Principle 48

This entry is part 44 of 98 in the series Principles

The Pendulum Principle

Humans are strongly affected by the Pendulum Principle as they shift periodically in their emphasis, values, interests and beliefs. At one time they will be conservative and another time they swing to liberal. Then they will go from being religious to atheistic, from superstitious to scientific and logical, from slavery to freedom and so on.

Understanding the Pendulum Principle is a powerful key to aid in the discovery of truth. It can basically be stated as follows:

Average humanity swings back and forth in their beliefs from one extreme to the other. The reason for this is an extreme belief requires little thought or judgment. One can be lazy and not use the mind, but rely completely on feeling which swings to the extreme without check. In other words, everything is viewed through a black-and-white mode. All is good or evil, right or wrong with no shades of gray.

The reason this principle is important is that in most cases the extreme position is filled with error. If the seeker understands that some widely accepted beliefs are really an extreme position taken by the lazy in thought, then he can look at the middle, use judgment and discover much truth.

Let’s go through some popular beliefs and see how this plays out.

Extreme Belief, Side One: Jesus is the God of the universe, is all powerful, all knowing and created all the billions of galaxies.

Extreme Belief, Side Two: Jesus was just a regular man if he existed at all.

It is most likely the truth is between these two popular extremes. Good judgment can find it.

Extreme Belief, Side One: Global Warming is caused by man and threatens our very existence within the next few years.

Extreme Belief, Side Two: Global warming has not been proven so ignore what they say, drive a Hummer.

The most likely truth is that we will successfully adapt to any warming or cooling that may come just has man has done in the past.

On the other hand, we cannot just take it for granted that we are not creating a problem for the future and should work toward a reasonable understanding of our possible effect on nature.

Extreme Belief, Side One: There is a conspiracy behind every major tragedy that happens.

Extreme Belief, Side Two: All conspiracy theories are silly and are to be ignored.

Again, the truth is somewhere in the middle. Obviously, not all disasters are caused by government conspiracies, but then we know from history that sometimes there are true conspiracies. However, these often involve assassinations rather than some very complex plot that would involve thousands of people.

Extreme Belief, Side One: We must cease from drilling for new oil for we are running out of resources and destroying the environment.

Extreme Belief, Side Two: We must drill for all the oil we can for the foreseeable future.

Truth: Oil needs are increasing so we will need new domestic oil production, but if we are wise we can switch to alternative fuels within the next 30-50 years. Then we will need very little oil.

Extreme Belief, Side One: The President is totally evil and I hate him.

Extreme Belief Side Two: The President is totally good and I love him.

Truth: The current President is a man with flaws just as were the past presidents. He should be judged by results achieved, not as a devil or a saint.

We could go on and on but the sad truth is that many of the popular beliefs and positions of average humanity are extreme and lacking judgment. Some of these extremes are accepted as being moderate if popularized by the mainstream media. The true seeker will see where the true extremes lie and avoid taking a blind unthinking position on that distant shore as he would a plague.

This principle is covered in my book, “The Lost Key of the Buddha,” as well as my other writings.

Here is an excerpt is from my book,  “The Lost Key of the Buddha,” Chapter 28:

(Beginning of quoted material.)

After I laid several sheets of paper and a pen in front of him he quickly drew five images. “What do you see here?” he asked.

“It looks like five pendulums,” I replied.

“And how are they different?” he asked.

“Their swing is each in a different position,” I noted.

“Name the positions.”

I looked at the drawings and replied, “The drawings seem to depict the swing of a pendulum. The first image appears to represent the pendulum at the midway point as it would be if stationary. Then we have a swing at the far right, the center right, the center left and then the far left.”

“Now what would you say is the desired result of making a judgment?”

“I would say that it is an attempt to find the most perfect course of action or purest truth,” I replied.

“Yes,” he stated. “For instance, as you attempt to steer your car a block down the road you use your best judgment to guide it as correctly as possible. But what happens when you let go of the steering wheel?”

“You run off the road,” I noted.

“So no matter how closely you fine tune your steering, it is never good enough to reach the goal without correction. Is this not true?”

“You are correct,” I agreed. “I don’t think that I could even go one block without correcting my steering numerous times.”

“Now imagine this,” John said, with a knowing look in his eyes. “Visualize the possibility of creating a perfect aim with your steering so you could let go and travel, not only a block but for miles, in a straight line with no correction. We will call this perfect aim the point of purest truth. This point is represented by my first drawing of the pendulum still at the midway point between the two extremes. Now when the pendulum is not in motion the point of truth is obvious. But this is not the case when it is in motion.

“To illustrate, visualize the still pendulum growing in size until it is as large as a ride at the carnival. You note there is a seat for you right at the midway point attached to the blade of the large pendulum. Now see yourself taking a seat there. You have a red highlighter in your hand, and you reach down and draw an ‘X’ in the middle of the blade right at the midway point of rest under your seat. Now, in this existence of stillness the midway point of truth is black and white. All you have to do is look under your seat and ‘X’ marks the spot on the blade.”

“OK so far,” I said.

“Now here is where it gets interesting,” he added. “You see the pendulum ride beginning to move until it has a large swing back and forth. You are now way over to the far right or at the point in my second drawing. Where is the point of truth now that was marked with the ‘X’?”

“Well…even though I have moved, the ‘X’ is still under my chair marked on the blade of the pendulum,” I said, not sure of myself.

“But where is the point of truth which was marked by the ‘X’?”

“I marked the middle of the blade under the chair. Are you saying it is no longer there?”

“I am telling you to reflect on my words. Now, where is the point of truth?” From this I concluded that the point was not at the obvious place where the ‘X’ was marked. I reflected a moment and answered, “The only other place it could be would be the point which is now empty space where the pendulum rested when it was still.”

“Correct,” he said. “When the pendulum moved, you assumed the point moved with you because the ‘X’ that marked the spot seemed to be in the same location as before. Now, relative to your body, it was in the same location, but relative to the whole, the midway point did not move, but was left behind. From an upside down point of view, the midway point seemed to move, but what really moved?”

“I moved away from the midway point. This is getting interesting,” I said.

“This is an extremely important point in understanding the Second Key,” he said. “All points of truth are consistent and unchanging. All that really changes is our location in relation to the truth. The truth thus seems to be relative and changing, but instead, it is the observer who changes. Now for another important point. You marked the ‘X’ on a physical object in the world of form, but when the material pendulum swung away, the real point was still there. Where does this point really exist?”

I reflected and replied, “By one reckoning, the point is between the two extremes of the swing of the pendulum, but by another it merely exists as a point with no dimensions.”

“Yes, in reality the point is formless, with a true existence outside of time and space. This is why Jesus identified the path to the truth as narrow, for to arrive at the point of truth without dimension requires a narrow path indeed.

“Now see yourself swinging to all the four locations in my drawing. First the far right, then the center right, then over the point of truth to the center left and then to the far left. Is the midway point moving or are you moving?”

“I am moving,” I replied.

“But when you look back on your originating point, does this point seem to be moving or standing still?”

“I think I see what you are getting at,” I said. “I have read a little about relativity, and from that teaching the question would be, am I moving away from the point or is it moving away from me? The answer is that it depends on how you look at it.”

“Exactly right,” said John, looking pleased. “And this is what keeps the true power of judgment away from the grasp of the many. The many see the point of truth as being in motion when, instead, it is them swinging back and forth away from reality. True judgment can only come to the individual when he realizes that it is he who is moving away from truth, and, until he perceives this motion and adjusts for it, the truth can never be found or even approximated.”

“Could you give us a real world example?” asked Elizabeth. “My head is starting to spin.”

“Perhaps the best example is in the world of politics,” he said. “Let us say that the conservative view is represented by the swing of the pendulum to the right and the liberal view is the swing to the left. However, both the swings to the left and the right are far away from the midway point of truth. For instance, after World War Two, the world, particularly the United States, went through a conservative period. Censorship was everywhere and overdone. On TV and in the movies actors had to have twin beds and not show any passion or scenes that would even indicate the existence of sex. Words spoken, pictures printed, and articles written were censored and often very sterile. Conservative politics acquiesced to the dominant religions of the time and did not challenge them nor offer any criticism. Women, blacks and minorities were judged by the conservative values of the past, civil rights were suppressed, and many were denied civil rights. It was ‘my country right or wrong’ epitomized by the McCarthy Era. The thought of going to the moon seemed like fantasy and science fiction. The music was dull and unimaginative. Then a change occurred, and the pendulum shifted from the right to the left, achieving its greatest momentum in the Sixties and Seventies. Both of you witnessed the changes that took place. How about naming a few?”

Elizabeth replied, “I’ll take a stab at it. For one thing, music became much more exciting with the advent of ‘Rock-and-Roll.’ Censorship was all but eliminated — to the point that almost anything goes. Few movies are complete without explicit sex today. We’ve given minorities so many rights that the civil rights of the majority are at risk. It seems strange today that we females are called a minority when we are greater in number than the male, and control more wealth. It seems that instead of my country right or wrong, the motto of today is ‘my country is always wrong.’ Instead of supporting traditional religion it seems to be attacked at every opportunity. In my youth a minister or priest was often the good guy in the movie or book. It seems that today every religious person who appears in a movie is either the villain or is crazy as a loon.”

“Great observations,” said John. “Now, have you noticed a change in the liberals since the swing of the Sixties and Seventies?”

“I certainly have,” I said. “I have great respect for the liberals who worked for change in the early days like JFK and his brother Bobby, Martin Luther King, all the great musicians who changed the world of music, NASA and supporters who took us to the moon, the innovative movie makers who challenged censorship, and the liberal comics who loosened us up. The trouble is that they did not leave good enough alone. They seemed to think that if some liberalism is good, more is better, and today the admonitions of the liberals seem to be extreme in most areas, and the conservatives seem to be the voice of reason. The tables are now reversed from the early Fifties. Does this mean that the conservative pull will cause the pendulum to swing the other direction?”

“Yes,” he replied. “The pendulum always returns to center and then swings to an opposing extreme again. But here is an important Key to enhancing your power of judgment. When the pendulum swings back again to the right, we will not have an exact repetition of the last conservative cycle. With each swing of the pendulum, the force to the left or right is slightly reduced by the friction of the times. This means that the next conservative cycle will not be as oppressive as the one before, and the future liberal cycle will not be as unrestrained as the one we are in now.”



A Represents the seat at the end of the pendulum. B represents the point of truth at the immovable midway point. C represents the arm of the pendulum.


The rider swings on the pendulum to the extreme right and the point A has moved with him. The illusion now appears that the far right is correct, logical and most reasonable, yet the point of truth (B) is still where it has always been – at the Midway Point. But to the one who is now on the far right, the Midway Point seems to be an extreme left position.


The rider now swings on the pendulum to the extreme left and the point A has again moved with him. The illusion is now reversed in that the far left seems correct, logical and most reasonable, yet the point of truth (B) ever remains in the Midway Point. The one who is now on the far left sees the Midway Point as an extreme right position.


In this diagram the rider in motion is at the moderate left and later the moderate right. In these cases the real truth is seen not as an extreme, but definitely “off base,” or off center.


