The Left, the Right and DK, Part 9

This entry is part 9 of 73 in the series 2015



Concerning socialism and free enterprise, DK tells us that “the extreme position in either case is untenable.” Rays and Initiations, Page 633

So, what is the extreme of free enterprise? DK talks about free enterprise and “intense individualism” in pretty much the same breath making the extreme here easy to see. The extreme on this side is being motivated only for the benefit of self while ignoring the plight of the downtrodden. The person involved in free enterprise accomplishes the most good when he seeks to benefit others as well as himself and seeks spiritual values, as well as the material.

So, how does the extreme manifest in socialism then?

He plainly states the problem:

“Socialism can degenerate into another form of totalitarianism.” Rays and Initiations, Page 747

Rudolf Steiner agreed with this stating:

“If socialism, in the crude materialistic form in which it appears today, attempts to force itself upon mankind, it will bring the greatest unhappiness upon humanity.” Steiner, Ancient Myths their Meaning; Their Meaning & Connection with Evolution, Lecture 5, 11th January 1918.

DK elaborated further:

Principle of Fusion and of group endeavour is right and part of the divine plan; its implementation by grasping, greedy and ambitious men, or by deluded disciples, is terribly wrong and will lead to disaster. This disaster the Hierarchy is seeking to avert, but the Masters are handicapped (as usual) by the relatively few upon whom They can depend, and by the lack of understanding amongst the masses of well-intentioned people. Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2, Page 353

“It is not the imposition of any particular ideology upon the world, or its removal, which is of importance, but the establishing of those world conditions which will give all the nations adequate food, the necessities of life, and opportunity then to express themselves, and to make their unique contribution to the welfare of the whole family of nations. “ Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 209

“Justice and fair play, full opportunity and equal sharing of the world’s economic resources will only be possible when certain broad and general principles have been enforced by the weight of public opinion.” Problems of Humanity, Page 90

And just how can it degenerate to totalitarianism? The answer is obvious. When the State violates the Principle of Freedom and imposes social programs on the people contrary to the will of the people who will have to pay for those programs. If course, those who get free stuff for which they do not have to pay are less likely to complain. If it works with “the weight of public opinion” he tells us that “it can be more democratic than the present expressions of Democracy.”

What are the results when social programs are in harmony with the will of the people?

One of the prime things is that those who are putting up the money will feel their money is well spent and not going down a black hole. Social Security in the United States is an example of a social program supported by the will of the people. The only complaint of substance is the State raids the Social Security funds for other social programs not supported by majority will and this places the whole thing in jeopardy.

Most on the spiritual right as well as the political right will support social programs that are supported by the majority who will pay for them. Of course, the vast majority of those who get free stuff with no payment on their part will want to get as many freebies as the State is willing to dole out. They should not have power to dictate to those who are paying for the programs to pay more and more until there is nothing left to give. That lays the foundation for the tyranny spoken of by DK.

Unfortunately, the political left, as well as many DK students, do not agree with DK and are willing to use the force of the Sate to impose their social ideals, even if they run contrary to the will of the people who have to pay to implement those ideals.

The defenders of enforced socialism often cite Jesus as being one of them because he advocated the principle of sharing with those less fortunate.

At that time Caesar represented the power of the state, which did have its own social programs, but there is no mention by Jesus of using Caesar or force to implement that sharing.

There are numerous scriptures admonishing the rich to share, but not one that indicates forced sharing benefits the soul.

It is interesting to note that the authorities were concerned that Jesus was delinquent in taxes or perhaps avoiding them altogether. It is written:

…the collectors of the two drachma tax came to Peter and asked, “Doesn’t your teacher pay the temple tax’?” “Yes, he does,” he replied. (He apparently lied here to protect his master)

When Peter came into the house, Jesus was the first to speak. “What do you think, Simon?” he asked. “From whom do the kings of the earth collect duty and taxes— from their own sons or from others?”

“From others,” Peter answered.

“Then the sons are exempt,” Jesus said to him. “But so that we may not offend them, go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth and you will find a four-drachma coin. Take it and give it to them for my tax and yours.” Matt 25:24- 27 NIV

Here we learn that Jesus didn’t pay this tax because he didn’t think it applied to him but when accosted – to keep himself and Peter out of trouble – he went ahead and made the payment.

Word must have gotten out that Jesus was dragging his feet in paying taxes for the Pharisees approached him about his view on them in the hope of getting him in trouble with the authorities.

Tell us then, what is your opinion? Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not?”

But Jesus, knowing their evil intent, said, “You hypocrites, why are you trying to trap me? Show me the coin used for paying the tax.”

They brought him a denarius, and he asked them, “Whose portrait is this? And whose inscription?”

“Caesar’s,” they replied.

Then he said to them, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” Matt 22:17-21 NIV

He avoided saying no, which would have led to an early arrest. Instead he told them it appeared the coin belonged to Caesar since it bore his image. If it belongs to Caesar then let Caesar have it but give to God that which belongs to God.

This confused them enough to leave Jesus alone for a while but word must have gotten out that he wanted the rich to give directly to the poor instead of sharing the wealth through taxes. We find this accusation made at his trial:

“And they began to accuse him, saying, We have found this man subverting our nation. He opposes payment of taxes to Caesar… “ Luke 23:2 NIV

It should be crystal clear to any honest thinker that Jesus would not be in harmony with today’s tax and share the wealth socialists. If something belongs to an individual it was up to him whether he shared with others or not.

The wrong use of force is the extreme of socialism that must be avoided, for if such steps are followed with no one putting them in check then we will reach a state where those who receive will outnumber those who pay, and this new majority of takers will then have power to dictate to a new cycle of slaves what they demand to receive from them.

This tyranny must not be allowed to materialize or the only correction will be found in the complete collapse of the system with the believers of freedom building anew.

DK gives this important statement in regards to socialism:

“It is this growing spirit of humanitarianism which will lie behind all movements towards world socialisation in the various nations. This movement is symptomatic of a change in the orientation of man’s thinking, and therein lies its major value. It is not indicative of a new technique of government in reality, … They may be quite unconscious of any spiritual objective (so-called today) except the recognition that they love their fellowmen; this love will condition all they do and will motivate their every effort. Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 585

The social idea of sharing will not come about through “a new technique of government” but because people “love their fellowmen; this love will condition all they do and will motivate their every effort.”

If a socialist state forces hard working people to pay much more than they desire to fund questionable social programs then the motivation of helping for love of fellowmen has gone out the window.

There is one social incentive that does work and will bring about the conditions of sharing advocated by DK and that is an increasing motive to assist our brothers and sisters. This will bring abundance for all, but will not happen overnight, but it will happen.

Utopia is nice to dream about but we must be practical as advocated by DK:
“In contradistinction to the totalitarian world order, what should the rest of the world plan? Towards what world objectives should the democracies work? Utopian schemes, idealistic forms of government and cultural living processes have ever been the playthings of the human mind, down through the centuries. But these Utopias have been so far ahead of possibility that their presentation seems useless. They are most of them wholly impractical.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 190

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The Left, the Right and DK, Part 8

This entry is part 8 of 73 in the series 2015


DK agreed with the political right’s assessment of what communism does to the political spirit. He sated:

“Many of the people most violently fighting Communism could not tell you succinctly what those tenets are, but they are fighting – and rightly fighting – the totalitarian methods of cruelty, spying, murder, suppression and the lack of freedom. What they are doing in truth is fighting the abominable methods of imposing the rule of a few evil and ambitious men upon the ignorant masses, under the name of Communism. They are fighting the technique of exploiting the ignorant through misinformation, organised lying and limited education. They are fighting against the sealing up of nations within the confines of their own territory, against the police state, the lack of free enterprise and the reduction of men and women to automatons. This is the true imprisonment of the human spirit. The situation is, however, so pronounced and the evil so obvious (and the human spirit so basically and divinely strong) that it will eventually defeat itself; when the present group of totalitarian rulers (behind what you call the “iron curtain”) die out a different state of affairs will gradually supervene and a true Communism (in the spiritual sense of the term) will take the place of the present wickedness.”

Rays and Initiations, Page 745

DK also said this:

“The concept of unanimity which has been presented by Soviet Russia runs completely counter to the truth. Their idea is that the concept, the idea, the decision and the interpretation of a group of powerful men establishes the truth, and to this truth the docile masses render prompt allegiance. This is a basic misconception and to it no member of the New Group of World Servers will render homage; they will fight this imprisonment of the human soul to the last gasp. Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2, Page 238

“In the U.S.S.R. you have the problem of the levelling of the masses in all classes; this levelling has produced a low standard of living and the work to be done is to raise more than to bridge. This levelling produces serious conflict and one that is little realised by those who cannot penetrate into the sealed citadel which is Russia.” Rays and Initiations, Page 633

DK strikes a similar tone to a far right writer, strongly criticized by the Left, W. Cleon Skousen, who started writing popular anti communist books shortly after DK made these statements. Like DK, Skousen believed a spiritual communism (called The United Order) was a possibility, but saw Russia’s forced idealism as a great evil.

The problem with communism isn’t the main theme of “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” That ideal did not materialize in the Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea or even China, which is now become as capitalistic as the USA.

The problem with totalitarian communism is that the abilities and needs are assessed, not by the individuals, but the all-powerful State. As it turned out the non-communist free countries drew more out of people because of their abilities and did much more to meet their needs than totalitarian communism ever has.

Like any other ideal, what is good and bad about it, what works and doesn’t work, can only be discovered in a melting pot fomented through free will. Imposing ideals from on high, no matter how benevolent they sound, without testing them in the fires of free human enterprise does not work.

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The Left, the Right and DK, Part 7

This entry is part 7 of 73 in the series 2015

The Law of Economy and Waste

Doris just received a very large credit card and decided to make the most of it. Unfortunately she was a captive of her own emotional desires and not only overspent, but spent wastefully. Instead of checking for sales and finding the best price she often spent more than double what she had to on various products. Then when a store brand would do the job she would buy the much more expensive name brand. In addition to this she would often buy overlapping products. For instance, she had many more shoes than she needed and three cell phones when all she needed was enough for a single user.

Shirley also received the same card, but took a reasonable approach and just used it when it was logically necessary. She shopped around and made sure she got the best price on needed items and used store brand and generic items when there was negligible difference in the quality. She refused to buy overlapping products and just purchased what she could efficiently use.

By using her mind and common sense Shirley subjected herself to the Law of Economy.

And what is that? DK mentions it often in the Bailey writings. It is basically this.

The creative Intelligence of the Universe follows a path which produces the greatest efficiency while using the smallest possible expenditure of energy. Those who follow the Law of Economy produce very little if any wasted energy.

The Law of Economy can be seen at play from the sub atomic level on up to atoms, molecules, cells and all living things. The efficiency of nature is spectacular indeed.

We human beings have made many advancements in technology by observing nature, but we seem to really lag behind in incorporating this law in our lives and politics. Too many of us are like Doris and not enough like Shirley.

Unfortunately, most governments throw efficiency and the Law of Economy out the window and spend like Doris, often with no means to pay the final bill.

Here is the really strange part. Many who are quite conscientious about their personal budget and see themselves as common sense Aquarians will support extremely wasteful government spending. If government borrows to spend on a product or service they approve of, they give it their support while not even making a smidgen of effort to calculate the waste involved or voice concern.

Supporting government programs involving extreme waste is like being married to Doris and just trusting that she is doing the best possible job in making effective use of her credit card.

Does such wrong-headed support belong to the emotional Piscean mind or the mental Aquarian?

The answer should be obvious.

There is tremendous waste and inefficiency in most levels of government “help” and spending. I’ll just pick one – healthcare.

Before government started allocating spending on its citizens in an attempt to lower healthcare costs health care was pretty reasonable. I know because I had an accident at the age of 13 in 1958 that caused me to undergo six operations and spend a total of three months in the hospital. Four of those operations were by a renown specialist, the equivalent of which would charge a huge amount today.

My first stay in the hospital lasted a month and my room cost was $8.00 a day. The most expensive room was $14.00, but being concerned about money and having no insurance we opted for the most economical available.

$8 in 1958 dollars equals less than $100 dollars in 2020. That was a bargain any way you look at it.

The accident happened at the worst possible time. My Mom just divorced my Dad and received no child support. Our only means of support was from both of us picking fruit in the summer and my mom worked for near minimum wage at a potato processing plant for the rest of the year.

Could a fruit picker with no insurance pay off major surgery and a month’s stay in the hospital today? Not hardly. Today’s bill could easily run a quarter of a million dollars.

Now here is the crazy part. We paid off all the medical bills using our own money with no help from the government or insurance companies. My mom did take out a loan, but paid it off.

For later corrective surgery we did receive some help from a private charity, but again government was not needed or involved.

Today a typical stay in the hospital is around $4,000 a day or more. That means if I had to stay in the hospital today, the cost would be about 500 times more than in 1958. Adjusting for inflation it would still be about sixty times as much.

The irony is that, today, gas prices are often a sore point with the public, the media and politicians. Everyone wants to investigate “Big Oil” for gouging us. Many also want to penalize them by taxing more of their profits.

But, even though gas prices seem high we should be praising big oil for holding their prices as low as they are.

The price of gas in 1958 was 39 cents a gallon in the area where I lived, and no one was grumbling about Big Oil. If the price of gas had risen 500 times, it would now cost $199.50 a gallon!

Why is it that by 2020 the price of gas and many other items has risen less than ten times the 1958 price, whereas a hospital room has risen around 500 times? It is puzzling that no one is asking this question. Even more puzzling is why people are not grumbling more about big hospital than they are about big oil or other commodities.

This great inefficiency started to plague us about the time that government stepped in to help us with our medical bills in the form of Medicare and Medicaid.

When these programs started in 1965, they seemed like a good idea to many, especially in consideration of the cost projections at the time. The public was sold on the idea that Medicare’s $3 billion cost in 1966 would only reach an inflation-adjusted $12.0 billion by 1990. The actual cost in 1990 was a whopping $67 billion. The “experts” were off by 7.44 times. Total Medicare spending reached $440 billion for fiscal year 2007 and then to 630 billion in 2019, or 16 percent of all federal spending. The only larger categories of federal spending are Social Security and defense.

