The Logic of Karma

The Logic of Karma

Question: If you kill someone and incur a debt that is paid off by being reborn and being murdered yourself – what happens to the guy who murders you? Since you had it coming was your murderer justified.

The answer is a definite “no.” You are judged by the perimeters of the life in which you are living. Even if Hitler was born again and we knew who he was we would have no right to do him any harm if he was threatening no one in the current life. It’s not up to us to be judge and jury for the past life debts of anyone. Things will happen naturally to cause us to pay off our debts as illustrated in the last chapter I posted.

Jesus said: “Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!” Matt 18:7

Because of karma offenses (murder, rape, robbery etc.) will come and those who suffer offenses may be in the process of paying off a debt, but “woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!”

In other words, people suffer the effects of karma, but woe be unto you if you act as the judge and jury in carrying it out.

The woman in a recent story who poisoned her past husband did incur karma and will have to make it right in a future life. Two possibilities is that she will (1) have her life taken from her or (2) save the life (in a future incarnation) of the man she killed – or possibly some other person.

In the past I have stressed that good is that which moves us ahead in evolution and evil is that which holds us back. There is another way of looking at it as written in the Aquarian Gospel.

It points out that evil is not necessarily the opposite of good, but merely good, or the perfect, which is out of tune.

In other words good is playing the scale on a piano which is in tune. The sound is pleasant. But if the C note is out of tune then the sound is not pleasing. Now the C note does not have an opposite evil note, but this one note does have millions of variations which are close but out of tune, or evil.

When we are out of tune with the soul then we sound unpleasant notes and our actions are out of harmony, or what some would call evil.

Even those who are out of tune are still trying to play good music, but the effort is fruitless until they attune themselves to the highest available within themselves.

Comment: Notice here that Cain expects to be slain more than once. Also study the Lord’s response: “And the Lord said unto him, therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him SEVENFOLD. And the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.” Gen 4:15 — end quote —

Moses seems to be teaching above that the punishment for murder would be SEVENFOLD. That is, if one murdered Cain (and one would presume the principle would apply to any case of murder) that one would necessarily have to suffer being murdered seven times (implying that one would necessarily have to be reincarnated to experience this, as one can only be murdered once in one lifetime). You also mention that Cain expected to have his blood shed more than once to atone for his crime.

JJ comment: Notice that it says that vengeance shall be taken upon those who kill Cain (and probably his descendants) sevenfold.

Because of Cain’s reputation he feared that he and his family would be killed and thus he would have no bloodline which would have over seven times the effect of the murder of a normal single life.. On the other hand, God wanted his bloodline to survive so he made a special case with Cain and his family. He put a mark on them so everyone would know that if they killed Cain in an attempt to cut off his bloodline they would receive seven times the punishment of killing anyone else. This was insurance that Cain’s lineage would be preserved.

The New Testament gives the correct law of karma which states:

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” Gal 6:7

He shall not reap seven times what he sows, but an equivalent to what he sows.

Keep in mind also that there are numerous ways to pay off karma. The payment is always equivalent, but not always in similar kind.

If you owe a neighbor a cup of sugar he or she may be happy with a glass of wine, the loan of a newspaper or just good conversation for the payment.

Note that in the story the man killed his wife and three children, but he paid off the entire debt by saving the lives of the three children (at great risk) and giving his life once as payment for the death of his wife.

His wife did accumulate karma for killing him, even though the man forgave her as he was dying. She could pay this off by saving a life in the future if it turns out she follows her soul. We only have to pay off karma the hard way when we refuse to listen to the inner voice.

If the man had not listened to the soul and killed his children again he would have had a much tougher time paying off his debt.

Copyright By J J Dewey

March 24, 2002

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Love Is…?

Love Is…?

Many people have reservations about examining love on an individual basis for several reasons.

One of the main reasons is that when love is felt the ability to accurately describe it is difficult to put into words. You can’t really say that love feels like A, B or C because love only feels like love.

Another problem is that many have heard the idea of love tossed around a lot, but have not yet experienced it themselves in fullness. They thus have difficulty in describing that which they have only partially experienced.

Consider this:

Is love a feeling or is love that which produces the feeling?

The feeling is only the vehicle of love and the actions that bring the feeling to life is the fuel that sets love aflame.

So what is this power which lies in back of the feeling and actions that we call love?

It all goes back to the two energies which create our manifested universe

(1) Radiation (Light)

(2) Magnetism (Love)

The power of radiation caused the singularity at the center to expand toward unlimited space.

After the expansion the power of magnetism (Love) creates a pull to draw all elements back to their source.

In other words, radiation creates space and the expansion of space, whereas magnetism, or love collapses space and brings the many into the One. Light is the world without – Love is the World within.

The present interplay of radiation and magnetism (or Light and Love) causes a sustaining power that keeps our universe in manifestation. Because the universe is still expanding we are to assume that Light presently dominates Love as a whole. Yet within certain concretized planets and systems in the universe, Love dominates Light. Because the total domination by love is yet future this explains why those who look toward the future as a better world are more in alignment with love than those who dwell upon the past.

