Disease and Energy

This entry is part 31 of 73 in the series 2015

Oct 17, 2015

Disease and Energy


If cancer is a disease of (emotional) suppression then NO physical treatment, whether conventional or alternative/integrative, (beyond a simple, healthy diet/lifestyle) is going to have ANY effect (and could very well be detrimental) – the SOLE effective therapy would be to root out the suppression and express it.


The thing to keep in mind is that there are many influences that exacerbate disease and will cause a person to reach the trigger point faster than would have otherwise been the case.

The main cause of a large percentage of all disease is related to the principle of energy following thought. Thus when a person suppresses negative emotion this negativity follows the thought and forces accumulate in weakened areas of the body and may draw cancer cells there or create other problems.

Accumulation of negative energy can cause anything from the common cold to cancer, to heart, kidney and liver problems and more.

This does not mean though that two people who accumulate the same amount of negative energy will get the same cancer or other problem.

Let us take two people, we’ll call them Jim and John, who have the same emotional makeup having experiences that will cause them to suppress to the same degree.

Jim is careful about his diet and eats whole organic foods that have had little exposure to pesticides. He also drinks pure water, and gets plenty of sunshine and exercise.

John has a diet of processed foods and takes in lots of chemicals and additives. He doesn’t get much exercise and is exposed to some toxic chemicals in his work.

Because of suppression both are in danger of getting cancer, but because of John’s lifestyle his vital energy will be much lower and more poisons will accumulate. He is likely to trigger the cancer many years before Jim will. Unless the suppression is quite bad Jim may have the vitality necessary to avoid it altogether. But if his suppression is bad enough and reoccurs regularly he will be in danger of cancer, even with a good lifestyle.

If both Jim and John wind up getting cancer Jim will have a much better chance at recovery because he has more vital energy due to his lifestyle.

Most of us have some weak points about ourselves that can wind up being a focus for some type of disease. Some are born with physical weak points due to heredity, karma or other factors. Others accumulate weak points through wrong use of energy, bad lifestyle, or perhaps the guy just caught a contagious disease that weakened his system.

Whatever the case it is always wise to apply the known factors that help to maintain good health which are

(1) Good diet

(2) Exercise

(3) Pure water

(4) Positive attitude

Speaking of cancer, Artie and I read a book recently called “Cancer is Not a Disease,” by Andreas Moritz.

The reason he says it is not a disease is because most cancers are formed to capture and isolate poisons that could be an immediate threat. He says a tumor is a means for the body to capture and isolate these poisons to protect you from something worse. At the center of a tumor will be poisons that the cancer isolates for your protection.

It is an interesting approach and this and other health concepts are in his larger book, “Timeless Secrets” which is available free online.

Here is the LINK.

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Mastering Emotion

This entry is part 32 of 73 in the series 2015

Oct 18, 2015

Mastering Emotion

Dan has written about an interesting situation that has developed in his life. Before he came across my teachings he was basically Mr. Nice Guy and contained all negative feelings so he wouldn’t create a disturbance. Then, after applying my teachings about the problems that develop with suppression, he examined his emotions and decided that more of them needed to be let out of the box which would avoid congestion of the vital energy.

Now that this box has been opened it seems that some of the emotions are too out of control and need to be harmlessly contained and the Principle of the Observer must be applied.

So, the big question is, how does one avoid suppression and yet still apply the Principles of Harmlessness and The Observer so emotional energy is not suppressed, yet does not get out of control and become destructive?

Here’s the situation the seeker must deal with. He has examined his feeling nature and discovered that he has suppressed and even denied the existence of negative feelings. This situation has created health problems and possibly cancer or tumorous growths. To solve the problem he faces his real feelings and lets them out. He then discovered why he suppressed in the first place and that was to avoid the problems and the conflict that negative emotions can generate.

He doesn’t want to suppress again, but does want to neutralize or control his negative feelings and render them harmless. What to do?

At this stage of the game the all-important Principle of Judgment must be applied. There is no black and white formula to guarantee that at point A you will identify with your emotions and at point B you will be the observer and direct them toward harmlessness.

