Soul Mates

This entry is part 10 of 40 in the series 2012A

A reader asked me for my views on twin souls or soul mates.  I’ve written some on this subject but not sure I have given a complete explanation.

The most popular view concerning soul mates is the idea that in the dawn of creation souls were created two by two. In other words, there were two of each of us created in the beginning – these are sometimes referred to as “twin souls” or “twin flames.” Many believe that this other you is the one you are supposed to eventually find and marry and when this is achieved the two united will fill a great gap each has had and make each other feel whole and fulfilled.

So… Is there any truth to this idea?

My answer is the truth is different than many suppose. Let me add some clarification.

The first thing to note is that we are not created beings but the myriads of monads from which each of us sprang are eternal and have always existed. Because we have always been there was never a time that we were created as twin flames because we have never been created.

Each of us has evolved through the ages from a point of divine intelligence or a point of light in the darkness of divine space.  Our progression has been assisted by others who have been as gods to us as we have acquired vehicles, or bodies, necessary to descend into matter.

All souls on this planet are linked through interconnected wavelengths reaching through the local section of divine space occupied by planet Earth which has one great oversoul for humanity. This oversoul is one great super human life of which you and I are cells. In a very real sense we are all one life but in another we are all individual; entities each springing from different monads.

In addition to the great grouping of humanity itself through one oversoul there are numerous subgroups that have drawn humans together over the eons.  Here are some:

(1) Groups drawn together because of connections with the same solar angels or other beings.

(2) Groups drawn together because of working and karmic relationships over various lifetimes.

(3) Groups drawn together because of similarity of vibration and evolutionary status.

(4) Groups drawn together because of being similar ray types.

When a sensitive person meets another who is connected to one of his groups or linked by karma from a past life there will be a knowing.  The person will seem familiar, like an old friend or lover.

The overall truth is this.  In the beginning of this round of creation we all shared a oneness in the bosom of our Father/Mother God.  Then, at the big bang of creation we were all separated and scattered.  In our scattered condition we learn to create and when we master the creative urge of the God within we unite with other souls to go back home for a great rest.  In the end, each one of us will be the soul mate of all. When all have completed their journey then any soul can find fullness of joy when in communion with any other soul. Any person can be your soul mate if the two of you are one with God.

If this is true then why do so many embrace the idea of one soul mate and why do some insist they have found their soul mate?

To answer this let us first ask this question: Why is there such a strong yearning to find a soul mate?

The prime reason for this is parts of our being recall what it was like to dwell in oneness and fullness of joy with others like ourselves as one with God before we left our divine home. Those who reflect on this inner knowing get a homesickness and desire with all their hearts to find even one soul with whom they can share oneness. When the seeker finds a similar soul that kindles and stimulates the knowing and love inside, hope springs anew that a soul mate is found.

This inner knowing supports the belief of many that they have found their one and only soul mate when they fall in love, but there are other reasons beyond this.  One of the main ones is past life connections. Let us suppose that Jim and Sally have been mates a number of times in past lives.  In addition they have been brother and sister, parent and child and teacher and student.

When they meet in this life do you not suppose there will seem to be a knowing and an unexplainable attraction? By the end of their first date they are finishing each other’s sentences and communing with each other with great fascination.

They seem like soul mates to each other, not because they were created as twin flames, but because of their spiritual link through a long association.

The astonishing fact is this.  Any human being on the planet can be a soul mate if the barriers to oneness are transcended. When any two entities join in the union of souls and share divine love that is available to all they will enjoy a fullness as great as any two people who think they are soul mates.

If this is true then what is stopping us from such union.  There are several reasons:

(1) We have separated from each other and descended to earth as differentiated individuals to enhance our power to create and master our environment.

(2) We are all at different places on the path home and thus see with very different perspectives.

(3) We tend to look on the imperfection without rather than the perfection within. If your blind date looked like the elephant man do you think there is a chance in hell that you would want him or her as a soul mate?

Probably not. The outward ugliness is just too great of a distraction that interferes with seeing the Christ within.

We do not need an elephant man face to divert our attention away from the desire for union.  There are hundreds of small things that do it from a grating voice, to hygiene, to taste in movies or music, to religious and political beliefs and more.  If the barriers to union are removed then the union of souls can begin, pure and simple.

Copyright 2012 by J J Dewey

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The Problem with Infinite Individual Realities

This entry is part 9 of 40 in the series 2012A

There are two major divisions of alternate universes theories.

(1) In addition to this physical universe and its accompanying higher spheres there are an unknown number of co-existing universes.  This number is guessed at being from one to an infinite number. Quantum theory speculates there may be eleven.

These universes are as different from our own as one individual, planet and galaxy are also different  from each other in their distinct way.

The idea that there are alternate universes such as these makes some sense to the rational mind for not only quantum physicists see it as a possibility but the more we examine formless space the more we find evidence that it is not empty but composed of many subtle particles and forces.

(2) We create our own reality of alternate universes.

This idea first seemed to impact public consciousness through the writings of Seth.  His ideas were on the edge of believability but still fit within the parameters of logic with esoteric students.

He taught that alternate realities were created when points of emotional tension were created in life and if the pilgrim found himself wondering what life would be like if he had chosen differently this power of thought created another reality where the alternative decision was made.  This fits in with the esoteric teachings on the devachan, an astral world where unfulfilled desires are lived out until the person feels satisfied.

Then in the past couple decades imaginations of gurus, writers and movie makers have run wild with the alternative reality idea with each new version expanding and building on the last until we now arrive at Inelia Benz and others telling us that there are not only infinite universes, but an infinite number of you and me in our own private universe of creations in addition to other infinite universes. This supposes that there is such a thing as infinity times infinity.

The thinking behind the infinite selves idea is that every decision we make is a choice between two realities.  Rick is considering Bonnie and Sue as marriage partners.  Both of them have their advantages but he can only pick one and marries Sue. This creates quite a different reality for himself than if he had chosen Bonnie – a much different personality. For the rest of his life he wonders what it would have been like if he had married Bonnie.

Not to worry. According to this theory the real truth is that decision points creates an entirely new universe for yourself.  Rick did not just choose Sue to be his wife, but Bonnie also and in that instant he doubled the number of universes for himself.  He also created a double of himself.  One of himselves is living in this universe married to Sue and the other one of himself is in the newly created universe living with Bonnie.

There are only two ways that there can be two or more universes with you, me and everyone else in them

The first way this could happen is if they both had similar beginnings billions of years ago and went through similar evolutions until we have two universes with two earths and two of you and me very similar to each other.

The trouble with this idea is that it is a mathematical impossibility. Let us just look at your two parents on two earths that are just a little different.  Because the two earths are slightly different the circumstances would be different forcing different decisions.  On this earth your father met your mother at a church social but on the other earth he caught a cold and never attended and thus never met your mother and you were never born. It is obvious that within just one lifetime different decisions would produce very different results and if we expand that to a history of two earths over billions of years we can conclude that no two earths would evolve with anywhere near the same circumstances or groups of people. The earth in a parallel universe would be as different from this one as Russia is from the United States.

Some science fiction writers and gurus realized the conundrum here and decided the only plausible explanation for the existence of two or more universes, earths and people who are very close duplicates is if new universes are created with new decisions we make. Thus when Rick reaches a decision point as to who to marry he creates an entirely new universe for himself and lives two realities.

This gets complicated when we realize that we make thousands of decisions within one lifetime; therefore, we would have duplicates running around in thousands of universes – right?

Wrong.  Make that trillions of universes.  Let me illustrate.

When I was five years old I decided to play with a smoldering fire and caught my pants on fire and burned myself quite badly. This created a new universe where I decided to play with my dog instead and was never burned. Now, not only has the present me made thousands of decisions since then but the me who played with the dog has also. In addition to us two creating universes every new version  of me is doing it also. When I figure all the other selves out there multiplying themselves creating new universes then there would have to be trillions of universes out there created by me alone.  In addition to this there are seven billion other people on this planet creating trillions more universes.

This may make good science fiction but seems kind of a silly idea to take seriously when you really think about it.  The creations of God are based on simplicity and when you consider that all possibilities lie within our present universe then trillions more just seems like something that is totally unnecessary and wouldn’t attract any interest to the mind of God.

That said, I am faced with a decision to either post this on freeread or the Keys.  I guess I’ll choose freeread.  Whoops!  There I go again.  I just created an another alternative universe where this post is on the Keys. I hope the other me behaves himself.

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Alternative Universes

This entry is part 8 of 40 in the series 2012A


I don’t know how you cannot believe in alternate parallel universes–after all  that is what was portrayed in one episode of Star Trek, don’t you remember?  Seriously, though, it did make me think and some parts of string theory seem to  support it…


First, let me clarify that I have not said that there are not co-existing or parallel universes.  In my last post I noted that string theory speculates that there may be 11 dimensions and I also stated that it is likely that a universe of anti matter exists.

What I said that makes no sense to me is the idea that there exists an infinite number of duplicate universes with a duplicate version of you and me in them living slightly different lives. For one thing, if I had my life to live over and didn’t know what the future held, I would most likely make the same choices all over again indicating that me in another universe would not really be living an alternative life but the same one I am living here.  I believe that parts of our consciousness do play out alternative scenarios in the astral and dream world to compensate for unfulfilled desire but not in an alternative physical reality.


But I agree it makes no true logical sense. In Matrix Energetix  (which Artie asked me to present at the last Gathering) and in other healing  modalities one of the techniques is to take people into a parallel universe,  extract useful scenarios and bring them back to this universe for healing  purposes. There have been some powerful healings as a result. Is it placebo or just consciousness “making it up” and using it or the real deal?