It is only when the pendulum swing takes the rider over the Midway Point again that the real point of truth is briefly seen as reasonable. But to him who understands the Second Key, this point is always known, even when the pendulum swings to the extreme.

“An effective way to deal with predators is to taste terrible.”

— Unknown

Copyright by J J Dewey 2015

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Principle 49, Part 1

This entry is part 45 of 98 in the series Principles

The Principle of Division

or The House Divided

This principle was illustrated by Jesus in the following scripture:

Then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil, blind, and dumb: and he healed him, insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and saw. And all the people were amazed, and said, Is not this the son of David?

But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.

And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?

(Matthew 12:22-26)

Lincoln used this principle in his famous “House Divided” speech June 16, 1858 when he ran for the Senate.

“A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

“I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free.

“I do not expect the Union to be dissolved — I do not expect the house to fall — but I do expect it will cease to be divided.

“It will become all one thing or all the other.”

Lincoln was not able to make such an accurate statement because he was psychic, but because he understood the principle of the house divided. Where others thought such two extremes could peacefully co-exist within the same house, Lincoln knew better. He knew it was a problem that would demand a solution. He probably didn’t realize at the time that he would be an instrument of that solution.

The interesting thing about principles is that they can lead us to knowledge and understanding. Let us see what we can glean by applying this one to our own time.

Throughout the free world we always have two major divisions in political power which are basically those called conservatives and those who are liberal. Are such systems destined to collapse then because they create a divided house?

Not necessarily. A nation, state or even family can co-exist in relative peace with different opinions as long as those differences do not divide them from the important ideals that bring bonding. But when a group becomes divided on major themes then the principle comes into play and the house or nation starts heading toward collapse.

For instance, after the creation of the United States the nation existed in relative stability as a body until there began be to a major division between the free states and the slave states. Freedom is the most basic of ideals and a prime division in this area definitely brings the principle into play. If there is a division in how the major ideals are to be worked out then the kingdom is in danger.

Just as freedom was an issue in the days of Jesus and later Abraham Lincoln even so does it continue to be the issue in the house divided of today. There are, of course, hundreds of issues that seem to divide people but when examined closely the issue of freedom is always an ingredient.

For instance, this principle was expressed by Jesus after he was accused of casting out devils by the power of the devil. Why did he have to cast out an adversarial entity to begin with? Apparently, some negative intelligence sought to take away the freedom of one person to enhance his own. Jesus did not buy into this idea and cast him out. These two, Jesus, and the possessing entity (real or imagined) were thus enemies because their two opposing ideas made compromise impossible.

This same idea was carried forward in the American Civil War. Slaveholders enslaved their brethren to enhance their own freedom until Lincoln came along and cast them out, or took away their power.

Today we live again in a situation where not just a country, but the whole world is heading toward a showdown on freedom. The house [kingdom], which is the world, is becoming more divided, especially on the emotional plane and must either be healed or fight until one side or the other gains the victory.

We all have a number of different opinions and few tow the party line 100 percent in either the conservative or liberal arena. Because of this many fail to see the line that divides the various political houses.

Part of the problem is that words blur perception. For instance, you can ask the people on both sides of an issue a question like:

Are you in favor of personal freedom?

Every person to a man will proudly proclaim: “Definitely! Freedom is what it is all about. I’d support it to my last breath.”

Then if you change the subject to politics it will only be minutes before half the group will give themselves away and talk of their support for measures which may give them what they want, but will take away the freedom of the majority. If such people were honest they would rephrase their answer to something like this:

“Yes, I believe in freedom for myself, even if it comes at the expense of freedom for others.”

The most popular form of this freedom for self comes through the support of unessential tax and spend policies. If we increase taxes for what we want then we force the money out of someone else’s hands. This gives the person who supports the taxation more freedom at the expense of another just as the slaveholder had more freedom at the expense of the slave.

Generally when one sees a strong political division where one side is bitterly attacking another this issue of freedom lies somewhere under the surface creating the house divided. When the issue is not seen clearly and the lines are blurred then the house can hold together. But when the fog lifts and the issue is clearly seen then civil war begins in earnest and a victory must be obtained by one side or the other.

One interesting place to apply the principle of the House Divided is in the understanding of the conspiracy theories. They have been around forever, but never so prevalent as today. I remember back in the Sixties there were only a handful of people that seemed to be aware of the great hidden conspiracy to bring in a New World Order. I must admit that I felt a little special for being in on the inside knowledge myself.

Presently the tables are turned. The conspiracy believer is no longer an oddity. Now it seems that the person who doesn’t believe in a conspiracy under every rock is the contrarian. In fact, the conspiracy people are so prevalent that if there is a conspiracy to control the world it’s quite possible that they are sheep that are used by the true manipulators.

As I have said before, there is a conspiracy to control the world and to take away the free will of mankind, but the headquarters are not centered here in the physical world. The Apostle Paul saw correctly when he stated:

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6:12)

The conspiracy people think they need to wrestle against flesh and blood. They point fingers at the current President (whoever that may be), the CFR, The Illuminati, the Masons, the Jews, Mormons or others.

The real conspirators are shape shifters and move their focus from body to body. Right after the move takes place few can see the new focus of evil. When Hitler gained a foothold of power few were concerned or saw any threat. Then even before he was defeated the true conspirators moved their focus and the world continued to see Nazism as the main threat when the foundations of the Soviet Empire were being laid. Then when this empire fell few saw the next shift.

The true spiritual wickedness in high places will continue to have power, even if their center of focus falls a hundred times, as long as people do not think for themselves and fail to perceive what should be obvious.

Even though the focus of evil will be in a particular group or movement the branches will stretch forth and touch every family in the civilized world. One can look at the various divisions we see about us and use this principle to identify which side would be supported by spiritual wickedness and which by the Brotherhood of Light. A key to finding the dark side is a characteristic of the adversary given in the Book of Revelations. It tells us that Satan is “the accuser of the brethren.”

While it is true that there is a time and place for all things, even accusations, it is my observation that those on the side of illusion make many more accusations, including many that are baseless, than the pure in heart. Many not only accuse, but do so with much hatred and vitriolic emotion.

The next step is to look at the two sides of the various divisions. In doing this we need to ask:

Which side represents the greater freedom for the individual and the whole?

Which side makes the most unjust accusations and has the lowest tolerance for the expression of the opposing point of view?

Copyright by J J Dewey 2015

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Principle 49, Part 2

This entry is part 46 of 98 in the series Principles

The Principle of Division Continued

Let’s identify a few of these divisions in the human kingdom.

The most obvious one is that of conservatives against the liberals. Each side thinks they have the truth or the better path, but is one side better than the other?

The answer is yes.

So, which side is it?

The answer is both, but at different times. Through different cycles liberals and conservatives take turns having the better ideas. Conservatives are right when they want to hold on to good ideas of the past and reject reckless changes. Liberals are correct when they reject ideas of the past that are outdated and want to move onward to better ones.

The principle that determines who is on the better path is that of freedom. If conserving a past idea or plan insures freedom then this is a good thing. If changing or discarding it limits freedom then this liberal act is negative.

On the other hand, the elimination of something that had been conserved by society that restricts freedom, such as slavery, is a good thing.

Where freedom lies is the determining factor of who has the better way and when the two sides differ widely enough so freedom is threatened then conflict will result. The end result will be the domination of one side or the other.

This division plays out in many different ways among us. An unsettling one is the Muslim terrorists groups against Western Civilization. Their extreme conservatism limits freedom and they are threatened by the greater freedom of non believers.

There are many other divisions that concern the people such as:

Socialists and communists vs. free enterprise and capitalism.

Labor unions vs. non union labor.

Global warming alarmists vs. those who see no major problem.

Intelligent Design vs creation by evolution without God.

Environmentalists vs. those who do not support them

If we examine any duality of a divided house we will always discover that the core difference resides around the Principle of Freedom. For instance, the problem with the global warming issue is not global warming, but how to deal with possible climate change without destroying our freedoms in the process.

Many have swallowed the party line about business being evil, especially big business and wealthy people. Is this really the evil that the media would have us believe?

Not necessarily. There is much illusion to dispel here.

The basic illusion is caused by the operation of this principle:

When free will is minimized through tyranny and fear neither the good nor the evil within the individual is allowed demonstrate themselves. The life force and vitality of the group or nation diminishes until either the soul force dies or the tyranny overthrown and freedom restored.

When free will is maximized and the pursuit of happiness allowed then both good and evil materialize in physical reality. At first the evil seems more prominent than the good and this causes many pointing fingers and cries for force to restrict the evil. Alas, the laws that restrict the evil usually restrict the good. The true solution is to allow maximum free will and eventually the good will dominate, stability will be achieved and all aspiring individuals will joyfully pursue their dreams.

The fall of the Soviet Empire illustrates this principle. When the tyranny existed in its full glory you rarely heard much about crime, greed, evil corporations, gangs, etc in that empire. The trouble was you never heard much that was good either. The great evil was the suppression of freedom in the name of preventing evil.

Then after the fall of the empire the world became alarmed at all the evils that seemed to be unleashed. Suddenly, in the view of all, we saw great corruption, greed, mobsters, gangs, thievery, unrest, lack of order and more. Things became so bad that many cried for a return to the old ways. The choice did not seem clear to many because with freedom evil is manifest as well as the good. The temptation is to always overcome evil by restricting freedom. The true path is to overcome evil with the light that is exposed through the interplay of good and evil. When freedom is allowed good will eventually dominate.

Great examples of this principle playing out are the changes that occurred in Germany, Italy and Japan after the defeat of tyranny during World War Two. Within a generation the evils that manifested after the war were held in check and much good began to dominate.

Unfortunately, the temptation to restrict freedom again is ever present. There is much truth to the statement that the cost of freedom is eternal vigilance.

The apparent evil that many point to in a free society is that of business, particularly big business. From my experience small businesses have as many faults as big business. The only difference is that bigger businesses have a larger influence in our lives.

So what is the major complaint against big business?

Most of them center around greed, but here’s the problem. Over 99% of the people of the entire world are more greedy than they should be. People just have not evolved to the point where they can work with a completely altruistic motive.

The only way to take away the effects of greed is to take away freedom. The reality is this. If we are going to be a free people we must let greed manifest where it will and then work toward diminishing the it through our own examples and allowing the enlightened to teach the benefits of overcoming unnecessary greed.

The most often cited example for greed is the big oil companies. Whenever the price of gas goes up they are accused of gouging the people and the average person seems to have set beliefs that the oil people are the most evil and greedy people on the earth.

Then there are the medical businesses where the government has stepped in and attempted to restrict greed and has tried to make things fair by its various restrictions of freedom and regulation within the industry.

Now the strange thing is that we hear many more complaints toward big oil than we do toward big medical or big hospital. When we look at the facts we see the irony here and how deceived the people are in the direction of complaints.

In 1958, at the age of 13, I was injured by an explosion of a homemade rocket. This placed me in the hospital for a month. Over several years I had six operations and spent over three months of total hospitalization.

My hospital room in 1958 was $8.00 a day and the price of gas was 39.9 cents a gallon.

Today the price of gas where I live is about $2.20 a gallon and a day in the hospital is around $1400.

