More D K Quotes

March 6, 2016

More D K Quotes

Here are some more quotes that are highlights from Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1

There will (through this and analogous groups) be set in motion on earth a network of spiritual energies which will facilitate the regeneration of the world. The influence of these groups—when permanently established and potently working—will have a wider objective than just the elevation of humanity.


But remember this: the keynote of the Lodge is not attainment or degree. It is stable relationship, unity of thought, plus diversity of method, of effort and of function and its quality is friendship in its purest sense. The Brotherhood is a community of souls who are swept by the desire to serve, urged by a spontaneous impulse to love, illumined by one pure Light, devotedly fused and blended into groups of serving Minds, and energised by one Life. Its Members are organised to further the Plan which They consciously contact and with which They deliberately cooperate.


The slowly manifesting powers of the radio and the sensitive workings of the perfecting radio mechanisms and of television (Now the Internet) are but the response in physical matter of the perfected telepathic powers and television of the minds of the Masters of the Wisdom. Forget not, that such powers are inherent in all men.


When the intuition functions in any human being, he is enabled to take direct and correct action for he is in touch with the Plan, with pure and unadulterated fact and undistorted ideas—free from illusion and coming direct from the divine or universal Mind. The unfoldment of this faculty will bring about a world recognition of the Plan and this is the greatest achievement of the intuition in this present world cycle. When that Plan is sensed, there comes the realisation of the unity of all beings, of the synthesis of world evolution and of the unity of the divine objective. All life and all forms are seen then in their true perspective; a right sense of values and of time then eventuates. When the Plan is truly intuited and at first hand, then constructive effort becomes inevitable and there is no lost motion. It is the partial realisation of the Plan and its interpretation at second or third hand by the ignorant which is responsible for the wasted effort and the foolish impulses which characterise the present occult and world organisations.


they (disciples) must cultivate that “divine indifference” to personal considerations which is the outstanding hallmark of the trained initiate.


The Hierarchy produces its effects upon the plane of appearances through the potency of its unified, conscious thinking. The establishing of such a condition of unified thinking within the New Group of World Servers is part of my major effort at this time; we can achieve little until that has been brought about.


other faculties and developing capacities are only expansions of these three—telepathic thought, receiving and transmitting; intuitive recognition of truth and its formulation into concepts by the mind, plus the later process of materialising that which has been intuited, the highest form of creative work; healing, with its understanding of energy and forces which will lead later to the rebirth of humanity


Little by little, there will appear all over the earth, groups of illumined souls who can cooperate with the Masters with perfect freedom of intercourse because their responsiveness has been scientifically trained and developed. Their power to work in tune with or in unison with the Hierarchy, to cooperate with the group life of many other groups of disciples and to communicate light and revelation to the world of men will later be an accomplished fact.


It is for my disciples to safeguard this presentation of truth during this century and to see to it that the books are sent forth steadily upon their mission, until they are finally superseded next century by a newer and more adequate teaching.


This is the true “marriage in the Heavens ” of which mystical Christianity speaks and the result of this fusion will be the manifestation of the fifth kingdom in nature, the kingdom of God. In the past history of the race, a great event occurred which brought into manifestation the fourth kingdom in nature, the human kingdom. We stand now on the verge of a similar but still more momentous event—the appearance of the fifth kingdom, as a result of the planned activity of the New Group of World Servers, working in collaboration with the Hierarchy of perfected souls, and under the guidance of the Christ Himself. This will usher in the New Age wherein five kingdoms in nature will be recognised as existing side by side upon earth.


The groups are intended to work together eventually just as the various departments of a great organisation work effectively together as a unit. They must function smoothly and intelligently within themselves and also in their inter-relation with each other. `This will become possible when the individual members in the groups and the individual groups of disciples lose sight of their own identities in an effort to make this hierarchical work possible. In this type of group work, the feelings, reactions, wishes and successes of the individual most emphatically do not count. Only that is regarded as of importance which will further group effort and enrich the group consciousness.


This crisis is upon us almost prematurely, owing to the exceedingly rapid advance made by humanity since 1850. Through the driving urge of men themselves, a new realm and a new dimension has been contacted. Humanity has loosed energies hitherto unknown and the effects are of a dual kind, producing both bad as well as good results.

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March 5, 2016


Larry mentions the gathering target date as 2025. I believe I have set the range as being between 2025-2030. If it gets started in earnest by 2025 all the better.

