The Ten Deceptions, Part VI

The Ten Deceptions, Part VI

Deception Seven: Nuclear Energy is far too expensive to pursue any further. We would do a lot better to put the money into wind and solar or even coal fired plants.

Those who have an elementary knowledge of nuclear energy realize that it would be our cheapest source of electricity if not for one thing.

That one thing is the successful war waged against this industry by nuclear activists – aimed primarily at the United States, but with power spreading rapidly throughout the world.

They have followed an interesting strategy in the destruction of the nuclear industry which is:

(A) Create the problem (B) Complain about the problem (C) Blame the problem on the enemy

The problem is, of course, the high cost of building and maintaining nuclear power plants.

Consider this: The time from ground breaking to operation testing of a nuclear power plant was increased from 42 months in 1967, to 54 months in 1972, to 70 months in 1980 to almost 20 years from the planning to the opening of the Seabrook plant, which I believe is the last plant to open in this country.

Consider this. It was planned to build the two Seabrook plants 13 miles south of Portsmouth, New Hampshire for a cost of $850 million for both units.

The final cost for one of these units was an astonishing $7 billion dollars and this resulted in the bankruptcy of several electric utilities including PSNH. Unit 2 was cancelled in 1988 after reaching about 23% completion at an investment loss of $900 million.

What in God’s name ran the price up to such an extraordinary degree? Was this some type of anomaly or what?

Consider the projected and real costs of other nuclear power plants:

  • Diablo Canyon, California: original estimated cost $450 million; actual cost $4.4 billion (a tenfold increase).
  • Shoreharn, New York: original estimated cost $242 million; actual cost $4 billion (a sixteenfold increase).
  • Midland, Michigan: original estimated cost $267 million; actual cost $4.4 billion (a sixteenfold increase).
  • Marble Hill, Indiana: original estimated cost $1.4 billion; actual cost $7 billion, before being abandoned.

The difference between the original projected cost and actual cost of just these five power plants and Seabrook is over $21.6 billion. An estimated 120 nuclear plants in various stages of planning or construction met a similar fate. No nuclear power plant ordered since 1974 in the U.S. has ever been completed. (Figures quoted from The Environmental Case for Nuclear Power by Robert C. Morris Pg 173)

Nuclear activists like to blame the high actual costs compared with the projected costs on the blundering idiocy of scientists, planners and inept nuclear authorities etc. Unfortunately, this is just another attempt at deception. This group of nuclear experts did not go from building plants in 42 months on budget and schedule to missing the mark up to sixteen times the projected amount for no reason.

There is a very obvious reason and perhaps no nuclear construction effort demonstrates this better than the Seabrook plant in New Hampshire.

The planning for building two large nuclear plants at Seabrook that would generate up to 70% of New Hampshire’s electricity began in 1971. There was no reason to think that all would not go as planned for several nuclear plants had already been built in the area and their construction costs had come in below the projected costs and had been finished on schedule.

Perhaps a direct quote from an activist’s web page would tell what happened next:

“Public education and opposition to the Seabrook site was first mobilized in 1972 through state proceedings over environmental issues and the associated dangers of nuclear power. A highly contentious legal intervention through the federal licensing proceedings began in 1975 and extended over 25 years. By 1976, a growing public awareness over nuclear power issues and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s promotional role in nuclear power development led to the formation of a New England-wide citizen coalition called the Clamshell Alliance. Inspired by citizen opposition to another proposed nuclear power plant site in Montague, Mass. and the successful citizen occupations that halted construction of a nuke in Wyhl, Germany, the Clamshell Alliance adopted nonviolent tactics as part of a Declaration of Nuclear Resistance. A series of nonviolent site occupations and demonstrations began in August 1976. By April 30, 1977, the alliance had mobilized 2000 activists, organized by “affinity groups” to march onto the construction site and encamp in defiance to continued construction. 1414 anti-nuclear activists were subsequently arrested and held in five National Guard armories and two county jails for up to two weeks. Their incarceration creatively turned into seminars and workshops on nuclear power issues and served to spawn additional citizen opposition around nuclear construction sites across the United States. Nonviolent direct actions continued at Seabrook throughout the reactor’s construction and licensing resulting in over 4,000 principled arrests.” Taken from:

It’s amazing that these guys are proud as punch of what they have done.

(A) They obnoxiously trespass, break the laws and do everything possible to interfere with construction. (B) Create every obnoxious lawsuit possible that created delays that ran into the billions of dollars. (C) Scared the daylights out of local residents with misinformation which caused politicians to take the side of the activists. (D) Once the politicians were on their side Seabrook was inundated with such tight enforcement on new and dreamed up trivial regulations

As it turned out that which should have taken less than 5 years to build took 20 years.

And who had to pay for that seven extra billion in costs?

Thousands of average people who were investors and taxpayers and the whole state of New Hampshire who had to pay through the nose for power.

We are today seeing the results of the lack of nuclear power in the New England states. For the past couple winters they have had extreme shortages of energy and have had to depend upon imported oil (which is in short supply) for winter heat. Last year Clinton tried to bail them out by releasing strategic oil reserves.

The activists have been so successful at demonizing nuclear power that a new plant has not been ordered in the United States since 1974. Perhaps Robert Scherer of Georgia power says it best, speaking the thoughts of many utility administrators: “No utility executive in the country would consider ordering one [a nuclear power plant] today-unless he wanted to be certified or committed.”

Here is another quote: “The first lesson we’ve learned is, “Don’t build nuclear plants in America. You subject yourself to financial risk and public abuse.” Don Beeth, director of nuclear information at Houston Lighting and Power.

It is indeed a testament to the economic feasibility of Nuclear power that even though the activists have driven up the costs of construction by a factor of ten or more as well as driving up the operating costs with innumerable regulations (that actually make the plants less safe) that nuclear energy in the United States is still competitive with other sources of power.

It is fortunate that activists have not been so successful in France who builds nuclear plants in half the time that we could build one here. If we could presently build one here it would take at least ten years, but France completes hers in five years, even if it is done by an American company. This is because the activists have not had as much power in France.

The activists have been more successful in Germany and they have been phasing out nuclear energy with current plants to eliminate them all.

Guess who has to by energy from who?

Right. Germany has to come begging to France for their cheap, but abominable power which is generated by nuclear power.

That makes a lot of sense doesn’t it? Germany dismantles their nuclear program and then supplements the shortfall produced by buying nuclear generated power from France. Hypocritical wouldn’t you say?

Unfortunately, France is now a prime target for the activists. Their goal is to stop France from building any more plants.

If they are successful France can say goodbye to her clean air and cheap power. She will be forced to import tremendous amounts of coal and oil and return to the dark ages of power generation.

It is obvious that when construction costs rocket up to sixteen times projections because of frivolous lawsuits, regulations and the daily invasion of protesters that the cost of nuclear power is more than it should be. France is proof that nuclear power can be very reasonable, but even there costs are more tan they should be because of activists. They are just not as numerous or effective there.

If we had the opportunity to streamline production of a new generation of nuclear power plants here in the United States without the delays and extra costs imposed upon them by activists then they could supply the most economical power in the world. We have potential to deliver electricity by nuclear power at about half the cost of that received by coal burning plants today.

As it is, in the United States, even with all the problems, nuclear power is still competitive in price with other sources. But things could be so much better.

“Some people see things as they are and ask why. I dream things that never were and ask, why not?” Bobby Kennedy

Copyright by J J Dewey

Nov 6, 2001

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The Ten Deceptions Part V

The Ten Deceptions Part V

(5) The Fifth Deception is that we are limited in the amount of uranium that we can mine. Since we have only about thirty years supply available, we might as well just give up now and cease the building of any new nuclear reactors.

This is another extremely deceptive statement. Activists are using the low side of estimated known reserves that can be easily mined. Most experts see the figure as closer to 50 years.

Does this mean that we have only 30-50 years worth of nuclear fuel available and then that will be it? Then no more nuclear energy will even be available?

For one thing, if the activists really believed this they would be jumping with glee that we will run out of fuel in 30 years and encourage us to burn it up as soon as possible. Then they would achieve their goal of a non nuclear world.

The fact is that they know the only way to stop nuclear power is through deceit, through litigation, through manipulating public opinion and unfounded fears in the hope of bring the industry to a stand still. They know that if they are not successful in doing this then there is plenty of nuclear fuel to last for thousands of years and they will look like fools in the eyes of future generations for their current protests.

So how then can we have thousands of years supply of fuel available when we are told there are only a few decades of reserves left to mine?

Answer: Several reasons. First projections are based upon known reserves. History has proved there are always many unknown reserves.

