Gathering of Lights 2020

This entry is part 22 of 31 in the series Audios


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01 What is God?
JJ deals with numerous mysteries including he big one: Where did God come from?

02 Esoteric View of the Vedas
Stacy Miller discusses the Vedas and how their messages apply today.

03 The Power of Goodwill
JJ teaches about the power of goodwill, which is the Will-To-Good to make things better and bring in the new age of peace on earth goodwill to all.

04 Labours of Hercules
Curtis Harwell gives a presentation on his favorite subject from the Bailey writings. Indeed there is much to learn here.

05 The Mystery of the Second Coming
During the past 2000 years thousands of predictions have been made about the second coming, or reappearance, of the Christ, and to date they have all been wrong. What is the truth of the matter and what can we realistically expect?

06 Devas Illustrated
Murray Stentiford has a wide field of experience in the Ancient Wisdom, including an association with the famous Theosophist, Geoffrey Hodson. In this video he discuses the deva kingdom and presents unique pictures representing what those with higher vision have seen.

07 The Significance of 2025
In the Alice A. Bailey Writings DK writes about the year 2025 as a time of great significance. Steven Chernikeeff has thoroughly researched this date, even wrote a book about it, and now discusses its importance in this video.

08 Health Solutions
Artie Dewey discusses numerous principles leading to good health and how to manage the Coronavirus.

09 The Meaning of Names
Sharón Wyeth is perhaps the world’s leading expert on the interpretation of names. Her fourth book on the subject is due out at the end of the year and she has appeared on many media interviews including two appearances on Coast to Coast. After watching this you may wish to have your name interpreted.

10 Oneness Through the Soul
JJ Discusses the idea that there is oneness in the plane of the soul and this is also possible for us here on earth if two or more are linked to the soul. This is followed by a meditation.

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The Masters and Sex

The Masters and Sex

A reader brings up the interesting question on female masters. Do they exist or are they hidden from view? Do even the Masters have a bias? She pointed out the bias of Confucianism that confines females to household work and supports of the male which still influences many in Asia today. Some believe that DK himself was Confucius in a previous life. If this is so then it took him an additional 2200 years after that life to become a Master. During this time period, I assure you he learned much about the female side.

A Master has learned to balance the male and female within himself and would treat the female with equality and graciousness when this point in evolution is arrived.

Note that Djwhal Khul’s two most widely known students (H. P. Blavatsky and Alice A. Bailey) were female. Then too Helena Roerich, a female, was said to be a spokesperson for El Morya. In addition, there are many other females who have received teachings from the invisible worlds and they vastly outnumber the males.

But the question arises as to why we only find males mentioned in the Brotherhood of the Masters? Is there something to the fact that they are consistently called The Brotherhood of Light with no mention of sisters?

My answer will be somewhat controversial, but if the principle is looked for apart from identification with physical sex the truth will be seen.

As noted the human kingdom is polarized in the male and the deva (angel) kingdom (which is more numerous) is female.

The reason for this is that humanity sends more than it receives and the deva is motivated through receivership. The White Magician understands this and can perform magical work by understanding the symbols necessary to send to the devas. The devas in turn receive and act.

(For those of you who see angels as disincarnate humans please note that the devas from the Ancient Wisdom are not a part of the human kingdom. Devas are builders and sustainers of form, receiving instructions from other kingdoms.)

To understand the core principle behind male and female one must look on the two as manifestations of the one energy of Purpose rather than as physical male and female entities. The male is the sending energy and the female is the receiving.

We want to stay away from the argument as to which is the greater because in the overall scheme of things they are exactly equal in value for one cannot exist without the other. One cannot send without the existence of a receiver and the receiver cannot exist without a sender. Then too, all of us whether male or female have both the energies within us.

But the fact that they are equal does not mean they are the same. To send is a different function than to receive.

When one is polarized in the male energy the greatest fullness comes from sending and when one is polarized in the female the greatest fullness comes from receiving.

Each of us, no matter what our polarization, both give and receive, but we will always do more of one than the other and receive greater satisfaction from one than the other.

As we go through hundreds of lifetimes on the road to Mastery we go through cycles of polarization in the male and the female. During one cycle we receive and during another cycle we send out that which we previously received.

The last life before one becomes a Master is an interesting one. He has to not only balance the male/female energies within himself, but must demonstrate the balance and the use of those energies in his life.

As far as energy goes (apart from the physical) the first half of this last life will be female and the second half male in polarization.

During this female cycle the fledging master must receive from Higher Lives (male to the entity) a revelation that will elevate mankind up to a greater light.

Then during the second half of that life he must switch to male in energy and send out the revelation and assist others in seeing the revelation through the eyes of the Soul.

If he is then successful in vitalizing a molecule of humans with his vision then his human form can be rejuvenated for as long as needed for his line of service.

The Master does not have physical immortality as is taught in some circles, but obtains to power to extend and rejuvenate the physical.

The Master has attained the fifth initiation with two more to go in this earth scheme. There are nine altogether counting two additional that are taken in another solar system. The power of immortality is attained in the seventh initiation, but there is much more to this principle than is taught in the religions.

Because the progressing entity becomes a Master through a final surge of sending energy he will usually choose to have a male body because the male body is a better conduit of sending (male) energy. Taking the Fifth Initiation in a female body is a possibility, but much more difficult because the energy is polarized in receivership. It would be like swimming upstream. A strong swimmer can swim upstream, but it is more difficult and takes longer. Progression is much enhanced when one chooses the right energies to navigate.

Blavatsky, Alice A. Bailey and Roerich were all powerful female teachers, but the three took female bodies so they could be proficient receivers from the Hierarchy. But even though they had accomplishments that were the envy of many males they did not become masters in their lifetimes. When that time comes for them they will most likely take male bodies, but of course this is not written in stone. We do not have pictures of all the masters named by DK. It is possible that some of them are in female bodies or create a female Mayavirupa (projected body) when needed. Whatever the case a master is one who has highly balanced both energies so, energy wise, they are neither male or female.

After the person becomes a Master he is polarized as a sender to the human kingdom. Therefore, if his main work is with the human kingdom he may keep his male body to facilitate his power to send. This is why masters generally appear as male to us.

On the other hand, the Masters are female in relation to Nirmanakayas, teachers from Shamballa, who send to the them. Do the Masters assume a female form when they receive from higher kingdoms? That may or may not be necessary as the higher one goes the less important is the form and the more important is the mastery of the energy itself.

The perfect balance of the male/female form is found in Shamballa and a great mystery is to be found there.

June 27, 2002

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Principles of Discernment

Principles of Discernment

Comment: You say that the Masters do not itemize which books we should read yet you itemized and rated a number of works. What’s that about?

JJ: Yes, it is true, I must be cautious about dissecting the teaching of other people but I think I am being consistent here with the principle I was attempting to put across which is this:

Avoid the declaration of absolute (godlike) authority in declaring a teaching to be true or false. This sets the teacher up as a beast of authority to be mindlessly accepted. Instead, I teach the principles around discernment so the seeker can find out for himself, independent of the teacher. This is one reason I do not present any teachings as absolute. As noted, others may have different opinions on the various ratings. Also note that I am not representing any supernatural being but am one of you, thus not presenting myself as having some infallible source.

In attempting to emphasize this principle of discernment you will note that no matter how inspired I feel internally, or what higher source from which my teachings may come, I consistently avoid throwing in some higher weight with the idea of convincing you I am right. Even my foundation book, The Immortal, is published as fiction – which drives many people crazy because they want a black and white declaration of truth so they do not have to discern for themselves. Because of this approach, even those who are attached to authority have to step back when they read anything controversial and ask:

“Is this guy for real or not?”

“This sounds strange. Maybe he just conjured this out of his imagination. I’d better check this out for myself.”

“This guy obviously is fallible so I’d better think on this.”

Unlike some teachers under the authority of the beast who are pleased with mindless acceptance and no questioning, I am pleased to see people thinking and questioning.

Of course the Middle Way must always be considered. To approach any teacher as if he is always right is the same error as approaching the teacher as if he is always wrong. The correct line of approach is to trust the words of a teacher as they resonate within the chambers of one’s own soul. The only way to do this is to listen afresh with an open mind on each new presentation while always giving some weight to earned authority or to previously discovered illusion.

You’ll notice the use of absolute authority is used on both sides of the equation. The religious teacher will claim that his teachings are from the word or mind of God with 100% accuracy.

Now if the student believes this it puts him in an awful situation – for who wants to go against God and suffer his wrath?

Numerous New Age teachers (many of which disdain the authority of the religious teacher) do the same thing. But instead of using God for their absolute authority they will use a channeled being or supposed Master who speaks from the vantage of knowing the mind of God because he is supposedly from the higher spheres where all is known.

This approach has the same effect as the first in that the believing student does not want to risk missing his leap into the fifth dimension (or some blissful translation) because he does not mindlessly believe and accept.

I therefore teach as one of you, claiming no higher authority than you have within you.

Concerning the latest philosophy under question (Ms Prophet) you will note that when I began talking about her I said these words in answer to a direct question:

“I’ll give you a few of my thoughts with this caveat. The only infallible authority is your own soul, so realize I could be wrong and check with your inner self to the best of your ability.”

Then instead of declaring in the name of God, Djwhal Khul, or St. Germane, that Ms Prophet is out to lunch, I presented an application of principles in relation to discovering the truth.

If I had said something like: “I had a talk with God (or some otherworldly entity) last night and he told me that Ms Prophet is totally wrong,” then I would have violated the principle I teach.

This is the same principle followed by Djwhal Khul and other true teachers when they avoid giving us a list of teachers to believe and discard.


They have all taught principles to pursue in the discovery of truth and will at times examine select teachings from a guru and examine them from the plane of the mind.

