Where are the Minerals?


Where are the Minerals?

I have enjoyed reading your posts on the current subject of health. I know I am benefiting as well as I am sure many of you are from the suggestions and teachings being offered.

I appreciate the comments from Ray and Craig about the problem my wife and I had with colloidal mineral supplements. It is interesting that they give views on both sides of the spectrum. Ray, I am amazed that you say about 98% of your patients have a similar reaction to my wife and I. The funny thing with us is that we couldn’t find anyone else who seemed to have a similar reaction to us.

I might ask Ray this – were the reactions you noticed similar or were they quite varied? Was it to colloidals from humic shale or artificially manufactured colloidals?

And Craig that is an interesting thought about the release of poisons. I considered this possibility, though I was not aware of how the process worked as you described it.

There are several reasons why I believe that this may not be the full cause of the problem we had. When we started taking colloidal minerals in liquid form we bought them through a health food store and took them for several months with fairly positive effects. Then we came across Dr. Wallach’s approved brand that was sold on a multi level basis and we decided to try this out and possibly sign others up. The first thing I noticed was that I did not like the taste of this new brand as much. It seemed to be off compare to the first. We figured what the heck and took them anyway and by the time we were on the second bottle we both were experiencing pain in our joints and my wife’s ankles were about double the normal size. We tried everything for her and nothing seemed to help much until she went to an acupuncturist and after that the swelling subsided. After the problem we both quit taking all colloidal minerals and the problem slowly went away.

Because the first brand seemed to have no ill effects on us I am still inclined to believe that there was some contamination with the second brand. We are both a little nervous about trying the liquid mineral supplements again and decided to look to nature to discover highly mineralized food feeling this would be the safest and possibly the healthiest way to obtain minerals.

The negative experience certainly did not turn me off minerals for the idea that we have mineral deficient soil and that many of our problems are caused by a lack of major as well as trace minerals registered well with my soul. It also makes a lot of sense to me that the much smaller particles in the colloidal form would be much more usable for our bodies.

Another interesting idea along this line is that the water in our bodies is very comparable in makeup to that of the water in the ocean. Now the waters in the ocean have trace amounts of almost all of the minerals. Science is even looking for ways to profitably take gold from the ocean waters.

The Law of Correspondences also helps here. It has been said in many ancient teachings that within each human is a replica of the universe and all things outside are also inside us. If we apply this correspondence to our bodies it would imply that for us to have optimum health then we should have trace amounts of all the elements within us, just as the earth and the larger universe does. If we are missing several of these minerals or elements then our balance would be off.

Our goal then to fulfill the second consideration would be to find natural foods with high mineral content. Where can we find such foods?

Rick gives a good answer

“I would think eating seafood would provide most of the minerals you need. I read that ocean water contains the perfect balance of trace minerals.”

Fish in general are much richer in minerals than is land produced meat. The highest in mineral content, especially trace minerals would be the ocean fish for they swim and eat from highly mineralized water every day.

Also from the oceans come kelp, sea cucumber and several other plants that provide many trace minerals. One good thing about kelp is that it is fairly inexpensive. It has quite a bit of iodine so those with thyroid problems must take it sparingly.

Blue green algae and Chlorella were mentioned as possible sources. I believe the blue green algae from in the Klamath Falls lakes are highly mineralized and are very beneficial. The trouble is that they are very expensive. I find that I receive a similar benefit for much less money from alfalfa tablets. Alfalfa has very deep roots and is able to pull many minerals from the ground that other plants cannot reach.

I therefore take alfalfa and kelp every day because they are inexpensive and a great source of natural minerals. I also take a couple cod liver oil tablets.

(Update July 2019: I found an economical source of blue green algae and now take that with some fish oil)

They did a study once of two groups of natives in Africa who lived in similar circumstances except for one. One tribe lived next to a large lake and ate fish regularly and the other ate little or no fish but hunted land based meat instead.

The result was that the tribe who ate the fish lived a much longer life span and had much greater health than the tribe that ate little fish.

Someone mentioned a mineral source that I didn’t think anyone would get for a while and that is wine. Grapes, as well as many other fruits come from trees and vines with much deeper roots than most of our vegetables. My favorite wines are from Australia which have the most mineral rich soil in the world. I find almost all their wines delicious. My second choice are the wines from Chile. Much of the wine there is from fairly new vineyards which are not yet depleted from choice minerals. I also find that wines from Columbia Valley in Washington are high quality on the average.