Let us suppose that the government interfered with big oil as much as they have with big medical. If gas had risen in price as much as a hospital room then we would be paying a whopping $69.83 per gallon.

Did you hear that? That’s approximate 70 (seventy) dollars a gallon!

I find it absolutely amazing that people complain more about big oil than they do about the spiraling medical costs. This is an illusion that does not have to be if a few basic facts are absorbed by the brain.

The truth is that big oil should receive a pat on the back for not being more greedy and holding the price as low as it is.

Just imagine how much easier life would be for those who need medical attention if hospital costs only increased as much as gasoline. This would mean you could get a hospital room as cheap as $50 a day. Wow!

The seekers of the world must learn the Lost Key of the Buddha to discern and judge which of two approaches registers more beneficial with the soul, or the inner God.

The question that arises is which side is the extension of the light and which of the dark?

The problem in seeing this is that humankind always has difficulty in seeing its current situation correctly… BUT when looking back on history its vision of what is light and what is dark becomes clearer because on hindsight the good of the past is much more obvious than is the good attempting to manifest in the present. The masses are also much more programmed and brainwashed about what is good and evil in the present whereas they can look upon the past with more dispassion.

Let us briefly look at three major divisions of the not so distant past.

The Revolutionary War in the United States.

Here the people in early America were fiercely divided between the supporters for the king and supports for independence. The supporters of the king were called Royalists and were comprised of about a third of the people residing in America plus, of course, the British. Then there was roughly a third who supported George Washington and independence. In addition, there was approximately another third who were the moderates and claimed to not identify with either side. They didn’t care much who won as they mistakenly thought it wouldn’t make much difference.

Now which side do you think the Brotherhood of Light supported – those who were fighting for greater freedom or those who were trying to suppress it?

The answer is obvious.

And who did the Dark Forces support? That would, of course, be those who wanted to maintain the power of the Beast, the king.

The Civil War in the United States.

It seems extremely obvious now that the Brotherhood of Light would have supported Lincoln and the Northern States who were fighting to preserve a free union and against the practice of slavery.

It seems obvious now, but it was not obvious at all back then. Not only was the South much more united than the North around their ideals, but the vast majority of Democrats in the North (called Copperheads) and quite a few Republicans also thought it was wrong to be at war with the South to end slavery because the slaves were not worth it. Lincoln was not only hated by most of the South and much of his own North, but by most of Europe. England and France who received cheap cotton from slave labor thought the North was extremely misguided and did their best to sabotage them and some from foreign countries were even a part of a conspiracy to assassinate the man who historians now call our greatest president.

World War II.

This was a conflict that divided the world as it had never been divided before. On hindsight, it is a no-brainer to see that Hitler’s side would have been the one having the strings pulled by the Dark Brotherhood. Before the war broke out in earnest many good and well meaning people would have laughed at the idea that the Axis nations were pawns of the Dark Brotherhood.

Those who were sympathetic toward Hitler were great Americans such as Joseph P. Kennedy (Father of JFK), Charles Lindberg, Henry Ford (who saw them as harmless business partners), Chicago Tribune Publisher Robert McCormick and even Eleanor Roosevelt who was involved with peace movements to keep us from going to war with Hitler.

Even after the war continued in earnest, and was supported by the press, there were many who maintained that Hitler could be reasoned with and the United states was evil for participating in fighting against him.

Now, on hindsight the truth is obvious. If there was any person in history who would have been an agent of evil it would have been Hitler. Now we can see that the Allied Nations (imperfect as they were) supported the forces of freedom and light and the Axis powers represented authoritarian rule which would have taken the world backward.

Now in this age we are reaching another great worldwide point of division and again if the average guy had to pick which side was supported by the light or the dark he would probably laugh and say neither.

The division among humanity is classified by many as being between conservatives and liberals, but these labels cloud the issue for three reasons:

That which is called a liberal action is often conservative and visa versa. For instance, one of the greatest liberal ideologies is to be an extreme conservative with the environment and CONSERVE it as is. Those who are called conservatives are more liberal about developing business and technology and in hearing and discussing opposing points of view – hence the popularity of talk radio.

Extreme liberals and conservatives often take the same side against a common enemy. For instance, extreme liberals often ally themselves with arch conservative tyrants.

Many good people get caught up in illusion that causes them to oppose freedom. There were many good Germans who lived under Hitler. Today it’s hard to find friendlier, more good natured people than the Germans. Because there are good natured people on both sides of the issue do not be deceived into thinking some are not in illusion.

Charles Lindberg was a great guy to know, loved by all, but now, on hindsight, we see he was a well-meaning soul who was deceived and a pawn used by the Nazis.

Now we look at the country and world as a whole and see the general division becoming more crystallized. Each side has its faults and is far from perfect, but one will lean more toward the light and the other toward the dark. This contrast will increase until some resolution occurs. Let us hope it can happen peacefully and not through a World War III.

Copyright by J J Dewey 2015

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Principle 49, Part 3

This entry is part 47 of 98 in the series Principles

The Principle of Division, Part 3

Now we look at the country and world as a whole and see the general division becoming more crystallized. Each side has its faults and is far from perfect, but one will lean more toward the light and the other toward the dark.

What are some of the qualities we need to look for to identify those who lean toward the light and the other toward the dark? Where and what are the lines in the sand for our time?

We’ve talked about the power of hindsight. We see that it is now quite easy to see who was on the side of error in the Revolutionary War, The Civil War and World War II.

But the interesting thing is that for those who lived through the experience the discernment was not so easy.

For instance, one would think that the average person in the South with a sense of morality, who did not own slaves himself, would have been repelled by the idea. The sad fact is most were not. Most of the people high and low accepted this great evil. Even many slaves were resigned to their fate. In addition, there were thousands of free blacks in the South who owned slaves themselves and seemed to have no qualms about it.

This just illustrates how powerful a group thoughtform is. We often self righteously look on those in the past who owned slaves, believed in a flat earth, burned witches and so on as if we would never have done such a thing if we had lived back then.

Jesus had some timely words for those who so judge themselves to be holier than thou:

Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous, And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.

Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets. Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers. Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?

Matthew 23:29-33

It’s pretty obvious that this self-righteous attitude irritated even the Master himself. Sadly, this attitude still exists today. Many who are quick to criticize the faults of Lincoln, the Founding Fathers, the Pilgrims and others because they bought into some of the thoughtforms of the day would have been much worse themselves had they lived back then. In fact, most of these critics do buy into the erroneous thoughtforms and beliefs that exist today.

The question to ponder then is – how can we recognize those who are on the side supported by the Brotherhood of Light and those by the Dark Brotherhood? In examining this we must realize that neither side of an issue will be perfect in its solution, but one will always be closer to the light than the other. When an issue divides the country the Brotherhood of Light, (if they pick a side) will choose that which will move civilization, the principle of freedom and light forward.

It is oddly difficult for the general population to assess an issue accurately for a number of reasons. Therefore, if we pick one and say the Brotherhood of Light would be on this side, half or more of the readers would be offended. A question to ask is this: Is there anything black and white that will give us clues as to where the light and dark of the matter is?

The answer is yes. Like gathers to like. Those leaning to the dark side of an issue will gather in support and those on the more enlightened side will also gather.

Those on the darker side will reveal the characteristics of darkness such as:






Desire to limit freedom.

Lack of fairness.

Retribution toward those who harmlessly oppose.

Strong use of authority.

Very accusatory.

Desire to excessively punish enemies.

Desire to not allow both sides of an issue to be heard or understood.

When we look at this list on hindsight we can see how most of them applied to the supporters of slavery before the Civil War, but such people, of course, did not realize this about themselves.

On the other hand, those on the side of light, while not perfect, lean toward the opposite qualities:

Instead of ignorance they are informed.

They are slow to anger.

Though often accused of intolerance they are the more tolerant of the two.

They rely more heavily on logic and reason thus having less distortion.

They are less selfish.

They support more freedom.

They have a sense of fairness.

They rarely seek retribution.

They give truth greater weight than authority.

They are slow to accuse.

They do not excessively punish.

They encourage both sides of an issue to be freely heard.

Now let us pick some issues and see how the two sides measure up.

Let us begin with the hot issue of Global Warming, one that I have given some attention to. Here are the two sides:

One side maintains that the earth is in an alarming state of global warming and this is close to 100 percent caused by humans polluting with CO2 emissions. They claim to have a “consensus” of scientists supporting them and severe action must be taken now, even if it causes great “inconvenience” to the economies and people of the world.

The other side maintains that the current warming trend has little to do with humans or CO2 but is mostly caused by cycles and there is little we can do about them. They maintain that there is too little evidence that CO2 emissions are the main cause of warming. Taking drastic measures on this would be comparable to taking drastic measures to prevent bad weather. No matter what we do little will change.

Examine the camps on both sides of this issue. Which group displays the qualities of light and which of darkness?

So which side of the issue is the most informed or ill informed? Here is my observation from the people I have talked to and the hundreds of debates I have heard on radio, TV and read in the newspapers.

Those who support the orthodox view seem to know an astonishing small amount about the subject. Their argument basically goes as follows.

The issue has been settled – there is a consensus.

The UN and almost every scientist in the world agrees with Al Gore. All but a few rebels and extreme right wingers agree.

Then they will cite evidence that the earth is getting warmer which is not even part of the argument. Most on both sides of the issue believe this. The issue is not that the earth is getting warmer, but are man made emissions causing most, if not all of it?

In almost every case this is all the information they have. Because some authority told them scientists agree and scientists are probably smarter than they are they acquiesce their power to judge and discern.

On the other hand, I find that those who question the standard theory are quite well informed and know at least a few details on which to base an argument. They take their stand not because some authority tells them to but because of some investigation on their part.

Next is anger. It’s difficult to judge another person’s anger. I know some judge me to be angry at times when I am not angry at all. The problem I have when global warming comes up with an orthodox believer is that he ends the discussion the instant he sees I am informed about the subject. He gives himself no time to get angry before he makes an exit.

I have read and heard some angry tones from them though when they attack what they call global warming deniers. Some want them rounded up and tried in Nuremberg type trials.

Intolerance: The evidence is overwhelming that the orthodox believers are much more intolerant. Many scientists who have worked in global warming research have been threatened with loss of jobs, careers, and funding if their research did not support the standard belief. Some scientists are receiving death threats for speaking out.

On the other hand, the rebels seem to be quite tolerant and happy to have the data from both sides come out so it can be examined in the light of day.

Who relies heavier on logic and reason thus having less distortion?

My comments above make the answer obvious here.

Selfishness: Many on both sides of the issue just want to live life on earth in the most productive and prosperous way possible. This is normal selfishness. What goes beyond this are the billions of dollars funneled toward global warming projects and research. The amount oil companies spend to counter global warming alarmists is a drop in the bucket by comparison. Some are willing to sell their souls for a part of the billions that are at stake.


Freedom: The orthodox believer wants to suppress the free flow of alternative information on the subject. Many, including Gore himself, have attempted to get the press to not give space to opposing views. Some newspapers are not allowing any alternative views to be voiced and many are working to allow only one side to be taught in the schools.