Alice A. Bailey, for example, pointed out some teachings both true and false that came from C. W. Leadbeater and others and Djwhal Khul once pointed out an idea from Ghandi that would have lead to disaster. In each case they gave the reasoning behind their criticism.

Even so I will from time to time give my thoughts (positive and negative) about various doctrines. This will not be to attack, but either because it fits into the topic at hand or someone in the group asks a specific question.

In summary, it would be good to review some criteria that will be helpful in the discovery of truth from an otherworldly source.

(1) Is there a strong claim of authority (subtle or direct) behind the teaching? If so double check with your own soul as well as look at the intent of the teacher and the direction the group is going.

(2) How did the revelation come? If it was by direct voice, or unconscious channeling, then chances are the entity involved understands higher principles no better than you do, even though it may present fanciful data.

If the revelation was received while the medium was fully conscious then this is a good sign, but by no means infallible. You must always run the teachings by your soul.

(3) Does the teacher seem to be stroking his lower self? That is, does he (or she) seem to be the center of much glamour and loving it? Does he dress in special robes and attire that sets him apart from the students? Does he spend a lot of money on himself gained from the sacrifice of the students? For instance, Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh had over a dozen Rolls Royces obtained from donations for the “higher cause.” Then there are others who charge thousands just to ask their channeling entity a question.

(4) Are principles received or just data? This is one of the most reliable tests once the seeker understands what a principle is and that the language of the soul is the language of principles. (See my previous writings on this).

(5) Does the teacher practice what he teaches? No one is perfect, but it should be obvious that the teacher is attempting to live his own teachings.

For instance, many gurus forbid their students from eating meat, yet eat meat themselves, forbid sex, yet are promiscuous, demand discipline, yet are undisciplined themselves, etc. They often feel they have special privileges because of their unique status.

(6) Do the teachings lead to exclusivity? Is the group 100% right with the rest of the world being the enemy? The true teacher will be open to the fact that he will have fiends in many camps and that there are many true revelations received by disciples and groups in various quarters of the earth. Even so, the true teacher will always put any purported revelation to the test.

(7) The supreme test is to run the teachings by your own soul. This is accurate as long as true soul contact is reached and successfully brought into brain consciousness.

If the person has not arrived at soul contact, and is deceived into thinking he has such verification, when he has only contacted the higher astral, he must still go with it because it is the highest he knows. As long as a person consistently follows the highest he knows, true soul contact and discernment of truth is an eventual reality.

A Master will generally work with conveying the principles to be understood through the science of impression or higher telepathy – often leaving the disciple with only the teaching, but not a knowledge of the teacher.

As a final note one must keep in mind that there are exceptions to every rule, but the rules are good signposts.

We must always be open to all possibilities for even in the God of the Bible once gave revelation through an ass. (See Numbers 22)

June 29, 2002

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Discerning Truth

Discerning Truth

A reader gives an interesting challenge. That is if he picked some teachings from Elizabeth Clare Prophet and placed them side by side with DK’s writings, could we tell the difference?

I would be willing to bet that I could tell almost instantly for the writing style, thought process and depth would be significantly different in almost all cases.

A very marked difference is in the mantras given out. If you place a mantra by Ms Prophet next to one by DK the difference in depth will be obvious.

In fact one of the greatest evidences that Alice A. Bailey received revelation from a higher source is to compare the depth and style of writing in her books as compared to books dictated by DK. You only have to read a paragraph or two of her own writings to see that her own books (such as Consciousness of the Atom or From Bethlehem to Calgary) are written by a different mind than Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Esoteric Healing and the others.

On the other hand, the depth of Ms. Prophet’s own words are indistinguishable from the masters who are supposed to be speaking through her.

Applying this power of discernment by using all the powers of mind and spirit is more important than we know. DK stressed that the development of the power to discern between truth and error, good and evil is a must in our development before the status of Master is achieved.

There is a reason, however, that none of the revelations from the Higher Lives give us a list of true and untrue, or accepted and non accepted writings. One of the main reasons for this is that a large part of the growth of a seeker is derived from sifting through and discerning the material for himself. In the beginning of the real search for truth the seeker will be taken in by many errors, but if his heart is sincere it will only be merely a matter of time before he drops the lower and moves to the higher.

Another reason we do not receive an endorsement list from the Masters is that even with the best teachings and writings the seeker will still have to use discernment, and there are two reasons behind this.

(1) Human error enters into all communications on the physical plane.

(2) Even if the wording of the teaching is as accurate as word can be the reader absorbs the knowledge through his own filters which can distort the original intent. Note, for instance, the many interpretations of the words of Christ himself in the Bible.

Rather than looking at the various claimed revelations as being 100% right or to discount them entirely one should examine them from the aspect of quality and ascertain the quality of light that emanates from the pages.

I can identify with Rick when he talks about the feel of a book he receives even before he reads it. I also get this and it often comes from just seeing or hearing of a title before I even touch the book.

For instance, Glenys talks about the writings of Helena Roerich. Even though I have never read a word of her writings, I pick up a high vibration with her and plan on getting some of her books in the near future.

If 10 is the highest then Djwhal Khul gets a 9.5, H. P. Blavatsky gets an 8 and I sense a 7.5 for Helena Roerich.

Other ratings would be>

Bible – Old Testament 5-9 Depending on section.

New Testament – 8.5 average. Writings of John 9.5

A Course in Miracles – 7.5

Scriptures and writings through Joseph Smith – 8.5

Aquarian Gospel – 8.5

Keys of Enoch – 6

Seth Speaks – 6

Numerous non channeled spiritual books – 1-7

Numerous other channeled works – 1-5

I receive all kinds of recommendations for inspired books that people want me to read, but only a small percentage register as important to my soul.

It was different, however, when I came across my first Alice A. Bailey book. I was about 21-22 years of age visiting a used book store, browsing in the religious section. The bookstore owner came over to me and pulled “Letters on Occult Meditation” off the upper shelf, handed it to me and told me that I may find it of interest.

Even though my religion at the time told me I should run from the word “occult” I knew I had to buy the book. As soon as I touched it I knew the book was mine and there was something important there for me.

DK tells us the Masters go a leap beyond this. He states that to absorb a book he meditates on it and a symbol appears before his eyes. When he then meditates on the symbol he not only gains an understanding of the content, but an insight into the mind and intent of the writer.

June 26, 2002

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Discerning the True Teacher

Discerning the True Teacher

A person may falsely claim to be in communion with the Masters (because of a desire motive) and yet teach many things that are true.

Teachers fall into five categories.

(1) Representatives of the Brotherhood of Light.
(2) Representatives of the Dark Brothers (some knowingly, others unknowingly).
(3) Those who have studied well and teach what they have learned with the concrete mind.
(4) Those who channel astral entities
(5) Those who channel their subconscious or a thoughtform.

Now the interesting thing here is that all of these teachers will make some statements which are true and some that are false.

Am I saying that a teacher of the Brotherhood of Light may give out false doctrine from time to time?

Yes, he may, because no person under the influence of the flesh is infallible. Even the true teacher may get over confident from time to time and give out teachings without checking with the soul first.

What then is the difference between the true teacher and the other four categories?

The Teacher of light may not be infallible, but his overall teachings will be very accurate.

A Brother of Light has purity of intent to teach the truth no matter where it takes him and will not consciously deceive. He (or she) will also give out many new teachings shedding a new light, expanding on new principles that can be verified by the soul of the student. He will speak words, eternal words that will not pass away. His words will stimulate the intuition in the student and from time to time bring a “flashing forth” of light within the mind making clear that which was previously obscure.

Teachers not in alignment with the Brotherhood may teach many things that are true, but will also have a mixture of many things that are not true.

Many of these teachers have no qualms about the use of deception to obtain their ends.

These teachers will use many fancy words and give out much data, but rarely will they expand on a principle by using words of simplicity.

They do not speak eternal words and their teachings will pass away in a generation or two.

Even with these drawbacks the sincere student can find gems of truth revealed by all teachers in a of the five categories above.

Let me give an example.

Rodney has a big ego and wants to make a name for himself as a great teacher. He realizes that Einstein was one of the greatest minds of all time so he studies him intently. After a thorough study he begins to wish he had thought up many of Einstein’s theories.

Then he does the next best thing and “borrows” Einstein’s teachings and changes the terms. Instead of calling his most famous discovery the “Theory of Relativity” he renames it “The Doctrine of Space/Time Relationships,” and writes much about it incorporating a rewording of the great scientist’s teachings.

Now let us suppose that Jim (who has never read Einstein) come across Rodney’s writings and studies them in the light of the soul. What will he find?

He will find as much truth in Rodney’s writings as he would have by studying Einstein in so far as Rodney reproduced them correctly.

Does this then make Rodney a true teacher? After all, Jim is learning some truth here.

No it does not.


Because the teaching begins with a deception – the deception that Rodney originated the principles he was teaching.

But Jim is learning something, so where is the harm?

Answer: The harm comes from several levels. Not only is Rodney operating from a plane of deception, but he is a thief, stealing a revelation that was not his own.

Now suppose that Jim is impressed with Rodney because of this theft and wants to be a student and learn more.

If the real Einstein were the teacher Jim would indeed learn much more that was true. But the real question here is where will Rodney take Jim now he has given out all he has taken from Einstein? Because he has no greater truth he now has to make them up and now he is relying purely on his imagination and the majority of what he teaches hereafter is false.

Unfortunately, there are many Jims out there who are impressed by a stolen truth and then trust the later imaginary teachings without running them by their souls.

This is a subtle manipulation used by the Brothers of Darkness and often their pawns have no idea of their participation therein.

I first took note of Elizabeth Claire Prophet when I discovered her book entitled “Intermediate Studies of the Human Aura.” This book caught my attention because it was supposed to be channeled by Djwhal Khul.

