The Evolution of the Molecular Relationship

This entry is part 6 of 43 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Six
The Evolution of the Molecular Relationship

It will help us to know and understand the next step humanity must take in the relationship principle if we follow the evolution of matter itself. In each step, from the microcosm to the macrocosm, there will be correspondences. They will not always be exact, but they will be close enough so one with intuition can discover the truth of that which is above by studying that which is below.

Most scientists now accept the exoteric truth that matter and energy are interchangeable. Those who know have always used the words matter and spirit. Matter is female, or receptive, and spirit, or energy, is male or sending in relation to matter. Energy merely operates in a different frequency than matter. When spirit impregnates matter, soul energy is produced which is neither spirit or matter, but the interaction between the two.

Before form existed as matter it was energy vibrating in an apparent vacuum. As the vibration created structure, up and down quarks began to manifest and became attracted to each other and “married”. These married units attracted numerous other married couples until a vast community of families were created. A “city” of married sub atomic particles (many which are as yet undiscovered) produced a positive center called a proton. To balance off the positive center, a negative field electron was sent in circular motion around the proton. These two energies became married unto time indefinite and created a stable atom of hydrogen. This process was duplicated billions and trillions of times until vast hydrogen clouds were created. Modern astronomers have studied the hydrogen clouds and many believe they are the beginning of the creation of worlds.

For billions of years, free hydrogen atoms accumulated and the hydrogen clouds became denser. The energy within the cloud is intense and the atoms formed few if any lasting relationships. Slowly, these atoms attracted each other and the center point of the cloud became a point of intense gathering; the tiny atoms were literally forced into a union called “fusion”. In the fusion process, four hydrogen atoms were compacted together with such pressure that they were transmuted into the more evolved element of Helium and other heavier  atoms. Note here that it took the fusion of four atomic lives to create one greater one with new properties. Nevertheless, the four individual lives are not lost. Each of the four sets of male and female particles still maintain their individuality, but are merged into a greater order of livingness.

In the process of fusion, great amounts of energy are given off. The fusion process gives us the energy of the hydrogen bomb and is also the process whereby the sun generates its energy.

Through the process of fusion, spirit, or energy, descends deeper and deeper into matter and more and more complex atoms are created until finally entire suns, star clusters and complete galaxies of billions of stars are created.

The gravity of the sun captures and embraces planets which circle around it. them. As these planets coalesce and cool, the most advanced elements are utilized in rocky planets as earth. These include iron, lead, as silver, gold, radium, uranium and others.

When spirit descends into matter and touches its deepest point, then it stops involving into substance and starts evolving out of matter. Thus the process of evolution begins and the factor producing it is marriage. At this point, the male and female atoms join, not through the force of fusion, but through the process of natural attraction leading to marriage. Note that the bonding takes place through a free will attraction as evolution begins and not by force.

When atoms find suitable partners, they unite in a strong bonding relationship and share electrons with each other. In other words, they share energy, and this shared energy holds them together. They make a marriage bond which they agree to within their own sphere of consciousness. The chemist calls this bonding relationship “shared electron-pair bonds”, or “covalent bonds”.

As atoms form these covalent bonds, they know not what the end product will be of their evolution, but act under the impulse of Spirit which urges the tiny lives to unite and create something greater than themselves.

The most elementary marriage among the elements is that of two atoms of the simplest of elements: hydrogen. Two hydrogen atoms form the simplest bond in a monogamous marriage, but the bonding is a strong one and difficult to break down. Each atom has one electron which they share with each other. This sharing completes their first orbital shell, or chakra, and causes them both to be more stable.

The first orbital shell can hold a maximum of two electrons and, since hydrogen has only the one orbital shell and each atom has only one electron, there can only be a single marriage. When two hydrogen atoms share their single electron, they fill up their orbital sh ell and it is as if each one had two electrons. Note the diagram below:


The more advanced elements have more complex electron shells and many of them give and receive two, three and four electrons and evolve into a multiple relationship. This causes the creation of a more advanced molecule, and the result is a more highly evolved substance with higher properties than the separate elements had in their single condition. One of the most common molecules is H2O, or water. Each hydrogen atom can only marry once, but the oxygen atom can receive two electrons and thus has two mates, as illustrated below. In this case, the oxygen atom is a female with two bonding male relationships. 