Consider this. Since the 1950’s the estimate of known uranium reserves have increased by a factor of ONE THOUSAND TIMES! If then the early projections were off by a factor of 1000 – the question is how much are we off now?

If we are merely off by a factor of ten this time we would have enough for another 500 years using present methods.

This does not even take into consideration the fact that technology will continue to advance and that we may develop methods of deep earth exploration that could reveal a thousand times what we project today in reserves.

In addition to this Uranium may be extracted from the waste of our coal fired plants. But, in addition to this, we have untold reserves available as an ingredient in sea water.

It is estimated that there are five billion tons of uranium in the oceans, enough for a very long time to come.

Currently the cost of uranium is only about 5% of the cost of electricity generated. We could pay ten times as much for more expensive extraction methods and the cost of electricity generated would still be competitive.

All this takes into account that we would continue nuclear processing using our current primitive methods.

If we switch to breeder reactors we would basically create an infinite supply of energy with the reserves we currently have available.

A breeder reactor is called so because it breeds – meaning it gives birth to more fuel than it consumes.

We have heard dreams of perpetual motion machines for thousands of years, but we seem to have that available now. If, in the process of generating electricity through nuclear fuels which create more fuel than they burn, then we have something very close to perpetual energy.

Technically it is not perpetual, but very close to it and it is obvious that these breeder reactors are a key to unlimited economical and clean fuel for as long as we need it.

Unfortunately, nuclear activists have so succeeding in spooking the public as well as many in congress to the extent that they made it against the law to build them.

(6) The Sixth Deception is that we should not recycle nuclear waste because it is too dangerous. Recycling nuclear waste breeds more plutonium and this is a bad thing since this can be used to make nuclear bombs.

Unfortunately, this deception and scare tactic has put the fear of God in so many people that public opinion as well as politicians with little scientific knowledge have bought into it and cost the world over 20 years of progress toward an infinite energy source.

This is another point of high hypocrisy. First the activists claim they want reduction of greenhouse gasses and clean air, yet fight tooth and nail against the only major source of power which emits no greenhouse gasses or pollution into the atmosphere.

Almost all the activists are religious promoters of recycling, yet when anyone even talks about researching into the recycling of nuclear fuel these guys experience an internal nuclear reaction of rebellion and fight against the principle as if they are in a life and death struggle.

As far as nuclear waste is concerned the activists, and a large part of the public who thoughtlessly endorse them, are demanding the impossible and there is nothing that can be done to satisfy them, excepting the complete destruction of the nuclear industry.

They say it is too dangerous to store the nuclear waste at the nuclear site so we have spent many billions in finding the safest possible site to bury it in 1000 feet of rock. This material was to be molded into ceramic glass which can resist an impact into a brick wall at 80 MPH and will not break down for millions of years. Then for additional protection it would be encased in stainless steel.

After all the research and development they still find hundreds of reasons to protest this reasonable approach.

The other alternative is to recycle the waste as fuel. The technology available to recycle most of the waste is available now and eventually we may be able to recycle all waste.

Doesn’t this seem desirable? That is to recycle the waste to the extent that eventually there may be no nuclear waste at all?

Not to these guys. They protest this idea with a voice so loud that their contagious fear has spread abroad across the planet.

The problem is that all this group does is protest, protest, protest… They offer no solutions. Ahh, how much easier it is to curse the darkness rather than light a candle, to find fault rather than offer a solution.

Here’s what we cannot do if the activists have their way.

We can’t store the waste on site. We can’t store it at Yucca Mountain or anywhere else in the earth. We can’t deposit it two miles under the ocean, even though scientists say that it probably would not take a human life in a million years. We can’t recycle it.

Well, just what are we supposed to do with it??? It seems that we are supposed to keep it where it is today in the worst possible circumstance and then protest for eternity that the waste is in existence.

Perhaps they want us to view it as the common cold. It exists among us and there is nothing we can do, but complain about it.

The sad thing is that there are many alternatives, but instead of pursuing them doing nothing is seen as more desirable than doing something.

The fact is, we must do something. Even though for a mere billion dollars I would store the problematic plutonium in my living room (which would hold it all), a solution which is deemed most desirable must be resolved and pursued.

Logic would tell us that recycling the waste with fast breeder reactors or the improved Integral Fast Reactors is the wisest course of action.

Perfecting this technology has numerous advantages.

(A) Breeder reactors get about 100 times as much energy from a kilogram of uranium than do present reactors. (B) The nuclear waste is used as fuel instead of being buried in the earth. (C) We currently have enough waste to supply the United States with current levels of electricity for 1000 years. (D) One of the big complaints of activists about nuclear energy is the problems created by the mining of uranium. By using Integral Fast Reactors the mining of uranium could be reduced to most any level that is desired, even to zero if necessary. (E) We could have a use for dismantled nuclear weapons and recycle their fissionable materials. (F) We would be unlimited in the amount of energy we could produce making us free from air pollution and paving the way for pollution free electric cars freeing us from dependence on oil, foreign or domestic.

Fortunately other nations such as France and Great Britain are pursuing this technology and currently are scratching the surface on nuclear recycling.

So what is the problem with the United States? Why have we trashed this wonderful prospect and continue with the reactor technology from the fifties?

In 1979 President Jimmy Carter listened to the voices of the nuclear activists and banned research and production of the recycling of nuclear waste. His executive order mandated that we proceed with the decades old method of maximum waste production by specifying that all fissionable material can only be used once and once only.

This order was rescinded by Reagan in 1981, but the backlash by the activists and the public fear was so great that the administration was afraid to proceed with development for fear of political repercussions. Therefore from Reagan to Clinton nothing was done with nuclear recycling even though it was legal.

But then Clinton closed the loophole and cancelled all possible research into the Integral Fast Reactor as soon as he came into office in 1992.

Now the Bush administration is considering more research and development into nuclear energy and again the activists and protesters are coming out of the woodwork to bring progress to a halt, yet offering no workable solution to the many energy problems which present themselves.

This development of safe nuclear energy should not be a Republican-Democratic adversarial thing, but must be viewed with the idea of wholeness. What is the best decision for the whole of the country and the world?

The question that now arises is why would some think that nuclear recycling is not as good thing?

The main reason is this. Breeder reactors recycle by taking the waste and transforming it into usable nuclear fuel that can be used again. This fuel, such as plutonium 239, has the potential to be used to manufacture nuclear weapons.

Yikes!!! Isn’t this reason enough to be against breeder reactors?

Answer: It is no reason at all unless one is devoid of facts on the matter and motivated entirely by gut emotional reaction.

Fact One: The major nuclear nations such as the United States, Russia, Great Britain, France and China already have all the fissionable material they need to make all the bombs they want, or can afford.

If ten times the fissionable material were made available though breeder reactors this would not mean there would be an increase in the number of nuclear bombs.

Despite a constant increase in the current supply of plutonium both Russia and the United States are reducing their nuclear arsenal.

The genie is out of the bottle. Our worry is not an increase in plutonium. We already have plenty of fissionable material to destroy the world several times over.

If a man wants to kill himself by hanging does it make sense to attempt to save him by forbidding the local hardware store from selling him rope when he already has several hundred feet in his garage and can buy from numerous other sources if desired?

A much better solution is to help him solve his internal problems so he will be at peace with himself.

Even so, the banning of breeder reactors for commercial purposes will not prevent the world from committing suicide if that is what they decide to do. We have the power to destroy ourselves and nothing but the solving of human problems can prevent this from happening. Banning the rope of nuclear power in some isolated area of development does nothing but hinder the economic good of the world which in turn makes nuclear confrontation more probable.

Fact Two. Our main worry concerning nuclear weapons is not from the developed free nations, but from China and rogue states such as Iraq, Iran, North Korea, and terrorists groups.

The United States, Britain and France can breed all the nuclear fuel they need and this will have no influence on the amount of nuclear weapons they will make.

It is not in the interests of the free world or the world itself to export nuclear technology to potential enemy states and this should be avoided at all costs with or without commercial breeder reactors.

What I find hypocritical to Biblical proportions is that Carter and Clinton, who have tied the hands of the United States of its own peaceful nuclear research and development, cooperated together in 1994 to export nuclear technology to North Korea.

Carter made the trip to North Korea to negotiate the deal and because North Koreans “promised” to not use the technology as well as our foreign aid to create bombs we gleefully give them.

How tragic! Clinton and Carter trust the North Koreans with nuclear technology, but have denied it to their own country which they do not trust.

Actually trust of country has little to do with it because, as I said, we have all the materials at hand to make all the bombs we want anyway.