I am in a strange mode at the moment for I do not feel impressed to make a great effort to do much in the way of gathering or initiating something new. For the past couple years I have been in more of a receiving cycle than usual and have been concentrating as much as possible in learning in preparation for a new cycle of sending and initiating.

All of us need to recharge our batteries and after having given out so many new teachings I sense the need to gather some new building blocks from my soul as well as outside sources.

While undergoing this process I try and not neglect my good friends at the Keys and still send to the group, but overall I am more focused on receiving than usual. I am not sure how long this cycle will last. I feel a day of opportunity will come and when this happens I will switch back into a strong sending mode that will take advantage of my current receiving mode.

It is definitely desirable that a gathering be commenced by spiritually minded people who understand molecular principles by 2025-2030, but unfortunately disciples do not always fulfill their soul purpose and much that was planned does not get accomplished. When disciples fail there is always a plan B.

The Plan B is to place in the minds of resourceful individuals, who may not be that spiritual, a desire to gather for the purpose of promoting freedom, alternative government and living situations. This is now happening with the seasteading movement as well as with other groups seeking to buy land and gather upon it. By 2030 there should be communities on the sea and land where gathering is possible even if the spiritual disciples are not successful.

My hope is that we can have the first molecule built and a spiritual gathering begun by 2030, but if not all is not lost. Others will join in and do preparatory work making it easier for disciples to work with spiritual gatherings when they come back in a future life.

A disciple must always plan long term, not for just one life.

On a different note, I received the biography on Mussolini and it looks like a pretty good one. I want to read it before I do a comparison of him with Trump so my analysis can be accurate. I’ll be posting more on this subject shortly.

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The Carrot Principle

March 4, 2016

The Carrot Principle

I’ve decided to stick with “fellow travelers” for The Song of Eternal Life. Most of the group likes this best and I think very few will relate it with the communist party. Most people will take it for exactly what it intended. We are all fellow travelers on the path of return. Some of us are taking our time, others are in a hurry and still others take a few detours, but we are all on a journey as travelers in this realm.

This is where the Carrot Principle comes into play. Hitler ate carrots, but does this mean that we should avoid them or see them as a bad food?

Good guys and bad guys have used the term, “fellow travelers” but each time one sees it used he must interpret it by the context with which it was used.

African Americans have attempted to get a monopoly on the word, “brother.” When they use the word they are generally referring to another of the same race. Well, we won’t quite let them get away with it because it is too good of a word to limit to one set of people. Even though a “brother” often refers to a black, many others still use it in reference to people of all races who are like-minded.

So, what if someone feels uncomfortable using “fellow travelers”? Others who are gender conscious feel uncomfortable saying “Father” in the Song of the 144,000. What about them?

When saying an invocation as an individual changing a few words is fine as long as the meaning is not changed. Instead of “fellow travelers” one could say “brothers and sisters” or “fellow seekers.” Instead of Father, one could say Father—Mother” or just God.

However, when saying an invocation as a group all should use the exact same words to amplify the spirit of union.

Also of note is that some invocations stimulate the highest possible vibration exactly as written so if you alter a word or two test the result with your soul to make sure the power is not diminished.


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Predictions Revisited

March 3, 2016

Predictions Revisited

Dan wanted to know what my answers would have been to the prediction questions the other day.

Well, if you want to be a false prophet just give out a couple specific predictions and it will not be long before you are wrong on something, no matter who you think you are.

The problem with the future is that it is composed of probabilities, except for a few things that are cyclic or predetermined by some intelligence. For instance, I predetermined that I was going to write a post tonight and now I am doing it as expected.

That said, here are the questions and I will answer them as probabilities.

  1. Will Trump get the nomination?

If not, who?

70% chance he will get it. Ted Cruz could yet gain steam and the Republican establishment will stop the nomination if they can figure out a way to do it.

Trump needs to be very careful for his security.

  1. Will Hillary get the nomination or will one of her scandals get in the way?

If she didn’t have impending scandals it would be 95%, but because legal problem are on the horizon it is 50% There is a 30% chance that Joe Biden will be the nominee 10% for Bernie Sanders and 10% someone else.

  1. Who will be president in 2017?

60% Trump 20% another Republican and 20% the Democratic nominee. Republicans will have the advantage of the bigger turn out this time.

  1. Will there be some sort of financial collapse before the election and will it cause problems with the election.

There is a 50% chance for some type of collapse this year and a 25% chance it will be a bad one. If it happens it will sway people toward the Republicans this time.

