Where Did We Come From?

Feb 17, 2017

Where Did We Come From?

The LDS take great pride in telling prospective members that they have an answer to the great mystery of where we came from. Most Christians merely believe that God created us at birth and that was the beginning of our existence, but Mormon missionaries add a new dimension to our existence by explaining that we had a life with God before we were born.

Yes, it is true that the LDS have a piece of knowledge here that sets them apart from most other Christian religions, but unfortunately it is only a piece when many pieces are needed for a clear picture to be obtained.

Here is the essence of the church doctrine. We existed forever as intelligences until God came along and gave birth to those intelligences into spirit bodies. It is assumed by most members that God had a wife who was our heavenly mother.

Just about anything else one can assume about the pre-mortal existence is considered speculative by the church and nothing further is taught in any church classes.

This doesn’t stop members from guessing what our past life was like. Here are some things that most Mormons students assume.

The male God, who is called Heavenly Father, along with his wife (or possibly wives) obtained their exaltation on another earth something like this. They were resurrected and the planet along with them were changed into a celestial glorified state.

After moving into the celestial state our heavenly parents started having children, lots of them. Their resurrected physical bodies had sexual relations and our heavenly mother gave birth to intelligences into spirit bodies.

It is assumed that our heavenly parents then raised us from being babies to adults on that planet similar to how ideal Mormons would raise their children. When we became adults we looked very close to what we look like on earth in our prime, except our spirit bodies were perfect. No one was overweight, ugly or had blemishes or handicaps.

Members assume that we made numerous commitments to our heavenly parents and many of us chose the person who was to be our mate while in this realm.

How long we lived with these heavenly parents and all our billions of brothers and sisters is a mystery. Members figure it must have been quite a long time for our parents to give birth to enough spirits to populate the whole earth, which would be 30 billion or more. They wonder if perhaps the gestation process was speeded up in our Heavenly Mother. Maybe she could give birth to lots of children in a short period of time by some process unknown to us.

In addition to the birthing mystery there are many others that curious Mormons ponder such as:

(1) Before we were born into spirit bodies we were intelligences. What an intelligence is and what that existence was like is completely unknown.

(2) Do our heavenly parents have their planet all to themselves or do they share it with thousands of other gods who were resurrected and exalted with them? If they share the planet then where would they find room for the children of the other gods? After all, members are taught that all the billions here on earth have the same God as our Father.

(3) It is believed that our God had a father and his father had one. Was there a first God. If so, how did he get started?

(4) The Mormon scriptures say that our God has created worlds without number and there are many earths like this one with His sons and daughters on the surface.

Where did God raise these trillions of other children for other worlds and how could a wife or two give birth to so many? How birth was given to the billions of earth spirits is mind boggling enough to consider without taking many other worlds into consideration.

(5) How is God able to hear or answer prayers of billions of his children while at the same time spend time teaching and preparing spirits on his planet who are yet to be born?

(6) Some of the writings of Joseph Smith speak of there being one God who created all things and others saying there are many Gods. How is this contradiction explained?

(7) What is he fate of the Sons of Perdition who have committed the unpardonable sin? What does it take to become one? Will they ever be given another chance?

If a member asks any of these questions to church leaders he will get the standard reply which is:

“The answer is not necessary to your salvation. We’ll find out soon enough in the afterlife. Right now we need to learn more about faith and how to live more perfect lives.”

That response never satisfied me as I take Joseph Smith’s words to heart:

“A man is saved no faster than he gains knowledge.”

Gaining knowledge is the great quest and knowledge does indeed shed light on the mysteries. When light and truth arrive the seeker will often have to completely rearrange the picture of the whole that he had previously arraigned in his mind.

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Sex in the Spirit World

Feb 16, 2017

Sex in the Spirit World

(I’m making another Mormon outreach and wrote this for an LDS group who are reaching out for more knowledge.)

In response to a recent post there was quite a bit of discussion of the role of male and females in this life or the next. Then there is the recurring debate as to which sex has the greatest advantage and whether one of them is being shortchanged in the scheme of things.

I will give you my views on this matter with no claim of authority attached. It is entirely up to the reader to run these words by his or her own inner spirit and find out the truth thereof.

First, I think most will agree with me when I say that one sex is not superior to the other. The compose two halves of a great whole and their interplay is the basis of the creation of all things in the worlds of form.

Some who call themselves progressive today maintain there are no differences between males and females outside of the obvious physical, but such is not the case. The way they deal with energy is very different. The males are more polarized in the sending, radiant and active mode, whereas the females are more focused on receiving, holding things together, or as a magnetic energy.

I won’t go into more detail here as I have written a whole book on this and am thinking of posting it here soon. It is called The Molecular Relationship.

A favorite topic of contemplation for the LDS is the afterlife and what role sex will play in the spirit world as well as the whole round of eternal progression. The missing link in understanding by the church is the principle of reincarnation. Once this principle is understood then the seeker’s views and orientation makes a huge adjustment. After the adjustment he will be surprised at how his new vision harmonizes with the scriptures yet leaves behind many of the beliefs and traditions in the church itself.

Discovering the truth of reincarnation for a Mormon is a little like a born again Christian discovering that we had a pre-mortal existence. He has to adjust his thinking, but the new belief is mind expanding and harmonizes with the scriptures.

An LDS person who realizes reincarnation is likely to discover a number of truths.

(1) We have all been both male and female in past lives.

This truth makes it rather amusing that some consider one sex better than the other because such a person has been both of them at different times. In fact, if he belittles, or harms the opposite sex, person of a different race or minority he is likely to be reborn in that situation so he can learn to appreciate that which he looked down upon.

(2) In paradise there is not male and female as we know it.

Paul pointed this direction when he said:

“For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” Gal 3:26-28

Those worthy of paradise are those who have “put on Christ” and have detached themselves from identification with the material world. In the higher realms we are no longer Jew or Greek, rich or poor or male and female but all share equally in a consciousness of being children of God.

Those who still identify with, embrace and long for identification with form and the lower desire nature join the “spirits in prison” as spoken of in the scriptures.

They are imprisoned by their own desires to remain male or female, Jew or Greek, Mormon or Catholic, etc. When they can release themselves from attachment to that which creates separation they can then enter paradise where the keynote is union.

