Zion, Part 8

This entry is part 48 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

Whenever you go upon a higher path, the storms will come, and they will come at you hard and wear you down and people and things will come out of the woodwork and try to wear you down in many ways. A really good example of this is when I started pursuing my wife Artie. Everything came out of the woodwork to try and bring distance between us. Her daughter was very upset and she did not like me at all at first. Fortunately, now she likes me, thank God, but first she thought I was like a Jim Jones character that was going to take her and her Mom to some God forsaken place and have her drink Kool-Aid.

She was so against her Mom’s relationship with me so she called up her grandmother and told her that her Mom was going with this guy who was a cult leader that was going to take her off to who knows where! Artie’s Mom bought a plane ticket and flew here the next day. Next her daughter called her Dad who was living in California and scared the daylights out of him putting creepy thoughts into his mind. Everybody that knew Artie descended on her and told her she was crazy and that this guy (Me) sounds like an absolute maniac and you can’t have anything to do with him!

Then Artie calls me up and she says, “I am getting a lot of flack over having a relationship with you and I think maybe we should just lay low for a while until the storms blow over.” Immediately I tuned into to my soul and my soul says, “if you wait then it will be a disaster and you must change her mind now or you will lose her.” I thought well, what can I say and so we started talking and as I was talking to her I felt the Spirit descend upon me and I knew that she felt it too and after a silence I said, “what do you feel right now?” She answered, “I feel really peaceful” and I said how did you feel when you were putting your attention on all that static out there? And she said, “I felt really disturbed.” Then I said do you want the peace or do you want the disturbance? She said, “I want the peace.” I said, “Then we need to continue the relationship. Are you willing to continue with me?” She said “yes.”

To Artie’s credit she is one of the few that did not turn back because of pressure. She continued steady in the light and did not pay attention to the outside static and we resumed the relationship and still continue it but without that confirmation from the soul, from the Spirit we may not be together today because she had so much outside static. Then after that, all the negative powers descended; her Mother arrived the next day and she was a very powerful woman and she thought Artie was absolutely crazy. Her ex-husband was going to file legal papers to try and save her daughter from a madman like me. This was the way it was portrayed, so it was interesting, she weathered all these storms.

Now I am good friends with her daughter, her ex-husband and all her family and friends like me now that they have gotten to know me. The impression that everybody received was totally wrong and it could have destroyed our relationship but what saved our relationship was tuning out all the outward static and tuning into the voice within. If we can do that it will always lead us to peace no matter what is going on out there. Artie had the peace inside of her even though everything outside her self seemed to be falling apart. The peace sustained her and she had enough oil in her lamp to sustain her through the turbulence and this is what each one of us needs to do to be pure in heart. We have to have enough oil in our lamps to sustain us so that we can listen to the inner voice even though the whole outside world seems to be collapsing and descending upon us. Even though there are storms and hurricanes and people shouting at us, people that are mad at us, people demanding our attention, we need to tune them all out and if one listens to that inner voice then he will have the peace that passes all understanding and that is priceless.

The next step is to gather the pure in heart and this is what must happen next in this age. There has to be a gathering on several levels in the pure in heart and it has already happened on higher levels. Beyond this earthly sphere there are several degrees in the spiritual worlds and in the spiritual worlds greater knowledge descends from the world of greater ideas down through what we call the worlds of form, the higher mental levels and the emotional levels and descends down to physical reality.

The gathering of the pure in heart has already taken place on higher levels and it is descending down to lower levels, down to the emotional and heart levels and now it is waiting to descend into physical reality. There is really no gathering of the pure in heart that has taken place to any degree on the physical earth. There’s been small degree like it says in the scriptures, “where there are two or three gathered in My Name there I am in the midst of them.”

The pure in heart generally are gathered together in groups of two or three, small groups of people getting together and having intimate discussions and feeling that soul connection. This group right here deserves a compliment for you have a  higher vibration than many groups that I have talked to. You are very open to the soul energy and the spiritual energy is flowing among you. You are very receptive and you are attempting to feel that inner fire and inner feeling. This is to your benefit and a sign that there are many others like you that want to feel that spiritual energy.

Getting overly emotional is not a sure sign one is feeling the Spirit. It does affect you emotionally but it produces that peace that surpasses understanding, that fire of the inner lamp, those intuitive flashes of knowledge that will come to the seeker and  many signs will follow those who are the true virgins who seek the feet of the Master. The time of the gathering is approaching and what we are following is a time of planting. Since the last attempt at building Zion failed it turned out to be a period of planting for many seeds were planted by the early Mormon and other leaders. The Spirit works where ever there is reception and not just through the Mormon Church or any other church, but in many different religions and many different organizations – where ever there is power of the people to receive and to be open. The seeds have been planted in the pure in heart.

There were many seeds planted by the early Mormons and many seeds planted by other religions and there are many seeds planted by people working outside of religions, people working in science, education, politics, all kinds of different areas and there are also many negative seeds. The true plants are growing up surrounded by many different weeds and the true plants have to be gathered up and brought together.

A successful example of what happens when the lights are brought together is the creation of the United States. What happened is the people with the greatest desire for freedom came to America along with some of the most reprobated characters with selfish reasons. So you had some of the best and the worst people come to this land and fortunately some of the best got together and created a government and an inspired constitution.

When they gathered together the government of King George was not good enough for them and so they created a constitution and a free government, which was a leap forward in social evolution because when the lights gathered together the old ways were not good enough anymore and they had to create new ways. When the pure in heart gather together again under different circumstances that which is old and governed things before will not be good enough and the lights will want to create a better way of doing things.

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Zion, Part 7

This entry is part 47 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

Now Revelations 13 is all about the beast but then we switch to the next chapter, Revelations 14. This tells us about those who escaped the beast, the 144,000, a symbolic number but not the ultimate number. Everybody on earth can be part of that number if they want to for the number has different shades of meaning that we do not have time to go into right now. But let’s just establish that it is not a limiting number.

The 144,000 have the name of GOD in their forehead and what does that mean? If the name of GOD is in your forehead then where is God? Where is God for you then if His name is in your forehead?

God is within your forehead and within your heart. Those who recognize the name of God in them selves recognize that they are a part of God and that they are an extension of God. God created man in the beginning after His image. The words “in the image of” come from the Hebrew “B’Tselem,” which designates an exact duplication. So we are not just a part of God but an extension, a total duplicate of God. Everything that belongs to God is available to us in our forehead by looking within.

“The kingdom of God is within you.” When we look within and find that our name is really God’s name because we are an extension of God and made in the image of God – we are a reflection of God. In the beginning God created man by reflecting Himself. Have you ever looked in two mirrors where one is placed in front of you and one placed in back of you and what you see is an infinite reflection. You are like a reflection of God and there are all kinds of reflections of God walking about and each one of us has all the potential that is in God. The potential that is in God is within us. That is why earlier when we were talking about somebody starving over here and he is praying to God for somebody to help and if you stop and help him then he is going to thank God but who should he really be thanking? You as one of the reflections of God acted as one of the thoughts of God helping one of the other thoughts of God along the path. Now without one of us doing anything then the guy would not have got help and he would have starved to death.

When you help this starving guy, the guy he will be thanking God but it is really you who are helping through God that fed him and kept him alive so that he could move a little farther along the path. We have to establish this purity, the name of God is already in you and even if a person follows the beast 100% he still has the name of God in him, it is just that the outer name is the beast’s name, the inner name is the name of God and we must find God’s name within us.

When we do find God’s name within us then all the powers of the beast fades away and will have absolutely no power over that person from that moment on. The outward authorities can be many different things, prophet, priest, king, political leader, a book or even the Bible itself or even Jesus Himself if He were here could be a beast to us if we accepted Him in the wrong way.

A man came up to Jesus one time and said, “Good Master” tell me this thing, and Jesus said, do not call me good for there is only One that is good and that is God.” Now why did Jesus say this? Because He did not want that person to look upon His physical form as God, He wanted that man to reflect back upon the inner God within and this is why Jesus told him that there are none that is good but God. And where is God? God is within. Even if Jesus were right here in this spot we may not be able to find the good by looking upon him. After all, when He was crucified He only had 120 followers. Everybody else thought He was a rebel or reprobate or evil or the devil himself. They did not see the good there because the only way they could see the good in Him was to see the good in the God within themselves. When they see God in themselves then they will see the name of God is in your forehead and if you want that which is true then you look within for verification.

