The Intuition, Part 3

This entry is part 8 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

Audience: I have known psychics who are very accurate in looking into the future and how could that possibly be, reading the aura that is around you now?

JJ: I am saying that when they are contacting a dead person they do that through the aura. When they are trying to read the future they usually get that from their own auras unless they are trying to read the future of another person.

Audience: Wouldn’t a person using a psychic ability have to use a spiritual connection somehow to be able to get to the spiritual stuff?

JJ: Yes except I have never met a really accurate psychic.

Audience: I have, I have met psychics who have told me the basic stuff like I was going to be happily married.

JJ: That is tuning into how you feel, that is the feeling nature. I have had a number of psychic readings and some of them hit a couple of things on the head and quite a few were really far off but the thing is that a stopped clock is right twice a day; so to pick out one or two things they might have said is not really a test. There’s this guy that has a million dollar reward to anyone who can prove psychism and no one has been able to claim it yet. That is kind of interesting.

When we develop this psychism we need to realize it is not 100% accurate. It is not accurate but we can tune into our feelings and develop our relationships and this is an important thing to do while we are going through this particular phase. But as far as predicting the future I have often predicted the future not using psychism at all and just using common sense. You know people and you know how they are going to react and often times for instance when somebody meets a potential partner, and they fall crazy in love, they loose all perspective as to what is happening. They cannot see what is going to happen tomorrow in their relationship but somebody else that is fairly detached can look at him and say, you know after you are married to this person for about two months you will wind up hating each other because you are different in this way and you do not see it now because you are crazy in love. But once the dust is settled you will not be able to stand this person and it turns out to be true.

Audience: Laughter

JJ: You are not psychic, you just know the guy and you know that this gal will drive him crazy once he wakes up to the fact that he was just attracted for other reasons.

Audience: Chuckling!

JJ: When the person is in love and he really wants it to work then he cannot predict his future at all and he is oblivious to what his future may be. Maybe a good friend can look with detachment and tell him very accurately what will happen. As the person progresses through the psychic world he learns to discriminate. Some of them learn to get fairly accurate because they can tap into the Akashic Records and they are actually in the higher astral and the thing is, it is a little bit like a kaleidoscope and you know how you turn it a little and you see jumbled up beautiful patterns? This is a little like what the psychic sees when he looks into the Akashic Records and he can’t sort out whether this piece belonged to yesterday or tomorrow or to this person or that person and he will make these predictions on what he sees and every once in a while he will get one that is really close and then other times he will be ten miles off and he can’t figure out why he just can’t get it right all the time because that would be kind of nice.

It takes a Master to go to the Akashic Records and read them accurately because if a person is polarized in the emotional world then he cannot read them accurately, but every once in a while he will get something right on. For instance, Jeane Dixon predicted the Kennedy assassination and I have never really seen the actual prediction. I kept hearing that for many years since she predicted it and after the event she told everybody how she predicted it but I never read it before hand. But lets take her word for it that she did get that one right on. I followed her career and read all of her prophecies and at least 90% of them did not come true. But she did get that one. She must have been looking at the Akashic Records and got that one right..

So every once in a while a psychic will get something that is right on, but what they get will be impressive enough to the feeling nature that people who are into the feeling nature will be impressed. Emotionally polarized people are always more impressed with psychics than people that are in the mental nature and that is because the psychics are very good at tuning into how you feel and saying things that are agreeable with your feelings.

I have seen psychic’s give a reading to a very strong feeling orientated person that I thought did not make any sense at all but they thought it was just wonderful because it struck their feelings just right.

So we go through this period where we develop our feeling nature and that includes not only psychic ability but also the ability to tune into other people and to develop our emotional intelligence. We have brain intelligence associated with the physical but then we have emotional intelligence associated with the feeling nature. People that are very emotionally intelligent are actors. Alec Baldwin is a good example.

Alec Baldwin is a very emotional guy and he has a very powerful emotional intelligence. His presence is very strong; Barbra Streisand is also a very strong emotional intelligence.

Audience: Tony Robbins?

JJ: Yes he has good emotional intelligence but he also has regular mental intelligence as well. He is a good blend. But if you read what these emotionally strong people say where they are trying to use logic you find that they are not very logical at all. But they have such powerful emotional intelligence that when people are listening to them that it strikes their emotions in a very positive way and they feel intelligence there.

People at this stage have their attention concentrating on developing their astral emotional abilities and they are very good at it. A lot of actors epitomize emotional intelligence. They have to really learn to be emotional for one thing and very emotional people are drawn to acting because they get to really let their emotions out, cry and scream and do all kinds of weird stuff using their acting abilities. The higher their emotional intelligence the better the actor they will be.

Emotional intelligence is very good for becoming popular, developing friendships, especially the more superficial ones because people are very attracted to people who are emotionally intelligent. So we go through this period of developing our psychism and our emotional intelligence. After we have developed that to the maximum then what is the next step? There is one more step before intuition; does anybody know what this step is?

Audience: Silence

JJ: We develop the mind, to develop the mind you have to let your attention on the emotional go. This is why a lot of people that are very intelligent are really backward emotionally. They have let the attention on the emotions go. Picture Einstein when he was in college, that big hair he had and everybody else combed it back. He was probably just a really big nerd! But as evolved he retrieved his emotional intelligence from his past and he could bring it back if he wanted. But his attention was so much on the mind that he was probably just a big nerd as he was going through the lower grades and high school.

So you can kind of visualize somebody like that when they were young. Now what these people do is they shift their attention away from their psychic ability, their empathy, their emotional self so that the whole emotional self just kind of goes to sleep and they put it below the threshold of consciousness and then they develop the mind – how to reason, how to think, how to use wisdom, and this is different than brain activity. Many people can’t differentiate between brain activity and mind activity. What is the difference between the two?

Can somebody with good brain activity and somebody with good mental activity get the same grades in school?

Audience: Inaudible

JJ: Why is that Wayne?

Wayne from the audience: Because they are dealing with the INs and OUTs of the logical process in both cases.

JJ: If you have good brain activity it means that you have a brain that is capable of memorizing well and functioning well so saying you have good brain activity is like saying I have a great computer and it can do anything I tell it to do. Now you can put a computer in the hands of somebody that is just starting to learn computers and you can put the same one into the hands of somebody that is a whiz at computers. Now if it is a simple calculation both will do equally as well, but if it is doing something that is really complicated then the computer whiz will do a lot better.

If we are fortunate enough to be born with a good functioning brain that gets lots of oxygen it does not matter how evolved you are; you can read that page and memorize what is on the page and then do the multiple choice and give the right answers. That is just memorizing and writing down what you memorized. So if it is just memorizing, that is just brain activity and it has nothing to do with the mind, emotional intelligence or anything except your physical brain. So the way they teach school today does not measure intelligence if what they are grading you on is material that you just memorized. Memorizing something does not show how you understand it or how you can apply it.

That is what always bugged me about school and that is probably why I came to this conclusion because I was never very good at memorizing tests. I always thought to myself, this is so useless because if I memorize it then in a few days I will forget about it. Why don’t they have us learn something and then apply it? This is what I was always thinking while I was in school – we are not applying anything. They are just feeding us material to memorize and most people that memorize it just forget it.

My wife, Artie got a lot better grades than I did when she was in school. She has very good short-term memory and I have a good long-term memory, I remember material that I read 40 years ago and the funny thing about Artie is we will watch a movie and two months later she will rent it again and I will say, dear we already rented this movie.

Audience: Laughter

Wayne from the audience: Careful now, she is going to remember this when she gets home!

Audience: Laughter

JJ: She’ll say, did I like it; and I will say yes you liked quite a bit and I remember the comment you made about it!

Audience: Laughter

JJ: She has a good short-term memory but she does have a good long-term memory for things that I have done wrong though!

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: For some reason that is built into the female nature! They never forget certain things like that! Her and I together using both of our memories, work very well together! I am good long-term and she is good short-term. Now when you are taking tests in school and if you have a good short-memory than you will do pretty good. When I usually learn something and do get it memorized then I remember it the rest of my life but it takes me quite a bit of work to get it stored in my brain, but once it was in there it stays. Artie has a good short-term memory so she got mostly A’s when she was in school and she would stay up all night and cram and get a good grade on her test the next day.

So the tests in school basically just determine how our brain is functioning. They do not test our abilities and this is where the educational system needs to be revised.


Copyright by J J Dewey

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The Intuition, Part 2

This entry is part 7 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

In our far past we relied on instinct. At one time in our past lives we were tribal people and we learned to develop the instinct. We learned everything that the animals had and we took it with us and used it to the maximum and we developed it fully. Then we decided that we wanted to learn something else and to do this we dropped the instincts below the threshold of our consciousness. So where did it go?