Simply put Love is that driving force which pulls us toward oneness and becomes manifested through our feelings.

Is hate the opposite of love?

When considering the feeling world alone it is indeed, but from a wholeness point of view it is not.

One can say that a black car is opposite in color to a white car yet they are both owned by the same driver.

The driver of the feelings of love and hate is the one originating energy of love. The difference is that the feeling of love plays the energy in its purity whereas hate is a distortion like a note played out of tune.

Seeing Heaven

A reader quotes me as follows:

“Not all who have had visions of heaven have seen heaven. Some have seen hell and think through deluded sight they have seen the realms of the highest. On the other hand, all who can look upon the souls of their fellow men and women (whether these people be loving or full of gloom and negativity) and can see the face of Christ therein, and love this inner Christ – these people have seen heaven and have entered the Kingdom of God.”

Comment: Once again those are words, but no experience. And seeing good in people has nothing to do with heaven.

The above words are based on experience, my friend

You missed the point of the quote. I was not talking about merely “seeing the good” in people. Everyone, even the great unwashed thinks that’s a good idea.

Seeing the Christ in someone is much different than looking for a person’s good points. Looking for a person’s good points is something a personality does when viewing another personality. Looking for the Christ in another is something that must be done soul to soul and when this is perfected you can see the Christ in another even if you see zero good points in him as a person.

When Christ was on the cross he probably saw nothing praiseworthy about the bunch who nailed him to the cross, yet he saw the Christ, or the God within them, as he said, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”

I know, not from theory, but from hard earned experience that when one is able to see Christ with all people and love that Christ in even the least (most despicable of brethren) then heaven is experienced whether one is on earth or some other realm, it matters not.

Technically heaven is not seen, for the higher states are not limited to one of the senses, but must be experienced in wholeness. Heaven is seen, felt, heard, tasted, smelled and absorbed in totality, and this takes place when oneness through the soul in love occurs with the least of the brethren.

If you are interested in taking a journey to other realms, as many successfully have, you can check out the New Jerusalem meditation at: LINK

Copyright By J J Dewey

March 15, 2002

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The Elusive Second Coming

The Elusive Second Coming

I remember thinking a lot of the future when I was a kid in the Fifties. Back then thinking about the Sixties seemed like science fiction, but the Twenty First Century? Thinking that far in the future seemed like a far away period that only existed in dreams where everyone had their own flying saucer in their backyard.

Many adults who were religious figured that Jesus would be here long before the century ended. Most saw this century (21st) as a time the wicked would all be destroyed and everyone would be running around following orders sent forth from the dictator Jesus.

The funny part was that even though they claimed that the world was going to be turned into a paradise few were looking forward to it. When I attended church I often overheard a statement like: “I hope Jesus doesn’t come for at least twenty years. I’ve got a lot of things I want to do first.”

What does this tell us of a popular concept of Jesus?

That he’s coming here to take away all our fun and freedom and that we’re all going to live like monks from that point on.

Let me tell you this. The coming of the Lord will be 180 degrees different from what is expected, and instead of boring us to death and taking away our opportunities, this will be a period of intense excitement, tension and opportunity. It could be over 100 years after his arrival before the world as a whole realizes that the Master of Masters has been here among us.

Think on this. It was over three hundred years after the birth of Jesus before his coming received enough recognition to even be noted by recognized observers of history.

When I talk of the coming of the entity who is Christ I am not talking about a vague coming of the Christ consciousness which is in us all. Many there are who think that all there is to the Second Coming is the recognition of this Christ consciousness among the masses, or even on an individual basis. While it is true that a certain amount of recognition of the Christ consciousness must become manifest before his appearance we must not overlook the absolute fact that every great avatar was indeed an individual entity and this includes he who held the office of Christ that manifested in Jesus.

When we say that the second coming does not include this individual entity manifesting again, what are we saying?

What we are doing by assuming this philosophy is charting a course for the Master instead of allowing him to outline his own destiny. Who are we to say that he cannot decide to reappear among us? He is the one who decides whether or not to manifest. His individual manifestation has nothing to do with whether or not it fits into our preconceived notion of what the Second Coming is supposed to be.

Why should we believe he will come again?

(1) He promised he would 2000 years ago.

(2) This promise was reaffirmed by several revelations from the Hierarchy. One of note is Djwhal Khul through Alice A. Bailey telling us his arrival is near.

(3) The majority of spiritual thinkers in the world sense and expect a great avatar to arrive. Such expectancy does indeed create a point of tension which attracts the attention of the Great Ones.

A fullness of knowledge concerning his manifestation is not given but there are three possibilities.

(1) A divine possession, or overshadowings as it did in the coming 2000 years ago. This will definitely happen in this age, and may have already happened to some degree. The mystery is whether the Second Coming will go beyond this to possibilities (2) and (3).

