Alternative Energy, Part 1

Alternative Energy, Part 1

A point was made on cover-ups concerning innovative energy sources. In any industry where considerable money is invested and upon which thousands of jobs depend there will be resistance to any plan that can make them obsolete.

We must understand that this is not evil, but a natural reaction in the present competitive system. Eventually, as abundance for all becomes available, competition will give way to cooperation and this type of resistance will be a thing of the past.

Such a time is still in the future and for the present we must expect this resistance, accept it for what it is and work around it.

I’m sure that there are many inventions that can help humanity that are being covered up, but sooner or later the better ones will always come to the surface – some just take a while.

Tesla had the idea that the earth itself creates unlimited energy through its oscillation and he felt he could invent an antenna that a person could put on his roof and obtain unlimited energy. Too bad he never perfected it. Or maybe he did and we do not know about it.

Comment: “With any form of power, the main rule of conservation should read, don’t take more than you can use or maintain.”

All lives in the universe eventually learn this lesson of the avoidance of waste. The Law of Economy governs this.

On the other hand, there is another law called “the law of abundance,” which was mentioned by Christ when he said: “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” John 10:10

The three ingredients necessary for life are a symbol of this abundance: water, earth and air. No matter how many people there are on this little planet there will always be more water than all of the combined inhabitants can use, more earth than necessary to grow plants for us and plenty of air to breath.

But even though we have this abundance note how the cells in our body take all they need, yet not more than they require. They each take the oxygen, water and elements they need, but no more and then allow the other cells to fill their needs with no hoarding or unnecessary waste by any.

Even so, the coming age will be one where use will be efficient, yet the Law of Abundance will also be applied and the wise will have all their needs fulfilled.

This is a lesson that many who call themselves environmentalists need to learn. Some of the radical among this group actually desire an economic collapse, the destruction of industry, of technology, of capitalism and a return to a life style similar to the Amish. Many seem to think it is evil that we use as much energy as we do and want to see us sacrifice our needs as a matter of principle whether it is necessary or not.

Believe me, the new age will not be highlighted by barn building, slopping hogs and reading by candlelight. Instead, look more in the direction of advanced technology, right human relations and a more abundant life that was thought possible in any previous age of our remembrance.

A reader gave good references and made the excellent point that instead of threatening the oil industry with extinction that they should be encouraged to shift some of their attention to alternative fuels so they will not go out of business when we make the shift.

The bottom line is that big business must eventually take an interest in alternative fuels to make them a success.

Who would have thought a few years ago that Honda, Mazda, Mercedes Benz, Ford and other giants would take an interest in innovative engines that may do away with oil? They are today, and investing billions in the endeavor.

Let us look at the pros and cons of other alternatives in the mix in present time.

Ethanol. There is a big push for this in Idaho in support of the farm economy. They mix 10% alcohol and 90% petroleum and call it ethanol in this area – gasohol in others.

The advantages of ethanol is that it burns cleaner than regular gas and reduces our dependence on oil. Some claim that it reduces pollutants and carbon within the engine extending its life. There seems to be no disadvantage…

But –

A major drawback is that the creation of ethanol requires the energy contained in a gallon of alcohol plus an additional 48% to produce a gallon of this fuel. In other words it takes one and a half times more energy to produce ethanol than the burning of it will yield. Chances are this energy requirement will come from coal which is one of the highest pollutants. This discounts the environmental advantages from the ethanol, making it possibly worse than oil, all things considered.

The one indisputable advantage, however, is that it reduces our need for foreign oil and helps our farmers survive.

Solar Power. As far as being a clean energy, solar power is a definite improvement over oil or coal. Some see it as free energy and completely pollution free, but this is not quite so.

Producing the materials (vast quantities of steel, silicon, glass, and concrete) for deployment of a solar hardware requires substantial energy, often from burning coal. Estimates are all over the place but most think it would take a couple years of solar power to pay back the energy needed to produce the panels and install them.

In addition to this solar panels often use cadmium compounds which are very poisonous and must be replaced and disposed of periodically.

The greatest pollution problem is space and this item alone will prevent standard solar energy from ever supplying more than a couple percent of our energy needs.

Consider this. If we could convert 100% of the sun’s energy into electricity, a square foot of land at the equator would supply enough energy to light a 125 watt light bulb. But then if we take the night time the variable weather into consideration we would only have enough for a 22 watt bulb. The big problem is that we can only convert about 10% of this into energy so this reduces the power to 2.2 watts. Finally if we move our solar collector to a more probable location in the United States the power is reduced to less than one watt.

To build a solar energy plant equal to the power of a typical coal burning one of a billion watt capacity then would occupy a space of 50 square miles. (Note Written in 2001. Thanks to technology increases that area has been reduced to around 15 square miles in 2020 in an area of high sun. In areas of low sun we could still be at 50 square miles)

To even come close to supplying our energy needs we would need about 500 plants which would require (figuring maintenance roads and access) 25,000 square miles of ground which is equal to the surface area of Connecticut, Delaware, Rhode Island, New Hampshire and New Jersey combined.

On this ground there could be no farming, no fishing, no hunting, no camping etc. and would be a great eyesore on the environment.

It is true we may have a breakthrough in energy conversion, but even if efficiency doubled from 10% to 20% it would remain impractical as a large scale energy source. (Note: today in 2020 we are up to around 20%)

Another problem is that in large population centers (New York, Boston, Chicago) where the greatest amount of energy is needed the amount of sun available is much less and transporting electricity from solar power over long distances is impractical and involves large energy loss.

And Great Britain and other northern nations is out of the question. It would take about half of the surface area of that country to supply power through solar means. If you ever lived there you would understand.

The main reason there is not greater proliferation of solar power is the cost. Each watt created by solar power just costs more than those produced by coal, oil, nuclear or natural gas. Believe me if it was cheap, the power companies would be taking it seriously.

Way back in the Eighties, however, I heard an idea for harnessing solar energy which I thought sounded very practical as an alternative, but have not heard a mention of it since and cannot find anything about it on the internet. It goes like this.

The most efficient solar collector available is right under our noses produced by nature. This is the giant sunflower plant. These flourish in the hot sun, grow very quickly and store a high percentage of the sun’s power.

The idea was to grow large fields of these plants in sun rich areas of Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and other Southern states. After they are mature we would then harvest and dry them. The dried sun flowers would then be taken to a specially built power plant and burned for fuel to be turned into electricity.

The advantages over coal here are numerous.

(1) There is no dangerous or disruptive mining involved. (2) With the technology available today the new plants could burn the sunflowers with few emissions and very little pollution. The major pollutants in coal such as mercury and uranium are not even in sunflowers though there would be some greenhouse gasses released. (3) The resource is renewable. The ashes could even be used for fertilizer to grow new plants.

This article stated that the deserts of Arizona alone could supply the energy needs of the entire nation.

I could live with the desserts of Arizona being covered with sunflowers much more easily than a five state area being covered with solar panels.

Oct 18, 2001

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Developing Energy Alternatives

Developing Energy Alternatives

(Interesting perspective written in October 2001)

There is one major ingredient that has contributed to the instability of the relationship of the United States with the Middle East, perhaps more than any other including our support for Israel.

And what is that?

The answer is simple: The need for oil.

The need of the U.S. and other industrialized nations for oil has brought a lot of instant wealth that came with little effort to numerous nations of the Middle East. Just like a spoiled teenager getting a large inheritance he did not earn will often do more harm than good, even so, some of the nations who attained this easy wealth are not spending it so wisely. Unfortunately much of the wealth has been spent on armaments including large amounts to fight each other as in the case of Iraq and Iran. Others spend their money on war materials with an attack on Israel in mind. Finally, many millions are filtered into terrorists hate groups who seek the destruction of Western civilization.