You do not see Garrett over here taming mountain lions or anything like that. He is probably the wrong person to pick on because he is probably pretty close to nature. The thing is this, where did our instinctual powers go? And the answer is that they are still with us. And we can go back and tap into it, just like when you come across a complicated word, you can go back and tap into how to pronounce things and use that skill to sound it out. Now each of us has passed through the instinctive process so each of us has the ability to tap into the instinct as good as any native running around in the jungles, if we decide to tap into it. But the thing is a lot of us are not aware that we have passed through that and are not aware that we can go back in and tap into it.

I remember a while back, and I have not seen it lately, but there used to be these drumming clubs where men discover their manliness. Men get together and drum, apparently the people that do this say that it taps into some basic primal thing in them that they did not realize was there. We can tap into that instinct that is still there and we can still go back and retrieve it. The reason drumming brings it back is because in our past lives as natives in various places we probably did a lot of drumming and the drumming taps us into that memory and brings us back to instincts.

I remember one time I attended this meeting where this gal performed a Native American dance and as I was watching it I went into a dream state and went back into a past life where I was some type of Native myself. I thought, wow that was pretty powerful and she must have tapped into some ancient memory at the time. That was quite fascinating but all of that is below the threshold of our consciousness and we can tap into it whenever we want, but for what we are doing right now we do not need it very much.

We don’t need to rely on instinct very much to survive like some one living in the jungles or close to the earth and hunting everyday or being hunted. Instead, we need to use other resources and because of this we let the instinct pretty much go. It is not always completely gone and we feel a certain amount of instinct in things; like say we touch a hot stove and we react instinctively. Certain instincts are built into us like a computer program that we just continue to use when important. But if we do not use them frequently we just let them go. The important thing to realize is that we can let them go and bring them back whenever we want. All we have to do is pay attention to them and they can come back to us and we can use them as a tool should the need arise.

After the person develops these instincts and lets them go what is the next thing to concentrate on?

We move away from the physical instinct to the emotional self. Now as we move into the emotional realm we start using it with what we call our “gut feelings.” The gut feeling is close to being instinctual but it is kind of the bridge between instinct and psychism and so we get feelings about things and we begin to develop this side of ourselves.

Wayne from the audience: Was the choice of that shirt instinct?

JJ: Laughing, it was random! All my selections are random unless my wife picks them out for me, so you can talk to her.

So the next thing we develop is our psychic abilities and you will notice that a lot of people evolve into this as they break away from the instinct. A good example of people bridging the gap is in Haiti where they practice voodoo. So they have a lot of psychism and instinct there but as I said they are bridging the gap from the instinct to the lower psychic as they are moving from instinct to lower psychism. Next we move from the lower psychic to higher psychism and we spend a long time developing our feelings from being insensitive to the feeling world.

Now the feeling world is upside down from the real world. Have you ever looked at your self in a mirror and it really looks like you but in fact you are really reversed and it is not the way other people see you.

It is kind of funny when you see a picture of you that is not reversed you think that it looks kind of odd but when you look in a mirror you think, well that is the way I look but that is not the way other people are seeing you – your image in the mirror is reversed. The soul projects to the mind and then reflects to the emotional self as in a mirror where all is reversed.

This is why the purpose of the feeling world is not to lead us to truth but to lead us to experience. Haven’t you found that some of your greatest experiences have been when you have done something really crazy that was not logical and you look back on it and think it was a really stupid thing to do but it lead to a really interesting experience and you learned a lot. This is what the feeling world does. It takes everything and reverses it and you get a feeling about reality but you never find reality in the feeling world and this is another reason that as you develop through the feeling world you develop your psychic abilities. This is also the reason most psychics are not really very accurate.

They are interesting and they are fun to listen to and they tap into things but just like looking at yourself in the mirror if you were to describe yourself and say the mole is on the right side when it is really on the other side well that is why the psychic will say a thing is going to happen in 2001 and it will really happen in 2003. They will get a bunch of data and some of it is true. The information is just true enough that it keeps people going to psychics. Even though much is reversed, it is projected into the world or among their friends or their clients and it just rings true enough that you have got to think there is something to this.

But it is never 100% accurate and as a matter of fact whenever a major event happens like 911 you never hear a psychic saying it in advance that it is going to happen. Where they are best at is connecting to the feeling nature. Many psychics are actually quite good at picking up your feelings and describing them to you because regular psychism operates on the feeling nature. Now there is lower and higher psychism and there are different degrees. The lower psychic is actually sometimes the most accurate because he does not have a lot of ego attached to it but as a person progresses and increases his vibration; he also increases the power of ego.

So his ego gets more centralized, so he gets to the point where he begins to think that, “Oh I am a really great psychic and I am a great being because I have these powers.” When they start thinking this way it reverses and contorts their thinking all the more and so they have even more difficulty. But what they can do is they can read other people’s feelings and work with them. A psychic can also often pick up things from the other person’s aura and many psychics that claim to contact the dead are actually just picking up things in the clients aura about that dead person who is not even in the room with them or anything.

Every once in a while there will be a legitimate contact with the dead but most of the time they are tuning into the person they are with and sometimes a real psychic ability occurs where they really pick up something from the person’s memory or feeling nature. Both the psychic and the person will believe it is from the spirit world when in fact they are just picking it up from the person’s memory or the person’s aura.

Like I say there is no black and white on this because there are so many things that come into play. There are times when the veil between the two worlds is thin and people pick up things. Then there are other times when the psychic himself will pick up information from his own thoughtform, and other times he will pick it up from the person he is reading.

So we go through this psychic period and not all of us become like Jeane Dixon, a famous psychic. When you are going through this period you will find that many people you meet do have what they feel are psychic abilities and they are not a professional psychic. They are not out there reading tea leaves or anything like that but a lot of people do have psychic ability.

We go through this process and what we are supposed to perfect when we are going through this type of development is increasing emotional sensitivity and empathy. This is the most important thing to learn from developing our psychic abilities. As we develop them we tune into our emotional nature and other people’s emotional nature and we pick up their sufferings, their joys, their happiness and what brings them distress.

By picking up these sensitivities about other people it makes you more aware, more sensitive and more willing to do unto others, as you would have others do unto you. This is the important lesson from developing this ability because you never get 100% accuracy from what we call astral psychism. But you can get a really high degree of accuracy by developing empathy for your fellow man because as you develop your psychic ability you will develop an empathy for how other people are feeling. When you tune in to how they are feeling it will make you a lot better communicator and will make you a person that is much more sought out because people will feel that you understand them because you know how they feel and so on.


Copyright by J J Dewey

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The Debt Problem

This entry is part 2 of 34 in the series 2011C

There’s been a lot of finger pointing concerning the recent downgrade of the U.S. credit rating from both sides of the isle. While it is true that over the years both sides have contributed to our economic problems that have led to the downgrade, I find it amazing and not at all helpful that many Democrats are placing all the blame on the Republicans, especially those associated with the Tea Party. Even more problematic is the media just seems to accept their accusations as true with no challenge to prove their point.
Rachel Maddow on Meet the Press (Aug 7) encapsulated a distorted view that I have seen expressed by many on the Left. She said:

“They (S&P) absolutely indicted the fashionable intransigents of the Republican Party right now in Washington. And there’s a question about whether or not there will be a change in fashion, whether or not that will be a sort of wakeup call that the parties need to work together rather than the Republicans’ fashion right now, which is that any deal is a bad deal.”

She misquotes the S&P as saying: “The downgrade was motivated by all the debate about raising of the debt ceiling. It involved a level of brinksmanship greater than what we had expected.”

Then commenting on this quote that doesn’t exist she adds:

“That’s why they say they downgraded us. Not because there’s too much debt, but rather that Washington is not working,… They said they did this because of brinksmanship over the debt ceiling. They did not say they did this because there’s too much government spending.”

This is just flat out wrong and the disconcerting thing is that many Democrats are following her lead.

Let us look at the facts so we can assess the true situation.

S&P and other ratings services haven’t just become concerned about our credit rating at the beginning of the debt ceiling crises. They have been concerned for some time and their original concerns had nothing to with an impasse in raising the ceiling, but that we were raising it too much and going too deep into debt without the means to climb out.

Reuters reported on Aug 26, 2010 that John Chambers, the sovereign-ratings committee chief of S&P, told the wire service in an interview – how Congress responds to the commission’s proposals on soaring U.S. deficits will significantly influence the ratings company’s outlook on the U.S. credit rating.

The Wall Street Journal had this headline back on Jan 14, 2011

S&P, Moody’s Warn On U.S. Credit Rating

“The United States’ AAA credit rating may be at risk sooner than previously thought as the nation fails to deal with its growing debt…”

On April 18, 2011 Reuters published this headline:
S&P threatens to cut U.S. credit rating on deficit

The article stated: “Standard & Poor’s threatened Monday to downgrade the United States’ prized AAA credit rating unless the Obama administration and Congress find a way to slash the yawning federal budget deficit within two years.”