That is a good question.  The answer though lies not in parallel physical universes but in the power of the mind and desire to create whatever it wants on subtle levels. The universal law is that energy follows thought and if you create through the power of thought in mental and emotional matter then effects will ripple down to the physical world.

Let me give two examples.

The first is taken from the book, Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz. He references an experiment on three groups of students.

All three groups were tested on their ability to make successful shots in basketball and their scores were tabulated.

The first group was then told to practice making shots every day for the next 20 days.

The second group was told to not practice at all and the third group was told to merely practice in their minds.  They were to not physically practice but to spend some time each day imagining shooting the ball.  If they missed in their imagination they were to shoot again and imagine making the basket.

After the twenty days passed they tested all three groups again for accuracy and the results were astonishing.

The first group had improved 24% in their accuracy.

The second group showed no improvement.

The third group, however, improved an astonishing 23%, a statistical tie with the first group who physically practiced.

Were they tapping into other selves in an alternative universe who were basketball stars?

Not likely.

They were instead using the principle of energy following thought.

The second example was given by Napoleon Hill in his famous book, Think and Grow Rich.  An important ingredient he taught on achieving success was the creation of a Master Mind. He taught that we as individuals are very limited in knowledge so we should gather around us other people with talents that we may not have and draw from them. He tells us that the Master Mind group, when used properly, becomes as one mind and each individual can draw the abilities of the whole to use for himself.

Then he tells us how he took the principle a step further and created a Master Mind group of nine famous people that he couldn’t draw to him in the physical.  They were Emerson, Paine, Edison, Darwin, Lincoln, Burbank, Napoleon, Ford and Carnegie.

Every evening he would imagine meeting with these guys around a conference table and getting their advice on all sorts of matters.  As time passed they became more and more real until he became concerned that the illusion may blur with reality so he quit meeting with his imaginary friends.

Then six months after stopping the practice he had a strange experience.  He says:

“I was awakened one night, or thought I was, when I saw Lincoln standing at my bedside. He said, ‘The world will soon need your services. It is about to undergo a period of chaos which will cause men and women to lose faith, and become panic stricken. Go ahead with your work and complete your philosophy. That is your mission in life. If you neglect it, for any cause whatsoever, you will be reduced to a primal state, and be compelled to retrace the cycles through which you have passed during thousands of years.’

“I was unable to tell, the following morning, whether I had dreamed this, or had actually been awake, and I have never since found out which it was, but I do know that the dream, if it were a dream, was so vivid in my mind the next day that I resumed my meetings the following night. At our next meeting, the members of my Cabinet all filed into the room together, and stood at their accustomed places at the Council Table, while Lincoln raised a glass and said, ‘Gentlemen, let us drink a toast to a friend who has returned to the fold.’ After that, I began to add new members to my Cabinet, until now it consists of more than fifty, among them Christ, St. Paul, Galileo, Copernicus, Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, Homer, Voltaire, Bruno, Spinoza, Drummond, Kant, Schopenhauer, Newton, Confucius, Elbert Hubbard, Brann, Ingersol, Wilson, and William James.”

It is interesting that a couple of the people in his original Master Mind were alive at the time he was doing the practice so it wasn’t like he was performing a séance calling on the dead from the spirit world.

He had a very interesting experience with his imaginary Edison who was alive at the time.  He says:

One evening Edison arrived ahead of all the others. He walked over and seated himself at my left, where Emerson was accustomed to sit, and said, ‘You are destined to witness the discovery of the secret of life. When the time comes, you will observe that life consists of great swarms of energy, or entities, each as intelligent as human beings think themselves to be. These units of life group together like hives of bees, and remain together until they disintegrate, through lack of harmony.

These units have differences of opinion, the same as human beings, and often fight among themselves. These meetings which you are conducting will be very helpful to you. They will bring to your rescue some of the same units of life which served the members of your Cabinet, during their lives. These units are eternal. THEY NEVER DIE! Your own thoughts and DESIRES serve as the magnet which attracts units of life, from the great ocean of life out there. Only the friendly units are attracted—the ones which harmonize with the nature of your DESIRES.’

The other members of the Cabinet began to enter the room. Edison got up, and slowly walked around to his own seat. Edison was still living when this happened. It impressed me so greatly that I went to see him, and told him about the experience. He smiled broadly, and said, ‘Your dream was more a reality than you may imagine it to have been.’ He added no further explanation to his statement.

Perhaps these units were monads.

Whatever the case it didn’t matter whether these individuals were alive or dead. Napoleon was able to draw from their essence.

And why is this?

Each entity whether living or dead is a broadcasting studio for his particular essence which can be tuned into and picked up by anyone willing to use the energy of thought to make the connection.  The Edison in his Master Mind was not the real Edison, but something almost as good.  It was composed of the projected frequencies and intelligence given off by Edison.  That is why Napoleon was able to pick up Edison’s thinking so accurately that he told him that what he received was more than a dream.

This also explains why psychics are able to pick up thoughts from the dead.  Of course the dead have better things to do than hang around the psychics.  They do not need to if the person can tune into their frequency.  They can then receive intelligence as if the person were in the room.

This same principle applies when tuning into a person from a parallel universe.  Just as Napoleon did not tune into the real Edison, but his essence even so can one tune into the essence of anyone he wishes in any situation he can imagine and energy following thought will make the connection and do the rest.

Because we humans who are in the image of God can create any scenario we wish in the more subtle worlds. We can sometimes be deceived into thinking we are just observing what is – rather than creating what appears to be.

Copyright 2012 by J J Dewey

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Inelia Benz

This entry is part 7 of 40 in the series 2012A

Feb 14, 2012
A couple days ago Kelly asked about Inelia Benz and this stirred up
quite a lot of discussion so I thought I would make a few comments.

First I had to check out some of her teachings. I watched the video
recommended by Alex and read the transcript of the video recommended by

Her basic message is this. She incarnated to assist in raising the
vibration of the people on this planet so we can effectively transition
into a new age of peace.

I have no problem with this message as this is also one of the reasons I
am here and I’m sure some members of the group feel it is a
reason they are here also.

As long as she keeps this as her main goal and follows it to the highest
she knows then I wish her Godspeed.

Whenever a teacher manifests before the public eye true seekers will
always take a look with a mind open to the possibility that he or she
may be an agent of light or a deceiver of the darkest dye – or someone
in between.

Unless I receive some evidence to the contrary I take Inelia at her word
that she is here to serve and assist humanity.

I am encouraged by the fact that she is a big believer in free will and
expanding it. She presents a teaching that I have given that if we do
not make decisions then someone else will be making them for us.

She presents several teachings to do not sound right to me.

She says there are an infinite number of parallel universes where each
of us live in slightly different realities. For example, in Universe A
there is a famous JJ and in Universe B there is one that is an unknown
homeless guy. Then there’s another universe where I’m
still with my first wife and never met Artie – my current wife – poor

The point to consider here is that creation, especially the creation of
a universe, takes a lot of effort and creators only put a lot of effort
into creation when there is a significant purpose. I don’t see
much purpose being served by the Creators in making infinite numbers
universes with the same people doing just slightly different things. As
it is, this one universe is vast enough to give the Life of God a chance
to experience every possibility through the many trillions of lives in
it. He doesn’t need a billion or so variations of me running

She tells us she is a unique being who has never incarnated into this
universe before. She has no past lives but incarnated directly from the
mind of God.

We always have to take into account that anything is possible but in my
view the most likely truth is she has incarnated here many times but has
reflected so strongly on God that she sees herself as an extension of
Him in a way that others are not.

This teaching is the biggest red flag because even if she truly seeks to
help others this may cause followers to see her as an outside source of
God rather than looking within. This could cause her to become the Beast
to her followers unless she does all in her power to teach them to rely
on the inner God rather than the outer.

She says there are millions of others who are helping to raise the
vibration of the planet but is not clear if there are others like her
with no past lives who came directly from God. If she sees herself as a
totally unique being she could be creating many glamours that will need
to be dealt with as well as illusion.

Overall, she seems a pleasant person who is attempting to serve so I
will not be overly concerned about her unless some good reason were to

She does have a course she sells for $99. Because of this some have
accused her of being in the work for the money but every work does need
t bring in some money.

Here are the ingredients in the course:

1. Unit One – An Introduction – Listen to the Introduction NOW.
Spiritual Ascension Course Sample
2. Unit Two – Setting of Goals
3. Unit Three – Main Goals Exercise
4. Unit Four – Specific Goals Exercise
5. Unit Five – Detoxifying the Physical Body
6. Unit Six – Reconnecting with the Physical Body
7. Unit Seven – Physical Body Reconnection Exercise
8. Unit Eight – Healing the Ego
9. Unit Nine – Identifying and Embracing the Ego
10. Unit Ten – The Mental Body
11. Unit Eleven – Identifying the Mind
12. Unit Twelve – Silencing the Mind Through Breath Meditation
13. Unit Thirteen – The Emotional Body
14. Unit Fourteen – Healing the Emotional Body
15. Unit Fifteen – The Spiritual Body
16. Unit Sixteen – Identifying and Reconnecting with the Spiritual Body
17. Unit Seventeen – Aligning Our Bodies
18. Unit Eighteen – Expansion Of Awareness
19. Unit Nineteen – Expansion Of Awareness into Oneness
20. Bonus Unit
Dealing with Sickness during Ascension Work

If anyone has taken or takes this course in the future I’m sure
the group would be interested in a report.