The only motive I can see here for strangling domestic development is their fear of the wrath of nuclear activists.

And speaking of activists – where were they when we were negotiating the export of nuclear technology to the enemy state or North Korea? At the time of Carter’s negotiations I watched the news media for them and saw nothing.

(Written in 2001. Unfortunately today – 2020 – North Korea broke their word and now has nuclear weapons that threaten us.)

I just searched the internet for some sign of protest I may have missed and could find none against this dangerous act.

I did however, find one strong anti nuclear protest concerning North Korea.

The activists raised hell with Taiwan because they were depositing their nuclear waste on a nearby island and demanded it be removed. Well, in the hope of silencing the protesters Taiwan decided to remove the waste and ship it off somewhere. But where? Unfortunately, they can’t just make it disappear into the ethers.

They came up with a humanitarian solution. The people of North Korea were starving and desperately needed money so Taiwan paid them to take it off their hands and bury it there.

This outraged the activists more than ever. They attempted to blockade Taiwan ships and throw every possible difficulty in the path of the transaction.

What was their solution? Return it to the island?

No. They just wanted the waste to go away, but where – no one knows.

Get this. The activists violently protest sending nuclear waste to Korea where it has a chance in a million of hurting anyone, but are silent when we export nuclear technology and plants to Korea where such act creates a risk of around 50% that nuclear bombs will eventually be made which could cost a million lives and untold suffering for the living.

We must cease this mindless emotional reaction and work against dangers real instead of phantom, conjured up, illusionary fears.

Fact Three. The biggest worry of the activists concerning breeder reactors is the production of plutonium 239, but it takes more technical expertise to make a bomb from this than U-235 which is easier to obtain from Uranium ore.

In other words, if a rogue state wants to make a nuclear bomb, it is not likely they will use plutonium, but will most likely use U-235 which is not even a waste product.

If the United States did go ahead with commercial development of breeder reactors the chances of having plutonium stolen by terrorists or a rogue state is close to impossible. The plutonium in a breeder reactor cannot be touched by human hands for it would mean instant death. For one thing the temperature is so high that it would evaporate a body and the radioactivity of the mix would kill. The nuclear materials have to be handled with robotic arms.

Stealing the plutonium would not be like in the movies where the bad guy runs off with a briefcase, but would involve an almost impossible undertaking.

Then, after the plutonium is stolen it would have to be smuggled out of the country and an advanced nuclear technology and equipment would have to be available somewhere in order to make a bomb.

If a rogue state wants to make the bomb, it will have to do it the way Iraq is attempting to do it: build their own reactors, obtain some uranium ore and separate enough U-235 to complete the job.

We have within our grasp and technology the power to create an unlimited supply of power that will, through refinement, have little or no nuclear waste by-product. This energy will be clean, releasing virtually no impurities into our atmosphere, and can pave the way to unlimited electrical energy, even to mass production of electrical vehicles releasing us from dependence on fossil fuels which in turn frees us from the responsibility of going to war over oil as we did in the Gulf War.

Copyright by J J Dewey

Nov 1, 2001

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The Ten Deceptions Part IV

The Ten Deceptions Part IV

(4) The Fourth Deception: Nuclear energy does not reduce greenhouse gas emissions and will not help with the global warming problem.

Since almost every anti nuclear activist is also a crusader against greenhouse gasses and global warming, it only stands to reason that they would search for some reason to not even acknowledge that nuclear energy is completely clean as far as greenhouse gasses are concerned.

The radioactive rods heat water and this heat is converted into electricity with no CO2 emissions or any other air pollutants at all.

Some scientists will argue that in ancient days when we had much more CO2 in the atmosphere than we do today that the earth was like a Garden of Eden and releasing more into the atmosphere is a good thing. But that is another interesting argument to examine.

In the mean time people have been scared out of their wits about CO2 emissions and you would think that the use of a clean source of power would be viewed as a good thing. It is an especially good thing when you realize that coal fired plants emit many tons of pollutants much more dangerous than CO2.

When I heard that activists were preaching that nuclear power does not reduce greenhouses emissions I became quite curious as to what kind of spin they could possibly come up with to support this argument so I explored.

It took quite a bit of researching to find any explanation at all. A lot of anti nuclear writers just make the statement that nuclear power is not the answer to greenhouse gasses or air pollution and leave it at that. I guess these individuals just want us to accept the beast of authority.

I thought that surely they must have some basis for the argument and continued my investigation. Finally I found something.

Several cite a study bearing the strange name of “Keepin and Kats” which claims that every dollar spent on energy conservation saves seven times as much CO2 as a dollar spent on nuclear energy.

Now even if this were a true statement this does not nullify the fact that a nuclear power plant gives off virtually zero air pollutants and no matter what the cost is, no pollution is no pollution.

And considering cost, nuclear is cheaper than solar or wind and comparable to coal, hydro and gas worldwide.

One could use this same argument with solar power by making a similarly ridiculous statement such as:

“Solar power does not reduce greenhouse gasses because it is very expensive and if we took the money invested in solar and invested it in conservation we would save twenty times the greenhouse gasses per dollar spent.”

This is a silly argument because each kilowatt generated by solar is virtually pollution free no matter how you look at it or how much you conserve by other methods on the side.

I couldn’t find any usable details of this study, but common sense tells you that it has great limitations.

The reason?

Because you can conserve so much and then you can conserve no more. That which is spent on conservation may be wise and more productive than money spent on any energy source, but money thus spent cannot progress in linear fashion.

For instance I just replaced some of my incandescent bulbs around the house with new florescent ones which give the same amount of light for about 23% of the electricity. Even though these bulbs cost ten times the price I figured it was worth it to help conserve and ultimately the power saved would pay the extra cost.

This, I believe, was a wise investment, but there is a problem. I can’t get up in the morning and say: “I want to conserve some again by investing more money in energy saving bulbs.” The bulbs have already been replaced and no more investment is even possible.

I could order better insulation for my house, but once that is done there is no more to do in this area.

Conservation is admirable, but there is a limit to it. Meanwhile, even with superhuman efforts at conservation the demand for energy will go up and we must provide for those needs or the nation and the world will get caught with its pants down as did California recently. The state which has taken the greatest measures to conserve discovered quite painfully that the demand for power will go up no matter how much we try to conserve.

Unfortunately, they are attempting to solve the problem with coal burning plants rather than clean nuclear.

Do the activists have any other arguments to support the ideas that nuclear power does not reduce greenhouse emissions?

I did find one other one. Here it is:

“The building of nuclear power plants, the mining for uranium, transportation involved and the uranium enrichment process demands energy which is delivered through fossil fuels which give out greenhouse gasses.”

This is a pretty lame argument for it can be made against any source of power including wind and solar. All their ingredients take a certain amount of fossil fuel to create and transport, BUT – this is the case only because we are so dependent on fossil fuels. If the fossil fuel plants were all replaced by nuclear plants then we would be using clean nuclear power for manufacturing and greenhouse emissions for the production of electricity would be reduced to near the zero point.

France offers great proof that nuclear power does reduce greenhouse gasses. After the oil embargo in the seventies they made the decision to switch to nuclear as much as possible. They now receive (in 2001) 77% of their electricity by this method and the quality of their air has greatly improved. The reductions in air pollution per kilowatt hour produced nationally has been reduced about 73% in a 20 year period.

It is difficult to deny proof that stares you in the face.

Nuclear power is the only clean source of electricity (concerning air pollutants) that we have available that can supply us with the increasing demand for power. We examined the other clean alternatives and they are just not feasible. The only other choice is to hope for a miracle or risk economic devastation.

I prefer abundance, myself. In times of economic prosperity the chance of breakthroughs in alternative energy are much more possible than in times of financial hardship – which also tends to amplify the possibility of war and terror.

Copyright by J J Dewey

Nov 1, 2001

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The Ten Deceptions Part III


The Ten Deceptions Part III

I was considering the paranoia that many have toward nuclear waste and it finally occurred to me how to present the situation in a way that the average reader can identify.

We have an objective which is simply to take the nuclear waste and dispose of it in a manner so we have relative assurance it will not be a major hazard in our lives or that of future generations.

Why do I say “relative assurance?”

Because absolute assurance (which the activists demand) is an impossibility in any aspect of life.

Let us compare a goal of going to the grocery store with a similar paranoia of activist mentality to make a point using similar probabilities that they seek to impose upon humanity.

The Goal: Go to the store, buy a pound of hamburger and return safely.

The first step is to open the door and walk out to your car.

But wait! This is a ‘fatally flawed” plan from the beginning. There are many dangers even in this first step.

