May 30, 2016
The Candidates, Aquarian or Piscean?
I have noted before that the vast majority of Bailey students as well as new agers in general support the politics of the left. My estimate is that around 80-90% of them take this stand.
That is fine. I realize that many seekers and even initiates may disagree with each other on a number of things. The great work will still go forward if all do their best in seeing the soul within their fellow workers.
On the other hand, something about this upcoming election has brought out the worst in many people high and low in evolution.
In some circles people are not only plugging Bernie Sanders for president, but insulting anyone who may wind up voting for Donald Trump. Hillary is kind of seen that a middle of the road candidate and her supporters, though not cutting edge, are given a pass.
The talk of Bernie Sanders vs Trump goes something like this.
Bernie represents the Aquarian age, the Brotherhood of Light, reflects the teachings of DK and the Masters. If Bernie can get elected spiritual evolution will receive a great shot in the arm. Those who support him are the more enlightened of society.
Trump, on the other hand, is said to represent the old ways of the Piscean age. He is a strong authority patterned after the likes of Hitler and Mussolini and needs to be defeated at all costs. His supporters must be backward indeed for anyone in contact with the Christ within would surely shun the guy and support Bernie.
Since I would vote for Trump over either Bernie or Hillary this then places me with the Neanderthals and zealots of the Piscean age that is supposed to be dying out. It looks like my hand is forced to stand up for truth as I see it.
Here is the question to ask. Does Trump really represent the passing age of Pisces that must be discarded and does Bernie herald the Age of Aquarius?
Let us look at Bernie first. Why do his followers associate him with the age of Aquarius and the Brotherhood of Light?
There is basically one reason for this and that is that Bernie is a big government socialist and hopes to transform America into a socialist utopia. Because many new agers love their ideal of socialism being forced upon the people they equate this with the coming age of Aquarius, not the passing age of Pisces.
So, is Bernie’s idea of socialism really Aquarian in nature or is it from the old order of things?
To answer this we must realize that there are two basic types of socialistic endeavors. One is accomplished by force through the strong authority of a powerful government and the other is accomplished through free will cooperative endeavors.
Both have been around since the beginning of civilization and both existed in the days of Jesus. At that time Rome was the entity that had great authority over the lives of the people and they taxed the people to provide various social programs for the citizens.
There is not one instance of Jesus supporting such an endeavor. The only mention of taxes in relation to Jesus was a criticism that he was not paying them. (See Matt 17:24-27)
On the other hand, Jesus was an advocate of free will socialism. He told his followers to donate directly to the poor. That was a much different injunction than if he had advocated paying higher taxes for Caesar so the state could redistribute more wealth.
Today we see many examples of the type of free will socialism as advocated by Jesus in the various churches. They collect free will offerings and redistribute the wealth to the poor. The Salvation Army is a great example of this.
Other examples of free will socialism are various insurance plans that customers can take or leave, community gardens and employee-owned businesses. Free will socialism rises or falls its own merits whereas government enforced socialism can just tax the people more to compensate for a program that is not efficient or badly managed.
So which kind of socialism better represents the new Age of Aquarius?
The obvious answer is free will socialism. The Age of Pisces was governed by strong authority and powerful control over the people by both church and state. America struck a great blow at the powerful authority of the beast with the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution that limited the powers of outer authorities, especially the government.
The Great Seal of the United States struck the keynote of the new Aquarian Age with the words, Novus ordo seclorum, Latin for “New Order of the Ages.”
And what was this new order of the ages supposed to be? It was a limited government supporting a free people free from the control of strong authority and free from taxation without representation.
Socialism enforced by powerful authority represents the passing age whereas socialism by maximum free will is an ingredient of the new. The falling of the Berlin wall and the Old Soviet Union signaled the failure of strong social Piscean ideals enforced by strong authority.
In addition to strong authority let us look at another characteristic of the Piscean age. Pisces is the strongest water sign and water is a symbol of the emotions. Aquarius is an air sign and air is a symbol of the mind. DK tells us that the great shift of focus to move us into the new age is a change from polarization in the emotional energies to that of the mind.
Pisces is governed by the sixth ray of whose keynote is idealism which works hand in hand with emotional energy. Emotion fixes the image of the ideal in the mind and adds to its power over the individual. Conversely, emotion attaches itself to the ideal and seeks to manifest it any way it can, even if the rights of others are trampled upon.