Here is a quote from Standard & Poor’s site from April 18:
“We therefore think that, assuming an agreement between Congress and the President, there is a reasonable chance that it would still take a number of years before the government reaches a fiscal position that stabilizes its debt burden. In addition, even if such measures are eventually put in place, the initiating policymakers or subsequently elected ones could decide to at least partially reverse fiscal consolidation.”

Then on April 25 CNN’s money site made this statement:
“There’s been a lot of hand-wringing and posturing over Standard & Poor’s announcement that it has changed its outlook for the U.S. Treasury’s long-term debt to “negative” for the first time since it began rating Uncle Sam’s securities 70 years ago. To many people, it feels like a judgment from on high about our government for spending so much more than it takes in.”

Moody’s and private financial experts have also issued warnings about the debt over the years. Here’s a headline from Reuters from way back in 2009

U.S. likely to lose AAA rating
Jun 15, 2009 “Technical analyst Robert Prechter on Monday said he sees the United States losing its top AAA credit rating by the end of 2010, as he stuck by a deeply bearish outlook on the U.S. economy and stock market.

“Prechter, known for predicting the 1987 stock market crash, joins a growing coterie of market heavyweights in forecasting the United States will lose its top credit rating as the government issues trillions of dollars in debt to fund efforts to bail out the economy.”

So, what is the common thread in all these warnings? Is there any word about nasty Republicans holding the debt ceiling hostage?

No. Until recently no one knew a debt ceiling impasse would be a problem

Instead the danger that threatened our credit rating was the debt, plain and simple.

And what has been the central message of the Tea Party?

To cut spending and live within our means. In other words, the Tea Party is not the problem as Maddow and others claim but they are working in the direction of the solution suggested by S&P over the years.

S&P doesn’t care how we manage the debt as long as we put our house in order. In their latest release they point out two ways to do this. The first is to increase revenue though tax increases and the second is spending cuts. They believe spending cuts is the most efficient but Maddow makes a big deal over the fact that they mention the word “revenue” three times in their comments. What she overlooks is they make references to out “debt” 28 times.

It is true that in their latest release that the impasse was a factor in lowering our rating at this time. Because this illustrates the difficulty of Congress in dealing with the debt through added revenues or cuts our risk factor has increased. They’ve warned us of a downgrade for years now. It appears the impasse just speeded it up a few months.

S&P is especially concerned about our debt ratio to the GDP. It said that if $2.1 trillion in cuts materialize then by the end of the year our debt will equal 74% of the GDP. By 2015 it will equal 79% and 2021 it will be 85%.

If the Bush Tax cuts were to expire the percentages would be 74%, 77% and 78%

On the other hand, if a second round of $1.2 trillion in spending cuts does not occur the figures will be 74%, 90% and a whopping 101%

S&P believes that tax increases would increase revenues and help a little with the debt, but all this would be much more than offset if spending cuts do not materialize.

If I had my way I would not raise taxes but cut spending. A Republican plan goes like goes like this.

We freeze spending for seven years and also cut a mere 1% in spending during each of those years. The claim is that we could balance the budget in 7-10 years.

That sounds like about as painless a way to set our house in order that is possible.

Unfortunately even this is too huge of a spending decrease for the Democrats to accept and they are insisting on tax hikes as part of the deal and fewer spending cuts.

I think we have dug such a deep pit for ourselves that we will have to increase revenue as well as decrease spending. Any tax hike should expire within seven years and then we can reassess the situation.

Also, the spending cuts need to be written in stone. Time and time again we’ve been promised spending cuts that did not materialize. Congress can talk about spending cuts in 2013 but we’ll have a whole new group by then that may seek a way around the cuts.

This time the spending cuts will need real teeth if we ever want to get our AAA+ rating back as well as the confidence of the world.

Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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The Intuition, Part 1

This entry is part 6 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

The official topic is Spiritual Intuition. Now there are three major steps in a person’s progression toward finding out things that are of a non-physical nature. The first we call instinct, the second we call psychic ability and the third we call Intuition. Some people speak of a fourth and they call it direct knowing or something like that. But everybody that I talked to that claims to be a direct knower has not even developed the intuition, yet let alone psychic abilities. If somebody comes to you and says, yea, I am just a direct knower, then ask them a few questions to see what they know and it is usually not that much.

For one thing the higher up a person gets on the scale the less he brags about what he is and what he can do. They usually just do it if they can do it. Like when Christ was here – He did not go around saying, boy I can do this or I can do that, He just went and did a few things and He did not brag about what he could do and He did not claim that He could do a bunch of stuff that He could not demonstrate.

But what really drew attention toward Him was that everything He did was an actual demonstration of what was inside of Him. A lot of people we see are always talking about how advanced they are and these type of people are often neophytes when it comes to knowing because humility is the sign of the true knower. Like ole Wayne over here he is just a real humble guy and he just knows so much stuff.

Wayne from the audience: I am the most humble guy I know! Chuckling!

Audience: Laughter!

JJ: You just looked humble when I looked at you so I just had to bring that up.

The ego is a big obstacle in the way of spiritual progression because it is a natural inclination of all people to feel important. All of us want to feel important and as a matter of fact if you have ever read the book “How To Win Friends And Influence People” the main thing that you have to do to make everybody like you is to make them feel important, make them feel listened to – it just works wonders with them.

Now another book that I read on this subject had a really interesting piece of advice as to how to really get people engaged. I was about 16 at the time when I started reading these books because I was not as popular as I wanted to be in high school and I thought that there has got to be a way to improve my personality so that people liked me better, especially the girls. So I started reading these books and I came across one piece of advice that really works and it says if you want to impress the other person you are with and engage them in conversation then just let the other guy talk and then say, “then what?”

I told this friend of mine about it and he thought that was an interesting idea. It was Brent McCombs – Wayne remembers him. There I was talking to ole Brent and he kept saying “and then what,” so I told him more stuff and then he would say, “and then what” so I told him more stuff and what I did not realize is that he was trying the idea out on me and I talked about a half hour and then he started laughing and I realized what he was doing.

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: He said that he was not listening to a word I said and he was just saying “and then what” to see if it really worked! It is an amazing thing and it illustrates the power of the ego. People like to be the center of attention. We like to do the talking; we like to be the giver. It takes the effort of letting down the ego and let the other person have their say. This brought it home for me when my friend pulled that trick on me and it really worked because I just rambled on for about a half hour and I can’t even remember the starting sentence. All he had to do was look really interested and say, “and then what “ and “well then what?”

It is one of the best pieces of advice I have read on how to make people think you are really a good conversationalists. It really worked and I was thinking that my friend was a pretty good conversationalist, chuckling, and he was only saying two words the whole time. So take that statement and the next time you are with somebody and just get a seed thought going or some conversation going and see how long the person will talk. I can kind of justify myself because I was only 16 at the time and hopefully I have matured a bit since then so people can’t pull that trick on me again.

So to increase our spiritual powers we need to remove that ego obstacle and that is the first step. Now as we progress along our evolution we develop our instinct. What people of the earth are really good with their instinct?

Audience: Inaudible

JJ: Tribal people. You have heard the story of the Indian scout who puts his ear to the ground and hears the horses coming from miles away or that type of thing. Natives can sense things about the earth and some can talk to animals through mental telepathy. You hear all kinds of stories about these guys operating on instinct. Animals are very instinctive. Look at the swallows that return to Capistrano every year and birds that know when to go north and south. Animals, right after they are born, seem to be a lot smarter than a human. They can walk around right away and know how to feed. They have all this programming as to how to survive.

The more primitive peoples are very much in tune with the animal instincts and some people look at animals and more primitive native people and say well they really are more evolved than we are because look what they can do and we can’t. But is that really true? Can the lesser evolved; do something that we can’t? And why can’t we do these things? Why are we not in tune with mother earth the way that the native people are?

What happens when we learn something completely?

Audience: We master it.

JJ: We do something and there is a special phrase for it, does anyone know what it is?

Audience: We forget.

JJ: That is true but what happens is it goes below the threshold of our consciousness.

Audience: Like breathing.

JJ: Yes breathing is below the threshold of consciousness. Your heartbeat is below the threshold of your consciousness and if you tune into your heart like the yogis do you could control your heartbeat and slow it down to maybe ten beats per minute or some crazy stuff like that because of concentration and tuning into it. But you and I, unless we really practice, can’t do that right now. Everything operating in our body is below the threshold of our consciousness.

Many things that we learn are kept in the threshold of our consciousness and then after we learn them they go below the threshold of our consciousness. Let’s take reading for instance, when you first started reading you read, “See Dick run.” You spelled it out, s-e-e D-i-c-k r-u-n. You went through all that process and then when you put the words together and said it, you say, “See Dick run.” You do not sound out all the vowels, consonants and syllables anymore for that drops below the threshold of your consciousness. Knowledge of doing all that is now below the threshold of your consciousness because it is so automatic for it built in. But can you tap into that reading process if you wanted to teach someone else?