One principle I teach is that you look on the outward world for stimulation and what I am teaching you right now is stimulation but you look within to verify. Look without for stimulation and look within to verify what makes sense and what does not make sense. Look within to verify what is true and what is not true.

What I am conveying here is that it is not a waste of time trying to stimulate everybody. You throw out a lot ideas and principles but a listener will never know if they are true or not until he finds the name of God within his forehead and within his heart. We must verify from within and when you get that verification from within you can know for absolute surety that you are on the right track. You may not know for an absolute surety that you have the whole picture because we don’t get the whole picture at one time, we get a piece at a time. We know inwardly when we have the right piece and we are moving in the right direction and that is the most important thing to know.

We will not see the whole picture for a long time to come, but the important thing is to get that next piece of the puzzle and when you get that next piece of the puzzle it just feels truly right. How many times have you done something in your life that a lot of people thought was wrong for you but it just felt really right even though it may not have made a lot of sense? That was your piece to your puzzle and in hindsight you may not understand it completely but you found out something and it led you to your next step. Often times your next step may not be one that the world sees as a logical step. If it is verified from within, it is going to be right and it will get you somewhere and eventually it will take you to a greater light at the end of the tunnel.

We must take that next step but a lot of people in this world just don’t know where it is, whether it be in the church or out of the church. There are a tremendous number of people that just do not know what their next step is. They are just reaching for it then they fall back on some authority and that authority says, I know what you need to do and this is your next step. When they let somebody else dictate that next step then they have the mark of the beast on their right hand and in their forehead. We must free ourselves from that mark and go within and get the verification there.

This is exemplified in the parable of the ten virgins. Five are wise and five are foolish. The wise virgins had oil in their lamps and trimmed and were all ready to go and the five foolish virgins just had a little bit of oil in their lamps and they did not have enough to travel along the dark path to meet the bridegroom.

Then the bell rang and the bridegroom came at an unexpected hour and the five that were foolish said to the five that were wise, share with us your oil so that we can have enough to meet the bridegroom. The five wise virgins said if they share their oil then none of them will make it because they will not have enough oil for all. The wise virgins realized they were better off to take their oil and meet the bridegroom and said to the foolish, “Now go to those that sell and buy some more oil.” Who are those that sell?

Those that sell are the beastly authorities that sell you the supposed words of God and for your money they will tell you what to do. Those who are wise have the oil within. It even says this in the Doctrine & Covenants, explaining that parable, that the oil is the Spirit of God within. The oil is the Spirit of the lamp that burns within – within the heart and within the mind. The wise virgins are those that have enough oil in their inner lamps so they do not borrow light but are able shed light along the path until they arrive at the feet of their Lord and that is the important thing. These are the pure in heart, the ones that have enough oil to sustain themselves.


Remember what I said at the beginning, that the beast wears out the Saints of God. How many people here have felt worn out at one time or another? Even in your regular job trying to make a living, often times you feel almost worn out just trying to pay the bills and if you keep plugging away sooner or later you arrive on top of things but it may not seem that way for a while.

On your spiritual path it is the same thing. All that outside static wears us out. Even if you try to do a simple thing like quit smoking, all of a sudden everybody comes out of the woodwork offering you free cigarettes trying to get you to smoke again because if you quit smoking then that makes them look bad. All your friends try to get you back in the habit again so they don’t feel like they have to quit. What ever you try to do that is good is followed by forces that come and try to wear you down and wear you out. This is why you need the oil of the Spirit within you. If you have a sufficient supply and you give up that supply and relinquish it then you will not have enough to travel through the darkness – you cannot give up that supply within you. You must put attention and focus on the spirit within you to make sure you have enough oil and inner fire so you can weather all the storms that come.

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Zion, Part 6

This entry is part 46 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

Part 6

JJ: The pure in heart are basically those hearts who are uncorrupted by outside influences; in other words, “except ye become as a little child than ye shall not enter into the kingdom of God.” And why is that? Because the child has an uncorrupted heart and a child’s heart is not corrupted by anything until somebody arrives and becomes his outside god. So what we have to do is become like a child to that extent.

People take this the wrong way and think that we should be kind of uneducated and ignorant that we should become a child in that way. There is nothing wrong with becoming educated and learning. To be like a child in the right way is to have that attitude that all things are possible and that everything that you are saying may or may not be true, to be receptive to whatever is taught.

If I were to give this same lecture in the local church the reception would be entirely different and many people would get up and walk away when I was ten minutes into a presentation like this because their heart is not receptive to all possibilities. They are only receptive to what has been established by an outward authority. They are not looking toward the inner authority for the outward authority is so difficult to master. It must be overcome to build Zion because we cannot gather the pure in heart unless there are pure in heart available.

You can become pure in heart by overcoming the mark of the beast and what is the mark of the beast? The mark of the beast is not what you have been told in all the religious literature. The mark of the beast is not an actual physical mark that is put on your right hand. Did you know that Hitler put a mark on the left hand of all the Jews? Why do you suppose he did that? Because a lot of people thought that he was the beast and so he said, “Well I will fool them and put a mark on the left hand.”

So he put a mark on all the Jews’ left hand and he put a Nazi Swastika on the left arm of his followers so the Nazi sign would not be on the right hand or arm and no one would associate him with using the mark of the beast. I found this to be quite interesting because he was the epitome of the beast and history illustrates that he tried to get out of being the beast by creating an illusion. But the funny thing is he was escaping something that was not really the mark of the beast. The mark of the beast is not a little mark on your right hand or your forehead. In Revelation chapter 14 it talks about people who escape the mark of the beast which are the 144,000 that follow the Christ wherever He goeth and these people had a mark in their forehead that was different from the mark of the beast in the forehead. Does anyone remember what that mark in the forehead of those who followed the Christ?

The name of GOD in their forehead was the mark of those who escaped the mark of the beast. What does that mean? Why would the name of GOD in your forehead allow you to escape the mark of the beast?

When you understand what the mark of the beast is the scriptures make perfect sense. I have written a treatise on this and you can look it up online. I will just cover the basics here and you can read more online. The right hand symbolizes labor and the forehead symbolizes thought. Now part of the reason he is called the beast is because those who follow him are herded like animals. An animal does not reason and it is herded and it has to go where directed and it has no choice in the matter. It just accepts the master, the Sheppard the herder or who ever it is that is controlling and he has to go where he is told and produce what he is told to produce and has no choice in the matter.

Those who have the mark of the beast on the right hand, which symbolizes labor, are those who work for some authority because they are told to do it. They do not think about disobeying and they work because they are told. Now this happens in religion, government, politics, medicine, and Unions. This blind following appears in organizations all over the world. In other words if somebody tells you that you must do a certain type of labor, you do the labor right or wrong.

This is what the beastly follower must do to be approved by God, by the government, to be approved by the American Medical Association, to be approved by legal organizations, this is what you must do for your labor and the authority that tells them to do it is what I call an unproven, unearned authority, an unjust authority.

There are two types of authorities. To illustrate, let’s pick an authority teaching Spanish. When an authority speaks Spanish or a teacher is going to teach Spanish, they say I am an authority and I am going to teach you Spanish. Now the wise student will test the teacher and listen to him speak some Spanish to prove that he is good at it. So the teacher brings a Spanish book and speaks in Spanish to the student who realizes he can speak Spanish really good, no accent or anything.

Okay so the teacher has proven that he can do it. Now another Spanish teacher cannot really speak it very good and the student says prove to me you can speak Spanish and the teacher says how dare you challenge me, I have credentials and I can speak Spanish as well as anyone and I do not need to prove it. You just sit there and obey and I will teach the class.

This is an unearned authority, he has not proven he can speak Spanish and he has not proven he can teach it. The first is a just authority and the second is an unjust authority. One is an earned authority and the other is an unearned authority. In the system of the beast one does not have to earn his authority, he is just granted it. He is granted it and because he is in a system where the authority is recognized and we are supposed to obey without question. How many times has just a regular member of the church, for instance, studied the scriptures and he thinks, I wonder what the prophet thinks of this?