After reading a couple pages it became obvious to me that these were not the words of the Tibetan Master. It sounded nothing like his thought process and a number of items even disagree with what he gave through Alice A. Bailey.

I thought I had better give it a fair trial and forced myself to read the whole book. I found a couple passages I underlined but the material could not compare in intelligence to the real DK.

Then I checked out some of her other writings channeling several other masters. I was not surprised to find that all these masters sounded the same, use the same vocabulary, the same thought process with the same degree of light. I concluded that all the teachings of all these masters were the work and imagination of one person – Ms Prophet.

A reader points out that the book I gave reference to on Ms Prophet sounds like a hatchet job and this may be correct to a degree, but let me state this.

Any controversial teacher or leader will have both extremes written about him. There is no better example of this than Joseph Smith. I have heard that more words have been written about him than any other American including George Washington.

It is almost impossible to find an objective book about him for writers either seen to love him or hate him.

Those who accept him ignore any controversial material and whitewash his history. In fact the Mormon Church recently excommunicated a respected LDS historian who revealed documents indicating Joseph dabbled in magic, astrology and the occult.

On the other hand, the anti-Mormons go out of their way to dig up anything that puts him in a bad light and almost every sentence they write is drenched in hate and attack.

So what should the seeker of truth do here? Should he avoid reading what both sides have to say because of distortion?


He must read both sides and in doing so he will find many verifiable details on both sides which are true. He must then take these truths and put together a picture in his mind from an objective point of view.

The same is true of Elizabeth Claire Prophet. One must read both sides and then come to an objective conclusion.

In any study the greatest weight must be given to the actual words of the teacher. Are they borrowed from someone else or are they true revelation? If they are borrowed is proper credit noted?

When I first read Elizabeth Claire Prophet I noticed that much was borrowed from Alice A. Bailey yet no credit was noted. Then I checked the list of books the group offered for sale. Many books were listed, but the Bailey books were mysteriously absent. Could it be that Ms Prophet did not want students reading Bailey for fear of learning where much of her channeled material came from?

I haven’t checked their booklist for some time, but this was the situation at that time.

Even if Elizabeth Claire Prophet does not channel real Masters some good (as well as bad) comes from her teachings. Many have been stimulated her written words which are true or insightful and have been given encouragement to continue their search.

Question: The Bailey writings mention a handful of masters in the Hierarchy, but what about all the other entities I read about who are sending channeled messages? Are they masters also?

Just because someone claims to channel a great entity does not mean he really is doing so. As DK stated more than 90% of these communications are not from the Brotherhood of Light.

The only names one can be sure of are those verified through your own personal communion with Higher Lives or soul contact.

Many trance channels claim to be in contact with the Archangel Michael who is one of the Kumaras under the Ancient of Days (The Planetary Logos). The Kumaras under the logos do not teach mankind directly, but work with the Christ and his Hierarchy and in turn they teach us as DK has. DK is one of the members of Christ’s inner circle, or Molecule.

Djwhal Khul represented the Hierarchy in giving out foundation teachings for the new age. This was the major revelation of the 20th century. We are told that the next major revelation of esoteric teachings will be given out starting around 2025. These advanced esoteric teachings will be given out again by Djwhal Khul but through another agent besides Alice A. Bailey.

He calls the period we are in now as “revelatory.” This is a period in which higher principles are revealed, understood and promoted. It is also a period to obtain greater insights and understanding of that which has already been revealed.

DK envisioned teaching and expounding esoteric philosophy through the media after 1975 and hoped that by now the teachings would have received much larger circulation. Disciples are behind schedule and we must make up for lost time over the next twenty years.

Concerning our current time he wrote:

“In the next century and early in the century an initiate will appear and will carry on this teaching. It will be under the same “impression,” for my task is not yet completed and this series of bridging treatises between the material knowledge of man and the science of the initiates has still another phase to run.” Rays and Initiations, Page 255

The need of the hierarchy right now is not to prepare for space aliens or to enter a fifth or fifteenth dimension, but to shed further light on what has already been revealed and add light on the understanding of principles. The Oneness Principle, for instance will be of extreme importance for seekers.

I was asked if I had an understanding of the Merkabah.

The Merkabah was an obscure concept presented in some Kabballa writings and made popular and expanded on by J J Hurtak in the Keys of Enoch.

His explanation of the Merkabah is very ambiguous but basically seems to be something like this.

The Merkaba is a vehicle of light created by the mind of God that connects the highest universe and lives with the lowest creation and lives.

Hurtak gives a lot of detailed information on the Merkabah using technical and obscure scientific terms and has given rise to much channeled information surfacing in recent times causing many to believe they are going to either ascend or go to some higher dimension in the Merkabah. So far 100% of the predictions concerning this type of thing has not transpired.

Even if the true Merkabah fits Hurtak’s description, it does little good to go into endless details beyond the ability to prove or verify. This technical approach was more the method of the first solar system where the third Ray was perfected.

In this present solar system the goal is to develop consciousness more than knowledge of technical details.


Because form was perfected in the previous system and there is no need to reinvent the wheel. All knowledge of form and vehicles is already programmed within us and as we raise up our consciousness the latent programs will begin to run. There is no need to rewrite the program – it is already there waiting for us to press the button with our consciousness.

I therefore, do not attempt to teach (or even learn) the technical details of the Merkabah, but seek to understand and teach the principles of linking lower lives to higher lives. When the principle is understood and applied the science will take care of itself.

I will say this. There is much illusion floating around on this subject as well as the idea of activating DNA.

June 23, 2002

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Soul Energy

Soul Energy

Question: Is the intuitive plane, the home of the soul?

Soul contact allows us to open the door to the intuitive plane and above.

Remember that soul energy is the result of interplay between spirit and matter. When one tunes into this energy of interplay then he opens the door to the higher worlds.

Soul contact is represented by the two interlocking triangles in the Star of David. The lower Triangle represents the three worlds of matter, or form and the higher triangle represents the higher Triad of worlds of Spirit – Atma-Buddhi-Manas. These six originate from the seventh point, or higher correspondence to soul contact called the Divine Plane or Plane of Adi

Concerning the principle of election, in relation to business, it sounds like the general consensus is in harmony with what I have written in the Molecular Business.

I do not see much difference in applying the principle of election whether it be in spiritual matters, in politics or business.

Most of my life, save a few years, I have worked for myself. I have largely been motivated to work for myself, because in the small amount of time I have worked for others I have found employment to be more restrictive of my freedoms than perhaps any other thing in life. The larger the company you work for the more restrictive it normally is and the more dangerous it is to speak your mind, if critical, to an authority.

I believe that the principle of election maximized in a business, especially the larger businesses would force those in charge to be civil to those under their authority and to at least make an effort to listen to their suggestions.

The principle of election in business would enhance, not hinder free enterprise.

Larry made a good statement as far as election and business goes:

“Actually in a true free enterprise economy the greatest check and balance is election. That is the “election” that people make when they vote for one product over another by opening their wallet and buying it! ;)”

There has been considerable discussion about the use of soul contact in the spiritual Molecules.

First let me stress that what I’ve done in applying the principle of election to politics and business is to create a practical application to the lesser spiritual areas of life where soul contact may not be understood or applied.

As far as the Spiritual Molecule goes, no matter how selective we are various members will go in and out of contact. Some members will definitely wonder about the spirituality of other members as the molecules move forward.

It will be important that the leader of each molecule is capable of “keeping his mind steady in the light.” If this is the case then he can direct the consciousness of the group toward the soul. If all are capable of soul contact, but move in and out of the light in their daily activities, then they can be brought back to their center when they meet as a group.

It would be impossible to depend on soul contact alone to keep any organization in the light because sooner or later a leader will surface, not centered on the soul, but the personality, especially if selection is by appointment.

This is why the principle of election is so important. When one with soul contact challenges the leader and speaks to the souls of the group, he will generally be elected.

If the election process is set aside in favor of appointment then it will not be long before the majority of the group will not have soul contact and when this occurs an enlightened one will not be able to be elected even if he speaks from the soul, for he will not be heard .

For instance, if I were to speak from the soul to any orthodox group of Christians you may rest assured they would not vote me in as their leader.

The life of the spiritual molecules will depend on the group reaching oneness through the soul when they meet together.

When this is achieved in three or more molecules a firm link will be established between heaven and earth and the chance will be strong that the new Tree of Life will grow and mature on its own, never to be overthrown.

Question: how do we tell if a claim of being I contact with the Masters is true or delusion?

The line between good and evil is very subtle because the dark side does not represent their true philosophy to the public or to most of their earthly representatives.

Instead they attempt to make people believe they are on the side of light and love.

Actually Djwhal Khul tells us that more than 90% of communications claiming to be inspired or from the Masters is delusion. From my studies I may say the figure may be higher than that.

I did not realize Ms. Prophet used the term “guardians” for the masters. Interesting

I’ll give you a few of my thoughts with this caveat. The only infallible authority is your own soul, so realize I could be wrong and check with your inner self to the best of your ability.

The first thing to look for is the use of authority. Elizabeth Claire Prophet exerts strong authority over her group and has trained no one to replace her. Whenever I have talked to one of her followers they come across like Jehovah Witnesses unwilling to even listen to anything that may contradict Ms Prophet.

False prophesies: She has made numerous predictions which have not come true. She took her group to Montana to prepare for a disaster which did not occur, for instance.

The Masters are lining up to speak through her. A high disciple is fortunate to have one Master to work with them. They have better things to do than to stand in line to channel through any human teacher.

Contradictions. Djwhal Khul indicated he would not speak again to humanity until 2025, yet Elizabeth Claire Prophet claims he channels through her regularly.

Direct Voice. Elizabeth Claire Prophet channels through the process of direct voice which the masters do not use, with very rare exceptions. Instead the Masters use telepathy or the science of impression. A direct voice channel is evidence of the presence of an astral entity.