To get from point A to point B requires a journey that takes numerous turns and a judgment call is required for each turn. When you arrive at point B you will clearly see how you did it, but it would be difficult to explain to your past self at point A. All you could do is give him some pointers.

It is really like learning any skill or art. For instance, let us say you wanted to learn to paint portraits of people. You attend a class on the subject and find that there is no simple formula to attain this ability. The instructor does not give a simple assignment saying, “Do A,B and C” and then you will be a great artist.”

Instead he teaches you some basics and gives you guidance. To learn to be a good artist you find that the tips are helpful, but the most important ingredient is practice.

At first your portraits are so bad you throw them in the trash and doubt yourself. You might feel discouraged and think your ability will never amount to anything. But if you stay with it, focus and apply the right principles you will eventually succeed to the point where every portrait you draw is a good one and represents a degree of mastery.

There is a story I like that illustrates this principle.

After a violinist performed a piece with great skill a member of the audience came up to him and said, “That was absolutely beautiful. I would give half my life to be able to play like that.”

The violinist looked at him and replied, “That, my friend, is exactly what I have done.”

Mastery of any kind takes effort and attention. Nothing worthwhile is ever gained without it.

One more thing is required. A student must incorporate the right principles. If he has a teacher who himself is mislead on the subject he may find himself going in the wrong direction and eventually must backtrack and correct. But even here he has developed some focus and attention that he takes with him when he finally settles on the right path.

The seeker who is attempting to master elements of himself is no different than the artist who learns through trial and error along with hints from his teachers. There is no instant formula for success, but if the goal is kept in the consciousness his success is assured.

Once the seeker honestly faces his negative emotions and does not deny or suppress them he must then render them harmless, taking the viewpoint of he observer.

The key to doing this is the mere realization that you are not your emotions, but they are merely a circulation of energy in a vehicle (emotional body) that you are temporarily using. Just like you can control the gas petal of your car (a vehicle) even so can you take charge of your emotions and direct them toward a harmless end.

Confusion may come because suppression and denial require self control just like consciously directing emotions toward harmlessness does. The seeker may fear using self control to direct emotion in the latter case for fear he may wind up suppressing again. At this point it is important that the seeker not remain still but forge ahead – and here is the key to success.

When a person suppresses there will be a certain feeling generated deep inside. It will be like a little voice you want to ignore that wants to speak and express itself.

Control from the vantage point of the observer doesn’t have to deal with that voice for the feeling nature is given its true recognition. When the observer controls the emotions the astral deva lives do not feel suppressed but thankful that they are being intelligently directed.

You’ll know you are on the right track when your emotions tell you that they are glad your mind stepped in and took control and guided then to harmlessness.

Each of us should not lack for opportunity to practice controlling our emotions from the vantage point of the observer. There are plenty of unreasonable people in the world who are happy to press our emotional buttons. Each time the button is pressed, realize that the feeling is not you, but something generated in your emotional body. Respond to the button pusher in an honest, but friendly manner. Even though you give a kind response you may find you will generate a conflict because you are sending the energy generated right back at him. The odd thing is being civil will often send the energy back with more force than cussing at him would.

If a conflict arises see this as a classroom situation that you must handle well to get an A. After the situation has passed then reflect on your performance and grade yourself while making plans to do better next time.

Hope this helps.

Each generation should produce those able to ascertain subjective fact for themselves; they will utilize that which is exoteric and known as stepping stones on the path to perfect knowledge. They will know, and they will give out, and only the next cycle of fifty years after their work is accomplished will see the recognition by the many of the truth revealed by the few.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 707

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More on The Song of Eternal Life

This entry is part 33 of 73 in the series 2015

Oct 19, 2015

More on The Song of Eternal Life

Tom asks

What is this other prayer for healing and how does it compares with the song of the 144,000? I have motion sickness and wanting to throw up during car rides will this prayer help me? Where the prayer come from? Do I have to say it out loud or in my head?