The question is whether the bill could have even passed if the public had been given an accurate representation of what the actual cost would be.

In addition to this, the annual cost to taxpayers of Medicare and Medicaid fraud (not counting waste) is estimated to be over $100 billion. One estimate of the fraud of the whole health care system is $272 billion a year.

The bottom line is that there is no way one can claim he is in harmony with the Aquarian energies of the mind when if one supports programs that create such extreme waste. Anyone not ruled by pure emotion would support the elimination of waste and applying the Law of Economy before spending money on new programs that will do more of the same.

When I tell someone today. who thinks the government is doing a great job with our medical dollars, about the time before such programs when even a fruit picker did not need insurance because he could pay his own way, his eyes just glaze over and mumbles something to the effect that, “things are different today.”

Yes, things are different today and not in a good way, Government is extremely inefficient with our money in most areas of endeavor and the common sense, mental, Aquarian, new age attitude should be to shout, “Stop! Let us fix this problem before we throw even more money at such a broken system.”

When we look at the positions of the left and the right we see that the stated beliefs of the right are much more in harmony with the Law of Economy. Many on the right claim to believe in limiting spending to a balanced budget where as the left in general seem to have little concerns about such a thing. If an idea sounds beneficial they think the government should supply the money even if we have to borrow it to the extent that out grandchildren will be facing unparalleled debt.

Unfortunately, many on the right only support a balanced budget in theory and not in actual action. When they have achieved the majority it seems that they are just as willing as the left to violate the Law of Economy. The hard fact is that there are only a few on the right who seek to practice as they preach and they are often labeled as hard hearted extremists, not only by the left, but some of their brethren on the right.

The bottom line is that the stated spending policies of the right are much more in harmony with the Law of Economy but far too many politicians of both parties succumb to temptation as did Doris with her big credit card.

DK would not have supported our insane borrowing. He said:

“Make restitution of the borrowed goods; pay back thy debt.” Esoteric Healing Page 426

DK placed emphasis on voluntary sharing and cooperation and the Right of today support a number of social programs that are supported by the will of the people.

DK tells us that the governments of the new age will take the best out of all the systems of the past. Instead if being far left or far right they will be a synthesis, not strongly polarized toward either political party of today.

Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed;

For he saith, By the strength of my hand I have done it, and by my wisdom; for I am prudent: and I have removed the bounds of the people, and have robbed their treasures, and I have put down the inhabitants like a valiant man:

And my hand hath found as a nest the riches of the people: and as one gathereth eggs that are left, have I gathered all the earth; and there was none that moved the wing, or opened the mouth, or peeped.

Isaiah 10:1, 13-14

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The Left, the Right and DK, Part 6

This entry is part 6 of 73 in the series 2015

Belief in God and Intelligent Design

Back in the 1980s and earlier there was not much difference in the percentage of the political left and right who professed a belief in God and recognized some type of Divine Intelligence having a hand in creation.

Now all that has changed. The political left has taken a major swing toward the spiritual atheistic left whereas the Right has held fairly steady. Pew polls show that in 1987 there was not much difference between the Republicans and Democrats in their belief in God, but by 2012 we approached a great divide that has probably become wider since. In 2012 92% of Republicans had some type of belief in God compared to only 77% of the Democrats.

Another Pew poll revealed that in 2012 73% of the atheists voted for the Democrats and only 18% voted Republican. About twice as many Democrats reject the idea that some type of higher intelligence had a hand in the creation of the universe.

I think the polls actually understate the belief gap. I have participated in a number of forums where politics is discussed and if I, or another there, just mention any type of acknowledgement of Divine Intelligence the attacks and belittlement from the political left spew forth without mercy. Rarely does anyone from the Left even mention a belief in God in any form. Many of those on the Left who do have some belief in God often seem too ashamed to publicly admit it. The only supporting posts made in harmony with me was from believers on the Right and the strange thing is that many of those believers have a lot different view of God than I do. Even so, just the mere acknowledgement of Higher Intelligence is a unifying guidepost pointing in the direction of the Right Hand Path.

It should be a no brainer for a follower of the Bailey writings to side with the political right on acknowledging an Intelligent Designer. He says this:

The scientific way leads the aspirant into the world of energies and forces, which is the true world of occult endeavour, revealing the Universal Mind and the workings of that great Intelligence which created the manifested universe.       Rays and Initiations, Page 666

There is no hope for the future world except in a humanity which accepts the fact of divinity, even whilst repudiating theology, which recognizes the presence of the living Christ, whilst rejecting man-made interpretations of Him and of His message, and which emphasizes the authority of the human soul.   Problems of Humanity, Page 34

On this matter DK, as well as most any spiritual teacher, is much more in harmony with the political Right than the Left. The acknowledgement of God, as well as all the hierarchies, representing higher spiritual intelligence in the realm of creation are at the core of all his writings. He definitely sides with the political right in accepting intelligent design.

The most famous words of DK, The Great Invocation acknowledges God as our source of “light” “love” and “Will.” There is really no excuse for Baily students to side with the left on this matter.

Now some students siding with the left will say this: “Of course, I accept the idea of higher intelligence, but what I reject is the right attempting to teach their version of God and creation in the classroom. I do not want my kids taught that the earth was created in six days and is less than 10,000 years old.”

This accusation by the left that the right is demanding a literalist version of creation to be taught is something not centered in reality and conjured up by them as a means of attack to take the idea of divinity completely out of the schools.

First we must realize that the number belonging to the political right with such a literalist view is decreasing with each passing year. Many believers see the days of creation as unknown periods of time. Those who support Intelligent Design are not demanding that any literalist view of the Bible be taught but merely that there is evidence that a greater intelligence than humanity had to be involved in creation. That is an idea that echoes through the belief systems of all spiritual people and the various religions, but ridiculed by many on the political left.

Most on the political right who support intelligent deisign merely promote the idea that time be given to both sides of the discussion. After all, the idea that students should be exposed to the concept of Divine intelligence is in harmony with DK’s writings for he said:

“The college or the university should in reality be the correspondence in the field of education to the world of the Hierarchy; it should be the custodian of those methods, techniques and systems of thought and of life which will relate a human being to the world of souls, to the Kingdom of God, and not only to other human beings upon the physical plane; not only to the world of phenomena but also to the inner world of values and quality.” Education in the New Age, Page 49

So here DK advocates going beyond that which the right desires and teaching about the world of soul and the kingdom of God in our schools of which Intelligent Design would definitely be included.

He also said this:

“Until the aim of education is to orient a man to this inner world of realities, we shall have the misplaced emphasis of the present time. Until we can arrive in our educational objectives at the bridging of the gap between the three lower aspects of man and the soul (a bridging which must take place upon the mental levels of consciousness), we shall make but little progress in right directions and all interim activity will be inadequate to the modern need. … The objective of education should therefore be the training of the mechanism to respond to the life of the soul.” Education in the New Age, Page 11

Then he promotes “ the recognition of divine potentialities in man as well as the recognition of a divine directing Intelligence in Whom man lives, and moves and has his being.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 192

Sounds like DK would be considered a right wing extremist if he were presenting his views today.

DK is in good company and in harmony with the words of Einstein who said this: “On the other hand, however, every one who is seriously engaged in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that the laws of nature manifest the existence of a spirit vastly superior to that of men, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble. The pursuit of science leads therefore to a religious feeling of a special kind, which differs essentially from the religiosity of more naive people. “Einstein and Religion: Physics and Theology” by Max Jammer quoting an Einstein letter from 1936

Of course, not all who accept Divine Intelligence have their feet placed solidly on the right hand path, but this much we know and that is those who fight against the freedom to teach and merely expose the rising generation to the idea that there is a kingdom of the soul and Divine Intelligence are aiding those entities who support the left hand path.

May the sincere esoteric student choose wisely.

Revised March 9, 2020

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The Left, the Right and DK, Part 5

This entry is part 5 of 73 in the series 2015

The Left, the Right and DK, Part 5

Sex and Family Values

There is a significant difference in the philosophies of the political left and right concerning sex and family values, though there is some middle ground where they both agree. That middle ground is becoming slimmer all the time and is basically this.

We should love and support family members as much as possible and do our best to see children get the best possible care and start in life. Basically both sides claim to support the Golden Rule in relationships though both will often fall short.

The differences however, are significant. Concerning family values the right has placed a lot more focus on them, often to the extent that they are criticized for trying to monopolize the subject. They are also strongly criticized by the left when any individual from the right falls short of those values.

It must be realized though that such a criticism is often a cheap shot, for all fall short of perfection from time to time, so we should not discourage anyone from attempting to reach a high standard because someone in the group is a bad example.

So, why is the right criticized for monopolizing family values?

It is not because they are unwilling to let the left have their say but because they are the ones talking about them, trying to live them and placing emphasis on them. You rarely hear groups from the left even mentioning family values as a part of their philosophy. If the topic is brought up it is usually in the context of how people of the right are hypocrites because they do not live up to the standards they set.

The bottom line on the monopoly idea is this. If the people from the left do not want the right to have a monopoly on family values then they should lay claim to some of those values themselves and promote them as they did when DK was writing through Alice A. Bailey.

Now the divisions on the proper role of sex are even a greater divide.

A high percentage of the right believe that sex should be limited by certain constraints. Many believe it should only be had in the marriage relationship. On the other hand, the left widely believes in few if any constraints. The basic mantra there is “if it feels good, do it” and you will not be criticized or condemned.

Concerning birth control the right has become more liberal (as a whole) over the years and leave it up to the individual, but are not big on promoting it, especially if it leads to promiscuity.

The left takes a much more liberal view in assuming all should be supplied with birth control, free of cost if possible, to accommodate all who wish to have sex at any age from teens and above.

So, which side does DK and Alice A. Bailey gravitate to on this issue?

Here Alice A. Bailey echoes sentiments similar to DK which sounds more like the political right than the Left.

“It is needless, surely, to add here that the true student of meditation should not tolerate in his life promiscuous or illegitimate sexual relations. The aspirant to the life of the spirit conforms not only to the laws of the spiritual kingdom but to the legalized customs of his age and time. He, therefore, regularizes his physical every day life so that the man in the street recognizes the morality, the uprightness and the correctness of his presentation to the world. A home that is based upon a true and happy relation between a man and a woman, upon mutual trust, co-operation and understanding, and in which the principles of spiritual living are emphasized, is one of the finest aids that can be given to the world at this time. A relation that is based on physical attraction and the gratification of the sex nature, and which has, as its primary objective, the prostitution of the physical nature to animal desire, is evil and wrong.” From Intellect to Intuition, pages 258-259

Here DK reinforces this idea:

“Again, a divine son of God can surely function as freely and as effectively when in the married state as in the celibate; he will however brook no prostitution of the powers of the body to the grosser satisfactions, nor will he offend against established custom, nor lower the standards which the world has set for its highest and best.” A Treatise on White Magic, Pg 420

“They have tried—at the other extreme—to exhaust normal sexual desire by promiscuity, license and perversions, damaging themselves and laying up the basis for trouble for many incarnations ahead.” Rays and Initiations, Page 670

In addition, DK was against the too liberal use of contraceptives that lead to unregulated promiscuous sex similar to the right today.

“Again, we have evidence of a growing realisation of the race along this particular line (of population growth); that realisation is as yet distorted and much misunderstood and is today producing the promiscuous use of contraceptive methods. As the intelligence of the race is developed (and that is going on apace), as the Laws of Rhythm and Approach are grasped, it will then be found that there are certain innate reactions which will negate conception, and that then the mechanical means will no longer be required.” Education in the New Age, Page 134

In addition he tells us that a lack of self control in sex leads to a weakened physical body:

The dissipation of the vital powers through loose living and incontinence is the great sin against the physical body. It involves the failure to recognize the importance of the procreative act, the inability to resist the lower desires and pleasures, and a loss of self control. The results of this failure are apparent throughout the human family at this time in the low health average, in the full hospitals, and the diseased, enfeebled and anemic men, women and children everywhere to be found. There is little conservation of energy, and the very words “dissipation” and dissipated men” carry a lesson. Light of the Soul, Pages 198-199

So, overall here, DK sides much more with the example of a conservative like Tim Tebow, who regulates sex to within marriage, as compared to the typical liberal rock star or Hollywood type where everything goes.

Revised Feb 24, 2020

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The Left, the Right and DK, Part 4

This entry is part 4 of 73 in the series 2015

DK and Nuclear Energy

Dropping the Atomic Bomb on Japan

Even though this action was taken by a Democrat, according to a Pew poll published Aug 2015 only 52% of Democrats think it was justified while 74% of Republicans do.

Again DK sides with the Right on this as he strongly supported the dropping of the bomb.

“They (the Japanese) will be and are being defeated by physical war measures and by the destruction physically of their war potential and the death of the form aspect. This destruction … and the consequent release of their imprisoned souls, is a necessary happening; it is the justification of the use of the atomic bomb upon the Japanese population. The first use of this released energy has been destructive, but I would remind you that it has been the destruction of forms and not the destruction of spiritual values and the death of the human spirit – as was the goal of the Axis effort.

“That atomic bomb (though used only twice destructively) ended the resistance of the powers of evil because its potency is predominantly etheric.” Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Pages 495-6, 548


Atomic Energy

Next we come to peaceful uses of atomic power. It is interesting that DK predicted this as a positive thing long before the creation of nuclear power plants. He said this in the Treatise on Cosmic Fire which was published in 1925:

“When the energy of water and of the atom is harnessed for the use of man, our present types of factories, our methods of navigation and of transportation, such as steamers and railway apparatus, will be entirely revolutionised.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 910

Here he not only predicted here the positive use of nuclear power but the extracting of power from water. Scientists are currently working on economical ways of separating hydrogen from water and using it to power our homes and vehicles. Nuclear power could be a key to making this feasible.