If draconian carbon reductions were mandated it would mean less freedom for all the peoples of the earth, especially developing countries. The sad part is this would be a useless reduction of freedom.

I think the readers should get the point here. The orthodox believers stand on the dark side on every point that I mentioned earlier.

I’ll just comment on one more:

Do they give truth greater weight than authority?

The orthodox believer relies close to 100 percent on the authority of some nameless scientists he has heard mentioned. He does not check out the science for himself.

On the other hand, the rebels do check out the science, read books and study the issue to see what makes sense.

The reason the believer does not do his research is because many of them just believe that the intelligence of scientists are head and shoulders above themselves. If all the scientists but a few crackpots agree then who is he to question?

The truth is this. The average person can look at the data and use his reason just as a scientist does. No one should let someone else do all their thinking for them.

The global warming issue is a great one to see who follows beastly authority without question and who does not.

For a balanced presentation on Global Warming check out this video:

Conservation and the Environment

This is closely linked to the global warming debate. Most of those on both sides of the political spectrum support conservation of the resources we use within reason.

Both the left and the right can be faulted though. Probably about a third of those on the right seem to have the attitude that only that which they can afford should determine how much energy they use. If they can afford a private jet or a limo then some will have no concern about the amount of fuel used.

A larger percentage of those on the left voice support of conservation, but unfortunately many of them only want the little guy to cut back while they continue to use a horrendous amount of energy. At least the excessive energy consumers on the right practice what they preach in this area. They believe in using lots of energy and they follow through and do so.

The left believes in conserving, but many do not practice what they preach.

Al Gore is an example of this. He owns four mansions and in just one of them he uses 20 times the energy as the average home, leaving a giant carbon footprint and even a bigger one from often flying in a private jet.

Barbara Streisand is always preaching about conservation yet she owns a tremendous mansion that uses $22,000 worth of water annually so you can imagine her electric bill. She either drives an SUV or a motor home. She often drives the gas guzzling motor home to appointments so she can have her own bathroom wherever she goes.

Bobby Kennedy Jr. often flies on a private jet and his family has sued to have a windmill project torn down because it will ruin their yachting view. The windmills are several miles out at sea where you need binoculars to even see them from shore.

Michael Moore has owned stock in Boeing and Halliburton. When traveling he has been observed holding a press conference in a humble motel and then after it is over he moves to his real location which is often an expensive suite.

Ralph Nader claims to live in a humble apartment but has several expensive homes in the name of his siblings where he often resides.

Most of the Hollywood crowd who gave Al Gore a standing ovation at the Oscars used more energy just getting to the Oscars than you or I use in a year. If they really believe Al Gore’s message they would have ridden bicycles or at least a Prius to the Oscars.

It really frosts me when someone preaches to me what I should do when they do not practice what they preach. It is true the right has their share of hypocrites, mostly in religion, but the difference with those on the left is that their influence has power to impact my life with restrictive laws and religious zealots do not have much power to do this.

Next let us look at education. The educational system in the United States has been going downhill for some time despite a greatly increased cost per child.

One group wants to improve our educational system by giving power to be able to hold teachers and administrators accountable as well as giving incentives to teachers. They also support the idea of making the schools more competitive with each other and giving more choice to students as to which school they can attend. They also want more power to discipline students and expel the bad ones.

All the other side seems to want is to keep things as they are with the exception of getting more money for smaller classrooms and pay raises and benefits.

It should be obvious which side is the most enlightened here so I’ll ask another question. When it is obvious that more money alone will not improve our educational system why is it then that this is the only move the majority seem to support? What can we do to turn things around?

I could write much more on the House [Kingdom] Divided Principle, but I think we have covered enough to get the idea. To apply it to modern times one must isolate the various issues and examine the camps on each side. Look at where the greatest illusion is found and you will see how the workers of darkness will use ordinary and sincere people as pawns to take the whole away from freedom and prosperity.

The seeker will also discover this trend. The person or group that is captured by one deception will be susceptible to others. If one were to pick one hundred deceptions one will find that one camp will gravitate to about eighty percent of them and the other to maybe twenty percent.

This polarization changes as the times and cycles change but the foundation deception remains which is expressed in this attitude:

“I want what I want even if I have to support limiting the freedom of others and forcing them to pay for the fulfillment of my desires.”

This person will inwardly believe that the perceived end justifies the means but will not admit it to himself.

This was the false principle that justified slavery in past eras and it is the foundation of the new slavery today.

A southern state or Roman slaveholder could have expressed his views as follows:

“If I get what I want from a slave then it is worth it to force him to pay for my extra freedom by sacrificing his own freedom.”

The modern day slaveholder will say:

“If I get what I want from the government then it is worth it to force the ignorant to pay for my extra freedom by enslaving them with heavy taxes.”

What is the difference between the two slaveries? Nothing in principle for they are both justified by the illusion of more freedom for themselves at the expense of others.

It is true the tax slave of today has a few more freedoms than ancient slaves, but with one difference. The evils of physical slavery were headed toward liberation, but the slavery of taxation is only increasing. Unless a reversal is achieved a modern day slavery will be complete.

The words if Isaiah come to mind:

3 For thus saith the LORD, Ye have sold yourselves for nought; and ye shall be redeemed without money.

4 For thus saith the Lord GOD, My people went down aforetime into Egypt to sojourn there; and the Assyrian oppressed them without cause.

5 Now therefore, what have I here, saith the LORD, that my people is taken away for nought? they that rule over them make them to howl, saith the LORD; and my name continually every day is blasphemed.

6 Therefore my people shall know my name: therefore they shall know in that day that I am he that doth speak: behold, it is I.

7 How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!

8 Thy watchmen shall lift up the voice; with the voice together shall they sing: for they shall see eye to eye, when the LORD shall bring again Zion.

Isaiah 52:3-8

The modern day slavery is propelled by the drive of all the advanced nations toward socialism or communism. The reason this captures the hearts of so many well meaning people is the outward ideals of socialism seems to be in harmony with the teachings of Christ and other great teachers.

Didn’t Jesus teach to give our money to the poor and emphasize equality? Aren’t his teachings in harmony with socialistic values?

There is great illusion here and I have seen many free enterprises argue against socialism, but never seen one strike at the core difference between the teachings of Jesus and socialism.

It is quite simply this.

Jesus taught that we should help the poor through our own free will by giving money and help directly to them. Rome had various welfare programs and not once did he say to help the poor by giving money to Caesar who would in turn help a few poor after taking his cut. Jesus instead was reluctant to pay taxes and was forced to pay back taxes at one time.

Giving directly to those in need by our free will is the way of Jesus and the way of light and love.

Being forced to give to Caesar to he can assist who he wills is the way of darkness and slavery.

At the foundation of the United States we had a short period where the Beast was wounded as if it were to death and many of those who had money gave to charity and the less fortunate through their own free will. There was no income tax to forcefully redistribute money and during this period was the greatest expansion of a nation in the history of the world. If this nation had started with the tax system and restrictive laws that we have today it would have never flourished.

We owe the abundance we have today to the foundations of yesterday plus the assistance we have received from the development of technology. However, our greatest technological achievements have been done in an atmosphere of freedom and incentives.

Let us hope the day of the next gathering is soon so maximum freedom can flourish once more. Then will the prophesy of Isaiah be fulfilled:

Art thou not it which hath dried the sea, the waters of the great deep; that hath made the depths of the sea a way for the ransomed to pass over? (Isaiah 51:10)

Therefore the redeemed of the LORD shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy shall be upon their head: they shall obtain gladness and joy; and sorrow and mourning shall flee away. (Isaiah 51:11)


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Principle 50

This entry is part 48 of 98 in the series Principles

The Principle of Healing, Part I

What is the difference between the person who has a miraculous healing and the person who experiences little effect from the same healer? What are the principles that causes a miracle to manifest?

The Principle of Healing is somewhat different than most of the other principles discussed in that the process uses not one principle, but many. Acquiring good health requires a number of endeavors to care for the body.

Even knowing this, humans tend to get ill now and then and when this happens many seek for the ultimate in alternative medicine – spiritual healing. The strange thing is that sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. Many who do not receive much effect from spiritual healing will ask, “Why did the other guy get healed and not me? Do I not have enough faith or has God forgotten me or what?”

To discover how spiritual healing works we must first understand the cause of disease. There are three main causes.

The first is accepted by the many which is basic common sense care of one’s health. Things that affect health are worry, a lack of exercise, lack of clean air and water, sunshine, diet, mental attitude, sufficient rest, etc.

The second is karma. Causes put into play in past lives follow us into the current one. The person who sees himself being born with bad genes or predisposed toward certain illnesses is generally in that situation, not by accident of birth, but by design of past causes, or karma.

The third cause is the blockage of energy. This problem falls into two categories.

(1) Energy follows thought and our thought directs energy into circulation throughout our bodies. Lack of right thought can create a vacuum which may be filled with undesirable energy and cause illness, but too much attention on the wrong things can cause accumulation of energy creating a disturbance in the body, blocking the smooth flow of energy.

(2) Each of us comes into life with new lessons to learn and as we advance the various energy petals in our chakras open. When this energy is released it must be used in connection with the new learning expected of us. As humans we are naturally lazy and tend to want to go with what is easy for us. The new energy and new lessons are always difficult at first and our inclination is to resist them. When they are resisted the flow of energy is disturbed and ill health is often the result. The longer we resist the worse the health becomes. Many will resist for several lifetimes before they finally accept their lesson and the new energy. When fully accepted good health will return.

So, what is the secret of spiritual healing? That is the big question that few have attempted to answer beyond the orthodox one which is to merely have faith.

Yes faith is important for both the healer and the patient, but the word had a different meaning in the time of Jesus than it does now. Many Christians today see it is as mere blind belief but those who wrote the scriptures saw it differently.

In the New Testament faith comes from PISTIS, which is derived from the root word PEITHO which basically means “to prove a thing true or false by evidence, argument, reason or experiment and through the guidance of your inner authority.”

A scripture that is in harmony with this comes from the Book of Hebrews, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Heb 11:1

Faith does not follow blind belief, but follows the direction pointed to by evidence and then either confirms that the evidence pointed to the truth or proves that it did not.

Now we have evidence that spiritual healing works and belief in it is on the upswing.

In 1991, 73 percent of Americans believed miracles “definitely” or “probably” happen. That number rose to 78 percent in 2008. More recently, a 2010 Pew Research Center report found 79 percent of Americans believe in miracles. Other polls give an even higher number.


So why do so many people believe in miracles when men of science claim that such is only a superstitious belief?

The most potent answer is evidence. A Newsweek poll revealed that 48% of us have experienced or witnessed a miracle and 63% know of an individual who has experienced one.

A person with real faith will see this evidence and want to follow it to its conclusion in his life. He therefore tests the evidence and attempts to manifest the miraculous in his own life.

Now most miracles that people experience are from healing and if we want to understand the principle behind them, then, perhaps we should examine the greatest healer of all time, namely Jesus.

So, did Jesus explain the power behind his miracles? Actually he did. So, what was it?

Most people would automatically say it was God but that was not the answer Jesus gave.