Research has shown that moderate wine drinkers are healthier than those who abstain and perhaps the mineral content of the wine is one overlooked reason.

Rick makes another statement that is interesting

“Also foods grown by hydroponics would be good. When we looked into doing a hydroponics greenhouse, in Stelle, Il. the books say to add a nutrient, made from sea water, to the water used in the process.”

I was wondering about the mineral content of hydroponics. I am suspicious though. It has turned into such a big business that I am sure many of the producers are more interested in how the tomato looks than how high the mineral content is. If anyone knows any more about the current particulars on this process I’m sure we would be interested in hearing it.

Rick’s full of good suggestions today. Here’s another one:

“Also, from am article on building a sprouting cabinet, it says to recycle the water used in sprouting, because it becomes high in trace minerals and other nutrients. And, if you use salt on your food, you can buy the kind that is made from sea water, at the health food store.”

Some sea salt is refined with all the minerals taken out so you want to buy Celtic sea salt which is naturally dried with nothing taken out. You can tell the difference by just looking. Refined sea salt is a pure white while the Celtic salt is slightly gray.

Geoffrey writes: “I read somewhere some years back that researchers measured the mineral content of plants grown on mineral lacking soil and discovered that they had more minerals in them than plants grown on mineral rich soil.

“If the plant discovered a mineral lacking in the soil, it would create this mineral so that when the plant died, the missing minerals would be put back into the soil to create a balance. Makes sense doesn’t it? Nature creating a balance. How else can the soil be regulated? Where do you think minerals actually come from that are being replaced?”

JJ: I’d be interested in seeing the actual research on this. I doubt if the plant actually created the mineral. If this could be proven it should make front page headlines. I think what happens here is that to compensate the plants develop longer roots in an attempt for nature to bring the trace elements to the surface. This is one reason that recycling is so important.

There are still several other popular foods not yet mentioned that are not farmed in the regular sense that are high in natural minerals and that are also readily available. Can you name them?

The Twelfth Planet

Someone asked about the Twelfth Planet. I started reading that book at one time and could not get into it. There may be some truth there, but I didn’t feel drawn by great light.

For those of you who have read it can you tell me if this planet is supposed to be currently populated? If so how do they survive when the temperature on the surface would be around 400 degrees below zero?

I was drawn to the writings of Velikovsky and believe that he has discovered many hints of real truth. By the way, Velikovsky did not see the visiting planet as coming from beyond the orbit of Pluto, but he says we have been visited by both Mars and Venus and Venus passed by our earth as it left an orbit as a moon around Jupiter.

He increased his credibility by successfully predicting the makeup of the atmosphere of Venus before our spacecraft arrived there to take readings.

March 12, 2000

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Food 4 Thought


Food 4 Thought

Many are predicting drastic earth changes.

Over the past 40 years tremendous earth changes have been predicted and many various dates have been set. They all have one thing in common is that so far the predictions have all been wrong.

Does this mean that we can relax and stop building our arks?

Not necessarily. Earth changes is one item that is an historically recognized fact. They do occur from time to time. The good news is that drastic earth changes are many years apart, but the bad news is that we are making a major planetary shift into new age energies.

Overall the shift of energies from one astrological age to another creates a point of tension on the earth and some changes usually occur. When approximately twelve ages have passed more significant changes occur. Then there are greater cycles still.

Each astrological age is 2166 years making the larger cycle 25,922 years. Earth changes do not always appear on the cusp of cycles but the change of energy makes physical changes more likely.

For instance, there were a lot of earth changes in the time of Moses as the ages shifted from Taurus to Aries This is not only indicated in the Bible but many catastrophic events were recorded around this time by the ancient Chinese and other eastern nations as well as ancient Indian people in the Western Hemisphere

In my book on the gathering I have talked about another cause of each changes and this is the vacuum within energy caused by the gathering of lights.

In the days of Moses the Egyptians would have suffered no harm if they would have merely freed the slaves and Pharaoh’s army would not have been covered by the waters of the Red Sea if they had not attempted to destroy the Israelites. Even so in this age the amount of destruction to come is largely dependent on the resistance of the world to the gathering of lights which is to come. There will not be any major destruction until the gathering has begun.