He also said this about 100 yeas ago:

“The investigations of scientists have been greatly stimulated by the discovery of radium, which is an electrical phenomenon of a certain kind, and by the knowledge this discovery brought of the radioactive substances; the development of the many methods of utilising electricity has also greatly aided. This science has brought man to the threshold of a discovery which will revolutionise world thought on these matters, and which will eventually solve a great part of the economic problem, thus leaving many more persons free for mental growth and work. This expansion of knowledge can be looked for before one hundred and fifty years have transpired.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 809

And then this:

“man will eventually come to the realisation that in atomic energy, harnessed to his need, or in the INDUCING OF INCREASED RADIOACTIVITY, LIES FOR HIM THE PATH TO PROSPERITY AND RICHES.”

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 496

So then according to DK we should be well on or way to abundant and economical energy that will virtually eliminate poverty in the world by 2075. But other writings indicate that we should have made much greater progress by now because humanity advanced faster than expected and made a “premature discovery of the release of atomic energy.” Rays and Initiations, Page 412

Near the end of his work with Alice A. Bailey DK expressed a very positive view of the nuclear technology that developed and had high hopes for it in the near future. He said this about nuclear power in the later years:

“Then—as time goes on—this liberated energy will usher in the new civilisation, the new and better world and the finer, more spiritual conditions. The highest dreams of those who love their fellowmen can become practical possibilities through the right use of this liberated energy, if the real values are taught, emphasised and applied to daily living. This ‘saving force’ has now been made available by science, and my earlier prophecy substantiated.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 497

DK was very positive about nuclear power which unfortunately has become a strong political issue. So which political side supports the DK stance, the political left or the right?

Again we find the right is more in alignment than the left.

According to Gallup in March of 2019 65% of Republicans compared to 42% of Democrats favor use of nuclear energy. 34% of Republicans oppose it while 57% of the Democrats do. Republicans, College Graduates and Men Most Supportive of Nuclear Power. LINK

For generations now the Right has been a much bigger supporter of atomic power for the generation of electricity than has been the Left who have often strongly opposed it with protests and lawsuits. The major opposition has always come from the left, not the right and all the anti nuclear groups donate almost exclusively to the left and not the political right.

Amazingly DK predicted strong opposition to this energy source.

“the vested interests, the big cartels, trusts and monopolies that controlled the past few decades, preceding this world war, will mobilise their resources and fight to the death to prevent the extinction of their sources of income; they will not permit, if they can help it, the passing of the control of this illimitable power into the hands of the masses, to whom it rightly belongs. The selfish interests among the big stockholders, the banking firms and the wealthy organised churches will oppose all change, except in so far as it will benefit them and bring more financial gain to their coffers.

“Signs of this opposition can already be seen in the utterances of certain powerful men who are today encouraging a gloomy outlook in London and in Washington and elsewhere;” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 493

Some may read this and say that the opposition is not from big money interests but from environmentalists. What is not realized is that environmental groups worldwide receive billions of dollars to promote their agendas and those who would lose the most with abundant nuclear power will funnel money and influence to stop nuclear development.

Power brokers have also used many media sources to scare the people away from supporting nuclear energy

Some would think that DK was mistaken in thinking that atomic power would be economical. Few realize how correct he would have been if not for the tremendous resistance it has received and roadblocks put in the way with every lawsuit that could be conjured up. The great resistance caused the construction costs of plants to increase up to sixteen times the original budget. If nuclear energy were to have been allowed to develop naturally it would now be the most economical source of power. Instead, powerful forces from the left have deceived the public and frustrated development.

The red tape and costs became so great that nuclear development came to a standstill and the great opportunity hoped for from DK has been put on hold.

If not for the great opposition from the Left we could have economical and safe nuclear power.

Yes, safe. Science has solved most of the problems with nuclear energy and we can now build safe reactors that can even recycle their waste.

Then on the horizon we will see other forms of nuclear energy. We are on the verge of creating safe fusion reactors. Because of the delays caused by high resistance it looks like DK’s original date of around 2075 may turn out to be the time of liberating atomic energy, despite humanity getting a jumpstart on its development due to World War II.

I’ll end this segment with some additional quotes from DK on nuclear energy. Indeed he saw it as a positive thing we were supposed to embrace and perfect.

“The destroyer aspect was therefore the first aspect (of the first Ray) to take effect. It split the thought-form of materialistic living (which was governing and controlling humanity everywhere) upon the mental plane and, at the same time, it produced a great agent of destruction upon the physical plane.

“Thus was the new era ushered in; thus was the stage set for a better future. This was the intent and the purpose of Those Who compose the Council Chamber of the Lord. It rests with humanity itself to take advantage of the proffered opportunity which this destructive manifestation made possible.” Rays and Initiations, Page 647

“On the physical plane, the great scientific discovery, called colloquially the ‘splitting of the atom,’ will be turned eventually to the production of those conditions which will enable mankind to follow the good, the beautiful and the true. This men will then be able to do, freed from the dread presence of purely materialistic thinking. This is no idle vision or vague dream. Many scientists today (and particularly those who love their fellowmen) are not only visioning the non-destructive aspect of atomic energy but are already engaged in harnessing-for the good of humanity — some of its products and its radioactive properties.”

Rays & Initiations,” Pg 648

“As the forerunner of that release of energy which will change the mode of human living and inaugurate the new age wherein we shall not have civilisations and their emerging cultures but a world culture and an emerging civilisation, thus demonstrating the true synthesis which underlies humanity. The atomic bomb emerged from a first ray Ashram, working in conjunction with a fifth ray group; from the long range point of view, its intent was and is purely beneficent.” Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Page 548

“Conditions will be basically altered; along certain lines, such as the distribution of coal and oil for lighting, heating and transportation, is it not possible that in the future neither of these planetary resources will be required? These are two instances of the fundamental changes which the use of atomic energy may make in future civilized living.” Problems of Humanity, Page 66

“This release of (atomic) energy will eventually make money, as we know it, of no moment whatsoever; money has proved itself (owing to man’s limitations) a producer of evil and the sower of dissension and discontent in the world. This new released energy can prove itself a “saving force” for all mankind, releasing from poverty, ugliness, degradation, slavery and despair; it will destroy the great monopolies, take the curse out of labour, and open the door into that golden age for which all men wait. It will level all the artificial layers of modern society and liberate men from the constant anxiety and gruelling toil which have been responsible for so much disease and death. When these new and better conditions are established, then men will be free to live and move in beauty and to seek the “Lighted Way.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 500

“Then—as time goes on—this liberated energy will usher in the new civilisation, the new and better world and the finer, more spiritual conditions. The highest dreams of those who love their fellowmen can become practical possibilities through the right use of this liberated energy, if the real values are taught, emphasised and applied to daily living. This “saving force” has now been made available by science, and my earlier prophecy substantiated. *** The constructive use of this energy and its harnessing for the betterment of humanity is its real purpose; this living energy of substance itself, hitherto shut up within the atom and imprisoned in these ultimate forms of life, can be turned wholly into that which is good and can bring about such a revolutionising of the modes of human experience that (from one angle alone) it will necessitate and bring about an entirely new economic world structure.*** Its right use can abolish destitution, bring civilised comfort (and not useless luxury) to all upon our planet; its expression in forms of right living, if motivated by right human relations, will produce beauty, warmth, colour, the abolition of the present forms of disease, the withdrawal of mankind from all activities which involve living or working underground, and will bring to an end all human slavery, all need to work or fight for possessions and things, and will render possible a state of life which will leave man free to pursue the higher aims of the Spirit.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 497

“We are on the verge of entering a new era in scientific unfoldment, owing to the discovery of how to release the energy of the atom. Not even the scientists responsible for the discovery have the faintest idea of the far-reaching effects of this momentous happening. From the angle of our subject and the theme of this volume, an entirely new language related to energy and force is already in the making: the use of the discovery in the handling of disease will, in almost the immediate future (from the occult angle) be regarded as little short of miraculous.” Esoteric Healing, Page 713

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The Left, the Right and DK, Part 3

This entry is part 3 of 73 in the series 2015

Peace Through Strength

Many on the political left assume that the spiritual Hierarchy side with typical pacifist doctrine of unilaterally disarming the military and using the funds fo social and other idealistic programs. However, according to DK this is far from the case.

We’ve already discussed the Principle of Freedom which is supported much more by the Right than the Left, as many on the Left support restrictions of freedom by big government. DK was a big supporter of freedom and mentioned it often. He was one of the few metaphysical teachers who took a strong early stand against Hitler and for the Allies in order to preserve the freedom necessary for the new age. He criticized the United States for its isolationist approach before Pearl Harbor indicating that Hitler could have been easily defeated if the United States and Europe had been prepared and taken military action earlier.

Indeed Alice A. Bailey and DK were right wing hawks compared to the Left of today.

The Left of today are the main supporters of pacifism and disarmament, but DK was a stronger critic of pacifism than Ted Cruz or Donald Trump is today. He said this:

“I would say to those who preach a passive attitude in the face of evil and human suffering and who endorse a pacifism which involves no risks: With what do you propose to fight the forces of aggression, of treachery, evil and destruction which are today stalking over our planet? What weapons do you bring to this combat? How will you begin to stem the onslaught and arrest the whirlwind? Will you use prayers for peace, and then patiently wait for the forces of good to fight your battle and for God to do the work? I tell you that your prayers and your wishes are unavailing when divorced from right and potent action. Your prayers and petitions may reach the throne of God, symbolically speaking, but then the reply comes forth: The Forces of Light will strengthen your arms and turn the tide in your favour if you stand up and fight for that which you desire. Who will arrest the progress of aggressive selfishness if the men and women of goodwill rest back upon their idealism and do naught that is practical to justify their hope or aid in the materialisation of the desired ideal.

“There are those in the world today who (despite past national selfishness and wrong) are fearlessly and with true insight fighting humanity’s battle, and with them the Hierarchy stands, as it has ever stood on the side of liberty, right understanding and correct attitudes in human affairs. I would say to those who cry, “Peace, peace when there is no peace”: Are you going to profit by their death and sacrifice when the ultimate triumph of the Forces of Light comes to pass? Are you going to take the position that you can then live in a safe world because others gave their lives that you might do so? Are you going to issue forth from the safe security of your pacifist alibi and gratefully acknowledge what they have done and grasp your share of the gains which they have purchased at such a cost? I would warn you not to be glamoured by the false premise that you must stand by your hard-earned convictions, even at the expense of other peoples’ lives and the downfall of nations, forgetting that fear and false pride will make this argument of importance to you. Are the peace-minded people of the world going to reap the benefits of a peace for which they have paid no price?”

The Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 233

If anyone were to speak this way against our enemies today he would instantly be called a right wing hawk.

Many of the spiritually inclined today embrace pacifism and demand the United States , NATO and other allies disarm and use the funds for social programs. This was the idea promoted by the idealists before World War II and the Allies were thus caught completely off guard and unprepared. If they had been prepared to keep the peace through strength then Hitler could not have posed a threat. DK affirms this by saying:

“I would ask you to exercise your imagination in an effort to visualise a world in which there is a complete defeat of the Allies, expressing as they do the ideals for which the Forces of Light have ever stood. I would remind you of two things: First, that these Forces were defeated in the earlier phase of the conflict thousands of years ago, and secondly that—if They again go down to defeat—it will be largely due to the unpreparedness and to the pacific attitude of the neutrals of the world. Had the Allies been ready (and that in itself would have indicated attitudes similar to those now being expressed by Germany) and had the neutrals stood together from the outbreak of hostilities and proclaimed as one voice: This thing must not be—Germany would then have been arrested in her triumphant progress.

“The Allies, however, were not prepared for the onslaught of the forces of evil; on the physical plane, their position was not impregnable. The neutrals at the same time have chosen and are still choosing the negative and weak way; and through fear, a misplaced idealism, or a separative spirit, plus the failure to grasp the acuteness of the world crisis and its significant implications, have placed humanity in a position of imminent though not inevitable disaster. These are points which require careful consideration and consequent readjustment of the attitude of those who are doing nothing to further the efforts of the Forces of Light and of the men of goodwill throughout the world.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Pages 239-240

Further he says that the pacifists “cannot believe that a God of Love could possibly employ the first divine aspect to destroy the forms which are obstructing the free play of the divine Spirit; that Will must not infringe upon their interpretation of Love. Such people are individually of small moment and of no importance, but their massed negativity is a real detriment to the ending of this war, just as the massed negativity of the German people, and their inability to take right action when Hitler’s purposes were disclosed, made possible the great inflow of ancient and focussed evil which has brought the present catastrophe to man. Such people are like a millstone around the neck of humanity, crippling true effort, murmuring, ‘Let us love God and each other,’ but doing nothing but murmur prayers and platitudes whilst humanity is dying.       Externalization of the Hierarchy, Pages 345-346

Then he struck another blow toward the idealists who see themselves as above any conflict.

“When the war broke and the entire world was hurled into the consequent chaos, horror, disaster, death and agony, many spiritually minded people were anxious to stay aloof from the struggle. They were not the majority but a powerful and noisy minority. They regarded any attitude of partisanship as an infringement of the law of brotherhood and were willing to sacrifice the good of the whole of humanity to a sentimental urge to love all men in a manner which necessitated their taking no action or decision of any kind.” Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Page 784

“Those who refuse to share in that struggle for freedom will be left out of the gains of freedom, “ Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 253     

“Humanity having decided to fight out the battle physically, there was nothing left to do but issue a challenge to the men and women of goodwill to take their stand on the side of such action as would release humanity through the destruction of the evil forces. These had determined to prove that might was right. Therefore, the forces fighting for progress and civilisation had to meet force with force. “ Externalization of the Hierarchy, Pages 178-180

Today we face a greater threat than Hitler because of nuclear weapons held by unfriendly nations and more to come from very antagonistic nations such as North Korea and Iran. Yes, peace through strength is expensive but it is a cost we must pay to prevent a conflict worse than World War II

DK says this:

“It is only when the vision and dream of peace—which beguiles so many well-meaning people—gives way to the determination to take every possible means to achieve that peace in practical ways upon the physical plane that the inner spiritual forces will be enabled to work also more actively on earth.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Pages 256-257

His (Christ) work has been greatly hindered by the sweet sentimentality of the unthinking Christian and by the well-meaning, but oft unintelligent, pacifist. Both these groups would sacrifice the future of humanity to temporary methods of “being nice” or “being kind” or taking gentle measures. The forces of evil, stalking the world today, do not understand such measures … the simple-minded are apt to forget that the Christ said, He that is not with me is against me.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Pages 476-477

“Let the soporific of beautiful peace talk die out and let sane methods of establishing goodwill and right human relations precede the discussion of peace. The world talked itself into a dreamy state of idealistic rhapsody about peace between the first phase of this world war and the present one. This must not again occur and it is the task of the intelligent humanitarian to prevent it. “Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 444

Unfortunately many on the political left want to slash the military budget and funnel those funds into social programs. This is what happened after World War I and DK says this state of unpreparedness to put down evil “must not again occur and it is the task of the intelligent humanitarian to prevent it.”