Or he wonders if the bishop realizes this or what the stake president thinks. Maybe a student reads something in a school textbook and wants the physics teacher to approve the theory of relativity? It is quite possible that they do not understand it as well as you do and that you are a better authority than they are.

If a leaders are unearned authorities and you feel an obligation to follow them then you have the mark of the beast on the right hand. So what is the mark of the beast on the forehead? The forehead symbolizes thinking.

This reminds me of a friend of mine. Curtis and I were talking to him some years ago and we asked him what he thought about a certain thing out of the scriptures and he says I do not know what I think and I will go and talk to my bishop and find out what I think. We thought this funny, but the sad thing about this is that it is true and many people will say I do not know what I think and I will talk to the authorities and find out what I am supposed to think about that. Now if you have this attitude then you have the mark of the beast in the forehead. If you are a member of the Democrat or Republican Party and you say well I will just go ahead with this because my party believes it. If you are not really thinking it out for yourself but just going ahead because your party believes it or because somebody else tells you or go along with it because everybody else is going along with it then you have the mark of the beast in the forehead.

If you come across some herbs or something that may help somebody with their health issues and some association or the American Medical Association or what ever association they belong to whether it be your doctor, local hospital, or some group tells you, no you cannot use these then the person has the mark of the beast in his forehead and right hand. He cannot think about following the highest be knows because he is told that he cannot maintain his status if he recommends these oddball healing methods. An unjust authority controls him and he has the mark of the beast in the forehead and the right hand.

In order to become pure in heart, one must escape the mark of the beast. His only infallible authority is his soul and it is found in the doorway to the heart and also connected to the mind. As the revelation says in the Doctrine & Covenants, “Behold I will reveal to you in your heart and in your mind.” The heart is the doorway to the soul that must be opened leading to the higher mind to all to all kinds of revelations that you can receive without the static from the beast that is out there.


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Soul Mates

This entry is part 10 of 40 in the series 2012A

A reader asked me for my views on twin souls or soul mates.  I’ve written some on this subject but not sure I have given a complete explanation.

The most popular view concerning soul mates is the idea that in the dawn of creation souls were created two by two. In other words, there were two of each of us created in the beginning – these are sometimes referred to as “twin souls” or “twin flames.” Many believe that this other you is the one you are supposed to eventually find and marry and when this is achieved the two united will fill a great gap each has had and make each other feel whole and fulfilled.

So… Is there any truth to this idea?

My answer is the truth is different than many suppose. Let me add some clarification.

The first thing to note is that we are not created beings but the myriads of monads from which each of us sprang are eternal and have always existed. Because we have always been there was never a time that we were created as twin flames because we have never been created.

Each of us has evolved through the ages from a point of divine intelligence or a point of light in the darkness of divine space.  Our progression has been assisted by others who have been as gods to us as we have acquired vehicles, or bodies, necessary to descend into matter.

All souls on this planet are linked through interconnected wavelengths reaching through the local section of divine space occupied by planet Earth which has one great oversoul for humanity. This oversoul is one great super human life of which you and I are cells. In a very real sense we are all one life but in another we are all individual; entities each springing from different monads.

In addition to the great grouping of humanity itself through one oversoul there are numerous subgroups that have drawn humans together over the eons.  Here are some:

(1) Groups drawn together because of connections with the same solar angels or other beings.

(2) Groups drawn together because of working and karmic relationships over various lifetimes.

(3) Groups drawn together because of similarity of vibration and evolutionary status.

(4) Groups drawn together because of being similar ray types.

When a sensitive person meets another who is connected to one of his groups or linked by karma from a past life there will be a knowing.  The person will seem familiar, like an old friend or lover.

The overall truth is this.  In the beginning of this round of creation we all shared a oneness in the bosom of our Father/Mother God.  Then, at the big bang of creation we were all separated and scattered.  In our scattered condition we learn to create and when we master the creative urge of the God within we unite with other souls to go back home for a great rest.  In the end, each one of us will be the soul mate of all. When all have completed their journey then any soul can find fullness of joy when in communion with any other soul. Any person can be your soul mate if the two of you are one with God.

If this is true then why do so many embrace the idea of one soul mate and why do some insist they have found their soul mate?

To answer this let us first ask this question: Why is there such a strong yearning to find a soul mate?

The prime reason for this is parts of our being recall what it was like to dwell in oneness and fullness of joy with others like ourselves as one with God before we left our divine home. Those who reflect on this inner knowing get a homesickness and desire with all their hearts to find even one soul with whom they can share oneness. When the seeker finds a similar soul that kindles and stimulates the knowing and love inside, hope springs anew that a soul mate is found.

This inner knowing supports the belief of many that they have found their one and only soul mate when they fall in love, but there are other reasons beyond this.  One of the main ones is past life connections. Let us suppose that Jim and Sally have been mates a number of times in past lives.  In addition they have been brother and sister, parent and child and teacher and student.

When they meet in this life do you not suppose there will seem to be a knowing and an unexplainable attraction? By the end of their first date they are finishing each other’s sentences and communing with each other with great fascination.

They seem like soul mates to each other, not because they were created as twin flames, but because of their spiritual link through a long association.

The astonishing fact is this.  Any human being on the planet can be a soul mate if the barriers to oneness are transcended. When any two entities join in the union of souls and share divine love that is available to all they will enjoy a fullness as great as any two people who think they are soul mates.

If this is true then what is stopping us from such union.  There are several reasons:

(1) We have separated from each other and descended to earth as differentiated individuals to enhance our power to create and master our environment.

(2) We are all at different places on the path home and thus see with very different perspectives.

(3) We tend to look on the imperfection without rather than the perfection within. If your blind date looked like the elephant man do you think there is a chance in hell that you would want him or her as a soul mate?

Probably not. The outward ugliness is just too great of a distraction that interferes with seeing the Christ within.

We do not need an elephant man face to divert our attention away from the desire for union.  There are hundreds of small things that do it from a grating voice, to hygiene, to taste in movies or music, to religious and political beliefs and more.  If the barriers to union are removed then the union of souls can begin, pure and simple.

Copyright 2012 by J J Dewey

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Zion, Part 5

This entry is part 45 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

JJ: What is Zion?

Audience: Isn’t it a state of being pure of heart?

JJ: Right the scripture states that Zion is the pure in heart. Where are the pure in heart? The pure in heart are everywhere – they are scattered all over the world. Does that mean that Zion is here now?

Sterling: A couple of weeks ago in a class I was attending at Susan’s home the topic of our discussion was “ What is Zion?” For a couple hours we talked about basically the pure in heart but to me the thing that stuck out was that it is not based on a religious precept or particular denominational upbringing. We felt that the pure in heart had to do with doing the best with what you know, living true to what you have and that is what makes a pure in heart and that is what makes a Zion society. It does not matter that everyone believes the same way or that everyone has been brought up a certain way and is living all the commandments. It is that they are living true to the highest that they know and that does not exclude anyone because anyone can and should live true to what they have. You can take any society or culture and cross section of society and they can live true to that and this is what we came up with.

JJ: That was good and you just about answered my next question, which is, what is Zion? So if Zion is the pure in heart and the pure in heart are scattered throughout the whole world then what does it mean to build Zion? Isn’t Zion already built? The pure in heart have not been translated yet and they are still here.

Now Sterling was talking about what it means to be pure in heart. What does it mean to build Zion then, if the pure in heart are already here? I am sure there are some who are pure in heart right here. Okay it says Zion is the pure in heart but there is one more important ingredient to building Zion and it is in all the scriptures and it is talked more about in the Bible than any other subject but nobody ever teaches about it in church. What is the important ingredient needed to building Zion?

Zion is the pure in heart in a gathered condition as it is taught in the scriptures. The scriptures speak of the woman who is the true Church of Zion and flees into the wilderness several times. This is the situation of Zion or the Church of God right now; it has fled into the wilderness. The pure in heart are scattered into the wilderness of this world – they are scattered here and there and just about everywhere, and so the church of Zion exists but it is in the wilderness. But the time has come to bring Zion out of the wilderness and when it is out of the wilderness then we have Zion in the gathered condition. When they are in the gathered condition then magical things begin to happen and you will have the creation of a physical entity; which one could call Zion.

