Nauvoo Gathering, 2003, Part 11
The Dweller and the Angel
When the second initiation is passed, the disciple gets control over his glamours and gets basic control over his emotional state. When he gets control over his emotions, does that mean he’ll never get angry? What do you think?
Audience: I don’t think so. I think he will get angry.
JJ: So you think even DK can get angry once in awhile? Did Jesus get angry once that we know about?
Audience: He threw out the moneychangers.
JJ: Yeah. What was there about throwing out the money changers that showed he still had control over his anger?
Audience: He didn’t kill anybody.
JJ: No, he didn’t kill anybody.
Audience: He braided a rope
JJ: Right, how does that show he had control?
Audience: Well, because he took the time to do that. He didn’t start pushing over the tables. He quietly braided together a rope.
JJ: The person who has no control, responds immediately. If you go up to him and tell him, “Your momma does this,” or something similar he’s going to get mad. He’ll just lash out instantly, right? He doesn’t have the self-control to think about it, to even question, ‘What’s this guy’s motive? Is he really insulting my momma?’ The person without control will just react immediately and go after the guy. What was different about Jesus? He went in the Temple and sees the money changers defiling His Father’s house and it filled him with rage. The impulse, if he were not to have the control, he would have just started turning over tables right then on the spot. But no, what did he do?
Audience: Braided rope.
JJ: After He saw this, he was filled with rage, but He stopped . Jesus went outside. He found the ingredients for a whip and took the time to construct one. That probably took Him a couple of hours. When He got the rope all ready He went back into the temple. He had it all planned. It was a mental decision: He controlled his emotions. He decided it was time to teach these guys a lesson. Then He turned over the tables, whipped these guys and chases them out, but only after He spent an hour or two making this rope which He also used as a whip.
Could you imagine? He probably planned the element of surprise. He probably figured, “well, I need to go in with a strong impact in order to pull this thing off. If I can go in there and really raise hell quickly, maybe I can take them by surprise so I don’t get arrested.” So anyway that’s what happened. He went in there. According to the Aquarian Gospel the authorities did want to come after Him but the common people were so proud of Him and supportive of Him that they stood with Jesus and wouldn’t let them arrest Him at that time. I thought that was interesting because when I read it in The Bible I wondered how come the people in the temple didn’t stop Him. The Aquarian Gospel gives that added extra explanation because the common people saw that Jesus was right. The Pharisees saw that the common people stood with Him, they didn’t want to cause trouble.
Audience: A comment waa made about the symbolism of the event.
JJ: That’s interesting, how things like symbology is there. It’s possible that Jesus wasn’t even thinking of symbology when He did that. Oftentimes, even if you aren’t thinking of symbology, there is symbology in what you may do. People may look back on these things and think the symbology was pre-planned, but it usually isn’t. It often is just what happens and symbolism is incorporated naturally, not only in lives of the masters but in your own life when you act from the soul.
Audience: So the fact that he braided the rope, is that in the regular or the Aquarian Gospel?
JJ: It’s in the regular Bible as well as the Aquarian Gospel.
Audience: I don’t remember that.
JJ: There are a lot of things in the Bible that are overlooked, that you just don’t think are in there. A lot of people use this as an example to show Jesus lost control. “Jesus lost control, so I can.” He didn’t lose control. He had to exercise tremendous control, to be in a rage, to feel enraged about the situation, and then to go braid the rope. He had tremendous control of his emotional body.
OK, so, at the second initiation you master the emotions. Now even after you pass an initiation you can slip back for a period of time because you aren’t expected to be 100% perfect but you are expected to be polarized in the mind at the time. What do we mean by being polarized in the mind?
Audience: 51% (Laughter)
JJ: That means you have control. If it comes between the mind and the emotions, you will choose mental control, even though you will still feel a strong pull from the emotions. Matter of fact, the pull is extremely strong because by the time you pass the second initiation the solar plexus center is pretty much all open and you have a lot more powerful emotions than emotionally grounded people. I find it interesting when you think about it: those who have control of the emotions have stronger emotions than those who don’t have control of the emotions because the emotional center of the initiate is opened and 100% flowing.
You have seven basic centers in your body and they have many petals on them and they open up as you evolve. The perfect man has all of the petals on all of the centers open and functioning and can use the energy from any of them. The energy of the emotions is something we definitely want to use. The wise person will use them to his benefit.
Now DK talks about what happens after the initiations, especially after the higher ones, where the ceremony is performed. I have never talked to anyone who remembers having a ceremony performed at an initiation. Does anyone have an explanation for this?
Audience: Glamour?