Here are some scriptures revealing the actual words of Jesus after his healings;

Matt 8:13 And Jesus said unto the centurion, Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee. And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour.

Matt 9:22 Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.

Matt 9:28 And when he was come into the house, the blind men came to him: and Jesus saith unto them, Believe ye that I am able to do this? They said unto him, Yea, Lord.

Matt 9:29 Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you.

Matt 15:28 Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.

Matt 17:19 Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him out?

Matt 17:20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

What was it to which Jesus gave credit over and over for the miracles? Students will often say it was God or a special power that Jesus had that caused them to take place. But this is not the direction that Jesus indicated. He did not say “God made you whole,” or “I made you whole.”

To find the key to power we must examine his actual words.

Here is a popular pronouncement he made: “thy faith hath made thee whole.”

Here are several others:

“as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee.”

“According to your faith be it unto you”

“great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt.”

What do all these phrases have in common? They all direct us away from depending on an outside god sitting on a throne, or even Jesus himself, and point somewhere. But where?

Where does faith come from? It comes from inside of us. The great secret that is hidden in plain sight in the words of Jesus is the power to heal and perform miracles lies within ourselves. Jesus made this plain when he told a woman, “great is thy faith: be it unto thee EVEN AS THOU WILT.”

In other words there is magic within us activated by faith that unlocks a power so great that we can make things happen even as we will. That is an amazing thought, is it not?

And where is the limitation? There does not seem to be much for he said, “If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.”

So what is this power within us? The scriptures give several powerful hints.

“Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” Luke 17:21

So where is the kingdom of God? It is within us.

And where is God? Answer: In his kingdom.

Where then should we look for God? Answer: Within each of us.

Where then lies the all powerful presence of God?

Answer: Within each of us.

This is confirmed in the book of Revelation where it describes those who are redeemed and saved from the mark of the Beast. “And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads.” Rev 14:1

So where is the name of God found? Again it is found within our thinking consciousness in our foreheads.

And where the name of God is found, God is found, and his power becomes manifest and available.

Question: If God is within us and we have all power to do according to our wills then why does this will seem to be frustrated? How is it unlocked so miracles can happen?

The Principle of Healing, Part II

(Note: This section is new material)

As I said there are a number of principles involved in healing, for the foundation of good health involves the proper balance of numerous energies and principles.

Here are some of the principles involved in the creation of good health.

(1) Judgment

This is perhaps the most important principle involved. One can read all about black and white rules laid down by promoters of good health, but if you do not apply them with the use of good judgment then you could wind up having bad health while it may seem you are doing everything correctly.

Let us say, for instance, that Jim has read that a vegetarian diet is good for your health and decides to try it out. In making the switch there are a lot of things he could do wrong if his judgment was amiss. He could start with too drastic of a change that his body would have difficulty in handling. Then he could get on a bad vegetarian diet just as others have a bad meat eating diet. He could eat too much sugar, pastries, overcooked foods, or even supposedly good foods that his particular body does not like.

(2) Attention

This brings us to the second principle which is attention. For maximum health one must pay attention to how his body responds to different foods. There is a lot of truth in the old adage that “one man’s cure is another man’s poison.” If you read reviews at Amazon on various health books you’ll find that most of them get quite a bit of praise, but there are always some who say they tried the program and it did them more harm than good. Supporters will respond saying that the guy didn’t do it right or give it enough time, but what is often overlooked is that we are all different and each of us must find what works for us.

To find what works the seeker must apply the principle of attention and pay attention to the response of his body to what he eats, how he exercises, as well has the effect of his beliefs, emotions and thoughts.

If you are not sure about how foods are affecting you then a blood test is available that will rate your sensitivity to all the common foods. Other ways to test yourself is through muscle testing or the use of a pendulum.

Most people do not pay attention to their body’s response because they do not think they have the power to discern its needs. But if an individual will reset his belief system and pay attention he will find that he has much more power to judge his body’s needs than he thought.

(3) Alignment

The seeker must use the Principle of Alignment and align himself with the spiritual intelligence that is behind the creation of his body. Our bodies were designed by a great intelligence and that intelligence circulates within us and knows what the body needs to function on a high level.

We humans are out of alignment with this intelligence and do many things to thwart optimum health. Again, we must pay attention, but not only to our bodies, but to our souls. If we listen to the inner voice we can obtain guidance that will lead us to obtain the health that we desire.

Think of it this way. Disease breaks down to dis-ease or being out of ease or alignment.

(4) Elimination

Our body spends a good deal of its energy in the elimination of unwanted waste, but still does not dispose of all of it. Therefore, many poisons from nature, pesticides and over processed foods accumulate in the body. Too many poisons will affect all parts of the body, but are particularly bad for the liver and kidneys as well as cause extra work for the heart.

If you want to know how many poisons you have all you have to do is stop eating for two or three days and drink only pure water. Then look in the mirror at your tongue. The more coated it is the more poisons you have. Also getting headaches during the first couple days of fasting is a sign of too many poisons.

To avoid accumulating too many poisons avoid processed foods, pesticides and chlorinated or contaminated water. Eat live or organic foods as much as possible. Grow your own sprouts and eat lots of them.

If you are doing all you can but feel sluggish then go on a fast. A fast for a week on just water will do wonders for the health, but read up on how to do it safely if you have not done it before.

There are many other principles we could cover concerning health but these will supply some good food for thought.

Copyright by J J Dewey 2015

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Principle 51

This entry is part 49 of 98 in the series Principles

The Principle of Submission

I have taught a lot about how wrong it is to submit to the beast of unjust, unearned authority, that instead we must listen to the inner voice through the soul. I have written so much on this that some may figure that one should resist submission of any kind.

This is not the case. This is a principle that has its correct place, and when used correctly, becomes an important building block of creation.

Submission can contribute to great evil on one hand or a great good on the other. Submission adds power to that which is the object of the submission and, like any power, how it is directed determines whether it is a benevolent force.

For instance, money is a source of power and can be used to save lives or destroy them. The same goes with the power of submission.

Islam means submission to God, but some misuse this principle by submitting to mislead men rather than God and performing destructive acts that kill innocent men, women and children.

Others may submit to a cause that may bring greater freedom, such as did the soldiers under General Washington. These brave men altered the course of the world for good.

Correct submission is an essential ingredient to creating any organization of value whether it be a business, a country, or the kingdom of God on the earth – or in heaven.

There is a problem encountered by many seekers concerning this principle. At a certain stage of their evolution they realize their minds and hearts have been held captive by the beast and in many ways their past submission has produced negative results. They then vow to never submit again to some authority that may lead them to a destructive end.

Such a seeker may be so gun shy about making such a mistake again that he joins nothing, submits to nothing and offers little cooperation anywhere. He lives for a period of time as an island, working by himself, not joining forces with any constructive endeavor. He struggles to accomplish something by himself and accomplishes very little. Sooner or later he realizes that he mist become a part of something greater than himself if he is going to accomplish anything worthwhile.


What is the most important thing to which we must submit and why?

The voice of the soul is the obvious answer here, but even though most of us know this to be true there are still many times in life in which it is difficult to submit to the inner voice. Another problem is that many seekers are so self-willed that in certain areas of life they do not seek the voice, even though they have power to discern it. Sometimes we just want to do things the way of the lower self and results be damned.

Once the inner voice is discovered then the seeker has an obligation to continue to seek it on important matters. This doesn’t mean that one has to stop and pursue a revelation on all questions. Instead, he must pay attention to what is happening within as he works in the world without. As one is proceeding with life’s business the one who pays attention will consistently register whether the direction he is taking is correct. If it is not, perhaps the best description of what is felt inside is “a disturbance in the force,” to borrow a quote from Star Wars.

When the disciple feels this disturbance he must stop, contemplate within and sense the change in direction required by the soul. When he registers this change he should then submit to it. When he then correctly submits he will feel a sense of spiritual relief and it will seem that the winds of the spirit are at his back making forward movement easier.


What are the determining factors that would motivate a disciple to submit to an individual or organization?

If he seeker has soul contact then whether or not approval is registered by the Higher Self is a key. On many issues the Higher Self does not care which decision you make as both paths may provide good learning experiences. If one doesn’t feel inner guidance on a matter then he must merely use his best judgment.

The disciple must consider this. Even if he has freed himself from the beast there will be times in life that submission will be necessary to an imperfect path. This creates a stumbling block for many on the path that causes delays in progression. Let me explain.

The tendency of one who has recently freed himself from unjust control is to throw out all control and submission. All seekers do this for a period of time as they move along the path, but they must come to their senses and realize that their next stage of progression involves group work on a higher level than the past. This time he must work, not in blindness but with vision. Even so, because a group involves a number of people all must be willing to submit to group will that may be a little different than his own. If the group will is much different then he should seek another.

Since we are approaching the Superbowl let us use football teams as an example. The players on the Seahawks and the Patriots are all rugged individuals with minds of their own. Even so, often a player doesn’t get the playing time he wants, the position he wants or the recognition he wants. He also does not agree with all the calls made by the coach. But even though there are many things that does not go his way he cooperates with all his strength in an attempt to win the big prize. No one gets their way 100% in a group, but to give the group life all members must submit to group will for the good of the whole.

If such submission goes against his principles or the will of the soul then he should withdraw from the group and find another.


We are under pressure to submit to the laws of the country in which we live. Should we submit to laws with which we do not agree? What are the deciding factors here?

All of us are forced to live in some country with laws that require submission. We can sometimes choose our country, but we can’t really choose to not live in some country with laws that affect us.

No country has a perfect system of laws so there will be some that each individual will not like. Very few like high taxes for example. Here we are forced to submit or we risk paying a penalty. It is usually best for the seeker to obey the laws unless there is some higher purpose in violating them. Many evolved souls spend an excessive amount of time resisting the laws of the land when they could just submit and direct their attention to creating a positive plan that will move them forward on the path. The advance of the disciple proceeds much more smoothly if he is not distracted by unnecessary struggles of his own making.

Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.

John F. Kennedy

Copyright by J J Dewey 2015

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Principle 52

This entry is part 50 of 98 in the series Principles

Divine Carelessness

This is indeed a perplexing phrase and most would associate carelessness with recklessness rather than something divine.

DK uses this phrase twice in his voluminous writings and gives little explanation of its meaning. Even so, when I first came across it my mind was quite captivated by such a provocative statement and I reflected upon it periodically. As I reflected I saw much more meaning that he gave out on the subject, but first let us look at what he did write about it.

Quote Number One:

“See to it that during the next nine months you preserve an attitude of spiritual indifference or of divine carelessness and emotional detachment.” (Alice Bailey “Discipleship in the New Age,” Vol 1, Page 522)

Here he gives a different twist to the meaning that would appear on the surface. This quote indicates that Divine Carelessness in this context is not being reckless, but carefree. And how should the disciple be carefree?

He needs to be detached from overdue influence of his emotional feelings so he is not weighted down with the cares of the world, his loved ones and his own needs. If he is able to detach himself from these emotional cares he can be care-less in that he is free from cares that hinder his progress.

That is one aspect of divine carelessness.