Now the question is how do we identify the pure in heart? Sterling answered my question in advance to some degree. He said it is people living by the highest they know and there is much to be said for that. But first of all let’s talk about the word pure. What does it mean if something is pure? If you have pure gold then what do you have? You have no impurities with it, right. If you have a person that is pure in heart then how would you correspond that to gold because often times in the scriptures the pure in heart, the saints of God are compared to gold. It says “I will refine my saints with refiners fire as gold is refined in the furnace” so to speak.

Sterling from the audience: I think the concept of perfection in the LDS background to achieve perfection is really unachievable because you have to keep all the commandments all the time and just one thought that is inappropriate disqualifies you so we get to this point of perfection in the Mormon culture is absolutely making no mistakes what so ever. For me personally, I love doing word puzzles and such, now my name is Sterling and Sterling in the British culture is a silver. It stands for their money which is 92.5% silver and 7.5% copper and in a academic culture 92.5% is just squeaking into A. Anything below that is an A minus which is still pretty good. Actually, the numbers for Messiah in Hebrew comes to 925 so there is a correlation there that there is a principle of Messiah and 92.5. The British Sterling idea is you do not have to be 100% to be pure. I like that because that is a lot more achievable and I was a straight A student in high school and I know how hard it is. And sometimes you grease the wheels of a teacher and sometimes you get the A but to get 100% is not achievable and so it is really not practical.

JJ: There is relative perfection which is possible and absolute perfection can never be achieved. Let’s talk about the ramifications of the pure of heart. If you have pure water what do you have in it? Do you have salt in it? Do you have dirt in it? Do you have minerals in it? No.  You only have pure water?

So what does it mean to be pure in heart and why the heart? The reason for the heart in finding the inhabitants of Zion is that the heart is a doorway to the soul. The heart is that energy between spirit and matter and it is the doorway that opens up to the higher worlds of spirit so that we can contact higher beings such as the angelic world, the world of the Masters, the Christ and above. It is all connected to opening the doorway to the soul and the door of the soul is found in the heart.

Now in order to have a pure heart there has to be nothing in the way of the door of the soul and the heart in your consciousness. Anything in the way produces impurity in the heart. What produces impurity in the heart? The biggest thing that produces impurity in the heart are those who take the place of God who speaks to the heart. Those who speak to the heart and say listen to me I have the commandments of God and listen to what I say. We listen  and give credibility to what they say above what we hear from the door of the heart.

When we listen to what is outside our heart and it interferes when listening to the doorway of the soul then we have the impurities of the heart. So the pure in heart are those whose consciousness find the kingdom of God within and they open the doorway to God which is in the deepest recesses in your heart. You open that door and then you can communicate with the spirit of God directly without any prophet, priest, king or anyone claiming a position of authority.

When anyone out there whether it be a prophet or Jesus himself; whether it be an angel or a being in light that says he is god, no matter who it is – if somebody out there is interfering with your communication within and tells you something different you are in danger of corruption. It is as Paul says – he says whether it be himself or an angel from heaven, if it teaches any other gospel than that which he taught, do not believe it. In other words any other gospel than that which is not verified through the heart should not be accepted it unless it vibrates with the heart energy. If it interferes with that heart energy and you pay attention to that interference and let that interference circulate then your heart will not be pure.

To make your heart pure you have to disregard all the static that is out there because there is a lot of static out there. Where does the static come from? It comes from religious authorities to a great degree in all religions. It comes from a lot of the ads on television, it comes from all the things that try to lower our mind from the world of spirit to the lower world of carnal thought, all the things that distract us from the spiritual world, from the kingdom of God within. These distractions produce static and if we pay attention to that outside static then we cannot tune in to the purity of the heart.

We must tune out all the static as if a radio receiver is in your heart and you turn down all the outside voices, turn them down lower and lower until they no longer exist and then you go to that doorway in the heart and it opens up to the world of spirit. When it opens up to the world of spirit you will have contact with what we call the Oneness Principle. The oneness principle is a spiritual Internet  that can be approached through the doorway of the heart through the soul by what we call soul contact.

Soul contact allows you to contact all the higher worlds. There are many different levels and if there is one thing the Mormon Church has taught that is correct is that there is more than one higher kingdom. On the other hand, there are many more than the three of which they teach.

There are many different variations of energy and contact that is available out there but they are only available if we tune down the static. So imagine you have a radio receiver in your heart. Now imagine you have a radio station tuned into your heart and you have it turned on and you are listening to this station that is giving you all kinds of spiritual uplifting messages. But now you have some static, A guy over here is making a bunch of noise and somebody over there is making even more noise and you have a guy over here trying to tell you what to do and you have someone over here trying to tell you what to do and if you listen to them all then you are not going to hear your radio station which is a still small voice. It is easy to drown out because it is still and it is small and sometimes you have a hard time believing it is there. Have you ever been working away and you hear a radio three rooms away turned down real low and you wonder is that radio playing or am I imagining it? After a while you go to that room and you see that it was on and just turned down real low and you thought you were imagining it but now you see that you were not imagining it and you really were hearing something. Even so it is with the still small voice.

In your heart is that still small voice and it is easy to drown out because you have all these outward voices telling you what to do and what to believe. These noises will overwhelm it and bring with it impurity in the heart circulation. The ones who are pure in heart are those who are able to tune out all those outward voices, even if it be mine and even if it be my wife’s which is really hard to tune out sometimes (chuckling) even if it be your spouse, even if it be your most beloved teacher. You have to tune everything out in order to hear the still small voice within.

I may say some really good stuff and I may say the same thing that your still small voice within is saying but you will not know it until you tune everything out along with me and listen for yourself. When you listen for yourself and you hear the same thing that I am saying then you can say, he is right but I know he is right not because he says it, but because I hear it vibrating within myself. Or you could say that I am wrong because of the voice, but this is how you will know that anyone is correct. If two people speaking and communicating and both of them listening to the voice at the same time and tuning out everything else they will have a very powerful spiritual experience together.

Like it says, “where there are two or more gathered in my name there I am in the midst of them” and He is in the midst of them because they are hearing the same thing at the same time and tuned into the same station to the same upper worlds of contact. There is a spiritual Internet out there. Now on the Internet you can find just about anything these days which is great if you want to know about some type of flower or unusual fact, All you have to do is type in the name on Google and it gives you about 110,000 pages of information on it which is amazing. Well the spiritual Internet is a bit like that. You can find anything you want to know.

The language of the Holy Spirit is the language of principles and it does not deal with data. When you can understand the principle then you can understand the data behind that principle. The Holy Spirit is the language of principles and when you understand a principle then you understand the whole concept about something. This is why the higher lives can communicate in a minute what may take us years because they communicate with the language of principles so they can understand so much more than we can so much more quickly because their communication level is on such a higher level.

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Zion, Part 4

This entry is part 44 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

Now let’s look at the Mormon doctrines of today. They think they have a lot of knowledge that goes way beyond every other religion. And they do have a little bit but what is that little bit? Number one they believe we have a pre-mortal existence. Okay it does not take long to preach that idea. They also believe that instead of just a heaven and hell that there are several kingdoms of glory. But basically they still believe in a heaven and  hell. The hell consists of the sons of perdition and the spirits in prison and then you have the three heavens so it still a basic duality thing but you have several places to go. But as far as what we are going to do in the next world, it is still not much clearer than in a Baptist church or any place else. They say we are going to have our families around us and we will be happy. They do not know what all it is going to be involved but it is going to be great.

The Baptists say pretty much the same thing. We are going to be in heaven but they are not sure what we are going to be doing there, maybe play a few harps and sing praises but it is going to be fun whatever it is. There will be bliss for all eternity. As far as what is going to transpire in this eternal life the Mormons do not have much more knowledge than anybody else. The Mormons do have a little  more common sense than the average believer though. For instance, they accept the fact that the Bible had errors in translations and errors probably crept in the text. The born again people figure that it is perfect just the way it is so the Mormons are just a little ahead there. You can take the half a dozen extra truths the Mormons have and one can you can teach them in about 15 minutes. So, one can say the Mormons have about 15 minutes worth of knowledge the other religions do not have.

Audience: They have the teaching of the saving ordinances.