  1. What will gold and silver do? Right now gold is at $1242 an ounce and silver is at about $15.

It will stay fairly stable until there is a downturn in the stock market or inflation returns.

This is a good time to buy gold or silver as it is unlikely that they will go down much, but just a matter of time before they go sharply up.

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Trump Mussolini

March 2, 2016

Trump Mussolini

Keith writes:

I briefly looked at handwriting samples of both. They appear similar. J.J. should take a look.

They exhibit the same body language when speaking before a crowd. Trumps is more understated, but still very similar. The frown Trump displays when speaking is very similar to Benito’s. Trump likes to turn and walk away from the podium or just takes a few steps backwards. Benito did the same, but a lot more demonstrative, but nonetheless similar. Hand and arm movements are also similar.


I came a cross this comparison a few days ago and have been looking into it. I even ordered a biography on Mussolini

I do not see enough similarities in speaking style to supply much evidence. I notice that Mussolini puts either one or two hands on his hips when speaking and have not seen Trump do that.

Here is a video of Mussolini giving a speech to a crowd

And here is one of Trump

Here is a video giving a brief biography of Mussolini.


And here is a picture of Mussolini, but quite a bit younger than Trump. Notice that he lost his hair at a young age.


Mussolini died April 28, 1945 and Trump was born June 14, 1946.

That would only leave a little over a year for the entity to prepare for a new life. When an entity makes as many mistakes as Mussolini did the soul usually has the person spend some time in the spirit world studying them and absorbing lessons in preparation for a new life in an attempt to right some wrongs.

I took a look at the handwriting of both men and there are some similarities in the signatures, but quite a bit of difference in the regular writing.

I’ll post a more in depth look shortly.

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Advice to Disciples

March 2, 2016

Advice to Disciples

As you know DK attempted to start a group and had to deal with a number of personality issues, emotional problems, illusions and glamours of the various members. It didn’t work out as good as he had hoped but he did lay the foundation for future work.

Here was his instructions to one disciple who was letting his emotions get in the way of group work. It contains things we can all take to heart as many seekers share some of the difficulties that the disciple in question was dealing with.

You may here rightly ask me: In what way do I hinder? I am not ambitious. I do not make trouble of a group kind; I only make trouble for myself. I try to be loving and kind. I work as hard as I think I should. I love the truth and I endeavour to meet requirements.

All of this may be true, my brother, but these statements do not constitute an alibi for what is wrong. The thing that can wreck the building work, which your group is intended to do, is the violence of your reactions and vibrations when you are emotionally upset (and this is of frequent occurrence) and the furious self-assertion whereby you endeavour to justify such violence, and your dramatic self-pity. Unless you can learn to decentralise yourself, and cease this constant self-thought and self-commiseration under all circumstances, and stop visualising yourself at all times as in the centre—yourself as the worker, yourself as the group member, yourself as the sufferer from others’ misunderstandings and mistakes, yourself as of importance—and learn to see yourself as you truly are, you can and do hinder the work and imperil the future constructive work of the group. This you know.

You love no one truly but yourself. If you loved truly and impersonally, you would not cause the pain you do to those who love and believe in your capacity; you would be more magnetic and this on a wider scale, for, as yet, you are only magnetic to those who recognise your personality and love your personality. It is from this lack that your work suffers. Yet it could so easily all be changed, if you learnt that divine indifference which you need—indifference to yourself and to your personality interests, likes and dislikes, indifference to your cares, anxieties and successes. You would then be in a position, really, to sense the importance of the work, the uniqueness of your opportunities at this time, and your really strategic position. But you are too full of fear and of self-interest and so fail to [662] make the needed impact upon those who need your help. They get the impact of your cares and fears and your demand to be liked. Can you change this? I am telling you nothing new. Among the chelas in my Ashram, you are in the position of the naughty, wilful child, for your errors and faults are those of a child and are not adult faults at all. You dream in a child’s dream world.

You must grow up, my brother, for the world needs adult workers at this time and you can meet the need; you can do great and good work; you can make a soul impact upon those around you; you can cease from being a destructive agent and become a constructive worker. But this will only be possible if your likes and dislikes, your personality determinations and affections, your feeling and your physical ailments fade out of the picture and only the world’s need remains and the longing to meet it—as you can. As, I repeat, you can. I and the group need you.