If you wanted to teach your children then you could tap into as to how to break down the sounds. What you have done is that you have learned the process so well that you have put it below the threshold of your consciousness so you do not have to worry about all the details. You have to put it below the threshold of your consciousness so it does not take attention. Each of us has one unit of attention and if you have something taking half of that then you only have a half of a unit to concentrate on something new. In nature what happens is this; when we learn something fully then by nature we put that below our consciousness so that can have the full attention to move on to something else. So once you learn the consonants and the pronunciation then you do not have to go through the basic words of see “See Dick run.” You can just look at it and in an instant you know that Dick is running and he is probably running after Jane because she is so attractive.

Audience: We use the same tools to sound out words now.

JJ: Yes if it is new, and if it is new then that is something not below the threshold of consciousness and that is what you are supposed to be doing.

Audience: But when I learned how to read; are you saying that tool goes below the threshold of consciousness?

JJ: No, not the process but the details of what you learn goes below the threshold of your consciousness.

Audience: How to break it into syllables and how to sound it out.

JJ: That is still in your consciousness for that is the process. You do not concern yourself with sounding out, “See Dick run” because that is below the threshold of consciousness. It is built in like a computer program so that when you see the phrase “See Dick run” or something more complicated like “See Wayne go,” or whatever. It just registers almost instantly and you do not have to sound it out. But if you see a really complicated Indian name or something like that then you might stop and figure out how it is pronounced.

Audience: Inaudible

JJ: Or just look at it and think, “See #%@&* run” chuckling. That is what I do. I know I am not going to remember it anyway so why sound it out?


Copyright by J J Dewey

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Mysteries of Initiation

This entry is part 1 of 34 in the series 2011C

Blayne started the ball rolling with this question:
So would one know for sure of they were a second degree initiate or not? Or could they be a second degree initiate and not know it? If they could and not know it when would one know for sure what level they are at?

Until the writings of Alice A. Bailey became available knowledge of the initiations were not available to the masses. Hence there have been many initiates in history who knew nothing about the initiations. All initiates have had a sense of making progress before the eyes of God but few understood the gradations.

Shakespeare, Joseph Smith, Mary Baker Eddie, Lincoln, Churchill, Edison, Tesla and many other initiates had similar initiation experiences but it is likely that none of them were consciously aware that there were specific initiations. Once in a while an initiate will have a conscious revelation that tells him what is going on, but this is the exception.

DK tells us that the actual recognition by the Hierarchy of an initiation happens after the abilities and qualities of the initiation have already been obtained. It’s a little like getting a college diploma after the ceremony. The diploma does nothing to enhance your education or make you smarter or improve your skills. It is merely recognition of accomplishment.

Even so, the initiations are like diplomas giving recognition of something that is already accomplished.

When you read DK about the initiations it sounds like all initiates would know if they have passed an initiation even if they have not heard of Alice A. Bailey. He talks about ceremonies that accompany them with Masters, rods of power etc. Who could put something like that out of his mind?

DK barely mentions the reasons that initiates rarely recall initiation ceremonies. There are two reasons for this.

(1) The initiation ceremonies are usually held after death, between lives.

(2) Other times they take place during sleep. The disciple may have some dreams around the event but the conscious memory is often lost.

It is only on rare occasions that initiates have a conscious memory of initiation ceremonies. I doubt that even Alice A. Bailey or HPB had full memories of their own, even though they were aware of the initiation process.

Since a seeker can be an initiate yet have no conscious memory of any ceremony of recognition then can he know if he has passed the first, the second, the third etc.

The answer is a pretty solid yes for the first and the third, but the second is more difficult to discern.

The first degree initiate has the birth of the Christ in his heart. He becomes a seeker and does all he can to purify himself to make himself acceptable before God. He seeks to control his sexual impulses and body appetites.

Many seekers can identify with going through this process.

The third degree initiate has a profound supernatural experience where he confronts the Dweller on the Threshold and experiences the Angel of the Presence that ends with seeing through illusion. Such a disciple will recognize this initiation when it is described by DK or others.

The second initiation is a little more difficult to recognize because glamour springing from the ego is powerfully involved and must be overcome.

Many first degree initiates struggling with glamour will automatically assume he or she has achieved the second or beyond. Those struggling with ego and glamour usually overestimate their status and a few have the glamour of false humility and project themselves as below average when in their hearts they see themselves as superior to others.

The second initiation is one of the most difficult to achieve because of the power of the lower ego and the surrounding glamours. Then the achievement is a long tough process with no one great moment or flash of light marking the achievemet. Reaching the second initiation is a little like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. When you put in the last piece you finally see the whole picture but this achievement was proceeded by finding many other pieces first.

Here are some qualities found in the second degree initiate.

(1) Strong desire to improve himself and achieve self control

(2) He is at peace with his emotional self even in stressful conditions.

(3) He will rarely take offense at anything anyone says, even if it is highly insulting or outrageous. If someone shoves him he is not likely to shove back unless there is some purpose in it.

(4) He will rarely make statements to illustrate how great or talented he is. He will show his ability by his actions rather than boasting or even subtle hints.

(5) If associates see you as someone who is always trying to prove how good you are or as an obnoxious ego then chances are you have not achieved the second degree. If they see you as a nice person and feel comfortable having you in charge then that is an indication you have achieved, but there are exceptions.

(6) A second degree or higher is usually working on initiating something such as, a group, a philosophy, a business or some idea. He will go beyond just dreaming and scheming and attempt to accomplish and will not quit just because times are tough.

(7) The second degree is opening up his heart energies and those close to him (or her) will enjoy the relationship and sense the warm energies coming from this person.

(8) No one likes to be criticized but the second degree or higher will appreciate constrictive criticism and even be open to learning from harsh destructive attacks.

(9) The second degree can transcend guilt and put it in its proper place where it can do no harm.

(10)He practices the principle of harmlessness.

(11) He holds no grievances.

(12) He has achieved a degree of soul contact and has had spiritual experiences that have convinced him that the spiritual world is real.

(13) He takes responsibility for his lot in life and will rarely blame others for his problems.

(14) He has good mental development, is reasonable and logical.

These are just a few of a list that could be expanded.

The key mark of the second degree initiate is the overcoming of glamour but the difficulty in only going by this is that one who has not achieved the second degree cannot see glamour correctly. He may think he has no glamour when he does. This difficulty will make the list I have presented quite helpful if contemplated.

Keith writes:
If Paul experienced the 3rd initiation on the road to Damascus, then when did he experience his 2nd? How could Paul have experienced the 2nd initiation and still persecute the Christians? The 2nd initiation should have dispelled this error about the Christians.

We do not have many details of Paul’s life before he joined the church. We do know his mind was highly developed and was very focused. These are two qualities of a second degree initiate. My guess is that he had some spiritual experiences when he was young that made him dedicated to the highest he knew and that led to overcoming glamour.

The second degree can be far from perfect because of illusion. Remember that Hitler was a second degree initiate who took the Left Hand Path instead of the Right. Paul was probably close to this in persecuting the Christians but caught himself before it was too late.

Ruth wants to know what kind of initiates will be in the first molecule?

The answer is the higher the better but it could be composed of mostly first degree initiates and succeed as long as the individuals involved are open to the energies of the soul and are not overly critical of others in the group. Molecules in the past have been made of first degree initiates and higher.

The 3rd initiation is usually undertaken in the 1st Saturn cycle by the age of 28, isn’t it?, so if a Molecule only consisted of 3rd degree initiates, then most in that Molecule would be in their 20s.

Initiations that are repeated from past lives are completed by the age of 21, but new ones can be achieved at any age past 21. Moses reached his third when he was in his eighties. Initiates continue to achieve way past their first Saturn cycle.

The question came up as to why HPB smoked if she had control over her appetites. If you read her biography you see that she smoked unapologetically and really enjoyed it and offered cigarettes to all. She seemed unaware that smoking was bad for the health so did not attempt to stop this habit.

You aren’t even capable of choosing a path (right or left) until AFTER compeltion of the 3rd…

The choice is made as one approaches the third. When the third is approached the choice between the two paths becomes clear. If the left hand path is chosen then illusion is magnified. If the right is chosen then revelation comes, illusion is dispelled and the initiation is achieved.

Larry W
JJ said if you passed the first or second in a previous life you may not be aware of that in this life because the ordinance part does not need to repeat. But the third and up gets the full meal deal ordinances with BOL guys using the rod of power etc. Hard to miss – you would absolutely consciously know.

There would only be the ceremony if the initiate passes the third for the first time. There would only be a subtle recognition of accomplishment if he is repeating what he achieved in a past life.

Ruth asks about the initiations of Moses. Moses was overshadowed by an advanced entity who apparently achieved the fifth initiation in that life for the scriptures indicate that his body was not subject to death. It appears the lower Moses figure attained the third. In any later incarnation he would have repeated these initiations before the age of 21 and started working on additional ones. Sometimes it takes many lives to move from one initiation to another and other times progress goes fairly quickly.


Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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Finding the Real, Part 5

This entry is part 5 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

The problem we have after we straighten out our root beliefs is we do not see all of reality. Reality, we could say, is a great picture composed of many pieces like a big giant jig saw puzzle. But to see even one piece correctly we have to overcome attachment to desire first and then we can see the piece that is right in front of us but that is only one out many pieces and then we can see another piece and then another piece. So lets say that Jason here has dispelled glamour and illusion and he is able to see a few pieces.

Does that mean he knows everything? No he can’t see all the pieces yet. Eventually he will see enough pieces to see a picture and that picture gives him an idea of what the purpose and plan of God is for all of us. When he sees it, it will be a very exciting thing for him and he will be so much more thrilled than he would have with an illusionary vision.

If I could leave you with anything today it would be this; to look for our foundation beliefs and not to look for truth in what you want but look for it in what reality really is and reality is just a little different than we think it is. Consider this, have you ever thought about the fact that we never live in the present moment?

We do not because it takes you 1/64 of a second to register with your vision that I am even right here in front of you. So you are always 1/64 of a second behind seeing me! You never see me in the current time and you are always looking into the past 1/64 of a second. Then it takes you one second to register a bit of information about what you see in your consciousness and that is why the smallest unit of measurement that is normally used is a second – because it takes about a second to register information in your consciousness.

It takes a 64th of a second to see it. So you are behind a 64th of second in seeing me and you are behind a second in registering what you see. So we are always in the past and we never see the present. If we could see the true present what would we really see and if we could stop time and see what was really there what would we see? It may be fascinating to contemplate this.

Artie: I was wondering if the root cause of schizophrenia is the ability to see reality as it really is and so your mind splits and becomes insane.

JJ: Very interesting question, you just never know. Perhaps they have conflicting images in their mind and it drives them crazy. Is everybody here determined to go and find what is real?

Audience: We are sure going to make an honest effort.

Audience: Is there a correlation in initiation in whether you are in glamour or illusion and whether you are learning to overcome one or the other?

JJ: The first initiation is called having the birth of Christ in your heart, which is where you feel a sense that you want to aspire to find out who and what God is and what your purpose is in relation to God and you are sincerely on this path. Many religious and new age people who consider themselves spiritual have achieved the first initiation, the second initiation is where you master desire and this is very difficult to attain and not many have done this. The third initiation is overcoming and mastery of illusion. This was typified when Christ went on the mount with the disciples and his body was lighted up like the sun and He was visited by Elijah and Moses and with Paul it was on the road to Damascus and he saw this great light.

Paul is a good example because he was persecuting the Christians not because he was a bad guy. His desires were good and he wanted to serve God but he thought the best thing he could do was to kill the Christians to get rid of this threat to his belief system. Now because he had wrong core beliefs it led him to the sincere calculation that the Christians were evil and the best thing do if you have a cancer is to get rid of it. That was the logic he was going by.

Now his enlightenment did not happen instantly and apparently all this time that he was persecuting the Jews he had this benign reasoning in the background that was revealing his wrong beliefs. So, for a period of time, he had wrong core beliefs competing against truth that was distilled on his mind. Finally, on the road to Damascus the truth of his error prevailed in his mind and he was struck by this light. When the truth dawned on him – that is when he saw the vision and it was so intense that it blinded him for several days. So that was his third initiation and after that his illusion was dispelled and he began to see things the way they really were.

Blaine: Can you elaborate on the characteristics of the second initiation?

JJ: The second initiation is where you control emotion rather emotion controlling you, now some people who have studied this think that the second initiation is like Spock who has or shows no emotion but this is not true. As a person progresses his chakras which release feeling becomes more intense so you will find that the more evolved people are often more emotionally intense passionate people. It is not that they do not have feelings; it is that they control their emotions.

You will find that initiates are passionate and intense people, but when insulted they will rarely lash out or attack on an emotional level. They will try and respond like Christ, and He responded very kindly except on one occasion. It is like Solomon said there is a time and purpose for everything. There is a time to go to war, there is a time not to go to war, there is a time to love and a time to hate and there is a time for everything under heaven and that is true for even Jesus. In one instance he lashed out and that was when he was at the temple and accosted the money lenders.

What is interesting about Jesus in the temple is that it illustrates that He controlled his passion rather than his passion controlling Him. He went in the temple and felt outraged at the moneylenders and thought that something needs be done. Now if He had been controlled by His emotions than He would have reacted instantly without thinking but He did not do that. Can anyone tell me what He did do?

Audience: rope

JJ: Right He thought about it and went outside and got some ingredients for a rope and He made a rope and it does not say how long it took him to make the rope, it may have taken Him a couple days or several hours but He actually went out and made a rope. Now had his passions been in control He would have lashed out on the spot and they probably would have killed Him and we would have had no more Jesus.

Instead, He thought it through of how to accomplish this thing and He went out and made Him Self a rope and He went in with that rope and started turning over the tables and he whipped them. What happened was that the common people thought He was doing a good thing and they came to His defense and protected Him. So thinking the situation through saved His life and taught the people in the temple a lesson.

It would be kind of funny if a guy went into one of the Churches or temples here and did the same thing. He would probably be jailed as a madman but that was the time and place for Jesus to exercise His strong passion. But even at this the scriptures tell us that He did not react impulsively and that He thought it through as to how to release his passion in a way that He could get His message across. This is what the second degree initiate does; he masters his passions and emotions and keeps them under control, he does not deny them and this where there is a lot of illusion about the second initiation. Many people think that a second degree initiate is always calm and shows no emotion and that is not the case but he will always be under control.

If he feels like kicking down a door because he is angry he will look at it and say well how expensive is that door? The guy who is not the second degree initiate will not think about how expensive the door is and just kick it down because he is impulsive. But the initiate will think I feel like kicking down that door but it is too expensive so I will go outside and kick a can or something like that. He unleashes his passion according to his mental calculations as to the least harmless way to go about it.

Reminds of me one time when I about sixteen, I made this ping pong table out of some scrap lumber. Nobody in the neighborhood had a ping pong table and this thing must have weighed about 150-200lbs. It was really heavy. So me and my friends were playing on it and my little sister came up and challenged me to a game and she had never beaten me before. So we started playing and the score was 13 to 20 in my favor and we played the next round and she scored 14 to 20 and the next 15 to 20 and the next round 16 to 20 and I thought wow this goes against all reason and logic. She is not as good as me but she won the next couple rounds which took the score to 18 to 20 and then 19 to 20 and then 20 to 20 and I thought, it is one chance in a billion she would be able to beat me and then she wound up making the next score and beating me. When she beat me I was just enraged and so I looked at that ping pong table and I thought, I made this table so I can do whatever I want to do with this thing and I picked it up and it felt light as a feather. I then threw it against a tree and it smashed all to pieces. It was amazing, it was like I had super strength since I was full of rage.

Now every family reunion we go to my little sister loves to tell that story to everyone. If would have been someone elses ping-pong table I would not have hurt it but because it was mine and I knew it would make me feel really good I went ahead and decided to destroy it. Laughing!

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: I am kind of glad I destroyed it because it made such a great story that goes around my family. My sister insists on telling it every year. And with that story I would thank everyone for his or her time it is appreciated.


Copyright by J J Dewey

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Finding the Real, Part 4

This entry is part 4 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

What is the difference between intuition and instinct?

An instinct is like a built in computer program in us. Animals have this – when we look at an animal sometimes and we think boy this animal is pretty smart he knows how to do all this stuff. It is not because the animal consciously knows it all but he has a built in computer program and they are not consciously aware of why they do what they do but it is instinct. It is like when you operate a program on your computer, you do not know how the letter appears on your screen when you type; it just does. This is the way an animal with instinct functions. The savage races are also very close to their instinct, and they are very close to their program. You here the stories of them listening to the earth and they can hear the animals and different things like this. They have these instincts that they are very close to. But intuition is higher than instinct and often people that are developing their intuition are not very good with their instincts because as you shift your attention from one level to another the lower level goes below what we call the threshold of consciousness.

As we progress we develop instincts and then we develop psychic abilities and then we develop intuition and this is why not everybody has all the same gifts because as you progress to a another gift you have to let the other gift sink below the threshold of your consciousness. For instance, lets say you develop physic abilities and then you say that you want to develop your mind.

When you do this you will loose your physic abilities but they are not really lost they are just buried below the threshold consciousness where they can be retrieved when you put your attention back on them. When you have to develop logic and reasoning you may let your physic abilities go below the threshold of consciousness, but they are still there because you have developed them in the past and can be retrieved by putting your attention back on to them.

All of us in this room have all kinds of abilities that are below the threshold of our consciousness but in this life we are all working on new abilities and in developing these new abilities we allow many of our old abilities to sink below the threshold of consciousness, but these abilities can be retrieved at any time that is important. So it is interesting to contemplate what abilities you may have that are below the threshold of consciousness that you have already learned.