The seeker may ask, “Do we not have any form then in paradise? How would we recognize each other?

The main source of recognition is through vibration. An imperfect example would be our ability to recognize a song. It has no form, but we can recognize it through sound vibration that we take in. Each person is like a different song from God. When one encounters a friend in paradise he is instantly recognized by the vibration.

Now when you encounter this friend he may wish you to see him as he last appeared on earth. He can project this at any age desired. If he is not happy with the looks of his last body he can alter it or even project the image of a body from a future incarnation he is planning. He can even change into an eagle if he desires and fly all around the beautiful thought creations of the paradise world.

If you meet an old friend from earth who is projecting a form different than the one you knew on earth, you would still recognize him by his vibration and could see him in the form that is familiar to you if desired.

You could be having a conversation with two people and both could see your form a little differently.

Does this mean that we will literally be without sex?

If you were a male or female in your last life you would probably be more comfortable assuming that shape between lives. Spirits in paradise have left behind the lower passions and desires and find much more satisfaction in the higher. There are mergings of energy that produce intensities of sharing on a much higher level than physical sex.

Even though earthly differentiation of sex is left behind, each spirit has a slight preference toward either the male or female energy. It is not so pronounced though that he would not be willing to be born as either male or female as required in this school we call earth.

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Holograms and More

Feb 19, 2017

Holograms and More

All mass, or matter that creates form is composed of energy in motion. The most dense is the physical and each plane up from there becomes more refined. Our ethnic body is composed of many highways of electrical grids that moves refined matter along giving forms their physical shape. The etheric body is that which keeps our physical body alive, repaired and the form intact. At death the etheric body leaves and the physical body then immediately starts to fall apart, or decay.

There are concentrations of the mass of the etheric body focused around the centers that creates a veil between us and the unseen worlds. As the seeker progresses these webs been to disintegrate.

A hologram is created by the manipulation of light to create a 3-D picture, but has no substance. A physical body could be said to have some correspondence to a hologram, but it has substance, which we could call extremely concentrated light.

All forms in all planes are mostly empty space, but then particles and currents are in such high motion that they merely seem much more solid than they really are.

As I have said many times before, there is no such thing as anything completely solid as all matter is created from purpose energy in vibration.

After Death Clarification

Our higher self is in the higher mental sphere which is called paradise in the Bible. We at present are in the physical and are a shadow (using DK’s wording) or projection of the Higher Self. The Higher Self remains in the Spirit World even as the shadow is extended here on earth. It is aware of us, but until enlightenment comes we are not aware of it.

When we die we move into astral matter. The more advanced remain there for a short time and reunite with the Higher Self in paradise. Others still attached to the things of the physical plane remain in the astral zones until they work through their illusions as much as can be. After this, they go to sleep, sometimes called experiencing a second death, but is really an awakening to reunite with their Higher Selves and prepare for a future life.

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Brigham Young’s Transfiguration

Feb 19, 2017

Brigham Young’s Transfiguration

NOTE: I’m continuing to reach out to a handful of the LDS who are questioning their own church and looking for something more. The key for them to move onward is the acceptance of reincarnation so I bring in this subject whenever possible. Here I deal with a historical mystery that is of interest to many of them

After the death of Joseph Smith there was much confusion as to who would lead the church. The story goes that at a pivotal moment Brigham Young got up to address the crowd and many heard him speak with Joseph’s voice and mannerisms and some even saw his image.

Some in the church fully embrace this story and others are skeptical. This subject was brought up on the LDS Remnant (Awakening) site with a link to the story attached.

I posted this response:

A friend of mine who I regressed to a past life several times to that era had this to say about the transfiguration of Brigham Young. He said that Brigham was a very talented man and was a good impersonator. He took a liking to Joseph’s unique mannerisms and sometimes in small trusted groups would imitate him so well that he would generate a good laugh as would a comic today imitating Trump or Obama.

During the transfiguration Brigham called upon his talent (of which few were aware that he had) and spoke as much as possible in the voice and mannerisms of Joseph Smith. Many were so captivated that they not only heard Joseph Smith but saw him.

Who knows? If this is true and Brigham Young was supposed to lead the church maybe some spiritual affirmation went along with the event.

Brigham was far from perfect but I do believe he was a man of destiny whose consciousness was adapted to the capacity of the people of that time.

In reply to those skeptical of the event I said:

There seems to be quite a bit of evidence something unusual happened. The article in question says:

“We currently have access to 141 accounts of the event. The number of individuals who recorded the event totals to 125. Sixty-one of these are first-hand documents, including personal journals, autobiographies and direct testimonies chronicled in Church publications.

“…there were, in fact, many more renditions in previous years. The chart below displays how many eyewitnesses wrote of their mantle experience each year following 1844:

“Accounts in Years Following the Transfiguration Event as noted, within a year of the “transfiguration” the miracle had been referred to several times. It was even described in explicit detail in many private accounts at least as early as 1851.”


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Circumcision – Good or Bad?

Feb 15, 2017


Ruth asks about circumcision:

Why did God create man in his own image/reflection, and then tell him to cut off some part of his genital to form a covenant with God?

Was this for a sacrificial purpose? Was it karma for wrong use of sexual energies? Why would God create genitals and foreskin and then tell humans to circumcise themselves to form a covenant? Didn’t anyone bother to question this, Abraham just went along with it, because it seemed perfectly normal?

Or does circumcision have a different meaning? What is the Hebrew word for circumcision? Why is circumcision an everlasting covenant, if the Law is not everlasting? Wouldn’t God have realised that creating such an everlasting covenant, that humans would naturally corrupt this teaching and then it would become something worse?   It doesn’t say in the Bible to circumcise women.

God apparently said this:

Gen 16:14   And the uncircumcised man child whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his people; he hath broken my covenant……

So all down the generations those who are from the Abraham seed, and who haven’t been circumcised would now have broken that covenant with God, and be cut off from his people, according to this?

Something sounds dodgy in those paragraphs.


“Circumcise” comes from the Hebrew MUWL which means “To cut off, curtail or to cut short.”

The basic reason for this was that it was deemed necessary to have some unmistakable physical identification mark to set apart the true followers of Jehovah. I suppose it could have been something like cutting off a little finger or a piece of the ear – or possibly a certain type of tattoo, but instead circumcision was chosen.