A true teacher will give out new principles. Elizabeth Claire Prophet’s teachings are a rewording of teachings already in circulation. I have found nothing new in them. The masters do not like to repeat themselves.

Is money a motive? Elizabeth Claire Prophet lives pretty high and wears a fortune in Jewelry at all times.

I do not think she is a dark magician or works consciously on the dark side, but because of self deception she has been used by them.

There are several books about her that can be found at Amazon.

June 13, 2002

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The Power of Election

The Power of Election

A reader comments on my teachings concerning the principle of election as it will be used in the Molecular Relationship and the Molecular Business. He thinks it may not work much better than the present system.

In the Molecular Orders the leaders are selected by an election of their peers, but once the leader is in position he or she has power to make appointments, assignments, instructions, etc. The benefit of the election ingredient is that this prevents the leader from abusing power because if he becomes too authoritative he can be challenged and replaced through a new election. This situation forces the leader to conscientiously take counsel from the group so each person becomes a part of the creative process.

So long as the molecular leader is in place through election he or she then has power to appoint people for certain tasks or call for volunteers similar to what I have done in relationship with this group.

However, permanent positions of leadership will be achieved through either election or initiation. Initiation is the method when a new group is being established. If you, for instance, were to create a Synthesis Group in your area as a Molecular link, no formal election would be necessary. You are the natural leader, for the group elects you by joining with you. But if you later decided to move to another area where there is another group there would need to be a formal election if the leader is to e replaced.

The reader continues: “You have also stated that there are good and proper uses of authority. I would suggest to you that the same thing is true of appointment. There are both good and bad uses of appointment.’

JJ: Yes, there are many good ways to use the power of appointment, but those who have a lengthy authority over you should maintain that power through election, or free will of the subjects. There are many temporary situations where an appointment or volunteering is the most efficient.

The reader continues: Oddly enough Joseph Smith said that , “The heads of the Gods appointed one God for us”(DHC 6:476). I would presume that was a good use of the power of appointment? I would especially presume that since you described these entities themselves as being in molecular relationships to which the first human molecule will link sometime in the future.

JJ: The Planetary Logos could not be elected by human souls or other life forms for they were not yet self conscious units when he came here 23 million years ago.

Before he came there would have been a Molecular meeting and the earth project would have been discussed. Volunteers would have been called for. If there were none then one would have been suggested by the head member and discussion pro and con would have followed. The final one selected would have voluntarily accepted the position. In other words, this entity would be one who through freewill would initiate a part of the plan on planet earth.

DK makes further comments on this indicating that the Ancient of Days is here through his own initiative, yet fulfilling the will of greater lives.

The leader of the greater Molecules would have obtained position by either initiation or election and sustained by the freewill of the group.

A lesser Molecule here on earth would have its leader selected by either election or initiation and would also have many projects. A comparable illustration on the human level would be the discussion of extending the Molecular Order from a location in the United States to Peru. Volunteers would be noted and one would be selected to head up the project. There is no one yet in Peru to elect him to a position of authority, but as the work progresses those who join with the initiator will do so by electing to join with him.

The basic principle is this. The Brotherhood of Light operates through a maximum use of free will and all long term authority must be sustained through free will or the power of election.

Appointment must be limited to projects where free will is not infringed or election is impractical.

You are right that a big problem is business today is too much government interference, but that is a problem separate from the internal efficiency of the company. Even with no outside governmental controls there are many problems for a business to work out and the leaders can still become a beast of authority to the employees. The principle of election can solve this problem for those who wish to rise above the power of the beast.

Alternatives to Election

It is true my friends that the election process is not perfect and all notice in our political system that elections can be manipulated. The thing to consider is that no governing or selection process is perfect as long as human error enters into the equation.

But what is the alternative to election?

There are three alternatives for an existing nation, group or organization.

(1) Appointment

(2) Seizure

(3) Birth

The main problem with these is that the people subject to authority have no power to remove the leader.

For instance in Communist China the chairman is appointed from the top and the people have no power to vote him out.

Fidel Castro seized power in Cuba and again the people had no power to remove him by any available process. Saddam Hussein did the same thing.

Some of the worst kings and emperors in times past obtained their rule through birth.

It is true that the election process in the U.S. has given us imperfect presidents such as Nixon and Clinton, but would you have rather lived in this country during the Clinton years or live in Iraq with no freedoms under a tyrant?

To throw out the principle of election because of imperfections opens the door to tyranny. Hitler didn’t like the idea of election and talked his people out of the principle and look at what they received as a replacement.

All a person has to do to see the benefit of free elections is to compare countries who choose by election compared to those who rule by appointment or seizure.

The point is that if we do not chose authorities by election then we are faced with an alternative with much greater imperfections.

The imperfections that we have witnessed in the election process comes from four main causes.

(1) A lack of accurate knowledge disseminated to the public.

(2) A manipulation of public opinion by those who misuse power.

(3) Encouraging people to vote who know nothing about the issues.

(4) Having so many candidates that an extremist can be elected with a minority vote.

The first two can be solved by an accurate and fair presentation of the facts. The third can be solved by requiring voters to obtain at least a basic knowledge of what they are voting on. The fourth can be solved by having the final vote reduced to two people. This principle was recently illustrated in France when Le Pen (considered an extremist) was defeated by a wide margin in the final run off of two candidates.

As I said there is a time and place for appointments but for those who will have long term authority over us there must exist the power of the governed to hold them in check and remove them periodically. In the molecular relationship, however, decisions may be made by individuals or the group as a whole.

It might be of interest to look at some quotes by Thomas Jefferson on this principle. I particularly like the first quote:

“Where the law of the majority ceases to be acknowledged, there government ends; the law of the strongest takes its place, and life and property are his who can take them.” –Thomas Jefferson to Annapolis Citizens, 1809.

“The only way a republican government can function, and the only way a people’s voice can be expressed to effect a practicable control of government, is through a process in which decisions are made by the majority. This is not a perfect way of controlling government, but the alternatives–decisions made by a minority, or by one person–are even worse. Rule by consent of ALL the governed is not practicable, since it would mean that government would be paralyzed on controversial issues. To be just, majority decisions must be in the best interest of all the people, not just one segment.”

“The first principle of republicanism is that the lex majoris partis is the fundamental law of every society of individuals of equal rights; to consider the will of the society enounced by the majority of a single vote as sacred as if unanimous is the first of all lessons in importance, yet the last which is thoroughly learnt. This law once disregarded, no other remains but that of force, which ends necessarily in military despotism.” –Thomas Jefferson to Alexander von Humboldt, 1817.

“The will of the people… is the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its free expression should be our first object.” –Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Waring, 1801.

“The fundamental principle of [a common government of associated States] is that the will of the majority is to prevail.” –Thomas Jefferson to William Eustis, 1809.

“Civil government being the sole object of forming societies, its administration must be conducted by common consent.” –Thomas Jefferson: Notes on Virginia, 1782.

“It is the multitude which possess force, and wisdom must yield to that.” –Thomas Jefferson to Pierre Samuel Dupont de Nemours, 1816.

“I subscribe to the principle, that the will of the majority honestly expressed should give law.” –Thomas Jefferson: The Anas, 1793.

“Every man, and every body of men on earth, possesses the right of self-government. They receive it with their being from the hand of nature. Individuals exercise it by their single will; collections of men by that of their majority; for the law of the majority is the natural law of every society of men.” –Thomas Jefferson: Opinion on Residence Bill, 1790.

“The Lex majoris partis, founded in common law as well as common right, is the natural law of every assembly of men whose numbers are not fixed by any other law.” –Thomas Jefferson: Notes on Virginia, 1782.

“The fundamental law of every society is the lex majoris partis, to which we are bound to submit.” –Thomas Jefferson to David Humphreys, 1789.

“The people of [a] country [that have] never been in the habit of self-government [will] not [be] in the habit of acknowledging that fundamental law of nature by which alone self-government can be exercised by a society, I mean the lex majoris partis. Of the sacredness of this law, our countrymen are impressed from their cradle so that with them it is almost innate. This single circumstance may possibly decide the fate of [a nation].” –Thomas Jefferson to James Breckenridge, Jan. 29, 1800.

“If we are faithful to our country, if we acquiesce, with good will, in the decisions of the majority, and the nation moves in mass in the same direction, although it may not be that which every individual thinks best, we have nothing to fear from any quarter.” –Thomas Jefferson to Virginia Baptists, 1808.

June 8, 2002

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Planet X and the Desire to Gather

Planet X and the Desire to Gather

I received a post from a reader criticizing me for not taking the predicted encounter with Planet X more seriously. She thinks there is all kinds of evidence it is approaching and will wreck havoc on our planet so I should sound a warning voice.

I am sure there are a number thinking along similar lines to this person so this is a good point to bring up.

I am not making a judgment without reading the book she mentioned, so to speak, for I have read most of the details of the prophecy on the internet.

The excitement around Planet X (called Nibiru) centers around the writings of Zecharia Sitchin. Now the interesting thing is that the prediction of the appearance of Planet X, supposed to come around Spring of 2003 is not made or supported by Sitchin. He thinks the planet will show up someday, but not sure when.

A person making the prophecy is Mark Hazelwood who claims that Planet X is a brown dwarf that will visit is about a year from now (J writing in June 2002).

We do not need soul contact to be assured this will not happen.


Because a brown dwarf is much larger than Jupiter, up to 48 times as large, and is likely to still be emitting light of its own. Anything this large would be visible to the naked eye for about five years before its supposed approach to the earth.

The prediction is that Planet X will arrive in Spring of 2003, less than a year from now. At the fastest possible orbiting speed from an elongated orbit this planet would now have to be closer than Jupiter to have a chance of getting here within a year.