Feb 15, 2012
Alternate Realities

I’m surprised so many have embraced the idea of infinite realities for each individual. To my reasoning mind it makes no sense whatsoever and can and will explain why it makes no sense.

From the Ancient Wisdom we know there are seven spheres of reality, but in these there is only one physical reality. The astral, mental and formless worlds are not alternative realities but a part of the one reality.

Is it possible that there are other physical realities that co-exist with us in addition to the seven spheres? Yes, this is quite possible. I suspect that there is one which is composed of what we call anti-matter. Quantum theory suggests that there could be as many as 11 alternative universes but there seems to be no way that an infinite number would fit in the equation.

But considering whether there be co-existing universes is a whole different matter than co-existing selves living out totally different lives than we are doing here.

If there is an alternative universe then it would be populated by entities that are different entities than exist here just as another star system would be peopled by different beings than exist here.

Alex asks this question:
“How we can judge and dictate the Creator how many parallel timelines is sufficient for Him to allow a reasonable level of free agency?”

First, I might note that others are judging the Creator has made infinite realities so I am doing no differently than them in judging in the other direction.

Secondly, we are fully capable of judging what the Creator will do because we are created in the “image of God.” If we therefore want to know what God would do we must merely examine what we would do.

To discover the truth through following this principle one need merely ask this question; When we as humans create a thing do we create all possibilities in which that creation can manifest? Do we even have any desire to do this?

The answer to both of these questions is an absolute no.

Let us suppose you are going to paint a picture. First you decide what you are going to paint – let us say you pick a mountain and a stream. Now as you are painting you follow your desires in what you like and do not like until it is finished and like God in the Bible you then declare it is good when finished.

Now that the painting is finished do you have any desire to create millions of other paintings of this scene with slight variations?

Of course not. Such an endeavor would not only be extremely boring but would put the creator in a hell of a bottomless pit.

So, we see the creator (painter) has absolutely no desire to create every possible version of his painting but he does still desire to create. What then does he do? He picks a new challenge and for his next work. He does not create a slightly different view of the same scene but he picks an entirely new scene. He may do some wildlife next or a portrait of his true love – something that will be a challenge and give him the satisfaction of creating something new.

“Behold, I make all things new.” Rev 21:5

We do not like to create the same thing over and over and neither does God.

The different paintings correspond to different lifetimes and different painters correspond to different entities.

Seth was the first teacher I know of who taught about multiple realities for individuals and from his teaching of a few realities others have expanded to infinite realities.

I think Seth was on to a true principle. He didn’t teach infinite realities but noted that there are various turning points in our lives were crucial decisions are made. This wouldn’t have anything to do whether you choose eggs or cereal for breakfast, but decisions that have a strong emotions attached. For instance Bob is strongly attracted to Carol and Alice and after much thought chooses Alice. His life with Alice turns rather sour and he now wishes he would have chosen Carol. He dreams regularly of what life would be like with her.

According to Seth – in another reality he is with Carole.

This corresponds to the teachings of the ancient Wisdom through DK and others for this is how the Devachan plays out in the astral world. Unfulfilled emotional (astral) energy creates a reality in the astral world and after we die we can go there and experience unfulfilled dreams and wishes that were not manifest here in the physical. This is the heaven of the Christian or the Happy Hunting Grounds of the American Indian.

On the other hand, the disciple learns to be the observer in this physical world and not be governed by the astral so he can bypass the devachan and go higher reams closer to the True Reality after death.

Thus we see that the argument that we need to experience infinite versions of each life is just not called for. In this universe there are billions of galaxies with billions of solar systems with many trillions of inhabitants. The life of God has every possible experience available though the vast number of lives invoked and with the devachan and dream world included there is no experienced left undone.

Another point to consider is that there is One Great Life occupying this universe and we are extensions of this oneness. On higher levels we are in tune with each other and see each other as part of a unity rather than separate lives. When life is viewed from this angle then all of us are living many millions of lives at the same time. In a sense Alex, and Keith and Rick and Ruth,  the rest are another version of me. It’s possible that some psychics tune into this knowledge and construe it to mean that there are many versions of ourselves in many realities.


Copyright 2012 by J J Dewey

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Keys Posts 2012, Part 2

This entry is part 6 of 40 in the series 2012A

Jan 17, 2012

Glenda Green & Jesus

Glenda seems to claim much more than an impression. Here are some quotes from her book – love Without End:

Jesus appeared to me and was with me for almost four months between November 1991 and March 1992.

In the fall of 1992, much to my surprise, those special circumstances were arranged and another vision was brought to me. It happened in a little country church where I had given the evening presentation. During the closing prayer, I noticed the rare fragrance I always sensed when Jesus was in my studio. Lifting my head and opening my eyes brought confirmation of what I suspected. He was there! Without a word to startle the others, I quietly beheld a fascinating process. With every passing second He regressed in age until He became an infant in His mother’s arms. Mary was young and classically Hebrew in appearance. In her loveliness, she was the image of innocence and barely more than a child herself. After a few minutes, the vision stabilized and remained unchanged for the two months required to paint it. The Flame of Love, as the painting came to be called,

A wry grin began to take shape on His face as He focused a quizzical look at me.

“His eyes were like clear pools of water, as I gazed into them, and beheld the simplicity of His succinct reply.

While nodding to the reality of our history, His countenance remained calm and serene. A comforting smile spread across His face…

In His presence there was love overflowing. Glowing with an aura of contentment and happiness, His face radiated joy, and He often smiled from ear to ear. I was fascinated, however, by the fact that I never saw Him laugh.

Jan 17, 2012

Sarah’s Story

Sarah: I was diagnosed dyslexic at the age of 7, as well as intellectually gifted. At 15 I was diagnosed ADD and medicated with stimulants. At 21, I was diagnosed Bipolar and they added an anticonvulsant and an antipsychotic to the mix. At 24, they added a sedative. At 25, I found, got off all my meds that very night, told my doctors an parents I was not mentally ill…then I went crazy for a bit as I withdrew and then I changed my diet to predominately raw vegan and added vitamins and supplements including Klamath lake blue green algae.

And now I’m perfectly normal.

My cousin is diagnosed with Aspergers as well as other labels. His mother, my aunt, is a biologist as is a clinical coordinator of some kind for

There is no real biological evidence that famous people who are no longer living had Aspergers. They also say most of them were ADD and Bipolar as well…back when those diagnoses were up and coming.

Just my two cents. I am also an artist. I believed I was mentally ill my whole life because doctors labeled me and plus artists and musicians usually are crazy. But, I decided that was bullshit and I had control over my own mind.

Sent from my iPhone

JJ I would think that i would have a heck of a time typing a message like that on an iphone.

I’m really glad the writings helped you. I’m curious what you read on freeread that first night that altered your course so.

My boy asked me which supplement I would recommend if I was limited to just one and it was the one you mentioned – the blue green algae from Klammath Falls.

Jan 19, 2012

Can Love Be Defined?

JJ DK didn’t say that there are things that cannot be put in words but that we lack the words to define some things. He often complained that AAB had a limited scientific vocabulary and this limited his ability to explain some things clearly.

Some languages completely lack words that are common in English so this would limit their ability to put some things into words. If I am trying to explain a concept for which we do not have words I will usually put a new twist on an existing words – such as my use of Purpose in the Molecular Relationship.


Jan 19, 2012

Newt Gingrich Handwriting?

LWK asked me to take a look at Newt’s handwriting. It looks like only the first link supplied has a serious attempt to analyze Newt. I’ll make a few comments.

Lets look at the sample here:

Let’s examine some of his analysis.

1. Major daddy issues. This is probably true. He thinks he can greatly exceed the accomplishments of his parents. There are things about his childhood and upbringing he would just as soon forget.

2. He points out an undotted i. I checked out other samples and he seems to leave around 20% of his Is undotted. This can merely mean absent mindedness, but in Newt’s case it seems to mean lack of attention to details that are not essential in his view.

3. “Maniac d” then he says – “yes, the trait that is in serial killer’s handwriting.”

This is a d with a slant that shifts quite a bit farther to the right than the surrounding letters. I checked out two other samples of his handwriting and this shift in slant did not occur there. Strange shifts in slant of the letters whether they be Ds or other letters is a sign of inner emotional turmoil. These shifts often occur in teenagers as they are trying to figure our who they want to be. Newt does indeed act like an emotional teenager at times, but then other times he has pretty good control. This shows up in his various handwriting samples where some are more stable than others.

Looking at the handwriting as a whole there is not much likelihood he would be a serial killer but he is likely to react strongly to an attack as evidenced by his reaction to Romney’s ads.

4. Explosive. He will explode now and then but not an abnormal amount. He’s very sensitive and when offended he feels like lashing out but usually just lets off enough steam to stay sane.

5. Nasty, nasty, nasty temper. Yes he has a temper and lets off enough steam to avoid dangerous explosions.

6. A seriously mean person.

Sometimes uncaring, neglectful, and capable of vengeance, but I wouldn’t call him seriously mean.

7. Is dishonest. Actually in normal circumstances he is quite honest. He likes to be direct and to the point. He enjoys openly and honestly sharing his conventional thoughts. On the other hand, he has secrets, perhaps a secret agenda that he keeps to himself. Aside from these things he likes honest sharing.

8. Ruthless towards his enemies. This could be true if his feelings are stirred.

9. Careless. Yes, sometimes, but not always.

10. Unethical. Probably about like your average politician.

11. Greedy. Sometimes.

12. Skirts the rules. He will do this when it makes sense to him.

13. He says Newt Gingrich is The Inventor – INFP (Introvert – iNtuitive – Feeler – Perceiver) + Analytical. I agree with this.