(2) He could appear in the flesh as an adult in his current physical body. DK points out that this type of manifestation is difficult because of required papers, VISAs etc necessary to live and travel in the world. A man, with absolutely no birth record, attracting attention is asking for trouble. The barriers between nations are being taken down and this will make this type of appearance more possible. I have heard that you can travel in the European Union with no papers.

(3) He could be born as a babe just like the rest of us. If he was born today, it would be a few years before he would make much of an impact.

Question: Suppose The Christ was indeed here among us and began teaching tomorrow. What limitations do you think he would face and how would he be received? Do you think he will have emphasis on miracles this time?

Suppose he appeared on a talk show. What would he present and what do you suppose the public reaction would be?

Or… supposing that Christ were to come as a regular human in appearance. Now imagine how his approach would be different as either a male or female.

How would his approach as a female be different than if he were to come as a male?

If you were the Christ (speaking of the entity and not generic consciousness) which sex would you choose and why?

The coming of Christ will be different than Christianity as a whole is expecting. On the other hand, it will also be different than many New Agers are expecting.

The orthodox believer thinks that a great Anti Christ will soon surface that will make Hitler look like Richard Simmons. Those who believe in the “correct” concept of Christ will be raptured into heaven whereas those who remain will go through a living hell as the anti Christ plants computer chips in their hands and foreheads and reigns supreme as God on the earth over his subjects.

After seven years or so of this Jesus appears in the sky in a big blaze of fire and light and zaps the anti Christ and all who have not turned to Jesus. There is a difference of opinion as to what happens after this but many believers think that the righteous dead will rise and live with Jesus on the earth for as thousand years. During this time Jesus will boss everyone around with a will and power so supreme that none would dare challenge him thus forcing peace upon the earth.

Reality Check:

The religious ones are as deceived about the coming of Christ in this age as they were in the last one.

One of the reasons that the first coming of Christ did not register in public consciousness until about 300 years after his birth is that it was also thought back then that the Messiah was going to come in a blaze of glory and destroy his enemies, while exalting mediocre believers to thrones of glory.

Their attention was toward the skies, but the Lord was born in a cave/manger at the stroke of midnight. His humble coming was overlooked by all but a small handful who knew he would come among them as a mortal human.

As his coming was last time, so shall it be again. He will either come directly in a body of his own or by divine possession. Either way he will walk among us as a “regular guy” just as he did last time.

The scriptures will be fulfilled, but when all is said and done it will be seen that few there were who read them correctly through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Many New Agers are also deceived in that they see the coming of Christ as a nebulous rise in consciousness among the people of earth. Many there are who do not believe that we need a great individual intelligence to manifest among us, but that the average seeker is doing just fine on his own and needs no master to inspire him. Everything is within and we need no outer Christ for all is inside.

Reality Check

The truth is that just as we need male as well as female, positive as well as negative, past as well a future to create a world, let alone a better world, even so do we need the outer as well, as the inner teachers.

Those who rely only on the inner at the exclusion of the outer or the outer at the exclusion of the inner will have no light for all light is created by duality. To enter the light we must look to both inner and outer teachers and give them both true recognition and attention when justified.

While it is true that we have an inner Christ there is also a Master who has the outer office of Christ and has manifested the qualities of the Christ within to perfection, which perfection is far in the future for average seekers. As seekers we need the example and teachings of those who have progressed further along the path than ourselves.

How long would it take for you to learn Algebra without a teacher or a textbook written by a teacher? It would take you a thousand times as long to figure it out and learn it all by yourself than with the help of one who knows.

Even so, it is silly to claim we need no one to help us to greater heights on a spiritual level. Find me one who has moved ahead one step by looking within only and I’ll show you a dozen who have moved many steps with the help of others who not only look within but have given a helping hand without.

He who takes upon himself the name of Jesus Christ will seek to lift his brother up to where he is.

Would the Christ approach his mission differently in either a male or female body?

Definitely yes.

While it is true that all of us clear up to the Christ have both male and female energies within us, all of us have a polarization in one or the other.

If you are in a male body you’ll generally have between 50-65% of your influencing energies be radiant, active, visible. If you are in a female body you’ll have from 50-65% of your influencing energies be magnetic, receptive and invisible. If you are a highly charged male or female you can still balance the energies within and use them both to your advantage.

Even so, Christ will tune into both energies within and use them both to his advantage. Just like us he will be charged more in one energy than the other and he will use the polarization to help complete his mission.

If he comes as a male he will seek to promote his teachings with male energy by seeking to take his message to the people. If he were to come as a female he would seek to create a magnetic center that would draw people to him.

It is true that he will use both energies, but the focus will always be on the one where the natural surplus of energy is.

In his appearance 2000 years ago he did use some magnetism (female energy) and drew people to him, but because he had a surplus of male energy he actively (male energy) traveled from town to town seeking to teach. Then instead of creating a school to draw people (female energy) he sent out (male energy) missionaries to convert.