If then Planet X were within the obit of Jupiter it would be the brightest object in the night sky, over 20 times brighter than Venus the brightest object in the Sky, next to the moon. If it was a brown dwarf with residual light of its own, it could be a bright as the moon.

Because we look up in the sky and see no such object, then the only conclusion is that there is no brown dwarf within harm’s way for years to come.

Some have seen the discovery of new asteroids as evidence of Planet X, but Planet X has been described as something much larger than an Asteroid. Asteroid 2000WR106 was thought by some to be evidence of Planet X, but this was only about 10% the mass of Pluto and since it is about 4 billion miles from us, it poses no more threat than any other orb in our solar system.

I believe that Emmanuel Velikovsky is much closer to the truth than Sitchin. He shows evidence that planets have shifted out of their orbits and have visited the earth in the past. Such is a correspondent of planetary sex which gives birth to a new life form of some kind on the earth. The creation of the Molecular Relationship (a new life form) has the potential to invoke a planetary visit.

The thing to keep in mind is that such an event just does not happen at random with no purpose other than to destroy. A true planetary visit is part of the creation process in the universe which enhances life while destroying the obstacles to life.

One thing the gathering has accomplished is that it has gotten a number of people enthused about getting together. Everyone enjoyed each others’ company so much I see a number of you are contemplating the possibility of moving closer to each other or establishing gathering points or whatever. There are a number of ideas floating around on this so I thought I’d make some comments on it.

The first thing to remember about the gathering is the principle itself. Gathering is an actual principle behind evolution of all things. For instance, atoms gather and produce molecules. Molecules gather and produce amino acids and the gathering of life forces produce cells then cells produce organs and so on. Thus the purpose of the gathering is to stimulate evolution. Thus it is with humanity. When people gathered; when tribes gathered together, they produced kingdoms, which was a greater organization than the tribe. All the people gathered out of the kingdoms and came to America and produced a better form of government with greater freedoms available to all. And so it is with the next gathering. The purpose of the next gathering will be to stimulate evolution again; to be able to gather the lights from throughout the Earth and create a system of living that will be new and different and better and improved over and above anything that’s been done before. When this happens, the rest of the world looks at the improvement and says, “We want to copy this. We want to be like the people of this group.

So, in order for a gathering to be successful it must produce a society better than anything that’s been done before. There have been a number of gatherings attempted by various groups, mostly religious oriented, that have failed. Two basic things have caused failure. Number one is too strong of an authority. That is they gather around some charismatic leader and they blindly obey. The second cause of failure is no authority at all. This is the situations like communes, hippies and so on where everyone just gets together and follows whatever comes along. These don’t succeed either. Authority, organization and law have to be applied according to the middle way, just like everything else. Every extreme turns out to be detrimental in the end. So, to produce a successful gathering the extreme of too much authority and the extreme of no authority have to be avoided and a balance has to be achieved.

To have this balance we can’t swing over where we have the mark of the beast and don’t think for ourselves and just do what we’re told without thinking. On the other hand, we cannot be a law unto ourselves. If a person is a law unto himself he is heading toward a kingdom where he has no glory whatsoever. All kingdoms must be governed by law but there must be just law. To this end I’ve written the book that many of you are familiar with called “The Molecular Relationship.” In that I describe how an association can be built up where people can think for themselves yet you don’t have the inertia of a group thought form holding progress back. Both the individual and the group will have the authority to exercise its initiative. Matter of fact, people will move ahead in the molecular relationship by exercising the initiative to be an initiate.

The basic idea behind the molecular relationship applies on several different levels. One is the spiritual level and this is the one that most of you are excited about because it will produce a greater life form, so to speak. But the basic laws and principles behind it can be applied to business, politics and other types of environments that are not so much spiritual that will just produce an effect of efficient management of the endeavor. Now, with the molecular business the business has to be a fairly substantial business before the Molecular Relationship will be effective in it. It wouldn’t work with a one horse type of operation. Preferably you’d need a business with over a hundred employees to really make it work accurately or effectively. Larry kind of doubts whether or not the election process would work in it. With a small business it wouldn’t work. It would have to be a larger business, like HP or something like that. I believe it would work very well. You would have people working in groups naturally then they can elect who their leaders will be.

Susan was talking about how a janitor can become president and that is true but it wouldn’t happen in one leap. There are several levels he would need to progress through. Say, his first group is composed of 12 people. He can challenge the guy above him for his position if he desires. However if the person is only trained to be a janitor and he’s working for a large company there may be 12 janitors with a manager among them so he’d be challenging the lead janitor for his position, not somebody that’s out of his realm of expertise. Nobody is going to elect him to be the head of a group of engineers if he has no engineering ability. The reason election will work so well in business is that the people will make money in the molecular business according to how well their group and the whole business is doing. So if they can elect a person who is actually going to make the business more efficient then everybody will make more money so employees will have a strong incentive to get the best guy as their leader.

Larry mentioned that there are a lot of details I haven’t covered that will have to be worked out and that is true. It’s like I’ve said many times, you cannot establish perfection by making everything perfect right at the beginning. It’s the same when picking something like the molecular business. We will have to experiment and keep what works and discard what doesn’t work. We’ll have to approach the things we’re doing from the scientific angle. Now, this is one big advantage we’ll have over other people who are into spiritual beliefs because the typical group in spiritual philosophy will say, “I’ve got this revelation and since it’s from God it’s perfect. We have to follow it.” Then there are no changes to be instituted. Any such project is doomed to failure because you can’t start out with perfection, even if it’s a revelation from God. God will give you the basic principle then you have to work out the details.

So in all the things that we will do in the molecular orders we will do a certain amount of experimentation but through soul contact we will be able to sense that certain principles are valid. For instance, the principle of election is a very powerful principle that many of us can see how it can work and benefit mankind. We have to fine tune it as to the different avenues that we can use it but wherever there is a possibility of using it to enhance things we should go that direction because the power of election is a tremendous power that will be here to establish the new age to come. Let’s say a person is in a gathered situation and he has a business where he has just two or three employees. This wouldn’t be practical to apply the principle of election here. Not until the business got bigger. It would need preferably about a hundred people to bring in the power of election and make it function well. The power of election will make a big business function with the efficiency of small business yet it will retain all of the advantages of a big business.

Now, when the lights gather there will be several things we will do different than the gatherings in the past. One of the problems in many of the past gatherings is too much authority or no authority at all. Where there is too much authority the slackers tend to try to escape authority and try to escape work and doing their share. Where there is too little authority the slackers have the same problem. So, what any organization needs in order to work is individual incentives. When we are in a gathered situation we’re not going to have a situation where we’re just going to leave it up to people to get the grunt work done. There are certain jobs more desirable and certain jobs less desirable. In our current system the less desirable jobs, like garbage collection get done because people make reasonably good money doing it. The same holds true when we’re in a gathered situation. The less desirable jobs will get done because people will get paid to get them done. So, in that aspect it won’t be that much different than today except all of the businesses will be united through a molecular relationship of some type. It will be a little different than the spiritual molecular relationship but it will be as closely knit as possible.

The businesses of the new age will be geared, not only to, say, manufacturing and getting a job done but also to help establish relationship where maybe people have an hour break to go and attend a class or get some relaxation.. We’ll be using our imagination to make our work part of our enjoyment as well as a means for making a living for ourselves. Eventually humanity may reach a stage to where they have an inner incentive to do what is right and effective in their jobs but right now most of us are not there and we need some individual incentive. This is why capitalism works so well; because people have individual incentive to get ahead and succeed and make money. A certain amount of this incentive needs to still be here for some time to come until we reach a point where we will automatically do whatever job it is we’re supposed to do. When we eventually reach that stage of society then there can be an area of tremendous abundance and spiritual outpouring of gifts.

Some are talking about maybe moving together; maybe coming to Boise or Seattle or Manti, Utah or even Texas to gather together. This would be fine. Everyone is a free agent. Like Diane said if everyone wanted to move to Boise there is nothing stopping them. For those who might be considering moving to Boise though, I won’t be prepared for awhile yet to spend any significant amount of time with anyone who might move here. If I had a couple dozen people now in Boise call me up on a regular basis it would be more of a distraction than a help. Later on it will be more of a help than a distraction.

I want to emphasize that I’m not against gathering now or in the future. The whole purpose of everything I’ve done is for the purpose of gathering but the gathering has to be done right and in order for it to work. It’s like Jesus said, “If you want to build a tower make sure you have the capacity to finish the tower or else you’ll get half done and leave it unfinished and everyone will laugh at you.” He said, “So it is with the kingdom of God.” You must take stock of the goal in mind then ask yourself if you have the ability to finish it. This is my situation. I have to look at what I can do and take those steps. Eventually what I can do will be increased and the amount of free time I have will eventually be increased.

There will come a time when a call will go out for a general gathering of the lights. That time is not yet. Until that time comes, people will gather together, first of all into synthesis groups in various towns from Houston to Dallas, from New York to Los Angeles. They’ll gather together in groups and establish them in the local area. Then there may be certain areas where people will want to gather in larger numbers. Maybe they might want to gather in Manti or Boise and they’ll come and gather in these various locations. Some might want to go build a community in the woods somewhere. Others might want to stay in cities and have gathering together in group activity once or twice a week or whatever. Those that do gather in significant numbers will be encourage to start businesses and work together and make money as a group.

So there is a lot to look forward to and we’re going to have abilities to gather in ways, even when we’re apart, that we haven’t had in the history of humanity before. Larry made what I think is a very accurate statement about the gathering. “There will be many stages; each building on the pervious stage. The more I think about it the very first step necessary will be people moving into some type of proximity to each other. That doesn’t require someone to come up with a business in which everyone can participate.”

That’s true. It doesn’t require a business. It would be nice if there was a type of business where if we want someone to move over here we could say, “Hey we can put you up with a job.”