Circumcision was probably chosen because sexual desire was seen as a source of much sin and this was a sign of curtailing that desire and dedication oneself to God.

It was said to be an “everlasting” covenant, but the word “everlasting” comes from OWLAM which merely means a long time, or for the foreseeable future. There is no exact word for eternity, or everlasting in the Biblical Hebrew.

Fortunately, the practice was not demanded forever and was discontinued largely through the efforts of Paul.

He seemed to downplay the practice, not so much because it was barbaric, as was the animal sacrifice, but because of the attitude of moral superiority that many Jews had because they were circumcised.

He said this:

For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.” Rom 2:28-29

“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

“Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing. …

“For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith. For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love.” Gal 5:1-6

And finally this:

“And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him: Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.” Col 3:10-11

The question many have is whether circumcision was really inspired from God to begin with. After all, Ruth makes a great point that if we were in the image of God then why would God command us to change that image?

The practice also seems barbaric and many say that it creates trauma for the young baby. In addition, there are many slip-ups and many a child has been maimed for life because of malpractice.

Blavatsky says that Moses learned of the practice from the Egyptians so it is quite possible that it was an invention by humans to control and mark other humans.

Whatever its use was in ancient times, it seems to have no spiritual place in the modern world.

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Conscious Thought

Feb 14, 2017

Conscious Thought

The thought of the day:

“There is no such thing as unconscious thought. Thought only springs from consciousness.”

To correctly understand what this is getting at one must understand that there are two parts to our makeup, which are:

(1) The physical body, the vehicle we use which is a very advanced machine.

(2) The thinker, the consciousness that operates the machine.

Correspond category one to the computer or device where you are reading this post. Your computer operates on previously created programs, but it does not think, neither does it have consciousness.

It was, however, created by conscious thinkers and it is used by conscious thinkers.

If you write something original and thought provoking on your computer then this was accomplished by conscious thought. Your computer did not originate the thought, but you, the conscious thinker did.

People are not speaking accurately when they say a thought came into their heads. What came into their heads was either a piece of data or an image. Such things are not thoughts or consciousness, but can stimulate thought and consciousness.

An irritating song may start playing over and over in my head. This is not because of creative thought but because something triggered my computer brain to play the song. How one applies consciousness to deal with this recording would be thinking.

Many speak of the unconscious mind. This is usually not really a mind at all but a number of computer programs containing lots of memory banks in the computer brain.

And how about the Higher Self then? Is it not a thinker of which we are not conscious?

Yes, but because we are not conscious of it does not mean it is not a conscious thinker. There is a veil between the higher and lower self just as there is a barrier between you and other human beings. Just because you are not aware of what Bob is thinking does not mean that Bob is not applying conscious thought.

Even so, most are not aware of what the Higher Self is thinking, but this does not mean that it is not applying conscious thought.

All thought is applied to solving or creating something and is a conscious process.

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Catching Up

Here are more posts that were left out of the web site.

June 6, 2015

The Problem with Socialism

My biggest concern for any move toward socialism from the left is that half or more of the population has be to dragged into it by force and free will is thrown out the window.

My second concern in this matter is the extreme waste and inefficiency.

Check out this article that gives an idea if the waste.

A cash only private doctor says “he can get a cholesterol test done for $3, versus the $90 the lab company he works with once billed to insurance carriers. An MRI can be had for $400, compared to a typical billed rate of $2,000 or more.”



June 12, 2016

The Left and the Right

Response on an Esoteric Site to a person who was offended at my observations of the political right and left on this post.


I wasn’t planning on talking politics here since it is such a hot button issue at the present time, but your comments deserve a response.

Indeed there are unknowing supporters of the left hand path on both the political right and left. In fact DK tells us that we cannot clearly choose either the right or left hand path until the third initiation where illusion is dispelled. As long as there is illusion that is not faced and dispelled the seeker most likely will support some elements of both paths, not just the political left or right.

This is one reason that we find highly evolved people on both the political right and left. Because of illusion you may find two highly evolved initiates condemning each other as being in league with the dark side. The truth may be that both of them are nearing the threshold where they face the Dweller and Angel of the Presence where illusion will be understood.

There is much illusion in politics on both sides and very few see all the places where it resides.

The main dividing point between the two paths is the principle of freedom, of which I have written much. DK also has elaborated a lot on this telling us how important occult obedience is that relies on no coercion and maximum freedom of the disciple.

We must carry this principle into our political views. Socialism is a wonderful ideal, but any ideal enforced with Stalinist methods that violates free will becomes a great evil as is now happening in Venezuela.

Overall, the political left support procedures that run contrary to the free will of the people to enforce their ideals more than does the right. Many have no qualms about going contrary to the will of the people to establish and enforce their ideals.

The political right also has its own problems with this, but pay more homage to individual freedom. People of the left rarely talk about freedom any more. JFK was the last Democrat president that promoted it in word and deed.

Yes, I know that many of the political right are willing to abuse the Principle of Freedom but they do stand up for the freedoms espoused in the Constitution more than does the left. Most do not support shutting down free speech or to abolish the Second Amendment or the right to a peaceful assembly.

I have written proposals to implement socialist ideals using free will rather than coercion from Big Brother. One proposal is called The Molecular Business. You can find writings on it by search my website.


June 13, 2018


The attack in Orlando had nothing to do with

The Republicans

The Tea Party

Koch Brothers

Donald Trump


None of these advocate any violence toward gays or any other citizens.

Since the event I have seen all of these blamed as being responsible for the massacre in the media, which is insane. These same people make no mention that the shooter was a radical Muslim. Since the killer, Omar Mateen, is a registered Democrat it seems even more hypocritical that so many are pointing fingers at Republicans.

Who is responsible? A radical Muslim who supports Sharia Law which supports a death sentence for all gays. If some mislead soul thinks he is doing the world a favor by killing others he will find a way to do so as did the Islamic Terrorists in France (with strict gun controls) who killed, not 50 people, but 130.

If you want to point some fingers do so at Islamic teachers who make headlines like this:

“Imam Speaking in Orlando Said Gays Must Be Killed Out of ‘Compassion’”



July 6, 2016

Calling on Elementals

Kelly quotes me as follows:

”Jesus had power to speak to these elementals and thus had power to direct then to go elsewhere – or to just dissipate their energy so it had no more effect.”

