Christmas Message 2016

This entry is part 21 of 29 in the series Christmas Messages

Christmas Message

As I contemplate a Christmas message this year my mind reflects upon this tempestuous year and the political fighting that divided families, friends and parties. Oft times it has seemed that Christ is further from the hearts of humanity than ever in my lifetime. Instead of seeing Christ in one another we have been seeing demons of the darkest dye.

Instead of seeing good we have been seeing evil.

Instead of seeking to help we seek to hinder our brothers and sisters and laughing when they fall just because they vote differently than ourselves.

Are we all not children from the same Father-Mother God? Should we therefore seek to love and not hate and to have compassion rather than to despise?

Are we so far away from Christ that He will turn his back in shame and silence?

With hesitation I appeal to His Spirit and listen for His voice. After a silence words come by the voice of the Spirit…

“Never hesitate approaching me my son for I am with you and all who seek me at all times in all places and all situations.

“Yes, it may seem that I am further away from the hearts of men than ever but the truth is that I am always near. It is the individual who distances himself from me, even though I stand at the door. The door is open or shut by you, not I.

“Lift up your heart and rejoice for the time of the harvest draws near. Look upon the light that is burning in your fellow men and women scattered across the globe.”

He placed his hand across my eyes and my sight was greatly magnified. I saw every person on the planet as a light in one glimpse. Some lights were bright and others were dim. Still others had no light but seemed as if they were black holes.

I was immediately reminded of the words of Jesus from the scripture:

“If therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!” Mat 6::22-23

I spoke and said, “I see many wonderful people full of light and love, yet many of them are in terrible situations and hated and despised. I see great lights in all situations and others striving to keep whatever lesser light they have. Then there are those in darkness who hate the light for it disturbs their darkness. I feel great concern for them.”

“Yet do you not see more light than you expected?”

I looked again at the whole of humanity and answered, “Indeed. I am impressed that there is so much light when the planet seems to be so fiercely divided.”

“Look again,” he said, “And see the light as it was 100 years ago.”

I looked and saw that there were not so many people but the percentage of the bright lights was significantly less.

“Look again and see 200 years in the past.”

I looked and again the bright lights were quite a bit fewer.

He spoke again, “And now if I show you the lights of the world 100 years from now what is it you think you will see?”

When be spoke those words I felt a great fire burn within me and could not speak. I felt weak and tears came to my eyes. I did not have to look, for I knew within my spirit what the answer was supposed to be. If we as a human race do not shut the door on the Christ standing at the door of the human heart the light of the world will make a quantum leap forward, more than any time in any century. We could always reject the light, but the fire within me gave me great hope that humanity is headed the right direction thanks to the lights shining upon the darkness with increasing strength.

Finally I gained the presence of mind to speak. “I see that many are discouraged because they do not see correctly, that the light in the world has been steadily progressing all along and this division we now see is merely creating a point of tension which will wind up amplifying the light in the end.”

“You see correctly. Now write the words which will guide others to see the light, to love the light and to direct the light to dispel the darkness. Darkness cannot keep its place with the increasing light to come. When a light is turned on in a dark room the one who has eyes must acknowledge what is actually seen. May you and others turn on the lights so the world can see and be ready to accept me when I come and dwell among you.”

The Presence left, but lingered with me and I felt as if my spirit was fed with heavenly manna that satisfied and gave me strength to continue my journey through life with gladness.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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3 thoughts on “Christmas Message 2016

  1. I simply are amazed of the purity and the messages of Christ -mas(s) ! Thank you Joseph, in every way for being here, and giving us all this from the planes of light. God bless you in every way possible.

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