It was nice at the gathering to meet some of you old-timers that I haven’t met in person before and also many of the new people. Some of the new people I think are joining the group. Some people we’ve known awhile but haven’t met in the flesh like Marylin who reminded me a little bit of my sweet mother. Keith seemed like an old friend. It’s great to meet Diane Linen and the fact that her health is improving and Melva, Assaf and a number of the others who have been in the group for some time.

I feel that this gathering was a turning point. It seemed to create an energy that made the vision of what it’s like to be in the company of like-minded souls that are seeking after greater light and truth. For some it seemed like coming home again. I think many people in the group have known each other in previous lives.

June 4, 2002

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Seeing the Christ Within, Part 2

Texas Gathering, Part Twenty-Three
Seeing the Christ Within, Part 2

Audience Question: If you are married to somebody who is the least of your brethren (laughter) is it better to stay there and overcome the irritation in order for growth or would it be the highest that you know?

JJ: Just because he’s the least of your brethren doesn’t mean you have to stay with him. You have to obtain contact your soul on that. It’d be hard and even wrong for me to advise you one way or another because that’s something you have to search internally. If you decide it would be best for your individual progression to leave, that’s not hurting his free will in any way.

Audience: How long should we-I mean in talking about being with someone that’s really irritating-in order to overcome that we need to work on it. If you come across someone who is irritating should we try to work on it or should we just go the other way?

JJ: Well, in a relationship, if you figure the relationship has nowhere to go then I personally would end it and find a better relationship. But that doesn’t mean that the next relationship or the next person you work with or the next kid that you have is going to be a piece of cake to work with. You’re always going to have someone in your life who’s difficult. So if you get rid of your spouse and get another spouse your troubles aren’t going to be over. Sometimes the next spouse may even be worse. Even if your spouse is the greatest person on the Earth there are other difficult people you’re going to meet.

Audience: What if you meet someone a friend or whatever who is just an irritating person. Should you run away from them or do you stand there and try to calm your feelings about that.

JJ: I try to avoid people who irritate me. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. But if there isn’t any way to avoid them I try to look upon the Christ within them and say, “This person has the Christ trying to manifest.” I’ll treat them nice and kind and like I would with somebody I really liked but I’m not going out of my way to spend time with them, only the time that’s necessary.

Audience: I had a husband who was the least of my brethren and I read the Course in Miracles where it said that you can love anybody regardless of how they treat you so I tried so hard to love him even though he was really mean. I said, “It’s okay, you can say those horrible things to me and I’ll love you anyway.” The Course in Miracles caused a dichotomy in me because it’s not really right to stay in a hostile environment. If you’re in a hostile environment and you’re constantly saying, “I love you. OUCH. I love you too. Ouch.” It’s not going to work. What I finally came to the conclusion of is I will love you from a distance. I still love him. He’s a good guy. I see the Christ in him from a distance. You stay there. I’ll stay here.

JJ: Even Hitler had buried within him a soul where the Christ dwells yet we certainly didn’t want him to win WWII so he could be over us, did we? The best thing to do was to get him out of the way where he was harmless. There is nothing wrong with avoiding people that irritate you or that are awkward to deal with. This is the principle behind the gathering. Those who have a high state of consciousness enjoy being with others of like minds. Like gathers to like as the scripture says. When like gathers to like there is greater joy and peace but there are times when light must go with darkness for a period of time. When this happens the light shines in the darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not. So among your friends who are dark you may be a light that shines among them and they don’t see you for awhile for what you are but you see them for what they are. You see that they have a soul that is covered with darkness and it needs to be manifest.

Audience: It may not be your spouse. It may not be someone you can just walk away from. It could be one of your children.

JJ: That’s true. It could be anybody. It could be your boss. Again, the key is to see the Christ within them. Realize there is the Christ within them and focus on the Christ within them and let the negative energy that they send to just pass through you. Just visualize it passing through.

Audience: That and your children aren’t going to hurt you. When you’re getting away from somebody because they’re hurting you and you’re in a hurtful relationship, harm is one thing. Irritation is another.

JJ: Have you watched these talk shows lately? I saw one the other night where a little 12 year old kid was beating up his mother all the time.

Rick: It’s one thing to love your puppy dog but you don’t have to like it when he piddles on your carpet.

JJ: I saw a bumper sticker awhile back. It said, “The more people I meet the more I like my dog.” The great part about a dog is when you open the door he is happy to see you no matter what type of personality you have.

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: Right. Hitler had dogs and his dogs probably thought he was the greatest guy in the universe. I bet the dogs were all over him when he got home. They probably even melted his heart. He probably patted them and thought his dogs were great and treated them good. The dog is kind of a symbol of looking on the soul. The dog sees nothing wrong with you. He only sees the good part of you. If we could take that to a higher level and just concentrate on seeing the good part in each individual it would be amazing how much better response we’d get out of them normally but not always. Sometimes when you look upon the soul of another person and this person is just determined to aggravate you, it’s like there is a handful of people who react negatively to love and acceptance. To this handful of individuals, the more you accept them and look upon the pure love of Christ and don’t respond negatively to them the more they will come at you and attack you. They will get more and more fierce until you have to get out of their presence. Have you ever met anybody like that?

So with some people giving love and acceptance is like throwing water on a vampire. It enflames them and gets them all bent out of shape. But to the average person who has had some contact with his soul it will completely change him around. I remember I was selling advertising one time – I used to sell advertising on the phone – this guy answered and he started chewing me out for calling and he was really rude. I was really pleasant and said ok. I hung up and five minutes later he actually called me back. He said, “You were so nice to me that it made me feel terrible that I treated you so rotten. I’ll buy an ad from you.” We don’t get calls like that very often. Sometimes it does affect the other person when you see the Christ within them and see the best within them. The funny thing about people is everybody thinks they are a decent person. Lorraine talks about her ex-husband and he’s the most irritating guy she can imagine yet how do you think he looks upon himself? He thinks he’s a nice person.

If you’ve ever read the book by Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People, it starts with an interesting story about a guy who was on the most wanted list, two-gun Willy or something like that. The police were chasing him and they had him cornered and he was perhaps the most wanted guy in all America and the most hated guy in the country. The papers portrayed him as the most evil character you could imagine. When they had him cornered and he just had a short period of time before he was captured he started writing a letter just in case he was gunned down. He wanted the world to know something. He wrote in this letter that he thought he was a good person, he never wanted to hurt anybody and he only wanted to do good all his life. The way he wrote it he portrayed himself like he couldn’t see anything wrong with himself. Yet he was the most hated man in America at the time.

Dale Carnegie pointed out that this may sound odd to us to hear this letter from this killer, this most wanted man that everyone hated but he said everybody feels that way about themselves. Almost everyone feels that they’re a good person. Sometimes we put ourselves down but inside we think we’re really pretty good. Most people feel that. He says everybody, no matter how bad they are, no matter what they’ve done, they think they’ve done the best with their life that they could’ve done. Therefore, he said, you must be very careful how you criticize or how you look upon the other person because they think they’re OK. He said if you want to win friends and influence people we must play upon that idea. Play upon the idea that they are a good person. Look upon them as a good person then they will start responding as they are a better person.

From my experience I agree with Lorraine. It may not work with everybody but it will work with a large percentage of people. There is a small percentage of people that make a science out of being aggravating and take joy in aggravating people. When I worked as a fireman for a couple of years one time a fellow worker kept doing these really aggravating things. I just kept ignoring him. We had a kitchen where we made our meals and he’d tip over my plate. I’d say, “What’s your problem?” I’d pick it up and be very patient with him. This went of for 3 or 4 days and I kept thinking, “What’s this guy’s problem? He’s doing such weird things around me.” Finally he came up to me and said, “I’ve been doing an experiment with you. I’ve never seen you get angry at anybody. I wanted to see if you could get angry so I’ve been doing everything I can to aggravate you. You ignore it. I don’t understand it.”

I said, “I didn’t realize you were trying to make me angry. I thought you were being a little weird.” That made him more irritated still. He was irritated that he didn’t make me angry but where he failed my first wife was able to succeed. (laughter)

So it’s interesting that there is always somebody who can irritate you. Every once in awhile somebody can say those certain right words that make you feel like strangling them. When you hear those words, that’s the time of the real test. That’s the time to really examine the person’s soul.

We have a great group here. I feel like I can look on the souls of anybody here. Everybody is a good decent person. Perhaps if we knew each other well enough it could be difficult for us. Perhaps I may be difficult for all of you if you knew me very well and knew all the quirks of my personality. That’s one thing about meeting in this way. We don’t have a lot of personality to overlook. One person I knew years back told me I had no personality so maybe I’m easy to overlook. Who knows.

Audience: What about the concept that the people who irritate you the most are the people you need to learn lessons about yourself from? People are mirrors of you. The aspects of people that are the most irritating to you, if you really look inwardly, it’s irritating to you because you see yourself in them. So they’re really a good lesson.

JJ: That’s a really good point. This is a reason we should be very cautious about being judgmental. Oftentimes when we’re judging another person we’re only seeing a reflection of ourselves. Lorraine, you’ve openly admitted that you’ve had a difficult marriage. Did you find quite often that when you were criticized it seemed that he was describing himself?

Lorraine: You know, I have a degree in Sociology, specializing in counseling, so I’m the last person who wants to admit that I have made this mistake. I have a degree in counseling so I analyzed this man upside down and every way I possibly could. I don’t think he fits into the regular mold because he was the one who would only be happy if I was irritated. His MO was to find whatever weakness I had and just keep hurting me until I was hurt. Then he could be happy. But I can say that it is true that we do hate in other people what we despise in ourselves. That is true but he was more than that.