It would be nice if we did not need to spend any money on defense and had no concerns about rogue nations unleashing nuclear bombs, but such is not the case. As it is, we must secure peace through strength for that is the only deterrent of the forces of evil as conformed by DK

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The Left, the Right and DK, Part 2

This entry is part 2 of 73 in the series 2015

Freedom- An Attribute of the Right

So, what are other freedoms overlooked by the Left?

We go through cycles where the political left and right take their turn in pushing us in the Right direction. Sometimes the Left pushes too far and nudges us toward the Left hand path and sometimes the Right goes too far and brings progression to a halt by too much focus on the past.

At present the political left is placing a dangerous amount of energy on limiting freedom and they are attacking the most precious freedom of all which is freedom of speech. If we lose that we will lose all of our important civil freedoms.

When I was in college in the Sixties the Left was very big on free speech. The popular bumper sticker of the day for them was “Question Authority.” They often quoted the famous statement, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

Today the left has shifted around 180 degrees on this view and it all began with political correctness. They started putting a lot of attention on speech that could be offensive and then telling the rest of us that we shouldn’t say certain words.

Many made fun of them and came up with humorous lists of politically incorrect things to say.

Here is just one list. LINK

Many saw this approach as obnoxious, but few saw it as dangerous.

Well, the danger has come full circle illustrated by the demands of some college students lately. Students at Yale are demanding restrictions on Halloween costumes, Brown University students are demanding “anti-oppression training” for college employees, Princeton students want former president Woodrow Wilson’s name and image removed from campus and in Columbia. They are traumatized because the class material is not diverse enough. They are demanding that conservative commentators not be allowed speak on campus. Make America great hats are called symbols of hate and those who wear them are attacked or banned. Students at George Washington High in San Francisco felt traumatized by a longstanding mural of the first president and wanted it covered up.

Larry Summers, esteemed president of Harvard who has always leaned left was forced to resign for just making the true observation that males at his school perform better at math than females, ending with the statement, “there is a difference in the standard deviation and variability of a male and female population.”

One of the most bizarre attacks occurred when Smith College president Kathleen McCartney as well as Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley got in big trouble for saying that “all lives matter” when they should have just stuck to the mantra “black lives matter.”

Students and much of the general population that lean left are now so offended by free speech that they support curtailing it by force of law.

A new Pew Research Center poll shows that 40 percent of American Millennials (ages 18-34) are likely to support the force of law to prosecute public statements offensive to minorities.

Even more egregious is that a 2015 Rasmussen poll revealed that 27% of Democrats and 11% of Republicans want global warming skeptics prosecuted for speaking against standard global warming theory. An additional 15% of the general public do not side with free speech and are not sure if skeptics deserve free speech.

In the UNESCO division of the United Nations they recommend prosecuting organizations “devoted to organized climate denial.” If this were to happen then the only research that would be permitted would be that which supported a warming planet due to human activity only. That would be comparable to the ancients only allowing research into a flat earth. Round earthers must be rounded up. LINK

Hillary Clinton gave a strong indication where her loyalties to free speech lie. She attended the famous Laugh Factory in Los Angeles and didn’t like some of the things the comics humorously said about her. When some of the video was placed on their website she insisted they be taken down and wanted the identities of all the comics. The owner, Jamie Masada, said:

“They threatened me, I have received complaints before but never a call like this, threatening to put me out of business if I don’t cut the video.”

A generation ago, when nudity, drug use and cuss words were being pushed upon us through movies and other media the Left often defended free speech and criticized the conservatives for opposing it. Now things have changed. Now conservatives rarely stand in the way of offensive speech while the Left is marching toward alarming restrictions putting the First Amendment at risk.

DK never said anything in any of his works in favor of restricting speech that may merely offend. He, of course, advised students to be wise in their speech, but never advocated force to restrict public discourse.

“No matter what past history may indicate in connection with many of the allied nations (past aggressions, ancient cruelties and wrong doing), they were and are today (during WWII) seeking to cooperate with the Forces of Light and are endeavouring to salvage human freedom political, religious and economic.” Destiny of the Nations, Page 100

It looks like we are reaching a point where these freedoms may need to be salvaged again.

Time and time again DK placed emphasis on free speech and goodwill.

“The forces of death are abroad today, but it is the death of liberty, the death of free speech, the death of freedom in human action, the death of truth and of the higher spiritual values. These are the vital factors in the life of humanity; the death of the physical form is a negligible factor in relation to these, and one easily righted again through the processes of rebirth and fresh opportunity.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 232

The disciple must “gain that control of speech which has often been your goal but seldom your achievement, and remember that the most powerful factor in the control of speech is a loving heart. Wild and fearful talk, hateful gossip, cruel innuendo, suspicion, the ascribing of wrong and wicked motives to persons and peoples, and the divergences of attitude which have separated the many different nations in the world are rampant today and have brought the world to its present distressing situation. It is so easy to drift into the same habits of speech and thought which we find around us and to discover ourselves participating in attack and the spirit of hate. Guard yourselves strenuously against this and say nothing which could inflame hate and suspicion in connection with any race, any person, any group or any leaders of groups and nations.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 82

Freedom, A Pearl of Great Price

It is bad enough that free speech is under attack, but in addition to this almost every freedom our forefathers fought for is being diminished.

The Second Amendment, the Right to keep and bear arms, comes under renewed attack whenever some crazy guy goes on a shooting spree. Yes, there are some accidents and homicides due to guns, but many more deaths and serious injuries due to car accidents. But no one calls for the banning of cars.


Because their usefulness far exceeds the damage they cause.

And what is the usefulness of guns?

The main one, which was enunciated by our founders, was not for hunting, but to keep us free. A government will be nervous taking us too far toward tyranny if its citizens are armed and other nations would think twice about invading us when the citizens are armed with a couple hundred million guns.

We need to recall that the worst killing spree that has happened on American soil was caused, not by guns, but by 19 men with box cutters who hijacked airplanes. Yet no one called for the banning of air travel.

Again, even with great disasters now and then air travel brings much more benefit and freedom than it takes away.

Big Brother has been taking away freedoms in many other ways. If you count all the hidden taxes the average taxpayer pays more than 50% in taxes.

Government borrowing and charging the reckless debt to you and me and our children is another great inhibitor.

Excessive laws and regulations are suffocating many just trying to make a living.

Other freedoms at risk are our religious freedoms, a free unregulated internet, freedom from excessive and frivolous lawsuits and just a general freedom to speak and act with out of the box ideas.

DK supported the Allies against Hitler to secure freedoms necessary to insure the coming of the New Age, but I would suppose he would be concerned today as he surveys the current situation.

Yes, some things have improved, but it will all be for nothing if we were to lose our freedoms. We must ever remember these great words emphasized by numerous Founding Fathers including Jefferson.

“Eternal vigilance is the cost of liberty.”

DK Quotes on freedom:

For the first time in human history, the lines of demarcation between that which is right from the angle of the spiritual values (the essential freedom of the human spirit) and that which is wrong (the imprisonment of the human spirit by materialistic conditions) are clearly perceived by the majority of the nations of the planet. (Understanding of Humanity after WW II) Discipleship in the New Age Vol II, Page 220

“The freedom of humanity and the liberation of its power to be self-determining (which is an aspect of freedom) has become the dearest ideal and the best thought of the thinkers in all nations. In the last analysis, it is this interference with individual and group freedom which is the worst sin of the evil men.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 266

Nothing of true value is to be gained by any arbitrary or autocratic activity on the part of the spiritual Hierarchy. That is one of the lessons to be learnt, as the work of the totalitarian powers—in the past and today—and its effects are noted. Under the totalitarian system, freedom is curtailed or abolished, the free will of the individual is denied and prevented expression, the individual is regarded as the appurtenance of the all-powerful State and held in that position by police regimentation; individual development is of value only in so far as the interests of the State are served, but the individual himself—as an independent divine unit of humanity—is non-existent, from the totalitarian point of view. Would you, therefore, have the spiritual Hierarchy of our planet work along totalitarian lines, enforcing peace and comfort, taking steps to arrest evil by force and working for the material well-being of men? Or would you have the Masters lead humanity itself, through right understanding, to take the needed action, even if it involves trial and error and a much slower process? Would you have mankind standing on its own feet as intelligent agents of the divine Plan? Or would you have them treated as irresponsible children who must be energetically protected against themselves? Is it not better for the rapidly awakening intelligence and activity of men (in every land) to be trained to recognise the essential unity of all human beings, and so be led to take the action needed which will endorse that unity, which will work for the entire group of human beings in all lands everywhere, and which will also and at the same time preserve the individual and the national cultures, alongside a universal civilisation and a world-wide system of divine recognition? It is toward this general freedom and the intelligent activity of the free individual that the Hierarchy is steadily and successfully working; the concept of unity and of united activity for the good of all is far more widely grasped and understood than you perhaps realise. The totalitarian approach works toward an imposed unity and one which will include all peoples and bind them down to a uniformity of belief—politically, economically and socially—and which will and does basically ignore the spiritual values, putting the State in the place of that divine spiritual centre where spiritual reality is to be found. Externalization of the Hierarchy, Pages 670-671

“The material goal which all who love their fellowmen and serve the Hierarchy must ever have in mind and at heart is the defeat of totalitarianism. I do not say the defeat of Communism, but the defeat of that evil process which involves the imposition of ideas, and which can be the method of the democratic nations and of the churches everywhere, just as much as it is the method of the U.S.S.R. This we call totalitarianism. I would ask you to have this distinction clearly in your minds. Your material goal is the defeat of all that infringes human free will and which keeps humanity in ignorance; it applies equally to any established system—Catholic or Protestant—which imposes its concepts and its will upon its adherents. Totalitarianism is the basis of evil today; it is found in all systems of government, of education; it is found in the home and in the community. I refer not here to the laws which make group relations sound, possible and right; such laws are essential to community and national well-being and are not totalitarian in nature. I refer to the imposition of the will of the few upon the total mass of the people. The defeat of this undesirable tendency everywhere is your definite material goal. Externalization of the Hierarchy,” Page 701

“Freedom is an essentially spiritual attribute, underlying the entire evolutionary process; this should always be remembered as a strengthening and conditioning reality by all men everywhere. It has survived aeons of opposition from the principle of enslaving selfishness and is largely responsible, at this time, for the struggle in which we are all participating.” Rays and Initiations, Page 428

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The Left, the Right and DK, Part 1

This entry is part 1 of 73 in the series 2015

The Principle of Freedom

A reader brings up an interesting point, that most Bailey students are from the Left and see me as a heretic to the faith because I lean to the Right on some issues and this division seems unreasonable.

Yes it is interesting that a great majority of Bailey students as well as most in other new age movements lean quite strongly to the Left. If I had to guess the amount I would say it was over 80%.

So, do shear numbers in majority mean that going to the Left is the true right hand path?

Not hardly. History proves that the next level of truth is always seen by the few, not the many.

Before I proceed let me note that when I speak of political divisions I usually use Left and Right instead of liberal and conservative. This is because these titles are misleading as those who are called conservative are liberal in many ways as they give more to charities, they are supportive of space exploration and technology, they look for new ways to expand on freedom, liberally embrace free speech, limited government, etc. Those who call themselves liberal are extremely conservative about conserving all kinds of things – the environment, cultures, historical sites and buildings and unfortunately lean toward the old conservative ways of totalitarian government much more than do conservatives with their emphasis on freedom..

I consider myself on the Right because I choose the Right hand path and it may be no coincidence that the political left and right have taken those names to themselves as the esoteric left restricts freedom and the right seeks to expand it, similar to the political left and right. Both of the groups on the left seek to restrict individual and group freedom with more laws, more regulations, less free speech and less trust in the intelligence of the individual to make his own choices.

So what are the indications that the seeker is on the Right hand path?

As I have said many times, the key indication that one is treading the Right hand path is an embracement of the Principle of Freedom. After all, what is the core ingredient of the various initiations that have to be taken on the path to liberation?

DK said again and again that the initiations remove limitations. And what happens when limitations are removed?

Greater freedom.

How can a seeker be making significant progress toward his next initiation, which brings greater freedom if he fights against the very principle of freedom that is needed to move forward?

The problem with understanding freedom is that everyone thinks they are for it. Slave owners during the American Civil War thought they were fighting for it. Hitler thought he was fighting for it. Even terrorists think they support it.

How can some be so deluded one may ask.

The reason is that individuals tend to see freedom only as it relates to their own little world and totally miss seeing it as it applies to the whole.

If slave owners won the war they would have had more freedom to do what they wanted with their slaves. If Hitler had won he would have had more freedom to carry out his insidious designs. If terrorists get their way then they’ll have lots of freedom to rape and pillage.

Fortunately, most reading this will clearly see that the above groups did not embrace any true principle of freedom. Unfortunately, many cannot see where they are missing the principle with the political views they embrace.

Consider the ways that many miss out on the Principle of Freedom.

They accept the idea that it is okay to limit or take away freedom if their intention is to do good.

For instance, the current society has a plethora of social programs not supported by the majority who actually pay the taxes to support them. Social Security is the exception in that we all pay into it and all benefit. It is no wonder then that it is supported by most and thus the principle of freedom for the whole is upheld.

On the other hand, only about 50% of the people pay any significant federal taxes yet the 50% who do not pay are the main beneficiaries. These people who benefit with no contribution get to vote for representatives that will take money from taxpayers to give them free benefits. This causes more to be spent on social programs than is available, as evidenced by our $22 trillion national debt.