It is called The Song of Eternal Life and it has a different purpose than the Song of the 144,000. The first song is designed for empowerment and to bring you closer to Spirit and the new one is for healing and increased physical vitality – which many of us need.

In answer to your question I was impressed through the Spirit to write it.

It is best to say it aloud, but if this is inconvenient it will still have effect if you think the words and visualize the meaning coming to pass.

Here is the Song again:

The Song of Eternal Life

OM – OM – OM

I thank you Father-Mother-Spirit

For the energy of life that is sent

From Universal Source to me

For the life that circulates through each atom and cell

Permeating my entire body and mind

Bringing health and vitality to all my living parts.

I bask in this life

I feel the life

I am the life

The life which knows not corruption

The life which makes all things new

The life which always IS.

I feel the life from my toes to the top of my head

And give thanks for its abundance.

I praise and love my body and all of its parts

For receiving this Life and Spirit and Source.

I praise body, soul and spirit

For receiving without ceasing.

A-U-M (AHHHHH – UUUUUHHH [as in you] – MMMMMM)

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Suppression and Anger

This entry is part 34 of 73 in the series 2015

Oct 19, 2015

Suppression and Anger

Tom wants me to comment more on how we are to avoid suppression without cussing in anger.

It is important to understand that there is a difference between suppression and control concerning the emotions. Not all control is suppression. Some suppression does take some control, but often it is the path of least resistance – the easy path to take, putting it in a different category than control that leads to harmlessness which is the path of higher resistance..

If you are angry and restrain yourself from cussing or uncivil behavior that usually has nothing to do with suppression, but control.

Suppression has to do with relationships and honest communication. Control has to do with directing yourself toward good behavior – two entirely different things.

Perhaps it will help if I give examples of the two categories.

Examples of suppression.

Example One

A friend shows up and says he needs to crash at your house for just a day or so. After three days you can’t stand the sight of him as he is quite inconsiderate, but instead of telling him that he must move on you act like everything is cool as you have been friends for a long time and he did you a favor or two in the past.

He stays on overdoing his welcome but you just can’t bring yourself to tell him how you feel about the situation.

Example Two

You fell in love with a wonderful person and everything is going great until he/she receives a call from an old flame to join him/her for dinner. Your emotional self feels uneasy and jealous over this but you pretend to yourself that the feeling does not exist. “It’s silly to feel jealous,” you tell yourself, “for I should trust this person I love.”

Example Three

You have a great relationship with your spouse, but the other day when you told her of a new idea you had she laughed and seemed to act like you couldn’t possibly pull it off. Your feelings were hurt and have been festering, but you don’t want to say anything as you tell yourself that would make you look small. Maybe she has a point.

You’ll notice that all these example involve emotion in relationships and none of them require an expression of anger as a solution. It is noted though that it is better to express in anger than to suppress, but anger is rarely needed to resolve the problem.

Examples of control that do not involve suppression.

Example One:

You hit your thumb with a hammer and start to blurt out some choice words. You see your kid listening to you and immediately stop the cussing and use more kid friendly words to express your situation.

Comment: This is self-control and not suppression and you hold no grievance toward your child.

Example Two

Your boss insults you and this causes you some annoyance and part of you would like to insult him back, but you do not because you’d probably get fired and you need the money.

Comment: Again as long as you hold no grievance or lingering feelings of hurt then containing your anger in this situation would not be suppression.

Example Three:

You get in an argument with a friend and he is so illogical that it is annoying. You just about tell him how stupid you think he is, but restrain yourself for the sake of the friendship.

Comment: In this situation there would normally be no suppression for he holds no grievance toward his friend. He uses self-control to remain civil and is glad for it.

The key to understanding here is that there has to be some type of grievance involved for suppression or denial to be at play. When one suppresses he will find himself wishing he could act differently. When one merely uses self-control he is generally glad he constrained himself and doesn’t wish he had done otherwise.

Anybody can become angry – that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way – that is not within everybody’s power and is not easy.