Question: One of the main missions of Christ was to present the ideal of love before humanity (the highest female aspect).

Give us your definition of Love and what is the difference between spiritual, love and the love of the lower self.

Copyright By J J Dewey

March 1, 2002

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Astrology and the Bible, Part 4

Astrology and the Bible, Part 4
The Magi and the Star

Perhaps the most stark, but positive, presentation of astrology in the Bible is the story of the wise men, or magi, who were guided by a star to find the Messiah. Let us examine the scripture on this:

Matt 2:1 Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,

Matt 2:2 Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.

Matt 2:3 When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.

Matt 2:4-5 And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born. And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judaea: for thus it is

written by the prophet,

Matt 2:6 And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel.

Matt 2:7 Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, enquired of them diligently what time the star appeared.

Matt 2:8 And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go and search diligently for the young child; and when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship him also.

Matt 2:9 When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was.

Matt 2:10-11 When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.

Matt 2:12 And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way.

The word “wise men” is a euphemistic translation to water down the meaning of the Greek word MAGOS. A few translations more accurately render the word “magi,” but most still use the term “wise men” to avoid any connection with the occult or astrology.

This word is also translated as “sorcerer” in Acts 13:6-8. This particular magi was called a “false prophet” and if this was all the scripture we had where this word was used then all fundamentalists would indeed be proclaiming that all magi are evil, just as they proclaim that equivalent Hebrew terms are spawned from hell.

But that fact that there was an evil magi in Acts 13 does not mean that there cannot be a good magi. And indeed the Bible does teach that there is such a thing as good magi for it indeed speaks of the “wise men” (MAGOS) on positive terms. It tells us (1) they recognized the Messiah, (2) they brought him gifts and (3) God recognized their virtue by warning them of danger in a dream (Matt 2:12).

The question now arises as to who or what these magi were and why were they awaiting a messiah?

As stated earlier the term comes from the Greek MAGOS, which Strong’s defines as “a magician, or sorcerer.”

The Blue letter Bible states that it is the name given by the Babylonians (Chaldeans), Medes, Persians, and others, to the wise men, teachers, priests, physicians, astrologers, seers, interpreters of dreams, augers, soothsayers, sorcerers etc.

The New Catholic Encyclopedia says this about the magi:

“The Magi were specialists in interpreting the signs in the heavens. According to the dialogue “Alcibiades”, ascribed to Plato, the Persian Magi practiced a form of spiritual mysticism which was their religion. .

“The word ‘Magi’ is the plural form of the word ‘magus’ (from old Persian ‘magu’) which designates a member of an ancient Near Eastern priestly caste.

“Catholics celebrate the visit of the Magi with the Feast of the Epiphany (January 6th). There is no mention of the number of the Magi who came to pay homage to Christ. The idea that the Magi were three in number may have grown from the number of gifts (gold, frankincense and myrrh) offered to the infant Christ.”

Other legends claim there were twelve magi in all and one of the special gifts they brought to the Christ was an ancient scroll written by Seth, the son of Adam. This scroll was said to contain prophesies of the Messiah and the signs which would appear at his birth.

This brings up an interesting question. Why would these supposed heathen magicians have an interest in the Jewish Messiah? And if they had ancient Jewish scrolls why would they have taken them seriously?

The answer to this is a startling one that you will never hear in Sunday School.

After Daniel saved the lives of the Astrologers of Babylon by interpreting the kings dream we read:

“Then the king made Daniel a great man, and gave him many great gifts, and made him ruler over the whole province of Babylon, and CHIEF OF THE GOVERNORS OVER ALL THE WISE MEN (magi/astrologers) OF BABYLON.” Daniel 2:48

So who became the chief magi/astrologer and lead teacher of all the astrologers in Babylon?

None other than Daniel; the prophet.

What do you suppose Daniel taught the Babylonian astrologers as their leader?

If he had the scrolls of Seth and other prophesies of the Messiah he would have indeed taught them about these. If he was aware of certain planetary configurations which would portend the birth of Christ he would have surely taught them about these.

And because Daniel saved their lives they undoubtedly would have listened to and respected his teachings.

The Syrian scholar Abu’l Faragius (1226-1286) tells us that when Zoroaster was in Babylon he became a pupil of Daniel and taught some of his astrological teachings when he founded his great religion in Persia.

It is indeed interesting to note that legend has it that there were twelve magi in the East who’s job it was to search the skies for signs of the Messiah and when one died another took his place until the looked for configuration appeared.

So what was this new star which appeared?

Actually between 7BC-1BC there were numerous “signs” in the heavens that a person of destiny was about to arrive. For one thing the age of Pisces was solidly over the threshold, yet no new Moses or Saviour of the new age of Pisces had yet arrived. In the minds of astrologers of the day the time of his coming could not be delayed much longer.