These can be retrieved and when you have gone through the cycle of life and you are approaching near to your last life you will retrieve a lot of the things that were below the threshold of consciousness and this is what Christ did, He brought forth all the things that were below the threshold of consciousness into His consciousness and that is why He appeared as a God man upon the earth because He accessed all his past lessons that he had learned in His long past. A key to developing this ability is self-examination; we must examine ourselves and find out why we believe what we do believe and what is the key behind it.

The final key to putting our selves in a frame of mind where we can accept all truth is to overcome illusion and this we must do by self-examination. What do we mean by illusion?

Audience: Something that is not true?

JJ: Yes illusion is something that is certainly not true. We are trapped into things that are not true by our feelings but that is not illusion – we call that glamour. Glamour is something where we have an emotional pull that pulls us away from what is true. Illusion is something different, illusion is where you are tricked into believing something false. With your feelings you are not really tricked but because of emotional attachment you swallow falsehood, hook, line and sinker.

With illusion, the false belief may even go contrary to our feelings. In an illusion you may have the delusion that you are supposed to something wild and crazy. You may not want to do that wild and crazy thing but you are tricked into thinking it is right to do this wild and crazy thing.

For instance lets take the greatest most destructive illusion of all time, which was Nazism under Hitler. Hitler was not deceived so much by his desires as much as he was tricked by philosophy into thinking that the Jews were evil. He thought the Jews were devils incarnate and subhuman individuals. He was tricked into this by the different philosophies that he read and it was not that he wanted the Jews to be bad because he had a number of Jewish friends that he kind of liked but he put all that aside because he was tricked into wrong thinking about the Jews and this is what made him so dangerous.

So an illusion can be more dangerous than falling for something that is wrong because we desire it. A person can sincerely be tricked under illusion into believing something and when a person sincerely believes something and is honest with himself and by all his logic and reason it seems to be true then he will pursue it more aggressively than if it is just a desire alone. So if a person really believes that something is right because he is tricked by his belief system it is a very dangerous thing.

As a matter of fact it is only the more intelligent people that are tricked with illusion. The average person does not even contemplate illusion and he goes just by his desires. But then as a person evolves in intelligence he gets smarter and uses logic and reason and comes up with things that are wrong. The old metaphysical truism says, “The mind slays the real.” This is caused by illusion and illusion happens because of wrong foundational beliefs.

One such wrong foundational belief that is popular with the religious world is that man is born in sin, if you believe that man is basically evil and sinful at the core then you are going to look at people through certain filters and it is going to influence every conclusion that you come to. If you are tricked into believing that the world is only 6,000 years old then every conclusion you come to will verify that the earth is 6,000 years old. It is interesting that some very intelligent people in the Christian religion come up with some very interesting things to explain why the earth is only 6,000 years old or some believe as much as 10,000 depending on how they interpret the Bible literally and you ask them questions like how about the speed of light, we have galaxies billions of light years away from the earth and if it takes billions of light years for the light to reach us then how is the earth and universe only 6,000 years old?

Audience: Laughter

JJ: And you know what their answer is? They say well the speed of light is slowing down and when the universe was first created light was going really, really fast and back when they first measured the speed of light is was slower. Well when they first measured the speed of light they were not as accurate as they can measure it today and since we have been measuring it accurately it has not changed.

The point is that they find what they are looking for and some very intelligent thinkers come up with some strange conclusions to explain why a galaxy can be ten billion light years from earth yet its light reaches the earth in only 6,000 years. There are some very convoluted explanations as why that would be. So what each of us needs to do is to go back to our foundational beliefs and ask your self, is this foundational belief logical and is it reasonable?

We start with what we know we believe because we often hide from our foundation beliefs. We hide them from our selves and often we do not know what they are. We can’t find out what they are until we go to our branch beliefs. Each belief is like a branch and then it sprouts another belief. We have to find things that we know that we believe and then say where did this come from and then we go to a larger branch belief and then we go to the trunk belief and then eventually we will get to the root and when we get to the root we can work it out and nourish the root correctly so that all the illusions in our life disappear. Then we will start seeing reality as it is.


Copyright by J J Dewey

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Finding the Real, Part 3

This entry is part 3 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

I remember before I was married, when I was a young guy going to college, I came across this girl that I fell head over heels for and I really wanted her to be the one. As we seemed to get closer – one day a very strong spiritual feeling just hit me that I was not supposed to marry her. It was very strong and it was there and then it was gone and I thought well this is a heck of a feeling because I really like her. So I tried to put that out of mind because I really wanted it to be true that she would eventually be my wife and as I wanted it to be true.

As I continued dating her I thought well maybe it was just my imagination and then it hit me for the second time. I thought, darn, and then I put that idea in the back of mind again and I started feeling warmer and warmer towards her and I thought maybe that was an anomaly and maybe this feeling that I have right now is it, and then it happened a third time. I still was trying to ignore it because I wanted it to be true that she was the one for me.

Then I had a date with her and she had a real somber look on her face and said, “Do you know what happened to me?” She said, “I prayed last night to God and asked if you were the one for me and He said that you were not.”

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: It didn’t work when God tried to tell me so He had to tell her! Laughing!

Audience; Laughing!

JJ: I said to her that I guess you were right because I was getting the same message and I have just been trying to ignore it because I did not want it to be true. But one thing I did discover was it was probably important that I not marry her because somebody was trying to tell me and I was not listening and she listened more than I did at the time. In hindsight she was totally wrong for me to marry her at the time. I learned an important lesson that the truth is often not what you want. It was reinforced to me over the next 5 to 6 years where I had some very painful experiences that were much more painful to me than that was. Drilling into my heart and the soul that the truth is often not what I want but when the truth is revealed and I finally accept it, it will produce much more joy than I ever dreamed of.

So the important lesson is this, never be afraid of what is true because the truth will set you free, as Jesus said, and when the truth sets you free you are free indeed. You are free to pursue the true path to reality, because until the truth sets us free we are on a path of illusion we are just the dreamer in the dream that cannot wake up from the dream. But when the truth sets us free then we are awakened and it is interesting when truth sinks into people it is often associated with the word awakening. It’s like when people say, I awoke to what was real or she woke me up with what she said or something like this.

The first step is to overcome our attachment to what we believe. The way I look at things now is I am happy with what I believe but if I find out that everything is not correct and I have got a lot of things upside down because I have learned my lessons I may have a tough time, but if I accept the new truth I will have peace. If you embrace truth and reality as it is, that is going to increase your consciousness and increase to joy and happiness. There is nothing to fear.

I was thinking what truth could I find out that would make me unhappy and about the only truth I can think of that would make me unhappy is if we died and that was the end. (Actually if this were the truth we’d never know about it.) That would not make me a happy camper. Fortunately that is not the case, we are eternal beings and continue to exist in one form or another for all eternity. This is a great belief to have.

I have had so many belief systems shattered in my life that any more would just be kind of fun now. The first few times my belief system was shattered were quite painful, I remember when I was a good Mormon when I was young and I was looking into the future and wondering what I would be like 20 years from now, what would be the most devastating thing for me to see, and I thought well the most devastating thing for me at the time was if was not a good Mormon anymore.

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: So here I am, I do not go to any church and I would go to one if I thought they could teach you anything. So I am now what I thought was the worst thing that I could possibly be when I was a young man in my twenties and thank God that image was shattered and I have accepted a different belief system now.

So the first step to embracing truth is overcoming desire and the second step is self-examination. Overcoming desire is a really tough one and what this takes is some very painful experiences and this is what it took for me. It is very painful when you are attached to truth and it is replaced with another truth and sometimes when this happens to people they are devastated for the rest of their lives. Like for instance when some people go through a divorce they pine over that person for the rest of their life and they are never happy one more day. Or perhaps they lose that job or they discover something that is true and they thought it was true. When something that they are attached to shatters it sometimes will cripple a person for their entire life. Other people accept it and move on to greater things and have more pain and accept it and then move and then eventually you will reach a point where nothing will bring you pain anymore.

You may have your belief system completely shattered and then you think well this just means that it is going to be replaced by something better so you are not in a state of pain anymore. If your wife leaves you then you just think well I am just going to find someone better. (JJ looks toward his wife, Artie) Now don’t leave me dear, I do not want to find anybody better.

Audience: Laughing! Nice recovery!

JJ: So we go through this process of having pain and it gets a little less each time truth is discovered and once we get to the point where the pain of attachment does not bother us so much then we go through self examination. We have to examine ourselves and our lives and ask why do we think the way we do. So we are going through the problem of glamour and attachment and once we work through the pain involved in solving these things – we move on to illusion and illusion is solved by self-examination.