In turn, the water molecule has either a slight negative or positive charge and forms relationships with other water molecules.

In another example, carbon, which is male, has four relationships with the atoms of chlorine and produces a molecule with totally new powers and properties.

It is important is understand the advancement that relationships in the atomic world produces. Hydrogen and oxygen are both gases, but when they unite, they produce the more advanced product, which is liquid water. Water is totally unlike either hydrogen or the oxygen that is in the air that we breathe. The union of these two elements produces a substance much greater than they were individually. In the same way, humanity, through the Molecular Relationship, can create group lives with greater powers and properties than it has individually, and will be able to share in the consciousness of the whole. Expansion of consciousness is the great objective of existence. This makes human molecular marriage very desirable, for it can create a possible expansion of consciousness which is beyond our present dreams.

The atoms and molecules of our bodies have a consciousness and marriage relationship which began billions of years ago. At that beginning point, they could hardly dream of the place they are at now where they share in the consciousness of the whole body. Thus, they have no desire to again be lowly atoms with separate and single existences. Instead, the force of evolution presses them ever onward, and they forever seek more and more complex molecules. Then, the molecules unite in various marriage orders and beautiful crystal forms are produced, and, after eons of time, a living cell is created. Finally, the cells unite in bonding relationships and create every type of life form that we see about us.


Humanity must follow on a larger scale what the tiny atoms have done in the microcosm. We will create human molecules. The molecules will create forms, and the forms will create magnificent living human cells.

The initiating of human Molecular Relationship is the initiation of the next quantum leap in evolution for mankind. This evolutionary leap is not so much a single jump as in times past, but a transition to group evolution that makes possible eternal increase for humanity so that they can tap all the powers of godliness that have always been within.

The concept of The Molecular Relationship is not new, but has been partially introduced in times past to certain initiates and formulated in a limited way. There has always been great limitation in developing it among humanity because of the consciousness of the people. However, the concept has always existed among the brotherhoods who have guided the race of man. Some call these beings Masters, some call them Gods. Others call them resurrected beings. They are an evolutionary step above regular humans and are often called the God Kingdom. The Brotherhoods form Molecular Orders that interconnect the divine thread of Purpose, which leads back to the presence of the One God. Now, humanity has reached the point where a new and everlasting order of relationship can be firmly established among them.

To reach this point, man has gone through a similar evolutionary process as the atom has. The correspondences are close, but never exact, for each higher kingdom has a higher consciousness and a more complex molecular order at the end of its evolution.

We go through a series of hundreds of incarnations as human beings. Our first incarnations are in a fairly primitive state; these would correspond to the hydrogen atom. Then, gradually, through the force of circumstances, we are fused into a higher atomic weight and the seven chakras, or energy centers and their pedals, open up until we correspond to radium and uranium and become radioactive. Finally, the advanced entity splits the tomb of matter (just as an advanced atom splits) and the resurrected eternal life is released from its prison. In between these times, the individual goes through many male and female existences.

Below, please note a chart showing the electronegativity value of all the elements. On the average, the 1.6 values and lower are the male atoms and 1.7 and higher are the females. In the molecular state, the atom with the lowest negative charge is the male and highest is the female. Male and female are relative factors and will vary according to the energy with which they are in a relationship.


On the chart above, carbon (C) has a high female charge, but since oxygen (O) has a higher one, carbon becomes a relative male when united with two atoms of oxygen to form CO2, or carbon dioxide. Thus, it is with humanity. Some males find themselves highly charged with female energy. The solution for these males is to create stability with female partners with slightly more female energy than themselves.

If you study the chart, you will see how the tiny lives pass through incarnations where they are sometimes male and sometimes female. The vertical rows represent corresponding elements with similar properties, and as you follow them from the top down, you will see how the various correlations of elements evolve in male or female charge. The seven horizontal rows represent the seven electron shells, corresponding to the seven chakras or energy centers in man.

Of the seventeen vertical rows with a charge, seven are evolving toward the female charge, eight toward the male charge and two remain fairly stable. All the radioactive elements in the seventh shell are the highest evolved atoms and carry a male charge.