There is about one in a trillion chance that a meteorite will fall from the sky and rip a hole through your body. Before you even go outside we must spend several million on a study of meteorite probability and if we are in a high meteorite zone then perhaps you should not leave the house at all.

Then there is the dog problem. Every day throughout the world many people are bitten by dogs as they are leaving their homes.

We need to spend additional millions studying the probability of being bitten by a dog in the area and possible remedies if this dreaded event would happen.

There is also a chance that an angry neighbor may accost you and do you harm before you even get to your car. We must therefore do psychological profiling on all the neighbors to determine risk and if the risk factor is more than .001% over a hundred year period then the trip should be cancelled.

If you are foolhardy enough to venture out to the car you will then have bigger problems. There is a chance that when you attempt to start your car that the electrical system could short circuit and your engine could catch fire. This happens every day to dozens of people.

What’s even more scary is that when you do start your car there will occur thousands of explosions going off in the core of your engine reaching temperatures of thousands of degrees. If by some freak of nature the core of your engine is exposed your fuel could explode and you could wind up burning down your whole neighborhood or even city.

And how secure is your fuel tank? Some silly kid could prey off the lid with a screwdriver and throw a match in the gasoline.

Obviously, you need to do many studies before you even start your car.

Once you start up your car and have nerve enough to ride just a few feet from the terrible exploding forces at the engine’s core you then have even greater problems.

Now there is a danger you may crash into another vehicle driven by exploding fire even more fierce than your own. You could be killed or maimed just as thousand of others are each year.

The frightening thing is that most accidents occur within two miles from your home – so please avoid driving near the house or neighborhood.

Now that you arrive at the store do you realize that the hamburger there may be contaminated – maybe even have e-coli? Before you buy any meat you must find where it came from and have a statistical analysis ran on the purity of meat sold there over the last ten years.

If you are careless enough to buy a pound of hamburger you must now retrace your steps and return home through many perils…

These remote fears sound silly don’t they? Yet many of the fears around nuclear energy are even more remote. Keep in mind that not one person has been killed by the radiation from a reactor for the generation of electricity in the western hemisphere ever, yet people have been struck by meteorites, had their cars explode and have died of e-coli.

The fact is that if we allow ourselves to be alarmed and controlled by fear of remote dangers then life will come to a standstill and deteriorate.

This is what has happened to us concerning this choice source of power in the United States. Because of baseless fears raised by activists and a scared public we have not had a nuclear reactor approved in over 20 years. (Note: ended up being 35 years – in 2016 before a new one came online) We have become paralyzed in this area because of possibilities as remote as getting struck by lightening on a sunny day.

We have had the term “fear based” thrown about when no fear was involved, but if anything deserves this title it is those who are anti nuclear energy because of some fear of harm.

A thousand years from now this fear of nuclear energy will be viewed with more disdain than will be the opinion of the people of the dark ages who feared sailing off the edge of the world because it was flat.

But perhaps a closer correspondence to the activists is the Luddites who appeared at the beginning of the industrial revolution. This activist group was started by weavers who protested incoming steam powered weaving machines. Even though the advance of steam over human power would greatly benefit society as a whole, the Luddites wanted “alternatives” to the powerful and dangerous steam technology.

At first they staged peaceful protests, but when they saw that the new technology was making inroads and their way of life was threatened violent protesting and sabotage became prevalent. The Luddites resorted to attacking and destroying the steam powered looms by any means they had, not caring for the added expense incurred to both the manufacturers as well as consumers.

What made things more difficult for progress was that these anti-technology advocates were not the dummies that some historians portray. Many of them were well educated and had considerable political influence. They were also good at public relations and managed to get a large portion of the public to sympathize with their cause. Many of the farmers, common people and even manufacturers who would benefit by the new technology secretly assisted them.

Fortunately for civilization, the English government came down hard on the Luddites when they broke the law and when violence ensued the authorities greatly increased the crackdown.

Despite their political connections and public support the rule of law prevailed and within a decade the new prosperity brought about by the steam powered technology caused a waning of support for the Luddites and the opposition to the advance of civilization turned into support.

Now, almost two hundred years later, people of this age look back on the Luddites and assume they must have been stupid, backward people to oppose such an obvious benefit. In fact the term “luddite” is sometimes used to identify a dim-witted person who is confused by modern technology or thought.

The fact is the real Luddites were fairly intelligent. They look dim-witted by our standards because they were deceived by their own self interest and belief systems.

Even so, when the power of nuclear technology prevails, several hundred years from now the people of the future age will wonder about the intelligence of those who currently oppose nuclear technology when the risk is so small and the benefit so great – especially when one considers the advance in safety of the new generations of power plants to come.

Oct 31, 2001

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The Ten Deceptions Part II

The Ten Deceptions Part II

(3) Deception Three is that storage at Yucca Mountain is “fatally flawed,” and not a suitable place for long term nuclear waste storage.

The trouble with the activists is that it would not matter if the best place upon the earth was chosen and we could prove it was so. They would still find nit picking reasons why we could not store nuclear waste there.

They are not happy with any place or storage system of any nation on the earth. Not only do they attack the United States, but they are creating problems for Canada, France, Japan, Denmark, Sweden and other nations.

They seem to leave China alone for some reason, even though it is building more nuclear plants than any nation. We never see them throwing their bodies in front of trucks transporting nuclear materials or holding protest marches over there.

France has had a very successful nuclear program which began with the oil crisis in the 70’s. Around 75% of their electricity is now generated by nuclear reactors in 2001. Not only this, but they export energy to Great Britain, the Netherlands and Germany at very competitive prices. But this successful non polluting source of clean energy is now under attack by activists who insist that there is no safe storage. These people would raise hell even if we put the waste on the moon or shot it into the Sun.

France will be in a world of hurt if the activists succeed in their goal of shutting down their nuclear power plants for they have few natural resources of coal and oil and without their nuclear energy they would sink into a great depression. Their pollution levels would raise through the roof as they switch to the necessary imported fossil fuels.

Let us pick on Yucca Mountain and see what their gripe with this is.

You would think that after 14 years of study and 4.5 billion spent, that the conclusion reached by nuclear scientists that Yucca is a suitable location would be accepted, but the activists have proven here that one can find fault with most anything.

Ernest Moniz, a former professor at MIT, is in charge of science at Yucca Mountain. Moniz said that scientists who have been examining the site’s geologic characteristics have found no reason to delay construction of the repository. “We’re pushing it hard. The science case is building up nicely. If we have to delay in the end, we’ll delay. But I see no reason not to push forward.”

So what are the problems activists see with storage at Yucca Mountain?

Several things – first, the nuclear waste will have to be transported from the power plants to Yucca mountain.

Even though there are many chemicals just as toxic transported every day without fanfare activists single out the transporting of nuclear materials as if there were some boogieman on the horizon.

But is the cause of this great concern logical since there has not been one death attributed to nuclear waste in transport since the nuclear age began? I haven’t even been able to find any serious vehicle accidents connected with it.

If the mind is not in use here what is?

Pure emotional reaction to a phantom enemy.

Following this gut reaction they will sometimes throw themselves in the path of oncoming trucks carrying the nuclear material, depending on the good will of the driver to stop and risk being surrounded and stalled by activists.

This tactic is quite similar to that used by the bad guy in the movies who pulls a knife on the girl and demands the good guy lay down his weapon or the girl gets it. Because of his harmless spirit, the hero lays his weapon down in hope of saving an innocent life.

Activists have created the most delays, however, by filling the public with fear that Yucca mountain is a dangerous place to store nuclear waste. They claim that earthquakes, seeping water or geothermal heat will somehow rip open the stainless steel containers buried in 1000 feet of rock and release the waste material imbedded in hardened ceramic glass. Then they fear this ceramic material harder than most rocks will somehow become pulverized and work its way up through the 1000 feet of rock to the surface or down through an additional 1000 feet of rock to the water table below.

Serious scientists see virtually no danger of such a thing happening for many thousands of years, even if there were numerous large earthquakes.

Consider this, many rocks just laying around in your neighborhood or back yard have been in solid form near the surface for billions of years without being pulverized by the many earthquakes which have occurred in our long history.

And consider this. 1.8 billion years ago a natural nuclear reactor was formed in what is now the republic of Gabon in Africa. Water pockets in a uranium deposit acted as neutron traps and at least four reactor zones went critical at that time producing 20 kW of thermal power over a period of 500,000 years. There were 12,000 pounds of fission products and 4,000 pounds of plutonium that were exposed to the environment.