JJ: There are some people like that. Misery loves company is a true statement. There are some people who are miserable and they’re not happy unless they make you miserable. Then when they make you miserable they seem to have a little gleam in their eye. It’s kind of sad. There aren’t a lot of people that way. Maybe 5 or 10 % of humanity will go that route. Most people are pretty decent people.

It is true about the reflection. This is why we must be careful. Oftentimes you as an observer dispassionately look at two different people, and they’re complaining about each other, oftentimes you’ll see that they’re complaining about something that’s inside them. That they’re really projecting. This happens again and again and again. I’ve known many people who criticized me for different things and I think, “I don’t think I’m that way but I think he’s that way.” We see this quite often. I would say 50% of humanity fall into this trap of taking that which is within them and criticizing it within others. This is an important thing to overcome. The question is how do we know whether or not we’re criticizing because of the reflection of because it’s really something in the other person.

The key to it is developing the power of discernment through the mind. Remember the emotions do not know how to control and regulate themselves. The lower has to be controlled by the higher. The emotions, when they are controlled by the mind, can then use the discernment to know whether or not he’s seeing a reflection of himself or something that is real. Then the mind reflects the soul energy. It takes the soul energy to regulate the mind so the mind can be accurate. Each lower sphere has to be regulated and controlled by the higher. Any more questions on this?

Audience: To me part of the intent of seeing the goodness in others or the Christ in others is so you yourself can see and love yourself and see the Christ within you. If you can see it in others it’s easier to see it in yourself. Self love is what lifts us up to be able to truly love God.

JJ: There’s a lot of truth in that. You can’t see it in yourself unless you can see it in others.

Audience: I have a comment to make. It’s true. I used to say I wasn’t able to love another human being until I was first able to love myself. I swore by that and gave many a seminar on it but I’ve changed my mind since then. I think now it’s only possible to love somebody else if I have truly been loved. If you think about it you don’t know how to love until you’ve experienced it. Once you’ve experienced being loved, then you know how to do it because you know what it feels like and you know what it looks like. So I don’t think it’s true anymore that you have to first love yourself because you won’t know how.

JJ: The answer is found again in the middle way. It depends on where you are on the balance. If you’re in the balance where you’re just giving all the time-there are some people who are always giving and they never take care of themselves. These individuals need to step back and say, “Wait. These other people are important but I’m important too. I’m one of the sons or daughters of God so I need to take care of myself too.” That person needs to step back and love himself also and realize that he needs his needs taken care of as well as taking care of the other person’s needs. We’ve all known people like that. They’re always running about helping everybody else and everything in their personal life is shambles. This is one extreme that needs corrected by self love.

On the other hand, the bigger and more common problem occurs as most people have too much self love and they’re not running around helping their neighbors. They’re only looking after themselves. If we balance more in this direction then we need somebody to come and love us. Eventually a person loves us that will stimulate us and make us think, “I need to look beyond the self and be loving and giving like this person.” It depends on which side of the spectrum we’re on. We’re all a little more one than the other. None of us are in perfect balance. If any person on the Earth reaches perfect balance with all his energies, do you know what will happen to him? He will disappear. He won’t even be here anymore. So if anyone tells you they’ve achieved the perfect balance of energy ask them why they’re still here.


Since we’ve said so many OMs we’ll just say one OM at the beginning and one OM at the end. Leave a space of silence in between as you visualize what’s been said.


We thank you Father that you have revealed to us your protective universal light;

that within this light is complete protection from all destructive forces;

that the Holy Spirit of Your Presence permeates us in this light,

and wherever we will the light to descend.

JJ: Visualize the light manifesting. The light is universal and is everywhere but we don’t always perceive it so we visualize the light manifesting to us. Then you can visualize it descending to those you love and know who are in need of greater light and guidance. It may be your family, your children, your friends as you say wherever we will the light to descend. Finally you visualize it descending wherever there is a need for greater light, wherever there is a receptivity for it.

We thank you Father that you fill us with your protective fires of Love

that within this love is complete protection from all destructive thoughts and feelings;

that the consciousness of Christ is lifted up in us in this love,

and wherever we will the love to be enflamed.

JJ: Notice that when we say ‘the protective fires of love’ oftentimes in relationship you feel that you are distant to love. When a relationship becomes difficult and you say this stanza you will often feel the protective fires of love beginning to burn within you again. If you say it with the person you’re having difficulty with he or she will experience the same thing and you can be one in the soul again. You can visualize this love descending upon all those who are willing to receive it.

We thank you Father that you are in us and we are in you;

that through us Your Will is sent forth on wings of power;

that Your Purpose is accomplished on earth as it is in heaven;

that through us Your Light and Love and Power is manifest to all the Sons and Daughters of Mankind.


It’s been great to be here, my friends. I remember when we first started talking about this Robin wrote me and said, “There’s only three people signed up. I’m really nervous.” I said, “I think they’ll show up.” We’re glad you all came. Robin is no longer nervous. She’s just tired now. (laughter) We’re going to go eat then when we get back anyone that wants books or cups can get them. We’ll just lounge around the rest of the night and enjoy each other’s company. I enjoy watching you guys associate with each other. It looks like you’re really enjoying each other. Little groups gather of 4 or 5 here and 4 or 5 there. Artie just pointed out that several are enjoying each other too much. (laughter) So we’ll go eat and meet back here to enjoy the rest of the day. Artie and I are taking off first thing in the morning so we’ll probably have to say our good byes this evening unless several of you are up very early.

Thank you very much.

Delivered by J.J. Dewey Sunday, May 26, 2002 Wimberly, Texas

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Seeing the Christ Within, Part 1

Texas Gathering, Part Twenty-Two
Seeing the Christ Within, Part 1

(Comment by transcriber) This audio begins with the group singing together. The outpouring of love energy is something to be heard and felt. Typing out the songs can’t do justice to the beauty of the group.

Robin: You know I worked for a few months putting everything together for this. It was really a labor of love. I’m really glad that you all came and that it worked out really well. But I don’t really feel like I should keep this plaque (commemorative plaque made by Rick) because there is another person here who serves us continually, just about 20 hours a day, to keep the Keys list going. I think that that person needs this plaque because my labor was short. Hers is ongoing and will continue to go on so Diane would you do me the honor of keeping this for me? Please? (applause)

(Diane graciously accepted)

JJ: Thank you Robin. That was really sweet and fit in really well with what I’m going to talk about. Every gathering I talk a bit about soul contact-because it’s such an important subject-and try to give a little different dimension or twist on it each time because it’s possible that a little different play on words and a little different view on it will inspire a person to keep on moving forward until he achieves that contact. Isn’t that right, Rob?

The other night we talked about winding up a model air plane until the point of tension is reached. You have to reach a point of tension to achieve success in anything. One of the prime ingredients in achieving the tension of soul contact is a general love of humanity, a love that goes beyond the selfish love of self. A lot of average people, when they get married, they pick a mate because of what the mate does for them, not because of what they can do for the mate. They pick friends for the same reason. But when the person approaches discipleship he loves because it feels good to give out love to fellow men and women, it feels good to serve, it feels good to go beyond self. We’ve seen a lot of that today and Robin gave a great example. She was given this plaque to Diane. A lot of people would think, “That’s going to look nice in my living room, it’s a good conversation piece.” But instead she gives it to Diane as an act of love and Diane accepts it as an act of love so that was really great.

One of the most important things that we can do then is to develop what is called the pure love of Christ. The pure love of Christ is a higher octave of love than the normal sense. The fact is that love in the normal sense, as people define it, has degrees or ingredients of selfishness in it – in the fact that I love you for the fact of what you can do for me. But in the pure love of Christ there is no thought of self. There is only the thought of giving it out. When it is given out you actually do benefit a lot from it even though it’s not selfish. The person benefits a lot more by unselfish love than he does by selfish love because with selfish love you don’t really get that much back because the other party senses the selfishness and wants selfish love back. When the selfish love is interplayed it plays itself out and it only lasts for a period of time then everything begins to fall apart in the relationship. With the eternal love of Christ an eternal stream is created which flows back and forth and never ends. It continues to grow as our awareness and our consciousness grows until we attain a fullness of the consciousness of God.

The Book of Mormon gives an interesting parable about the love of God. It talks about a man named Lehi who had a vision along a path that’s end is at a tree whose fruit was white above the whiteness of any other fruit. The fruit was symbolic of the love of God. As Lehi was progressing along this path a cloud of darkness fell. As it fell upon him he had a hard time figuring out where the path was. He couldn’t even see the path because of the cloud of darkness. Many people who were with him wandered off onto strange paths and got lost because of the cloud of darkness. So Lehi wondered, “How can I proceed?” Then he saw a rod of iron and he grabbed a hold of that rod of iron and somehow he knew that the rod of iron led to the tree; that the rod of iron would take him through the darkness until he arrived at this tree of life whereon was the fruit most desirable than any other fruit because it represented the pure love of God.

So Lehi grabbed hold of this rod of iron and the rod of iron took him to the tree. The rod of iron, we’re told, is symbolic of the word of God. Some people say that just means the scriptures but it means much more than the scriptures. Remember where the name of God is? It’s on our forehead. (See Revelations 14:1) It’s within us. When we look within we find the true word of God. When we look within and feel the spirit of God we can then proceed along the path even though we’re in darkness because without the spirit of God within us it is dark. We don’t know our next step. We don’t know where to go. Remember when we talked about the idea that if we follow the highest we know we will always know what our next step is? If we don’t know what our next step is we must look within and see what it is we are supposed to do. When we do that one thing and we do it right our next step will be revealed to us. Sometimes it will be a big step. Sometimes it will be a small step.

Whether big or small it’s equally important that we take that step. We can take that step and arrive where the fruit is, even in darkness, even when we can’t see with our physical eyes where the tree of life is. We can get there by following the inner spirit. The inner spirit is stimulated by the love of our fellow men. When we share love with our fellow man it stimulates the word of God within us so that we have a sense of what the tree of life is like because the love of God is even greater than the love we share here among us.