14. He says Newt Gingrich is unqualified for leadership.

He’s better at coming up with ideas than gaining the trust of his fellow men in carrying them out. How effective he will be as a leader will largely depend on who he chooses for his inner circle. The trouble is that he will ignore the advice of his inner circle if convinced his ideas aren’t being advanced.

Overall he is very intelligent, never at a loss for words, intuitive, fiercely independent and determined to go his own way. He’s also very emotional and overly sensitive. Sometimes he’s at peace with his inner feelings and other times he is in conflict. He has a big ego and loves to be the center of attention – not as bad as Obama, however.

Jan 22, 2012

Possible Life on Venus Found


Jan 27, 2012

War with Iran

Ruth asked me to comment on this: “Ramtha has warned on several occasions war with Iran is likely if Republican is President.”

JJ There is a danger of war with Iran no matter who is president – except for maybe Ron Paul. We may avoid war for a while by following a pacifist policy as we did before WWII but the best course when you have enemies is peace through strength – as well as smart policy.

Jan 28, 2012


Rut asks about the timeframe before great destruction will come.

JJ I’ve never placed a time on a scenario of great destruction but have merely said that the gathering needs to have a serious beginning between 2025-2030. It may be 100 years or more before something is created that could really be called Zion where the inhabitants see eye to eye or soul to soul. The gathering will provide a refuge from all sorts of possible calamities that may befall the planet as the communities will be self sustaining. The work I am involved in extends way beyond this life.

Jan 28, 2012

Re: Bill Wood Interview with Project Camelot

JJ Even though we do not have video there were dozens of witnesses who actually saw the plane hit he Pentagon and none of them saw a Tomohawk missile. They all saw a plane and I hear one guy interviewed who said he was close enough to see the windows of the plane and people inside.

Jan 28, 2012

Re: The Literal Gathering of Israel, Chapter Four

Ruth: So there needs to be a small gathering first of 24 or 144,000 people? and then a major gathering might take place later on.

The people that gather first are the ones who are directed by soul to get together in the flesh at a specific destination? This is where I am confusing the time lines and phases of Zion.

JJ No, that’s not what I said. We may have to gather thousands before we find the 24 capable of creating the first molecule. The first 24 gathered will not create a working molecule. How many we will have to sift through before 24 can be found who can take all kinds of grief yet remain firm in the soul is hard to say. Time will tell.

After the gathering begins it will continue from henceforth for thousands of years with gatherings from the gatherings and regatherings as time goes on.

Feb 2, 2012

Possession Problem

Stephen, The fact that you are experiencing this problem after attempting automatic writing indicates that you opened yourself to an external entity or at least elemental negative forces. It doesn’t sound like the Dweller experience proceeding the third initiation because you have not mentioned anything indicating the Angel of the Presence.

You mentioned that things seemed worse after saying the Song. This could indicate the entities revulsion toward the Song and that you should say it more not less.

Reread everything I’ve said about the principle of attrition in Book 3 and the archives. Even though you undergoing a painful experience proceed with your life as if nothing negative is affecting you or even in your presence. This is a state of mind you must acquire. Don’t do any type of meditation until you are healed. Prayer is fine.


Feb 2, 2012

UFO Crash Site?

To this Dan writes:

I can do ya one better:


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Keys Posts 2012, Part 1

This entry is part 5 of 40 in the series 2012A

Jan 1, 2012

Gaps in Words

LWK Speaking from personal experience, the _only_ thing that will really convert the atheist mindset is pain; physical, emotional, and spiritual. They have to see for themselves that they need to somehow step outside the paradigms they have defined for themselves and take a leap of faith (“faith” as JJ defines it in The Gathering of Lights, Ch. 19 – Real Faith).

JJ You are right here Larry. In fact I have been arguing with atheists on another forum for the past couple days, kinda as a diversionary vacation, and I use their terminology and of course have changed no minds. I did find one guy who explained to me why he lost his faith who may have some hope.

Anyway, we are all like the alcoholic who has to hit rock bottom before we will make real change. I’m not clear what turned you around but I am sure it was something painful rather than a peaceful argument.

Jan 2, 2012

Re: Intelligent Aid

There are indeed two ways that we evolve. The first is through trial and error. Eventually the next learning point dawns on us as we stumble forward.

The second is with the assistance of a teacher or some type of guidance beyond the physical, perhaps from a higher life.

Now, even in the first category we are not alone for we slowly progress through interaction with other lives who are fellow travelers. These may not be able to explain to us the knowledge we need but they may stimulate or motivate us.

On this note DK gave an interesting thought. He said that higher lives looked upon primitive humans and their struggle to survive and basically felt sorry for them. They decided to help them and came to the earth and stimulated their minds greatly speeding up their evolution. He said that if they had not done this humanity would have still moved forward but much more slowly. The most advanced among us would be living like the Australian Bushmen in a primitive condition with little civilization. It would have been a long time in the future yet before we would have arrived where we are now.

As I’ve reflected on this it could give an explanation as to why we have not yet picked up an intelligent radio signal from another solar system. Perhaps we are one of the few planets that have received such stimulation and most of the life on other planets is still quite primitive. Maybe one of our purposes is to visit them in the future and stimulate them.

Jan 3, 2012

Odds on Candidates

Back in May I gave my odds on the various potential candidates getting the nomination. Since we are approaching the first primary in Iowa I thought I would revamp my odds.

At that time I gave Romney the highest odds for the nomination stating that he has karma on his side because of the way the press destroyed his Father when he ran for president in 1968.

I think he still has the best chance for the nomination, but it’s been a weird year. Every month or so a new favorite has arisen who has looked like he would eclipse Romney so far this hasn’t happened. Romney hasn’t seemed to move much up or down but of late he has been inching upward. In his favor is that he seems to be a known quantity with no hidden vices, actions or comments that can be exposed and he’s performed well at the debates without making a major error.

The greatest criticism at the debate came from him offering to bet Perry $10,000 that he was correct on a point. In my book I thought it was his finest moment but others were upset the average person could not bet $10,000.

My overall odds have changed as the landscape has changed. Here they are.

Romney: 60% chance for the nomination. Odds of beating Obama if nominated 70%

Ron Paul: 10% chance for the nomination. Odds of beating Obama if nominated 30%. It looks like he will do reasonably well in Iowa but his past newsletters is starting to hurt him with new converts as I earlier predicted. If Romney views him as a threat he will do to him what he did to Gingrich with an attack ad blitz

Rick Santorum: 10% chance for the nomination. Odds of beating Obama if nominated 45%

Gingrich: 10% chance for the nomination. Odds of beating Obama if nominated 60%

This leaves a 10% chance anyone else will get the nomination

There’s a 30% chance Donald Trump will run as a third party candidate. If he does all bets are off and a reevaluation will be made at that time. A third party run by Trump would definitely increase the odds of an Obama win. A third party in development called Americans Elect started by Obama supporter Peter Ackerman has about $22 million to advance its cause and could wind up with someone like Trump or Huntsman for its candidate and could help Obama get reelected. This may be its purpose. In my view this has a 20% chance of having a significant influence on the election. We’ll hear more about this group as we approach the election.

Another thing that could change the election equation is if Hillary is selected for vice president. Most Democrats want this to happen, but the two people most opposed to it are Obama and Clinton.

I think Obama doesn’t want her because she may overshadow him and he doesn’t trust her in that position. Clinton is reluctant to seek the vice presidency because she wouldn’t have much power there. If she were nominated for this position it would increase Obama’s election chances by about 10%.

Only time will reveal the truth for sure. It will be a interesting political year.

Jan 6, 2012

Re: JJ Quote from the Archives for Today

JJ Quote: “Each odd number representing a ray or plane (and even years) is polarized in the positive energy and the even numbers are polarized in the negative energy. Notice that concerning this great number of seven that we have four positive numbers and three negative which gives all creation a domination toward the positive, or the dominating good.”

Ruth: I am wondering that now we are entering an even number year which means the polarization more towards the negative energy, or rather female/intuitional/receiving/magnetic energy may come into play more in all aspects of living etc.?

JJ When we speak of the energies being positive and negative the meaning is not to be taken in black and white as good and evil. Both polarities are necessary for creation. Nothing would exist without the both of them. Both male and female aspects have their positive points and there would be no dominating good without them both working together.

The odd years will reveal more male energy and the even numbered years the female or emotional side will be stronger. It is no accident that U.S. elections are on even numbered years where emotion reaches a high point.

Jan 7, 2012

Re: Big Bang Theory

It’s one of my favorite shows.

I also like Revenge, Chuck, The Mentalist ,Hell on Wheels, Castle, The Middle, Two and a Half Men, and Fringe.

Jan 9, 2012

Re: A question for JJ on the Face of Jesus.

This gives me an idea for a group assignment. There are two portraits online where the artists claimed to paint Jesus from actually seeing him. The first is the one you mentioned by Akaine at:

The second is by Glenda Green at:

Take a look and these two and see if either registers as a true image.

Next go to Google image search at:

Type in “Jesus portrait” and scroll through the images. If you see any that strike a chord give us a link with your impressions.

Jan 10, 2012

Re: A question for JJ on Jesus.