The interesting thing is that even though this massive radioactive material was not buried thousands of feet in rock as we seek to do today – that all these thousand of pounds of waste just sat there undisturbed by the hundreds of passing earthquakes over the entire 1,800,000,000 years. That’s 7200 times the 250,00 years goal set by the activists.

This was a random spot picked by nature. There was no 1000 feet of rock for burial, no stainless steel canisters and no sealing the plutonium in ceramic glass. The plutonium just laid there without disturbing the environment for 7200 x 250,000 years.

Plutonium is heavier than gold and even if it were to somehow get in our water it would not flow with it, but settle in the ground. Tests have proven this.

What would happen if the activists were successful in preventing the burial of waste in Yucca mountain or any other sensible disposal method?

The next step would be to convince the public that the waste stored at the various 110 nuclear power plants around the United States is not acceptable and that their licenses, which are shortly coming up for renewal, should not be approved.

If this were to happen we would then be forced to build many new coal fired plants greatly increasing greenhouse gas emissions along with other pollutants.

Would the nuclear activists be happy then? Of course not. Their real attack is on our economic system and they will not be happy until all the coal burning plants are shut down and every man, woman and child assumes the lifestyle of the Amish.

It is sad that these same people who are demanding we reduce greenhouse gasses are fighting tooth and nail the best and brightest hope of reducing those gasses – that source of hope is nuclear power.

Oct 29, 2001

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The Ten Deceptions Part I

The Ten Deceptions Part I

As I was checking out for books on nuclear power I found one that looked interesting and seemed to have good reviews from intelligent sounding people except for one anti nuclear fanatic. I was amused by his words which read:

“INFINITE NEGATIVE STARS! THIS GUY IS HITLER INCARNATE!, June 24, 2001 Reviewer: A reader from SEATTLE WA USA Nuclear power sucks. Have you seen the movie “The China Syndrome”? That movie tells the truth. We humans are truly the cancer of the earth and our disregard for this fragile planet shows that we need to go. The development of nuclear power shows our egotism is out of control. This guy hates not just children, but, more importantly, all legitimate life on this planet as well.”

As you might guess, I bought the book and found it very well documented and informative.

Unfortunately many activists do not seem to show much more reasoned thinking than this guy. His main source of enlightenment on the subject is Hollywood. This explains a great mystery:

How is it that a source of power which has proven itself to be safe, reliable, free of greenhouse gasses and other air pollutants is opposed by the same people who claim to want safety, reliability and the elimination of greenhouse gasses?

This dichotomy has never made sense to me, and now, after I have spent time re-examining both sides of the issue, it is still difficult to understand how one can examine the data and be so opposed to nuclear power, yet at the same time claim any connection with the power to reason, especially if you want to reduce greenhouse gasses.

So what are some of the deceptions perpetrated by the anti nuclear activists? Here are a few.

(1) The greatest most persistent deception is that nuclear waste is a great danger to us all and the storage problem is far from being solved. Because of this supposed unsolvable danger the only course for mankind is to cease building nuclear power plants and seek alternative means.

The author of the above mentioned book I bought from Amazon makes some good statements on this issue that is difficult to improve upon.

“Although most people think that nuclear wastes are the most deadly wastes ever produced, this simply isn’t true. The wastes from a coal-burning power plant are potentially ten times more deadly than the untreated wastes from a nuclear power plant. According to waste disposal experts and the U.S. Department of Energy, if all of the air pollutants produced during a single day by a coal-burning power plant reached the lungs of people, these poisons would kill ten times as many people as would die were they to inhale or ingest all of the wastes produced during one day by a nuclear power plant .

“Contrary to what you may have heard, nuclear wastes are far from being the “most toxic substances known to man.” If you have the least doubt about this statement, consider the fact that over the last 20 years, one million Americans have died from breathing the air pollutants produced by burning fossil fuels. During this same time period, the untreated nuclear wastes held at temporary storage sites haven’t killed a single person. These are the facts, and they are hard for a reasonable person to ignore.

“Once nuclear wastes are treated, they are only about as toxic as selenium compounds, some of which occur in nature. And, after the treated wastes from a nuclear power plant have been in storage for 100 years, their toxicity diminishes, and is then equal to that of arsenic trioxide, which we often spread around the food crops in our gardens to kill various pests. It is worth noting that while the toxicity of nuclear wastes diminishes with time, the toxicity of arsenic trioxide will never diminish. Whatever arsenic trioxide was added to our gardens this year simply lies on the soil along with all the arsenic trioxide which has been added over the past years. And, each year, we produce enough arsenic trioxide to kill 10 billion people. It would be more sensible if we’d worry more about arsenic trioxide and less about nuclear wastes.” From: The Environmental Case for Nuclear Power by Robert C. Morris Pg 32

(2) Deception Number Two Nuclear Waste will continue to be a deadly toxin for 250,000 to a million years and any storage facility or containers the waste is stored in must be proven to contain the waste for this period of time.

Because of this claim and the fear tactics of selling it to the public and many of our representatives in Congress, the safety of storing it in 1000 feet of solid rock is not enough for them. Who knows what may happen in 250,000 years? Maybe a giant earthquake will rip the mountain open and a few moments later a giant meteor will strike and scatter the waste to smithereens. And maybe pigs will fly by my window tomorrow morning.

Give me a break. We can’t let dangers that have a one in a trillion chance of happening ruin our lives. If we did no one would even venture to the grocery store for fear that a solar flare will melt their car.

The sad part of this illusion is that this myth has prevented us from obtaining an extremely safe site at Yucca Mountain. The needless alarm created by activists has caused the government to spend 4.5 billion dollars and 14 years of time in studies of Yucca mountain and storage possibilities, and we seem to be further from going ahead with safe waste disposal today than ever before.

Therefore instead of being buried in a thousand feet of rock the waste is… where is the waste?

The waste is generally stored in the back yard of the nuclear reactor plants around the country, buried, not in a thousand feet of rock, but no more than 30 feet below the surface in over 100 locations thought the United States.

Even though the chances of exposure to the public is about a million times as great as if the waste were stored in one location in a thousand feet of rock at Yucca Mountain, there has not been even one death attributed to the waste.

That’s a pretty good record considering that coal fired power plants are accused of causing up to 50,000 deaths a year.

The actual record proves that storing nuclear waste on site is relatively safe, even though it would not be as secure as storing it in one safe site as Yucca Mountain.

Perhaps the greatest danger we would have from the current method of waste storage is if a terrorist were to hijack another plane loaded with fuel and crash into a nuclear power plant. A danger greater than reaching the nuclear core is that such a crash may scatter some of the waste material to the winds.

This brings up a point of great hypocrisy. Why have the activists, over a fourteen year period, protested a safe storage a Yucca mountain when the current storage system causes a risk over a million times as great? You would think that in the interest of safety we would pick any reasonable site and go for it.

What makes more sense? All the nuclear waste gathered in one location buried in a thousand feet of rock in a sparsely populated area that even an atomic blast could not disturb, or to have it scattered in over a hundred separate locations that are an easy prey to terrorists near large population centers?

Are the activists really interested in public safety, or perhaps some other agenda?

“But,” they complain, “we must protect future civilizations for the next 250,000 years from our waste and we do not even have a container that will last that long.”

First let me point out that the plan is to encase the nuclear waste in ceramic glass which is more difficult to break than most rocks and tests in Canada have proven that it is likely to hold the waste for over 100 million years, far exceeding the 250,000 years goal. In addition to this the glass will be encased in stainless steel to further insure security.

But is the 250,000 year goal even necessary?

No it is not. The fact is that if we can contain the waste for only 1000 years then the most hazardous of the waste will be reduced in power by less than a billionth of its original radioactivity.

As most of you know a half life is the time it takes for half of the dangerous radioactivity to disintegrate. The shorter the half life, the more radiation is given off. The most hazardous waste has a fairly short half life. Cesium-131 poses a health risk because it produces penetrating gamma rays. Strontium-90 produces less penetrating beta rays but can be absorbed into bones because it is chemically similar to calcium. Yet both these isotopes have half-lives of only about 30 years!

This means that one half of the radioactive waste composed of these two elements is rendered completely harmless in 30 years. In 60 years only 25% of the waste remains and in 120 years there is only 12.5%. If we continue here we can easily see that we do not need any 250,000 years, for the worst of this waste to become harmless.

150 years = 6.25% remains 180 years = 3.125% 210 years = 1.56% 240 years = .78% 270 years = .39% 300 years = .2% 330 years = .1% 360 years = .05%

Then when we get to 1000 years less than a billionth of the initial radioactivity remains, making it less dangerous than the radioactivity in many homes.

So where does this 250,000 year danger period that the activists cite come from?

