions by the corporation there is never any guarantee of that but the Molecular Business should be more constructive and less destructive than most because:

(1) All employees have a voice and if the leaders get too destructive the will be voted out and replaced.

(2) Because the company is employee owned there will be a greater sense of responsibility to make good decisions.

(3) As the spiritual molecules grow leaders in the Molecular Businesses will draw from them. These people will have service to humanity as their objective.

Larry: What is the “bottom line” for the molecular business? Profit?

JJ Profit is the prime objective of any business. If a business cannot make a profit then it cannot even exist.

Because all employees will be a part of the business I do not expect tem to go for a profit at any price but to make a profit doing constructive work.

Larry: Profit-only gives today’s corporations that vacant stare that everyone hates so much.

JJ Modern corporations are not perfect but the hatred you speak of is mostly based in illusion. Many people of today are like programmed robots that do not think for themselves. They need to be educated.

I do not recall any private corporation ever taking anything from me that I didn’t want to give them once in my entire life yet government does this every day

Larry If a customer slips and falls at the porch of the retail building, does the molecular business take liability?

JJ Of course – a Molecular Business would have to have liability insurance just like any other company.

Larry: Or do they employ the tricks of traditional corporations to avoid responsibility?

JJ Such things are usually handled by the insurance company rather than the business. And the gouging works both ways. Consumers will often fake injuries and pretend they are worse than they are to get an undeserved settlement.

Larry That one incident could potentially wipe them out, especially when they are small before much growth.

JJ That’s why you have insurance.

Larry: If the workers are also owners, then they will end up personally liable for every problem when they go to court? Are the workers not real owners but merely stock holders?

JJ They are owners through the holding of stock. That does not make them personally liable any more than employees in other corporations.

Larry If so, then when the Molecular Business hires new workers, must they buy in? JJ A new employee starts out with no stock but receives stock as a bonus as time goes on or he can purchase it.

Larry: If the Molecular Business hires hirelings instead of shareholders and then some founders retire or get disabled or for whatever reason stop working but remain as shareholders, then over time it will just be another corporation with hirelings and separate shareholders.

JJ It was always designed to be like a regular corporation as far as stock is concerned except part of the pay to employees will be in stock. If someone retires and wants to hold on to their stock that is good for the company because it gives them more cash to work with.

Larry: So what does a “harmless” Molecular Business do about the general idea of liability and of new workers and of new compared to retired workers or shareholders or owners?

JJ As I said, it would have insurance. If the company does wrong it could get sued just like any other company.

Larry: Competition. I know the Molecular Business will face competition no matter what their product(s). When they are small this will not amount to much of a problem. But when their shoes or product(s) begin to compete with Nike or some other huge corporation, the big guy will take steps to disable them or to undercut them. For example, the British counterfeited the Continental dollars until the entire value of it amounted to nothing. Any large corporation will start negative and often unethical steps to undercut the competition such as ads defiling the brand name and do any number of other dirty tricks. They will pay off their Congressmen they bought to add excessive new taxes onto the Molecular Business. They will undercut in many unexpected ways because they are big and you are small and they don’t want you horning in. How will the Molecular Business respond to big competition?

JJ Just like the smaller businesses do today. You create a better product and have better service. I’ve been a small business owner most of my life and there are many advantages to being small as well as big. Some small business get destroyed through various practices of large companies but the good ones survive. Steve Jobs started Apple in his garage and no one stopped him. Bill Gates started Microsoft on a shoestring and IBM helped him get started by selling him DOS at a bargain price.

I’m not worried about big business. Government always concerns me though.

Time Travel

June 17, 2011

I heard this guy on Coast to Coast and his story is pretty amazing. He posts a picture of him at the Gettysburg address. You can see it here: Click on the photo to enlarge.

This guy either has a heck of an imagination or a great story. The chances that we mastered time travel in the 60s is pretty slim, even if it were possible but it’s a fun story to follow.

I’ve also enjoyed following John Titor. He was close enough on some predictions to be eerie.