Average federal taxpayers would be willing to see a reasonable amount go to social programs but because those who do not pay keep demanding more, many feel that their money is being stolen from them as well as their grandkids with the piling up of debt.

Thus we have a new type of slavery, for those who do not contribute seek to live off the means of those who do. This is what the slave owners in the Old South did. They lived off the labors of the slaves and reaped the benefits.

Now the situation is reversed in that the poorer half seek benefits with no contribution.

The poor are not the only ones benefiting as many unsupported taxpayer funds go to subsidize or benefit the wealthy.

Yes, the Ancient Wisdom teaches the principle of sharing, but it’s core emphasis is on the principle of freedom and liberation.

Sharing should be encouraged but must have at least 50% support from the group who are asked to make the sacrifice. To support the demand for confiscating by force, funds from a group where majority support does not exist, is to place yourself on the side of new cycle of slave supporters and this is not the path of the esoteric right.

The pilgrim on the true right hand path will support the principle of maximum freedom and seek to influence the majority to support sharing necessary to bring in the new age

Only by creating a sense of personal responsibility and a consciousness of freedom can we insure that our world will not slip back into physical slavery.

A reader writes:

“So, are you saying those that lean to the political left are “leaning toward the Left hand” (spiritual) path?”

JJ: The reason I use “Right” and “Left” as much as possible when I am teaching is to correlate my views with the Right and left hand path more than the literal political right and left.

The political left leans more toward limiting freedom than does the political right, but the Right is far from perfect so I do not set them up as the ideal by a long shot. Now because the political right have some areas where they also want to limit freedom does not mean they are equally egregious. One has to use the Second Key of Judgment and assess the degree each side goes off the path to liberation of the human spirit.

Both political sides are way too black and white and a black and white approach overlooks the Principle of Judgment, as well as principles in general, which must be used to see the Right hand path. Without judgment the seeker will naturally gravitate (usually with good intentions) toward the Left hand path until he reaches a point of tension where the real truth stares him in the face. At that point many will choose correctly and veer to the Right.

Another readers asks:

I feel like you talk about socialist policies, as if they were brought in by a dictator. Was it not the majority rule, that you espouse, that brought about socialist policies? Is it not then the will of the people, that enacted these policies in order to make a more just, and equal society?

JJ: If people want to cooperate in socialistic endeavors through their own free will then I am all for it, but many socialist policies, as well as many acts of Congress and presidential executive orders, run contrary to the will of the people.

Our elected representatives are supposed to represent the will of the people, but often vote against it and in harmony with pressure groups and political leaders rather than the people.

Congress barely passed Obamacare with only Democratic votes which ran contrary to the will of the people.

A big problem with it was that the people were unaware of what was in it and those who did read some of it were usually strongly opposed to it.

When passed the Obamacare bill contained 381,517 obscure words and within three years an additional 11, 500,000 words were added in attempts to clarify and expand its powers. I supposed additional millions of words have been added since.

The bill did not have majority support when passed and has low support now. A Washington Post poll in June 2015 showed support at 39% and in October 2915 a Rasmussen poll showed support at just 32%.

If we eliminated the people from the poll who were getting highly subsidized insurance at the expense of the middle class then support would be much lower.

The New York Times found that more than half the plans offered through the federal exchange had deductibles of $3,000 or more. In some states, the median deductible was $5,000 or more.

Sky-high deductibles like that high used to come with extremely low premiums. But thanks to ObamaCare’s many rules and regulations and fees, such plans are a thing of the past.

The Times notes that an Albuquerque, N.M., woman pays $4,800 a year for a plan with a $6,000 deductible. Before ObamaCare, a plan with a $2,500 deductible was available in that state for just $1,625 a year, according to a Government Accountability Office review of pre-ObamaCare premiums.


If you have a social program where a third of the people get free stuff then almost all of that group will vote for a continuation of the freebies. On the other hand, it is theft for those who are getting the benefit without paying for it, to have the power to demand free stuff from those who work hard to earn the money and pay the taxes. Any social program should be supported by the majority of those who actually pay for it. Benefits supplied by the approval of the majority who who pay the bills are much more justified than those opposed by the majority.

Right now almost half the people are receiving government benefits. If we reach a point where over half receive more than they pay in then the takers will have power to demand the givers to give more and more until the country unravels and collapses.

Not a good thing.

The solutions to these problems are presented in my book Fixing America and the core of the solution is presented online free HERE.

Universal Healthcare Lost

Would you say that we have universal healthcare if we had a system that all could afford, even if one worked for minimum wage or was a fruit picker working for piece work with imported Hispanics?

Let us say that a fruit picker had an accident where he wound up spending three months in the hospital involving six operations, yet had no problem paying for the whole thing. Does that sound like the best system ever?

Yes, it does. This was what we once had and we let this utopia slip from our fingers for a bowl of porridge offered to us by Big Brother.

We had such a wonderful system back in 1958 when I had an accident with a homemade rocket exploding that indeed put me in the situation just described.

This happened at the worst possible time. My parents had just divorced and my Dad took off to central America, not to be heard from for years and giving us no support. We had no food stamps no welfare, no child support, no medical insurance and no skills in making money. To make money, my mother, younger sister and I picked fruit in the summer and my mother worked for minimum wage in a potato plant during the rest of the year.

After the explosion I spent eight hours in surgery and a month in the hospital. Then a short time later I had a second surgery requiring a few extra hospital days.

I was quite concerned about the cost to my mother for something that was my fault and discovered that my cost there was $8 a day. There were other rooms that cost $12 and $14 a day, but I had a cheaper one because it was a ward shared with others.

Even so, eight dollars a day in 1958 seemed like a lot for someone in our situation. That’s about $70 in 2019 dollars. On top of this we had the surgery costs and office visits.

We, of course, could not pay it off all at once, but over time we paid the whole thing by picking fruit, working near minimum wage and me mowing laws on the side.

Then, later I had four corrective surgeries by a specialist that required an additional two months in the hospital. To cover the costs my savvy mom found a private charity that paid for the whole thing.

If this happened under today’s system the overall bill would be around a half million dollars and there is no way that a fruit picker could handle it, even if he had good insurance that paid 80%.

Indeed, we used to have a universal health care system, in other words, a system that all could afford and it required no payments to the IRS taken out of paychecks to cover Medicare – neither did it require the government to borrow money to supplement healthcare.

What happened that destroyed such a fair system?

It happened when the government stepped into help in 1965 when Medicare was introduced. It was supposed to help with medical costs, but from that point on they increased exponentially.

Medicare seemed like a good idea to many, especially in consideration of the cost projections at the time. The public was sold on the idea that Medicare’s $3 billion cost in 1966 would only reach an inflation-adjusted $12.0 billion by 1990. Instead, the actual cost in 1990 was a whopping $67 billion. The “experts” were off by 7.44 times. Total Medicare spending reached $440 billion for fiscal year 2007, or 16 percent of all federal spending. Since that time, spending has continued to rise and Obamacare is sending taxpayer costs through the roof.

The only larger categories of federal spending are Social Security and defense.

Would the public have supported socialized medicine if they could have seen what they would lose?

Certainly not.

Unfortunately, young people today have no sense of history, of what a financial paradise health costs were when before 1965.

Back then doctors often put patients a couple days in the hospital for observation. Because costs were so low the payment was no problem. Now, even with insurance, no one goes into the hospital unless absolutely necessary.

Today people are often complaining about the price of gas, but when I had my accident in 1958 the price of a gallon of gas was 40 cents a gallon. In today’s money that is equivalent to $3.48. These supposedly greedy oil companies are now selling gas for as cheap as $2.06 a gallon at the time of this writing in my city. Consumers are winning in that they are buying this product below the cost of inflation.

On the other hand, if you spend a day in the supposedly non-profit hospitals you can expect to pay around $4000. That far exceeds the inflation of the $8.00 I was paying, which would be $70 today. In fact it is 57 times the cost of inflation.

If gas went up the same amount we would be paying almost $200.00 a gallon.

So much for the benefits of being non-profit and benefitting from government help.

Help like this is something we can certainly do without.

A question a real seeker of truth may ask here is which has worked better in proven reality? Has it been free market capitalism in bringing us oil or socialism replacing the free market in bringing us medical services?

Copyright by J J Dewey 

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Keys Writings 2015, Part 2

This entry is part 2 of 13 in the series 2015B

Jan 15, 2015

The Kingdom of God, Part 1

The Outer Kingdom

Let us take a closer look at the parables of the mustard seed. Many people look at this and other parables and figure there is only one true meaning that needs to be discovered. Then when an interpretation is found that seems to work many will figure that is one is correct and all others are false.

This isn’t really the way it works. All inspired teachings contain true principles and true principles can manifest truth in a number of different ways.

On the other hand, any old interpretation will not work, but must correspond to the ingredients of the parable or teaching. In other words, the interpretation must have an internal harmony. If two interpretations have this harmony then they could both be true representations and beneficial for the receiver.

Here is the mustard seed parable:

Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field: Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof. Matt 13:31-32

The standard interpretation by the Christian community is that the Kingdom of heaven here was the gospel which had a very small beginning but now has many millions of believers.

That works for their belief system but the correspondence is somewhat flawed. The “gospel” is generally defined by them as the “good news” of the resurrection and not as the kingdom of heaven.

The kingdom of heaven has two aspects, the inner and the outer.

Many New Agers believe that the kingdom of heaven (or God) is only within us and has no external manifestation and quote this famous verse.

And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. Luke 17:20-21

Jesus was placing emphasis here on the inner kingdom which he said would not be discovered throught outward observation. Some think that this means that there is no such thing as an outward kingdom, but Jesus never said such a thing.

We know he acknowledged an outer kingdom. In his response to the Jewish leaders he said:

“The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.” Matt 21:43

A “nation” is an outward manifestation.

The Gospel of Thomas in the third saying supports the idea of both an inner and outer kingdom:

“the Father’s kingdom is within you and it is outside you.”

Jesus was asked about the outside kingdom just before his ascension:

“When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.” Acts 1:6-7

The apostles, who had been with Jesus from the beginning of his ministry to Israel, obviously still believed in an outer kingdom. It appears that Jesus taught them nothing to negate this thinking. As further evidenced of this, notice that in answer to their question he did not say something like: “You are in error in looking for an outer kingdom because there is only an inner one.”

Instead he said, “It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.”

This is interpreted by most students to mean that a physical kingdom was in the plan, but its timetable was not revealed.

At that time Jesus was emphasizing the inner kingdom so that is where he wanted them to place their attention. Creating an outward kingdom within the Roman Empire was not feasible in that age

Jesus did look forward to an outer kingdom and told his followers to pray for such a thing as follows:

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Matt 6:10

Here he prays for the kingdom to come on “earth.”

Ad what would cause that to happen? If the will of God is “done on earth as it is in heaven” then there will appear a physical kingdom on earth where that will is carried out.

This is only good logic. In history there have always been a few who have discovered the kingdom of God within, but there has never in recorded history been a significant gathering of such people. But what would happen if the numbers of such people increased and they gathered together? We would then have that which is the kingdom within manifesting as the kingdom without and fulfilling the words of Thomas:

“the Father’s kingdom is within you and it is outside you.”

Jesus lamented that an outer kingdom was not able to manifest:

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.” Matt 23:37-38

Obviously, Jesus yearned for a physical gathering of lights and was disappointed that the times and seasons were not in alignment for such an event.

Now we have established that there is an inner and outer application to the meaning of the kingdom of God, let us see how this applies to the interpretation of the mustard seed parable.

The Outer Interpretation.

The parable begins saying: The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field.”

Notice that Jesus did not limit the manifestation of the kingdom to just the mustard seed for in the parable of the sower generic seeds were used. Jesus said:

“The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field.” Matt 13:24.

From this we gather that any “good seed” makes a usable correspondence for the kingdom of God.

So, what are the attributes of a bad or good seed?

Attributes of the bad seed:

(1) They produce a plant which is of little use or obnoxious and takes nourishment from the good plants.

(2) The seed may be dead and have no prospect of growing.

(3) A seed that may have good potential but doesn’t have the strength to mature and be of service.

Attributes of the good seed:

(1) It produces a plant that provides a good service or nourishing fruit.

(2) The seed is alive and able to grow.

(3) As it grows it gathers the strength to mature and be of service to humankind.

The mustard seed was not only a good seed, but unique enough to be singled out by Jesus. And why did he do this?

Because the mustard seed grew proportionally more than other seeds. It started out as something very small and grew into a very large and useful plant. It corresponds to the physical kingdom as predicted by Daniel who spoke of a “stone that smote the image (the kingdoms of the earth) became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.” Dan 2:35

He clearly speaks of this physical kingdom:

“And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever… the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure.” Dan 2:44-45

It is interesting that Jesus compared the kingdom of God to a small seed that became a great plant and Daniel compared it to a small stone that became a great mountain. Then it is interesting that Jesus talked about one who has the faith of a mustard seed being able to move either a mountain or a great plant.

Obviously both a mountain and a plant are symbolic of the Kingdom of God.

That said then how does the physical kingdom correspond to the parable?

It corresponds on two obvious levels. On the first level we correspond the seed to the word, or the message about the kingdom of God. This started as a very small thing with one man, Jesus, teaching the principle. Now the basic idea is understood in some form throughout all the earth.

The second level refers to the gathering of those who have the Word or seed planted in their hearts. According to Daniel, this will only materialize after the coming and going of other plants or kingdoms. In other words the seed will be alive but not nourished enough to sprout for a significant period of time. When it does sprout, however it will multiply and not only fill the earth, but replace all other kingdoms.

It is indeed a true principle that when a better idea is introduced that, even though it may be resisted at first, that it will eventually be embraced by all.

The time will indeed come that the song of the angels will become manifest – “Peace on earth, good will to men.”

When peace, good will and brotherhood start to manifest and grow as a wonderful plant then eventually all people will want to participate.

When this occurs “the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof.”

The birds represent freedom of thought and those who value freedom of expression are attracted to the kingdom of God and seek to join with it and rest under its protection.