Socrates said, “A life unexamined is not worth living.” There is basically some truth to this statement and it may not be exactly true but as I said there is some truth in that statement. We need to examine our lives to find out why we believe what we believe. When we do this eventually we come to what I call our core of beliefs. We have certain core beliefs that we have carried with us since we were young and many of these core beliefs we have carried with us for a number of lifetimes. When you die you take your basic belief structure with you into the next life. If you believe a certain thing strongly at death the tendency to that belief will carry with you over into the next life. Finding your core beliefs is very difficult because some of it can be traced to this life but some of it is even before this life. To find it takes a lot of self-examination of the most basic beliefs and then they need to be examined with logic, wisdom and the intuition.


Copyright by J J Dewey

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Finding the Real, Part 2

This entry is part 2 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

It is important to realize that is there is truth. There is not your truth and my truth but THE truth. What your truth is, is what you perceive to be true because you want it to be true. What my truth is, is what I perceive to be true because I want it to be true; but then there is THE truth. And when we find THE truth it does something a little different. When we are attached to an illusion and we believe it to be truth it doesn’t produce joy. When we find what true reality is it produces joy and happiness. That’s the difference between the two. And you watch people that are in an illusion like I like watching these debate shows on TV where they are strongly arguing different points. And I notice the guy that seems to be the farthest off the mark is always the most unhappy of the two. He’s shouting the loudest and he’s getting the most emotional. In other words, the greater the illusion the guy seems to be in the more unhappy he seems to be. His truth isn’t making him very happy because he is in illusion. But the guy who seems closer to the truth, in my point of view anyway, he seems a lot more stable, is not nearly as ruffled. He may be passionate but he doesn’t seem unhappy with his belief system. And this is what I’ve found as I’ve had greater and greater truths dawn upon me. I’ve had greater peace, had greater joyousness, greater happiness, greater contentment and greater ability to accept what is.

That’s a really important thing – just to accept what is. I’ve found that the people who are most miserable and that’s at least half of humanity, just can’t accept what is.. Half of humanity are pretty unhappy with everything aren’t they? And when you talk to somebody that’s grumbling about what they’re unhappy about, it’s usually just because they can’t accept what is. “Well so and so they just really irritate the dickens out of me” Well, you say “Why don’t you this accept them for what they are?”  He can’t accept them and why not? “Because they irritate me” well why do they irritate you – it’s because you can’t accept them. You just accept the way they are, look through their personality and look upon their soul and just accept.

They did an interesting study on surveys. I think the Gallup organization did or somebody. They prepared these questions. As a matter of fact it was a study to try to get accurate surveys. So they did this study to find out how accurate their surveys were. And they prepared this line of questions and they trained two groups of people to go out and ask the questions; all with a straight face; all with no bias; but just read off the questions and write the answers down. They only did one thing different between the two groups. The first group they said “Now according to our studies 70% of the people will agree with the conclusions of the survey”. Then they told the other group only 70% of the people will disagree with the survey”. And they sent these two groups out to take the surveys. Guess what the response was they got back?

Right! The people that gave the survey were trained to have – you know – stone faces that didn’t show any bias just ask the questions; yet the ones that were told to expect 70% to agree got exactly 70% to agree. The others had 70% disagree. It was amazing! –an amazing thing! –

Why did they receive this result? They were trained to do everything exactly the same way but they got diametrically opposite results. What produced the opposite results? Both had the same training – they only had one thing different – one group was told to expect one thing and the other group was told to expect something else. But it had to be more than expectation, though.  The expectation produced subtle differences in the way they asked the questions. They gave subtle little hints to the people about how they were supposed to respond.  It’s about like the news people. The news people – they all say they are not biased at all, but they can produce – they can manipulate – what we think of the news by what they select for us to hear. Say there’s five news stories. Four of them are negative about a certain politician, and one is positive but they like this politician so they only go with the positive story about him. And they do this every day – eliminate the four negative and pick the one positive.

What’s the public going to think after a while about this politician? They will think “Oh, this politician’s a pretty good guy, he’s doing everything right.” And so he gets good accolades by all the public because the public isn’t aware of all the negative things that have happened. Maybe he is having an affair that they’re not recording or something like that. So what we expect will often be what we accept as our truth. It won’t be the truth but it will be our version of truth. Now probably both of those survey results weren’t correct, because it was an experiment. Probably the answer is somewhere closer to the middle. But these people were expecting certain results and that’s what they got. So it’s fascinating when you think about it. This is the way it is with truth. We think a certain thing is going to be true, and because we think a certain thing is going to be true we keep finding evidence of it. And we keep finding evidence of it and we confirm it again and again and again.

Let’s take the prophecies of Nostradamus. Did you ever notice that after some big event happens like 9-11 or the assassination of Kennedy or whatever; they dig up Nostradamus and they say “well, Nostradamus predicted this.”  “Well, if he predicted it why didn’t you see it before it happened?” Well, I just didn’t see it for some reason!” Well it’s because he wasn’t looking for it.

But after it happened he looks for it then he finds it.  Now, in what we call the rags, like the Enquirer and those types of magazines – As I’m checking out (at the supermarket) whenever it talks about prophecies of the future I always read them as I’m waiting in line. And I don’t know how many times I’ve seen some headline “Nostradamus predicts end of the world” or whatever and I read about Nostradamus’ prediction and they say Nostradamus clearly predicted economic depression, the end of the world – assassination of the president, or something like this is – it’s going to happen a certain time – they’ve got all the details and then I wait a few months and nothing happens the way it was predicted. So far of every Nostradamus prediction that they have concocted, that they have looked for in the future, not one single one has come true. Not one single one I have seen.

Now they’ve also done this with the Bible code. They come out with the Bible code and they say “Well, this Bible code is really great because it predicts the assassination of Kennedy, it predicted 9-11, and it predicted all these things.”  So when they first developed the Bible code they found all these things in there. So someone said: “Well what’s about the future then? Boy this is really great we can tell the future.” So they predicted a whole bunch of things that were going to happen the next couple of years. Do you think that they were right or not? What do you think?

Audience: No.

JJ: Right. nothing happened. Nothing happened accurately. So have you noticed that when anybody talks about the Bible code now they never talk about the future anymore? They say “Well it’s in there. I mean, it’s impossible for it to have been this accurate about the past. ” “But why can’t we predict the future?” They are making rationalizations for it: it’s just too complicated; we haven’t got the formula down good enough. Well, the reason they find stuff in the Bible code is the same principle – the same principle that has happened with the surveyors. They find what they’re looking for. They put different words in for the computer to find and the computer finds them. So they find what they’re looking for and when they find it they are amazed.

They think “This is really great – this is beyond explanation!”  But then they try to find the future and it just doesn’t work, because they don’t know what to look for in the future. If they knew what to look for in the future they could find it in the Bible code. If they knew the world was going to end tomorrow they could find it in the Bible code. They could punch in words “world end tomorrow” or whatever. To find the future in the Bible Code you would have to know the future already; and because they don’t know the future already; they cannot find the future in there.

Now I hope I’m not disturbing anyone’s belief system in the Bible code. I know a lot of new agers believe in that real strongly. As a matter of fact it’s amazing the cross-current of people that believe in the Bible code. A lot of the religious people believe in it. A lot of the new age metaphysical community people believe in it because it’s acquired a mystical theme. But the fact is, getting back to the point, that we find what we’re looking for.  So the question that needs to dawn on us is this: If by searching for truth, by looking for what you want to be true doesn’t work, then how do we go about searching for truth? How do we find what is really true? Anyone got any good answers?

Audience: Something about the way it feels.

JJ: The trouble with finding the truth: If you desire the truth strong enough and then you find something that confirms it, even though it’s wrong, you’ll still feel pretty good. Right, Blayne was smiling, I’ll bet when you were in the Mormon Church you had that happen several times. Right? You found several things you were excited about then but now on hindsight it doesn’t look quite so right. Alright, Blayne’s agreeing with me for the sake of the recording here.  If anybody wants to talk longer than a few seconds come up and grab the mike from me.

So the question arises, well how do we find out what is really true. It all boils down to escaping illusion because illusion is caused by wrong programming in our mind from the beginning. But before we can even get to correcting that programming we have to master our desires. And this is why you read in the scriptures and many sacred works about the prophets being tested one way or another because we all have to undergo a series of tests from our souls to prove to our higher self that we put truth above what we want – what we desire.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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Finding the Real, Part 1

This entry is part 1 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

Jan 16, 2005
I was thinking about what to talk tonight to you people and we may open it up to some questions at the end, but the thought that came to me is this:– There is reality as it really is and then there is what we perceive to be reality – two entirely different things. In other words, people have in their mind their certain beliefs and these beliefs are usually based on what they want to be true. So what a person wants to be true is often quite different than what is true. Visualize these as two paths; one the path of what you want to be true and the other the path of what is really true. Sooner or later the twain shall meet. And when they meet you have what is called the rude awakening. Has anyone here had a rude awakening before?