I offer you neither suspension nor the opportunity to resign. I ask you to face the issue and make good. Fight this matter out and fight it out alone. Learn to keep the things which concern yourself to yourself—a thing you have never yet learnt. Do not let your group brothers down by resigning or by a violent explosion—the repercussions of which must hurt and damage. Face life steadily, like an adult who has learnt in the school of wisdom, that the trend of all things is good. Handle life with love as a member of the New Group of World Servers.

Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Pages 662-663

Joy settles within the heart

But has winged its way from the secret

place within the head.

I am that bird of joy,

Therefore with joy I serve.


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In Your Face at Facebook

Feb 29, 2016

In Your Face at Facebook

I don’t know about you but I have been getting a tremendous amount of hateful bashing of anything that is politically right of center on Facebook. The strange thing is the majority of my friends lean right but around 90% of attack posts come from the left. It is like they are on a mission from god to wipe out God, freedom and apple pie.

I don’t think that Facebook is a good place to shove polarizing views in people’s faces – as with any group of friends there will be numerous different views and half of them will find the post irritating.

For that reason I do not post my political and spiritual views on my newsfeed that goes out to my entire friends list. I do, however respond to some that send me obnoxious distorting posts. That only goes out to his or her friends.

If a person has an agenda to promote he should do it on a dedicated Facebook page for that purpose. I have one for the Immortal HERE.

Anyway I just received a post attacking Donald Trump supporters stating that 20% of his supporters would have been against Lincoln’s executive order to free the slaves. Here was my response to this accusation:

I went to the original poll and could not find any data about Trump supporters and slavery. In fact there was no question even asking those polled if they were a Trump supporter. Since no such question was asked then it would be impossible to single out what Trump supporters believe.

The poll did ask if those polled approved or disapproved the use of executive orders for:

Freeing “all slaves in the states that were in rebellion against the federal government.”

Now keep in mind that more Democrats participated in the poll than Republicans.

A whopping 30% either disagreed with the executive order or were undecided as to whether the slaves should have been freed with an executive order.

One reason this figure was so high was probably due to the fact that a lot of people just disagree with the President using executive orders for any purpose. Many see that as being like a dictator.

Now here is a figure from the poll that should upset Hillary supporters. (Even though 5% more responders leaned Democrat than Republican) if the election were held today

“would you vote for…

The Democratic Party candidate 39%

The Republican Party candidate 46%

So it looks like we may have quite a few Democrats vote Republican as in the days of Reagan.

Another result I found interesting was how responders graded Obama as far as being liberal or conservative.

26% either think Obama is a conservative or not sure.

Isn’t that a hoot?


Only 17% said they are better off financially than a year ago but 35% said they were worse off.

43% are worried about losing their job.

70% fear it would be difficult to get a new job if they lost their current one.

Sounds like people are ready for a change.

The poll in question can be found HERE

Check out this link.

Only 71% Of American Blacks Approve Of The Emancipation Proclamation.

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New Invocation

Feb 28, 2016

New Invocation

Here is a new invocation that came to me during contemplation.

In addition I am including a slightly tweaked final version of the Song of Eternal Life.

Finally, I am including the Avatar of Synthesis invocation that we haven’t given much attention to for some time.


I am one with my fellow travelers.

All that I have is theirs.

I am one with Christ and an innumerable company of Divine Beings.

All that they have is mine.

I am one with the Creator of all there is

And from this point burst forth as a Sun

To give light, love and power to serve to those who have forgotten their Source.

Here are two previous invocations:

The Song of Eternal Life

OM – OM – OM

I thank you Father-Mother-Spirit

For the energy of life which streams

From Universal Source to me

For the life that circulates through each atom and cell

Permeating my entire body and mind

Bringing health and vitality to all my living parts.

I bask in this life

I feel the life

I am the life

The life which knows not corruption

The life which makes all things new

The life which always IS.

I feel the life from my toes to the top of my head

And give thanks for its abundance.

I praise, and love my body and all of its parts

For receiving this Life and Spirit and Source.

I praise body, mind, soul and spirit

For receiving without ceasing.

A-U-M (AHHHHH – UUUUUHHH [as in you] – MMMMMM)

Avatar of Synthesis Invocation

From the center where the Will of God is known, let Purpose guide the little wills of men.

Let the One Great Life manifest Its Purpose and send forth his Avatar.

Let this Master of Purpose come forth and amplify our wills to synthesize them with his own, giving us power to serve.

Let the Avatar of Synthesis manifest to the group of which I am a part.

That we may prepare the earth for the Lords of Light and Love.

Let Will and Power and Purpose manifest the Christ on earth.