The Beast’s Influence on the Organic Food and Alternative Medicine Movem June 28, 2011

Good post Rob.

It was an interesting idea to use a taste test on organic and non organic foods, but there are several problems with Penn & Tellers experiment.

(1) There is not a lot of difference in taste in apples or bananas no matter how they are grown. These were the worst fruits to use for the test and probably why Penn & Teller used them. Strawberries would have been much better.

(2) A Lot of commercial organic farms do not put many minerals back in the soil and have less nutrition than the non organic. If Penn & Teller picked their fruit from a highly commercialized organic farm then it probably wouldn’t taste any better than non organic.

Strawberries or watermelons would have provided a lot better taste test as these have a huge difference in taste as the quality goes up. If these are raised in quality live soil with lots of minerals the taste will be very different than the highly commercialized fruit.

(3) How fresh the fruit is also makes a huge difference in taste. I notice that a lot of organic food for sale looks quite old and thus would have low nutritional value and not much taste. JJ


June 29, 2011

Thought I’d make a few comments on some recent posts;

JC I do not disagree with this, the operative word being “PRIMARILY”, but what I then like to know if for all the males who are now in the gathering, listening to JJ teach, which energy are you operating in male or female energy?

JJ Males can definitely be in the female position and females in the male. In the days of Jesus the disciples were female to Jesus, but then Jesus was female to the Christ who overshadowed him.

The fact that one is in a male or female body only indicates that over the course of a lifetime that he or she will be more in the energy represented by his body than its opposite. But within certain cycles of that life he will be in his opposite energy.

Dan: A Course In Miracles states that there is no order or difference in miracles.

What this means, then, is that it is just as easy to heal a cancer as it is to heal a mild headache. It is just as easy to heal a threat of nuclear war as it is to heal an argument between two little kids, because they are all the same thing. They all stem from one center point, which is the belief in separation or the belief in guilt. The problems are never out there in the world, but within our minds.”

JJ ACIM has a strange approach to this. It is obvious that it is more difficult to perform the miracle of bringing peace on earth to the world than healing a headache. But the book tells us that this world is not real and if we find the true reality the world just disappears and then peace on earth is no longer a problem because there is no earth. This seems like an escapist solution as not even the writer of ACIM had the earth disappear for her. If we had an ACIM reader just disappear from this illusion now and then this statement would have more credibility.

JC JJ has said that after we start forming stable molecules, we will need to experiment with different types of molecules with different numbers for different purposes. They will have different numbers of members, and perhaps different mixtures of energies. I would love to be a scientist studying all of this. Maybe we could try an all male molecule and balance it off with an all female molecule, and study them to find out if they serve any useful purpose. That’s just one idea. Another one might be to have 10 male-female couples, one female-female couple and one male-male couple. I’m just speculating. There are probably a lot of combinations that could be tried. An important point to consider is that for people who choose to participate in these experiments, we are literally messing with their lives and their spiritual connections, and great care must be taken to assist them. Also, the participant must be able to let go of their ego, for the greater good.

JJ Seekers will be experimenting with all kinds of combinations. Some will prove to be working molecules with certain qualities and some will not.

All combinations of humans working for he same goal create personality energy, but a molecule will create soul energy and there will be a big difference between the two. Remember to draw down the soul molecular energy the group must be accepted by the Master in charge.

John Lennon a Conservative?

June 30. 2011

In the Lost Key of the Buddha it was stated that1ohn Lennon was to become a spokesman for a new round of conservatism, but he was killed before he fulfilled his destiny. Many thought that this was far fetched because he seemed so ingrained in the liberal mindset.

Now some evidence has come out that he was turning conservative before he died. Take a look.

Re: belief -> faith

July 1, 2011

Here are some previous comments I have made on faith in the past. The quintessential definition is given in Hebrews 11. When using the Greek one can see that Paul’s definition of faith corresponds very closely with the one I have given.

In the New Testament faith comes from PISTIS which is derived from the root word PEITHO which basically means “to prove a thing true or false by evidence, argument, reason or experiment and through the guidance of your inner authority.”