JJ: It could be if you had a memory of it.
Audience: Memory of what?
JJ: Memory of the ceremony acknowledging your initiation.
JJ: A memory where Christ meets you and acknowledges you passed the second initiation. One of the reasons for this lack of recollection is the acknowledgement often happens while you are asleep or right after you die between lifetimes. That’s one of the reasons people are unaware of it. There are times when it will happen when people are completely aware. The initiates will be completely aware of the experience that led up to various initiations, of the times when they achieved control over the various emotions and deciding points in the their life when they were in charge of their points of tension.
The third initiation what is that? What do we get to control with the third initiation?
Audience: Illusion
JJ: What was the symbol of the third initiation in the life of Jesus?
Audience: Forty days in the desert.
JJ: No
Audience: Transfiguration
JJ: Can anyone tell me what happened at the transfiguration?
Audience: He increased vibration.
JJ: Yeah, He went up to this mountain with Peter, James and John. They were met by Moses and Elijah whom appeared to Jesus. Jesus’ body glowed like the sun. There are several other examples of the third initiation. One was Paul. Can you tell when he began his third initiation? What happened to him?
Audience: He met the angel on the road and he was transfigured.
JJ: He met the Christ and he was so blinded by the Light that he was physically blinded for a period of time. Another example in the Bible is Moses. When did he undergo his third initiation?
Audience: The burning bush?
JJ: When he came down from Mt. Sinai he looked different. How was he different?
Audience: His hair was white.
JJ: His body shined so brightly they had to throw a cloth over him. He was too bright to look upon him. That showed he underwent the third initiation, the Transfiguration Initiation.
Audience: When the initiation is done would he be an aspirant to the third initiation?
JJ: They aren’t called an aspirant. An aspirant is technically somebody before the first initiation.
Audience: So you could be working on your third initiation for a long time. But when you graduate, that is when you glow?
JJ: Yeah, well you don’t necessarily glow. Paul didn’t glow. He was met by a great light, but he didn’t glow. A person may glow if it happens with high intensity or it happens over a period of time. But what he does is he meets an Angel of the Presence. Before he meets with the Angel of the Presence he meets something else about which we talked. What was that?
Audience: The Dweller.
JJ: The Dweller on the Threshold. He meets the Dweller on the Threshold. Another person who experienced the third initiation was Joseph Smith. What happened to him? When did Joseph Smith undergo his third initiation?
Audience: He saw Jesus Christ, God the Father, God The Son, together, in the woods.
JJ: He met his Dweller on the Threshold. What happened there?
Audience: One account is that it overcame him to the point of a cloud of darkness where he couldn’t speak and he said if it happened much longer he doubted he would have lived.
JJ: It felt like he would be destroyed in both body and spirit by this tremendous presence. Joseph Smith went out into the grove to pray to find out which church was right. He started to pray and called upon God. This Presence came upon him and overpowered him and he felt like it was going to destroy him. Then, just as he felt like he was at the point of destruction, he called out to God. He saw two personages come down and The Dweller evaporated. At the third initiation you will meet your Dweller on the Threshold.
Audience: What is the Dweller on the Threshold?
JJ: The Dweller on the Threshold is the combination of all negativity you have accumulated in all your past lives. Lets say you’ve lived 900 lifetimes and all the negativity that has happened to you, all the pain and all the fears that you accumulated… every thought produces a distilled energy and your distilled thoughts on the negative side create an entity that is composed of fear and pain and it follows you around as you approach the third initiation. Matter of fact, it follows us around all the time. If you ever reach a point where you feel afraid to do something that is right, that is your dweller trying to keep you back. Your personal devil, so-to-speak. Just like we have a personal Father in heaven and he’s inside us, we also have a personal devil that follows us around. As you reach the third initiation, you will receive enough light to dispel this dweller so he won’t bother you again.
The dweller perceives this and doesn’t like it. It scares the dickens out of him. If you feel you are going to die, you’re going to fight to live. That’s what the dweller is doing. So when Joseph Smith went out to pray, the dweller said, “Oh, no, if he receives additional light, I’m gone. I’m toast.” So he attacks Joseph Smith and tries to prevent him from crossing the threshold into what is called, in DK’s writings, the Angel of the Presence. To prevent you from meeting the Angel of the Presence the dweller will do everything to stop you from attaining the revelation necessary to dispel him as just the illusion that he is. That’s why he’s called the dweller on the threshold
A famous scene that we saw in the movies where a character was faced with his dweller was Bruce Lee where he kept fighting this monster in his dreams. I gave an example of me fighting this monster in my dreams. That wasn’t really my dweller that was just a monster in my dreams. But with Bruce Lee’s case I think that could have been a representation of his dweller.