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Improving the Self

Feb 27, 2016

Improving the Self

Thanks for participating in the attempt to see the future. I’ll bet the group here is more accurate than the famous psychics will be.

One thing that is important for all seekers is to place some effort on self-improvement. Self-improvement covers a number of areas.

(1) Career. Whatever you are doing for a living should be something that you can do well. Many people get lazy after they get settled in their job and no longer seek to excel. Thus the company and customers get denied their best. A true seeker will always seek to do a good job even if the work is not that enjoyable to him. A good book on inspiring excellence is, “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill.

(2) Work on your personality and social graces. Many of us have a lot of rough edges and when some are called on it they will say something like, “That is just me. Get over it .”

One needs to consider that others may have a point and that it just may be a good investment to work on being a more pleasant and interesting person to be around.

Every seeker should have read a few books on improving relationships such as, “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” By Dale Carnegie.

(3) Continue to self educate throughout your entire life. Never be happy with the knowledge you have but always seek to learn new things.

When I was younger I memorized something new each day. It may have been a scripture or a famous quote or profound statement. Then when I got busy making a living I got out of the habit. I wish I had continued this, but better late than never. I started doing this again and find it very helpful. Memorizing a statement puts the thought very clearly in your mind causing you to come up with insights you miss when just reading it over.

For best results in memorizing I have found that it is efficient to review the words the first, second, seventh, seventeenth and thirty-first day. After that you may still need to review now and then.

There are lots of good things available to memorize such as the Great Invocation, The Song of the 144,000, various mantras and invocations, The Rules of White Magic, healing, rules for disciples etc.

I also throw in a new vocabulary word each day.

(4) Continue to work on you spiritual relationship with your own soul. Ask yourself what your next step is and how you are to accomplish it. And if you are not sure of what to do use your imagination and find a away to bring some joy to the lives of others. Little children are especially in need of some happy times and show great appreciation for acts that bring smiles to their faces.

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Feb 26, 2016


A few months ago I checked out all the psychics I could find making political predictions on the web and just about all of them were saying the same thing, They were saying that the force was with Jeb Bush and he would wind up running against Hillary and that Hillary would win. Most predicted that Trump would make a major mistake and be drummed out of the race.

Astrologers were saying a similar thing – that Bush had a strong chart indicating he would get the nomination.

It never ceases to amaze me how wrong these guys are. A personal bias has a lot to do with their errors. I’ll bet over 90% of those predicting doom for Trump just do not like him and those predicting a Hillary win lean toward the Democrats.

I normally stay away from specific predictions because the future is very fluid except for things governed by cycles or guided intelligence.

For a couple years we experimented with making some predictions with the expectation that no one would probably be 100% correct. Some did pretty good. I think my rate was over 70% and I got all the academy award predictions correct. My biggest miss was predicting that Castro would die and he is still kicking. I think wishful thinking got in the way of that one.

Sometimes though the stars do align.

As mentioned in my book and several posts, I met my wife when she began attending my classes and I was impressed with her when I analyzed her writing in my handwriting class. Shortly thereafter, she requested an astrological reading as I was into the art at that time.

I not only calculated her natal chart, but also her progressed chart and noticed that the Sun on her progressed chart was extremely close to the placement of my natal sun. She still has the tape I made wherein I told her something like this:

“Our suns are in the process of merging. This would indicate that you and I are going to have a very close relationship or partnership of some kind.” Then keeping in mind that we were both married to other people at the time I added, “I’m sure that would be a working relationship.”

Then about six months later, when both of us were separating from our spouses, one Thursday evening lightening struck us both at the same moment and we have been together since.

Several days after this particular day, I became curious as to how near that Thursday was to the merging of the suns. I thought it would be close, but I was truly amazed when I ran the progressed charts again and saw that her progressed sun merged exactly with mine on the very day we fell in love. The chances of this happening were minuscule.

We are currently in a situation where a lot of people are very curious about the future on a number of things. They are very curious about the coming election. Right up there on the list is the economy. Lots of people have bee n predicting a major crash now for years.

So, what do you think? I recall we made some guesses a few months ago, but now some dust has settled let us try again.

  1. Will Trump get the nomination?

If not, who?

  1. Will Hillary get the nomination or will one of her scandals get in the way?
  2. Who will be president in 2017?
  3. Will there be some sort of financial collapse before the election and will it cause problems with the election.
  4. What will gold and silver do? Right now gold is at $1232 an ounce and silver is at $15.

If you had some extra cash where would you invest?

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