Christmas Message 2010

This entry is part 15 of 29 in the series Christmas Messages

Calming the Storm

The Son of Man, which is the Son of God, the teacher of angels, men and Masters looked out upon the world on Christmas day and assessed the needs of the race of humanity.

They have always been fearful, he thought, but this year their hearts do vibrate with this emotion more than before. They are like my disciples of old, when in a storm at sea, they did wake me with fear in their hearts pleading with me to do something.

I arose and reminded them that faith, love and peace must occupy their hearts – not fear. Like draws like and fear draws that which is frightening.  Peace and love within draws that which is peaceful and loving without.

“I then spoke to the hearts of the disciples, “Where is your faith?  Let it come forth and be born anew. Let peace come forth within…  Be still, cast away fear and feel the peace of God.”

“I then looked out upon the storm without and spoke the words, ‘Peace…  Be still.’

The disciples did not realize they were a part of the miracle for first peace had to rest upon their hearts before it could calm the seas.

What was the greater work, to bring peace to the human heart or to the sea? Verily, I say it was a greater miracle to calm the human heart than the sea in its wrath.  It took all my focus to calm the men who were with me and by comparison calming the seas was an after thought.

As I look upon the hearts of the sons and daughters of God I see fear and turbulence of spirit as if they were also in the midst of a great storm.  Many send their thoughts to me, “Save us Lord, else we perish.”

Their fear brings forth fearful things so if the children of men want a peaceful and prosperous future they must first set their hearts in tune with the peaceful Spirit of God and sense the fullness rather than the lack.

If they can do this one thing then the terrible things they fear will be as if they never were or will be.

Therefore, call upon God in my name and ask for the peace that passes all understanding.  Ask in faith believing and I will come into you and share your joy. Together we will dwell in peaceful pastures beyond the touch of all things that humanity fears.

One by one humanity will drop their fears and join with me and when the desired number is reached I will go forth with them and create the world anew – a world in tune with the love of God.

Let peace first settle in the hearts within
Then as sure as the day follows the night,
Peace on earth good will to men
Will be everywhere in sight.

Series NavigationTwelve Days of Christmas ExplainedChristmas Message 2011

9 thoughts on “Christmas Message 2010

  1. JJ Quote for the Day

    “The statement is ever true that evil triumphs when good men do nothing. Those pushing us to the edge of disaster press forward with about five times the energy of those who claim to want greater freedom and responsibility. This is somewhat disheartening, but the good news is there is a sleeping giant out there that can be awakened. Let us hope the responsible people of the country can wake up before it is too late.”

    Copyright 2010 by J J Dewey

  2. Merry Christmas JJ. And it easier to dwell on the negative when times get tough, than adopting a positive spirit and concentrating on the spirit of peace sensing a fullness rather than lack. Sharon

  3. JJ said:
    Their fear brings forth fearful things so if the children of men want a peaceful and prosperous future they must first set their hearts in tune with the peaceful Spirit of God and sense the fullness rather than the lack.

    Good advice that is much needed in today’s world.

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