Conversations with a Student

Conversations with a Student

I have had to struggle financially all my life and I have concluded that there is a great lesson to be learned from it, especially if you are going to be a spiritual teacher. It is important that you understand the struggles of those whom you teach and financial struggle is the most universal struggle that people of the world now have.

Few realize that less than twenty percent of the work force in this country are actually working at creating wealth. The rest of us are merely moving the wealth around. Let us suppose that we all shared in the wealth-creating labor. The average person would only have to work 8 hours a week to maintain our current standard of living. If each of us worked 12 hours or more we could all have about anything we could want. Then we could volunteer our free time for the services rendered or concentrate on something creative. Sound good? I thought you would think so. Such changes are coming my friend, but the world will resist.

(Note from 2024): With the coming of labor saving robots many average people may wi9nd up with extra time on  their hands)

Reader Comment: “All in the same breath, my challenge is staying in my life, in my body, not flittering away into some past and/or future daydream. Tall order for sure.”

JJ: I really identify with you my sister. This is the great challenge for the dreamers. But we must not forget the dream. We must take care of business and make the time for the dream. Balance is the key.

Does your husband’s ideas harmonize with your own or is he orthodox in his thinking? I am fortunate to have a wife who believes in me and supports me, but it was not by accident. This is my third marriage. I’m sure she will eventually want to talk with you. She reads all my on-line material and is a very intelligent lady. Without her help I would not have the free time at present to do this on-line teaching.

Why is the first key, the power of decision, so potent?

Why is it even a key ingredient of life? (“Without decision, there is no life.”) Does the power of decision make life more abundant? Can the power of decision even lead you out of the struggle you presently find yourself in?

Can you see that decision uses your vehicles and the power is a part of your real self and does not belong to your vehicles?

I seek to gather the lights — those who are capable of some soul contact and seek self improvement.

In the first attempt I worked with the religious people and those who were interested were the extreme right wing. In the second attempt I worked with the New Age people and those who were interested were the unrealistic dreamers.

During this time I wondered why I received so little assistance to carry out so great a work. Then after my last attempt I received a revelation from the Christ at a Christmas party. The party was given by a multi-level company meeting I was investigating. The group was singing “Joy to the Word, the Lord has come….” In the midst of the singing I felt His presence. The Master had come in response the words to that Christmas Carol. Next a person did a reading called: “I Never Knew Him.” It was a story about a fictional person who lived in the days of Jesus, but did not recognize Him. As he read this, I felt the feelings of the Master. I was moved to tears for He knows the same thing would happen if He were to appear now. There is not a group of people on the earth that is ready to accept Him as He is. That is our job. We must prepare a group to accept His Presence and His teachings.

After we sang some Christmas carols we were then entertained by some of the company’s highest producers. As they were up there on stage clowning around making us laugh, the Master said to me these words: “These are the type of people I want you to gather.” Then He withdrew.

As I was left to myself I thought. Why didn’t He tell me this sooner? Here I have spent ten years twice losing everything I have owned, gone through two wives and estranged my children — and I was working with the wrong crowd all this time!

Then I thought that perhaps the experience I have garnered was necessary for a successful attempt. Perhaps I was not prepared to gather this type of individual.

Who were those people performing that the Christ said were examples of the person He wants prepared for Him? They were an assortment of philosophies and religious beliefs. They were all very hard workers and all quite successful at what they do. They all seek to improve the quality of their lives on a practical basis. Most of them were successful in their lives. They accept personal responsibility.

They are not at all like the previous two groups of people I attempted to gather.

The question was: How am I to be successful with this type of individual? The answer was that I must achieve some measure of success on my own. So for the first time in my life I gave in to making a living as a top priority. As I said earlier it is the hardest thing I have ever done. Well, perhaps the second hardest, but that is another story.

I went to work with a commitment that I would be successful if it took the rest of my life. Progress has been slow and painstaking as concentration on money is the weakest part of my being, but it seems to be my dharma. I have been working on this preparation for a number of years now. Then it came to me that in preparation for the true gathering I should use the on-line services to contact students and workers who may help in the gathering. I felt that even though the typical New Ager is not the first to be gathered that there will be a few of sound mind on the Internet who have been prepared.

The main question I would ask of you at present is this. Are you willing to do what is necessary or are there just certain ways that you want to help?

This system of teaching keys is inspired to help me find the true seekers who are humble enough to acknowledge that there are things they do not know. There are several things you can do to help. The most important would be to learn the keys and seek to find others willing to learn them.

You say you saw twelve men in your vision. Did you get a sense of twelve women somewhere? Did the oriental man appear in a physical body or was it like a vision?