Let us suppose that large amounts of oil had never been discovered there. Would the situation today be different?

Yes, very much so.

Saddam Hussein would have never had the money to build up a great war machine and would have not been a threat to anyone except a few desert tribes.

There would have been no invasion of Kuwait and no Gulf War. The United States would probably be getting most of its energy domestically so other nations would not have the luxury of holding us hostage for oil. Consequently, our interference in the Middle East would have been much less than it is now and those inclined toward terrorism would not have much of a rallying cry to call for any jihad against us.

In addition to this, the surrounding nations would have been of little threat to Israel. If Israel, therefore, restrained itself from being a first aggressor we would today have relative stability in the Middle East – if the wealth from oil had not entered into the equation.

For decades now we have watched our oil exports grow from a small percentage to over 60% in 2001. With this handicap, even though the United States has the greatest military on the earth, we have to jump through hoops whenever the sellers of oil speak a command or even throw whim in our direction.

These unheard of riches flowing to peoples who have not earned it by either their genius or the sweat of their brow creates a destabilizing condition for the world.

For decades political leaders have walked on eggshells with the leaders of the Middle East because of this enormous leverage they have over us, but it does not have to be so. We could turn the tables overnight and force these challenging nations to cough up terrorists like was never thought possible – and this without firing a shot.

How do we do this?

Announce that we are going on a crash program to eliminate our need for foreign oil within ten years and eliminate the need for oil as an energy source completely within thirty years.

Actually, our technology is tacking us inevitably in this direction anyway, but we need some definite goals and timetable to assure a quick transition.

Remember in the early sixties Kennedy made the fantastic goal of going to the moon and back by the end of the decade? It seemed impossible, but we did it largely because that was what we aimed at.

Notice that we have not been back to the moon in over 30 years? Also notice that we have not had a goal to go back?

Even so, it is with any energy developments. We may progress in technology, but if we have no goal to use it wisely we may drift aimlessly in a world dependent on foreign oil many years to come.

It is true we have seen many complaints about the U.S. presence in the Middle East because of oil, but this would not compare to their moanings if we were to even consider a plan which would end our oil dependency.

Just announcing such a plan would immediately cause the Arabic leaders to turn as friendly as purring kittens in the hope of changing our minds. They’d probably be willing to hunt down Osama Bin Laden themselves just to win favor.

So, what can we do to develop more energy here in America to get us out from under the specter of being dependent on potential enemies?

Are we to drill in every potential reserve here in our country at possible risk to the environment?

This should not be necessary but there are a number of oil reserves we can safely tap, if need be, with little if any environmental damage that will help insure self sufficiency until other means are developed.

If we seek to utilize our oil resources here and use current and evolving technology then within a decade of making some definite national goals domestic oil production will meet it’s plateau as it is surpassed by other means of energy production.

There are two upcoming developments that have power to decrease our need for oil. The first is a hybrid engine that uses a combination of regular fuel and electricity. The good part is that the electrical side requires no plug-ins to any socket, but is generated by the normally wasted energy of the motion of the car itself.

There are two negative aspects of this process. First it still requires gasoline to run it and secondly, it is most practical with light weight vehicles. This process wouldn’t be very practical for heavier vehicles and trucks which burn a larger portion of our petroleum.

The Honda company already has a vehicle in production that uses this process – called the Insight.

Some American companies are also working on similar technology.

The Honda Insight and others like it will get about 70 MPG. If they ever become common place they will make a big dent in our oil needs.

The second innovation not on the market yet, but expected within five years by Ford Motor Company is an engine that uses hydrogen fuel cells. Mazda is also working on one that uses their rotary engine.

As you know water is two parts hydrogen so the potential supply is as unlimited as the ocean. A hydrogen engine burns no petroleum at all and pollutes much less. The greenhouse gas of carbon monoxide is not released. Even so, there is some pollution. Because it burns at a high temperature it causes the nitrogen in the air to chemically react with oxygen to form nitrogen monoxide which further reacts to form nitrogen dioxide which is a pollutant.

At present most hydrogen is produced from natural gas so we are largely trading one fuel for another in its production. Extracting hydrogen from water takes large quantities of electricity which requires the burning of large quantities of coal which of course pollutes the air.

Another problem is that for some time to come the burning of hydrogen would cost over 50% more than gasoline.

These two developing alternatives will not solve our energy problems, but are a good direction for us to pursue.

Oct 16, 2001

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The Beast of Authority

The Beast of Authority

The Question: There are two other happenings that have caused beastly powers to come out of the United States which caused it to “speak the words of the dragon.” These happenings were much more serious than any of our attempts to throw support behind the lesser of two evils. What are they?

The answer to this is quite interesting and I have posted some of my previous writings on the subject below.

Even though all the countries of the world support the mark of the beast, this does not mean that they cannot make some good choices along with the bad as they work themselves free. Even the Roman Empire did many things that benefited civilization as a whole as well as their citizens.

The two main happenings that cause us to support the Dragon was:

(1) The creation of the Communist Empires through the Bolshevik Revolution. The establishment of this arm of the Beast could not have happened without financing by many capitalists here in the United States. Then after it was established financial support from the American government assisted in its growth and continuance.

(2) The turning over of the majority of the governing power of the country to bureaucracies and other officials who are not elected. An authority who is not elected does not have to answer to the people and is often close to impossible to get rid of. These non elected officials cause many of the problems we face.

But the unjust authority, which is the mark of the beast, is very subtle and shows up not only in places where death squads are at work, but everywhere from your medical authorities, to your church, to your favorite news anchor. Wherever there is a group of people who follow without thinking, but are lead through the emotional nose as an animal is lead to its good or bad destination, there you have the mark.

All have the mark except those who can think for themselves through soul contact.

I have found it irritating that numerous times in the past that some Keys members have been accused of blindly following what I say. I think many here are willing to take me to task whenever I say something that does not register with them. But then there may be long periods where we see eye to eye. Not because anyone is following blindly, but because we see through the same eyes of the soul.

It would be helpful for members to review post numbers 40-42 in the archives starting with Dec 6, 1998 titled, “Christ and the Tomb of Matter.”

The key to understanding the continual drift toward totalitarianism is to realize that this is the line of least resistance.

The path that leads to greater freedom is the path of high resistance (discussed in earlier posts).

Every step humanity has made toward greater freedom has came through great struggle and sacrifice. Then when this step is attained people tend to settle into complacency and shift attention to the benefits of freedom rather than the preservation of freedom itself. In this state of mind the line of least resistance is to allow those who desire to limit freedom (for the common good) to have their way. This creates a drift that can only be turned around by a focused will treading the path of high resistance.

There are exceptions to all things and in times of crisis sometimes a more centralized power needs to be assumed as was the case with Abraham Lincoln and FDR. Even though such a move, which can limit freedom, can also help save it, a great danger is posed. Our nation, for example does not realize how fortunate it is that Abraham Lincoln willingly relinquished his powers after the war or, for that matter, that George Washington refused to let admirers anoint him king rather than elect him President.

Because we cannot always depend on having leaders who have the common good in their crosshairs, any emergency measure giving the government greater powers over the people should have an expiration date, of around two years, that can only be renewed by a vote from Congress.

In the end we must realize that no law, no act of Congress and no one person can guarantee the preservation of freedom. Only the awareness and vigilance of an entire nation can do this.

A reader was reflecting on the two horns of the image of the beast and thought that “the Constitution and Bill of Rights would fall into the one horn of “good” and things like slavery and the treatment of many native Americans into the other.”

Good thinking, but the correspondence does not quite fit. The two horns belong to the Lamb – a symbol of Christ. Therefore both horns would represent the good of which slavery and mistreatment of native peoples is not.