Thanks for your comments and participation on the face of Jesus. There is something one can say for sure about him if he were to come across a true picture which is this. The eyes would be interesting and exude intelligence and a strong life force. Take this picture for instance:

It is a composite put together using research and guesswork and though some ingredients may be more accurate than the traditional pictures the eyes are surely way off. The guy just doesn’t look very bright and if a person is truly intelligent it is revealed through the eyes as well as the whole look of the individual.

Other pictures make Jesus look weak, wimpy, and effeminate in a syrupy way. These type of pictures can be ruled out as being good representations

I do not see any pictures on the internet that strike me as being 100% accurate but some capture part of his essence. I would have to say that I like Akaine’s picture best at:

I did see one many years ago in a tabloid that impressed me as accurate. I cut it out and saved it for a long time and was finally lost in one of my moves. It hasn’t surfaced anywhere on the internet. I wish I had it to show it to you. I’m sure the group would be impressed.

It was painted by a lady who claimed to have had a vision of Christ when he was in his twenties. His hair wasn’t that long and he didn’t have a beard at the time, but it was the most interesting looking human being I had ever seen.

Ruth brings up an interesting item of discussion. If one has soul contact does this mean he would recognize a true picture of Jesus?

Not necessarily. If one had known Jesus in a past life this would be possible but if he had not then it would require true psychic powers rather than soul contact to bring forth the right image.

Remember soul contact deals with principles more than data. Sometimes when it is important the soul will send an impression on a piece of data but more often than not we are on our own to reason it out. On the other hand, the person with reliable soul contact is very capable in seeing true principles and how they play out in this reality.

Jan 10, 2012

Re: recognizing Jesus.

Dan: How about if the overshadowed Jesus were actually standing before us? It seems almost incomprehensible that MOST folks wouldn’t feel the impact – I suppose to some it would just evoke irritation rather than peace but SOMETHING would register in almost everyone wouldn’t it?

JJ The actual presence of a person is much different than a photo or painting. In this case soul contact is a great help for you can sense the aura of the person as well as his inner being. As I said before one with soul contact can recognize another with it in their physical presence and often in communication away from their presence.

Jan 12, 2012

Ron Paul & World War II

Ron Paul was drafted for service He had to go. FDR did not get the approval of Congress to help Churchill during the war before 1941 but had to bend the rules. His good judgment made a world of difference – something Ron Paul would have never done. I doubt if Paul would have declared war on Germany until they were at our shores.

Keith: Ron Paul may or may not have gone to to war in 1941 if he was President. There is no way for anybody to know for sure. I honestly do not know. My gut instinct tells me Ron Paul is being unfairly painted as an isolationist who would never go to war. I do not believe this is true.

JJ No one is saying he would never go to war. He has made it clear the conditions in which he would go to war though.

(1) The United States must be attacked by the enemy. (2) Congress must first officially declare war.

His statements indicate that he would have not responded to Hitler until he had attempted to invade our shores and that wouldn’t have happened until he had first conquered all of Europe and Russia. At the end of the war he was close to developing nuclear weapons and if he had some more time he would have had them available when the time came to attack us. Even so, with Iran Paul wants to do nothing to make them mad but will wait until they send a nuclear bomb somewhere.

As far as controlling spending and reducing the size of government I am with him 100%.

I would guess that Paul would have declared war on Japan but waited on Germany even though they were allies. Their alliance was not that tight before the U.S. got into the war. I’m not even sure he would have declared war on Japan since Hawaii was not yet a state. After all he was opposed to even going after the terrorists in Afghanistan (after 911) until a revolt by his staff changed his vote at the last minute:\ nistan-invasion-staff-threatened-mutiny/

I’m not saying he wouldn’t have done anything after Pear Harbor, but not sure he would have retaliated with an all out war. If he was set on not retaliating for 9/11 then it is probable he would have been reluctant to do much because of Pearl Harbor, specially since Hawaii was not a state.

Here is additional powerful evidence I am correct with his own words:

Journalist Jeffrey Shapiro posted a 2009 interview he held with the GOP’s leading candidate, in which Paul clearly states that if it were up to him at the time, saving the Jews from annihilation in Europe would not have been a moral imperative.

“I asked Congressman Paul: If he were president of the United States during World War II would he have sent American troops to Nazi Germany to save the Jews? And the Congressman answered: No, I wouldn’t”

“I wouldn’t risk American lives to do that. If someone wants to do that on their own because they want to do that, well, that’s fine, but I wouldn’t do that,” Shapiro wrote.

(Like someone on their own was going to make war with Hitler),7340,L-4167841,00.html


Jan 12, 2012

Inside Ron Paul’s Mind

Here’s another quote, this time from a former member of Ron Paul’s staff, Eric Dondero: Ron Paul is most assuredly an isolationist. He denies this charge vociferously. But I can tell you straight out, I had countless arguments/discussions with him over his personal views. For example, he strenuously does not believe the United States had any business getting involved in fighting Hitler in WWII. He expressed to me countless times, that saving the Jews, was absolutely none of our business. When pressed, he often times brings up conspiracy theories like FDR knew about the attacks of Pearl Harbor weeks before hand, or that WWII was just blowback, for Woodrow Wilson’s foreign policy errors, and such.

I would challenge him, like for example, what about the instances of German U-boats attacking U.S. ships, or even landing on the coast of North Carolina or Long Island, NY. He’d finally concede that that and only that was reason enough to counter-attack against the Nazis, not any humanitarian causes like preventing the Holocaust.

There is much more information I could give you on the sheer lunacy of his foreign policy views.

Jan 13, 2012

Re: Ron Paul Predictions

Keith: The only part I slightly disagree with is your assessment that we are not in a dollar crisis. I think we have been in a dollar crisis for a few years now.

JJ I think you misread me there. Here was the dialog.

Ron Paul: An international dollar crisis will dramatically boost interest rates in the United States.

My response: Didn’t happen. Interest rates have been very low over the past 10 years.

What didn’t happen was a dramatic rise in the interest rates due to any dollar crisis. I made no statement saying there was or was not a dollar crisis. It’s up to interpretation whether one would call the current instability of the dollar a crisis, but there is certainly a danger with it considering the world situation. The danger from the European situation is much greater right now than the fact that we have printed so much money.

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A Call to Repentance

This entry is part 4 of 40 in the series 2012A

My Friends:
A reader on freeread thought to best to call me to repentance so I have responded. Here is our dialog.

Here are just a few of my thoughts on the topic.

Do you really think that all the prophets – Old Testament, New Testament, and Modern would make such a continuous, consistent emphasis on Jesus Christ being the Savior of the world if He really only removed the illusion of sin and guilt from His people or even that he helped to raise our consciousness?

That would be a pretty big deal in and of itself – more than any other prophet has done. But he did much more than this. He demonstrated to us that the ideal man was indeed a possibility toward which we can aspire.

There are a lot of people who think they are saved by Jesus who are still wracked by sin and guilt so it would behoove them to move forward and discover the mission of the real Jesus so they can be truly “saved” from their sins.

You also mention that He faced the dweller of all of humanity allowing a connection to be made with the higher lives – I guess that is worthy of something, but most people have no idea what in the world that is.

I wasn’t writing this for most people.

But no, the prophets have placed their entire emphasis on Christ because he actually does cleanse us every whit from our sins as our Savior. He doesn’t remove the consequences of our actions for this would completely frustrate the plan, as you correctly point out, but he can (and does) cleanse us. The two concepts are different.

And that cleansing comes from removing the illusion of guilt caused by being deceived into worshiping the Beast of outside authority that takes the place of God. When the seeker receives the seal of God in his forehead and discovers the inner God, as did Jesus, then he is saved, cleansed – however you want to word it. Both the inner and outer Christ leads us in this direction.

A few years ago, when I studied the subconscious mind and its importance, a google search led me to the following anonymous personal testimony of Christ.

It is a testimony not usually written and shared from those who have experienced this would deem it far too sacred to share. But alas, this individual did. I am glad he did because it helped me to understand the role of Jesus Christ. In my own past, I have really struggled with the role of Christ, the atonement, sin, the Fall, etc. etc. In fact, I believed in similar fashion to you – the atonement was merely symbolic for important principles of love and unity.

I’ve never said the atonement was symbolic. The release of guilt as happened to the guy in the link is a real event created by our solar angels to help us along the path in a way that the seeker can best relate to.

However, after reading and studying this testimony, I now believe that Christ received the keys to our subconscious minds through his atoning sacrifice.

Do you really think that the entity who is Jesus cares about all the jumbled information going through the subconscious minds of the billions of people on this planet? How much do you think about such things? I certainly do not and Jesus has much more important things to place his attention on.

On the other hand, when the seeker ascends in consciousness to the realm of spirit all things are available to him and he can tune into whatever and whoever he wants, or where the Spirit guides him.

If we desire to live with the Father in the kingdom of God, we must have our subconscious minds re-programmed. We create from our subconscious. The fruits of our actions stem from our subconscious.

I disagree. Only consciousness creates. That which does not have consciousness cannot create.

Through the Fall, we simply have corrupted programming and cannot endure the presence of the Father. Jesus Christ is the only one (who I know of) that can cleanse or wipe clean the slate of our corrupted programming.

Guilt is indeed caused by corrupt programming which was originally done by the conscious mind and can be undone by the conscious mind when the full truth is revealed or discovered. “The truth shall set you free.”

So Jesus Christ is not just whistling Dixie when he says that the only way to the Father is through Him.

When the seeker progresses through the principles Christ taught and demonstrated he will eventually find himself linked up with Christ and entering through the same door he does but the truth of Jesus being the way to the Father is different than orthodoxy teaches. Orthodoxy is almost always wrong. You might want to read my book, The Molecular Relationship.