But it was the second aspect that captured my imagination as hinted at in this second quote:

“Others again are lovely in themselves with a high and sweet vibration but they are weak and full of fear, sorrowful or weighed down with care; they have to be taught the way of strength and of divine carelessness before their service can measure up to demand.” (Alice Bailey, “Discipleship in the New Age,” Vol 1, Page 371)

This quote indicates a more extended meaning. Two hints at this are given. First he tells us the seeker who needs this quality is he who is “weak and full of fear, sorrowful or weighed down with care.”

Secondly, he tells us that Divine Carelessness is “the way of strength.”

This brings to my mind much more meaning than a carefree attitude, even though that may be part of it. I see the idea that the disciple must sometimes act in a way that the majority will see as careless. The disciple will at times find himself at a crossroads and if he takes the path least traveled by he will forge along a path of peril, but if successful will end up reaping the greater reward.

The parable of Decision in the first Immortal book illustrates this principle. One path led to heaven and the other to hell and none of the four knew which was which. In order to proceed the seeker had to be divinely careless for he was previously taught that hell was a place of eternal misery.

Those who proceeded had to take a chance, but it turned out that the real hell was suffered by the two who played it safe and were weighed down by care.

One of the main reasons the disciple must acquire the quality of Divine Carelessness is to overcome the Beast that has so much power in the major religions and nowhere does it have more power than in the Mormon Church.

I was quite active in the church in my younger days. I took it very seriously from the ages of 13-33 — a period of twenty years.

Many who have not been captivated by an authoritarian religion have difficulty in grasping the hold it can have and how difficult it is to break free. Let me explain why the obtaining of freedom from the Beast of authority is particularly difficult in the LDS Church.

There are two major reasons for this.

First the church has a number of teachings that are a step further into the light than had by the typical Christian church. A student of metaphysics may see such as kindergarten, but in relation to the other churches they possess several teachings given by Joseph Smith that are seen as true by the seekers. Some of these are:

  • We not only live after death, but we lived before birth. We are eternal beings.
  • There is no burning in hell as taught by standard Christianity. Any state of hell is temporary.
  • There is eternal progression rather than a stagnate heaven where nothing changes.
  • Babies are innocent and are not born in sin and the innocent will not be punished for that which they do not understand.
  • Works are necessary for our progression. Just proclaiming a belief in Jesus doesn’t do much to save you.
  • Revelation did not end with the Bible but is available to people of this age just as much as it was in Bible days.
  • The God who guides us, The ancient of Days, was once a mortal human like ourselves and there are millions of such beings in the Universe. We can eventually achieve this god-like state.

The second reason that seekers are captivated is the members of the church are told to pray and receive confirmation of the Book of Mormon and other writings and teachings of the church.

Now the interesting thing is that soul contact through prayer can lead to greater captivity before the truth makes him free. Here is why.

The soul only verifies that which is true for it speaks in the language of principles and pure truth. When the seeker therefore prays about doctrines he has studied the soul will send verification that certain principles are true. For instance, my own soul verified all the seven doctrines above to me.

Here is what this does to the seeker. Once he receives verification that certain principles are true he just assumes the whole package is true which includes a concept that is taught and stressed more than any other in the church which is this:

The prophet is the supreme authority and will never lead the church astray. The worst sin one can commit is to openly rebel against the prophet and the authorities of the church. If you surrender and obey all will be well, but once you receive the light and then go against the brethren you are in dangerous territory indeed.

The interesting thing about this dangerous territory is this. One of the attractive things about the Mormon theology is that it goes easy on unbelievers and standard sinners. Instead of burning in an eternal hell they are told that eternal punishment is not really eternal, but eternal is one of the names of God so any punishment set up by God is eternal, but the time it will last is limited. Basically the teaching is that when one learns his lesson the punishment will end and the person will go on with his progression. Then too, the punishment is not to burn in fire but a lot of it comes from dwelling with other unsavory characters in the afterlife.

The good part of this doctrine is that it appeals to reason and mind. After all, why would a loving parent like God throw any of his children into burning painful fire for eternity? That does not make any sense to any thinking person who is a parent himself.

Now what is interesting is that Mormon doctrine goes relatively easy on all sinners except one class. These are those who sin against the Holy Ghost. The seriousness of such a sin has extra credibility because it is mentioned by Jesus in the Bible:

“Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.” (Matthew 12:31 & 32)

Now the Mormons define this sin against the Holy Ghost as going against a confirmation of truth one has received from the Spirit as, for instance, happened to Judas when he betrayed Jesus even though he knew he was the Christ.

21 “And as they did eat, he said, Verily I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me.

22 “And they were exceeding sorrowful, and began every one of them to say unto him, Lord, is it I?

23 “And he answered and said, He that dippeth his hand with me in the dish, the same shall betray me.

24 “The Son of man goeth as it is written of him: but woe unto that Matt man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! it had been good for that man if he had not been born.

25 “Then Judas, which betrayed him, answered and said, Master, is it I? He said unto him, Thou hast said.”

Matthew 26:21-25

Note that this sin was so great that it is better to not be born than to deny the Holy Spirit.

Now here is where it gets interesting. The one seeming example of a sin against the Holy Ghost is when Judas rebels against the divine representative of God on the earth. Even so, it is thought in the church that the worst sin one can commit is for a good member to go against the words of the Mormon prophet, the assumed current divine representative on the earth. Many in the church thus see those who are excommunicated for non conformance as being the modern-day Judases that will experience a similar punishment.

Exactly what is that punishment? The Mormon scriptures give additional details and they are pretty scary.

42 “That through him all might be saved whom the Father had put into his power and made by him;

43 “Who glorifies the Father, and saves all the works of his hands, except those sons of perdition who deny the Son after the Father has revealed him.

44 “Wherefore, he saves all except them–they shall go away into everlasting punishment, which is endless punishment, which is eternal punishment, to reign with the devil and his angels in eternity, where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched, which is their torment–

45 “And the end thereof, neither the place thereof, nor their torment, no man knows;

46 “Neither was it revealed, neither is, neither will be revealed unto man, except to them who are made partakers thereof;

47 “Nevertheless, I, the Lord, show it by vision unto many, but straightway shut it up again;

48 “Wherefore, the end, the width, the height, the depth, and the misery thereof, they understand not, neither any man except those who are ordained unto this condemnation.”

Doctrine and Covenants (D&C) 76:42-48

And who are the ones who will suffer this condemnation so great that it cannot be put into words? It is assumed it will be those who are excommunicated for not endorsing all the teachings and directions of the authorities of the church.

Consequently, when the standard Mormon gets a little curious and begins to give some clues that he is unorthodox in his thinking other members will often make statements to him like the following:

“You are entering into dangerous territory, brother. Just follow the prophet and forget about these other thoughts.”

“Stay away from the mysteries. If God wants us to know any of them he will reveal them through the prophet. If you get something and teach it that runs contrary to the teachings of the church you are in great danger my friend.”

“Stay with the simple things like faith, baptism and repentance. If you delve into more than this you may find yourself in rebellion against God.”

“Just follow the prophet and you will be safe. He will never lead you astray.”

When I was in the church I was amazed at how many times I was told not to “delve.” “Delve” was a major swear word in the church. Nothing was seen as being more sinful than to delve into any deep meaning behind most anything.

It is interesting that this attitude runs completely contrary to many Mormon scriptures. Here is just one of them from the Book of Mormon:

“For he that diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost, as well in these times as in times of old, and as well in times of old as in times to come; wherefore, the course of the Lord is one eternal round.” (1 Nephi 10:19)

The bottom line is that regular members give full preference to the advice of the authorities over the injunctions in their scriptures and are terrified to even entertain the thought that their minds may be in rebellion against the church and the prophet. They think that if they get any revelation at all it will only be to confirm something already agreed upon by the prophet. If they get anything at odds with the church then it probably came from the devil in an attempt to make them cross the lines toward the unpardonable sin.

Consequently, the seekers in the LDS church are in a very difficult situation. If they seek revelation through the spirit and start receiving anything that is not recognized by the authorities as being true, most become frightened that they may be in great danger if they entertain such thoughts.

But here is what really scares the beJesus out of them. If they meet someone like me and I teach them a few things, and if anything I say that seems unorthodox makes any sense to them they become concerned that they may be heading toward the unpardonable sin and totally shut down and never want to see me again.

Other brave souls will entertain a few unorthodox teachings with the idea that as long as they stay in the church and support the prophet all will be well. These people lead a somewhat dual life. They do some exploring, but keep their deep doctrines to themselves and project within the church the image of an orthodox member.

A third category is those who become disenchanted with the authorities, but not authority itself. These become convinced that the true authority from God does not reside with the orthodox Mormon prophet, but some other prophet who heads some splinter group. This leaning on authority gives some courage to break off, but often to no gain for they exchange one Beast of authority for another. And the new power of the Beast is usually worse than the first.

A fourth category is those who receive definite truths through the soul and are willing to stand up for them for truth’s sake, even if it means being excommunicated. The number of these individuals are few for these are they who have found the “way of strength” mentioned by DK. These are they who have discovered Divine Carelessness.

Now this fourth category is found in all authoritative churches and systems, but in this case I am speaking from the Mormon perspective since I have gone through this system and the authoritative hold is so intense.

Most who are excommunicated from the church have tried to keep their thoughts secret and were just caught and forced out. Only a few take a risk that is almost sure to get them in trouble. These are they who are divinely careless and who will obtain the greatest spiritual reward, for they acted on true courage.

Why is it that that few fit into this last category? I know the answer from personal experience. After I was excommunicated I made many attempts to enlighten my Mormon friends and many found what I taught to be of great interest. But then when it came down to taking any action that would reveal this thinking to the authorities they said something like this to me:

“If you are right and there is reincarnation and we receive many chances to progress then I am not in grave danger to stay in the church. If I am mistaken I will be born again and eventually make corrections. On there other hand, if the authorities of the church are right and I embrace your teachings I may become a son of perdition and suffer endless torment with the devil and his angels.

“If there is even one chance in a thousand that the church is right in this then it is too risky to take the chance of receiving such a terrible judgment from God.”

These people are like Nicodemus who came to Christ “at night” when the authorities could not detect him. He was afraid the authorities would discover his interest and then exclude him from the kingdom of God. He was afraid to be divinely careless and never received a fullness of the spiritual light.

Here is my story in a nutshell pieced together from the archives:

I made the mistake of “searching the scriptures” and discovered some interesting things therein which are not a part of standard doctrine. One of the rather innocent things I discovered at the time is that there is progression from kingdom to kingdom, not just within the kingdoms as the church teaches.

I wrote a short paper on it, but had a problem in that I had no one to share it with. Then my nephew visited and I told him some of my thoughts and shared my writings with him. He became convinced and was very enthused about it. I told him to be very careful about whom he showed it to or he could get in trouble with the authorities, but he didn’t seem worried about it.

He went to his home ward and began teaching the doctrine in Priesthood class and showed the writing to his Elder’s Quorum President. He felt the doctrine was harmless and no one would object. Shortly thereafter he was ushered into the bishop’s office and within a few days a full blown trial was scheduled with the high council. When he learned that the only witnesses that he could have were members in good standing he thought of me.

He called and asked me to defend him at his trial.