JJ: Okay, they have the teaching of the saving ordinances, but lets look at a teaching of Joseph Smith on these powers. Joseph Smith said “If there is a beginning then there will be an end” The only way there can be no end is if there is no beginning. He says if there is a beginning “as God lives” there will be an end. Now people in the church believe that there is a beginning to getting their priesthood but a priesthood is supposed to have no end. Now Joseph Smith said if there is a beginning then there is an end, so something is wrong here. So what is the true mystery behind it? The true mystery is actually given in the scriptures. They say that the priesthood is the “key to the knowledge of God.” That is what the priesthood is. It does not say the priesthood is given to you and there is a beginning to it. The truth is that you have always had the priesthood but there is a beginning to your ordination. Your ordination is merely to stimulate your recognition of authority that you already have and have always had from eternity because you have always been a god and will always be a god because you are one with God. If there is a beginning to your being a god that means there is going to be an end to your being a god and if there is no end to you being a son of God that means you have always been a son of God and you always will be a son of God.

Using Joseph Smith’s logic (and he was so sure of this that he said it was a true “as God lives”) if there is a beginning there will be an end. The ordinances are symbols – they are symbols to stimulate recognition within us of things that are true. He says that we can only be saved by these ordinances, which means until we recognize the truth behind them, we cannot be saved but the physical ordinances in them selves have no power. He even says in the Doctrine and Covenants, I believe it is section 22; it says though a man be baptized a hundred times it means nothing.

He says we are not saved by dead works and he calls baptism  a dead work. It is the meaning behind the baptism that moves us forward in our progression not the baptism itself, because we can be baptized a hundred times and it will mean nothing. He calls it a dead work but these dead works are given to us, it says because that is our mentality and it is a little bit like when Moses came down with the higher commandments and the Israelites were not ready so he gives them the lower commandments which were the dead works but the dead works prepares us to recognize what is within.

The scriptures tell us again and again that, that which is within is what is important. “The kingdom of God is within you.” The church is a little bit like a kindergarten to prepare us for real learning and it is also a little like the situation with the carnal commandments in the days of Moses. This was a kindergarten to prepare them for the true message of Christ, and we still are not ready for the true message of Christ so the D&C tells us that we must be given dead works to move us forward and to motivate us until we come to the true living works. The true living works requires no outward ordinances at all.

When Jesus was in Palestine He had no outward ordinances given to Him at all, He went through no temple ordinances. His whole work was all within Him and He was like us. The scriptures says the we are to be one with Christ just like Christ is one with His God. The reason He had power is because He was one with His Father. If we follow the footsteps of Christ all the physical ordinances can be bypassed unless we want to accept them to fulfill righteousness as he did with baptism.

But the physical ordinances are important to us for one purpose as we journey on our path. The outward ordinances speak to the inner soul in a language that our inner self understands that our outer self does not understand. The angel world understands symbols a lot better than us and they communicate by the use of symbols and this is why the prophets have often instituted symbols. The invisible lives see those symbols and they understand their meaning and it draws their help and influences them.

Getting back to the prophecy… We have to face the fact the prophecy of building the temple did not come true but that does not mean that it was not inspired because many things have been inspired that have not come true. Many of the greatest lives, the masters, the prophets if we could have all their words we would find out that even the greatest prophets have said a lot of things that did not come true. I would say about 60% of Joseph Smith’s prophecies have come true. A lot of them did not and you don’t find the failed ones in  the church books. If you look at all the things he said probably about 60% of what he predicted came true and about 40% did not. But that is a lot better than most of predictors.

I would guess Edgar Casey is the other way around, 30-40% of his came true but most of them did not. According to Casey Atlantis was supposed to rise up in 1972 and we have not seen it yet. Joseph Smith was one of the most accurate prophets in our history and the fact the he was close to about 60% accuracy is very good because if anybody gets over 50% than they are usually getting their information from some higher source.

If we have the mindset that a prophet is going to be 100% accurate then we are going to be let down every single time.Followers make up lots of excuses like they do now in the churches. But if we understand that unless it something is tightly under the control of the one who is making the prophecy then future events are malleable because of free will. Free will throws a wrench in the equation so that we cannot predict things 100%.

It is expected by the masters that we can enter into a new age and have 1000 years where there is peace and prosperity but it may not happen and it is not 100% sure. We could have a religious war rise up; we could have all kinds of things happen with terrorism or have a nuclear bomb exploded in New York or Washington DC. There are lots of unpredictable things, so we have to be on guard to make sure that we can sail smoothly into this new age of peace. One of the biggest dangers that we have is that the religious folk think it is all up to God. Well if you see a guy starving on the side of the road and you said, well it is up to God as to whether you get fed or not and you move on and the guy starves to death then is it God’s fault or is it your fault?

It is up to us and this reminds me of the movie “Oh God.” George Burns, as God, appears to John Denver and John says, “Well God when are you are going to make things right?” And God (George Burns) says  “That is your responsibility.” And Denver says, “Our responsibility, I thought it was your responsibility.” This was like a great awakening for John Denver. I thought, that is a great truth to be taught in this movie – that it is our responsibility to make sure  we are ushered into an age of peace and we do what is necessary to make good things happen.

If you just think it is in God’s hands then what we are doing is releasing ourselves from power and who assumes the power? People like the terrorists, people with bad intentions will assume the power because when we relinquish the power of decision then we are not giving it to God, we are just giving it to a lower level person than ourselves. People with fewer good intentions than ourselves then take the reigns with a decision that we gave up. We must be vigilante just like they say, “Freedom is not free,” freedom must be won by eternal vigilance. We can’t just sit back and say freedom is our right and God is going to give it to us forever. It must be won with eternal vigilance and eternal vigilance must also ensure a principle which is called the dominating good. Good must always dominate but good only dominates because intelligent people of good will come forward and throw their energy behind that which is constructive. The average person has more good in them than bad. The average person wants good things to happen and if the average person comes forward and does his part then the world will make uniform progress toward peace on earth and good will toward men.


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The Problem with Infinite Individual Realities

This entry is part 9 of 40 in the series 2012A

There are two major divisions of alternate universes theories.

(1) In addition to this physical universe and its accompanying higher spheres there are an unknown number of co-existing universes.  This number is guessed at being from one to an infinite number. Quantum theory speculates there may be eleven.

These universes are as different from our own as one individual, planet and galaxy are also different  from each other in their distinct way.

The idea that there are alternate universes such as these makes some sense to the rational mind for not only quantum physicists see it as a possibility but the more we examine formless space the more we find evidence that it is not empty but composed of many subtle particles and forces.

(2) We create our own reality of alternate universes.

This idea first seemed to impact public consciousness through the writings of Seth.  His ideas were on the edge of believability but still fit within the parameters of logic with esoteric students.

He taught that alternate realities were created when points of emotional tension were created in life and if the pilgrim found himself wondering what life would be like if he had chosen differently this power of thought created another reality where the alternative decision was made.  This fits in with the esoteric teachings on the devachan, an astral world where unfulfilled desires are lived out until the person feels satisfied.

Then in the past couple decades imaginations of gurus, writers and movie makers have run wild with the alternative reality idea with each new version expanding and building on the last until we now arrive at Inelia Benz and others telling us that there are not only infinite universes, but an infinite number of you and me in our own private universe of creations in addition to other infinite universes. This supposes that there is such a thing as infinity times infinity.

The thinking behind the infinite selves idea is that every decision we make is a choice between two realities.  Rick is considering Bonnie and Sue as marriage partners.  Both of them have their advantages but he can only pick one and marries Sue. This creates quite a different reality for himself than if he had chosen Bonnie – a much different personality. For the rest of his life he wonders what it would have been like if he had married Bonnie.

Not to worry. According to this theory the real truth is that decision points creates an entirely new universe for yourself.  Rick did not just choose Sue to be his wife, but Bonnie also and in that instant he doubled the number of universes for himself.  He also created a double of himself.  One of himselves is living in this universe married to Sue and the other one of himself is in the newly created universe living with Bonnie.

There are only two ways that there can be two or more universes with you, me and everyone else in them

The first way this could happen is if they both had similar beginnings billions of years ago and went through similar evolutions until we have two universes with two earths and two of you and me very similar to each other.