Those who boast of great religious faith remind me a lot of a neophyte in a multi-level marketing program. When entering the program they are pumped full of zeal by various distributors. I have met many of those individuals who think they are going to make a million dollars or so in the next year and they have unshakable faith that this will happen. But sooner or later hard facts and reality hits them and they realize that to be even moderately successful they will have to devote all their extra energies and efforts to this “part time” business. When faced with this hard fact over ninety per cent lose interest and drop away. Often, I have met one of these individuals at a later time and asked how their venture was going. Generally, they want to change the subject.

So the born again full-fledged gospel believing Bible thumping proselyter who does not want to apply work, will want to change the subject when his faith is put to the test. If he reads his Bible perhaps this scripture will glare him in the face: “He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool.” Proverbs 28:26

Those with unworkable faith merely trust in their heart, or their feelings, which is not faith at all. “Faith” comes from the Greek PISTIS and literally means: “a mental conviction one has proven true by argument or reason”. Thus if one has faith he will go to heaven he should be able to justify it by logical argumentation. One will notice that Paul, a big believer in faith, spent much of his time in logical argumentation.

The book of Hebrews gives an expanded definition: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1

We can again find that the Greek will give us a much clearer translation here. “Substance” comes from HUPOSTASIS and in modern translations it is usually rendered “assurance” or “confidence”, but in reality one English word cannot do it justice. It more literally means “That state of mind which supports an idea through a sustained effort.” “Evidence” comes from ELEGECHOS which means “to prove a matter true or false”. The word indicates that faith establishes the true reality. Thus a clearer translation of the preceding verse would be: “Now faith is having that state of mind which sustains that which is hoped for and reveals the truth of those things we do not see.” This definition corresponds much better with the root meaning of the Greek PISTIS which is translated faith.

If we have faith we can sustain an idea until it is proven true or false. It is never a blind unreasoning belief.

The correct definition of faith should make the word more acceptable to the more enlightened and intelligent persons who were previously repulsed to using it. We see that Edison, for instance, had great faith. He sustained the idea of the light bulb until he proved its validity by making it a physical reality. When faith is sustained on a true principle a physical manifestation occurs. “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed.” Hebrews 11:3

We are also told: “But without faith, it is impossible to please Him” (God). Hebrews 11:6 Unless we can sustain an idea or conviction and prove it by argument or externalization we cannot please God.

By this scriptural definition of faith, I know of very few pious religious people who have any semblance of faith, but ironically, there are numerous non-religious people who have it.

If those who claim to have faith do not actually have it, then what do they have? After searching through numerous words in the Biblical Greek the closest I can find to match what is commonly miscalled “faith” is BLASPHEMOS which in the English means “blasphemer”.. BLASPHEMOS literally means “to hinder by stating an unfounded, rumored, or unreasonable statement”. Interestingly, most of those who claim to have faith cannot support their belief with any logical foundation or reasoning, but merely repeat what they have been taught. Therefore, instead of having faith they are committing blasphemy.


Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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Romney & Hot Air

This entry is part 23 of 31 in the series 2011B

LWK links to this Romney quote asking if he is full of hot air.

“I don’t speak for the scientific community, of course,’’ Romney said. “But I believe the world’s getting warmer. I can’t prove that, but I believe based on what I read that the world is getting warmer. And number two, I believe that humans contribute to that . . . so I think it’s important for us to reduce our emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases that may well be significant contributors to the climate change and the global warming that you’re seeing.’’ Boston Globe, Jun 4, 2011

Before I comment let me remind readers that I have attacked the greens, the U.N. IPCC and numerous politicians for their distortion of facts and their desire to tax global warming out of existence as well as using it as a device to destroy capitalism.

I do not see any of that coming from Romney. Let’s take a look at what he actually said.
“I believe the world’s getting warmer.”

So do I if you look at the overall picture of the past 100 years. It has leveled off since 1998 so we cannot say where it will go next for sure.

How I differ from the global warming alarmists is that I do not see enough evidence that we have any major problem coming that we can do anything about. We may get hit by a comet in five years but should we throw all of our resources into preventing this?