Bruce Lee was an initiate, an initiate in quite a few things. Maybe you’ve seen the Bruce Lee movie where he fights a demon all the time in his dreams. He may have not been ready for the third initiation. He could have been ready for the second. The dweller gives you a big problem for quite a few lifetimes before you finally reach the third initiation. Christ met his dweller when he went into the wilderness where he received the temptations from the devil.
Audience: Do we know anything about Paul’s dweller experience?
JJ: It is hard to say what his dweller was. We don’t know all the details. It’s possible his dweller was there his whole life. He didn’t teach or do much of anything for around fourteen years after he received his revelation. He didn’t feel worthy. Its possible it took him fourteen years to overcome his dweller. Sometimes it will take a long time. It took Moses forty years to overcome his dweller yet Joseph Smith overcame it in an instant. Moses received his first revelation when he was still in Egypt. It was by revelation that he was told that he was a Hebrew. And when he found out he was a Hebrew, he had an impression that he was going to be the deliverer and that was when his dweller came to him and told him he wasn’t worthy to be any deliverer. ‘You’re just nobody’ and so that’s one of the reasons Moses left Egypt and herded sheep for forty years. It took him those forty years before he had the courage to go approach God again and overcome the dweller.
The reason it didn’t take Joseph Smith very long in that particular case was he was a young man when it happened and he had overcome his dweller in a past life. In each life we repeat everything in miniature. If you’re a third degree initiate you will repeat your initiations all over again.
Sometimes you will fail them. This is one of the reasons the masters don’t like incarnating among us is because sometimes they could get a second or third initiation they’re repeating when they’re young and not pass one completely and be trapped for a couple life times to get back where they were. So they’re hesitant to incarnate among us. It’s risky for them to do this. Each person will repeat every step of the spiritual progress in miniature, it won’t be as hard, but it is still somewhat risky.
We achieve the status we were in our last life, if we’ve done everything correctly, by the time we are around twenty-one. So Joseph Smith was sixteen (by one account) when he had his vision and overcame his dweller. This means that he had done that a number of lifetimes ago, at one time or another, because it happened when it was that age.
Audience: Does it have to be twenty-one? Can you drag it out till you’re thirty something before you finally relive all your lives again?
JJ: As far as basic intelligence goes you achieve that point where you left off by the time you are twenty-one. By the time you are twenty-one, you will generally, unless you screw up, be back where you were (as far as intelligence is concerned) in your last life. It’s always possible to retrogress because we always have free will. Like I say, an initiate can come back and fail the second or third initiation at age sixteen, seventeen, eighteen or whatever and then have to work on that later in life before he gets back to where he was. So it is possible to delay it. But if a person doesn’t do it by the age twenty-eight then he’s not going to do it.
Audience: Joseph Smith said, “If you only knew who I was.”
JJ: He said, “No man knows my history. If I were to tell it there are people in this room that would rise up and kill me.”
Audience: And he also said, if you only knew who I was. I always got the feeling he meant in another life.
JJ: Well, if he had told them, for instance, he had already built The Temple Beautiful in a past life, in Atlantis and was chased by lizard people, that would have probably done it right there.
Audience: Laughter.
JJ: In our third initiation we overcome our dweller which represents our deepest fears. We must face all of our deepest fears and overcome them and this is difficult for us because nobody knows our deepest fears and the things that what will affect us more than we know ourselves. When a person does achieve this third initiation he encounters the Angel of the Presence. What is the Angel of the Presence?
Audience: The reflection of the monad.
JJ: Pretty much, that’s a good way to say it. I always talk about the soul but there are other ingredients. The soul is really a reflection of the Monad. The Monad is the core essence of ourselves, the point from which we originated. It’s like our personal father in heaven. The Angel of the Presence stands for something that is the highest of the soul and it’s a very overpowering presence. The Angel of the Presence, in the case of Joseph Smith, was the two beings that appeared to him. In the case of Paul it was the Christ who he saw. In the case of Moses it was Jehovah.
You’ll notice in the Bible that Jehovah is called the Angel of the Lord. He is actually an Angel of the Presence. Angel of the Presence means that this being or personage represents the presence of God. The presence of God is very powerful. If a person approaches the presence of God he will feel like he is going to evaporate his body, mind and soul. It’s more terrifying than the dweller on the threshold. To have a choice between those two is a terrifying choice for the person. Now most think ‘boy, it would be great to be able to see God or the master or these high entities’. The very high entities, if you meet them in their glory, their presence is very powerful. And in a way it is difficult for the masters to come into our presence also because they have to lower their vibration. We have to heighten ours and meet at a midway point to meet these higher entities, especially in their spiritual state.