Here are some signs:

7 BC Jupiter and Saturn conjuncted in Pisces three times during a six month period. May 29, Oct 3 (The Jewish day of Atonement) and Dec 4. This even happens once every 900 years.

April 17th 6 BC The Moon eclipsed Jupiter in the Constellation of Aries. It went retrograde Aug 23 and Dec 19.

Feb 6, 6 BC A Triple Planetary Conjunction Jupiter, Saturn and Mars in Pisces. This only occurs once every 900 years.

The Chinese reported a super nova in March and April of 5 BC

Ancient Korean and Chinese texts both agree that a comet appeared around March of 5 BC and was visible for 70 days.

Feb 20, 5 BC The moon passed close to Jupiter while Saturn and Mars were conjuncting. All this was in Pisces.

Thus we see that astrologers watching for signs during this time period had plenty of anomalies to behold that seemed to portend a great event on the horizon. Surely the people of that time were living in a period of great expectation.

Does the scripture give us any additional clues about the event? Let us take a closer look:

“Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men (magi/astrologers) from the east to Jerusalem, Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him. Matt 2:1-2

Here we learn that these particular magi were definitely astrologers for they were followers of the stars.

A phrase of interest here is “we have seen his star in the east.” “In the east,” here comes from EN TE ANATOLE. When the singular “anatole” is used it’s meaning is more than a literal “east” but in reference to a star takes on special astrological implications. The literal translation would be close to “star at the rising” or “Morning Star.”

It is interesting that “at the rising” is a definite astrological term and would indicate the last star visible on the ascendant. The last star or planet visible in the morning was also called the “Morning Star.”

Notice that the magi call the star “his star.” Why would they call the Morning star “his (Christ’s) star?”

The answer is quite simple. Jesus said:

“I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.” Rev 22:16

It is also interesting that Luke identifies Jesus using the word ANATOLE:

“Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring (ANATOLE – rising or morning star) from on high (from HUPSOS – heavenly place) hath visited us.” Luke 1:78

The morning star is “his star” because he is the “morning star” for us. He is the light that guides us to the heart of the Sun. Apparently the magi knew this even before the birth of Christ.

Whereas Venus usually takes the title of “the morning star,” Jupiter is also called this at times because it is sometimes a the brightest (and last) object visible in the morning sky.

Therefore when the magi spoke of “his star” they were either referring to Venus or Jupiter, or even possibly both of them in conjunction with each other or other planets. Venus and Jupiter conjuncted August 12, 3 BC, June of 2 BC and August 21, 1 BC. Because of their brightness a conjunction would have produced a super star that may have even been visible after the sun came up.

Some scholars say this was not the star of Bethlehem because it is out of sink with the death of Herod who is said to have died in early 4 BC. However, there is some dispute on this because the source of this may have been based on misinformation supplied by his sons and a possible transcribing error by Josephus. Nevertheless, mainstream historians and coin experts stick with 4 BC as his death date

If Herod did die in early 4 BC this means the great sign had to first appear 6 BC or earlier for the scripture tells us that “he had diligently enquired of the wise men” to discover “what time the star appeared.” Afterwards in an attempt to kill the messiah he had all children under the age of two years killed. This would indicate that the sign appeared as far back as two years before the visit of the magi which would have been 6 BC or earlier.

The most spectacular sign in the heavens involving a “morning star in this time period was the triple planetary conjunction on Feb 6, 6 BC of Jupiter (a morning star), Saturn and Mars in Pisces. This only occurs once every 900 years.

Another lesser known celestial event is supported by a book called The Star of Bethlehem: The Legacy of the Magi by Michael R. Molnar. Molner contends that even though the age of Pisces was on the horizon the constellation of Aries was of supreme importance for the Jews. He writes:

“In the spring of 1990 I purchased a lovely bronze coin from ancient Antioch which portrayed the zodiacal sign, Aries the Ram looking back at an overhead star. I bought the coin for $50. But the coin turned out to be priceless because I found that this was the sign of the zodiac that represented King Herod’s kingdom. The so-called “bible of astrology” the Tetrabiblos of Claudius Ptolemy explained that Aries the Ram controlled the people of “Judea, Idumea, Samaria, Palestine, and Coele Syria” – lands ruled by King Herod. I think the coin was issued by the Romans of Antioch to commemorate their takeover of Judea in AD 6.”

He further writes about a significant astrological event around the morning star of Jupiter:

“The second occultation (eclipse) on April 17 coincided precisely when Jupiter was “in the east,” a condition mentioned twice in the biblical account about the Star of Bethlehem. In August of that year Jupiter became stationary and then “went before” through Aries where it became stationary again on December 19, 6 BC. This is when the regal planet “stood over.” – a secondary royal portent also described in the Bible. In particular, there is confirmation from a Roman astrologer that the conditions of April 17, 6 BC were believed to herald the birth of a divine, immortal, and omnipotent person born under the sign of the Jews, which we now know was Aries the Ram. Furthermore, the coins of Antioch and ancient astrological documents show that there was indeed a Star of Bethlehem as reported in the biblical account of Matthew.” Quotes from the author’s web page now inactive.