Then she asks:

I realize Jesus was a great initiate (was it 5th or 6th level?) and he had these types of what we call “super” powers. … Now I’m curious to know when does one learn to manipulate and control elementals? During which stage in a souls evolution does One seek to master this? And when did Jesus learn them exactly? Seems Merlin too had these powers and somehow all these characters who had super powers all become myths overtime for some reason.


Control of the elementals is determined by three factors.

(1) A person’s state of evolution

(2) His knowledge of words of power and sensitivity to impression.

(3) Where his focused attention lies, for energy follows thought.

All of us have some degree of power over the elements and the tiny lives that compose them, but most know it not.

You may not realize it, but you, merged with your soul, or Higher Self before birth, sounded certain words of power and certain tones which assisted your mother in drawing the right combinations of elements together to create the body you wanted for this life. You, from the vantage point of a higher state of consciousness, drew together elemental lives to manifest the body you desired.

After entering that body much of your knowledge was veiled but all the abilities of the soul and spirit are still there latent within you. If you focus strongly in prayer or mediation, or even an idea, you are sending out thought energy that attracts the lesser lives and rearranges them to a certain extent. Many things happen in your life because of a thought-elemental interplay of which you may be unaware.

“That’s all well and good,” you may say, “but I want to do the big stuff like Jesus such as calm the seas, raise the dead and heal the sick.”

To achieve big things we must start where we are and that usually involves working with small things and moving forward step by step. The elementals and devas work with creative energies. If you want their assistance think of that which you want to create.   It may be in art, writing, music, relationships, business, career or even mediation techniques. Work with your desires and imagination and become a creator. The more you create the greater will be your interplay with the lesser lives.

When you are seeking to manifest realize that the creative process uses actual living essences that are influenced by mind and include them in your thoughts and even talk to them and sound the OM and AUM when focusing on them. Concentrate on feeling them through your spirit and your centers.

Jesus was a third degree initiate (before the crucifixion) working with the assistance of the Christ. Likewise we can call on Higher Lives to help us if we lack the full knowledge ourselves.

DK makes the interesting prediction that regular humanity will one day master the elementals to the extent that firefighters will use words and sound to put our fires rather than water.

Those will be interesting times.


July 8, 2016

Teachings of the Temple

Thanks for posting the Song of the 144,000 Video, Patrick. I feel elevated every time I watch this and the strange thing is I do not know the guy who put it together to thank him.

I finished the first volume of The Teachings of the Temple a while back. Since you wanted my opinion I’ll give a comment.

It was enjoyable reading and covered a lot of ground. There’s something in there for every seeker. I’d put them up there with Helena Roerich and Rudolph Steiner, but not as significant as HPB or DK’s works. Of course, DK through Alice A. Bailey is my all time favorite for quality and depth.

The thing that caught my attention most was in the foreword as follows:

Begin Quote

We have been told by “Those Who Know” that it is not an uncommon occurrence for a planet to be riven into fragments by retributive forces when the inhabitants of some world have misused high spiritual powers persistently, thus accumulating an excess of destructive forces, outweighing the balance of constructive energies and finally culminating in the destruction of the planet itself. In our solar system we have evidence of such a happening. Astronomers had noted the wide gap between Mars and Jupiter in which no planet was found, and for years they looked in vain to find a body that ought to be there. Finally over two hundred asteroids were discovered. These are very small planets, some of them not over twenty-five miles in diameter, and moving very close one to another, and all in the same direction, between the orbits of Mars and .Jupiter, as would be the case if they were shattered fragments of a once large planet.

A similar fate threatened our own world in 1899; but it was saved at that time by many Masters of high degree and power assembling from other planets at certain zones on and in the earth centers and holding the balance for the time being. The “Dark Star” was saved for the time, but for how long? Who can tell? Since that time there has been a great advance in scientific knowledge, invention, and attainments, and we are harnessing nature’s finer forces more and more to our personal and commercial uses and pleasures. But “these forces are forces of Life Itself—rays of Deific Energy from the very Heart of God and of Nature, and unless rightly used in the spirit of unselfish service and for the good of all, there is bound to be a reaction, due to the inversion of divine qualities, with terrible consequences to humanity, endangering the very existence of the planet itself upon which we live. Like unto a brotherhood of worlds in the celestial spaces, so must there be a Brotherhood of Nations on the earth and a true spirit of Universal Brotherhood without distinction of race, age, color, or creed among all the peoples of this earth, in order that such a cosmical catastrophe may be averted.

End Quote

I have never heard of such a danger occurring in 1899 or of any other time in the world’s history. I was hoping the author would go into more detail about this but came across no further comments.

Do you have any more information on why there was such a crisis in 1899? It would seem that with weapons of mass destruction that we are in much more danger today.

I haven’t forgot about your request on checking the handwriting of HPB and KH and will be posting something soon.


July 17, 2016

Comments on a Quote

When the world around you seems to fall apart after it seems that you have given your all, what should you do?

Give some more.

Coz wtites:

Isn’t this a recipe for being taken advantage of by others?


Not really, if you are working toward a good cause and you direct your energies wisely. If one’s giving is in the direction of enabling weakness in others then your strength will be sapped and never replenished enough. But if you are wisely working toward a good end there is no reason to allow yourself to be taken advantage of. If you do it will just slow your progress.


And a second question, unrelated to the first: How does one continue to give when they feel like they have nothing left in the tank?


If your labour is in harmony with the soul then there is always something left in the tank. It may seem otherwise from time to time, but if you stop and look within you will always find more strength to continue.

If the goal is not in harmony with the soul and others are running you ragged then when you look within you will not find sustenance from your soul because the soul wants no part of it.

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Mormon Outreach

Mormon Outreach

I am writing this with my LDS friends in mind but it should be an interesting read for all.

I was excommunicated from the church back in 1978 basically for believing in the principle of revelation. The problem was that many of the things I believed did not come through the prophet of the church. I was thus judged to be not in harmony and expelled, even though I had broken no church rules, had a temple recommend and seven jobs in the church at the time.