Even the physical manifestation of the kingdom will not come in such a way that people will say ,”lo here” or “lo there!” It will develop as does a plant over a period of time, taking centuries to perfect.

Just as civilization developed over a long period of time and there is no single date that we can point to and say, “lo there” is when it appeared, even so will there be numerous stages in the manifestation of the kingdom of God on the earth. The journey for the lights is long and difficult, so let us begin.


Jan 16, 2015

The Kingdom of God, Part 2


It’s taken me a life time to come to grips that it will take generations and I may not see what I would like to see in the way of significant changes in this life time but I have made a decision that I am in it for the long haul and actively working toward that end with the highest I know. Hopefully I can live up to that in this and subsequent life times…


That is the attitude the disciple must have. Those who make plans for their part in the Great Work with only one life in view make a great mistake in planning. Unlike us mortals who have plans with a beginning, middle and end that can be accomplished within a lifetime, the great Plan of God for humanity is ongoing and spans through many lifetimes.

It is human nature to desire to wrap up a work or project or to see the fulfillment of a dream in one lifetime. This is why, for 2000 years now that Christians have expected something like the end of the world or the coming of Christ in their lifetime. In each age we think we are living in a special time where the most significant events in history are happening. Now it is true that some periods of history are more crucial than others but so far we haven’t seen anything close to the end of the world.

Unfortunately we do live in a crucial age where we have weapons of mass destruction that have the capacity to destroy civilization so let us hope we can navigate through the next couple generations holding civilization intact.

Barring mankind making a huge blunder, a couple hundred years from now historians shall look back on this time and see it as an interesting time, but probably no more crucial than numerous other time periods of history. When you think of it World War II is hard to beat as far as significant time periods go.

The U.S. presidential elections bear out this thinking. Every four years, as we approach the election, we begin to hear that this election just may turn out to be the most important in history. Then a decade or so after the election we look back and have a much better perspective. The election was important but no more than were many others.

It is interesting that Jesus said this to his followers:

“For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.” Matt 13:17

So even Jesus saw his time as a significant one, but the significant part was his appearance more than any other event.

The outer kingdom of God was often discussed by the disciples as evidenced by the Gospel of the Nazirenes Chapter 91, verse 3

And Yeshua answered and said, “O Mary, I tell you, and to each of my disciples, the kingdom of heaven is within you. But the time comes when that which is within shall be made manifest in the without, for the sake of the world.”

The disciples seemed to be of the opinion that this event was going to happen soon:

“And as they heard these things, he added and spake a parable, because he was nigh to Jerusalem, and because they thought that the kingdom of God should immediately appear.” Luke 19:11

It has been two thousand years and the world has greatly changed but no acknowledged outward kingdom has manifest.

But let us suppose we took one of those disciples from the time of Jesus and transported him to our time and let him have a look at the life through the eyes of a typical American.

The guy wakes up in a quality mattress in a quality bed that is heaven to sleep on compared to anything he has experienced.

He gets up and turns a light that burns like the sun, but has no flame. This is an amazing sight.

He then showers using some unlimited source of heavenly hot water. He then flushes his waste down this magical device that makes it disappear with no unpleasant odors involved.

As he explores the dwelling place of this guy 2000 years in the future he is amazed at the spaciousness. It is an average home of a couple thousand square feet but it seems to be built for a king.

He sees the guy turn on the stove which supplies unlimited heat to cook up a meal suitable for a king. He puts leftovers in this strange refrigerating device that keeps it fresh for many days.

Next he watches the guy get in his car and speed down a wonderfully made road. This car doesn’t need horses and can go at unheard of speeds. In no time he arrives at this large building and begins his work day. As he enters his office he first makes a couple phone calls to clients thousands of miles away. The disciple is flabbergasted at this miracle.

Next the man turns on his computer and Googles for some needed information. This really seems miraculous. At the click of a button humankind in this age can discover almost any piece of knowledge on the earth.

He then contunues to observe and discovers other miracles such as television, movies, iPhones, iPads, video games, air conditioning, central heating and much more.

So what does the disciple conclude?

This has to be the manifestation of the Kingdom of God. What else can it be when an average man lives like a king?

Of course, we know that after the guy gets a better look at the planet as a whole with billions of people going hungry and wars and rumors of wars he would realize that we still have a ways to go.

Even so, I think the disciple would realize we have indeed made some progress and would probably figure that the vision of the prophets would more completely manifest in another couple thousand years.

Actually, the next couple centuries should transition us into a great new age that will have many elements of the kingdom of God as envisioned by the prophets.


Jan 17, 2015

The Dominion of God

The phrase “kingdom of God” or “kingdom of heaven” is found nowhere in the Old Testament. The New Testament indicates that John the Baptist and Jesus were the first to use the terms and teach about it. It is of course, possible that the kingdom of God was a common phrase before Jesus and John, but they are definitely responsible for bringing it to fruition in the public consciousness.

The Book of Daniel tells is that God will set up a kingdom in a future time so one would assume that it could be referred to as he kingdom of God.

The Old Testament also talks about Zion where the people will “see eye to eye.” Predictions of Zion seem to forecast an outward kingdom of God.

As we said some think the kingdom of God only refers to an inner consciousness, but we gave numerous references to prove that the kingdom will be something outer as well as inner.

One of the best is found in the Gospel of the Nazirenes Chapter 91, verse 3

And Yeshua answered and said, “O Mary, I tell you, and to each of my disciples, the kingdom of heaven is within you. But the time comes when that which is within shall be made manifest in the without, for the sake of the world.”

The word “kingdom” comes from the Greek BASILEIA which means the foundation of power, or dominion” and the Hebrew MALKUW which means “a rule or dominion.”

The most consistent one word synonym for “kingdom” would be “dominion”. The kingdom of God could be called “a dominion by those who recognize the presence of God within them.”

The Kingdom of God within would be a consciousness dominated by the God within and the kingdom of God without would be a kingdom dominated, or ruled, by those who have the kingdom of God within.

Jesus didn’t really give many details about what the kingdom of God would be like once it manifested on the earth. He did give numerous parables starting with “the kingdom of God is like…” But these just pointed seekers in the general direction or gave a glimpse of meaning.

The kingdom would make a good point of contemplation for the group. Consider these questions.

(1) What are the ingredients and attributes of the outward manifestation of the Kingdom of God?

(2) How would it be different living in the kingdom of God compared to where you are living now?

(3) Are we closer to living in the kingdom of God now than they were 2000 years ago? What progress have we made?


Jan 18, 2015

The Kingdom of God, Part 2

Good group comments on the questions. Here are my two cents:

(1) What are the ingredients and attributes of the outward manifestation of the Kingdom of God?

Perhaps the most obvious ingredient will be in the quality of the leadership. In the kingdom the leaders will be people who have soul contact and realize that the kingdom of God is within as well as without.

During the history of civilization most of the leaders who have surfaced have been selfish and dedicated to the lower personality. Once in a while a leader with spiritual qualities will pop up, but such a thing is a rare occurrence. Usually when an advanced soul gains prominence we see that he has to work outside the system. This is what Jesus, Paul, Buddha and many other spiritual leaders had to do.

Rare examples of evolved souls working within the system would be some of the founders of the United States such as Washington, Jefferson and Franklin. And even here they didn’t exactly get their places in history by being team players with their mother country.

Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill are two men who did work within the system yet helped to take us a couple steps closer to the manifestation of the kingdom.

If the kingdom of God is a dominion of God then the spirit of God must prevail and it can only prevail in a government where the leadership is in communion with the kingdom within.

It is not as essential that the inhabitants have soul contact as much as the leaders, but a certain percentage of them having contact is important. At least a third should have some degree of soul contact to insure the kingdom is not corrupted. If 50% achieve it then the kingdom will be stable.

The second prime ingredient is freedom. Freedom and the personal responsibility that comes along with it is the principle that separates the light from the dark as far as the consciousness of humanity is concerned. Only in an atmosphere where the maximum freedom is encouraged can the light of consciousness expand freely.

The next prime ingredient is goodwill. This was part of the song that the angels sang at the birth of Jesus.

Goodwill is contagious just as are negative feelings. Enlightened leaders will be agents of goodwill and cause the populace to see the benefits thereof and adopt the same attitude.

Abraham Lincoln was a good example of this. After the brutal civil war when many wanted to make the South suffer for what they did he wanted to accept them back in as brothers and not seek to punish the leaders of the rebellion, but extend the hand of fellowship.

Unfortunately he was killed before this unusual approach could be carried out and the South wound up being treated harshly which left behind bad feelings that simmers to this day.

The Allies did carry out the Lincoln approach to some extent with Germany, Japan and Italy after World War II and we have reaped the benefit of now having them be close allies.

The fourth ingredient is peace, the other key word sang by the angels.

The peace that is essential is within the kingdom itself. They shall “see eye to dye when the Lord shall bring again Zion” will be the keynote. Outside the kingdom may not be so peaceful but within the kingdom a fair degree of peace and stability is important. If the inhabitants are true ambassadors of goodwill then peace will follow.

(2) How would it be different living in the kingdom of God compared to where you are living now?

There will be a much greater sense of freedom than now exists and a lot fewer laws and regulations. The people will largely be governed by being taught correct principles and then governing themselves.

There will be greater stability. The inhabitants will not worry so much about an economic collapse. There will be little crime and violence. Citizens will feel safe walking the streets at night.

There will be an abundance of food, goods and services. People will have more free time to dedicate to creative endeavors.

A book could be written about this, but this will have to suffice for now.

(3) Are we closer to living in the kingdom of God now than they were 2000 years ago? What progress have we made?

We have definitely made some progress. Many religious figures say that the world now is more wicked than ever, but they are wrong. If one could time travel back to the days of Jesus he would be instantly convinced.

Back then slavery was accepted as being essential to civilization. All the governments were dictatorships. Rebels were publically crucified. Gladiators fought to the death for entertainment. People as a whole were unconcerned with the suffering of animals. Torture that makes waterboarding look like a picnic was common.

Overall, we have made a lot of progress in treating other humans as brothers and in honoring the value of all life. We are not perfect, but have moved forward.

We have in recent times taken two great steps that moves us closer to the kingdom. The first is the establishment of the U.S. Constitution with a government of the people. The second is the virtual elimination of slavery.

It is interesting that on the Great Seal of the United States appears these words: Novus ordo seclorum which means, “New order of the ages.”

Indeed the Founding Fathers did take us a great step further toward the manifestation of the Kingdom of God on the earth.

We still have a long way to go, but for initiates the joy is more in the journey than the arrival, so let us go forward with joyful spirits having peace and brotherhood in our hearts.



Is Peace a Bad Thing?

In response to some of my writings on the coming Kingdom of God Allan writes this on his forum;

If there was peace, then this world would be worthless to fulfill its purpose and objective.

This is actually a good thought for us to analyze. Here are some questions for the group.

Is there some truth to this statement? What is it?

Does this mean that it is fruitless to try to improve circumstances on the earth and we should only focus on inner development and ignore the outer?

Is there illusion in Allan’s view? What is it?

How does the Middle Way of the Buddha apply here?


The Question:

Would peace and goodwill on earth frustrate the plan of God?

On the surface most people would think that God would want such a thing but others have a different view which is this.

They conclude that the earth is a school and the conflict, pain and suffering that exists here are essential for us to learn our needed lessons when we incarnate. If we didn’t have to struggle and deal with a lot of conflict and discomfort then there would not be many opportunities for growth. We may want peace, but if we had it our growth would be stunted and the plan of God would be frustrated.

So, is this a correct view or not? If it is then should we not seek peace, not seek to cure cancer, and not seek to help the downtrodden? After all, we may be taking away the opportunity of others to learn by suffering. If this doctrine is true then maybe those we think are bad guys causing suffering are really good guys because they are providing opportunity to learn and progress.

So, what is the real truth behind this idea?

It is true that this planet is a great school and we do learn by struggle and hardship. The state it is in now does provide many opportunities for learning that does not exist on other planets with more peaceful societies.

But does this mean that we should not seek to improve it so we can keep the wars, disease and suffering available as lessons for us?

Anyone buying into this train of thought is caught in illusion on this matter.

The first point to understand is that students do not remain in the same class. When Algebra I is learned then they move to Algebra II. When high school is finished they move on to college.

During most of out history slavery was the norm. Did those who incarnated as slaves learn some lessons from this situation?

Yes, they did.

So, were we wrong to abolish this? Is the plan of God frustrated because we can’t be born as slaves in this age? Are Christians denied their learning because they can’t be crucified or thrown to the lions today?

The truth is that we were right to establish basic freedom just as we are also right to seek for peace and goodwill upon the earth.

While it is true that the hardships that exist on the earth provide good fodder for human lessons, it is also true that mankind is evolving and moving forward in their learning. Among the greatest of lessons we have to learn are those involved in moving society from a primitive state to an advanced state. Those who worked to abolish slavery advanced much more than those who were the slaves. Those who cure disease learn faster than those who suffer from them. Even so, those who work toward peace and actually make progress in that direction accelerate their progress and learn many wonderful lessons. They learn more than foot soldiers fighting for their lives.

So, what would be the situation then if we did finally secure peace on earth where “they shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.” Isa 11:9

What would happen is what happened before. In the past we learned certain lessons by being slaves, but now we are moving on to a different class with different lesson materials. When physical peace is established on the earth so nation does not take up arms against other nations then we will move to the next class.

It is important to realize that the end of physical conflict does not mean there will be an end to all conflict. When physical conflict is transcended then the focus will be on the astral/emotional plane. In fact, this transition is already in the process of happening in many countries. We see this playing out in the emotional battles between conservatives and liberals in politics. They do not fight each other physically, as did some politicians in the old days, but have heated emotional debates.

The next step forward (after the astral) in establishing peace is to move to the mental plane. Today non physical conflict is on a very emotional level and often neither side uses much pure reason. When humanity moves to the plane of the mind disagreements will be expressed without hate and anger but as one reasoning person sparring with another while actually seeking solutions.