The duality of good and evil exists in: (1) The Two Horns of the Lamb (2) The words of the dragon.

The two horns basically represent the establishment of freedom through the Constitution and Bill of Rights and the creation of many spiritual movements which have happened here. These do meet the Law of Correspondences.

As far as the fall of the Communist block representing the fall of Babylon in the scriptures I did not mean to imply that this was any literal fulfillment of this scripture.

I said “it fell similar to the description of the fall of Babylon… There is more to this scripture…”

The correspondence was not exact, but it had similarities as I pointed out, especially of note is the quick collapse.

Some have also equated the devastating fall of the Twin Towers to the fall of Babylon. Again there are similarities, but many correspondences are missing.

Prophesy, even inspired prophesy, often works out this way. Corresponding events occur now and again but usually an exact materialization on the physical plane of the prediction never occurs. Another reason why you have to think for yourself rather than expecting cut and dried results.

Oct 13, 2001

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Handling the 9/11 Aftermath

Handling the 9/11 Aftermath

The war on terrorism must be fought on two fronts.

The first is on the physical level. Everything in our power must be done to root them out and destroy those who are dedicated to terror. Unfortunately, no amount of good will, love or light will have any positive influence on them. Those who are religiously committed to a cause of destruction, or followers of such men are not warmed by the light of the soul as you and I may be.

It would be nice if good will alone would work, but such is not the case. How much easier it would be if all we had to do was smooth over our public relations mistakes of the past, repent of our blunders and show them we mean no harm in the present. Unfortunately, there are times when physical force must be used, but if we are wise in the present this necessity will greatly diminish in the coming age.

The second front is one that should be accepted by pacifists for it is aimed at those who are capable of having a change in heart and are affected positively by good will, friendship and loving outreach.

Fortunately, this second group is comprised of over 90% of the human race. Unfortunately, the real troublemakers of the earth are in the 10%. Actually it is less than 1% and the other 9% or so who blindly follow them.

This great majority of the people of the human race are basically good and decent individuals who are merely seeking to make the best of their lives. Unfortunately, many in this group are deceived by misinformation and twisted logic fed to them by the enemies of freedom. It is also a major problem that those who support tyranny are often more aggressive and savvy about public relations than the good guys.

These “good guys” are far from perfect, but their overall intent is the preservation and expansion of the good parts of civilization as they see it. Their PR problem is that they will often think their good works speak for themselves and there is not a lot of need to advertise what they do or aggressively take credit for it.

The negative forces realize this advantage and not only deceive many average people about their own intentions, but manage to take credit for the good done by others while blaming much of the negative works they have initiated on the innocent.

One of the good effects to come out of the 9/11 disaster was that the act was so disgusting that for, perhaps for the first time, the world has caught a glimpse of the reality of the true intentions and resolve of the terrorists. This terrible act of destruction killed thousands of innocent men women and children from not only the United States, but from over 80 nations and many religions including Islam. In addition to this, some estimate the damage to the world economy may be over a trillion dollars and that for some time to come over 20,000 children will die a month because of financial aid that just will not be available.

Yes, this act of terror was so disgusting it is indefensible to all but the most hard hearted and self deluded souls.

A line has thus been drawn in the sand, even before President Bush issued the statement that the world is either for or against us.

Some have criticized this statement, but the Jesus himself said something similar:

“He that is not against us is for us.” Luke 9:50

In a situation where good and evil or progression and retrogression, are concerned, a neutral position can only be held for so long. Eventually a choice must be made. If one finds himself in a flowing stream the swimmer must go with the stream of life or against it.

He will soon find that even though he tries to be neutral by standing still that the current still moves him and he either has to let the force move him or go against it. We must be wise and make a decision earlier rather than later or else strength is added to the stream of the forces of evil.

Bush is forcing decision upon the nations and where there is an increase in decision there is an increase in the power of life essence itself.

The physical side of the equation is simple to state, hard to do. Find the terrorists and neutralize them and make sure they no longer have power to disrupt the progress of civilization.

Bush is correct to solicit help from Muslim nations as well as Allies and then to concentrate on one area at a time where terrorism is supported. It is important to not spread ourselves too thin.

On the public relations/emotional/spiritual side things become more complicated.

George W has been wiser than some past presidents in this regard, including his father.

Beyond the consideration of a physical response President Bush has done several things right.

(1) He and his associates are working with the leaders of all pertinent nations assuring them that we are not at war with Islam, but have respect for the religion. We are at war with terrorists and those who house them. (2) He has stood up for the rights of law abiding Muslims living in the U.S. and, perhaps more important than promising strong prosecution of those who persecute them, he has set a tone of tolerance and acceptance for the nation. (3) Shortly after the catastrophe he called a nationally televised meeting where leaders from many religions (including Islam) spoke with a voice of unity. (4) He has struck a tone of powerful decisiveness and resolve which is largely responsible for having the highest approval rating of any president in history. (5) He has allocated 350 million dollars for food and aid to assist the people of Afghanistan who have fled into a much worse situation than they would be in had they stayed at home.

In addition to these measures I would do the following:

(1) Hold an anti terrorism/peace conference inviting members of all concerned nations. I would hold the first one in Saudi Arabia and make the theme of the first one: “Living at peace with religious differences.”

I would make this a yearly event.

(2) Internet Peace Corps

Whereas most of the nations of the world have made gains in freedom over the past 50 years, the nations of the Middle East have less. The problem areas of the world are always where freedom is limited.

Most mid east governments control what is printed in newspapers and reported in the news as far as Arabic information is concerned, but journalists and reporters have full reign to attack non Muslim nations, especially the United States.

This creates a problem in that the people see the United States as the great Satan, even worse than Saddam Hussein who they treat with more gentleness.

The bright spot in this situation is the internet. Internet access is growing quite rapidly in most Arabic nations and the people are eager to get on line. The governments make some attempt to censor it, but are not too effective at this as they are with news in the other media.

I would suggest an internet Peace Corps program starting with students throughout the country. The government of this or other countries could create an outreach program and introduce it to the schools to be presented to students beginning at the youngest that can write through college.

Each student would be given some type of credit for writing weekly letters to one or more internet pen pals who reside in a country where better relations is essential. This would include, but not be limited to, Middle Eastern and other Islamic nations, China, Cuba, North Korea, Russia etc.

There are translator programs now available so the student could write in English and it would be translated into the appropriate language. The translation programs are not perfect, but are good enough to get ideas across.

The government could publicize this program to all nations and do all in its power to provide e-mail contacts to the students. When the program begins then students could ask pen pals for additional contacts for other students who wish to write.

I think back to my teenage years when I had snail mail pen pals in other countries and found it a pleasant experience learning their thoughts. With the immediate communication and translating programs today, the experience could even be more rewarding.

The idea here is to condition the world for the appearance of the next generation. If we establish friendly relations between millions of the rising generation of many nations, then, years from now, misunderstanding and hostility between differing peoples will dramatically diminish.

In addition to this a more immediate positive effect could be achieved by creating special Internet Peace Corps sites dedicated to various countries of the earth. For instance there would be a U.S.A. Syrian site, a U.S.A. Afghanistan site etc.

There are many countries who are hostile to the United States who have a controlled press which give their people inaccurate news and a distorted vision of this and other countries.

These sites could quote the inaccurate statements and then give the accurate story as we see it. If the accuracy of our side bears out then the people in these nations will start to pay attention and begin talking about it. By far the majority of people want the truth once they realize they may have been deceived.

We will also invite them to correct any misperceptions that we have. The site will be dedicated to the truth wherever that will take us.

In addition we would post stories, essays and columns that would emphasize better relations and understanding between the two countries.

These sites as a whole will be dedicated to better relationships through improved communication and promoted in every way possible.