My nephew, Curtis, was similarly excommunicated and together we concluded that now with the shackles off we could openly teach the LDS some of the higher knowledge we had received. We were motivated by this scripture which said:

“For there are many yet on the earth among all sects, parties, and denominations, who are blinded by the subtle craftiness of men, whereby they lie in wait to deceive, and who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it.” D&C 123:12

Here are several things we attempted to teach.

(1) There are many truths and revelations available not recognized by the church.

(2) The importance of the gathering principle for the spiritual and physical salvation of the church and that the church had ceased to obey the commandments concerning it.

(3) The principle of reincarnation.

(4) The Molecular Relationship (See my book on this).

We thus figured that since the LDS were several steps above other Christian religions in truths perceived that there should be quite a few who would be open to “greater things.” All that would be necessary would be that we show them where to find it.

We labored diligently, and at great sacrifice, for about two years among the Mormons attempting to teach them that there were many truths and revelations available that were not recognized by the church.

The strange thing is we gained significant interested across the land, but almost all that interest came from non members. To our dismay and surprise we found that the LDS were the most closed minded of any people that we encountered. There seemed to be a vacancy of those who didn’t know the truth merely because they knew not where to find it. We presented the truth over and over in every approach possible and were rejected.

After two years of tireless work and almost zero results among the LDS we decided that we needed to retire to the real world and take care of our badly neglected material responsibilities.

Several years later a group showing the film called the Godmakers caught our attention. They were making the rounds in cities across the United States showing this film which distorted and mocked the teachings of Joseph Smith that we can eternally progress until we can become as advanced as the God that is over us and that there is a hierarchy of beings we call Gods.

Curtis and I went to see the film and were disgusted with its mockery, We wondered what the response of the church would be. We checked into this and to our dismay we discovered that the authorities were telling the members to do nothing. They basically said, don’t challenge the Godmakers, don’t confront them and basically act as if they do not exist.

We thought this was a new low for a church response and that the Mormons of this age were so much different than those who founded the church. In Nauvoo, for instance, members often challenged outsiders to public debates.

Then, a bright idea entered my head and I said something like this to Curtis:

“If the church will not defend Joseph Smith then we ought to do it. Let us challenge these Godmakers to a debate on whether or not the Bible supports the teachings of Joseph Smith on God.”

Curtis thought that was a great idea, but the question was how to go about it. After all, we were a couple unknowns who were not currently even associated with the church. It would seem that they would have little interest in debating us.

Then I had another bright idea. “We will embarrass them into debating us. We’ll run an ad in the Boise Statesman and challenge the Godmakers to a public debate.”

That sounded good to Curtis so we knocked our heads together and came up with an ad challenging the makers of the film, The Godmakers, to a public debate.

We ran the ad and sat back and waited for the phone to ring.

To our surprise one of the first calls we received was from an authority pretty high up in the LDS church, a Regional Representative. The conversation went something like this.

Authority: “Are you brethren aware that the Prophet has told us to avoid any conflict with this group?”

I received the impression that he figured we were just regular members who were over zealous, but ignorant of the decree from Salt Lake. I decided to set him straight.

“Yes, we are aware,” I said, “but the problem is that the prophet is disobeying the commandment from the scriptures on this matter. Someone has to obey it so we decided to.”

“And what commandment is that?” he asked with the realization that we were not regular members.

“Here, I’ll read it to you out of the Doctrine and Covenants. It says:

“Wherefore, confound your enemies; call upon them to meet you both in public and in private; and inasmuch as ye are faithful their shame shall be made manifest.

Wherefore, let them bring forth their strong reasons against the Lord. … keep my commandments; they are true and faithful. Even so. Amen.” D&C 71:7-11

“Here the scripture plainly says to ‘call upon’ these type of people and deal with their ‘strong reasons’ in public and private. Why do you suppose the Prophet is not obeying this commandment?”

There was somewhat of a gasp and a mumble. Then I said, “Someone needs to obey this commandment and stand up for Joseph Smith so we decided to and it matters not what the authorities in the church think. We care more about what God thinks.”

After that, he said something about the importance of following the prophet and hung up.

Following that incident we sat back and waited for the phone to ring. It did ring a number of times, but each person phoning asked the same question, “When’s the debate going to be? This sounds interesting.”

We told the callers that no one had stepped forward yet to debate us, but if we get some bites we would publish the details in the paper.

A couple days passed and to our disappointment we did not receive even one call accepting our challenge to debate.

As we sat together in contemplation it seemed at first that the best thing to do was to abandon the idea. After thinking about it I told Curtis that we were not done yet. What we needed to do was to run a second and bigger ad much more powerful than the first and embarrass them into debating us.

Curtis thought this was worth a try so we pooled together all the money we had and bought a much bigger ad. After we finished writing the ad we figured that if this didn’t get a response, nothing would.

Here is the wording of the ad:

On February 15, 1984 we issued a challenge through the Statesman to anyone who supported the film called:


to a public biblical debate on the teachings of Joseph Smith, the Mormon prophet, that man can become a god and the plurality of gods.

Public opinion supported us in this challenge and everyone wanted to know when the debate would be. Since none accepted our challenge, the response to all who called in was essentially the same: “Sorry, not one born again Christian has called in who is willing to defend his belief in God out of the Bible either In public or private.”

Is there not even ONE born again Christian out there who is willing to stand up for his beliefs??? The challenge went out not only to the Saints Alive, but to all who oppose the teachings of Joseph Smith.

There are plenty of people who publicly condemn the teachings of Joseph Smith. It takes no intelligence or faith to do that. But where are they to defend their accusations now on the day of reckoning when they are met with a challenge?

The Saints Alive refuse to debate us. Perhaps they are afraid. How about the rest of you God-fearing born again Christians??? There must be about 100,000 within the reach of this paper. Is there none that dare step forward and accept the challenge to debate us on the Biblical teachings of Joseph Smith? Are you defenders of the faith or accusers only?

Please call us at *** or check the appropriate box below and send it into us. We will publish the results of this survey in a future edition of the Statesman.

( ) Yes. I am willing to defend my faith before God and man and will accept the challenge to a public debate.

( ) I believe in one God, but am afraid to defend Him publicly.

( ) (No need to check this. Keep clipping in drawer.) I am not a concerned Christian and am not bothering to send this in.

( ) I want more information on man becoming a God and on the eternal nature of man.





