Christmas Message, 2021
The Birth of Christ
I sat in silent thought as I contemplated my yearly Christmas message to the group. I focused within and asked the Holy Presence, “What words would you have me give to a divided world that is so full of fear and animosity?”
After a period of silence, the words of Spirit, love and light came:
Tell them to not only look within but listen within and hear my voice. Hear the words I spoke to the disciples when their hearts were troubled:
“Fear not. It is I. Peace be unto you. Not peace as is known in the world, but as realized by the Son of God that rests deep within every human heart.”
Tell them I am here. I stand at the door and wait, but each individual must open the door and journey out of the past into my presence in the Eternal Now. The journey has no distance in time or space but there are barriers that must be removed. Each can discover these barriers if they will honestly look within and seek My Voice to guide them.
Many there are who have heard My Voice calling them to peace and communion, but they rejected the Presence because of fear or unbelief. Behold, my voice calls to every individual in every time, every place and every condition, but few respond. Many there are who are fearful, unbelieving and plagued with guilt, pain and downcast thoughts. But let the message be that I am available to all: to the mighty and the weak, the rich and the poor, the despised and the honored. You are all children of the same God and all are welcome. Tell them to just listen for my voice and know that it is I.
This Christmas the world again celebrates my birth among the children of men 2000 years ago. It is good that their thoughts are directed to goodwill, giving and cheerfulness more than usual, but my birth could mean so much more than this. Instead of celebrating my birth in ancient times let the celebration be a birth of your own.
My life was the result of the birth of the Christ within the heart and was an example for all to follow. If you would thus celebrate the birth of the Christ child within your own heart the Christmas spirit that I seek would manifest.
When you discover your inner connection to me and are born into the life of Christ with me you will shine a light that others will see and follow and like the passing of one candle to light others many will experience the true Christmas that I envision.
Verily the day will come that all will experience the birth of Christ in their hearts and the Mass of Christ will be eternal.
Yes, my friend, tell them to seek the inner Voice and listen, listen in the depth of the great silence, hear my voice, “It is I. Be not afraid. I am with you always. Enter thou into the joy of the Lord.”
Dec 25, 2021
Copyright By J J Dewey
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