Many are predicting a visit from space aliens who will rapture us similar to the Christian belief about the coming of Christ.

We are not visited nearly as frequently as the UFO people would lead us to believe and there is no evidence or even information given out by the Masters that such an event will occur in any foreseeable future.

Many are predicting a shift into a 5th, 6th or some other dimension which will transform all human life.

There is even less evidence that any dimensional shift is to suddenly occur. I’ve come across numerous prophecies about specific dates of dimensional shifts and so far they gave all been wrong. Many are so brazen to even leave the wrong prophesies on their web site for all to see – such as the earth will be transformed into the 8th dimension on April 12, 1998 type of thing. True believers do not seem moved by these false predictions.

Now let us move to the current question:

What are four (or more) things we can do on the physical plane to improve health?

So items of importance for health from the aspect of the physical that have been named are: Diet, exercise, breathing, sleep (I need more of this one), a good marriage, beautiful surroundings, avoiding toxins, healthy sex life, proper elimination, and living in a healthy environment. There is one important one that has not been named and that is sunshine. The sun has been much maligned lately, but the right amount of sun does have a very beneficial effect.

Again we realize there are many factors beyond the physical plane that affect good health such as positive thinking and we shall get into these type of thoughts later, but for now let us talk about one of the most important things we can do with physical plane activity and that is diet.

Many health enthusiasts see diet alone as almost a cure all for all diseases. While it is not true that diet is all we need we must surely acknowledge that the food we eat does play an important roll. Included in diet we shall place water which is also extremely important.


What are the three most important things to consider when deciding on a food to eat?

In advancing with the subject of health I might state that this is one subject that almost every seeker in every clime has some interest in and has done considerable study and thinking.

Several are getting close to the first consideration here so I will elaborate on the principle. They key word behind this principle is LIFE as in the life force or vitality, that is present in the food.

There are four categories of food having this vital energy and I will group them in order of importance.

(1) Foods that are yet alive such as sprouts or freshly picked or naturally preserved fruits and vegetables. These are not only have powerful vital energy but also have enzymes that are lacking in other foods.

(2) Foods having dormant life such as grains, beans, nuts and seeds

(3) Foods having a preserved life force. This would include foods such as honey, real maple syrup, bee pollen, some teas and dried foods.

(4) Foods that are in the process of decomposition with only residual life force.. This would include most of the foods in the regular grocery store including many of the fruits and vegetables.

Fruit will tend to keep the life energy for the longest period after it is picked followed by below ground vegetables. Above ground vegetables that receive the rays of the sun will disintegrate quickly, but will have powerful life force when eaten fresh.

We should make an attempt to eat as many foods as possible from category one. If you are eating category one with other categories eat category one first.

The second consideration has to do with the condition of the soil the various plants are grown in. In the United States for instance the farm ground is missing about 85% of the original trace minerals. Many other countries have a similar problem. Australia fares about the best with only about 55% depletion. Europe averages 72%.

What effect do you suppose this mineral depletion has on us and what can we do to correct it?

A reader says:

“There is only one way to remedy mineral deficient soil, and thus introduce nutritional minerals into plant life grown in that soil. The minerals must be put back in the soil.”

Many people think that they get a lot of benefit from minerals in water and many non plant derived mineral supplements but what is not realized is what happens to minerals that are processed by plants. After processing they become colloidal.

Let us enlarge the smallest particle that a mineral in its normal state is divided into and magnify it up to the size of a good sized rock. Now let us give that rock to a plant and see what it does with it. What the plant then does is to take that rock and divide it up still into many more particles that are like grains of sand, many times smaller than a rock. In addition to this the plant changes the charge of the particles from positive to negative.

Thus the plant creates two very positive effects on the minerals as they are prepared for human consumption. First the negative magnetic charge causes the particles to be drawn into the human tissue as if by a magnetic force rather than being repelled as are regular minerals..

The second benefit is quite logical when you ask this question. Which would be easier for my body to absorb, rocks or fine particles? The answer is obvious. When the body receives metal in chunks then it just wants to get rid of them, but when it receives them as fine magnetic particles it embraces them.