I told him that if I did I would probably be excommunicated too and may lose my wife and kids.

He said: “You got me into this, now you must help get me out.”

I sighed and told him I would be there.

I went to his trial with my friend Wayne who was an inactive member, but still an Elder. They were not going to let us in to testify, but using every coercion at our disposal we elbowed our way in and gave our testimonies on his behalf, but of course it fell on deaf ears. Curtis was excommunicated for apostasy as expected.

Shortly after this a trial was ordered for me. When they discovered through interrogation that I believed several things that were not part of regular church doctrine the council composed of life long friends excommunicated me.

The interesting thing is that they had to violate their own rules to throw us out for we, both my nephew and I, were obeying all the rules of the church.

I did not have to expose myself and defend my Nephew, but I embraced divine carelessness, took the risk of divine retribution as well as loss in this world and moved forward.

Perhaps the highest aspect of Divine Carelessness is getting together the courage to move forward and be true to yourself even if the whole world tells you that you are offending God and may descend to the deepest hell for so doing.

That said, one may wonder if there is truly a sin so bad that it is unforgivable – that it would be better for such a person to never have been born.

Many are curious as to what offense could be so grievous and what the actual punishment is.

First let us examine again the words of Jesus on the subject:

“Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.” (Matthew 12:31 & 32)

After reading this the question arises as to what is the difference between speaking against the Son of Man and speaking against the Holy Ghost.

The difference is this. The Son of man represents any man in the flesh whether he be great or small, Jesus or “Joe Six Pack.” If you disagree with any other human being and speak against him you may be mistaken and may even create great harm, but the person can eventually see his error and correct it.

This explains why the authorities of his day had such difficulty in accepting the discoveries of Galileo. They saw him as a fallible man and felt comfortable in speaking against him. History now punishes them by judging them as ignorant but we all understand how people of authority seek to uphold their status.

On the other hand, a truth revealed by the Spirit through the soul is a different matter. When soul contact is established a witness becomes the seeker with a realization that God is indeed in him and this inner source is reliable. Because we came from God we recognize the signature of God within when it touches us. There is no doubt about it when it happens.

The danger for the seeker then is not found in speaking against any person, even if it were Jesus himself, but to speak against the God within after this presence is felt, tasted and known.

Why would a person speak against the voice of the soul? The reason is the inner voice will often be at odds with the carnal man who wants to follow low desire. Selfish desire must be overcome before the seeker can safely follow the inner voice. The soul will manifest gradually at first in order to protect the disciple from too strong of contact, which will put him at risk if he again descends to selfishness.

The soul thus releases higher energy gradually as the disciple safely progresses, but then once in a while he who treads the path will take a sharp detour and decide that the path of selfishness is more rewarding than the path of Spirit. When he decides upon the path of selfishness after he has known the inner presence he then begins to deny the Holy Spirit and treads the way of the unforgivable sin. This is the course of the Left Hand Path that leads to membership in the Dark Brotherhood.

The question arises as to why anyone could not be forgiven. It is not that the person would not be forgiven but that he has placed himself in a place from which it is impossible to return.

DK talks about this and I’ll summarize his thoughts from memory.

First, he tells us that the unpardonable sin is not committed in one giant leap, but over some length of time, often several lifetimes. When a person starts on the path of denial his soul will work with him in every way possible to bring him back to the light, even to the point of bringing him great pain. He says that the dark brother has to proceed through much pain and many warnings to arrive at that state. If a person still has within his breast any desire for unselfish service he has not committed the unpardonable sin and should not worry about it. When the decision for the Left Hand Path is made the entity knows he is going against the soul and has lost all faith in the soul in directing him toward fulfillment.

When the voice of the soul is first ignored, then denied again and again the person then builds up a wall between himself and the soul creating a mental construct that exists apart from the soul and mentally incarnates into it. When this is complete soul contact is then impossible for this person. There is no forgiveness for him because it is as if God, the soul and spirit no longer exist for him.

This entity then is upon the path of destruction and eventually all that makes him what he is disintegrates and he becomes as if he had never been born in this system. Then DK tells us that he will have to wait for many eons and eventually he will start his progression over and be given another chance, but will be at least the life of a solar system behind his brothers.

It is interesting how close the words of DK are to Mormon theology given through Brigham Young who said this about those who take this detour.

“They will be thrown back to their native element from which they originated, to be worked over again.” (Journal of Discourses 2:12)

“When the elements in an organized form do not fill the end of their creation, they are thrown back again, like brother Kimball’s old pottery ware, to be ground up, and made over again.” (Journal of Discourses 1:275)

“The rebellious will be thrown back into their native element, there to remain myriads of years before their dust will again be revived, before they will be re-organized.” (Journal of Discourses 1:118-9)

There is risk in moving forward, but we have no other choice. We can only stand still for so long, and then we must move. When we do move we do have a clear choice between following the highest we know or the path of selfishness. The reward is great for those who are successful just as the pitfalls are enormous for those who take the path of darkness.

May we all have the courage to be divinely careless and move forward always being faithful to the good the beautiful and the true that emanates from the voice of the soul.

Copyright by J J Dewey 2015

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Principle 53

This entry is part 51 of 98 in the series Principles

The Principle of Intelligence

Many of my readers see me as a fairly intelligent person but I did not show any sign of being above average in my youth.

I was born prematurely to parents who both drank and smoked to excess and this may have given me a slow start. My mother told me that she wondered if I was ever going to learn to talk as I didn’t do much more than grunt until I was three or four. Then after I did learn to speak I never pronounced my sounds correctly and everyone wondered if I was from another country. Up until I went to college I often was asked which country I was from because many thought I had a strange accent.

In the fifth grade I went to a speech therapist that helped considerably.

Until the fifth grade I got the equivalent of a C in everything. I never got a D, F, A or B, but only C’s. I figured I must the most average person in the universe.

It wasn’t until the middle of the fifth grade that I received my first B.

That year we moved from Boise to the farm city of Letha, Idaho. It had 50 people in the actual metropolis and I used to brag that I made up 2 percent of the population. I was warned about the teacher I was going to have. Her name was Mrs. Burke and she was indeed a hard taskmaster and it was supposed to be difficult to get anything above a C with her. Then to top things off I found out that in most categories Letha was a year ahead of Boise.

Catching up seemed a challenge to me and I did so in about a month and on top of that received A’s and B’s for the first time in my life. I was quite proud of myself.

But then after the fifth grade I went back to getting C’s again. My grade point in high school and college was just a little over 2.0 – around 2.2.

All the data said I was as average but I didn’t feel average. For one thing I studied a lot of things on my own initiative and had knowledge of many things that were not taught in school. I also felt I had many insights that went over the heads of average people.

Then in 1964 at the age of 19 I went on a two-year mission to England for the LDS [Mormon] church. This was my first opportunity to actually use various forms of intelligence in practical application.

We had six one hour lessons that we had to memorize word for word. Even though in school I couldn’t seem to memorize anything for a test I was the first in my group to memorize the lessons. Maybe I wasn’t so average after all I thought.

Then when confronting people of all kinds of beliefs I found that none could get the best of me with an argument or jousting with the scriptures. I could hold my own with Jehovah Witnesses who had assiduously studied the Bible for 40 years.

Maybe I wasn’t so average after all.

Then something happened that really made me rethink intelligence. On a mission you are given a “companion” that you live and work with 24 hours a day. We were assigned new companions every couple months. On one occasion I was assigned a new companion and one of the first things he told me was he had a 4.0 grade point, which, as you know, is a perfect record of nothing but A’s.

Then I told him that the first thing we had to do work wise was to teach lesson three that evening. He said that he would pull out his lesson manual and review it. I didn’t say anything, but I was astounded. When I gave any of the lessons I just gave them with no additional preparation because I had them memorized and rarely reviewed them. But this guy with a grade point average twice mine had to review his.

Then I found out as we worked together that he had to review every lesson before we gave one and I never had to. Not only that but when he gave the lessons he could not give them word for word the way that I could. In addition his delivery was not smooth and he had difficulty in answering questions. I had to carry the ball when working with him.

In addition we were sometimes given auxiliary lessons not to memorize but to study and give to new members. I could read one over once and give a lesson, but my 4.0 companion had great difficulty in giving any of these even after intense study.

It was funny, I thought to myself. If he hadn’t told me of his grade average I would have considered that he had a learning problem and was a little slow.

It was about this time that I began to seriously ask myself what true intelligence was. It was obvious that the school system which proclaimed my companion as far superior to me had something missing from its assessment.

Here is what I came up with. The system we are in grades intelligence based on the equipment we have. Our brains are really sophisticated computers and some of us have upgraded ones with lots of RAM and speed whereas others are working with older slower models.


The real intelligence comes not from the computer but the person operating it. A savvy person can do much more with an older slower model than a novice can do with a supercomputer.

I concluded that the equipment I was given at birth was not that great for learning in public schools but that my intelligence that was operating my brain could make better use of it than — say a person who gets a 4.0 but isn’t aware how to make the best out of what he has.

There’s another thing I discovered and that is we are not stuck with outdated equipment indefinitely. When effort is made the brain upgrades itself so with effort those who get off to a rough start with backward equipment can improve on what they have.

In addition to intelligence manifested through the brain there are other types of intelligence that is now being recognized. Some time ago someone coined the term “emotional intelligence” and wrote a book about it. He pointed out that often people who did not get very good grades still succeed in life through intelligent use of emotion and interrelationships.

I would submit the list does not end there. I would also say there is a thing called political intelligence. Intelligence is also applied to physical coordination. Common sense could be another category as well as the field of philosophy itself.

If I had to sum up intelligence in a nutshell I would say it goes back to the principle of who we are which is Decision. The intelligent person is capable of making a higher percentage of correct decisions than the one of lesser intelligence. He then follows through until the decision is manifest.

Even more basic than this is the intelligent person is capable of making decisions, even the difficult ones. Think back to The Parable of Decision in Book I of The Immortal. Those two who made decisions to move ahead on the path were more intelligent than the other two who were unable to decide.

As we contemplate this we can express the Principle of Intelligence as follows:

It is revealed in that decision or action which follows the line of highest order and usefulness. That which proceeds toward greater order is intelligence. To proceed toward greater order there must be a recognition of order and disorder, or what could be called good and evil. The truth of what is must be seen for intelligence to manifest.

A simple example would be this:   Two men are given blocks. One throws them randomly aside and the other experiments and creates shapes out of them. Which one is manifesting intelligence?

Even more basic is this: Two men are given blocks. One sees no use in them but the other sees a number of possibilities for organizing them. Which one is manifesting intelligence?

The second person sees as if a light is illuminating his mind. The first sees nothing. Obviously, the second is displaying intelligence and the first is not.

The foundation of intelligence then is found in the statement, “Let there be light.” When light is shined upon a situation consciousness can then use intelligence. Indeed, intelligence is the “light of truth.”

In the beginning of any creation the first manifestation of intelligence is through light that reveals what is. That which is God, or an extension of God, then sees what is, what was and what can be. He then begins to create and organize energy and form into beauty and usefulness. Organization which is useful is kept, but that which is not is discarded.