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Challenging Situations

This entry is part 35 of 73 in the series 2015

Oct 20, 2015

Challenging Situations

There are situations that tempt one to suppress that are completely under your control and then there are others where control is awkward, or seemingly harmful.

An example of the first category would be where someone makes remarks that hurt one’s feelings. In this case the person may not want to create a conflict so he doesn’t say anything and acts like his feelings are fine.

In this situation, however, he usually has full power to not suppress and just communicate in a civil manner how the person made him feel. The results will be much more positive than negative and will relieve the grievance and help the relationship.

The second category is where honest communication would seem to have a big downside. There are two main situations where this may occur.

The first is your job and the second a marriage.

If one is in a job where he has a boss that is abusive and he really needs the job and the money then speaking about one’s true feelings or thoughts may get him fired and be the cause of great difficulty for some time to come, especially if such jobs are scarce.

One may also be in a marriage that he or she does not want to see end. Either he is in love and doesn’t want to lose the person or he is very dependent on his partner.

In most situations in a marriage a person can honestly communicate emotions without worrying about divorce, but if certain categories are hot button issues with a mate the person may figure he just needs to control or suppress his feelings if he wants to stay married.

These are awkward situations that make many feel trapped and there are only two ways out.

(1) Be prepared to leave the situation or relationship and as civilly and as honest as possible communicate your feelings or…

(2) Learn to assume the attitude of the observer. As an observer you do not get your feelings hurt no matter how much you are insulted.

If you are at a theater and watching the hero being insulted by the bad guy, are your feelings hurt?



Because you realize you are the observer.

Like Shakespeare said, we are all actors on the stage of life and if we see ourselves as merely playing a roll then others will have no more power to hurt us than we allow.

I have had a very difficult past marriage and several horrible bosses and I found that looking on those difficult situations as a school type situation, giving me the practice of being the observer was helpful.

I had one boss in construction that really had it in for me and shouted in my face at me on a regular basis. I needed the job and the money so I just tuned him out until he got things out of his system. I used the Lion Principle on him and just realized that he was who he was and there was nothing I could do about it. On the positive side my encounters with him provided good entertainment for other workers.

Anyway, he was unable to hurt my feelings at all; the only negative effect was he hindered me from getting my work done rather than helping.

It is interesting though that if a negative person sees that he can’t have a negative effect on you he will often turn up the volume and become more aggressive and annoying than ever. This will indeed test the seeker’s power to be the observer.

There have been times in my life where I risked everything and others where I played it safe. It is a judgment all one must make using common sense and as much soul contact as possible.

“Any change, any loss, does not make us victims. Others can shake you, surprise you, disappoint you, but they can’t prevent you from acting, from taking the situation you’re presented with and moving on. No matter where you are in life, no matter what your situation, you can always do something. You always have a choice and the choice can be power.”

Blaine Lee

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DK Quotes

This entry is part 36 of 73 in the series 2015

Oct 23, 2015

DK Quotes

Today I thought I would do something different and give you some DK quotes that I like.

Even Christ Himself struggled with the problem of the divine will, and addressed Himself to the Monad at the moment when He first realised the extent and the complexity of His mission as World Saviour. He then cried aloud: “Father, not My will but Thine be done.” Those words marked the relinquishing of the vehicles through which He had been attempting to salvage humanity; it indicated to Him what might at that time have appeared to be an apparent failure and that His mission was not accomplished. For nearly two thousand years He has waited to bring that mission to fruition; it has marked also for Him the entrance into a new cycle of activity; this cycle will culminate during the next three hundred years in success if this Invocation—as used by all of you and by the Hierarchy—proves its effectiveness. He cannot proceed with His assigned mission without reciprocal action by humanity.