There is no other way or path. If you, JJ, want to live with the Father again, you cannot (no matter how many lifetimes you live) be able to enter into the kingdom of God on your own.

I’ve never said we get to the kingdom on our own. We need assistance from those who have went before us. Christ is “the firstborn among many brethren.” Rom 8:29

You may find yourself in a wonderful kingdom, but the Father will not be there. You cannot make it without the intercessory work of Jesus Christ cleansing your corrupted subconscious programming. Therein is the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Fall of Man is real and there is only one who can bridge the gap – through the real cleansing power of Jesus Christ.

You sound like a Baptist minister who quite possibly you view as unsaved.

Instead of repeating orthodox Jesus saves stuff one needs to find the principle that releases one from guilt so he will feel clean. This principle was taught by Jesus and amplified in the Book of Revelation where it is revealed how to escape the mark of the Beast by shifting attention from the God without to the God within. When this shift happens then you are no longer held captive by sin and guilt but can move forward with a clean conscience with intelligent progression.

The new age and enlightened thinking is dangerous because it takes us from this message. I know because I was completely immersed in it and believed in it. When I was in it, I felt a spirit, but it was not a personal spirit.

What in the world is a spirit that is not personal? All entities are personal.

It wasn’t evil; it inspired me and filled me with encouragement and excitement, but it wasn’t personal.

Sounds like it was from your emotional body responding to conscious thought.

The only times when I have felt a personal spirit was when I have, in humility, sought repentance and a relationship with the Savior.

Hopefully we have both felt the same Spirit.

The new age and enlightenment thinking has extremely intelligent ideas, intelligent thinkers, etc. It is truly for those who have difficulty with “orthodox” Christianity, churches, bureaucracy, etc. Within the new age framework one feels freer and gains more knowledge and most importantly fulfills the spiritual side of their lives.

This is a benefit of some new age teachings.

Yet, it effectively removes the role of the Savior out of the picture. It did for me. It has for you too if you are honest about it.

You are lumping all new age (or metaphysical) teachings in one barrel and this is not correct. There are many views among the new age people as there is in regular religion. I have taught the importance of the principle behind the name of Christ which means “anointed to deliver.” Christ delivers us and we deliver others as we take upon ourselves his name.

You include Him in your teachings, but you have never taught that true salvation comes through him – only symbolically, not literally.

I have never taught a symbolic salvation, but a real one that does come through Him and his teachings and guidance to the human race.

You don’t view Him as your Savior. Again, I am not judging as I have been there myself.

You may have been there but not me. The problem you have with me is that I do not use the outdated good time rock and roll salvation train language.

I followed Max Skousen for a few years until he died. He brought Mormons into enlightened thought through the scriptures, effectively discounting the plan of salvation and Christ. Well, I heard that a few months after he died, those who followed him had received dreams wherein Max came to them and told them to disregard his message and simply follow Christ. I didn’t believe this at first, but I do now ever since reading the anonymous testimony mentioned above.

I haven’t read Max Skousen so I can’t comment on him. I do simply follow Christ. What more do you want of me?

Helen P. Blavatsky and Alice A. Bailey and many others have channeled amazing, incredible, intelligent information. However, I believe that at the heart of it – Lucifer (bearer of light), who is real, is behind the subtle move away from the Savior. If he can lead us away, no matter how knowledgeable we are, he has won.

Do you really think God is so cruel that his children who are doing their best but get mislead are going to be condemned for eternity? That’s silly. If your child is mislead, but doing his best you will do all in your power to set him straight. Jesus said that God is much better at helping us than we are with our own children so of course he will not give up on us in this world or the next.

You are stuck in the gospel of fear – fear that if you do not follow some orthodox teaching you will lose your salvation. If you have a sincere heart and follow the highest you know God will never give up on you or me.

As Enoch Tan wrote, there are two different types of salvation: Enlightenment through the Universal aspect of God or Salvation through the Personal aspect of God. Ultimately, in this lifetime, we are to pursue the Personal aspect of God through Jesus Christ as we can always gain knowledge about the Universal aspect of God in our eternal progression down the road.

How about doing both. It’s called balance.

This lifetime is for us to sincerely repent, and be born again as new creatures in Christ and form a relationship with Him.

We didn’t come here just to repent, though when we make mistakes we need to make a correction and move toward Spirit.

I would ask you to think about this and consider this in your life. What good is it to have all the knowledge in the world and speak and write of initiates, dwellers, middle principle, Sanat Kumara, Law of Correspondences, keys, the Gathering, illusion, brotherhood of light and of darkness, reincarnation, etc., etc. and “lose your own soul”?

Since when does knowledge cause you to lose your soul? You sound extremely judgmental here. Listen to the words of Joseph Smith who I assume you accept:
“A man is saved no faster than he gets knowledge, for if he does not get knowledge, he will be brought into captivity by some evil power in the other world.” TOTPJS Pg 217

Again, I do not condemn these things for they have value, but the value pales in comparison to our true purpose in this life of repenting and finding peace through the Savior. Like Paul said, without charity, we are just tinkling cymbals…with nothing.

I’ve repented and found peace. What more do you want from me? If you have the same peace that I do we will be two happy campers.


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Ron Paul’s 2002 Predictions

This entry is part 3 of 40 in the series 2012A

Ruth W writes:
Ron Paul gave these predictions in April 2002. Is he a disciple?

What do you think?

It depends on how one would define disciple. He is definitely an intelligent man who unwaveringly stands by his beliefs. He sees the genius of the U.S. Constitution and many of the flaws in this country that can be corrected by it. He has taken the initiative to formulate ideas to correct many of our problems and then doggedly proceeded to move forward to plant them in the minds of all who will listen.

Right or wrong he is following the highest he knows with great determination and that is the path all must follow to arrive at true discipleship.

That said, let us take an objective look at the predictions you referenced. I watched the video and found it interesting and wondered about the feedback was on it on the web so I Googled it.

I found it interesting that his predictions were highly praised everywhere I looked, though I must say all this praise seemed to come from strong supporters. On the other hand, there seemed to be a famine of commentators making a critical analysis of his speech. It was either Ron Paul is great and like a prophet – or nothing. It almost made me wonder if non believers are afraid to criticize or analyze Ron Paul.

It therefore appears that I may be one of the few to write a critical objective analysis of Paul’s April 26, 2002 predictions. Keep in mind that the time frame he gave for these was 5-10 years and we are now in the tenth year – 2012. Here goes.

Ron Paul:
Our government intervention in the economy and in the private affairs of citizens, and the internal affairs of foreign countries, leads to uncertainty and many unintended consequences.

I’m on board with him here. This is certainly true. In fact any action made at any time, anywhere can lead to unintended consequences.

Ron Paul:
Here are some of the consequences about which we should be concerned.

I predict U.S. taxpayers will pay to rebuild Palestine, both the West Bank and the Gaza, as well as Afghanistan. U.S. taxpayers paid to bomb these areas, so we will be expected to rebuild them.

This was kind of a no-brainer for anytime there is destruction anywhere in the world our tax dollars are sent to help. As the video noted Obama promised $900 Million to rebuild Gaza but can’t find any evidence that the aid materialized. Most of our aid has gone to provide for the necessities of life there.

Of course we spent money rebuilding Afghanistan. We always do this after a conflict ever since World War II.

Ron Paul:
Peace, of sorts, will come to the Middle East, but will be short-lived. There will be big promises of more U.S. money and weapons flowing to Israel and to Arab countries allied with the United States.

There was no peace. Conflict has never ceased there and of course we continued to support Israel and friendly Arab nations just as we always have.

Ron Paul:
U.S. troops and others will be used to monitor the “peace.”

The video gives strange “proof” of this statement. They present an article that states that the United States has helped monitor peace there for 30 years. If true Paul was merely stating what was already in existence to some degree. Actually, I do not recall reading of any monitoring that our actual troops have been doing between Israel and Palestine.

Ron Paul:
In time, an oil boycott will be imposed, with oil prices soaring to historic highs.

No oil boycott so far and it was a no-brainer to predict historic oil prices sometime in the next ten years. I predict we’ll have historic oil prices again within ten years.

Ron Paul:
Current Israeli-United States policies will solidify Arab Muslim nations in their efforts to avenge the humiliation of the Palestinians. That will include those Muslim nations that in the past have fought against each other.

The Muslim nations are no more unified against us than in 2002.

Ron Paul:
Some of our moderate Arab allies will be overthrown by Islamic fundamentalists.

We’ve had the Arab Spring with some overthrows but this seemed to come from the people as a whole rather than fundamentalists. The fundamentalists will surely grab for all the power they can. Time will tell on this.

Ron Paul:
The U.N. will continue to condemn, through resolutions, Israeli-U.S. policies in the Middle East, and they will be ignored.

This is like predicting France will continue to make wine. Of course, this is to be expected.

Ron Paul:
Some European countries will clandestinely support the Muslim countries and their anti-Israel pursuits.

This was already happening when Paul made the prediction.

Ron Paul:
China, ironically assisted by American aid, much more openly will sell to militant Muslims the weapons they want, and will align herself with the Arab nations.

There’s evidence that China has sold weapons to militant Muslims but have used their own money for this – not U.S. aid.

Ron Paul:
The United States, with Tony Blair as head cheerleader, will attack Iraq without proper authority, and a major war, the largest since World War II, will result.

We did attack Iraq as many expected at the time of the prediction but it was not a major war and not the largest since World War II. Vietnam and the Korean war were much larger. In Vietnam we had over 500,000 troops and lost over 50,000 soldiers. We had about 125,000 in Iraq and only lost about 4,400 troops.