Christ presented the divine ideal that stimulated the higher emotion of love, but the flaws of men degenerated the two from being centered in the heart to the solar plexus. We thus saw much that was negative manifested though emotion and idealism during the Age of Pisces. Examples range from the Roman Empire to the crusades, the inquisition, The French revolution and the bloodbath that followed, to burning witches at the stake to slavery, to the Communist Revolution and the idealist authoritarian rule afterwards.
The air sign Aquarius promises a move from idealism, sacrifice and strong emotional authority to a period of time where people will be polarized in the mind and discover the joys of living in a reasonable and logical world governed by wise choices.
Will the Aquarian Age be a replay of the Piscean where we start with a great example and degenerate into the wrong use of mind, which can slay the real and enhance darkness if misdirected?
The expectation of the Hierarchy is that this will not be the case. They tell us that humanity has made major strides in spiritual evolution and we are at the cusp of entering the world of mind, “the plane whereon the Masters can be found.”
Part of the reason that a grand opportunity awaits us is that we are not entering a normal Age of Aquarius. Instead, the age we are entering is a lesser age within a cycle of Aquarius that is much greater, over 25,000 years. These strong energies of mind related to service only come along with a double potion about once every 310,000 years. The last time it happened Atlantis was flourishing.
We have just moved over the cusp of the new sign but the old energies of Pisces are fighting strong for survival. They are like the power of a great Dweller on the Threshold fighting for its own survival seeking to hold us back. The old Pisces emotional and authoritarian energies are powerful indeed because the majority of humanity is still strongly polarized in their emotional astral self. They are influenced more by slogans and catchphrases than logic and reason. The emotional pull is so strong that it is likely to take us a couple hundred more years for humanity to take full advantage of the Aquarian energies of mind.
Until humanity itself makes the shift that catches us up with the shift already made in the Zodiac the negative energies of lower emotion and fixed idealism will pull strongly upon us.
When we look at Bernie Sanders we see a person fixed very strongly, not in the Aquarian energies of mind, but in the Piscean energies of idealism authoritarianism, dominated by strong emotion that often does not listen to reason.
The obvious sign of the Piscean, sixth ray idealist is a life that is spent endorsing and promoting an ideal within the mind, but making little if any headway in accomplishing anything of practical value.
This description fits Bernie very precisely. Up to about the age of forty he spent his time promoting his ideals not even having a full time job, accomplishing little of value – not even writing a treatise or book of significance. Then when he did get a full time job it was in the government. He’s never been involved substantially in any private enterprise that creates a thing of value.
Speaking of a dreamer who never accomplishes anything DK says:
A dreamer whose dreams never materialise, a builder who stores up material which he never employs, a visionary whose visions are of no use to gods or men, is a clog upon the system universal. He is in great danger of atrophying.
Letters On Occult Meditation, Page 97
Bernie is indeed a visionary who wants the world to conform to his ideals but so far has made little happen in that direction for which he is responsible.
If he were to become president would he then have his great opportunity or would he wind up just being “a clog upon the system universal”?
We have already had a number of presidents who have accomplished little and either just maintained the status quo or got in the way of Aquarian energies. We do not need another one.
As stated, one of the hallmarks of the Piscean age is the strong emotion that accompanies it. It is the most heavily weighed water sign and water is a symbol of emotion. Powerful misplaced idealism and raw solar plexus emotion dominated much of that age. The quintessential example is perhaps the French Revolution. It was led by a number of idealists with strong feelings who promised a better world for the common man. Maximilien Robespierre was one of the leaders promoting hope and change but wound up incorporating a reign of terror that made the world shiver with abhorrence. It became so bad that he became of victim of his own methods and was himself guillotined without the benefit of a trial.
So, does Bernie and his supporters show signs of wrongheaded zeal in furthering the ideal and destroying the opposition.
Indeed they have. They have made every effort to not only stop Trump from speaking or being heard when he does speak, but they have blocked traffic, tried to shut down main roads leading to Trump rallies and crash the meetings and attempt to prevent anyone but themselves from being heard. A recent (as of this writing) example of their shenanigans happened Friday March 27 in California as CNN reported that about 35 people were arrested by police in riot gear. These people were out of control resisting every effort of the police to protect attending Trump supporters from harm.
Ever since thousands of protesters were able to completely shut down a Trump rally in Chicago last March they have been charged up wanting to create more mayhem and interfere with freedom of speech in any way possible.