Please clip and send to THE DEFENDERS OF JOSEPH SMITH; P.O. Box 8011; Boise, ID 83707

This time the response was overwhelmingly different. The phone rang constantly and everybody wanted to debate us. We got calls from 12 year old kids wanting to debate us, from old men, from housewives, from ministers… We received responses from almost every state in the United States. We just ran the ad in Boise, so how did this happen? Local people clipped out that ad and they sent it to people they knew outside of Boise. Many sent copies to various Christian ministers and we even received calls from famous ministers wanting to debate us.

We thought this was much better and we had a good time answering all those phone calls. So I said to Curtis, “lets pick the two best ones to debate us.” So we picked the two best responses. The most notable response we received was from the famous Christian author named Dick Hunt. He had a number of best selling books with millions of copies in circulation in 50 different languages.

Dick wrote us back and said he had “gotten several letters saying that you wanted to debate me about Joseph Smith out of the Bible. Is this is a Joke?” He did not think it was possible to defend Joseph Smith’s teachings about God out of the Bible.

He then said that if this is not a joke he would debate us. We then contacted him and informed him it was not a joke and we were willing to debate him.

Here is a LINK to Dave’s Amazon Page.

The other guy we picked was Wally Tope. He was a famous anti-Mormon guy and was the main guy leading protests and causing trouble whenever the church had a new temple opening or rededication. He would visit the area and pass out anti-Mormon literature. He traveled from temple to temple and he was perhaps the most famous and notorious anti-Mormon guy of the time and was totally focused.

So we picked these two guys and the local Christians were very enthused because they thought we were going to be totally humiliated. The Christian community picked up the ball and they did all the advertising and rented a big ballroom at Boise State University and arranged for us to be live on the radio. They encouraged their congregations to see this debate.

You would think the Mormons would have been interested in this but the Mormon authorities from Salt Lake City issued a command to the local people and it circulated all throughout the local regions that no Mormons were to attend this debate. They were just supposed to ignore us hoping we will go away.

So when the big day came we went into the big auditorium and the only Mormons that were there were Curtis’ Mom and Dad who reluctantly came to support their son. I think there were about 1300 people there and the place was full and sadly there were only two Mormons in the whole audience to see a defense of Joseph Smith, and as I said they were Curtis’ parents who had to be dragged to the event.

What was funny about this event though was whenever Wally Tope and Dick Hunt got up and shouted that Jesus is Lord and God, Hallelujah – the audience would rise up and repeat this and scream with approval. Then we would take our turn speaking and they would boo us. It was like Daniel in the lion’s den. I never felt so much negativity in my life. We were lucky to get out of there alive.

My friend Wayne came and another friend of mine came that was not a Mormon. I think we had about six people supporting us, and the rest of the 1300 people thought we had been belched right out of hell.

So it was a pretty interesting debate but we held our own. I made the mistake of over preparing. I don’t usually prepare when I make a speech but I prepared for that one because I thought it was important. The first segment of the debate I felt like I was not impacting anyone and then the second segment I threw away my notes and just talked off the cuff and this worked out a lot better.

It was interesting that we were the ones who used the scriptures and they hardly used any. They just rambled on about Jesus being lord and the audience cheered them along. They did not really have any good points in the debate but because they kept touching on what the audience believed in they had the audience on their side.

If you listened to the audience you would really think that they won the debate and they were convinced they won because a good portion of their debate consisted of the audience shouting praise to Jesus.

Christian catch phrases and the 1300 standard Christians in the audience cheering completely overwhelmed our six supporters. The cacophony made it sound like they were winning but if you listened to the words then we won the debate of reason. It was an interesting experience.

After the event was over we soaked in the fact that not a single LDS person came of his own initiative to support the defense of their prophet and founder, Joseph Smith. And they had no excuse. The event was widely advertised and the details widely circulated through the church. I would guess that nine out of ten active Mormons knew about it, but none, not one was curious enough to come.

On the other hand, the born again Christians in the area were happy to come and   support their beliefs.

At that time Curtis and I were considering making another outreach, but this time we wrote the Mormons off as a lost cause for a focus and we decided to present teachings that would be of interest to seekers within all belief systems.

Since that time I have written numerous books and thousands of articles and the funny thing is that probably about a third of my readers have an LDS background. My greatest success among the LDS has come when I was not trying to reach them.


The Best Books

One of the reasons the Mormons were so difficult to reach with greater light and truth was they made the same mistake as did the Christians they often criticized.

And what was that criticism?

They quote the Book of Mormon to non Mormons which says:

“many of the Gentiles shall say: A Bible! A Bible! We have got a Bible, and there cannot be any more Bible.” II Nephi 29:3

Then they triumphantly teach that God has not ceased to give revelation, but has given us modern revelation in the Book of Mormon, The Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price.

They thus see a regular Christian who will only accept the Bible, and what his religious authorities say about it, as backwards and trapped in ignorance.

The problem is that the LDS of today are guilty of the same flaw that they see in regular Christians. This includes not only the orthodox church, but also many who have broken off from the mainstream and are following a different path.

How can this be asks the faithful follower? After all, we accept the revelations of Joseph Smith as well as the fact that more revelations are forthcoming. Some have even claimed to produce additional revelations. These surely would not be in the same closed minded situation as are the mainstream Christians.

I wouldn’t be so sure. Have you read your own scriptures which say?

“And as all have not faith, seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and also by faith.” D&C 88:118

And where do we find these “best books”?

The typical member will say that these are books of good clean literature, history, self improvement and the writings of the General Authorities of the Church.

But are these really the best books containing the “words of wisdom” members are commanded to seek?

Perhaps a hint as to where the best books lie is given in this scripture:

“For I command all men, both in the east and in the west, and in the north, and in the south, and in the islands of the sea, THAT THEY SHALL WRITE THE WORDS WHICH I SPEAK UNTO THEM; for out of the books which shall be written I will judge the world, every man according to their works, according to that which is written.