Molner mentions Jupiter standing over the young Jesus. He is referring to this scripture:

“When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was.” Matt 2:9

From this believers conjure up the idea that some magical light from the heavens shined some type of laser beam before the magi until they arrived at Jesus’ address.

This fanciful thinking dissipates when one sees the astrological meaning in the verse.

“Went before” comes from PROAGO which means to “lead forth” or “to go before.”

“Stood over” comes from the Greek HISTEMI EPANO which is more accurately translated as “stopped above.”

Any amateur astrologer knows that when a planet stops in the above sky it is in transition period to go retrograde. It is seen to be standing still in the heavens, or “stationary direct.”

Of course, the planets do not really stand still but because the orbits of each of the planets differ in length and distance an illusion is created from the vantage point of the earth and during the stationery direct period a visible planet will not appear to move in the sky.

This tells us that during the visit of the magi to Bethlehem that either Venus or Jupiter went retrograde and stood still in the heavens for a time. The planet apparently went stationary direct at the same time they entered Bethlehem and the Magi took this as a sign from God that they had found the place of destiny.

Even though books could be (and have been) written on astrology and the Bible I will limit myself to one more – the four beasts of Revelation:

“And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind.

“And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle. And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.” Rev 4:6-8

The most obvious thing of interest here is that these four beasts are symbols of the fixed cross of the zodiac. The first beast was the lion, the symbol of Leo, the second a calf for Taurus, the third a man, a symbol of Aquarius and the fourth a flying eagle, one of the symbols of Scorpio.

Each sign of the zodiac is in one of the three crosses, the mutable, the fixed and the cardinal. The fact that all four of these signs are in one cross shows that the astrological connection is no coincidence, but an important message is embedded therein through symbolism.

The meaning of the fixed cross fixed intent, persistence, reliability and firmness – that which can be depended upon.

This gave the early saints three messages. (1) You can depend on God to stand by you and (2) he who endures to the end shall be saved. (3) a symbol of the cross whereon the Son of God was fixed between heaven and earth.

Each of the beasts has six wings. Isaiah calls these beasts Seraphim

“In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly. And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.” Isa 6:1-3

Searaphim comes from the Hebrew SARAPH and means “burning or fiery ones.” This is translated as “fiery serpents” in Numbers 21:6 & 8 and as a “fiery flying serpent” in Isaiah 14:29

The fact that these four beasts are associated with serpents (a symbol of wisdom) tells us that there is much wisdom to be gained through an understanding of the fours signs of the fixed cross. The fact that they are fiery before the throne of God is a sign that enlightenment can come through the contemplation of God’s handiwork in the heavens.

The six wings are a symbol of the six worlds of creation with the seventh being the throne of God. Four wings cover the fiery light and only two are in use which tells us that average humanity cannot see (wings covering the face) or work (wings covering the feet) in the higher worlds. They are limited to two worlds – the physical and emotional. When the “mark of the beast” is removed two more wings shall be free and cause the seeker to gain greater power of flight to the world of the mind and intuition or higher love.

The four beasts were “full of eyes before and behind.” “Before” is a symbol of a vision of the future and “behind” a symbol of the past. The beasts speak of that “which was, and is, and is to come.”

This tells us that when we uncover the secrets of the throne of God (the stars of heaven) that we can decode the secrets of the past, present and future. This is the destiny of the science of astrology which is yet in its infancy as far as the general understanding of humanity is concerned.

Copyright By J J Dewey

Feb 16, 2002

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Astrology and the Bible. Part 3

Astrology and the Bible. Part 3
Signs of Pisces and Aquarius in the New Testament

Just as the symbols of astrology abound in the Old Testament, even so do they fecundate the New.

Perhaps the most obvious astrological symbol is on display by the born-again anti astrology Christians driving about in their cars. Who has not seen the symbol of the fish on the bumpers of devotees?

Many of these Christians would be surprised if they discovered that this symbol originated as a sign among early Christians that represented Jesus as the Messiah who was ushering in the age of Pisces.

The fish (or fishes) was indeed the secret sign for the early Christians. A commonly-used icon in the early Christian churches is the “Vesica Piscis” (Latin for “mouth of the fish”) – that shape which also resembles a human eye or a fish without a tail. You can see it in the shape of stained glass windows in many churches and cathedrals.

Fred Gettings who did an exhaustive study of Christianity and astrology wrote in his book, The Secret Zodicac “The true books of the esoteric astrology of the mediaeval era are not to be found in manuscripts, but in stone and marble of the mediaeval cathedrals and churches.”

Many of these ancient Christian monuments have astrological symbols in them with emphasis on Pisces represented by the sign of the fish.