All but the conservative media have given mere surface coverage to the forceful attacks of the Sanders supporters until it affected their own party. When the Sanders supporters threatened violence at the Nevada Democratic convention, then the left leaning media gave some serious attention to the matter.
Here is a clip from an article in Newsweek:
The unseemly tirade of Sanders supporters was a marvel, the kind of behavior more likely to be seen among British soccer hooligans than people claiming to be interested in politics. A chair was thrown. People screamed “bitch!” at Senator Barbara Boxer, a staunch liberal from California. Even the Nevada state Democratic chairwoman, Roberta Lange, who had endorsed Sanders, needed a security detail just to go to the bathroom in order to protect her from the hypocritical “humanity lovers” who seem to hate everyone but themselves and their idol. Afterward, the goons kept up their hostile hysterics. Protesters vandalized the offices of the state Democratic Party. Lange’s personal contact information, including her cell phone number, were posted online, and she has since received thousands of death threats, according to state party officials. One of the text messages to Lange said, “Praying to god someone shoots you in the FACE and blows your democracy-stealing head off!” (Only in the delusions of Sanders-land could democracy be stolen when the winner of the popular vote was winning.) Voicemail obtained by Jon Ralston, the dean of Nevada political reporters, contain such delightful statements as, “People like you should be hung in a public execution…. You are a sick, twisted piece of sh*t, and I hope you burn for this!” And, “You f**king stupid bitch! What the hell are you doing? You’re a f**king corrupt bitch!” And, “You’re a c*nt. F**k you!” And, “You probably just guaranteed fire is in Philadelphia.” Yeah, these are exactly the kind of people who Americans want to have as the next president’s base—vicious, sociopathic misogynists.
Barbara Boxer, a long time Democratic stalwart reported to CNN, “I feared for my safety and I had a lot of security around me … I’ve never had anything like this happen. It was a scary situation … If I didn’t have a lot of security, I don’t know what would have happened.”
Through all these disruptions and infringements on free speech and threats of violence Bernie has mostly just stood back giving the impression that he silently approves of such behavior.
All this brings to mind a saying from Jesus,
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Matt 7:16-20
Part of Bernie’s fruit are the out of control supporters and that fruit is quite distasteful.
“But,” says the Bernie supporter, “everyone knows that the Trump people are the ones who are really out of control and should be feared.”
If one only listens to the reporting of the left this opinion is understandable for Trump and his supporters are presented as being a fearsome and violent bunch.
Here are the facts. All the problems at Trump rallies are created by Bernie supporters (maybe a few from Hillary) creating blockades harassing otherwise peaceful Trump attendees and forcing themselves into rallies creating mayhem to interrupt free speech.
If this infringement happened to any other group on the planet there would be some negative reaction take place. Let a thousand protesters try to stop Pope Frances from speaking to a large group and see what happens. Believe me, as saintly as you may think the Pope and his supporters are you can bet there would be some type of negative response take place.
The fact is this. All the attacks with intent to disrupt have come from the left, from Bernie and Hillary supporters, not from Trump. Of all the 17 original Republican candidates there has not been one group of any of their supporters who have attended a Bernie or Hillary rally and attempted to shut them down.
Now considerer what would have been reported if a couple thousand Trump supporters crashed a Bernie rally and blocked toads and entrances. You can bet that the Bernie people would have reacted violently and the supportive media would have placed all the blame on Trump.
When you tabulate the number of defensive attacks by Trump supporters, made only at Trump rallies which have been invaded, you have to give them credit for restraint, instead of blaming them for the problem. If Bernie supporters had remained peaceful there wouldn’t have been enough negativity from the Trump people to make any news.
So, let us examine these two groups – Bernie and Trump supporters. The Trump people just want to attend their guy’s gathering, listen and then go home in peace. On the other hand, the Bernie people are just not happy leaving well enough alone. They feel they must invade the space of the Trump people and prevent them from even hearing their guy. This is sad indeed and certainly does not speak for Bernie as one who is a herald of the new Age of Aquarius.
Another point to consider is that Aquarius is ruled by Uranus which is dominated by the seventh ray. On top of this the seventh ray is coming into incarnation and having an increased influence as we move into the new age. This means that if we want to find a true Aquarian candidate we would want to see aspects of the seventh ray manifested.
The seventh ray governs business, finance, organizational ability, ceremony and law.