This comes from a long-lived waste product called Plutonium 239 which has a longer half life of 24,400 years.

They also worry about lesser amounts of americium 243 with a half life of 73,370 years and americium 241 with a half life of 458 years, but these substances cannot be that bad or they would not be used in smoke detectors found in many of our homes.

What they do not tell you is that the long half life actually makes Plutonium much less dangerous than the by-products with a short half life. Because it takes plutonium-239 over 800 times as long to shoot off half of its radioactivity than strontium-90 or Cesium-131 this means simply that the amount of dangerous radioactivity it presents is very low in comparison to the high level wastes. So low in fact that radiation expert Prof. Bernard Cohen volunteered to eat some to expose the truth of some of Ralph Nader’s claims.

Here are his own words:

“I offered to eat as much plutonium as he (Nader) would eat of caffeine, which my paper shows is comparably dangerous, or given reasonable TV coverage, to personally inhale 1000 times as much plutonium as he says would be fatal, or in response to former Senator Ribicoff’s statement to inhale 1000 particles of plutonium of any size that can be suspended in air. My offer was made to all major TV networks but there has never been a reply beyond a request for a copy of my paper. Yet the false statements continue in the news media and surely 95% of the public accept them as fact although virtually no one in the radiation health scientific community gives them credence. We have here a complete breakdown in communication between the scientific community and the news media, and an unprecedented display of irresponsibility by the latter. One must also question the ethics of Nader and Ribicoff; I have sent them my papers and written them personal letters, but I have never received a reply.” From: The Myth of Plutonium Toxicity by Bernard L. Cohen

It is interesting that this dreaded plutonium which, according to this nuclear expert, is no more dangerous than caffeine. To top it off he was willing to publicly eat or breathe some to prove it. The total volume of the waste of this element for the whole of the United States, which has caused so much protest, would fit in the average sized living room. Now if we cannot safely dispose of a living room full of substance – no more dangerous than caffeine – we are not as smart as we think we are.

We have about ten billion dollars set aside from taxing nuclear facilities to accomplish this. Surely this should be enough money on top of the 4.5 billion already spent!

But wait… Maybe the $10 billion is part of the problem and not the solution. Could it be that this money has been earmarked for other projects such as the mating habits of the Borneo beetle and it would be awkward for politicians to cough up the money if we decided to use Yucca Mountain? Is it possible that the money issue is the real reason that many politicians seem to side with the activists, who themselves are well heeled with money? I read one estimate that they have access to over a billion dollars of promotional money a year for their various causes.

Oct 27, 2001

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The Red Dragon

The Red Dragon

The other day a reader gave a great link about T.H. Moray from Utah who built a mysterious black box that generated free electricity.

My late brother-in-law was a scientist who spoke of him several times as his favorite scientist. He tried to duplicate the box but never succeeded. I have been curious about the guy and it was nice to finally see some printed information on him.

Here is a LINK on him

I was asked to analyze the handwriting of the recent anthrax terrorists. LINK

I’ve caught a couple glimpses of the handwriting on TV. I haven’t been able to take a close look, but I’ll tell you what I can.

From the look I have caught it appears that all the envelopes have the same handwriting but seem to be written with different pens.

The writing is not the person’s regular handwriting. He wrote the addresses very slowly and deliberately obviously in the hope his handwriting could not be traced back to him. The deliberate printing makes it difficult to analyze much.

The most obvious trait is that the handwriting goes downhill quite significantly. This usually shows a pessimistic attitude and can indicate depression where the downhill slant is so strong.

His pressure appears strong indicating intense feelings.

There is significant space between the lines indicating that he does not like others imposing upon him.

Some of the letters have a simplicity that indicates he learned to write English later in life giving evidence he is a foreigner.

He is not particularly intelligent.

You can’t tell the sex for sure from handwriting, but it shows male characteristics.

Overall we have a passionate man who probably feels like a victim infringed upon by the United States and is seeking to turn the tables on those more powerful than himself. This person was probably a dupe and not in on the planning of the scheme.

If I get a chance to get a better look I’ll tell you more if I see anything significant.

Yesterday we mentioned the Unholy Trinity. The first of these is: Deceit or “the dragon.”

Deceit as it related to the attempted destruction of the plans of the Brotherhood of Light originates with the Dark Brotherhood which is sometimes symbolized by the red dragon in the Bible.

Christ told his disciples to be “as wise as serpents” and Moses lifted up a serpent which saved the lives of those who looked upon it, so the word “serpent” is not always used in a negative light. In esoteric writings the serpent is often used in connection with wisdom.

No symbol can be interpreted in strict black and white terms, but must be examined in the context with which it is used.

In the Book of Revelation John calls the serpent he has in mind, the adversary, one who “deceives the whole world” and persecutes the saints. The serpent John sees here definitely represents the negative aspect of this beast.

The first and most powerful line of attack used by the Dark Brothers is the dragon of deceit. In many cases people do not need any coaxing to use some deceit, but in the case of an important work of light that must be stopped, those on the left hand path will seek out disciples with deceit in their hearts and implant thoughts in their mind that will use this tendency to thwart a work of light.

Could it be true that anti nuclear activists (who appear to just want to make the world a better place) are using outright deceit – that they teach things that are definitely not true and know that they are doing so?

The majority of anti nuclear activists have just not checked out all the facts and are sincere in what they believe, but I do believe that some distortions are so obvious to anyone with an elementary knowledge of nuclear physics and reactors that the deceit is consciously embraced by some of the leaders.

A month or so ago when I first wrote about nuclear energy I planned on stressing illusion on both sides of the equation. It has been about 40 years since I studied the subject so I did some updated studies and checked the internet and some books to see what both sides were saying. The more I read the more difficult it was to find flaws, deceit and illusion in the pro nuclear writers who are mostly real scientists. But I soon became disgusted with the anti nuclear group (mostly non scientists) with their distortion and deceit. It became obvious to me that they approach their cause with a religious mindset. Instead of looking at the facts and coming to a conclusion, they appear to have reached conclusions and only use data that can be used in some way to prove this conclusion.

They often speak with nebulous accusations leaving out details that would reveal the truth. For instance, when they see something nuclear they do not like they will often call it “seriously flawed” but not tell us any details that prove the flaw.

On the other hand, the pro nuclear writers usually tend to give enough details so a reader can use them to make up his own mind. If a seeker can obtain necessary facts in a controversial situation he can use them along with his reasoning mind to arrive at the truth.

One of the reasons for this difference of approach is that many anti nuclear writers and speakers have little scientific background and just do not know what they are talking about.

On the other hand, many pro nuclear writers are scientists who have done actual research and give out reliable facts to back themselves up.

One thing we can say for the activists though – they have done a much better job than the dry nuclear scientists of convincing the public that their point of view is the correct one.

Copyright by J J Dewey

Oct 23, 2001

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The Underdog Power Source

The Underdog Power Source

Concerning the possibility of a battery that takes in more energy than it discharges I agree that such claims are most likely to be flawed. If such a battery does exist then it would have to receive its energy from somewhere. There are some exotic possibilities such as the zero point so I make it a habit to “never say never.”

Here’s our current situation. We are very close to developing electrical motors and batteries which can be a clean economical alternative to the combustion engine running on petroleum (and highly dependent on foreign oil). This dream can indeed be realized if we were to have a clean source of additional electrical power. The generation of additional electrical power is indeed essential, for if the day comes that 50% of our vehicles are run on electricity this would require a sinificant increase in the generation of electrical power.

The question is – where do we get that power?

Let us briefly review available sources.

(1) Alternative power – wind, solar, geothermal etc. All these combined only supply 2.4% of our electricity in 2001 and show little prospect of supplying the great increase in need that we shall require.

(2) Hydro Power. This is a very clean source, but dams can be sabotaged or naturally fail at the expense of many lives and billions of dollars. Unfortunately, even with this risk we are maxed out with this source in the United States. Hydro power currently supplies 8.3% of our power and this figure is not likely to go higher.

(3) Natural Gas. This is a fairly clean source of power, though it does release CO2, a greenhouse gas. This source supplies 15.3% of our electrical power and like the hydro-electric it is limited in supply and it is not practical to look at this as a permanent source of the vast need we have for future electrical power.

(4) Oil. This is the substance we are trying to get away from. Most of the oil used in this country is in our vehicles. We only derive 3.2% of our electricity from this source and this figure is not likely to go up.

(5) Coal. This is our largest source of power, supplying a whopping 51.1% of the nation’s electrical energy.

Coal could be used to increase our electrical supply, but the cost would be great.