The trouble with this idea is that it is a mathematical impossibility. Let us just look at your two parents on two earths that are just a little different.  Because the two earths are slightly different the circumstances would be different forcing different decisions.  On this earth your father met your mother at a church social but on the other earth he caught a cold and never attended and thus never met your mother and you were never born. It is obvious that within just one lifetime different decisions would produce very different results and if we expand that to a history of two earths over billions of years we can conclude that no two earths would evolve with anywhere near the same circumstances or groups of people. The earth in a parallel universe would be as different from this one as Russia is from the United States.

Some science fiction writers and gurus realized the conundrum here and decided the only plausible explanation for the existence of two or more universes, earths and people who are very close duplicates is if new universes are created with new decisions we make. Thus when Rick reaches a decision point as to who to marry he creates an entirely new universe for himself and lives two realities.

This gets complicated when we realize that we make thousands of decisions within one lifetime; therefore, we would have duplicates running around in thousands of universes – right?

Wrong.  Make that trillions of universes.  Let me illustrate.

When I was five years old I decided to play with a smoldering fire and caught my pants on fire and burned myself quite badly. This created a new universe where I decided to play with my dog instead and was never burned. Now, not only has the present me made thousands of decisions since then but the me who played with the dog has also. In addition to us two creating universes every new version  of me is doing it also. When I figure all the other selves out there multiplying themselves creating new universes then there would have to be trillions of universes out there created by me alone.  In addition to this there are seven billion other people on this planet creating trillions more universes.

This may make good science fiction but seems kind of a silly idea to take seriously when you really think about it.  The creations of God are based on simplicity and when you consider that all possibilities lie within our present universe then trillions more just seems like something that is totally unnecessary and wouldn’t attract any interest to the mind of God.

That said, I am faced with a decision to either post this on freeread or the Keys.  I guess I’ll choose freeread.  Whoops!  There I go again.  I just created an another alternative universe where this post is on the Keys. I hope the other me behaves himself.

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Alternative Universes

This entry is part 8 of 40 in the series 2012A


I don’t know how you cannot believe in alternate parallel universes–after all  that is what was portrayed in one episode of Star Trek, don’t you remember?  Seriously, though, it did make me think and some parts of string theory seem to  support it…


First, let me clarify that I have not said that there are not co-existing or parallel universes.  In my last post I noted that string theory speculates that there may be 11 dimensions and I also stated that it is likely that a universe of anti matter exists.

What I said that makes no sense to me is the idea that there exists an infinite number of duplicate universes with a duplicate version of you and me in them living slightly different lives. For one thing, if I had my life to live over and didn’t know what the future held, I would most likely make the same choices all over again indicating that me in another universe would not really be living an alternative life but the same one I am living here.  I believe that parts of our consciousness do play out alternative scenarios in the astral and dream world to compensate for unfulfilled desire but not in an alternative physical reality.


But I agree it makes no true logical sense. In Matrix Energetix  (which Artie asked me to present at the last Gathering) and in other healing  modalities one of the techniques is to take people into a parallel universe,  extract useful scenarios and bring them back to this universe for healing  purposes. There have been some powerful healings as a result. Is it placebo or just consciousness “making it up” and using it or the real deal?


That is a good question.  The answer though lies not in parallel physical universes but in the power of the mind and desire to create whatever it wants on subtle levels. The universal law is that energy follows thought and if you create through the power of thought in mental and emotional matter then effects will ripple down to the physical world.

Let me give two examples.

The first is taken from the book, Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz. He references an experiment on three groups of students.

All three groups were tested on their ability to make successful shots in basketball and their scores were tabulated.

The first group was then told to practice making shots every day for the next 20 days.

The second group was told to not practice at all and the third group was told to merely practice in their minds.  They were to not physically practice but to spend some time each day imagining shooting the ball.  If they missed in their imagination they were to shoot again and imagine making the basket.

After the twenty days passed they tested all three groups again for accuracy and the results were astonishing.

The first group had improved 24% in their accuracy.

The second group showed no improvement.

The third group, however, improved an astonishing 23%, a statistical tie with the first group who physically practiced.

Were they tapping into other selves in an alternative universe who were basketball stars?

Not likely.

They were instead using the principle of energy following thought.

The second example was given by Napoleon Hill in his famous book, Think and Grow Rich.  An important ingredient he taught on achieving success was the creation of a Master Mind. He taught that we as individuals are very limited in knowledge so we should gather around us other people with talents that we may not have and draw from them. He tells us that the Master Mind group, when used properly, becomes as one mind and each individual can draw the abilities of the whole to use for himself.

Then he tells us how he took the principle a step further and created a Master Mind group of nine famous people that he couldn’t draw to him in the physical.  They were Emerson, Paine, Edison, Darwin, Lincoln, Burbank, Napoleon, Ford and Carnegie.

Every evening he would imagine meeting with these guys around a conference table and getting their advice on all sorts of matters.  As time passed they became more and more real until he became concerned that the illusion may blur with reality so he quit meeting with his imaginary friends.

Then six months after stopping the practice he had a strange experience.  He says:

“I was awakened one night, or thought I was, when I saw Lincoln standing at my bedside. He said, ‘The world will soon need your services. It is about to undergo a period of chaos which will cause men and women to lose faith, and become panic stricken. Go ahead with your work and complete your philosophy. That is your mission in life. If you neglect it, for any cause whatsoever, you will be reduced to a primal state, and be compelled to retrace the cycles through which you have passed during thousands of years.’

“I was unable to tell, the following morning, whether I had dreamed this, or had actually been awake, and I have never since found out which it was, but I do know that the dream, if it were a dream, was so vivid in my mind the next day that I resumed my meetings the following night. At our next meeting, the members of my Cabinet all filed into the room together, and stood at their accustomed places at the Council Table, while Lincoln raised a glass and said, ‘Gentlemen, let us drink a toast to a friend who has returned to the fold.’ After that, I began to add new members to my Cabinet, until now it consists of more than fifty, among them Christ, St. Paul, Galileo, Copernicus, Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, Homer, Voltaire, Bruno, Spinoza, Drummond, Kant, Schopenhauer, Newton, Confucius, Elbert Hubbard, Brann, Ingersol, Wilson, and William James.”

It is interesting that a couple of the people in his original Master Mind were alive at the time he was doing the practice so it wasn’t like he was performing a séance calling on the dead from the spirit world.

He had a very interesting experience with his imaginary Edison who was alive at the time.  He says:

One evening Edison arrived ahead of all the others. He walked over and seated himself at my left, where Emerson was accustomed to sit, and said, ‘You are destined to witness the discovery of the secret of life. When the time comes, you will observe that life consists of great swarms of energy, or entities, each as intelligent as human beings think themselves to be. These units of life group together like hives of bees, and remain together until they disintegrate, through lack of harmony.

These units have differences of opinion, the same as human beings, and often fight among themselves. These meetings which you are conducting will be very helpful to you. They will bring to your rescue some of the same units of life which served the members of your Cabinet, during their lives. These units are eternal. THEY NEVER DIE! Your own thoughts and DESIRES serve as the magnet which attracts units of life, from the great ocean of life out there. Only the friendly units are attracted—the ones which harmonize with the nature of your DESIRES.’

The other members of the Cabinet began to enter the room. Edison got up, and slowly walked around to his own seat. Edison was still living when this happened. It impressed me so greatly that I went to see him, and told him about the experience. He smiled broadly, and said, ‘Your dream was more a reality than you may imagine it to have been.’ He added no further explanation to his statement.

Perhaps these units were monads.

Whatever the case it didn’t matter whether these individuals were alive or dead. Napoleon was able to draw from their essence.

And why is this?

Each entity whether living or dead is a broadcasting studio for his particular essence which can be tuned into and picked up by anyone willing to use the energy of thought to make the connection.  The Edison in his Master Mind was not the real Edison, but something almost as good.  It was composed of the projected frequencies and intelligence given off by Edison.  That is why Napoleon was able to pick up Edison’s thinking so accurately that he told him that what he received was more than a dream.

This also explains why psychics are able to pick up thoughts from the dead.  Of course the dead have better things to do than hang around the psychics.  They do not need to if the person can tune into their frequency.  They can then receive intelligence as if the person were in the room.