At the risk of being attacked by the females reading this treatise, I will first point out that I did not create the atomic world. It is just there for us to examine. It is interesting to speculate as to how correctly our evolution through male and female cycles correspond to the evolution of atoms. It does seem that the best and the worst of people in our history have been males. It is a fact that those who have initiated causes and have led humanity to great heights and depths have usually been in male bodies. There are exceptions, but even if an advanced entity finds itself initiating a great cause in a female body, she must do so using male energies, for all initiating energies are male, as we shall soon explain. Thus, the most notable persons in history who have appeared to accomplish great works (good or bad) have been male, such as the Buddha, Christ, Abraham Lincoln, Edison, on one end and Nero, Mussolini and Hitler, and others, on the other.

When an entity from the spiritual realms decides to initiate a cause on the earth, he usually chooses a male body. The reason for this is that the male energy radiates outwardly and it is easier for him to make a physical accomplishment in the male energy.

If the entity decides he needs to learn a great lesson or absorb knowledge and wisdom he will generally choose a female body because the female energy draws things inward magnetically.

All of us go through both of these cycles of male and female energy and one is not greater than the other. The female energy, however, does not get all its deserved credit because it (being magnetic) is not visible with the eye. It must be felt. The male energy (being radiant) is seen with the eye and gets more of the credit in this age, but it shall not always be so.

However, the human race as a whole is evolving to utilize more female energy, which is just as powerful as male but in a magnetic direction rather than radiant. As knowledge of the female energy increases, more advanced entities take female bodies as such intelligence gravitates to opportunity.

Keep in mind that a person of even the stature of Christ could assume a female body, but he would be operating under mostly male energies because he is initiating cause which is a male energy function.

An interesting difference between the atoms of the earth and humanity is that these atoms carry an overall female charge, whereas the human kingdom has an overall male charge. This accounts for male dominance in most societies. Fortunately for the female, this charge is shifting toward neutrality, or balance and equality.

The key to understanding the marriage of atoms to create molecules is found in the word “balance”. Because duality exists as a division of Purpose into positive and negative forces, this causes all wavelengths and all forms to be at least slightly out of balance. In some cases the lack of balance is so small that it is not detected by scientists. There is no form or life that is one hundred percent balanced, or neutral, but all consciousness is driven in this direction.

The inert or noble gases are very close to neutrality, but the atoms that we examine here are at least slightly out of balance and seeks greater balance through “marriage” with other atoms. Even after the marriage bond is formed and the molecule created, such molecules in turn find themselves slightly out of balance and seek stability in newer and higher relationships with other molecules. This seeking for stability and balance is the driving force behind all evolution and presses the atomic and molecular lives forward until the cell is created. The cells then seek balance in relationships and evolve into life forms with other cells until man is created. Finally, man and woman find themselves out of balance and seek harmony in the human marriage relationship. However, the marriage of the atoms is in an advanced state of progression, whereas humanity is in its infancy and has only begun to experiment and follow soul direction in this area.

The whole drive behind the entire evolutionary process in all forms can be summed up in this statement: All form seeks stability and balance through the establishment of a shared bonding or marriage relationship. A bonded relationship, or marriage, is merely the result of life forms striving for balance. In the end, balance will be achieved by the union of all diverse forms and their demonstrative oneness and the return to the energy of Purpose, but while duality and form exists, there will never be perfect balance. We are all driven to seek this balance, however, and must seek it if we are to paint the pictures of God.

If we look at the Molecular Order as a drive for stability, then we can easily understand why atoms and molecules establish the relationships they do.

For instance, the ammonium molecule is made of three atoms of hydrogen married to one atom of nitrogen. They form this relationship because hydrogen needs one electron to complete its outer electron shell and nitrogen needs three. Thus, hydrogen shares it’s one outer electron with nitrogen and nitrogen shares one of its electrons with hydrogen. Since nitrogen needs three electrons for balance, it must find three companions to form a stable molecule. In forming this relationship all the atoms benefit. All atoms complete their outer shells and receive relative balance. Note the ammonium molecule below:

The hydrogen atoms are not only dependent on the nitrogen for stability, but also each other. Each hydrogen atom benefits and receives stability because its brother hydrogen atoms are sharing, and there is also interplay between the three electrons shared by the three hydrogen atoms because they all share in the same electron shell. Keep this point in mind, for this inter sharing of all the atoms is the key to molecular stability and must be applied to human relationships, as we shall see.