Think of this. When a plant finishes the processing of a mineral the particles are so small (as small as .01 millionths of an inch) that one teaspoon of the material could cover 127 acres of a completely smooth surface.

Dr. Joel Wallach did some research into various people who live in remote areas and are said to have life spans up to 150 years and here is what he found in common among them. Interestingly it was not a vegetarian diet or even low fat. In fact some of them seemed to have diets that we consider unhealthy. The one thing that they had in common was that they raised their plants in highly mineralized soil. The healthiest among them used water from nearby glaciers which was very highly mineralized.

Therefore, the best solution for this is to put the minerals back into our farm ground. This is possible to a degree for those who have the time to raise their own gardens, but for those of us who do not what is the alternative?

One answer is to get colloidal mineral supplements. There are several available that are leached from ancient plant beds that are now 70 million year old humic shale.

My wife tried some of this and we both developed a lot of joint pain and she swelled up like a balloon and got quite ill for a period of time. It took me about six months to get rid of whatever poison was in the product and my wife about a year. I think it was quite possible that the product we consumed had some regular lead or other toxic substance in it.

After this experience we concluded the safest way to get colloidal minerals was from the food itself and I also concluded that highly mineralized food is a much better and powerful source than eating depleted foods along with mineralized liquid. Even if you are supplying the body with colloidal minerals through supplements it puts a strain on the body to handle all the depleted foods.

Now the interesting point here is that many of the so-called health foods and organic foods are also grown in mineral depleted soil so many of the foods sold as being healthy may be just as mineral deficient as regular commercial foods.

The answer is to eat as much food as possible that was not grown in regular depleted farm ground, but was derived from highly mineralized areas.

NOTE (July 2019): We have been currently taking supplemental colloidal minerals from Youngevity and they seem to be good quality with no negative effects.

March 9, 2000

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Things Getting Better

Things Getting Better

A reader asked about karma as it affects the various kingdoms.

Cause and effect reaches into all kingdoms in all spheres. Even a plant operates under this law but the dynamics of the law as it affects the lower kingdoms are much more subtle as far as karma goes. As far as we are concerned, karma as it affects the human kingdom is of prime importance.

All lives, even Masters, have negative as well as positive karma. This statement may startle some, but first consider this. There cannot be a positive unless a negative is lurking in the background somewhere.

“But,” asks one, “haven’t we learned here that a Master learns to work with the law of cause and effect so karma works in his favor?”

Yes, I have indicated that, but one more thing needs to be considered. When one expands his consciousness and masters karma as it causes painful effects on the human kingdom so that it seems as if one is indeed a Master of producing good effects as we understand the idea – then a new problem is created. This expansion of consciousness that creates the Master also expands his ring-pass-not so new worlds of becoming appear before his eyes. With this comes new challenges and as he moves into these new vistas where he is a beginning student, and no longer the master, he again makes mistakes but on a higher level. These higher mistakes, which are not to be comprehended by the average seeker, create again both positive and negative karma.

Let me quote again from what I believe to be the highest writings on the planet: DK through Alice A. Bailey. Here are some exerpts that clearly tell us that lives above human have to deal with karma. These include lives as high up as the Ancient of Days (Sanat Kumara) and the Solar Logos and beyond.

Here are some quotes from DK:

The whole question depends upon two things, which are the karma of the man, the planetary Logos, and the solar Logos, and the dominance of the spiritual indwelling entity over its vehicle. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 111

Types of Karma. We might here enumerate the different types of KARMA, even though we have not the time to enlarge upon the subject. A book by itself of vast proportions could not contain all that might be said. We should bear in mind that KARMA is imposed upon the ensouling entity through the medium of matter or of substance itself (which is coloured by it) and that this matter or substance is intelligent material composed of deva essence.

Cosmic Karma-Imposed upon the solar Logos from outside of the system.

Systemic Karma-The working out by the Logos of effects set in motion in previous Kalpas, and which influence His present type of Body.