When we are able to make it to that tree of life we make it by holding on to the iron rod which is revealed to us as we follow the highest that we know. As we do this we can make it to the tree and partake of the fruit. So Lehi did this. He followed this iron rod and he made it to the tree. As he and several others made it to the tree they partook of the fruit. When they partook of the fruit he noticed a river of filthy water. On the other side of this river was a large and spacious building. In this large and spacious building were people dressed in fine and beautiful clothing.

These were looking at the people who had partaken of the fruit and they were laughing and making fun of them and telling them that they were ridiculous. Then Lehi saw that several who had come and partaken of the fruit were ashamed because people were pointing their fingers at them and making fun and mocking. Even though they had partaken of the fruit of the love of God they were ashamed and they wandered off onto strange paths and were lost. But Lehi said that he ignored the people who were pointing their fingers in scorn and making fun of him and he continued to eat of the tree and he was satisfied.

This is an interesting parable because it illustrates so much truth. When a person does the highest that he knows he begins to move ahead and he begins to feast upon the love of his fellow man and upon the love of God, there are those who will point the fingers of scorn. There are those who will make fun. There are those who will accuse the person of being a new age quack or a Christian quack or some type of weirdo or freak or whatever they want to call them. The person will be ashamed and he will withdraw. Maybe it will be his family members pointing fingers at him and saying, “You’re not going to go do that weirdo stuff, are you?” Maybe the weirdo stuff is that which leads him to the tree of life where upon he can partake of the love of God. So the person who partakes of the fruit must be able to withstand scorn, pointing fingers, family, friends, and everyone that may think he’s a little strange. We know Rick’s the only one who’s really strange. (laughter) The rest of us don’t have to worry. Just joking Rick.

I know, for instance in my family, they all think I’m very strange. I was telling somebody earlier, that none of my family will read my book or even take my book. When I give the book to them and say, “Here take it. It’s free” then go visit them the book is nowhere in the bookcase to be seen. Many of my friends are active in orthodoxy so they’re very wary of me because I’m a strange character to them.

So this is one of the things we must withstand. We must withstand people pointing their fingers, pointing us out, pointing you out as being off the beaten path. The path toward the true love of God is not always easy. But you notice, if you ever watch a movie where you really feel love manifested, like Titanic. At the end of Titanic the guy goes through tremendous friction to be able to have the woman of his dreams then he gives his life at the end and you feel so bad and you feel taken in by it. Wherever there is a lot of love manifested, like you feel in a good story, there’s usually a lot of sacrifice and a lot of difficulty crossed. Then after the difficulty is crossed the love is manifested. Titanic is a good example. They went through a lot of difficulties. They even sank with the ship and the woman survived that. Jack gave his life to save his loved one at the end. You just start choking up when you see something like that even though it’s fiction and in a movie. A good story can remind us of the true reality and the true sacrifice it takes to manifest that which is eternal and important.

Paul told us that charity endureth forever. Charity, of course, is somewhat of a mistranslation. The original Greek is love, love endures forever. He says, “Though I speak with the tongue of men and of angels and have not love, I am nothing, though I give my body to be burned.” Though he does all things and sacrifices everything he has, if he doesn’t have love he is nothing.

If we don’t have love we can pretty much toss soul contact out the window because the Holy Spirit is love. The Holy Spirit vibrates with love. When the Holy Spirit comes to us-remember soul contact is the door or the window between spirit and matter-it opens the door to all the higher vibrations. So when the door is open and the Holy Spirit comes in you will feel the love of God and that will be a very joyous feeling. It will make you feel like weeping when you feel it because it is very powerful. It is what is written in the song, the fires of love. The Holy Spirit is truly a fire of love. God is a fire of light, a fire of love, and a fire of will. It is written that fire is the will of God. There’s fire involved in all the aspects of God. Love is also a consuming fire.

Before one can have a fullness of joy one must partake of the fruit of the love of God. It is impossible to arrive at that without the love of mankind. An interesting scripture was when Jesus was asked, “Who is going to be on your right hand and on your left hand when everything is said and done?” He said, “Those who are found on my right hand are those who when I was in prison, they came to me. When I was hungry they fed me. When I was thirsty they gave me drink. Those who will be on my left hand will be those who when I was in prison they did not come to me, those that when I was thirsty did not give me drink, and those who when I was hungry did not feed me.” People would say, “Lord, when were you in prison? When were you hungry? When were you thirsty?” He answered back, “Whatsoever thou doest unto the least of these my brethren you do unto me.”

In church they used to preach that part often. “Whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren you do to me.” The idea conjured up in the church about who the least of the brethren were fellow members of the church but I got to thinking who really are the least. The least of the brethren are those who you think least of. A Course in Miracles makes an interesting statement on this. It says, “Think in your life of the person who aggravates you more than any other person in the world.” It says you know who this person is. (laughter) When you read it you think, “Yea I know who that person is!” All of us have one person in our life that aggravates us more than any other person in the whole universe and we know who it is.

It says, “This person is your savior.” In other words he is the least of your brethren. This is the least of the brethren. Whatsoever you do unto the least of your brethren – the person who aggravates you and is the thorn in your side more than any other person that is what you do to Christ. He has Christ within him even though it’s very hard to find. We have to peal off layers. Even though it’s hard for us to see that person has Christ within him as much as we do. Maybe more than we do. You never know. He might look at us and think we have a lot bigger problem than he does. Some people might say things like, “This person is selfish and irritating and mean and how can I see Christ in such a person?”

You see Christ in a person by overlooking the personality.

Reflect now on married people. Did anybody see the show, “The War of the Roses?” At the end they both fell from this balcony and they were both dying. The last thought that Kathleen Turned had, was giving her husband one last stab. That’s how angry they both were at each other but when they first met they were in love. How could they go from being in love to being so hateful that in their last dying breath they wanted to injure each other even more? How could they go from that?

The thing is that when they first met they didn’t see the personality; they didn’t see all the ingredients in it. Because they didn’t see all the ingredients in the personality they were able to see the Christ within. Now they later became that aggravating person that was talked about that is their savior. But in the beginning there was nothing to overlook because when you first fall in love with another person the personality is completely invisible. You see no personality. You only see that you love that person and you want to be with them forever. They make you feel wonderful and you just love him to pieces. That’s because you’re looking on their soul. Then what happens is the two people begin to reveal their personalities, their faults, their imperfections and they start looking, not on the soul, but they take their eyes off the soul and look on the personality and they see all kinds of things to aggravate them.

No matter how good the person is, when you look on their personality they will aggravate you–even Jesus Himself irritated people. When the Jews looked upon the personality of Jesus rather than upon His soul, what did they do to Him? They crucified Him because they thought that He was the most irritating guy they’d ever seen. They couldn’t imagine anybody more irritating than Him because they were looking on his personality. The Apostles, like Peter, James and John, they looked at the same person but they saw something different. Why did they see something different? Lorraine?

Lorraine: They looked on the soul.

JJ: Right, they looked on the soul of Christ rather than on His personality. John the Baptist could have looked on His personality. He wanted somebody like him that was a strict vegetarian ad ate milk and honey, lived in rags and lived just about like a Buddhist monk. Christ was not that type of person and because John did not look upon the personality he wound up accepting his cousin for who He was and what His mission was.

So we can at any time, at any time in our relationship with any person, no matter how aggravating, if we tune out the personality, just like we tune out a radio station, if you tune out the personality and only tune into the soul you will feel the love of God in relation to that person. That doesn’t mean that you aren’t aware of the faults of this person but you tune them out.

So what do you do with the faults of the personality? You realize that the Spirit of Christ is struggling to come forward but it’s having difficulty because of the personality vehicle it has to work with. When we look at this idea we can take the most irritating person and he will be our savior, the moment we realize that he’s the least of the brethren and whatsoever we do to him we do to Christ. It’s a challenging statement but anyone who has been through some difficult marriages has a lot of practice at such a thing.

As a matter of fact, all of us have had difficult relationships whether it be family, whether it be lovers, whether it be marriages, whether it be business partners. There are a lot of difficult relationships that surface in all of our lives. It gives us a lot of opportunity to practice this principle. All of us have an irritating person in our lives that will give us really good practice in overlooking the personality and looking upon the soul.

Robin: When I think about that statement I think about the people we see on the street and the children who go without food. Is that them also?

JJ: Yes but they’re probably not the least in your opinion. We see the beggar on the street and it is good to help the person who is on the street without food and that’s one of the things that Christ mentioned. “For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat.” But he’s still not the least because when we see the beggar on the street we don’t know anything about his personality. We might think he’s a pretty nice guy who’s down on his luck. Then you go home to your spouse and he does something to irritate you and he’s a lot lower in your mind than the beggar on the street. (laughter)

Generally it will be somebody close to you who will be the least in your opinion of all the people of the Earth. A lot of people out there would trade their spouse for the beggar on the street. (laughter) Robin fortunately has a good spouse. I don’t think she’d trade him off for anything. Every once in awhile people get lucky. Because of the laughter here you can tell people have been through a lot. When we joke about marriage and how difficult it is for all of us at one time or another we always get a lot of laughter. People identify with that. It took me a couple of marriages to get it right. A lot of us have to go through several of them. A lot of us never get it right through our life. Maybe we’ll come back again and do it another life. For a lot of us marriage is just a big learning experience. Sometimes you learn more through a difficult relationship than you do through a good relationship. Quite possibly a good relationship is a reward for us than a learning experience. We deserve a break every once in awhile from tough learning, don’t we?

Sunday Evening Gathering May 26, 2002

Delivered by J.J. Dewey Sunday, May 26, 2002 Wimberly, Texas

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