Positive steps to take:

(3) Give our enemies no justifiable grievances.

Even if the United States, Britain, France or any other nation are as clean as the driven snow in the eyes of God there will still be many criticisms laid at them.

On an individual level most accept Jesus as a pretty decent guy, yet he was accused of many evils and even seen as the “great Satan” that must be crucified.

The mass judgment of a nation is merely an extension of the principles by which we judge individuals, so it is only logical that the nations who best represent expressions of love and helpfulness will also be subject to intense criticism whether they do wrong or not.

It is also interesting to note that if a nation or an individual does a good deed and then a bad one that he will be more criticized for the good than for the bad. Illusion is so powerful in the world that many see the picture of truth reversed from the true reality.

The United States has been very vocally criticized by friends and enemies for numerous accused evils which have enflamed enemies to attack or at least hate us.

Here are some of the strongest criticisms:

(A) The United States supports Israel which has committed all kinds of horrendous acts including expelling Palestinians from their land.

Here are the facts.

It is true that the United States did support the creation of a Jewish state, but so did the majority of the United Nations.

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181 called for the partition of the British-ruled Palestine Mandate into a Jewish state and an Arab state. It was approved on November 29, 1947 with 33 votes in favor, 13 against (mostly Arabic nations), 10 abstentions and one absent.

The resolution was accepted by the Jews in Palestine, yet rejected by the Arabs in Palestine and the Arab states.

Shortly thereafter Israel declared itself to be an independent state. This so angered the surrounding Arabic nations that they invaded Israel with the stated objective to annihilate it from the face of the earth.

In fighting for its survival Israel pushed back the invaders and wound up occupying additional land.

Because of the war Israel acquired some previously Arabic land and some Palestinians were displaced from their homes.

Even though the Arabs started the war with the intention of wiping Israel off the face of the earth, Israel wound up getting the brunt of the criticism. Many observers say you can’t blame Israel for occupying the conquered land because they were faced with a continued threat of Arab invasion (which did come later) and the land was needed as a buffer to insure their very existence.

Was it evil or wrong for the United States to vote with the majority of nations in favor of a Jewish state and was it wrong for it to support Israel’s right to survive, especially when it has not been the initiator of the wars it has passed through and prevailed?

The Arabic nations think it is wrong largely because they have lost every conflict they have initiated with Israel.

The UN itself seems to have an unreasonable grudge against Israel. It has not only denied it any position of authority with its councils as it has generously offered many Arabian nations, but during a 43 year period has voted on her behalf 7,938 times, but against her often with condemning votes 55,642 times. This bias has not been shown to any other nation.

Should we withdraw friendship from a faithful alley because those who initiated conflict are angry at their loss?

This is a situation where there is no easy answer, but it is obvious here that much of the criticism toward the United States in this area is not justified.

Even so, this hatred for Israel has to be dealt with and we must proceed with caution and wisdom in our Middle East relationships in relation to the Jewish state.

Oct 7, 2001

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Wisdom and Conspiracies

Wisdom and Conspiracies

The only way to see the true dark conspiracy correctly is to look at its workings as a whole as it manifests collectively through all organizations of the earth which seek to limit freedom.

The terrorists and the mob are two conspicuous physical manifestations which are under their influence.

Many other organizations are thought to be much higher ringleaders of the conspiracy than these, but many of these accusations are misguided. Here are signs to look for if you wish to identify an organization controlled by dark forces.

They will, without exception, attempt to kill those who betray them or attempt to expose their plans or leaders to the world.

As you can see, both the mob and the terrorists fit this description.

A second sign is that many of their plans and goals are closely held secrets.

A third sign is that they are willing to destroy anyone who gets in their way of their desires which center on selfishness. Destroying, women, children and innocent people pose no problem. Even destroying their own country and their own people would not stop them.

A fourth sign is that its members are controlled through fear.

If the avoiding of making the bad dudes angry, peace offerings and refusal to take up arms will not bring peace on earth, then what will? The answer in a nutshell is timing.

It is as Solomon said: “there is a time and place for all things under heaven.” To attain permanent peace we must discern the time for war and the time to refrain from war and make peaceful overtures. We must discern the time to give and the time to receive. We must correctly see the time to teach our values and the time to refrain from this and see the values offered by others.

Question: Does the evil have to be defeated in this age just as it was during the Second World War?

We have history repeating itself in some form in every cycle. We must examine what has actually worked in dealing with tyranny in history and not neglect the lessons learned, or else the old saying about the lessons not learned in history will be repeated.

There does not have to be an apocalyptic World War as many fear. There can indeed can be if we throw up our hands and turn all responsibility over to God and take none upon ourselves for our destinies.

If we take advantage of the opportunities presented in this current disaster as well as others to come and turn lemon into lemonade we can pass through this point of tension, which shall last about thirty years, with civilization intact, so a foundation can be laid for the Age of Aquarius in its positive aspect.

Question: Why is Gandhi not an example of pacifism prevailing over dark forces?

You cannot take the peaceful protests of Gandhi, Martin Luther King and others and claim they will apply to all situations.

These two great souls would have been tortured to death under the old Roman Empire and swiftly put to death if they were dealing with any Nazi type of government.

Many pacifists do not realize that they are only able to oppose a government and live to tell the tale when some of the light of the soul and value for human life exists there.

Do we see any pacifists going to North Korea or Afghanistan and throwing themselves in front of a truck expecting it to stop? Of course not. They know they can get away with it in the democratic countries because of the value placed on human life.

It’s a little like the principle illustrated in the movies where the bad guy puts a knife at the woman’s throat and commands the good guy to put down his weapon. The good guy does this to save the woman. On the other hand, if this threat were used against another bad guy who did not value human life then such threat would be meaningless.

Holding those who have the light of the soul hostage for peace is not the way to peace or any other state of progression.

The Age of Aquarius is governed by mind and wisdom must be sought as a way to create change. Appealing to the common sense of the mind and the wisdom of the heart is the true method of progress in this coming age.

Holding those who are sensitive enough to respect life as hostages to attain the goals is a method inspired by the workers of darkness.

On the other hand, holding a peaceful protest, as did Martin Luther King, for a just cause without using these dubious tactics can be profitable.

Question: Upon whom does the power of good will have an effect?

When we are dealing with those who are beyond the influence of the soul, in that they have no qualms about putting those to death who oppose them, the only thing to do in this case is to defeat them and remove them of their power to harm. The door to evil must be “sealed” as the Great Invocation states.

On the other hand, good will has a powerful effect on all those who are not under the direct control of such people and this should be used much more than it is now and is a key ingredient in bringing permanent peace on earth.

A second sign (of dark conspiracies) is that many of their plans and goals are closely held secrets.

Would this mean that any country with a secret service in alignment with the Dark Brotherhood?

I gave four signs to look for. One must look at these as a whole. Singling out isolated black and white pockets never leads to full vision.

It is obvious that every individual, every group and every nation has its secrets, as well as the Masters and God Itself. This does not alone imply alignment with dark forces.

I was referring to plans reflecting motive and intention. Looking at the free nations as a whole their motive is out in the open and it is basically this. They want to increase the standard of living of the world, to enhance the quality of all life on the planet, to expand the democratic process (however imperfectly they see it), to eliminate poverty, and to live and let live.

The live and let live motive is only changed when other forces surface to forcefully prevent the freedom of a nation or group to peacefully pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Of course, you can point out pockets within the free nations that follow dark methods, but we are looking at wholeness here. Even Jesus himself had some bad bacteria in his body, but to judge the whole from a part is illusion.