“For behold, I shall speak unto the Jews and they shall write it; and I shall also speak unto the Nephites and they shall write it; and I shall also speak unto the other tribes of the house of Israel, which I have led away, and they shall write it; AND I SHALL ALSO SPEAK UNTO ALL NATIONS OF THE EARTH AND THEY SHALL WRITE IT.” II Nephi 29:11-12

This scripture gives us some amazing knowledge that has basically been ignored by the LDS church since its infancy. We are told that God will speak to “all men, both in the east and in the west, and in the north, and in the south, and in the islands of the sea, that they shall write the words which I speak unto them … and I shall also speak unto all nations of the earth and they shall write it.”

Sounds like God will give us more “best Books” than just the Bible from the nation of Israel and three others in America through Joseph Smith.

Where are all these other writings from the east, the west, the north and the south – verily from all nations of the earth?

Is it possible that God has been speaking to many people on the planet since the death of Joseph Smith and the LDS have been closed to them just as the orthodox Christians are closed to the Book of Mormon?

Sadly, the answer is yes. They are caught up in a prison of their own ring-pass-not just as are the standard Christians. The only difference is their ring is just a little larger. Just as the regular Christian will not look outside the Bible and their authorities for additional inspiration the LDS stay focused on their Standard Works and the words of their authorities that stay within the ring of Mormon doctrine.

Outside the ring there is more, much more that has been overlooked by the members of the church.

Shortly after Joseph Smith died God spoke through the Bab and Bahaulla to establish the Bahai religion in Iran. Ironically, they were persecuted for preaching against polygamy whereas the Mormons suffered for preaching for it.

The next major revelation came through a Russian lady, Helena P. Blavatsky who produced the masterful work called The Secret Doctrine. She solved the mystery spoken of in the D&C 49:8 of the “holy men that ye know not of.” Because of her we know who these men are.

Next came a revelation to Levi Dowling giving the complete life of Christ including the missing years called The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ.

After this a great revelation came through an English lady named Alice A. Bailey. She wrote 24 inspired books containing the deepest knowledge ever revealed. Almost every paragraph turns on a light in the contemplating mind.

Other best books since the time of Joseph Smith containing inspired words are from Helena Roerich, Howard Percival, Lucille Cedercrans and Helen Schucman’s A Course in Miracles. There are other inspired works but this will suffice for now.

Just as Joseph Smith is controversial and has much evil and distortion spoken against him, even so, this is the case with these other modern day prophets. They are all flawed human beings, but if a seeker reads their writings in the light of the Spirit he or she will see that many truths from God are revealed in the words.

A good set of books containing some basic easy to read teachings that are a step up for a sincere LDS seeker are The Teachings of the Masters of the Far East. You can download them free here:

“A man is saved no faster than he gets knowledge.”
Joseph Smith DHC 4:588


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More on Relative Truth

April 5 1999

More on Relative Truth

There are some true teachers who have talked about truth as if it were relative and other inspired works, such as A Course in Miracles, speak as if truth were absolute. The truth is, truth seems relative, but in its essence is absolute.

Let us go back to the vast mural we mentioned earlier. This great picture of pictures is composed of a seemingly infinite number of absolute truth pixels. What happens is that as we put the pixels together we see a larger picture of truth that was not apparent before. Seeing this larger picture is relative to putting the smaller pieces together. Then later, we find this larger picture is just another piece to a still larger picture, and this larger picture can only be seen when the smaller pieces are put together.

It is a little like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. Each piece is distinct in color and shape and does not change or shift around. Each piece has only one location in the puzzle that fits. If you shift around the pieces and try to force them to fit with your preconceived notions then you will distort the bigger picture.

The shape, color and truth about the pieces are not relative to any other piece. Each piece is what it is, whether it is seen in the picture as a whole or by itself. Each piece is absolute unchangeable truth.

The only relativity involved is that the perception of the whole picture is relative to the accuracy of putting together the individual pieces precisely in the right order. When true teachers have spoken of relativity in relation to truth, this is what they were referring to.

This is a lot different than the teaching of many new age gurus about relative truth. Some of these people seem to think that the pieces shift in color, position and shape and that the shape of one piece changes the surrounding pieces. They also believe that it does not matter where you put the pieces, that the end picture will be the same for everyone.

The truth is more like this: No two people will follow the exact same pattern in putting together a jigsaw puzzle. Very few will even start with the same set of pieces. BUT if any intelligent determined person continues in the quest, he will eventually learn which pieces go where and the big picture will finally become clear. If twelve different people do the puzzle they will all differ in time and method, but in the end all the pieces will be put together in the same way.

In the end it will not be your truth and my truth, or your version of the picture and my version, but it will be one picture seen through the same eyes of the soul, one truth absolutely true and unchangeable.

Now others have mentioned different kinds of truth or truth with a small t and capital T. In reality there is but one truth. Truth is simply whatever is true or whatever is.

I did mention that facts and principles were two different kinds of truth, but this wording is not an exact representation. It would be more correct to say there are two methods of finding the truth. These two methods are through the understanding of facts and the understanding of principles.

The understanding of a principle accelerates the discovery of truth a hundred times or more.

When the truth of a thing is discovered, whether it be of an atom or the ultimate God, then it is just true and will stand eternally by itself in time and space.

Time and space itself are two great entities with a consciousness and life of their own, and they have a beginning and end. Time and space will eventually die and be reborn. Truth itself lives in time and space and fades out of existence and then is reborn with these great entities, but is never destroyed.

Beyond time and space, truth, as we know it, does not even exist, but to even consider what this may be like is like a slug trying to solve the theory of relativity. We are much better off to concentrate on the discovery of truth as we understand it and as we can understand it.

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Wayne’s Writings

April 2, 1999

Wayne’s Writings

I was asked if Wayne from the book is a real person. Yes, Wayne is a real person, a great friend and thinker. We do not always agree 100% but we stimulate each other.

He’s been writing down a lot of his philosophy and publishing it in the local paper here. I keep after him to learn to use a computer and get on the internet but he never gets around to it. Instead he writes all his thoughts down on a yellow legal pad.

I collect his writings for him on my computer to make sure he doesn’t lose them. I’ll post a couple for you below:


Home is the warrior.

Home from the field

To rest from his battles,

To lay down his shield.

His arms have known rust,

His bones a deep cold.

Now home is the warrior

To hearths warm enfold.

The battles were many,

Of some he could tell;

Others left him quiet,

To private to dwell.

Some battles were fierce

With unnumbered foe;

And some just as fierce

He strove on alone.