You ask: “Where did I get my three stages of the Second Coming theory?”

It is hinted at in the writings of Alice A. Bailey which are revelations from an associate Master of the Christ. I concretized them by contemplation and received it through my soul.

The coming of Christ in his own physical body is farther away than people think. He will work through the process of overshadowing for the next thirty years or so. Then he may show his face. Exactly what will happen at that point will depend on our progress over this period of time. He may appear to a few or to many. That is not revealed. His presence will be with us and be felt by the whole world by the year 2030 through a process of divine possession through one or more disciples. This is accomplished by the free will and cooperation of such individuals just as it was done by Jesus. The disciple Jesus was a reincarnation of Joshua, but he was divinely possessed by the Christ who was Melchizedek, Krishna and many others in our history. There were two people in one body at the same time cooperating together. This fact is easily proved from the Bible itself.

You tell me that you just feel my upper four Chakras and you want to know where my passion is. My greatest passion is the truth. The main Chakra that you do not sense is the solar plexus. Is it because I do not have any solar plexus energy or that I am denying it or suppressing it? No and no. My wife would be happy to testify that I have plenty of it. I’ll tell you why you feel little if any expressed in this forum.

A person can be teaching many things that are false and use the powers of the lower centers to deceive their students into thinking that black is white and white is black. But if you teach from a point detached from personality control the student is left to himself and his own soul to decide what is true. I realize that I could gather more interest from the rank and file if I used sacral and solar energy as do most teachers I know, but I seek to bring the students into contact with higher energies that few have felt before.

In doing this I am not denying or suppressing. I am directing. The higher centers know how to fulfill the lower, but the lower know not how to fulfill themselves. My lower centers are subject to the higher, but they still have a full and fulfilling life and are very vibrant.

Therefore, you will not see a lot of passion in the regular sense displayed by me here, except on perhaps a rare occasion. There are exceptions to all things.

Your say: “Wow. So you would say that you understand at the soul level, and encompass everything I have brought to this forum? Nothing I have written has ever pushed a single button, made you think about yourself and why you are here? In impeccable honesty, you can say you embrace all that I am?”

I make no claim about knowing or embracing all that you are. I do know exactly why I am here, however.

You still seem concerned that I am not showing love as you desire it. I am here to teach knowledge. With understanding comes a greater feeling for love. If I put my attention on the lower desire love then the higher vistas of understanding will not be open.

You ask: “Answer me this: Is it loving, to tell another entity that they are 180 degrees wrong? That their entire world view is BACKWARDS? Is this loving? Is this empowering?”

If I think that a person is 180 degrees wrong and his error is obvious enough that he could see it — yes — I would attempt to expose the error in the kindest way possible. When I have been corrected with kindness I have considered it a very loving action. Especially if I see my error. Of course, when I have been attacked with sarcasm that does not seem loving at all.

You bring up relative truth again. We covered a lot of ground on this subject in my early postings. I challenged all to come up with even one relative truth and none came forward. Case closed unless you can show me one.

The keys I teach are not just keys for me. They are universal keys that will benefit all who receive them. Just like the answer of 2+2=4 is an answer that all can use in their life. The method of teaching through hints stimulates the power of the soul and intuition which empowers all who are willing to participate.

If I merely teach as an authority the amount I can stimulate empowerment is limited.

You say: “You are creating students and making them over into YOUR image by insisting they conform to your thinking pattern. You even had the audacity to set it up so that YOU were the arbiter of whether or not they ‘got it.’“

You are criticizing a teaching program that you have not participated in to any degree. In the program students rarely give a wrong answer. There are many right answers in search for the truth. When the key is found and understood then the person’s own soul will verify it to him. The teacher’s job is to act as a guide. There is no shame involved here as you insinuate.

You say this: “I pray that someday you and I can see each other for who we Really Are.

“I pray that one day we might be able to look deeply into one another’s Eyes and Remember the Love that Is, was, and Always Will Be, with no turning away, no competition, no arrogance… just surrender.

“What do I/we have to do to manifest this vision?”

JJ: When I have had this experience with others it has occurred after a giving and receiving that resulted in soul contact and revelations of truth and a willingness to render selfless service. It has resulted when me and another entity became one in the kingdom of the soul.

There is giving and receiving in every relationship; nevertheless, a working relationship has one person polarized as the overall giver and the other as the receiver. To reach the soul it must be understood where the polarization is. The problem with you and me is this. Both of us think we are the polarized sender, but only one of us can be at a point in time. If we do not know which one it is then we cannot have the loving experience you desire.

But all is not lost. All things come in time.

Good luck to you on your journey. I anticipate that we will see you in the forum again.

Jan 8, 2009

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