On the other hand, the true dark conspirators mask their intentions with secrecy. Hitler always claimed he wanted peace while it is now known that he was planning war all along. He stated that he was not a threat to Poland shortly before he invaded it. Time after time he refused to reveal his intentions whereas the intentions of Britain, France and the United States were out in the open.

This same principle applies with the Mob. When is the last time you have seen their mission statement published for all to read?

Even so with the terrorists. They claim to be fighting in the name of Allah and Mohammed, yet their motive are completely out of alignment with the Koran and mainstream Muslim interpretation.

They strike the Twin Towers and the Pentagon after years of masking their motive while living among us.

When the United States responded to the 9/11 attack they gave clear warning and revealed their intentions. In addition to this they are dropping millions of dollars worth of food and supplies to refugees of the innocent people who may be affected.

Did we see the terrorists reaching out in friendship giving aid to the thousands of victims of 9/11? No they were rejoicing in their pain.

If one cannot see some differentiation between light and dark here it is an amazing thing.

A third sign is that they are willing to destroy anyone who gets in their way of their desires which center on selfishness. Destroying, women, children and innocent people pose no problem. Even destroying their own country and their own people would not stop them.

Some think that all nations are equally guilty of this. This is simply not true and there is no evidence to back up such an assumption though it is true that all nations have their flaws. This idea also runs contrary to all teachings released by the Brotherhood of Light and inspired scriptures of the entire planet.

If you are looking for evil you will see evil, yet there is much good to see and many good foundations on which to build. The terrorists have few if any good or usable foundations on which to build for a better world..

Let me give two examples where the dark ones have attempted this destruction I mentioned. During World War II Hitler destroyed 6,000,000 Jewish citizens of his own country. Near the last days of the war he was so disgusted with his own soldiers that he ordered them to be killed. Fortunately for them this order was not carried out.

When Saddam Hussein saw that he lost the Gulf War he lit up all his oil fields even though most scientists warned that it would destroy his own country (and others) with a nuclear winter. Fortunately they were wrong.

None of the nations of the free world have done anything like these two examples. Sure you can go back hundreds or thousands of years and find atrocities, but in the current civilization the difference between light and dark among the nations and peoples of the earth is becoming pronounced and highly visible. It is only at our peril that we close our eyes to it.

Another sign is that its members are controlled through fear.

To this statement some insinuate we must be terrorists because the catastrophe of 911 caused fear in the hearts of some.

To compare the fear of the victims of 9/11 to the fear instilled by an organization which kills you if it is crossed or disobeyed is ludicrous.

The death of a pacifist or dissident for just speaking his mind is very rare in the democratic nations, whereas there is often wholesale killing and imprisonment in totalitarian regimes.

Indeed, there is significance difference between the nations and how they enforce their ideology. Just as individuals are not the same, neither are the nations.

Oct 5, 2001

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Learning From History

Learning From History

On September 11th, 2001 the United States was hit with a devastating attack by terrorists. How do we respond for the best overall results?

Some pacifists are saying that we should only send light and love or that the power of showing forth good will and doing good deeds will change the hearts of the terrorists.

But what does history tell us here? Is there any example in history of changing the hearts of those bent on destroying you by laying down arms and just being nice?

I can’t think of one – not unless you count nations who yielded to the perverse demands of a ruthless conqueror and then became as one of them.

On an individual level let us look at the perhaps the nicest guy in history – Jesus. He posed no real threat to anyone and was nice to all and they gleefully crucified him.

The early Christians were very nice to the Romans yet they were also butchered by the thousands.

Now let us look at three pacifists examples in history.

(1) Around the turn of the first millennium the most peace loving nation on the earth was India yet they were overrun by conquering Moslems and looted and butchered by the hundreds of thousands setting back their civilization 500 years or more. They were not prepared to defend themselves and the suffered they endured defies description. (2) The Aztecs. Cortez and a couple dozen men arrived on the shores of the ancient Aztec civilization. They were hosted by Montezuma whose graciousness and peaceful overtures to the visitors would have made any pacifists proud The Spanish cheapskates gave the Indians trinkets worth pennies and Montezuma and his people gave them gifts of gold worth many thousands.

Montezuma ordered his people to not harm the guests, but to show them every courtesy. Cortez, on the other hand, ordered his men to keep an eye out as to how they may take advantage of the people, overcome them and steal from their riches.

It is an amazing story to read about how a handful of ruthless explorers overcame an emperor with thousands of subjects at his disposal by taking advantage of his generosity and unwillingness to protect himself and his people. Montezuma was certainly not “fear based” as some would say, but little good it did him. He was stoned to death by his own people for letting this disaster happen.

This misguided peace offering by Montezuma did more than hurt his own people. In addition it sent a signal to the whole Spanish empire and the rest of Europe that the natives were a bunch of dumb savages with lots of gold just waiting there for easy conquest. After all Cortez had conquered an empire with a couple dozen men. Imagine what a couple thousand could do.

The Spanish proceeded to boldly overwhelm the Aztecs, Incas and other native tribes until all their valuables were stolen and millions of their people were either killed or turned into slaves.

Can we in this age visit Aztec and Inca tribes? Unfortunately not. They no longer even exist.

Perhaps Montezuma’s advisors told him not to do any harm to Cortez and his men, for it would just make the Spanish mad and then others will return for revenge.

The truth is that it didn’t matter what he did, the results could not have been worse for his people.

Cortez was a representative of the Dark Brotherhood and such people are not appeased by good will. They will carry out their selfish will no matter what you do to them in return.

On hindsight Montezuma’s best choice was to keep a close watch on Cortez and his men, and as soon as he showed signs of aggressiveness he should have subdued him by any means necessary. If he had done this then the Spanish would have been much more cautious about encroaching on native territories. They would also have not learned about Aztec gold and the desire to conquer would have not been as great.

(3) World War I was called “the war to end all wars.” After the war ended there were a lot of people who thought this was the last major war civilization would have to fight and that a new era of peace was just around the corner. A great peace movement began to flourish and soon began to have great impact. The United States, Great Britain and much of Europe began to disarm and many pacifists were elected to office.

In the midst of this era of good will and defenselessness there appeared another representative of the Dark Brotherhood who took full advantage of the situation, just as Cortez did with the Aztecs.

As Hitler armed Germany to the hilt, the other nations refused to see the signs, continued to disarm and felt that Hitler could be appeased by being nice to him. The British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain gave Hitler everything he wanted. He even gave him a whole country (Czechoslovakia) to show him we wanted peace. Chamberlain returned from these disgraceful concessions as was heralded as a hero at home for bringing “peace in our time.”

Well one country as a gift for Hitler was not enough so he decided to take Poland next. As it turned out the time of peace only lasted a few weeks. Hitler smelled weakness for the dark forces are drawn to weakness like air is sucked into a vacuum.

If the avoiding of making the bad dudes mad, peace offerings and refusal to take up arms will not bring peace on earth, then what will?

Does the evil have to be defeated in this age just as it was during the Second World War?

Sometimes there is no other way. DK said this about dealing with Hitler’s aggression.

“Humanity having decided to fight out the battle physically, there was nothing left to do but issue a challenge to the men and women of goodwill to take their stand on the side of such action as would release humanity through the destruction of the evil forces. These had determined to prove that might was right. Therefore, the forces fighting for progress and civilisation had to meet force with force.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 178

Oct 4, 2001

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Freedom Unabridged

Freedom Unabridged

Comment: “Your idea that we should not worry if government peeks at our communication and that safety and security is more important is in my view a great step backward in evolution.”

Please note what I did say – not to what I did not say. I did not say that we should not worry or be concerned about how much the government spies on individuals. I basically advocate a middle way approach.

To prohibit any type of surveillance of the bad guys at all is an extreme that will diminish freedom just as too much power to monitor the good guys is another extreme that diminishes freedom because of potential abuse.