Ron Paul:
Major moves will be made by China, India, Russia, and Pakistan in Central Asia to take advantage of the chaos for the purpose of grabbing land, resources, and strategic advantages sought after for years.

Haven’t seen any of these major moves. China has attempted to purchase additional oil and commodities though. Haven’t seen land grabs.

Ron Paul:
The Karzai government will fail, and U.S. military presence will end in Afghanistan.

Not happened yet.

Ron Paul:
An international dollar crisis will dramatically boost interest rates in the United States.

Didn’t happen. Interest rates have been very low over the past 10 years.

Ron Paul:
Price inflation, with a major economic downturn, will decimate U.S. Federal Government finances, with exploding deficits and uncontrolled spending.

We all knew that “exploding deficits and uncontrolled spending” would continue. I’ll bet even Ron Paul is surprised at how much Obama has spent.

We’ve definitely had an economic downturn but inflation has continued about the normal rate. There’s always some inflation.

Ron Paul:
Federal Reserve policy will continue at an expanding rate, with massive credit expansion, which will make the dollar crisis worse. Gold will be seen as an alternative to paper money as it returns to its historic role as money.

Credit is tighter now than when the prediction was made. Gold is seen as a good investment but it is not an alternative to money and has not returned to use as money except maybe for a handful of private transactions.

Ron Paul:
Erosion of civil liberties here at home will continue as our government responds to political fear in dealing with the terrorist threat by making generous use of the powers obtained with the Patriot Act.

I haven’t seen any “generous use of the powers obtained with the Patriot Act” though every time Congress is in session our liberties are at risk.

Ron Paul:
The draft will be reinstated, causing domestic turmoil and resentment.

This definitely didn’t happen.

Ron Paul:
Many American military personnel and civilians will be killed in the coming conflict.

If he’s talking about Iraq the loss of military personnel was very low compared with wars of the past.

Ron Paul:
The leaders of whichever side loses the war will be hauled into and tried before the International Criminal Court for war crimes.

There was no International Criminal Court set up for Iraq war crimes.

Ron Paul:
The United States will not officially lose the war, but neither will we win. Our military and political leaders will not be tried by the International Criminal Court.

We did win the war in a couple weeks. Keeping the peace was the hard part. Our military and political leaders were not tried. No one of substance expected they would be.

Ron Paul:
The Congress and the President will shift radically toward expanding the size and scope of the Federal Government. This will satisfy both the liberals and the conservatives.

All thinkers at the time saw that indeed saw the government was expanding, though the radical part didn’t come in until Obama was president. He was right that this brought satisfaction to liberals but wrong on conservatives. I do not know one conservative who is happy about the overall radical expansion, especially the most radical part of all – Obamacare.

Ron Paul:
Military and police powers will grow, satisfying the conservatives. The welfare state, both domestic and international, will expand, satisfying the liberals. Both sides will endorse military adventurism overseas.

The video references The National Defense Authorization Act which gives the President power to detain U.S. citizens without a trial if they are suspected of terrorism. This fine-tunes legislation (AUMF) that was passed Sept 14, 2011 so this power was already in place.

The national welfare state expanded in the U.S. but it was forced to contract in numerous other nations facing a financial meltdown. We have had a below average amount of military adventurism since the Iraq war began.

Ron Paul:
In due course, the Constitution will continue to be steadily undermined and the American Republic further weakened.

This has been going on for 200 years with a temporary reversals or slowdowns occurring now and then.

Ron Paul:
During the next decade, the American people will become poorer and less free, while they become more dependent on the government for economic security.

Perhaps his most accurate statement so far.

Ron Paul:
The war will prove to be divisive, with emotions and hatred growing between the various factions and special interests that drive our policies in the Middle East.

All wars are divisive, except those which are a life and death struggle for survival and even these are somewhat divisive.

Ron Paul:
Agitation from more class warfare will succeed in dividing us domestically, and believe it or not, I expect lobbyists will thrive more than ever during the dangerous period of chaos.

This was a pretty accurate description of what has happened. He ends his predictions with a successful one.

I do not understand the awe that Ron Paul followers have about his prophetic abilities as the majority of his predictions here were either incorrect or can be argued to be so. I’d say that the average political savvy person could be just as accurate if he were to make predictions for the next ten years.

Although not impressed with his prophetic abilities I do give him credit for raising a warning voice of various real dangers that confronted us in 2002 and still apply to us today. Most people in our Congress just want to get along and do not want to ruffle any feathers but this does not stop Mr. Paul from speaking his mind. We need more representatives who are willing to speak up against government encroachment.


Copyright 2012 by J J Dewey

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After New Hampshire

This entry is part 2 of 40 in the series 2012A

Now that the New Hampshire voting is over I thought I would give a rundown on my views of the presidential contenders for the Republican party.

(1) Romney. With two wins it looks like his chances are improving to get the nomination. All may not be smooth sailing however because the other candidates are ganging up on him. Gingrich and Santorum have received substantial contributions lately, Rick Perry still has cash and if Jon Huntsman gets some help from his rich father he could wind up doing some damage. The there’s Ron Paul with lots of cash who goes after anyone he doesn’t like or agree with.

I’ll cover the rest of the candidates and then go back to Romney.

(2) Ron Paul. I agree with many of his libertarian stands as far as they support liberty and financial common sense but many of his views I consider to be anti libertarian, especially his isolationism. I think that if he were president instead of FDR that he wouldn’t have assisted Churchill and Hitler would have conquered England and all Europe. It is doubtful he would have developed the atomic bomb whereas Hitler would have and would have eventually invaded us with him having atomic weapons and us being ill prepared, but standing on some obscure principles of supposed non interference and supposed freedom.

Today we face new Hitlers and Ron Paul wants to just leave them be to establish a new incarnation of Nazism that we fought so hard to defeat in the last century.

Whoever is president should demonstrate the power to use good judgment but the trouble with Paul is he has everything formulated in black and white and doesn’t seem to leave any wiggle room for making judgments out of the box when necessary.

I see his core group of supporters remaining strong and enthused but the 23% in New Hampshire will most likely be near his high point in votes.

(3) Huntsman came in third in New Hampshire. Earlier he said that if he didn’t win in this state that he would drop out of the race. Well, he came in third and he’s more determined than ever to stay in and bring Romney down. Even though Ron Paul beat him for second place by five points Huntsman has the gall to proclaim that he really came in second. Why? Because Ron Paul doesn’t count.

This idiotic statement by itself is enough to turn me off of Huntsman. I’m no fan of Ron Paul but he does indeed count and most take him much more seriously than Huntsman.

I’d vote for Huntsman over Obama but there is something about his demeanor that rubs me the wrong way. He exudes an atmosphere of superiority that I think a lot of people sense and are turned off by. For instance, he seems smug about the fact that he accepts the orthodox view of global warming and sees skeptics as “anti-science.” This is not true at all for the true scientific method has to include a hearty dose of skepticism.

(4) New Gingrich. When I learned he was entering the race I told myself that if he wanted my support he had to do something to redeem himself for appearing with Nancy Pelosi in support of orthodox global warming propaganda.

Instead of changing my mind he has only reinforced the idea that he is capable of making big mistakes that is unbecoming a president.

He started out with an air of superiority himself by claiming to be the only candidate who was going to remain positive to the end. Well, he took an about face on that idea after Romney ads took him out of the picture in Iowa. He has now turned into the most negative candidate I have seen in my life. He seems more determined to destroy Romney than he is to become president. He’s like the general who turns on his own troops in anger while forgetting that he has a real enemy to fight.

On top of this Newt has attacked Romney as a supporter of “predatory capitalism.” Obama and the Wall Street protesters couldn’t have come up with a better attack phrase. When I have heard him attack Romney’s efforts in capitalism the past few days I hear words that could have come from socialist Bernie Sanders.

(5) Santorum. As expected Santorum took a hit in New Hampshire and is unlikely to win much in the future. To his credit he hasn’t joined the chorus in attacking free enterprise. His big drawback is he comes across as too religious and places lopsided attention on social issues. Reagan was a conservative, but he placed over 80% of his attention on the economy and national security. I believe that this is where the majority of Americans want the president to put his attention.

The biggest problem I have with Santorum is his bad judgment and lack of self control. When he was running again Hillary and debating her he left his podium, walked over to hers and challenged her. That really seemed to infringe on her space and was a big item in his defeat.

Several times in the current debates he ran into overtime and then interrupted other candidates, stealing their time talking over them. That really rubbed me the wrong way.

Our president must be more than a pure ideologist but must be composed and have to self-control to use correct speech and timing in dealing with world leaders.

(6) Perry He seems to be a lightweight lacking gravitas similar to Santorum and also spoke out of order during the debates. He clinched my rejection of him when he called Romney’s legitimate business ventures “vulture capitalism.” He appeared to be attempting to out due Newt in the attack capitalism department.

This brings me back to Romney. He may not be the perfect candidate but he is head and shoulders above the rest of the bunch. I think a lot of the criticism of him is misplaced and he seems to have good self control and presence that will be needed in dealing with world leaders.

Agreeing with me is only part of what I look for in a president. If he agrees with me but doesn’t have presence of mind to avoid insulting world leaders and possibly leading to an unnecessary conflict then he is not for me.

Overall I think Romney has the best judgment of the bunch and if elected president I believe he will eventually be compared to Reagan.