Discipleship In the New Age, Vol 2, Page 173

Evil lies in the refusal to leave behind when conquered; it consists in remaining immersed in matter that is dominated and hath no more to teach; it is the clinging to forms that should not hold the evolving spirit, in vibrating to a rhythm too heavy for the point reached; it is the holding on to things behind instead of stretching up to those ahead and before; it is a desecrating of knowledge gained and a prostituting of it to what is realised to be a retrograde and unworthy step; it is choosing to talk in the dark or twilight when just ahead the light can be seen; it is the choosing of a life of ease and no struggle, a going with the tide, when the inner voice points the way along a rocky and difficult path to a goal acknowledged to be desirable; it is acquiescence instead of aspiration, a standing still instead of going forward, a closing of the eyes instead of straining them to see a wide horizon; it is knowing and not using knowledge. The initiate James knew this when wisely he said, “To him that knows to do good and does it not, to him is sin.”

A Learning Experience; Mary Bailey, Pg 60

The curse of many groups has been the whispered word that “Those who know wish….” “The Master says….” “The Great Ones command…” and the group of silly sheep feebly and blindly tumble over themselves to obey. They think thereby, through their misplaced devotion, to contact certain authoritative personages, and to get into heaven by some short cut.

A Treatise on White Magic, Pg 4

It is useful also to bear in mind that light and matter are synonymous terms, thus echoing the teaching of the East, it becomes apparent that through the interplay of the poles, and through the friction of the pairs of opposites light flashes forth. The goal of evolution is found to be a gradual series of light demonstrations. Veiled and hidden by every form lies light. As evolution proceeds, matter becomes increasingly a better conductor of the light, thus demonstrating the accuracy of the statement of the Christ “I am the Light of the World”.

A Treatise on White Magic, Pgs 9-10

People have sought to adjust the truth to the hour instead of adjusting the hour to the truth.

A Treatise on White Magic, Pg 137

True service is the spontaneous outflow of a loving heart and an intelligent mind; it is the result of being in the right place and staying there; it is produced by the inevitable inflow of spiritual force and not by strenuous physical plane activity; it is the effect of a man’s being what he truly is, a divine Son of God, and not by the studied effect of his words or deeds. A true server gathers around him those whom it is his duty to serve and aid by the force of his life and his spiritualised personality, and not by his claims or loud speaking.

A Treatise on White Magic, Pg 188-9

These three—idealism, group service and sacrifice—are characteristics of those personalities who are becoming increasingly sensitive to the soul aspect, the qualities of that soul being knowledge, love and sacrifice.

A Treatise on White Magic, Pg 396

we must remember that each of us is recognised by the brilliance of his light. This is an occult fact. The finer the grade of matter built into our bodies, the more brilliantly will shine forth the indwelling light. Light is vibration, and through the measurement of vibration is fixed the grading of the scholars. Hence nothing can prevent a man’s progress forward if he but attends to the purification of his vehicles. The light within will shine forth with ever greater clarity, as the refining process goes on, until—when atomic matter predominates—great will be the glory of that inner man. We are all graded, therefore, if it may be so expressed, according to the magnitude of the light, according to the rate of vibration, according to the purity of the tone and the clarity of the colour.

Initiation Human and Solar, Pg 68

Nothing in heaven or hell, on earth or elsewhere can prevent the progress of the man who has awakened to the illusion, who has glimpsed the reality beyond the glamour of the astral plane, and who has heard, even if only once, the clarion call of his own soul.     A Treatise on White Magic, Pg 223

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Pralaya and Change

This entry is part 37 of 73 in the series 2015

Oct 24, 2015

Pralaya and Change

A reader asks if there any change happening during the great Pralaya?


Good question. To understand the answer let me ask another question.

Is there any change occurring during sleep? If so what is it?

The answer is that there is little observable physical change. Our physical body just lies there doing pretty much nothing.

This does not mean that other types of change are not going on. A change is occurring in your rather quiescent body. While resting it is being recharged so it can function well when the sleep is finished. The same goes for the brain itself. Scientists are still not sure of all that goes on in the brain during sleep but they believe that during rest it goes through some type of reprogramming so it can function well again when awake.

On top of this we dream during sleep. There is generally more change going in during the dream state than during the waking state. During the same night you may dream of being on a south sea island relaxing and being fed wine and cheese by beautiful women and then a few minutes later showing up to work just wearing your underwear.