This same principle applies when tuning into a person from a parallel universe.  Just as Napoleon did not tune into the real Edison, but his essence even so can one tune into the essence of anyone he wishes in any situation he can imagine and energy following thought will make the connection and do the rest.

Because we humans who are in the image of God can create any scenario we wish in the more subtle worlds. We can sometimes be deceived into thinking we are just observing what is – rather than creating what appears to be.

Copyright 2012 by J J Dewey

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Inelia Benz

This entry is part 7 of 40 in the series 2012A

Feb 14, 2012
A couple days ago Kelly asked about Inelia Benz and this stirred up
quite a lot of discussion so I thought I would make a few comments.

First I had to check out some of her teachings. I watched the video
recommended by Alex and read the transcript of the video recommended by

Her basic message is this. She incarnated to assist in raising the
vibration of the people on this planet so we can effectively transition
into a new age of peace.

I have no problem with this message as this is also one of the reasons I
am here and I’m sure some members of the group feel it is a
reason they are here also.

As long as she keeps this as her main goal and follows it to the highest
she knows then I wish her Godspeed.

Whenever a teacher manifests before the public eye true seekers will
always take a look with a mind open to the possibility that he or she
may be an agent of light or a deceiver of the darkest dye – or someone
in between.

Unless I receive some evidence to the contrary I take Inelia at her word
that she is here to serve and assist humanity.

I am encouraged by the fact that she is a big believer in free will and
expanding it. She presents a teaching that I have given that if we do
not make decisions then someone else will be making them for us.

She presents several teachings to do not sound right to me.

She says there are an infinite number of parallel universes where each
of us live in slightly different realities. For example, in Universe A
there is a famous JJ and in Universe B there is one that is an unknown
homeless guy. Then there’s another universe where I’m
still with my first wife and never met Artie – my current wife – poor

The point to consider here is that creation, especially the creation of
a universe, takes a lot of effort and creators only put a lot of effort
into creation when there is a significant purpose. I don’t see
much purpose being served by the Creators in making infinite numbers
universes with the same people doing just slightly different things. As
it is, this one universe is vast enough to give the Life of God a chance
to experience every possibility through the many trillions of lives in
it. He doesn’t need a billion or so variations of me running

She tells us she is a unique being who has never incarnated into this
universe before. She has no past lives but incarnated directly from the
mind of God.

We always have to take into account that anything is possible but in my
view the most likely truth is she has incarnated here many times but has
reflected so strongly on God that she sees herself as an extension of
Him in a way that others are not.

This teaching is the biggest red flag because even if she truly seeks to
help others this may cause followers to see her as an outside source of
God rather than looking within. This could cause her to become the Beast
to her followers unless she does all in her power to teach them to rely
on the inner God rather than the outer.

She says there are millions of others who are helping to raise the
vibration of the planet but is not clear if there are others like her
with no past lives who came directly from God. If she sees herself as a
totally unique being she could be creating many glamours that will need
to be dealt with as well as illusion.

Overall, she seems a pleasant person who is attempting to serve so I
will not be overly concerned about her unless some good reason were to

She does have a course she sells for $99. Because of this some have
accused her of being in the work for the money but every work does need
t bring in some money.

Here are the ingredients in the course:

1. Unit One – An Introduction – Listen to the Introduction NOW.
Spiritual Ascension Course Sample
2. Unit Two – Setting of Goals
3. Unit Three – Main Goals Exercise
4. Unit Four – Specific Goals Exercise
5. Unit Five – Detoxifying the Physical Body
6. Unit Six – Reconnecting with the Physical Body
7. Unit Seven – Physical Body Reconnection Exercise
8. Unit Eight – Healing the Ego
9. Unit Nine – Identifying and Embracing the Ego
10. Unit Ten – The Mental Body
11. Unit Eleven – Identifying the Mind
12. Unit Twelve – Silencing the Mind Through Breath Meditation
13. Unit Thirteen – The Emotional Body
14. Unit Fourteen – Healing the Emotional Body
15. Unit Fifteen – The Spiritual Body
16. Unit Sixteen – Identifying and Reconnecting with the Spiritual Body
17. Unit Seventeen – Aligning Our Bodies
18. Unit Eighteen – Expansion Of Awareness
19. Unit Nineteen – Expansion Of Awareness into Oneness
20. Bonus Unit
Dealing with Sickness during Ascension Work

If anyone has taken or takes this course in the future I’m sure
the group would be interested in a report.

Feb 15, 2012
Alternate Realities

I’m surprised so many have embraced the idea of infinite realities for each individual. To my reasoning mind it makes no sense whatsoever and can and will explain why it makes no sense.

From the Ancient Wisdom we know there are seven spheres of reality, but in these there is only one physical reality. The astral, mental and formless worlds are not alternative realities but a part of the one reality.

Is it possible that there are other physical realities that co-exist with us in addition to the seven spheres? Yes, this is quite possible. I suspect that there is one which is composed of what we call anti-matter. Quantum theory suggests that there could be as many as 11 alternative universes but there seems to be no way that an infinite number would fit in the equation.

But considering whether there be co-existing universes is a whole different matter than co-existing selves living out totally different lives than we are doing here.

If there is an alternative universe then it would be populated by entities that are different entities than exist here just as another star system would be peopled by different beings than exist here.

Alex asks this question:
“How we can judge and dictate the Creator how many parallel timelines is sufficient for Him to allow a reasonable level of free agency?”

First, I might note that others are judging the Creator has made infinite realities so I am doing no differently than them in judging in the other direction.

Secondly, we are fully capable of judging what the Creator will do because we are created in the “image of God.” If we therefore want to know what God would do we must merely examine what we would do.

To discover the truth through following this principle one need merely ask this question; When we as humans create a thing do we create all possibilities in which that creation can manifest? Do we even have any desire to do this?

The answer to both of these questions is an absolute no.

Let us suppose you are going to paint a picture. First you decide what you are going to paint – let us say you pick a mountain and a stream. Now as you are painting you follow your desires in what you like and do not like until it is finished and like God in the Bible you then declare it is good when finished.

Now that the painting is finished do you have any desire to create millions of other paintings of this scene with slight variations?

Of course not. Such an endeavor would not only be extremely boring but would put the creator in a hell of a bottomless pit.

So, we see the creator (painter) has absolutely no desire to create every possible version of his painting but he does still desire to create. What then does he do? He picks a new challenge and for his next work. He does not create a slightly different view of the same scene but he picks an entirely new scene. He may do some wildlife next or a portrait of his true love – something that will be a challenge and give him the satisfaction of creating something new.

“Behold, I make all things new.” Rev 21:5

We do not like to create the same thing over and over and neither does God.

The different paintings correspond to different lifetimes and different painters correspond to different entities.

Seth was the first teacher I know of who taught about multiple realities for individuals and from his teaching of a few realities others have expanded to infinite realities.

I think Seth was on to a true principle. He didn’t teach infinite realities but noted that there are various turning points in our lives were crucial decisions are made. This wouldn’t have anything to do whether you choose eggs or cereal for breakfast, but decisions that have a strong emotions attached. For instance Bob is strongly attracted to Carol and Alice and after much thought chooses Alice. His life with Alice turns rather sour and he now wishes he would have chosen Carol. He dreams regularly of what life would be like with her.

According to Seth – in another reality he is with Carole.

This corresponds to the teachings of the ancient Wisdom through DK and others for this is how the Devachan plays out in the astral world. Unfulfilled emotional (astral) energy creates a reality in the astral world and after we die we can go there and experience unfulfilled dreams and wishes that were not manifest here in the physical. This is the heaven of the Christian or the Happy Hunting Grounds of the American Indian.

On the other hand, the disciple learns to be the observer in this physical world and not be governed by the astral so he can bypass the devachan and go higher reams closer to the True Reality after death.

Thus we see that the argument that we need to experience infinite versions of each life is just not called for. In this universe there are billions of galaxies with billions of solar systems with many trillions of inhabitants. The life of God has every possible experience available though the vast number of lives invoked and with the devachan and dream world included there is no experienced left undone.

Another point to consider is that there is One Great Life occupying this universe and we are extensions of this oneness. On higher levels we are in tune with each other and see each other as part of a unity rather than separate lives. When life is viewed from this angle then all of us are living many millions of lives at the same time. In a sense Alex, and Keith and Rick and Ruth,  the rest are another version of me. It’s possible that some psychics tune into this knowledge and construe it to mean that there are many versions of ourselves in many realities.