It is also of great interest that Jesus himself was associated with the fish. The phrase “Jesus Christ, Son of God and Saviour” in the Greek reads Iesous CHristos THeou Uios Soter. The capital letters from this phrase spells ICHTHUS which is the Greek word for “fish.” Because of persecution a Christian would secretly communicate his belief in Christ with another Christian by merely drawing or making the sign of the fish.

The constellation Pisces is formed by a set of dim and scattered stars that trace the images of two widely separated fish joined by a knotted cord. One fish, swimming upward, faces east toward Aries, while the other fish swims westward toward Aquarius along the plane of the ecliptic. The directions of motion of the two fish form a cross, the symbol of the Christian religion-the upright line of the cross representing spirit and the horizontal line signifying matter.

Thus the evolution Christian tradition from making the sign of the fish to the sign of the cross was merely a simplification of the sign of the fish in Pisces.

Around 800 AD the Church of Rome began to distance itself from astrology and to drop the connection of the Christian church, or Jesus, with Pisces, or even the fish, and only kept the sign of the cross. Even though this sign still had a connection with Pisces, and there were short revivals of interest, few realized the connection after this time period. It is only of recent date that Christians have revived the sign of Pisces and proudly (but unknowingly) wear it on their bumpers.

Notice that almost all of the fish symbols used by Christians today face to the left, a symbol of the past on to which they are holding instead of advancing on to the consciousness of Aquarius.

Just as Moses said the stars were given for signs, even so did Jesus acknowledge that the stars would indeed bear signs:

“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring” Luke 21:25

“Stars” is usually translated from the Greek ASTER, but in this case it comes from ASTRON which is more correctly translated as “constellations.” This could imply the standard constellations as we know them, in particular the twelve constellations making the twelve signs of the zodiac, or it could refer to certain alignments of planets and stars which have been seen as signs from ancient times. For instance a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn with another planet in the constellation of Pisces was seen as an important sign in the days of Jesus.

What constellation do we look to today for signs of the coming of the son of Man? As we leave Pisces and enter the age of Aquarius then it is only logical that this sign of the zodiac has many portends for us.

This is verified again by Jesus:

“And then (as the coming of Christ draws near) shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.” Matt 24:30

In past writings I have given one interpretation of this scripture, but, as I have said, scripture has at least three levels of meaning which are correct. Let us now look at the astrological level.

Before Christ comes there will “appear the sign of the Son of man (literally mankind) in heaven.”

The word “heaven comes from the Greek OURANOS. What is significant about this? This is the word that the planet Uranus is derived from. What is significant about Uranus? It is very significant because it rules the sign of Aquarius which we are now entering.

Note that the scripture reads literally in the Greek as the Sign of the Son of Mankind. Aquarius is the sign most representative of mankind as a whole.

The importance of the coming sign of Aquarius was indicated at the last supper:

“And they said unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare? And he said unto them, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he entereth in.

“And ye shall say unto the goodman of the house, The Master saith unto thee, Where is the guestchamber, where I shall eat the passover with my disciples? And he shall shew you a large upper room furnished: there make ready. And they went, and found as he had said unto them: and they made ready the passover. Luke 22:9-13

This mysterious man “bearing a pitcher of water” led the disciples to the “last supper.” It is not a coincidence that the main symbol of Aquarius is a man bearing a pitcher of water. This symbol indicates the servant of God who pours forth the waters of life to humankind, thirsty for the words of life.

The fact that the Aquarian symbol shows up at the last supper of the Christ in Pisces is a symbol of the work of Christ in the coming age – that in the Age of Aquarius the service of Christ and his servants will have its true fulfillment.

Now, let us examine the meaning of the scripture in Matthew 24.

“And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man (the servant giving the waters of life) in heaven (Aquarius): and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn…”

Did the peoples of the earth mourn as Aquarius began to rise on the horizon?

Indeed they did. As Pisces was passing into Aquarius we had the manifestation of World Wars I and II. We are not yet fully into Aquarius for the transition period between the ages lasts from 100-200 years so we still have a point of tension or two to come. If the Lights of the earth do their part, however, the worst will be over.

The fact is that the time between the ages is always highlighted by a point of tension. For instance, the transition from Taurus (the worship of the bull) to Aries (the sacrifice of the ram) was highlighted by the conflict between Moses and Pharaoh as the Israelites escaped Egypt.

The greatest point of tension in this age was the conflict between Nazi Germany (strong authority – Pisces) and the Allied nations (freedom of the human spirit – Aquarius). It is of interest that World War II was very close to the midway point between Pisces and Aquarius. This battle just resurfaced on a lesser scale with the conflict between terrorists who seek rule by the strong authority of the Piscean energy and the free world following after Aquarian energy. In coming conflicts with peoples seeking the establishment of strong authority the changing energies are mounting against them and the old ways are doomed to failure. Only those movements which increase the freedom of the human spirit are in alignment with the coming age.

The founders of the United States Constitution realized this when on June 20, 1782 they approved the Great Seal of the United States bearing the Latin words: NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM which means “a new order of the ages.”

