Crème and Illusion

Crème and Illusion

I give appreciation to the Crème supporter for responding calmly, a trait very uncharacteristic of those who take issue with me.

Your defense of Crème goes along nicely with our subject of illusion.

Consider this, A stage hypnotist will sometimes give a performance as follows:

He takes a guy from the audience and puts him under a fairly deep trance.

He tells him: “Whenever I say the word ‘banana’ you will scratch your head and whenever I say the word ‘apple’ you will stand on your head. You will not remember me giving you this suggestion.”

Then he wakes him up and starts talking to the audience using the word “banana” twice. The man then scratches his head twice. The hypnotist turns to the man and asks him, “Why did you scratch your head.”

The man will give a seemingly logical answer, “Because it itches.”

The audience laughs

The hypnotist then turns and continues talking to the audience and slips out the word “apple.” The man then stands on his head.

As the audience is rolling in laughter the Hypnotists asks the man, “Why are you standing on your head?”

“I thought the audience would find it amusing,” he says.

“And it doesn’t bother you that the audience is laughing?”

“Of course not,” says the man. “That’s what I wanted to happen.”

In the end the subject feels rather silly when he finds out the truth. He didn’t scratch his head or stand on it because of his own idea but because of a hypnotic suggestion he allowed to be planted within him. The truth should have dawned on him. After all, he was in the presence of a hypnotist who was making people do crazy things. Why did it not occur to him that his strange behavior was not his own idea but from something implanted within him?

You my friend are the subject, Crème is the hypnotist and we are the audience. This is a polite audience and they will not outright laugh, but I guarantee that most of them are amused by your strange explanation as to how Crème can be dead wrong at least four times about fixing dates for a mass appearance of Christ and yet you come up with fantastic explanations as to why he is wrong, entirely overlooking the obvious.

You are not alone. At least once a year there appears a story about some Christian preacher who gets a revelation to meet Christ or a spaceship on some mountaintop at a certain date. The followers often sell all they have because they will not need them after the noted date. When the date arrives the group goes to the mountaintop and nothing happens.

What does the preacher do? Does he admit he is wrong?


Instead the dialog usually goes something like this:

“The Master did not show up because circumstances have changed. He has now set a new date. In addition to this, many in the group have shown a lack of faith and have displeased the Master. We are not ready for him if he should appear. Our task now is to work on showing greater faith and be prepared for the real date of the appearance which will be soon. Very soon.”

Or he may just give something even more simple:

“Bothers and sisters this was a test of your faith. Now we must get ready for the real thing.”

The interesting thing is to examine the reaction of the followers. You would think they would see right through this preacher, realize they have been deceived, throw their arms up in disgust and go home and start a new life. But do they?

No. Rarely. Maybe one or two out of a hundred. The ninety nine are in deep hypnosis and cannot see the truth in front of their nose, just like the subject on the stage. They accept without question whatever the preacher tells them and will not even consider anything else.

Such a deceived one may be encountered by a friend:

“The man said Jesus was going to show up at Noon on March 3rd. He didn’t show up. Nothing happened. Does that not tell you something?”

“You don’t understand. Reverend Jones is in contact with Jesus and speaks for him. Jesus was just testing us and I’m not going to let him down.”

The friend sighs. He feels badly for his friend, but realizes there is nothing he can do.

Why is it that the vast majority fail to even consider that such a grievous error is evidence that Jones’ contact with Jesus is illusion even thought it is sublimely obvious to a casual observer?

The answer is this.

A belief planted in the solar plexus of desire and nourished by attention, study and works becomes a strong attachment and acts as if it were a powerful hypnotic suggestion. It is so powerful that the man cannot see the source of the illusion just as the subject who stood on his head could not.

If you follow the standard reaction here you will seek to turn this around and tell me that it is I and not yourself who is under the deep trance. Before you attempt this I will ask then where is the correspondence?

Where is my hypnotist? I have none that plant false data into my mind.

Where are the false predictions hat I have mindlessly swallowed?

Where is the audience that is laughing at me?

You cannot attempt to turn the tables and point back at me because I do not fit the mold. I have no guru with which I feel an impulse to hypnotically conform.

I do not mean to offend you my friend, but I do seek to awaken you out of your deep sleep so you can be of real use to the world. As I said before I see real potential in you, but such potential is often wasted on the slumbering giants of history who live and die with little effect on the world.

I’ll end with an instructive quote from DK

“The visionary dreamer or the well-intentioned but impractical person whose ideas and world plans and suggestions as to the new world order litter the desks of world leaders and of those groups and organisations who are attempting practically to blueprint the future. Their dreams and ideas deal with projects for which the world of today is not ready and will not be ready for several thousand years. It is an easy thing for them to present impossible Utopias which have not the faintest relation to things which are needed today and which could be made possible. The name of these people is legion, and at this time they constitute a definite hindrance. A vision of the impossible is not the type of vision which will keep the people from perishing. Because of an inability to compromise and to face up to things as they are, these people and those whom they influence are landed in despair and disillusionment.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Pages 459-460

April 25,  2004

Copyright by J J Dewey

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