Copyright 2012 by J J Dewey

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Zion, Part 3

This entry is part 43 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

As we continue the discussion of Zion I am going to read you one interesting scripture, D&C 84 verses 4 thru 5,

“Verily this is the word of the Lord, that the city New Jerusalem shall be built by the gathering of the saints, beginning at this place, even the place of the temple, which temple shall be reared in this generation. For verily this generation shall not all pass away until an house shall be built unto the Lord, and a cloud shall rest upon it, which cloud shall be even the glory of the Lord, which shall fill the house.”

If I remember right this was given in early 1832 and a generation is usually about 40 years or so. It has been quite a long time since then and there has been no temple built. Why is that? Now this was supposed to be the beginning of the creation of Zion, the building of the temple and it was supposed to have been built within a generation, an ironclad prophecy written there. First of all, did the prophecy come true or did it not come true? How does the Mormon Church explain this? The church explains it saying that a generation can be like a generation of the church or an era of time, which could last thousands of years.

The church used to have a different interpretation. The early apostle, Orson Pratt, interpreted it as a regular generation and expected many in his day to live to see the temple built. It was not built and everybody that heard this prophecy is now dead. To say a generation is like a generation of the church or a dispensation is really stretching it. We have to face the facts that this prophecy was expected to come true but it did not come true. Does this mean that this prophecy did or did not come from a higher power? You would think that if it failed then it did not come from a higher power but let me tell you something about prophecy. The future is never written in stone.

Now we go back to the days of the Bible and we can read those scriptures and of course the scribes that wrote the Bible only recorded the prophecies that came true. We do not hear about the ones that did not come true because they did not even record them. Now lets look at our modern day times. We have all types of people making prophecies, religious, spiritual, psychic people like Edgar Casey, Nostradamus, and so on. Has anyone in recorded history made predictions that have been 100% accurate? The answer is no, Did Jesus?

Let me tell you a prophecy that Jesus made that did not come true. Do you remember that Jesus was talking about the temple and He said that there would not be one stone left upon another in the temple. Did that come true? Have you ever heard of the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem? That is a piece of the temple where there is still one stone upon another. There are seven layers above ground and 17 below ground that been intact since the days of Jesus. So even that prophecy spoken by the Master Himself did not come 100% true. Interesting, is it not?

So this is the secret about prophecy that there is no person on the earth and not even God, no life form anywhere can predict everything that is going to happen. Now all the believers will say that is wrong, If I snap my fingers then they are saying that God knew a million years ago that I was going to do this at this time. Well the big question I have is why in the world would God even want to know that? Why would He want fill His universal mind with such clutter and trivial detail? Who would want to fill their mind with such clutter?

I used to think that if I could memorize the whole encyclopedia that I would really be smart but when I learned what true intelligence was I found out that was not true at all. A person with true intelligence does not fill his mind with a bunch of clutter. Why do you think we forget? We forget things to void our mind of clutter because if we didn’t forget things we would have so much data in our mind that we would not be able to think creatively.

You have heard about the absent minded professor – the great thinkers are absent minded and because they are kind of absent in their mind they can get rid of all the clutter and then they can really think creatively. When Einstein went for walks he would sometimes have his mind so blank that he would show up somewhere and he would say where am I? He did not know where he was and did not how to find his way home because he was so into what he was thinking that the world out there did not even exist and so he would wind up somewhere and not know where he was.

Many of the great thinkers in history have been this way and they have often been criticized for being absent minded. I am absent minded myself and I did a paper on it in college to try and figure out the cure for it and after doing lots of research and writing this paper the best advise I could find was from a guy that did research on it. He said the best thing that you can do is just get a good secretary. I thought you know that is probably right, that would relieve me of this absent-mindedness that I have and I concluded that the guy was on the right track.

It is impossible to predict the future beyond a certain point. What is predictable is if a highly intelligent being makes a firm decision and then decides to bring that decision to pass. If we have one of the gods or one of the masters making a decision and he wants to bring the decision to pass then he can make an accurate prophecy about that. If I say I am going to walk over and give Artie a kiss then I can predict that because it is under my power and I have committed myself to do it. I can predict it and can fulfill it, and now I am a true prophet. This is how the great lives that have worked through the prophets have made their prophecies come to pass because they have made decisions and they have told the prophets what there decisions are and then they have made their decisions come to pass.

But as far as events occurring in the normal stream of things because human free will is involved it is impossible to predict the future with 100% accuracy. So the fact that it was predicted that a temple would be built in this generation does not mean that it was not inspired, what it means is that it was supposed to be but it did not happen. The Master that was working with Joseph Smith anticipated this to happen but it did not happen.

Just before Joseph was killed he had a warrant out for his arrest and he was pacing the floor wondering what to do because he was telling the people, “if I am arrested one more time I will be killed or else I am not a true prophet.” He had a very strong feeling about this. He had a warrant out for his arrest and even though he had been arrested many times he had a strong feeling that if he was arrested one more time that he would be killed so he was pacing the floor trying to think of a solution.

As he was pacing the floor his scribe made note that all of a sudden he stopped and his face lit up and he said, “I know what to do – I have just received a revelation from God.” He said, “I will take a small group and go west to Oregon territory and there we will build the kingdom again.” We all know the story that he started to do that and then he received a letter from his wife saying that everyone was calling him a coward that he was the Sheppard that has left his flock to the wolves. Come back, they pleaded. He said to his brother if I come back then we will be killed. His brother said, “We have faced this many times and we have some out of it and we will come out of it again.” And Joseph said, “No, we will not this time, we will be slaughtered if we go back.” This was his biggest test in his life. For most of us our biggest test is around facing death but Joseph’s big test was the opposite: facing life. In other words, his big test was whether or not to live not whether or not to die. He was more afraid of being called a coward than he was of death and as a matter of fact he was almost looking forward to it because he was so tired of the trials he faced.

So rather than face being called a coward he would return and what really put the pressure on him was that his brother told him if you do not go back and face arrest then he would go back alone. Imagine his brother going back facing death making Joseph look like a coward. So rather than being called a coward he went back but in going back he disobeyed the revelation because the revelation told him to go to Oregon.

In going back he failed an initiation which in esoteric writings is called the fourth initiation which is the same initiation that Abraham took and Jesus took in the garden of Gethsemane where He had to sacrifice everything. The greatest possible sacrifice in Joseph’s mind was to be labeled a coward by his people. We have to realize he was acknowledged as great hero throughout his entire life and to be seen as a great coward was something that he just could not handle. So rather than obey the revelation he went back to die to avoid being called a coward.

If he would have lived then the temple would have been built but there was no way for the Powers-That-Be could have predicted what his decision would be at that point. He had certain keys to building Zion that Brigham Young did not have. He had certain visions that the other brethren did not have; he had the knowledge and will that could have established Zion. So the temple was not built in that generation because the prophet that was supposed to build it was killed. He was killed because he disobeyed the revelation from God to go out west and begin the kingdom anew. If he would have went out west he would have created a kingdom that would have been quite a bit different than what Brigham Young created and then he would have went back with power and acquired the lands taken from them and built the temple within a generation.

Audience: What historical book can this be found in?

JJ: The revelation to go west was one of the biographies of him and I think it was the one by Donna Hill, “Joseph Smith, the first Mormon.”

Audience: It was also in Michael Quinn’s book, “Origins of Power.”

JJ: Esoteric writings call our great teachers white magicians and they are in danger of being drowned by the waters. The waters are emotion and this causes problems many times. When Joseph said that his life is worth nothing to him if it is worth nothing to his friends, the waters of emotion drowned him. When the great test comes to the disciple, the test which is sometimes called the test of Abraham, or the test of the crucifixion, he has to be ready to sacrifice everything that he holds dear and let everything go. This is beyond a seeker’s comprehension what this will be. But in order to create a great work that will remain a person has to pass this test and Joseph Smith did not quite pass it. Because he did not pass it the temple was never built and the church was not put on the secure foundation that it needed to be and it turned out to be a regular church today and is not much different than other Christian churches of today if you take out several of the doctrines.


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