Maximum freedom for the whole is never found in any extreme, but by making a good judgment found somewhere between the two swings of the pendulum.

During the Civil War a wise man named Abraham Lincoln looked at the two extremes and made some judgments that suspended some liberties of a few to eventually bring greater liberty for the many. He assumed powers close to that of a dictatorship and suspended Habeas Corpus. If a president did that today we would figure that our way of life had come to an end.

Even so, almost all historians agree that on hindsight Lincoln followed a wise course when considering the circumstances he had to deal with. If we had a power hungry man in office in those days, the end of these actions may not have been so rosy, but because we had a man with the good of the nation as his goal the end result was the freedom of the slaves and the salvation of the union which was of prime importance in facing our next great test – World War II.

If Lincoln had been black and white in his thinking in protecting the individual liberties of all in every circumstance, the greater liberation would have been lost.

Even so, you cannot allow the burglar freedom of access to your home else the greater freedom of keeping your hard earned possessions and state of security is lost.

You cannot allow the murderer freedom to roam the streets, or the greater freedom to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness of his future victims will be lost.

And much more important than this you cannot allow terrorists who plot the overthrown of our government, as well as western civilization, the freedom to live in our midst and execute plans to take thousands of lives and destruction which could cost upwards of a trillion dollars. (That’s a thousand billion dollars).

On hindsight, wouldn’t it have been worth a little surveillance of the bad guys with power to prevent them from executing their works on 9/11? I’m not talking about a Big Brother operation here, but a surveillance that truly does go after evil doers.

To live with the fear that every single power given to the government will be targeted mainly toward the innocent common man is as far off base as thinking we can trust the government at all times because it always has our best interests at heart.

Both of these extremes lead to illusion.

The main purpose of government is to protect its citizens. In many cases I think it over protects. I am personally against numerous rules and regulations designed to protect us from ourselves.. But we are dealing with something much more serious than these. We’re dealing with a threat that can end our way of life and one of the few situations where the government having a little power can actually be useful.

To deny the government power to catch the terrorists is as insane as allowing it to be our Big Brother. I am one of the last persons to trust the government (especially with spending our money), but neither do I distrust them completely to the extent I want their hands tied when the rare opportunity comes along when they can do some real good.

I am an advocate of maximum freedom for the whole which in turn translates down to maximum freedom for the individual. If the attention is on individual freedom only then the freedom of the whole will be diminished which in turn will reduce individual freedom.

There are people out there who are so extreme in their vigilance for individual freedom that they have turned their lives into a living hell and wound up losing their freedom in the name of freedom without furthering the cause of freedom one iota.

Then there are those who are fighting the conspiracy of Jews, bankers, invisible government etc. in the name of freedom to the extent they box themselves in and are less free than the carefree man on the street.

I have followed every conceivable conspiracy theory for over thirty years and have found the failure rate of predictions of such advocates is only exceeded by religious zealots predicting the end of the world. For these thirty years I have watched them closely trail the suspected conspirators and make insider predictions as to what these evil beings will do next and in three decades of observation I do not recall even one prediction being accurate.

What does this tell us? It tells us that the conspiracy believers either completely misunderstand the conspirators or are totally deceived about the whole situation to begin with.

I think the latter is the case and that 99% of conspiracy worries are caused by misinformation circulated by the real conspirators for the purpose of shifting our attention away from the their plans.

And what is that?

The real conspiracy is staring us in the face as predicted by the Book of Mormon.

“Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, WHEN YE SHALL SEE THESE THINGS COME AMONG YOU that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you…”

Notice that we are told that the real conspiracy is something that we can “see” among us. It is not some mysterious entity that never reveals itself.

Even so, the conspiracy among the ancient Nephites also became highly visible. Never did it remain forever behind the scenes to the extent that it was never seen for what it was. It’s works and plans were secret but its existence was visible for all to see.

The key to avoid destruction given by the ancient prophet was that we would actually “see these things come among you” just as they did in ancient times.

In that time the Gadianton Robbers were not some invisible force that operated decade after decade invisibly behind the scenes with no one being able to figure out who they were. The Nephites knew who they were. Sometimes they acted and put them in their place, but other times they let fear or groupthink overtake them and did not act, but let the conspirators overrun the land and eventually destroy the people.

Nothing would please the Dark Brothers more than if we were to spin our wheels looking in the wrong place for a batch of invisible conspirators who never show themselves while we give the visible conspirators full power to live among us and destroy us – the same mistake, made by the ancient Nephites.

The most important purpose stated in the book was to warn us, so we could avoid a fate similar to that which they suffered.

Let me end here by making a few additional remarks on freedom. I have great respect for all those who are vigilant for the cause of freedom. I suspect, however, that one of the main reasons some doubt my own wisdom in the matter are my remarks about surveillance and that I do not care who reads my e-mail.

Let me first emphasize this point. Whether or not the government agencies have access to screen e-mails in search for terrorists or whatever has nothing to do with the principle of freedom.

Someone watching me send and receive e-mails does not take any freedom away any more than some person watching me drive to and from work. It may be a little creepy to learn that some neighbor, cop or whatever watches me drive to work everyday, but as long as he does me no harm contrary to just law there is absolutely no freedom taken away from me.

Why do I feel no concern because every man and his dog can watch me drive to work?

Because the chances of anyone having the motivation to do this is very slim. If the police or some authorities were staking me out the chances are they would have some just cause. (Of course, I realize there are some exceptions).

This same principle applies with e-mails. The chances of some bureaucrats (even if they have authority) sitting at a computer going through my e-mails is so slim when they have bigger fish to fry that the concern is about as much as my concern about a stakeout taking place across the street from me.

Now let us suppose the worst. Let us suppose that the powers-that-be suspect one certain individual of wrong-doing and they do their worst to him as far as surveillance is concerned. They stake him out and watch his every move. They place a bug in his house and listen to his every spoken word. They use special technology and read everything on his hard drive including all his e-mails. They listen in on all his telephone conversations. They interview all his friends, enemies and business associates to gather all data possible on him. They find out what books he reads, check out his buying habits, who he donates money to etc.

In other words, they do their damnedest to read this guy like an open book – his life is completely exposed.

Now I will be the first to admit that the average person would feel somewhat intruded upon and perhaps creepy about being watched so carefully, but let us suppose he was oblivious to this fact and the guy was on the fringe in a lot of ways, but basically law abiding.

Is there any freedom lost? If so, which one?

Does he have as much freedom of speech as you and I who are not under surveillance?

Yes. He does. If he wants to he can publish ads and make hundreds of phone calls advocating any unpopular point of view that he wants.

Does he still have the right to bear arms? Yes. A million people looking in on him cannot take away that right.

Can the guy write what he wants, read what he wants, travel where he wants, work where he wants, spend on whatever he wants, date who he wants, listen to the music he wants, make friends with whoever he wants…?

Yes, yes and yes.

Now suppose he finds out he is under surveillance? Is there any change in his freedom to do whatever he wants?

No. He may be irritated that he has no privacy, but his power of freedom remains unchanged.

Now there is always a danger of authorities with an agenda spying on a victim in order to drum up a distorted or false charge to get him out of the way. But this happens in every society where there exists corrupt officials. Such corrupt individuals will even break their own laws to eliminate their enemies so even the strictest privacy laws often have little effect.

I knew I may raise some eyebrows when I brought this subject up, but I did for an important reason.

I strongly support the principle of freedom, but if we are to not only keep our freedoms, but also increase them, we must put our attention where freedom is, not where it is not.

I have found that many advocates of freedom seem much more concerned about the government having any power to monitor the bad guys or some imaginary antichrist overtaking their lives than standing up for freedom itself.