Planetary Karma-The individual karma of a Heavenly Man, which is just as different from that of another Heavenly Man, as is the karma of the different members of the human family. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 469

In connection with the karma of the solar Logos, the subject is even more abstract and incomprehensible. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 801

The relation of the fifth Hierarchy to a certain constellation has also a bearing upon this mystery. This is hidden in the karma of the solar Logos, and concerns His relationship to another solar Logos, and the interplay of force between them in a greater mahakalpa. This is the true “secret of the Dragon,” and it was the dragon-influence or the “serpent energy” which caused the influx of manasic or mind energy into the solar system. Entangled closely with the karma of these two Entities, was that of the lesser cosmic Entity Who is the Life of our planet, the planetary Logos. It was this triple karma which brought in the “serpent religion” and the “Serpents or Dragons of Wisdom” in Lemurian days. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pages 1203-1204

The problem of humanity in respect to imperfection is complicated, not only by the fact that the seven informing vitalising Energies are “tainted with imperfection,” but also by the fact that the Lord of the World is Himself, from the angle of a Solar Logos for instance, far from perfect; this is the reason why our planet, the Earth, is not a sacred planet. We are told that Sanat Kumara is the divine prisoner of this planet, held here until the “last weary pilgrim has found his way home.” This is His heavy karma even whilst it is an expression of His desire and of His joy; the “weary pilgrims” are the atoms (human or otherwise) in His body, and they are tainted with imperfection because of His imperfections; their complete “healing” will set the term for His release. Esoteric Healing, Page 298

JJ: If therefore lives such as the Solar Logos and beyond have to deal with karma then we might as well put the idea of escape from cause and effect out of our minds for at least several eternities.

Actually this goes along well with our current topic.

Today’s Question:

Many people, new age and old age, believe that the people on this planet at this present time are the most evil bunch in history. Do you believe this to be true? Is the righteousness of the people on this planet increasing or decreasing?

In my younger days when I used to attend church I heard the idea preached again and again that the world is more wicked than it has ever been in the history of the world. As evidence of this I was told to look around and witness the wars and rumors of wars and man’s inhumanity to man. (Notice girls that the male is blamed for all the inhumanity?). I swallowed this idea without thinking about it until a time came that an alternative view by DK was presented to me. This new idea was that the people on the earth are evolving and getting better as a whole and not worse. This immediately struck a chord with me and after reading it I wondered why I had not considered it before.

For just one comparison consider this. A couple thousand years ago it was national sport to throw Christian men women and children to the lions.. The crowds composed of former neighbors and friends of such Christians cheered the lions on as they tore their victims limb to limb.

Now we give Spain a bad time for bullfighting, but imagine if they reinstituted this ancient spectacle? Why all the nations of the earth including he totalitarian regimes would be abhorred and protest with righteous indignation.

Here in Idaho farmers made national headlines a few years ago when they killed jackrabbits that were causing them problems. Now they had been doing this for many years and no one complained, but when some journalist wrote a national article about it the whole nation began to look upon us as a bunch of animal hating hicks. Just a couple hundred years ago there was not this much outrage over killing a surf or a slave. Now people are becoming as sensitive to the life of a tree as they were the life of a human in the days of Jesus.

We just mentioned that when karma is mastered on one level we then move up to a higher level where we have subtler karmas to work with. The same is applied to good and evil which is closely linked to cause and effect. One of the goals of the higher lives is to not only bring in the greater good of a new age, but to raise the standard of evil so that which was evil in days past (throwing people to lions for sport) becomes unthinkable and a lesser evil (killing jack rabbits) becomes the new definition of the bad behavior.

As we are approaching the new age we tend to go overboard and in some ways we are too sensitive and too politically correct, but after the pendulum swings back and forth a few times we will reach a happy medium in judgment.

Now we could spend many months discussing this Law of Correspondences which has been under discussion, but I believe we have covered it enough to give an idea as to its value in the principles of discovery. We will cover another post or two on it and move on to an entirely new topic, largely out of group need. Nevertheless, this law will come up again and again in these teachings.

Even though there are more principles of discovery to cover I am impressed to move on to talk about the principles of good health and then finish this topic at a later time.

A number of people in the group have health problems and my heart goes out to them. It is also of extreme importance that those of us seeking to serve, who presently have good health, maintain this vitality, for poor health is indeed a great handicap to many.

We could spend years on this subject, but the class goal at present is to cover the most important and useful information..

Wholeness (holiness) in health covers many areas including the physical, emotional mental and spiritual.

Let us start with the physical and move up.

What are four (or more) things we can do on the physical plane to improve health?

March 8, 2000

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