Here are some facts about our coal plants. (A) The U.S. burns about 1,000,000,000 tons of coal a year. (B) In 1996 coal released 88% of the 19 million tons of sulfur dioxide emitted and over six million tons of oxides of nitrogen, both dreaded pollutants. (C) The use of coal results in yearly emissions of at up to 2,000 tons of mercury, lead, arsenic and other metals. Much of the mercury winds up in our oceans. (D) Coal ashes are about 180 times more radioactive than the level of radioactivity permissible for nuclear power plants and are not required to be buried as is waste from nuclear reactors and uranium mining. (E) Coal mining causes about 20,000 tons of radioactive uranium to be brought to the surface of the earth each year. (F) Coal burning plants add billions of tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere each year, this is the main gas accused of causing global warming. (G) Pollution from coal burning is estimated to cause up to 50,000 deaths a year in the U.S. alone.

It looks then like our prime source of electrical power – coal – is not a good bet for long term expansion of our power needs.

Let us see. What is left?

(6) Nuclear Power. This supplies about 20% of the nation’s needs and is perhaps the most controversial source of power of all.

But, is this controversy warranted?

Questions: Are nuclear power plants dangerous? Why or why not?

Is there a safe way to dispose of nuclear waste?

Name three illusions circulating around nuclear power.

Djwhal Khul said that the release of nuclear energy is an initiation for matter itself. What do you suppose this means? Should we assist matter with its initiation?

The Unholy Trinity

Djwhal Khul said this concerning atomic energy around 1945: “As the forerunner of that release of energy which will change the mode of human living and inaugurate the new age wherein we shall not have civilizations and their emerging cultures but a world culture and an emerging civilization, thus demonstrating the true synthesis which underlies humanity. The atomic bomb emerged from a first ray Ashram, working in conjunction with a fifth ray group; from the long range point of view, its intent was and is purely beneficent.

“Thus was the new era ushered in; thus was the stage set for a better future. This was the intent and the purpose of Those Who compose the Council Chamber of the Lord. It rests with humanity itself to take advantage of the proffered opportunity which this destructive manifestation made possible.” Rays and Initiations, Page 647

Yes, it indeed “rests with humanity itself to take advantage of the proffered opportunity.” He stated that this was an opportunity to supply humanity with such an abundance of economical power that it would “enable mankind to follow the good, the beautiful and the true” and usher in the age of peace.

What happened to this wonderful vision? The world was on its way to perfecting safe and economical nuclear power plants and suddenly those who saw themselves as the “enlightened” turned on this innovation and demonized it to the extent that much of pubic opinion has turned and now views this as the great Satan rather than a savior of mankind.

Why did this retrogression happen and why is it that the vision of the Masters has not yet materialized as hoped?

There are a couple reasons for this.

First: Mankind is unpredictable because of free will and what is even more unpredictable is how we handle First Ray energy.

In past ages DK tells us that the energy of Shamballa (First Ray) was released to the Hierarchy and then stepped down through them in modified form to humanity.

Some time before World War II This powerful energy was released for the first time directly to humanity.

Not even the Hierarchy knew for sure what the initial results would be even though the projected end result was sure. The pure energy of the rays, like any power can be used for either good or evil. Money is a prime example of a power that can be used either direction.

To pick up the energy of this released First Ray many disciples incarnated into Germany where an opportunity existed to pick up Shamballa energy and direct it to the German for the good of the world.

The Dark Brotherhood was also aware of this release of energy and the basic plan of the Brotherhood of Light to pick it up and direct it for the good of humanity. They acted before the disciples of light realized their mission and picked up this great power first through their own disciple – Hitler.

As we know Hitler used this power in its destructive aspect and soon had Germany so under his grips that the work of the disciples came to a standstill and many wound up dying there without ever realizing why they incarnated in that country the first place. Some, like Rommel, were even deceived for a time into believing they should support the Third Reich – thinking that maybe this was what their mission was.

Fortunately for the world the Allies rose up and challenged the Axis powers and defeated them. They in turn gathered together Fifth Ray disciples from all over the world and harnessed the First Ray energy themselves as manifested in the creation of the atomic bomb and later transmuted the energy for potential good as nuclear reactors for peaceful uses of energy.

There is an interesting correspondence which has developed here. Just as the Brotherhood of Light was about to use the Shamballa energy in a positive direction in Germany, the Dark Brothers jumped in and corrupted its use, turned the tables and choked all light and evolution out of the nation with the world as the next target.

Even so, the next major reception of the First Ray was received by the good guys, scientists who worked on the Fifth Ray using theories created by disciples such as Einstein, Bohr and others until the power of nuclear energy materialized.

This time the situation was reversed. The Lights manifested the power of the First Ray and the Dark Brothers had to develop a response in an attempt to hinder mankind’s progress toward the new age as envisioned by the Hierarchy.

They thus developed a plan to launch a counter offensive. Since the genie could not be put back in the bottle the plan was to put the destructive aspect (the atomic bomb) into the hands of as many nations as possible who have the potential of being controlled by negative forces. At the same time they would seek to plant the seeds of delusion and fear around the building potential of this energy (nuclear reactors generating energy) by equating it on an emotional basis with the destructive power of the bomb.

If the people’s opinion on nuclear energy could be controlled by deceit and fear then the dark forces could seize control of this energy and use it or negate it toward their own ends.

Just as there is a Holy Trinity even so there is an unholy use of the Trinity of energies

The Trinity of the forces of retrogression work out as The Dragon (Father – Deception) The Beast (Son – unjust authority to secure the deception) and the image of the beast (Unholy Spirit) false prophet – carries out the deception by speaking the words of the dragon). This third group is often people of good intentions who have just picked up the wrong catch phrases and pass them on as gospel since they seem to sound like words of light, but instead are darkness.

We’ve spent many hours together talking about the beast of unjust authority and how it deceives the whole world one way or another. Well, here is an example that is currently staring us in the face and many of our brothers and sisters who we dearly love have been deceived into following the unjust authority of the beast in connection with nuclear energy.

One of the things that makes it seem like the beast wants nuclear energy is because it takes large corporations and sometimes governments to build and operate nuclear power plants, but we must remember this.

All that is big is not the beast. All that is government is not the beast. All that makes money is not the beast.

The beast is none of these.

The beast is unjust authority that supports the words of the dragon (deceit) and is followed without thinking as beastly animals follow their herd authority without thinking anything through.

The beast does not have to manifest through a large organization, but can manifest through a single individual who is believed through his power of pure emotional energy picked up and mindlessly followed by another individual. Thus does the power of deception and unjust authority reach down through millions of tentacles to tempt every single person on the earth away from the use of his mind and soul and away from the power of the Aquarian age which is ruled by mind (air sign).

We thus have the three unholy aspects of the Trinity seeking to suppress the knowledge of nuclear energy as revealed by great lights who have come to the earth.

(1) Deceit – “the dragon.” (2) The Beast – the misuse of authority to get you to believe a philosophy without examining it with the mind. (3) The False Prophets – the misguided believers who promote and pass on the deceit and unjust authority.

We shall discuss how this Trinity of energies is currently playing out in present time.

Copyright by J J Dewey

Oct 23, 2001

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Alternative Energy Part III

Alternative Energy Part III

I left out an important comment on hydro power. One more very important drawback is that a large dam could be a prime target for a terrorist. If a suicide plane were to crash into one it could cause more loss of life than happened at the twin towers.

A reader expressed a view that solar power is more viable than I mentioned because when living in New Mexico she was able to get 60% of hevr power from it.

I think my information was accurate and it doesn’t seem to contradict what you say in any way if you do the math.

I am all for being independent and if one can afford solar, is willing to pay for it, and happens to live in a feasible area with enough sunshine a person can indeed gain a little independence as well as have clean energy.

I would guess that Taos, New Mexico (one of the sunniest spots in the country) is much more productive for solar energy than New York where you are currently living. I notice that you did not include heat or air conditioning in your list which are the big items where I live.

Shortly after the oil crisis in the seventies there seemed to be quite a lot of promotion of solar equipment in my home area. In fact my mother bought a unite at considerable cost for the time.

I was disappointed when she told me that she did not seem to have any noticeable savings in her bill.

Perhaps such experiences is a reason why the market seemed to dry up in this area.

Since then, I’m sure efficiency has increased so I checked out the current costs. Providing that I live in a sunny enough area and I wanted to invest $15,000 I could save $300 a year on my power bill. I would have to invest over $30,000 to completely replace the electricity I am using. This is based on Idaho rates where I live, which is lower than most states, but I think you can see here why I am not eager to convert.