Around this principle the scripture makes an interesting statement: “Whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection.” D&C 130:18

As I have pointed out in my writings, the resurrection of KRISIS (mistranslated damnation) is really reincarnation. This being true, then, when we rise again in a new birth we take with us the accumulated intelligence that we had in our last life. It is true we may lose our memories, but not our intelligence.

When a person is 21 he hasn’t gone through all the life lessons of his past lives. This would be impossible as he has too many experiences in his past to condense in such a short period. Instead, what he does accomplish is a retrieval of the basic level of intelligence that he ascended to in his last life. He will repeat his long evolution of intelligence in miniature.

I can see that in my life that my basic intelligence grew quite quickly until the age of 21 and then the growth was very slow. I have also noticed this in the lives of many people I have observed.

Now some may point to what they believe to be a great transformation at another age such as 25, 30, 40 etc, but this has little to do with intelligence.

I had a great transformation around the age of 28, but my basic intelligence was not much different then than when I was 21.

Intelligence has more to do with taking advantage of the highest vision you have in the present time.

The highest intelligence that the mind of man can imagine is God. In relation to God and intelligence we often hear these statements:

  • The Mind of God.
  • Universal Intelligence.
  • Infinite Intelligence.
  • The Thoughts of God.
  • The wisdom of Nature.

All but a few hardened ideological atheists acknowledge that some great intelligence is at work in the universe. Some think that Einstein did not believe in God because he thought the idea of God sitting on a throne did not make sense, but he often acknowledged God in his musings. He definitely saw an intelligence at work that was much greater than his own. He indeed acknowledged the mind of God when he said: “I want to know God’s thoughts; the rest are details.”

Basically his whole life, as he saw it, was the discovery of the mind – or the thoughts – or the intelligence of God.

Another great scientist Sir Isaac Newton was a big believer in God, not because of blind faith but because his own intelligence led him in that direction. Many do not realize he had a passion for the Bible and even wrote a commentary on the Book of Daniel and Revelations. Much of his life was spent in discovering the intelligence of God.

Great minds look at the universe around us and recognize a great intelligence, but exactly what is it they are seeing? Let us make a list.

  • Beauty.
  • Non random organization.
  • Laws that govern.
  • Extreme complexity in life.
  • The vastness of creation.

Who can look upon these five things and deny there is intelligence at work? No one who uses his own intelligence. Any thoughtful person has to acknowledge the truth of the scripture:

“The glory of God is intelligence.” (D&C 93:36)

Every one who is seriously engaged in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that the laws of nature manifest the existence of a spirit vastly superior to that of men, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble. The pursuit of science leads therefore to a religious feeling of a special kind, which differs essentially from the religiosity of more naive people.

Albert Einsten

Copyright by J J Dewey 2015

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Principle 54

This entry is part 52 of 98 in the series Principles

The Principle of Love

Many people believe that Love cannot be defined or explained. It just seems to be something that is and can be mysteriously felt, but not understood.

The truth of the matter is that anything that exists can be put in words. If it cannot then it does not exist for all things are created by the power of the Word, or vibration, and without the Word there “was not any thing made that was made.” (John 1:3)

If Love can indeed be put into words then why is it that so many insist that it cannot? There are several reasons for this.

In the majority of people Love most prominently effects the emotional body. This body does not reason, but just feels. A feeling cannot explain itself. The only way to truly understand and explain Love is to focus beyond the emotional body to the realm of the mind and above. That which is above can comprehend that which is below but that which is below cannot fully understand that which is above.

Am I saying that Love originates in the lower part of our nature? Of course not. Love originates in the divine essence of God and permeates all things. If a person has his consciousness centered in the lower nature, or the emotional/astral body, then that is where his consciousness will perceive Love. Love will be in the lower emotions, but the perception there will be distorted and even upside down.

Those who see Love from the center of emotion will feel it but not be able to explain it accurately. In the emotional world Love is turned from being unselfish to selfish. Others are Loved for what they can do for the emotionally based person. The object of Love is seen as a desirable possession.

Because of this distorted view, Love seems to be a whimsical thing, not predictable at all and certainly not something that can be explained.

Even so, the feeling generated by Love is so powerful that even the most material of humanity recognizes that Love comes from a divine source.

The problem with supplying an explanation of the principle of Love that all can embrace is that its energy descends through many spheres and densities and is seen on many different levels and experienced in numerous different ways.

Even so, it remains eternally a principle that can be expressed in the word.

What then is the principle behind Love?

Actually, the answer is very simple for the workings of all core principles are simple. A principle is the simplest essence of a thing that explains the whole.

In the beginning was the One that multiplied Itself and became the many. In the end, the many unite and merge and again become the One. Love is that force which draws the many back to their source so they eventually become the one and enter into the great rest of God — pralaya.

Love can only exist when there is more than one life. It is the attraction of one life towards another life with the immediate goal of union and the ultimate goal of going back to the One Source. It only manifests in the many. When the many return to the One then Love enters a state of rest for there is no longer the many to be pulled into the One.

One of the reasons that God made the many was to experience Love. In oneness there is peace, but not Love. Love needs the duality of two or more to be felt and express itself. When the many are drawn into the One then there is no form to supply a vehicle of expression for Love. During the great rest between creations, Love remains as an idea in the eternal mind of God, always awaiting opportunity for a new creation that will allow a fuller expression than before.

In our world the seeker first learns about the magnetic pull of Love toward union through his emotional self. He eventually transcends selfishness and catches a glimpse of the heart of God and sees Love from the vantage point of unselfish giving of himself to advance the purpose of the many merging toward the Source, the One.

This view of love is different that seen by most religious teachers.

One of the limitations of the scriptures and religious teachings is that they deal with the effect of love and not the principle.

The principle of love is part of our very nature so when anyone feels it there is a knowing, even among those who are not spiritually evolved.

Religious teachings encourage acts that manifest love, but they do not tell us what love is.

Perhaps the best statement of Jesus illustrating the actual principle was found in these words:

“And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. This he said, signifying what death he should die.” (John 12:32-33)

What was he saying here? He was telling us that His crucifixion that would lift Him up was going to be a great act of love that would draw all men to Him.

That power that pulls the many into the one is the principle behind love. That principle is a magnetic pull that draws us back to our source. It pulls the many back to the one and causes the divided to be a unity.

When you fall romantically in love with someone what do you want to do? You are magnetically drawn to this person and want to be as close as possible. When one falls in love he or she wants to be together not only physically, but emotionally, mentally and spiritually. When people first fall in love they sometimes can’t get close enough and almost wish they could share the same body together.

When two friends share a non-romantic spiritual love they will also be drawn to each other and enjoy sharing and unifying in all ways except with romantic and sexual energy.

In all cases love creates a magnetic force that draws two or more toward a center.

When this is understood then love can be seen as something greater than just a mysterious feeling. When it is understood as a principle then it can be applied with greater intelligence. When not understood, but just seen as a feeling then that feeling is often applied incorrectly so the end result frustrates the power of love and more division is the result than is unity.

When applied correctly the seeker will use his power of judgment to use this energy to find those who are on the same level of the love vibration as himself and unite with them. Those on a different vibration are tested to see which areas of feeling respond to a similar love vibration as his own. When similarities of acceptance to the love vibration are found then the seeds of love can be planted even in two people who do not think and feel alike.

A fullness of sharing and unity requires the two to look beyond differences and personality to the world of the soul. Unfortunately two people who can do this consistently are rare. But the good news is that love is increasingly streaming forth into the hearts of men and the application of this principle is on the increase.

If we do not bomb ourselves back into the Stone Age, then within 150-200 years from now the brotherhood and love among humanity will be greatly increased to the extent that the new age will become a reality.

“Love thy neighbour as yourself, but choose your neighbourhood.”

— Louise Beal

Copyright by J J Dewey 2015

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Principle 55

This entry is part 53 of 98 in the series Principles

The Principle of Light

We all know what light is, right? It is those ephemeral rays that we shine on something that allows us to see. That sounds very elementary, but it is about as good as that which is found in most dictionaries.

If we want to understand light we must go deeper than the dictionary definition. We must examine it more closely.

Consider this. If you were to travel into space you would be bathed in the light from the sun. Yet when you look into space what would you see?


Yes, you would see a few stars resting in darkness but no light from the sun.

Let us say you get a lot closer to the sun and move within the orbit of Mercury. Now you are bathed in several times more light than when on earth, but when you look into space, what do you see?

Again you see blackness and perceive no light from the sun.

There you are close to the sun where space is filled with sunlight, but you do not see it.


The answer is quite simple. Light in this physical reality is only revealed by contrast and shadows. In space there is no object that can cast a shadow so there seems to be no light.

Light is that which reveals.

In space there is nothing revealed to our eyes by the rays of the sun even if we were close to it being drenched in light. The scripture describes this accurately, “And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” John 1:5

This scripture has many levels of meaning but it illustrates the point that light shining in darkness with no contrast is not seen or perceived.

Even so, darkness is needed to allow light to be revealed. Within the darkness of space sits the earth and when the light from the sun strikes its rough surface the contrast of light and dark reveal many shapes.

In space we not only cannot see the light of the sun, but we cannot see the colors that compose that light. When the light of the sun strikes the earth different elements absorb different parts of its spectrum causing the reflection of partial light in the form of colors.

The light that reveals our world of colors is only one of its aspects. Another that we all use is the light of understanding. Since light is that which reveals – this would mean that light is more than that which we see in the physical world. Understanding is revealed to our minds and when his happens the principle of light would be in play. When a teacher is attempting to enLIGHTen a student’s understanding he may speak of “shinning a light upon the subject.” Then when the student sees the point it is as if “a light is turned on in his head.”

In addition to this physical reality there are many spheres of light beyond that which we imagine. The Bible gives a hint of this, “In thy light shall we see light.” Psalms 36:9

In the higher worlds light is still revealed by contrast, but it is not a contrast of light and dark, but the contrast of degrees of light. In a great light one can see the lesser lights.

Here are some statements on light from my previous writings taken from the Book of Quotes, compiled by Bryan Smith.

“If a light is slowly dimmed to fifty percent strength and then is instantly turned up to full strength, the person is startled as to the intensity. He had no idea he was missing so much light. Even so, with spiritual light; we are often not aware when we are losing it.”

Light also reveals knowledge, which knowledge is light, which light protects from darkness because darkness has no power to penetrate light as light has power to penetrate darkness.”

“You can shine a light and dispel darkness, but you cannot shine ‘dark’ and dispel light.”

“Love is very closely associated with dark, but is the highest correspondence of the female polarity just as divine light is the highest correspondence to the male polarity.”

When a light is turned on in the darkness, the darkness is no more. Darkness cannot extinguish light, but light can cause darkness to immediately disappear.”

“It is a glorious thing to bring light to others. This principle is behind the entire concept of salvation.”

“The joy after a period of darkness and struggle is greater than the peace of one who only basks in the light.”

“Light in its highest essence is the radiation which is seen whereas its true opposite Love is not visible, but lies hid in the esoteric dark of life.”

“The greater the light the greater will be the attack of the forces of darkness upon the light.”

“A work of light is never destroyed by its enemies, but by its friends.”


Copyright by J J Dewey 2015

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