Right, I’ve told this story several times about how I first heard myself singing on a tape recorder and I was rudely awakened to the fact that I didn’t have a professional sounding singing voice, and I was not going to be the rock star that I thought I might be. When I was a kid a tape recorder was rare, and my dad had to go borrow one from a friend. That was really a rude awakening for me. It was a good lesson for me because it kinda kept me aware for the rest of my life thinking, you know this reality of what I perceive to be reality may be different than what is reality. And so this is an important point: What we believe to be true is often just what we want to be true. Have you found that to be true? What we believe to be true is often what we want to be true. What we want to be true often turns into what we believe to be true. But what really is always true and can create a rude awakening.

But then when we are awakened what happens? How is our perception of the truth changed, after the awakening occurs? Do we begin to like the truth? I’ll bet Blaine would be a good one to ask on this. You’ve had quite a journey through your life. Through your life Blaine, once you perceived something – found out that something was true – that maybe when you were younger you didn’t think it was true, but once you finally embraced the truth was it something you started to like after you embraced it?

(Inaudible, but Blayne seems to agree, but points out that truth can be hard to take at first.)

JJ: Yeah, you don’t like it when you find out certain things. This often happens even in calamities, Maybe you‘re in love with a certain woman and the woman breaks it off with you and you’re heartbroken. You thought she loved you but she says “I never really loved you – you’ve been like a brother” – you know – that type of thing. You’re just really upset, you’re devastated but then a little bit later you meet somebody twice as good, twice as compatible. Then on reflection 10 years later after you’re happily married you might be thinking man sure glad I didn’t marry that first one, she was totally wrong for me. So that rude awakening you had that she didn’t really like you that much you were like a brother was really good on hindsight, once you see the whole picture.

And this is the way it is –truth – there’s a scripture that says: “truth cuts the wicked to the core”. It’s an interesting scripture. It cuts to the core people that are not prepared for the truth, because we have our mindset as to what should be true and the mindset goes along with our desires. And what produces pain? Pain is produced by frustrated desire. Buddha taught that in order to avoid pain, in order to free ourselves from pain is to free ourselves from attachment to desire. He says if we can do this then we can free ourselves from pain. And nothing produces pain more than having a desire for something to be true and then having that desire shattered.
It’s interesting that Blaine and several here mentioned early Mormon connections and several of us were Mormons as one time and Joseph Smith made those interesting remarks about beliefs and truth. As you know in the early Mormon Church they went through a lot of persecutions. They were persecuted from city to city. The leaders were tarred and feathered, Joseph Smith and the leadership of the church were put in jail. Joseph Smith was kidnapped. Many of the leaders had their children killed and raped, and their wives raped. They went through all kinds of things and no matter what they went through it didn’t seem to phase them.
Joseph then made this very interesting comment. He talked about all the persecutions they went through and how it didn’t seem to discourage them, but then said, “There has been great difficulty in getting anything into the heads of this generation. It has been like splitting hemlock knots with a corn-dodger for a wedge, and a pumpkin for a beetle. Even the saints are slow to understand. I have tried for a number of years to get the minds of the saints prepared to receive the things of God; but we frequently see some of them, after suffering all they have for the work of God, WILL FLY TO PIECES LIKE GLASS as soon as anything comes that is CONTRARY TO THEIR TRADITIONS: they cannot stand the fire at all.”

That’s interesting, they go through all these persecutions, their wives are raped their children killed, they are drug through the streets and they just get stronger and stronger and they said, “We are going to take what God dishes out.” Then Joseph presents them with an interesting truth – like he presented the idea that man and god are one, that man can actually become as god is – and that shattered a lot of people like glass. It really, really upset a lot of people because it was so contrary to what they had been taught. It’s very close to what the new age philosophy and the ancient wisdom teaches. He began to teach about god and man – that man was more than just a man. But man was a god in embryo. The saints went through all this persecution; all this pain; and they stand no matter what happens no matter how much you shove them around. But present them just one thing contrary to what they want to believe and they will shatter like glass.

And people haven’t changed that much have we? People will still shatter like glass when their mindset is challenged.
It’s interesting in the last political election people were divided in two camps and one camp believes very strongly in their beliefs and on the other camp they believe very strongly on theirs. And of course out of these two camps one of them had to win, It’s interesting the nation was so polarized between the Democrats and Republicans that when there was a winner the losing side suffered a lot of pain. Many democrats had to take counseling to ease their pain over the election of George Bush.

I’ve heard on different talk shows how they had a lot of psychologists giving out free treatments to people and then there’s another story about a guy who went to the white house made an announcement – and shot himself – and another guy who went to the empire state building and jumped off. But this – the last election was so polarized that whoever was going to lose it was going to be really, really upset, because both sides in the political system today are very attached to their belief system. Both sides are, and of course both sides have flaws in their belief system and if you are in a room with either side talking about their belief system and you point out one of the flaws in it, you’ll find that they will shatter like glass, they will think you’re the enemy.

I’ll just give you an example on both sides. And some people here may shatter like glass because I’m going to give you an example on both sides. Let’s talk about the abortion side. Lets suppose you’re talking to a bunch of conservatives and they all voted for Bush and they’re all gung ho about the conservative cause and you mention “Well, did you know there is no where in the Bible that tells you it’s wrong to have an abortion?” Oh Boy. Their minds will go “does not compute, does not compute” like Verger on Star Trek? Remember that?

Remember that Kirk hit him with some reasoning – this flawed machine; and it started smoking and blew up because it couldn’t handle the logic.. So if you point out to somebody on the right: “Well, it doesn’t say anywhere in the Bible anywhere about abortion, or when life begins or anything. Do you have some revelation from God on it or something? Why do you think you’re right on this?” And they will look on you like you’re their worst enemy on the face of the earth. You are shattering their belief system.
On the other hand let’s suppose you are with some people on the Left, and these guys all voted for John Kerry. You say “Well, there’s no real evidence of global warming. All the evidence they have is pretty much fabricated. And they go “WOW where did he come from? – What are you some Bush Zealot?” So they will go on and on and on and will almost attack you and are ready to devour you before you leave the room. So it’s interesting that both sides are vulnerable – if you hit them with something contrary to their belief system – and probably I’ve hit both sides right here contrary to your belief systems because there is probably both conservatives and liberals here. So hopefully nobody here shatters like glass. I think we’ve got a little bit more malleable group here than you would normally have.

But this is the interesting thing about truth. There is truth that is perceived because this is what we want, and then there is the truth. There is the way things really are. A lot of people try to confuse the system because they say “Well that’s your truth and I have my truth” OK so you think 2 plus 2 is 5 and I think 2 plus 2 is 4 and your truth is 2 plus 2 is 5. Because that’s your truth does it make it the truth? Or perhaps I think 2 plus 2 is 6 and he thinks 2 plus 2 is 5. Both of us are wrong and we both need an awakening to what reality is. There’s reality and then there’s illusion. Just Like in the days of Columbus many people thought the earth was flat. Because they thought it was flat and it was their truth was it really the truth? No it was their illusion not their truth. There’s your illusion and then there’s truth.

The Course in Miracles makes an interesting statement and I’ve talked to very few people who believe the Course in Miracles who believe what the course actually says. And it says this about truth. “The truth is true and nothing else is true.” Now think on that. The truth is true and nothing else is true. 2 plus 2 equals 4. Well let me put it this way – 3 plus 1 equals 4 – right – but 2 plus 2 equals 4 and 2 plus 2 doesn’t equal anything but 4. No matter how many times you try to add it up 2 plus 2 will equal 4.

Now, one side will think “Well that’s being narrow minded. If you are open minded you’ve got to be open to the fact that it could be 5.” Ok, I’m open to the fact that it could be 5, but whatever it is the truth is true and nothing else is true. I’m here at this spot, right now, at this point in time and space. The date is what? January 15, is that today? 16th? – Where did the 15th go? I missed a day somewhere. – OK so January 16th 2005 – 8:35? 8:32? It’s one of them. The time is somewhere there. Whatever the time is that’s what it is, She says 8:32 and I say 8:35

Audience: How do we know society someone back in time didn’t screw up the calendar and its really January 14th?

It could be. Yeah, right – that’s true. And whatever it is that’s where it is. We could be a few days off with the calendar but then you’ve got to go back to the starting point of the calendar. But in our reality here it’s a certain time, we are in a certain space and that’s what it is. People say “Well gosh we could just all be dreaming – maybe we’re not really here.” Well, even when you’re dreaming, a dream is still truth. If you dream you’re being chased by a monster it’s still true that you’re dreaming that you’re being chased by a monster. It’s still true that you went through that experience.

So whatever experience you’re going through is true and nothing else is true. We are all going through this experience together and we can philosophize about what’s going on around us- what’s causing the experience – if it’s a dream – if it’s all the atoms coming together – if it’s the mind of God making it happen, or whatever is causing it – whatever is causing it that’s what it is. We may not know all the facts. But when we find out the truth, the truth is true and nothing else is true. We’re going through this experience right now, all of us together in this room, having an experience together and this is what is true in this moment in time and space.


Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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