(Note from 2020: I recently got prices on getting solar panels and batteries installed here in Idaho for maximum self sufficiency and the cost was around $50,000 and I would still have to supplement.)

Some states give a rebate of 20-50% to those who convert to solar, but even here this is not free money, but is paid by the taxpayer and still few are willing to make the necessary investment.

I have a nephew who has invented an extra efficient generator using propane or natural gas that sounds like it may be a good alternative. It will only cost a couple thousand and will supply all the power you need at a lower cost than most power companies. The good part is that it will make a person completely self-sufficient powerwise.

I haven’t seen him for a while, but the last time I talked to him he said he was lining up some big investors. I’ll be checking on his progress at the next family reunion.

(Note from 2020: Haven’t seen this nephew for some time and not sure what became of his project.)

Another alternative is to develop electrical engines powerful enough and that will carry a charge long enough to replace the internal combustion engine.

Every so often I hear of some innovative engine and then never hear of it again. For instance, I remember reading a series of articles way back in the 70’s about a guy who claimed to have invented a battery that yielded more electricity than went into it and claimed it could run an electrical motor without ever running down.

Who knows if there was anything to it? The last I heard of the guy was that he was labeled a fraud by government agencies who refused to run tests the inventor desired. It seems like he was also being sued by some car manufacturer.

Now I find it interesting that some Australian inventors are promoting something similar.

The fact to consider is that, even if there has been a cover-up of technology the tide today is turning and progress is being made. It is only a matter of time before we have 100% non polluting electrical vehicles.

This will be a terrific breakthrough IF the electricity can be supplied from a non polluting source. As it is at the present, an all electric car using today’s technology would do little to do to reduce pollutants, for the chances are the power for it would be generated by a coal burning plant. The purchase of an electric car may create the illusion we are helping the environment more than is the case, but all we are doing is cutting down the pollution in the immediate area we are driving while contributing to it in the area where the electrical power is generated.


Unless we have a clean source of electrical power.

Is there such a thing as a source of economical energy with little pollution using current technology that has the potential to reduce greenhouse gasses and other pollutants as well, as supply clean power for future electrical engines that in turn could drastically reduce our need for oil, perhaps making us completely free of dependency on foreign oil?


We will discuss this possibility next.

Copyright by J J Dewey

Oct 22, 2001

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Alternative Energy Part II

Alternative Energy Part II

The next alternative of which to discuss the pros and cons is wind power.

Altogether renewable sources (namely wind, solar and geothermal) only supply about 2.4% of the electricity for the United States. Of these two wind shows the most promise at present. When I first passed some windmills traveling through California I thought it was cool that they were making use of non polluting wind power, but then as I passed by more of them the thought occurred to me that a few of these would be OK, but if they were everywhere (in an attempt to replace coal or nuclear) that which was pleasant to the view as a novelty would become quite an eyesore as they became ubiquitous.

One or two dandelions in a lawn can be charming, but a whole yard full of them can drive you crazy.

Even so, if windmills ever supplied more than 10% of our power needs, they would become a major source of eye pollution. (Note: Written in 2001; in 2020 the amount is 7.3%) I personally would be willing to put up with it if there were no reasonable alternative, but I would much prefer a source that does not clutter up thousands of acres of landscape.

On the positive side wind is probably the cleanest source of commercially viable power there is. It even beats solar, which has solar panels that use polluting cadmium compounds.

Even so it also has a number of drawbacks. One of them is very similar to solar in the fact that the materials for construction also require a considerable outlay of energy (probably from coal) to produce and maintain.

One of the greatest drawbacks is that there are a very limited number of areas where there is sufficient wind to make windmills economically feasible. We are limited in using this source even if we decided to move ahead full speed with it.

Another problem that limits locations for wind power is that if they are built in an area where there are many birds, the poor fowls tend to fly directly into the blades to their death. Windmills have destroyed numerous birds of prey and even some endangered species such as golden eagles. This problem has put the squeeze on available land for windmills. Now a prospective windmill power station has to do a study of an area as to its impact on the bird life before they build.

Another little known problem is noise pollution. When they have been built close to homeowners the sound of the whirling blades became so disruptive that numerous lawsuits resulted. If future windmill plants have to be built a distance from any homeowner to avoid litigation this will further restrict land selection.

Many think that when windmill construction is complete that the power plant is home free expense wise, but it turns out that repairs have been higher than projected. One will often see non working windmills because of some operating problem waiting for repairs.

A final problem is their unreliability. The wind does not blow consistently the same 24 hours a day and since electricity from wind power cannot be stored there will be gaps where power generated at one time may be only half as much as the day before. I would imagine that a community that uses wind power would have to have a backup source of power for windless days.

Some fairly large companies who have invested in wind power have later abandoned the project because of financial loss. But then there are other, mostly smaller companies, that persist in perfecting this source in the hope of a better cleaner world.

We wish them well.

Hydro Power is a clean option supported by many It is ironical that even though this is a source of power that is as clean and inexpensive as you can get that it is also a prime target of environmentalists. Here in Idaho they are putting tremendous pressure on the state to tear down the dams and return things to their pristine condition.

“Save the salmon,” is the slogan here. It is thought that we can increase salmon runs by breaching a number of dams.

There is a great debate going on in this state over this issue. One side says there are other ways to increase salmon runs – in fact there was a significant increase this year. The pro dam people say that it would take 50 years after the breaching before much natural increase in salmon could be effected through and even then we do not know for sure if it would help.

In addition to the loss of clean energy the breaching would also be a big disruption to irrigation water for farmers, recreation, boating etc.

The only argument for the anti-dam people is that it may increase salmon runs and return the land to its pristine condition.

I personally do not support the breaching for the following reasons.

(A) The electricity lost will be replaced by coal burning supplied power. (B) There are several alternatives to increasing salmon runs that look just as promising as breaching. (C) It would create great hardship on a number of farmers and businesses who are just surviving as it is.

It appears to me that the ultra environmentalists would want to breach the dams even if an alternative salmon solution could be found as many of them want to see the land restored to its original condition. This “original condition of the land is sacred” attitude seems to be a zealous religious attitude with them as strong as that of any anti abortionist I have encountered.

Hydro power currently supplies 8.3% of the nation’s power and clean power it is, but most of the available locations have been dammed and because of breaching advocates we are likely to see less hydro power in the future rather than more.

Therefore, it looks like we should not look to increasing hydro power as a clean solution in there near future.

There is also a negative side to this clean source aside from the salmon problem. Dams wear out or develop flaws and break periodically causing many millions in damage and sometimes great loss of life. Up to 4000 people have been killed through the collapsing of a dam.

Not far from me in Rexburg, Idaho the Teton Dam burst in 1976 causing a billion dollars worth of damage and the loss of 14 lives. This low loss of life was considered very miraculous as it could have been much worse.

There are numerous other lesser known alternatives that may one day pay off. And who knows. Maybe out of the blue some unknown will come up with something simple in his garage that will fill all our energy needs for next to nothing in cost.

However, I have learned some good wisdom in this regard in my short life and that is this.

If you put all your eggs in a basket that is not perfected yet you are likely to spill and break the eggs. The loss will be great and the recovery slow.

It would be dangerous for any nation to neglect the development of proven energy resources while betting on others to come. Plentiful energy is not only important to our creature comforts, but is an essential ingredient to insure the survival of a free society.

The wise course is then to keep the energy flow going with existent technology while aggressively pursuing improvements and innovations.

Take a look. The amount of freedom and prosperity in the world very closely corresponds to the amount of available energy at a reasonable price.

There are many avenues to pursue here, but some of them may not be feasible for a hundred years.

Here are a few.

(1) Wave Power. Ocean waves (as well as tides) have a tremendous amount of power in them that have potential to generate power. Some experiments have been done, but nothing practical has resulted yet. One experiment I read about was overwhelmed by the wave power and destroyed.

(2) Geothermal. This is a very clean source and there are 39 countries in the world which have potential to receive 100% of their electrical power with this method. Most of these are poorer undeveloped countries that could take a leap forward with this technology.

There is some potential here in the United States, but until greater technology is developed to retrieve it from deep within the earth, this will only supply a small amount of our needs. We currently receive far less than 1% of our electrical power from this and the maximum projected would be 4.6%.

About a mile away from my home is a neighborhood that has used geothermal power for about 100 years.

New Zealand fares best among the developed nations in this regard. It has potential to supply over half if its energy needs from this source.

(3) Cold fusion is a much hoped for source of clean energy that dreamed up by a couple University of Utah scientists some time ago. Unfortunately, not a lot of progress has been made in this area.

Oct 20, 2001

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