Bernie is the strongest anti business, anti finance with the least organizational experience in the presidential equation and Hillary is not far behind. In many cases he does not support compliance with the law.
Trump on the other hand, is very strong seventh ray in this regard He has been in business all his life and has had many dealings with the financial world. He also runs and has run a number of large organizations. He is also a supporter of obedience to law. As far as the seventh ray aspect goes Trump is the Aquarian candidate, hands down.
As far as the sun signs of the candidates go Trump is a Gemini, Bernie is a Virgo and Hillary a Scorpio. Aquarius is an air sign and Trump is the only one who has a corresponding air sign – Gemini. Bernie’s is an earth sign and Hillary in Scorpio is a water sign. In fact water related to the age of Pisces is very strong in her chart.
Air and space exploration is also strongly related to Aquarius. Through the years Bernie has been one of the least supportive in Congress of the space program. He says that social programs are much more important than exploring space. Hillary has a similar attitude, but not as pronounced.
Trump not only has his own private jet but has been a supporter of space exploration and strongly criticized Obama for cutting funds. He wants to get the space program revitalized after he gets the economy headed the right direction.
Another strong characteristic of the Aquarian Age will be law which is an aspect of the seventh ray which is both coming into incarnation as well as being strong in Aquarius by being the dominate ray of Uranus which rules this sign.
So, why is law and order an Aquarian characteristic? After all, many new agers kind of see the coming new age as something existing in a laid back atmosphere where people do their own thing, kind of like a hippie commune satiation.
The hippies had their place in our societal evolution, but their casual adherence to law was not what we were supposed to incorporate from them.
Many seekers do not realize the importance of law and associate law and order with the old age that needs to be left behind. Nothing could be further from the truth. Laws that are accepted and respected are essential to create a peaceful, strong and progressive society. Where there is a breakdown of law you have a descent into either chaos, tyranny, or both.
When you have laws that are properly enforced and respected by the people as being just then you have a general population that can plan their careers, their activities, their recreation, their gatherings, their families, their business etc in a methodical order which can achieve positive results. Without good law constructive progress is greatly hindered.
What interferes with the implementation of constructive law? There are a number of items.
(1) A leader or leaders taking too much authority to themselves so that their word is law above that of the written law passed by legislative bodies. In tyrannies many victims may not break any law but merely offend some authority and are punished on a whim.
(2) Authorities that are tolerated in picking and choosing which laws are to be enforced.
We have a prime example of this with immigration. Many authorities are choosing to ignore immigration laws thus creating a volatile situation where many are upset and few are satisfied.
Many think laws should be ignored if they are seen as bad, but no less than Abraham Lincoln, a quintessential Aquarian, would disagree. Some of the worst laws we have had concerned slavery, yet even though he strongly disagreed with them he recognized the importance of adhering to law to prevent chaos. He had the attitude of supporting written law whether it be good or bad, but then worked to change that which did more harm than good. On this note he made one of the greatest changes in law in history and became the Great Emancipator, bringing freedom to the slaves.
To have a stable society we must follow Lincoln’s example. We should follow existing law, but then change that which does not work with better law.
If we think immigration law on the books is wrong then we should not ignore it, but work to change it and improve it.
Trump has been strongly criticized for expressing intent to enforce immigration law, even though he says he will create a wide door to let the harmless ones back in. What the critical new agers do not understand is that this is the correct attitude of the true leader in the coming Aquarian Age. Such a leader must be like Lincoln and work with existing law, but then make effort to change it if it is imperfect.
Picking and choosing which laws we will enforce as Bernie and Hillary are doing is not the Aquarian way.
(3) Too many laws and rules. If there are too many laws then confusion results. People will be breaking the law just because they do not even know it exists or the shear number can create frustration and chaos.
An example was Obamacare which consisted of thousands of pages. Few read much of it before voting and afterwards even supporters found problems with the wording.
The key to order is not to pass lots of law but pass essential and just law and then enforce it. Once we realize the importance of this we can begin to create a society worthy of the New Age of Aquarius.
I could go on and write a book on this subject, but this will have to suffice for the moment. There should be enough food for thought here to convince the objective reader that it is wrong headed to just make the knee jerk assumption that Bernie is the herald of the Aquarian Age. A Piscean idealist does not an Aquarian make.
Read Part 1 of this treatise HERE
For a 11 part treatise on on how DK’s views fall surprisingly to the political right go HERE.
Copyright 2016 by J J Dewey
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