Copyright 2012 by J J Dewey

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Prediction Results 2011

This entry is part 1 of 40 in the series 2012A

Ruth asked me about predictions. A lot of people are making them so we might as well join in. Anyone willing to embarrass themselves is welcome to join in and make a few. If you made some last year that were accurate – tell us about them.

I’ll review predictions I made the first of last year.

First, let us take a look at President Obama.
The big democratic defeat has done nothing to change his mind on his basic goals. He wants a single payer, government controlled health care system and as much redistribution of the wealth as possible by 2012.
However, the Republican victory has for the first time caused him to modify his approach. He realizes he must now make some adjustments if he and his party are going to have any power over the next few years.
Here is his strategy.
He plunged ahead with his leftist agenda unapologetically for the first two years thinking this was the time of opportunity which may not come again. Now the backlash has come he will attempt to create the illusion that he is listening to the people and moderating his position. He will present himself as the common sense guy in the middle whereas the Republicans, especially the newly elected tea party supporters, are right wing extremists unwilling to cooperate.
The term “reaching across the aisle” will be stressed many times while doing very little reaching but lots of condemning the other side as being inflexible.

JJ Comment:
This seems to have been very accurate. One good example is Obama presenting himself as the champion of tax cutting by cutting he payroll tax and making the Republicans look like they are against tax cuts. Instead of presenting big socialist programs this last year he is attempting to appear more like Reagan than the Republicans. Of course, not everyone is buying this.

Obama thought that his big spending practices would make him beloved of the many and he would be hailed as greater than FDR. This has backfired on him, but not changed his mind. Some economic advisers are still telling him that the problem is that he has not spent enough. Now he is not personally sure what to do, but is addicted to spending and will continue to spend all that is possible to further his goals and win the next election.

JJ Response:
This has certainly come true. Obama has not backed down on the spending and even now wants to borrow another trillion. He is determined to spend himself to victory by throwing the money at the voters.

Also he recently compared himself to FDR.

The whole country is shifting toward the conservative view of financial responsibility and even some of the liberal mainstream media will shift and be more supportive in the direction of economic common sense. This will put pressure on Obama to follow and by the end of the year some will think he has gown while in office and is now able to govern more from the center than before.

JJ Response:
Many in the media are showing concern for the high spending, but many also think Obama is becoming more sensible.

This shift of perception will make Obama harder to beat even if the economy declines. Mitt Romney and Chris Christie are the only Republicans that are a sure bet to beat him. But Christie will not run and Mitt may or may not get the nomination. Sarah Palin, and Mike Huckabee have a 50/50 chance of beating him and Ron Paul has a slimmer chance because of the attacks that would come from the media if he gets the nomination.

JJ Response:
Christie didn’t run as predicted and Huckabee and Palin did not enter. For the rest we’ll have to wait and see.

One of Obama’s advisors has, or shortly will, place an ingenious idea into his head in hope of turning public support in his direction again. The idea is to get Michelle pregnant again and have a new baby in the White House just before the election of 2012 takes place.
Since most view Obama as a great Dad a new cute cuddly baby will be just the ticket to draw attention to Obama in a positive way and take the public’s mind off his shortcomings. The only problem is that Michelle isn’t excited about having another kid right now and may not cooperate, but could give in if the right incentives are given her.

JJ Comment:
I’m sure this idea has been discussed. Since the prediction a number of rumors have been circulating about her being pregnant. Time will tell. Here are a couple of the latest:


Obama’s health care plan will face serious challenges. It will not be repealed by 2012 but there will be a growing dissatisfaction and the Republicans will slow its implementation through defunding and other means.
The requirement that everyone has to purchase health insurance will continue to be challenged by the courts and go all the way to the Supreme Court where it will be declared unconstitutional. This will not discourage liberal Democrats though who will still attempt to give us universal health care through every back door possible. They correctly believe that once a give-away program is implemented that it will be almost impossible to eliminate.

JJ Comment;
This was right on and the health care mandate is on its way to the Supreme Court.

Rumors of Obama having an affair will circulate and some type of another scandal will surface that he will be linked to but not destroyed by it.

JJ Comment
Obama has been linked several times this year to a past affair in 2004 to a lady named Vera Baker but the friendly media hasn’t been investigating it.

The Solinda scandal surfaced but the media has been going soft on Obama over it so it has not done him a lot of damage.

Wiki and other leakers will embarrass the administration and world leaders and give them an excuse to push for internet regulation. Most of the media will work to smooth over the damage to Obama that could have destroyed a conservative president.

JJ Comment:
Wikileaks did embarrass Obama several times the last year. It revealed that Obama gave Russia Britain’s nuclear secrets and exposed the lies about the gun sales to Mexican Drug dealers.

Now let’s look at the new Republican Congress.
Overall the results of this will be predictable. The Democrats will find them very frustrating as well as many on the Right who do not see as much reform as they desire.
Obama will try the divide and conquer approach by befriending some who he sees as cooperative to entice them to opposing those who he will label as far right.
On the other hand, there will be Democrats who will side with the Tea Party views in the hope this will secure re-election. Then there are a handful who see that overspending must be curtailed.
The Left and the mainstream media will attempt to blame all that goes wrong on the new Congress but, even though this will have some effect, it will not take hold as it did in the days of Newt Gingrich.

JJ Comment:
This seems to have been quite accurate.

The greatest short term threats to the economy for this year will be from outside influences such as natural or manmade disaster and the threat of new conflict.
JJ Comment;
2011 was reported as the costliest year in history from natural disasters.

Outside of this the economy will actually show some improvement due to business optimism because of the new Republican Congress. This will not produce a miracle but it will hold a shaky economy together for one more year.

JJ Comment:
Again, this seems to be accurate.

Possible Conflicts
North Korea and Iran will both rattle their sabers but we will not go to war this year. One of the reasons is that China warns us against it and they are becoming so powerful that we are afraid to stir up a possible conflict with them. There will be growing concern that they could turn aggressive, but on the positive side there is a growing number of Chinese who desire a peaceful Democracy. We can only hope that this aspect of the people will prevail.

JJ Comment:
This appears again to be accurate and there are growing movements in China in support of democracy. Too bad I didn’t predict the death of Kim Jong il. That would have been impressive.

There will be a number of medical advances related to technology such as artificial eyesight, artificial limbs and nano technology.

JJ Comment:
I’m sure advancements have been made but haven’t taken the time to investigate.

UFO sightings will be up and one in particular will be difficult to explain away.

JJ Comment:
2011 is said to have more UFO sightings than any other year in history. One in Jerusalem is particularly interesting.
UFO Link

New particle discoveries will be made at the Large Hadron Collider at Cern but they will not find the Higgs particle this year.

JJ Comment:
They have been searching like crazy for the Higgs particle and think they have found some evidence but haven’t found it yet. They hope to prove its existence this year sometime.

Lady Gaga will make even stranger attempts to get attention causing some to think she is not stable.

JJ Comment;So true but this was a no brainer prediction. If you thought she was weird before take a look at this:
Lady Gaga Link

Reality TV will finally begin to lose some of its popularity, thank God.

JJ Comment:
This seems to be the first prediction so far that didn’t come true. I think I was having wishful thinking as I do not like the reality shows.

Apple will continue to put out innovative products that will keep it on the cutting edge and its popularity will increase when it markets a 3-D monitor.

JJ Comment:
Apple is still doing great. Apple’s working on a 3D monitor but hasn’t released it yet:
3D Link
It is also working on reinventing the television:
Apple Television link

Obama will work toward normalizing relations with Cuba whether Congress cooperates or not.

JJ Comment:
This started to come true a couple weeks after the prediction:
Cuba Link

Also see:
Cuba Link#2

There will be several weather related disasters and flooding will be a problem. Problems will be worse than usual but not cataclysmic.

JJ Comment:
The Japan Tsunami was pretty bad but not cataclysmic. There were much more than average weather related disasters and lots of flooding throughout the world.

With the high price of gold staying up there and unemployment high more people will prospect and mine for gold. There will be a gold rush in several parts of the world and gold production will go up.

JJ Comment:
The price of Gold has stayed up there. When the prediction was made it was around $1400 an ounce and it is now $1610. There are lots of stories from the past year about the modern gold rush. Here is one:
Gold Rush Link

The danger of China having a monopoly on rare earth elements will finally dawn on the public consciousness and there will develop a push to mine theses elements in the United States, Canada, Australia and other countries.

JJ Comment:
This was right on. Check this out:
Rare Earth Link

Prices of essentials such as food, fuel and power will go up and many non essentials will go down. This will create the illusion that there is not as much inflation as there really is affecting he average household.

JJ Comment:
This seems to be true as far as I can tell.

Talk of global warming will become a joke except during the summer when it does truly get warm.

JJ Comment:
Seems that way. Jay Leno and others joke about it increasingly.

The Patriots will win the Superbowl.

JJ Comment:
Ooops… Wishful thinking on that one.

Academy Awards
: The King’s Speech will win best Picture and Colin Firth who stars in it will receive Best Actor
Natalie Portman will receive best actress for Black Swan.

JJ Comment:
This makes up for my Superbowl miss. I was 100% correct on the Academy Awards.

On July 26 I made this prediction in response to all the alarm over Comet Elenin:
“By January of next year the memory of disaster warnings over Elenin will fade into the background as has the alarm over Y2K and Past Nibiru warnings. We will have other things to worry about.”

JJ Comment;
After the sun destroyed Eleinin it is now out of mind and out of sight.

Overall my accuracy was much better than the psychics I know of out there and I do not claim to be psychic.


Copyright 2012 by J J Dewey

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