With his armor about him

He lays down to rest.

The strength of the metal

Was his mettle to test.

Some battles were won

And some battles lost.

Often the gift of defeat

Outweighed victory’s cost.

His features were cast

In the heat of the strife.

The scars lent their form

In the shape of his life.

A lesson etched at last,

Into a part of him:

To divide was to conquer

To unite was to win.

In the strength of his arm

And the sight of his mind

His soul was reflected;

The spirit Divine.

But now his days o’re

For a time things still.

Now home is the warrior

Home from the field.


Philosophy is fun, we say. To divide life’s apple is play. We number and name, Though the apple’s the same. Whether divided in twain Or ground up, we gain Perspective. . .from we see the apple To the apple saw us.

PHILOSOPHY – “Trained Thought”

Reduced to its primaries, philosophy is a consideration of the relationship between defined quantities and magnitudes as represented within ideas. First, basic postulates are appointed as essentials or “priorities,” then, deductively, a theoretical format evolves. In the input and processing out lie the similarities and differences between all philosophical schools of thought.

It is the study of a moral foundation for applied living by humans who have evolved to the point where they can recognize their own evolution and the direct involvement in the selection of options through the emancipation of self.

Our Declaration of Independence is an example of such a philosophical format. When any philosophy’s postulates error against reality or natural law, or if there is a befuddled interpretation of correct premises, contradictions result. The thinker then must re-examine and readjust accordingly.

Cruel chaos now reigns in this nation. Dictatorial law stymies the ability to adjust. I will not accept any interpretation of law which requires my submission in mind or of body to the present status quo. I am my own man. I can and do “think” for myself. I neither welcome nor appreciate those who wish to foist upon me an immutable system of rules which indicate that the necessary thinking has already been done and that I must now submit to those man-made laws. I am above such law. Aren’t you?

If you allow the unenlightened to do your thinking for you, you will do your living for them.


When, in life’s elastic environment of exoteric and esoteric experience, evolving individuals assume an increasingly able control over

the impact of their surrounds upon themselves and vice versa, they are answering an instinctive call. Mans urge to discover, decipher, and discipline his external and internal universe is inherent. He is by nature an explorer, scientist, and engineer in his physical, psychological and spiritual fields. His impulse is to be free of limitations to have free dominion. The egg tooth by which he can break into that reality is philosophy, “the search for the real, the science of thought, and the design of a healthy and constructive life”.

As a man increases his control over his appetites and passions -“his demons within” – and makes them work for him, he becomes a moral man. As he disallows outside influences to bedevil him, he becomes a liberated man. When he has become accomplished at both, he is a master of devils. He has unfettered dominion in his life. He has freedom.

What some assume to be freedom is its antithesis. The unrestrained acting out on belief, passion and desire enslaves a man to his own demons. When you try to force your brother, you are in a very real sense rattling the chains of your own bondage. Brothers can and should work together for their mutual benefit, but each must preserve his autonomy 1) physically, 2) mentally and 3) spiritually if the word freedom is to have meaning in his life.

Rule of law, religious dogma, and belief are just stale thoughts.


Eve, the figurative and legendary “mother” of mankind, is representative of physical matter, just as Adam reflects the spiritual or “father” aspect of creation. Incorporate within each man is an inher•ent drive to improve his control over self, struggling toward levels at which his higher essence gains and maintains ascendancy over his more coarse physical being. In other terms, he is designed to evolve (Eve/volve). In opposition, a man experiences the evil (Eve/ill), that tradition tells a beguiled Eve allowed into this world, which in reality is no more or less the deception and consequent retardation a man experiences until he transcends his animal nature. Man is born to sin and evil only in the sense that he is still overcoming and is evil only relative to his present understanding and corresponding performance. Ancient Eve as an allegory represents the Eve/ning of men’s animal nature and the dawning of human potential. Hence she is the mother of all humans.

We all share the same reality; we just have different experiences, including different illusions. It is evil to force your illusion on another.


The will to know is an instinctive drive in humans, an incumbent impulse which motivates men to explore their objective and subjective worlds. Education should assist one in pursuing the “need to know” via a rational and self-directive methodology. Religion means “to rebind”, and as men loose old ideas and regrasp higher ideals on their quest to know, they are living their religion. In both science and religion, the “how” and the “why” of existence are pursued, and in conjunction a moral philosophy is forged. Until a man is able to sense and analyze both phenomenon, his thinking is not truly his own. However, independent thought endangers the status quo, and institutionalized authorities instruct with power, not reason. Although the metaphysical “why” is the most human question in the cosmos, it is increasingly left out of public schools. Without religion, teaching, reading, writing, arithmetic, and other disciplines are just sterile presentments, and not nearly an education by half.

Freedom of religion is the right to form philosophical attachments unimpeded by secular authority.


The evolution of consciousness is a journey from awareness to realization for an individual, a group, or an entire race. Whether from the womb of the mother or the cradle of civilization, man & mankind both tread similar paths in like sequence. Man first sees & believes, then sees & comprehends, & finally sees & absorbs knowledge.

In past civilizations, focus on religious planes foreshadowed any scientific discipline. Astrology antedates astronomy, alchemy preceded chemistry, medicine men practiced before did men of medicine. At first science seems to tear down the old gods. These periods of initial enmity between the two forces (religion & science) create social unrest in groups & cause conflict in the personal decisions of individuals. This continues until such time as their relative correspondences are seen & understood.

Mankind in-mass is approaching that inevitable point of synthesis. With belief one can imagine moving mountains, with science one can move mountains, by faith mountains are moved. Sans illusion, science & religion are conjoined. There are no contradictions to reality. Humanity is finally coming-of-age mentally in much the same sense as we ascribe to a young adult achieving his majority. In years, the time frame ratio between a man & mankind is near

200:1. Dating from the advent of Aries 4,000 years ago, the then infant fifth root race, first evolved religion as an institution & then during the 2,000 years of Pisces, adolescent humanity saw science also assume institutional proportions. The next step for the now •young adult• human race is the •mind• as an institution. Welcome to the Age of Aquarius! ….the age of the astrologer/astronomer, the religious/scientist, and the man free from illusion in both.

This is just a random sampling of some of his writings to give you an idea of how the real Wayne thinks in his own words. JJ

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