Then there are additional things going on during sleep that enters the realm of the paranormal. Many self improvement gurus recognize that there is some higher part of ourselves active during sleep and recommend thinking about problems while drifting off to sleep. On awaking, many find that the answer seems to have magically entered the mind.

Actually, during sleep the emotional self stays with us and creates the crazy dreams we have but our mental self goes to higher realms and continues learning or teaching there.

Very few have a memory of the activities of the mental self during sleep because it is not connected to the physical brain during this period.

Pralaya corresponds to sleep, but on a much greater scale. During this period there is no change going on in the worlds of form for these worlds are not in existence, but there is much going on within the subtle worlds. DK tells us that pralaya is not “that which is not,” but “that which is esoteric.”

During pralaya the life of God, which includes all of us, sleeps to the outer world, takes a rest from creation and absorbs and contemplates all that has transpired to get ready for a new creation.

Change indeed occurs, but it is a different kind of change.

When both pralaya and sleep are over the life is rested, recharged and ready for a new adventure.

Each day is a little life: every waking and rising a little birth, every fresh morning a little youth, every going to rest and sleep a little death.

Arthur Schopenhauer

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Solar Angels & Vibration

This entry is part 38 of 73 in the series 2015

Oct 26, 2015

Solar Angels & Vibration

Dan quotes me from an audio:

The more concrete the form is . . . the more distant is spirit from the life in the form.


A rock is teeming with life inside it, but its very concretized. It is spirit slowed way down.

It is disturbed to the point that the little lives in it haven’t adjusted very well to spirit. Consequently, they’re dense.

And so the elements that produce dense matter that we can’t go through, are the densest of all. And they’re vibrating at the slowest.


In the transcribed bit above, you say [paraphrased/restated]: The little lives inside the rock vibrate slowly and are dense because they haven’t adjusted (very well) to Spirit (which has been disturbed).

1) So, that seems to indicate that those little lives are trying to and will eventually adjust to the higher vibrational rate of Spirit. What happens when they do?


They will then move into a higher state and advance into a higher state of matter such as the vegetable the animal human and deva until they move back into the vibration of the monad or pure spirit.

Tiny lives are always part of a greater life and the human monad represents trillions of tiny lives that have moved from a lower state in ages past.


2) What are, from where come, these “little lives”? Are they the Originating Points (Monads), of which some are Human?


They come from the same place we all come from – the One Great Life which is God. It’s essence is Divine space and the evolution of that life starts with innumerable points of life manifesting in that space, as symbolized by the stars of heaven. These points combine and create greater lives. A human monad represents the combination of trillions of these points.

The little lives are parts of a mineral monad seeking to move higher.


3) And speaking of that 🙂 If a human Monad is that which lies behind the power of decision, what are other, non-human, Monads?


All lives of which we are aware, are composed of smaller lives and they all make some type of decision according to their abilities, or respond to decision of higher lives. The smaller lives are merely smaller fragments of the whole than are human monads.


4) What/how “disturbs” Spirit?


Visualize pure spirit as being light and the material world as sound. This is an interesting correspondence since we are told creation of the material world was produced by the Word, or sound.

Both light and sound are composed of vibrations, yet the frequency of the two are universes apart. If we were to take light and make a hologram of you and set it beside you we could not weigh it or even touch it. Your hand would just pass through. The only evidence that it has some type of existence is that you can see it.

The holograph exists as wavelengths just as your physical body does. The difference is that the frequencies in your body are much more dense.

You could say that sound is like light except that sound is distorted or disturbed light which creates an entirely different type of substance than does pure light. Sound includes light, but light does not include sound, though it exists as potential.

JJ [2015 audio# 1]:

“The Solar Angels come from the Sun.”


1) Okay, so the SA evolved to perfection in a previous incarnation of this Universe. Why is it, how did it come to dwell, in OUR Sun? Is that where all Solar Angels dwell in this Universal incarnation?


The most advanced lives in a solar system dwell in its sun. Solar angels dwell there in vehicles of mental matter and are in direct contact with their monads. They dwell there in non physical matter because it is a suitable home to their vibration just as earth life is to ours.