There are many advanced classrooms waiting for us in the future of this planet. We will advance from one grade to another until 60% of humanity attains to peace, abundance and tranquility in the physical, emotional and mental levels. These 60% will achieve a degree of soul contact. These 60% will move on to more advanced classes, as we never stop learning.

The 40% remaining will have failed to learn the needed lessons from suffering and conflict. So, just as some are held back in our society and have to take classes over, even so will these students have to be sent to another planet where pain and suffering prevail to learn the lessons that they failed to take in during their time here.

Indeed the plan of God is not frustrated by the establishment of peace. Accomplishing this allows us to learn our lessons and advance. Those who are slow to learn and need more pain and sorrow will always have a place to go. There are worlds without number in this universe and as planetary classrooms are needed they will manifest. The Great Plan is never frustrated by students who assist their brothers in moving toward greater peace, abundance, learning or spiritual power.


Jan 21, 2015

The Kingdom of God, Part 3

There are those who rely heavily on Old Testament predictions, such as Daniel and Isaiah, and teach only of a coming kingdom that is without and visible. Then there are others who quote Luke 17:21 which says ‘the kingdom of God is within you.” Some of these maintain that there will be no outer kingdom, but the Kingdom of God is only within us and that is the only place we’ll ever find it.

As usual, the truth is somewhere in the middle, as expressed in the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of the Nazirenes.

“the Father’s kingdom is within you and it is outside you.”

The Gospel of Thomas saying three

And Yeshua answered and said, “O Mary, I tell you, and to each of my disciples, the kingdom of heaven is within you. But the time comes when that which is within shall be made manifest in the without, for the sake of the world.”

The Gospel of the Nazirenes Chapter 91, verse 3

We have touched on the idea that the kingdom will manifest without. Now let us look at the kingdom within,

So, what is the kingdom within? Some seem to think it is only one thing such as Nirvana, merging or being one with the soul or Higher Self or maybe some specific state of consciousness. These miss the point of a teaching given by Jesus:

“In my Father’s house are many mansions…” John 14:2

Indeed the kingdom within has many mansions, or states of consciousness. It is interesting that several of these states has to be accepted by even the hardened atheist.

That got your attention, didn’t it?

So where are these states of consciousness that even the non believer has to accept?

First let us clarify. The many mansions within are states of consciousness within us, not constructed of physical matter. There are two general states within that we all recognize.

The first is the emotional world. The feeling world within has no physical form, but only exists within us. The feelings consists of positive feelings such as love, hope, happiness, aspiration etc. Then there are negative ones such as fear, hate, greed and loathing.

These and numerous other feelings directly affect our state of consciousness and well being, and they all reside within us and have no outward form that can be photographed, yet even the staunchest atheist acknowledges they exist.

Within this emotional kingdom are many mansions. Some experience love, peace and joy whereas others dwell in hate, disgust and rejection.

The next kingdom within is the plane of the mind. Again the world of thought cannot be photographed but dwells completely within us. All people, believers and non believers in God and his kingdom, will admit that they do some thinking and they have to admit that it happens within them and has no physical form.

Again, this kingdom within has many mansions. The lowest aspect of mind are the calculations made by the computer brain. As we go higher in this kingdom we move into areas of thought that go beyond the range of even a supercomputer. We move into logic, reason, the grasping of ideas, which have never been seen before, the merging of thought and feeling, discernment, judgment and much more.

There are seven main mansions in the plane of the mind within.

(1) The first is linked to the center at the base of the spine and is focused on survival. The need to survive and make the best of what life has to offer has called forth a powerful application of mental powers over the course of our evolution.

(2) The second is linked to the sacral center governing sex and physical form. In this mansion we focus our minds on the sexual nature and physical form, wealth and creation. Creating the best physical mansion we can have is accomplished with this aspect of the mind.

(3) The third level is linked to the solar plexus, the seat of the emotions. Here a merging of mind and emotion takes place and too much focus on this mansion causes the pilgrim to lose his way for a time and be led astray by the world of feeling. He is often deceived into believing that feelings are thoughts that must be followed.

(4) The heart center is the midway point. The scripture says that “as a man thinketh in is heart, so is he.” Even so, when the seeker arrives at this level of mind he reaches a fork in the road. One choice takes him back into the lower mansions and the other opens the door to the higher. If he chooses the higher he then knocks on the door of the soul which opens the vistas of the higher realms which are denied by the materialistic mind.

If he decides to dwell in this mansion his mind then explores the two major aspects of the heart. The first is true spiritual unselfish love as opposed to selfish possessive love that he knew in the lower mansions. The second is the discovery of wisdom. He finds that true wisdom can only be attained when spiritual love is comprehended.

He discovers this truth: For a person or thing to be loved, it must first be understood. He finds joy in this mansion when he realizes that love, wisdom and understanding are a trinity of building blocks in this breakthrough realm.

(5) Even though the throat is fifth as we proceed upwards in the body it is not considered to be of a higher order than the heart. Humanity as a whole corresponds to the throat center of the earth whereas advanced humanity, who have achieved soul contact and discovered the spiritual kingdom of God within, are considered the heart center of the planet.

The throat governs creative consciousness and the creative consciousness can be used by the mind for purposes very devious to the sublime. Whereas the spiritual essence of the heart can only be directed toward things that will benefit others, our creative consciousness can direct intelligence to make weapons of mass destruction, torture chambers, creative methods to cheat, steal, etc.

There are many highs and lows in this mansion as evidenced by observing creative people. They are among the happiest and most miserable on the planet. The suicide rate among them is high yet when they succeed and tap into some of the consciousness of the heart they can live very fulfilling lives.

The inner mansion of creativity is indeed overall a gift to the world and from this invisible inner kingdom has come great works of art, literature, movies, architecture, technology and many other endeavors.

The next inner mansion is linked to the sixth center which lays between the eyebrows and is often called the third eye, but is technically known as the ajna center. In this mansion the consciousness can see with higher vision, things that are not visible to the material person. He can see into the world of ideas and principles and bring concepts from higher mansions and apply them within the lower, even the physical plane.

In this mansion higher vision is unlimited and with focus the seeker can discover anything he wants. Part of this higher vision can be shared with all, even the non believer of spiritual things, but then as vision expands he leaves behind the doubters and finds that much of the knowledge he gains can only be understood by others who are seeking to dwell in this mansion.

Eventually the seeker becomes one with his Higher Self and sees through eyes of higher being.

Finally, we arrive at the seventh mansion connected with the center at the top of the head. It is called the thousand-petalled lotus representing a thousand different mansion attainments. This center links heaven and earth and connects us with divine purpose.

Even though all of these inner mansions have ingredients that escape the understanding of the average person they also all have aspects that both believers and non believers accept as being a part of reality here on earth. Such people even embrace energies from the higher mansions such as unselfish love, creativity, ideas and some aspects if purpose and will.

So what does it mean then to find the kingdom of God within us? Is all there is to it is getting in touch with feelings and thoughts.


But that is where we start. “Know Thyself” was written on the forecourt of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi and has been a maxim since ancient times. To discover the mansions of the kingdom within we have to start wherever we are on the path and know and understand all the parts of ourselves. We begin with the part that is in contact with this physical world then move up to the invisible emotions and then to the mind. As we look within and discover how the inner world of feeling and thought works, and can be directed, we eventually open doors to new mansions of consciousness.

The breakthrough comes when we move from the lower levels of thought, governed by the lower centers, to the higher, governed by the heart, the ajna and the center at the top of the head. Higher mind, which operates with pure reason links heaven and earth and overlaps that which reaches down to the physical plane, yet extends up to the unseen worlds where dwells the soul and advanced entities.

Those who tell you to not use the mind are misled. We should not throw away the use of mind, but merely quiet mind chatter as we seek to commune with the higher realms. Mind must be with us as we seek the kingdom of God else we can fall into the many traps set by illusion, which can lead us on many false detours.

Energy follows thought and if the seeker continues to follow the highest he knows while focusing his consciousness on the highest he is aware of that dwells in him, then, after a time, he will sense movement. When the movement and the new is sensed he must put sublime attention toward it to see where it leads. Eventually, he will catch the attention of his Higher Self and be led to attain full soul contact.

There are many in the world who teach of some great shortcut that ranges from just believing in Jesus to be saved, to waiting for aliens to pick us up to take us to the kingdom.

There are no shortcuts. DK says it well – that students “have wisely learnt that enthusiastic rushing forward and a violent energetic progress has its drawbacks, and that a steady, regular, persistent endeavour will carry them further in the long run. Spasmodic spurts of effort and temporary pressure peter out into disappointment and a weighty sense of failure. It is the tortoise and not the hare that arrives first at the goal, though both achieve eventually.”

Treatise on White Magic, Page 54

I have already written extensively about making soul contact that opens the door to the inner kingdom. If readers will go to and type “soul contact” into the search feature much reading material will be discovered.


Jan 25, 2015


Alex asks for our views on cremation. I agree with DK that it is a beneficial thing to do, though it may be temporarily disturbing to those who are too attached to the physical form.

I am including some quotes from him on the subject at the end of this post.

The atoms that compose the physical body are greatly stimulated in their evolution after having the privilege of being a part of the most evolved physical form of creation in this system – the human. Then, after death what do we do with those atoms? We place then in a steel tomb where they will be imprisoned for thousands of years.

The elements of our bodies are the most evolved on the planet and deserve to be set free to seek any form that suits them.

The scripture says:

“And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose.” Matt 27:52

One meaning of this scripture is a prediction that one day humanity will open the graves and free the advanced elements of the imprisoned forms.

I’ve told my wife that if I die before her that I want her to cremate my body and raise tomatoes with the ashes as fertilizer and the eat them and share then with my friends. This way the most advanced elements of my body can move on and aid others in the refinement of their own bodies.

Claude Nowell, the founder of Summum has a different teaching on the subject. He thinks the Egyptians were on the right track with mummification and advocates this. He thinks it will enable him to split his soul so there can be two of him to evolve along two different paths. I believe his followers had him mummified after he died.

Here are some quotes from DK which make more sense to me.

I would like to add one or two comments which will be of general or rather modern interest. I have said that these taints to which humanity is prone are found in the soil, and that their presence there is largely due to the burial, down the ages, of millions of corpses. By the increased use of the processes of cremation, this condition will be steadily improved. Gradually, very gradually, the taint will thus die out. It is therefore highly desirable that there be as much propaganda as possible for the use of this method of disposing of the discarded physical vehicles of the souls who are passing out of incarnation. As the soil becomes less tainted, and as soul contact is established, we can hope to see a steady decrease in the number of those who succumb to the inherited taints.

Esoteric Healing, Page 62


definite and rapid cures for the sexual diseases are being discovered, and these may tend to make people more reckless. When, however, they are perfected, they will in the long run safeguard the race and will return bodies to the soil after death freed from the plague which has contaminated the earth for endless ages. There will thus be brought about a gradual purifying of the soil. The growth of the practice of cremation will also aid this process of purification.

Esoteric Healing, Page 230


Much good will be brought about through the growing custom to cremate those forms which the indwelling life has vacated; when it is an universal custom, we shall see a definite minimising of disease, leading to longevity and increased vitality. The factor of resistance or the process whereby a form renders itself immune or non-responsive to the planetary pull and urge towards reabsorption requires the expenditure of much energy. When the life increases in potency within the form and there is less reaction to disease-conveying factors, the soul within the form will have fuller sway and greater beauty of expression and usefulness in service. This will be true some day of all the kingdoms in nature, and thus we shall have a steady radiance shining forth in the mounting glory of the Life of God.

Esoteric Healing, Page 249


The act of restitution is accomplished. This entire process of the focussing of the spiritual elements in the etheric body, with the subsequent abstraction and consequent dissipation of the etheric body, would be greatly hastened by the substitution of cremation for burial.

Two Main Reasons for Cremation

Occultly speaking, cremation is needed for two main reasons. It hastens the release of the subtle vehicles (still enshrouding the soul) from the etheric body, thus bringing about the release in a few hours instead of a few days; it also is a much needed means for bringing about the purification of the astral plane and for arresting the “downward moving” tendency of desire which so greatly handicaps the incarnating soul. It can find no point of focus, because essentially fire repels the form-making aspect of desire and is a major expression of divinity with which the astral plane has no true relation, being created entirely by the human soul and not the divine soul. “Our God is a consuming fire” is the statement in the Bible which refers to the first divine aspect, the aspect of the destroyer, releasing the life.

Esoteric Healing, Page 471


By the use of fire, all forms are dissolved; the quicker the human physical vehicle is destroyed, the quicker is its hold upon the withdrawing soul broken. A great deal of nonsense has been told in current theosophical literature about the time equation in relation to the sequential destruction of the subtle bodies. It should be stated, however, that the moment that true death is scientifically established (by the orthodox doctor in charge of the case), and it has been ascertained that no spark of life remains in the physical body, cremation is then possible. This complete or true death eventuates when the thread of consciousness and the thread of life are completely withdrawn from the head and the heart. At the same time, reverence and an unhurried attitude have their rightful place in the process. The family of the dead person need a few hours in which to adjust themselves to the fact of the imminent disappearance of the outer and usually loved form; due care must also be given to the formalities required by the state or the municipality. This time element has reference mainly to those who are left behind, to the living and not to the dead. The claim that the etheric body must not be rushed into the cremating flames, and the belief that it must be left to drift around for a stated period of several days, have also no true basis at all. There is no etheric need for delay. When the inner man withdraws from his physical vehicle he withdraws simultaneously from the etheric body. It is true that the etheric body is apt to linger for a long time on the “field of emanation” when the physical body is interred, and it will frequently persist until complete disintegration of the dense body has taken place. The process of mummifying, as practised in Egypt, and of embalming, as practised in the West, have been responsible for the perpetuation of the etheric body, sometimes for centuries. This is particularly the case when the mummy or embalmed person was of an evil character during life; the hovering etheric body is then often “possessed” by an evil entity or evil force. This is the cause of the attacks and the disasters which often dog the steps of those who discover ancient tombs and their inhabitants, ancient mummies, and bring them and their possessions to light. Where cremation is the rule, there is not only the immediate destruction of the physical body and its restitution to the fount of substance, but the vital body is also promptly dissolved and its forces swept away by the current of flame into the reservoir of vital energies. Of that reservoir it has ever been an inherent part, either in form or in a formless condition. After death and cremation these forces still exist but are absorbed into the analogous whole. Ponder on this statement, for it will give you the clue to the creative work of the human spirit. If delay is necessary from family feeling or municipal requirements, cremation should follow death within thirty-six hours; where no reason for delay exists, cremation can be rightly permitted in twelve hours. It is wise, however, to wait twelve hours in order to ensure true death.