These men inwardly realized that a new age was on the horizon, but little did they understand that they were manifesting one of the signs of the Son of Man in Aquarius.

The last part of the verse reads:

“…and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.”

What does this have to do with the age of Aquarius?

Very much. Aquarius is an air sign and all astrologers attribute the development of air and space travel as a sign the this age is coming into manifestation.

One of the messages Jesus was giving out here was this: As we enter into the sign of Aquarius, before his return to us, we would see sons of men traveling in the air with the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

Those who pioneered such Aquarian achievements did indeed achieve power and glory. Such people were the Wright Brothers, Charles Lindbergh and Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon – the greatest Aquarian achievement in and above the air so far.

“And I will shew wonders in heaven above (air and space flight), and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke. (World Wars I & II and conflicts yet to come) “ Acts 2:19

Indeed, there have been many signs in the heavens and earth, and all the while Christians have been looking for signs yet future.

The words of Jesus are yet true today:

“He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?” Matt 16:3

Copyright By J J Dewey

Feb 12, 2002

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Astrology – The Science of Relationships

Astrology – The Science of Relationships

Question: What is the validity of numerology on names that are spelled with the letters of a foreign language (English is the foreign language in the case of DK).

The numerology of Djwhal Khul’s English name (see previous post) would have meaning as he relates to the readers of his books. He would use a different set of numbers for his name as it would be used in his native language. Any time you change your name a new set of numbers is produced and different vibration set up. This happens to females when they marry and take their husband’s name. Even though some modern females rebel at this idea, the practice has a good foundation in that a couple with the same last name will tend to have an advantage in harmonizing with each other with their numerology. Technically it would not matter much who switched names.

Children who assume the last name of an adoptive parent will naturally feel closer to them because of the harmonious vibration.

Now the reader lives in Israel and speaks Hebrew as well as English. Using his name in Hebrew would produce a different set of numbers and create a different influence than we sense from him here where he spells his name in English.

Many famous people who have a strange spelling to their name changed the spelling of their birth name on advice from a numerologist so the vibration would be more favorable to their career. For instance, you might see a spelling of Dyan rather than Diane or Rahn rather than Ron. Odd spellings like this, especially by celebrities, often are the result of advice by a numerologist.

Question: “Many scientists give the following as a reason they do not accept astrology:

“The gravitational influence of Mars or the other planets on the earth or a person on it is just about zero, so the idea that Mars could influence a person on earth is preposterous.”

“Where is the flaw in this argument?”

It always irritates me when I see a scientist interviewed and he states that astrology could not be correct because of the weak gravitational influence of the planets on any one individual.

This is a silly illogical argument coming from one who makes his living dealing with logic and I never see anyone calling scientists on this distorted argument, even when an astrologer is being interviewed at the same time.

A reader gave a good analogy when he stated that I (living in Idaho) can have a great influence on him (living in Texas), even though the gravity or warmth of my body is not even detectable by him.

Even so it is with the planetary bodies. They are living entities and the true science of astrology is built around the science of relationships. The principle is this. One living being in relationship with another living being will influence that entity.

The relationships we have with each other and the influence we wield is a display in miniature of the influences of the planets and other heavenly bodies. You may have a friend living 1000 miles away whose physical body has no effect on you, but as a living entity has a significant one.

Next objection: “God commands that we are to worship Him, not the stars.”

I do not know where religious zealots get the idea that astrologers worship the stars. The worship of heavenly bodies is not mentioned in any astrological manual I have read.

Such an accusation is just another deceptive attempt to portray that which is harmless as being an evil of some kind.

An astrologer does not worship Mars for having an influence on him any more than he worships his next door neighbor for doing the same.

Some also accuse believers in astrology as detaching themselves from the will of God, thinking they are controlled by the planets. This is not the teaching of this ancient art. Astrological configurations create influence, not control. Again it is like your next door neighbor or your friends. They influence you, but unless you have given up independent thought they do not control you.

A final objection of religious fundamentalists is that astrologers look to the stars for guidance rather than God.

To these people I ask – how does one look to God for guidance?

None of us have such a direct pipeline to God that we are told what to do at any given moment. In fact most who do feel they are getting guidance from God feel they are getting it from the scriptures. What are the scriptures? They are signs put into letters and words that give us guidance.

And what are the heavens? They are the “work of his fingers” (Psalms 8:3). In other words, the heavens are also the handwriting of God, but on a different level.

How many of these critics get advice from their friends, their family, stock broker, real estate agent, books, television etc.? None of these sources of advice is any direct link with God. To seek advice from the language of the stars is no more of a departure from the will of God than is to seek advice from a marriage counselor.

To seek to understand the knowledge that God has placed in a cell or DNA is not looked on as forsaking God. Even so using the stellar orbs to “let them be for signs” Gen 1:14) is actually in harmony with the scriptures.

Copyright By J J Dewey

Feb 12, 2002

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