2) And why isn’t it instead sleeping blissfully in relative perfection seeking to identify “upward” with the highest extant lifeform?


That time of sleep is yet far away, after this universe is perfected through a long series of incarnations.


3) In the Grand Tour, Joe visited the Sun and visited with some lives there, were those Solar Angels?


They were advanced lives, but not yet solar angels.


4) What IS the Sun?


Books are written on the sun. Any particular answer you had in mind?


Define “finer wavelengths”, do you mean shorter (trough to trough) or what?


Finer would be shorter as light has much shorter ones than sound as mentioned above.

Both sound and light have hidden wavelengths within them that create in other spheres.


This doesn’t seem like “stilling”, it seems you are describing increasing frequency (what most would call VIBRATION) until the waves become so compressed together that they superimpose and disappear into a . . . . . OH! I think I get it.

They “disappear” (become subsumed) into a yet greater (for wont of a better word) wavelength and . . . so on and so forth.

If correct, then that would be the answer to my question above; what are finer wavelengths? – They would be that into which the “compressed”, lower-order (in terms of density) wavelengths become subsumed.

But man o man, increasing frequency in order to STILL seems almost . . . counter-commonsense/experience.


Contemplate a machine that produces a light show with synchronized sound and light which respond to the various notes.

If you turn off the sound the light still remains and still plays or responds to the musical notes. Then if you also turn off the lights you still have the sound, light and music existing subjectively in the machine.

Even so, in creation we have numerous spheres of creation composed of various frequencies of sound and light, which in numerous cycles is turned off, but even when off, they still exist subjectively in the mind of God and can be turned back on again.

The sacrifice of the solar angels brought the fourth kingdom in nature into being. The “returning nirvanis” (as they are called in esoteric literature), with deliberation and full understanding, took human bodies in order to raise those lower forms of life nearer to the goal. These were and are ourselves. The “Lords of Knowledge and Compassion and of ceaseless persevering Devotion” (who are ourselves) chose to die in order that lesser lives might live, and this sacrifice has made possible the evolution of the indwelling consciousness of Deity. This consciousness, having worked its way through the subhuman kingdoms in nature, needed the activity of the solar angels to make further progress possible. Herein lies

  1. Our service to God, through sacrifice and death;
  2. Our service to other souls, through deliberate self-sacrificing purpose;
  3. Our service to other forms of life in other kingdoms.

All this involves the death and sacrifice of a Son of God, a solar angel, for, from the angle of Deity, descent into matter, manifestation through form, the taking of a body, extension of consciousness through the process of incarnation, are all occultly considered to be death. But the angels “chose to die, and in dying, lived.” Through their sacrifice, matter is lifted up into Heaven.

Esoteric Psychology II Page 93

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Health 101

This entry is part 39 of 73 in the series 2015

Oct 31, 2015

Health 101

Thanks for your comments on healing. I’m sure some readers find it refreshing to read intelligent comments from the various Keys members.

I think that one thing we can all agree on is that a reasonable amount of exercise is needed to maintain good health. The key is to choose the right kind ad get the right amount.

Like anything, the key of good judgment is essential, especially as you get older. More is not always better.

For instance, a little jogging or bike riding is good but too much can create problems. Some run so much, as did President Bush, that it ruins their joints. Excessive aerobic exercise causes one to sweat a lot. A little sweating is good , but too much can cause a loss of essential minerals that can lead to heart and other problems.

When I was younger I found that I could do any type of exercise with no visible negative effects, but as I got older I discovered that I needed to avoid high impact exercises. I am now 70 and several I have tried out in the last ten years have backfired on me and caused some joint pain. When this has occurred I ceased doing them and switched to something else and the problems went away.

Right now I have found the best exercise with no negative effects is doing jumping jacks on a mini trampoline, often called a “rebounder.” I see that Susan mentioned that she and Michael are sold on this also.

I seek an exercise that doesn’t take much time as my time is precious to me. One thing I have discovered is that short sessions of exercise that gets the heart rate up done several times a day is better than one long one once a day.