Many who claim to be advocates of freedom are clamoring for more and more laws which will restrict freedom. They do not see it this way because the laws they support just take away freedom from those who do not believe as they do.

A person who does not drink wine, for instance, may feel that no freedom is lost through a law restricting its use because it does not affect him.

Every law is a restriction of freedom and thus the true advocates of freedom will seek a society that operates with a bare minimum of laws. Most countries would be much better off if most of their laws were eliminated, thus expanding the power of individual and group freedom.

The laws that remain will restrict the lesser freedoms to insure the greater freedoms.

Let us suppose that the prophecy of Jesus came literally true stating “there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.” Luke 12:2-3

If this were to literally come true that nothing could be hidden from the authorities or anyone else then our freedom would still be governed by the same principle.

And what is that?

Our civil freedoms are governed by law. The only way to expand our civil freedoms is through the wise passing and application of law.

This is also true on a higher level. The way of increasing our spiritual freedom is to understand the natural laws which govern us and use them wisely to create the end we desire.

As I proceed to increase my own spiritual freedom I sense that I realize I could be watched 24 hours a day by higher authorities, yet my freedom is unabridged.

“You are taking the place of a creative worker who succumbed-sincerely and honestly-to the glamour of a “free and independent soul”-a paradoxical idea and one which shows forgetfulness of the fact that the heresy of separateness, of aloneness and of independence is a part of the world glamour. This brother was thus unable to cooperate and valued his “personal freedom” higher than the planned group activity and thus for two years delayed this group of workers from arriving at the intended activity. Will you, therefore, seek rapid integration in order to hasten the intended accomplishment?” Djwhal Khul, Discipleship in the new Age- Vol 1, Pages 132-133

Oct 3, 2001

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Dark Brother Conference

Dark Brother Conference

The Dark Brothers had a meeting at the cusp of the New Age.

The Head Dark Brother spoke: We are leaving the age of superstition, devils with pitchforks and boogieman and entering an age of science, reason and technology. It seems to me that our approach at controlling the masses must take a new more sophisticated approach. Any suggestions?

Dark Brother #1: Perhaps we need to use more logic and reason then.

Dark Brother #2 But logoic and reason leads to a true vision of reality and this could

destroy our power.

Dark Brother #1 What are we to do then? This coming age of science and reason surely will not accept the fearful boogieman of the past.

Dark Brother #3 Yes, it is true that humanity is casting off some superstitions, but their attachment to illusion is sound. I propose that we have perhaps a greater opportunity today than any time in the past. We can just cut through the chase, avoid the fearful devil with the pitchfork, and flat out present our controlling philosophies to the people.

Dark Brother #1 That is a bold move, but do you think it will work?

Dark Brother #3 What have we got to lose? We have depended on the stupidity of humans before and succeeded, let’s do it again.

Head Dark Brother: Our brother has a point. What have we got to lose? Let us make a list of the items we desire humanity to swallow and go for it. Any suggestions?

Dark Brother #1: How about: “There is no good or evil”?

Dark Brother #3 I don’t know about that. The existence of good and evil is pretty obvious.

Dark Brother #2 No problem. I can present some sophistry so people will actually feel superior for believing this backward belief.

Head Dark Brother: That ought to be interesting. Any more suggestions?

Dark Brother #4 How about the idea that salvation is to escape from duality, or good and evil?

Dark Brother #1 That makes sense. If there is no good and evil then salvation could be equated with realizing this.

Dark Brother #3 If they swallow this let us present the doctrine that all people are good and are agents of love and God, even if one like Nero should arise again.

Head Dark Brother: I don’t think we could have gotten by with that one even during the Middle Ages. The only way to get them to swallow something this outlandish is to convince them to suspend their power of discernment to the extent they will deny perception itself.

Dark Brother #2: I can handle this. We will mix judgment, and discernment all in one idea and condemn the whole concept as evil before the people even though they do not believe in evil. (Laughter) Many already see judgment as evil so if we can alter or extend the meaning a bit then we can convince the people not to discern evil even in the most destructive tyrant.

Head Dark Brother: If you can do that then yes, we do have a chance of convincing at least some of humanity that all of our agents are really agents of love working on their behalf.

Dark Brother #4: I can help by popularizing the phrase that “Everything is as it should be.” That way when we get our man in charge the people will not seek to remove him because they do not judge him.

Dark Brother #3 And if we can pull that off, we can then attack the forces of light and the people will just lie down and let us walk over them.

Dark Brother #2: And when we are walking over them they will think we are agents of love who are actually helping them.

(Laughter for about a minute)

Head Dark Brother (still chuckling): This is too much to hope for, but let’s try it anyway. Even I don’t think that people who have indoor plumbing can be so gullible, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised before.

Practical Solutions

The Masters are called Masters of Wisdom because their decisions are not based on some predicable black and white formula as are those of common humanity. Instead, they will examine both sides of a problem in all of its aspects until the point of truth between the two extremes manifests itself.

In the event of an attack they may at one time support a path of turning the other cheek and returning good for evil, but in another case with differing circumstances they may choose the path of war. As Djwhal Khul says, they are not pacifists when dealing with an attack initiated by a Dark Brother.

Those with whom the Masters work will be seeking the gaining of wisdom. They will always be looking at both sides of an equation and seeking that illusive, ever changing, point of decision which will produce the best results.

The Masters and their disciples are not attached to either extreme. Neither liberal or conservative, Democratic or Republican, religious or new age, war or peace has their full allegiance. At the instant insight from the Spirit they are willing to shift their focus immediately.

One of the signs of a disciple is that conservatives will see him as liberal and liberals will see him as conservative. This is because the basis for his course of action and thought does not neatly fit into any pre-designated box.

I’ll end with an interesting quote from DK

“It should be remembered, in countering these ideas and in justifying the fighting spirit of the Christian democracies, that it is motive that counts. War can be and is mass murder, where the motive is wrong. It can be sacrifice and right action, where the motive is right. The slaying of a man in the act of killing the defenseless is not regarded as murder. The principle remains the same, whether it is killing an individual who is murdering, or fighting a nation which is warring on the defenseless. The material means, which evil uses for selfish ends, can also be employed for good purposes. The death of the physical body is a lesser evil than the setting back of civilization, the thwarting of the divine purposes of the human spirit, the negating of all spiritual teaching, and the control of men’s minds and liberties. War is always evil, but it can be the lesser of two evils, as is the case today.” Esoteric Psychology I, Page 180

Sept 27, 2001

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Karma & War

Karma & War

Question: Was the modern-day suffering of the Indians due to an unsettled “cause” from the ancient past? Or was it simply a collective of individuals exercising their free will in the environment at the time?

Both. And some of those who were the cause of the suffering of American Indians were ancient Indians reincarnated as white Americans fighting their own ancient race.

Djwhal Khul tells us that there are a group of very high entities called the “Lords of Karma” who guide events to insure that karma is justly administered.

When a negative act happens, like a murder for instance, the victim is rarely just some person   randomly selected, even if this is the conscious intent of the criminal. The one who commits such a crime is as much an instrument of murder as the cause, for if the victim with karma to pay was not a victim of person A he would then be a victim of person B.

Through one means or another each negative cause that we send out has an effect returned in kind that makes us a prisoner of karma as indicated by Jesus: “Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing.” Matt: 5:26

There is a chain of causes responsible for all current effects and circumstances. Every historian realizes this and traces back almost every aspect of our civilization to events which occurred over thousands of years. By the Law of Correspondences that which applies to the greater applies to the lesser and therefore applies to the eternal pilgrim passing through numerous lifetimes.

Question: Please explain the mechanics of how actions of people in the past, could FORCE people to act in certain ways in the present.

The discovery of the printing press centuries ago does not force people to print and read books today. Even though books are printed through free will activities this effect of the invention is completely predictable.