If a person thinks he is a third degree initiate he will remember some experience where he has endured the dweller on the threshold and he has encountered the Angel of the Presence. It will be a very profound experience and he won’t have to guess whether or not it happened to him. He will know that such and such an experience has happened to him. Just like Paul, who knew he saw that light. It was so bright he knew he had the experience. It isn’t something you wonder if you had this experience or not. It’s not something a person will be pondering.
Audience: It sounds like Samadhi.
Audience: So what if you haven’t had the initiation yet, you are considered a second degree initiate until you have that initiation?
JJ: Yes. Now The Tibetan says something else interesting. We call him DK, The Tibetan, DK, Djwhal Khul.
Audience: It might be helpful to spell his name for people.
JJ: Djwhal Khul. It’s a hard name to spell, we have to write it down several times to remember it.
Audience: Won’t find it under a search of Cool. Laughter.
Audience: Jesus faced his dweller in the garden but when He experienced His own transfiguration, that took place before that.
JJ: No, he didn’t face his dweller in The Garden, He faced it in the wilderness. But the Christ faced the planetary dweller in the garden. That’s what I write about and probably what you’re thinking about. The whole planet also has a dweller on the threshold.
Audience: Experienced at different times?
JJ: The Dweller on the Threshold for the entire planet creates a barrier between humanity, and God or Shamballa. Jesus, in the garden of Gethsemane, created a link between humanity and Shamballa because he pierced the dweller on the threshold for the entire planet. That’s why it is written that he took upon himself the sins of the whole world in the Garden of Gethsemane because he had to face the sins and errors of the whole world to be able to penetrate the dweller to the consciousness of Shamballa.
Audience: DK speaks sometimes about a light you see behind your eyes, does that have anything to do with the transfiguration? Or is that a different experience?
JJ: That’s a different experience that has to do with light that’s in your etheric body and different places. As your various centers unfold you will have different lights that you will experience. Anyone, when they close their eyes at night can often see lights with their eyes closed? How many of you have that experience? That’s because you’re seeing different unfolding of lights in your etheric body. And this has all kinds of meanings and there are all different kinds of lights you can see.
One of the things DK says is that the initiations are really recognitions of accomplishments of the disciples. When you get recognized as an initiate, you aren’t an initiate because you get recognition, it’s that you really already are an initiate. It’s like if you go pick a basket of apples, you already have the basket whether anybody recognizes it or not. If somebody gives you a prize for picking a basket of apples, that’s recognition of it. That’s a little bit of the way the hierarchy has the system set. As the various disciples make various achievements then The Hierarchy recognizes them as fellow initiates on certain levels.
Audience: Give you a merit badge.
JJ: We may already be an initiate before we are formally recognized by the spiritual hierarchy.
Audience: Can a person go through all seven initiations in one life or does it take many lives?
JJ: It takes many lives.
Audience: Is it impossible for a person to go through all seven initiations in one life?
JJ: Yes. The Christ Himself is working on the seventh initiation. If He were to be reborn, He would actually go through them all in one lifetime, but in miniature.
Audience: He would be done by the time he is twenty-one.
JJ: They would be familiar to him because he’s done them previously. He’s passing through them the second, third, or tenth time for some of the lower initiations. We are told, when He comes back again He will complete His seventh, He hasn’t completed it yet. The seventh is the last one to be done here upon earth.
Another thing, the evidence of initiation is: the initiate, initiates. The person of the first degree initiates on the physical level: things that affect physical lives. He may start a business, he may start an organization. He’ll be a self-starter. He’ll want to start things or assist in starting things.
The same thing with second degree initiator but he will initiate not only physical organizations but things that will appeal to the emotional nature of man. Like Tony Robins, for instance. He really appeals to the emotional nature of man and he’s initiating things on emotional levels that motivate people in a positive way for the most part. So it’s quite possible he is either working on a second initiation or has completed it because he is very powerful in working with emotions in a positive way.
Third degree initiate works on a wider scope. He’ll work on the physical level, the emotional level and also on the level of the mind. Somebody like Plato or Socrates is likely to have been a third degree initiate. They were working initiating new ideas on the plane of mind that affected the mind, the emotions, and the physical world. They affected all three worlds.
“Intention and effort are considered by us of prime importance, and are the two main requisites for all disciples, initiates and masters, plus the power of persistence.” DK. Treatise on White Magic, Page 54
Dec 11, 2003
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