What I find works for me is to do jumping jacks on a rebounder 80 times, three times a day. This seems to keep the blood and life energy in circulation. I also do several other exercises.

Right now one of my most intensive workouts comes twice a week when Artie babysits our grandson. He loves chasing me around the house with a foam rubber sword. When I get too tired to continue I let him finish me off.

I read once about some study that said that if you enjoy the exercise that the benefit will almost double so I suppose having fun with a grandson is a good plan for him and me.

There are, of course, many ingredients to good health. Several of you mentioned a key one which is the soul. In this you are in harmony with DK. Here is the first law of healing that is given by him:

All disease is the result of inhibited soul life. This is true of all forms in all kingdoms. The art of the healer consists in releasing the soul so that its life can flow through the aggregate of organisms which constitute any particular form.


How is the soul released so its life can flow?

To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.


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Health 102

This entry is part 40 of 73 in the series 2015

Nov 1, 2015

Health 102

The Question:

How is the soul released so its life can flow?

A book could be written on this but the prime answer is this.

Soul energy is our source of life and without it the body would fall apart and decay as if it were dead, for it would be dead. Therefore, when the soul energy is blocked in any way it is as if a piece of the body is in the state of dying and decay. When soul energy is released the unraveling is suspended and restoration comes.

What we need to examine is what is it that causes a blockage or suspension of soul energy.

The main thing that causes blockage is the entity’s resistance to the will of the Soul or Higher Self. The basic problem of harmonizing with the Higher Self is that we are often ignorant of what it wants us to do. After all, few of us hear some voice saying something like, “Hey you! This is your Higher Self and this is what I want.”

Even with this handicap there are a number of things we can do to insure we are in harmony with the soul which are.

(1) Live up to the highest you know to be true. One can automatically assume that this is incorporated in the will of the Higher Self.

(2) When the seeker reaches a fork in the road he must contemplate the results of the two choices and register how each choice feels to the inner self. The choice that seems to bring the greatest inner peace will generally be the one in alignment with the soul, though it may not be the choice desired by the lower emotions.

(3) Pay attention to how you feel deeply within after the choice is made. We are not infallible and the seeker will often confuse the will of the lower personality with the will of the soul. If a mistake is made the seeker will feel what is best described as “a disturbance in the force.” Do not confuse this with natural difficulties or outward signs which are not reliable indicators.

If you made the wrong choice you will feel a lack of energy toward fulfilling that choice, a lack of light in how to solve the problems and a lack of certainly that you are on the right path.

If you made the correct choice the opposite will be the case. You will clearly see what to do next and feel energized about accomplishing it as well as having a sense of peace assuring you that you are going the right direction.

(4) Pay attention to your dreams. If you are off course your dreams will often hold clues to getting back on course.

(5) Pay attention to any physical problem of weakness you may have. This will give clues as to where your resistance may be. The chakra which is closest to the discomfort will indicate where the resistance is coming from. For instance, problems below the diaphragm are usually due to problems in the solar plexus caused by emotional problems of some kind. Something like sinus problems in the head would be related to the center between the eyebrows and could result from a frustration of manifesting ideas or plans.

Here is the second Law of Healing:

Disease is the product of, and subject to, three influences: first, a man’s past, wherein he pays the price of ancient error; second, his inheritance, wherein he shares with all mankind those tainted streams of energy which are of group origin; third, he shares with all the natural forms that which the Lord of Life imposes on His body. These three influences are called “The Ancient Law of Evil Sharing.” This must give place someday to that new “Law of Ancient Dominating Good” which lies behind all that God made. This law must be brought into activity by the spiritual will of man.

As you can see here there are other things at play than just following higher will. No matter how perfect we are there are always this “evil sharing” with which we have to deal.

This is negated by the “Law of Ancient Dominating Good” which is activated by spiritual will.


What is the difference between spiritual will and regular will, as understood by the masses?

How do you suppose we can activate this spiritual will?

Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon.

Doug Larson

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