In the above ammonium molecule, relative stability has been achieved. This can only be done through a bonding relationship that is dependable. If, for instance, a hydrogen atom was to fly off, it must be immediately replaced by another atom of hydrogen or the molecule would be destroyed, and each atom would be in its original state of imbalance.

It is also interesting to note that even a balanced molecule will seek to help other atoms achieve balance even if some of its own stability is sacrificed. When the ammonium molecule encounters a hydrogen ion (or an out-of-balance hydrogen atom with no electron at all) with a lopsided positive charge, it will then share it’s last two electrons with the hydrogen. The hydrogen atom, having no electrons to share, places the whole molecule out of balance with an excess positive charge, as indicated below:

This association with the extra hydrogen atom is not a permanent relationship but the ammonium molecule is merely doing the stray hydrogen a favor by carrying him for a season. The ammonium molecule immediately begins to look for another molecule that has an excess electron that can take in the hydrogen ion in a permanent relationship. The word “ion” came from a Greek word that means “traveler”. Indeed, the stray hydrogen ion travels from one relationship to another seeking to balance itself with another electron.

Simple molecules like water (H2O), ammonia (NH3), sodium chloride or salt (NaCl), carbon dioxide (CO2), and others form the larger body of the molecules of the earth, but as we look at the more advanced and organic molecules, we see the establishment of some very complex marriage relationships.

Chemists were long puzzled over the marriage or bonding relationship of hydrogen and carbon in benzene. Analysis showed that six atoms of carbon were married to only six atoms of hydrogen. According to the balance needed in their orbiting shells, a carbon atom should be able to take in four hydrogen atoms, which would mean that six carbons can take in twenty-four hydrogens. However, it was discovered that benzene had established balance through an unusual marriage relationship as follows:

Each line stands for a shared pair of electrons. The double line stands for two shared pairs. Notice that to achieve balance, the carbon atoms married each other as well as hydrogen. Each carbon atom is married three ways: One to a hydrogen atom, once with a single bond to a carbon atom, and one more with a double bond, or a double share of electron pairs to still another carbon atom. The interchange of energy between the carbon atoms flows in a circle with all the outside hydrogen sharing in the circular force. In relation to each other, every other carbon is male, but in relation to the hydrogen they are all female.

A similar but continuous hexagonal marriage relationship of carbon atoms alone, as illustrated below, produces common graphite. Here, each carbon atom is associated with three other marriage partners:

Hydrogen and carbon in various molecular arrangements produce a number of hydrocarbons with numerous properties:

Here we can get an idea of some of the variety of molecular relationships that can be derived from just two different kinds of atoms.

Now we shall illustrate some of the more complex molecular and atomic arrangements. Below is Penicillin:

Next we see that cocaine involves very complex relationships:

Silicon and oxygen form an interesting crystal chain:

A study of these molecules will reveal that a wide variety of marriage relationships are possible in nature. We see that a molecule can be very complex yet still have stability. It is important to note, however, that a random mixture of atoms will not produce a stable molecule. Sometimes the addition or subtraction of just one atom could destroy the whole relationship formation in the molecule. In others, such as penicillin, the “R” stands for “radical.” At this point in this particular molecule, a number of different atoms can be interchanged. A substitution of the atom here will slightly change the properties of the drug, but not destroy the molecule.

We could spend a thousand pages on the relationships and interactions of the tiny atoms and molecules, but this treatment should be enough to give the reader a grasp of the basic principle of The Molecular Relationship: the atoms unite themselves in various marriage orders to produce molecular and cellular life with properties and potential much greater than they alone possess. Now, humanity must do the same. Our next step in this treatise is to examine how male and female may achieve fulfillment and progress by following the same marriage order that all the other progressive lives in the universe do: The Molecular Relationship.

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