No. Because the risk is not high enough to warrant this. Neither is the proven risk of global warming.

Romney continues: “I believe that humans contribute to that (global warming).”

Again I agree with him. CO2, methane and other gasses released by humans do have some warming effect. Some scientists believe half of the warming comes from human produced greenhouse gasses and others think it to be less but all acknowledge that greenhouse gasses do have some warming effect. We just cannot prove how much that is.

Romney: “I think it’s important for us to reduce our emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases that may well be significant contributors to the climate change.”

Again I agree with him. In addition to some warming effect the addition of excessive CO2 could have other unforeseen negative effects. For instance, studies show that the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere is decreasing and in some large population areas have gone down an alarming rate. Oxygen levels in the seas are also decreasing. When CO2 is formed oxygen is taken from the air. Some say that this and other human effects are producing oxygen sinks that take this vital element from the atmosphere. This should be of more concern than global warming.

I agree with Romney that we just can’t sit around and do nothing. My main point of disagreement with the environmentalists is their economy destroying approach that would do much more harm than good.

If we read on in this same Boston Globe article we see that Romney qualifies his approach with some common sense. It says:
“Romney has made clear that he opposes cap-and-trade, a system that would combat climate change by limiting total emissions and forcing polluters to pay for the greenhouse gases they produce.”

This is a huge item for me and is my main reason to take alarm at the standard environmentalist approach. Some say that the core of the environmental movement is not about the environment but about destroying capitalism and nothing gives evidence to this more than the insane cap and trade movement.

The fact that Romney is not deceived by this, as was candidates John McCain, Jon Huntsman,  Pawlenty, Gingrich and Gary Johnson, score points in my book.

Someone can read about global warming and absorb some wrong information and this does me no harm. But if he wants to destroy our way of life (and eventually the environment) by destroying our economy then I am ready for battle.

Again Romney is quoted:
“Americans should do more to conserve.”

When Obama says something like this I get nervous but when someone with business sense says it I can be supportive for I also support common sense conservation. I am a big believer in the Law of Economy.

The article continues:
Instead, he said yesterday, he wants to wean the country from its dependence on foreign oil by seeking alternative sources of energy… If elected, he said he would pursue more oil drilling, as well as natural gas and nuclear energy.

Well, this is a man with some sense. I would do the same if I were president.

He wants to:
(1) Wean the country from its dependence on foreign oil

I am all for that. It is crazy to depend on those who hate us for oil.

(2) Seek alternative sources of energy.

Again to do this with a common sense approach may yield high results.

(3) “He would pursue more oil drilling, as well as natural gas and nuclear energy.”

My type of guy. That is 180 degrees the opposite of the Obama approach.

Romney adds a final caveat:
“We can’t just say it’s going to be all solar and wind,’’ he said. “I love solar and wind, but they don’t drive cars. And we’re not going to all drive Chevy Volts.’’



Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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Predictions 2011, Part 4

This entry is part 4 of 50 in the series 2011A

Apple will continue to put out innovative products that will keep it on the cutting edge and its popularity will increase when it markets a 3-D monitor.

Obama will work toward normalizing relations with Cuba whether Congress cooperates or not.

There will be several weather related disasters and flooding will be a problem. Problems will be worse than usual but not cataclysmic.

With the high price of gold staying up there and unemployment high more people will prospect and mine for gold. There will be a gold rush in several parts of the world and gold production will go up.

The danger of China having a monopoly on rare earth elements will finally dawn on the public consciousness and there will develop a push to mine theses elements in the United States, Canada, Australia and other countries.

Prices of essentials such as food, fuel and power will go up and many non essentials will go down. This will create the illusion that there is not as much inflation as there really is affecting he average household.

Talk of global warming will become a joke except during the summer when it does truly get warm.

The Patriots will win the Superbowl.

Academy Awards
The King’s Speech will win best Picture and Colin Firth who stars in it will receive Best Actor

Natalie Portman will receive best actress for Black Swan.

No direct pipeline to God claimed for these predictions.