The results of karma are similar. If you murder someone, for example, you initiate a force that is eventually picked up by someone who by their own free will returns the deed.

Some take issue with the scripture I quoted that there is a time and place for all things, even a time to make war. There is a time to turn the other cheek as the Christ taught and then there is a time not to as taught by John the Beloved:

And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True (Christ), and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. Rev 19:11

Here we are told that even Christ will make war when it is done “in righteousness.” Righteousness basically means to make right use of.

Djwhal Khul tells us that the Christ himself did actually make war against Hitler and the Axis forces during World War II by working telepathically through Allied leaders. This was definitely a right use of war.

We now have a new war to face with the current political discord as well as a world wide network of terrorists who desire to destroy civilization again. This arouses the Christ to wage a new war in righteousness. Let us all hope that those here on earth who lead the charge will listen to the voice of their true general.

I have been called hypocritical for promoting the Principles of Unification while stating that there is also a time and place for war.

Let me first say something about the hypocrisy accusation that mindlessly surfaces on a cyclic basis. Most of the time when this word is used it is thrown out as an attack with nothing to back it up.

This word should only be considered when the post clearly states what the hypocrisy is, otherwise this is nothing more than name calling.

Hypocrisy means to act or speak contrary to your beliefs and this to my knowledge I have never done. I have always believed there is a time and place for war, as well as peace, and nothing I have written contradicts this.

The turning the other cheek principle only works when you are dealing with decision makers who have not rejected communion with the soul. Fortunately, almost all of common humanity are capable of having their hearts stirred to a degree by this love energy. Therefore it is good to turn the other cheek as well as do good to them who despise you if you are dealing with mainstream humanity. In many cases this touches hearts and stimulates spiritual evolution.

On the other hand, the tables are turned when the decision maker of the circumstance is an agent of the Dark Brotherhood. The Dark Brothers have totally rejected the soul and unselfish love has absolutely no impact upon them in a positive way. If you therefore turn your cheek on a Dark Brother, or one under his control, he will strike you on each turn of the cheek until you are wasted. He will do this with no pity, feeling or sensitivity in the heart.

A line from the movies applies here: “Nothing personal, this is just business. I must destroy you.”

The agent of darkness, when it fits his need, will proceed to destroy with as much detachment as if just doing business, or his job, like a janitor sweeping a floor. Just as he has no feelings about the floor, the Dark Brother has no feelings of remorse about harming a brother in his way.

These agents make an exception to the turning the other cheek principle.


Because in dealing with dark agents this sacrifice does no good whatsoever and a Master of Wisdom is wise enough to not support any effort that is futile and useless.

This is the reason that Christ and his Hierarchy joined energy with the Allied forces against Hitler. Because he was a true agent of the Dark Brotherhood it meant that no turning the other cheek, appeasement or peace movement would have any effect on him except to encourage him on the destructive path.

When an agent of darkness, divorced from soul contact, appears as an enemy of nations, who are striving for improvement, then the only choice available is to defeat him and take away his power. This we correctly did with Hitler.

Now we have another enemy to deal with which is the true face of the conspiracy that so many are concerned about. Many are so zealously into seeing conspiracy among international bankers, Jews, CFR, the media, politicians etc, that when the materialization of the true conspiracy hits us in the twin towers we still do not recognize it.

Sure there are plenty of things to be concerned about with the powers that be, but this revealed threat that we have before us is the real thing and must be defeated. No amount of love or good deeds will assuage Osama Bin Laden for he is a true agent of the Dark Brotherhood.

None of the imagined evils of present governments, such as computer chip in the hand, tracing phone calls or e-mails, FBI bungling etc holds a candle to the evil that could be unleashed if we just sit back, meditate and do not rouse ourselves and fight for the future of mankind.

If you pass by a man who is starving and he asks for food, how much good will it do him if you just send him love and light and move on? Thoughts of love and light must have an end in view followed by action to have power.

In 1942 George Orwell wrote this, in Partisan Review, of Great Britain’s pacifists: “Pacifism is objectively pro-Fascist. This is elementary common sense. If you hamper the war effort of one side you automatically help out that of the other. Nor is there any real way of remaining outside such a war as the present one. In practice, ‘he that is not with me is against me.’ “ England’s pacifists howled, but Orwell’s logic was implacable. The Nazis wished the British to not fight. If the British did not fight, the Nazis would conquer Britain. The British pacifists also wished the British to not fight. The British pacifists, therefore, were on the side of a Nazi victory over Britain. They were objectively pro-Fascist. An essentially identical logic pertains now. Organized terrorist groups have attacked America. These groups wish the Americans to not fight. The American pacifists wish the Americans to not fight. If the Americans do not fight, the terrorists will attack America again. And now we know such attacks can kill many thousands of Americans. The American pacifists, therefore, are on the side of future mass murders of Americans. They are objectively pro-terrorist.”

Something to think about.

Sept 24, 2001

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Understanding Karma

Understanding Karma

Let me say a few words about karma and cause and effect as it relates to the 9/11 disaster.

One of the reasons many of the unthinking are condemning America with such black and white thinking is a simplistic look at karma.

Some reason that because we suffered such a devastating loss then this means we deserve it because we have previously given out what we have received. (They do not take into account that our many blessing may come from doing something right.)   This negative belief causes many to examine the United States through a jaundiced eye only looking for the bad and overlooking the good. This clouded vision creates a distorted vision of evil where there may be little or no evil.

What is the matter with this simplistic view of karma?

To understand one must realize that a country is an entity just as we as human beings are entities and the cause and effect of a country cannot be entirely judged by its current life just as an individual cannot be.

I know there are a number of very high quality people on this list who have more than their share of pain and suffering and some are beside themselves attempting to figure out what they did to deserve their present fate. In many cases, there is nothing they did in this current life, but the cause originates instead in a past life.

India, as a peace loving nation, probably asked this question when they were invaded by the Moslems around the turn of the first millennium, and watched in horror as their national treasures were looted or destroyed and hundreds of thousand of their people were slaughtered, tortured and sold into slavery. India to this day has not achieved the standard of living as they had before this atrocity.

No matter how closely you examine the history of India, one cannot find a source of evil actions by them that deserved such annihilation.

There are two reasons for this.

The first, as I said, is that countries themselves are entities and reincarnate. India has lived before in another form, much more violent than she is in this age. And so it is with the United States. Her last incarnation (according to DK) was as ancient Atlantis. Many of the effects suffered or enjoyed by current America is traced back to causes initiated many thousands of years ago in that ancient land.

A second source of causes not initiated by the current United States (or any other country) come from greater lives of which it forms a part.

An individual, for example, could decide to commit suicide and the millions of innocent cells in his body (who are performing as they should) will die with him.

Even so the greater lives of which we are a part (the planetary and solar logos) can initiate causes which effect us over which we as individuals have little control.

Humanity as a whole is also an entity and it has a choice for life and death that brings effects down to us as individuals over which we have little control.

If humanity allows itself to be destroyed by nuclear weapons, or some other doomsday device, then the good and the bad will suffer together, just as the good and the bad enjoy the rays of the morning sun each new day. Many causes and effects are collective.

Djwhal Khul tells us of a third source of distress for which an individual may not be responsible and this is attacks by the Dark Brotherhood. He tells us that a disciple who has paid off his karma may be a target of these dark ones and, until he learns to neutralize the attack, can experience much suffering.

This principle also applies to nations. The nations of the world who are the greatest representatives of the principle of freedom will be a prime source of attack by them.

In all this, the point to remember is that if the whole is looked at, cause and effect works out with exactness, but if we only look at one or two pieces of the puzzle it may often seem that karma is not fair.

Sept 24, 2001

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