Esoteric Healing, Pages 483-486

Another point, growing out of all the above, indicates the all-inclusiveness of the divine Life, for the lunar lords are aspects of that Life as much as is the energy of the soul.

It is therefore of prime importance that cremation should be encouraged, and not the present method of burial. Cremation returns the life of the lunar lords more rapidly to the central reservoir of life than any other method, for “our God is a consuming Fire” and all fires have affinity with the central Fire.

Esoteric Healing, Page 642


Feb 1, 2015

Permanent Atoms

Concerning those who take the left hand path and create a barrier between themselves and their souls Ruth asks:

So in essence, the person who ends up confined in this mental construct then reverts back into the lower elementals and is no longer self consciousness or self less.


Yes, he would go back to his essence and lose his self consciousness as an individual entity. DK tells us that in a future system he would start his progression all over again. This would probably involve fragmentation with parts of himself progressing through all kingdoms of nature until they are reunited again as human.


What happens to the permanent atoms of the physical body and astral body etc? Is this still trapped within that mental construct also? Or are these taken back and absorbed back into Spirit or to the Akashic Records?


The permanent atoms remain in the causal, or soul body until the person is either liberated or takes the path of destruction

Here is DK’s words about those who misuse the inner fires.

If a man persists from life to life in this line of action, if he neglects his spiritual development and concentrates on intellectual effort turned to the manipulation of matter for selfish ends, if he continues this in spite of the promptings of his inner self, and in spite of the warnings that may reach him from `Those who watch, and if this is carried on for a long period he may bring upon himself a destruction that is final for this manvantara or cycle. He may, by the uniting of the two fires of matter and the dual expression of mental fire, succeed in the complete destruction of the physical permanent atom, and thereby sever his connection with the higher self for aeons of time. H. P. B. has somewhat touched on this when speaking of “lost souls”; we must here emphasise the reality of this dire disaster and sound a warning note to those who approach this subject of the fires of matter with all its latent dangers.

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 127

On the other hand here is what happens to the permanent atom if one achieves liberation:

The physical permanent atom absorbs the entire life force of the physical body, and its inherent heat and light is thereby increased until at the fourth initiation the seven spirillae are fully vitalised, and vibrant. The internal heat of the atom, plus the external heat of the egoic body wherein it has its place, produces then that which destroys the permanent atom. Temporarily, and just prior to destruction, it becomes a tiny sevenfold sun owing to the radiation and activity of the spirillae. So with the physical sun of the system; it will in a similar manner become seven suns, when it has absorbed the life essence of the fully evolved planes, and of the planetary schemes thereon. The ensuing conflagration is the final work of the Destroyer aspect. It marks the moment of the highest development of deva substance in the system, the consummation of the work of Agni and his fire angels, and the initiation of Brahma. Atomic substance will then individualise (which, as we know, is the goal for the atom) and after the great pralaya the next solar system will start with the threefold Spirit manifesting through substance which is essentially distinguished by active intelligent love. This is necessarily incomprehensible to our fourth round minds.

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 741


Is the Mormon and Catholic establishments able to become restored to their original Note or Word? Or are these establishments also entrapped within a mental construct which will seal up their fate, and these foundations will eventually disintegrate?


They are both like entities, such as us humans, with a mortal life span. Neither have been successful enough for the greater lives to restore, but will live their lives onward as long as they have some usefulness. Then they will disappear or be reincarnated in another more advanced form.


Feb 2, 2015


Here’s some highlights of a post I made on Allan’s list about DK’s teachings on progression through the signs of he Zodiac.

The Bailey writings on the progression seems to deal with progression related to the sun. This doesn’t mean the planets do not have influence.

No astrologer would ignore the sun sign as it is by far the most powerful influence in the chart. I’d say it would make up at least a third of the total influence of the natal chart.

The configuration of the heavens have changed somewhat over the centuries, but three things make astrology an accurate art.

(1) A thoughtform is created around various interpretations that have a strong influence even if the alignment of the heavens is not accurate.

(2) Astrologers over the ages have adjusted somewhat to the changes in alignment.

(3) If the individual astrologer has a good sense of intuition he can receive accurate impressions by focusing on he chart in relation to the vibration of he individual.

The Bailey writings introduce esoteric astrology promoting the idea that the planets that rule for those who have shifted consciousness from the personality to the soul are different as the soul conscious individual is not affected much by the thoughtforms of the past. For instance, the ruler of my sign, Aquarius, is Uranus, but the esoteric ruler is Jupiter.

Now when the Bailey writings talk about the progression of a soul, first clockwise and then counterclockwise through the zodiac we are not talking about one natal chart but many would be involved over many life times.

Bailey doesn’t say how linear this progression is, but I have developed my own views on the subject.

My personal investigation into past lives indicates a trend toward a step-by-step progression through the sun signs, but this is far from black and white. Often the incarnating soul will jump over a number of signs.

The reason for this is threefold.

(1) Before the lesson of the next sign can be properly learned the seeker must first be strengthened in other areas of his life. Hence, instead of incarnating into Capricorn he may take on Cancer influences.

(2) There are other influences besides the sun so maybe a Libra sun with lots of Gemini influences would count as a Gemini incarnation.

(3) Sometimes the seeker will not learn the needed lesson and have to repeat it. He may need a change of pace before this happens so he may jump over several signs and then come back later to tackle the lesson. Like they say a change is a rest.

In the final turn of the wheel the disciple must master and perform the twelve great labors. The key to mastery is shown in internal growth and even though twelve steps are involved all does not proceed with black and white precision, but proceed he must nevertheless.

If you are going to learn Algebra and it takes four classes to become proficient then you will need to start at Algebra I, not Algebra II or III. You will then need to move step by step through the classes. Even so, there are a number of approaches one could take. After your first class you could take a break with a class on basket weaving. You could also get materials for an advanced class to get an idea of what you will learn in the future. You can work hard and get through a class early or take it easy and spend more time on the subject. If you are doing well in Algebra I you might find some materials from Algebra III to be useful and do some advanced study to prepare for a future class.

All is not black and white but the principle of moving from a lower level to a higher one definitely takes a number of steps.


Feb 4, 2015

Principles of Prediction

ImAHebrew wrote:

Just exactly what is FULFILLMENT, and the Spiritual Principle behind it?

When I began reading his post I though he was talking about personal fulfillment or satisfaction, but as I read on I realized he was talking about fulfillment of prophecy, quite a different matter.

The fulfillment of prophecy is not a principle in itself but several principles are involved that can make it happen.

First, I need to make a clarifying point about prophecy itself and that is this. It is a mistake to think that any being, whether it be man, angel or God knows every detail about the future.

Here is a previous statement I made on the matter:

Many believe that God knows every single thing that will ever happen. Supposedly a thousand years ago God knew I would be writing this very sentence I am finishing now. He not only knew I’d be scratching my nose right now, but He knew who I would marry and the exact number of calories I would consume today.

The trouble is that the only way that God could know such things is if everything were predetermined and we had no free will to change it.

For those who think that God knows every detail that will ever happen I would ask why He would even want to know.

Does it not make much more sense to see that God knows his plan and what the end will be, but is unconcerned about the minutia.

When Leonardo DaVinci envisioned the Mona Lisa he undoubtedly had an idea of how he wanted the finished product to look. There was no way he could have predicted each brush stroke as the work progressed. Yet he had free will to make whatever strokes he wanted or any mistakes that happened along the way.

Even so, it is with God, and man who is in the image of God. We can plan the future but wouldn’t want to know all the details about it, even if such a thing were possible.


If we want to understand how the mind of God works all we need do is examine how the mind of man works. Why? Because we are created in the image of God.

When we create, as did DaVinci, we make a plan and know the end from the beginning, but do not know what all the happenings will be in between.

The same principle applies with higher lives. They make a plan and have a vision of how it will turn out, but do not know all the details that will unfold and neither do they want or need to know.

Many see the scriptures as a flawless guide to the future. The truth is that the words are a good source of meditation and contemplation and some glimpses of the future can be had from them, but in most cases specific predictions gleamed from them are far off the mark.

For instance, hundreds of sincere people have predicted either the end of the world or the coming of Christ over the past 2000 years and all have been wrong.

Those who are impressed with predictions that have come true always have to cite past events that seem to correlate, but rarely can find a prediction someone made from reading the Bible that came true.

The Bible Code has this same problem. Data can be found that seem to correlate past events to code in the Bible, but they can’t seem to use it to predict future happenings.

The writings of Nostradamus offer the same problem. Almost every major event, including the fall of the Twin Towers, is found in there after they occur, but no one can use his writings to consistently predict future events before they occur.

Of course, a stopped clock is right twice a day so some may come close once in a while.

That said, there are times when the future can be accurately forecast. We therefore, ask, what are the principles that will make this happen?

Here they are:

(1) Decision

If an intelligent being decides that he is going to make a thing happen that is within his power to achieve then he can successfully predict the event. For instance, if I decide to get up at 8 AM and set the alarm for that time then I can fulfill my prediction and make it happen. If I decide to build a house and have the money to finish it then I can also make that happen also.

The more evolved the life the more power at his disposal and the greater will be his range to control future events and make predictions about them.

Using this power he does not know the future because of psychism, but because he controls it.

(2) Receiving from Higher Intelligence.

We as humans are limited in our control over future happenings, but greater lives than ourselves have more power and foresight. If Higher Lives share with us some details of a planned future event then we can know some details with accuracy.

(3) Cycles

They say that history repeats itself. The repetition is never exact but the principle of cycles is always at play and by studying them one can often see the general direction we are headed.

(4) Common Sense and Reason

By studying trends and all the information at hand about them a savvy character can often predict what is coming. This is not an exact science, but is helpful. Investors spend untold amounts of time studying the stock market trends, commodities, real estate and other items. The wise ones can beat the law of averages, but none can predict exactly what will happen in the markets.

If a seeker wants guidance as to future events it is best to stay away from black and white interpretation of prophecy, as I have rarely seen such an approach bear fruit. Contemplate all the facts of the matter at your disposal and listen to the inner voice. When you choose the correct path it will just feel right.


Feb 6, 2015

JJ Quotes:

“Love is very closely associated with dark, but is the highest correspondence of the female polarity just as divine light is the highest correspondence to the male polarity.”

“When a light is turned on in the darkness, the darkness is no more. Darkness cannot extinguish light, but light can cause darkness to immediately disappear.”


I think I understand what you are saying, however correct me if I am wrong. You are looking at light and dark more as positive and negative? I point this out because Love associated with the dark kind of rubs me the wrong way. I know that is because the more general consensus of dark being associated with being bad or the left hand path etc.

Actually those are two quotes written several years apart. The first is from archive #1258 written in 2001 and the second #318 from 1999. The first, as it reads, could cause one to be a little perplexed. I didn’t remember writing it and when I read it again I had to digest it to recall where I was coming from. I’ll post the original context at the end of this post to make it available.

The point is that the true duality of light and dark is different than commonly understood. Dark as is generally understood is a negative thing whereas true dark is the opposite of light and works with it to make creation possible. Light is outgoing, radiant and easy to see. The qualities of love are hidden in darkness for most people and cannot be seen but must be sensed, felt and magnetically pulled toward. The aspect of light functions in the visible world whereas love comes from the invisible and is esoterically dark to us.

Finally when the disciple balances the light and love within him he becomes a co-creator with God and his words and works are seen and felt as a blending of light and love.

“the Sun of righteousness (shall) arise with healing in his wings…” Mal 4:2

Except from post # 1258

Actually Dark appears to be the opposite of Light, but because of distortions in this physical world Dark is not a true opposite.

For instance, you can shine a Light and dispel Darkness, but you cannot shine “Dark” and dispel Light.

You can dispel hate with love, but you cannot eliminate love through hate.

Light is that which reveals (or that which is visible) and Dark is that which hides. Reality can exist in Light or Dark in the seen or unseen. Light in its highest essence is the radiation which is seen whereas its true opposite Love is not visible, but lies hid in the “esoteric dark” of life. Only by descending into the darkest depths can the fullness of Love become known.

Note what was written of Christ:

“Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.” (Eph 4:9-10)

Christ had to descend below all things so he could rise above all things and manifest the invisible love of God to us.

Love therefore is very closely associated with Dark, but is the highest correspondence of the female polarity just as Divine Light is the highest correspondence to the male polarity.

All these polarities are opposites in the general sense of the word. All these opposites work in partnership with the Divine Midway Point. Without opposition there is no creation, nothing “to act or to be acted upon.”

To say opposition is not the same as saying conflict. Conflict is the lowest correspondence of opposition, but creation is the highest. It just happens to be that conflict is sometimes an ingredient of creation. The higher correspondence of conflict is cooperation.

Opposites in conflict produce destruction and reorganization.

Opposites in cooperation produce creation and take us toward the dominating good.

Example: Male and female in cooperation create new life — a child — a product of Light and Love to fulfill Divine Purpose.


Aligning the Centers


In the majority of the Eastern paths there is an attempt to suppress the lower centers, in order to focus on the upper centers — and this does permit the disciple to gaze at the Light of the Soul in meditation.


I’m sure there are some that may fit this description just as there are Christian teachers who seek to suppress the energies of the lower centers creating the same effect. However, this is not what the Bailey writings teach and neither is I what I teach.

All the centers are divine and in the perfected man they will all be properly tuned and vibrating in perfect harmony.

The problem is that the average person misuses the energies of the lower centers and these must be set on the right course through higher mind and will.

We agree with you about the importance of mind as mind is the essential link between heaven and earth.

DK though Alice A. Bailey said that the plane of the mind is where the masters can be found – as well as the Higher Self up to the even the Solar Logos.

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